HomeMy WebLinkAboutB06-0099 ��La•.,••,i lRJUw�� I� �� �-`;�,������%��� � •� : �V e,��'.. <• a ``:rs�`�a'�iii, ';�.,ow►�iii�i`me:!:.' � eP� v o'�/ w�ioiurr�•��.e ,-,�i i � � �,':•,�o..suu,�nus,!•i�e,.,` � r !t !�.�.!.a�..`a�11�lI10„I,'.,O��i;:i�� i QT-r ,�Tr_ ATE oF occuP� ^��►%l��/ _ ��.��j:�;;r;'��'�sii°p.�:�s'.�\�� �`"9s%'+q"%✓rur_+rn.�.�.�s•'.�'.o»-� �'' v;.��iiiai�� :I�, ���,♦ r�u � ��; :�ra■u.,�ou.a►':.`�,�:�;/� i :;��vii'iwer��u�P`����0:�:��� ��o:.���i��4�ii n iiii�����°�I:�:�i i�'0 6: '�wu mvalO.`.1e�.:0� � �� �e;. ! ��uu:uo0 .1 �, t *.� �i aa.�s�w u�ri �°.c .�::yi�i'��.�m :n�e� �,��teo`� � �::?�O�%i'�=a•w ,ms����p�.�L�.�; - .e�;�:fi���'"v:i m���:•:;�e`•� -� vo:;�e'�..a:i�:r�f����.�i�e : �e.�i�_�a�., _°_�1 `o�°s� s r���.;.:���y,, v �°m �°'�•°:e �i e �. s i.:;::��'��1�;��':"Q_ y�i.t�,�ri:.,;a;����`s��e !SIi.`�jv������s�w t _ r•e � ,n�n s.cN B06-0099: Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 14:37 10/24/2013 ' Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke AP JRM 03/10/2008 A000111 721 Total Rows: 1 Page 1 . ****************************************************��************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 10-24-2013 at 14:38:00 10/24/2013 Statement **�********+********+*****+***************************************************************** Statement Number: R060001180 Amount: $659.25 08/07/200604 : 05 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: K.W. 's Pipe Fixation 3891 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: P06-0085 Type: PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-122-0500-6 Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Total Fees: $659.25 This Payment: $659.25 Total ALL Pmts: $659.25 Balance: $0.00 **********************************************************************a***********�********* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 131.25 PP 00100003111100 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 525. 00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3. 00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P06-0085 Job Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Applied . . : 08/07/2006 Parcel No...: 2]0312205006 Issued . . . 08/07/2006 Legal Description: Expires . .: 02/28/2008 Project No : OWNER FLAUM, RONNA J. 08/07/2006 PO BOX 3117 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT K.W. 'S PIPE FIXATION INC 08/07/2006 Phone: (970) 390-0211 PO BOX 1437 EDWARDS ' COLORADO 81632 License: 355-P CONTRACTOR K.W. ' S PIPE FIXATION INC 08/07/2006 Phone: (970) 390-0211 PO BOX 1437 EDWARDS � COLORADO 81632 License: 355-P Desciption: INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING SYSTEM, DWV, WATER, GAS DISTRIBUTION, SETTING OF TRIM Valuation: $35,000.00 Fireplace Information:Restricted:?? #of Gas Appliances: ?? #of Gas Logs: ?? #of Wood Pallet: ?? **+*****+**s+�+++a*+x**s*********�**+�:xe*�******t**�***�********«**** FEE S UMMARY ■+*+t*��►*►**r*t*+**�**********�«********x►s�**►**t****+t*** Plumbing---> 5525.00 RestuarantPlanReview--> 50.00 TotalCalculatedFees---> 5659.25 i Plan Check---> $131.25 TOTAL FEES--------------> 5659.25 Additional Fees-----------> 50.00 ? Investigation-> $0.00 Total Permit Fee----------> $659.25 W il I Cal I-----> $3.0 0 Payments-------------------> $6 S 9.2 5 BALANCE DUE---------> 50.00 *r*�+**v**►r*****►rr*�*«*****+�+«+*****:*r***�**►*a**�**�**��**�****�*«r**s►***+**�******�***r*+*►+►***+***********s�**s*+*r:a+�******r******►*a* Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/07/2006 JS Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. .*.*�,:,�,*.**•*.*.*.***s+++�:.+.+.....*....*..:....•*.*►*.«.*+**s.*..*��:.*.**:*�+***.*.*�..*.�....*.:.*..+.�....*,:*:*�*..*.+.**.*.**«�.*..*►**.*. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. � _ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER - _ ***********�*****************+***********�*******************�****************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 10-24-2013 at 14:39:26 10/24/2013 Statement ***+****************************************************+*************�********************* Statement Number: R060000178 Amount: $6, 000.00 02/28/200608 :45 AM Payment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: 1019/RONNA FLAUM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: PEC060013 Type: PEC -Major SDD Amendment Parcel No: 2103-122-0500-6 Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Total Fees: $6, 000.00 This Payment: $6, 000.00 Total ALL Pmts: $6, 000.00 Balance: $0.00 *************++*****************************+***********+*********************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 6, 000.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P"�ar�r��n+� �n�l En�rirr�r�r�ner�t�� �c�mmisson ACTIC�N F��t.M � - �t D�epartm�r�t of Camm�tnity I��velapment. r����� �� ' 75 South Fr4ntage Roa�, Vail, Cot�rado 81657 tel: 97t1.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 �;.�r.r.t.lkir�r�vE�.