HomeMy WebLinkAboutB04-0252 0 I ri :3 N (D n el- [1„ ,— S A n N 2• A> 0 0 p' 0 ¢, �' ' n 0 go .e 5' `� W • • O 0 3' rt rt � • / ' Orq O 'LY UQ 'TS II"' • • O C N.) rt rD g H ~ N 0 a\ O ,0+. H cn I M o n o n 0 c rq ` H ac • O rt A' O Z A? v , O o aN x O co F-] Z ,—.1 o o O .1-, ,..1 O A i V coo rt o O O O _ (D M o '" 0 cn 0 0 b , A' r+ O cp ., N V CrN `< O ` C Ch rD p z N o ill' � tri to ® N ( 0 0 N „ C W A> H �• O O c cn n -II it B04-0252: Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 12:02 04/23/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke PI TEMPERED GLASS APPR LEVEL180-A. GCD 04/02/2007 A000099 ENRTY DOORS REQD TO SELF CLOSE 375 AND LATCH. CHECK DISHWASHER FOR AIR GAP OR HOSE ROUTING AND ATTACHMENT PI LEVEL 190-A UNITS WITH CORRECTIONS GCD 04/06/2007 A000099 622; HARDWARE REQD FOR EGRESS, 517 FCU NO RETURN MASTER BED AND GUARD LESS THAT 42".625 GUARD LESS THAN 42". UNITS APPROVED 624,628,329,631,632,633,634,635,637,639, 641,642,645,646,648. CR LEVEL 200-A UNITS WITH CORRECTIONS; GCD 04/09/2007 A000099 725 LOUVER OR DOOR UNDER CUT REQD 556 FOR RETURN,726 LOUVER OR DOOR UNDER CUT REQD, MASTER SUITE PROVIDE LOUVER IN CLOSET.728 WEST BED DOOR LATCH. 724 GUARD LESS THAN 42", MAIN ENTRY DOOR LATCH. UNITS APPR 722,728. CR LEVEL 200-A 728 STAR RISE OVER 3/8" GCD 04/10/2007 A000099 VARIANCE AT GREAT ROOM.732,739 610 DOOR DOESN'T LATCH. UNITS APPR 729,377, 734,735,736,737,740,741,742,755. CR WOOD ACCESS DOORS FOR FCU'S REQD GCD 04/13/2007 A000099 TO BE COVERED WITH NON- 746 COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL PER IMC SEC 602.2.1. LEVEL 210-A UNITS 822, 823 DOOR LATCH, 825 STAIR RISE OVER 7 3/4"AND 3/8" VARIANCE, ,826 NOT READY, 827 NO FP __ 827b DOOR LATCH. CR LEVEL 200-A UNITS APPROVED GCD 04/27/2007 A000100 725,728,732,739. 115 UNITS THAT STILL HAVE CORRECTIONS 724 GUARD,726 LOUVER NOT PROVIDED. PI UNIT 625 GUARD APPR. 822 APPR, 823 GCD 05/02/2007 A000100 APPR.825 STAIR RISE NOT CORRECTED. 236 826 NO HANDRAIL TOP FLIGHT.724 GUARD STILL NOT CORRECTED. CR 180-A UNITS 525 HANG DOOR, DOOE GCD 05/03/2007 A000100 LATCH 121c, LOUVER 121d.532 MASTER 280 BED EGRESS WINDOW AND DOOR LATCH.536 NO DOORS.542b DOOR LATC H. UNITS APPR 528,530,538,540. PI LEVEL 180-A UNITS 533,537,544,546,547 GCD 05/08/2007 A000100 BOTH UNITS,552,553, 469 554,556,557,558,560,562. NOTE 1 WINDOW IN EACH BEDROOM BELOW THE 4th FLOOR SHALL PROVIDE EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE. PI BUILD A LEVELS 180,190,200,210,220 GCD 05/15/2007 A000100 UNITS APPROVED 525, 710 536,542,622,625,725,726,728,825,826. DOORS REQD TO LATCH UNITS 525,527 121c AND 724. PA CORRECTION TO DOOR LATCH UNITS GCD 05/18/2007 A000100 252,525(121 c)AND 724 APPR. BUILD A 808 DWELLING UNITS ARE APPROVED. Page 1 B04-0252: Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 12:02 04/23/2013 CR BUILD A LEVELS 180 AND 190 CORRIDORS GCD 08/16/2007 A000103 1.FIXED GLASS IS REQD IN BEDROOM 799 AND CORRIDOR WINDOWS. 2.FIRE STOP FLOOR PENETRATIONS IN PHONE ROOMS. 3.UNIT DOOR FRAMES NOT LABELED AND 1 DOOR. 4.F/S DAMPER ACCESS DOORS REQD TO BE LABELED. 5.NEED TO VARIFY BACK UP POWER TO EXIT AND EMERGENCE EGRESS LIGHTING. CR LEVEL 190-B UNITS GCD 08/20/2007 A000103 601,602,605,607,608,610,611,615,616,659, 919 660,661,670,ARE APPROVED. UNITS WITH CORRECTIONS 600(236),603,606,613,614(225d), DOORS DON'T LATCH. UNIT 644 DECK GUARD LESS THAN 42". UNIT 657 ACCESSIBILITY _ NOT MET. CR LEVEL 200-B UNITS WITH CORRECTIONS GCD 08/22/2007 A000104 DOOR DIDN'T LATCH 023 706,707,712,747,756. UNIT 751 REQS LOUVERED DOOR. UNIT 707 GUARD LESS THAN 42". UNITS APPR 701,702,703,705,708,711,714,715,716,718,74 8,750,752,753,754. CR LEVEL 210-B UNITS WITH CORRECTIONS GCD 08/23/2007 A000104 800,808(425d)DOOR DIDN'T LATCH, 075 SMOKE SEAL REQD AND GUARD<42". UNITS APPROVED 801,802,803,805,806,807,811,812,831,833, 834,835,836,837,838,840,841.STOPPED AT 815 CR LEVEL 210-B UNITS 814(426)AND 815 GCD 08/24/2007 A000104 ENTRY DOORS REQD TO LATCH. 125 LEVEL 220-B UNITS WITH CORRECTIONS DOOR LATCH 902(505b)904,917(502b)AND 916. 920 MOVE HANDRAIL ON FIRST FLIGHT UP. CR STAIR 1; GCD 08/27/2007 A000104 1.LEVLE 180-B DOOR FRAME NOT 173 LABELED. 2.LEVEL 190-B STAIR RISE OVER 3/8"MAX AILOWED BY CODE. 3.EXTERIOR WINDOWS WITHIN 5'OF STAIRS,AT BOTTOM OF STAIR 1 ARE REQD TO BE SAFETY GLAZED. 4.GUARD OVER 4"MAX AT BOTTOM. CR LABEL ALL STAIRS PE IBC FOR LEVEL GCD 08/30/2007 A000104 AND ROOF ACCESS 327 STAIR 2 PROVIDE HANDRAIL AT LEVEL 139,2nd FLIGHT TO 160 OVER 7"MAX RISE,ADD HANDRAIL TO 170 BOTH SIDES,1 1/2"CLR REQD FOR HANDRIAL, FILL GAP AT LANDING. STAIR 9 APPR �CR STAIR 3 AT LEVEL 165 OVER 3/8" GCD 08/31/2007 A000104 VARIANCE, FIRE STOP PENETRATIONS. 410 STAIR 8 FILL FLOOR PENETRATIONS,AT LEVEL 210 STAIR RISE OVER 3/8" VARAINCE. CR STAIR 1 CORRECTIONS REQD FOR GCD 09/04/2007 A000104 RISE/RUN FIRE STOP PENETRATIONS 430 Page 2 B04-0252: Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 12:02 04/23/2013 CR EXTERIOR INSPECTION GCD 09/05/2007 A000104 1.STAIR 4 HANDRIAL REQD TO BE 34"MIN. 513 2.STAIR 4 RISE>3/8"VARIANCE AND RUN IS< 11"MIN. 3.STAIR 5 RUN<11"MIN. 4.POOL BARRIERS REQD TO COMPLY WITH IBC, PANIC HARDWARE REQD. PI REST OF EXTERIOR NO OTHER GCD 09/07/2007 A000104 CORRECTIONS NOTED. PIPES ON 648 EXTERIOR APPEAR TO BE GAS REGULATOR VENTS. GENERATOR GAS REGULATOR VENT IS RUN IN COPPER BLACK IRON IS REQD CR LEVEL 170-B RESTROOMS FOR ADA GCD 09/11/2007 A000104 MENS 1.FRONT APPROACH REQS 18"MIN 768 ON PULL SIDE. 2.WC REQD TO BE 16"MIN TO 18"MAX 3.COUNTER TOP REQD TO BE 34"MAX WOMENS 1.FRONT APPROACH REQS 18" MIN ON PULL SIDE. 2.COUNTER TOP REQD TO BE 34"MAX. 3.TOILET PAPER DISPENSER REQD TO BE 7 TO 9 INCHES ON FROMT OF WC. 4.GRA6 PAR 12"MIN TO CENTER LINE CR LEVEL 170-B GUARDRAIL IN EXCERSIZE GCD 09/12/2007 A000104 AND GRAND STAIR>42"MIN CHECK ALL. $25 CR LOADING DOCK PROVIDE ELEVATOR GCD 09/17/2007 A000104 SHAFT OPENING PROTECTION. FIRE 998 STOP PENETRATIONS IN WALLS AND FLOOR.ALL DOORS AND FRAMES REQUIRE LABELS. FIRE STOP LINEN CLOSET. NO MET WITH MARC TRUDEAU AND CHUCK GCD 09/19/2007 A000105 MacDONALD REGARDING DOOR AND 080 FRAME LABELING, PANIC HARDWARE AND DUMPSTER LOCATION. CR LEVEL 160-B GUARD LESS THAN 42"MIN, GCD 09/20/2007 A000105 MENS AND WOMENS LOCKER ROOMS 142 18"MIN ON PULL SIDE OF DOOR, 36"MIN PATH OF TRAVEL REQD(MENS)WATER CLOSETS GREAT THAN 18"TO CENTER LINE,TOILET PAPER DISPENSERS CANNOT CONTROL DELIVERY,GUARD FOR TRAP AND HOT WATER REQD. UNIFORM ISSUE REQD TO BE ACCESSABLE?GUARD IN MECHANICAL ROOM REQD TO COMPLY WITH IBC 1012.5 CR CONTINUATION OF 160-B FIRE STOP IN GCD 09/21/2007 A000105 MECHANICAL ROOM.GLASS WASH 2�2 STATION REQS SUPPLY AIR AND EXHAUST. CR REMOVE MASKING FROM FIRE DOORS GCD 09/24/2007 A000105 AND FRAMES TO CHECK LABLES. NEED 2�4 TO VARIFY REQUIRED OPENING PROTECTIVE AGAINST PLANS PI 149-B GCD 09/26/2007 A000105 DOORS REQD TO OPEN TO CHECK 410 LABELING. NEED TO ADJUST FOR OPENING FORCE AND SWING CR GARAGE LEVELS 137.6 AND 149 PROTECT GCD 09/28/2007 A000105 FCU, EQUIPMENT AND PIPE FROM 603 VEHICLE DAMAGE PER IMC AND IPC. FIRE RESISTIVE JOINT REQD AT BUSINESS CENTER. PENETRATIONS AT ELEVATOR LOBBY. - CR GRAND STAIR 1 HANDRAIL LESS THAN 34" GCD 10/02/2007 A000105 MIN AT TOP FLIGHT EAST SIDE. 765 Page 3 B04-0252: Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 12:02 04/23/2013 CR 1.TABLES IN LEVEL 170-B ENCROACH GCD 10/22/2007 A000106 INTO EGRESS WIDTH. 641 2.STAIR BETWEEN 210 AND 220 HANDRAIL REQD TO MEET ADA. 3.210-B UNIT 841 REAS SMOKE SEAL. ITEMS CORRECTED; FROM 08-23-07 DOORS TO UNITS 800,808,AND GUARD APPR. ITEMS CORRECTED FROM 08-24-07 UNITS 814,902,904,916,917,920 APPR. CORRECTIONS FROM 09-11-07 LEVEL 170- B MENS RESTROOM ITEMS 1,2,3 APPR. WOMENS ITEMS 1 AND 2 ONLY. GRAND STAIR GUAND AND HANDRAILS APPR. PA STAIRS 1,3,8 CORRECTIONS APPROVED GCD 10/23/2007 A000106 837 PA CORRECTIONS APPROVED STAIR 2, GCD 10/25/2007 A000106 CONSTRUCTION JOINT IN GARAGE. 801 ADA CORRECTIONS FROM 09-20-07 TO LEVEL 160-B LOCKER ROOMS PULL SIDE APPROACH,36"PATH OF TRAVEL AND TOILET PAPER DISPENSERS APPR. PA STAIR FROM EMPLOYEE DINING ON 149 GCD 11/01/2007 A000107 TO 160 RISE CORRECTED. UNITS 814,815 107 DOOR LATCHING FIXED APPR. PA REINSPECTION FOR CORRECTIONS UNIT GCD 11/02/2007 A000107 707,712 AND 751 APPROVED. 228 PA LEVEL 200-B UNITS 706,756 APPR. 190-B GCD 11/06/2007 A000107 600,603,606,613,614 APPR.WINDOWS 361 INTO ATRIUM HAVE HAD HANDLE REMOVED AND ARE SCREWED SHUT SEE CORRECTION FROM 8-16-07 ITEM 1 LEVEL 180-190-A. CR LEVEL 210-A UNIT 825 RISE APPROVED GCD 11/07/2007 A000107 RUN OVER 3/8"VAIRANCE 426 LEVEL 200-A UNIT 728 RISE APPR. PHOTOGRAPHED DOOR LABELS 825-A W H I 184554, 825 POWDER ROOM DOOR WHI 184532, AND 728 WHI 184549. PA TEMPERED GLASS APPR SEE DATE OS-27- GCD 11/12/2007 A000107 07. GUARD IN MECH ROOM APPR. 589 PA MECH GUARD 160 APPR. GCD 11/14/2007 A000107 POOL BARRIER 48"MIN EXECPT GATES. 765 ALL OTHER EXTERIOR CORRECTIONS REQ INSPECTION PI REINSPECTION OF PARKING GARAGE, GCD 11/21/2007 A000108 ADD BOLLARD AT DOWN RAMP FOR 405 PIPES. NO CDOT ACCESS APPROVAL RECEIVED AN cdavis 11/30/2007 A000108 IN FILE 706 Page 4 B04-0252: Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 12:02 04/23/2013 r CR Atrium A i cgunion 12/03/2007 ;A000108 i � ', 1)Hardware at automatic front entry doors I I 746 ; � used as make-up air need to be removed I I I ' entirely. , ', ', 2) Roll down shutter doors at balcony did not ' operate I ', ; 3)Check plans on doors from retail spaces for ; i ', closers or hold-opens. Doors may not be i � wedged open. � 4)IBC section 404 was reviewed,the non- i i , rated door openings into the atriums do not I I ' meet IBC section 404.5. Openings in 1 hour � 'fire barriers are required to be 3/4 hour(45 I�� ' minute)rated per IBC table 715.3. There is no '�, I fire sprinkler protection exception for doors ', into atriums. The non-rated fixed glass window openings into the atriums appear to be protected with fire sprinklers on one side only. IBC 404.5 ; I requires the fire sprinklers to be within 4"-12" ', �� from the glass and on both sides of the glass I �,where there is a walkway on the atrium side. � ' Glass must be installed in a gasketed frame I ; ��I I as described in IBC 404.5 exception 1 �, � � 5)Fire sprinkler protection at windows needs �� ' to be in place at unfinished retail spaces,or 'I ' ! temporary 1 hour fire barrier wall built. ', ' I 6)Door next to south check-in missing smoke ! �, seal. ' Atrium B ; I ' 7)Hardware at automatic south doors used as , ; I make-up air need to be removed entirely. ', I �I 8)East doors into Main Restaurant Dining ', ' I ', area were pulled open upon exhaust fan I j operation. 45 minute rating will require latch I and closer. il 'i 9)IBC section 404 was reviewed,the non- , i, rated door openings into the atriums do not i� I meet IBC section 404.5. Openings in 1 hour I I fire barriers are required to be 3/4 hour(45 ', !i minute)rated per IBC table 715.3. There is no I i fire sprinkler protection exception for doors I ' ' into atriums. 'I The non-rated fixed glass window openings , into the atriums appear to be protected with ! fire sprinklers on one side only. IBC 404.5 I requires the fire sprinklers to be within 4"-12" , ', from the glass and on both sides of the glass ' where there is a walkway on the atrium side. I Glass must be installed in a gasketed frame as described in IBC 404.5 exception 1 10)Need to check with door manufacturer and Ii !� ! fire testing. Astragals or other listed smoke I � seal may be required between the doors at all pairs of fire doors into the atrium. , ' 11)Automatic opening cabinet doors that open ' ' , for smoke control make-up air will need to be ' reviewed for possible obstruction of exit width and possible blockage from furniture. Discussed replacing with grills with Fire , Protection Engineer. ' 12)South pair of exterior doors used for make- ', , up air did not open under fire sprinkler flow ! ; ! , j condition/AC power � I ' 13)FS3B1 smoke control exhaust fan did not ; ; operate at test. I ! 14)Smoke seals are required at all fire doors ' into the atrium. Multiple doors were missing ' ', sea�s. '; Page 5 ', �II General I I 15)All interior finish material flame,spread in I B04-0252: Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 12:02 04/23/2013 CR PICKET SPACING OF GUARDRAIL ON cgunion 12/03/2007 A000108 ATRUIM STAIR IS GREATER THAN 4"IN 747 PLACES PI STAIR 4 APPROVED.COMMUNICATION GCD 12/04/2007 A000108 CLOSET FIRESTOPPING APPR IN BUILD A 808 ON LEVEL 180,190,200. PIPE GUARDS AND BOLLARDS INSTALLED IN GARAGE. THE WALL ADDED IN FRONT OF THE NORTH AND SOUTH RETAIL SPACES IS 1" SHAFT CORE BOARD AND 5/8"TYPE X GYP ON C AND H STUDS. PA FIRESTOPPING FOR 149-B CORRIDOR AT GCD 12/05/2007 A000108 ELECT ROOM. COMM CLOSETS 911 FIRESTOPPING 170-A,180-B,190-B,200- B,210-B. ELECT CLOSETS BUILD B LEVELS 170,180,190,200,210. NO Final fixes for unit doors and replacement of cdavis 12/06/2007 A000108 said doors approved. 928 See file for documentation PA Building B level 5-All entry doors approved JGG 04/18/2008 A000112 exce t 501 B. 794 PA BUILD A-3 REBUILT DOORS, UNITS GCD 05/09/2008 A000113 300,301,302,303 NO LATCH 404 304,305,306,308a,b/309/310a,b/311/312a,b,c/ 313 NOT INSPECTED,314a,b,d, 314c NO LATCH,315 NEEDS SMOKE SEAL. PA BUILD A-2 UNITS GCD 05/14/2008 A000113 201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208a,b/209,210 580 211,212,213,214bl215,216,217,218a,b,c/219,2 20 BUILD A-1 UNITS 100,102,103,104,105,106,107,110,111,112,11 3, 114a,b/119,120,121 a,b,c,d,e. DOORS WITH CORRECTION 101 AND 222 HAVE NO LABEL AND THE SPLINES ARE MISSING. 108 AND 118 OMITTED, 115 NO LATCH, 116 DAYLIGHT AT SEAL,AND 121 REQS ASTRIGAL PA 1. Reinstall garage door on the east side of Martin 10/05/2009 A000128 garage as per approved plans. Exising 218 location violates the building code for proximity to propoerty line. 2. Install temeperd glass in stairway enclosures as required by the building code 3. Install sprinler system for protection of windows in atria area as previuosly required. See approved building plans. 4. Revise clearances for fixtures in bathrooms to com I with the ADA and buildin code Total Rows: 52 Page 6 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-213 8 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Permit # B04-0252 Job Address: Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 16 VAIL ROAD Applied . . : 09/08/2004 Parcel No...: 210108203003 Issued . . . 07/21/2010 Legal Description: Expires . .: 07/07/2010 OWNER DAYMER CORP NV 09/08/2004 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT DAYMER CORP NV 09/08/2004 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 09/08/2004 Phone: 970-242-9236 760 HORIZON DR GRAND JUNCTION CO 81506 License: 108-A ARCHITECT ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 09/08/2004 Phone: 970-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81620 License: C000001626 Desciption: Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 8,730,413.00 VAIL PLAZA HOTEL UNDERGROUND PARKING, 100 HOTEL UNITS, 50 FRACTION FEE, PRECAST CONCRETE AND STEEL Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Auditoriums Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 155 . 38 20, 278 $3, 150, 795 . 64 Hotels and Motels Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 149 . 60 109, 706$16, 412, 017 . 60 Public Garages Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 72 . 08 95, 207 $6, 862, 520 . 56 Stores Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 122 . 06 6, 156 $751, 401 .36 Warehouses Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 73 . 10 19, 532 $1, 427, 789 .20 Totals . . . 109, 706$48, 730, 413 . 00* Fireplace[nformation:Restricted:Y #of Gas Appliances: 37 #of Gas Logs: 1 #of Wood Pellet: 0 +*ssas***+*►e►**+��s��********�:s*******e*rr#�r********+se*s�a*�*s��a* FEE SUMMARY *►***»**e*********ss�«+*ss***►***s►*»*+�+ss�**�*e*s►s*+ass�s Building------> 179,826.90 Restuarant Plan Review--> $75.00 Total Calculated Fees---> 406,828.39 Plan Check---> 116,887.49 Recreation Fee--------------> 109,706.00 Additional Fees-----------> $9,285.96 Investigation-> $0.0 0 TOTAL FEES-------------> 4 06,82 8.3 9 Total Permit Fee----------> 416,114.3 5 W ill Call-----> $3.0 0 Payments-------------------> 416,114.3 5 BALANCE DUE---------> $o.0 0 **.rss..***+*.***►*e*+s******�***:*:►*►****►**r*r*sx*************sssrt�*x*+*�****+s�ss►***+**+r*::*ss*****�******ex��*+*********sr*s�:********».s♦ Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/11/2004 Cdavis Action: COND Make note ot corrections list and condtion; attached to this permit 11/15/2004 JRM Action: AP APPROVED AS PER CONDITIONS BY CBO 07/05/2005 cdavis Action: AP Revisions recieved 6/24/05 approved. 12/06/2005 cdavis Action: PA For north wall reconstruction and an addtic door in the pre-cast assembly 05/09/2006 cdavis Action: PA Fire-stopping details partially approved 06/02/2006 cdavis Action: PA Revised Wall Detail tor North Retaining wa. approved, substituting a wood wall with a concrete wall and footing 09/06/2006 cdavis Action: PA Smoke control approval from LP2A 09/18/2006 cdavis Action: PA Signed Special Inspection Services agreeme� approved and in File 06/21/2007 Cdavis Action: PA Fire-Retardant paint submital tor use at bc doors to obtain a class A Flame Spread and Smoke Development ot 25 or less allowed to bf for plenum rated construction 06/26/2007 cdavis Action: PA Fire-blocking/draft-stop detail approved Revisisons to equipment access to cooling tower and elevator equipment approved 11/16/2007 cdavis Action: AP SMOKE CONTORL FINAL COMMISIONSING PROECEEDI APPROVED PENDING RESULSTS OF FINAL TEST AND COMMIONSING 04/18/2008 JGG Action: APCR Tested selt-closers on new entry doors ins� 5th tloor only. Unit 501B did not close properly. Repair underway. Willl call tor floor inspection/test on Monday. 07/O1/2010 cg Action: AP soffit revision Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 02/25/2005 George Action: PA Revised entry from October 27, 2004 11/O1/2007 George Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11/11/2004 mcgee Action: AP Approved on basis ot agreement retlected i� notes dated 11/11/04 and review ot deterred submittals . Applicant is authorized t� with due regard for risk. Full compliance is required. 03/24/2009 McGee Action: AP Window Wash Atrium A & B per RJA submittal 13 08, received 11 21 08 . Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 11/11/2004 CS Action: COND Lateral shoring agreements must be executec to construction of shoring system Item: 05550 ENGINEERING CIVILS .:.+.....+..++.�+..+.:.:..*.*.....*.:.<.:.*.+....�+.:.....*..*.+.+:.+.*:****.+�.�+�..**.+*«�*.+:.*..**.,..�.*..f..+...s+++,+*.*.+.+..��.:.*..*... See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE 2 ******************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit# B04-0252 as of 07-21-2010 Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Applied: 09/08/2004 Applicant: DAYMER CORP NV Issued: 07/21/2010 To Expire: 07/07/2010 Job Address: Location: 16 VAIL ROAD Parcel No: 210108203003 Description: VAIL PLAZA HOTEL UNDERGROUND PARKING, 100 HOTEL LJNITS, 50 FRACTION FEE, PRECAST CONCRETE AND STEEL Conditions: Cond: CON0006754 The Developer must demonstrate a good faith effort to coordinate the replacement of the paving of the sidewalk adjacent to Phases II and V as required by the Design Review Board. Cond: CON0006755 That the Developer provides written documentation demonstrating full compliance with the adopted Fractional Fee Club operation regulations prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy. Cond: CON0006780 The applicant shall resubmit(2)sets of complete revised drawings, calculations etc.. within 20 working days from date of permit issuance. All submitted documents shall address corrections list from LP2A dated 11/11/2004. Failure to submit documents by December 13 2004 shall be grounds to revoke issued permit Cond: CON0006781 The applicant/Owner shall assume all risk and liability. The owner is required to submit a letter to the Town of Vail stating that the owner of the project assumes all risk and responsiblities related to proceeding with the construction of this project prior to complete plan review by the Town of Vail. If the Town finds any issues during subsequent fire-life-safety; plumbing/mechanical/electrical and structural plan reviews of the plans or calculations that will require changes in the design of the building, the owner msut agree to make all required changes and to hold the Town of Vail(and their agents) hamless from any and all liability which might arise out of said agreement. Cond: CON0006782 All deferred submittals shall be submitted to the Town of Vail in a time frame that allows subsequent review to occur prior to the work occurring. The applicant/owner assumes all risk and delay of construction. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T EPHO E AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. G�.c/�- / /L ri�2f�uc� �lt�c �-�,�Rts c�c SIGNATURE O O ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER *+***************+***************++++++*****************+************+****+***************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ****************************************************************************++************** Statement Number: R100000893 Amount: $110.00 07/21/201002 :37 PM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 0158 FERRUCO VAIL VENTURES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B04-0252 Type: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-0300-3 Site Address: Location: 16 VAIL ROAD Total Fees: 416, 114 .35 This Payment: $110.00 Total ALL Pmts: 416,114.35 Balance: $0.00 ***��*************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 110.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- �" � �:� � ,,,� , _� �� � � Department of Communi#y Developmen�" � � �"� ����k� ���� "�� '"� ��.�w� _��'�� 7�5 South Frontage E2o�d r � � . � • „t _ � ; ,� `�� ` � 4 � - � Va�l, C�orac�o�8�fi5�� �L ��,��-.,1 . � � �,���� ��� ��:} � , =i Tel ' 9�0-;479 21�L�� � � ��„�� -� ��,� = F�ic :97Q-4��2� y ,,�� �� � �, � ` . :, � � � ���� �' � - � ,� ti �'�` ' V1/eb�: ww'"w vaifgo�r�o . . . ��;,.� , , �•�� A�� ,btt�=. ;, � � � �° - � De�e�opi�enf [���te�nr,Caort��n�tar�, ;'�'�it 1,g}�}��l 3 sg I ��.�� �-�+�"3 •3: ' .,:_ � ' - S�- k . ,".`' "+, �' .� '� ,,:`x ,€�,�-, F��� {�. w��?i#r��a�'.. ..__,..� �. . , ... . � �' �. ,�'• ` 4 �` ��E�..:..d_......��.'�'v{ °.��'.�*`s..�:v�a�� TRANSM ITTAL FORM Revision Submittals: 1. "Field SeY'of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved&the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are$55.00 per hour(2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. _..._.__.�______ � ._�� - __-___. _ .�.._ ._ __- .. _ .__ ______ __.__ _�.�__ . __.__...� _ �..____ m_.._ _.___.__� __�__-a . ��__��.____�. €Permit#(s)information applies to: Attention. ( ) Revisions � • y�'! /� ( ) Response to Correction Letter `; �l L���C(�T�� _attached copy of correction letter � -ZJ �� � (J��� ( ) Otherred Submittal f �..�....�..�..,.,��..w.......,.�,�.�_.__.�.�..�..�.�.....,�..�_.,..�.� .�.._.`_«... ._,�a�m,.�. ..,.��.� ._..��,� % .�,.,,,..¢P .�.�,.,��,m,. . � � .ur.��_w .�� .� _�a_ �,�.�__ �„. 'Project Street Address: � � � Description/List of Changes: ( r �(Number) (Street) (Suite#} ;Building/Complex Name: � �b��� �-�C�c��S � .,.�:._,n _ _ m�xd,��,,, �.,.,�,,�._�.,w.r.....��_v..�. wa._ � �-C�,� �O►�k-tJo UE'X' �Q.�L ��+e�l`T✓YLQ , ;Contact Information: �� � _1 � ^ ; ;Company: ` � �C�W�� I CQ.wT 1 Vl 1 Cu � C�.��t � � GL�►�i u-wv� �j ;Company Address: � � ; ' !City: State: Zip: ` �Contact Name: _C�'�� ��� � t�l J'�'�-�L�S �� ' E (} p� � ��a'� [ _�C.9-fJLt-t( 'i� . � �Contact Phone: "G�� '- (J�Q � �� � ' � 1 _ s � �'�-�- C�' V � ►71c�In c ; ,E-Mail � LLe Dt�l� �►'1' � i � • ; ; ; ;.,� ,,., .._..�..v,�.,�. _� a.,,,a.�,H. �, d_ ,,..�, ��.�.��.�,,,�,.ry��,�.,....�,,.�,� � ,_. ._. ..., .._. ... „ �Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations(Labor&Materials) s' i �(DO NOT include original valuation) ; �Building: $ i (use additional sheet if necessary) ; � _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _� i '.Plumbing: $ � '°. Date Received: `Electrical: $ � � � � M � � D;Mechanical: $ � } JUN 18 2010 ;Total: $ � r , � C.i �_�__._.__ _______ .__�__...._______.__..---_._____.___.---._.__.__.�_____,.____. TOWN OF �',41L O1-Jan-10 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Permit # B04-0252 Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE Applied . . : 09/08/2004 Parcel No...: 210108203003 Issued . . . 11/15/2004 ..�J a�,_d,�l� Expires . .: OS/14/2005 T OWNER DAYMER CORP NV 09/08/2004 Phone: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 09/08/2004 Phone: 970-242-9236 760 HORIZON DR GR.AND JUNCTION CO 81506 License: 108-A ARCHITECT ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 09/08/2004 Phone: 970-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81620 License: C000001626 APPLICANT DAYMER CORP NV 09/08/2004 Phone: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 License: Desciption: Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 8,730,413.00 NEW HOTEL WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING, 100 HOTEL UNITS, 50 FR.ACTION FEE, PRECAST CONCRETE AND STEEL Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Auditoriums Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 155.38 20, 278 $3, 150, 795.64 Hotels and Motels Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 149.60 109, 706$16,412, 017.60 Public Garages Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 72 . 08 95,207 $6, 862, 520.56 Stares Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 122.06 6, 156 $751,401.36 Warehouses Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 73 .10 19, 532 $1,427, 789.20 Totals. . . 109, 706$48, 730,413 . 00* Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y }f of Gas Appliances: 0 f�of Gas Logs: 0 �/of Wood Pellet: 0 ***********�**********************************�********************** FEE SUMMARY *********************�*************************************� Building------> 179,826.90 Restuaran[Plan Review--> $75.00 Total Calculated Fees---> 406,498.39 Plan Check---> 116,887.49 DRB Fee---------------------> $0.oo Additional Fees-----------> $0.00 Investigation-> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------> 109,706.00 Tota1 Permit Fee----------> 406,498.39 Will Call-----> $3.00 Clean-up Deposit----------> $0.00 Payments-------------------> 406,498.39 TOTAL FEES-------------> 4 0 6,4 98.3 9 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.0 0 *****�*****�**�****�****�**+*�**�*�*****�*���***�***************��:**�*********�*********�****************************************++******+++***�* Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/11/2004 Cdavis Action: COND Make note of corrections list and condtion attached to this permit 11/15/2004 JRM Action: AP APPROVED AS PER CONDITIONS BY CBO Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 10/27/2004 George Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11/11/2004 mcgee Action: AP Approved on basis of agreement reflected i: notes dated 11/11/04 and review of deferred submittals. Applicant is authorized t� with due regard for risk. Full compliance is required. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 11/11/2004 CS Action: COND Lateral shoring agreements must be execute� to construction of shoring system Item: 05550 ENGINEERING *************************************************************************�:**********�**********�**************************************��*�****:�** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AD ANCE TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. SIGN UR OF OWNE OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *****�*********************************************+**************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***************************************************�******:x********************************* Statement Number: R040007127 Amount: $289,537.39 11/15/200401:10 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #2464/Daymer Corporation N.V. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B04-0252 Type: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Parcel No: 210108203003 Site Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE Total Fees: 406,498.39 This Payment: $289,537.39 Total ALL Pmts: 406,498.39 Balance: $0.00 **********�************************�******************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 179,826.90 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES -90,443 .51 PF 00100003112300, PLAN CK - project GFP012 90,445.00 RF 11100003112700 RECREATION FEES 109,706.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 .00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITIONS FOR VAIL PLAZA HOTEL TCO—EXPIRATION DATE 06-30-09 PERMIT B04-0252 TCO excludes the following areas: Rooms 349/351 Retail/Ski Storage a` �"`�,;�' Room 381 Retail ` .,; ..��' '�.� Install "area of refuge" tactile sign with International Symbol of Accessibility sign �t}�.': room 903 per IBC 1007.6.5. "`:�n�'":� �5. All stairwell floor identification signage needs to also indicate the story of and directi n"��� (up or down) of exit discharge on the sign per IBC 1019.1.7. Install signage at exit stairways indicating location of accessible means of egress at elevators per IBC 1007.7. Install "area of refuge"tactile sign with International Symbol of Accessibility sign at all areas of refuge in stair 1 per IBC 1007.6.5. Replace doors into Atrium B from level 180 with 45 minute listed doors. Self closing, self latching. Provide signage with International Symbol of Accessibility and men's and women's locker room accessible bathrooms. Remove keyed lock from loading dock exit door into corridor 469. This is required exit door from the loading dock area. Exit hardware required. Remove keyed lock from corridor 469 in corridor 402. This is a required exit door from the corridor area. Exit hardware required. Install closer and coordinator with self latching hardware on pairs of door from loading dock into hallway 418. (3 locations) Complete fire sprinkler protection on the atrium side of all windows where there is a walkway on the atrium per IBC section 404. All doors into atrium A and B require 45 minute rating. Self closing, self latching. Install panic hardware on door LL430. Final smoke control report must be received from Rolf Jensen Associates. All Town of Vail Public Works, Vail Fire and Emergency Services and Planning Department corrections must be completed for final CO. � RJA �°����' Suite 370 Greerwvood Victge.CO 80111 U.SA ROLP JENS@I i ASiOC1AiES.INC. wwwrjatic.com FIRE PROTECTION CONSULTAMS +������ knc:+l 303-57�7843 December 04, 2007 Connie Dorsey Vail Plaza Hotel 16 Vail Road Vail, CO 81645 STATEMENT OF GENERAL ACCEPTANCE FOR THE SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM AT THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Dear Connie: Rolf Jensen & Associates, Inc. (RJA) was retained to provide special inspection services for purposes of commissioning the smoke control systems at the Vail Plaza Hotel located in Vail, Colorado. We submitted our proposed smoke control test procedure to the Town of Vail and it was accepted on November 19, 2007. On November 15, 2007, RJA conducted a pre-test of the smoke control systems and subsequently provided a preliminary report indicating the deficiencies that needed to be addressed prior to re-testing. On November 28 and 30, we witnessed a successful series of tests in accordance with our approved testing procedures. On December 03, 2007, we witnessed a functional system test in the presence of Vail Fire and Emergency Services (VFES) and the Building Safety and Inspection Services team for the Town of Vail. This test produced minor inconsistencies which were remedied by the next day. On December 4, 2007 we witnessed a successful test in the presence of VFES. Therefore, we find the initiation, sequencing and operation of all components of the smoke control systems for both Atriums A and B at the Vail Plaza Hotel to be in general compliance with the approved smoke control testing and commissioning procedures. This statement is provided for purposes of temporary Certificate of Occupancy. A final smoke control report, as required by 2003 IBC Section 909.18.8.3 will be submitted for review to the Town of Vail by Friday, December 21, 2007. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Very truly yours, ROLF JENSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. .--__�` """ December 04 2007 Sean S. Donohue, P.E. Date Senior Consulting Engineer Cc: Mike McGee, Deputy Fire Chief/ Fire Marshal —Town of Vail Charlie Davis, Chief Building Official —Town of Vail ■ ■■ ■��■ ■ ■■ ■�����■��■�■ Vail Plaza Hotel Bonding Requirements Item Estimated Amounf Comments Public Works Improvement Completion Bond price to compiete from GH Daniels, Landscape S. Frontage Road TOV obtained special use permit after median $ 7,114.00 planting season Verifcation that S. Frontage Road 70V concerned that topsoil placement median irrigation is operational $ 5,000.00 may have damaged Landscape behind paver walk from VPH east toward W!Phase 3 $ 5,000.00 Install crosspan and curb and gutter extension across Gateway Drive $ 14,946.00 Installation of 2 ea TOV street lights on Frontage Road $ 4,000,00 70V provides lights Patch asphalt seams within S. Infrared Patch of S. Frontage Frontage Road, east bound from round• Road $ 10,000.00 abaut to end of inedian Balance of WI Phase li1 heated Paver walk east of Vaillage Inn Plaza waik $ 35,OOO.QO entrance walk as depicted on C6 Remove tripping hazard from walk Type'R'InleUwalk conflict at S. where structure of inlet protrudes into Frontage Road $ 5,000.00 walk Repair curb damage&Repair of paver sidewalk cross-slope north of Vail Road entrance $ 5,000.00 as depicted on markec{up drawings Lower Heat Main for proper bury to eastmost manifold along S. Frontage Road $ 5,OQ0.00 $ 96,060.00 $ 120,075.00 Bond Amount 125°/a of above Public Works-Loading Dock Door Height Solution 8ond Create and implement a solution fo achieve the ability to have a 13'- 6"WB-40 truck enter and exit the Bond Amount as agreed to by CC2 Loading Dock $ 100,000.00 Macdonald and 1'om Kassmel. Planning Improvement Completion Bond W!Phase V(La Bottega sidewalk) $ 5,000.00 Add step in accordance with PR#140 Exposed connection of gutters to rainwater leaders at Caf� $ 15,000.00 Correct offset Downspout and trim location on the north face of Building B Grid 16, Levels 190- 220 $ 15,000,00 Install paver walk and repair landscape to connect VPH Ext. Stair#6 to Gateway walk $ 5,00a.ao (n accordance with Zehren PR#143 $ 40,000.00 $ 50,000.00 Bond Amount 125%of above 1 1 December S,2007 Charlie Davis Chief Building Of�cial Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dear Charlie, Slaaw Construction has requested a TCO inspection to occur on Thursday December 6, 2007 for the Vail Plaza Hotel project, Building Permit#B040252. As we have been completing work, and then having system and final inspections several issues have arose which require additional work. These issues, the areas which are affected and our intentions are as follows: Issue Area&Room Present Status/Intentions Anticipated Name{s) Completion of additional work '/�hour Atrium A, Presently doors are pairs of wood February 15,2008 doors into Atrium B stile and rail full light doors without Atriums astragals or rated frames. Shaw to install either smoke seals or metal astragals as is appropriate on these doors as a temporary measure on Wednesday 12-5-06. Shaw will replace the frames and doors using TGP 45 ininute labeled doors either full or half light as is deterniined by designers, frames will be replaced with either Hollow Metal or TGP hardwood series fireframes,4S minute labeled(refer to www.fire�lass.com). Hardware will be modified and will include the following features: self closing, latching. All hardware will be labeled for use on 45 minute 16 Vail Road Phone:970-477-4710 Vail,CO 81657 Pax:970-4'16-1791 P.O.Box 1250 Vail,CO,81658 Page 1 of 4 doors. Sprinkler Atrium A Presently windows(and doors) into January 18,2008 Curtain Retail Spaces have a 1 hr wall on both constructed directly behind them in sides of the retail space. windows Shaw to pravide ceiling and sprinkler coverage (a head at each window <3' in width)on the Retail space side in accordance with the Retail space upfit as delineated in Shaw letter of 12/5/07. On the Atrium side,we will penetrate the 1 hr wall separating the atrium from the retail and install a head centered over each window in the atrium ceilin and repair the 1 hr wall Sprinkler Atrium B Presently the windows have January 18,2008 Curtain sprinkler curtain coverage on the on both interic�r space side and ardinary sides of sprinkler coverage on the Atrium windows side. Note that all window panes which have wood paneling behind them are "spandrel glass"in front of a 1 hr wall. For the three windows without sprinkler curtains on the atrium side, we will have 2 ea sprinkler heads installed 6' apart,4"to I2"away from the window plane at the present ceiling height. These heads will be installed through the 1 hr wall separating the atrium from the mechanical rooms on Level B 180 into the ceiling and the 1 hour wall re aired. Smoke FCC Room During the Smoke Control testing, May 16, 2008 Control Rolf Jensen Associates determined Panel that the panel would be more functional with additional, individual control of certain elements and that the ra hics could be dis la ed I6 Vail Road Phone:970-477-4710 Vail,CO 8tb57 Fax:970-476-1791 P.O.Box 1250 Vail,CO,81658 Page 2 of 4 better and labeIing corrections made. Revised paiael is presently under review by RJA, then VaiI Fire. Elevatar Service During final elevator testing,the Upon availabi(ity of 1-C Elevator shunt trip breaker for this car was NWCOG relocated,the replacement has been inspection of shunt obtained and installed. trip instaliation. 20 minute Unit entries Presently a1120 minute doors have May 16,2008 doors been replaced with compliant 20 minute flush wood doors. A new design of the panel door has been tested within a typical solid wood frame and passed the WH test. These doors will be remanufactured with the new design of the firecore and all doars re laced Infrared Loading Dock Determine manufacturer's January 18, 2008 Heaters requirements for powered ventilation and install if required. Infrared heaters to be disabled until solution is determined Overhead B 17d from VPH and VVI have agreed to open June 20, 2008 Door to Loading Dock the wall and relocate or replace the VVI to adjacent overhead doar and tie the controls Phase 3 ro erty for VPH door to VVI door VVI Walkway There has been a leak reported in the December 21, 2048 Phase S hetween VVI snowmelt tubing installed by the snowmelt Phase 5 and VPH project. Pressure test to VPH and 3 determine if a leak has occurred and arkin s aces re air Ext. Stair From the To prevent the stairs frorn protruding June 20, 2008, after #4 north walkway onto the Gateway property the approval of on A 170 to threads were poured at 10 '/z". These adjacent property the Gateway stairs are not a means of egress owners Drive (reference Code Sheet A0.05a do not discharge ta public way). Therefore Shaw proposes to black these stairs off fram traffic presently. We propose to install metal safety nosings and threads to achieve the re uired 11"thread or remove and 16 Vail Road Phone:970-477-4710 Vail,CO 81657 Fax:970-476-1791 P.O.Box 1250 Vail,CO,81658 Page 3 of 4 replace the stairs utilizing a 1" slanted riser so that only the last thread protrudes onto the adjacent pro ert . We believe this list combined with the items which we are bondiilg(see attached list) and the areas and items which we are excluding from the TCO (see attached Shaw letter of 12-5-07) represents all items which are incomplete or non-compliance with our Contract Documents. Please review these items and infarm Shaw Construction if the above plan for items is acceptable to the TOV Building Department. We will work with you and your staff to obtain a safe building for our Owner and the general public. Sincerely, CR Macdonald Senior Project Manager Attachments: Vail Piaza Bonding requirem.ent worksheet Copy of Shaw 12-5-071etter requesting items be excluded from the TCO Cc: Waldir Prado,Connie Dorsey, Bernard Hausherr; Vail Plaza Hatel Mike McGee, Vail Fire Depar�ment Greg Denckla, Chris Gunion; Town of Vail Building Department Larry I'ickel, Marc Trudeau,Joe DeTrolio, Dan Gunsberg; Shaw Construction 16 Vail Road Phone: 970-477-4710 Vail,CO 81657 Fax: 970-476-1'l91 P.O.Box 1250 Vail,CO,81658 Page 4 of 4 � • � December 5, 2007 Charlie Davis Chief Building Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dear Charlie, Shaw Construction has requested a TCO inspection to occur on Thursday December 6, 2007 for the Vail Plaza Hotel project, Building Permit#B040252. There are several areas within the building that are not finished and we wish to exclude from the TCO inspection. Both Shaw and the Owner, Vail Plaza Hotel and Club, are aware that by doing so that these areas are not to be occupied by the public or hotel staff (except as required for completion, emergencies, or maintenance personnel maintaining equipment within the space) until these areas are inspected and approved for occupancy by the TOV Building Department and other appropriate agencies. These areas are: Room Room Present Status/Intentions Anticipated Number(s) Name(s) Completion for Occupancy 349 & 351 Retail, Ski Retail is white box finished with fire January 18, 2008 Storage (A alarm and upright sprinklers. 