HomeMy WebLinkAboutManor Vail Correspondence InformationCONFERENCE RECORD਍ഀ PROJECT: Manor Vail Lodge਍ഀ BY: Corey Rhodes਍ഀ PERSON CONSULTED: Charlie Davis਍ഀ PURPOSE OF CONTACT: Parking Garage Exhaust਍ഀ PRESENT:਍ഀ BEAUDIN਍ഀ GANZE਍ഀ Consulting Engineers, Inc. ro/਍ഀ DATE: 9/22/04਍ഀ TIME: 12:30਍ഀ PROJECT#: 8050.00਍ഀ FIRM: Town of Vail਍ഀ PHONE 970-479-2142਍ഀ ® TELEPHONE CONVERSATION ❑ MEETING MINUTES਍ഀ THE FOLLOWING WAS DISCUSSED:਍ഀ 1. BGCE is working on an underground parking garage design at Manor Vail Lodge. A਍ഀ question was raised to the Town of Vail regarding the termination point of the exhaust਍ഀ from the underground parking structue. BGCE asked if the Town of Vail would਍ഀ consider thexhaust from the garage as Environmental Air.਍ഀ 2. Charlie responded that because the air contains carbon monoxide he would not਍ഀ consider it Environmental Air, the exhuast from the garage should be considered਍ഀ Other Product-Conveying exhaust.਍ഀ 3. Corey acknowledged and agreed with that assessment and stated that his concern was਍ഀ that in Section 502.7.3.6 of the 2003 IMC Other Product-Conveying exhaust was to਍ഀ terminate 10 feet above adjoining grade and that an exhaust termination in the park਍ഀ above the parking garage could create some challenges.਍ഀ 4. Charile responded that his main concern is that the termination be 10 feet from any਍ഀ openings into a building and 10 feet from the property line.਍ഀ 5. Corey agreed to those terms.਍ഀ 6. Corey also was concerned about the ambiguity of Section 404 of the 2003 IMC. It is਍ഀ not clear if continuous exhaust is required if an automatic system to control CO਍ഀ concentration is installed.਍ഀ 7. Charlie agreed that this code section is confusing and is going to work on getting a਍ഀ clarification of this code section.਍ഀ The above is considered correct unless response to the contrary is received within 5 days਍ഀ from the above date.਍ഀ END OF CONFERENCE RECORD਍ഀ cc:਍ഀ P.O. Box 9650, 110 East Beaver Creek Boulevard, Suite 202, Avon, Colorado 81620 • phone 970.949.6108 • fax 970.949.6159 VAIL਍ഀ 14142 Denver West Parkway, Suite 195, Golden, Colorado 80401 • phone 303.278.3820 • fax 303.278.3843 DENVER਍ഀ 11448 Deerfield Drive, Suite C1, Truckee, California 96161 • phone 530.550.7334 • fax 530.550.7336 LAKE TAHOE਍ഀ www.bece.com਍ഀ C ADOC UM E-1 \ADM I N I-1 10CALS-1 \Temp\XPgrpwise\8050-CR01 C R. doc਍ഀ 7~RJR"਍ഀ ROLF JENSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC.਍ഀ FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS਍ഀ MANOR VAIL LODGE਍ഀ Town of Vail Building and Fire Department Meeting਍ഀ Agenda਍ഀ November 9, 2004਍ഀ Scheduled 10:30 -12:00 noon਍ഀ It will be important that the meeting follows the order of this agenda. Several of the਍ഀ subjects later in the agenda depend greatly on the discussions planned earlier in the਍ഀ agenda. It will be key that we stay focused on the sequence of our discussions.਍ഀ PROJECT OVERVIEW:਍ഀ Presentation of the overall project. Specifically those areas where an additional level is਍ഀ planned needs to be identified. Through conversations with Mike McGee it became਍ഀ clear that he is aware of only a portion of these areas (Buildings D,E, and F).਍ഀ ACTUAL BUILDING AREA PLANNED:਍ഀ Presentation of drawings and building areas identified. Discussion of number of਍ഀ buildings is expected.਍ഀ ALLOWABLE AREA PER 2003 IBC:਍ഀ Type of construction and allowable area discussion as it relates to Table 503 and the਍ഀ allowable height and area increases in Sections 504 and 506 of the IBC.਍ഀ A related and separate discussion is expected pertaining to the use of NFPA 13 or਍ഀ NFPA 13R automatic sprinkler systems. Where each is planned/expected and how਍ഀ height and area increases are related.਍ഀ EXPECTATION OF DEMISING WALLS਍ഀ Discussion of how demising walls between dwelling units and between dwelling units਍ഀ and corridors is expected to be treated.਍ഀ 1324 15TH STREET, DENVER, CO 80202-1606 USA, +1 303 573-7848, FAX +1 303 573-7843਍ഀ www.rjagroup.com਍ഀ A SUBSIDIARY OF THE RJA GROUP, INC.਍ഀ Manor Vail Accessibility Code Review਍ഀ December 6, 2004਍ഀ Chapter 11 of the 2003 International Building Code (IBC) is the chapter that determines਍ഀ the extent of accessibility within buildings. Chapter 34 determines the compliance਍ഀ required for existing buildings as they are modified or added to. The following are਍ഀ selections from the code that we have used to determine the accessibility requirements਍ഀ relative to new and existing residential dwelling unit construction at the Manor Vail਍ഀ Condominiums Renovation Project.਍ഀ Manor Vail is primarily a R-2 occupancy (non transient multi-family occupancy)਍ഀ Chapter 2 DEFINITIONS਍ഀ DWELLING UNIT. A single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for਍ഀ one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking਍ഀ and sanitation.਍ഀ SLEEPING UNIT. A room or space in which people sleep, which can also include਍ഀ permanent provisions for living, eating, and either sanitation or kitchen facilities but not਍ഀ both. Such rooms and spaces that are also part of a dwelling unit are not sleeping units.਍ഀ Section 1103 SCOPING REQUIREMENTS਍ഀ 1103.2.2 Existing Buildings: Existing Buildings shall conform to Section 3409਍ഀ Section 3409 ACCESSIBILITY FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS਍ഀ 3409.1 Scope. The provisions of Sections 3409.1 through 3409.8 apply to਍ഀ maintenance, change of occupancy, additions and alterations to existing buildings,਍ഀ including those identified as historic buildings.਍ഀ Exception: Type B dwelling or sleeping units required by Section 1107 are not਍ഀ required to be provided in existing buildings and facilities.਍ഀ This states that the existing units and sleeping areas at Manor Vail are exempt from਍ഀ any required upgrade to a Type B unit (essentially and adaptable unit per the FFHA)਍ഀ regardless of if it is updated for maintenance, change of occupancy, added to or਍ഀ altered.਍ഀ 3409.7.7 Dwelling or sleeping units. Where I-1, 1-2,1-3, R-1, R-2 or R-4 dwelling or਍ഀ sleeping units are being altered or added, the requirements of Section 1107 for਍ഀ Accessible or Type A units and Chapter 9 for accessible alarms apply only to the਍ഀ quantity of spaces being altered or added.਍ഀ The existing dwelling units at Manor Vail are being neither altered nor added, so਍ഀ would not have to be modified to Type A nor accessible units. For the purposes of਍ഀ this review it is assumed that the town mandated addition of sprinkler and alarm਍ഀ upgrades were not intend to be viewed as alterations or additions.਍ഀ Manor Vail Accessibility Code Review December 6, 2004਍ഀ Section 1107 DWELLING UNITS AND SLEEPING UNITS਍ഀ 1107.6.2 Group R-2. Accessible units, Type A units and Type B units shall be਍ഀ provided in occupancies in group R-2 in accordance with Sections 1107.6.2.1 and਍ഀ 1107.6.2.2. Only Section 1107.6.2.1 applies to Manor Vail.਍ഀ 1107.6.2.1 Apartment houses, monasteries and convents. Type A and Type B units਍ഀ shall be provided in apartment houses, monasteries and convents in accordance with਍ഀ Sections 1107.2.1.1 and 1107.2.1.2.਍ഀ 1107.2.1.1 Type A units. In occupancies in Group R-2 containing more than 20਍ഀ (emphasis added) dwelling units or sleeping units, at least 2%, but not less than one,਍ഀ of the units shall be a Type A unit. All units on a site shall be considered to਍ഀ determine the total number of units and the required number of Type A units. Type A਍ഀ units shall be dispersed among the various classes of units.਍ഀ Exceptions:਍ഀ 2. Existing structures on a site shall not contribute to the total number of਍ഀ units on a site.਍ഀ Exception number 2 exempts the existing Manor Vail units from the calculation to਍ഀ determine the number of Type A units. There are 17 new units planned for Manor਍ഀ Vail, which is less that the 20 indicated as the minimum required to trigger the਍ഀ addition of a Type A unit, therefore there are no Type A units required for this਍ഀ project.਍ഀ 1107.2.1.2 Type B units. Where there are four or more dwelling units or sleeping਍ഀ units intended to be occupied as a residence in a single structure, every dwelling unit਍ഀ and sleeping unit intended to be occupied as a residence shall be a Type B unit.਍ഀ There are 17 new units planned for Manor Vail divided into what will become 2਍ഀ buildings, therefore all new units will be constructed to meet the Type B unit਍ഀ requirements as outlined in Chapter 11.਍ഀ In conclusion we believe that the code clearly requires the new dwelling units built਍ഀ with the Manor Vail project to be Type B units, but that there is no requirement for਍ഀ any Type A or accessible units as defined by the code.਍ഀ Page 2 of 2਍ഀ Manor Vail Allowable Height and Area Code Review਍ഀ February 4, 2005਍ഀ Chapter 5 of the 2003 International Building Code (IBC) is the chapter that determines the਍ഀ allowable height and area to be built. The following are excerpts from the code that we used to਍ഀ determine the allowable height and area for Manor Vail.਍ഀ As a basis for determining the height and area requirements, the Manor Vail project is assumed to਍ഀ be of Type V-A construction (based upon discussions and a site walk with Mike McGee), and is਍ഀ classified as an R-2 Occupancy Group.਍ഀ CHAPTER 5: GENERAL BUILDING HEIGHTS AND AREAS਍ഀ Section 503: General Height and Area Limitations਍ഀ 503.1 General. The height and area for buildings of different construction types shall be governed਍ഀ by the intended use of the building and shall not exceed the limits in Table 503 except as਍ഀ modified hereafter. Each part of a building included within the exterior walls or the exterior walls਍ഀ and fire walls where provided shall be permitted to be a separate building.਍ഀ Using Table 503, Type V-A construction with Occupancy Group R-2 is allowed a maximum਍ഀ height of 50 feet at 3 stories, with a tabular area (At) of 12,000 square feet per floor, subject to਍ഀ available increases under Sections 504 and 506.਍ഀ Section 504: Height Modifications਍ഀ 504.1 General. The heights permitted by Table 503 shall only be increased in accordance with਍ഀ this section.਍ഀ 504.2 Automatic Sprinkler Increase. For buildings protected throughout with an approved਍ഀ automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, the value specified in਍ഀ Table 503 for maximum height is increased by 20 feet (6096 mm) and the maximum number of਍ഀ stories is increased by one story. These increases are permitted in addition to the area increase in਍ഀ accordance with Sections 506.2 and 506.3. For Group R buildings protected throughout with an਍ഀ approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2, the value਍ഀ specified in Table 503 for maximum height is increased by 20 feet (6096 mm) and the maximum਍ഀ number of stories is increased by one story, but shall not exceed 4 stories or 60 feet (18,288 mm),਍ഀ respectively.਍ഀ Section 903.3.1.1 NFPA 13 Sprinkler Systems. Where the provisions of this code਍ഀ require that that a building or portion thereof be equipped throughout with an automatic਍ഀ sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, sprinklers shall be installed਍ഀ throughout in accordance with NFPA 13.਍ഀ Section 903.3.1.2 NFPA 13R Sprinkler Systems. Where allowed in buildings of group਍ഀ R, up to and including four stories in height, automatic sprinkler systems shall be਍ഀ installed throughout in accordance with NFPA 13R.਍ഀ Based upon previous discussions Manor Vail is being sprinklered in accordance with NFPA਍ഀ 13R, and thus is in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2. Therefore, Manor Vail is allowed an਍ഀ increase in height to 60 feet, and 4 stories under Section 504.਍ഀ Section 506: Area Modifications਍ഀ 506.1 General. The areas limited by Table 503 shall be permitted to be increased due to frontage਍ഀ (If) and automatic sprinkler system protection (Is) in accordance with the following:਍ഀ Aa = At + [Atlf/100] + [Atls/100] (Equation 5-1)਍ഀ Where:਍ഀ Aa = allowable area per floor (square feet)਍ഀ At = tabular area per floor in accordance with Table 503 (square feet)਍ഀ If = area increase due to frontage (percent) as calculated in accordance with Section 506.2਍ഀ Is = area increase due to sprinkler protection (percent) as calculated in accordance with਍ഀ section 506.3.਍ഀ 506.2 Frontage Increase. Every building shall adjoin or have access to a public way to receive an਍ഀ area increase for frontage. Where a building has more than 25 percent of its perimeter on a public਍ഀ way or open space having a minimum width of 20 feet (6096 mm), the frontage increase shall be਍ഀ determined in accordance with the following:਍ഀ If = 100 * [F/P - 0.25] * W/30 (Equation 5-2)਍ഀ For Manor Vail: ff = 100 * [1550.4112824.78 - 0125] * 30130਍ഀ Where:਍ഀ If = area increase due to frontage਍ഀ F = building perimeter which fronts on a public way or open space having 20 feet (6096 mm)਍ഀ open minimum width (feet). (Manor Vail equals 1,550.41)਍ഀ P = perimeter of entire building (feet) (Manor Vail equals 2,824.78)਍ഀ W = minimum width of public way or open space (feet) in accordance with Section 506.2.1.਍ഀ (Manor Vail equals 30)਍ഀ Section 1002.1 Definitions: Public Way. A street, alley or other parcel of land open to the਍ഀ outside air leading to a street, that has been deeded, dedicated or otherwise permanently਍ഀ appropriated to the public for public use and which has a clear width and height of not less than਍ഀ 10 feet.਍ഀ 506.2.1 Width Limits. W must be at least 20 feet (6096 mm) and the quantity of W divided by 30਍ഀ shall not exceed 1.0. Where the value of W varies along the perimeter of the building, the਍ഀ calculation performed in accordance with Equation 5-2 shall be based on the weighted average of਍ഀ each portion of exterior wall and open space where the value if W is between 20 and 30 feet਍ഀ (6096 and 9144 mm).਍ഀ The southwest side of the DEF buildings, the north and south side of the AIB building and the਍ഀ southwest side of C building al Manor Vail front open space in excess of 30 feet in width, 30਍ഀ feet was used for the calculation. Using the above fornnrla, the II factor for° Manor Vail਍ഀ calculates to 29.886.਍ഀ 506.3 Automatic Sprinkler System Increase. Where a building is protected throughout with an਍ഀ approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, the area limitation in਍ഀ Table 503 is permitted to be increased by 200 percent (Is = 200 percent) for multistory buildings਍ഀ and an additional 300 percent (Is = 300 percent) for single story buildings. These increases are in਍ഀ addition to the height and story increases in accordance with Section 504.2.਍ഀ Manor Vail will be equipped with a sprinkler system that meets or exceeds Section 903.3.1.2਍ഀ (NFPA 13R), and thus does not qualify for this increase. This increase is only available to਍ഀ buildings that meet Section 903.3.1.1 (NFPA 13).