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Design Review Boardഀ ACTION FORMഀ TOWN OF V,%ഀ COMWNITY DEVELOPMENTഀ Department of Community Developmentഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ Project Name: RUCKSACK TREE PRUNING DRB Number: DRB080291ഀ Project Description:ഀ TREE PRUNING: TOV TREE, BRANCH IS OVERHANGING ONTO PROPERTYഀ Participants:ഀ OWNER ROSENQUIST, RICHARD N. - BROW 07/17/2008ഀ - SELBY, CHARLESഀ 385 CLAYTON STഀ DENVERഀ CO 80206-4228ഀ APPLICANT HIGHLAND BUILDERS CORPORATIO 07/17/2008 Phone: (719) 499-9248ഀ PO BOX 6345ഀ VAILഀ CO 81658ഀ License: 208-Aഀ CONTRACTOR HIGHLAND BUILDERS CORPORATIO 07/17/2008 Phone: (719) 499-9248ഀ PO BOX 6345ഀ VAILഀ CO 81658ഀ License: 208-Aഀ Project Address: 288 BRIDGE ST VAILഀ RUCKSACK BUILDINGഀ Location:ഀ Legal Description: Lot: D Block: 5A Subdivision: Vail Village Filing 1ഀ Parcel Number: 2101-082-4400-3ഀ Comments:ഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTIONഀ Motion By: Action: WITHDRWNഀ Second By:ഀ Vote: Date of Approval:ഀ Conditions:ഀ Cond: 8ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town ofഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).ഀ Cond: 0ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult withഀ Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.ഀ Cond:201ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date ofഀ approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.ഀ Cond:202ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followingഀ the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction isഀ commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.ഀ Planner: RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $250.00ഀ 1 ~ .ഀ Development Review Coordinatorഀ r~ I Community Development Departmentഀ 1ഀ O~Vil 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ te1:970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ j Application for Design Reഀ Tree Removal JUL 17 2008ഀ General Information:ഀ This application is to request tree removal in the Town of Vail. As part of this i6ner ay beഀ required to replace trees that are removed. If required to replace, applicants must replant trees by November 1st of theഀ following year from the date of approval. Please be prepared to provide a tree replacement plan. Please see tips for treeഀ planting and species selection on next page. Design review approval expires one year from date of approval.ഀ Fee: $20 for live tree(s) / $0 for dead tree(s)ഀ Description of Request: f ItI kIt= (A- '/-P~ wA~ Lഀ Tree Species (removal): JL}I^C-tc_7o v S 1 Number of trees: Lഀ Comments: AV 1~'>L2J(Q1auC, L~ my/;- t Dഀ Tree Species (replacement):ഀ Comments:ഀ ഀ Number of trees:ഀ Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision:ഀ C;ഀ Physical Address: Parcel No.: 1 QI Y co, \J (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)ഀ Owner Name: 4 'Lo~ V Phoneഀ Mailing Address:a~~ഀ Owner Signature:ഀ Required 3oint Owner Signature (duplex/ association):ഀ Name of Applicant (If other than owner):ഀ 14 ~*tഀ ~Q~ern /-f4Lഀ Mailing Address: "C' -3 cf's- V6ഀ Phone: r2.4 - "l 5fഀ `l~^~«,4Lyh~'~:~~;~Fa:'ഀ E-mail Address:ഀ For Office Use Only:ഀ Fee Paid: Check No.: By:ഀ Meeting Date: DRB No.: 1)_RV0O Q2 `ഀ Planner: ✓ l' l Project No.: G Vഀ Tips for tree planting and species selection:ഀ ❑ A variety of tree species should be planted so no single species dominates.ഀ ❑ Consider the length of the growing season, soil characteristics and exposure before selecting treesഀ and shrubs for specific sites.ഀ ❑ Plant trees in the spring or fall (Consult nursery for best results).ഀ ❑ Mulch the root area to help delay freezing of the soil in the fall and to retain soil moisture.ഀ ❑ The following is a list of trees that are typically successful in the Town of Vail. Due to multiple microclimatesഀ and site constraints, the inclusion of a tree on the list does not guarantee survival. This list is not all-inclusiveഀ and there are many species and variations that may also grow successfully. Contact your local arborist,ഀ landscape architect, landscaping company or seed supplier for more information.