160 Sht Presently a 1 hr wall has been A1.03a) installed at north wall to protect windows and doors at Atrium. Ski Storage has flooring, partial ceiling, fire alarm and sprinklers (some obstructed by ductwork), and storage system. Shaw proposes to install a 2x21ayin acoustical ceiling to allow sprinkler heads to be installed to protect the openings to the atrium. In the retail area, install a drywall enclosure (without ceiling) and door in front of the electrical gear. The 16 Vail Road Phone:970-477-4710 Vail,CO 81657 Fax:970-476-1791 P.O.Box 1250 Vail,CO,81658 Page 1 of 3 remainder of the space will have heads spaced for ordinary hazard and layin light fixtures. We will install carpet, texture and paint the walls. So that this space can be utilized for retail. The ski storage sprinkler system will be modified to prevent the obstructed heads 381 Retail (A 160 Retail is white box finished with fire January 18, 2008 Sht. A1.03) alarm and upright sprinklers. Presently a 1 hr wall has been installed at north wall to protect windows and doors at Atrium. Shaw proposes to install a 2x2 layin acoustical ceiling to allow sprinkler heads to be installed to protect the openings to the atrium. The remainder of the space will have heads spaced for ordinary hazard and layin light fixtures. We will install carpet, texture and paint the walls. 235 Breakout The emergency lighting in this room December 21, 2007 Room(B 149 presently does not meet the intent of Sht. A1.02b) code when the lights are not on (such as during a presentation or movie) and a emergency occurs without the generator operating. We will install relays and rework the wiring for this room so that the emergency lights will operate upon a fire alarm signal regardless of the status of the generator operating 348 Hydro The tub needs to be installed, wired, January 18, 2008 Massage plumbed, inspected, and finishes Room (B 160 completed. All work will occur Sht. A1.03b) within this room. Elevator Service During final elevator testing, the Upon availability of 1-C Elevator shunt trip breaker far this car was NWCOG inspection relocated, the replacement has been of shunt trip obtained and installed. installation. 16 Vail Road Phone:970-477-4710 Vail,CO 81657 Fax:970-476-1791 P.O.Box 1250 Vail,CO, 81658 Page 2 of 3 905, 906, Dwelling Unit This unit has services stubbed into Upon design and 907, 908, —lower and the space (water, waste, gas, execution of tenant 912, 913, upper floors hydronics, electrical) and has been finishes by others. 1000 white boxed drywalled to achieve roof ceiling, floor ceiling assemblies, and is provided with fire alarm and fire sprinklers. We anticipate all other areas will be ready for occupancy as of Thursday December 6, 2007. The work required to complete the above areas will occur within these areas and any staging of materials will either be within the areas, or after coordination with Hotel Operations within the Loading Dock. Sincerely, CR Macdonald Senior Project Manager Cc: Waldir Prado, Connie Dorsey, Bernard Haussher; Vail Plaza Hotel Mike McGee, Vail Fire Department Greg Denckla, Chris Gunion; Town of Vail Building Department Larry Fickel, Marc Trudeau, Joe DeTrolio, Dan Gunsberg; Shaw Construction 16 Vail Road Phone: 970-477-4710 Vail,CO 81657 Fax: 970-476-1791 P.O.Box 1250 Vail,CO, 81658 Page 3 of 3 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Permit # B04-0252 ��..����-(�l`�� � Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE Applied . . : 09/08/2004 Parcel No...: 210108203003 Issued . . . 09/14/2006 Legal Description: Expires . .: 03/10/2006 OWNER DAYMER CORP NV 09/08/2004 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT DAYMER CORP NV 09/08/2004 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 09/08/2004 Phone: 970-242-9236 760 HORIZON DR GRAND JUNCTION CO 81506 License: 108-A ARCHITECT ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 09/08/2004 Phone: 970-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81620 License: C000001626 Desciption: Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 8,730,413.00 NEW HOTEL WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING, 100 HOTEL UNITS, 50 FRACTION FEE, PRECAST CONCRETE AND STEEL Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Auditoriums Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 155.38 20, 278 $3, 150, 795 .64 Hotels and Motels Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 149.60 109, 706$16,412, 017.60 Public Garages Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 72 . 08 95, 207 $6, 862, 520.56 - Stores Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 122 . 06 6, 156 $751,401.36 Warehouses Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 73 .10 19, 532 $1,427, 789.20 � Totals. . . 109, 706$48, 730,413 . 00* Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y #of Gas Appliances: 37 N of Gas Logs: 1 H of Wood Pellet: 0 **************�************�**************************************** FEE SUMMARY ***********************************�*************�***�***:k** Building-----> 179,826.90 Restuarant Plan Review--> $75.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 406,718.39 Plan Check---> 116,887.49 Recreation Fee--------------> 109,706.00 Additional Fees-----------> $9,097.96 Investigation-> $o.oo TOTAL FEES------------> 406,718.39 Total Permit Fee----------> 415,816.35 Will Call-----> $3.00 Payments-------------------> 415,816.35 BALANCE DUE--------> $0.00 +******************�*************************�*******************************�**�****************************************************�*********** Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/11/2004 Cdavis Action: COND Make note of corrections list and condtions attached to this permit 11/15/2004 JRM Action: AP APPROVED AS PER CONDITIONS BY CBO 07/05/2005 cdavis Action: AP Revisions recieved 6/24/05 approved. PAGE 2 *�**�*�**�*��**�**�:****�x**�**�*��*�*******�x*****�:***�x*�**�:*�x�:*�**�*�***�*=x**��:***�****�x*******�:******�:** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit # B04-0252 as of 09-14-2006 Status: ISSUED *�:**��:*�*�:***�:**�:*�*�:**�*�����*�:**�:*�***=x�*******��***�****�*�:*�x****�x*�x*�x*��**�:�***�*�*�*****�********��: Permit Type: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Applied: 09/08/2004 Applicant: DAYMER CORP NV Issued: 09/14/2006 To Expire: 03/10/2006 Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE Parcel No: 210108203003 Description: NEW HOTEL WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING, 100 HOTEL UNITS, 50 FRACTION FEE, PRECAST CONCRETE AND STEEL Conditions: Cond: CON0006754 The Developer must demonstrate a good faith effort to coordinate the replacement of the paving of the sidewalk adjacent to Phases II and V as required by the Design Review Board. Cond: CON0006755 That the Developer provides written documentation demonstrating full compliance with the adopted Fractional Fee Club operation regulations prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy. Cond: CON0006780 The applicant shall resubmit (2) sets of complete revised drawings, calculations etc., within 20 working days from date of permit issuance. All submitted documents shall address corrections list from LP2A dated 11/11/2004. Failure to submit documents by December 13 2004 shall be grounds to revoke issued permit Cond: CON0006781 The applicant/Owner shall assume all risk and liability. The owner is required to submit a letter to the Town of Vail stating that the owner of the project assumes all risk and responsiblities related to proceeding with the construction of this project prior to complete plan review by the Town of Vail. If the Town finds any issues during subsequent fire-life-safety; plumbing/mechanical/electrical and structural plan reviews of the plans or calculations that will require changes in the design of the building, the owner msut agree to make all required changes and to hold the Town of Vail(and their agents) hamless from any and all liability which might arise out of said agreement. Cond: CON0006782 All deferred submittals shall be submitted to the Town of Vail in a time frame that allows subsequent review to occur prior to the work occurring. The applicant/owner assumes all risk and delay of construction. 12/06/2005 cdavis Action: PA For north wall reconstruction and an addtion of a door . in the pre-cast assembly 05/09/2006 cdavis Action: PA Fire-stopping details partially approved 06/02/2006 cdavis Action: PA Revised Wall Detail for North Retaining wall approved, substituting a wood wall with a concrete wall and footing Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 02/25/2005 George Action: PA Revised entry from October 27, 2004 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11/11/2004 mcgee . Action: AP Approved on basis of agreement reflected in meeting . notes dated 11/11/04 and review of deferred submittals. Applicant is authorized to proceed with due regard for risk. Full compliance is required. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 11/11/2004 CS Action: COND Lateral shoring agreements must be executed prior to construction of shoring system Item: 05550 ENGINEERING CIVILS �*����**�*****�*����**��*��*�**�**********�**********��*************��*****�******�*�����*�*��*�**����**��**�*****�**��*�*�*****�*�**�********�*� See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. � DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. �� ��� �i"'✓.G�� SIGN�4'3 tJR��`OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF Ly� ***********************��****�*****�*****************�*****�**�************��*****��******** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *******+****�x*��:**********************************�x************+**�*************+**�x*�x*****+ Statement Number: R060001446 Amount: $8,722.96 09/14/200608:36 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LT Notation: Shaw / check #159962 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B04-0252 Type: NEW CONIM BUILDING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-0300-3 Site Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE Total Fees: 415,816.35 This Payment: $8,722.96 Total ALL Pmts: 415, 816.35 Balance: $0.00 ******�*****++************+***************************:x*******************+***++********�x**:x ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300, PLAN CK - project GFP012 8,722.96 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Permit # B04-0252 Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 100 E. MEADOW DRNE Applied . . : 09/08/2004 Parcel No...: 210108203003 tJ�`����� Issued . . . 11/15/2004 Legal Description: Expires . .: 03/10/2006 OWNER DAYMER CORP NV 09/08/2004 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT DAYMER CORP NV 09/08/2004 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 09/08/2004 Phone: 970-242-9236 760 HORIZON DR GRAND JUNCTION CO 81506 License: 108-A ARCHITECT ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 09/08/2004 Phone: 970-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81620 License: C000001626 Desciption: Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 8,730,413.00 NEW HOTEL WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING, 100 HOTEL UNITS, 50 FRACTION FEE, PRECAST CONCRETE AND STEEL Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Auditoriums Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 155.38 20,278 $3, 150, 795.64 Hotels and Motels Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 149.60 109, 706$16,412, 017.60 Public Garages Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 72 .08 95,207 $6, 862, 520.56 Stores Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 122 . 06 6, 156 $751,401.36 Warehouses Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 73 .10 19, 532 $1,427, 789.20 Totals. . . 109, 706$48, 730,413 .00* Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y #of Gas Appliances: 0 !t of Gas Logs: 0 li of Wood Pellet: 0 *****�**�***************�************�*********�**********�******�** FEE SUMMARY ***�*******�*****�**************************************�*** Building------> 179,826.90 Restuarant Plan Review--> $75.00 Total Calculated Fees---> 406,�1s.39 Plan Check---> 116,8 8 7.4 9 Recreation Fee--------------> 10 9,7 0 6.0 o Additional Fees-----------> $3 7 5.0 0 Investigation-> $o.00 TOTAL FEES-------------> 406,718.39 Total Permit Fee----------> 407,093.39 Will Call-----> $3.00 Payments-------------------> 407,093.39 BALANCE DUE---------> $o.00 **�*�********�***�**�*******************�********�****��*****��******�*****�**********************************+**************�***�****�***�*****� Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/il/2004 Cdavis Action: COND Make note of corrections list and condtions attached to this permit 11/15/2004 JRM Action: AP APPROVED AS PER CONDI�'IONS BY CBO 07/05/2005 cdavis Action: AP Revisions recieved 6/24/05 approved. 12/06/2005 cdavis Action: PA For north wall reconstruction and an addtion of a door in the pre-cast assembly 05/09/2006 cdavis Action: PA Fire-stopping details partially approved 06/02/2006 cdavis Action: PA Revised Wall Detail for North Retaining wall approved, substituting a wood wall with a concrete wall and footing Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 02/25/2005 George Action: PA Revised entry from October 27, 2004 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11/11/2004 mcgee Action: AP Approved on basis of agreement reflected in meeting notes dated 11/11/04 and review of deferred submittals. Applicant is authorized to proceed with due regard for risk. Full compliance is required. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 11/11/2004 CS Action: COND Lateral shoring agreements must be executed prior to construction of shoring system Item: 05550 ENGINEERING CIVILS ***************************�*********************�*******************�***************************************�***************�*********�********* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOU S IN A VANCE BY TE P E AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. SIGNA OF O ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 ***�x�:**��:*�*�x�x**�x�:**��:*:��x**�:*��:*�:�x��x******�x*��x**��:�x**��x�x**�:**�x*�:*�x*�x��:*�**:�*�:*�***�x*�:*�x*�x*x:*�x**x:*�*�:***� CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit# B04-0252 as of 06-OS-2006 Status: ISSUED �:�x�:*�:*�:*�:*�**�x�**���x*�x*��x**�x*:�**�*�:*�x*�**�x**�x***�x***�:�:�:**�:**�****��:*:x**�*�x*�:**�*�:x�x*�:*�x**�*�:*�:*�:*�x��*�** Permit Type: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Applied: 09/OS/2004 Applicant: DAYMER CORP NV Issued: 11/15/2004 To Expire: 03/10/2006 Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE Parcel No: 210108203003 Description: NEW HOTEL WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING, 100 HOTEL UNITS, 50 FRACTION FEE, PRECAST CONCRETE AND STEEL Conditions: Cond: CON0006754 The Developer must demonstrate a good faith effort to coordinate the replacement of the paving of the sidewalk adjacent to Phases II and V as required by the Design Review Board. Cond: CON0006755 That the Developer provides written documentation demonstrating full compliance with the adopted Fractional Fee Club operation regulations prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy. Cond: CON0006780 The applicant shall resubmit (2) sets of complete revised drawings, calculations etc.. within 20 working days from date of permit issuance. All submitted documents shall address corrections list from LP2A dated 11/11/2004. Failure to submit documents by December 13 2004 shall be grounds to revoke issued permit Cond: CON0006781 The applicant/Owner shall assume all risk and liability. The owner is required to submit a letter to the Town of Vail stating that the owner of the project assumes all risk and responsiblities related to proceeding with the construction of this project prior to complete plan review by the Town of Vail. If the Town finds any issues during subsequent fire-life-safety; � plumbing/mechanical/electrical and structural plan reviews of the plans or calculations that will require changes in the design of the building, the owner msut agree to make all required changes and to hold the Town of Vail(and their agents) hamless from any and all liability which might arise out of said agreement. Cond: CON0006782 All deferred submittals shall be submitted to the Town of Vail in a time frame that allows subsequent review to occur prior to the work occurring. The applicant/owner assumes all risk and delay of construction. ***********�*************************************************************�****************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***********�z*******************************************************************:�************ Statement Number: R060000746 Amount: $375.00 06/05/200612:17 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Shaw 156500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B04-0252 Type: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-0300-3 Site Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE Total Fees: 407,093.39 This Payment: $375.00 Total ALL Pmts: 407,093.39 Balance: $0.00 *******************************:�*****************************************:x****************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 375.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD � VAIL, CO 81657 � � �} ' 1" 970-479-2138 � NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Permit # B04-0252 Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE Applied . . : 09/08/2004 Parcel No...: 210108203003 Issued . . . 11/15/2004 Expires . .: 12/13/2005 OWNER DAYMER CORP NV 09/08/2004 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 Town of Vail APPLICANT DAYMER CORP NV 09/08/2004 Y 100 E MEADOW DR �, �,,��� VAIL � ���� CO 81657 CONTR.ACTOR SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 09/08/2004 Phone: 970-242-9236 760 HORIZON DR GR-AND JUNCTION CO 81506 License: 108-A ARCHITECT ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 09/08/2004 Phone: 970-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81620 License: C000001626 Desciption: Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 8,730,413.00 NEW HOTEL WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING, 100 HOTEL UNITS, 50 FRACTION FEE, PRECAST CONCRETE AI�TD STEEL Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Auditoriums Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 155.38 20,278 $3, 150, 795.64 Hotels and Motels Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 149.60 109, 706$16,412, 017.60 Public Garages Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 72.08 95,207 $6, 862, 520.56 Stores Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 122.06 6 156 Warehouses � $751,401.36 Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 73 .10 19, 532 $1,427, 789.20 Totals. . . 109, 706$48, 730,413 . 00* Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y Jt of Gas Appliances: 0 N of Gas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 ********************�*********************************************** FEE SUMMARY ***************************�*�:***�********************��:** Building------> 179,826.90 Restuarant Plan Review--> $75.00 Total Calculated Fees---> Plan Check---> 116,887.49 DRB Fee---------------------> 406,498.39 Investi ation-> $o.0 0 Additional Fees-----------> $o.0 0 g $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------> 109,706.00 To[al Permit Fee----------> 406,498.39 Will Call-----> $3.00 Clean-up Deposit----------> $0.0 0 Payments-------------------> 4 0 6,4 9 8.3 9 TOTAL FEES-------------> 4 0 6,4 98.3 9 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.00 ********************�*********�***********x:�************�**************��**�***********************************�************************** Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/11/2004 Cdavis Action: COND Make note of corrections list and co attached to this permit li/15/2004 JRM Action: AP APPROVED AS PER CONDITIONS BY CBO Item: 05400 PLAN'NING DEPARTMENT 02/25/2005 George Action: PA Revised entry from October 27, 2004 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT il/11/2004 mcgee Action: AP Approved on basis of agreement reflected i: notes dated 11/11/04 and review of deferred submittals. Applicant is authorized t� with due regard for risk. Full compliance is required. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 11/11/2004 CS Action: COND Lateral shoring agreements must be execute� to construction of shoring system Item: 05550 ENGINEERING ***************************************************�*******************�****�******************************************************«************* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF . q ♦ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Permit # B04-0252 Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL �.)�...�"�'- ��u Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE �---5-�"- Applied. . : 09/08/2004 Parcel No...: 210108203003 Issued. . : 11/15/2004 Legal Description: �`"���(���- G ( `-t� Expires . .: 12/13/2005 OWNER DAYMER CORP NV 09/08/2004 100 E MEADOW DR � VAIL CO 81657 �" APPLICANT DAYMER CORP NV 09/08/2004 r�- !{v �� 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL \ �l�,��� CO 81657 � CONTRACTOR SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 09/08/2004 Phone: 970-242-9236 �� �� 760 HORIZON DR � GRAND JUNCTION CO � � 81506 License: 108-A ARCHITECT ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 09/08/2004 Phone: 970-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81620 License: C000001626 Desciption: Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 8,730,413.00 NEW HOTEL WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING, 100 HOTEL UNITS, 50 FRACTION FEE, PRECAST CONCRETE AND STEEL Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Auditoriums Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 155.38 20,278 $3, 150, 795.64 Hotels and Motels Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 149.60 109, 706$16,412, 017.60 Public Garages Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 72 .08 95,207 $6, 862,520.56 Stores Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 122 .06 6, 156 $751,401.36 Warehouses Zone 3 I-FR & II-FR 73 .10 19,532 $1,427, 789.20 Totals. . . 109, 706$48, 730,413 .00* Fireplace Information:Restricted:Y #of Gas Appliances: 0 #of Gas I.ogs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 *********tr*r**���**s******r***s*****+s►*r***********+*****a*�****�* FEE S UMMARY �***+****t***►**a**�*r***�*r+r**�********t*t**t**r*� *�*t**� Buiiding------> 179,826.90 Restuarant Plan Review--> $7 5.0 0 Total Calculated Fees---> 4 0 6,718.3 9 Plan Check---> 116,887.49 Recreation Fee--------------> 109,706.00 Additional Fees-----------> $o.00 Investigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES-------------> 406,718.39 Total Permit Fee----------> 406,718 e 39 Will Call-----> $3.00 Payments-------------------> ,'498 e 3 BALANCE DUE---------> �$220.00 ********�**��**�*�***r**************�*�**�*********�**r**r********+**+***�*�**********r*�r*r***�*«***s**�***��*r****�***k3�s* * r�**�***�** �...� Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/11/2004 Cdavis Action: COND Make note of corrections list and condtions attached to this permit 11/15/2004 JRM Action: AP APPROVED AS PER CONDITIONS BY CBO 07/05/2005 cdavis Action: AP Revisions recieved 6/24/05 approved. 12/06/2005 cdavis Action: PA For north wall reconstruction and an addtio door in the pre-cast assembly Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 02/25/2005 George Action: PA Revised entry from October 27, 2004 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11/11/2004 mcgee Action: AP Approved on basis of agreement reflected in notes dated 11/11/04 and review of deferred submittals. Applicant is authorized to with due regard for risk. Full compliance is required. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 11/11/2004 CS Action: COND Lateral shoring agreements must be executed to construction of shoring system Item: 05550 ENGINEERING ****r�r�:�:*r******r�**:*�:�*:****r*a�s:.:.:.sr:s**►****r:s*:.�:�:�s�****:*r**�r**�.�..►a*****s*rs.�r*��trr*a*.s:s�.r*:�s*r**r►r�**r�*��*a*:sr*.* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 *****************�************************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit# B04-0252 as of 12-06-2005 Status: ISSUED *********************************************************�x******************************�*************** Permit Type: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Applied: 09/08/2004 Applicant: DAYMER CORP NV Issued: 11/15/2004 To Expire: 12/13/2005 Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE Parcel No: 210108203003 Description: NEW HOTEL WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING, 100 HOTEL UNITS, 50 FRACTION FEE,PRECAST CONCRETE AND STEEL Conditions: Cond: CON0006754 The Developer must demonstrate a good faith effort to coardinate the replacement of the paving of the sidewalk adjacent to Phases II and V as required by the Desi�Review Board. Cond: CON0006755 That the Developer provides written documentation demonstrating full compliance with the adopted Fractional Fee Club operation regulations prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy. Cond: CON0006780 The applicant shall resubmit(2)sets of complete revised drawings, calculations etc.. within 20 working days from date of permit issuance. All submitted documents shall address corrections list from LP2A dated 11/11/2004.Failure to submit documents by December 13 2004 shall be grounds to revoke issued permit Cond: CON0006781 The applicant/Owner shall assume all risk and liability. The owner is required to submit a letter to the Town of Vail stating that the owner of the project assumes all risk and responsiblities related to proceeding with the construction of this project prior to complete plan review by the Town of Vail. If the Town finds any issues during subsequent fire-life-safety; plumbing/mechanical/electrical and structural plan reviews of the plans or calculations that will require changes in the design of the building,the owner msut agree to make all required changes and to hold the Town of Vail(and their agents)hamless from any and all liability which might arise out of said agreement. Cond: CON0006782 All deferred submittals shall be submitted to the Town of Vail in a time frame that allows subsequent review to occur prior to the work occurring. The applicant/owner assumes all risk and delay of construction. *****************************+************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: R050002112 Amount: $220.00 12/07/200502:21 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LT Notation: John / ck9559 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B04-0252 Type: NEW COMM BUILDING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-0300-3 Site Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 100 E. IVE Total Fees: 406,718.39 This Payment: $220.0 Total ALL Pmts: 406,718.39 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************* *********************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptio Current Pmts -------------------- ------------ ----------------- ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FE 15,815.43 PF 00100003112300, PLAN CK - proje t GFP012 -15,595.43 --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- , � . � ���- � 12/14/2006 11:01 FAX 9702451015 C�002/002 � �6PARTNILI�T OF'b�OR$�E�IIPLOYMENT,�O1r.Elt IhySP� ��/�� .� 693 7TTH STREET,SUITE SQO.O�N�A CO� � * bt�f:p�,�le.st�e.cv. �tsl�la�I�I�Ohomeasp ��� � � Z�° oF . . �- � 8ble Jurisdi�tfon�: � , NaAI.�� �r.Ser.� w � Type of Insp�c�or� MIT FXT. �1 � ' � . � Insp.Dabe�. '�� ' ��p.Oab: ---- -RsinBpe�tion W�s: R�dY�'t (��) � ���1. � ,�J};� �,fr.',�"�� -"�on• COU " L�t1vn• ,��T :.� .. " � �4'Y r' J ' ; pddll�glG ✓' .�'"'� /`�'��t�%���t'��/ f�, ' i C�y: ./'�• Z��" �'p: : L.o�Phone• ��.y %�,� !. ,�-d� Loc.Fs�c � - 4oc.�.�k�-- , � SNM ii 011nw-..p �mE w.bo4y � liespa�sibte Pa�rl�r' �' - Address• �� � } 81.; Z'ip: ti�.Plroree;,._.,,. ��'�`"�''i�"� ,r` G'��� Rp1�` �� ��''I� � RpIQ.# � � . _.___.� . � Ma.d�ero � ra� � ewHr fN�u+ MuNM IIa T�p. T�p.�vad � IN � CA 0 Copper 1�/2� R wT PY O�mr Ua� Air Cmimr/P�de OweWqqr NplrTpnp•PMr. HIIN ff� Pod61r, Pmnh�mlA' Stemnll�tlA Ifnhmrs li'41f� 9u� � Nr�9 WA Smlm�Uak P�dT� Cml ��, fleha�l6e� Qd �r Pr�pom R�rl6o ,ierBat 16�Faa.a �nu�Neet dood CodrdOaa6yoiiw� ABME I N IAI FonianA—N, U�. Mf.,bml�pre��� '���Yi�YB� �Taq�+ IGiNSotet IOdo�n6¢t�l�i+� . YE8 ND IVA � p�� I�put hW�9096 4u1prt IUc. Ilnkno�n Id C�Il�dl� Prm/F�6eo� LMI� fiiT�ix �A�: Srf�d�5�t PiPq/Y�� P�JTa�.Cavtr� Fh+e/Y!it b AFnr ra�fu)imp�uan.l�e fi�9on��s'� �❑ MD � f�� � � ,c� � � �rvid /�. � , ._.,._ .�c..�', �� � � ��J fa C�� r;,�.�'�._ � ��ti, . , ! " ..� .�.i �' � �s.,��,�r; -�, / + � i �_�!� � �{ • Jf .� /C,J . „�� I I ♦� -- - �� 1 • �� _-" _ , •. li 1ti ����,! � , ��.r, \ . � .r`-'. !1 . �• i_ '� �alfmoal n�d P� � .r r..��•-•" �'� ° Pe�son wntactsd: �� _'��-�!',�;;-�,��;•.��r,�...�_^+���.�es aamn� Name� , - — -a,-;�•t :• .- • . - . �, �r ••,,,,�1,� ,y,,✓,I,:,+2�1, �I�CWtll��rr�fl/.:�'�; s18fl8�1i�6' �11��WB��,.�1:�!"•:"a'- 'y• r. �.c • i% NOV/30/2007/FRI 05: 54 PM N�CCOG FAX No, 9704681208 P, 002 �(f.���`�, �Y.�s �R �� � ey'�Y' :;.+xo�� `'. r��d r, '�+.�.���9 � `�' �r'+A`Sr , r�. r . QY J � '. f f � . UWVCIL 0��30V Nry1 T�-• � � � � � ' � ' ' � � � � s s�#�..;�> .�,�n.��"'�'�.,,;�Rs'� � � � } � € � • ,3����n.b� � i ,. � � � _ . 4 . � � 3 . f� To: Cl�ariie bavis,Town of 1/ail, Buitd�ng Qf�ir�al From: Mike �tewart, Lead El�vator Inspecror � 97Q-458-0295 eac�. �08.or elevafor@nwc.cog.ca.us . oate: i�./�o/2om Pnoject Name: Va�l P�a�a �v�el/ Elevativir#1A, � ❑ �levator plan Review - Q� Elevator Tes�and Inspection . . �.ocation: 1�0 East Me�dow Dr,Vail, Co. . � " Permlt Number: NWCCOG 06-013 � , Elevator Type: Traction Passenger ❑ The plans; have been�reviewed and found to canfiorm tu all applicable ASME 17.1 and � � IBC codes. . L�''� The rate[1 speed of th� �onveyance meets ASME Ai7.1 requir�m�nts, sp�d in up � � direction 350 FPM, spe�i in down direction 350 FPM � L�'� The Elevator a�the above tocation was inspected and tested on 11/30/2Q07 and a: � TEMPORARY Certificate; has been issued. t� FINAL Tnspecbon Certifcate; has been issued. � N4 cerpfcate; is being iss�ued. � . . ❑ FOR CONS'TR,UGTlON USE ONLY � Comments; Signature �'�� . Northwest Colc�rado Counal 04 Govemmer�ts ♦ PO Box 2308 * Sliverthome ♦ CO t 80498 970-468-0295 ♦ Fax 970-46&9208 ♦ www.nwc.cog.co.us � NOV/30/2007/FRI 05:54 PM N�CCOG FAX No, 9704681208 P. 003 ���� a��"� . . R'�"�°et, ,�,��'�? :�. r y 'i�`,..`A'�4:,'` ;?<r'a`�, , t� � ♦ � . ' g g �'O CI�.�pOV��N�°f+1T�° �` < . 3F �g � 4 �g . ' .. s.�+ygA'e•arr !U� �.y'`��;� f' ' ` . � 6 c k d � 34 � . ��a�' f �. 3 .x� . .' "� � � � S To; C�aMie�Davis,Town of Vail, Buiiding Ofi'iaal �rom: Mike Stewart, Lead Eler►ator Inspector '�7�-46$-02�5 ext. 1Q8 or elevator@nwc.cog.co.us . Da�e: 11/3�/ZU07 � � ' . Project Name: Vai�P�a Ho1�l/ El�rator�iB � ❑ Elevabor Plan Review • �Elevator Test and Znspection . � � � � Location: i00 East Meadow Dr,Vail, Co. � Permit Number: NWCCOG OG-014 � Elevator Type: Tr�Ction P'dsSenger C1 The plans; ha�ve been rerriewed and faund to conform i�a all appiicable ASME 17.i and . IBC codes. . C.-i�� The rated speed of tf�e cornreyance m�ts ASME A�.7.1 requirements, s� in up direcCion 350 FPM, spe�d in down direction 350 FPM : " ��The Elev�tor at the above Iocation was inspected and �d on 11/30/2007 and a: 0 l'EMPQFrARY Gertifiqte; h�s b�ei'� issued. ��'"r FINAL Tnspec�ion Certificate; has been issu�l. . ❑ NQ certifi�ate; is b�ing issuetl. . , ❑ FaR CONSTRUC110N USE ONLY � Comments: . ���� . . Signature . � Northwest Coforado Counal ot Govemments * PO Sax 2308 * Silverthome ♦ CA ♦ 80498 • 970-468-0295 ♦ Fex 970-46&1208 � vuvw�.nwc.cag.co.us N0�/30/2007/FRI 05: 54 PM N�CCOG FAX No, 9704681208 P, 001 .�,�� ;��. � 1�`,yr�a.�,�r���'��,��' ��'�'t. . . •GtYRltll OF O6Y�RT(�"',V(g�4� � � 4 � � � e � � # . . bJ�R'� �'����AG'.A�L 'i �F � g• { s i � � .���'�°.. . � . 4.. �. k 4 :K ,�� s x i Tip; Charlie pavis,Town of Vait, Building Q�cial Fram: Mike Stewart, Lead Elevator Inspector 970-4b8-Q�95 ext. 108 or elevator@nwc.cog.co.us D�#ti: 11/30/2047 � Project Name: V�il Plaz� Hoi� / E�rator#�A� . o �levator Plan Review � � C-�� Elevator Yes�k�and TnspeG�on Lacation: 10Q East Meadow Dr,Va[I, Co. � Permit Number. NWCCOG 06--016 . Elevator Type: Hydraulic Passenger ❑ �The plans; have been reviewed and fnund to canform tq aIl applicable ASME 17.1 �nd IBC oodes. . [�''r� The rated sp�d of the conveyanc� mee#s ASME A�7.7. requiremenks, s�ed in up � direction 150 FPM, speed in down direction 150 FPM : ' � � C� The El�vator at tfie above location was inspet�d and bes�ed on 11/30/2007 and a: ❑ "I'EMPORARY Gertificate; has t�een issued. , C�'� FINAL Tnspection Certific�te; h�s �en issued. � . O N� certificate; is being issuetl. ❑ FOR CONSTRUCTTON USE ONLY Comments: Sign�ture . . Northwest Colol^ado Couna!of Govemments ♦ PO Bax 2308 ♦ Silvertharne ♦ CO ♦ 80498 � 970-06$-0295 ♦ Fax97Q-96$-'f2U8 i wv�nrv.rnvc.cog.co.Us ' � �....,..,........Y.�... j oF��o� DEPARTMENT OF LABOR&EMPLOYMENT, BOILER INSPE�TI01�`� E� �;ry �� �w= 63317TH STREET,SUITE 500,DENVER CO 80202-36� �'�'� � ��..'�� �-- � '� * � ° (303)318-8484 FAX(303)318-8488 � � *,�8�s�* http:lloil.cdle.state.co.uslBoiledBoiler%20home.asp; ��� � ;, � e of' � State Jurisdiction#: ` Natl.Brd.# Mfr.Ser.# � 0 ' �' Y ve New T Type of Inspection: INT. EXT._Inspector: � � ���'�� I� � .����... ��� Insp.Date: . Exp.Date: Reinspection Date: Red Tag? (RT-1) 2 �. '�� ' `Y '` �°-' Specific location: County: Location, r.._. � Address ;.= .� ' . , e",'.� ;� `f. - � Cit . „ ., y Zip: Loc.Phone:: Loc.Fax: Loc.ID.# 3 Same as Owner—.� (nrrot,see below) Responsible Party: Attn: Address: City: St.: Zip: RP.Phone: � � RP,�Fa�: � �� �'� RP ID.# 4 Manufecture �P��� Yeer New BTll/Hr Input MAWP Mex.Temp. T�pe of Yessel �p°"'� llsed YES NU llnknown CA CI Copper 12/24 �T WT PV Uther Use: Air Caoker/Kettle Dam.Water High Temp-Pwr. HWH HWS Paal Blr. Pawer-Steam HP 5team Heat lP Unknown Firinp Method: Burner Elee. Manual N/A 5taker Unk Fuel Type: Coal Eleetricity Natural Gas Oil Other Prapane Refinery Gas Saw Dust Unknawn Waste Heat Waod Code of Construetiom ASME I IV VIII Foreign A—N, llnk. Mfr.Uata Report Available $efBty RBIIBf VelVes: 5RV Tested: Velves set at Minimum Cepacity Requ�ed: YES NU N/A , gesed on: Input (nput 80% Dutput Mfr. Unknown Total Capacity Installed: Press./Te�.6ege: LYVCO: fuel Train: Com6ustion Air: Seiety 5humff 5witch: Piping/Valves: Press./Temp.Contrals: Flue/Ven� 5 After careful inspection,the fnllowing carrectians are require� YE5❑ ND�;�_�� ,«Q'�f f . . ,. l>t�� �-`=� .:�a F1�.�3�'' . y_ • la r ,/ ��� ,: ._ - ' �` t_. .�' f, —=—i' � . ,. , _< '� � .� �. . _ , , - , � � . .z �'r r ',_ .-=.�.:.. , ; . ,.M ,� x-s . .....� � , . . ,._. . - �.;. , «.�� . . �:� • .,/� . . . , . . << < < �< , -- .�..� ,. . F ._- ��.w _�. .. . _ . - r � �� ,�� �j- �' '. . _. , r`�, �� � v f c.W.,_ , .� i ,—. � 'l `�' � �Gontinued next pege: s Person contacted: Inspector. Name: Name: state comm.# Signature: Signature: Ns comm.# 1 � TOWN OF VAIL j Department of Community Development � 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www vailgoucom February 3, 2005 Mr. Steve Stafford Vail Village Plaza Condominiums C/O Slifer Management Co. 143 East Meadow Drive #360 Vail Co, 81657 Re: Vail Village Plaza Condominiums at 100 East Meadow Drive Dear Mr. Stafford, It has come to our attention that there are some existing conditions on the above referenced building that are in need of attention. During the course of excavation for the Vail Plaza Hotel, a non-conforming exterior wall for the Vail Village Plaza Condominiums (VVPC) has been discovered. The contractor of record, Shaw Construction, has been directed by the Town of Vail to contact their structural engineer of record to determine if structural stability of the adjacent building has been compromised. This is in accordance with the 2003 International Building Code (IBC), section 3307 "PROTECTION OF ADJOINING PROPERTY", specifically section 3307.1, Protection required. This section states: "Adjoining public and private property shall be protected from damage during construction, remodeling and demolition work. Protection must be provided for footings, foundations, party walls, chimneys, skylights and roofs...." The structural engineer of record, Mr. Scott Wasson with Monroe & Newell Engineers Inc. visited the site on January 31, 2005. Mr. Wasson has issued a field report stating that the vertical loads for the existing structure (VVPC) have not been compromised by the excavation and construction activity of the Vail Plaza Hotel, in accordance with 2003 IBC section 3307. It is also noted in the field report that the existing concrete masonry wall (CMU) for the VVPC must be evaluated to assess whether or not it will be able to carry any lateral loads applied to it during the backtill stage of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The relson for this correspondence is as stated above. The Vail Plaza Hotel has done what is required by the building code and any additional investigation and subsequent work is the responsibility of the Vail Village Plaza Condominiums property owners (HOA). ��RECYCLEDP�IPER We are very interested in working together to resolve this issue. Listed below are the minimum requirements to remediate this issue: 1) Vail Village Plaza Condominium Association shall hire their own structural engineer to evaluate the construction and condition of the existing CMU wall for lateral load support. 2) The structural engineer shall provide a report of their findings to the Town of Vail including repairs or reconstruction methods required to repair or replace the existing exterior CMU wall. 3) This wall is located on a zero property line and is required to be a solid wall that has no openings in it. 4) Plans to weather proof the wall. As currently constructed, this wall does not appear to have any provisions to keep ground water from seeping through it into the habitable space inside the building. 5) Contact the Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services within ten business days as to the findings and repairs necessary. It is important to address this issue as soon as possible. I have attached to this letter copies of the field report from Monroe & Newell dated January 31, 2005 and two digital photos for your convience. We would not object to your HOA working with the existing contractor and structural engineer if that option is agreeable to both parties. Feel free and contact me if any questions arise at 970-479-2142 or via email at cdavis(r vail�ov.com Bes ' egar s, _ � Charlie Davis Chief Building Official Town of Vail 61/3112005 18:06 9709494054 MONROE NEWELL ENGINF P�GE 02/06 ' vail, C�lorado Ubnvcr, C�lorsido Dillon, C�lor�dp �c��l— O �� Monxoe S� Newell . � Fngin.cr.rs, l��.c, FXELD REPORT Date: January'31,2005 Project #6400 Pxoject: 'Vail Plaza�Iote1 Loca�.ioz�: Vail, Colarado Weather: Silo�Flurries Temp: 28'at 11:30 To: Zek�ren&A,ssociates, Xnc. PO Bax 1976 A.vora, CO 81620 Attn.: M.r. Tin�Losa The puxpose o.f tb.i�s site vxsit was to observe the existing condxi�or�s at the 'V'illage Ian Plaza P�ases Z and TT north basement wall ayad sidewalk above, adjace�t to the former�ool location. The�ouowing was noted: � 1. The n�ort�. basemexxt wa11 was observed from the e�cte�riioz and interior with Cl�a,t.lxe Aavxs a�ad Nlilce McGee of the To�rn Of Vail and Steve Sego of Shavtr Construction. The post-te�sio��ed . concrete s1ab, s�andrEl beam and, conc.rete columns shown on the attacl�ed original consCruction doc���e�ts weze observed.. A largc �ortion of the "te�onporary plywood xeta�nivag wall" had d�cayed or collapsed. A cxnu �ra�� wxt,� exterior wat�rproofing was observed to th� interior of th,e "texxapoar�y plywood retaini.ng wall". This cmu wa,�l was not supporting tl�e post-te�asxoned beam or slab above nor �ntirel��atezprao.fed, as a gap was visible between the top of the cmu wa11 and the bottom of the span,darel beaxn. 1V1ike McGEe and t�ae building tenant rccollected that that several years ago,the plywood retaining vvall failed due to hydrostatic pressure, and that the � cmu wall was constructed fol�owing this event. 2. �o�roe & Newell �ngineers, Inc. obset�ed x�o evidence that the �rertica.l load ca�acity of this structure had been af�ected by the current exeavation.. ' �.... i :•�;.; �� :OW kMdaum Spumar• YLu C.���rJVIV C6a�1Mr Uf � 'CkC p�oociwn Inflltu�e of Arehfnra . . www.mc�nrqC-L1C:wCIa.COA7R -v n 'n.�._..L.-_.._7_ „.._.7 _ i•..:._ n n A . n � n_... i s n w � . .._ . �., , n./..n . 01131}2005 18:06 9709494054 MONROE NEWELL ENGINF PAGE 03/06 3. Wit�out addition,al �nformation we are un.able to assess if the cmu wall is capable o�aresisting fhe �ateral loads tk�at would be applied if backfilled pe.r the currex�t'Vail Plaza kiotel coxnst�v.ction documen.�s. � Scott Wassoz�,P.$. . Project Engineer � cc: Ck�azlie Davis (To�Of Vail) Cl�uc�McT�on�ld(Sha�r Construction) 2 . � _� _ � �. � "�� �� -� �� � � , �.,. �� , ,�� � � � 4 j � -jb { , 'j. ( �'t4 � I �d�'.t„ a , X , � "�... g ¢ * � 3 � ,1.. ',�q {�: : . i � ���- . :� -� � ti . at� �„ � � . ��.. {I ..-.-, � 4M1`. . � , ...' y � . . �I(. � ' y°F� . . -.Jr. 4 �� _ � °'� ��'i� - . . '�� , ; : a \ � , � � � " ;� � a � ��, � t _°y�_ � , � . �� x , � •� � _ �� � a n . , ' e \'� . '� , p r; � . ``"w" `i " � ..j' � '�� � � � . �,.. � , , a � +{' 4.