਍ഀ Calculations Based on Equation 5-1 from paragraph 506.1 above:਍ഀ Aa = At + [AtIf/100] + [AtIs/100] (Equation 5-1)਍ഀ For Manor Vail: Aa = 12,000 + [12, 000 *29.8861100] + 0਍ഀ Where:਍ഀ Aa = allowable area per floor (square feet)਍ഀ At = tabular area per floor in accordance with Table 503 (square feet) (Manor Vail equals਍ഀ 12, 000 square feet)਍ഀ If = area increase due to frontage (percent) as calculated in accordance with Section 506.2਍ഀ (Manor Vail is calculated with an If of 29.886)਍ഀ Is = area increase due to sprinkler protection (percent) as calculated in accordance with਍ഀ section 506.3. (Manor Vail does not qualify for this allowance)਍ഀ Manor Vail is allowed an area (Aa) (?f'15,586.32 square feet per floor.਍ഀ 506.4. Area Determination. The maximum area of a building with more than one story shall be਍ഀ determined by multiplying the allowable area per floor (Aa), as determined in Section 506.1 by਍ഀ the number of stories as listed below.਍ഀ 1. For two story buildings multiply by 2.਍ഀ 2. For three story or higher buildings multiply by 3.਍ഀ 3. No story shall exceed the allowable area per floor (Aa) as determined in Section 506.1 for਍ഀ the occupancies on that floor਍ഀ Exceptions:਍ഀ 2. The maximum area of a building equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system਍ഀ in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2 shall be determined by multiplying the allowable area਍ഀ per floor (Aa), as determined in Section 506. 1, by the number of stories.਍ഀ Using the calculated allowable area (Aa) per floor for Manor Vail of 15,586 32 square feet਍ഀ and multiplving it by 4 stories (as allowed under Exception 2 for NFPA 13R) yields a total਍ഀ maximum area of building of 62,345.28 square feet.਍ഀ Summary਍ഀ The overall area of Building C is 58,962 with a maximum floor area of 15,0 70 square, feet on one਍ഀ level, and thus can qualify as one building.਍ഀ The overall area of Building AIB is 82,586 square feet with a maximum floor area of 32,179਍ഀ square feet on one level, and thus needs to be divided into two (2) separate buildings. We propose਍ഀ to divide the building using the existing concrete or CMU wall between building A and the਍ഀ restaurant as a separation wall and continue this through the new construction.਍ഀ The overall area of Buildings D, E and F combined is 91,205 square feet with a maximum floor਍ഀ area of 24,734 square feet for one floor across all three buildings, and thus these three buildings਍ഀ need to be divided. The areas at Level 4 (new construction) including new connectors, where਍ഀ there is no division into two (2) buildings that would yield a floor below the required 15,586.32਍ഀ square feet. Combining D and E plus connector is 16,165 square feet, while combining E and F਍ഀ plus connector is 15,758 square feet. The connector between the E and F buildings is one unit਍ഀ with two levels and should not count in the 41h floor area calculation. The result is the need to਍ഀ divide these three buildings into 2 buildings.਍ഀ FIRE BARRIERS AND DRAFTSTOPS਍ഀ DRAFTSTOP. A material, device or construction installed to restrict the movement of air within open਍ഀ spaces of concealed areas of building components such as crawl spaces, floor/ceiling assemblies,਍ഀ roof/ceiling assemblies and attics.਍ഀ SECTION 708਍ഀ FIRE PARTITIONS਍ഀ 708.1 General. The following wall assemblies shall comply with this section.਍ഀ 1. Walls separating dwelling units in the same building.਍ഀ 2. Walls separating sleeping units in occupancies in Group R-1, hotel occupancies, R-2 and I-1.਍ഀ 3. Walls separating tenant spaces in covered mall buildings as required by Section 402.7.2.਍ഀ 4. Corridor walls as required by Section 1016.1.਍ഀ 708.4 Continuity. Fire partitions shall extend from the top of the floor assembly below to the਍ഀ underside of the floor or roof slab or deck above or to the fire-resistance-rated floor/ceiling or਍ഀ roof/ceiling assemble above, and shall be securely attached thereto. If the partitions are not਍ഀ continuous to the deck, and where constructed of combustible construction, the space between the਍ഀ ceiling and the deck above shall be fireblocked or draftstopped in accordance with Sections 717.2.1਍ഀ and 717.3.1 at the partition line. The supporting construction shall be protected to afford the਍ഀ required fire-resistance rating of the wall supported, except for tenant and sleeping unit separation਍ഀ walls and exit access corridor walls in buildings of Type IIB, 1116 and VB construction.਍ഀ Exceptions:਍ഀ 1. The wall need not be ex tended into the crawl space below where the floor above the crawl space has a਍ഀ minimum I-hour fire-resistance rating.਍ഀ 2. Where the room side fire-resistance-rated membrane of the corridor is carried through to the underside of਍ഀ a fire-resistance-rated floor or roof above, the ceiling of the corridor shall be permitted to be protected by਍ഀ the use of ceiling materials as required for a 1-hour fire-resistance-rated floor or roof system.਍ഀ 3. Where the corridor ceiling is constructed as required for the corridor walls, the walls shall be permitted਍ഀ to terminate at the upper membrane of such ceiling assembly.਍ഀ 4. The fire partition separating tenant spaces in a mall, complying with Section 402.7.2, is not required to਍ഀ extend beyond the underside of a ceiling that is not part of a fire-resistance-rated assembly. A wall is not਍ഀ required in attic or ceiling spaces above ten ant separation walls.਍ഀ 5. Fireblocking or draftstopping is not required at the partition line in Group R-2 buildings that do not ex-਍ഀ ceed four stories in height provided the attic space is subdivided by draftstopping into areas not exceeding਍ഀ 3,000 square feet (279 ma) or above every two dwelling units, which ever is smaller.਍ഀ 6. Fireblocking or draftstopping is not required at the partition line in buildings equipped with an਍ഀ automatic sprinkler system installed through out in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2਍ഀ provided that automatic sprinklers are installed in combustible floor/ceiling and roof/ceiling spaces.਍ഀ 717.3 Draftstopping in floors. In combustible construction, draftstopping shall be installed to subdivide਍ഀ floor/ceiling assemblies in the locations prescribed in Sections 717.3.2 through 717.3.3.਍ഀ 717.3.1 Draftstopping materials. Draftstopping materials shall not be less than 0.5-inch (12.7 mm)਍ഀ gypsum board, 0.375-inch (9.5 mm) wood structural panel, 0.375-inch (9.5 mm) particleboard or other਍ഀ approved materials adequately supported. The integrity of draftstops shall be maintained.਍ഀ 717.3.2 Groups R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4. Draftstopping shall be provided in floor/ceiling spaces in਍ഀ Group 11-1 buildings, in Group R-2 buildings as applicable in Section 101.2 with three or more਍ഀ dwelling units, in Group R-3 buildings as applicable in Section 101.2 with two dwelling units and in਍ഀ Group R-4 buildings. Draftstopping shall be located above and in line with the dwelling unit and਍ഀ sleeping unit separations.਍ഀ Exceptions:਍ഀ 1. Draftstopping is not required in buildings equipped through out with an automatic sprinkler਍ഀ system in accordance with Section 903. Draftstopping is not required in buildings equipped਍ഀ through out with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2, provided that਍ഀ automatic sprinklers are also installed in the combustible concealed spaces.਍ഀ 717.3.3 Other groups. In other groups, draftstopping shall be in stalled so that horizontal floor areas do not਍ഀ exceed 1,000 square feet (93 mz).਍ഀ Exception: Draftstopping is not required in buildings equipped through out with an automatic sprinkler਍ഀ system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.਍ഀ 717.4 Draftstopping in attics. In combustible construction, draftstopping shall be installed to subdivide਍ഀ attic spaces and concealed roof spaces in the locations prescribed in Sections 717.4.2 and 717.4.3.਍ഀ Ventilation of concealed roof spaces shall be maintained in accordance with Section 1203.2.਍ഀ 717.4.1 Draftstopping materials. Materials utilized for draftstopping of attic spaces shall comply with਍ഀ Section 717.3.1.਍ഀ 717.4.1.1 Openings. Openings in the partitions shall be protected by self-closing doors with automatic਍ഀ latches constructed as required for the partitions.਍ഀ 717.4.2 Groups R-1 and R-2. Draftstopping shall be provided in attics, mansards, overhangs or other਍ഀ concealed roof spaces of Group R-2 buildings with three or more dwelling units and in all Group R-1਍ഀ buildings. Draftstoppin; shall be installed above, and in line with, sleeping unit and dwelling unit਍ഀ separation walls that (Io not ex tend to the underside of the roof sheathing above.਍ഀ Exceptions:਍ഀ 1. Where corridor walls provide a sleeping unit or dwelling unit separation, draftstopping shall only be਍ഀ required above one of the corridor walls.਍ഀ 2. Draftstopping is not required in buildings equipped through out with an automatic sprinkler਍ഀ system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.਍ഀ 3. In occupancies in Group R-2 that do not exceed four stories in height, the attic space shall be subdivided਍ഀ by draftstops into areas not exceeding 3,000 square feet (279 mz) or above every two dwelling units, which਍ഀ ever is smaller.਍ഀ 4. Draftstopping is not required in buildings equipped through out with an automatic sprinkler system in਍ഀ accordance with Section 903.3.1.2, provided that automatic sprinklers are also in stalled in the combustible਍ഀ concealed spaces.਍ഀ 717.4.3 Other groups. Draftstopping shall be in stalled in attics and concealed roof spaces, such that any਍ഀ horizontal area does not exceed 3,000 square feet (279 m2).਍ഀ Exception: Draftstopping is not required in buildings equipped through out with an automatic sprinkler਍ഀ system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.਍ഀ NFPA 13 - FIRE SPRINKLER PROTECTION IN CONCEALED COMBUSTIBLE਍ഀ CONSTRUCTION਍ഀ Concealed Spaces Not Requiring Sprinkler Protection.਍ഀ Noncombustible and limited combustible concealed spaces with no combustible loading having਍ഀ no access shall not require sprinkler protection. The space shall be considered a concealed space even with਍ഀ small openings such as those used as return air for a plenum.਍ഀ Noncombustible and limited combustible concealed spaces with limited access and not਍ഀ permitting occupancy or storage of combustibles shall not require sprinkler protection. The space shall be਍ഀ considered a concealed space even with small openings such as those used as return air for a plenum.਍ഀ Concealed spaces formed by studs or joists with less than 6 in. (152 mm) between the inside or਍ഀ near edges of the studs or joists shall not require sprinkler protection. (See Figure਍ഀ Concealed spaces formed by bar joists with less than 6 in. (152 mm) between the roof or floor਍ഀ deck and ceiling shall not require sprinkler protection.਍ഀ Concealed spaces formed by ceilings attached directly to or within 6 in. (152 mm) of wood joist਍ഀ construction shall not require sprinkler protection.਍ഀ* Concealed spaces formed by ceilings attached to composite wood joist construction either਍ഀ directly or onto metal channels not exceeding 1 in. in depth, provided the joist channels are firestopped into਍ഀ volumes each not exceeding 160 ft3 (4.53 m3) using materials equivalent to the web construction and at਍ഀ least 3'/2 in. of batt insulation is installed at the bottom of the joist channels when the ceiling is attached਍ഀ utilizing metal channels, shall not require sprinkler protection.਍ഀ Concealed spaces entirely tilled with noncombustible insulation shall not require sprinkler਍ഀ protection.਍ഀ MANOR VAIL CONDOMINIUM RESORT RENOVATION਍ഀ Meeting Purpose:਍ഀ Discussions with TOV Building and Fire Departments਍ഀ Date of Meeting:਍ഀ April 5, 2005਍ഀ Meeting Location:਍ഀ Town of Vail Community Developmen਍ഀ t Conference Room਍ഀ Attendees:਍ഀ Charlie Davis਍ഀ TOV਍ഀ Town of Vail Building Department਍ഀ Chris Gunion਍ഀ TOV਍ഀ Town of Vail Building Department਍ഀ Mike McGee਍ഀ TOV਍ഀ Town of Vail Fire Department਍ഀ Mike Vaughan਍ഀ TOV਍ഀ Town of Vail Fire Department਍ഀ Perry Matthews਍ഀ BFPE਍ഀ Burgess Fire Protection Engineering਍ഀ Dick Funk਍ഀ EWP਍ഀ East West Partners਍ഀ Andy Gunion਍ഀ EWP਍ഀ East West Partners਍ഀ Christian Ekstrom਍ഀ RANA਍ഀ RA Nelson & Associates਍ഀ Brian Sipes਍ഀ ZAA਍ഀ Zehren & Associates਍ഀ Alice C. Santman਍ഀ ZAA਍ഀ Zehren & Associates਍ഀ Additional Distribution:਍ഀ Bob McCleary਍ഀ MV਍ഀ Manor Vail਍ഀ Chuck Madison਍ഀ EWP਍ഀ East West Partners਍ഀ Lloyd Bishop਍ഀ MV਍ഀ Manor Vail਍ഀ ZAA Team਍ഀ ZAA਍ഀ Zehren & Associates਍ഀ The purpose of this meeting was to present information gathered about the existing building and the਍ഀ Manor Vail Development Team's proposal and strategy to satisfy the building and fire department਍ഀ concerns relative to life safety for the project. The options, discussions and decisions made by the team਍ഀ will be memorialized in a revised MOU about the project that will be prepared by Perry Matthews and਍ഀ presented to the team for review within 2 weeks.਍ഀ Discussions and Decisions:਍ഀ 1. ZAA presented that a review of the original construction documents indicates that the original਍ഀ building was constructed with 5/8" gypsum board at interior partitions, party walls, exterior walls਍ഀ (inside face only), ceilings and beneath stairways. Given this construction method, the team਍ഀ agreed that these existing assemblies closely resemble that of 1-hour construction.਍ഀ 2. The team also agreed that the exposed timber roof framing of the D, E and F buildings closely਍ഀ resembles that of timber frame construction. Due to various remodels over the years some of this਍ഀ framing is completely exposed and some remains partially concealed at the unit kitchens and਍ഀ baths. In all cases this construction is concealed at the building hallway.਍ഀ 3. The exterior wall construction will be upgraded to an assembly closely resembling or exactly਍ഀ matching that of one-hour construction through the addition of new finish materials on the਍ഀ exterior. These new finish materials are either 7/8" cement stucco, cementitious siding, or stone਍ഀ veneer. The team will research the assembly options and present their construction along with the਍ഀ MOU.਍ഀ It is generally understood that the existing building probably contains additional concealed਍ഀ violations. The team and the TOV agreed to a general outline of addressing these conditions, as਍ഀ they are uncovered. It is also generally understood that if a violation is not uncovered, it is਍ഀ unknown and therefore unaddressed.