���tErrr V42�}: NlW1M.V71�dJ�Y.COfi'f Project Name: FLAUM SDD MA7 AMEND PEC Number: PEC060013 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL TO INCREASE EHU MAXIMUM SQ FT FROM 500 SQ FT TO 850 SQ FT; AND TO INCREASE EHU GARAGE SIZE FROM 300 SQ FT TO 400 SQ FT. Ordinance 9, Series of 2006, adopting these changes was approved on Second Reading on May 2, 2006. Participants: OWNER FLAUM, RONNA J. 02/28/2006 PO BOX 3117 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT SCOTT TURNIPSEED, AIA 02/28/2006 Phone: 970-328-3900 1143 CAPITOL STREET, SUITE 211 PO BOX 3388 EAGLE CO 81631 License: C000001848 ARCHITECT SCOTT TURNIPSEED, AIA 02/28/2006 Phone: 970-328-3900 1143 CAPITOL STREET, SUITE 211 PO BOX 3388 -�. EAGLE CO 81631 License: C000001848 Project Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Legal Description: Lot: A Block: Subdivision: VALLEY (SUB) PHASE V, TH Parcel Number: 2103-122-0500-6 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: Lamb Vote: 6-0-0 Date of Approval: 03/27/2006 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail stafF and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0007862 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(200Z) and Vail Fire standards. Cond: CON0007863 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and Vail Fire standards. Planner: Warren Campbell PEC Fee Paid: $6,000.00 Q��ign �i�vi�w ��art! A�TI�►N Ft3i�M * �i D�partrnent csf Cocram[anity �evelo�rraent t���'�� �� ' 75 South Frvntage Rvad, Vaif, C�Ecrr��ia 81657 t��: 970.474.2139 f�x: 970.479.2�52 a:r.r�.ru�r�r��w�a�E++r W�'�}: �PiYV1N.Y��fFgDY.C�i11 Project Name: FLAUM NEW CONSTRUCTION DRB Number: DRB050161 Project Description: CONCEPTUAL FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Participants: OWNER FLAUM, RONNA J. 04/22/2005 PO BOX 3117 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT SCOTf TURNIPSEED, AIA, ARCH, 04/22/2005 PO BOX 3388 EAGLE CO 81631 Project Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Legal Description: Lot: A Block: Subdivision: VALLEY (SUB) PHASE V, TH Parcel Number: 2103-122-0500-6 - Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 (PLAN): A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Warren Campbell ************+***********************+******************************************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 10-24-2013 at 14:40:13 10/24/2013 Statement *****�************************************************�*****************+**************�**** Statement Number: R050000855 Amount: $650.00 06/16/200510:08 AM Payment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: 8663/SCOTT TURNIPSEED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB050268 Type: DRB - New Construction Parcel No: 2103-122-0500-6 Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Total Fees: $650.00 This Payment: 5650. 00 Total ALL Pmts: $650.00 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************++*************+*************»******** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 650.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- . +**********************************************************************************+******** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 10-24-2013 at 14:40:27 10/24/2013 Statement *****************************************************************�***+******�*************** Statement Number: R060000638 Amount: $20. 00 05/19/200609: 19 AM Payment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: 1087/SCHURENSTEDT CONST. C0. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB060175 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2103-122-0500-6 Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Total Fees: $20. 00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20. 00 Balance: $0.00 ********************************a************************�******+*************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D�`ELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 , NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: B06-0099 Status . . . : ISSUED Job Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Applied . . : 04/27/2006 Location.....: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Issued . . . OS/03/2006 Parcel No...: 210312205006 Expires.....: 10/30/2006 Legal Description: Project No : PRJOS-0237 �,,�� ..-�, OWNER FLAUM, RONNA J. 0 4/2 7/2 0 0 6 ���� �� PO BOX 3117 � � v VAIL � G`.�.�--!�' CO 81658 CONTRACTOR FLAUM, RONNA J. 04/27/2006 Phone: 926-9506 BOX 3117 VAIL COLOR.ADO 81657 License: 364-L 04/27/2006 Phone: 970-328-3900 ARCHITECT iiO3TCAP TOLSSTREETIASUITE 211 PO BOX 3388 EAGLE CO 81631 License: C000001848 Desciption: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY FactorNC Sq Feet valuation Occupancy T�e 1, 531, 635.86 Additional Amount. . . 5� 8�2 $1, 531, 635.86* Totals. . . Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,531,635.8 1/of Gas Logs: 2 It of Wood Pallet: 0 N of Gas Appliances: 2 FEE SUMMARY*********************************************************** Fireplace Information: Restricted:Y 14,663.O1 *�**********�**************************************�***************** $0.0o Total Calculated Fees-----> $ 7,550.55 Restuarant Plan Review--> > $2,267.69) Building------> $ � ) $1,7 61.6 0 Additional Fees------------> $1 z,3 9 5.3 2 Plan Check---> $4,907.86 Recreanon Fee------------ $0.0 o TOTAL FEES-------------> $14,6 6 3.O 1 Total Permit Fee-----------> $12,3 9 5.3 2 Investigation-> Payments----------------- $p.o 0 Will Call-----> $3.0o BALANCE DUE---------> **************�*********�**************�*********************************��**************************�:**************************�*************�** Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/O1/2006 cgunion Action: COND SEE CONDITIONS AND LHN 06/19/2006 cgunion Action: AP approved revised plans for ehu expansion. new field set issued. Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Action: COND Approved with all DRB conditions in 05/O1/2006 Warren effect. Action: AP Revision for the EHU enlargement is 06/16/2006 Warren approved. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/27/2006 JJR Action: COND See conditions. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05/O1/2006 gc Action: AP 06/01/2006 gc Action: AP Revisions approved 6/1/06 Item: 05550 ENGINEERING CIVILS ***************�*****************************************�***********************************�************************************************** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I ha�e read this application, filled out in�ml 1 eWi h the informarion and plot plan,�to complypw h a11 and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to co p y Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accordi Tdina ces of the Town pplicable the eto des, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other o REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 .... __.. PM. + __,.._... _ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 *��x��:��**�*��x�:��*��*�*�x***�x:x*�x*�***�x���x*�:**�*��x�**�:�x�****�x��x��x�*���x*�*����x*�x*�x�=���x�*��x�*��x�:���:*:x�*�x�x*��x* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Status: ISSUED Permit#: B06-0099 as of 06-21-2006 *��x*�**�x�x�������x�*��*�x��x�**�:*�*�:�x���x**�:x**��x���*�x�:*�:**�x���:�x��x*�*�*��*�*=��x����x���*������*�:�x��x����x��x��*�x�* DUP) PERMIT Applied: 04/27/2006 Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S, Issued: OS/03/2006 Applicant: FLAUM, RONNA J. Job Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Parcel No: 210312205006 ��x�*�*��x=�����*�:*�x���x��x=��x���:�����x*�x�x�:����x���**����*���:���x�*�**�*�:�x�:�x�*��*:��x�:���x��x�x��*�**��x��=x*�:�x��x����:�*� CONDITIONS ��x*�x����*�x*�:**��x*�:*�:*�x��x�*:x*��x*:x*�**�*�:���*��x��:*�*�:x��x�**:�*�:�x�:�x��***�:�x��x�*��x��:�x��:�x�x�x�**�x**�*��x�*�x*�x���*� Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL RE�Q PRIOR TO REQUEST�OR A FRAME INSPECT pN RVEY SHAL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVE Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0007968 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0007969 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0007980 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM REQUIRED FOR FAMILY ROOM AND EXERSIZE ROOM PER IRC/IMC. 2. 1 HOUR DWELLING UNIT SEPARATION REQURIED AT EHU WALLS/CEILING PER IRC. 3. FIREPLACE SHROUDS ARE NOT APPROVED. SHROUDS MUST BE LISTED FOR USE WITH THE FIREPLACE PER IMC/IFGC/IRC. Cond: CON0007981 The access to the crawlspace shall be no larger than 12 square feet in size. The head height in the crawlspace shall be no greater than five feet in height. Cond: CON0008184 The applicant shall submit the appropriate completed paperwork for recording the EHU unit with the Town and County prior to requesting a TCO or CO. *******�*�**********************�******************************************************Statement TOWN OF VAIL, COLORAD� *******�****************�****************************************************************** Statement Number: R060000846 Amount: $737.42 06/21/in0�11DDG � Payment Method: Check Notation: 1098 Schurenstedt Const. ___________________________ ------------- --------------------------------- Permit No: B06-0099 Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMI Parcel No: 2103-122-0500-6 Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Total Fees: $12,395.32 Total ALL Pmts: • $12,395.32 This Payment: $737.42 0.00 Balance: $ ***************************:�*****************************�***********************�:********** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Current Pmts Description __________-- Account Code _____--- ---------------- ------ 116.80 BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES (20.62 PF 00100003112300 pT,AN CHECK FEES 0 � nd � � Q��3� � � APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLBEu 1E�0�Pe mG#ED��C� " 00�� 970�79-214�:{inspections) � REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT 1'Q�11jQFyA�, Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone#'s: _ General Contractor: ��� � L �� s c�{�,�, S � �� ��� v ATTENTION: JOE,JR,CHARLIE,GREG Contractor Signature: _____..__._ -- �'�.� �oN� F EVISIONS EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor 8� Materials COMPLETE R OTHER: $ REVISED AMOUNT: $ ELECTRICAL: $ PLUMBING: $ MECHANICAL: $ REVISED TOTAL: $ � For Parcel# Contact Ea le Count Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.ea le-counf .com Parc�l.