�„ - .t, � , 1 , �_ �'��,*R� N � `�� � ���� �y i� �t� i .:k . . . � . , � � \s ��.,. �. � i.nqa�. ' � �.. t t `{ .� ' _ ', p u � { -eM1 " \.� �l"l.=..fl�' v '�" ` k�'` = n 7 � ' � i �'k` W . ! '�_R . . . 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" �t„�- � � v 3�` � t'�. �. �'�,*��`�"�'k- �;.�,.c r.r a�u '$ „y��q : � 3 i.t ;rr �l`�h° t >• ' �`;"�M .� T``�.�}.�y '" • � ' ' :: i ;1 a S ,, k'+�i 4.. ' . a. --w � � � �„ '�,_(± ?�.,, r 4 � �¢r��f�a�"..�.'a�w'�+•..��"•,�.E�'' 9 .ry, f,.,,...arj : , r hr.�-.'�,.�'c"'. Y K7.ja�4`.a' �. �ti i� } ", .., `� ���''�����:.. ,..'`i;$���x���`� 1 . � ,�t �t�:-�s.. u. s..� ?x ,�, _ � , � Vail, Colorado � Denver, Golorado , Dillon, Colorado Monroe 8� Newell F,ngineers, Inc. � October 12, 2004 Zehren & Associates, Inc. PO Box 1976 Avon, CO 81620 Attn: Mr. Andy Bober Re: Vail Plaza Hotel, 100 East Meadow Dr., Vail, Colorado Eagle County, Colorado, (M&N#6400) Gentlemen: Monroe &Newell Engineers, Inc. has reviewed the plan comments of the Vail Community Development Department, prepared by Linhart Petersen Powers Associates, dated October 5, 2004. The following are our responses to structural items: S1. Please refer to the attached updated roof key plans and corresponding calculations. S2. For roof beam key plans and calculations please refer to the attached updated roof key plans and corresponding calculations. For the floor framing, key plans and calculations for buildings A and B are included in volumes 1 and 2 of the structural calculations, each in order from roof downwards. S3. Please refer to the attached floor plan 220 key plan &partial S2.8a for framing revisions. Calculations for beams 339, 332, 331, 299 have also been included. � ���f�� ::;•����►� 'y.�.,;;�►:►.. �...� 20UA Piatinum tiponsor 7lm(.'olnrvdo 4h:�p[ui�of 7'hc Amcrican Institutc nTArchihets www.monroe-newell.coin 70 Benchinark Road • Suite 204 . P.O. Box 1597 • Avon, Colorado 81620 (970) 949-7768 • FAX(970) 949-4054 . email: avon@monroe-newell.com S4. Please refer to attached partial sheet S2.8a, beam has been revised to indicate a W 12x30 beam size. S5. We have been infornled by the Building Department that City Ordinance #20 referenced by this comment has not yet been adopted by the town. We are working to clarify this item by discussing it with the Town of Vail's chief building official. S6. We have removed the note from the roof framing plans (attached), and have revised framing in this area please refer to attached floor plan 220 key plan &partial S2.8a. Calculation for beam 240 (previously beam 227) has also been included. S7. Please refer to the attached floor plan 210 key plan&partial S2.7a for beam revisions. S8. The W 18x76 exceeds architectural floor depth requirements. The W 12x 170 has a larger section modulus and moment of inertia than does the W 18x76. S9. Please refer to the attached floor plan 180 key plan &partial S2.4a for beam revisions. 510. Please refer to attached calculations for plate girders 23 and 24 on gridline E & G/2-6. 511. Please refer to attached sheet Xl, X2, and sections X3 far connection requirements. 512. The beam at gridline E on sheet S2.4a spans from gridline 2 to 6. Please refer to S 10 for beam calculations and size. S 13. This comment appears to refer to item S 14. 514. Please refer to the attached updated floor map of level 210 and 200. The revised structural partial plans S2.9b, 52.86b, S2.7b, S2.6b and S2.Sb and calculations have also been included. 515. Plan S2.2b has been revised to show a W33x118 to match the calculation for beam # 137. Please refer to 5-15: Partial plan S2.2b attached. 516. Attached is the calculation for beam#118 on floor type 160 as wel) as the � updated floor map, each indicating the W 12x 19 shown on sheet S2.2b. 517. Attached is the calculation for beam #51 on floor type 160 as well as the updated floor map, each indicating the W 16x36 shown on sheet S2.2b. S 18. Beam # 232: S2.3 has been revised to show W l Ox60 at this location. The corresponding partial plan and calculation is attached. Beam # 522: The calculation for beam 522 as a W12x26 is attached. The W12x26 shown on 53.2 will remain. Beam # 526: The calculation for beam 526 as a W 12x65 is attached. The W 12x65 shown on 52.3 will remain. Beam #564: The calculation for beam 564 as a W24x62 is provided with a partial plan of 53.2 showing the revised plan. 519. Please refer to the attached updated floor map of level 170. 520. The calculations for beams 20, 419, 14, and 16 are attached showing that the W12x22 beams indicated on sheet S2.Sb are adequate. 521. For the following level 210 beams, please refer to the attached calculations clarifying that the sizes shown on sheet S2.7b are adequate. 522. Calculations for the framing on sheets S2.8b and S2.6b are included in volume 2 of 4 of the structural calculations. The plan levels start at the roof and proceed downward with the beam calculations for each level immediately following the corresponding level layout. Calculations for framing on sheet S2.3a begins approximately midway into volume 1 of 4 in the same fashion. The following sample beam calculations are included as stated above: S2.8b, Leve1220: 55, 77, 122, 123, 62, 181, 228, 172, 247,-235, 248 S2.6b, Level 200: 33, 73, 96, 67, 188, 164, 155, 176, 20, 66, 90, 118, 78, 116, 170 S2.3a, Level 170: 4, 30, 78, 125, 164, 88, 52, ll2, 103, 50, 102, 36, 38, 107 For the roof framing of sheet S2.9a, please refer to the attached key plan (re: S1 and S2) and calculations for beams 1, 19, 71, 81, 133, 155, 232, 282, 379. The entirety of the framing on sheets S2.la, S2.2a and S2.lb is to be precast concrete. The loads to the precast concrete inembers are shown on the sheets. Calculations for the precast concrete members will be submitted as a differed submittal. 523. Wind calculations are included in volume 3 of 4 of the calculation submittal. See pages following separation sheet titled "Wind and Earthquake Base Shear". Calculations are per IBC 2003 in accordance with section 6 of ASCE 7 as outlined in the calculations. Seismic loads are compared to winds loads for both buildings on pages titled "Companion of Wind Base Shear v.s. EQ Base Shear. 524. Seismic lateral loads were calculated in accordance with IBC section 1615 to 1617, see volume 3 of 4 of the calculations, subsection"Wind and Earthquake Base Shear". The calculation sheet titled" Earthquake Loading" references to IBC 2003 section 1616 and ASCE 7 section 9. 525. At levels where both flexible and rigid diaphragms occur, horizontal shears at flexible diaphragms are distributed based on tributary area and rigid diaphragm horizontal shears are distributed based on stiffness of lateral braces. See page 1 of 2 `Bldg A summary sheet(brace/wall forces)" in volume 3 of 4 for horizontal shears at flexible and rigid diaphragms, as well as following pages for horizontal shear distribution to � individual braces. 526. The seismic responses coefficient (CS) was calculated using the response modification factor R per ASCE section as shown in `Barthquake Loading" calculations in volume 3 of 4. On sheet 1 of 2 (Building B Lateral Design) under the summary table containing rigidities R is and abbreviation for rigidity. 527. The relative rigidity of braces outlined on page 1 of 2 (Building B Lateral) are based on the height to depth ratio of the brace per the reinforced Masonry Engineering Handbook. �. x�4 M.PL E� B R r�cC`1 ' - i�.5 � h�. �a , d- , h _ �d , = a . s � d ��.s � l T- Ic+ �, S ee a�f� cl�Fo� s �Fef� �_ �j�= �• S� I �. � e � This equivalent analysis was only used at floors where only X-braces are present. At levels where both X-bracing and rigid walls are present the rigidity of all X-braces was determined by applying a 100k load to the brace in Risa and inverting the horizontal deflection to determine the brace rigidity. The rigidity of the walis was calculated as shown in calculations on pages 1-3 of"Lateral Design Conc.Wall Rigidities" in volume 3 and 4 for building A and B respectively. The wall deflection is calculated by applying a 100k load to the wali and inverted to determine its rigidity. Please see the following page for a coinparison of the h/d method and deflected shapes method used to determine relative stiffness of X-braces. Also see S28 far calculation of the brace deflected shape. 528. Since the brace frames have different sizes and shapes, their relative rigidities were determined by applying a 100k horizontal force to the brace in Risa. The resulting horizontal deflection was then inverted to obtain the rigidity of each X-brace. Please see the attached Risa output. 529. The W30x90 beam has been changed on sheet S2.lb to indicate a 40"x 30" precast concrete beam, consistent with Section 8/S4.1. F2. Section 3.I of the general notes on sheet S3.0 indicates that the contractor shall notify the soils engineer so that conditions may be inspected prior to placement of any fill or concrete. Section 2a of the general notes has been modified to include"All inspection and testing reports shall be submitted to the building department." We have reviewed the comments of the Community Department and believe that all items were addressed. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE &NEWELL ENGINE RS, 1NC. ; �_ ,__. ._. - .t�. �:�;:�.- _- -. _ : _. _ -= annes Spaeh, P.E. Principal HO�KIN, �'�IN1�, 1�Dl�ICH � Kt�MI�F' Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS AT LAW 200 Gr�uid Avenue,Suite 400 Gregory K Hoskin Post Office Box 40 "rerrance l.<Parina Grand Junction,Colorado 8150� Frederick G.Aldrich Gregg K Kampf Telephone(970)242-4903 � David A.Younger Facsimile (970)241-3760 o�n of Vait David M.Scanga � � , Michael J.Russell ��� John"1'.}{owe John A.Siddeek Laurie A.Cahill Brandin Hay David M.Dodero November 15, 2004 A°t',°°Yr� ''�'°stzr ot-co«„s�i William H.Nelson (1926-1992) ��»�r±��r_± nf r':�rmm�3nitv l�e��elopment VIA FACSIMILE Attn: Charlie Davis, Chief Building Official (970) 479-2172 Building, Safety and Inspection Services Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Dear Mr. Davis: This office represents the Associations for Village Inn Plaza Condorriiniums, Phases I, II, III and V. Please accept this letter as a stal:us report concerning the negotiations between Village Inn Plaza Condominium Association Phases I, II, III and V, Daymer Corporation and Shaw Construction concerning lateral shoring and other matters. Yesterday (Sunday, November 14, 2004), I emailed to Daymer and my clients what I expected to be the final execution version of an agreement among the Associations,Daymer and Shaw. This agreement had been developed over a period of months. I have been informed �,a �,�,.,,,.,.<... ��. + ��,.,_ �,:..>,.�.. �„ t, ' �,.+..,.,, ��. �. ' :.;uuj'� iivr'v�;�v.� ��_.u� tx.ivv' ��u�•....,.� �v �vii.�b -`i y:�i�y :v �ii� K`�ii.Aiii�li�i. ���i,v:uii�ij'� *iii.°. �ui.f:°� have not signed an agreement and are not yet in agreement as to the principal issues between them. Very truly yours, HOSKIN, FARINA, ALDRICH & KAMPF Professional Corporation J ' � _ � � c:.� FREDERICK G ALDRICH FGA:jhc cc: Village Inn Plaza Condominium Association Phases I, II, III and V , KOe�KIN, �'�INl�, �I.,DI�ICK �S KAMI�F' Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS AT LAW 200 Grand Avenue,Suite 400 Gregory K.Hoskin Post OiTice Box 40 'I'errance L.Farina Grand Junction,Colorado 81502 Frederick G.Aldrich Gregg K.Kampf Telepl�one (970)242-4903 David A.Younger Facsirsille (970)2�1-3760 I)avid M.Scanga Michael J.Russell John T.Howe John A.Siddeek Laurie A.Cahill Brandin Hay David M.Dodero August 18� 20�4 Anthony F Yrinster Of Counsel Wi]liam H.Nelson (1926-1992) Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Department of Community Development Town of Vail Attn: Charlie Davis,Chief Building Official 75 South Frontage Road Building, Safety and Inspection Services Vail, Colorado 81657 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Department of Community Development Attn: Planning and Environmental Services Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Major Amendment to SDD No. 6, Vail Village Inn, Phase IV Vail Plaza Hotel—Developer Daymer Corporation, N.V. Dear Sir/Madam: Please note for your records that this law firm has been asked to represent the interests of Village Inn Plaza Condominiums, Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, and Phase V, in regard to the above-referenced project. We have recently received correspondence from Daymer Corporation,N.V., advising us that it intends to start construction of the Vail Plaza Hotel on the Vail Village Inn site. Daymer is also requesting a "Lateral Shoring" agreement prior to the commencement of construction. We believe, but are not certain, that the "Lateral Shoring" agreement requested by Daymer is intended to address issues arising from excavation at the site of the new hotel. However, the parties have not yet reached a mutually acceptable Lateral Shoring agreement as of the date of writing this letter. Ir Page 2 August 18, 2004 We are writing this letter to request that no building permit be issued for any construction that would entail the excavation of the Vail Village Inn site until the Village Inn Plaza Condominiums Phases I,II,III and V have reached an acceptable agreement regarding"Lateral Shoring" and lateral support in connection with all excavation activities. We are sure you can appreciate the potentially catastrophic risks that result from a failure of lateral support. Hence, the Condominium Association will need to carefully review Daymer's engineering and secure adequate protection for the proposed development. Very truly yours, HOSKIN, FARINA, ALDRICH &Kt�MPF Professional Corporation � _ cc c.� FREDERIC�G ALDRICH FGA:jhc cc: Joe Weinstein (Village Inn Plaza Condominiums Phase III) Joe Stauffer (Village Inn Plaza Condominiums Phases I, II and V) Daymer Corporation TEMPORARY CONSTR€TCTIDI�T EASEMENT AGREENIENT THIS TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of the Z� day of NbUt3unPa� , 2404, by and between VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Colorado nonprofit corporation ("�rantor"}, and DAYMER CORPORATION,N.V.,al�c��{2,(�t ;l/er e�`Grantee"). RECITALS: A. Grantor is the governing owners assaciation for Vaii Gateway Plaza Condominiums(the "Condom�niums") located in the Town of Vail, State of Colorado (the "Town"�, which Condominiums were es�ablished by that certain Condominium Declaration for Vail Gaxeway Plaza Condominiums (the "Initial Declaration") recorded January 31, 199I in Book 546 at Page 877, the First Amendment to Condominium Declaration for Vail Gateway Plaza Condominiums (the "First Amendment") recorded March 3 l, 1999, as Reception No. 69119Q, and the Secand Amendment#o Condominium Declaration for Vail Gateway Plaza Condominiums (the "Second A.mendment") recorded February 27, 2002, as Reception No. 787364, and re-recorded March 7, 2002, as Reception No. 78835 �collectively, the "Declaration"), and by that certain Condominium Map of Vail Gateway Plaza Condominiums recorded January 31, 1991,in Boak 546 at Page 878 and the Amended Condominium Map of Vaii Gateway Flaza Condominiums recorded February 27, 20Q2, as Rsception No. '787365(collectively,the "Map")aIl in the real property records of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. The real property which is described in the Declaration and the Map wi�hin is sometimes referred to hereinafter as#b�e"Servient Estate." Grantor is making this Agreement on its own behalf and on behalf of its constitu�nt members (the "Members"), collectively a.nd singularly,which Me�bers are the owners of units within the Condominiums. B. Grantee is the owr�er of certain real groperty contiguous to the Sarvient Estate that is legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenee (together the "Dominant Estate"). C`rrantee intends to commence the develogment and consUuction on the Dominant Estate of the redevetopment of the Vai1 Village Inn(collectively the"Project"). C. In order to commence constructian of the Project, Grantee has requested#hat the Grantor grant a.n easement to install,operate,test and inspect,within subterranean portions of the Servient Esfiate, construction tieback anchors, soldier beams and related materiats necessary to provide interim support for and to stabilize construction, excavation and instailation for the Project and prevent subsidence of soils during the course af construction(the"Tiebacks");as more particularly described in the Plans(hereinafter defined). Grrantor has determined to grant the requested easement in accordance v��ith and subject to al1 the terrns and provisions of this Agreernent. NOW, THEItEFORE, in consideration of the above premises, and the �nutual covenants and agreements set forth herein,Grantar and Grantee covenant and agree as follows: l. Grant of Construction Easement. The Grantor, an its own behalf and on behalf of its Members, hereby grants and conveys to Grantee, as an appurtenance far the benefit of the Dominant Estate aud the Project to be developed thereon, an irrevocabl�, temporary, aon-exclusive construetion easement beneatn tne surface of a pompn ar"the aexvient Esta#e to accommociate the construcrion, instaIlation,operation,testing,inspection,maintenauce,use and enjoyznent of the Tiebaeks in conjunction with and throughout the caurse of the construction, installation and development of the Project (the "Easement"). The Easement shali cover an area within and under the snrface of the Servient Estate as reasonably necessary or appropriate for Construction (hereinafter defined) in accordance with the Plans (hereinafter defined}, and otherwise for the use and enjoy�tzent af the Easement as contemplated herein aud the perfarmance of Cmantee's obtigations and duties hereunder. T71is Easement shall became effective as of the date af the mutual exeeution and delivery of this Agreement, and shall remain �n full force and effect until terminated as provided in Section 9 of this Agreement. "£he Easement may be used, enjoyed and occupied solely by Grantee and its agents,employees and cantractors,and any other agents, contractors and invitees acting by, through or under any of them (collectively with the Grantee, the "Perttciltees"). 2. Construction Process;Mechanie's Liens. a. Grantee covenants to the Grantor that the Tiebacks will be constructed and insta.11ed in materia.t conforinity with the plans and speci�cations therefor (cotlectively the "Plans") identifie�i on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated henein by this reference. GTantee covenants that the coastrucrian and installation of the Tiebacks (the "Construetion")will be undertaken in � good and workmanlike manner, in canformity with all a.pplicable f�undation or building permit and legal construction requirements of the Toam (which foundation or building permit, as applicabie, must be issued prior to commencement of Construction),and pursuant to customary drilling Gonstniction methods for purposes of minimizing noise and vibration; that the Construction will not require entry onto or penetraxe or physicaliy damage the surface of the Servient Estate,will not entail the transport by crane by Grantee's contraetors of aay construction x�aterials or weighted loads directly over any occupied portions of the Servient Estate, and will not penetrate or physically dam.age any building improvements presently loca�ed on the Servient Estate; that the Construction will not impair any subjacent or laterat support for the surface of or any improvements or appurtenances an the Servient Estate, as such support is necessary for the use and enjoyment thereof; and that the Construction will not break, cut or impair the normal function of any utility Iines or facilities located an and sarving the Servien#Estate. b. Pursuant to the Coastruetion, Grantee sha11 not perform physical work or construct or place any impmvement, structure ar building material, or any object on the surface of the Servient Estate except with the Grantor's prior written consent (which may be granted or denied in Grantor's soie and absoiute discretion),and any of the foregoing, unless consented to,may be remaved by Grantor without Iiability for damage arising therefrom and with CrFantee ta bear all eost and expense of such removal. If any debris,mud and other unsightly conditions upon the surface af the 5ervient Esta.te, or daznage thereto result from Grantee's actions pursuant to t�e construction of the Project, the remaval and/or remedying of the same will be cammenced vvithin 24 hours thereafter,and Grantee,at its sr�le cost and expense, shall repair and restore any c�amage to the surface of the Servient Estate, such that it is returned to substantially the conditian it was in immedia#ely prior to such disturbance. c. Grantee will not cause ar permit any meehanic's lien claims that arise from the Constructian to be made against any owners$ip interests in the Servient Estate. If any such mechanic's lien cla.irn is recorded against auy such propexty interests, then Grantee shati, within ten (10) days after the recording of such.Iien claim,obtain the release of the af�ec#ed pmperiy interests in the Servient Estate from such Iien cIaim, whether by discharge, bondir�g or otherwise, or altematively fumish the Grantor with other security for the applicabIs lien claim in amounts commensurate to those under the legal bonding requirements and otherwise reasonably sarisfactary to Gxantor(and so long as this discharge or alternative security requirement is satisf ed, the Grantee may contest any meckanic's lien cIaim in good faiCh}. If Grantee shall fail to fiunish the requisite release or security withiu the aforesaid 10-day period, the Grantor may, at its option, secure the release of the lien claim by any means available, including bonding, settlement or resort to any security furnished by Grantee,in which case Crrantee shall,within ten (10) days after notice of demand, reimburse Grantor for the latter's eosts and expenses incurred in securing the lien release, including reasonable attome��s' fees (except ta the ea�tent recouped from any such security). Timberline/agt-tem,porary const easement gaieway 2cln • Page 2 of 10 d. Kevin Deighan of Timberline Commercial Management, as Grantor's manager ("Grantor's Representative"), sha11 be furnished the Plans. In the event that Grantor shall engage a consulting engineer to review the Plans, such review sha11 be at the expense of Grantee, who shall immediately pay such consulting engineer upori notice from Grantor. Should it be necessary that Grantor's Representative or other contractors or consultants engaged by or thraugh Grantor's Representa.tive have access to the Dominant Estate during the construction of the Project for undertaking inspections to assure compliance with the terms and provisions hereof, reasonable access shall be provided, so long as such access will not materially interfere with#he construction of the Project or pose a material risk of bodily injury or property damage; Grantor must obtain Grantee's prior authorization before eatering the Project or construction site on the Dominant Estate for purposes of the foregoing, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Grantor's Representative will be provided aIl changes to the Plans, if any. e. Due to the age of the Servient Estate and the nature of the activities contemplated by this Agreement, Grantor desires to manitor any potential movement of and resulting damage to the Servient Estate related to the construction of the Project, as follovvs: i. For the purpose of monitoring any such movement, Grantee, consistent with prior consultations with Grantor's Representative, (A) will survey the interior and exterior of the Sezvient Estate,with such survey to include"spot crack mapping,"in order to establish an ir�formational base of the e�cistxng condition of the buildings and innprovements thereon,whic$survey vvili be completed before the eommencement of any excavation activities within the Servient �state, and (B) will install a maximum of s�(6)monument measuring devices(the"Monument Devices")afftxed along the length of the Servient Estate exterior building wall that lies adjacent to the common lot line between the Dominant Estate and Servient Estate. The Monument Devices shall be installed and mainta.ined in good condition at Grantee's sole �pense, and sha11 be installed priar to the cammencement of any excavation activities within the Servient Estate. Grantor shail cause Grantor's Representative to cooperate diligently with Grantee in fi�rtherance of expediting these functions. u. The Monument Devices shall be monitored by a quaiified surveyor or engineer ressonably acceptable to Grantor's Represenfiative (°`Surveyor"), at Grantee's sole expens�, as follows: (A) once a week during excavation and Tieback activities and during construction of the entire faundation of the Project, until the foundation is completed; (B) one time per month after completion of the construction of the foundation and until ths Project is campiete(as evidenced hy the Town's issuance therefor of a temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy or comparable altemative form of permit or approval); and(C)one time each s�(6)months after the Project is complete for a period of one(1)year. The Surveyor sha11 report, either by telephone, facsimile, e-mail or perso�al delivery, the results of the measurements ta.ken pursuant to this paragraph of the Agreement,to Grantor's Representative,within one day after completing each set of ineasurements. Grantar's Representative shall make his telephone, fax, e-mail and address information available to Grantee for this purpose. iii. In the event that any monitoring of the Monument Devices detects movement in the building improvements located on the Servient Estate (A) that is in excess of vertical deflections between building comers of 0.25 inoh trigger levels, and/oz horizontal deflections be#ween building comers of 0.2� inch trigger levels, and (B) that constittttes difFerenrial movement resulting in foundation damage to such building improvements(a"Material Movement"),then Grantee shall institute a11 measures reasonabiy necessary to prevent any further foundation damage("Supplementa.l Measures"), and shall discontinue the work af the ProJect as ne�essary to prevent such further foundation damage until those Supplemental Measures are implemented. In that event, fihe Grantee will also communicate in writing to Grantor: (C) the e�tent of the detected differential movement causing the daznage; (Dj a proposed schedule to increase monitoring; and (E) detailed plans andJor changes to the construction Trmberline/agt-temporary const easement gateway 2cln Page 3 of 10 methods for implementing the Snppiemental Measures. With respect to any foundation damage, the G�antee shali also provide (F) the proposed repair to any buildings or improvements on the Servient Estate damaged as a result of such differential movement, (G) the projected timing to complete such repairs,and(F�the identity of the proposed contraetor to conduct such repairs. Grantor shall approve any proposed repair and proposed conttactor prior to the commencemen� of any sueh repair (with such approvai�tot be unreasonably withheld or delayed). iv. Intnzsions of the Tiebacks and the Coastruction under the Servient Estate shall not da.mage or impa.ir the function of Grantor's improvements, including, but not limited ta, Grantor's foundation, trees, subsurface support caissons, water and drainage facilities and a.ny utility service. Grantor's Representative shall have the right(subject to the limitations in paragraph 2.d. above) to inspect the Construetion work to be perfoxmed and the exposed temporary shoring and foundation tieback system on the Seroient Estate while the excavatian is still oper�. Following the occurrence of any Material Movement, the Grantor's Representative shalI also have the right to take independent measurements from the Monument Devices up to two times a week during excavation adjacent to the Servient Estate and until ali below-grade foundation improvements on the Dominant Estate have been completed. v. Grantor's e�ercise of, or inaction with respect to, inspection and monitoring rights under paragraphs 2.d., 2.e., and 2.f, above and the provisions thereof (i) shall not prevent Grantor from recovering damages pursuant to any breach of Grantee's obligations under this Agreement, and Grantor's right to recover damages is expressl� reserved; (ii) shall otherwise have no effect on the indemnification provided pursuant to paragraph 4 of this Agreement; and (iii) shall not be construed to make Grantee subject to any liabilities or remedies in the absence of any properly damage or other Iiability or loss suffered by the Grantor in violation of this Agreement. 3. Non-�xclusive. The Easement shall be non-exclusive, and the�rantor,on its own behalf and an behalf of its Members, expressly reserves the right to the undisturbed use, enjoyment and occnpancy of the surface of and all other portions of the Servient Estate for auy and ail purposes that are not inconsistent with the terms of the Easement and the rights and interes�ts afforded to Grantee under the terms hereof. 4. Indemni . Grantee,its successors and assigns, shall fully indemnify and defend Crrantor and its Members,their successors and a�signs,and shall hoid each of them harmless from and against any claims, causes of action, suits, liabilities, damages or losses and expenses of whatever kind or nature that arise Qr�re incuned by them as a resu�t of any personal injury;bodil�injury, sickness, disease, deatli or properLy loss or damage, including lost profits, occasioned from the undertaking of the Construction or any negligence or wiliful misconduct of the Grantee and ocaurring in relation to the use and enjoyment of the Easement and by action or inaction of any conlractor or employee, agent or servant of any eontractor engaged by, through or under Grantee, or any breach of the Grantee's obligations under this Agreement. This indemuity will also cover and include costs and expenses, including reasonable attomeys' fees and consultat�t's fees and expenses, caused by, relating to or arising out of any matter indemn�ed under the foregoing provisions, together with any Iiens asserted aga.inst the Servien# Estate as a result of work performed by or for Grantee pursuant to the rights and privileges granted Grantee by this Easement (subject to Grantee's r�ghts under paragraph 2.c.above),if the related damage,lDSS,claim,expense or Iien is caused in whole ar in part by the act, omission, error, prqfessional error, mista.ke, negligence or other fault of GranTee, its contractors or subcontractors or any employee or agent of the same. This Indemnification provision shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement. 5. �e}f�-Ielp; Reimbursement. If Grantee fails_in any of its obligations hereunder to protect the Servient Estate from hartn during and arising out of the construction of the Project,Grantor shall have Timberlirse/agt-temporary const easemerrl gateway 2cln Page 4 of IO the right, after notice to Grantee and appoztunity to L'rra.ntee to cure such faiiure by t$e exercise of c�ue diligence (but not to exceed 15 days except as necessary to complete repairs), to take any action that Grrantor,in good faith and after due consultation with Crrantor's Representa#ive,deems appropriate to cure such failure for purposes of protecting the Servient Estate from harm or damage during the construction of the Project. Grantee shall teimburs� Grantor for any out-of-pocket costs inctured by Grantor in protecting the Servient Estate pursuant to this paragraph and for any repa.irs or clean up of#he Servient Estate related to the Crrantee's failure to protect the Servient Estate from hann and damage during the Project as provided above ("Self Help Expenses"). Crrantee shall reimburse Grantor for Self Help $xpenses within ten (10) days of receiving notice of Self Help Expenses, as provided in paragraph 18 of this Agreement,together with reasonable documentary evidence of the costs incurred. 6. Remedies;Attornevs' Fees. a. The rigIits of eitlier party hereunder inay be enforced by any remedies available at law or eqnity,including,without limitation,the recovery of damages, and where appropriate,injunctive or other equitable relief to prevent the occurrence or continuance of any default hereunder, ar to enforce the performance and observance of the terms of this Agreement. All remedies shatl be cuznulative with and in addition to, aud not exclusive of, one anothcr; any and a11 remedies may be pursued by the non- defaulting party either successively or concurrently; and the exercise of any one remedy shati not be construed as or constitute a bar to the exercise of any other remedy. A11 unpaid balances due either the Grantor or Grantee herein shall bear interest at the rate of eighteen percent(18°10)per annum. b. In the event any legal praceeding arises out of this Agreement and is prosecuted to final judgment,the prevailing party shall recover from the other party all of the prevailing party's costs , and expenses incurred in connection therevsrith, including reasonable attorneys' fees (and any presiding court will be bound to make �is awardj. Should the applica.tion of this pravision in any circumstance prove to conflict with any other provision of this Agreement for the allocation of attorneys' fees, this provision shall be controlling. 7. Successors in Interes�t. The rights, interests and obligations of the parties under this Agreement, including the Easement, shall tonch and concem and run with the land as a benefit and burden to the ownership of the Servient Estate and Domina.nt Estate. A11 references to the"Grantee"shall be deemed to encnmpass and include any successor in interest it may have far the development of the Project, but once tbe Praject is completed (as evidenced by the Town's issuance of a temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy or comparable altemative form of permit or approval),the obligation and duties of the Grantee hereunder shall not n�n to any of Grantee's successors in interest in the ownership of the Dominant�state. 8. Authori . Grantee hereby represents to Grantor that Crrantee has taken or received all corporate action or authorization necessary for C'irantee to enter into tbis Agreement;that Grantee's eniry into this Agreement consritntes the duly authorized corporate action of�rantee;and that this Agreement is binding on Grantee. Grautor in tum represents to Grantee that Grantor has taken a11 actions ar�d received all consents or authorizations from its boazd of directors (h�owever denominated) and/or its Members which are requisite to Grantor's entry into this Agreement; that Grantor's entry into this Agreement constitutes the duIy authorized corparate aud association action of the Grantor; and that this Agreement is binding on the Grantor and its consrituent Members. Grantee agrees that the Members of the Grantor are and shall be express third-party beneficiaries of those provisions hereunder that by their e�ress terms are intended to benefit the Members. 9. Completion of Cons#ruc�ion. Upon the completion of the construction of the Project, as su�h completion is defirxed in paragraph 2 above,the Easement shall terminate, Grantee shall cease to use Trmberline/agt-temporary co»st earement gateway 2cln � Page S of 10 the Easement and all right, title and iu#erest hereunder of the Grantee shall cease and terminate and tlze Grantor shaIl hold the Servient Estate free from the rights so abandoned, and Grantee shall be deemed to have abandoned its rights granted h�rein and will have no further right to the use atid enjoyment of the Tiebacks and shall be deemed to have farfeited the same. However, upon such termination of the Easement, it is understood that the Tiebacks will be abandoned in place on the Servient Estate and Grantee sha11 have no obligation or duty to remove the same. Upon such abandonnxent, Gr�.ntor, in hirn and at its election and without obligation to Grantee, may leave the Tiebacks in place or otherwise manage, heat or dispose of the Tiebacks in any manner permitted by Iaw, and Grantee will have no further obligation in connection with the Tiebacks commencing from and after such abandonment Upon the termination of the Easement due to co�npletion of construction or other�ise, either party, upon the request of the other, shall execute afld deiiver a recordahle instrument confirming that such termination has occurred, and that the parties are released fram any further obligations and duties hereunder. Notwithstanding.any transfer of the Dominant Estate or any portion tliereof, the Grantee named herein will retain the right and power to effectuate such confirmation of termination unless such right ana power are expressly assigned of record. 10. In�urance. a. Grantee covenants and agrees that it shall at a11 times during tha term of this Agreement, maintain or cause to be maintained, at no expense to Crrantor, with respect to the use by or through Grantee of the Servient Estate pz.u�snant to this Agreement, (i} c�mmercial generai liabiiity insurance and excess Iiability insurance with limits of$2,OOU,400 per accurrence ($4,000,000 in the aggregate) and $1(�,OOQ,000 respectively, whieh shall include a per projec#aggregate Iimit endorsement and shail name Grantor as an additional insured; and (n) worker's compensation insurance with Iimits equal to applicable statutory limits for workers engaged in the Construction an the Ser'vient Estate. The liabiiity coverage under clause (i� abave will be free from the"XCU" exclusions for eaplosion, collapse and underground hazards, and also exclusions for soils-reiated losses,but in any ease such policy may be subject to standard exclusions for environmental matters. Such coverages under ciauses(i)and(ii)above may be maintained in whole or part by Grantee and/or by its general contractor or subcontractors, as Grantee may elect. Grantee or its general contracto�r for the Project wiil provide Crrantor with a certificate of insurance for the liability coverage under clause (i) above, which shall include a provision that the palicy will not bs cancel�ed except upon at least thiriy(30)days'advance written notice to Grantor. Such certificate shall be provided to Grantor pr�or to exercise by Grantee of any rights granted hereunder. b. Should the commexcial general liability insurance required by this Agreement to be maintained by or through Grantee be cancelled or not renewed, then u�on such failure of coverage, Grantor by nofiiee to Gra.utee may zequire that all work within the Servient Estate pursuant to the Easement be promptly suspended untiI such time,if ever,as the requisite Iiability coverage is reinsta.ted in accordance with the foregaing grovisions. Grantor will give Grantee notice of any pending lapse of caverage upon becoming aware of the same. 11. SeverabiIitv. If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement shall, at any time or to any extent, be irnvalid or unenfarceable, the remainder of this Agreement sha11 not be affected thereby, it being the intent of the parties that this Agreement and each provision hereof shall be enforceable and enfvrced tcs the fullest e�ent permitted by Iaw. i2. Entire A eemen� This Agreement and any other eoutracts or agreements specificaily referred to herein represent the entire agreement between the parties kereto witl� respect ta the subjec# matter hereof, and aIl prior or extrinsic agreements, understandit}gs or negatiations shell be deemed merged herein, All Exhi�its referred to in this Agreement as attached hereto are hereby dee�ed incorporated into this Ageement and made a part hereof. Timber7inelagt-tempormy const easement gateway 2cln Page6oflQ 13. Rules of Construction. The headings which appear in this Agreement are for purposes of convenience and reference and are not in auy sense to be construed as modifying the paragraphs in which they appear. References herein to the singuIar sha11 inciude the plural, and to tlze plural shall inclnde the singular,and any reference to any one ge�der shall be deemed to inciude and be applicable to aII genders. 14. Governin�Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordanee wifh the Iaws of the Sta#e of Colorado. 15. Modifica#ion and Waiver. No purported modificatian of the terms of this Agreement, or purported waiver by auy party of any of its riglats and interests hereunder, shall be binding unless and exeept to the extent specifically set forth in a written instrument executed by the party against whom enforcement of the purported modification or waiver is sought. 16. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, eacb of which shall be deemed an original,and alI of which together shatl conatitute one and the same instrument and agreement. 17. Notices; Business Davs. Any notice required or permitted under the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing, may be given by the parties hereto or such parties' respective legal counsel, and shall be deemed given and received (i) when hand delivered to the intanded recipient, by whatever mea,ns; (ii) three (3) business days after the same is deposited in the United States mails, with adequate postage prepaid,and sent by registered or certified mail,with return receipt requested; (iii�one (1)bnsiness day af}er the same is deposited with au avernigYit courier service of national or intemational reputation having a delivery anea encompassirtg the address of the intended recipient, with the delivery charges prepaid; or (iv) when received via facsimile on the intended recipient's facsunile facilities accessed by the applicable telephone number set forth below (pravided sueh facsimile deIivery and reeeipt is confirmed on the facsimiie facilities of the noticing party}. Any notice under clause(i), (ii) or (iii)abave shalI be deiiver�d or mailed,as the case may be,to t1�e apprapriate address set forth below. If to Grantee: Da�r Co por,�,tion,N V � ;-r{ � 4� i' L E?