਍ഀ a. If a violation is uncovered and reasonably accessible, the team will correct the violation.਍ഀ b. If the violation is uncovered, observed, but is inaccessible the team and building਍ഀ department will record the violation and its location so that it may be addressed in the਍ഀ future as new work is performed.਍ഀ April 17, 2005 Pagel of 3਍ഀ c. The team and Manor Vail HOA will draft language to be presented to existing and future਍ഀ owners that alerts them to the fact that violations exist or may exist and that these਍ഀ violations will be required to be corrected should they perform any remodel work.਍ഀ On November 16`h members of the team walked the project with Chief McGee and identified਍ഀ many existing violations of fire resistive construction practices and other existing building਍ഀ construction problems. These discussions and observations were memorialized in a letter drafted਍ഀ by RA Nelson on February 3`d. This letter should not be considered exhaustively researched,਍ഀ rather to be an understanding of the types of violations observed and general types of concerns਍ഀ the fire and building departments have with the existing construction.਍ഀ a. Conditions outlined in the memo and other similar readily accessible and observable਍ഀ conditions and violations are considered maintenance items and it is the team's intention਍ഀ to have these remedied as quickly as possible throughout this spring, summer and fall.਍ഀ 6. Given the above, the building department generally agreed that the existing buildings਍ഀ construction would conform to that of Type 5-A construction and an upgraded, NFPA਍ഀ conforming sprinkler system is not required to substitute for the construction type.਍ഀ 7. The project team will research sprinkler lines installed by Mountain States in the hallways of਍ഀ Buildings D, E & F to determine if they are capped at the main line in the halls or are run into਍ഀ soffits at ceiling areas of each unit. Additionally, if a 2'-0" wide strip of ceiling were to be਍ഀ removed in the common hallways and draft stops to units appear to be missing, it would not be਍ഀ considered "accessible" as previously defined. Due to anticipated electrical and plumbing lines,਍ഀ which would also be encountered, it would not be accessible to install continuous draft stops in਍ഀ these areas.਍ഀ 8. The allowable area for the project was discussed and the impact on upgrading the sprinkler਍ഀ system from NFPA 13R to 13.਍ഀ a. The ground floor of the A and B buildings combined exceeds that allowed for a floor਍ഀ under NFPA 13R. This building will therefore be sprinkled to NFPA 13 standards.਍ഀ i. The existing violations of concealed combustible construction are addressed later਍ഀ in this memo.਍ഀ b. An area separation (fire wall) will be constructed between buildings AB and C and also਍ഀ between AB and D (on the D side) thereby creating at least 3 distinct buildings.਍ഀ c. Building C will likely be sprinkled to NFPA 13R standards.਍ഀ d. The team has two options for buildings D, E and F.਍ഀ i. Sprinkle these to NFPA 13 and maintain them as one unit, requiring the਍ഀ sprinkling of the concealed spaces or,਍ഀ ii. Create a fire wall and divide them into two buildings protected with NFPA 13R਍ഀ standards, not sprinkling the concealed spaces and requiring the installation of਍ഀ Fire Barriers (draft stops) at party and corridor walls as exposed or through future਍ഀ remodels.਍ഀ e. ZAA will review the options and recalculate the frontage once the firewalls are located.਍ഀ It was noted that there are exceptions in the code that allow some flexibility in the construction of਍ഀ firewalls and how they terminate. It was also noted that they impact the use of windows for a਍ഀ distance to either side. ZAA will investigate.਍ഀ April 17, 2005 Page 2 of 3਍ഀ 10. The TOV fire department is still awaiting assurances that the existing fireplaces will all be਍ഀ converted to gas fireplaces. The team informed Mike that roughly 2/3 of these conversions took਍ഀ place last fall and the building department issued permits for this construction. Mike will not਍ഀ allow the project to be permitted with any remaining wood burning or gas log inserts in place.਍ഀ 11. Mike noted that he is aware of many non-rated ceiling light fixtures that are in contact with਍ഀ combustible construction (one example is paper facing in contact with the fixture). The team਍ഀ must remedy all of these conditions. In many cases it only involves the removable of the਍ഀ combustible construction from the vicinity of the fixture.਍ഀ 12. The existing construction at the lobby level generally beneath the restaurant contains layers of਍ഀ concealed combustible construction. Any of this work exposed must be upgraded with sprinklers਍ഀ added to the concealed spaces or the concealed spaces removed. If the work is not disturbed the਍ഀ violations will be memorialized and Manor Vail HOA required to fix the violations through਍ഀ remodeling at a future during the next 3 to 5 years.਍ഀ 13. The team agrees to review and create fire barriers and draft stops between the business/assembly਍ഀ occupancies of the lobby and restaurant and the residential construction to either side. This will਍ഀ allow the fire department to fight a fire and help prevent the spread of a fire from one occupancy਍ഀ to another. Existing CMU walls generally divide these spaces today and the team will bring these਍ഀ into compliance. At the hall spaces near the boardroom and spa, the team will add draft stops਍ഀ above the ceiling in line with the walls to continue the barrier through the ceiling spaces. The਍ഀ creation of these draft stops is a prerequisite for the project to continue.਍ഀ 14. The tunnel condition under building C and accessed from the boiler room under building B will਍ഀ be required to no longer have a "confined space" entry point as it currently exists.਍ഀ 15. The Manor Vail team inquired about performing some work this fall and explained the reasoning਍ഀ for the construction sequencing. The work requested is the relocation and replacement of utility਍ഀ lines, the installation of shoring piles and dewatering wells, and the installation of some footings਍ഀ only at buildings D, E and F. The TOV discourages phased projects and Charlie distributed a਍ഀ TOV memo outlining the requirements of phased projects. The team will review the memo and਍ഀ decide how to proceed. Charlie noted that the shoring, dewatering wells and sanitary line਍ഀ replacement probably would not be considered a phase.਍ഀ END OF MEETING MINUTES:਍ഀ Written by: Brian Sipes on: April 17, 2005਍ഀ The above meeting minutes are the writer's understanding of discussions held and decisions reached. Please notify the author਍ഀ with any changes within seven (7) days of receipt of minutes. Revisions will be included as part of the next meeting minutes.਍ഀ April 17, 2005 Page 3 of 3਍ഀ BFPE PO Box 1068਍ഀ Westminster, CO 80036-1068਍ഀ (303) 426-0342 Tel, (303) 429-9205 Fax਍ഀ bfpel@aol.com਍ഀ April 11, 2005਍ഀ Town of Vail Community Development਍ഀ Attention: Charlie Davis਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ Subject: Manor Vail Resort - 595 East Vail Valley Drive - Fire Protection਍ഀ Dear Charlie;਍ഀ We submit the following as the overall design approach to the Town of Vail in regards to the਍ഀ commitment of fire protection features for the new Manor Vail Lodge project. This commitment਍ഀ replaces the previous agreement prepared by MKK Consulting Engineers, Inc. on December 13,਍ഀ 2002 in its entirety. Since the original commitment, sprinkler protection has been installed in the਍ഀ corridors of Building D, E and F and remodels have been completed in the conference and spa਍ഀ areas. This new commitment has been written to address the new scope of work and the਍ഀ necessary life safety improvements to the existing buildings as well as the new construction. This਍ഀ commitment incorporates portions of the previous agreement that are applicable to the new਍ഀ project. This new commitment is the result of meetings and discussions between the design਍ഀ team and the Town of Vail to come to an agreement on the best methods to provide acceptable਍ഀ life safety and building protection. The previous time line is amended to begin construction of the਍ഀ new project in April 2006 and complete by November 30, 2007.਍ഀ Existing Structural and Fire Resistance Features਍ഀ The original construction documents indicate that the original building was constructed with 5/8"਍ഀ gypsum board at interior partitions, party walls, exterior walls (inside face only), ceilings and਍ഀ beneath stairways. Given this construction method, the existing assemblies closely resemble਍ഀ that of 1-hour construction.਍ഀ The exposed timber framing for the roof construction of the D, E and F buildings closely਍ഀ resembles that of 1-hour timber frame construction. Due to various remodels over the years਍ഀ some of this framing is completely exposed and some remains partially concealed at the unit਍ഀ kitchens and baths. In all cases this construction is concealed at the building hallway.਍ഀ Given the above, the existing buildings construction would conform to that of Type V-A਍ഀ construction.਍ഀ Allowable Area਍ഀ The ground floor of the A and B buildings when combined exceeds the allowable area (with਍ഀ increases for setback) in the 2003 IBC.਍ഀ 2. The C building meets the allowable area (with increases for setback) in the 2003 IBC.਍ഀ 3. The D, E, and F buildings when combined exceed the allowable area (with increases for਍ഀ setback) in the 2003 IBC.਍ഀ Manor Vail Resort਍ഀ Fire Protection਍ഀ Existing Fire Protection and Fire Alarm Features਍ഀ Building A Building B, Lobby and Conference Center਍ഀ • Automatic sprinkler protection is provided throughout the ground floor (Conference਍ഀ Center) of Building A, the Lobby and areas connecting Building A and Building B, and਍ഀ the ground floor offices/Business Center of Building B.਍ഀ • No automatic sprinkler protection is provided for the condominium units on the second਍ഀ and third floor of Building A or Building B.਍ഀ • There are no standpipe hose connections provided in the ground floor (Conference਍ഀ Center) of Building A, the Lobby and areas connecting Building A and Building B, and਍ഀ the ground floor offices/Business Center of Building B.਍ഀ • Smoke and heat detection devices connected to the main FACP are provided in all਍ഀ common areas of the first through third floors (stairwells, lobby areas, and corridors).਍ഀ Annunciation at the FACP indicates the general area of alarm.਍ഀ • Local alarm smoke detection devices are provided in each of the condominium units.਍ഀ • Heat detection devices connected to the main Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) are਍ഀ provided in each condominium. Annunciation at the FACP indicates the general area of਍ഀ alarm with areas identified by the condominium floor level and associated stairwell. Four਍ഀ condominium units are accessible by a single stairwell, two on each floor level.਍ഀ • Flow alarm for Building A and Building B are connected to the main FACP with਍ഀ annunciation indicating the general area of water flow.਍ഀ Building C਍ഀ • No automatic sprinkler protection is provided in the three residential levels of Building C਍ഀ with the exception of several recently remodeled condominium units. The sprinkler਍ഀ heads and piping installed in these units are currently not connected to a fire protection਍ഀ water supply.਍ഀ • Standpipe hose connections (1-1/2 inch outlets) in cabinets are provided on each floor਍ഀ level of each stairwell. Each stairwell provides access to six (6) condominium units, two਍ഀ (2) on each level of the three level building. The west end stairwell provides access to਍ഀ three condominium units only.਍ഀ • Smoke detection devices connected to the main FACP are provided in all common area਍ഀ stairwells. Annunciation at the FACP indicates the general area of alarm by stairwell.਍ഀ • Local alarm smoke detection devices are provided in each of the condominium units.਍ഀ • Heat detection devices connected to the main Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) are਍ഀ provided in each condominium. Annunciation at the FACP indicates the general area of਍ഀ alarm with areas identified by condominium floor level and associated stairwell.਍ഀ • Flow alarm for the building is connected to the main FACP with annunciation identified਍ഀ by flow switch.਍ഀ Building D Building E and Building F਍ഀ • Automatic sprinkler protection is provided throughout the corridor on each floor level਍ഀ extending down the center of each building with studio units on each side of the corridor.਍ഀ Stairwells are at each end of the corridor(s) on both ends of each building.਍ഀ April 11, 2005 Page 2 of 8਍ഀ Manor Vail Resort਍ഀ Fire Protection਍ഀ • Standpipe hose connections (1-1/2 inch outlets) in cabinets are provided at the center of਍ഀ each corridor on each floor level.਍ഀ • Smoke detection devices connected to the main FACP are provided in all common areas਍ഀ (stairwells and corridors). Annunciation at the main FACP indicates the building of alarm.਍ഀ Annunciation at the remote panel on the ground level of each building indicates the floor਍ഀ level of alarm.਍ഀ • Local alarm smoke detection devices are provided in each of the studio units.਍ഀ • Heat detection devices connected to the main Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) are਍ഀ provided in each studio. Annunciation at the main FACP indicates the building of alarm.਍ഀ Annunciation at the remote panel on the ground level of each building indicates the floor਍ഀ level of alarm.਍ഀ • Flow alarms for each building are connected to the main FACP with annunciation by਍ഀ building. Annunciation at the remote panel on the ground level of each building indicates਍ഀ the floor level of alarm.਍ഀ Fire Resistance Design Modifications਍ഀ The following modifications are provided to bring the fire safety provided in the existing buildings਍ഀ to meet a level of equivalent requirements for the 2003 International Building Code.਍ഀ Building A, Building B, Lobby and Conference Center਍ഀ 1. The exterior wall construction will be upgraded to an assembly closely resembling or exactly਍ഀ matching that of one-hour construction through the addition of new finish materials on the਍ഀ exterior. These new finish materials may include 7/8" cement stucco, cementitious siding, or਍ഀ stone veneer.਍ഀ 2. On November 16th members of the team walked the project with Chief McGee and identified਍ഀ many existing violations of fire resistive construction practices and other existing building਍ഀ construction problems. These discussions and observations were memorialized in a letter਍ഀ drafted by RA Nelson on February 3rd. (Attached) This letter should not be considered਍ഀ exhaustively researched, rather to be an understanding of the types of violations observed਍ഀ and general types of concerns the fire and building departments have with the existing਍ഀ construction.