# Job Address: ���� ����u � �`y��Q, Job Name: ����� y� � Filin �'{5;�- � Subdivision: �[� v�l—�-�� Legal Description Lot: Block: g' �� Phone: Address: Owners Name: Phone: Address: Architect/Designer: phone: Engineer: Address: REASON FOR REVISIONS: ��vi �� �:�� . Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo ( ) Other( ) Work Class: New � Addition ( ) No ( ) Exterior Both ( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) Work Type: Interior( ) � � Other( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/T e of Fire laces Existin : Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood/Pellet Wood Burnin Gas Lo s Wood/Pellet Wood Burnin NOT ALLO�WE j No/T e of Fire laces Pro osed: Gas NO (aj ces Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) ************************************** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***"***"*'`'`*****'`********************* — Acce ted B : Qther Fees: Type of Construction: ' g�d �planner Si n-off� DRB Fees: � Occu anc Grou : Public Wa Permit Fee: Date<Received: 12/02/2004 F:\U se rs\cd ev�AP P LI CAT I O N S\B LDG R EV I S I O N S 2004.doc t�e�ig� R+�w��w ��oard �t+��i�N �t��,M � [�ep�rtment of Car�amu�aity Develo�rmen� # ; � 7� South Fr�nkag� Raa�, Vail, Cc�lor�do �ifs57 ��������t te{: 9��0.479.2139 fax. 97{�.47�.2452 ������ web; www.vai{g�v.c�m Project Name: FLAUM CHANGE DRB Number: DRB060175 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS TO ALLOW FOR A LARGER EH Participants: OWNER FLAUM, RONNA J. 05/19/2006 PO BOX 3117 VAIL CO 81658 APPLiCANT SCOTr TURNIPSEED, AIA 05/19/2006 Phone: 970-328-3900 1143 CAPITOL STREET, SUITE 211 PO BOX 3388 EAGLE CO 81631 License: C000001848 ARCHITECT SCOTT TURNIE�ESUITE 211 05/19/2006 Phone: 970-328-3900 1143 CAPITOL STR , PO BOX 3388 EAGLE CO 81631 � License: C000001848 Project Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Legal Description: Lot: A Block: Subdivision: VALLEY (SUB) PHASE V,TH Parcel Number: 2103-122-0500-6 Comments: ALL PREVIOUS DRB CONDITIONS APPLY BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Motion By: Second By: Date of Approval: 05/22/2006 Vote: Conditions: Cond: 8 (pLAN): No changes to th�esea le rev ew ommiitee(S)out the written consent of Town o Vail staff and/or the appr p Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult wit Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 ear following the date Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1)y of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008072 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002). Cond: CON0008073 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002). Cond: CON0008074 The applicant shall submit the appropriate Town of Vail documents for recording with Eagle County to deed restrict the Employee Housing Unit prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Occupancy. Cond: CON0008075 The applicant shall submit written approval from all utility companies for the improvements and landscaping located within the utility easement in conjunction with submitting for building permits. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ' ` Hepworth-Pawlak GeotechnicaL,Inc. � � 5020 Couney Road 154 � Glenwood Springs,Colorado 81601 ���� Phone:970-945-7988 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL email��.hpgeoC�l�P�eotech.com June 19, 2006 Rex Schurenstedt Construction � p � , b��/ b Attn: Rex Schurenstedt � P. O. Box 1885 � � �j- (J G�1 � � ��"JN Vail, Colorado 81658 �U/W��- Job No. 105 373-1 Subject: Observation of Exca laB ffehr C e k RoadmVaill Coloradot A, The Valley Phase V, 163 Dear Rex: As requested, a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. observed the excavation at the subject site on June 15, 2006 to evaluate the soils exposed for foundation support. The findings of our observations and recommendations for the foundation design are presented in this report. We previously conducted a preliminary subsoil study for design of foundations at the site and presented our findings in a report dated June 27, 2005, Job No. 105 371. The proposed construction is similar to that discussed in our previous report. The building has been designed to be supported on spread footings using an allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf, as recommended. At the time of our visit to the site, the foundation excavation had been cut in multiple levels from about 4 to 19 feet below the adjacent ground surface. The southwest corner of the excavation will be dug at a later date when there is access to that area. The soils exposed in the bottom of the excavation consisted of relatively dense, silty occasionally �?ayey sand and gravel with cebbles. I�1c free water was encoun±ered in the ex�avatior_ and the soils were slightly moist. The soil conditions exposed in the excavation are consistent with those previously encountered on the site and suitable for support of spread footings designed for the recommended allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. Any fill and loose or disturbed soils should be removed in the footing areas se the undisturbed natural granular soils. e should o s e southwestern corner area excavation when comp e . Other recommendations presented in our previous report which are applicable should also be observed. Parker 303-841-7119 • Colorado Springs 719-633-5562 • Silverthorne 970-468-1989 Rex Schurenstedt Construction June 19, 2006 Page 2 The recommendations submitted in this letter are based on our observation of the soils exposed within the foundation excavation and the previous limited subsurface exploration at the site. Variations in the subsurface conduld be adv s d of any ation could increase t he ris k o f f o u n d a t i o n m o v e m e n t. W e s h o variations encoun tere d i n t h e excavation conditions for possible changes to recommendations contained in this letter. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. `�e�e�oeto���`�� �� 0 REC'„/S+��i �� ... �-- ��� '�• . Y � �� : ; �► � ; � � � �� � � � _ � ♦ � David A. Young, P�� . 32 216 �,��(/ � ''�,r�.<+'bd"�-(��.r�C/.: . / ~t��N�N��� `` DAY/ksw '���i�����-��4� Job No. 105 373-1 ��Ch RECEIPT—The Town of Vail l�° 56905 DATE � - 1 �� ,20 ��� `� RECEIVED FROM � - �' �C-=•-�r4���...` �-�-��;c..t.�Y�� — ADDRESS � � c�� {r_.C_,�—eL`-,-`.C:�C�C.-'^- ��`.C�� ,.t.,� � `.`i ��� � DOLLARS $ ��� � � r, � y � ' , - �,` J =) . ` C..L-i� �, �\ .:-_>- ,'. �/"� it�-`r Perinit Numbers Police Receipt Numbers _ _____�� HOW PAID—Cash Check ��%�C'c� By , - l C _ � , . Design Review Board ���;� ACTION FORM � ��,� '_�,:;�f�k, ; Department of Community Development 7� ���T (� Ti� �"� 75 South Frontage Road,Vaii, Colorado 81657 t O VV1V VF VA1L tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: FLAUM RESIDENCE DRB Number: DRB050268 Project Description: A new single-family residence and EHU. Participants: OWNER FLAUM, RONNA J. 06/16/2005 PO BOX 3117 VAIL CO 81658 qppLICANT SCOTf TURNIPSEED, AIA 06/16/2005 Phone: 970-328-3900 1143 CAPITOL SfREET, SUITE 211 PO BOX 3388 EAGLE CO 81631 License: C000001848 ARCHITECT SCOTT TURNIPSEED, AIA 06/16/2005 Phone: 970-328-3900 1143 CAPITOL STREET, SUITE 211 PO BOX 3388 EAGLE CO 81631 License: C000001848 Project Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Legal Description: Lot: A Block: Subdivision: VALLEY (SUB) PHASE V,TH Parcel Number: 2103-122-0500-6 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/S7'AFF ACTION Motion By: Joe Hanlon Action: APPROVED Second By: Sherry Dorvvard Date of Approval: 07/06/2005 Vote: 4-0-0 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town o Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult wit Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 i DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approvaL Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1)year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007291 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002). Cond: CON0007292 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002). Cond: CON0007Z9? The applicant shall submit the appropriate Town of Vail documents for recording with Eagle County to deed restrict the Employee Housing Unit prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Occupancy. Cond: CON0007298 Cond: CON0007299 The applicant shall increase the width of the turn-around to be a minimum of 12 feet in width which shatl be reflected on the plans submitted for building permits. Cond: CON0007300 The applicant shall submit written approval from all utility companies for the improvements and landscaping located within the utility easement in conjunction with submitting for building permits. Cond: CON0007301 The applicant shall revise the plans to show a minimum of a 4-foot bench between the exisitng n which shall be dep'icted on the pla s submitted for bui deng pe rriits eWay extensio Cond: CON0007302 The applicant shall revise the plans to insure that no disturbed slope is returned to a grade greater than 2:1 in conjunction with submitting for buidlign permits. One area to be addressed is the grading between the new combination retaining walls located south of the new driveway. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $650.00 Jul 14 05 1i : 15a �licia Davis-Lypps 9�03497055 P• � ' H-P GEOTECH P.02�18 JUN�29-2�05 09�19 ' I-lepp'i�ri:h�1':,ul,al�Ur�it�;c;',1:i,::t•,.i�i�. � iQ2QC;auntcf:�r,d l�4 . � Cilcnw�aii��i�iin=:,C:<<�u::v_��".:c�`?I ���� FI'�anc,t���1.<1•i�.79;i?i Y-iL-:�'WORTH•PAWLAK GEOTECHNICA4. �:�.:��7:':��=,'•.c:;:f t�n�:,il;i�E�p;����ds�1��,La::,�ct1��,.��: P[tGL�Mi�vaRY SUB50i�.STUllY PIt4PC)SLU Ft..A[7M RC:SII?ENCE L�T A,TIIC vALLL+'Y�'HASE� 1631 Bt7FFEHR Ci��EK RC1�� YAIL,CC�LO��� JUB NU. !Oa:�73 ,T[1NE Z7,20115 �IYrPARLV k'(�R: SCQTT�.TURNI�'��:�D,AIA A'�°["N:AX,•�CIA DAYIS-LYPPS P.C�.SUX 5902 C�STED BUTTE,COL[7rRAA4�122a Parl�c, 303-841-7119 • C�loradc,Springs 719-633•55t�2 • Silv��r.t'ix,rt�e J7�-�6;i-1)t39 Jul 14 05 11 ; 15a �licia Davis-L�pps q�03497055 P• � ' H-P GEOTECH P.03i18 JU�-29-2�5 0�-19 T�I�F OF CONTGNTS �t3R�'USr AND SCOI'�4F STLJJ)Y... ........ .................. ......,..... ........._.......... ..........- 2 �CTI<)l�.................................. ......................... ....................,.....- l - �'ROP("):SED t;ONSTRI SI"lE C.t�NDI'1'IONS..................... ................ ................. ......... ......... ...... . ... .......... 2- �iLLT) 43XPI,URATIUN............. ........ ......... ........... ... .......... .................................... 