-7 �Fs � Attention: ��c�-;.� �._ 4 F�Na:1��.!-�=�fh. �(��f Phone:�` �: ��,� "F'�� ? If to Grantor: Vai1 Gateway Plaza Condominium Association,Inc. c%Timberlin�Commercial Management 12 Vail Road�uite 600 Vail,Cotorado 81657 Attention: Kevin Deighan ��>: (9�Q����_�ascr� Phone: (970)476-1464 Timberline/agt-temporary const easement gateway 2cln Page 7 of 10 With a simultaneous eopy ta: Wear,Travers,&Perkins,P.C. 1000 Soath Frontage Raad West Suite 2Q0 Vail,Calorado S 1�57 Attention: Gregory W.Perkins . Fax: (974j476-7118 Phone: (970)476-7646 Eithex party may change its addresses andior fas numbers for notices pursuant to a written notice which is given in accardance with the terms hereaf. As used herein,the term"business day" sha�1 mean any day other than a�aturday,a Snnday,or a legal hoIiday for which U.S,mail service is not provided. Whenever any date or the expiration of any period spec�ed under this Agreement falls on a day other t17an a business day, then such date or period shatl be deemed extended to the nesct succeeding business day thereafter. 18. Reimbursement of Ex enses. Grantee shall reimhurse Grrantor for reasonable attomeys' fees that Crrantor incurs for negotiating�nd entering into this Agreement,and the reasonable fees incurred by Grantor's Representative in performing its func#ions as set forth under the terms of this Agreement, which fuactions shalI be limited to a reasonabte scope and sxtent. The Grantor will furnish invoices and other documentation reasonably substantiating those fees, ta be accaunted for hased on hourly bzllings and rates. Reimbursement will be owing withi�a 10 days after Grantor gives notice of demand from tnne to time,accompanied by the foregoing supporting documentation. 19. Representations. Grantor makes no representat�on as to the condition of the Servient Esta.te,the condition of its soils,the location of its utilities or any other matter. 24. Recordins. This Agreement shall be recorded in the real property records of Eagle County, State of Colorado,at the expense of Grantee. [Balance of page intemtionally left blank] Timberline/agi-tempormy const easemenZ gateway Zcln Page 8 of 10 IN WITNESS WI�REOF, Grantar and Grantee have made this Construction Easement Agteement as of the day,month and year first abave written. GRANTOR: VAIL GATEWAY PLA�A CpNDOMIrTICTM ASSOCIATION, INC.,a Colorado nonprofit corporation By �• Name: a.sz ��� Title:�_rt��ae..-i r STATE OF COLQRADO ) ) ss: �OI3NTY OF_ ) � ' ` The faregoin instrument was acknowl ged befarg me this� day of ����'� , 2004, by �.i�� �iS��� as �i��5;c��-I of Vail Gateway Plaza Condominium Association,Inc.,a Calorado nonproft corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires:�5=�-I-�S . � l Notary Publi � ��-� �?r,r r, i �Q'O�A;' r [Signature blocks conti 'e on nezt page] '._ : . ` :�o s�;•.AVB��U:P 9rF oF co�-°� Timberline/agt-temporary corut easement gateway 2cln Page9oflQ iorz4ro4 so:a7�„ P. ��1 IN WITNESS WI�REOF, Grantor and Grantee have madc tkis Construction Easement t.lgreement as of the day,month and��ear first abovc written. - GRANTOR: VAIL GATEWAY PI,AZA CONDONIiNiUM ASSOCIATTQN, 1NC.,a Colaraclo nonprofit corp �on Bv: N e_ -�i}�Y � 4 itle: STATE OF COLORA.DO ) ) ss: co�rrrv a.� � 'The forcgaing instrmnent was acknow(odgcd beforc nte this day of 2Q04, by as af Vail Gateway Plaza Ccmdominium A.ssociatian,I�ic.,a Colorado nonprofrt corporation. Witn.ess rny hand and official scat. My cornmissiort expires_ Nota.ry PubIic TrmberlineJagl-temporary conat easeneeni Ratex�ay Page 9 of 11 GRANTEE: `, DAYMER�ORPORATTON,N.B.,a By: � Name. Cc1` � Title: � STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss: C�UNTY OF r � } Th fore oin ' s er�t was ackno ed e b fore me this � da of � ��q g g � Y 1 ��c��►�'�� , 200 ,by t,�,�� i%�- ���°z�� as` ? �i��1�" of Daymer Corporation,N.V., a ` �z�'h�<w� 4 Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires:�,�,�. ��- G _ ,� ��� �'.».��' �u i �- �� Notary Public �� � �i ���. ��; Z '� O U o �r:� ��� � � �� Timberline/agt-temporary const easement gateway 2cln Page 10 of 10 IIO(L4J104 :110:�lAtT1 1'. lauc GRANTOR: VAIL GATEWAY Pi1AZA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATI�I�I, INC.,a Colorado nonprofit corporation B Nanae: Title: STATE OF COLORApO ) ) ss: - COUNT'Y OF ) The �oregoing instrurnent was acknowledged acfore me this day of 2044, by as of Vail Ga.teway Plaza Condomutium Association,�nc.,a Colorado nonprafit carporation. Wimess my hand and official seal. My commissivn expires: Notary Public Timberlirre,Iagt-rempor-ary consl ease�rienlRateway Page 10 of 1� � �Ct�t 6['t" '.A•. Our Order No. VTF50004380 L.B34L C�PT1Qd PARCEL 1: CONDOIVIINIiTM UNTT 1,VII..LAGE INN PLAZA-PHASE N CONDOMIIVIUMS,ACCORDING TO TI� CONDOMINNM MAP RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1992, IN BOOK 596 AT PAGE 910, AND AS DEFIIVED AND DESCRIBED IN TI� CbNDOMINRJM DECLARAITON RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1992 IN BOOK 596 AT PAGE 909, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARGEL 2: CONDONIINIUM UNTTS 766 THItOUGH 794 AND 797 THI2OUGH 805, INCLUSIVE VII..LAGE INN PLAZA, ACCORDING TO TF-IE CONDOMIlVIUM MAP THEREOF RECORDED NOVEMBER 19, 1982 IN BOOK 349 AT PAGE 11,AND AS DEFINED IN TT�CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECORDED NOVEMBER 19, 1982 IN BOOK 349 AT PAGE 12, COLTNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 3: THOSE PORT�ONS OF LOTS M, N>AND 0,BLOCK 5-D, VAIL VII.LAGE, FIRST FII IlVG, ACCORDING TO TI�MAP THEREOF RECORDED UNDER RECEPTTON NO. 9638Z IN THE OFFICE OF TI�EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORDER(CLERK'S RECORDS) DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNIlVG AT A POINT, ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT O, WHICFI IS THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A PARCEL DESCRIBED IN BOOK 230 AT PAGE 556 OF THE CLERK'S RECORDS,WHENCE TFiE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT N BEARS NORTH 79 DEGREES 46 MINUI'ES 00 SECONDS WEST 175_00 FEET DISTANT; Tf�NCE,ALONG SAID NORTF�RLY LIlVE, SOUTH 79 DEGREES 46 MI1VLlTES 00 SECONDS EAST 178.40 FEET, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF VILLAGE IlVN PLAZA, A CONDOMIlVIUM,ACCORDING TO THE MAP TI�REOF RECORDED IN BOOK 349 AT PAGE il OF TF�CLERK'S RECORDS; Tf-IENCE, ALONG TI-� WESTERLY LINE OF SAID VII..LAGE INN PLAZA, A CONDOMINNM, SOUTH 09 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 37.61 FEET Tb T�NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR VII..LAGE INN PLAZA-PHASE N CONDOMIIVIUMS, ACCORDIlVG TO TI�MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN THE CLERK'S RECORDS; Tf-�ENCE, DEPARTIlVG SAID WESTERLY LINE, THE FOLLOWII�TG NINE COURSES ALONG THE NORTF�RLY,EASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY LINES OF SAID CONDOMINICTM MAP FOR VII.LAGE INN PLAZA-PHASE N: (1) NORTH 79 DEGREES 47 MINLTTE3 08 SECONDS WEST 70.07 FEET; (2)SOITTH 32 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 27 SECONDS VSIEST 63_51 FEET; (3)NORTH 79 DEGREES 47 MINLTTES 08 SECONDS WEST 6L46 FEET; (4)SOUTH 10 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 52 SECONDS WEST 69.82 FEET,TO THE NORTF�RLY FACE OF AN EXISTII�TG BUII..DING; (5) SOUTH 79 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 51 SECONDS EAST 6.35 FEET,.ALONG THE NORTHERLY FACE OF SAID EXISTING BLTII.DIlVG; (6) SOUTH 10 DEGREES Ol MINUTES 09 SECONDS WEST 6_41 FEET, ALONG THE EASTERLY FACE OF SAID EXISTIl�tG BiJILDING; (7) DEPARTIlVG THE EASTERLY FACE OF SAID EXISTING BLTII..DIlVG, SOLTTH 79 DEGREES 47 MIIVLITES 08 SECONDS EAST 83.93 FEET; (8} NORTH 10 DEGREES 12 MIlVLTTES 52 SECONDS EAST 32.60 FEET; (9} SOLTTH 79 DEGREES 47 MINi.TTES 08 SECONDS EAST 67.05 FEET, TO THE SAID WESTERLY LINE OF VILLAGE 1NN PLAZA, A CONDOMINIUM; THENCE TF�FOLLOWING THREE COURSES ALONG SAID WESTERI,Y LINE: (1) SOUTH 09 DEGREES 30 MINLTTES 00 SECONDS WEST 50.91 FEET; (Z) SOUTH 80 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 56_60 FEET; (3) SOUTH 09 DEGREES 30 MINLTTES O(1 SECONDS WEST 7.46 FEET, TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF VILLAGE INN PI.AZA PHASES I AND II, ACCORDING TO TI�MAP TI�REOF RECORDED IN BOOK 38&AT PAGE 855 OF THE CLERK'S RECORDS; THENCE THE FOLL,OWII�TG FOUR COURSES ALONG THE NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY Our Order No. VTF500Q4380 LB3AL C�Pi1Q� LIlVES OF SAID VII.LAGE INN PLAZA PHASES I AND II; (1)NORTH 8Q DEGREES ZZ MINUTES ZZ SECONDS WEST 1Z5.59 FEET; (Z) SOITTH 42 DEGREES 32 MINLTTES 21 SECONDS WEST 46.01 FEET; (3) SOLTTH 82 DEGREES 06 MII�iUTES 46 SECONDS WEST 49.48 FEET; (4) SOUTH 10 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 02 SECONDS WEST 53.51 FEET TO TT�NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINIUM MAP OF VII.LAGE INN PLAZA-PHASE V CONDOMIIVILTMS, ACCORDING TO TI�MAP TI�REOF RECORDED IN THE GLERK'S RECORDS; THENCE THE FOLLOWII�TG THREE COURSES ALONG THE NORTF�RLY LINE OF SAID FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINNM MAP OF VII.LAGE INN PLAZA-PHA3E V CONDOMIIVIUMS. (1) NORTH 80 DEGREES 02 MINLTTES 44 SECONDS WEST 106.72 FEET; (2) NORTH 09 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 16 SECONDS EAST 6.75 FEET; (3) N�RTH 80 DEGRF.ES 02 MINVTES 44 SECONDS WEST 52.23 FEET, TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT M; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 23 MINUTES i)0 SECONDS WEST 105.76 FEET, ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT M; THENCE, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT N,NORTH 00 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 50.05 FEET, TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL DESCRIBED IlV BOOK 230 AT PAGE 556 OF TF� CLERK'S RECORDS;THENCE THE FOLLOWIlVG TWO COURSES ALONG TI�SOUTHERLY A1VD EASTERLY LINES OF SAID PARCEL: (1) SOUTH 79 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 147.36 FEET; (2) NORTH 10 DEGREES 14 MINLITES 00 SECONDS EAST 147_43 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGIlVNING, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 4: CONDOMII�TILTM UN1TS Z AND 3, VII..LAGE IlVN PLAZA-PHASE N CONDONffNIUMS, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMI�TIUM MAP RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1392, IN BOOK 596 AT PAGE 910, AND AS DEFIlVED AND DESCRIBED IN TI�CONDOMINNM DECLARATION RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1992 IN BOOK 596 AT PAGE 909, COLTNT'Y OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: : fl0 -IX6n1lsBNnGE (158) -COiTOn GF P:AnKs � "z�r�"u°e`� � _� -�T�iwN F9�BCC' � -�ACF! _� -����,,...�r�,� � -zanieeeenrrweee � �.�Ar� P�511L1(It�9 � -Y�LCC+tINs i e E i / I �i C �' 165 1;c�-�- 3 �` � � ,'3 �'' - R o� 1 ; , \ 5 � � l B � g `d 1 � e� 1 � aC�1t�t�t- " Y," }- �' aE -_ 1l0 �m.ri�ns.-a+� I . a � EXISTiN6 � 6�TEWhY � EVIlD11Jfa � � ius=OWe � i � � ♦ � v ey � .:v�v�ucuui u�u.u{ e � tt � Ibb I � L o�s-4��.�W-i Ps-I�`s�T''� , _ �._.� � � �.._�.� �� _vmru�� � S�_�--______-__'__________ ___________T___ __ r-- i- �s � __ _-_____ _______ _ ___�t__i13G'-iT- � �_-_ I F � � I I M1I � �_, �� � r �-�' � -ti-1 � �-T-} i � -i� - _ � � I I T I I I I 1 l �___� �__ � L___J L___J ; I � I b _�_ G- 1 ��, I � I i -� � I � � - l--i I � L I 1 � �� I � I � � i � i i_ i � i � , � i i r___ ' i i I i ' � i � i, � � � � F I �- i � I � i' i � -+{ ' II r-T-� r-t-� �---- � + �--t -' � - �--�-�' - - i L J ' ; _i_ I L_.'._J� L_7_J I i � � 2 BnU61� i _ J_? - � - �...ar�- � �/ � � � 1 .� � � � � , d ' 159 I � t ' .1 � � : ' ' , � 1� ; � � � � �j � ` 1 � c.s w ys� I viu.��nri Rnzr. GOlCXY R1.5 �� �_,o��,��.� �e�. -arc -L cu-c�' � -�� � �_ '_i'_______'___________ ____'_"_'___ ? L - -----r����=------,---'-----------;�a-,------�--- I i I � � � I� �--,--� I r�-� i--�-� �--�- - ; � r-t-� i- T- i i -' i i L i i :� } L�--J i_� - _'i'_' _ _ L'T_J J- I L I �- �r I i_--i� � i � I 1 I i � � � -J �_'_��� � ��_ 3 -�-tii( � 1 � } I �� 1 I1 I � I 'I -I- -�_3 _J_�� � � �' �_� � � I �q � � -�4�-"5-���P__otp-uvt -�I �i-�mmmmm, mirr, � � �1_, / �f- - �� y_� � _, � E � I. ! i ` E .� � � ' E �b .i I I � ' F I- - i G � - �� / �- l ��J!� R �: --- r �� EXISiIN6 � VILLP6E IMI e ;_� O e I � � / '__ _ E ' � E i � J�� _ � 3 � I _ - � 3 v � „- _ .. -� - - - - - 1 I 1 ✓ T�-['snu�at ii � r I I i_ __; - -I 1 I � �__� `__• I i_� ----- - i I ` r_- __ � � �� � � 2 � -i i � _� ml �\ � I ! _ -1 I - r-I � � ' L 1 � I i I - - ; � i j � � i �_j_, , o, � _� 2� T � i r-F� 1 i i I _ i iz ! � a�' �J 'I j' j � �I � -�, -- � � rT�� � � i . ..- - � L,_� I - I � � L�_J L�J i i i � G �iin-am:ro I � � � � � � � ��""o"ir nw.4+ ' � � E � < ; i ; I � I, I � i i i ! � � � i n '_ Il�!'±¢L_____'__'___� . _'_ __ ' Y______ . ___� : ' _ ' ' ___y_____T__ '_�_______'_______ _ I '^ : ;.G1.%lUlLLli GG � � ' I � ' I • J vx-�w- � -\ �i _� _ _' � � ` � \ I . / � I �'.\ �i%.'h� ������T.r:/T n < �� �� I �\ \// rR� -�-�-F-- � � � � �t � �_ euw ���'°� N Wllff t �!, R1T5 _ �G 1��� UNDERPINNINC� � TIEBAGK SGHEDULE U�09tPINNtYa NO.Of TOP BORUI D�IN SIZE HI � Lv I.n Df91liM W � HT a flr5 elev. B.E`i. PU RU (ae4� Rtl RJ �n/�o Nv51 Sm/ao5° I-7 2 M9 131 16 1-12�5' S m b � 32 2 � 3 I 14D 131 II N/21d' S 7D 'D IS 37 2 �. 13 2 !4D 111 T 3�/21d' - - PLAN vw•=ra VILLA6E INN / j VILLA6E 1!M PLAZA � /. PIAZ? ' RI I l II /:/ � PH I 1 i % / ..ssu.�o /� � mr4, CISbt / � � SOLDIER BE.�M � TIEBf�GK SGHEG?i_'LE C�ENERf�L NOT�S 5 SEi OF R.a�i 5�l'N51)E PFORFA'YM iK�Y FJR GdGT�dKTItM�TE 4W9tflAwiKS,vm Ti�MLK SQD��BF uo MU00Il£5��5 E�RiN x"�@filOw SYSIEM F�R VML PIAIA H�iB_IN vw14 LO.0lLY t1Yf FtlRTIOM'Of 11E PUiG NEL'64 TO CV&iF1'TE'rl.itiH RET@lTIGH SYSTi�ARE SIGHI ra roum+ue ca�sia.inar��s+ce siwi_ae w�.ur wuo�: �.PR�Px ra Do11G N�r EY4.-vw ae RtxLUe Hv.rSOevH2 f/.0 Nec Ar i-eW-r2]-irel.vBUFr ttznnQl oF N1 ununES. An9 LLCATE.W:WHt t E�OSE tHY Ol�^ANY Vf4.ITIES lEAR lYE SffTiFlS L11E. z-oa�a�sx sno rmr�eiosm�s wweio ao�we+baa.w aes.a�cnas.�moure i.r�ru.mrs ai ne s�nw ure.wo�c+.vwre {6E%L�NAIE.�1m 6TABL1511(BY AOIIH6/SnFE YQ'£5 HH+f�SG6UF�Y OfiHt+'1- Bl:Sx FnCE LF FPWATION HNJ_.VD QUO LN5 tBt'OI�LS)- 3.UYM SOLOIHt 3iV15 MD VHtIPY�LfARYYX fOrt IXtIWN6 fii11PFBll.AOJ6T S^AGw6 OF 5CL�IFR BEIJG(P FEd1F�1.P2TIIGE A 50 FmT C@GN R1"OTI�ri.'ii y'LOIHt 6EAM IIGTALUTKM. a.nsv.0�zoiee ec..�eF�s�ao�TM sx,-Yai au�vs oanHne. ,��.,�.��.�,ro,����,�����,����,��,��w��.��sr��.� MOT FXLAVATE N�t�i1W1 UN�L/�G6�TC W£OAY. D.1�6TALL LYaEMB.WD RHLAT SiB 6 ABOJ[WtLL 1A66�W^HA5 C��ixSTNlID ttJ APPFO�oeMiF1Y 3 i�i 28GH T1gyLK 6RAOE n.Prsrsavioe n�rc+.�e+a_ra�w.mrnuEO eaeN(er artaev`an�w susxr sicvE^r✓.r rxa+�s�nxs ro are�r�vr crmaw cF vu.iax w ffea+r ec��e+nox s'sea a.iusr�u+�s u nccamia+ce wm��nic��. . i�rsr n�ncKS w nccamwrvc�rem m��rn����+ �.,8,���r,�,.�,.����,��„�r�..�.�..r�,,.�n,o���,��. E%f VhilOn�JUtl NDT PMBO L'H.ON 1FE 8£JATILN�Ji'TWON ii£5E RJlfi N�.US SGMVfB FGUIP)ATION LOMNIY IS upnR� ,vn mse�ws.u�Rens�ro iu.aro+oowre�,�naru.�c�n�ar ew vnriau. � s..,.a,a _�,,,.,,�. T1E F0.LGYYN6 SKiENLE�JlN18E.^.ARGRA.LY FOLLOMEO. I. EW.AVATE GMERtLY BY OT025 i0 PxPOSE TE Y OF FOOi1H6 ro BE IW6tRW1�.SIIJPINS i#C ExLAVATOn 50 A5 N T TO ALLON W.l£R TO/�LLWMaTE NEAR THE FOOi1N6.vQ21FY OItBGld1�.iF ExI5TIN6 CON�TONS��FFER F�2R�ifYJ9E�NDIG/.TED ON TIE ORAW�N65.NOT�P/SGMNBLE FG IMJAiION GOI�PANY W10 WLL R�E`J6N U�H PRNIN6 SYSTETI AGCLNDIN6LY. 2 LAY Wt LNOERPINNIN6 Fl15.V�ffY1N6 5P/LINS AIO REVISE KLOROIN6LY. 3.EXLnVAIE TfE PIlS 5110H1 ON TE GR1WN65 TO RE PIENSIONS IHDIGATEV. 11FiT.�.LL LRIB&NS A5 REl).�RED AS Ii�E F.YLAVATION RRGG�O". TO PRPJ@1i 51Q16HM4 Gf il�SOIL LNDHt TE FOOf�N6.fgMOVE SPOIL BY OtlHES. 1. yy�N�gp{rq�pF pIT 9,P/AT10N ON 1FE DRAMN65 IS RE/�LIED.IN5PEGT SOIL GOImIT10N5 AT THE BPSE OF ilE RT.iF SpIL GOIDITONS PROJIOE TNE!tC'(illF�O 9EARM6 GAP/�Lltt.FOfW TNE FI�ONT SIDE OF TNE RT AND PCVIi GONGREiE TO WIMIH 3 IIGFES OF THE 80TfOM OF lHE F�TIN6.STAIKE OFF Th£TOP OF l}E PIT TO PNOJIOE A 3 INGH 6M BETYffiI TXE TOP OF TfE%T PJm BbTTOM OF fi.rot�MFi.OfEYPAGK T!E 6AP it �p-tpLETELY"!IE FOLLW9N6 DAY. S. REPfi�T iME ABOJE SE�GE POR THE(�NAININ6 PI15 v110YH ON TI£ORAWNF/. b. T1E F0.LOHIlS WLLs�aV.LL BC GR6`LILY FOLLCME�FGA LNGE PINUIMS 0f£RATIONS. -AD14G@!T GOI�RW FOOTNS•SINLL NOT BE UDQ81N CO SIMILTMEPY.LY -ND l�tlrtE T1AN 25%OF THE MEh OF A COLLMN POOTIN6 SHALL BE U�ERH�t�AT ANY aNE TIME. tlrt -FOR YMLL fCOTIl55.A MIIUM.M LP t5 FffT SIW.L BE tMINTAINED RiOM @6E TO FD6E OF OPtN il�DERRNNINS RTS. G.� EAGM TIEB�GK S`V.LL�iP5T0J IhiNb A HYLRHLIL.Y4K A10 T1E PPCL9Tlf�LlSIID 89DY1 1HE RFST 2 TI�/GKS R15 5%OF TE FBMINiNb n�✓LKS Sit�LL BE FH3QawGE iEST�.ALL On162 n�.GKS 5lalL 82 vFNF T@5�. ��,�„�. �..�vaxwannuce iar siw.�ee�aa�er�rnur ionom�nro uio�uxe�n�.cK ir�nccorm�wTM� .yeue- LSTID BB.OH F IAAO INL(8@R.lN2 MOVHIBlr OF 11E ETEJ OF TE T�GK f�.4TNE ttJ I.H i�D�EIOEM RXHJ RSHtENLE SIMLL BE FEASWFD WTN A OIN.6NIFiE RCAOiN4 i0 O.WI•ANO NK.GY�. AlµFI@!t LOAO NU LF M TO IOt OF TC LB16X lCM(IXJ Sf W112E I£fD i0 BWIW.2 5(hR NO HOID Ttl°iBTIN6 HLIPFEIL�H PROGER SM�BIf.M1 F1�v851T W LL�R��TO TE nLIdeB1� LOI.�EbNB i1E gR0 N6�E MWB9l�.11E IICI�9fF GF tD.W 5lULL B6 LYLLE N GYG.E�] GYGLE J LYG.E M GYUP K GYG.E�6 LYLLE�1 O p5 O 'Y O p O O'IS 0.(LaKOfFI u a o� os,o� n o� �s o� �o� 035 0. A�� 050 DL O50 0. O50 0. 030 DL O.i30. O.150. O.EOt 0.150. !�, i.00 a. im a im a i�a PHtFLN1UNLE iEST iI�LK ALG�fA91Lltt: AT THE W.:nhUM l0/.O OF 133m1 PF8^! HT/BENi SMI.L BE f£h�A.Rm N�F£COfSm hi 1.2 3.4.5.b.UU 10 MIWIES.!.PHYORHI.KE �s�nmwcc is.cc�ue.e iF�nw�oF�eo aF*�s.eacw rs��x aa ea�u ro oai•Fon�nne veuw wrn+i ro 10 MIWIE5IM�IAigY FOLLGMtlNS MRJG/�P Of IOJD INGHfi51N6 FROM 130�L1 TO ISJaA IF iHE TI�AGK e�IP/H�O�'i EXL�"OD{•FOR TE LDAD GF I33�OL�VdL�IUII?Aill��MIiL TE Fw1E Of MO+H�9�T 5 L�5 iHAN OR HiNI.ro aDD'FOft n IA5 GrG£OF nFE IfK Tx5 Te'E PLilbD.LYGF^OF TFE IMGJAE 2 TO 3[1 MIUIB.3 TO 30 MINIfB.1 t0�O MNUfES,_ETG z wewF�mas. r ex,H u RreoF sT sw.LL ee rEarow�er rze�e+roCilx�nr.o�w mE mm�cK m ucato,wce wiN*NE x1EaAe usl8 ea.on n Lo/�a�HGaB1Ext�T�E rovBENt OF 1HE BD OF TE TI�GC RHArn/E i0,v,�w�ETOB11'Fp��FGE sw.0 BE rFA4R�IiiH w oV.L 6IWE aElnius ro amr uo RE�fh�.�w�.u9+e?lOw(�uJ aF�v ro as or TE oE51a�low mU sHw.�us�ro ehnn.re succ ND HOLO T£I�TIeK E(LRiM�N PF9M13[^L194b�t.N1-MOJ@'6iT�'9LL BE R�TO i1E ALI6I�EN!LOAO BEIN6 TE ffi+O ���.,�������.� AL az a 030 0� o�a ico a �0. O.19 0.M1OLKOF% vraooc�r nea.cc xce�rneium, T TE M�xM.M LOM OF I]DAL TEb.�LK MO�BEIf 51MLL�lEA�IR�ND RFllFOfO�i I.2 3.4.NO 5 MWI£5.A FRO�F iE5TE0 TE9ACK 15I(GBf/�BIP IF TE HOJb M OF TE BO i5 LC93 TVN OR Efi✓�L TO 06S'FOR iMC 11FE P5t10D fMOM i TO 5 W W S IM�IAI�Y rou.owr+s�rxiuna�ap�oin u1c�i+e rrsa+iewo�ro i�. .re nm�cc roveorr�,�s om•rors ims n�veuoo.TMe in,w cF 30xOL 5lNI.L BE WNMwf�HM AN/�LOITION+L 9 MWIB WRN M�NE]4NI f[WIwBS tFA4R�MO f@CORDID AT b ND 10 MWIG.TE �AGK IS i19�K fABL2 If tHE MO�08,i i5 LEf iw�N OR EtiY�l TO F W'fbR TE TVE P6t10�i4P�I ia 10 HINRES UM�IAI9.Y wuawr�s nvac..na+cF i.ono incrsF snc rnar+i.c o�ro�3a�. i �T�cc rovesrt oc�s ons•wa d�s nne fauw.m�ioi.o GY I?OmL SH�LL 0E ININTAi1ID UTL 11t FAiE�tY).B�BR IS IF551%VI OR HiYl.iD ODG'FAR A LO6 GYG.E OF 111E ID6 LYLIS OF TY£ I AlOE]TO 20 MIWlE;x 3 TO 3D MMUIEs.4 TO/O Mwl�-CTG. ANY TI�.GK WlLH GMatli 6E�1LCE55FllLY 1BlEJ TO 1ME LOADS i�[i)Ili�M o POhfX SGIE-E CAN BE I�A1HJ M ilf SY51@1 RE�V�LF�luxPiM IDM IT MLL H0.�Milqlf GONIIMKV5 MOJ@fNf. 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MEADOW DRIVE Total Fees: 415,910.35 This Payment: $94.00 Total ALL Pmts: 415,910.35 Balance: $0.00 ****:�********�******************�***********************************�*********************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ OH 00100003152000 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEE 94.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- � � ��� 5q6C)SC�uth 9�ek�eC Sireet 9uita 37E} C�reerYVUaod V'�ge.CCY 901 t t U5A Ft4}LF JEN�EFI�e pBS�'3+CidSES,lNG. wwwrJair�c,cam F1Rf PII2CC77TECTIfJfV CtJNSULTANTS +l 3Q"3�73-78d8 �t:+13C+3-573-7&i3 August 7, 2006 �s� Connie Dorsey �� � Vail Plaza Hotel � ; 16 Vail Road � ' Vail, CO 81645 PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE SPECIAL INSPECTION SERVICES FOR _�, KE _ CONTROL SYSTEM AT THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Dear Connie: G �� ,, f �� Rolf Jensen &Associates, Inc. (RJA) is pleased to provide this proposal for insp tion services for Vail Plaza Hotel located in Vail, Colorado. The 2003 Edition of the International Building Code defines requirements for testing and inspection of smoke control systems. This proposal presents a scope of services for the testing and inspection of the Atrium A an Atrium B smoke control systems at the Vail Plaza Hotel and is reflective of the requirements defined in the IBC for Special Inspection services. SCOPE OF SERVICES RJA proposes the following inspection and testing services for the Atrium Smoke Control Systems at the Vail Plaza Hotel. It is our understanding that the atria will be tested independently and at different times. 1. Review the final smoke control system submittal package from the Mechanical designer and contractor; including mechanical drawings, equipment submittals, and control diagrams and the final fire alarm system submittal from the Electrical/Fire Alarm designer and contractor for any field changes that may have occurred during the process of construction. 2. Prepare a testing criteria document for review by the Client and officials of the Town of Vail. The testing criteria will define specific test protocol and check sheets showing individual devices whose operation is to be verified. 3. Attend one meeting with the Client, Town of Vail representatives and the construction team to review the test criteria and procedures. 4. Participate in the preparation and coordination of test schedules with the Client and contractor. The schedules will identify the anticipated start date and duration of tests and will be coordinated with project personnel. �� ���'���� � � � ������.�����II ' CONNIE DORSEY Page 2 PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE SPECIAL INSPECTION SERVICES August 7, 2006 5. Witness the pressure testing of duct work used for smoke control purposes. It is expected that the Mechanical contractor will perForm all necessary work to prepare and test the duct work. RJA will witness the testing and provide confirmation of the results in our final report. 6. Witness the air balance measurements of the system. It is expected the Mechanical contractor will coordinate the air balance certification of the smoke control equipment and perform all necessary measurements. RJA will witness the methods used to determine airFlows and will review the test and balance report. The test and balance report will become part of our final report. 7. Test all equipment, devices and components of the smoke control system in their final installed condition to verify proper operation and sequence. This includes all fans, dampers, detection and control equipment and wiring. This test will be in accordance with the requirements of the IBC. 8. Measure pressure differentials across barriers, as appropriate, and verify that the opening force of exit doors does not exceed the maximum force allowed by the Code. 9. Provide a report on system performance in accordance with the IBC, as well as approved design documents, including completed checklists for tested devices and a brief narrative description of overall system performance. CLIENT/CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Provide drawings, specifications and other documents related to the smoke control system, as required, for our review and coordination. 2. RJA WILL NOT PROVIDE ANY SPECIAL TESTING OF THE SMOKE CONTROL EQUIPMENT WITH RESPECT TO MEASUREMENT OF VOLTAGE, AMPERAGE, REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE, BELT TENSION OR AIR BALANCING OF THE SYSTEM. RJA WILL INCLUDE THE DOCUMENTATION OF THIS TESTING BY OTHERS IN THE FINAL SMOKE CONTROL REPORT. 3. The Owner will be responsible for contracting the services of an air balance company to perform the airflow verification. 4. The construction team will provide personnel to operate all systems and communication equipment for all such personnel, measurement equipment, and will provide any construction modifications required for testing of equipment. This may include temporary sealing of some areas for pressurization testing or similar operations. • CONNIE DORSEY Page 3 PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE SPECIAL INSPECTION SERVICES August 7, 2006 5. The General Contractor will be responsible for the pre-testing of equipment operation and acceptance testing of all fire protection systems (including sprinkler flow zones and fire alarm devices). As an additional service RJA can provide commission testing of all fire protection and life safety systems. ADDITIONAL SERVICES While not specifically included within this proposal, Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc. can provide additional services for this project. An example of some of the additional services which we can provide include: 1. Attendance at any meeting or test in excess of that identified above. 2. Development of code equivalencies or special requirements for the acceptance test. 3. Construction management services for the fire protection related aspects of the project. 4. Special Inspection services required for any other fire protection or life safety systems. TERMS AND CONDITIONS RJA proposes to perform the listed scope of services for a lump sum plus expense fee structure. We have included one day for testing of each atrium as we understand that both atria will not likely be complete at the same time. Our fees anticipate that all equipment will be working properly. If any deficiencies are identified that can not be corrected during the initial visit, additional testing will be conducted on a time and expense basis at a billing rate of$135 per hour. Work will be perFormed in accordance with our Standard Terms and Conditions, which are attached to and made part of this proposal. The lump sum labor fee for the above scope of services will be $6,210.00 plus expenses. Expenses will be reimbursed at cost and will include travel from our Denver office and normal and customary incidental expenses. Expenses will include a minimum of four trips to the site (coordination meeting, duct pressure testing, test Atrium A, test Atrium B) and are estimated not to exceed $750.00. Additional testing or re-testing will be conducted on a time plus material basis with an hourly rate of$135 per hour. Expenses will be dependent on the number of trips required to the site. Prior to performing additional testing, the anticipated costs will be discussed with the Client. ' CONNIE DORSEY Page 4 PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE SPECIAL INSPECTION SERVICES August 7, 2006 ACCEPTANCE If this proposal is acceptable, please sign a copy and return it to our Denver office. The terms and conditions of this proposal are valid if the document is countersigned and returned within 45 days from the date of this letter. Very truly yours, ROLF JENSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. . �.l�4(,�..-r_,,. J on Miller Consultant Accepted by: VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Date Attachment Permit# Pe�mit Date COMcheck Software Version 3.2.1 Lighting Compliance Certificate 2003 IECC Report Date:06/221os Data filename:G:1Vail_Plaza_Hotel W040051Ltg1Ltg-Calcs\Vail Comcheck 6-22-O6.cck Section 1: Project Information Project Title:Vail Plaza Hotel Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Vail,CO Tim Losa Steve Peterson Zehren and Associates,Architects ME Engineers 48 East Beaver Creek Blvd,Suite 303 10055 West 43rd Ave Avon,CO 81620 Wheat Rudge,CO 80033 stevep@me-engineers.co m Section 2: General Information Bui�ding Use Description by: Activity Type Project Type: New Construction Activitv Tvce(sl Floor Area Lobby-Hotel 3236 Dining 3526 Restaurant 968 Other 66128 Retail Sales,Wholesale Showroom 984 Office 8064 Lobby-Hotel 14720 Convention,Conference or Meeting Center 7616 Convention,Conference or Meeting Center 15232 Storage,Industrial and Commercial 4459 Kitchen 6572 Other 1024 Hotel Function 5760 Other 3492 Other ���s Hotel Function 4940 Corridor,Restroom,Support Area 2144 Lobby-Other 446 Lobby-Hotel 6�2 Other 5376 Section 3: Requirements Checklist Interior Lighting: � 1. Total actual watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Allowed Watts Actual Watts Complies 169850 144739 YES ❑ 2. Exit signs 5 Watts or less per side- --._ ..---._.w__.�...._____.r._. ......�.__..�. _._. _..__,__...-------. __ . _.._ __—._. ._____ . ___.___._____.. __. - Page 1 of 4 Exterior Lighting: 0 3. Efficacy greater than 45 lumenslW. Exceptions: Specialized lighting highlighting features of historic buildings;signage;safely or security lighting;low-voltage landscape lighting. Controls,Switching,and Wiring: ❑ 4. Independent controls for each space(switch/occupancy sensor). ExcepUons: Areas designated as security or emergency areas that must be continuously illuminated. Lighting in stairways or corridors that are elements of ihe means of egress. ❑ 5. Master switch at entry to hotellmotel guest room. ❑ 6. Individual dwelling units separately metered. ❑ 7. Each space provided with a manual control to provide uniform light reducNon by at least 50%. Exceptions: Only one luminaire in space; An occupant-sensing device controls the area; The area is a wrridor,storeroom,restroom,public lobby or guest room; Areas that use less than 0.6 Watts/sq.ft. ❑ e. Automatic lighting shutoff control in buildings larger than 5,000 sq.ft. ❑ 9. PhotocelUastronomical time switch on exterior lights. F�rceptions: Lighting intended for 24 hour use. ❑ 10. Tandem wired one-lamp and three-lamp ballasted luminaires(No single-lamp ballasts). ExcepSons: Electronic high-frequency ballasts;Luminaires on emergency circuits or with no available pair. Section 4: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement:The proposed ligh6ng design represented in this document is consistent with the building pla�s, specifications and other calculatlons submitted with this permit application.The�proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the 2003 IECC,Chapter 8,requirements in COMcheck Version 3. .1 arW t ply wilh the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Che st. � �• / il.06 �'v� F-rFH��- ' Principal Lighting Designer-Name Signature Date __ ____._ ._--____.______._. ___ _______ __ ___.__ ---�v.__._..,__.��.._�.....�.._..._�....�__.�_._._..__ ..___._.. �.__....,.. Page 2 of 4 Permit# Permit Date COMcheck Software Version 3.2.1 Lighting Appiication Worksheet 2003 IECC Report Date: Data filename:G:1Vail_Plaza_Hotel_WD40�51Ltg1Ltg-CaIcslVail Comcheck 6-22-06.cck Section 1: Atlowed Lighting Power Calculation p g C D Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (ft2) Watts!ft2 (B x C) Lobby-Hotet 3236 1.1 3560 Dining 3526 0.9 3173 Restaurant 968 0.9 871 Other 66128 1 66128 Retail Sales,Wholesale Showroom 984 1.7 1673 Office 8064 1.1 8870 Lobby-Hotel 14720 1.1 16192 Convention,Conference or Meeting Center 7616 1.3 9901 Convention,Conference or Meeting Center 15232 1.3 19802 ' Storage,Industrial and Commercial 4459 0.8 3567 Kitchen 6572 1.2 7886 Other 1024 1 1024 Hotel Function 57fi0 1.3 7488 Other 3492 1 3492 Other 1176 1 1176 Hotel Function 4940 1.3 6422 Corridor,Restroom,Support Area 2144 0.9 1930 Lobby-Other 446 1.3 580 Lobby-Hotel 672 t.t 739 Other 5376 1 5376 Total Allowed Watts= 169850 Section 2: Actual Lighting Power Calculation p B C D E Fixture ID:Description I Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps! #of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. Space 1 Linear Fluorescent 19:F1�48"T8 32W I Electronic 1 3 32 96 Linear Fluorescent 14:F1A:48"T8 32W/Electronic 2 7 64 448 Linear Fluorescent 2:F16:48"T8 32W/Electronic 2 104 64 6656 Linear Fluorescent 15:F1 C:48"T8 32W/Electronic 2 11 64 704 Linear Fluorescent 8:F1D:48"T8 32W/Electronic 1 172 32 5504 Linear Fluorescent 9:F1 E-4':48"T8 32W/Electronic 1 30 32 960 Linear Fluorescent 10:F1 E-3':36"T8 25W/Electronic 1 10 25 250 Linear Fluorescent 1 t:F1 E-2':24"TS 17W!Electronic 1 10 17 170 Linear Fluorescent 3:F1F:48"TB 32W/Electronic 2 5 64 320 Linear Fluorescent 15:F1 G:48"TS 32W!Electronic 2 5 64 320 Linear Fluorescent 4 copy 1:F2:48"T8 32W/Electronic 3 176 96 16896 Linear Fluorescent 16:F2A:48"TS 32W!Electronic 3 79 96 7584 Linear Fluorescent 17'F2B:48"T8 32W I Electronic 2 3 64 192 __ ____.....__.... ____�..._ ._._..__,.___ ..____.� . _ _..._--..._ .__.._._ ��.. ___... ...________.�_. ----. .. ___.. ___. .____.___ Page 3 of 4 , , Linear Fluorescent 5:F2C:48'T8 32W/Electronic 4 40 128 5120 Compact Fluorescent 3:F4:Triple 4-pin Z6W/Electronic 1 94 26 2444 Compacl Fluorescent 4:F4A:Triple 4-pin 32W J Elecironic 1 57 32 1824 Compact Fluorescent 5:F4B:Triple 4-pin 42W/ElecVonic 1 3 42 126 Compact Fluorescent 6:F4C:Triple 4-pin 32W/Electronic 1 40 32 1280 Compact Fluorescent 7:F40:Triple 4-pin 26W!Electronic 1 8 26 208 Compact Fluorescent 2:F5:Triple 4pin 42W!Electronic 2 10 84 840 Linear Fluorescent 1:F6:48"T8 32W/Electronic 2 40 64 2560 Linear Fluorescent 13:F8:48"T8 32W/Electronic 2 8 64 512 Linear Fluorescent 7:FBA:48'TS 32W!Electronic 1 12 32 384 Compact Fiuorescent 8:F9:Triple 4-pin 18W/Electronic � �2 �$ 2�6 Compaot Fluorescent 1:F71:Quad 2-pin 26W/ElecVo�ic 1 2 26 52 linear Fluorescent 6:F12:48"T8 32W/Electronic 2 61 64 3904 Compact Fluorescent 9:F13:Triple 4-pin 42W/Magnetic 1 9 42 376 Linear Fluorescent 12:F14:Other!Electronic 2 10 26 260 Linear Fluorescent 20:F15:46"T5 28W/Electronic � 4 Z8 ��2 HID 2:MH1:Metal Halide 70W/Electronic l 7 70 490 HID 1:MH2:Metal Halide 175W/Electronic 1 95 175 16625 HID 3:MH4:Metal Halide 175W/Electronic 1 27 175 4725 HID 4:MH6:Metal Halide 150W!Electronic 1 2 150 300 HID 5:MH7:Metal Halide 10�W/Electronic 1 26 100 2600 HID 6:MHB:Other/Electronic 1 27 39 1053 HID 7:MH9:Metal Halide 70W/Electronic 1 3 70 210 Incandescent 1:D1:Incandescent 60W 1 27 60 1620 Incandescent 2:D2A:Incandescenl 60W 1 3 1200 3600 Incandescent 3:D4:Incandescent 60W 1 6 60 360 Incandescent 4:D5:Incandescent 60W 1 19 60 1140 Incandescent 5:D6:Incandescent 60W 1 26 60 'I560 Incandescent 6:D6A:Incandescent 60W 1 8 fi0 480 Incandescent 7:D7A:Incandescent t00W 8 5 1000 5000 Linear Fluorescent 37:D78:46"TS 54W/Electronic 4 3 216 648 Compact Fluorescent 10:DB:Triple 4-pin 42W/Electronic 4 6 168 1008 Compact FYuoresce�t 11:DBA:Triple 4-pin 42W/Electronic 4 5 168 840 Incandescent 10:D13:Incandescent 60W 2 S 120 960 Incandescent 11:D14:Incandescent 6�W 1 18 60 1080 Incandescent 12:D18:Other 1 5 50 250 Incandescent 13:D19:Incandescent 60W 3 8 180 t440 HID 8:S4'Metal Halide 70W/Ele�tronic 1 11 70 770 LED:S8A:Other/Electronic 1 35 3 105 Incandescent 15:Q1:Incandescent SQW 1 5 50 250 Incandescent 16:Q1A:Incandescent 75W 1 83 75 6225 Incandescent 17:Q1C:Incandescent SOW 1 2 50 100 incandescent 17 copy 1:Q1D:Incandescent 50W 1 25 50 1250 Incandescent 17 copy 2:Q1E:Incandescent 50W 1 2 50 100 Incandescent 17 copy 3:Q1F:Incandescent 50W 1 16 50 800 Incandescent 23:Q2:Incandescent 50W 1 6 50 300 Incandescent 24:Q3:Incandescent 150W 1 140 150 21000 Incandescent 26:Q8:Incandescent 75W 1 12 75 900 Incandescent 27:QBA:Incandescent 75W 1 2 75 150 incandescent 28:Q9:Olher 1 454 10 4540 Incandescent 36:Q11:Incandescent 50W 1 10 50 500 Incandescent 38:Q13:Incandescent 20W 1 72 20 1440 Total Actual Watts= 144739 Section 3: Compliance Calculation If the Total Allowed Watts minus the Total Actual Watts is greater than or equal to zero,the building complies. Total Allowed Watts= 169850 Total Actual Watts= 144739 Proje�t Compliance= 25111 r� . �e . ._.__....____........�....,__._:_.�.___....__._____�._..._�_....�_._. .._..__ ___...... .. ...___.._ ._.__..._._...._�.__ . . _.,._�__..-_.._.__.....,.._.�....�__._._� _. . Page 4 of 4 �� � STAT�E OF COLOR�DO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OT Region 3 Traffic&Safety Utility Permitting Section ���` 222 South 6"'Street, Room 100 Grand Junction,Colorado 81501 (970)248-7230 FAX:(970)248-7294 October 8, 2004 Connie Dorsey Daymer Corporation Vail Valley Inn 12 Vail Road, Suite 200 Vail, CO 81567 Re: Utility Pernut# 12,308 Dear: Connie, Please find enclosed,Utility Permit number 12.308 with the Standard and Special Provisions attached. You will fmd two(2)copies of the Permit. Please review the"Permittee" and"Activity Description"sections of the Permit for accuracy. Pl�ase note the ehanges/add'ations to the Standard& Special Provisions Pl�ase read carefullw, Th�new urovisfons are in effect Janua 27!2004. WEATHER SHALL RESTRICT WORK SCHEDULE PLEASE REVIEW THE ATTACHED "LATE FALL WINTER& SPRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR UTULITY INSTALLATIONS". If the information is correct and you agree to the attached Standard and Special Provisions,please sign, attest and date both copies of the permit. Return to me at the above address, one copv of the permit(without attachments)with the original signatures. Upon my receipt of the fully endorsed cop,the Permit shall become valid. Utility space in the ROW is becoming a concern. It may be necessary in the future to combine utility owner lines I a common trench in some locations. I must bring to your attention,that abandoning utilities in The Right of Way(ROW)will no longer be allowed,unless at CDOT direction. I may be reached at the above number shoud you have question or if I may be of further assistance. Sincerely, �;��� Mike Verketis Utility CoordinatoriInspector � Xc: File Turner � � �,` � ••' t . COLO?tADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION � SPE�IAL USE PERMIT ❑LANDSCAPE XXGENRALCONSTN ❑SURVEY ❑OTHER( ) DEPARTMENT USE ONLY � PERMITTEE Date issued 10/8/04 Name permit# 12,308 DAYMER CORPORATION S.H.#070A S.FR M.P. 176mm Address VAIL VILLAGE INN,12 VAIL ROAD,SUITE 200 District 03 Section 02 VAIL,CO 81567 Telephone (970)476-5622 Representative: CONNIE DORSEY Patrol 3219 NOTICE TO PERMITTEE:You must notify owner or operator of underground utility facilities at least two(2)business days prior to making or beginning excavations in the vicinity oS such facilities,as required under Section 9-1.5-103,Colorado Revised Statutes. CALL UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OF COLORADO(UNCC),1-800-922-1987,FOR MARKING OF MEMBER UTILITIES.. CONTACT NON-MEMBER UTILITIES DIRECTLY ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Furnished b Permittee NATURE OF ACTIVITY INSTALL TIE BACK ANCHORS FOR SUB SURFACE FOUNDATION SHORING AT CONSTRUCTION FOR VAIL PLAZA HOTEL. THESE TIE-BACKS SHALL EXTEND INTO CDOT ROW FROM OUTSIDE OF CDOT ROW. LOCATION: State Hwy.No. 070A S.FR County EAGLE City/Town VAIL Mile point(s) 176mm Intersecting Feature(s): 1]0 FEET EAST OF MAIL TRAFFIC CIRCLE Other Location Information ADDITIONAL REMARKS CURRENT INSURANCE CERTIFICATE ON FILE. SPECiAL PROVISIONS com leted b the De artment The S ecial Provisions are terms and conditions of this ermit. Any work shall only be in accordance with the special provisions and other applicable details as set forth in this permit and its attachments. The CDOT Inspector is: ROBERT TURNER Telephone (970)845-1027 Fax(970)845-1027 Work is to be completed on or before: 6/30/OS or within days,(as applicable) Work time restrictions: DAYLIGHT HOURS ONLY,NO WEEKENDS OR HOLIDAYS. (ALSO SEE ATTACHED STANDARD PROVISIONS,AND ADDITIONAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS), (TRAFFIC CONTROL MUST CONFORM TO THE MUTCD) Other: Permittee is prohibited from commencing any activity within highway ROW prior to issuance of a fully endorsed and validated permit. Permit,insurance certificate(s),and traffic control plan must be available on site during work. High visibility vests are required at all times during working hours. ]. Your request to perform the work as described above is granted subject to the terms and conditions of this permit,including the Standard and Special Provisions as shown on the permit and all attachments hereto. 2. To the extent authorized by law,the Permittee shall indemnify,save,and hold harmless the State,its employees and agents,against any and all claims, damages, liability, and court awards including costs, expenses, and attorney fees incurred as a result of any act or omission by the Permittee, or its employees,agents,subcontractors or assignees pursuant to the terms of this permit. 3. Failure by the Permittee to comply with any of the included terms or conditions may subject this permit to suspension or cancellation,at the discretion of the Department of Transportation. 4 REpRESENTATIVE OF THE DEP RTMENT. A ULLOY EXECU ED COPY OF THIS PERMIT MUSOT BE ON FILE ATTHE TRA SPORTOATION REGION OFFICE. 