਍ഀ a. Conditions outlined in the memo and other similar readily accessible and observable਍ഀ conditions and violations are considered maintenance items and it is the team's਍ഀ intention to have these remedied as quickly as possible throughout this spring,਍ഀ summer and fall.਍ഀ 3. It is generally understood that the existing building probably contains additional concealed਍ഀ violations. The team and the TOV have agreed to a general outline of addressing these਍ഀ conditions, as they are uncovered. It is also generally understood that if a violation is not਍ഀ uncovered, it is unknown and therefore unaddressed.਍ഀ a. If a violation is uncovered and reasonably accessible, the team will correct the਍ഀ violation.਍ഀ b. If the violation is uncovered, observed, but is inaccessible the team and building਍ഀ department will record the violation and its location so that it may be addressed in਍ഀ the future as new work is performed.਍ഀ April 11, 2005 Page 3 of 8਍ഀ Manor Vail Resort਍ഀ Fire Protection਍ഀ c. The team and Manor Vail HOA will draft language to be presented to existing and਍ഀ future owners that alerts them to the fact that violations exist or may exist and that਍ഀ these violations will be required to be corrected should they perform any remodel਍ഀ work in the future. Future remodel projects will only be responsible to correct਍ഀ deficiencies uncovered during the work (that are readily accessible) or those known਍ഀ to exist within the impacted area for the project.਍ഀ 4. Provide new draft stops above ceilings between residential and commercial occupancies.਍ഀ This is an acceptable alternative to the Town of Vail to allow the commercial spaces਍ഀ (including the multi-level combustible concealed spaces above the ceilings) to remain as is਍ഀ until the required remodel of these spaces are completed within the agreed upon 5 years.਍ഀ 5. Repair existing floor/ceiling and wall penetrations through 1-hour construction that are਍ഀ disturbed or made visible during the new construction. Other existing floor/ceiling and wall਍ഀ penetrations through 1-hour construction shall be repaired as part of future remodels.਍ഀ 6. Remove existing roofing materials from roofs to be covered by the new 4th story਍ഀ construction.਍ഀ Building C਍ഀ 1. The exterior wall construction will be upgraded to an assembly closely resembling or exactly਍ഀ matching that of one-hour construction through the addition of new finish materials on the਍ഀ exterior. These new finish materials may include 7/8" cement stucco, cementitious siding, or਍ഀ stone veneer.਍ഀ 2. It is generally understood that the existing building probably contains concealed violations.਍ഀ The team and the TOV have agreed to a general outline of addressing these conditions, as਍ഀ they are uncovered. It is also generally understood that if a violation is not uncovered, it is਍ഀ unknown and therefore unaddressed.਍ഀ a. If a violation is uncovered and reasonably accessible, the team will correct the਍ഀ violation.਍ഀ b. If the violation is uncovered, observed, but is inaccessible the team and building਍ഀ department will record the violation and its location so that it may be addressed in਍ഀ the future as new work is performed.਍ഀ c. The team and Manor Vail HOA will draft language to be presented to existing and਍ഀ future owners that alerts them to the fact that violations exist or may exist and that਍ഀ these violations will be required to be corrected should they perform any remodel਍ഀ work.਍ഀ 3. Repair existing floor/ceiling and wall penetrations through 1 hour construction that are਍ഀ disturbed or made visible during the new construction. Other existing floor/ceiling and wall਍ഀ penetrations through 1 hour construction shall be repaired as part of future remodels.਍ഀ 4. Remove existing roofing materials from roofs to be covered by the new 4th story਍ഀ construction.਍ഀ 5. Combustible concealed blind space fire barriers or draft stops are to be provided as part of਍ഀ future renovations.਍ഀ Building D Building E, and Building F਍ഀ 1. The exterior wall construction will be upgraded to an assembly closely resembling or exactly਍ഀ matching that of one-hour construction through the addition of new finish materials on the਍ഀ exterior. These new finish materials may include 7/8" cement stucco, cementitious siding, or਍ഀ stone veneer.਍ഀ April 11, 2005 Page 4 of 8਍ഀ Manor Vail Resort਍ഀ Fire Protection਍ഀ 2. It is generally understood that the existing building probably contains concealed violations.਍ഀ The team and the TOV have agreed to a general outline of addressing these conditions, as਍ഀ they are uncovered. It is also generally understood that if a violation is not uncovered, it is਍ഀ unknown and therefore unaddressed.਍ഀ a. If a violation is uncovered and reasonably accessible, the team will correct the਍ഀ violation.਍ഀ b. If the violation is uncovered, observed, but is inaccessible the team and building਍ഀ department will record the violation and its location so that it may be addressed in਍ഀ the future as new work is performed.਍ഀ c. The team and Manor Vail HOA will draft language to be presented to existing and਍ഀ future owners that alerts them to the fact that violations exist or may exist and that਍ഀ these violations will be required to be corrected should they perform any remodel਍ഀ work.਍ഀ 3. Repair existing floor/ceiling and wall penetrations through 1 hour construction that are਍ഀ disturbed or made visible during the new construction. Other existing floor/ceiling and wall਍ഀ penetrations through 1 hour construction shall be repaired as part of future remodels.਍ഀ 4. Remove existing roofing materials from roofs to be covered by the new 4th story਍ഀ construction.਍ഀ 5. Combustible concealed blind space fire barriers or draft stops are to be provided as part of਍ഀ future renovations.਍ഀ Allowable Area (see attachment)਍ഀ 1. The combined A and B buildings require no work to comply with the allowable area਍ഀ requirements of the 2003 IBC requirements. The buildings will be provided with an NFPA਍ഀ 13 sprinkler system and separated from the C building and the D building.਍ഀ 2. The C building requires no work to comply with the allowable area requirements of the 2003਍ഀ IBC. The building will be provided with an NFPA 13R sprinkler system and separated from਍ഀ the A and B buildings.਍ഀ 3. The combined D, E, and F buildings shall be provided with a firewall, which will divide the਍ഀ total area into two buildings of area that meet the 2003 IBC requirements. The buildings will਍ഀ be provided with an NFPA 13R sprinkler system and separated from the A and B buildings.਍ഀ Fire Protection and Fire Alarm Design Modifications਍ഀ The following modifications are provided to bring the fire safety features in the existing buildings਍ഀ to meet a level of equivalent requirements for the 2003 International Building Code.਍ഀ Building A, Building B, Lobby and Conference Center਍ഀ 1. New automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed and existing automatic sprinkler systems਍ഀ shall be modified to meet IBC, 2003; NFPA 13, 2002 and Town of Vail amendment਍ഀ requirements (existing combustible floor/ceiling in the residential occupancy shall be਍ഀ protected as part of this design). Multi-level combustible concealed areas above the਍ഀ existing commercial ceilings shall remain as is. (see Fire Resistance Design Modifications਍ഀ for Building A, Building B. Lobby and Conference Center, Item #4).਍ഀ April 11, 2005 Page 5 of 8਍ഀ Manor Vail Resort਍ഀ Fire Protection਍ഀ Zoning for the commercial areas shall be provided on a floor by floor basis and zoning for਍ഀ the residential areas shall be on a stairwell by stairwell basis. Existing sprinklers in਍ഀ commercial areas shall be replaced with new quick response type sprinklers used਍ഀ throughout the balance of the project. Existing sprinklers in residential areas shall be਍ഀ replaced with new residential type sprinklers used throughout the balance of the project.਍ഀ Existing 1-1/2 inch hose valve connections shall be used for water supply for new਍ഀ residential automatic sprinkler systems and existing fire hose/valves shall be removed.਍ഀ 2. Existing condominium units with automatic sprinkler piping in place shall be modified to਍ഀ meet NFPA 13, 2002 requirements as necessary and connected to the new building਍ഀ automatic fire sprinkler system. Existing sprinklers shall be replaced with new residential਍ഀ type sprinklers used throughout the balance of the project. Concealed combustible spaces਍ഀ shall be protected with NFPA 13, 2000 sprinkler system.਍ഀ 3. New automatic sprinkler systems meeting NFPA 13, 2000 requirements shall be installed on਍ഀ the new 4th story and in the new resulting concealed space between the existing 3~d floor਍ഀ roof and 4th story floor. Zoning shall be provided on a floor by floor basis. Two existing 3rd਍ഀ floor 1-1/2 inch hose valve risers in each residential wing shall be extended to the 4th floor,਍ഀ (each separately valved with flow and tamper switches), and used for the water supply for਍ഀ the new 4th story residential automatic sprinkler systems.਍ഀ 4. Piping replacement as a result of investigations occurring as automatic sprinkler installation਍ഀ is taking place will dictate the need for any existing piping replacement due to corrosion਍ഀ obstruction in the pipe.਍ഀ 5. Poz-Lok piping known to exist in automatic sprinkler systems unless disturbed during਍ഀ construction will be removed and replaced as part of future renovations.਍ഀ 6. New dry standpipes shall be provided in each new stairwell connecting 4 stories. FDC shall਍ഀ be provided at a location acceptable to the fire department.਍ഀ 7. Design documents for the new and revised automatic sprinkler protection and standpipe਍ഀ systems shall be submitted as part of the building design process. Approved design਍ഀ documents will be used for bidding purposes and contractor selection for the automatic਍ഀ sprinkler protection system installation.਍ഀ 8. New addressable fire alarm system shall be installed and existing fire alarm systems shall਍ഀ be modified to meet IBC, 2003; NFPA 72, 2002 and Town of Vail amendment requirements.਍ഀ All devices shall be addressable or monitored by addressable modules.਍ഀ 9. Design documents for the new and revised for alarm system shall be submitted as part of਍ഀ the building design process. Approved design documents will be used for bidding purposes਍ഀ and contractor selection for the fire alarm system installation.਍ഀ Building C਍ഀ 1. New automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed and existing automatic sprinkler systems਍ഀ shall be modified to meet IBC, 2003; NFPA 13R, 2002 (residential areas) and Town of Vail਍ഀ amendment requirements (existing combustible floor/ceiling in the residential, shall be not਍ഀ be protected as part of this design).਍ഀ Zoning for the residential areas shall be on a stairwell by stairwell basis. Existing sprinklers਍ഀ in residential areas shall be replaced with new residential type sprinklers used throughout਍ഀ the balance of the project. Existing 1-1/2 inch hose valve connections shall be used for਍ഀ water supply for new residential automatic sprinkler systems and existing fire hose/valves਍ഀ shall be removed.਍ഀ April 11, 2005 Page 6 of 8਍ഀ Manor Vail Resort਍ഀ Fire Protection਍ഀ 2. Existing condominium units with automatic sprinkler piping in place shall be modified to਍ഀ meet NFPA 13R, 2002 requirements as necessary and connected to the new building਍ഀ automatic fire sprinkler system. Existing sprinklers shall be replaced with new residential਍ഀ type sprinklers used throughout the balance of the project.਍ഀ 3. New automatic sprinkler systems meeting NFPA 13R, 2000 requirements shall be installed਍ഀ on the new 4th story and NFPA 13 requirements in the new resulting concealed space਍ഀ between the existing 3rd floor roof and 4th story floor. 4th story zoning shall be provided on a਍ഀ floor by floor basis. Two existing 3rd floor 1-1/2 inch hose valve risers shall be extended to਍ഀ the 4th floor (each separately valved with flow and tamper switches), and used for the water਍ഀ supply for the new 4th story residential automatic sprinkler systems.਍ഀ 4. New dry standpipes shall be provided in each new stairwell connecting 4 stories. FDC shall਍ഀ be provided at a location acceptable to the fire department.਍ഀ 5. Design documents for the new and revised automatic sprinkler protection and standpipe਍ഀ systems shall be submitted as part of the building design process. Approved design਍ഀ documents will be used for bidding purposes and contractor selection for the automatic਍ഀ sprinkler protection system installation.਍ഀ 6. New addressable fire alarm system shall be installed and existing fire alarm systems shall਍ഀ be modified to meet IBC, 2003; NFPA 72, 2002 and Town of Vail amendment requirements.਍ഀ All devices shall be addressable or monitored by addressable modules.਍ഀ 7. Design documents for the new and revised fire alarm system shall be submitted as part of਍ഀ the building design process. Approved design documents will be used for bidding purposes਍ഀ and contractor selection for the fire alarm system installation.਍ഀ Building D, Building E and Buildinq F਍ഀ 1. New automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed and existing automatic sprinkler systems਍ഀ shall be modified to meet IBC, 2003; NFPA 13R, 2002 and Town of Vail amendment਍ഀ requirements (existing combustible floor/ceiling shall not be protected as part of this design).਍ഀ Zoning shall be provided on a floor by floor basis. Existing sprinklers in residential areas਍ഀ shall be replaced with new residential type sprinklers used throughout the balance of the਍ഀ project. New unit piping shall be connected to existing corridor outlets.਍ഀ 2. Existing condominium units with automatic sprinkler piping in place shall be modified to਍ഀ meet NFPA 13R, 2002 requirements as necessary and connected to the new building਍ഀ automatic fire sprinkler system. Existing sprinklers shall be replaced with new residential਍ഀ type sprinklers used throughout the balance of the project.਍ഀ 3. New automatic sprinkler systems meeting NFPA 13R, 2000 requirements shall be installed਍ഀ on the new 4th story and NFPA 13 requirements in the new resulting concealed space਍ഀ between the existing 3rd floor roof and 4th story floor. 4th story zoning shall be provided on a਍ഀ floor by floor basis. The existing 3~d floor 1-1/2 inch hose valve risers shall be extended to਍ഀ the 4th floor and used for the water supply for the new 4th story residential automatic਍ഀ sprinkler systems.