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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB090626 Project Name:NADLER ADDITION DRB Number: DRB090626 Project Description: ADDITION & REMODEL Participants: OWNER NADLER, JOHN E. 12/28/2009 IN CARE OF NAME VISTAR REAL ESTATE 635 N FRONTAGE RD 1 VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT SHARKA REID 12/28/2009 DESIGN CONCEPTS INC PO BOX 4414 EAGLE CO 81631 Project Address:1817 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL Location: UNIT 3, CAPSTONE CONDOS Legal Description:Lot: 21 Block: Subdivision: CAPSTONE TOWNHOUSES Parcel Number:2103-123-0400-3 Comments:SEE CONDITIONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 01/22/2010 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 51 MONITORED FIRE ALARM SYSTEM REQUIRED AND SHALL COMPLY WITH NFPA 72(2007) AND VFES STANDARDS. Planner:RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 PLANNING CHECK SHEET Property Information Property Address 1817 Meadow Ridge Rd Units 3 and 4 Parcel # 210312304003 Legal Description Lot 21 Buffer Creek Development Site Area Ac 1.207 Sq Ft 52577 Buildable 38568 Zoning / SDD # LDMF Land Use Designation Known Non-Conformities None Previous Approvals Hazard Zones Snow Avalanche Na Sections 12-12, 12-21, 14-6 & 14-7 Debris Flow Na Rockfall Na Excessive Slopes Na (Site Disturbance 12-21-14) Floodplain Na Wetlands Y/N No Creeks, Streams n/a Setback Proposed Section 12-14-17 Sidewalks/ Trails n/a Contact Information Planner/ Date Owner Contact Info Primary Contact/ Owner Representative Info Project Information Project Description Additions on units 3 and 4 Land Use Application(s) # DRB090626 DRB090628 Permitted, Conditional, Proposed Uses residential Permitted Prohibited? (As defined by Zoning) Date Routed/ DRT Meeting Commercial Floor Area Existing na Proposed na Gross Residential Floor Area (Chapter 15) Total Allowed 16970 -Existing 13272 -Proposed 13932 +Credits none Primary Allowed -Existing -Proposed +Credits Secondary Allowed -Existing -Proposed +Credits Total 3038 Primary Total Secondary Total Remaining Remaining Remaining 250 or Interior Conversion? Zoning District Standards Front 20 Proposed or Y/N >required Setbacks (perimeter) Side 15 Proposed or Y/N >required Projections 14-10-4 Rear 15 Proposed or Y/N >required Minimum Lot Area/ Width Required Proposed or Y/N Site Coverage % Allowed 35%/18401 % Proposed 4874/ 9.27% Building Height Allowed Proposed Landscaping % Required 40% % Proposed 34283/ 65.21% Sections 14-10-8 & 14-10-9 Plant size Proposed Fences Proposed Height Allowed Proposed Retaining Walls Setback Proposed Sec. 14-6-7 Driveway Max Curb-cuts Proposed Sections 14-3-1 & 14-3-2 Max-Min Slope Proposed Max-Min Width Proposed Heated Y/N Drive Material Snow Storage % Proposed Parking Stalls Required Proposed Sections 12-10 & 14-5 Loading Proposed Lighting Allowed Proposed Section 14-10-7 Waste Management Wildlife Proof/ Screened Section 5-9 Resistant Screening Required Proposed Sections 14-10-9 & 14-10-10 Roof Material Complies Y/N Sections 12-11-3C & 14-10-5 Building Separation Complies Y/N Section 14-10-6 Adopted View Corridors Complies Y/N Utilities (Location, easements) Section 14-10-10 Grading (Less than 2:1) Section 14-6 Development Impact Fees / Employee Housing Mitigation Traffic Impact Art In Public Places Notes