HomeMy WebLinkAboutSmoke Control SystemL_ C tom of Vail O I01 L �� cu evelo DepM111mt Buildhlt j -aty and Ins Pion SMViop imernat 3i.i.id ''o:'er!nterna"onal Resider lef Cove 'afio,ty .)f refmit. The of a permit shall W t e nse aed to be a pig it, f i, or an .approval A any violation of any :f fhe a, avi :ion4 of this, ,;ocle or of :lrly other xdin3nce of the l junsdicnor. Permits pr9swn -give authority , 1;olate or cancel the t pr.,visions of this code or ry - , , d , , el) of thE: josdiction shall not be nA valid. The issuance of er Kasen on ;.m io OCUn-en other data snali not p vent in e wid'n )ff' w ff n iequirinq C correction of errors i the coast eit, men and ether .1 building official is a o authoriz is r t o upancy or use structure where in lion of of ny other ordinal this jurisdiction. PLANS EXAMIN TE r C �11EW APp KAN R AUG 2 3 �p06 U 7 71 PJA ROLF JENSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIRE PROTECTION CONSULTANTS 0 No NONE 0 No MEMEMEMEMEME RJA ROLF JENSEN S ASSOCIATES, INC. FIRE PROTECTION CONSUI TANTS 5460 South Quebec Street Suite 370 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 USA www.rjoinc.com +1303 - 573 -7848 Fax: +1 303- 573 -7843 SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Prepared For: Zehren and Associates, Inc 38 East Beaver Creek Blvd Suite 303 Avon, Colorado 81620 May 30, 2006 Project: D32934 ■ ■E moos M N■ ■■■MMMMMMMMM SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT D32934— Page i FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL May 30, 2006 TABLE OF CON Introduction.............................................................................................. .............................. Applicable Code Requirements ........................................................ ............................... 2 BuildingDescription .......................................................................... .............................. DesignMethod Overview .................................................................. .............................. Active Smoke Control Systems ................................................................ ............................... 3 SmokeControl Zones ....................................................................... .............................. Smoke Control System Activation ..................................................... .............................. Design Parameters and Analysis .............................................................. .............................. Design Fire and Fan Size Calculations ............................................. .............................. StackEffect ....................................................................................... .............................. TemperatureEffects of Fire .............................................................. .............................. HVACSystem Effects ...................................................................... ............................... 6 System Component Overview and Operational Characteristics .............. ............................... 7 Ducts................................................................................................ ............................... 7 DuctDetectors ................................................................................. ............................... 7 Fans................................................................................................. ............................... 8 AutomaticDampers ........................................................................... .............................. AutomaticDoors ................................................................................ .............................. PowerSystems ................................................................................ ............................... 9 Detection and Control Systems ......................................................... .............................. Markingand Identification ................................................................ ............................. ControlDiagrams ............................................................................. ............................. Firefighter's Smoke Control Panel ................................................... ............................. ResponseTime ................................................................................ ............................. WeeklySelf Test .............................................................................. ............................. Sequenceof Operation ............................................................................ ............................. AtriumA ........................................................................................... ............................. AtriumB ........................................................................................... ............................. SpecialInspection Overview .................................................................... ............................. VisualInspections ................................................................................ ............................. ControlDiagrams ............................................................................. ............................. FanBelts .......................................................................................... ............................. Markingand Verification ................................................................... ............................. Wiring............................................................................................... ............................. Operational Testing Procedures .......................................................... ............................. Control Action and Priorities ............................................................. ............................. Controls ............................................................................................ ............................. DetectionDevices ............................................................................ ............................. Ducts and Dry Wall Shafts within the Atrium Enclosure ................... .............................16 Fans ................................................................................................. ............................. Inletsand Outlets ............................................................................. ............................. ResponseTimes .............................................................................. ............................. StandbyPower ................................................................................. ............................. Recording Tests and Failed Tests or Inspections ................................ .............................17 FinalInspection Reports ...................................................................... ............................. Conclusion ............................................................................................... .............................18 SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT D32934— Pagel FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL May 30, 2006 INTRODUCTION This smoke control system summary report has been prepared by Rolf Jensen & Associates, Inc. (RJA) to describe the design and operation of the smoke control system that will be installed in Atrium A and Atrium B at the Vail Plaza Hotel located in Vail Colorado. The intent of this report is to provide a single document that describes the design methodology, system operation and commissioning requirements for the smoke control system. This report has been constructed by compiling design information that was prepared by several members of the project team. Supporting documentation was received from: Zehren and Associates, Inc Shaw Construction WE Engineers, Inc. Commercial Design Engineering, Ltd. B &B Electric, Inc. Commercial Specialists This document was prepared by RJA after a complete review of the documentation provided by the above team members and reflects the design methodology and operation of the system as described by that documentation. The system design was reviewed for conformance to the applicable codes, standards, and standard engineering practice for smoke control systems SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Applicable Code Requirements D32934 — Page 2 May 30, 2006 The following Code requirements from are applicable to the smoke control system at the Vail Plaza Hotel: 1. International Building Code, 2003 Edition, Section 909 2. International Fire Code, 2003 Edition 3. Town of Vail Amendments as defined in Ordinance Number 20, Series of 2004. Building Description The Vail Plaza Hotel project includes a residential hotel and condominium building of 8 stories for a total approximate 319,360 f: The building includes hotel guest rooms, condominium units, employee housing units, meeting and banquet facilities and associated kitchen, a spa, restaurants and associated kitchens, retail, and back -of- house support. Two enclosed parking garage levels are also located at the base of the building in addition to the 8 stories above. The elevation of Level 8 (the highest occupied floor) is 230'. The overall facility is considered a low -rise structure, as the highest occupied floor (Level 8) is less than 75- feet from the lowest level of Fire Department vehicle access. The building will be constructed under the provisions of the 2003 editions of the International Codes. The building will be treated as one overall building and will have separated uses as allowed by code. The building is constructed of Type IB non- combustible materials. The building is protected throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13 as well as a fire alarm, detection and communication system in accordance with the applicable codes, standards, and amendments. The building includes two atrium areas, designated, as Atrium A and Atrium B. Atrium A is approximately 40 feet in height on the high side and approximately 20 feet on the low side. The height of Atrium B is approximately 31 feet. Each atrium is provided with a smoke control system independent of the other, as described herein. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Design Method Overview D32934 — Page 3 May 30, 2006 The smoke control system for the Vail Plaza Hotel is designed based upon the exhaust method of smoke management, in accordance with the requirements of IBC Section 909.8. As such, the design goal for the smoke control system will be to provide a tenable environment for the evacuation or relocation of building occupants by maintaining a minimum smoke layer height of not less than 6 feet above any walking surface that is part of the required means of egress. Note, the height of 6 feet is consistent with the revised text of the IBC, which is identified in the 2004 Supplement to the IBC. In atrium B, due to constructed ceiling heights of less than 10 feet, it would not be feasible to utilize a design height of 10 feet as identified in the original text of the IBC. To meet this goal, an active smoke control system will be provided to exhaust smoke from the atrium space. Natural or mechanical supply of outside air will be provided to make up an equal volume of the air exhausted. The following are the major features of the smoke control system as designed. ACTIVE SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEMS The active smoke control system that will be provided for Atrium A will use mechanical exhaust fans to exhaust smoke from within the protected spaces. A minimum exhaust airflow rate of 76,300 cfm will be provided to exhaust the atrium space. A minimum supply airflow rate of 16,000 cfm will be provided by mechanical means to the atrium space. Opening doors to the exterior will provide the remaining supply air to equal the exhaust flow rate. The active smoke control system that will be provided for Atrium B will use mechanical exhaust fans to exhaust smoke from within the protected spaces. A minimum exhaust airflow rate of 70,000 cfm will be provided to exhaust the atrium space. A minimum supply airflow rate of 50,000 cfm will be provided by mechanical means to the space. Opening doors to the exterior will provide the remaining supply air to equal the exhaust flow rate. The minimum exhaust airflow rate was determined by performing calculations of the anticipated smoke production rate of the design fires within the atrium, as described in the September 7, 2004 letter prepared by RJA. Calculations were prepared by utilizing the AZONE computer model for an axis - symmetric plume and by hand calculation for a balcony spill plume. A detailed discussion of the hand - calculation fire modeling is presented in Appendix B. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT D32934 — Page 4 FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL May 30, 2006 Smoke Control Zones Each atrium is an independent smoke control zone. When the smoke control system is activated, the atrium smoke control zones will be separated from adjacent spaces by automatically closing doors and fire dampers to the adjacent areas. Smoke Control System Activation The smoke control system will activate upon detection of smoke in the atrium or detection of waterflow. Additionally, manual controls for the active smoke control system will be provided in the Fire Command Center via the Firefighter's Smoke Control Panel. The general system responses for the active smoke control system as a response to a fire incident in the atrium is as follows: (for a more detailed account of component initiating devices and responses will appear in subsequent sections of this report) • The atrium exhaust fans activate, • The supply air fans activate and designated doors to the exterior open, • All ordinary HVAC components within the atrium will shut off automatically and all associated combination fire /smoke dampers will close automatically, • All openings in atrium smoke barriers will close automatically. DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ANALYSIS This section describes the parameters of the design basis for the smoke control system. Design Fire and Fan Size Calculations To determine the required airflow for the exhaust fans within Atrium A and Atrium B, calculations were performed utilizing correlations for and axis - symmetric and balcony spill plume, respectively. Within Atrium A, the fire model AZONE was utilized to calculate the exhaust flow rate for an axis - symmetric plume. The input fire size was determined utilizing a medium growth fire curve within the Detact T2 computer model with sprinkler activation based on a response time index of 90. After sprinkler activation, the fire growth was assumed to be linear, with a heat output of 4199 Btu /s. Details of the calculations are provided in Appendix B. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL D32934 — Page 5 May 30, 2006 Within Atrium B, hand calculations were performed utilizing the RJA MathCAD template for a balcony spill plume. The input fire size was determined utilizing a medium growth fire curve within the Detact T2 computer model with sprinkler activation based on a response time index of 90. After sprinkler activation, the fire growth was assumed to be linear. Details of the calculations are provided in Appendix B. Note that the following considerations and factors have not been included in the characterization of the design fire discussed above. The exclusion of these factors and considerations allows for a more conservative analysis. The design does not take into consideration the smoldering or developing stage of the fire. This stage, which is characterized by very low heat release and smoke production rates, could last for several minutes or even hours. It is during this smoldering or developing stage that most fires are discovered and extinguished. With regard to sprinkler - controlled fires, the analysis does not take into consideration the cooling and extinguishing effects of the sprinkler system. When a fire becomes severe enough to activate the sprinkler system, the effect of the sprinklers would be to cool the fire while wetting the fuel source and surrounding unburned fuel, effectively controlling the fire. As a result of the combustion process being interrupted, the quantity of the smoke being produced would be considerably reduced, as the fire diminishes in size. Stack Effect Stack effect is mostly dependent on the temperature gradient between the inside space and the outside space as well as the height of the space, the stack effect within each floor is negligible. In winter non -fire conditions, air in the building has a buoyant force since it is warmer than the outside air temperature. In this condition, the atrium smoke control system is aided by the normal stack effect induced by the temperature differential. In summertime conditions, where the temperature outside of the atrium may be greater than the temperature within the atrium, reverse stack effect can occur. Reverse stack effect will cause a downward flow of air within the atrium. For atria with large interior volumes, the impact of stack effect is not typically significant compared to other driving forces of smoke movement. As the temperature in the atrium rises, the pressure differential due to reverse stack effect will decrease as the temperature in the atrium nears the temperature of the exterior. Once the atrium mechanical exhaust system is activated, stack effect becomes negligible in its impact on smoke movement since the magnitude of exhaust air velocities will be significantly greater than the opposing air movement caused by any reverse stack effect. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT D32934 — Page 6 FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL May 30, 2006 Temperature Effects of Fire The impact of temperature and expansion of hot combustion gases resulting from the heat released during the design fires has been explicitly accounted for in the smoke exhaust calculations. The heat release rate and fire plume entrainment equations are used to determine the mass production rates of smoke from the design fires. The density of the resulting hot gas layer is accounted for at the calculated gas layer temperature. The corresponding volumetric flow rate of smoke exhaust is then calculated based upon the density of the smoke layer. It should be noted again, that the design fire scenario ignores the smoldering and /or developing stages of the fire that could last for several minutes or even hours. During these stages, the fire plume might not be "hot" enough and stratification may occur on hot summer days or days with a high solar load. Under these conditions, detection near the top of the atrium may not respond and the smoke exhaust system may not activate. Once the alarm system has activated within the atrium, the stratification condition will be eliminated by removal of the hot layer beneath the skylight. Any alarm condition originating within the atrium will activate the atrium smoke control system. HVAC System Effects The IBC requires the smoke control system design to consider the effect of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems on smoke and fire transport. The HVAC system design must incorporate measures and equipment that will prevent the transport of fire products through the system. Typically, this will include the use of combination smoke /fire dampers at all locations where ducts penetrate smoke control system passive barriers, as well as automatic shutdown of HVAC fans and equipment that could spread smoke between spaces. It is the intent of the smoke control design system in this document to accomplish that goal by way of a coordinated mechanical and passive systems approach throughout areas of the building. The smoke control system will utilize mechanical exhaust in the atrium. All other adjacent rooms, spaces and areas will be protected using passive smoke control barriers. All openings between the smoke control zones and adjacent spaces will be closed when the smoke control system activates. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT D32934 — Page 7 FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL May 30, 2006 SYSTEM COMPONENT OVERVIEW AND OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS This section of the report identifies the individual components of the smoke control system, the requirements of the components in accordance with the IBC and compliance with those requirements. All equipment must be suitable for their intended use and must be listed for the probable temperatures to which these components may be exposed. The equipment utilized in the smoke control system is discussed below. Ducts All ducts, which are part of the smoke control system, must be capable of withstanding the maximum probable temperatures and pressures to which they will be exposed. Furthermore, ducts must be leak tested to 1.5 times the maximum design pressure in accordance with nationally accepted practices. The maximum leakage during the pressure testing may not exceed five percent of the design flow rate. Ducted shafts must be tested in segments not exceeding six levels prior to installation of any dampers and enclosure of the shaft. The ductwork utilized for components of the smoke control system is made of minimum 24 gauge, G -90 spec galvanized steel sheets. The smoke control ductwork is designed to SMACNA — 4" pressure class standards. Details of the duct construction, provided by Commercial Design Engineering, Ltd., are provided in Appendix C. The ducts will be required to be leak tested during the commissioning phase of the project and verified to meet the design pressure specified by the mechanical engineer of record. Duct Detectors Supply ducts that are part of an active smoke control system do not require duct smoke detectors to initiate any alarm or supervisory signals at the fire alarm control panel, or to initiate automatic shut down of the affected fan. Duct detectors in supply ducts that are not part of an active smoke control system must be connected so that they automatically shut down the related fan. If an affected fan is part of a smoke control system, a manual override must be provided at the Firefighter's Smoke Control Panel. The current fire alarm system shop drawings indicate that duct smoke detectors will be installed on the supply and exhaust side of some fans dedicated for smoke control use. The duct smoke detectors shown will not be installed, in the final system configuration. This will need to be verified by the special inspector, as duct smoke detectors within the smoke exhaust system would shut down the fans and the system would not operate properly. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Fans D32934 — Page 8 May 30, 2006 The proposed smoke control systems will utilize multiple exhaust fans to exhaust the atrium. Since these fans will have to handle smoke and hot gases from fires, they must be rated for exposure to maximum temperatures of 250 °F. Supply fans providing make- up air to the atrium will not have to be rated, as they will never be exposed to elevated temperatures. In addition to these and other requirements in Section 905.7, belt- driven fans must have 1.5 times the number of belts required for the listed design duty, with the minimum number of belts being two. Motors driving these fans must have a minimum service factor of 1.15. The following fans will be used for the smoke control system. Code Model Service CFM SEF- 5A1 Cook 245 SQIB Atrium A Exhaust 11,300 SEF- 7A1 Cook 225QMX Atrium A Exhaust 16,250 SEF- 7A2 Cook 225QMX Atrium A Exhaust 16,250 SEF- 7A3 Cook 225QMX Atrium A Exhaust 16,250 SEF- 7A4 Cook 225QMX Atrium A Exhaust 16,250 SF- 4A1 Cook 225 CPS -A Atrium A Supply 8,000 SF- 4A2 Cook 225 CPS -A Atrium A Supply 8,000 SF- 361 Cook 202QMX Atrium B Supply 12,500 SF- 3132 Cook 202QMX Atrium B Supply 12,500 SF- 3133 Cook 202QMX Atrium B Supply 12,500 SF- 364 Cook 202QMX Atrium B Supply 12,500 SF- 6131 Cook 330QMX Atrium B Exhaust 35,000 SF- 6132 Cook 330QMX Atrium B Exhaust 35,000 The above fan models have been reviewed for conformance with the requirements of the IBC. Though a review of available documentation and through discussions with WE Engineers, Inc., it has been determined that the fans are suitable for smoke control use. Appendix D contains information related to the fans being used for this system. Automatic Dampers There are no smoke /fire dampers installed within the duct systems for the atrium smoke control system. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Automatic Doors D32934 — Page 9 May 30, 2006 Doors in both Atrium A and Atrium B will be required to open to provide makeup /supply air for the smoke control system to proper operate. The swing type doors will be controlled with Easy Access Series 7100 Swing Door Operator with C4190 control. This device will open the door within 10 seconds. Details of the door controller are provided in Appendix E. In Atrium A, two roll down fire doors are provided at the walkway on the low side of the atrium. These doors are required to close to provide protection to occupants on the walkway. The doors will be required to close within 30 seconds after activation of the smoke control system. Details of the roll down fire doors are provided in Appendix E. All doors will be monitored for position. The current coordination drawings to not indicate the details of the position switch. The fire alarm system shop drawings will need to be modified to indicate the devices necessary to monitor the door position. Due to the complexity of monitoring the doors for both open and closed position, only one position will be monitored, which will be the closed position. Power Systems Primary and secondary power will be required for this system. Transfer to full standby power must be automatic and must occur within 60 seconds of failure of primary power. The system must be capable of withstanding power outages and must have a continuous power supply or uninterruptible power supply for all components of the system that require volatile memory. Furthermore, a power surge protector must be included for those elements of the smoke management system that are susceptible to power surges. Secondary power will be provided by a generator to the fans and control equipment for the smoke control system. The generator will be supplied by natural gas and has the ability supply secondary power for an indefinite time period. The fire alarm system, which provides the control sequences to the equipment, is provided with batteries that will maintain the control panel operational during the period of time it takes to switch to secondary power. The generator will transfer load within 20 seconds of an outage. Detection and Control Systems Fire detection systems providing control input or output signals to mechanical smoke control systems are required to comply with Section 907 of the IBC and be UL 864 listed as smoke control equipment (Category Listing UUKL). All control systems must be supervised. Positive confirmation of actuation, testing, manual override, device mechanisms, and the presence of power downstream of all disconnect switches must SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL D32934 —Page 10 May 30, 2006 be provided. All disconnect switches that serve the smoke control fans shall be monitored for disconnect status. Fans that are used for smoke management must be monitored with pressure sensors acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction to verify airflow. Supervision of all active smoke control system components must be indicated at a Firefighters Smoke Control Panel that is listed for use as a UUKL type panel. All wiring, regardless of its voltage, must be fully enclosed within continuous conduits or raceways. The fire alarm system utilized for the detection and control of the smoke control system is a Notifier 3030 system. The control panel and associated components are listed as smoke control equipment under UUKL and are suitable for this project. Electrical supervision is provided for all components cable of being electrically supervised. Mechanical components, such as the supply and exhaust fans, which are not cable of being electrically supervised, are provided with differential pressure switches that will indicate the presence of airflow. The differential pressure switch used for this operation is detailed in Appendix F. The fire alarm system submittal, under separate cover, details the system configuration and operation. All wiring for the fire alarm system is installed in conduit. Marking and Identification During the construction phase, the detection and control systems must be clearly marked at all junctions, accesses, and terminations. This marking must be approved for its use by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (such as the local Fire Department) and in accordance with generally accepted practice. Marking and Identification will need to be verified during the commissioning phase of the project for compliance with the requirements of the IBC. Control Diagrams Control diagrams that depict the devices in the system, identifying their location and functions, must be current and must be kept within the building after construction, at the Fire Department, and at the fire command center. Control diagrams will be provided with the firefighter's smoke control panel and have not been reviewed by RJA at the time this report was prepared. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Firefighter's Smoke Control Panel D32934 — Page 11 May 30, 2006 A Firefighter's Smoke Control Panel will be provided for manual control and override of automatic control for the active smoke control system components. The current controls indicated on the fire alarm system shop drawings will need to be revised. This panel must be designed such that it graphically depicts the layout of fans, major ducts, and other components within the building that are part of the active smoke control systems. A clear indication of the direction of airflow should be provided on the graphical display. The graphical layout of the panel will need to be submitted to the Fire Department prior to acceptance and installation. Status indication will be provided for all active smoke control equipment by light- emitting diode indicators as follows: 1. Green — Fans, dampers, and other operating equipment in their "on" or "open" status. 2. Red — Fans, dampers, and other operating equipment in their "off' or "closed" status. 3. Yellow —Fans, dampers, and other operating equipment in their "fault" status. Individual status conditions must be provided for all components. The purpose of the individual component status indicators is to identify when fans are either running (green light) or shut down (red light), doors are in the open position (green light) or closed position (red light), and other components are either on or off and open or closed. It is assumed that the emergency response personnel at the Firefighter's Smoke Control Panel will know which active smoke control system components are suppose to be on or open (green light), and which components are supposed to be shut -off or closed (red light). In this manner, emergency personnel will recognize when a specific fan or damper is in the "wrong" position for a given fire scenario. It is important to note that the above color scheme for the indicating lights does not include a "white" light, as required by Section 909.16.1 of the IBC. Due to limitations of the control equipment, this additional LED, which is to indicate normal status will not be provided. In a normal, or non -alarm condition, it is anticipated the firefighter's smoke control panel will not be illuminated, except for a single "power" light. In addition to providing status indication, the Firefighter's Smoke Control Panel must also provide control capability over all active smoke control system components within the building as follows: SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL D32934 — Page 12 May 30, 2006 1. On /Auto /Off — Control over each individual piece of operating active smoke control equipment that can also be controlled from other sources within the building. 2. On /Off or Open /Close — Control over the atrium smoke control system and other critical equipment associated with fire or smoke emergency that can only be controlled from the Firefighters Smoke Control Panel. The layout of the firefighter's smoke control panel has not yet been finalized, therefore has not been reviewed by RJA. Response Time Activation of the smoke control system must be initiated immediately after receipt of the appropriate automatic or manual activation command. The components must be activated in the sequence necessary to prevent physical damage of the equipment, and the total response time for the individual components to achieve their desired operating mode may not exceed the times listed below: 1. Fans starting or energizing —15 seconds maximum 2. Fans stopping or de- energizing — immediately 3. Fan volume modulation — 30 seconds maximum 4. Pressure control modulation — 15 seconds maximum 5. Temperature control safety override — immediately 6. Positive indication of system status — 15 seconds maximum 7. Door Opening — 30 seconds maximum 8. Door Closing — 30 seconds maximum 9. Receipt of signal by field device after signal is initiated — 30 seconds The total response time may not exceed sixty seconds, in accordance with standard practice. Items 7, 8 and 9 above are not a Code requirement, but have been adopted as generally acceptable in light of a lack of clear requirements in the Building Code. Weekly Self Test In accordance with the requirements of the IBC, a weekly self test is required to verify operation of the smoke control equipment. Verification shall include positive confirmation of actuation, testing, manual override and the presence of power downstream of all disconnects. Any abnormal conditions shall be reported audibly, visually and by printed report. The weekly self test is normally a function of programming within the control unit and will need to be verified during the commissioning of the system. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT D32934 — Page 13 FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL May 30, 2006 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION Atrium A Upon activation of any area smoke detectors or beam smoke detectors located in the atrium, or upon activation of any sprinkler in the atrium, the following will occur: • Smoke Exhaust Fans SEF -5A1 (located on the east side of the lobby at Level 180 Roof), SEF -7A1, SEF -7A2, SEF -7A3 and SEF -7A4 (located at level 200) will turn on; • Supply Air Fans SF -4A1 and SF -4A2 (located on Level 170) will turn on; • Both rolling fire doors (located on Bridge 465) will close to provide separation of the walkway; • Doors #313, #334 and #331 will open to provide additional supply /make -up air; • All doors between the atrium and adjacent areas normally held open will close. A detailed sequence of operation is provided in Appendix A. Atrium B Upon activation of any area smoke detectors or beam detectors located within the atrium, or upon activation of any sprinkler in the atrium, the following will occur: • Smoke Exhaust Fans SEF -6131 and SEF -6132 (located on the roof at Level 180) will activate; • Supply Air Fans SF -3131, SF -3132, SF -3133 and SF -3134 will turn on and supply air through ducts (quantity of 5 injection points) to level 149; • Door #409 on Level 170 will open to provide additional supply /make -up air; • All doors between the atrium and adjacent areas normally held open will close. A detailed sequence of operation is provided in Appendix A. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL SPECIAL INSPECTION OVERVIEW D32934 — Page 14 May 30, 2006 The following section provides an overview of the Special Inspection requirements for the smoke control systems in Atrium A and Atrium B of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The Special Inspector should have expertise in fire protection engineering, mechanical engineering and certification as air balancers. Visual Inspections The following represents inspection requirements that will be fulfilled by the Special Inspector. It does not represent the Special Inspection Testing Program, and has been provided for information purposes only. These testing criteria may be used to develop the final special inspection program. Control Diagrams Verify location of all fire alarm initiating devices indicated on control diagrams. Verify location of all output devices (fans, automatic doors, conductors, junction points) are installed according to the approved control diagrams. Verify that fire alarm initiating devices that activate smoke - control devices are properly zoned in accordance with the respective smoke - control zone. This includes automatic sprinkler systems within the atrium. Fan Belts Verify that belt- driven fans have at least 1.5 times the number of belts required for the design duty with the minimum number of belts being two. Specifically, atrium exhaust and makeup air supply fans, as previously identified, will need to be inspected. Marking and Verification Verify that the detection and control systems are clearly marked at all junctions, accesses, and terminations. Junction boxes, cover plates, and conduit couplings may be color coded as an acceptable means of identification. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT D32934 — Page 15 FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL May 30, 2006 Wiring Verify that all smoke control detection and control wiring is in continuous raceways. Location of the standby power source and its transfer switch should be checked to make sure that it is located in a separate room from the normal power transformers and switchgear. Inspector should verify that the power distribution from normal and standby sources are independent routes. Operational Testing Procedures Control Action and Priorities Verify that the Firefighter's Smoke Control Panel has priority over other building systems. 2. Verify that the Firefighters Smoke Control Panel functions in accordance with its design intent. 3. Verify that all doors and fans are configured properly and that the appropriate status indication light is lit on the Firefighter's Smoke Control Panel. Controls Verify that the atrium smoke control zone has been put into operation by the actuation of one automatic initiation device. Verify that each additional device within the zone (this includes sprinkler zones) has been verified to cause the same sequence, but the operation of fan motors may be bypassed after the first few positive trials to prevent damage. Operational verification will also required the checking that doors on hold -opens are released on all floors. 2. Verify positive confirmation of actuation, testing and manual override. Additionally, verify presence of power downstream of all disconnects. 3. Verify control sequences throughout the system, including verification of override from Firefighters Smoke Control Panel. Override will be provided for the atrium smoke control systems. 4. Simulation of stand -by power conditions and verification of smoke - control system operations from the Firefighters Smoke Control Panel. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL D32934 — Page 16 May 30, 2006 5. Verify that fire alarm panel or any elements that rely on volatile memories have uninterruptible power supplies that will span up to fifteen minutes of primary power interruption. Detection Devices Smoke or fire detectors which are a part of a smoke - control system will be tested in accordance with the Fire Code by the Contractor(s) in their installed condition. Field verification for compliance with all aspects of Section 909 of the IBC will be performed by the Special Inspection Agency to ensure that detection devices activate the smoke control systems. Ducts and Dry Wall Shafts within the Atrium Enclosure During various stages of construction, verify pressure testing to 1.5 times the maximum design pressure in accordance with nationally accepted practices, such as Association of Air Balance Council. Long runs of duct work whose volume exceeds the capability of available leakage testing apparatus may be tested in shorter segments, with allowable leakage based on the maximum system joints, if constructed typical of the tested duct segment and successfully tested for measured leakage by the joining of two tested segments, may thereafter be visually inspected with the assumed segment joint leakage added to the cumulative leakage for the entire duct. Perform /verify that measured leakage does not exceed five percent of the design fan flow serving the duct. 2. Perform /verify that ducts, which are part of a smoke - control system, have been traversed using generally accepted practices to determine actual air quantities. Fans Verify that motors driving fans do not operate beyond their name plate horsepower (kilowatts) as determined from measurement of actual current draw or kW meter. 2. Examine fans for correct rotation. Verify measurements of voltage, amperage, revolutions per minute and belt tension have been made. 3. Verify proper operation of airflow sensors. Inlets and Outlets Perform /verify inlet and outlet flow rates have been measured using generally accepted practices to determine air quantities and submitted with final report. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT D32934 — Page 17 FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL May 30, 2006 Response Times Perform /verify control and actuation response times as indicated previously in this document. Response time is measured from the time the equipment being tested is actually commanded to operate or shut down, as required. Protection of equipment through time delays or staging of start commands, as permitted by Code is allowed. Verify that the Firefighter's Smoke Control Panel response time is the same for automatic and manual smoke - control action initiated from any other building control point. Standby Power Verify that full stand -by power is automatic within 60 seconds of primary power failure. Recording Tests and Failed Tests or Inspections The Special Inspector will document specific tests and /or inspections and place them in the final report. The Special Inspector will advise the Authority Having Jurisdiction of the proposed inspection and testing scheduling. The Special Inspector will provide the appropriate documentation to the Building Official in the event that a failing test or inspection has not been corrected by the Contractor. Should the Contractor not correct the areas failing the test or inspections, a correction notice will be given to the appropriate Contractor. A copy of this notice will be provided to the Building Owner. Final Inspection Reports Reports will be in compliance with IBC 909.18.8.3. A complete report of testing will be prepared by the special inspector or special inspection agency. The report will include identification of all devices by manufacturer, nameplate data, design values, measured values and identification tag or mark. The report will be reviewed by the responsible designer, and when satisfied that the design intent has been achieved, the responsible designer will affix the designer's signature and date to the report with a statement as follows: A copy of the final report will be filed with the Authority Having Jurisdiction and an identical copy maintained in the Central Control Station or other approved location at the building. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM SUMMARY REPORT D32934 — Page 18 FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL May 30, 2006 CONCLUSION This report reflects our understanding of the design methodology and operation of the smoke control systems to be installed in Atrium A and Atrium B at the Vail Plaza Hotel. The smoke control system presented to us conforms to the requirements of the system goals and the applicable codes and standards. Respectfully Submitted, ROLF JENSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Prepared by: j &-, � - y '0a J son Miller Date JM:TD:jm APPENDIX A SEQUENCE OF OPERATION SEQUENCE OF OPERATION ATRIUM A I Level 160 1 Level 170 Level 180 11 Level 206 Fire Alarm Device Addressi I 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 "-V LIU 1 000 CH 1 UC411 1 y IYVI II 1U1— m OP OPEN CL CLOSE ON TURN ON '0 1 '0 1 - 1 �' C - ' C" N_ 0 N N N 0 0 N 0 0 0 C3 0 1 � U Level Address Fire Alarm Device Description N 4 'q , Co n : J OP I OP I OP CL I CL I CL I CL ION "-V LIU 1 000 CH 1 UC411 1 y IYVI II 1U1— m OP OPEN CL CLOSE ON TURN ON Fire Alarm �' 14 * Device 1 � U Level Address Fire Alarm Device Description V) Co 11-3-D131 Front Desk Smoke Detector OP I OP I OP CL I CL I CL I CL ION oN ON ONIONIONION 160 I L2-D99 jActivity Desk Smoke Detector OP OP OP CL I CL CL I CL I ON oN oN ONIONIONION 1-4-[)15 Smoke Detector OP OP OP CL I CL GL I CL TON ON , I ON I ONIONIONION 170 �4 D16 L Smoke Detector OP OP II ICLICLII I OP CL CL _ ON I ON oN ONIONIONION 1 1 L6-M12 Beam Smoke Detector op OP OP 0 CL CL CL ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 190 L6-M13 Beam Smoke Detector OP OP OP – CL CL CLICLION_2N _ ON I ON ON ON ON Waterflow S\tvitches* OPIOPIOP CL _2N _ ON I ON ONIONION. "-V LIU 1 000 CH 1 UC411 1 y IYVI II 1U1— m OP OPEN CL CLOSE ON TURN ON SEQUENCE OF OPERATION ATRIUM B * Device Address and Quantity Not Indicated on urawings. Cxact uuantity to De nem vermea. OP OPEN CL CLOSE ON TURN ON APPENDIX B DESIGN FIRE CALCULATIONS err � ROLF JENSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS September 7, 2004 Tim Losa Zehren and Associates, Inc. 48 East Beaver Creek Boulevard, Suite 303 P.O. Box 1976 Avon, Colorado 81620 970.949.0257 (Office) 970.949.1080 (Fax) SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM CALCULATIONS FOR ATRIUM " A " AND "B ", VAIL PLAZA HOTEL PROJECT, VAIL, COLORADO. Dear: At your request, we have prepared this letter summarizing Rolf Jensen & Associates (RJA) calculations for the Atrium "A" and "B" smoke control systems, based dimensions scaled from the June 30, 2004 architectural drawings. To make it possible for the "economical' fan size calculations of the smoke control system presented in this letter possible, certain architectural features must be included in the building design. These simple building design features limit the volume of smoke production, which decreases the necessary fan sizes for the smoke control system. If these building design features are not possible, then bigger fan sizes and make up air systems will have to be calculated. The building design features are: • The shorter, west side of the Atrium "A" will have to be isolated from the taller, east side at the Level -170 story. This can be accomplished by a glass wall on the west side of the Level -170 bridge extending from the floor to the ceiling to form a smoke barrier. This wall will need to achieve a one -hour rating, which can be accomplished with window sprinklers. • The quick - response fire sprinklers at the ceiling level of the shorter, west side of Atrium "A" will have to be spaced 10 feet on- center. The temperature rating of these fire sprinklers can be a maximum of 155 °F. This design feature limits the fire size, which limits the amount of smoke production. • The quick - response fire sprinklers at the glass hip -roof ceiling level of the taller, east side of Atrium "A" will have to be spaced 7 feet on- center (+ or — 6 inches). The temperature rating of these fire sprinklers can be a maximum of 175 ° F. This design feature limits the fire size, which limits the amount of smoke production. 132415TH STREET, DENVER, CO 80202 -1606 USA, +1 303 573 -7848, FAX-1 303 573 -7843 www.dagroup.com A SUBSIDIARY OF THE RJA GROUP, INC. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM CALCULATIONS ATRIUM "A" AND "B" VAIL PLAZA HOTEL D32934 - Page 2 September 7, 2004 • The quick - response fire sprinklers at the Atrium "B" ceiling on Level -149 will have to be spaced 10 feet on- center. The temperature rating of these fire sprinklers can be a maximum of 155 ° F. This design feature limits the fire size, which limits the amount of smoke production. • An 18 -inch deep, non -rated curtain wall (can be glass) needs to encircle the escalator opening at the Atrium "B" ceiling on Level -149. There needs to be a single 4 -foot gap /opening along the perimeter of this opening. • An 18 -inch deep, non -rated curtain wall (can be glass) needs to encircle the escalator opening at the Atrium "B" ceiling on Level -160. There needs to be a single 8 -foot gap /opening along the perimeter of this opening. If these building design features are not possible, Let RJA know so the fan sizes can be recalculated. It should be noted for technical review purposes only that the fire sizes used in the calculations were based on fire sprinkler activation with the Detact T2 computer model with a 72 ° F ambient temperature, 90 RTI and a medium growth fire. The atrium smoke control system fan sizes were calculated based standard cfm rates at sea - level. The mechanical engineer can translate these figures into fan ratings based on the elevation of the Vail Plaza Hotel. The Azone computer model and RJA MathCad programs were used in the calculations and are attached to this letter. The smoke control system capacities calculated were: 51,250 cfm Taller, east side of Atrium A 8.900 cfm Shorter, west side of Atrium A 60,150 cfm Total for Atrium A 59,230 cfm Atrium B If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact me at 303.573.7848, extension 308 (office) or 303.817.2299 (cell). Prepared by: b" Y_0� David Leiker, P.E. Fire Protection Consulting Engineer Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc. SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEM CALCULATIONS ATRIUM "A" AND "B" VAIL PLAZA HOTEL Reviewed by: II�IVi` 11-1 Brian Thompson, P.E. Fire Protection Consulting Engineer Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc. DL:BOT /dl D32934 - Page 3 September 7, 2004 G: \Projects \D32000 - D32999 \D32934 VAIL PLAZA HOTEL PROJECT\Vail Plaza Hotel Atrium Smoke Control calcs 09.07.04.doc AZONE VP Hotel Upr ATRIUM A 51.25k Ext 140s.TxT AZONE: Atrium Zone Fire Model -- Summary Output Written by John H. Klote, P.E., D.Sc. Ambient Temperature: 22.2 C 72.0 F Height of fuel: 0.91 m 3.00 ft Fire growth time: 300. s 300. s Upper limit of fire: 4430. kw 4199. Btu /s Exhaust flow rate: 24.19 cu. m/s 51250. cfm Exhaust location factor: 2.00 2.00 Exhaust below ceiling: 1.22 m 4.00 ft Number of exhaust inlets: 4 4 Exhaust activation time: 140.0 s 140.0 s wall Heat transfer fraction: 0.30 0.30 Simulation Duration: 1500.00 s 1500.00 s Elevation Elevation Area Area m ft sq. m sq. ft. 13.41 44.00 0.00 0.00 12.19 40.00 136.20 1466.00 6.10 20.00 136.20 1466.00 6.09 19.99 214.61 2310.00 3.05 10.00 214.61 2310.00 3.04 9.99 232.82 2506.00 0.00 0:00 232.82 2506.00 Constants: specific heat: 1.010 k7 /kg K Gas constant: 287.0 7 /kg K Atmospheric pressure: 101325. Pa Time interval: 0.05 s convective fraction: 0.70 Plugholing exponent: 6.0 Layer Layer Layer Layer Time Temp Temp Height Height Fire Fire s C F m ft kw Btu /s 0. 22.2 72.0 13.41 44.00 0. 0. 10. 22.3 72.1 12.79 41.97 1. 1. 20. 22.4 72.4 12.33 40.47 5. 4. 30. 22.6 72.6 11.90 39.06 11. 10. 40. 22.8 73.0 11.41 37.43 19. 18. 50. 23.0 73.4 10.87 35.66 29. 28. 60. 23.2 73.8 10.30 33.81 42. 40. 70. 23.5 74.4 9.73 31.93 57. 54. 80. 23.9 75.0 9.16 30.06 75. 71. 90. 24.3 75.7 8.61 28.24 95. 90. 100. 24.7 76.5 8.07 26.48 117. 111. 110. 25.2 77.4 7.56 24.80 142. 134. 120. 25.8 78.4 7.07 23.21 169. 160. 130. 26.4 79.5 6.61 21.70 198. 188. 140. 27.1 80.8 6.19 20.31 230. 218. 150. 27.9 82.3 7.45 24.45 264. 250. 160. 28.8 83.9 8.51 27.93 300. 284. 170. 29.7 85.5 9.38 30.76 339. 321. 180. 30.5 86.9 10.05 32.96 380. 360. 190. 31.2 88.1 10.16 33.32 423. 401. 200. 31.8 89.3 10.18 33.39 469. 444. 210. 32.6 90.6 10.19 33.44 517. 490. 220. 33.3 91.9 10.21 33.49 567. 538. 230. 34.0 93.3 10.22 33.53 620. 588. 240. 34.8 94.6 10.23 33.58 675. 640. 250. 35.5 96.0 10.25 33.62 733. 694. 260. 36.3 97.3 10.26 33.65 792. 751. 270. 37.1 98.7 10.27 33.69 855. 810. 280. 37.8 100.1 10.28 33.72 919. 871. 290. 38.6 101.5 10.29 33.74 986. 934. 300. 39.4 102.9 10.26 33.66 1055. 1000. 310. 40.3 104.5 10.20 33.45 1127. 1068. 320. 41.2 106.2 10.11 33.17 1200. 1138. 330. 42.2 108.0 10.00 32.82 1277. 1210. 340. 43.3 110.0 9.88 32.43 1355. 1284. 350. 44.5 112.2 9.76 32.01 1436. 1361. 360. 45.8 114.4 9.62 31.57 1519. 1440. 370. 47.1 116.8 9.49 31.12 1605. 1521. 380. 48.5 119.4 9.35 30.67 1693. 1604. 390. 50.0 122.0 9.21 30.22 1783. 1690. 400. 51.5 124.8 9.07 29.77 1876. 1778. 410. 53.2 127.7 8.94 29.32 1971. 1868. Page 1 AZONE VP Hotel Upr ATRIUM A 51.25k Ext 140s.TXT 420. 54.8 130.7 8.80 28.88 2068. 1960. 430. 56.6 133.8 8.67 28.44 2167. 2054. 440. 58.4 137.1 8.54 28.01 2269. 2151. 450. 60.2 140.4 8.41 27.58 2374. 2250. 460. 62.2 143.9 8.28 27.16 2480. 2351. 470. 64.2 147.5 8.15 26.75 2589. 2454. 480. 66.3 151.3 8.03 26.34 2701. 2560. 490. 68.4 155.2 7.90 25.93 2815. 2668. 500. 70.6 159.2 7.78 25.54 2931. 2778. 510. 72.9 163.3 7.66 25.14 3049. 2890. 520. 75.3 167.6 7.54 24.75 3170. 3004. 530. 77.8 172.0 7.42 24.36 3293. 3121. 540. 80.3 176.6 7.31 23.97 3418. 3240. 550. 83.0 181.3 7.19 23.59 3546. 3361. 560. 85.7 186.2 7.07 23.21 3676. 3484. 570. 88.5 191.3 6.96 22.83 3809. 3610. 580. 91.4 196.5 6.84 22.45 3943. 3738. 590. 94.4 201.9 6.73 22.07 4081. 3868. 600. 97.5 207.5 6.61 21.70 4220. 4000. 610. 100.7 213.2 6.50 21.33 4362. 4134. 620. 103.9 219.1 6.39 20.97 4430. 4199. 630. 106.8 224.3 6.31 20.70 4430. 4199. 640. 109.4 228.8 6.25 20.51 4430. 4199. 650. 111.5 232.7 6.21 20.37 4430. 4199. 660. 113.3 236.0 6.18 20.27 4430. 4199. 670. 114.9 238.8 6.15 20.19 4430. 4199. 680. 116.2 241.1 6.14 20.14 4430. 4199. 690. 117.2 243.0 6.13 20.10 4430. 4199. 700. 118.1 244.5 6.12 20.07 4430. 4199. 710. 118.8 245.8 6.11 20.05. 4430. 4199. 720. 119.3 246.8 6.11 20.04 4430. 4199. 730. 119.8 247.6 6.10 20.03 4430. 4199. 740. 120.1 248.2 6.10 20.02 4430. 4199. 750. 120.4 248.8 6.10 20.02 4430. 4199. 760. 120.7 249.2 6.10 20.01 4430. 4199. 770. 120.8 249.5 6.10 20.01 4430. 4199. 780. 121.0 249.8 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 790. 121.1 250.0 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 800. 121.2 250.1 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 810. 121.3 250.3 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 820. 121.3 250.4 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 830. 121.4 250.5 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 840. 121.4 250.5 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 850. 121.4 250.6 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 860. 121.5 250.6 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 870. 121.5 250.6 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 880. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 890. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 900. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 910. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 920. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 930. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 940. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 950. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 960. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 970. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 980. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 990. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1000. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1010. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1020. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1030. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1040. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1050. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1060. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1070. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1080. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1090. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1100. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1110. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1120. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1130. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1140. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1150. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1160. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1170. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1180. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1190. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1200. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. Page 2 Page 3 AZONE VP Hotel Upr ATRIUM A 51.25k Ext 140s.TxT 1210. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1220. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1230. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1240. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1250. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1260. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1270. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1280. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1290. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1300. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1310. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1320. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1330. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1340. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1350. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1360. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1370. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1380. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1390. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1400. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1410. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1420. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. , 4199. 1430. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1440. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1450. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1460. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1470. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1480. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1490. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. 1500. 121.5 250.7 6.10 20.00 4430. 4199. Page 3 Azone VP Hotel Lwr Atrium A 8.9k Ext 140s.TXT AZONE: Atrium Zone Fire Model -- Summary Output written by john H. Klote, P.E., D.SC. Ambient Temperature: 22.2 C 72.0 F Ceiling Height: 5.8 m 19.0 ft Cross - sectional area: 125. sq. m 1348. sq. ft. Height of fuel: 0.91 m 3.00 ft Fire growth time: 300. s 300. s upper limit of fire: 969. kw 918. Btu /s Exhaust flow rate: 4.2'0 cu. m/s 8900. cfm Exhaust location factor: 2.00 2.00 Exhaust below ceiling: 0.00 m 0.00 ft Number of exhaust inlets: 4 4 Exhaust activation time: 140.0 s 140.0 s wall Heat transfer fraction: 0.30 0.30 Simulation Duration: 1500.00 s 1500.00 s Constants: specific heat: 1.010 kj /kg K Gas constant: 287.0 3/kg K Atmospheric pressure: 101325. Pa Time interval: 0.05 s Convective fraction: 0.70 Plugholing exponent: 6.0 Layer Layer Layer Layer Time Temp Temp Height Height Fire Fire s C F m ft kw Btu /s 0. 22.2 72.0 5.79 19.00 0. 0. 10. 22.6 72.6 5.75 18.88 1. 1. 20. 23.1 73.6 5.67 18.62 5. 4. 30. 23.7 74.7 5.56 18.26 11. 10. -' 40. 24.5 76.1 5.43 17.82 19. 18. 50. 25.4 77.7 5.28 17.33 29. 28. 60. 26.4 79.4 5.12 16.80 42. 40. 70. 27.5 81.4 4.95 16.23 57. 54. 80. 28.7 83.6 4.77 15.64 75. 71. 90. 30.1 86.1 4.58 15.03 95. 90. 100. 31.6 88.8 4.39 14.42 117. 111. 110. 33.3 91.9 4.21 13.80 142. 134. 120. 35.1 95.2 4.02 13.19 169. 160. 130. 37.2 98.9 3.83 12.58 198. 188. 140. 39.4 102.9 3.65 11.98 230. 218. 150. 41.9 107.5 3.79 12.44 264. 250. 160. 44.7 112.5 3.91 12.82 300. 284. 170. 47.9 118.1 4.00 13.11 339. 321. 180. 51.2 124.2 4.06 13.33 380. 360. 190. 54.7 130.5 4.11 13.48 423. 401. 200. 58.4 137.1 4.13 13.56 469. 444. 210. 62.1 143.8 4.14 13.58 517. 490. 220. 66.0 150.7 4.13 13.54 567. 538. 230. 69.9 157.8 4.10 13.46 620. 588. 240. 73.9 165.1 4.06 13.33 675. 640. 250. 78.1 172.6 4.01 13.16 733. 694. 260. 82.4 180.4 3.95 12.96 792. 751. 270. 86.9 188.5 3.88 12.73 855. 810. 280. 91.6 197.0 3.80 12.47 919. 871. 290. 96.6 205.8 3.72 12.19 969. 918. 300. 101.2 214.2 3.64 11.93 969. 918. 310. 105.4 221.7 3.57 11.71 969. 918. 320. 109.3 228.7 3.51 11.51 969. 918. 330. 112.8 235.1 3.46 11.34 969. 918. 340. 116.2 241.1 3.41 11.18 969. 918. 350. 119.2 246.6 3.37 11.05 969. 918. 360. 122.1 251.8 3.33 10.93 969. 918. 370. 124.8 256.7 3.30 10.83 969. 918. 380. 127.4 261.2 3.27 10.73 969. 918. 390. 129.7 265.5 3.25 10.65 969. 918. 400. 131.9 269.4 3.23 10.58 969. 918. 410. 134.0 273.2 3.21 10.52 969. 918. 420. 135.9 276.6 3.19 10.46 969. 918. 430. 137.7 279.9 3.17 10.41 969. 918. 440. 139.4 283.0 3.16 10.37 969. 918. 450. 141.1 286.0 3.15 10.34 969. 918. 460. 142.6 288.7 3.14 10.31 969. 918. 470. 144.0 291.3 3.13 10.28 969. 918. 480. 145.3 293.6 3.13 10.25 969. 918. Page 1 Azone VP Hotel Lwr Atrium A 8.9k Ext 140s.TxT 490. 146.5 295.7 3.12 10.23 969. 918. 500. 147.6 297.7 3.11 10.21 969. 918. 510. 148.6 299.4 3.11 10.20 969. 918. 520. 149.5 301.1 3.10 10.18 969. 918. 530. 150.3 302.6 3.10 10.16 969. 918. 540. 151.1 304.0 3.09 10.15 969. 918. 550. 151.8 305.2 3.09 10.14 969. 918. 560. 152.4 306.4 3.09 10.13 969. 918. 570. 153.0 307.5 3.08 10.12 969. 918. 580. 153.6 308.5 3.08 10.11 969. 918. 590. 154.1 309.3 3.08 10.10 969. 918. 600. 154.5 310.2 3.08 10.10 969. 918. 610. 154.9 310.9 3.08 10.09 969. 918. 620. 155.3 311.6 3.07 10.09 969. 918. 630. 155.7 312.2 3.07 10.08 969. 918. 640. 156.0 312.8 3.07 10.08 969. 918. 650. 156.3 313.3 3.07 10.07 969. 918. 660. 156.5 313.8 3.07 10.07 969. 918. 670. 156.8 314.2 3.07 10.07 969. 918. 680. 157.0 314.6 3.07 10.06 969. 918. 690. 157.2 315.0 3.07 10.06 969. 918. 700. 157.4 315.3 3.07 10.06 969. 918. 710. 157.6 315.6 3.07 10.06 969. 918. 720. 157.7 315.9 3.06 10.05 969. 918. 730. 157.8 316.1 3.06 10.05 969. 918. 740. 158.0 316.4 3.06 10.05 969. 918. 750. 158.1 316.6 3.06 10.05 969. 918. 760. 158.2 316.7 3.06 10.05 969. 918. 770. 158.3 316.9 3.06 10.05 969. 918. 780. 158.4 317.1 3.06 10.05 969. 918. 790. 158.5 317.2 3.06 10.05 969. 918. 800. 158.5 317.3 3.06 10.05 969. 918. 810. 158.6 317.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 820. 158.6 317.6 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 830. 158.7 317.7 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 840. 158.7 317.7 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 850. 158.8 317.8 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 860. 158.8 317.9 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 870. 158.9 318.0 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 880. 158.9 318.0 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 890. 158.9 318.1 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 900. 159.0 318.1 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 910. 159.0 318.2 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 920. 159.0 318.2 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 930. 159.0 318.2 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 940. 159.0 318.3 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 950. 159.0 318.3 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 960. 159.1 318.3 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 970. 159.1 318.3 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 980. 159.1 318.4 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 990. 159.1 318.4 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1000. 159.1 318.4 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1010. 159.1 318.4 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1020. 159.1 318.4 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1030. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1040. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1050. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1060. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1070. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1080. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1090. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1100. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1110: 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1120. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1130. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1140. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1150. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1160. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1170. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1180. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1190. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1200. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1210. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1220. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1230. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1240. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1250. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1260. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1270. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. Page 2 Page 3 Atone VP Hotel.Lwr Atrium A 8.9k Ext 1405.TXT 1280. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1290. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1300. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1310. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1320. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1330. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1340. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1350. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1360. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1370. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1380. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1390. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1400. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1410. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1420. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1430. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1440. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1450. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1460. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1470. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1480. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1490. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04 969. 918. 1500. 159.1 318.5 3.06 10.04, 969. 918. Page 3 Atone Vail Plaza Hotel Atrium B 1.5 13k 180s.TxT AZONE: Atrium Zone Fire Model -- Summary Output written by John H. Klote, P.E., D.Sc. Ambient Temperature: Height of fuel: Fire growth time: upper limit of fire: Exhaust flow rate: Exhaust location factor: Exhaust below ceiling: Number of exhaust inlets: Exhaust activation time: wall Heat transfer fraction: Simulation Duration: 22.2 C 72.0 F 0.91 m 3.00 ft 300. s 300. s 1612. kw 1528. Btu /s 6.14 cu. m/s 13000. cfm 2.00 236.35 2.00 0.91 m 3.00 ft 4 2785.00 4 180.0 s 180.0 s 0.30 0.30 heat: 1500.00 s 1500.00 s Elevation Elevation Area Area m ft sq. m sq. ft. 6.10 20.00 236.35 2544.00 3.05 10.00 236.35 2544.00 0.00 0.00 258.73 2785.00 Constants: specific heat: 1.010 k7 /kg K Gas constant: 287.0 ] /kg K Atmospheric pressure: 101325. Pa Time interval: 0.05 s Convective fraction: 0.70 Plugholing exponent: 6.0 Layer Layer Layer Layer Time Temp Temp Height Height Fire Fire s C F m ft kw Btu /s 0. 22.2 72.0 6.10 20.00 0. 0. 10. 22.5 72.6 6.07 19.93 1. 1. 20. 23.0 73.4 6.03 19.77 5. 4. 30. 23.6 74.4 5.96 19.56 11. 10. 40. 24.2 75.6 5.88 19.29 19. 18. 50. 