5. In accepting this permit the undersigned,representing the Permittee,verifies that he or she has the authority to sign for and bind the Permittee,and that he or she has read,understands and accepts all the included conditions. Attested Date � Si u^ature �' Date --------------I--—-------------- ----------------—------—^----------=-�----- -----F-----—---------- � � � �� � � - - ----------------------------------- � � Title Title � COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ; By � Date of issue Chief Engineer ; Regional Transportation Director or Designee l0/8/04 CDOT Form# 1283a 2/O1 - STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OT Region 3 Traffic and Safety Utility Permht Section 222 South 6 Street,Room 100 n�v,wn�xroF,wusroar�naV Grand Junction,Colorado 81501 (970)248-7230 FAX:(970)248-7294 12,308 Permit No 070A S. Frontage Road Highway No 176mm Mile Marker 3219 Patrol No SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT THE SPECIAL PROVSIONS ARE TERMS AND CONDTIONS OF THIS PERMIT TRAFFIC CONTROL 1. The complete pernut for this work,including approved and 29 CFR Part 1926-Safety and Health Regulations for CDOT permit,construcrion and traffic control plans,wili be Construction. kept at the work site at all times. The permittee is responsible for providing tra�c control plans that Personal protective equipment(e.g.head protection, conforms to and meets the requirements of the Manual on footwear,high visibility apparel,safety glasses,hearing Uniform Trafrc Control Devices(MUTCD)and the protection,respirators,gloves,etc.)shall be worn as Colorado suvnlements. appropriate for the work being preformed,and as specified in regulation. At a muumum,all workers in the State 2. To meet conditions encountered in the field,minor changes Highway right of way,except when in their vehicles,shall or additions may be ordered and approved by the CDOT wear the following personal protective equipment: Field Inspector. • Head protection,that complies with the ANSI 3. All work shall cease when weather creates a safety hazard Z89.11997 standard; for the traveling public and/or barrow ditch is wet enough to leave tire or cleat marks. • At all construction sites or whenever there is danger of injury to feet,workers shall comply with 4. Advanced warning and construction signs,flashers, OSHA's PPE requirements for foot protection per barricades and flag people must conform to the Manual on 29 CFR 1910.136, 1926.95,and 1926.96. If Uniform Traffic Control Devices and,Colorado required,such footwear shall meet the Supplements,and must be in place before work starts each requirements of ANSIZ41-1999; day. . High visibility apparel as specified in the Traffic 5. Lane closures must be as short as possible and as per the Control provisions of this permit(at a minimum, MUTCD. Flaggers are required for each lane closure. ANSI/ISEA 107-1999,Class 2). Advance waming signs must be placed as per MUTCD. All temporary traffic control signs shall be removed,covered or Where any of the above-reference ANSI standards have laid on the ground during non-working hours. been revised,the most recent version of the standard shall apply. 6. Two-way traffic shall be maintained at all times in the construction area in accordance with the M.U.T.C.D. and CONSTRUCTION Colorado Supplements. 8. The permittee must notify the CDOT inspector no less than WORKER SAFETY AND HEALTH rivo(2)days prior to any work on highway right-of-way. CDOT Inspector's name or alternate contact and phone 7. Ali workers within the State Highway right of way shall number is on the permit. comply with their employer's safety and health policies/procedures,and all applicable U.S.Occupational 9. No work shall proceed beyond the expiration date specified safety and Health Administration(OSHA)regulations- on the permit without written approval of the Deparhnent. including,but not limited to the applicable sections of 29 CFR Part 19190-Occupation safety and Healthy Standards 10. No work shall be permitted at night or on Saturday, Sunday, CDOT Utility Specs-Re�ised 1/Oa Pagel � unless such]oss and/or damage is the direct result of any certificate. (Insurance requirements are shown on Page 2 of willful and wanton act of the State of Colorado or its the Utility/Special Use Permit Application.)As your employees. various policies expire or are revised,updated information will be required. 33. Permittee is prohibited from any illicit or non-stormwater discharges that are prohibited by State Water Quality laws. 40. The expiration date of this permit is noted on the permit. If further information is necessary, CDOT shall provide a Any request to extend the time frame of this permit shall be copy of the Environmental Clearances Summary. Permittee made in writing. Submittal of an additional permit agrees that it shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary application may be required. environmental clearances and permits from all agencies (U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,Colorado Divisions of Wildlife,U.S.Forrest Service,U.S.Bureau of Land Management, Colorado Depariment of Health& Environment,county health deparhnent,etc.)before commencing any work under this permit. Without these clearances&permits,this nermit shatl be not in effect. Permittee also agrees to assume all responsibility and liability in connection with potential environmental hazards encountered in connection with its work under this permit. The permittee must show all environmental permits and clearances to CDOT(Utility Inspector or Environmental Officer)on request and prior to construction. 34. In the event any changes are made to this highway for any transportation purpose in the future that necessitate removal, adjustment,or relocation of this installation,permittee will do so promptly at no cost to CDOT except as provided by law,upon written notice from CDOT. 35. If any element of the highway facility,constructed or replaced as a condition of this permit fails within two years due to improper construcrion,installation or materials, permittee will be responsible for making all repairs immediately as notified. 36. The CDOT inspector may suspend operations due to 1) persistent non-compliance with permit provisions,2) abandonment or transfer of ownership,3)superceded by a new permit covering the same installation or,4)conflict with planned highway construction.Permittee must promptly terminate occupancy upon notice of cancellation of permit unless a new permit is applied for and granted. 37. The CDOT inspector may suspend operations due to(1) non-compliance with the provisions of this permit,(2) adverse weather or traffic conditions,(3)concurrent highway construction or maintenance in conflict with the permitted work, or(4)any condition deemed unsafe for the workers or for the general public. Work may resume upon disposal of grounds for suspension. 38. Should any permitted facilities be abandon,permittee agrees to notify the CDOT Region office and remove any or all portions of such utilities,as may be designated by CDOT. 39. By law,the State of Colorado requires a"Certificate of Insurance",with the State of Colorado named as additional insured prior to commencing any work on State Highway Right-of-Way. Please facilitate CDOT's receipt of this CDOT Utility Specs-Revised 1/04 Page3 � ' � STANDARD PROVISIONS FOR UTILTTY and OTHER PERMIT OPERATIONS ' � The Standard Provisions are terms and conditions of this permit Effective May 2001 . Utility work authorized under this permit shall comply with the requirements of TRAFFIC CONTROL the CDOT Urility Manual,and applicable federal,state,local,and industry Whenever the work will affect the movement or safety of traffic,Permittee shall codes and regulations. develop and implement a traffic control plan,and�urilize traffic control devices Consttuction of any portion of the highway facility,including the pavement as necessary to ensure the safe and expeditious movement of traffic around and structure,subsurface support,drainage,landscaping elements,and all through the work site and the safety of the utility work force. High visibility appureenant features,shall comply with the provisions of the CDOT Standard vests shall be wom at all times during work. Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction,and with the Colorado The traffic control plan and the application of traffic control devices shall Standard Plans(M&S Standards). conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and Colorado 2410-114 CRS=Secrion 24-10-114,Colorado Revised Statutes 1973,as Supplement thereto,and with the Department's tra�c signing Standard Plans S amended 630-1 and S 630-2. a ROW=Right of Way Permittee's traffic control plan is subject to CDOT approval prior to COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION commencing work on highway ROW.A copy of the approved traffic control Work on highway ROW shall not commence prior to issuance of a fully plan must be available on site during work. endorsed and validated permit. Permittee shall notify the CDOT inspector: 1)2 working days before CLEAR ROADSIDE CONSIDERATIONS commencing work on ROW;2)When suspending operations for 5 or more CDOT is committed to provide a roadside area that is as free as practical from working days;3)2 working days before resuming suspended work;and 4)Upon nontraverseable hazards and fixed objects("clear zone").New above ground completion of work. installations may be permitted within the clear zone only upon a showing that no Work shall not proceed beyond a completion date specified in the Special feasible altemate locations exist.Permittee'must utilize appropriate Provisions without written approval of the Departrnent. countermeasures to minimize hazards. Permittee shall remove materials and equipment from the highway ROW at the PLANS,PLAN REVISIONS,ALTERED WORK close of daily operations.The traffic control plan must include protective measures where materials and equipment may be stored on ROW. Plans or work sketch(EXHIBIT A)are subject to CDOT approval.A copy of the approved glans or sketch must be available on site during work. Protection of open trenches and other excavations within highway ROW shall be addressed in the Permittee's traffic control plan. Plan revisions,or altered work differing in scope or nature from that authorized permittee agrees to promptly undertake mitigating or corrective actions under this permit,are subject to CDOT prior approval.Permittee shall prompdy acceptable to the Department upon notificarion by CDOT that the instaliation notify the CDOT inspector of changed or unforeseen conditions,which may pemutted herein has resulted in a hazardous situation for highway users. occur on thejob. INSURANCE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Work shall not be performed at night or on Saturdays,Sundays,or holidays Permittee shall procure and maintain general public and auto liability and without prior authorization or unless otherwise specified in this pennit.CDQT property damage insurance covering the operations under this permit,in the may restrict work on ROW during adverse weather conditions or during pedods amounts specified in 24-10-114 CRS.Policies shall name the State of Colorado of high tra�c volume. as addirional insured party.Like coverage shall be furnished by or on behalf of any subcontractors.Certificates of insurdnce showing compliance with these Those areas within ROW which must be disturbed by permit operarions shall be provisions shall be attached to and made a part of this permit;copies must be kept to a practical minimum. available on site during work. Permittee shall not spray,cut,or trim trees or other landscaping elements within highway ROW,unless such work is otherwise specified in this permit,or clearly WORK WHERE DEPARTMENT LACKS AUTHORITY indicated on the approved plans. Urility work within municipal boundaries(pursuant to 43-2-135 CRS),on Cleated or tracked equipment shall not work on or move over paved surf'aces certain public lands,or on private property,may require separate approval of the without mats. appropriate jurisdictional agency or property owner. Material removed from any portion of the roadway prism must be replaced in like kind with equal or better compacrion. Segregation of material is not INSTALLATIONS ON FREEWAYS perautted. CDOT may peimit utility accommodations on freeways,including but not The utility facility shall be of durable materials in conformity with accepted limited to the Interstate System,only in accordance with Utility Manual practice or industry standards,designed for long service life,and relatively free provisions.Special case excepfions as defined therein may be permitted only in from routine servicing or maintenance. accordance with FHWA-approved Depamnental policy. Construction or compaction by means of jetting,puddling,or water floodin�is prohibited within all highway ROW. JOINT USE ALTERNATIVES Thiust blocks are required on all vertical and horizontal bends in pressure pipes. As directed or approved by CDOT,if necessary for the safe and efficient use of Meters shall not be placed on highway ROW except within coiporate limits the ROW,Permittee shall utilize joint use facilities such as the placement of two where municipal regulations allow such use. or more separate lines in a common trench,or attachment to the same overhead support. The Permitte•Nill be responsible for proper coordination with other ALIGNMENT,COVER,CLEARANCE affected utilities. Location and alignment of Permittee's faciliries shal]be only as specified in this permit or as otherwise indicated in the approved plans or work sketch ATTACHMENT TO HIGHWAY STRUCTURES (EXHIBIT A). Permittee is responsible for designing structure attachments,subject to the Parallel installations will not be permitted within roadways(including curbing approval of the CDOT Staff Bridge Design Engineer. and/or shoulders)or median areas,except within corporate boundaries,subject to municipal regularions. DRAINAGEWAYS AND WATERCOURSES Paralle!installations should be located as near as practicable to the ROW line. , T'he flow of water shall not ever be impaired or interrupted.Where possible, Crossings shall be as nearly perpendicular to the highway as feasible. crossings of ditches,canals or water-carrying structures shall be bored or jacked Where no feasible alternate locations exist,parallel installations may be " beneath.Irrigation ditch or canal crossings require approval of the ditch permitted along roadside areas within 15 feet from edge of shoulder or back of company or owner.Permittee shall r�pair damage to any drainage facility to the curb. [n these cases,the facility must be so located and safeguarded as to avoid satisfaction of the owner. 1 � . _ .. potential conflict with necessary highway appurtenances(signs,guazd rail, Routine,periodic maintenance and emergency repairs may be performed under • delineators,etc.). the general terms and conditions of this pe�mit.CDOT shall be given proper advance norice whenever maintenanee work will affect the movement or safety Parallel installations shall follow a uniform alignment,wherever practical.Due of traffic.In an emergency,the CDOT Region office and the State Patrol shall considerarion must be given to conserving space available for future utility_ �ediately be notified of possible traffic hazards.Emergency procedures shall accommodations.The standard allowable deviarion from the approved be coordinated beforehand,where possible. horizontal alignment is f 18 inches. • Maintenance activities requiring new excavation or other disturbance within „ Minimum cover shall conform to the Special Provisions.Normal specified cover highway ROW may require separate pemut. will be 48 inches or greater;reduced cover may be approved where site condirions warrant,subject to other safeguards as may be specified oi appioved Where highway construction or maintenance operarions so require,Permittee in the permit. � will shut off lines,remove all combusrible materials from the highway right of Minimum overhead clearance shall conform to the Special Provisions,consistent way,or provide other temporary safeguards. with Utility Manual criteria. Should any permitted facilities be abandoned,Permittee agrees to promptly � norify the CDOT region office and to remove any or all portions of such PAVEMENT CUTS AND REPAIRS facilities,as may be directed by CDOT.: Paved surfaces shall not be cut unless otherwise specified in this permit.No �DERGROUND UTILIT'I'LOCATION ASSISTANCE more than one half the width of the roadbed may be opened at a time,when otherwise permitted.Pavement shall be sawed or wheel-cut to a neat line. Permittee may be required to identify the installarion with suitable markers,of a type and at locarions as specified or otherwise approved.Permittee shall Pavement shall be replaced to a design equal to or greater than that of the maintain markers for the life of the installation. surrounding undisturbed pavement shucture.Pavement repair shall conform to the Special Provisions or the approved plans. Waming ribbon and/or detection wire may be required for buried facilities."As Conshucted"plans showing lines and grades will be fumished to CDOT by the Permittee as directed. , BORING,JACKING,ENCASEMENT Owners of underground facilities shall participate in a notification association Unless otherwise specified,buried crossings shall be bored or jacked beneath the P�uant to 9-1.5-105 CRS. roadway,at least from toe of slope to toe of opposite slope. Portals for untrenched crossings more than 5 feet in depth shall be bulk headed. �JUSTMENTS DUE TO HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION Minimum lateral dimension from portal to edge of pavement is 6 feet,but in any case shall not be less than the vertical drop from roadway surface to top of If for any transportation purpose it becomes necessary to remove,adjust,or utility line. relocate this facility,Permittee will do so promptly,at no cost to the CDOT Water jetting or tunneling is not pemutted.Water assisted boring may be except as provided by law,upon written notice from CDOT and in accordance permitted as determined by the CDOT Inspector. with any permit issued to cover the necessary work. Boring shall not exceed 5 percent oversize.Resultant voids shall be grouted or SUSPENSION AND CANCELLATION othenvise backfilled,subject to CDOT approval.Ends of bored sections shal] not be covered before being inspected. • The CDOT inspector may suspend operation due to: 1)Non compliance with the Encasement shall be consistent with Utility Mantial provisions.CDOT may provisions of this permit;2)Adverse weather or traffic conditions;3) require protective casing for shallow instaltations or certain conduit materials. Concurrent transportarion construction or maintenance in conflict with permit Encased crossings shall extend at least from toe of slope to toe of slope,or the work;or 4)Any condition deemed unsafe for workers or for the general public. full width between access-control lines on freeways,including the Interstate Work may resume when grounds for suspension no longer exist. _ System. This permit is subject to cancellation due to: 1)Persistent noncompliance with permit provisions;2)Abandonment or transfer of ownership;3)Supersedure by INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE new permit covering the same installation;or 4)Conflict with necessary planned transportarion construction.Permittee must promptly terminate occupancy upon CDOT will determine the extent of inspection services necessary for a given notice of cancellation of permit,unless a new permit is applied for and granted. installation.Pennittee shall attend fmal inspecrion as may be required. Where Permittee does not fulfill an obligation to repair or maintain any portion Unacceptable work shall be promptly removed and replaced in an acceptable of the highway facility,or control and safely maintain the flow of traffic manner.Final acceptance does not relieve Permittee of maintenance obligarions thereon,CDOT reserves the right,in lieu ef canceling this permit;to accomplish toward those elements ofthe highway facility constcucted under this permit. the required work by any other appropriate means,and Permittee shall be liable Final acceptance begins the two-year wazranty period(see requirement under for the actual costs thereof. "Operation and Maintenance"below). ' RESTORATION OF RIGHT OF WAY Prior to final acceptance,all disturbed portions of highway right of way shall be cleaned up and restored to their original condition,subject to CDOT approval. Seeding,sodding,and planring shall be as specified,or otherwise approved by CDOT.Constsuction,maintenance,and watering requirements shall conform[o the CDOT Standard Specifications.Where landscape;estoration must be delayed due to seasonal requirements,such work may be authorized by separate pemut. Permittee shall use only certified weed-free seed and mulch. Permittee shal] clean equipment before transporting it into or out of the state to prevent the - migration of noxious weeds. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Permittee agrees to own and maintain the installation permitted herein.The ` facility shall be kept in an adequate state of repair and maintained in such a manner as to cause the least interference with the normal operation and � maintenance of the highway. If any element of the transportation facility,constructed or replaced as a - condition of this permit,fails within 2 years due to improper construction or materiais,Permittee shall make all.repairs immediately as notified in writing by CDO'T. 2 COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CDOT Pertnit No. STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT 305109 State Highway NolMp/Side 07flA/176.26U/R Permit fee Date of transmittal Region/SectioNPatrol Local Jurisdiction 300.00 OS/02/2005 03/02/19 Vail The�ermittee(s); Applicant; Ref No. 04-130 Daymer Corp James McNeil 12 Vail Road Alpine Engineering Vail,CO 81657 PO Box 4603 970-949-0257 Frisco, CO 80443 , 970-453-6064 is hereby granted permission to have an access to the state highway at the location noied below.The access shall be constructed,maintained and used in accordance with this permit,including the State Highway Access Code and any attachments,lerms,conditions and exhibits.This permit may be revoked by tne Issuing authority if at any time the permiried access and iis use violate any parts of this permit.The issuing authority,the Department a;d their duly appointed agents and employees shall be held harmless against any action for personal injury or property damage sustained by reason of the exercise of the rmit. Location: Located on the south side of I-70 Frontage,a distance of 236 feet east of Vail Road. 1 Access to Provide Service to: High-Rlse Residential Condo/'I'ownhouse (13 units)..................................... 13 DHV 100.00% Other terms and conditions: * See Attached Pages 2 and 3 and Other Enclosures for Additional Terms and Conditions. MUNiCIPALITY OR COUNTY APPROVAL Required only when the appropriate local authority retains issuing authority. By Date Title (X) Upon the signing of this permit the permittee agrees to the terms and conditions and referenced attachments contained herein.All const�uction shall be completed in an expeditious and safe manner and shall be finished within 45 days from Initiation.The psrmitted access shall be completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit prior to being used. The permittee shaU notify Robert Turner with the Colorado Department of Transportation in Dowd Jct at 970-f;a5- 73A7 at least 48 hours prior to commencing construction within the State Highway right-of-way. The person signing as the permittee must be the owner or legal representative of the property served by the permitted access and have full authority to accept the permit and its terms and conditions. Permittee Date (x� This permit is not valid until signed by a duly authorized representative of the Department. COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By Date(of issue) Title (x) Access Manager Copy Distribution: Required: Make copies as nacessary for: Previous editions are obsolete and mpy not be used 1.Region Local Authority Inspector CDOT Form#101 8I98 2.Applicant MTCE Patrol Treff�c Engineer 3.StaftAccess Section m _ 5 m y mm C d� � �r t0 y U� L N.C.: � N � T O G �O j m � Y'�'L G � � C C�L� O C y L m N �m N C Gj d N di � N U 4 C C Ol�t0 O £ 3 t0 >�r � � � N� � d� m � C E y�n� V OI� E d L1 N � � 10 m Q m E a� Q m/0 �y � 0 01 u G n�l0 r m� °c' m c `"�i �i ��� � c mm�= n mca°'i t0m aro `od �i� � m«�D � E �oE � a�i~°y�L�� x �'�EE � c�i° ��o °'� m o ° ° u y ° d m'm O ��- vi« �� o o m � E= m v a,� 'Z c � m,cm,10� m 3��P m � A�iEQT�� mv � mv� ° m SEm m �€� 3 � � � a�� m °d� qc �$ �r ��io.» c o�3� � mEEES � � w�'� md � w� c >.� °m '° o '� >.0 10 mmimadvo�o(p y C N S O N. 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TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. This access is a right-in right-out only. 2. This permit replaces any all additional State Hwy access permits that may be in existence. All other State Highway access to the property shall be removed. 3. This permitted access is only for the use and purpose stated in the Application and Permit. This Permit is issued in accordance with the State Highway Access Code(2 CCR 601-1), and is based in part upon the information submitted by the Permittee. Any subsequent relocation, reconstruction, or modifications to the access or changes in the tra�c volume or traffic nature using the access shall be requested for by means of a new application. Any changes causing non-compliance with the Access Code may render this permit void, requiring a new permit. 4. The permittee shall design and construct a raised concrete median on the south frontage road to ensure this access is a right-in right-out only. This median shall tie on to the exist�ng south � frontage road median and extend east, approx. 400 feet. Please refer to Exhibit B Sheet 2 of 2 of the Vail Plaza Access 5tudy for median location. 5. This access shall be constructed 30 feet wide with turning radii to accommodate the minimum turning radius of the largest vehicle or 50 foot, whichever is greater. Side slopes shall be at a a:1 slope on the roadway and at 6:1 to the approach. The driveway shall slope away from the highway at a-2% grade for the first 20 feet of driveway. This design shall be in conformance with section 4 of the State Highway Access Code, 2CCR 601-1. 6. The access shall be surfaced in accordance with Section 4.7 of the Access Code immediately upon completion of earthwork construction and prior to use. This access shall be hard surtaced in accordance with 5ection 4.7 of the Access Code a minimum distance of 50 feet from the traveled way or to the CDOT Right-of-Way. Where the hard surface is to abut existing pavement, the existing pavement shall be saw cut and removed a minimum of one foot back from the existing edge for bituminous, or until an acceptabte existing cross slope is achieved. Surfacing shall meet the DepartmenYs specifications with minimum surfacing to be equal to or greater than existing highway conditions. 7. A Notice to Proceed, CDOT Form 1265, is required before beginning construction on the access or any activity within the highway Right-of-Way. To receive the Notice to Proceed the applicant shall submit a complete packet to CDOT with the following items: (a) A cover letter requesting a Notice to Proceed, and the intended date to begin construction. (b) Six copies of Construction Plans Stamped (11"x 17"with a minimum scale of 1" = 50') by a Colorado Registered Professional Engineer in full compliance with the State Highway Access Code. The plan shall provide: i) Ptan view with driveway dimensions-turn radius, width, slope, gates, signs, etc. ii) Typical road section - existing and proposed sub base, base, pavement, and shoulder dimensions. iii) Centerline profile of the access/Hwy connection showing depths, driveway slope, etc. (c) Certificate of Insurance Liability as per Section 2.3(11)(i)of the State Highway Access Code. (d) A completed signed and sealed Notice to Proceed Checklist. � { STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT 305109 May 2, 2005 Located on I-70A Frontage near RP 176.255 R Issued to Daymer Corp. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (cont.) (e) Prior to the issuance of any Notice to Proceed, the appiicant shall schedule a pre- construction meeting including but not limited to applicant, construction personnel, permittee (if other than applicant), CDOT representative and Traffic Control Supervisor. (fl A certified Traffic Control Plan in accordance with Section 2.4(6)of the Access Code. 8. All construction and inspection work must be under the direction of a Colorado Registered Professional Engineer. The PE's responsibilities include, but are not limited to: . (a) The PE shall evaluate compliance with plans and specifications with regard to the roadway improvements within the State right-of-way. The PE shall carefully monitor the contracto�s compliance on all aspects of construction, including construction zone traffic control. {b) Engineering Certification: After inspection and before final acceptance, the Engineer shall certify to CDOT in writing that all inspections, materials, materials testing, and coristruction methods conform to the plans, specifications and purpose of design. Upon completion of the work, that responsible Engineer shall submit an "As Built" plans, showing in detail all approved construction changes, modification. ' 9. No drainage from this site shall enter onto the State Highway travel lanes. The Permittee is required to maintain all drainage in excess of historical flows and time of concentration on site. All existing drainage structures shall be extended, modified or upgraded, as applicable, to accommodate all new construction and safety standards, in accordance with the DepartmenYs standard specifications. 10. Open cuts, which are at least 4 inches in depth, within 30 feet of the edge of the State Highway traveled way, will not be left open at night, on weekends, or on holidays, or shall be protected with a suitable barrier per State and Federal Standards. 11. Nothing in this permit shall prohibit the chief engineer from exercising the right granted in CRS 43-3-102 Inctuding but not limited to restricting left hand turns by construction of physicat medial separations. 12. If the access has a gate across it, the gate shall be set back far enough from the highway so that the longest vehicle using it can clear the roadway when the gate is closed. 13.The Permittee is responsible for obtaining any necessary additional Federal, State and/or City/County permits or clearances required for construction of the access. Approval of this access permit doss not constitute verification of this action by the Permittee. Permittee is also responsible for obtaining all necessary utility permits in addition to this access permit. 14.All workers within the State Highway right of way shall comply with #heir employer's safety and health policies/procedures, and atl applicable U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (O�HA) regulations- including, but not limited to the applicable sections of 29 CFR Part 1910 -Occupational Safety and Health Standards and 29 CFR Part 1926 - Safety and Health Regulations for Construction. Personal protective equipment(e.g. head protection, footwear, high visibility apparet, safety glasses, hearing protection, respirators, gloves, etc.) shall be worn as appropriate for the work being performed, and as specified in regulation. 15.The permittee is required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG)that have been adopted by the U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board), and incorporated by the U.S. Attorney General as a federal standard. These guidelines are defining traversable slope requirements and . STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS PERMIT 305109 May 2, 2005 Located on I-70A Frontage near RP 176.255 R Issued to Daymer Corp. TERMS AND CONDITIONS (cont.) prescribing the use of a defined pattern of truncated domes as detectable warnings at street crossings. The new Standards Plans and can be found on the Design and Construction Project Support web page at: http://www.dot.state.co.us/DesiQnSupport/, then click on Design Bulletins. . 16. No work will be allowed at night, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays without prior authorization from the Department. The Department may also restrict work within the State Highway right-of-way during adverse weather conditions. - 17.Any damage to present highway facilities including traffic control devices shall be repaired immediately at no cost to the Department and prior to continuing other work. 18.Any mud or other material tracked or otherwise deposited on the roadway shall be removed daily ar as ordered by the Department inspector. If mud is an obvious condition during site construction, it is recommended that the contractor build a Stabilized Construction Erttrance or Scrubber Pad at the intended construction access to aid in the removal of mud and debris from vehicle tires. The details of the Stabilized Construction Entrance is found in the M 8�S Standards Plan No. M-208-1. 19.A fully executed complete copy of this permit must be on the job'site with the contractor at all times during the construction. Failure to comply with this or any other construction requirement may result in the immediate suspension of work by order of the Department inspector or the issuing authority. 20. No work will be allowed at night, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays without prior authorization from the Department. The Department may also restrict work within the State Highway right-of-way during adverse weather conditions. � 21.Areas of roadway and/or right-of-way disturbed during this installation shall be restored to their original conditions to insure proper strength and stability, drainage and erosion control. Restoration shall meet the Department's standard specifications for topsoil, fertilization, mulching, and re-seeding. 22. Prior to any use as allowed by this permit, the applicant shall contact the Region 3 Access Manager in writing to request a final inspection. This request shall include certification that all materials and construction have been completed in accordance with all applicable Department Standards and Specifications; and that the access is constructed in conformance with the State Highway Access Code, 2 CCR 601-1, including this permit. The engineer of record as indicated on the construction plans, shall be present for this inspection. The access serviced by this permit may not be opened to traffic until written approval has been given from the CDOT Access Manager. CTL I THOMPSON � April 19, 2007 Vail Plaza Development, LLC 12 Vail Road, Suite 200 Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Mr. Connie Dorsey Subject: Welded Connections for Precast Panels Vail Plaza Hotel Vail, Colorado Project No. GSO4461-145 CTL �Thompson, Inc. has been providing visual weld inspections for structural steel and precast concrete connections. In a letter dated September 7, 2006 we requested that copies of pertinent field repairs recommendations from the structural engineer and the pre-cast fabricator be provided to us in order to complete required inspections as soon as possible. Mr.Jim Heid with Shaw Construction has provided CTL �Thompson, Inc.with copies of Field Repair Nos. 024 and 034 as well as a letter from FDG Incorporated (dated March 30, 2007). We understand the repairs have been made. The information provided by the general contractor satisfies CTL�Thompson, Inc. concerns regarding the required connections at these two areas. CTL � Thompson, Inc. is reasonably satisfied that all required connections have been completed or may have only been necessary for erection stability during construction. If you have any questions please call. Very truly yours, ,. f CTL � THOMPSON, I C. Revie..we b �: . 9 -� Joe Radosevich Jo�h 'chling; P.E. Senior Engineering Technician B G - �r�a er JR:JM:cd f `� �y� � ��� ��. 234 Center Drive � Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Telephone: 970-945-2809 Fax: 970-945-7411 UC.I-1.3-�bb4 l�•JJ n-r u�u i��.n . ."'- "" � Hrpwc�rrh-P:�Wlak Ucc�r���i�nic�l, !n�:- � 502J l:ouncy-Ftir,�ci 1�T Ule.n�rx>tl Sprin;s,Cc�l:�cu.1a tii601 � i'l�ane:�)7i7•�)q5-715t� FiEPWORTH-PAWLAKGEOTECHNICAL F,�x,!�1i)-9�5-54�� � r.m�i I:Ilp�t'�)vi)I i(��YcOCCG�.i:t!tll October 13, 20Q4 l�ay�er Cor�soration Attn: Waldir Prado 12 Vail Road, Suite 200 Gateway Buildin� Vail, Col�rado 8165� �oh No. 104 199 Subject: Review of Foundation and Grading Plaus and Spu:if catidns, Prc�posed Va'il Plaza.Hatel-East, Portions �f Lots M and O, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing, Vail, Colorado. Dtar Mr. Pcado: As requested by Andrew BobEr wiCh Z�hren and Associates, wc have reviewed the fc�undation az�d Drading pla.ns and geatechnicat specificatior� used in the desigti of the l�uild'u7g. Tlte review is in response to the Town of�Tail —First Review lelter dated C?�:taber 5, 20Q4. We previ�usly�conductcd a subsoil s�udy for design�f foundati�ns at thc si�e a��d presented our findings in a repoi�t dated June 16, 2004, rob No. 104 199. The foundatian design was per�ormed by Matuoe-Newe�l Engincers, Inc. an�I llze �rading design wa.s prepaXed by Al�ine EnginEering, Inc. Tl�.e foundatian plans are cia�ed Sept�mb�r 1, 2004 and the gradii�g plans dateci Oetober 12, 2004. B�ssed �n our review, the foundali�n and g.r.ading plans and geotechnical speeificaEians ��re generally consistent with the recommendation contauiecl i.n our re��ort. T11c s�.�ecifications indicate a n,�aximum allowab.te soil bearin� pressure oi'S,U(� Psf, whicll di�ters from the 4,OU0 psf recommended in out prcvious repoi�t. Tlic hi�tier bearin� capacity was v�rb�Ily provided to �-�aiu�es Sp�ch o�'Monroe-Newell for fc+��ciiigs larger than 4 feet square. llue to tlle variable site and subsoil conditioizs and co���zplex nature �iF��1e developmenc, some adjusmlez�ts in tt�e bcari�.�g conc�iti.�ns wi.11 proE�<�l�ty be ztead�d dl3ring constructian_ We thould pz'ovide on-site �bservation and testin� t<� evaluate tt�e s�te speci�e conciztions and eompliancc witti tlie ciesign rece�mmcn,ciatior�s. ['arke�- 30.3-$41-71,�19 + C�loracio S��rings 7J.9-633-5562 ` Silvettllc�rne �i70-46t�-198�3 OCT-13-2004 15�34 H—N U�UIt�H N.�3/b3 t Daymer Corporation ' �?cti�Uer 13, 2004 ]?a�e 2 �f you liave aIIy quesCioas or need further assistance, please call our office. Si��cc;rely, HEPWOR'��� -PAV�LAK GEOTC NC. �,�� Rf��sr � P............. F vo�,Q�,N ADR,�•.�/��O �' � Tocdy Z. Adamson, Jr., P.E � �'�� � � o�,:,, �o�(3�G+�,,�;��ti ����. by: SLP ss�QNAI..E�G\ 11_A/djb cc: Alpine Engineering, �nc. - ACtn: llon Leinweber Monroe&New�ll En�ineers, Inc. - Attn: IIan.nes Spaeh 7�hren&Associates, Inc:. - Attn: Azsdrew Bober 1obNc,. Ic� 199 �H��'� TOTAL P.03 �P��� i �I�Z �-t Sr�' ���+�S Resume �� t.�_ U� �2� DAN DO�MVlNG �o�tory��nn��,�- v�� p� � � !� fi�L � � • PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY • • -•- . As a LaboratorylField Manger for CTL�Thompson, Mr. Drnming's current res�nsibilities incl�e - � : � • su{�rvision, coordination, and scheduling technicians. Additionaliy, he is responsibfe for -� . - . - perfoRning quality assurance tes6ng of soils, asphalt,concrete,and steei. .�. . . � . With over 30 yea�s of experience, some of his '' ' ' � ' � projects consist of: highway constniction inspectian . , �� and testing ir�luding; segmental concrete bridges and tunnels,reservoir construction, rolle�compacted , � ; . � � concrete and earthen embankments, and foundation inspection for multi and single family residential ; •�. � , - . units. In addition, he has worked on many commer�ial projects including driven piles, caissons, �• - � �- • and footings. Mr. Dow�ing's areas of experti�e camprise of: field and iaboratory testing of ' ' constr�tion materials that include soils, asphalt, concrete, drif{ing operations, laboratory operations, and feld quality control testing. Mr. Downing is based out of our Glernvood Springs branch office. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Head Material Tester during the construction phase of the project for Glenwood Canyon in westem Coloratlo,the project involved a four lane highway through a narrow canyon with major environmental constraints, Supervised materials testing and constniction observatians for Aspen Highland project in Aspen, Colorado. This project entailed the redeveiapment of existing base village for a ski area. �- CTLITHOMPSON Resume JOSEPH Q. RADOSEVICH Senior Engineering Techniaan PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY � � � Mr. Radosevich joined CTL�Thompson in - • � � 1998 and curnently is a Senior Engineering • • '� Technician. Mr. Radosevich's current duties are serving as a special inspector and ' ' ` � materials tester. His area of expertise - � . �- . includes structural steel, bolted connections, welded connections, precast concrete paneis, -� - . , . and materials testing. Mr. Radosevich has • � �� �� vast experience in various industries including roads, residential properties, commercial '� ' ' buildings, and infrastructure. Mr. Radosevich „ �, , � ;. _ . , . is based out of CTL�Thompson's Glenwood Springs, Colorado branch office. �•� . . . .. • . . : � . . -. . .�- •.� . . � �- PROJECT EXPERIENCE Timbers Club,Snowmass,Colorado - Special Inspector during cancrete testing and weldlt�lt observations and testing phase of the project Grantl Aspen,Aspen,Colorado - Special Inspector and Materials Tester during concrete and weld/bolt observations and testing phase of the project Truscott Housing,Aspen, Colorado - Materials tester during several phases of the project including soils testing, residential foundation observations and compac6on testing Mesa National Bank,Glenwood Springs,Colorado - Speciai inspector and Materiais Tester durir►g multiple pha5es of the project including earth��cicompaction testing,weld/bo�observa�ons and testing,and concrete testing -� CTLITHOMPSON Page i of 1 � ` Resume SANDON"S�Al�IDY"T THIBAULT Engineering Techniaan III PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY - � : • � Mr. Thibault has been with CTL�Thompson, ' • ' ' � � • '� •' � Inc. for over 23 years as an Engineering � - �. . . � - .