਍ഀ 4. New dry standpipes shall be provided in each new stairwell connecting 4 stories. FDC shall਍ഀ be provided at a location acceptable to the fire department.਍ഀ 5. Design documents for the new and revised automatic sprinkler protection and standpipe਍ഀ systems shall be submitted as part of the building design process. Approved design਍ഀ documents will be used for bidding purposes and contractor selection for the automatic਍ഀ sprinkler protection system installation.਍ഀ April 11, 2005 Page 7 of 8਍ഀ Manor Vail Resort਍ഀ Fire Protection਍ഀ 6. New addressable fire alarm system shall be installed and existing fire alarm systems shall਍ഀ be modified to meet IBC, 2003; NFPA 72, 2002 and Town of Vail amendment requirements.਍ഀ All devices shall be addressable or monitored by addressable modules.਍ഀ 7. Design documents for the new and revised fire alarm system shall be submitted as part of਍ഀ the building design process. Approved design documents will be used for bidding purposes਍ഀ and contractor selection for the fire alarm system installation.਍ഀ Fire Protection Improvements shall progress with the construction schedule for new and਍ഀ remodel work.਍ഀ Please contact me with any questions or comments.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ BFPE਍ഀ Perry B. Matthews, P.E.਍ഀ The following signatures indicate agreement of both parties to the above commitments and time਍ഀ frames:਍ഀ Manor Vail Condominium Association Town of Vail Community Development਍ഀ Bob McCleary਍ഀ General Manager਍ഀ Town of Vail Fire Department਍ഀ Mike McGee਍ഀ Fire Marshal਍ഀ Charlie Davis਍ഀ Chief Building Official਍ഀ Zehren & Associates, Inc.਍ഀ Brian Sipes, AIA਍ഀ Project Architect਍ഀ April 11, 2005 Page 8 of 8਍ഀ O਍ഀ O਍ഀ U਍ഀ O਍ഀ C਍ഀ CC਍ഀ ~r਍ഀ Q਍ഀ rrTTO਍ഀ E਍ഀ C~਍ഀ i.਍ഀ L਍ഀ Q਍ഀ ca਍ഀ 0 cu਍ഀ 3਍ഀ O਍ഀ CU਍ഀ o਍ഀ 0਍ഀ U a਍ഀ -C N਍ഀ N U)਍ഀ (U਍ഀ cv X਍ഀ ~ O਍ഀ (a=਍ഀ O a)਍ഀ C U)਍ഀ cu਍ഀ C U਍ഀ a)਍ഀ 0 -0਍ഀ a)਍ഀ 0)਍ഀ C਍ഀ a)਍ഀ a CU਍ഀ a) -C਍ഀ -O U਍ഀ ca਍ഀ -a U)਍ഀ O C਍ഀ N cn਍ഀ w a)਍ഀ C Q਍ഀ O m਍ഀ tf Q਍ഀ O਍ഀ Q C਍ഀ 0-0਍ഀ O M਍ഀ 4- W਍ഀ 0)਍ഀ C ~਍ഀ 0 a)਍ഀ C C਍ഀ (d E਍ഀ cn L਍ഀ a)਍ഀ a>਍ഀ C 'O਍ഀ ( N਍ഀ N O਍ഀ L ~਍ഀ :3 0਍ഀ O C਍ഀ cn U)਍ഀ C ..C਍ഀ N਍ഀ Q a)਍ഀ >਍ഀ L N਍ഀ N਍ഀ cu਍ഀ (U਍ഀ 0਍ഀ Z਍ഀ LL਍ഀ W਍ഀ C਍ഀ a)਍ഀ .N਍ഀ cn਍ഀ O਍ഀ Q਍ഀ 4-਍ഀ cn਍ഀ m਍ഀ m਍ഀ cu a)਍ഀ N -0਍ഀ O਍ഀ C਍ഀ O਍ഀ O Q.਍ഀ C N਍ഀ N਍ഀ LL਍ഀ C (6਍ഀ O਍ഀ }਍ഀ LU਍ഀ C਍ഀ to N਍ഀ rn -a਍ഀ C ~਍ഀ C਍ഀ -0 a)਍ഀ c a) C O਍ഀ U -0 _0਍ഀ L਍ഀ 23 E N਍ഀ C O O਍ഀ O O਍ഀ L਍ഀ LO N C਍ഀ a) "਍ഀ Q C਍ഀ a)਍ഀ L E਍ഀ Q O a)਍ഀ L 7: cn਍ഀ O O O਍ഀ O .r,਍ഀ m਍ഀ c਍ഀ ca਍ഀ 3਍ഀ O਍ഀ Q਍ഀ O਍ഀ a~਍ഀ C਍ഀ O਍ഀ L਍ഀ LL਍ഀ L਍ഀ ..r਍ഀ L਍ഀ L਍ഀ Q਍ഀ M਍ഀ r਍ഀ 4--਍ഀ OD਍ഀ N਍ഀ LO਍ഀ M਍ഀ N਍ഀ C਍ഀ O਍ഀ N cu਍ഀ N Q਍ഀ M N਍ഀ t0 Cf)਍ഀ 0 N਍ഀ L਍ഀ T਍ഀ II C਍ഀ L਍ഀ O਍ഀ 0 Z3਍ഀ U ~਍ഀ Q਍ഀ _N _O਍ഀ ~ Z਍ഀ m cu਍ഀ O O਍ഀ Q Q਍ഀ Q਍ഀ 0 0਍ഀ r਍ഀ w਍ഀ O਍ഀ N਍ഀ Q਍ഀ L਍ഀ C.਍ഀ Co਍ഀ N਍ഀ N਍ഀ mua,1uy&,਍ഀ RANELSON਍ഀ f i n e b u i l d e r s਍ഀ February 3, 2005਍ഀ East west Partners਍ഀ Dick Funk਍ഀ From: Anthony Vangalis, Project Manager, RA Nelson਍ഀ RE: Existing conditions & code violation issues਍ഀ The information provided herein outlines R. A. Nelson's understanding of conditions,਍ഀ restricted to those that are or have been exposed and therefore known code violations as਍ഀ specifically identified during the project walk-thru by the Town of Vail Fire Marshall,਍ഀ Mike McGee. Please be informed that we or the TOV have not thoroughly inspected all਍ഀ rooms exposed or otherwise to completely identify all conditions we may encounter over਍ഀ the course of the project. It is our recommendation that further investigations of all਍ഀ remaining areas, at minimum the exposed conditions is warranted. These conditions਍ഀ occur in/or on both: A) common area elements and/or condominiums or B) Individually਍ഀ owned units.਍ഀ Existing conditions requiring maintenance considered not associated with the਍ഀ proposed project and therefore excluded.਍ഀ Drywall repair damaged and/or compromised materials with fire rated assemblies to਍ഀ meet code required 1-hour construction and/or separations throughout to include but not਍ഀ limited to;਍ഀ 1. Install fire rated or draft partition assemblies, either horizontal and/or vertical਍ഀ where it once existed or is now required.਍ഀ 2. Water damaged caused by plumbing and/or exterior skin leaks.਍ഀ 3. Piping, metal duct work and/or all wiring systems penetrations shall be਍ഀ drywall flat taped filled and/or fire-caulked within approved assembly਍ഀ guidelines.਍ഀ 4. Install drywall and fire tape all joints where remodels, repairs and/or਍ഀ modifications have occurred.਍ഀ 5. Patch with drywall or other approved system and/or install rated access panels਍ഀ where access is required, or holes have been created within the drywall਍ഀ assemblies.਍ഀ Page 2 of three਍ഀ Dick Funk਍ഀ Existing conditions਍ഀ February 3, 2005਍ഀ MP&E systems and /or other systems, fire-protection, mechanical, electrical.਍ഀ 1. Adjust and/or replace sprinkler heads or their associated trims per code਍ഀ guidelines.਍ഀ 2. Remove and/or re-route all wires and/or all non-approved items hanging from਍ഀ or attached thereto all fire-protection piping or its systems.਍ഀ 3. Install and/or correct pipe or wiring supports or securing accessories for each਍ഀ intended application.਍ഀ 4. Correct and/or install approved components for all electrical systems to਍ഀ include but not limited to electrical grounding, covers, trim or blank cover਍ഀ plates and appropriate box extensions where required.਍ഀ 5. Install or correct all exposed wiring within approved electrical conduits and/or਍ഀ electrical accessories intended specifically for each application.਍ഀ 6. Remove and/or relocate electrical systems not approved to be located within਍ഀ concealed or confined spaces.਍ഀ 7. Relocate or correct catering kitchen exhaust hood fire protection "Ansel਍ഀ Dump" components in a rated cabinet or such that it does not compromise the਍ഀ 1-hour assembly.਍ഀ 8. Correct all plumbing and/or exterior skin leaks to include but not limited to਍ഀ the roof or exterior walls.਍ഀ 9. Install fire-damper and or approved assemblies where ductwork penetrates the਍ഀ fire rated assembly.਍ഀ 10. Existing original construction conditions not in current code compliance.਍ഀ 11. Remodeled conditions not in code compliance (legally or illegally installed).਍ഀ Existing conditions to be corrected and/or modified to meet 1-hour construction਍ഀ assembly requirements including minimum life safety sprinkler and detection device਍ഀ coverage.਍ഀ 1. Install fire-rated assembly separations (acceptable to TOV authorities) where they਍ഀ have been removed during previous remodel activities or, were never correctly਍ഀ established. This may require the complete removal of existing ceilings (or walls)਍ഀ to access framing assemblies to include but not limited to re-route of existing਍ഀ MPE system components to ensure a continuous fire-rated barrier.਍ഀ 2. Establish new lowered ceilings where required and provide fire sprinkler਍ഀ protection above, within the interstitial space to meet the 13R-modified fire-਍ഀ protection requirements.਍ഀ 3. Install fire protection systems within the attic spaces above finished ceilings and਍ഀ below the existing roof per McGee request at all AB & C buildings. This਍ഀ requirement is in-addition to the new fire sprinkler system intended to provide਍ഀ Page 3 of three਍ഀ Dick Funk਍ഀ Existing conditions਍ഀ February 3, 2005਍ഀ protection below the existing ceilings. This is assumed to occur only at the top or਍ഀ 3rd floor of these buildings.਍ഀ 4. Remove all existing non-rated wood siding materials and/or replace or treat਍ഀ materials with approved fire-rated assemblies within the access / egress stair਍ഀ corridors of buildings AB & C.਍ഀ 5. Install fire protection and detection within all lockable unit owner closets and਍ഀ house keeping or maids closets where storage occurs (specifically below all਍ഀ stairs).਍ഀ 6. Up-grade pre-existing fire protection systems to meet the minimum coverage਍ഀ requirements of the 13R-modified designation.਍ഀ 7. Modify conditions where required to meet minimum clearance requirements such਍ഀ as egress corridors.਍ഀ Page 1 of 2਍ഀ JR Mondragon - Manor Vail Project Plan Review਍ഀ a.਍ഀ From: "Matt Royer"਍ഀ To: "JR Mondragon"਍ഀ Date: 07/28/2006 7:22 AM਍ഀ Subject: Manor Vail Project Plan Review਍ഀ CC: "Charlie Davis", "Mike McGee"਍ഀ JR-਍ഀ I wanted to recap the conversation that we had at the meeting the other afternoon at the site. I have also਍ഀ attached the comments that appear to be the "deal breakers" for footing/foundation permit.਍ഀ Reviewing the plans it appears that they are significantly incomplete for full building permit. They are still working਍ഀ on many critical details and specification for full submittal. At this point, I have the CIA team reviewing the਍ഀ documents to the TOV criteria for phased approach and reviewing the documents for F&F permit. After we਍ഀ complete the F&F permit review we will continue the review for full building permit. The full building permit plan਍ഀ review will not be completed within the 21 day due to the incompleteness of the plans. The F&F will be complete਍ഀ within the 21 day time frame (most likely early).਍ഀ Per the discussion in the meeting on Tuesday the architect is not planning to have the plans complete for full਍ഀ building permit before October 1. This is the target or goal date for us (CIA) and design team to have all plan਍ഀ review comments issued and resolved by.਍ഀ It would be my recommendation that this project be charged the phased approach fees or at least a portion of਍ഀ fees normally accessed to phased projects.਍ഀ The following items were brought to the table at the meeting on Tuesday as "deal breakers" for the project. This਍ഀ is preliminary list that you requested. This list is not a complete list.਍ഀ A0.02, A0.05 thru A0.19 - Need to verify that the existing building was constructed as a type V-A building. Show਍ഀ location of existing bearing walls in building's A, B, C, D, E and F and how they will be protected with 1-hour fire-਍ഀ resistive construction per table 601.਍ഀ A0.03 - It appears that you are applying the non-separated use provision of section 302.3.1, however you must਍ഀ use the most restrictive type of construction, area and all other code requirements including Chapter 9. The most਍ഀ restrictive appears to be the A-2 occupancy, which only allows 11,500 square feet and 2 stories. I can not find any਍ഀ occupancy separations between the mixed groups. The most restrictive requirements of chapter 9 will require a਍ഀ NFPA 13 system not a NFPA 13R system. I see that in the MOU dated June 23, 2006, it appears that you are਍ഀ trying to use a NFPA 13 system in buildings A, B and C only to comply with the allowable area provision. If this is਍ഀ the case, then you need to have horizontal and vertical occupancy separations installed so that this can be਍ഀ considered a separate building.਍ഀ A0.03 - Based on the general building area analysis, revise analysis showing how building's A & B comply with਍ഀ the allowable area requirements of table 503. Your allowable area per floor is 15,586 square feet (based on your਍ഀ submitted area using the R-2 as your basic allowable area). Building's A & B total 28,850 square feet between 2-਍ഀ hour fire wall areas. (See comment above)਍ഀ A1.05 and A1.06 - The basement allowable area need not be included in the total allowable area, but it still can਍ഀ not exceed the basic area permitted for a single story per section 503.1.1. 1 calculate this area over per table 503਍ഀ as submitted.਍ഀ A1.23 - How are stair enclosures E001 and F003 complying with section 1017.1? The stair enclosure is 2-hour਍ഀ protected. You must continue the same degree of protection until the occupants exit the building. These stair਍ഀ enclosures terminate in a locker area.਍ഀ A1.37 - Stair E001 is miss-labeled. It should be labeled E101਍ഀ A1.54 and A1.55 - All elevator lobbies are required to have at least one means of egress per section 707.14.1.਍ഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\483AEF... 10/13/2008਍ഀ Page 2 of 2਍ഀ Elevator C107 opens to a corridor without an exit਍ഀ A1.61 - Building F units 480 and 481 appear to have a 5th floor level. The "loft" area exceeds 1/3 of the floor area਍ഀ below. (553 sq. ft. loft, 1118 sq. ft. below) Section 502 clearly states that a mezzanine cannot exceed 1/3 of the਍ഀ floor area of the room it is located. This "5th 'floor level is not allowed for this type of construction.਍ഀ A1.57 - Building D, Units 460 and 461 appear to have a 5th floor. The "loft" area exceeds 1/3 of the floor area਍ഀ below. (558 sq. ft loft, 1262 sq. ft. below) This "5th "floor level is not allowed for this type of construction.਍ഀ A1.59 - Building E, Units 470 and 471 appear to have a 5th floor level. (514 sq. ft. loft, 1089 sq. ft. below) This "5th਍ഀ "floor level is not allowed for this type of construction.਍ഀ A3.18 - Building F scales out to be 65 feet in height. The allowable height for this building is only 60 feet. Verify਍ഀ actual finished height of 4th story will be under the 60 foot requirement. This same height is shown on sheet਍ഀ A2.08਍ഀ Volume 4 Fire Sprinkler plans - Per section 903., all exterior balconies and ground floor patios shall have਍ഀ sprinkler protection when the building is of a type V construction.਍ഀ A0.08 - Portions of building B and C are located less than the required fire-separation distance per table 602 from਍ഀ the property line. Because of the location of the property line in relation to Gore Creek, this should be addressed਍ഀ and noted.਍ഀ A1.51 - Spiral stairs appear to lead to a tower area? Submit details for the tower.਍ഀ A1.37 - Door D1 05-B appears to reduce the required corridor dimension by less than 1/2 the required 44 inches਍ഀ during the course of the swing.਍ഀ A3.09 - Stair section BC must show stairway continuing up to the roof surface per section 1009.12. (Buildings 4਍ഀ or more stories in height)਍ഀ This list is for information only and not intended to be the complete revision letter for the project. These are the਍ഀ significant corrections that we have discovered up to this point.਍ഀ Please let me know if you have any questions about the comments or what is going on with phased approach.਍ഀ Matthew Royer਍ഀ Building Official਍ഀ Colorado Inspection Agency਍ഀ 877-428-6412਍ഀ 970-328-1790਍ഀ 970-904-0460਍ഀ matt. roger@coinspect,_com.਍ഀ www. coi n spect. co_.m਍ഀ file://C:Tocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\483AEF... 10/13/2008਍ഀ t.਍ഀ 595 EAST t,AII VALLEY DRII'E•VAIL.COLOiADC)8 165 t਍ഀ .y਍ഀ V\c਍ഀ ada;਍ഀ kA21~1~ (~SNY~ 2 LoTz~% trf~Z t~਍ഀ ਍ഀ 7-800-950-VAIL (8245) 9'0-476-5000 970-476-4982 Fax. '-vv •.manorvaiLcom਍ഀ PREMIER RESORTS਍ഀ r-- lZ~/Tic~਍ഀ Meeting with TOV਍ഀ July/25/2006਍ഀ Item No. Description਍ഀ 1 Agreed by all parties that main focus should be on Fall scope of work਍ഀ Fire sprinkler design discussed. Design concept has been agreed by Mike McGee.