2- SUBSz.;R[�ACE CONDITIf)�IS. ---•• ............... ............... ......................•-•--..--....... ...-2 �Oi.TNi:)�`f10I� HEAttINt�CONUIT. [flNS........................................ ........,,,......,�....,...-3 - DESIC;N RECOMM.�NDATIUNS............. ........ ..... ......... ........... ..........�...... ....... ... 4- Fnt i?vDATIONS............................ ' .. .......... ......... .......... ---..... ........._-5 - FO�iyDA'rION ANll RETAINING wALLS..., ....... ......... ........ .......... ..... .. G- � FLG)t:�R,5LAR5 ._.._..........................................•.......... . . . .. -. . CJNp�:,RD}tAIN 3YSTEM....... .............•...... ...... ......... ....... ................ ,.,.. ........-7- S['X'��iIt,ADING.................................. , ,....... ..........._.............. ..,.. ..,.-8- SUI�I�A,C�DItAINAGE. ............... ........ ............. L�1TA'IIONS ............... ...... ....... ....... ...... ..........,..... ........ ......._.._........ ......_.. .... 8 FIGU tt,X; 1 -I.00ATI4N UF EXPI.ORp`TORY B�RING FIG[J�Z.Y12-LOG�F EXPL•OKATORY BC�RlNC, F1Gt}R�:3 -LEGENA�ND NOTE �'IGtJitt��4-SWEL�,rCONSOL.�llA�'ION'1'EST RESULTS FIGURE S-GRADATIt�N TEST RESI.IL'1'5 TABi,z?1-StTMiv1ARY C1�i,.,�BQltlt`TARY TES"T RLSLTL"S'S J�1 14 05 11 : 15a qlicia Davis-Lypps 9703497055 P• 4 Jl�-2'3-2005 89�20 H-P GE�TECH P.04�18 PURPUSE AND SCOPE OF STL3UY 'i'his ripc;rt prESettts dte resu)�S t�f a prcliminary sub�il study fi�r d►e prir�osed f�la��n1 residen�:e ta b�lc�caled on.f..oi A,The�alicy�'IttLtie S, 1631 Nuffet�.r t;rcek Raail.��ail, Cotorac3c� The prvject sii.e is shown iui Figure 1. 'C'he p«r�c'Se�f thc study w�s�o tteveiop recv►Y►nzendations For�lie£ou�d�tic�r�design. "I'he srudy was c�a►�ductec4 ut ticcorda,.�ce with aur:��ree�x��nt I'��r�,ei�technicai en�;u�eering ser��ces���Scc,ti.S. T'urnipseed, AIA date�M.�,��3,2005. Evalut�tio«oCthe�enfabic conditions at!he sitc �s b�yonc�tt+�;�.cu�e �f tivs st.idy anct has Ueen addr�ssed by K. J.[rish Consult'v��Fn�inees•in�;t:��:olc�f;i�t, reporc da.�cd Apri�2l,2f�05�Toli No.GU6. p tiel�:xploration pm�r�rn����sistin��f�an exploratory t,t�ifng was c�r�ducted ti� c�bt�tin informut.i.on on ihe�er�cral substufat:e con.ditiwts. Samples af the subscrils obtainrd during the.�eld expinration wcre tcsted in Che I�l�ora.t�?cY t�deterzz�ine their cl�ssi[ic:ytiou, �ompra�sibility or swell and other cngineer'sn�cbaracteristics. Tl�e resutL,s of tlae fit;ld cx}�loratinn wd 1Abordtory testingwcre eu��lyzed to develaj'recarnmeslc�tiosis {or � found�tic�n types,depths 2nd allowable pcessares f.or the proFx?yed Uuild'u�g �ouncladon. �the data obt�ait►ed durin�this study auid Pr�s�nts i�ur cc�nc4ttsiErns, This re�yv�1 summariz�.' design recnmmeadations and other geot�chnic�t e�i�ineering c��iderations bascd c�r►die propo�ect conscrucdon and thc subsurface cotiditi�ns ene�ui a' PROPOSTD Ct?N5T1tUCTrON The pruposed residcnco�vii!be a nne sti�ry waod ikamo slructure over a walk-v«x b�sement levtl with an attacb�eci gasagc lvcateti�n the!oi�s slu�wt�cin Ti�ure 1. C:�rc�ut�d �fool�s will bc slab-ox�-grade. Gradi►�g foi•the stn�ctutewil}be exlensivc and in�`uai��h� depshs�ap to abuut 20 feet. We asswne relativ�ly light fuesndation 1o�dta�,:�,ty} propusc:d type vi constructian. tf buildiiY�ioa+din�;s,loc�tion csr gra�iing pl������E si�ui�cantly:iT<,m t}x��sc cic:scritsecl almvc, we s1�UUld bc notifted to��-evaluAte tl�e�camtncsadatic+ns i:o�itaincd in this veport. � _ ...-._�._ . _._M� 3ab�1a 105 373 � Jul 14 O5 11: 16a Rlicia Davis-LyFps 9703497055 P•� JLIN-29-200' 99'� H-P GEOTECH P.@4;18 YURYOSE A1VA SGOPE OF STUl)Y �Y•hi5 rcpon presents she results of a preliminary subsoil study fur tttie p�ti�p�scd('iaun, residence io l�located on[.ot A."lhe Valiey Plia.�e 5,1631 Butfeltr('rcck Ra�ct.�l�it, C:otor.ulo The prUjecl si�e is sh�W�t��ii Figure i, '1'he pwpusc vf ihc st��dy was to tieve�pA recotnmcnc�ations for tlie foundacion desigu. 'f'he study was conducted in succxdHnce wi41�our tigre�n�eut f�r ga�technieal engi►i��8 xrvic:es ta�ScaU.S.'T'umi}�seed..AIA datesl ulny 3,2005. Evaivelion of the geoloaic conditiortc ul the silN is l�yottd the s��PE optlus study and has been ac�dress�d bY K.J.ttish ConsUltin�Fnginees•ing(ieolv�;ist, re�n���APti121,20t15.loh No.�. A fielu axploration P�Fram�°�u�s�nfi°l�an wcpkoruWry�x�=�6 Was conducted ta obtain 1�('pnnat.ioa on the�,encral sub$�tface condltions. Sampins of the subs��ils avta►nrd during il�.n field explwation weie uned in thc iaboraU�ry to det����nc their classifiaation, comPktis:+ibility or swell end other cngineering cba�aeteristicL�T'hnmcndati us('or e1J explorati�n and taboratory tcstio&w'°re aaaiY�c��a c�velop ths and allowat�ie pcessures for the prop�.5�d vuilding fou�uiatum• #oundst;<xt ty�,�P This repurt summariz��the data obtained duriag this studY and Pres�ffi"°1�v'ulusio�u, design rec.ommendations and other�eaeech�uic:al enbi�cerin$consideratioas ba.r•cd on� pcoposed construotion aud ihe subsut'�'a�x couditioas e�c4unteseJ. �'ROPOS.F,D CO1�t5TRiJGTY01� '[l�e pruposeci residence will be e one s�rY wood frame sicuckurc over a wul3c-a�rt. basement level witli an attaclsed b�ge iveated on tlse iot as shuwn un FiFure 1. Grotimd fl�r!