ഀ Species Suitability Guide E = Excellent G = Good F = Fair P = Poorഀ Coldഀ Drou htഀ gഀ Fireഀ Windbreakഀ ]ഀ Wildlifeഀ iഀ lഀ Matureഀ Growthഀ Elevationഀ Hardinessഀ Resistanceഀ Resistanceഀ Suitabilityഀ suitabilityഀ l Heightഀ Formഀ Rangeഀ Deciduous Treesഀ Rocഀ Maple Mnt F IG 20 stem to 8,000 -1 aboveഀ Aspen FE___IIP FG__]P IFE-IF35 s m 6,000 1~ഀ Hawthorne G F 25 stemle to 9.000ഀ Amur Maple G P 20 stelm to 8,500ഀ Thinleaf Alder IG E 30 Multi- to 10,000ഀ stemഀ Evergreens 'denseഀ Colorado blue F IGഀ s 60 own to 9,000ഀ spruceഀ Douglas-fir G P 70 dense 6,000ഀ own 9,000 toഀ spruce ann G IG 70 dense aboveഀ spruce crown 8,000ഀ Lodgepole JE IF 60 open aboveഀ pine crown 16,000 Pond p ne erosa E JE 40 Icrown openഀ to 9,000ഀ Rocky denseഀ Mountain E E P E E 15 to 9,000ഀ juniper crownഀ White fir 0FGഀ ഀ 1©60ഀ dense to 9,000 11ഀ pine Bristlecone F E 40 e own P017110001ഀ Limber pine LE G ]E__] F 3open own to 11,000ഀ Aഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ Additional Resources:ഀ Vail Public Library:ഀ ❑ Complete Guide to Rocky Mountain Gardening by Herb Gundellഀ ❑ Gardening in Mountain Microclimates by Sharon Baliusഀ ❑ Grow Native: Landscaping With Native and Apt Plants of the Rocky Mountains by S. Huddlestonഀ ❑ The National Wildflower Research Centers Wildflower Handbookഀ ❑ The Native Plant Primer by Carole.Ottesenഀ ❑ The Sunset West Garden Guideഀ ❑ Water Wise: Native Plants for Intermountain Landscapesഀ ❑ Wildflowers and Native Plants by H. Peter Loewerഀ ❑ Xeriscaping Handbook: A How-To Guide to Natural, Resources-Wise Gardening by Gayle Weinsteinഀ ❑ Xeriscaping: Planning and Planting Low-Water Gardens by Mark Rumaryഀ On the web:ഀ ❑ Betty Ford Alpine Gardens http://www.beUyfordalpinegardens.org/index.htmഀ ❑ Colorado Alpine Plants www.coloradoalpineplants.orgഀ Colorado State University Cooperative Extension www.ext.colostate.eduഀ Colorado State University Turf Management csuturf.colostate.eduഀ Colorado Water Council Website www.xeriscape.orgഀ ❑ FireWise Colorado: www.firewise.org/coഀ Invasive Species Database http://www.invasive.org/ഀ ❑ The USDA Plants Database http://plants.usda.gov/ഀ ❑ WaterSaver www.watersaver.orgഀ ❑ Trees For Conservation - State Forest Service http://csfs.colostate.edu/library/pdfs/nursery/csfsbuyg.pdfഀ ❑ State Forest Service Nursery http://csfs.colostate.edu/nurse[y.htmഀ ❑ Mountain Plants -Colorado State University Extension: http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/garden/-07423.htmlഀ OWN;ഀ 7j~ഀ VANഀ 161ഀ .Qഀ u-ഀ iഀ tഀ TOWN O VVATLഀ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTഀ 75 South Frontage Rd.ഀ Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ 970-479-2138/479-2139ഀ FAX 970-479-2452ഀ September 29, 2008ഀ Mark Hallenbeckഀ Highland Builders Corporationഀ PO Box 6345ഀ Vail, CO 81658ഀ Sent via email to: Mark@highlandbuilders.comഀ Department of Community Developmentഀ Re: Rucksack Building Application for Design Review of Tree Removal DRB080291ഀ 288 Bridge Street/ Lots C & D, Block 5A, Vail Village 1St Filingഀ Dear Mark,ഀ I am writing to inform you that the Town of Vail has withdrawn the above referenced application forഀ tree removal in front of 288 Bridge Street because the application remains incomplete. In order toഀ proceed with the application, the owner or owners representative needs to sign the application.ഀ Because the tree is located on the A&D property, you will need to supply a letter from the A&Dഀ Building representative to show their approval of this application. I have withdrawn the applicationഀ in our system, but should you wish to proceed, you may resubmit a complete application to theഀ Town of Vail and the applications can be reopened without incurring any additional fees.ഀ I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, however; the Town of Vail must have aഀ complete application to proceed any further. I have included all of the submitted applicationഀ materials with this letter, and the Town has retained a copy for our records. Do not hesitate toഀ contact me with any questions or concerns.ഀ Rachel Friede, AICPഀ Planner IIഀ (970)479-2440ഀ Rfriede@vailgov.comഀ