਍ഀ Shop drawings to be prepared by Allstate in 2 weeks for buildings DEF, Perry to਍ഀ review, Mike will need about 3 days for approval. Agreed that it makes sense to਍ഀ 2 activate new sprinkler system਍ഀ Classification for sprinkler rating should be as follow: New construction NFPA 13,਍ഀ commercial part of existing buildings NFPA 13, residential part of existing NFPA 13R.਍ഀ Sprinkler requirement at balconies discussed, separate review of balcony assemblies਍ഀ should be provided ( Perry/Brian ) to clarify if sprinkler required or not. Sprinkler in਍ഀ attic space discussed. Concealed spaces with combustible materials with a stand up਍ഀ 3 height should be protected with sprinkler system.਍ഀ Fire alarm issue discussed in depth for buildings DEF - 1st and 2nd floor only.਍ഀ Proposal to do rough-ins only. Mike McGee would like see a new panel in B installed਍ഀ this Fall and have 1st and 2nd floors of DEF up and running with addressable਍ഀ system. With addressable modules this should be a doable solution. Location of਍ഀ panel in B is a problem. Needs to be verified, location next to front desk would be਍ഀ better solution than existing one. To accomplish this, there would be some drywall਍ഀ 4 removal/demo in B਍ഀ Permit issue. In order to speed up the process, it would be possible to obtain a minor਍ഀ permit for cut/patch for 1 st and 2nd floor of DEF and basement of F which should be਍ഀ sufficient for sprinkler system/fire alarm installation in these buildings. Permit should਍ഀ fall under original building permit if issued by anticipated target start date if Zehren਍ഀ responds timely and clearly to TOV written concerns questionaire? Should we apply਍ഀ 5 for additional permit?਍ഀ Matt Royer from Colorado Inspection Agency raised several code issues/questions਍ഀ which need to be verified. Allowed sf 15,000 per floor between separation walls਍ഀ seems to be exceeded at ABC, at some loft units percentage of loft area to floor਍ഀ below is larger than allowed per 5A classification. Loft has to be one open area, not਍ഀ enclosed rooms within the loft. Height of building F has to be verified. Allowed is 60',਍ഀ seems to be approx. 65', calculations for height per grade and elevation to be਍ഀ 6 reviewed.਍ഀ Public Works-Leonard Sandoval. Access to Ford Park has to be maintained. Re-਍ഀ routing for this Fall is planned on property, next Summer will have to be off property.਍ഀ 7 Plan for access has to be prepared and submitted.਍ഀ There will limitations for traffic to cross public roads during holidays. Calendar for਍ഀ 2007 will be published in December 2006. Traffic impact fee and street਍ഀ scape/improvement fee to be paid to TOV in two separate checks ( 85,000 + 100,000਍ഀ 8 )਍ഀ Asbestos Abatement plan has to be approved. CO State permit required and਍ഀ submitted to TOV for permitting from TOV. Mike Vaughn from TOV is the responsible਍ഀ 9 person for that.਍ഀ To re-occupy bldgs DEF will require access and turnaround for fire truck. Does not਍ഀ 10 need to be paved, gravel OK਍ഀ Shoring has to be designed and submitted for approval to Matt Royer - 2 days review਍ഀ turnaround. Staging narrative/scope of work requested by Matt was included in the਍ഀ 11 bound package਍ഀ Overall building permit process discussed / phased building permit vs. permit with਍ഀ conditions or other options. Phased building permit will cost more, this issue needs਍ഀ to be reviewed with Charlie as he is the one involved in this earlier. Re-submittal of਍ഀ coordinated Construction Documents this October disclosed. This is new issue਍ഀ raised by Matt Royer and is contrary to previous discussions with Charlie Davis਍ഀ 12 suggestion and agreement?਍ഀ Action By Due Status Notes਍ഀ all਍ഀ Allstate-CG/Perry 08/08/2006 in progress਍ഀ Brian Sipes਍ഀ Encore਍ഀ EWP? RANA਍ഀ Brian Sipes਍ഀ RANA਍ഀ EWP਍ഀ Brad਍ഀ RANA਍ഀ Page 1 of 2਍ഀ JR Mondragon - RE: Manor Vail Plan Check Review਍ഀ From: "Matt Royer"਍ഀ To: "Brian P. Sipes" , "Charlie Davis" , "JR Mondragon"਍ഀ Date: 08/23/2006 7:52 AM਍ഀ Subject: RE: Manor Vail Plan Check Review਍ഀ CC: "Kirk Johnston" , "Michael Rodenak" , "Hannes Spaeh - M&N" , "Tony Vangalis - RANA"਍ഀ Brian,਍ഀ Code section 903. requires sprinkling of exterior balconies of type V construction. I'm not aware of any਍ഀ exceptions that would allow substitution of 1 hour for sprinkling because we are using the sprinkler to increase਍ഀ height. Footnote d of Table 601: would not allow the substitution if used for height or area increase.਍ഀ Yes, I believe you can include the square footage of the hallways in question for calculating the mezzanine size.਍ഀ The language in the commentary states that size of mezzanines is limited to 1/3 of the room that shares the same਍ഀ "atmosphere". This would not include any areas that are enclosed or can be closed off by a door.਍ഀ Please let me know if you have any questions.਍ഀ Thanks਍ഀ Matthew Royer਍ഀ Building Official਍ഀ Colorado Inspection Agency਍ഀ 877-428-6412਍ഀ 970-328-1790਍ഀ 970-904-0460਍ഀ ,m,a.t.t...ro.y..gE@.gqinsiDect.com਍ഀ www.coinsiDect.com਍ഀ From: Brian P. Sipes [mailto:brians@zehren.com]਍ഀ Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 6:33 PM਍ഀ To: Matt Royer; Charlie Davis; JR Mondragon਍ഀ Cc: Kirk Johnston; Michael Rodenak; Hannes Spaeh - M&N; Tony Vangalis - RANA਍ഀ Subject: Manor Vail Plan Check Review਍ഀ Charlie, Matt and JR,਍ഀ Thank you again for meeting with us today. We think it was time well spent to clarify some of the issues on the਍ഀ Manor Vail project. We left the meeting with a couple of unresolved issues so I wanted to make sure we were਍ഀ clear as to what is unresolved and what we are doing to come to resolution. These are in no particular order.਍ഀ 1. Matt, Charlie and JR will meet to review the phasing requirements relative to the structural questions.਍ഀ Hannes has outlined 11 questions that he feels are relative to the fall of 2006 work. There was some਍ഀ discussion about responding to only these 11 questions, but I am not entirely sure if we reached਍ഀ resolution. Can you please clarify if you can what our response requirements are for this item? Does this਍ഀ depend upon a clarified construction and phasing schedule?਍ഀ 2. Matt will do some additional research concerning the need to both fire protect and fire sprinkle the existing਍ഀ decks.਍ഀ 3. Matt will review the comments section of the mezzanine criteria and provide an interpretation as to what਍ഀ areas can be included in the primary space upon which the mezzanine opens into. We had questions਍ഀ about enclosures for fireplaces and open hallways that are open to and unobstructed from the primary਍ഀ space.਍ഀ 4. The design team will identify wall assembly types for bearing walls within the existing construction that will਍ഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\483AEF... 10/13/2008਍ഀ Page 2 of 2਍ഀ provide the necessary fire resistant rating for the assembly.਍ഀ 5. Charlie will review the MOU and provide feedback to the design team as to the philosophy of the document਍ഀ along with any issues he has with any of the understandings. This is a sensitive business issue to the਍ഀ team and we would appreciate knowing any unpalatable issues as quickly as possible.਍ഀ 6. The Manor Vail team will provide a copy of the special inspections agreement to the TOV.਍ഀ 7. The design team will provide an updated site logistics and phasing plan that identifies the specific phases਍ഀ for the full work. A narrative clearly describing the work will be included along with a schedule of deadlines਍ഀ for submittals of future building permit issues, when they can be expected and allowing time for responses਍ഀ and recheck.਍ഀ The design team will pursue "partially separated" uses for the building that houses the restaurant, offices,਍ഀ spa and residences. The assembly occupancy will be separated and, assuming success, will then not be਍ഀ the most restrictive use for maximum area calculations. This ultimately will affect plan check responses 3-਍ഀ 5.਍ഀ 9. The team will work with the building department to obtain Administrative Modifications for several items.਍ഀ Those known as of this meeting include: the exit court between buildings D & E and E &F, allowing the use਍ഀ of the centerline of gore creek for the calculated fire-separation distance because gore creek is਍ഀ undevelopable and a public way, the joint private entry between units 442 and 448 to not be considered an਍ഀ elevator lobby with restrictions on the access to this point and the provision that the same key that allows਍ഀ the access to the floor by the elevator be programmed to also open the front door to the unit. There may਍ഀ be additional issues added to this Admin. Mod. when they are identified and agreed upon.਍ഀ 10. A new MOU will be required if the remedial work to the building B "wedge" is done in the future. This may਍ഀ not be an option because of the separation issue, but if so, the MOU must be drafted and agreed to਍ഀ independently and before building permit is issued for this work.਍ഀ 11. Building Height is calculated as an average of grade around the building at the grade plane to the average਍ഀ point on the highest roof. We will submit diagrams showing how we calculate height when we reissue so਍ഀ out thought process is clear.਍ഀ 12. We will review section 1009.12 concerning the stairway to the roof.਍ഀ Please let me know if I missed anything and thanks again for your time and consideration.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ )Brian Sipes, AIA਍ഀ principal਍ഀ Zehren And Associates, Inc.਍ഀ Architecture Planning Interiors਍ഀ P.O. Box 1976 Avon, CO 81620਍ഀ ph(970)949-0257 fax (970) 949-1080਍ഀ www.zehren.co.m bsipes hren.com਍ഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\483AEF... 10/13/2008਍ഀ COLORADO INSPECTION AGENCY PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS਍ഀ TO: Contractor਍ഀ R.A. Nelson਍ഀ John Halloran਍ഀ EMAIL: ihalloran ranelson.com਍ഀ FAX 949-5152਍ഀ NUMBER OF PAGES:਍ഀ FROM:਍ഀ DATE:਍ഀ BUILDING PERMIT਍ഀ OWNERS NAME:਍ഀ SITE ADDRESS:਍ഀ SUBDIVISION:਍ഀ OCCUPANCY GROUP:਍ഀ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:਍ഀ NUMBER OF STORIES:਍ഀ Architect Engineer਍ഀ Zehren & Assoc.਍ഀ brians zehren.com਍ഀ 2਍ഀ Matthew Royer਍ഀ 09/05/2006਍ഀ B06-0258਍ഀ Manor Vail Penthouse LLC਍ഀ 595 East Vail Valley Drive, Building D਍ഀ Vail Village਍ഀ R-2਍ഀ V-B਍ഀ 3਍ഀ The design documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the locally਍ഀ adopted codes and amendments. The following comments must be addressed before a building਍ഀ permit is issued.਍ഀ For processing:਍ഀ Please submit (5) complete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested਍ഀ information or plan revisions with all revisions clouded or otherwise identified.਍ഀ Please respond in writing to each comment by marking the attached list or creatina a਍ഀ response letter. Indicate which plan sheet, detail, specification, or calculation shows the਍ഀ requested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the਍ഀ building permit application number noted.਍ഀ Responses such as "will comply with code" are not adequate. Revised drawings must਍ഀ clearly show code compliance.਍ഀ A RESPONSE LETTER MUST BE INCLUDED WITH THE REVISED PLAN SUBMITTAL.਍ഀ Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "wet" stamp, signature,਍ഀ registration number and date on the cover page of any structural calculations, all structural details਍ഀ and structural sheets of the plans. For commercial or multi-family projects all sheets of the plans਍ഀ must be stamped.਍ഀ CAD000ME- 1 \ADMIN I-1 TOCALS-1 \Temp\XPgrpwise\tov_b06-0258.DOC਍ഀ BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS:਍ഀ Architectural Comments:਍ഀ Based on the information provided, it appears that a level 1 renovation will occur per the 2003਍ഀ International Existing Building Code. This level of renovation requires that all new material installed਍ഀ must comply with the current 2003 International Building Code. Please amend the plans to show the਍ഀ location of existing fire-resistive ratings and wall/ceiling types that will be affected.਍ഀ 2. Provide assembly details to show the materials and assemblies used to reconstruct the fire-resistive਍ഀ ratings.਍ഀ Please refer to the cover sheet for information and instructions for resubmitting plans. The recheck of਍ഀ plans usually occurs within 3-5 working days of plan resubmittal. In order to avoid delays please check਍ഀ all requested information is included with the resubmitted plans.਍ഀ Plan Review Comments਍ഀ Matthew Royer਍ഀ Building Official਍ഀ Colorado Inspection Agency਍ഀ 970-328-1790਍ഀ CADOCU ME-1 \ADMIN I-1 TOCALS-1 \Temp\XPgrpwise\tov_b06-0258.DOC਍ഀ Z E H R E N਍ഀ AND ASSOCIATES, INC.਍ഀ September 5, 2006਍ഀ Mr. Matt Royer਍ഀ Building Official਍ഀ Colorado Inspection Agency - Town of Vail਍ഀ 1286 Chambers Avenue, Suite 101਍ഀ Eagle, Co 81631-1618਍ഀ Re: Building Permit Number B06-0258 (Manor Vail)਍ഀ Dear Matt,਍ഀ We have received and reviewed your Plan Review Comments Sept. 5, 2006 and submit the਍ഀ following response addressed by comment below.਍ഀ 1. The portions of the existing assembly that will be cut for the remedial fire sprinkler and alarm਍ഀ work will be patched with construction matching that of the existing assembly. Since all of਍ഀ the work will involve the cutting and patching of the lowest surface of the ceiling assembly਍ഀ we believe all that will be affected will be Gypsum Wallboard.਍ഀ 2. I have attached portions of the original construction documents for the D, E and F buildings਍ഀ that show what we believe to be the original construction. As you can see, the GWB was਍ഀ originally 5/8" with a fire rating, but entire floor ceiling assemblies were not identified. This਍ഀ assembly will be used to patch the existing construction unless a different assembly is਍ഀ observed in the field. It is unknown, but likely that some remodeling has been done in the਍ഀ last 40 years and that we will uncover some discrepancies. We will address these in the field,਍ഀ as they arg-w3~oy rVT~ s 1਍ഀ .Bria pes PATRICK਍ഀ Principal f SIPE$਍ഀ 8,3196਍ഀ ARCHITECTURE- PLANNING •INTERIORS- LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE਍ഀ P.O. Box 1976 Avon, Colorado 81620, (970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080਍ഀ I਍ഀ Z਍ഀ ? n਍ഀ ~r਍ഀ I . of n 4 I਍ഀ r.---------------- -਍ഀ v਍ഀ :II਍ഀ u਍ഀ Iii C?਍ഀ L~਍ഀ L਍ഀ N 3e5 Z਍ഀ C~u਍ഀ F- sc~਍ഀ ~ o਍ഀ c਍ഀ i਍ഀ V,਍ഀ f਍ഀ ਍ഀ rr਍ഀ IL਍ഀ -਍ഀ a਍ഀ P਍ഀ °਍ഀ C~਍ഀ ~I਍ഀ .਍ഀ C਍ഀ c਍ഀ „਍ഀ a~਍ഀ ਍ഀ rn਍ഀ ~਍ഀ L਍ഀ 9਍ഀ ~਍ഀ SC਍ഀ _਍ഀ ~਍ഀ V਍ഀ Q਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ _I਍ഀ I਍ഀ r਍ഀ Cd਍ഀ `n਍ഀ u਍ഀ c਍ഀ N਍ഀ Q ~਍ഀ J਍ഀ Q Q਍ഀ ਍ഀ v਍ഀ ਍ഀ 8਍ഀ U਍ഀ Z਍ഀ c਍ഀ y ~ .