�will be slab-�u-g�7e� G��ing�t�stn�cture wil!be extansive�md incit+dc cut dcptt�c up to about 20 fat, We assw�u ietat�r•csly Gght foundaGon icraditt�;�tYP�ca�of�he ,.plopc,se.d typc nf wnstruocion. If buit3in(�load'+aLts,location or�rading P1���Be S��nt�ic+�'�ty lrum thbse dc.vi.�'ibccf above,we slzuuld be notified to r.tl-ev�luate�he recommeixlationr:crnttained in this report. JUN-29-2905 09�20 H-P GEO7ECH P.95/18 -2- SITE CONDI`CIONS The lot;s vxcant and loeated at�Ve Buflalu C�-eck Road. lhp 6i'�'un�s�lrfaa is m�dcrptc;ly to�teeply sloping ciown W lhe s��u��t{�r�dcs li'om uhDUt�(I to 55°!�. '11�E �latter siu�cs are in the lourer pxrt of the f�t ad,iacent Butfeher(,�el:koad 6 ntl�c'�000Sad siopes in tl�e area of thc r�idence und t►p-slopc. �levntion aifference% ' P • resideuce is�hout 2$1'eet and across tl�e lot is about?�feeL Vegetatitm amsists cif�RUSS. w�A,�b��with scutiered as��'ce�. T�'�is an e�cisting resid�tc�c and shttrcd drivewflY on thc adjacent lot 10 tl�c cast. FIE[.0 i'•XPLORATIUN The fielu�expiorati�n for the project was conducted on MaY 24+2��5• ���explontwy ��was drilled at dx localiou sho`"'n°°�iK�t]to evaluace th�Subsu�f"ace cv�ulitEuas. 'I'he bw'ing wes a�lvanced wilh 4 u�h diameter cUatiixunus jwa�need�:ci due to power�by a t r ack-maunted CME 47 Mil rig. Tl�e txack-mountec�riK^. .,rh. Jul 14 OS 11 : 16a Rlicia Davis-Lypps 9703�97055 P• 7 JUN-29-20�5 09�20 H-P GEQ7ECH p����s - 3 - � sil�y sAnd with�r�vel and scattecec!a�bbles u��derlain ac ahcy%#e1�e i Ea the dnli�d c epth deuse,vilty sand and�rave j wi t h ev b b l e s a n d b o u l a c r s t l�a Uf 25i/ice:t, The roc ky ma te riz[n�ade drilli��g with nLjger equip��cnt diCficult• �..aboratory testin�perf�rmed on san'P�����'�'ned fi�om the boi�n�,inclu�ted natu�•��l n3oistu�c c;i�ncent and c�ensity,si'�datiai wtaly�es,�s�d Attetl�r6 limi�s. �esult�s,f swell- consoliclatic,n testin�perCorn�ed U��relatively undisiurl�ed dri�ve sam��t�;:o(�the cl::,vey silcy sa��cS soits,presented on 1=igure 3,indicate lc,w tc�modatasese.o'�rformed,�rtit<�t�:`��1� c4nditic�n�ot taadin�aiid wettin�. Rcsuits csf gradat�uu a� y � diamctei cir+ve sample(m.inus 1�/z incl�iraction)of'tt�e c��arse�ranutar 5ubsc�ifs a,•f:a}�nwn on Fib��*c 5. Tl�e labaratary testing is sunnm�T�zed in'Cable 1. No free w�ter was enc;o�mt�rcd ia the boring at the li�ne of tiriltina ot wt�.en cha:kecl 1 d1V later�oci t11e st°bsoils wEre stigbtly moist. �Q�A��ON�E,4jtiNG CtlND1TIU�S The ex;�toratorY horing cc�uld not he drilled iu the buitdin i��S�ire d foot�ir gs lwwri»g on cond',tions ac.ross the txiilding stte will prvb�?vty be varaab ��S1tital�le fc,s found�li<�si the natural�a.�ar►ulaY soils et�countered helow the tvpsoil aPP suppc�c��f x��building. There is somc rislc of dif��er�ntial 5ettlemcn�..pr�manly�t tl:c tran5itinn bctween the vaziaus bearing mater'sa1s. Li�tit�y loadeti footis��s<ind t 1�ial. reinf'c.�rced fou�uia�i�n walls shc�i�ld hclp mitiga��th�u'tic�ing f'tti t���t�nd a�tlie upliill Additionat expi���ary h4ritags sfioutd be drill� propv�ed rice�cui rrior to consuu�tion to belp condit.icyn tl��sul�tiurf�kce conditic►r�� �ssurne�it�the preliminat�y design. Daseti o�i the geola�y repo�t lay R_].Irisll,�e�cirt+ck coulct i•e encoun�ered. Grou��dwatet'co��ditivt�s�►re alsa unknt�w�1. . _.—..^----�—�--"—.:.__�. �._.,�� Iobti�,. :(F�373 Jul 14 05 11 : 15a Alicia D�vis-L�pps 9703497055 p• 5 � JUN°29-2005 04�21 H-P GEOTECH P.07�18 -4- � Y)ESiGN RECO"MMENDATICINS �'Q�3ivD.�ITIONS Consideriti�;Che 5ubsztcfaie cc�nditions estc�unlered in tl� i 1c�liA��abe i:h i�an 1`N��1�4E rCitCl nature o�r.he propused cons[rucuan,�c recamtncnd tbe b� o foc�tin�s be�z'ing un tbe tiatvrai soi15. Thc desi�r��n�l constructivn cri.ceria presetlted helaw should be abservecl{'or a sprca.d fcautu�g ic�undation system. •� 4�ootin�;s pla�;ed on t�e ut3disturbed nvttrraf soils sttio�tld l�e designed Enr an �ilowable bearing piessure of 2.,50q ps�. Based an ex4�ecience,we�x�.»rt a settlement of footin�s designed ana c�n5tructed as dis�•ussed i��tk�x?s�:�t�b11 will be abc�ut 1 inch and may bc differeatial. �� 'I'i�e faotings shoutd t�ave a sTwumum widtl�of l R inches 4:or c<�nt.ir.�uous walls and 2 tect ior isolated pads. �} �:xterior footin�;s and footings bcneall�ui�hca���'eas 5ha�►�����»'c�vicied. with adequate soil cover ai�ove their bearu�g elcv�t�;�7o ti*L�a�>'iitc;clSc�fi. Placeinciit of foundatios�s at least 4S inehes bel� typicatly used in tbi�are�. 4) Cotttinuou.,foundation watls sl�ould be well reiuf�rced top ar►d l�ottc�rn te� span lacal ano�ualies and bettei�'i��pd�+e effects af sun►e d%��'"_�ei�tial setilemeat sueh as by assu�ning Kn unsuppo ried lenRth of at te�.�t 12 {ect. Foundation walls a.ctin�as retaii�ino structures shuui.d alsa be d�i�ned to restst lateral earth�?res.sureti as d'►sc:u.�sect in thc°I'ounc�otan�i anit y:t4t�tining Walls'sectiaxi a�('this ce�or[. . 51 All tapsasl and any icx�se or distu�•Ue�to tllie f i°i�,n tuial��'acuila�Sni)y� foUting l�caring le�rt extended dc�w� '�1i�eXpos�c1 soils in fc�otii�g ta'ea s1;t�uld thea be mo;stened and � cornpacted. if waler seepage is Encounterec�,th�foc}taa�;area;�s3zi��xlci be dewatered before c:oncrete nlacement. 