25.0 76.9 5.79 18.99 29. 28. 60. 25.8 78.4 5.68 18.64 42. 40. 70. 26.7 80.0 5.57 18.27 57. 54. 80. 27.6 81.7 5.45 17.87 75. 71. 90. 28.7 83.6 5.32 17.45 95. 90. 100. 29.8 85.6 5.19 17.02 117. 111. 110. 31.0 87.8 5.05 16.57 142. 134. 120. 32.3 90.2 4.91 16.11 169. 160. 130. 33.8 92.8 4.77 15.64 198. 188. 140. 35.3 95.5 4.62 15.17 230. 218. 150. 36.9 98.4 4.48 14.69 264. 250. 160. 38.7 101.6 4.33 14.21 300. 284. 170. 40.5 105.0 4.18 13.73 339. 321. 180. 42.5 108.6 4.04 13.25 380. 360. 190. 44.7 112.5 4.14 13.60 423. 401. 200. 47.1 116.9 4.21 13.80 469. 444. 210. 49.8 121.6 4.23 13.88 517. 490. 220. 52.5 126.6 4.25 13.93 567. 538. 230. 55.5 131.9 4.26 13.97 620. 588. 240. 58.6 137.5 4.27 14.00 675. 640. 250. 61.8 143.3 4.28 14.03 733. 694. 260. 65.2 149.3 4.28 14.06 792. 751. 270. 68.6 155.5 4.29 14.08 855. 810. 280. 72.1 161.8 4.30 14.09 919. 871. 290. 75.7 168.3 4.29 14.08 986. 934. 300. 79.4 174.9 4.28 14.03 1055. 1000. 310. 83.1 181.6 4.25 13.95 1127. 1068. 320. 86.9 188.5 4.22 13.84 1200. 1138. 330. 90.8 195.4 4.18 13.70 1277. 1210. 340. 94.8 202.6 4.13 13.54 1355. 1284. 350. 98.8 209.9 4.07 13.36 1436. 1361. 360. 103.0 217.5 4.01 13.16 1519. 1440. 370. 107.4 225.3 3.94 12.93 1605. 1521. 380. 111.6 233.0 3.87 12.71 1612. 1528. 390. 115.6 240.0 3.81 12.50 1612. 1528. 400. 119.3 246.7 3.75 12.31 1612. 1528. 410. 122.7 252.8 3.70 12.14 1612. 1528. 420. 126.0 258.8 3.65 11.98 1612. 1528. 430. 129.1 264.4 3.61 11.84 1612. 1528. 440. 132.0 269.7 3.57 11.72 1612. 1528. 450. 134.8 274.7 3.53 11.59 1612. 1528. Page 1 Azone Vail Plaza Hotel Atrium B 1.5 13k 180s.TxT 460. 137.5 279.4 3.50 11.48 1612. 1528. 470. 140.0 283.9 3.47 11.38 1612. 1528. 480. 142.3 288.2 3.44 11.28 1612. 1528. 490. 144.6 292.3 3.41 11.19 1612. 1528. 500. 146.8 296.2 3.39 11.12 1612. 1528. 510. 148.8 299.9 3.36 11.04 1612. 1528. 520. 150.8 303.4 3.34 10.97 1612. 1528. 530. 152.7 306.8 3.32 10.90 1612. 1528. 540. 154.5 310.0 3.30 10.84 1612. 1528. 550. 156.2 313.1 3.29 10.78 1612. 1528. 560. 157.8 316.1 3.27 10.73 1612. 1528. 570. 159.4 318.9 3.26 10.69 1612. 1528. 580. 160.9 321.7 3.24 10.64 1612. 1528. 590. 162.4 324.2 3.23 10.60 1612. 1528. 600. 163.7 326.7 3.22 10.56 1612. 1528. 610. 165.1 329.1 3.21 10.52 1612. 1528. 620. 166.3 331.4 3.20 10.50 1612. 1528. 630. 167.5 333.5 3.19 10.46 1612. 1528. 640. 168.7 335.6 3.18 10.44 1612. 1528. 650. 169.7 337.5 3.17 10.41 1612. 1528. 660. 170.8 339.4 3.17 10.39 1612. 1528. 670. 171.8 341.2 3.16 10.36 1612. 1528. 680. 172.7 342.9 3.15 10.34 1612. 1528. 690. 173.6 344.5 3.15 10.32 1612. 1528. 700. 174.5 346.1 3.14 10.31 1612. 1528. 710. 175.3 347.5 3.14 10.29 1612. 1528. 720. 176.1 348.9 3.13 10.28 1612. 1528. 730. 176.8 350.3 3.13 10.26 1612. 1528. 740. 177.5 351.5 3.12 10.25 1612. 1528. 750. 178.2 352.7 3.12 10.24 1612. 1528. 760. 178.8 353.8 3.12 10.22 1612. 1528. 770. 179.4 354.9 3.11 10.21 1612. 1528. 780. 180.0 355.9 3.11 10.20 1612. 1528. 790. 180.5 356.9 3.11 10.20 1612. 1528. 800. 181.0 357.8 3.11 10.19 1612. 1528. 810. 181.5 358.6 3.10 10.18 1612. 1528. 820. 181.9 359.5 3.10 10.17 1612. 1528. 830. 182.3 360.2 3.10 10.17 1612. 1528. 840. 182.8 361.0 3.10 10.16 1612. 1528. 850. 183.1 361.6 3.09 10.15 1612. 1528. 860. 183.5 362.3 3.09 10.15 1612. 1528. 870. 183.8 362.9 3.09 10.14 1612. 1528. 880. 184.1 363.5 3.09 10.14 1612. 1528. 890. 184.4 364.0 3.09 10.13 1612. 1528. 900. 184.7 364.5 3.09 10.13 1612. 1528. 910. 185.0 365.0 3.09 10.13 1612. 1528. 920. 185.3 365.5 3.09 10.12 1612. 1528. 930. 185.5 365.9 3.09 10.12 1612. 1528. 940. 185.7 366.3 3.08 10.12 1612. 1528. 950. 185.9 366.7 3.08 10.12 1612. 1528. 960. 186.1 367.0 3.08 10.11 1612. 1528. 970. 186.3 367.3 3.08 10.11 1612. 1528. 980. 186.5 367.7 3.08 10.11 1612. 1528. 990. 186.6 368.0 3.08 10.11 1612. 1528. 1000. 186.8 368.2 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1010. 187.0 368.5 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1020. 187.1 368.8 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1030. 187.2 369.0 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1040. 187.3 369.2 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1050. 187.5 369.4 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1060. 187.6 369.6 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1070. 187.7 369.8 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1080. 187.7 369.9 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1090. 187.8 370.1 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1100. 187.9 370.2 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1110. 188.0 370.4 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1120. 188.0 370.5 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1130. 188.1 370.6 3.08 10.10 1612. 1528. 1140. 188.2 370.7 3.08 10.09 1612. 1528. 1150. 188.2 370.8 3.08 10.09 1612. 1528. 1160. 188.3 370.9 3.08 10.09 1612. 1528. 1170. 188.3 371.0 3.08 10.09 1612. 1528. 1180. 188.4 371.1 3.08 10.09 1612. 1528. 1190. 188.4 371.2 3.08 10.09 1612. 1528. 1200. 188.5 371.2 3.08 10.09 1612. 1528. 1210. 188.5 371.3 3.08 10.09 1612. 1528. 1220. 188.5 371.4 3.08 10.09 1612. 1528. 1230. 188.6 371.4 3.08 10.09 1612. 1528. 1240. 188.6 371.4 3.08 10.09 1612. 1528. Page 2 Page 3 Atone Vail Plaza Hotel Atrium B 1.5 13k 180s.TXT 1250. 188.6 371.5 3.08 10.09 1612. 1528. 1260. 188.6 371.5 3.08 10.09 1612. 1528. 1270. 188.7 371.6 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1280. 188.7 371.6 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1290. 188.7 371.7 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1300. 188.7 371.7 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1310. 188.8 371.8 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1320. 188.8 371.8 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1330. 188.8 371.8 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1340. 188.8 371.9 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1350. 188.8 371.9 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1360. 188.8 371.9 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1370. 188.9 371.9 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1380. 188.9 372.0 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1390. 188.9 372.0 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1400. 188.9 372.0 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1410. 188.9 372.0 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1420. 188.9 372.0 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1430. 188.9 372.1 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1440. 188.9 372.1 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1450. 188.9 372.1 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1460. 189.0 372.1 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1470. 189.0 372.1 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1480. 189.0 372.1 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1490. 189.0 372.1 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 1500. 189.0 372.1 3.07 10.09 1612. 1528. 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Our Shop Construction Standards follow "SMACNA 2000" Standards. Specifically the Smoke Systems are designed to SMACNA - 4" pressure class standards. If you have any other questions please call me. Sincerely, Jack Lohse Commercial Design Engineering, Ltd. Phone: (970) 245 -0595 Fax: (970) 245 -1015 jackl @cdeltd.com "The Only Reason We Are in Business is to Crea, 2710 Delta Place, Colorado Springs, CO 80910 PO Box 2440, Colorado Springs, CO 80901 ® 14 Office Phone: (719) 390 -0555 Fax: (719) 390 -94,48 Email: CDELTD @AOL.COM !e a H appy Customer. " 1003 Winters Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501 Office Phone: (970) 245 -0595 Fax (970) 245 -1015 Email.jackl@cdeltd.com APPENDIX D FAN DATA SHEETS AUG. 4.2006 3:07PM ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES W. COOK QMX Mined Flow Inline Horizontal Mount Belt Drive -- STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES: High efficiency mixed flow wheel - Continuously welded steel housing with Lorenized powder coating - Welded aerodynamic straightening 1= vanes - Integral inlet and outlet collars for MAx slip fit duct connections - Adjustable motor plate utilizing threaded studs for positive o belt tensioning - Heavy duty ball or roller bearings with copper extended lube lines Belt guard - -l- ifting lugs - Adjustable mounting feet PerformancA Qty Catalog Number Flow SP (CFM) (inwc) Fan" RPM Bhp (HP) 4 202QMX 1 12500 Poo 1968 4.45 Altitude (ft): 8200 Temperature (F): 70 Motor Information SIP RPM Volts /Ph /Hz Enclosure Position Mounted 5 1725 20013/60 ODP E Yes Fan.16formation QVeI(fpm) Fan Mount, Access 2807 Hors. Ceiling G .— sound bata A Ar_fava A7nrla aQ inn " �Ar.sa .t Accessories_ STD DISCONNECT PREWIRED ACCESS DOOR - BOLT @G DRAIN MOTOR COVER - HORZ ALUMINUM WHEEL UNIT INCL 60K BRCS SC-245 SET(4) - ISOLATORS BACK DRAFT DAMPER BY OTHERS! Fan Curve Legend CFM vs SP (1968) CFM " HP MaxRPM (2162) MinkPM (535) System Curve -- -- Point of Operation O NO. 4777 P. 5 MARK: SF-3131 THRU 3134 PROJECT: VAIL PLAZA C ��, US DATE: 10-27-2005 — s - - i o A O Co f4 � G— H DIA. Dimensions (inches) A 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 31-3/4 Inlet 85 86 87 86 84 82 81 79 J93 Or.><tlet 88 88 91 92 88 84 1 82 80 Accessories_ STD DISCONNECT PREWIRED ACCESS DOOR - BOLT @G DRAIN MOTOR COVER - HORZ ALUMINUM WHEEL UNIT INCL 60K BRCS SC-245 SET(4) - ISOLATORS BACK DRAFT DAMPER BY OTHERS! Fan Curve Legend CFM vs SP (1968) CFM " HP MaxRPM (2162) MinkPM (535) System Curve -- -- Point of Operation O NO. 4777 P. 5 MARK: SF-3131 THRU 3134 PROJECT: VAIL PLAZA C ��, US DATE: 10-27-2005 — s - - i o A O Co f4 � G— H DIA. Dimensions (inches) A 28 -3/4 5 37 -1/2 C 31-3/4 D 17 -1/4 E 49 -15/16 F 24-1/4 G 36-1/6 H 9/16 Shaft Warn. 1 -7116 Unit W ►bs '- 614 — lnduWa fan, motor & Bmwaor(M& I' NS��yrl�l �It��= © "5.01 Fan Curve 10.0 6.00 6.00 SF (inwc 4.001 2.00 [a] s N N X C. ILI on Flow (CFM) 7.50 6.00 4.50 ) ower HP) 3.00 1.50 ).00 r AUG. 4.2006 3:07PM ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES COOK ..,Qmxu Mixed -Flow Upblast Blower Low Pressure Bel# Drive STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURES: High efficiency mixed flow wheel - Contindousiy welded steel housing with Lorenized powder coating - Welded aerodynamic straightening E vanes - Butterfly dampers and windband - Integral curb cap - Adjustable motor plate �\ utilizing threaded studs for positive belt tensioning - Weather cover - Heavy duty ball or roller bearings with copper extended tube lines - Lifting lugs - Drain - Access door - Enclosed belt tunnel. Performance Altitude (ft): 8200 Temperature (F): 70 Motor Informafinn 4P RPM Volts /Ph/Hz Enclosure Mounted 15 1725 460/3/60 ODP Yes Motor efficiency meets EPACT requirements ziouna uata a octave bands d8 (10 -" Watts Fan RPM Ehp (HP) 1 2 3 q 1 5 6 7 8 LwA Inlet 86 92 94 91 89 91 89 75 96 Outlet 92 94 99 96 93 92 90 77 89 Accessories: STD DISCONNECT NEMA 3 UNIT INCL 80K ERGS CURB AND BDD ARE BY OTHERS! WINDI3AND ASSEMBLY IS NOT BEING PROVIDEDI ran 4urve Legend CFM vs SP (1259) CFM VS HP MaxRPM (1332) MinRPM (334) System Curve ---- Point of Operation O Qty Catalog Number Flow (CFM) SP (inwc) Fan RPM Ehp (HP) 2 330QMXU' 35000 .400 1259 10.3 NO. 4777 P. 6 MARK: SF -01 & 6H2 PROJECT; VAIL PLAZA DATE; 10-27- G A' C Duct Collar B Sqr. Side View D Top View Dimensions (inches) A 88-3!4 B Sqf. 58 C 3 D 89 -1/4 E 44 -5/8 F 41 -11/15 G 32 -1/2 Duct Collar 46-314 Unit Wt Ibs * ** 1828 "9nMdes fan, mow & awwories Fan Curve 10.Or 8.00 6.00 5P (inwc) 4.00 2.00 0 8000 16000 24000 32000 40000 Flow (CFM) AUG. 4.2006 3:07PM ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES 'N.000K c@us QMXU `+ , Mixed -Flow Upblast Blower Low Pressure Belt Drive STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FEATURE: High efficiency mixed flow wheel - Continuously welded steel housing with Lorenized powder coating - Welded aerodynamic straightening vanes - Butterfly dampers and windband Integral curb cap - Adjustable motor plate W utilizing threaded studs for positive belt tensioning - Weather cover - Heavy duty ball or roller bearings with copper extended tube lines Lifting lugs - Drain - Access door - Enclosed belt tunnel. PerFArmnnr_a Qty Catalog Number Flow SP (CFM) (inwey Fan Bhp RPM (HP) 4 225QMXU 16250 .500 1816 5.28 Altitude (ft): 8200 Temperature (F): 70 Motor Irtfnrmntinn HP RPM RPM VoltslPh/Nz [Enclosure Mounted 7-112 1725 200l3(fi0 ODP Yes Sound Data -. 