਍ഀ p਍ഀ r਍ഀ J d ~਍ഀ .n p j d~ - N਍ഀ J'T' G G਍ഀ G _਍ഀ cp n j਍ഀ y਍ഀ diC3. r E `~.Y C਍ഀ tl+S~ u u ` F°.਍ഀ F ~ n਍ഀ i਍ഀ n u LL਍ഀ s L ~9 r~ r E L1਍ഀ i ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~ VII a਍ഀ 4 1਍ഀ 3਍ഀ ~ L d- II਍ഀ September 28, 2000 DN-1271 • 1-307਍ഀ NOT 1 F 1 E R® 302 Series਍ഀ FIRE SYSTEMS Rate-Anticipation Heat Detectors਍ഀ Section: Conventional Initiating Devices਍ഀ GENERAL਍ഀ The Thermotech 302 Series rate-anticipation heat detec- California਍ഀ State Fire਍ഀ tors operate within a controlled range of two to three de- Marshal਍ഀ grees of their set points, regardless of the speed or rate of਍ഀ 7270-0021:001਍ഀ temperature rise. These detectors are available in either਍ഀ 135°F (57.2°C) or 194°F (90°C) ratings. LISTED਍ഀ The 302 Series are normally-open devices designed es-਍ഀ pecially for fire detection and alarm systems.਍ഀ FEATURES਍ഀ • Immediate response. The 302 Series activate when-਍ഀ ever ambient air temperature reaches a detector's set-਍ഀ ting, eliminating the thermal time lag inherent in conven-਍ഀ tional heat detectors.਍ഀ • Eliminates false alarms. The 302 Series do਍ഀ not respond to momentary temperature fluctua-਍ഀ tions below the selected temperature.਍ഀ • Universal application. The 302 Series can be਍ഀ used in all areas for any type of occupancy.਍ഀ • Self-restoring.਍ഀ • Hermetically sealed, shock resistant, corrosion਍ഀ resistant, and tamper-proof.਍ഀ PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION਍ഀ The 302 Series rate-anticipation heat detectors਍ഀ respond and activate the fire alarm immediately਍ഀ whenever the ambient temperature reaches the਍ഀ preset temperature setting. Under rapid heat rise਍ഀ conditions, the rate-anticipation feature enables਍ഀ the detector to respond one to three degrees਍ഀ ahead of the setting. At the same time, however,਍ഀ it does not respond to momentary temperature਍ഀ fluctuations below the selected protection level,਍ഀ thus eliminating false alarms. When temperature਍ഀ drops back down below the protection level, the਍ഀ detector automatically resets itself.਍ഀ DIMENSIONS (Model 302)਍ഀ Total overall length: 4-1/8" (10.48 cm).਍ഀ Base diameter: 2" (5.08 cm).਍ഀ S539਍ഀ E35018A F M਍ഀ (EPM model only)਍ഀ Approved਍ഀ (Except EPM)਍ഀ 1271phot.lpg਍ഀ ELECTRICAL RATINGS਍ഀ Voltage਍ഀ Current਍ഀ 6 - 125 VAC਍ഀ 5 amps਍ഀ 6 - 25 VDC਍ഀ 1 amp਍ഀ 125 VDC਍ഀ 0.5 amp਍ഀ APPLICATION INFORMATION਍ഀ 302 Series detector have a smooth ceiling UL rating of 50'਍ഀ x 50' (15.24 x 15.24 meters) and are the only type of heat਍ഀ detectors having such a rating on both fixed temperature਍ഀ and rate anticipation. The 302-H is designed for horizontal਍ഀ mounting and is UL rated for 40' x 40' (12.19 x 12.19਍ഀ meters).਍ഀ This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our '~0 ~OO~਍ഀ product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or਍ഀ anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For਍ഀ more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118਍ഀ N OTI FI E W 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 ENCINEERINC II MANRFACIDRINC਍ഀ DN-1271 • 09/28/00 - Page 1 of 2਍ഀ PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION਍ഀ Thermotech Model 302 Series Rate-Anticipation Heat Detectors਍ഀ MODEL NUMBER਍ഀ DESCRIPTION਍ഀ REFER TO਍ഀ 302-135਍ഀ 135°F Interior Vertical Mounting.਍ഀ N਍ഀ t਍ഀ 1 b਍ഀ l਍ഀ 302-194਍ഀ 194°F Interior Vertical Mounting.਍ഀ e਍ഀ ow.਍ഀ o਍ഀ e਍ഀ 302-AW-135਍ഀ 135°F All-Weather Vertical Mounting.਍ഀ t਍ഀ 2 b਍ഀ l਍ഀ N਍ഀ 302-AW-194਍ഀ 194°F All-Weather Vertical Mounting.਍ഀ ow.਍ഀ o਍ഀ e਍ഀ e਍ഀ 302-ET-135਍ഀ 135°F All-Weather Vertical Mounting.਍ഀ t਍ഀ 3 b਍ഀ l਍ഀ N਍ഀ 302-ET-194਍ഀ 194°F All-Weather Vertical Mounting.਍ഀ o਍ഀ e਍ഀ e਍ഀ ow.਍ഀ 302-H-135਍ഀ 135°F Interior Horizontal Mounting.਍ഀ N਍ഀ t਍ഀ 4 b਍ഀ l਍ഀ 302-H-194਍ഀ 194°F Interior Horizontal Mounting.਍ഀ e਍ഀ ow.਍ഀ o਍ഀ e਍ഀ 302-EPM-135਍ഀ 135°F Explosion-Proof Mounting.਍ഀ N਍ഀ t਍ഀ 5 b਍ഀ l਍ഀ 302-EPM-194਍ഀ 194°F Explosion-Proof Mounting.਍ഀ ow.਍ഀ o਍ഀ e਍ഀ e਍ഀ AP-P਍ഀ Decorative white plastic adaptor plate for mounting 302਍ഀ and 302-AW to 4" outlet box.਍ഀ 127M.1bl਍ഀ FINE SILVER਍ഀ CONTACT POINTS਍ഀ EXPANSION STRUTS਍ഀ HIGH EXPANSION਍ഀ SENSING SHELL 0.040਍ഀ ANODIZED ALUMINUM਍ഀ HEAT ANTICIPATION਍ഀ CONTROL SLEEVE਍ഀ SETTING SCREW਍ഀ DEVCON਍ഀ HERMETIC SEAL਍ഀ Cut-Away View, ACTUAL SIZE਍ഀ Note 1: For interior mounting in any atmosphere that is com-਍ഀ patible with terminal-screw-type connections. UL਍ഀ rating 50'x 50' (15.24 x 15.24 meters).਍ഀ Note 2: Humitically sealed for moisture-proof or dust-proof਍ഀ installations. Requires no special backbox when the਍ഀ all-weather leads are properly spliced to "THW" or਍ഀ equivalent type wire.਍ഀ Note 3: Humitically sealed for moisture-proof or dust-proof਍ഀ installations. Requires no special backbox. Has਍ഀ plastic hexagonal wrench grip bushing with 1/2" (1.27਍ഀ cm) conduit threads for attachment to threaded hub਍ഀ cover, or any outlet box.਍ഀ Note 4: Same as model 302 except designed for horizontal਍ഀ mounting. UL rating 40'x 40'(12.19 x 12.19 meters).਍ഀ Note 5: Explosion-proof for installation in hazardous locations.਍ഀ Has hexagonal wrench-grip bushing with 1/2" (1.27਍ഀ cm) conduit threads for attachment to threaded hub਍ഀ cover of Series JL fixture fitting as manufactured by਍ഀ Killark Electric Co., or equal.਍ഀ Page 2 of 2 - DN-1271 • 09/28/00਍ഀ SANTA BARBARA ~ Z E H R E N V A I L਍ഀ (805)963-6890 FAX (805)963-8102 (970)949-0257 FAX (970)949-1080਍ഀ sant.ibarbara.ix zonren.com AND ASSOCIATES, INC. •v I t i r e h r e n C L, M਍ഀ ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • INTERIORS਍ഀ September 8, 2006਍ഀ Mr. Matt Royer਍ഀ Building Official਍ഀ Colorado Inspection Agency - Town of Vail਍ഀ 1286 Chambers Avenue, Suite 101਍ഀ Eagle, Co 81631-1618਍ഀ Re: Building Permit Number B06-0258 (Manor Vail)਍ഀ Dear Matt,਍ഀ We are requesting the following administrative modification under section 104.10 of the਍ഀ IBC. We request this modification to be relieved of the requirements of section [F]਍ഀ 903. that requires sprinkler protection of balconies and patios. The strict਍ഀ interpretation of this section of the code will present practical difficulties in installation to਍ഀ this specific project due to the age and routing difficulties inherent in a 40-year-old਍ഀ structure.਍ഀ Installation of dry heads is impractical because they will have to be angled severely in਍ഀ order to place the connection point far enough inside to minimize risk of freezing and਍ഀ even then since we can not control the level of existing insulation or verify the quality of਍ഀ the air barrier on the structure (if indeed there is any) the design team and property owner਍ഀ is unwilling to take that risk. A glycol system is an option, but one that requires a਍ഀ complete redesign. That could easily be done, but because it will result in additional਍ഀ asbestos remediation and significant increased annual maintenance costs it is one that the਍ഀ Owner has rejected. The additional cutting that is required will also expose more of the਍ഀ existing construction exposing the project to risk of additional remedial work if it is਍ഀ exposed. This risk is unacceptable to the Owner and will likely halt the project. We਍ഀ realize that these are not code specific issues, but they are practical realities and ones that਍ഀ affect the execution of the work project wide.਍ഀ The commentary section of the IBC states that this provision is included to prevent਍ഀ exterior fires, like ones started from a BBQ, from gaining enough strength such that they਍ഀ would overwhelm the building fire protection system. Leaving aside the fact that Manor਍ഀ Vail has existed for approximately 40 years without an incident and with exposed wood਍ഀ plywood as the finish beneath the balconies, we believe the following are ways to achieve਍ഀ an equivalent protection.਍ഀ SANTA BARBARA Z E H R E N V A I L਍ഀ (805)963.6890 FAX (805)963-8102 A (970)949-0257 FAX (970)949-1080਍ഀ d~a:a 3. h,¢n co,T) AND ASSOCIATES, INC. , a3 a ~ z e h , z n c. M਍ഀ ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • INTERIORS਍ഀ The existing balconies are enclosed with no exposed structure. The existing plywood਍ഀ finish will be removed, as will the existing fascia and the existing wooden guardrails.਍ഀ Continuous fire rated gypsum soffit board will be used at the area beneath the balcony਍ഀ and a new guardrail constructed of 6x6 timber posts with metal baluster panels between਍ഀ and a wood cap will be used. The existing deck top surface is concrete. In addition, all਍ഀ new non-combustible exterior finishes will be applied to the exterior walls. These will be਍ഀ either cementations siding or cement stucco or stone veneer. This will eliminate any਍ഀ building attached combustible materials to fuel any exterior fire. We also propose to਍ഀ provide a draft stop or complete any existing draft stops within the balcony space at the਍ഀ exterior wall and to cover these with a layer of fire rated gypsum wall board to prevent਍ഀ any fire or smoke from entering the concealed space within the building from the਍ഀ exterior.਍ഀ By doing these things we provide an equivalent barrier to the rapid spread of fire on the਍ഀ exterior of the building and to the interior of the building. Not only by doing these things਍ഀ will we not lessen health, accessibility, life and fire safety, or structural requirements, this਍ഀ will increase greatly the fire and life safety of this existing building over the condition਍ഀ that has existed for decades.਍ഀ This property is also a 24-hour staffed resort hotel operation. It is highly unlikely that਍ഀ fire would spread unnoticed and endanger life. This is not speculation; there are many਍ഀ years of history supporting this conjecture. The ongoing operation of the hotel was a਍ഀ condition of the SDD approval and amenities that support this operation cannot be਍ഀ removed without specific Town Council approval.਍ഀ Because of the evidence outlined above, we ask that you grant the Administrative਍ഀ Modification requested. Please let me know if you require any additional details of਍ഀ action for granting this modification to be recorded as necessary.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ Brian Sipes਍ഀ Principal਍ഀ ADMINISTRATIVE MODIFICATION REQUEST਍ഀ Manor Vail਍ഀ Vail, Colorado਍ഀ Building Permit Number B06-0258਍ഀ Replacement of Exterior Automatic Sprinklers with Equivalent Protection਍ഀ Introduction:਍ഀ All exterior balconies and ground-floor patios of dwelling units where the building is Type V਍ഀ construction are required to be protected with automatic sprinkler protection and non combustible਍ഀ finish or limited combustible construction. These provisions are included primarily to prevent਍ഀ exterior fires from gaining such strength that they would overwhelm the building fire protection਍ഀ system.਍ഀ Code Section:਍ഀ Automatic Sprinkler Protection: The International Fire Code, 2003 (IFC), Section 903.3.1. 2.1,਍ഀ Balconies, addresses sprinkler protection for exterior balconies and ground floor patios in buildings਍ഀ of Type V construction.਍ഀ Exterior Finish: The International Building Code, 2003 (IBC), Section 1406.3, Balconies and਍ഀ Similar Projections, addresses exterior finish of balconies and ground floor patios in buildings of਍ഀ Type V construction.਍ഀ Code Requirements:਍ഀ Automatic Sprinkler Protection: Section 903.3.1. 2.1, requires "Sprinkler protection shall be਍ഀ provided for exterior balconies and ground-floor patios of dwelling units where the building is of਍ഀ Type V construction".਍ഀ Exterior Finish: Section 1406.3, Exceptions 3, requires "Balconies and similar appendages on਍ഀ buildings of Type III, IV and V construction shall be permitted to be of Type V construction, and਍ഀ shall not be required to have a fire-resistance rating where sprinkler protection is extended to਍ഀ these areas".਍ഀ Code Intent: The intent of the code sections are primarily to prevent exterior fires from਍ഀ overwhelming the interior building fire protection systems.਍ഀ 2਍ഀ MANOR VAIL਍ഀ BUILDING PERMIT B06 - 0258਍ഀ VAIL, COLORADO਍ഀ September 18, 2006਍ഀ Request: To allow the deletion of automatic sprinkler protection of the exterior balconies and਍ഀ ground floor patios by providing the following unrequired features that will reduce the chance of਍ഀ an exterior fire overwhelming the building fire sprinkler system.਍ഀ 1. Apply new non-combustible finishes to the exterior walls and balconies. These will be਍ഀ either cemetatious siding, cement stucco or stone veneer.਍ഀ Provide a new fire stop or complete any existing fire stop within the ceiling space at the਍ഀ exterior wall between the balcony and the building interior. This shall be accomplished਍ഀ by completing the existing fire blocking, providing new 5/8" fire-rated gypsum wallboard਍ഀ (taped and mudded) and providing new fire-rated seals around the existing open web਍ഀ joist penetrations of this fire stop. Provide continuous fire rating at the joint between the਍ഀ fire-rated balcony finish and the fire-rated exterior wall finish.਍ഀ 3. Provide a new upright sprinkler head in the concealed combustible ceiling space above਍ഀ each pendant sprinkler head nearest the exterior wall.਍ഀ 4. Limit balcony contents to a gas barbeque.਍ഀ Justification:਍ഀ As a result of a site meeting with Matt Royer of CSI, Mike McGee and design team members਍ഀ where Unit 160 was under renovation and the above ceiling and above balcony conditions were਍ഀ visible it was agree to provide items #1 and #2 above as an equivalent level of protection with the਍ഀ deletion of the exterior sprinkler head. This agreement was made based on a natural gas਍ഀ barbeque grill being located on the balcony.਍ഀ In addition to this agreed equivalency we have include the addition of sprinkler heads in the਍ഀ combustible concealed ceiling space near the exterior wall.਍ഀ Summary:਍ഀ This request is a result of a site meeting with Matt Royer, Mike McGee and team members where਍ഀ an equivalent means of protection was agreed upon. Sprinkler protection in the combustible਍ഀ concealed ceiling space near the exterior wall has been added.਍ഀ The drawings attached to this document indicate the configuration of the new non-combustible਍ഀ exterior finish (plan and section) and the location of the additional sprinkler protection to be਍ഀ provided I the combustible concealed ceiling space near the exterior wall.਍ഀ We respectfully request your approval of this Administrative Modification.਍ഀ Upon approval, this document will become an attachment to the base Memorandum of਍ഀ Understanding for this project.਍ഀ 3਍ഀ MANOR VAIL September 18, 2006਍ഀ BUILDING PERMIT B06 - 0258਍ഀ VAIL, COLORADO਍ഀ Perry B. Matthews, P.E.