�- T�hncian. His current duties include the supervision of CDOT personnel, other . . . .� . consultant testers, and CTL�Thompson Engir�ering Technicians I and I! for CDOT �•� . � . �. projects on Highway 82 in Pitkin County, ,� �. . � :, . Colorado. In Addition, Mr. Thibault reviews � ., daily concrete placement reports, reviews material submittals for conformance to plans --+ • • - : - �- and specifications, daily scheduling of materials testing during placement of concrete '� �" -' �' " ' ' - ' or grout, submit samples of asphalt and soil � � �'� '� for CDOT quality acceptance, and field and laboratory testing of concrete, soils, and asphalt. His area of ex�rtise includes backfill and inspection of residential and commercial projects. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Glenwood Canyon,Glenwood Springs,Colorado Serving as a Tester and Inspectorfor several CDOT projects that are running at the same time. Shate Bluff State Highway 82.Snowmass,Calorado Performed compaction testing during tight and changing scheciules, in addition pertormed quality assurance work. Chateau Terrace,Beaver Creek,Colorado Performed foundation observations with full time testing�d inspection of a high rise building with elevator cores. In addition,performed rebar inspections. West Yail Roundabouts,Vail,Colorado Two roundabouts with soft sub-soils,perfoRned earthwork and comp�tion testing. Basalt High School,Basalt,Colorado Performed compaction testing of averlot --,.���,- CTLITHOMPSON - - ETL SEMKQ REPORT NUMBER: 3135542-09 � ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE: NOVEMBER 29, 2007 i � ' � i EVALUATION CENTER Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. i 8431 Murphy Drive � � Middleton, WI 53562 ', i W ' RENDERED TO i � PLATTE VALLEY WOODWORKS ! 3900 CANAL ' � FORT COLLINS, �A 80524 i � � ' W PRODUCT EVALUATED: � 20 Minute Wood Frame with 3'0"x 7'0" Stile and Rail Panel Door. � EVALUATION PROPERTY: ','' 20 Minute Positive Pressure Fire Endurance Test I � � � I Fire Test of Platte Valley Woodworks' 20 minute wood frame with , 3'0"x7'0" stile and rail panel door for compliance with the ! applicable requirements of the following criteria: UBC Standard 7-2 (1997) "Fire Tests of DoorAssemblies", NFPA 252 (1999) and ! UL 10C (1998). � This report is for the exUusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Infertek and its Gient. i Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to tf►e terms and conditions of the aq�eement. Intertek assumes no liability to any � party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is authorized to copy or distribute fhis report and ihen only in its en[i�ety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must frrst be approved in writing by ! Intertek. The observations and test results in this report are re%vant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply � that the material,product, or service is or has ever been under an Intertek ce►tification program. Page 1 of 12 i , . � Platte Valiey Woodworks November 29, 2007 Project No. 3135542-09 Page 2 of 12 1 Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents................................................................................................................2 2 Introduction.........................................................................................................................3 3 Test Sampies And Assembly Description............................................................................3 ! ; 4 Test Instaliation and Procedures.........................................................................................4 ; 5 Testing and Evaluation of Results.......................................................................................5 I i � , 5.1. Observations ...............................................5 � ................................................................ � I 5.2. Door Deflection............................................................................................................5 � 5.3. Flaming and Penetration .............................................................................................5 � 5.4. Hose Stream Test Observations and Results..............................................................5 � I � 6 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................6 � � � i I � I i � i i � i i I � I � � i � ETL SEMKO ! Teatinsewerywhers►a nwkds arywt�e.a �.. Platte Valley Woodworks November 29, 2007 Project No. 3135542-09 Page 3 of 12 2 Introduction The Middleton, Wisconsin fire testing laboratory of Intertek Testing Services NA (Intertek)/Warnock Hersey conducted a Vertical Fire Test for Platte Valley Woodworks. The test sample(s)were received at the Iaboratory on November 27, 2007 in good condition. This report gives the results of the evaluation of a fire resistance property. The test results described in this report are limited to the submitted items. j The test was conducted at positive pressure in accordance with UBC Standard 7-2 (1997) "Fire ' Tests of DoorAssemblies'; NFPA 252 (1999) and UL 1QC (1998). i 3 Test Samples And Assembly Description , ; The frame and doors were selected by Intertek personnel at Vail Plaza and the construction details are in ; the project file. i I Door 1 Door Size/Configuration Nominal3'0"wide x 7'Q"high x 1-3/4". Stile and rail panel door.Fyrewerks � anel desi n. To rail com ete re laced. Si ned b Shaw Construction. Frame Size/Configuration 3'0"wide x 7'0"high singte door frame with kerf. 3"wide by%2"minimum thickness alder trim. Single rabbet,5/4"thick,8"jamb depth,h"high stop, 6°so�t width 1/8�wide kerf. � Material Alder Wood 0.37-.040 s cific ravit Wall Type 20ga 6"Metal stud and fire rated type x gypsum drywall.The rough � opening was 38-1/2"by 85-1/2". All gaps beween wall and frame were acked with mineral woot.The a s were%°t'/.". � Hardware Lockset Listed Vincard cardreader latch set.'/."throw ! Hin es Three listed 4.5"x 4.5"x 0.134"full mortise butt e hin es,S rin e. � Edge Seal Q-Lon inserted into kerf,Pemko HS2000/S88 combo placed on jamb behind kerf a ainst sto . i !i I � i I i ,f � ETL SEMKO � restigeverywncre r«nwkeb anywnere � Platte Valley Woodworks November 29, 2007 Project No. 3135542-09 Page 4 of 12 4 Test Installation and Procedures The test assembiy was installed per the installation instructions of the door and frame manufacturers in a fire rated wali constructed in a furnace frame. The doorframe was held in place by 3" screws 24" on center around the perimeter of the frame per the instaliation instructions of the frame manufacturer. One 2-1/2" long # 12 screw was place in each hinge and two 2-112" long screws to secure the strike. The average door clearances to the frame were measured and recorded within the allowable limit as follows (unit: inches): ' T�o Hinge stile Latch stile Bottom � 0.065 0.100 0.055 0.375 After positioning the assembly frame over the furnace opening, the burners were ignited and a ; timer started. Temperatures within fhe furnace were monitored using thermocouples and the j data recorded. The burners were controlled to keep the furnace temperatures within the i allowable limits specified in the test standards. These temperature data are included in this ; report. i Periodic observations were made of the exposed and unexposed surfaces of the test assembly � during the fire endurance test. These observations are included in this report. i Pressure taps were installed through the furnace wall adjacent to the test assembly at three heights (top, 40" above the sill, and bottom of the assembly) to measure furnace pressure. The ; neutral pressure plane within the furnace was maintained at height of 40 inches abave the sill as ; specified in the test standards. These pressure data are included in this report. � ; Immediately after the Fire Endurance Test, the assembly frame was moved into position for a ' Hose Stream Test. The exposed surface of the test assembly was subjected to the impact, � erosion, and cooling effects of a hose stream described in the test standards. � The following test equipment was used fo collect and monitor test conditions. � i Mid-scale Test Equipment I_nventory Number Measurement Uncertaintv � Fluke Temperature Data Logger 391 ±2°F at 95%C. L. Pressure Transducer 387 ±0.005"w.c. at 95% C.L. Pressure Transducer 652 ±0.005"w.c. at 95%C.L ' Magnehelic differential pressure gauge 635 ±0.005"w.c. at 95%C.L. Magnehelic differential pressure gauge 636 ±0.005"w.c. at 95%C.L. Water pressure gauge 829 Grade C Infrared gun 875 ±2�F ' I � i j � ; � � ETL SEMKO 7estip everywhere(or markets arywl�xe. I Platte Valiey Woodworks November 29, 2007 Project No. 3135542-09 Page 5 of 12 5 Testing and Evaluation of Results 5.1. Observations TIME EXPOSED FACE ' 00:00 Burners ignited. 02:26 Flash over. ! 08:08 Face continues to flame. 11:58 2"d flash over. 15:34 �ower panel face layer leaning into furnace. ! 20:56 Test stop. � TIME UNEXPOSED FACE i�l 00:00 Assembiy tight to frame. 02:26 Smoke from head and upper stiles. Smoke from knot in top raii above panel. j 03:28 Smoke from latch stile at latch. 05:54 Smoke from card reader and dead bolt. 08:08 Smoke from knot in mid rail, knot in head continues to smoke. ' 10:23 Smoke from peep hale, plastic bumt out. ' 13:24 Smoke from top center of lower panel, at joint. � 15:34 Heavy smoke at top center of lower panel, at joint. 1/8" deflection. ; 17:09 Smoke from knot in lower panel. � 19:27 Smoke from top of lower panel dies down. Smoke from knot in upper panel. I 20:56 Test stop. No through openings, no flaming of the unexposed face. �'i5.2. Door Deflection Door deflection relative to the frame,where applicable,was monitored throughout the test. � The door deflection on the door did not exceed the allawable limit of the door 1-1/2 times the door i thickness and thus met the requirements of the test standards. � I i 5.3. Flaming and Penetration i During the fire exposure period there was no flaming on the unexposed face of the frame or door. No through opening were evident upon completion of the fire endurance test. ; 5.4. Hose Stream Test Observations and Results � A Hose Stream Test was conducted for 15.4 seconds based on a total assembly area of 25.54 square � feet and a required duration of 0.6 seconds per square foot of assembly area at 30 psi. � Door: The lower panel was removed by the hose stream 8 seconds into the test. There were no through openings in the upper panel or perimeter of door frame interface. i Frame: No through openings between wall and frame. � ETL SEMKO ' resYng ew.ywt�e.e t«markeb uywnem. Platte Vailey Woodworks November 29, 2007 Project No. 3135542-09 Page 6 of 12 6 Conclusion The Vail Piaza door(3'0"x 7'0") with replaced top piece signed by Shaw Construction and frame assembly, as described herein, complied with UBC Standard 7-2 (1997) °Fire Tests of Door ' Assemblies", NFPA 252 (1999) and UL 10C (1998) for a "20 minute" rating with out hose stream. This report does not automatically imply product certification. Products must bear the Warnock � Hersey registered certification mark to demonstrate compliance. ; � � INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES NA � I i Reported by: I Greg Alle �' Lead Technician ' Building Prociucts Group � Intertek ' � �i ;� / �,% ,- -- ; Reviewed by: �� ' ' Kent Kelsey Project Manager, F� � I Building Products Group � Intertek i ; � i � � � i � ETl SEMKO Tesdrg�w�ywf�e ta markeb anyvrl,ere. I Resume �il-iONIAS M.WALL Senior Materials Techniaan,Commeraai Testing Laboratories � ' • PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY ' ' " '• • Mr. Wall joined Commercial Testing . , : , , � Labaratories, division of CTL�Thompson, Inc., in 1991. Mr. Wall's current . � _ . � _ � . res�nsibilities include field testing and . - inspection for the following projects: �• -� �- - - • - • concrete testing, reinforcing steel '� "' '" • • '' ' '' • ' inspections, weld and bolt inspections, � ' � ' ' '� ' thickness and density of spray-applied firepraofing, and inspection and testing of masonry materials. He also has considerable experience with coring in- pl�e conc�ete and preparing specimens for laboratory testing for physical properties and compressive strength. Mr. Wall has additional experience with mechanical maintenance supenrision. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Skyridge Medical Center - Reinforcing Steel Observation Denver Convention Center Hotel - Concrete Testing - Reinforcing Steel Obsenration - Post Tension Strand Elongation Measurements - Masonry Obseroations - Weld/Bolt Observation&Testing - Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Measurements Weld/Bolt Observations&Testing - Broadway Plaza Lofts - South Suburban Christian Chur�h - Citywide Bank �#`;: CTL I THOMPSON Resume GREGORYA.JARVIS Materials Specialist,Struc�al S�heel Inspec�or � ' � PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY '' ' " ' �" ' • • • Mr. Jarvis joined Gommercial Testing Labs, a division of CTL�Thompson, Inc., in 1993. Mr. Jarvis' current � � ' � � responsibilities include performing field inspections of . . bolted connections, welds, metal decking, and Nelson , stutls on construction projects using nondestructive , �, �� � . ���, methods (visual magnetic particle and ultrasonic). Additionally, Mr, Jarvis performs shop fabrication inspection prior to erection of structural members. He works closely with firm's engineering staff and project structural engineers in solving field erection problems. He prepares report drafts for engineering review for projects requiring structural steel personnel. Mr. Jarvis is familiar with procedures specifietl by ASTM,API 510 and 1104, ASME Sections V, VIII, and IX, Mil Standard, AWS, and CDOT. In addition, Mr. Jarvis has been trained for and has experience with Magnetic particle equipment, Ultrasonic equipment, Radiography equipment, antl Dye Pentrant. Mr. Jarvis encompasses vast project experience in many intlustries including commercial, govemment, residential, and sports complexes. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Invesco Fieltl at Milt High, Denver,Colorado - Lead inpestor for Weld/Bolt Observations&Testing - Coordination of all Weld/Bolt Inspections maintained continuity between inspection team, the general contractor, and all subcontractors Broadway Plaza Lofts, Denver,Colorado - Reinforcing Steel Observations - WeldBolt Observations&Testing Cherry Creek Middle School, Denver, Colorado - Reinforcing Steel Observations - Weld/Bolt Observation&Testing Denver Convention Center Hotel, Denver,Colorado - Weld/Bolt ObseNations&Testing Highland Ranch Town Center, Highlands Ranch, Colorado - Wefd/Bolt Observation&Testing - Reinforcing Steel Obsenrations Park Plaza, Denver, Colorado - Weltl/Bolt Observations&Testing CTL I THOMPSON Page 1 of 1 ,�� ����,��`����r.. .�����;�,�� . � - I � o� J D �g a � ��,�,?ti,�.�.� �� � � , ;�'-�.� fi � � ��� ` August 13, 2008 ����`��� Mr. Chuck Macdona[d A�� � � ���� Shaw Constructian, LLC. SHAw Cfi��i�l'RUCTIClN 300 Katamath Street Denver, CO 80223 Intertek Praject/Report Number: 3153724 Enclosed is a copy of the report issued on the foltowin� field inspection project: Jobsite: Vail Plaza HoteWail, CO Destription of Project: Onsite inspection ft labeling of door �t frame assembties Openin� identification{s): Various - Please refer to enclosed report Inspection Summary: Atl tomponents and openings complied with manufacturer's specifications and N�PA 80. Requirements (if any) for Reinspection by intertek andlor Aufihority Having Jurisdiction: NQne This report completes our work on this project. PEease forward a copy of this report to the loca! Authority Having Jurisdiction. Thank you for allowing Intertek to be of service. Please feet free to contact �s if you have any questions re�ardin� this inspection, or if we can be of assistance on future projects. eport issued by: � Report Reviewed by: �j��� Chris Bananno mm 5 e f Program Manager Engineer Enclosure(s�: Field Inspection Representative tr�tsrtek Testing Services PlA inc 8431 Murphy Qrive,Middleton,Wi 53b62 Phone 508-838�4400 Fax 608-631-92T9 � www.i�rtertek-etlsemko.com ETL SEMKO CERTIFlGATE �F ACCEPTANCE 1/We certify that the fo[towrng work conducted at the locatron described herein hvs been thorouqhly& satisfQCtori[y completed by lntertek Testrnq Services and is, therefore, accepted as comp[ete. Clien Co a roject Sponsor) � 1?���'' � �-���<����`� L�-�— .-- (�5 � � A h �ze C ient Si�nature - Ple e Print Name � 1 Title• —21����� Date: l� �' �� {��-' Pro}ect #-������'-� Check# /Amount(for COD): Project NamelJobsite: S,) ��� ���'� -5��� Address: �.�,y � ��i� ��� City/State/Zip: U�-c` �� Work Description: ` � "'"� �� �'- °"�'� � Si nature of WHI t�epresentative:� ��`�- � r � . �, � — , ' - � � This is a certificate acknowledging acceptance of work conducted by Intertek Testing Services for this project, or �hase af project only. THES f5 NOT A CERTIFiCATE OF CONFORMANCE FOR ANY INSPECTED OPENtNG{5). Intertek Testing Services makes no �uarantee expressed or imptied as fio acceptance of the report, data or findings by any Qufihority Having Jurisdiction. ,�..�...a... � Intertek Testing Services 8431 Mu+-phy Drive,Middleton,WI 53562 Phone 608•836-44Q0 Fax 608-83i-9279 www.etlsemko.com White -OFFICE Yellow- ENSPECTC?R Pink- CLtENT " , w.es�x..w � - ETL SEMKO �! REPORT COVER SHEET Page�of� .fobsite: � � Date: « $ � �� �.� �I�1'L WHI Address: ��� 1� �/.,•1 �v,�� Inspector: � Project #: ��S�c3 0��( �� � Defitiencies Noted? ❑ Yes �No Reinspection Required? ❑ Yes �10 Autharitv HavinQ Jurrsdiction lnformatian: Name/Contact: G-i � � ��t ��i� �t1il�Gw; �`7���1 (y�'G,�I �✓Cy)('X�!l�j Address: �S S ���h�� /�°"°� City/State/Zip:_ � �'� � � � ��Cl�� Phone: ��b �1��1' �1.-3 �_ Fax: ��b tl�-�I ' ?-+�d a Client Information: Contact: Company: c��1'9�.�7 ,���'1 S�vtc�lo� Address• �� �� �� �t t� ���� CitylState/Zip: /u�'� � f U gd¢.1,:� Phone: .�.30.3 �S�' `"l��`d�l Fax: �Q.3 ��� �i�lD.:� 5ummar o Jns ection: Frame(s): Door(s}: �q� ,G... �o �.,,.� a ,o�. �r �,h� Latch{es): � �`s 1` Hinge(s): � � � � , T Closer(s): �� L �� Gasketing: f � Glazing: �� Sill: �� Comments:�Y�� ��s�i��� � W�� ��vl�ctv ,�� �.. �� fI�� � � ���°� �� ���� intertek Testing Services &131 Murphy Drive,Middteton,WI 53562 Phone 608-836-4fOQ Fax 608-831-4279 White -OFFICE Yeilow- INSPECTOR Pink - CLIENT Intertek Testing 5ervices Shaw Construction, Vai.l Plaza Hotel Date August 30,2M}8 Project: 3153724 Page 2 of 9 Ftoor 4 enin Door Frame end No�te 3 335 'Wffi 544 Meet NFPA 80 3 334 `WHI S43 Meet NFPA 84 3 333 WHC 542 Mcet NFPA 80 3 332 WHI 541 Mtet NFPA 80 3 327 �Vffi 54b Meet NFPA 80 3 326 Wffi 539 Meet NFPA 80 3 325 WHI 538 Meet NFPA 80 3 323 Wffi 537 Meet NFPA 80 3 322 WHI 53G Meet NFPA 80 3 321 Wffi 535 Mee#NFPA 8t1 3 321 WHI 534 Meet N�'A 80 3� 321 WHI 533 Meet NFPA 80 3 321B Wffi 532 Meet NFPA 80 3 317 Wffi 531 Meet NFPA$0 � 317B Wffi 530 M�et NFPA 80 3 317C Wffi 529 Mee�NFPA 80 3 313 WHI 528 Meet NFPA 80 3 422 Wffi 527 Meet NFPA 80 3 313 Wffi 526 Meet NFPA 80 3 313 R'HI 525 Meet NFPA 80 3 313 WHI 524 Meet NFPA 80 2 223 WHI 523 Meet NFPA 80 2 ZZ3B Wffi 522 Meet NFPA 80 2 223 'Wffi 521 Meet NFPA 8Q Z 223 'WHI 52Q Meet NFPA 84 2 223A Wffi 519 Meet NFPA SO 2 223C WHI 518 Meet NFPA SO 2 222 WHi 517 Meet NFPA 80 2 222A WHI Slb Meet NFPA 80 � 2Z2B Wffi 515 Meet NFPA SO 2 201 Wffi 5Z4 Meet NFPA 80 2 203 Wffi 513 Meet NFPA 80 2 244 WHI 512 Meet NFPA 80 2 248 WHI Sll Meet NFPA 80 Z 2p(, W'HI 510 Meet NFPA 80 Z 207 Wffi 509 Meet NFPA 80 3 326 Wffi 542 Meet NFPA 80 Gcrack G/gap MSlmissing screw R/repair nated RE/readjust ta meet NFPA SO U/uader cut S/s�nake seal FJedge seal CL/eloser FRIJ fire ratecl lockset 3� intertek Testiug Serv�ices Shaw Construction, Vail Pla.zza Hotel Date August 30,2448 Project: 3153724 Page 3 of 9 I+�oor O enin Doar Frame end Note 3 337 Wffi 343 Meet NFPA 80 3 3� � g44 Meet NFPA 80 3 312R Wffi 545 Meet NFPA SO 3 312C WHI 546 Mcet NFPA 80 3 312B Wffi 547 Meet NFPA 80 3 312A 'WHI 548 Meet NFPA 80 3 312 WHI 549 Mcet NFPA SO 3 311 WHI 550 Meet NFPA 80 3 310B Wffi S51 � Meet NFPA 8t1 3 310A WH� 552 Meet NFPA 80 3 313 WHI 553 Meet NFPA SO 3 � 313 WHI SS4 Meet NFPA 80 3 313 WHI 555 Meet NFPA 80 3 300 'Wffi 556 Meet NFPA SO 3 314C 'Wffi 557 Meet NFPA 80 3 314D WHC 558 Meet NFPA 80 3 314M Wffi 5�9 Meet NFPA 84 3 314A WHI 560 Meet NFPA 80 3 314M WHI Sb1 Meet NFPA 84 3 314B WHI 562 Meet 1vFPA 80 3 314 Wffi 5b3 Meet NFPA 8� 3 315D WHI 565 Meet NFPA 80 2 3i5C Wffi 566 Meet NFPA SO 2 315A WHC 56? Meet NFPA 80 2 31SM WHI 568 Meet NFPA SO Z 315B WHI S69 Meet NFPA 80 4 427A WHI S22 Meet NFPA 80 4 427B WHI 523 Meet NFPA$0 4 427C WHI 524 Meet NFPA 80 � 427 Wffi 525 Meet N�'PA 80 4 425A Wffi 574 Meet NFPA 80 4 425C Wffi 57S Meet NFPA 80 4 425D Wffi 576 Meet NFPA 80 4 4�7 Wffi 577 Meet NFPA 8Q 4 416 WHI 578 Meet NFPA 80 4 416A WHI 579 N���'`�� 4 415 'Wffi 580 Meet NFPA 80 C/craek G/gap MSimissing screw R/repair noted RE/readjust to meet NFPA 80 U/nnder cut S/smoke seal E/edge seal CL/closer FRL/fire rated lackset � Intertek Testing Services Shaw Construction, Vail Plaza Hotel . Date August 30,2008 Project: 3153724 Page 4 of 9 Floor O nin Door Frame end Note 4 41.3 Wffi 581 Meet NFPA 80 4 411. WHI 582 Meet NFPA 84 a 409 WHI 583 Me:et NFPA 80 4 408 Wffi 584 Meet NFPA 80 4 4U1 WHI 585 Meet NFPA 80 4 403R WHI 586 Mcet NFPA 84 4 403C Wffi S87 Meet NFPA 80 4 403B WHI S88 Meet NFPA 8U 4 403A 'Wffi 589 Meet NFPA 80 4 403 'Wffi 590 Meet NFPA 8U 4 404R. Wffi 591 Meet NFPA 8!� 4 484C Wffi 592 Meet NFPA 80 4 4Q4B Wffi 593 Mcet NFPA 80 4 �04�j RrgI 594 Meet NFPA SO 4 4p4 y�gT S95 Meet NFPA 80 4 4� w� gy� Meet NFPA SO 4 407C WHI 587 Meet NFPA SO 4 407B WHI 598 Meet NFPA$tl �4 407A RTHI 599 Meet NFPA 84 4 407 'Wffi 600 Meet NFPA 80 5 �01 WHI 449 Meet NFPA 80 5 501A Wffi 450 Meet NFPA 80 g 501B WFII 451 Meet NFPA SO g 501C WHI 452 Meet Ni�l.'A S0 5 �ID wg� 453 Meet NFPA 80 � 504 Wffi �54 Meet NFPA 80 5 5045 WHI 455 Meet NFPA 80 5 504A Wffi 456 Meet NFPA 80 . 5 �SOS WSI 457 Meet 1�FPA 80 5 5055 WHI 458 Meet NFPA 80 5 505A WHI 459 Meet NFPA 80 5 506 WHI 460 Mcet NFPA 80 g 506A Wffi 461 Meet NFPA 80 5 506B RrHi 462 Meet NFPA SO 5 gp�C +py� 463 Meet NFPA SO Z 208A WHI 508 Meet NFPA$Q � 2pgg �yg� 506 Meet NFPA 80 C/crack G/gap MS/miasing screw R/repair noted RE/readjust to meet NFPA 80 U/under cut S/smoke seal E/edge seal CL/closer FRI./fire rated lockset 3� Intertek Testing Services Shaw Construction, Vail Plaza Hotel Date Aagust 30,2008 Praject: 3153724 Psge 5 of 9 Tlaor nin Door FS'ame end Note 2 ��9 wg� �p7 Meet NFPA 80 2 210 WHI 508 Meet NFPA 84 2 211 Wffi 509 Meet NFPA 80 2 2i2 WHI 510 Meet NFPA 80 2 21.3 WHI 511 Mect NFPA 80 2 21a WgI 512 Meet NFPA 80 2 214A Wffi 513 Meet NFPA 80 2 214B Wffi 514 Meet NFPA 8U 2 216 Wffi 498 Meet N�'PA SO 2 2I7 Wffi 497 Meet NFPA SO 2 218 Wffi 49b Meet NFP'A 8Q 2 218B Wffi 495 Meet NFPA 80 2 218A R'ffi 494 Meet NFPA 80 2 218C WHI 493 Meet NFPA 80 Z 219 'Wffi 492 Meet NFPA 8U 2 220 Wffi 491 Meet NFPA 88 2 221 WHI 490 Meet NFPA 80 2 222 WHI 489 Meet 1�I'PA 8fl 2 221 WHI 488 Meet NFPA 8U 2 202 WAI 497 Meet NFPA 80 1 218 Wffi 487 Meet NFPA 80 1 Etectric Wffi 486 Meet NFPA 80 i Pan WHI 485 Meet NFPA$0 1 Ice Wffi 484 Meet NFPA 84 X EZll Wffi 483 Meet NFPA 80 1 E212 WHI 482 Meet NFPA 80 1 E2i3 WHI 481 Meet NFPA SO 1 E214 Wffi 480 Meet NFPA 8U 1 E215 Wffi 479 Meet NFPA 80 1 E215 WHI 478 Meet NFPA 80 1 E217 WHI 477 Meet NFi'A 80 �. E113 W.EII 464 Meet NFPA 8� 1 E1.12 Wffi 47b Meet NFPA 8(! 1 Elll Wffi 475 Meet NFPA$0 i E110 Wffi 474 Meet NFPA 80 1 E hall WHI 473 Meet Ni+'PA 80 1 E114 Wffi 47Z Meet NFPA 80 C/crack Glgap MS/missing screw R/repair noted RE/readjast to meet NFPA 80 U/under cut S/smoke seal E/edge sesl CLJcioser FRL/ftre rated lockset � Intertek Testing Services Shaw Construction, Vail Plaza.Hotel D�te Angust 30,2Q08 Project: 3153724 Page b af 4 Floar O nin Door Frame end Note 1 Ei16 Wffi 471 Meet NFPA 80 1 E115 WHI 470 Meet NFPA SO 1 E117 WHI 469 Meet NFPA 80 1 E118 WHI 4b8 Meet NFPA$0 1 E119 Wffi 476 Meet NFPA 88 5 502m VYHI 601 Meet NFPA 80 5 502r WHI 602 Meet NFPA 80 5 502b WHI 603 Meet NFP'A 80 5 �� � � Meet NFPA 80 S 503a WHI GOS Meet NFPA 80 5 503b Wffi 606 Meet NFPA 80 5 507 WHI b07 Meet NFPA 8Q 5 Area WHI 608 Mee�NFPA&0 5 507b WHI 6U9 Meet NFPA SO 5 Elevator Wffi 610 Meet NFPA SO 4 Etevator W'HI 611 Meet NFPA SO 4 406 Wffi 612 Meet NFPA 84 4 405m WH� 613 Meet NFPA 80 4 405a RrBI 614 Meet NFPA 80 4 4ti5b WHI 615 Meet NFPA 80 4 405c Wffi 616 Meet NFPA 80 4 405r Wffi 617 Meet NFPA SO 4 401m W ffi 61S Meet NFPA 88 4 401a Wffi 619 Meet NFPA 80 4 4i11b WHI 62Q Me�t NFPA 84 4 De� WHI b21 Meet NFPA SO 4 414 WHI G22 Meet NFPA 80 4 412 WHI 523 Meet NFPA SO 4 414 WHI b24 Meet NFPA 80 4 418 Wffi b25 Meet NP'PA 80 4 419 Wffi 626 Meet NFPA 80 4 a2o 'WHI 627 Meet NFPA 80 . 4 421 WHI 628 Meet NFPA 80 4 422 WHi 629 Meet NFPA SO 4 425b Wffi 630 Meet NFPA 80 4 42d 'Wffi 631 Meet NFPA 80 3 Elevator WAI 632 Meet NFPA 80 C/crack G/gap MS/missing screw R/repair noted RE/readjnst ta meet NFPA 80 U/nnder cut Slsmoke seal E/edge seal CL/closer FRIJ fire rated lackset 37 Intertek Testing Services Shaw Construction, Vail Plaza Hotel Date August 30,2008 Project: 31�3724 Page 7 of 9 F[oor O enin Door Frame end Note 3 301 Wffi 633 Meet NFPA 80 3 302 Wffi 634 Meet NFPA$0 3 303 WHI 635 Meet NFPA 80 3 304 Wffi 635 Meet NFPA 80 3 305 Wffi 637 Mee#NFPA SO 3 306 Wffi . 638 Meet NFPA 80 3 307 WH[ 639 Mee#NFPA 8Q 3 348a WHI G40 Mcet NI�`PA 8Q 3 3f18b WHI 641 Meet NFPA 80 3 3Q9 WHI 642 Meet NFPA 80 3 Vendin WHI 643 Meet NFPA 80 3 328 Wffi 644 Meet NFPA SO 3 3Z9 WHI b45 Meet NFPA 80 3 331 WHC 646 Meet 1�T1+'PA 80 3 329 32604 647 Meet NFPA SO 3 33U WHI 648 Meet NFPA 80 3 320 Wffi 649 Meet NFPA 80 3 319 WHI 65U Meet NFPz�80 3 319in WHI 651 Mcet NFPA 80 3 318a WHI 652 Meet NFPA 8Q 3 3�.8c WHI 653 Meet NFPA 80 3 318d WHI 654 Meet NFPA SO 3 318b WHI b55 Meet NFPA 80 3 316m WHI 656 Meet NFPA 80 3 316a WH[ 657 Meet NFPA SO 3 316b WHI 658 Meet NFPA 80 3 316c R'ffi 659 Meet NFPA 80 2 Elevator Wffi 660 Meet NFPA 80 2 Vendin Wffi 6G1 Meet NFPA 80 2 344 WHI 662 Meet NFPA 80 Z 243 WHI 6b3 Meet NFPA 80 2 242 WHC 664 Meet NPPA SO 2 241 WHI 665 Meet NFPA 8Q 2 240 WH[ 666 Meet NFPA 80 2 239 Wffi 667 Meet NFPA SO Z 23g WSI 6b8 Meet NFPA 80 2 237 WHI 669 Meet NFPA 80 Gcrack G/gap MS/missing screw Rlrepair noted RE/readjust to meet NFPA SO II/under cat S/smoke seal E/edge seal CL/closer FRL/fire r�ted tockset � �ntertek Testing Services Shaw Construction, Vail Plaza Hotel Da#e August 30,2008 Project: 3153724 Page S of 9 Fioor O enin Door Frame end Note 2 235m WHI 67U Meet NFPA SO Z 235 VyHI 67'1 Meet NFPA 80 2 23f, Wffi 672 Meet NFPA 84 2 Z34 Wffi 673 Meet NFPA$0 � �3 Qyg� b74 Meet NFPA SQ 2 232 Wffi 675 Meet NFPA 80 � �1 y{i� b�6 Meet NFPA 80 2 23p Wffi b77 Meet NFPA 80 2 229 Wffi 678 Meet NFPA 80 2 228 Wffi 679 Meet NFPA 80 2 227b Wffi 680 Meet NFPA 80 2 227m WHI 58! Meet NFPA SO 2 22'1a R'HI 682 Meet NFPA SU 2 227c WHI 683 Meet NFPA 80 2 227d 'WHI 684 Meet NFPA$0 2 226 VVHI 685 Me,et NFPA 80 2 225m R'ffi 686 Meet NFPA 80 � �25a Rrgi bg7 Meet NFPA SO Z 225c WS[ b88 Meet NFPA 80 2 225d Wffi 689 Meet NFPA SO 2 225b Wffi 690 Meet NFPA SQ 2 224m WHI 691 Meet NFPA SO 2 22�a WHI b92 Meet NFPA 80 2 224c Wffi 693 Meet NFPA 80 2 � 224c 'WHI 694 Meet NFPA 80 2 224b Wffi 695 Meet NFPA 80 1 121 b Wffi b96 Mee�NFPA 80 1 121m Wffi 697 Meet NFPA 80 1 121�. Wffi 798 Meet NFPA 80 1 121b 32505 799 Meet NF1'A 80 1 121d WHI 700 Meet NFPA 80 1 101 WHC 701 Meet NFPA 80 1 102 Wffi 702 Meet NFPA SO 1 103 WHI 703 Meet NFPA$0 1 104 'Wffi . 704 Meet NFPA 84 1 1Q5 Wffi 705 Meet NFPA 80 i i0b Wffi '�06 Meet NI�`PA 80 Clcrack G/gap M5/missing screw R/repair noted RE/readjctst�o mect NFPA Sii U/ander cat 5/smoke seal Eledge seal CL/closer FRL/tire rated lackset � Intertek Testing Services Shaw Construchon, Va�il Plaza Hote1 Date Augast 30,2008 Project: 3153724 Page 9 of 9 Floor O nin Door Frame e�d Note � �p� Wg� 707 Meet NFPA sa . 1 108a Wffi '70$ Meet NFPA 80 1 1086 R'ffi 709 Meet NFPA 80 1 109 Wffi 710 Meet NFPA 80 1 114 Wffi 711 Meet NFPA 84 1 lIl Wffi 712 Meet NFPA 80 1 112 Wffi 713 Meet NFPA SO �. 113 Wffi 714 Meet NFPA 80 � 114m 'Wffi 715 Meet NFPA 80 1 114a Wffi 716 Meet NFPA$0 � 114b Wffi 717 Meet NFPA 84 � 115 Wffi 71.8 Meet�NFPA 88 1 116 Wffi 719 Meet NFPA 80 �. 117 WHI 720 Meet NFPA 80 �. 118m WHI 721 Meet NFPA 80 � 118� Wffi 722 Meet NFPA 80 1 118b WHI 723 Meet NFPA 8Q 1 l�g� �rgl 7�4 Meet NFPA 80 � 119 Wffi 725 Meet NFPA 80 1 I20 wgI 726 Meet NFPA SO 1 121b Wffi . 727 Meet NFPA SO 1 �pp y�r}II ��g Meet NFPA 80 UL lc Elevator Wffi I3720 Meet NFPA 80 TTL lb Elevator WHI 4b6 Meet NFPA SO UL 1a Etevator WHI 465 Meet NFPA SO LL la Elevator Wffi 20706 Meet NFPA 80 LI,16 Elevator Wffi 20705 Meet NFPA 80 C/crack G/g�p MS/missing scrcw R/repair noted RF/readjast to meet NFPA SO II/under eut S/smoke seai E/edge sea! CL/closer FRL/fire rated lockset � i Platte Valley Woodworks November 29, 2007 Project No. 3135542-09 Page 7 of 12 APPENDIX A Test Data and Photographs � ETL SEMKO T�ti�g everywl�e ro.man�ees�y�rt�e� Platte Valley Woodworks November 29, 2007 Project No. 3135542-09 Page 8 of 12 FIGURE 1 •TIME-TEMPERATURE CURVE __ _ ----1 . Furnace Temperature 2000 � 1800 - 1600 _ _ . . � LL 1400 - � _ _ � _ � . . °.. • ' _. d 1200 � . . I � 1000 � � -- - �Stnd. � 800 `, -- _ A�e Fum. I E � � ►°i- 600 - — � 400 _ - J _ �I 2�� � i -_. � � i, Q , 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time - -- � _ FIGURE 2•FURNACE PRESSURES _ Fumace Pressures_ _. - -i i Io.os r. --- _._ q o.oa _ —Res.Tap � 0.02 - . _ —Res.40`� �, o.00 --– —Res.Bot. N "0.02 — ' ____ � -O.Od �-- -- � a •o.os 0 2 4 6 s 10 12 1a 16 18 20 Time � ETL SEMKO Testing e�rerywhere ior markets a�Ywhere. � � Platte Valley Woodworks November 29, 2007 j Project No. 3135542-09 Page 9 of 12 � PHOTOGRAPHS BEFORE TEST r� � � i t > i � �� I � �., � � "�� � �`� �� I + ^�� ��!�� i '.�r.�� r,'� t e� � � .� _ � ; - ,: , �," .a .�.:�' , ��; t .; �s���� �� � �� �. - � �� �Y � �.N �. y �� � w °u�,. �� � � �? i€ ,'s _ i;' .- .'-I g...5 : � 1 .. �.+� ��`;:, �,. �. ,` ,�, . � i �� Tr . .,� k��.��� . f""��; . ��Y ,, . a ' �.a a.' {; C . �,��� . �_� �_ j� ` _ � �:, � S +��. ,�'_ �`J :�. � ¢ �� ._.. �. � � ¢J� Y [ t . � ' ' ; �� I y ��,� '"�> :1 � -_ ..._ ' . ...t".,` �'' — �}i � ETL SEMKO reathg every�ta markets myv�fieie• Platte Valley Woodworks November 29, 2007 j Project No. 3135542-09 Page 10 of 12 FIRE ENDURANCE TEST � , ������ �; .� � ,- ��,��������(�E-I�I'�i ' �w ti'r^� °� f������� � � �° � ���� ���'�� 1 ���Y� s �S asx9����, 'I� IIII�I' I�I �� .. {����i��.��rt:i_ 'I t��1 3 ' �� �r H, �: ;,.i', �i��.l;f � '� �� � r� �,.: I` 5 � � . � '�•:'.f1-' � .;s� * %.�r , ,��i$ !�' � � � ETL SEMKO resti„g we.yMrt�ere ra.markets anrwf�e. i . � i Platte Vailey Woodworks November 29, 2007 Project No. 3135542-09 Page 11 of 12 AFTER NOSE STREAM �.�� � - ���.; � �� _ ��� � �, 'j� ���3�� ``�' ' ';#� _ ,f �� , • , . �`� 1, i � , ,: x � ;f, 7 y,¢_ I�. ;s���i � F} .� � 3 � �: �� ��� �~ '' �� � - ;� �. . .:�.- �� . - . � r � �� t ;�.��. �-� ` '� ��t'.''°r �� ti�b� '?► � ":� �';��.����i 1 � �� kl��r � ,� �s_ . .� �� ��t t���.�� . f ��4�,: �� 4'.,��', + �' �. !D"' .� . 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Page 1 of 2 � Joe Detrolio From: Evan Young [evan.young@plattevalleywoodworks.com] Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 10:39 AM To: Joe Detrolio; 'Connie Dorsey' Cc: Chuck Macdonald; Michelle Willyard; Brett Marsolais; Dan Gunsberg; Dan Grisham; Nick Coleman; 'Bernard Hausherr'; 'Steve Legro' Subject: RE: Inspection Attachments: Existing Vail Plaza 20 min PV2030 fire rated door.pdf; Modified Vail Plaza 20 min fire rated door 11 16 07.pdf All, 1) How can he tell the difference with the modified doors? A. The easiest way to tell that the door has been modified is that the viewer is not drilled. The next step would be to look at the top of the door and there are splines installed where the header was removed. 2) Why are some viewers drilled part way and others not? A. Due to the doors being made out of wood they shrink over time. To install the new fire core that extended further into the head the panels and old fire core are removed. Then the new fire core is installed and panels are slid back into place and the header is replaced with a new groove that went further into the head to accept the larger fire core. With the shrinking of the panels, lining up the viewers on both sides would be nearly impossible. It was decided one panel would be replaced entirely on one side of the door, making drilling the viewers more efficient as well as making it very visual that the doors had been modified. The doors that have both panels replaced were judgment calls at PVW to replace panels that were damaged either in the removal process or from being on site during construction. This included big dings, scratches, etc. 3) He wanted to know more about the construction of the replacement panels— A. Lots of this is stated above but the quickest explanation is that the fire core was extended into the head further. A special router was used to create a large groove in the arched header in which an intumescent caulk/glue was injected and the fire panel forced into. Please see attached shop drawings which give you a visual in the difference with the first doors and the current doors installed. It is a very slight difference but the best view of the difference is on the vertical section of the head page. Comparing those two you can easily identify the groove and fire core that has been extended into the header. 4) Issue of the frames being labeled— A. Timm Schaeffer with Intertek(Warnock Hersey)would be the rep who the inspector should speak with. Timm Schaeffer—Main: 608-836-4400, Direct: 608-824-7413. The frame has no problems as shown in the report, they just need tagged. The process is pretty simple as an Intertek rep will walk each door verifying it is the modified door and will tag each frame. 5) Building B should be completed by Friday no problem. The one problem we have run into is the current Ving installer Michael Johnson. I don't want to step on any toes as his name was given to us by Shaw but he has been very unprofessional while working for us on this project. He did not arrive until Tuesday afternoon at 2PM when he was to be working early that morning and then proceeded to go to the hotel for another several hours. He did not arrive on the jobsite until 12:30PM on Wednesday. His reason being is he was looking at another job in the area. It has been reported to me by the PVW staff that much of his time on site is spent on the phone. I also received a phone call last night from the hotel we are supplying him that he has been very rude as they thought he was a PVW employee as he is checked in on my card. His claim was that he could complete 100 Ving Cards per day unassisted and this has been far from the truth even assisted. At this current time 10:30AM he has yet to arrive on site. He is completely unreliable and there is no guarantee he will show up from day to day. At this time we have the Ving Installer from Utah, John Evans, whom did the work on the flush doors available starting the 28th. I would like to propose starting Bfdg A on the 28th and using him as he is a proven installer for PVW. I need to know everyone's thoughts on this ASAP as Johns schedule tends to fill up quickly. 4/17/2008 Page 2 of 2 Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks, �� Y� PLATTE VALLEY WOODWORKS 3900 CANAL DRNE FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 OFFicE: 970.224.5952 F,ax: 970.224.0044 EVAN.YOUNG@PLATTEVALLEYWOODWORKS.COM WWW.PLATTEVALLEYWOODWORKS.COM From: Joe Detrolio [mailto:joed@ShawConstruction.net] Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4:54 PM To: Connie Dorsey Cc: Chuck Macdonald; Michelle Willyard; Brett Marsolais; Dan Gunsberg; Dan Grisham; Nick Coleman; Evan Young; Bernard Hausherr; Steve Legro Subject: Inspection I just completed a walk with the TOV building inspector with regards to the 20 min. doors. At this point he had only a few questions. Such as how can he tell the difference in the doors? I showed him that the peep holes had not been drilled through, he then asked why some are drilled part way and some are not drilled at all, he wanted to know more about the construction of the replacement panels in the doors. Also he said he would try and come by again tomorrow and look at more of the new doors in place. He can not inspect an entire building at once, but was O.K. with starting to complete the doors on the fifth floor to be ready for inspection on Friday which I will call for and hopefully again on Monday to complete bldg. B as far as the doors are concerned. By far his biggest issue is with the labeling of the frames, which he has requested that no frames be labeled until he talks with the agent who will be installing the labels. At this time I have no information on this and will need an update from Platte Valley. If Bldg. B is completed on Friday by Platte Valley, we will need to plan the transition sequence into Bldg. A. There are doors on site in the loading dock for Bldg.A. I have instructed Platte Valley that Bldg. B must be 100% completed before any work takes place in bldg. A. We would like to know if there is a particular day and order in which this work needs to be completed. Also we need to address the completion of the two units occupied by the owner to avoid any inconveniences. Joseph De Trolio Shaw Construction-Vail Plaza Hotel 970-445-0094-cell 4/17/2008 i Existing Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Approved By: Date: Drawn By: Builder. Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Canal Dr. Date: .rob: Fort collins,co 80524 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 Job#: Description: (goo) 59g-59s2 221 g 20 min doors REV# fax (970)224-0044 lnvoice#: Door#: 1 � Existing Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door 20 min fire core IPanel I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IPanel I — — — 20 min fire core Approved By: Date: Drawn By: Builder: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. Jc Shaw 3900 Canal Dr. Date: Job: Fort Collins,co sos24 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 Job#: Description: (soo) s9g-s9s2 221 g 20 min doors REV# fax (970)224-0044 Invoice#: Door#: 1 Existing Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door Vertical section @ head 1 3/4" 5" 1/4" 20 m n fi e core 1/4" 1/4" 9/16" —� 9/16" Approved By: Date: Drawn By: Builder. Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Canal Dr. Date: .rob: Fort Collins, CO 80524 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 Job#: Description: (800) 59s-s952 2218 20 min doors REV# fax (970)224-0044 Invoice#: Door#: 1 Existing Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door Vertical section @ lockrail 5 1/2" Approved By: Date: Drawn By: Builder: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. Jc Shaw 3900 Canal Dr. Date: Job: Fort Collins, co 80524 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 Job#: Description: (goo) s9s-s9s2 221 g 20 min doors REV# fax (970)224-0044 Invoice#: Door#: 1 � Existing Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door Vertical section @ kicker 9�6�� 10" 1 3/4" Approved By: Date: Drawn By: Builder: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. 7C Shaw 3900 Canal Dr. Date: Job: Fort Collins, CO 80524 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 7ob#: �escription: (soo) s9g-s9s2 2218 20 min doors REV# fax (970)224-0044 jnvoice#: voor#: 1 , Proposed Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door %4" x 1%6" spline %4" x 15/6" spline — — — � � Intumescent I I Intumescent added as added as needed to I I needed to air space I I air space I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � I I I I I � I I I Approved By: Date: Drawn By: Builder: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Canal Dr. Date: Job: Fort Collins,co sos24 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 7ob#: Description: (800) 598-5952 221 g 20 min doors REV# fax (970)224-0044 tnvoice#: Door#: 1 � Proposed Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door %4" x 1%6" spline�_ � %4'x�%6" spline 20 min fire core I I I Solid wood I raised panel I glued to 20 I min fire core I I I I I I I I I I I I I Panel I I I 20 min fire core Approved By: Date: Drawn By: Builder. Platte Valley Lumber Inc. 1C Shaw 3900 Canal Dr. Date: Job: Fort Collins, CO 80524 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 7ob#: [�escription: (800) s9s-59s2 221 g 20 min doors REV# fax (970)224-0044 lmoice#: �oor#: 1 � '—'C � � � � � 0 � � ' ` ^C `" `" '� A A _ : �. a � 0 A � N o iC � N U � x _ O. = j A � A ' O "^1 \ ' A ' P1 � M. � N O b r� - fD � P1 A A n N h N �`? � � � � � ro M � � x ° a ° o a o a, � 'C a. v��, � w 'C " r' ,� y � ?'- �U O -- v ai � � � � a » o• o o' o � � � � � � � �� � w w co : � � ro wx ?� a � m � � o .-. � °o �* m o � o � C . o� o ° � � a � � � � � o�o �nd�, �v � � �. a °o .�no � � � v� cs a� a =° o � NNOO � a. '* " � � o � o a � �. � � c�i � � n Q- � y ° < d o �, �. a < c d w °- x . � w C G. x N �,� �� N� N N \ �.. �. �.-� � � � � O J � � O �U � � x c��o o � a � c� � " .�, P= � � N'o C' C/].. O�' p� ',.3' 'a m � � � b � � � � Q. O p�i � � O � ti � � � ¢. � a 0 w �' 'o 0 � Proposed Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door Vertical section @ head 1 3/4" 5" 1/4" 20 min fire core 1/4" 1/4" 1/2" 9/16° _L 9/16" Approved By: Date: Drawn By: Builder. Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Canal Dr. Date: J°b: Fort collins, co 80524 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 Job#: Description: (800) 598-5952 221 g 20 min doors REV# fax (970)224-0044 Invoice#: Door#: 1 Proposed Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door Vertical section @ lockrail s liz° Approved By: Date: Drawn By: Builder: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Canal Dr. Date: Job: Fort Collins,co sos24 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 Job#: Description: (800) 598-s9s2 2218 20 min doors REV# fax (970)224-0044 Invoice#: Door#: 1 Proposed Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door Vertical section @ kicker 9�6" 10" 1 3/4" Approved By: Date: Drawn By: Builder: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Canal Dr. Date: Job: Fort Collins,co 80524 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 Job#: Description: (800) 598-5952 221 g 20 min doors REV# fax (970)224-0044 Invoice#: Door#: 1 8431 Murphy Drive Middleton,Wisconsin 53562 Telephone: 608-836-4400 Facsimile: 608-831-9279 www.intertek-etlsemko.com 2008 January 9 Evan Young Platte Valley Woodworks 3900 Canal Drive Fort Collins, CO 80524 Subject: Increased inspections at your facility to verify modifications of doors for Vail Plaza. Dear Mr.Young: This letter is to inform you that Intertek will be increasing the inspection rate of your facility as shown below.The purpose of this increase is to review the modifications of doors to be supplied to the Vail Plaza. January to June 2008: Monthly July to December 2008: Every other month January 2009 on: Quarterly Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, �i����i''`�/ Timothy J. Schaeffer , ., Engineer/Manager of Inspections �� � Intertek ��, �� Certification and Follow-up Services �� �� CC: Kim Coonts—Intertek '=�y�,� Terry Fackerell- Intertek �y�� ����:;�� _��� 9�. � � � � �,� :._ _ F� � . �_ � ��`fr�. ��� $���=s�� �,�ssF � %� ��mz��.�` ., a��_. ��,� �Rz'� ���r��' �,� ����"�. ���� v � �� Platte Valley Woodworks Vail Plaza 20 minute fire-rated door rebuild November 30, 2007 • Intertek Fire Test Results • Existing Door Drawings • Proposed Door Drawings • Door Rebuild Process • Rebuild Schedule and Swap-out • Change Order I�,�1 c i.�l� W ' l L j� . ,. � . - - ETL SEMKO REPORT NUMBER: 3135542-09 ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE: NOVEMBER 29, 2007 � EVALUATION CENTER Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 8431 Murphy Drive Middleton,WI 53562 � W To RENDERED PLATTE VALLEY WOODWORKS 3900 CANAL � FORT COLLINS, CA 80524 � PRODUCT EVALUATED: W20 Minute Wood Frame with 3'0"x 7'0" Stile and Rail Panel Door. EVALUATION PROPERTY: � 20 Minute Positive Pressure Fire Endurance Test Fire Test of Platte Valley Woodworks' 20 minute wood frame with 3'0"x7'0" stile and rail panel door for compliance with the applicable requirements of the following criteria: UBC Standard 7-2 (1997� "Fire Tests of Door Assemblies", NFPA 252 (1999) and UL 10C (1998). This report i5 for the excluslve use of Inrerteks Cllent and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liabillty to any party, other than to the Glent in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is authorized to copy or distribute this report and then only in its erttirety. Any use of the Intertek name or ane of!ts marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved In writing by Intertek. The observations and test results/n thls report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself dopa e 1 of�2 that the material,product, or service is or has ever been under an Intertek certification program. 9 Platte Va11ey Woodworks November 29, 2007 Project No. 3135542-09 Page 2 of 12 1 Table of Contents 1 Tabie of Contents......................... .................................................................2 ...................... 2 Introduction """""""""""������3 ............................................................................................. 3 Test Samples And Assembly Description............................................................................3 4 Test Installation and Procedures.........................................................................................4 5 Testing and Evaluation of Results.......................................................................................5 5.1. Observations "�5 ............................................................................................................ 5.2. Door Deflection......---•............... ............................5 ....................................................... 5..3. Flaming and Penetration •••••••••�•�������"""""""'5 ............................................................ 5.4. Hose Stream Test Observations and Results..............................................................5 6 Conclusion ""'�"'6 ................................................................................................................. � ETL SEMKO 7�p.NrrMn�w.ror n,.Me�s�rywl�ws. Platte Valley Woodworks November 29, 2007 Project No. 3135542-09 Page 3 of 12. 2 Introduction The Middleton, Wisconsin fire testing laboratory of Intertek Testing Services NA (lntertek)NVamock Hersey conducted a Vertical Fire Test for P{atte Valley Woodworks. The test sample(s) were received at the laboratory on November 27, 2007 in goad condition. This report gives the results of the evaluation of a fire resistance property. The test results described in this report are limited to the submitted items. The test was conducted at positive pressure in accordance with UBC Standard 7-2 (1997) "Fire Tests of Door Assemblies", NFPA 252 (1999) and UL 10C (1998). 3 Test Samples And Assembly Description The frame and doors were selected by Intertek personnel at Vail Plaza and the construction details are in the project file. Door1 Door Size/Configuration Nominal 3'0"wide x 7'0"high x 1-3l4". Stile and rail panel door.Fyrewerks anel desi n. To rail com letel re laced. Si ned b Shaw Constn�ction. Frame Size/Configuration 3'0"wide x TO"high single door frame with kerf. 3"wide by'/"minimum thickness alder trim. Single rabbet,5/4"thick,8"jamb depth,'�"high stop, 6"soffit width 1/8"wide kerf. Material Alder Wood 0.37-.040 s cific ravi Wall Type 20ga 6"Metal stud and fire rated type x gypsum drywalt.The rough opening was 38-1/2°by 85-1/2". All gaps beween wall and frame were acked with mineral wool.The a s were'/z't'/,". Hardware Lockset Listed Vincard cardreader latch set.'/."throw Hin es Three listed 4.5"x 4.5"x 0.134"full mortise butt hin es,S rin e. Edge Seal Q-Lon inserted into kerf,Pemko HS2000/S88 combo placed on jamb behind kerF a ainst sto . � ETL SEMKO r«tln0•�rrwlrn k.m.,.M.ywhra Platte Valley Woodworks November 29, 2007 Project No. 3135542-09 Page 4 of 12 4 Test Installation and Procedures The test assembly was installed per the installation instructions of the door and frame manufacturers in a fire rated wall constructed in a fumace frame. The doorframe was held in place by 3 screws 24 on center around the perimeter of the frame per the installation „ � instructions of the frame manufacturer. One 2-1/2" long # 12 screw was place in each hinge and two 2-1/2" long screws to secure the strike. The average door clearances to the frame were measured and recorded within the allowable limit as follows (unit: inches): T�o Hinae stile Latch stile Bottom 0.065 0.100 0.055 0.375 After positioning the assembly frame over the fumace opening, the bumers were ignited and a timer started. Temperatures within the fumace were monitored using thermocouples and the data recorded. The bumers were controlled to keep the furnace temperatures within the a{lowable limits specified in the test standa�ds. These temperature data are included in this report. Periodic observations were made of the exposed and unexposed surfaces of the test assembly during the fire endurance test. These observations are included in this report. Pressure taps were installed through the furnace wall adjacent to the test assembly at three heights (top, 40" above the sill, and bottom of the assembly) to measure furnace pressure. The neutral pressure plane within the furnace was maintained at height of 40 inches above the sil{ as specified in the test standards. These pressure data are included in this report. Immediately after the Fire Endurance Test, the assembly frame was moved into position for a Hose Stream Test. The exposed surface of the test assembly was subjected to the impact, erosion, and cooling efFects of a hose stream described in the test standards. The following test equipment was used to collect and monitor test conditions. Mid-scale Test Epuipment Inventorv Number Measurement Uncertaintv Fluke Temperature Data Logger 391 ±2°F at 95%C. L. Pressure Transducer 387 ±0.005°w.c. at 95%C.L. Pressure Transducer 652 ±0.005"w.c. at 95%C.L. Magnehelic differential pressure gauge 635 ±0.005"w.c. at 95%C.L. Magnehelic differential pressure gauge 636 ±0.005"w.c. at 95%C.L. Water pressure gauge 829 Grade C Infrared gun 875 ±2° F � ETL SEMKO Adro.Ywrwn.�.te.nwue.�ywhw. Platte Valley Woodworks November 29, 2007 Project Na. 3135542-09 Page 5 of 12 5 Testing and Evaluation of Results 5.1. Observations TIME EXPOSED FACE 00:00 Bumers ignited. 02:26 Flash over. 08:08 Face continues to flame. 11:58 2"�flash over. 15:34 Lower panel face layer leaning into fumace. 20:56 Test stop. TIME UNEXPOSED FACE 00:00 Assembly tight to frame. 02:26 Smoke from head and upper stiles. Smoke from knot in top rail above panel. 03:28 Smoke from latch stile at latch. 05:54 Smoke from card reader and dead bolt. 08:08 Smoke from knot in mid rail, knot in head continues to smoke. 10:23 Smoke from peep hole, plastic burnt out. 13:24 Smoke from top center of lower panel, at joint. 15:34 Heavy smoke at top center of lower panel, at joint. 1l8" deflection. 17:49 Smoke from knot in lower panel. 19:27 Smoke from top of lower panel dies down. Smoke from knot in upper panel. 20:56 Test stop. No through openings, no flaming of the unexposed face. 5.2. Door Deflection Door deflection relative to the frame,where applicable,was monitored throughout the test. The door deflection an the door did not exceed the allowable limit of the door 1-1/2 times the door thickness and thus met the requirements of the test standards. 5.3. Flaming and Penetration Du�ing the fire exposure period there was no flaming on the unexposed face of the frame or door. No through opening were evident upon completion of the fire endurance test 5.4. Hose Stream Test Observations and Results A Hose Stream Test was conducted for 15.4 seconds based on a total assembly area of 25.54 square feet and a required duration of 0.6 seconds per square foot of assembly area at 30 psi. Door: The lower panel was removed by the hose stream 8 seconds into the test. There were no through openings in the upper panel or perimeter of door frame interface. Frame: No through openings befinreen wall and frame. � ER SEMKO T..uno«.r�Ar.b.nrr1�Y��.r. Existing Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ( � � � � � � � � � � � Approved By: Date: n��By: su�a�: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Cana1 Dr. Da�� Job: co sos24 11/16/07 Vail Plaza FOit C011tIIS, Job#: Description: ph. (970)224-5952 221 g 20 mm doors (800) 598-5952 REV# f� (970)224-0044 Invoice#: l�oor#: 1 Existing Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door 20 min fire core IPanel I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Panel I — — — 20 min fire core Approved By: Date: n��By: B�a�: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 39��Caual D�. Date: Job: Fort co�s, co sos24 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 Job#: Description: (800) 598-5952 221 g 20 min doors REV# fax (970)224-0044 Invoice#: Door#: 1 Existing Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door Vertical section @ head 1 3/4" 5" 1/4"20 e core 1/4" 1/4�� 9/16" —� 9/16" Approved By: Date: Drawn By: Builder: Platte Va11ey Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Canal Dx. Da�` Job: co so524 11/16/07 Vail Plaza FOI't C0111IIS, Job#: Description: ph. (970)224-5952 221 g 20 min doors (800) 598-5952 REV# fax (970)224-0044 Invoice#: Door#: 1 Existing Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door Vertical section @ lockrail s ii2�� Approved By: Date: nra�By: Bu�a�: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Caual Dr. Da�' Job: Fort collins,co 8os24 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970}224-5952 Job#: Description: (800) 598-5952 221 g 20 mm doors REV# f� (970)224-0044 Invoice#: voor#: 1 Existing Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door Vertical section @ kicker /19 6" 10" 1 3/4" Approved By: Date: n��$y: B�a�: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Cana1 Dr. na�: rab: Fort coui�s, co sos24 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 Jab#: Description: (800) 598-5952 221 g 20 min doors REV# fax (970)224-0044 Invoice#: voor#: 1 Proposed Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door 1�4n X 15�6�� spline �4�� X 1�(�� spline / �- '� Intumescent I I Intumescent added as added as needed to I I needed to air space I air space � I I I I � I I I I I � I I I � I � I I I � I � I Approved By: Date: nrawn By: Bu;laer: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Cana1 Dr. Da�� Job: Fort co�s,co sos2a 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 Job#: Description: (800) 598-5952 221 g 20 min doors REV# f� (970)224-0044 Invoice#: voor#: 1 ' " Proposed Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door ya"x lslb"spline�_ ,/ �/a"x 1%6' spline 20 min fire core I Solid wood I raised panel I glued to 20 I min fire core I I I I I I I I I I I I I Panel I I I — — 20 min fire core Approved By: Date: Drawn By: Builder: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Canal Dr. Da�' Job: Fort collins, co so524 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 JOb#� Description: (800} 598-5952 221 g 20 min doors REV# f� (970)224-0044 Invoice#: Door#: 1 Intumesce Rev.#: • 1 Proposed Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door Horizontal section @ head,loclQail and kicker 9/16"F-- Horizontal section @ panels Approved By: ; �t , ?,'�a�, -�. . .,� Water based,PVA adhesive, fire rated for 90 minutes, applied to backs of panels Date• ��gy; Builder: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Canal Dr. Fort Collins,CO 80524 ph. (970)224-5952 (800) 598-5952 fax (970)224-0044 Date: Job: 11/16/07 Vail Plaza Job#: DescripUon: 2218 20 min doors Invoice#: Door#: iu spaces Proposed Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door Vertical section @ head 1 3/4" 5" 1/4" 20 min fire core 1/4" 1/4�� 1/2" 9/16" _L 9/16" Approved By: Date: ��sy: a�ta�: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Canal Dr. Date: Job: Fort collins,co gos24 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 Job#: Description: (800) 598-5952 221 g 20 min doors REV# f� (970)224-0044 �voice#: Door#: 1 Proposed Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door Vertical section @ lockrail s vz�� Approved By: Date: nrawn By: Builaer: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Caual Dx. Da�' Job: Fort collins, co so524 11/16/07 Vail Plaza ph. (970)224-5952 Jab#: Description: (800) 598-5952 221 g 20 min doors REV# fax (970)224-0044 Invoice#: Door#: 1 Proposed Vail Plaza 20 minute PV2030 fire rated door Vertical section @ kicker 9�6" 10" 1 3/4" Approved By: Date: Drawn By: Builder: Platte Valley Lumber Inc. JC Shaw 3900 Caual Dr. nate: Job: co so524 11/16/07 Vail Plaza Fort CO111IIS, Job#: Description: ph. (970)224-5952 221 g 20 mm doors (800) 598-5952 REV# f� (970)224-0044 Invoice#: Door#: 1 Platte Valley Woodworl�s Vail Plaza 20 Minute Door Repair Process 11/30/07 • Cut out head on CNC router to within�1/8" of stop • Pull off stop • Clean up stiles 1. Route off edge to nose of stop 2. Route out center 3. Route both sides of profile with profile bit 4. Route out kerf to remove excess glue • Remove panels and fire core • Glue one old panel and one new panel to new Intertek fire core with Multi Bond 2000 adhesive • Assemble glued fire core and panels into door frame • Fill kerf on new head with Tremstop IA intumescent caulking • Apply adhesive to kerf and cope on both sides of head • Insert baltic birch spline into kerf on both sides of head and apply adhesive on one side of spline • Assemble head into door and clamp • Sand head and stile joint smooth • Refinish door assembly Platte Valley Woodworks Vail Plaza 20 minute fire-rated door rebuild November 30, 2007 Rebuild After obtaining approval to rebuitd the existing door to the new specifications, the first batch of 80 doors will be complete within two weeks, with 80 doors being produced weekly until the project is complete (approximately 4-5 weeks after approval). This time period includes the finishing of these doors before sending on to Vail Plaza. Installation PVW is prepared to send a crew to Vail Plaza to remove the temporary slab door, remove hardware from the slab door, install the rebuilt door and Ving card reader. It is estimated that with full access to the rooms, 80 door batches can be installed in two days/batch. ' ���/- G�-5�-- 5 December, 2007 ilir. Cha�lie D�vis, Chief Build9ng O�ficiaf Town of Vai! �.11� �.-�.�C�S �� 75 Fran�age �toad � v��i, CO 81657 �V�'t 1 T- I���O ��-S via: Hand Detivery RE: Vail Plaza 20 Nlinute Rated Er�try Doors �ir�at So{uti ��U.v �°�/6�7 Charlie, Aftached is the�inal report an the Vail Piaza 20 rriinute doors from Infertek and Platte Vaftey's shop drawings and plans for reman�facturing the doors. I also have sorne samples that 1 can go over with yau to shaw how we wili be�ble to diff�rentiate betweeet the original doors that faiied testing and the remanufactured doors that passed. Additiona(ly, because the top panel of the daor witl be replaced, t�ere wi61 be no peep holes in the rer��nufactured doors untit they have been inspect�d by your office for finat verificati4n ��d acc�ptanc�after ins#allatio�. Per our discussions, lntertek will be at Piatte Vailey during the re�n�nufacturing process to inspect�he doors for compiiance with the new design. The Shav�r Constr�ction #eam is currently working with the ownership bf the Vail Plaza Hot�t�or sct�e8uling of the installation of fhe permanent daors and we witi keep you in the laop as the dates are f nalized. We are currentty anticipating that this work wilf happen in {ate spring after the mou�t�in closes. 1 expect that we will ca1l in inspectroe�s during the time of installat�pn so that v+re have everything documented if that is acceptable to you. rel ��� Bob Hutchinson Sr. Superintendent cc: Chuck Macdonald Larry Fickel 300 Kalamath Street � Denver, CO 80223 Fax 303-825-6403 • w�aw.shawcans�ructioa.net Phone 303-825-4740 � ' ,....... ._., ..��... �r 7 ',i�=i�t; 11:kts�1 51:;7c15E�c;74 STEELCR.-^,FT EhIG r,-bGt ., 333 PfingstEn Ro9d Northbronk,4tlinnis 60D"o2-203b Un3ted States CaJnlry Code(t 1 (84� 272-880D FAX No. (8�i7) 272-8129 u�, �nr�e�r�t�r���h�r��a�i����r�.cA; n��P:rr�r�,.��.�om �� �TI�I��.'T� �� ���I�I�I.�.��� �ETt.TIFTCA'�NUI�i[��: 4717Q1 - �i3994 ISSUE i7A'I'Ec July 17,2401 �'a�e 1 af 1 YSS�.lec�t0' Steelctaft Manufacturing Company ` 9Q�7 Blue Ash Raad Cincinna�i,UH 45242 . R.eport�t.e�ere�ce: R39�4 �'�uis is �a Certify that rcpresentative saz�op�es af: �►re Door Prames:P Series,16,]4 anr112 gage Masonry walls-3 hour ratiteg,single-�'0"�lp'0",double-8'0"x 10'0" Stud walls-3 haur catiug,single-4`0"x S'0",dau6le-8'0"x SQ'0" Stud wails-i-1/2 hour rating,single•4'0"x 10'Q",doubte$'0"x 14'0" Have been investigated by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.��n aceo�°dance�vith the Standa►rd�s} zndicated on this Certificate. StatlG�arc��s� �or���et�s UL 10C-Standard for Pasiti^ve Pressure�ire Tescs of Doar Assemblies UBC 7-2{1997}-Fire�Tests of Door Ass�mb�ies NFPA 252{�999)-Standard for Fire Tests Asseznblies (Positive I'ressure) Th,ese assennblies also meet UL 10B-Fire Tests of Dooc Assembiies and 23FPA 252(1349)-Starrdard for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies(Negative Pressute} Additional i�forrnatian: ����7'��of weldak ocRnock Dowt�coflsuuction. �ne inch face fraune i.s availabl�, Duuh door frame-maximucn 3 haur rati��,maxisnum size-8'0"x 7'2". Coxnmunicating �rame and£ossr sided framrs availabl.a Mulriple opening frame(3 or 4 doocs per frazne}i-1/2 h�ur rna�cimtun ratiug- Overall maximum.fracne size 12'8"x 8'E"(ma�cimiun door size 4'0" x g'Q") ].8 gage�Yame availablc for snaximum size of 3�0"x 7�2",maximum rating 2D min.ute without I�ose stream. Termiaated staps pexmittcd. �S]ratu�g with Classzfied gasketing material. Os�Iy thuse products bearing the UL Listi�g Mark should b� considered as being covered by UL's Listing and Follow-Up Ser�vice. •(�he iJl,Lis�ing Mark gcncrally incluc�es the fallawing elemeatr tha symbol UL in A circte: �� vvith the worcl°I-ISTP-D";a controi natubcr{may bc a]phanumeric� assig,aed by UL;a�ad the product category natne(product id'e.nkifiet'} as itndzcated ita Lhe appropriate � UL Directory. Engineer: � eviev�Engineer: � � HC7WARD J. GRUS I�.ANIEL J.KAISER Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Undc;rwriters Lab4ratorzes Inc. A no1-f�r-protit organization dedicaled io pubiic salety and committed to qualily s2rvice �'!-_113� 1 i:f9f� �13;�K637a ��TEELC'�::;FT Et��G Pt;rS� �72 Steelcraft �� ����' �9��� gp�7 9tue Ash Road � � �� Cinclnnati,4H 45242 '" . SecurltyTechna(ogies Tet�S�sy�a5�aao Subject: Letter of Verification, Steeiaa�c�'ames - Vaii Piaza Hotel To Whorn It�tay Concem: � Rhis 4etter is to verify that SteetcrafC' F`series, i�gage, three�-sided doar frames wauld qualify for up to a three (3} haur fire rating if instalied in a masonry waq or a maximum af one and on�-halt{1-1J2) hour rating in drywal!cQnstruction. The frames meet the recyuiremen�.s for Intertek'�esting/Wam+ock Fiersey or Urtderwriters Laboraknries fire door frarnes. While not all Frames are labeled a�the factnry theY are ca�strucbed us1n9 the methods and rnaterials as a labeled fire d�or frarne. Absence of a tire door frarn�labe!will nat affect the Fre retardant capabilities of the fr�me. If yau require additional informa#on pfease fet us know. Sincerely • � �a� Jim �onlah Product Engineering f � Vail Plaza Hollow Metal Doors that need to be field labeled Rating Level Room No. (Min) 149 Stair 1 90 149 234A Electrical Closet 45 170 403 Fire Alarm Room 45 170 403A Fire Alarm Mechanical Room 45 170 409 Loading Dock 90 170 409 Loading Dock 90 170 409 Loading Dock 90 220 921A Elevator Electrical Closet 45 210 829A Elevator Electrical Cioset 45 180 523A Elevator Electrical Closet 45 180 504A EHU Comm Closet 45 180 508B AV Room 20 180 508C Storage 20 2700 N. FREEWAY PHONE: (719)543-3124 PUEBLO, GO 81003 p (800)215-7614 FAX: (719}543-1921 DOOR c� HARDWARE TRAhi51T N11X DOOR GOLORADO STATE SAFE&LOCK (719)475-0100 (719)634-7233 Coln Springs(719}545-7233 Pueblo 9/21/07 Shaw Construcfion Vail Plaza Hotef , Re: Door and Frame labels This ietter verifies that on the subject of Steelcraft Doors and Frames shipped to Vaif Pfaza Hotel in the City of Vai) were manufactured and supplied in accordance with Steelcrafts manufacturing proeedures.To bear a fire label with ar withaut an hourly rating. A. in masonry walls-maxirn�rn(3)haur.fire rating 8. in drywa#I const-maximum one and one-half(1 '/z hour fire rating) As a general rule of thumb, the maximum rating of the opening cannot exceed fhe rating of the wall or the rating of the door.Whichever is less. Stee{craft inadvertently did not attach fire fabels to some daor and frames, i Lance Stinchcomb, Label Controlfer, aE McKinney Door& Hardware Pueblo, Co. 81003 can go to Vail Hotel and apply construction labels to these doors and frames afiter I review the doors and frames for compliance. Please inform me at your earliest convenience if this method wilf be acceptable so we can be code compfiant, with the loca! authority having jurisdiction. S i ncerely, McKinney oor &Nardware � � . � � �ance 5finchcamb • � Label Confrofler � ` �ii � . ���� � � , „ � { i 1 � tl Itl' 111' II t i � i 1 � CI t' t C1•� i' , � •1 � 'I e 1' 1 1 1' I �• f �• i ! 1 . � •� 1 � � �7 CONTRACT SUILDERS HARDWARE STEELCRAFT HOLL.OW METAL SCHLAGE, BEST, YALE WOOD DOORS Toy�nn of Vall E COPY OF�IC $oy _ o a.s �- Z E H R E N At�fC?AS�ai'?��A'CES, INC. � October 18, 2006 Charlie Davis Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Administrative Modification Charlie: Zehren and Associates,Inc.,as the Architect of Record for the Vail Plaza Hotel,has reviewed the (revised)Fire and Egress Modeling Report for the Vail Plaza Hotel prepared by Rolf Jensen and Associates,Inc. dated October 9,2006 and finds the information presented to be in compliance with the intent of Sections 104.10 and 104.11 of the 2003 International Building Code. As such,Zehren&Associates believes that the alternative materials,design and methods of construction and equipment protecting Atrium B and Stair Number 5 as identified in the documents and supporting Research Reports,(IBC 104.11.1),submitted to the Town of Vail, support an administrative modification for removal of Stair Number 10 as identified in the approved construction documents dated Apri125,2006.Additionally,the Owner has agreed to provide special testing and inspections in accordance with IBC 104.11.2 substantiating such reports as copies of those agreements have been submitted to the Town. In reviewing the reports and supporting documentation,Zehren&Associates believes that that the existing approved plans provide for a specific individual reason that would make an administrative modification necessary,that the modification would be in compliance with the intent of the code,and that the modification would not lessen the health,life and fire safety of the building or its future occupants. Sincerely: l �� � Timothy R.Losa,AIA Project Architect Zehren and Associates,Inc. CC: Waldir Prado Connie Dorsey Jason Miller Norman Hong Mike McGee Yown of Vail O�'FICE COPY �oy-o�s�- Z E H R E N AND ASSOCIATES. INC. AMINISTRATIVE MODIFCATION REQUEST The Vail Plaza Hotel Vail, Colorado Modified October 18, 2006 INTRODUCTION This Administrative Modification document describes a portion of the Fire Protection and Life Safety Code requirements for The Vail Plaza Hotel in Vail, Colorado, which have been agreed to for compliance with the codes applicable to this project. Once signed by all parties,the described portion of the Fire Protection and Life Safety Code requirement are considered to be the governing regulation for the design and construction of The Vail Plaza Hotel. This document is the result of several meetings and discussions with representatives from the Town of Vail Building and Fire Departments and the design team. The 2003 International Building Code (IBC)permits this submittal and documentation process for the approval of alternate materials, design and methods of construction under Sections 104.10 and 104.11. The 2003 International Fire Code (IFC) also permits this submittal and documentation process for the approval of alternate materials, design and methods of construction under Sections 104.8 and 104.9. These code sections permit Building and Fire Officials to grant modifications for individual cases with special provisions. This process allows officials to provide guidance when determining that the strict letter of the code is not practical and when the modification is in conformance with the intent and purpose of the code. Such modification must be a reasonable approach to complying with the current code and not lessen the level of fire protection, the life safety of the occupants of the building. The detail of any such action granting modification by this administrative modification process shall be recorded and entered into the files of the code enforcement agencies and considered to be the code for the design and construction of The Vail Plaza Hotel. This request for administrative modification is intended only for The Vail Plaza building and is not intended to be applied to any other project in the Town of Vail, nor should it be considered as precedent setting for any other projects with similar conditions. Z E H R E N AND ASSOCIATES, INC. REQUESTED MODIFICATION The Owner is requesting the removal Stair 10 and the utilization of Stair 5 as the Main Exit from the Assembly Occupancy in accordance with IBC 1024.2. The Record Permit Documents dated 4/5/OS indicate that Stair 5 is located in Atrium B which is protected in accordance with IBC Sections 404 and 909 as documented in the Fire and Egress Modeling Report dated October 9, 2006 and the approved Smoke Control Report dated May 30, 2006. Stair 5 meets the intent of IBC Section 10, as the Assembly Main Exit or Egress with the exception of IBC Section 1019, Vertical Exit Enclosures (IBC1019.1, Exception 8). The Record Permit Documents dated 4/5/OS indicate that Stair 10 is also located within an atrium,but that atrium is not protected with a smoke control system in accordance with IBC 404.4, Exception 2, and IBC 1019.1, Exception 8. Stair 10 is indicated as the Assembly Main Exit in accordance with IBC 1024.2. CODEINTENT Section 1019.1 of the 2003 IBC (Commentary)requires that all interior exit stairways be enclosed with fire barriers because"an exit stairway or ramp penetrates floor/ceiling assemblies between levels,thus creating a vertical opening or shaft."Furthermore, the code states that an enclosure is needed to prevent the spread of fire, smoke, hot gases and light burning products to other areas of the building, to allow for a safe path of travel for building occupants, and to serve as a protected means of access for fire department personnel. Section of 404 of the IBC (Commentary)regulates specific means and methods for the protection of vertical openings, (atriums),"in lieu of providing a complete floor separation". In doing so, the IBC acknowledges that, "the basic premise of atrium requirements is that an engineered smoke control system combined with automatic fire sprinkler system that is properly supervised provides an adequate alternate to the fire resistive rating of a shaft enclosure." RECCOMENDATION Based upon the intent of the IBC as stated above, Stair 5 would provide an equal level of protection to that of Stair 10 and would thus justify the elimination of Stair 10 as the required Main Exit from the Assembly Occupancy. Page 2 of 3 , C:ADOCUME--1\CDavis\LOCALS�I\Temp\CD06101 Sadministrative modifcation(revised)TL.doc Z E H R E N AND ASSOCIATES INC. Suppo�ting Docum 'on and Reports Prepared by: I Ro f.Jense ciates, In �. Date Page 4 of 4 Z:12Q0 4104 1 5 9 0UI Project Information\03 Regulations and Codes\CD06t018administrative modifcation(revised)I1 doc Z E H R E N AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Prepared by: � � —�----° �j� �c �I� Timothy Losa, AIA—Architect of Record ate Zehren and Associates Reviewed by: -- ,i%;�� Co orsey- Owner Re r ive Date Vail Plaza Hotel Approved by: � ' '�' �. � r---� l � . �b 3 (5�D 'e Davis Date Town of Vail Chief Building Official ���� ��i�-�_✓ �p� z y• �ro U� Mike McGee Date Vail Fire and Emergency Services Fir arshal , � / oT �.� v��2 �- '� �! �Lo 6� Norman Hong Date Linhart Peterson Powers Associates, Inc. ATTACHMENTS Page 3 of 3 C:ADOCUME�I\CDavis\LOCALS�I\Temp\CD061018administrative modifcation(revised)TL.doc � � �� : , � � . � � : �: - o \ c� ,_��,., ,� �j : a , � r�` , � � � � : � � ... � � z , : � : . � W � Q a zv � U' � � - - _ �..� pv -� � Umz , � W � � 1■� � � U � � � � ~ � O p0 a� � WzN �� � � : Z O � W Q . . . . � W : ��"-._ _ 1� z v � v � - �: - O V� v o _ � �. .�: . — —� J � v - �" : Z = Q � � mz � � Q � ���: = � m Z � p � � � •� : � Q 1■■� O O � Cj LL, z O `�' �: � W w Z`� k: � � U z � U > L� �: �: : o � ° � z ° y � , �= O t— � � z � z — �: �: c�: � C° O � � `� L .�= � � � � � � � z � -�- � - �`\` 6Y Q z Q `i' � � '�- '�� �: � � � : � �: "� p � `� U � - w Q Q Q Q Q ,i; �_ �= � C� � � C� U � O � � � . . . . . z - - o DETACH AND BRING THIS PORTION OF CARD TO BLDG. DEPT. AT MUNICIPAL BUILDING ti n,,.f ,:,..a�.�d�.�.,,.`.f.�.a�'r� .,,,.,���r��,..,/r,��,�;/!/IG��✓ Loca o . � � Date...��3,�4�........................................................................... ............................................................................................ � Building Inspector Office of Building Official, TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO _.� :- . � � � � � v �� � ►� � � � � � � � 00 0 Y � � � ,� � � � � � J J O � � � � >>� W 4 � � � � ZO � � �S �v � � � �� �' W `� \ � � "� OW � \ \ � � T g � `Z � ` � � Q � � J � � �� .o v > w � � o, ` a + a, °� E.N. c°�i ° �� � ' � ,� � 'uf � W oC � " � � �� �^ � o � � � � o � l � � � � � r N m m 3 O , � � `� O W . F� � � (�,� � ' U O O Q W ��\ \ � S � ` � m � 7 � ` � yO C LL N 0 O d� � ;� ~ a a V 3 'a c� JUN/15/2006/THU 08: 15 AM N�CCOG FAX No, 9704681208 P. 001 ,{ • . . . INor�ihwest C�1or�do Cour�c�t r,� Gov�rr�n��n � . - �� ELEV�4TOR. PER#�IIT A,�PL�CATION APR 2 t 20�6 � .� � 7ur;sdic�ion � ��r.1 cs� c���Z. ���(��I� Applecation # ' P�rmit# _. ��� �.C1� � �� �ob Addt�e.ss �(�.5`�. ����C�UJ �t�,l�7-� � H 1 �..., C Q Buiiding o� Homeown�r's Name v �'11 � p j � Z, � � �wner ;� � � �� � � , M�iling Addt'ess ��� �. �"' �(' '�� � . Phane�# Fax # � Eleva�or Contracto�p�YS5EN1{RE1PP Et,�ltAtpR . . M2�ilir�g Address �560 CNAMBERS AYE� STE.$Zt11 � . ...�-�--- "_ . Pha�ne # '��S� � Fax � 3�,� �S� 1�C�. . .,. . . �iass of wiut•ic: � . �, New Installa�ion � Major Afteration . D�scribe Wot k � Y1.�' �t.S,�-� ,��j''C�Ca�' C� . .S'� . . NQTICE NEW INS'1'A1IATYON FEES I hereby cet#ify that� h�ve r�ad and�cami�led#his Passenger or fr�gh�eieva�.��,�ia�ar,movingr walk:� . aPPli�atio�t and know the same ta be true and�a�re.ct. Up to and Inclutiing$5��000 o�F v�tuation = $350.OQ AII provisions af�aws and ordinan�es gov�rnirtg th�tYV� Over$5�,000 of valuat�an � $350.00 ptus�6.00,fior eaeh of work will be complied wlth whetf��r speci�ed herein ot $�,ppp.pp ar frac�ion thereof over�5p,ppp.pp . n�t, The granting ef a permit does not presurne tip giv� •. � auth�rity ta vloE�te ar canael the pravisions of any�er tif�,bum�lbar or piriv2�te r�aslde�tC�elevator: or I�al law re�ulating construction or the Up to�nd including$2p,Ot1p pp valuatipn = $�50.00 erfa �nce of nstruction. 'Over$2p,000 af raluation = $250.00 plus$3A0 far.each � � -• $1.000.00 or fra�tion thereof ov�r$20;OOO.QO Sign�fitt of mntr�Cbor or author¢etl�gerit (p�te) • �i p�pR ALTE A'TION PEES� . ' • Fees for major alberations shall be as set fiarth fn Ta�ble 3 A af . the Uni�orm Administra�iv�Ca�de or Tabie 1 A. 5ignatu�e of owner (aa�) YALVA7I�N b� I `I. � �J3 .�� ���'� �c�U ���.�y� . C,p� � r�o r F Date Pald ����� � �►PP� ti �ess b ApFroved by . ��I,�-�� .. . �l�n view 14pproved by , . . _ ._.. _ _ _ .... _. .. .. Elevator plan r�view and freld ins Post�lt�Fax Note 7s�y °ate($ �� �- Pa�i � �CCIO�IS WI�� �GOfI{�UC�� r1Y trlj To Fro.m be forwarded to NWCCOG f+or rev�ew and approvai. SChedule insj �•� � �v�� ° 97c�68-0�95 ext 108. Ple�se ma�checks payab[e to NVVCCC�G� c�.� , ✓ �, �O' tiuc.vc.c.csG�- Pnone# Pr,oRe�F .I �� 'i� —. �.�� Fax# JUN/15/2006/THU 08: 15 AM N�CCOG FAX No, 9704681208 P, 002 Nor-�hwes� �olarado Caunci[ ofi Governm� ��'ll��� �LEVA,T�R PER.MIT A.PPLYCAT�OIV APR Z i 200G � � � �urisdiction ����� Appl�ca�ion �# Permit#��v '"�./� . avb Address. ' ��'.�,5 ���t1v �4�;1�7���' � 1�l L C(� • �uilding ar Hom�owner"s Name � fll (.,. � 1C.�,2. � � , Ovvner � Z ���C�' 2 � . N1ailing Address 1�� � -�' �(' '�.p! � � . Phone.# � C°ax# � Et�va�ar Cont�ra�to�HYSSENKRUPP �L�YRIp� . � . � ' . � .. .� Malting Address O�bO CHAMBERS AYE:,,.S]�.820i � . . Phone # �c�.8� � Fax# ��� ����2{�. ... _ . . Class of Wot�k: _� New Yrtstallaiaon � Major Alteratiorr Describe VYork �(�� �1:`.����fl. `� Op �.�, � . � . • N�TICE NEIdV INS7'AL�ATION F�ES I hereby o�rMy that I'have read and ex�rruned this Passcnger or f�gtrt eievatar,escala#or,marr�ng walk: , appEira#'�an ar�d lmow the sarr�to be true aad eareefi. t1p ta and indading$50,000 of valuatian� $354.00 AlE provisiaris of laws and ordin�noe5 gov�rning this type �$5Q,000 oFvaluatiar► � �350.00 ptus�6.Q0 for each of w�rk v�n1(b�oomplied trrith whether s�fied herein or $1,000.00 ar fraction tf�ereaf ov�r$50,OOOAO , not. l"�grartting of a permlt daes not preSUrr�#�p gtv� - . �uthori�,y to viotate or�ncel the prvvisio�of any other 1ff�t�urqb'�iter or pr�v�te residenc�e[err�r; or laca!law regulatin$constructbq or t!� Up tO�nd indu�dtng�20,d00 of vaivabian=$250.Op rfio ne�af uCtian. . Over$20,4Q0 oP valuation =$Z50.00 plus$3.00 for each y r $XAa1•�Q ar fradion thereaf over$20fOQ0.Q0 . �� 1` C�o Signaiv of mr�r-attor or authartzed agent (Dat�) • MA70R Ai.TEt�ATION �ES: � �fior ma�alberations shaq be as set forth►n Table 3-A of tlte Uniform Adcn�nlstrative G�de ar Tabi�1-A. Signatur+�af owner (Da'te) VAI�.U/�'1ZVN �� ��7 •�U � ��� ��� �""°� ( -�� �C� �' � / TQ� bate paid �;�� - A pltc�a 'on P qpprovec! 6y � � �-,E.S=a� P�t�R,�vi�w API�OV�d hy .Date � Eleratvr plan review and fieid lr�speetions will be aanducted by the Nortl�west Coloradp Courtcit ofi Govemments. pf�,t�s will be furwarded to NWC�OG for�vtew and approval. Schedule insPectfor�s by contaefing tt�e NWCCaG Qevabor�nspector at 97U-468-0295�x,t X�$. Pfease mafae t��cks payat��e to NWCCAG. . � JUN/15/2006/THU 08: 16 AM N�CCOG FAX No, 9704681208 P. 003 Nvr�hwes� Calar.�da Gour�ci� of Covernments v�-a EL�VAT4i�. p�RWlIT APPLT�►7`xO1V 1�����1/�� �;�,-� ��� Jurisdiction . APR 1 i 2006 Applica�ion �fi Permit#�'�l� � . 7ob At�dress C'.tS YY��n�1J1� ��L`?�� � �q 1 L., C C7 � Builciing ar Nam�!awner`s Niame v fll �. � �Cf,�, � owner �1` 1 � �� � � . M�iling Addt,e�s 1�� � � , �r .�� .� . � Phone.# Fax # � �l�rrafor Contrac�;HYSSENt{RUP� �i..�VA70� . � �'..., �if10 .. �M�iling Addt�ss `D��M8ER3 RYE:, ,SIE.82QY � Phone # ��•S+ � � Fax# ��$ �S�,�(�. ... .- � Ctass a�Work: �� N�w Y�llafaori _ Major/�eration • Desctibe IAI'oric �rl�..- 5� ''�-�� �' `� ..��.�- . � �oT�tcE 1�►zNSrat.[.�-�roN �s I���'�bY��Y that T'have read and examined th1s Pass�ac�r or�r�eight,eley��pr���fipr,movtng�+rall� , application ar�d l�now th�sarr�ba be true and vace�. Up't�and includin9�50.00Q of valc�tion ���5Q.D4 All provisfons af lavrs and ardiqanoes govemEttg thls typ� pv��gp� of rrork will be cnmpiied with wheti�er s �0 of v�luation = �350.00 plus�6,00 for each not. llle grdntin of a t�ifeed her+�ln or $1,QOO.OQ or fi'action theteot vver$50,0OO.OQ � 9 P�+t daes not presume tn give . authprlty fio vi�labe or canc�t the provisions of any alfier Lif�Purubwai�er or prtv�be residenoe eteva�ar: nr local law r�gulatln9 cortsix'ttttiott or the Up to�tM includi tfo �nte of nstrpction. h9��.�o1°va.lu�tian =�Z50.d0 � Ov�'$20,000 of valuation =$750.fl0 pEus�3.00 for.each . � �f $1.0OO.Od or fra�kion the+�f over$20,0OO.OQ . . 5gnatu e af cor�tracbor or authoriz�ag�rt (pa�e) . MA]UR ALY RATION F�ES� —� Fees for mafor alterations shaq be as se.��otth in Tal�le 3-A of the Uniform qdministra�ve Code or Table 1 A Sigt�ature of owner�' - (Dabe) YALUATIO N ��'�(, ��j� _C�� �3���C�� c� ,��,,� _o� . . ,rQ�a�F D�D� ��- . Date Paid R,��,� Appti�ation �Y Approved by Pian Re �vv ��.�c� E►RProw�l by Date �leva�ar plan revl�w and fle�d inspe�tions wilt be oonduCted by the Northwest Colorado Caunv!of�nmerrts. Plans wilE !�facwarded ta NWCCOG�`or review and approval. Schedute ins�C.tions by co�nt�rt:l:it�g tl�e M.NCCOG�I�vator Ins 970�f68-02�5 ext 108. ptease n�ke checks payabte to NWCCOG. • ��a� � . TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A06-0029 �6 L( - O��� Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Applied . . : 02/28/2006 Parcel No...: 210108203003 Issued . . . 03/20/2006 Project No : :� ��S� � -p ��( � Expires . .: 09/16/2006 OWNER DAYMER CORP NV 02/28/2006 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL , CO 81657 APPLICANT COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTS OF 02/28/2006 Phone: 970-513-7100 WESTERN COLORADO, LLC P.O. BOX 1572 SILVERTHORNE CO 80498 License: 161-5 CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTS OF 02/28/2006 Phone: 970-513-7100 WESTERN COLORADO, LLC P.O. BOX 1572 SILVERTHORNE CO 80498 License: 161-5 Desciption: INSTALLATION OF A NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FOR Vail Plaza HOTEL. Permit is for installation by B&B Electric and equipment. Valuation: $165,503.00 ****�rr***+********e�***r*r*********r*+�«*�**�r**t**�***r�+***�***�** FEE S UMMARY *�*****�t**r*as**�****t****r**►****�**+*�******+t*��*�r*�*�* Electrical---------> $0.0 0 Total Calculated Fees--> $6,438.36 DRB Fee---------> $o.o o Additional Fees----------> $232.00 Investigation----> $o.o o Total Permit Fee--------> $6,670.36 Wil)Call---------> $0.0 0 Payments------------------> $6,6 7 0.3 6 TOTAL FEES--> $6,438.36 BALANCE DUE--------> $o.00 .:��****:*�*..*.*..*****..����.*.*+.*.**:.:*.*****+*,:*.*�*•�.*.*:*.*:.�:.:�**..***.*******:*..***.***«:*�***s*►**+s*.****..**.*�...*.*+�.....�.+. Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 03/20/2006 McGee Action: AP Permit is approvecl tor installtion ot concti for garage levels only. Per TOV Building ancl Fire Dept . ' s, the owner must submit Admin Mod tor Smoke Cont: Atrium in one comprehensive and complete package tor review prior to installing a� or wiring before the Lobby level wiring is started. Revision of the operational and control sequence is required. The design specitications and Admin Mod must be submitteci by a registered Fire Prc Engineer on the FPE' s letterhead. 04/27/2006 mcgee Action: AP Rough-in is allowed tor selected ares 1 - ! on ��Rough-In Schedule Plans" received 4/26/06 . 12/07/2006 mcgee Action: AP Atrium smoke control system. Detectors in ballroom FA1 .3B, may be over designed. Beam detector locations subject to manufacturers specifications . See revisions for specific device changes . Sequence of operation is still under review. 