9 Octave Bands dg (10 "Wafts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LwA [ inlet 86 88 87 88 86 84- 83 81 92 ' Outlet 89 90 92 93 89 86 84 83 1 95 Accessories: . STD DISCONNECT NEMA 3 ALUMINUM WHEEL UNIT INCL 80K BERGS CURB AND BDD ARE BY OTHERS! WIND BAND ASSEMBLY IS NOT BEING PROVIDED! Fan Curve Legend CFM vs SP (7676) . CFM vs HP MazRPM (1937) MinRPM (481) System Curve - - - - Poin of Operafion O NO. 4777 P. 7 MARK: SEF -7A7 THRU 7A4 PROJECT: VAIL PLAZA DATE: 10-27-2005 Top Vlew Dimensions (inches) G A q C ca T - B Sqr. side view A 70 -11(16 B Sqr. 43 C 3 D 68 -118 E 35 -1/2 F 33 G 25 Duct Collar 31 -15/16 Unit Wt Ibs *** 869 — Includes fan, molar & as e:saies. Fan Curve 1 8, 6. (in 4.1 2.( 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 1:10W (CFM) APPENDIX E AUTOMATIC DOORS AUG, 4.2006 3 08P ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES NO.4777 P. 9 � k ' T �":;;,• ..�a;;'�7:� ks ( �.- •�; ' g'. '�� -.`�- `: Series-7. Applied Sing Door Operator 'With JC41 : Y 90 Controls INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS To be used with H -SW 04190 Setup Instructions `--r • G D, JUNE 2004. - Hutton AOTIMATICS AUG. 4,2006 3:08PM ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES G710.5 -INSTALLING ACTUATION SWITCHEs -�� .r•���c�..:,C3$1fi�,2 s1NITt~H ASSElIAE3LY ` . . , .... . surface applied 4• r 4' r 1 1/2 plastic junction bo,c 0513 eamo t /4' a size metal box for flush mount - bola supplied). Note- Section 2 For Switch location t , requirements. 1st step Remove cover 7ur plate and drill t VV hole for wiring. location e ` j i wil vary wi s_ provided. 2nd Step 01319.1 hover Pull the low voltage wire into the box. I-OPERATOR ADJUSTWNTS The following information is provided as a reCOM- endatlon for sate t• op era rn g speed adjustments and should 'runs _ be adhered to when installing L OUT; Adjustment - or servicing the series 7000 Lock Out Time Dai - Suggested setting SmIng door operator. • -- •N51- 1- S6, -i�- Saes the length of time is 5 seconds neededto ignore the minimum after full - x•�Frrmuu�ebr -e a.,� SKE Open Speed A4ustrnent- Scm the open speed of the .,r-- door closing. Rctat cl Kwrss to `-' Gosc Check Switch Cam: Adjust rorswitchto tag onto cam flat when door IS 1D Cep ham full- closed clockwise to increase, rnctease. LIMIT: Current Umldng - 5 019 the amountof opening force. ' Rulato counterclockwise to Open Check Switch Cam, lncraass. `. Adjust for switchto fall onto cam Gat when door is 1D clog frdm 1.11-[)Pen. OBST: Repfacestime delay cancel on aid C71803 controls. 'RorAt9 clockwise b increase. Open /Close check ktrcroewltahus NO, 4777 P, 10 a 1st Step 01260 .SWIM) ASSEMBLY P40 the 2f 1lAC, 2 conductor .NotO.- Jurlctio0 hox not.. • wife into the box and connect included in assembly_ De gat a roswit toterminats. 131/4'diamotorplate.olmo -4 high voltage. showm see cawag for optlonal designs. . . 2nd Step Attach the V x o mi aros wltch & �° pushplate to the (unction box using the Four Allen screws a - provided. Allen SWUM r a � DACCL. HOLO Hold Voltage SKE Open Speed A4ustrnent- Scm the open speed of the D cceleration Adjustment- . Determines how FunetW - (Control uWdahes to hold- - opersta_ Rotate clockwise Quickly the door open vollago after it 10 inr_reass. slaws after the nominal 10.12 second del from CHECK: span Check Speed open Check •witch fabipled. beginning to actuate sfgnaf- also sets Aduslmcmt -Sets the Rotate clockwiso b increase. �peedaher- the-open— — -- -• eek mode. Rota te clockwise t0 hork'spihdrtal ehee9m flat Rotate Clockwise to Ihcmase. en A cc elera t ion increase Adj ustm e nt Adjustment - Sets motor Fuses; J82 Jutnpor a COcierdltan to fork onablo open speed 132 Jump emove to dicabl0 touch stop Locate4 to 65M of transtomee ' setting. Rotate clockwise to increase. POWrx in; + DQ- Orange Sae H-Sw C4190 see up hs4vctaea : a 1 t[1- Green Output shaft rotate cc aterrlockwiss to imareaso. e o D2- Red JBt Jumper: °' 0 -Green Dear Loaf width Door Weight lnPoands (kg) E d 31 � SupptY Lace C91fie • Hamees Matort eads CNt P e wer Fl. F2 & Fa Supply Fuses; O o e _ 132 Jump emove to dicabl0 touch stop Locate4 to 65M of transtomee ' POWrx in; V133 Jumper: 0 frts¢rts a 0.25 second delay to To ground wire on Sae H-Sw C4190 see up hs4vctaea : •,, osing Spee4 Adjustme allow the lockta release before the doors tarts to move. iaaam Ifrie forertring options and Output shaft rotate cc aterrlockwiss to imareaso. Rredoorrequimments suggested setting: d seconds min. JBt Jumper: v ANSI CRARY - OPENING & CLOSiNG'InM£ 1N SECONDS (Pu,h -n-Go) with ju place. a slight pushon ilia door will acluale the Dear Loaf width Door Weight lnPoands (kg) operator and o pen the door in irches(mrrr) ltltt (43.4) 175 (5& 7) 750 (684) 175 (T4 4j 200 (g0,7} 30 (�62 3A Sea. 3.0 Sac. 3.4 Sec• ' — — — — — F _ 3.0 Enc. 3.S c Total Se 36 (414j� 3.D 3.5 3.5 The door shall 4 0 4 0 opening I L 42 (106 F) 3S 4.0 4.0 a5 4,5 6me to 48 ( 11219) i ! remain Fully open local 10 de 9 i 40 d.5 4L5 5.0 5,5 ruflcpert The force re quired to shall be I I teaet a sea unleaea / prevent a door from opening or closing shalt not rata Sea � exceed t5 lbf (97N) applied One inch (25) From the sensing device , latch edge at any ormcre. � �. .point of opening or closing.The kinetic energy of a door in motion shall ''pt-excged rsu9 i 7006 .' 1.25 Ibf (5.56N). dote: To be in oomptiance with the force 80 deg 90 deg )nd energy requirements set closing and operfing speeds as per the OPEMNG TIME; -. _• •� Ohi3rt above. Ct OSING TIME: Doorsshall be field Doors-shall bo bald adjusted adju6tsd to dose frtim s0 deg ro 10 .Powe Failure; manual pressure not to exceed 15 Ibf (67N) at a sothat opening limp to open deg in three seconds orlonger Doors point one inch (25) from the latch edge b b local cod check ar80 deg shall be g y va Y ) shaltcfoss from 10deg to My cosed . three sm or more, in i s sec or more. AUG. 4.2006 3:08PN1 ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES 1 I m m A O z Eli rR T b Fit V e� ry ;' n ,c ma $ y j p > 29 1- 3+ F s4 PaI, w R2 G x 7y �iip till P �m C V5 p mf c o c p c n �ya0 log, R� t q y F3y � SO �YPs Z rn° v ° - Sr s4 a , NO, 4777 P. 11 $ y j p > 29 1- 3+ yt '41 - AUK tZ Y' G x 7y �iip till P �m C V5 p x m 114 � s log, R� t q y F3y � SO �YPs Z rn° v ° - Sr s4 a RAI. p o ¢ n - 'M a m Y S � ON y K 0 J W 0 5 o U P Q rA Y 9p EM IC 0 _ FA r m > i AUG. 4.2006 3:08PM ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES ci v m O M r a +� e 4 m LA g 94 at x NO. 4777 P, 12 77y� AO7 1 Q I'1 w < o . h g %i 4 3 ��,�oo g EA #o J. ARIA a P 4N W K w �0 7L�Yj7 el a wM E a Y�x on � Ni l; N C �O o . jm'u o x mi $ 'D y YQ Me, O & ■ I K mr% m 7� N O n o G a m� jiR foZom 5.- }O �b � � ■ O Q yl � r r o a s9gI s P A ~ 4 s1 � } 5 p >nc pc yCC'= S P17 5 §?pji Cp o pp p y p r Ott C-4 bir E3 o $ v r o $ . W�- p g a s r Z in �� 13 AUG. 4.2006 3:09PM ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES NO. 4777 P. 13 , R 4M BaldwIn I3cul"Ard SPECIFICATION DF—T A I co pm Christi. Teas 79405.3399 AUTaMAMC SLIDE DOORS - COMMERCIAL s.t- sa...... Holton Bop_ 6510 SERIES 2000, 2001 & 2003 .8 t:orl col. SMT lES 3fo1 AUTOMATICS hnp:11,v- wAortoMwrr.t M INVAC, 600ppCte. 1 Phase. 7s Asap sanrie0 I When Door Traffic Control is required the above system Used in conjunction with one of the sw tches below and/or one of the aforementioned autolooks can accomodate virtually any type of security and safety measure required_ NTOMAT IC MW 2 W AuTOMAtta P LI Y I F How ePIN a NORTON AUTOW'"C COMi I Q Avmt A earc o tC F I Af FI MM OPEM d NORTON AuraMATic HDLG OPEN FUL 1 OPEN 0 OF. Hamm I ALMMAYM ObOtt 0 2WAV AM HOLD OVER HDRTON CS725 03725 -1 03726 037X'( Double Keyswitrh Single Keyswitch ar^ Double Rotary Switch single Rotary Swf All of the above will work with Series 2000 Linear Driya and Series 2001 and 2003 Belt Drive. For Outside Detector Cutoff, riv additional items are required. For Partial Open Cutoff (only with C3725 & C3726), a 03595 Switch Assembly must be added to a Series 2000 operator only; nothing additional Is required Ott Series 2001 The keyswitch and rotary switch assembiles wi[l fit on a 1 -3/4° Jamb or Vertioal, or a 07170 Junction BOY- If either outside Detector Cutoff or Partial Open Cutoff is desired, but not one of the above switch assemblies, consult factory for additional required items. Note: nefcr to section 'E" for additional CaMMI switches and activating devices. Standard Actuation & Safety System NOT TO scACP APPENDIX F DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH AUG. 4.2006 3:09PM ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES PRESSUR DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCHES 1910 SERIES, MODEL 1900 -5 -MR DESCRIPTION 19110 Series Differential Pressure Switches are designed to monitor• the differential pressure of air to . KVAC• applications. These automatic reset switches •are available 'in ranges fip!n 0.07 to 20 W.C. (17.44982.0 Pa) and SPDT. seiew- -type electrical connections. The .optional Model A 602 _air filter kit includes two static pressure tips and aluminum tuWng and fittings, and it allows -th6 1910 Series to mo iitorfilter pressure drop. ORDER940 INFORMATION MDMt. OpE wriNG APPROXIIKATE RANGE Dt:ADBAND "We. at mia' at Max Set Po4w Set Point 1910-00 0.0 "As 0.04 (10.0) 0.05(12.5) 1 .1 0. .7 .4 • 7.4•124.6y ' 1910.9 1.5 ...4) ' (99.6398.6 1910 - 5 1.A -6,S 0.9 (74.7) 0,4 (99.6) 378.7- 1870.0 191010 3.0 -11.0 0.4 (993) 0.5 (124.6) 9 2740.1 1910,20 4.0 -210 0.4 (99.8) 0.6 (1495) {996.4- deB2.0) NO, 4777 P. 15 DIMENSIONS 3-10 dia x 2 1X depth (6-9 x 6.4 cxn) DESCRIPTION The Model 190" -MR Duct Pressure ifit is designed to monitor duct stattc and- •sh6tdown the bidwl3r when excess pressure occurs_ .1'he-`swltah must be manually reset before the system can, star(again.The kit Includes a Model 1900 manual reset pressure switch with a range of I A' to 5.5" W.C. (378.7- 1370.0 Pa), duct pressure senspr tubing, and tub[64 adapters. Switch contacts are SPDT Wirttlt solder -type connections__ 'tile Model - MR measures static pressure only, not ntial pres- sure.. RIMEks10N3 (; (j 3- • ra x 2 -112 °.depth (8.9 x 6.4 cm) ORbERINIG INFORMATION MODEL DOMIP_TION 1940 Specify Model from 1910 Series Ordering information above 1900 -5-MR Duct Pressure Kit Add a C at the' end of the Model Number to request speciftc car atton. Related Products A-602 Air filter kit J KELE - www.kele.com USA, 9014374900 - Intemational 90fs82�6084