਍ഀ Date਍ഀ Consulting Engineer਍ഀ BFPE਍ഀ Charlie Davis਍ഀ Date਍ഀ Chief Building Official਍ഀ Town of Vail਍ഀ Mike McGee਍ഀ Date਍ഀ Vail Fire And Emergency Services Fire Marshall਍ഀ Town of Vail਍ഀ Matt Royer਍ഀ Date਍ഀ Plan Review Consultant਍ഀ Colorado Inspection Agency਍ഀ Brian Sipes਍ഀ Date਍ഀ Project Architect਍ഀ Zehren & Associates, Inc.਍ഀ Bob McCleary਍ഀ Date਍ഀ General Manager਍ഀ Manor Vail Resort਍ഀ Jim Telling਍ഀ Date਍ഀ Owner's Representative਍ഀ MV Penthouse, LLC਍ഀ John Halloran Date਍ഀ 4਍ഀ Superintendent਍ഀ RA Nelson & Associates਍ഀ MANOR VAIL਍ഀ BUILDING PERMIT B06 - 0258਍ഀ VAIL, COLORADO਍ഀ September 18, 2006਍ഀ Chris Gibler਍ഀ Vice President਍ഀ All-State Fire Protection਍ഀ Date਍ഀ LEGEND਍ഀ 0 RESIDENTIAL UPRIGHT/PENDANT਍ഀ • RESIDENTIAL PENDAN਍ഀ T ONLY਍ഀ - - - - SPRINKLER PIPE਍ഀ y਍ഀ WORK NOTE਍ഀ INSTALL UPRIGHT SPRINKLER਍ഀ _ KITCHEN BATH CLO਍ഀ HEAD IN COMBUSTIBLE਍ഀ Ld _ 1 ~2 -1 1L2 1਍ഀ CONCEALED CEILING SPACE਍ഀ 00਍ഀ (TYPICAL OF TWO PLACES਍ഀ OWNER'S਍ഀ ~਍ഀ IN EACH UNIT).਍ഀ :~F -਍ഀ CLOSET + BATH਍ഀ EXISTING SPRINKLER HEAD਍ഀ AND PIPE LOCATIONS TO਍ഀ DINING਍ഀ TO REMAIN AS ORIGINALLY਍ഀ ROOM਍ഀ DESIGNED AND SUBMITTED BY਍ഀ ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION਍ഀ b਍ഀ I਍ഀ ਍ഀ LIVING਍ഀ ROOM BEDROOM਍ഀ L਍ഀ - - - J਍ഀ SPRINKLER FLOOR PLAN਍ഀ SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"਍ഀ DWG TITLE: TYPICAL UNIT FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN਍ഀ Project No.਍ഀ 06-D646਍ഀ PROJECT: MANOR VAIL - ADMINISTRATIVE MODIFICATION REQUEST਍ഀ Scale:਍ഀ Date:਍ഀ Sketch No.਍ഀ LIFE SAFETY FIRE PROTECTION • FIRE ALARM਍ഀ AS SHOWN਍ഀ 09/18/06਍ഀ Issued f਍ഀ r:਍ഀ R਍ഀ i਍ഀ i਍ഀ FP-01਍ഀ o਍ഀ ev਍ഀ s਍ഀ on Date:਍ഀ BFPE P.o.Bo.1068 Westminster, Colorado BOo36-1066 303/426-0342਍ഀ AMR਍ഀ NA਍ഀ OT਍ഀ EXISTING DECK IS CONSTRUCTED OF A਍ഀ CONCRETE DECK SURFACE ON A਍ഀ 3-PLY WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON਍ഀ PLYWOOD ON OPEN WEB WOOD JOISTS.਍ഀ NEW STONE VENEER ON EXTERIOR਍ഀ .'GYP SHEATHING BEYOND਍ഀ NEW METAL GUARDRAIL PANELS਍ഀ WITH WOOD TOP AND BOTTOM਍ഀ RAILS BETWEEN 6x(o TIMBER਍ഀ NEWELL POSTS.਍ഀ APPLY NEW CEMENTITIOUS਍ഀ NON-COMBUSTIBLE HORIZONTAL਍ഀ SIRING OVER EXISTING SIDING਍ഀ AND EXTERIOR SHEATHING਍ഀ TYP BLDCa~,਍ഀ REF SECTIONS਍ഀ NEW STRUCTURAL RIM JOIST FOR਍ഀ FASTENING OF NEW NEWELL POSTS.਍ഀ REF STRUCTURAL਍ഀ NEW NON-COMBUSTIBLE਍ഀ CEMENTITIOUS TRIM਍ഀ NEW LAYER OF i" FIRE RATED਍ഀ EXTERIOR SOFFIT GWB਍ഀ NEW 6x10 DECORATIVE TIMBER਍ഀ BEAMS AT EACH NEWELL.਍ഀ REF ELEVATIONS਍ഀ COVER EXISTING BLOCKING WITH਍ഀ CONTINUOUS FIRE RATED GWB.਍ഀ SEAL AT ALL PENETRATIONS.਍ഀ REMOVE EXISTING WOOD TRIM਍ഀ AND APPLY NEW CEMENTITIOUS਍ഀ NON-COMBUSTIBLE TRIM OVER਍ഀ EXISTING SIDING AND EXTERIOR਍ഀ SHEATHING਍ഀ Z E H R E N PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NO: 20041588 DRAWN 5Y:5P5਍ഀ MANOR VA L CONDOMINIUMS CHECKED SY:5P5਍ഀ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1ssuE:L਍ഀ ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING • INTERIORS Vail, Colorado SHEET:਍ഀ P.O. Box 1976 -Avon, Colorado 81620 DRAWING TITLE:਍ഀ (970) 949-0257 FAX(970)949-1080 TYPICAL EXISTING BALCONY SECTION਍ഀ 233 E. Canon Perdido St. - Santa Barbara, CA 93101 SCALE: I/2" - 1'-0" DATE: 5/12/05਍ഀ (805) 963-6890 FAX(805)963-8102਍ഀ ADMINISTRATIVE MODIFICATION REQUEST਍ഀ Manor Vail਍ഀ Vail, Colorado਍ഀ Building Permit Number B06-0258਍ഀ Replacement of Exterior Automatic Sprinklers with Equivalent Protection਍ഀ Introduction:਍ഀ All exterior balconies and ground-floor patios of dwelling units where the building is Type V਍ഀ construction are required to be protected with automatic sprinkler protection and non combustible਍ഀ finish or limited combustible construction. These provisions are included primarily to prevent਍ഀ exterior fires from gaining such strength that they would overwhelm the building fire protection਍ഀ system.਍ഀ Code Section:਍ഀ Automatic Sprinkler Protection: The International Fire Code, 2003 (IFC), Section 903.3.1. 2.1,਍ഀ Balconies, addresses sprinkler protection for exterior balconies and ground floor patios in buildings਍ഀ of Type V construction.਍ഀ Exterior Finish: The International Building Code, 2003 (IBC), Section 1406.3, Balconies and਍ഀ Similar Projections, addresses exterior finish of balconies and ground floor patios in buildings of਍ഀ Type V construction.਍ഀ Code Requirements:਍ഀ Automatic Sprinkler Protection: Section 903.3.1. 2.1, requires "Sprinkler protection shall be਍ഀ provided for exterior balconies and ground-floor patios of dwelling units where the building is of਍ഀ Type V construction".਍ഀ Exterior Finish: Section 1406.3, Exceptions 3, requires "Balconies and similar appendages on਍ഀ buildings of Type 111, IV and V construction shall be permitted to have fire-resistance rating where਍ഀ sprinkler protection is extended to these areas".਍ഀ Code Intent: The intent of the code sections are primarily to prevent exterior fires from਍ഀ overwhelming the interior building fire protection systems.਍ഀ 2਍ഀ MANOR VAIL਍ഀ BUILDING PERMIT B06 - 0258਍ഀ VAIL, COLORADO਍ഀ September 18, 2006਍ഀ Request: To allow the deletion of automatic sprinkler protection of the exterior balconies and਍ഀ ground floor patios by providing the following unrequired features that will reduce the chance of਍ഀ an exterior fire overwhelming the building fire sprinkler system.਍ഀ 1. Apply new non-combustible finishes to the exterior walls and balconies. These will be਍ഀ either cemetatious siding, cement stucco or stone veneer.਍ഀ 2. Provide a new draft stop or complete any existing draft stops within the ceiling space at਍ഀ the exterior wall between the balcony and the building interior. This shall be਍ഀ accomplished by completing the existing fire blocking, continuing the new non-਍ഀ combustible finish (described in item #1 above) and providing fire rated sealing around਍ഀ the open web joist penetrations of this draft stop.਍ഀ 3. Provide a new upright sprinkler head in the combustible ceiling above each head਍ഀ nearest the exterior wall.਍ഀ 4. Limit balcony contents to a gas barbeque.਍ഀ Justification:਍ഀ As a result of a site meeting with Matt Royer of CSI, Mike McGee and design team members਍ഀ where Unit 160 was under renovation and the above ceiling and above balcony conditions were਍ഀ visible it was agree to provide items #1 and #2 above as an equivalent level of protection with the਍ഀ deletion of the exterior sprinkler head. This agreement was made based on a propane barbeque਍ഀ grill being located on the balcony.਍ഀ In addition to this agreed equivalency we have include the addition of sprinkler heads in the਍ഀ combustible concealed ceiling space near the exterior wall.਍ഀ Summary:਍ഀ This request is a result of a site meeting with Matt Royer, Mike McGee and team members਍ഀ where an equivalent means of protection was agreed upon. Sprinkler protection in the਍ഀ combustible concealed ceiling space near the exterior wall has been added.਍ഀ The drawings attached to this document indicate the configuration of the new non-combustible਍ഀ exterior finish (plan and section) and the location of the additional sprinkler protection to be਍ഀ provided I the combustible concealed ceiling space near the exterior wall.਍ഀ We respectfully request your approval of this Administrative Modification.਍ഀ Upon approval, this document will become an attachment to the base Memorandum of਍ഀ Understanding for this project.਍ഀ 3਍ഀ MANOR VAIL਍ഀ BUILDING PERMIT B06 - 0258਍ഀ VAIL, COLORADO਍ഀ C?, -i- ~਍ഀ Perry B. Matthews, P.E.਍ഀ Consulting Engineer਍ഀ BFPE਍ഀ September 18, 2006਍ഀ <8 o 6਍ഀ Date਍ഀ Charlie Davis Date਍ഀ Chief Building Official਍ഀ Town of Vail਍ഀ Mike McGee਍ഀ Vail Fire And Emergency Services Fire Marshall਍ഀ Town of Vail਍ഀ Date਍ഀ Matt Royer਍ഀ Date਍ഀ Bob McCleary Date਍ഀ General Manager਍ഀ Manor Vail Resort਍ഀ GGc਍ഀ Jim Tellir4 U Date਍ഀ Owner's Representative਍ഀ MV en ouse, LLC਍ഀ R l a~਍ഀ h Halloran I Date਍ഀ ierintendent਍ഀ Nelson & Associates਍ഀ Zehren & Associates, Inc.਍ഀ 4਍ഀ MANOR VAIL਍ഀ BUILDING PERMIT B06 -਍ഀ VAIL, Q0L0$ADO i਍ഀ Chris Gibler਍ഀ Vice President਍ഀ Alt-State Fire Protection਍ഀ September 18, 2006਍ഀ ~IINOJ6਍ഀ 09/18/2006 MON 17:52 FAX 5413823517 SEVENTH MTN FRONT OFFICE਍ഀ MANOR VAIL਍ഀ BUILDING PERMIT B06 - 0258਍ഀ VAIL, COLORADO਍ഀ September 18, 2006਍ഀ Perry B. Matthews, P.E. Date਍ഀ Consulting Engineer਍ഀ BFPE਍ഀ i਍ഀ Charlie Davis Date਍ഀ Chief Building Official ~਍ഀ Town of Vail਍ഀ ~ 006/006਍ഀ 3਍ഀ Mike McGee Date਍ഀ Vail Fire And Emergency Services Fire Marshall਍ഀ Town of Vail਍ഀ Matt Royer Date਍ഀ Plan Review Consultant਍ഀ Colorado Inspection Agency '਍ഀ Brian Sipes uate਍ഀ Project Architect਍ഀ Zehren & Associates, Inc.਍ഀ 'd਍ഀ Date਍ഀ Bob cCl ry਍ഀ G era] Manager਍ഀ Manor Vail Resort਍ഀ Jim Telling ' Date਍ഀ Owner's Representative਍ഀ MV Penthouse, LLC਍ഀ _ L -਍ഀ John Halloran Date਍ഀ Superintendent਍ഀ RA Nelson & Associates਍ഀ i਍ഀ Page 1 of 2਍ഀ JR Mondragon - RE: Meeting on Friday਍ഀ From: "Matt Royer"਍ഀ To: "Brian P. Sipes", "Mike McGee"਍ഀ Date: 09/28/2006 11:04 AM਍ഀ Subject: RE: Meeting on Friday਍ഀ CC: , "Charlie Davis" , "Bob McCleary"਍ഀ Johnston - EWP" , , "John Plano"਍ഀ , "Michael Rodenak" , "Jim Telling - EWP" , "Kirk਍ഀ Brian,਍ഀ I will be there at 10.਍ഀ It is my understanding that we are discussing:਍ഀ • Allowed building sizes਍ഀ • Sprinkler system NFPA 13 vs. 13R਍ഀ • Type of construction VA vs. VB਍ഀ My understanding is that Brian will come to the meeting with area calculations for each building. These should be਍ഀ revised from the original calculations using actual area calculations with yard increases for each building rather਍ഀ than applying a yard increase for the entire site.਍ഀ I also understand that research will have occurred to determine feasibility of the different options਍ഀ • What in addition to standard 13 sprinkler system is used to substitute the 1 hour਍ഀ • Brian will have identified the components of the building that are not compliant to Type VA construction਍ഀ • What protection will be provided to compensate for the required penetration protection- These need to be਍ഀ identified prior to the meeting਍ഀ • Existing roof protection and/or removal between 3rd and 4th floor਍ഀ • Fire walls will be identified which coincide with the area calculations਍ഀ • Update on the response to the rest of the issues identified by the latest plan review comment letter issued਍ഀ by Colorado Inspection Agency਍ഀ In the spirit of resolving the issues at hand and getting work started in as soon as possible; I believe it to be very਍ഀ important that the design team is prepared to discuss the details of possible designs rather than waiting until the਍ഀ meeting to do the research. It is my understanding that this is not a design meeting but an opportunity to discuss਍ഀ the options based on the research that occurred by the design team since our last meeting. This opportunity਍ഀ gives us (CIA and TOV) the chance to interject before the time is spent to complete the entire design. We are਍ഀ reviewing the options that will be presented at the meeting and adding code/performance interpretations. No਍ഀ approvals will be granted at this meeting. I think the meeting should be rescheduled for a later date if adequate਍ഀ research has not completed by the design team.਍ഀ Please call if you have any questions.਍ഀ Matthew Royer਍ഀ Building Official਍ഀ Colorado Inspection Agency਍ഀ 877-428-6412਍ഀ 970-328-1790਍ഀ 970-904-0460਍ഀ matt-royer@coin5geqt.com਍ഀ www.coinspect,_com਍ഀ From: Brian P. Sipes [mailto:brians@zehren.com]਍ഀ Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:23 PM਍ഀ To: Matt Royer; Mike McGee਍ഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\483AEF... 10/13/2008਍ഀ Page 2 of 2਍ഀ Cc: bfpel@aol.com; Charlie Davis; Bob McCleary; Michael Rodenak; Jim Telling - EWP; Kirk Johnston - EWP਍ഀ Subject: Meeting on Friday਍ഀ Hi Matt,਍ഀ I spoke with Charlie this evening and he wanted me to contact you to make sure we are coordinated and still਍ഀ planning to meet at 10am on Friday at Manor Vail to discuss the performance based approach for our project.਍ഀ Please let me know that you still plan to attend as I understand Charlie has a conflict.਍ഀ Mike,਍ഀ I am assuming from our conversation yesterday that you will be attending on behalf of the fire department,਍ഀ correct?਍ഀ Charlie,਍ഀ I was not clear if Friday's meeting was also intended to cover Public Works issues or stay strictly on topics of fire਍ഀ and life safety. Can you either pass this on and/or let me know to invite someone from Public Works?਍ഀ Thanks,਍ഀ Brian Sipes, ALX਍ഀ LAA Zehren And Associates, Inc.਍ഀ AMM਍ഀ Architecture Planning Interiors਍ഀ P.O. Box 1976 Avon, CO 81620਍ഀ ph(970)949-0257 fax (970) 949-1080਍ഀ www.zehren.com bsipes@zehren.com਍ഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\483AEF... 10/13/2008਍ഀ BFPE PO Box 1068਍ഀ Westminster, CO 80036-1068਍ഀ (303) 426-0342 Tel, (303) 429-9205 Fax਍ഀ bfpel@aol.com਍ഀ October 2, 2006਍ഀ Vail Fire Department਍ഀ 42 West Meadow Drive਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ Attention: Mike McGee਍ഀ Subject: Manor Vail Resort - Fire Sprinkler System Modifications਍ഀ Dear Mike,਍ഀ This letter is in response to a request for sprinkler design modifications made in a਍ഀ meeting on Friday, September 29, 2006.਍ഀ The existing NFPA 13R fire sprinkler system design (Basement, 1St Floor and 2nd਍ഀ Floor) prepared and submitted for permit by All-State Fire Protection shall be਍ഀ amended to be an NFPA 13 system which shall include upright sprinklers in the਍ഀ combustible concealed space above the ceiling. This design shall remove the਍ഀ requirement for sprinkler protection below the balconies (IBC, 2003 requires਍ഀ sprinkler protection below balconies only for residential occupancies protected by਍ഀ NFPA 13R Systems). The balcony combustible concealed space shall be਍ഀ subdivided with draft stops into areas not exceeding 55 square feet (NFPA 13,਍ഀ਍ഀ If you have any questions, please contact me at (303) 426-0342.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ BFPE਍ഀ Perry B. Matthews, P.E.਍ഀ PBM/mc਍ഀ ਍ഀ of i਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ 3਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~ 3਍ഀ 3 ~਍ഀ ~ ~ v਍ഀ ~਍ഀ `਍ഀ ~਍ഀ 'a਍ഀ Il 4'਍ഀ J ~ W਍ഀ o~਍ഀ C C 1਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~ 3 ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ Q਍ഀ ~਍ഀ .਍ഀ 1 .਍ഀ j਍ഀ y'਍ഀ 1`਍ഀ ਍ഀ a. .਍ഀ ti~਍ഀ v o਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~ v਍ഀ ~v'਍ഀ o~;~਍ഀ ~ ~ ti਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ,~ol਍ഀ t'~-਍ഀ a਍ഀ J, I.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~l਍ഀ ਍ഀ - 9 -਍ഀ i਍ഀ ~਍ഀ 'y਍ഀ ,਍ഀ ~ ~਍ഀ " \਍ഀ 4 ~ ~਍ഀ ਍ഀ b i ~ ~਍ഀ ~i਍ഀ -o .਍ഀ o~਍ഀ ~ <਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~਍ഀ c ~਍ഀ L ° : r: x਍ഀ /਍ഀ w਍ഀ @਍ഀ ;਍ഀ OUVNOIOJ 'IIVA਍ഀ 1਍ഀ '਍ഀ Fie'਍ഀ I, y਍ഀ „਍ഀ °਍ഀ '~NI 'S31VrNsv c=਍ഀ N਍ഀ 321 H਍ഀ 3 Z਍ഀ swnINIWOGNOD IIVA 210NVW਍ഀ ਍ഀ -਍ഀ <਍ഀ g਍ഀ _w਍ഀ ਍ഀ r਍ഀ ~ w਍ഀ l਍ഀ 4਍ഀ I t਍ഀ