09/16/2007 McGee Action: AP Revision ot smoke control system dated 8/3: Valuation is listed as NA. Revise accordingly. Plan review still applies . Floor plans and mechanical plans must be submitted to reflect new fans. Sequence for testing must be re-submitted by RJA. Commissioning plan must be submitted. Costs for new fans, wiring, ducts, etc. must be reflected. Point id descriptions may not duplicate. Revise. Permission to proceed is granted at builder' s risk. *.�..*..*..***.*.�.*.**.*.**.*.*.�....**...+.*..**.**.*..***,�*«:***.*.*.**.*«�*....**..*.*,*.****.***..,..:.*...*..**..*..*...*«**.*+��.**.*...* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL .*�..�.*�.**�*..**.**�..***,:.*.***.�.*.**..**..*.**.*.*,*.*..*..*.*�*�**...*.�:.*.*.**�*�*��.****..*.***�*.*...�****�,:.**.*..*.**..��..*.*��.**,., DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM-5 PM. ��� '1�)CL� SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ***************************************+***********************************************+**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *******+********************************�*************+*********************+********+****** Statement Number: R070002512 Amount: $232 . 00 11/14/200710:36 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Commercial Specialists of Co 10833 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: A06-0029 Type: ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-0300-3 Site Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Total Fees: $6,670.36 This Payment: $232.00 Total ALL Pmts: $6, 670.36 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts ------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 FIRE ALARM PERMIT FEES 232 .00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U � � �/� Project# : v► Building Permit#: `� �,_, — � Alarm Permit#: 970-479-2135(Inspections) ' ' TO OF VAIL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICATION 75 S. Frontage Rd. Commercial � Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of Colorado 81657 application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, 2nd page of this form. Application will not be accepted w9thout this information. Contacf.Eagle Counfy Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eag/e-county.com for Parcel# Parcel # (Required if no bldg. Permit#is provided above) . 2101082Q3003 v Job Name : VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Job Address : 100 E.MEADOW DRIVE Le al Descri tion Lot: Block: Filin : Subdivision: Owners Name: DAYMER CORP Address: 100 E. MEADOW DRIVE Chone: �Y En ineer: RJA Address: Phone: __ ' Detailed Location of work: ( i.e., floor, unit#, bldg. #) ADDENDUM TO EXISTING PERMIT-ADDING HEAT DETECTORS IN THE LOADING DOCK Detailed Description of work: �---- ADDING HEAT DETECTORS IN LOADING DOCKS Work Class: New( ) Addition (X) Remodel ( ) Repair ( ) Retro-fit ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single Family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (X) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) �No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes X No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (X ) N_o �_�_N COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT ( Labor 8�Materials ) Fire Alarm: $ 5,774.00 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION � Fire Alarm Contractor: Commercial Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone#' s: � Speciali�ts of Western Colorado, LLC. 161-S� Tim Ward (970) 513-7100 Contractor Si, ` e��,�'�+ - f ************************�* * ,�a�'��� ��NLY**�*�**,�***************,�**�***�*��******�:x*,���***�;:.; c'����+ � F.��m � Da ecei •'Yr�n "=�:-'� ublic a A By: �a4��: �u �m°�.°� � � � �� � �� . �� .�� � _.. _ ,� �;F , F ,;; . :E , {�:;r 3�. � -- _., , � � - �, � °i'�`V1f� ��_���`�.3."ur=-- �.,�� -- - ._ _.____ ,. , � �--._ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COl��Il�IUNI'T'1'DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO $1657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D03-0015 Job Address: 100 E NIEADQW DR V°.IL Sta.tus. . . : ISSUED Location.......: I00 E MEADOW DR Applied , . : OS/30/2003 Parcel No....: 2I0108256001 Issued. . . : 06/13/2003 ProjectNo . : ?? Expires. . _: 12/10/2003 OWNER JANIl�! LTD 05/30/2003 Phone: � JOSEF STAUFER 100 E MEADOW DR #31 VAIL CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR ONYX SPTCIAL SERVICSS, INC 05/30/2003 Phone: 303-371-7600 5098 PAR.IS STREET DENVER, CO 80239 License: 659-5 APPLICANT ONYX SPECIAL SER.VICES, INC 05/30/2003 Phoae: 303-371-760� 509B PAR.IS STREET DENVER, CO 80239 License: 659-5 Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT-removal of asbestos spray-on present on the ceiling 'T�IIS PERMIT FOR ALL BUII.DINGS EXCEPT FOR CLUB CHELSEA THIS WII.L BE ON A DIFFERENT PERNIIT Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $175,840.00 Add Sq Fr 0 #of Gas hences_ 0 #of Gas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet 0 FireplaceInfomtarioa:Aestricted: � FEE SUMMARY ffiifti#+lif*+Ki�M##i#+k*w*+Ff4�iw�►it�tfi#si#tii/�ki���►��t+kFS+F�Fa�a�4�Ad �K�FS«#i�+4 s+i4sss+s#KSS+Ft*�Frt+srtl�ras rM*#rtss*f+Rf#a�s��ss#*sMs�Y*t►+'f+►sst�#s# Building � $1,419.35 ReswarantPlan Review--> $0.00 Tota]CalculacedFees--� SZ,344.93 Plan Chcck--> 5922.5H DItB Fee — S0.0o Additional Fees Sl,594.931 Invest,gation.> $o-o o Recceasioa Fee � 5 a.a o Total PecrA�mit Fee � S�5 0_o 0 3.00 Clean osit $O.QO Payments $750_00 W�l!Call--a � "�� � ' $o.00 TOTALF°ra.�.�°----' $2.3�4.93 BALANCE DUE � 1�K�1'M?�'##rt*#f#'K#*'Fi#Ti#�F#i*Mt�t4�k1t�FF M�F#'F�Ff i�#+Ffi�#�F�RS�F�PF�MiRii.*F#�R##4i�1'+Yf##skii+6�#irr�►�ki#�F7Fiii�f*i�*i1*i�FwM1�k*�k+YiTN�R77ris*f�i�iii71�#�Wt�►##RiatR�Ffi�Fd'tR4#i'�F Appr�vals: Item: Q5100 BUILDING DEPARTN�NT 06/03/2003 lc Action: AP building sign off not required for asbestos Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT f s � 1 � .. PAGE 2 ���***�****��*���#�***�:*����*��*****�**�:*�:�����x*����x�*****�x��**:�****���**�**�**�******�****�x**x:����***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: D03-0015 as of 08-19-2003 St�tus: ISSUED **�**�**�*******�*����:�***�*��****�:*�**�***�*******:���e���*****�**�����**�***�***��*��********�::x���r*****� Perrnit Type: DEMO.OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: OS/30/2003 Applicant: ONYX SPECIAL SERVICES,INC Issued: 06/13/2003 303-371-7600 To Expire: I2/IO/2003 Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location 100 E MEADOW DR Parcel No: 214108256001 Description: COMMON E1,EMENT-removal of asbestos spray-on present on the ' ceiling- THIS PERMIT FOR ALL BUTLDINGS EXCEPT FOR CLUB CHELSEA THIS WII.,L BE ON A DIFFERENT PERMIT Conditions: Cond:3 8 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWIl�TG T�AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIItED PRIOR TO ANY FURTE�R WORK OCCURIl�TG ON THIS SITE.IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE,CONTACT THE VAIL F1RE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: 1 (FIRE):FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIIZED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLrANCE. , , � , 06/03/2003 rnvaughan Action: AP Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORRS i#+K#Kii+k#�+k i�FX�#�k+k i F-kMri�T�F�f 7##F+kf�k#+F*t�F'f t#4�k*+k###'k�i M#4w4t#1k1•i��iirt�F#i\#+R�F i�F?#Ziffi**�h**ti#ii!t77��K�f��MY�Ii�K�tM�ti+k�4i�kK#4 FP►iF�F*4RR+��iiT*i+k*�k#t'F'Yrt�F�F# See pa.ge 2 of tYus Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informarion and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to bui(d this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FaR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENlY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY ONE A?479-2149 OA AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. S ATURE O WNER OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF � ���of�co�o ,. DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM � . � . � A$55 FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM. s�bm��ro,,,,,o: � c��,.��,�a ;H��:: � : � $W INCOMPLETE APPLICATTONS WII.,L BE RETURNED, �'°;ro°^�^� *�'.'* ` � ^t*I (Permit will be mailed to demolition contractor unless s cified otherwise) <JOOCherry Creek Dr.So. .<, •°:i�,� � z-�,�• :/ Pe � 'K) 78 6*/ � Denver,CO 80246-ISJO ` DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR: 3o3-69z-�,00 DEMOLITION SITE: Company Name — "��'� v ,���1.� �h,l� Bwldmg Name(if appiicable) Street �� �� � Typc of Bu�ldmg(�. Res�denual,warehouse,office building,etc.) ���Y lbn F� rM.�e�o� ��� . State Zip Code Strcet � > �'A��„ ��� ����- Telephone Gty County Zip Code Pro'ect Mana er Start date: Com letion Date: Cell Phone Pro sed demolition work dates DISPOSAL SITE: BUILDING OWNER OR DEVELOPER: 7� �5 ��- � ,�,,��J Landfill Name � ����%'Y\ �'�,� Owner's fYame Street � (r. " �� F �C � � L�� Street ctcy s�ce —�Pn,l— � �� (o S� Zip Code City State ���) � � � Zip Code s � s � Z z- Tele hone Tele hone CERTIFIED ASBESTOS INSPECTOR: ASBESTOS REMOVAL: _ _ _ _ .,. ��l2�ilf< � l9 V �' - ��[v '�C Name(Please pnnL Note:S�gna re is required at bottom of[his form` ) Asbestos Aba[emen�onrrac[or 3�} ��G �S rv��v.l��, ��- �. ��� -- F?� F A \��- (o .G� Sveet y State Zi Code � ��� � P Asbestos Perrtut Number 12l 0 `�_ � Colorado Ceruficate# Expiration Date Quantity of Asbestos Removed Date R moval Comple[ed s_3o3 >4�c3 64� Z- ��03, � ��- — a�-o Z Tele hone Date(s)of Ins tion Tele hone * I certify tha[I possess cunent AHERA and sta[e of Colorado certification as an Asbestos Building Inspec[or. I also certify that I have in ected demolished,as listed in the Demolition Site block above,sampled al]suspect materials(in accordance with AHERA),had all samples an lyzed asbestos b a NIST accredited laborato ,and have determined that(�a ro riate box and'si in blue ink): ❑ no ACM exists anywhere in the building Asbestos Building Inspector signature: /� the only ACM left in the building is nonfriable VAT and/or tar-impregnated roofing felt �^ '''�t._...-�;�j`�j`�, ,_.. all ACM Ihat I found has been com letel removed from this buildin , er m visual in ection � f certify that all refrigerants from air conditioning/refrigeration appliances ` � -^ have been properly recovered in accordance with AQCC Regulation No. 15 G Building Owner or G Contractor (For information on CFC requirements call 692-3177.) , G F -- Signature: ��f V� � ���te: �f �� z . . __ I� _ Print Nan��� Re�ised 08/99 �/���� H:AtormsVdemoapp � ' � � .C�a,cvtesc .�� - , Sesaaz �t��Ct ��ta�i yll , - ` et���� o� ;� 1-800 �75 7�33 � ;:�,-,.; :.; m`�. _- . 'L �Ti .,� - �..�`��: ''Po �9' 303-413-0452 ` =1 '�'� �� - Fax 303-413 071U : � '�'T.at sE Cell 303-434-0434. �� 5375 WestemAvenue • Suite C4 • Boulder,CO 80301 `=_ � `,'', , � � ; y � �^�'- � �. TOWN OF VAII DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 51657 970-479-2 i 3 8 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D03-0015 7ob Address; 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: Ifl0 E MEADOW DR Applied . . : OS/30/2003 Parcei No....: 210108256001 Issued. . . : 06/13/2003 ProjectNo . : ?? Expires . . _: 12/10/2003 OWNER JANII�2 LTD 05/30/2003 Phone: •°s JOSEF STAUFER 10 0 E MEADOG� DR #31 VAIL CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR ONYX SPFsCIAL SERVICES, INC 05/30/2003 Phone: 303-371-7600 5098 PARIS STREET DENVER, CO 80239 License: 659-S APPLICANT ONYX SPECIAI, SERVICES, INC 05/30/2003 Phone: 303-371-760D 5098 PAR2S STRFsET DENVER, CO 80239 License: 659-S Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT-removal of asbestos spray-on present on the ceiling- THIS PERMIT FOR ALL BUII.DINGS EXCEPT FOR CLUB CHELSEA THIS WII.L BE ON A DIFFERENT PERNIIT Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $175,840.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Infotmation:Itestricted: #of Gas Appliances: 0 #af Gas Logs: U #of Wood PelleC 0 a�s*s#r:f�rras**s#�ss*s�wstv**as#se*srts*ss+f�ess*sxrstrs►a*s+s+c+rssrsrs� FEE SUiVIMARY *�s►�***�s*�ss+*�as*,sFSrt*+s*���«�►sfss:��a�+srs*sr►«*r*s+�4a��sa� Building--� $1,419.35 ResnlBrantPlan ReviCw--> $0.00 Tota]CalCUla[edFees--> $2,344.93 Plan Checic--> $922.58 DRB Fee— —> $0.UO Additional Fees— --% Sl,594.93) Investigatiou-> $D.o o Recreation Fee— > $0.00 Total Permit Fer-----> $7 5 0_0 0 W�Z�C��_� $3.0 0 Clean-up Deposit � $0.0 0 Paymeats > $7 5 0_o 0 TOTALFEES $z,344.93 BALANCE DUE--= So.�o :K iiiF�f4#**i#'F##�F##�'isT�#+/#iii�##Mf#i�R4�F�R#�°F�F 1�#4f i ii#�F#g�iXi�F�i Fi�*4i�R##*#�k#f♦•�:'ik+}�F+R M#iMF�K#i#�FMiii#�#i*i�YM'Ff�kk�krit*iT i�W�R'F'��fi4####+F�i�k#�M t9 i i�#3+R�F fi�F�k�Fii��K# Appravals: Item: 05100 HIIILDING DEPARTN�N'P 06/03/2003 lc Ac�ion: AP building sign off not required for asbestvs Item: 05400 PLP,NNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT �� u ' APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG{�Q �I)�" �� Project#: �<<-> Building Permit#: � �Z'�� +, 97U�179=2149{Ins ec ���'��� �� `' IL ER AP AT ON , � T�IWNOFi�AIL Se r e mi ed f le cal m ing, ha ical, $�c�:'! (' �' ��"'�^' 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8165 1���l���.���• � CONTRACTOR INFORMATION �-�-��"`�"' °�'°"""°�`�"� General Contractor. Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone#'s: � . ����/li,� �;'W�„�r l' � �l� _ �--� , �, � , .��� �`�:4 �� �� � -� � � � -�< � Email address: ;�2C,, , �� -, <-� i� , ; � Contr Si nature� � � COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ � ELECTRIGAL: $ : $ ((,�`� PLUMBING: $ MECHANICAL: $ � TOTAL: $ ��j � `' For Parcel# Contacf Ea le Count Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.ea le-count .com Parcel# G�D � Z��.� �� � Job Name: / r Job Address� � > �' � f' �/ ,l,� // , Legal Description Lot: Block: Filing: Subdivision: Owners Name: Addres : � - �>, Phone:� n. ,��� �)� � � L'6' t�� Architec Designer. � ddress: . � , � l. �l, Phone:.� �, 1..� �% r' `' G�tc �/ 1���/ , t Engineer: Address: Phone: , Detailed description of work�� � �j �, J c�) .�E� /✓� J � � L(i'� f - �C� !�� .,✓ �� �� � Work Class: New ( ) A dition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both ( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ' No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/T e of Fire laces Existin : Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood/Pellet Wood Burnin No/T e of Fire laces Pro osed: Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood/Pellet Wood Burnin NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) ��*****�************�****�************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************,�********************** Other Fees: Type of Construction: Accepted By:' '_ --� DRB Fees: Occu anc Grou : Planner Sign-off: ) Public Wa Permit Fee:` Date Received: \\Vailldata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07/26/2002 ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: R040006740 Amount: $1,774.34 09/24/200409:11 AM Payment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: #2373/DAYMER CORP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: D04-0023 Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Parcel No: 210108203003 Site Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 100 E. MEADOW DR Total Fees: $4,507.09 This Payment: $1,774.34 Total ALL Pmts: $1,774.34 Balance: $2,732.75 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 1,774.34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ���;�,. DEMOLITION PERNIIT APPLICATION FORM � ' �'�� A�55 FEE Mi]ST ACCOMPANY THIS FORl11. s�ca..ai�►�n.�a , ��:� �,=�� � INCOMPLETE APPLICATlUNS WILL BE RET�JRNED. ;�,,s. �-� :,�r��+� (Perndt will bc inailed to demolition contracWr unless specified othecwise) ���r��o�..so. #'�f;��y * o.��.co�ox�s►s�o ''�! �a e` w�-��aiao � DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR: DFMOLTTiON SITE: � �1 k�� U��+�e T��n Company Name Buitdzng Name Uf appl�cable) � L o ol�i �e,. Saee[ Type oF Bmlding p, aideatial,wsralawsc,office building,e�c.) I,bU E ��� fL�_ Ciry . - ' _ Slale Zip Cude Strer,t � � �'A 4�. � uE ��,��' Tcicphone Gty County Zip Code S�an dsie: Comal�uoe Daie• Pro'ect Man a Cell Phone Pm sod aemo►uion work datea D[SYOSAL STiE: BUILDING OV✓NER OR DEVELOPfiR: i7�. 0 5 �.�-v� r�Gv� ��2� I..�ndtll Namc Owner's Name _ _ �� ll,��'� �� � �c Zo 0 s� • su�a — `�I�Pn.L _ G� �l �s�- CitY. . Slaie T�p Coda CitY St�te Zip Code ' L._i.� _�� '� � b � (�Z 2- .�___. r�� i�„r - r�i� n�� CE,P.T,FIL-U�•SI3ESTOS INSPL•CTOR: , . � ''�'" ' � ASBESTOS REMOVAL; �,!P��v ���-` � � � � _ � �.�c�: �c ---------....__ Vame(Pleace pr�rt�.Fdow'SiQn. re is requircd a�boctom of tt�is tortn') ' Asbesms Abeieme Con�uscwr �� - 3�`t�-i�.ti�s��,..i�l. ��- �. la,�- ,.�� �a ��-i+ � ,a Svea . Ci�y Sra e Zip Code Asbescos Ferm��i Nwnber ���� � �� �Zt o � � Colwadu Coltiffcete# Fxpiradon I3ate Qua�uty of A�batos Removed Dax R va1 Comp eied � 303 ���3b�.�Z ��03� 3��- - a�vz Tcl hone Date(s)of Ins uon Tele hoee • * I cenify cha�[possess current AH$RA and stace oF Colorado cer[ification as an Asbesros Buitding Inspector. I alsa cerriFy ihat I have in ect demolishzd,as listed in the Demolition Site block above,sampled all suspect ms[eri8ls(in accordanse with AHERA),had all samples an lyze asbestos b a MST�accredited laboraco ,and have dc�ermined that �a m riatc box and'ai in blue ink): �no ACM eacis�aoyvuhere in t6e buildin� Asbescos Buildi�g[nspoc�or signamre: i'Q ' .:� �' '� �he onfy ACM left in�he buitding is nonfriable VAT and/or tar-imprcgnaced rooFing fet� _��.� '� ... all ACM that 1 found has been eom letel removed from chis baildin , r m visual in eetion 1 certify thac all rcfrigerant;from air condidoninelrefrigeration appliances �� � ��G Buiidiag Owner or G Coqvaeio� � have been•pmperly redovered in accoi�dance wi�h AQCC Regulation No. 15 (For information on CFC requiremems ca11692-3i77,) 5igna�ure: , , Duce� - Print Name Ra�-sed OB/99 . Ii:\lorms\demoapp ' f . � _ �=:j__ _ _ _ ���::;�:�:=�::�::1 . . _ ,, =�:.:.� , � �����=``::��:;�:::::.::::��;::� � �:�:r_. ��:������:;-.. � . �a������:�::: . .�:-:: �� :..::�;.�;:::.:r:;� � � . �;��o���i��:=:_::::::::�:: _ . �;. _ . .. � -. .�:.:;:;:::r.__�.�:: :: .. .�-q, � 303�13-045�- _ .:;=�' '%:: � .. . `'�'��� 'E��f'+�'• '_ � •�ax 303-4�13-O�tO;; ''�" _ - . '� s Cd1303�L34U434:'�%`•: 53751N�stemAvenue • Saite C4•• Boulder,CO'.$0�0#:=:;�: �- �•• -- - •- �—....._�--------�------• --.._.....'': TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E05-0140 �'S�jC)�-t—6 ;Z J � Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Applied . . : 07/13/2005 Parcel No...: 210108203003 Issued . . . 07/18/2005 Project No : ���L� _�j f ��y Expires . .: O1/14/2006 OWNER DAYMER CORP NV 07/13/2005 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT B & B ELECTRIC, INC. 07/13/2005 Phone: 970-242-2450 2818 1/2 NORTH AVENUE GR.AND JUNCTION, CO 81501 License: 266-E CONTR.ACTOR B & B ELECTRIC, INC. 07/13/2005 Phone: 970-242-2450 2818 1/2 NORTH AVENUE GR.AND JUNCTION, CO 81501 License: 266-E Desciption: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Valuation: 2,890,000.00 Square feet: 275000 ******�*************�****************�*******�********************* FEE SUMMARY **********�**************************�********************** Electrical---------> $56,987.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $56,990.00 DRB Fee---------> $0.oo Additional Fees----------> $0.00 Investigation----> $o.o o Total Permit Fee--------> $56,9 9 0.o 0 Will Call---------> $3.00 Payments------------------> $56,990.00 TOTAL FEES--> $56,990.00 BALANCE DUE--------> $0.00 **********�****�************************************************�******************************************************************************** Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 07/13/2005 JS Action: AP 07/19/2006 cdavis Action: AP revision approved Indivival metering for dwelling unit required Architect, Owner's Agent have agreed to install these meters Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ********************************************�*********:�**********************�*****************+************************************************* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***�********************************************************************************************************************************************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ********************************�*********************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***************************�**************************************************************** Statement Number: R060001037 Amount: $39,000.0007/21/200608:38 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: B & B Electric 9528 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: E05-0140 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-0300-3 Site Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Total Fees: $56,990.00 This Payment: $39,000.00 Total ALL Pmts: $56,990.00 Balance: $0.00 ***�**************************�*************************�***�x******************************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 39,000.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- , . 3�,,, . ,.���� _� __. ,. L.�..1 Z� �,�Q� APPLICATiON WIL�.NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR uNSIGNED , BuEldin Permit#; i � �� ) ' ; �� r�tiq � � REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIt� PERM� � ��N���� Separate Pe�mits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc,! 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail,Colorado 81657 � Skbeon-hrz�c CONTRACTOR INFORMATION -6eAeral Contractor. Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone#'s; � i s4b �(, to - E 1-}ea�-ht�r Atbrc�h� -9�0-2`� -29'S� Ele ctr� ATTENTION: JOE, ,CHARLIE,GREG Contractor Signature: i�-t B .�2 c�.c,, .�c . - •t�GZ:Q.�t-�A.� ' a � � COMPL�TE REViSIONS EVALUATIONS FOR BUlLD1NG PERMIT �abor�Materials , � REVISED AMOUNT: $ E�ECTRICAL: 2,pod opo .�— OTHER:$ PLIJMBING: $ M�CHAMCAL:$ REVISED TOTAL:���pp � oo,°° aoo - -rwo M�LLION oo����s �For Parcel#Contact Ea le Coun Assessors O�ce at 970-328-864a or visit www.ea !e-coun d�o' � ,� - ' ` ' ztulo8zu3oo3 I, � Job Name: �/A 1 L P L��R �T� Job Address: (u� L rn��l�,} , , Legal Description l.o� Block: Fili�gt Subdivision: ' Ovme�s ame: Day,mer �•P• Address: ��n E, ��-q.�ov� p2 . Phone: ' ` Architect/C�esigner: Add�ess: Phone: nginee�: Add�ess: Phone: REASON FOR REVIg14�S: (�p D E-p V A l-ld.E T o �x �S�T� N 6 P�rn�T' �, � �° i� �o S'- o l4 o in�h.e a•..4ti..� o-F 890,00o Te-4al 84��ti • • . � , Work Class: New Q�Q Addifivn( ) Remvdel( ) Repa;r( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior( ) Ext�rior( ) 8oth (X] Does an �HU exist at th[s iocation: Yes( ) 'o( ) rype of Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial(�Cj Restaurant( ) Other( ) � No. of Existing Dwetling Units in this building: No. af Accommodation Units in this building; ; ; No1T e of Fire laces�xistin : Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood/Pellet Wood Bumin NoIT e of Fire laces Pro ased:Gas A liances Gas L s WoodlPellet Wood Burni� NOT A� WED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes{ ) Nv( ) Does a �re Sprinkle�System xist; Yes( ) ( ) *�**�.****.'*****�«r'*"*"***"*'�*"`"`*'FOR OFFICE USE ONLYti'`*"*'**+�:*****"**�`***�+�**'`f�*�f '� �����1'�� �lR 14 1 I � ���,L`; ;I!� t: 1 � �WQf1S� � � I � (��hS�4, " �� G�'P I& ;�'� �C iVller!1R��i� ��17�1' ,;Qth`ei^;��'�!s1�, ,��,t a ;. ,:��.�ii�.� � ,�,,,,��1t , ,yt�'��. ,f,�, �lfi ��. .�; ,;'�k��,i,,:r�.,,� y .. p �� .� '!� A "" 1'v 111��Ih�,�i y,�{,-{� iq i.�� i j+�1 t f�1 p1lt 'E�.�1`'�i11Gf� � '� `�'�( �.1.t. e��1.��� ! 1 �« �I'1:IiL��4i�I���lii .�1� i (, '�a ��� 7�1�i+ �+�,IN,� 1'� �, itD. ��O��Q Mr� 6��JI�rI� 2��hi.�) ����'� �.�'� i �Ci�"iV' j y '�V•� ili •,����' 1!1�1� �; C ,�E� I� "itl .11����.{��.�'J�p,.u�4j,Il I�" �i� , ,k��d��YI�,� �ti'IS��E �14�1i 7n 6'�{;'liiti1��4nL a �l __ I F,WserabdevlAPPLIGAT1aN5lBLDGR�VIS14N52004.doc `�--�� �— C,J � ` O 12/0 0 I � I v ' TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E05-0140 �C��c-- G,Z 5 2. Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Applied . . : 07/13/2005 Parcel No...: 210108203003 Issued . . . 07/18/2005 Project No : �,����� _U�,�� Expires . .: 04/26/2007 OWNER DAYMER CORP NV 07/13/2005 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT B & B ELECTRIC, INC. 07/13/2005 Phone: 970-242-2450 2818 1/2 NORTH AVENUE GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81501 License: 266-E CONTR.ACTOR B & B ELECTRIC, INC. 07/13/2005 Phone: 970-242-2450 2818 1/2 NORTH AVENUE GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81501 License: 266-E Desciption: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Valuation: 2,890,000.00 Square feet: 275000 *************�*********************�*****�:************************* FEE SUMMARY ****m*******�:�***�************************�*********�******:� Electrical---------> $56,987.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $56,990.00 DRB Fee---------> $0.00 Additional Fees----------> $0.00 Investigation----> $0.0 0 Total Permit Fee--------> $5 6,9 9 0.0 0 Will Call---------> $3.00 Payments------------------> $56,990.00 TOTAL FEES--> $56,990.00 BALANCE DUE--------> $0.00 **********x*********************************************�:*�**********************************�:*************�********�**********************�*�**� Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 07/13/2005 JS Action: AP 07/19/2006 cdavis Action: AP revision approved Indivival metering for dwelling unit required Architect, Owner' s Agent have agreed to install these meters Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ��*******************************�************************�:***************************************************�:*********�:********************�*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *****************************************�************�******************************************�************�:**�*****************�************� DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF i�AY-04-2006 THU 01 ;41 PM B&B Electric FAX N0, 9702418687 P, G2 , . No.�S� r,Ic�� • ' M�Y. 4.2006 1Z�14PM � � � L�r.� ' - �- t� l �� APPLICATION WIL�NOT BE ACCIIiTED(F INCOMPLETE OR uNSiONED � I �• � Bu�l Permlt#� ' ..1 � ,, ���- �/ �� �,�� ' '; � � PE MI'� � REV ! N T T TO�N�F�'� Separete Permlts are requlred or etectrical,plumbing, mechenicai�etc.i; 75 S. Fro�tage Rd. ', Vait,ColorAdo 61657 5u�bton CONTRACTOR IN QRMATION �Aer�IbContr�ctor: own o ai ey.No.; Contact and Phone#`s: �_Z�.So� �lo b - E (�}ea-i�1��r Atbrec.k} -9�0-24 E�ecj-ri � ATTENTION: JOE� CIIARL[�.GREG antrector Sl�neture: � I �-t 8 .�.tQ,c�:�.►, .�9n c. - .�.a.�t�t��i COMPLETE REViSIONS EYALUATION9 FOR BUII.pIN�d PERMIT Labor 8�Matertals . '�I REVISEO AM�UNT;$ ELECTRIGAL: 2,000 opca .�� OTH�R:� ' ' Pt,uMBiNa:� MECHANICA�.:$ REVI8E0 TOTAL:$,�,OO o�.� ADa - Two M�LLtON Do���ieS , , , . For Pa�ce1#Contac!Ea le Coun Assesaors Of�lce et 870-32&8640 or vIs►t •ea 1 -c°� ` ,, a Zlblu82u3o�3 �' ' JoU Address: t�� E ��oovJ D Job Name: \IA �L P L�F'�� �N TE"1— $I b 5�r , LO�ai Descr(ption I.o� Bloelt: FNing: Su6divislon: '� w�ers am�:pgyrner Co�f�. ress� ��u �. �rvt�n ov.� p2 . Phone; ' ta ea pner. ress: hnne: . � ng�neer; ress: hene: REASOw F�R_REVf_��Q� �p p�p y�L LLE, T� �� 1sT 1 N 6 P�rn�T �D i� �0 5- 0 1 o in tke. a�•w�••� o�- 890 ooa T.� � 890�0 . � - � � Wark Ciass: N�vu AQ Addition( ) Remodel( � Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type� Inie�ier{ ) Exter�or O Hoth(}� Does en EHU exlet�t tn(a loeation: Yes O �o f ) Type of Bldg„ Singlodamlly O Two-temlly O Mul�demlly O Commet�lal pq Reatnurent O Other O � No.of Exi�ting Dwellln9 Units in this buildinp: No.cf Ac�ommode�aon Units In ihis buiklin9c . 5; NeR e of Flra lacae Existin : Oe�o A li�nces Oea Lo s WoodlPa let Wood Bumin Naff a oP Fire laces Pro ased: Oes A iienca� �es L s WoodlPellet Wood Bumin NOT ' �' W�� pnes a Fire A arm Exisl: es a aas a re p n e� ys�em s: as t ) ...r.,.KW«►.,.��+++.....«.�.�.�,►�.FOR OFFICE US�ONLY"r��wvr+w�+rrrr+���+�r+�++�rt+�+�a++�w+�t��� �:a113'� ' i. � e4,i �r,� �j �6�l 1��1�'�,i`i�l y "�,� ,,,�., ;�, �. ,1 ,d; �1�11 i � �. ��, '�''.•�' �r� , �,� I I• � 1 N.�1.' ,1 in 9�� i� p',�, , I `! „� �� � �, �i, ''pi'i'i' . �� � � . � � � � �,�� N 4„ � �.`�`u.. �II ��!I�6'J�1.�t'0, i 2 ,d� i. . , , � I f.: �0'�� ttio��o F��Ueet7itodt+rWPPLICATIQNS\9LDOREV1810N6Z004.doG � � ��' I , � , �. �.� j�., � � � � �. � FOUND 3j" ALUMlNUM CAP . SET IN RANGE BQX (ALPINE ENGINEERiNG) SEC. 6 SEC. 5 SEC. 7 SEC. 8 � GENERAL. NOTES: � ti,� . CURVE TABLE , A��'ps, CURVE DELTA ' RADIUS I.ENGTH TANGENT CHORD CHORD BEARING 1• BUILQING TIES ARE INDICATED IN PARENTHESIS. S9, �y, � �G� 9Q•a�>Q�'� �S.�Q� 23.56j �5��{}i 2�.2�' S�q.'4�'pp"� 2. S09'3t}'00'�W — 190.67' (190.44') INDIGATES RECORD DIMENSION5 TYPICAL. REFER TO A�TA � �� � , , , , , „ SURVEY OaNE BY PEAK I.AND CONSUI.TANTS ING. DATED JULY 22, 20C15 � � ��2 90'00 00 35.00 54.98 35.04 49.50 N34 46 00 E �`"""'�.. 3. UNLESS CITNERWISE NOTED, EASEMENTS NOT SHOW ON DRAWING p,RE INSUF'FICIEI�TLY ��~ '""`�.. LINE TABLE DIMENSIONED T(3 SNpW HEREQN. I �`"` N�9 46'ppnw , (�lNE �ENGTH i BEARING �. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, PR4VISIONS; AN� CQNDITIONS, OF A � __~ »�•a4' 1 ' NQ9'30�00"E RECIPROCAI. EASEMEN7 AGREEMENT RECORDED IN B�OK 351 AT PAGE 324. (NQT �OCATED ON `'`�-,•.� !� ' p L 7.46 DRAWING) _~' ..�,�� ��r��TjC�T"'C' �2 6.75� NQ9'S7'16'�E �. TNE SUBJECT PROPERTY C5 SUBJEGT TO TERMS, CONQiTIONS, AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT I �-...,� � ��• �(,� ' ,,,,,,,, ► t �3 6,41r N1�'01�09��E RECORDED IN BOOK 367 AT PAGE 833. SAID AGREEMENT. {NOT LOCATED flN DRAWING} ��'UBt,�� �QvTH L4 6.35� N79'S�3'51�lW 6, 7HE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND PROVISION OF I ...,�� ROqp Rfa,w vA�t�FR{�NTA�� DECLARATIQN OF EASEMENT5 AN[} RIGH7S RECORDED IN BQOK 478 AT PAGE 377, (NflT 1Q.8�' ) R��D LO�ATED ON DRAWlNG) ' � 24.OQ� +�.�,�_� � l ""`�*•..,,,,� �.7 � 7. THE SUSJECT PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, PROVISIONS, AND ,CONQITIONS,�t7F` ( � � �� � � ?O,p� ��rY g 4�'Q�»c _ DECLARATIOt� CONCERNING PARKING WITHIN SPECIAL DEVELOPMEh1T DISTRICT 6 REGORDED IN BOOK 3$8 AT PAGE 856. (NOT LOCATED ON DRAWING) E �2.3') "� .�.,��� 1 RfCepr1QN NaAS�tvj�NT � � 7��� � ( OF QECLARATION ( � "� "",^- .,.� ����2) ��ASIS p�F "`"�••..,� l 1�$ � $. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO 7ERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROV{SIQNS a t' -�..,,,, �; B�q��N� �••., •4O � OF EASEMENTS RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1992 IN BOOK 596 AT PAGE 908. (NOT I.00ATED !JN . J� � /��� -,.... 1 � �, DRAWING) UNDERGR4UN0 TELEPHONE ��r � '``�* �..0 T J� AND ELECTICAR <EASEMENT � o '�o " i%%�!�"f^ -�.' '".. -�� '"`•..,`+,�.`,� ( (BOOK 640, PAGE 621} ,� Z �„�, ' "^-- .,.�,�, � •,, 9. ?HE SUBJECT PROPERTY !S SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS, COVENAN7S AND CONDITIONS, � (HA7CHE0 AREA) � <o � o �T/,t�`"$g':' ...,�, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTi�NS RECOR[}ED IN BOOK 349 A? PAGE 12. (Nt}T LQCATED ON � �� , �� .� ' """`.----. DRAW1NG} . � t ' ���Tjf�;►� � 1 a. RESERVATIONSPANDENOTES ON s HE CONDpMIN UMN MAP OFaV{�AGE�INN�PLAZA ECQRDEp�NS, w � ��, FOUNDATI4N ��!i%i',7�"Tj,Tf :.. N4VEMBER 19� 1982 IN B40K 349 AT PAGE 11. (NOT LOCATED ON DRAWiNG} VAIL �ATEWAY r� o ` � OUT�INE (TYP.> l'!�'%�;�r� P�AZA CONDOMINIUMS d' � �` , , � 11. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS 5UBJECT TO EASEMENTS, CONDITIQNS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, o r'? f METAL/STONE BUILpING v,.�, z 1 �''`` -�-� S_79.`•4���0„ ' RESERVATIONS AND NOTE5 ON THE PtAT OF VIL.LAGE INN PLAZA, PHASE IV REC�RDED � (REGEPTIdN No. 443021) f e•-� �`C'� 20 p� "'•^- �`-5g,.�g Cj'?9•47,, �� // C3ECEMBER 17, 1992 IN BOOK 596 AT PAGE 910. � / q���s$ -.�.,,, 7,0;'�+..,,,,,,, O8 �' 12, PEAK �AND 5URVEYfNG, ING. dID NOT PERFORM A TITLE SEARCH OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY f � �RECEpTi�N �AS��y���. , ( TO ESTABLMSH OWNERSHIP, EASEMENTS OR RIGH7S-OF-WAY OF RECORD. RECORD DOCUMENTS � � � ,� ���dK 596 pA��99�03) � (�r`' ` ��•07�� UTI�IZED {N 7HIS ALTA/�CSM SURVEY WERE �ROVlOED BY LAND TIT�E GUARANI'EE CQMPANY, � � � � M,. / ORDER No. VC50009420, DATED APRIL 04, 2005, AT 5;00 P.M. `"'�^- _ `ti �('j 13. NOTICE: ACCORDING T� COLQRADd I.AW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED � d ��9 4g•�Q,W_� ` ! UPQN ANY DEFECT IN THiS SURVEY WiTHIN 7HREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST QISCOVER SUCH 'a' ,/, 51,22� DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACT{ON BASED UPON ANY DEFECT 1N TNIS SURVEY BE . � ,'�`� '� �� � COMM£NCED MORE TMAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. � � � � ��T � � 14. 7HE PARCE�S 5H04YN QN TNIS ALTAjACSM SURVEY DO N{�T LIE WITHIN TNE 100 YEAR F�OOD ,z VAI� PLAZA PLAIN PER FEMA FLOOD BOUNpARY ANQ F�Of}Q WAY MAP COM. PANEL #0800 54 a002. THE . N79'46'00"W - 2.Q0� co CQNDOMINIUM HOTEL r PARCELS �IE WITHIN ZONE "G" (AREAS OF MINIMAL FLOQQING) PER FIRM MAP CpM. PANEL � S?9•�7�� "r � FOUNDATION EL�EV, ON 8136.50 #��Qfl 54 0002 C. • $ �"' `` �j�.,�,�+ �� {UNDER C�NSTRUCTtDN) � � o , SIDEWALK EASEMENT � . W 5.29 (SOOK 577 PAGE 628} N � o (SHADED AREA� � � a� N VILLAGE INN P�AZA � � � N ^� META�jSTONE BUI�DING �p G d' (RECEPTION No. 245351) a • � SO4`54'40"W �``"`"""�+.,,1 s"4�3�ao�'C- ^ � d' SEE NOTE 3 ni c.� 56.37 t" "' ! � N �47,�7� � �°,� o � N k �' �, ' ' �' C��?.� � � � �c� VILLAGE INN PLAZA .� *- m�� v �� ° � ''°�� �v PHASE IV CONDaMINIUMS ' �`"� � � Q a .f,2,3,�• .. ,�, (RECERTlflN No. 493Q03} 1� w � ;� u s.o� ����� :N f c7 � FOUNDATIDN �r�� ° j , O � � � Cs o �/' OUTUNE (TYP.) � -�/ � �.., �,,, Cn o � � . �I � � t... ' t �• � � . , 5.Q' � � F -� � � I W � , � � N g � �' IMPROVEMENT l�QCATI4N CEftTIFICATE , �n � ` C.4" N '4�` �$"� _ ., . • � � ' . . . . � . 1 � . . w . . . ��� ' � ' . �: ' ' . . .. �" �! "' �"� `� "` Y' �` — + � 1 HEREBY CERI7FY THAT 7HiS IMPR(7VEMENT LOCATlpN CERTlFICATE WAS PREPAREp z N � r7 Rcn Q .,. , ,(�$ h Fp� s�aw eor�s�ueTioN , I � GI LOT LINES FQR YAt� � ""� R1` � ` � THAT IT IS N4T A LAND SURVEY P�AT OR iMPRt3VEMENT SURVEY PLA7, AND 7HAT IT IS � " YILLAGE FIRST FILING t" �l :� NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUI�DWG QR dTHER FUTURE ' � � (REGEPTitJN NoTYPICAL) �v7G�� a � Cn 1MPRQVEMEN7 UNES. ,,,,� � - E ) ( � � '4?' �, °' � c� ... I W � �� �/'/�~�'""�►•..,,,�� � � {� 1 FURTHEft GERTIFY THAT THE IMPROWEMENTS ON TI-fE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL QN � �,j�L� p TNIS DATE, 01 j24J06, EXCEPT UTII.ITY CQNNEG710NS, ARE ENTIRELY WITHIN THE �. �,,, BOUNOARIES OF THE PARCEC., EXCEPT AS SHOWN, THAT TNERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS � � � VAiL P�AZA I r � �� UPON THE pESCRIBED PREMISES BY iMPROVEMENTS ON ANY AdJ01NING PREMISES 1 a r � ./ C4NDOMINIUM NOTE� � � � / � o�p EXCEpT AS I�JdIGA7ED, AND THAT TNERE IS NO APPARENT EVIDENCE OR SIGN OF ANY � I EASEMENT CROSSING QR BURDENING ANY PART OF SAIQ PARCEL, EXCEPT AS NOTED. � Q � U1 � � FOUNDATION ONLY Q o � ...,� J � FOUNDATION ELEV. = 8136.50 ��'�� ��'�� its,�;� / cr? �� � � # . � U1 U'! (UNpER CONSTRUCTION) � "'`j"`-�-�c�� �,���'�,'�:�,���G'I�'��, � 0 .. �, �C'j� OATE:____--_ ��°'"{�%°• �s�' � ( ----------------------- � r-�. � I I LOT Q 'O �so�° �G'4'•� BRENT 81GGS � .. _,.s Q 'v COLORADO P.�.S. N0. 27598 . � � �a T M " ,� "'�--..�...,,,,.�,,, S$4'3p��Q��. 1 �+ ��s� Q� � rn / , t�► • � 1 � •..«• � � � (RECEPTION NoA 9 382) I � '�~ + 'Y8o•� 22�' s•s�' ����'`S'fl1 � ���'�� �, �, w _ ���.���-;-..�,_ � �AC �a .,.. � , ,� ( , � ,�� s:9: �y �o -..., .� o� • ► � � °c � (3.Q') �' �o.s I �/ �o.i�' ii.3'� . ./, , » 'f�"� q4 • 46 W �� p6 � 1 4 s�� 29.51' ` ��2 ' `V -� q.g.48 � � o / (29.52' MEAS.� � �r %�� � � -� o�. v � 4a:��� N7a•,�s'o�"� E .N � S10`13'C}2"W -- 53.50' {53.51'� � �� � � VIL.�AGE INhI Pl.AZA � �' 6.�.4� PHASES I AND II r � � �$�•a�, N r f ROOF OVERHANG EASEMENT {RECEPTION No. 322872) � , 44 ,,�' m . (B�OK 388 PAGE 861) � I �2��i""*:...,, �"' (SHADED AREA) • f G��� � � N �/ N17'23'57"W � � ' '� {13.5') � ' // 12.31" '' . � ,` �,�� ��� , , 13.89' �.=.� . :, Ngp�`''���,-..�„ ��-��1,� �. � �� '�4 W _ � � ¢ � `' �0 fi.7,�' �1 Q ,o.os' ° > 6• 72) � �, p I FIRST AMENDMENT m � � TO Ct�NQQMINIUM GRAPHIC SCALE r-j- � � MAP QF VIL�AGE INN PLAZA �o 0 10 20 4a �- � PHASE V Ct}NDOMINIUMS d (RECEPTION No. 387598) { IN FEET } HOI.Y CROSS EASEMENT 1 inch = 20 ft. APPROXIMATE �.00ATION N 1f16 CORNER (BOOK 352 PAGE 396) SEC. 7 ANO SEC. 8 (INSUFFICIENTLY DIMENSIONED) ���,,,,, -�"""' "—'— ---..._... �� FOUND 3��� ALUMINUM CAP (CROSS HATCHEO AREA) .._-- ---_._„� IMPRC?VEMENT LUCATION CERTIFICATE —"`" ---_ ____� VAIL PLAZA Ct�NDC}MINIUM HOTEL o�► 2° STEEI POST (B.�.M.> ____._ A P{JRTIQN tJF L�T M N Q BLQCK 5D o .,.---- ,� x x�� � . �' E�ST MEADC�W DR1VE _._,_, "'..----••,. : � � , ,� ,�,.,.-- � t�uguc RoAO 40.0' R.o.w.� � VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING, TOWN OF VAIL PEAK �ANDSCONSU�TANTS,� �NC. -�-�''" �`' EAGLE COUNT�, C{�L�RADC} PEAK �AND SURVEYING, iNC. ''�� DRAWN; JVK I1! REVlEWED; BB � '� SHEET 1 of 1 s�o-a�s-ssa4 FAX 970-476-8616 DATE: 1�24 f 06 P�C JOB#: 1290 1000 lION'5 RIQGE 100P VAIL, CO 81$57 � CONDITIONS FOR VAIL PLAZA HOTEL TCO - EXPIRATION DATE 6-30-10 PERMIT B04-0252 TCO excludes the following areas: Rooms 349/351 Retail/Ski Storage Room 381 Retail Complete fire sprinkler protection on the atrium side of all windows where there is a walkway on the atrium per IBC section 404. All doors into atrium A and B require 45 minute rating. Self closing, self latching. Final smoke control report must be received from Rolf Jensen Associates. All Town of Vail Public Works, Vail Fire and Emergency Services and Planning Department corrections must be completed for final CO. Relocation of East Bay door as required by approved plans The grab rail behind the men's handicap toilet that touches the flush push button is on level 170, room #405 does not allow for one to grip the rail along its entire surface. 2- The ladies handicap toilet on level 149, room # 229 has the toilet paper dispense in a location that is not 7 to 9 inches in front of the water closet forward rim. 3- The ladies handicap toilet on level 170, room # 406 has the toilet paper dispense in a location that is not Ito 9 inches in front of the water closet forward rim. 4- All the windows in the stairway #1, room 101 needs to have all the windows raised up above 60 inches or the glass in the windows changed to tempered glass. VAIL PLAZA HOTEL & CLUB 46 Mr. George Ruther December 3, 2009 Director Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Vail Plaza Hotel & Club Dear George, Our Temporary Certificate of Occupancy expires December 30, 2009. However, Vail Plaza Hotel & Club requires additional time to complete the list of outstanding items in order to obtain the Final Certificate of Occupancy. Therefore, we are asking the Town of Vail to grant Vail Plaza Hotel & Club another extension of six (6) months. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Connie rsey General Mana r. VAIL PL:~GA HOTEL f UE 16 VAIL ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657 970-477-8000 TOLL FREE: 877-888-1540 FAX: 970-477-8012 www.N,ailplazahotel.com CONDITIONS FOR VAIL PLAZA HOTEL TCO - EXPIRATION DATE 12-30-09 PERMIT B04-0252 TCO excludes the following areas: Rooms 349/351 Retail/Ski Storage Room 381 Retail Install "area of refuge" tactile sign with International Symbol of Accessibility sign at room 903 per IBC 1007.6.5. All stairwell floor identification signage needs to also indicate the story of and direction (up or down) of exit discharge on the sign per IBC 1019.1.7. Install signage at exit stairways indicating location of accessible means of egress at elevators per IBC 1007.7. Install "area of refuge" tactile sign with International Symbol of Accessibility sign at all areas of refuge in stair 1 per IBC 1007.6.5. Temper~wy sign 08 21 Replace doors into Atrium B from level 180 with 45 minute listed doors. Self closing, self latching. Provide signage with International Symbol of Accessibility and men's and women's locker room accessible bathrooms. Remove keyed lock from loading dock exit door into corridor 469. This is required exit door from the loading dock area. Exit hardware required. Remove keyed lock from corridor 469 in corridor 402. This is a required exit door from the corridor area. Exit hardware required. Install closer and coordinator with self latching hardware on pairs of door from loading dock into hallway 418. (3 locations) Complete fire sprinkler protection on the atrium side of all windows where there is a walkway on the atrium per IBC section 404. All doors into atrium A and B require 45 minute rating. Self closing, self latching. Install panic hardware on door LL430. Final smoke control report must be received from Rolf Jensen Associates. All Town of Vail Public Works, Vail Fire and Emergency Services and Planning Department corrections must be completed for final CO. Relocation of East Bay door as required by approved plans VAIL PLAZA HOTEL & CLUB A: Mr. George Ruther May 20, 2009 Director Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Vail Plaza. Hotel & Club Dear George, Our Temporary Certificate of Occupancy expires June 30. 2009. Vail Plaza Hotel & Club requires additional time to complete the list of outstanding items in order to obtain the Final Certificate of Occupancy. Therefore, we are asking the Town of Vail to renew our TCO for a minimum of six (6) months. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, General Mana-Aer. . VAI4 PLAZAS gOTk F,k GL~I 16 VAIL ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 970-477-8000 TOLL FREE: 877-888-1540 FAX: 970-477-8012 www.vailplazahotel.com