6} A representativc cif t�►e geotcclutic�i etigineevsluauc he�C�l�'Ct Il(�f11Ui15� CxL:aVA�lOnS}�i�41'ti0 COriCFeIC i?�itCC171et�t CO e -------' —'�"_ – c—�� Ivb�ro,l�5 373 JUN-29-2�S 09�21 H-P GEOTECH .. — -- p.06.F18 -5 - � �ULTI`17t1'i'10N AND��1�AINiNt.i WAL�..S foundaiion walls and retaining;�tructures whicL are later�clly sup}x�rtc.'ci ancl ca�y hc Cxpectc��c�under6ty anly t�slight amouni of defiectioi�sl�ould be ctcsi��icci tor a l..ti:►��1 ea��th pres.ure coinputcd on the b$sis of aui er�uivalci�t Ruid unit wci�ht t►F actr�ct�:►•E•.y j�r.f for bac,kl::l1 consistin�of the o?�-site �ranu�ar s�i1s. C=antilevertd retaisiir►�, whicli are separatc from the builtling and can hE expec{��t�5i f��eci ('c r a latea}al tcarEh mubil'st`�the fuli acti.ve eartli pressure canditit�n she�ulc t� press�u•e camputecl on the basis of an ec�uivaterit fluid unit we��o�cict nc,t con a$n E lps«it oz. b�ckfill usnsisting of the on-9i�te granular st►ils. 'I'he b�ckfiill.s oversir��d re�cks. Adi f�unclatictin ancl ret�inu�g struclures shou�d be design�d fur app�n�i'�ats Liydres�t�t.ic and sarchar�c gre�ures such as acijat;ent�aati�igs,traff�:,c[�drained c.�c�[tdit.tan�i E�ehs�lct tf�e equipment. Thc pressures rec;o�unended ab�ve asswme wa11s�;.t.�a hcxiu�r�tal backfill surfaee. The buildu�af water be���� a fp�,�dat������waiS�o sio�in���ck�l������will increflse thc laceral p!'essure smgosea retaizviti;strueture. t�n underdrau�should be providtcl to prevenl hycirostatic pres5t►r�; build«p i�hittd vv31ls. $ack�ill�houtd be pl:ieed in uniform lifts and c�iupacted to at least 9{�"10 uf the t�l�iinum staumdc�rci pro�tor densiYy�t a maiscttre content near ogtimuiu. Daokfill.in navcm��ut�i�d walkw;ay arcas s1x�uSd be cn�npact�d to at least 95°�u of t��e inaxiinum staucturd �'roctc�r densi4,y. t'�aze 5hould be taken itot ta oveteo�npact the b�r:[c�Sl oc use I��-gt:equeptn�ut near ih;.watt,since tlsis c��dd cz,usC excessrve l�teral pressur�on the wal4. Sc�GU:. settle���ent of deeg foundat'son wall bac4c�iil styould be expccCCd,evct�if the rnat��rial is lacesl con�ectly,aud c�a1d resu).t�it distress to f�cilities crntstruct�ci o12 the baek��1�1`��7 Q F oPa srlect granular znateria���t�as�����ebaEe b`wsc cc�Urse ;+uc�iitcr.c:asu�g G��n►!� ai le�,�ti c�$°�„s�n��'d prc�ciw density wnuld l�elp iimit the settlemeot�tcne.ial ai'the hzcf.liil. .—. -------c-��+ 10»Nu. tU5 313 Jul 14 05 11 : 17a Rlicia Davis-Lypps 9�03497055 p. 9 JUt�-29-2H05 09�21 H-P GEOTECH P.09�18 -6- 'i1�c late�•aE reSiStanee nf fouikiation or retaining w�tt fos�tin�s will l�e a ec��ntrirk�!icin �f the siit3ulg rc`sistancc af tt��foc>ting on Thc faundation jnatet'ials��d passive c�rth pr,�stiure 1�it111Si t11�Sl�C U�tL7C�L)411II�T. RCSl5l�t11i;8 I.4�L�lA�'at ltlf ISOI11?i11S Ol Ihr P�0Ii�1�:�ran lu: ealcul�iled�ased oi�a coe1�'ieicnt of frietion af U.45. �assive presst��•c of coin�actet.i backfiil.i14;a1l15t thC Sll1�S QY tl�C fOUtiri�S c�n be CitlGli�aLCt�ttSiriS a!?e(1u7v71e��1�IUici EtFilt weight<�f 350 pcf. The ec►efficient of Irictiosl acid passive prestiure value.s recc»,»��::nctecl above assume ultimate sail strertgch. Suit<<blc faetors nf saletv sh��ulc�he inClttd4cl i�� the desi�;n ic�limit th�Strain wl�ic:h will occur at t��uliimatc strengtt�.�a��tic�darly i�� '•.1us case of passiv�;resistance. 1�i1S placcd against the sides of the favli�gs to resicc fatcrli icaticls shou,cl 4�c a granutar�nateria!com�actec}to at ieast 95%i.�f t1�e m�xiun�nn s1,;���c��rci i�'rcactor de�tsit�at a mais[ure c:cuitent near t�ptimum. FLOO�+L,Af�S The siattual4n-sife soils,exclusive af topsoil,are suitable Yo surpUri l'tgl�tly to�z�c�dcralely l�arle�slab-on-grade cnn:�truc:tion. T'o i•educc the efTects of.soiiae differenti�l r►at��vc��nent, fl<►or slans shauld be se}�araied frp�n all bearing w�iis anc�eolun1r�s wilh expaas.ir.>n,jnints which��ll��w unr�stt�ained vertical mwement. Pl�or slab control_joi.nis sh<iuld bc u9etl to reduce d�caage c3uc to shsink�tge craeking. The rcc�uire�rsents for jt+irit spacin�,lnd sl�b reinfc�i-:.enlent sltould be e�ta.blisi�ed by the designer hased�n experieyice at�c�tY3r inceiid�ci slab t;se. A minimum 4 inch layer of free-drai��ing bt^avel shotild he placed benea�ii basemiitt iovcl sfabs to fa�;ilitate drainage. 7't�is mate�ial sliould t��:rsisi o�mit�t�5 2 incli a�grES:at�with at lu�,St 50%retai��ed on tlie No.�sieve ai�c�tess tha��2%passin�; �hc�No. 204 sir,ve. A11 fil!matcrials for s��pport of floor slal�s shaulci be c:i�mpacted tc�at lea5t 9S°/n c�f �naxi�ua:m standard Fmett�r detssity at a tnoisture co�sccnt near o��tittzurn. �eqttit�ed f 11 can c4nsist af the on-site granuiar soils�3evoid of ve�et�iion,tc�psoel anc�ovets�•r.ecl rc�ck. T1NC)�RDRAiN SYSTFM A1tlxn��1�free water was i�c�t encountered ciuring our explc�r�ttion, il l�as h�cta��.u� experieilcc iu mountainvits aure�s that locat perched gronndwater c�n dcv�lap d�uiaa�tisiies )�bh}o�105373 ,.�.....—. .. .� ---_._----- ��1 � Jul 14 05 11 ; 17a Rlicia D�vis-��PP� 9703487055 p. 10 JUN-29-2005 04�22 H-P GEOTECH P.I@i1B - 7- of hea�-y pt•ecipitation or seasc�nai ruiiuff Frozen grour�cl durin�s�ri����rttnt>ffce�i create a percfae�caudition. Wc recommaiid bel�>w-�adC coastructiun,such as retaii�int;N�alis, crawlsflac���d h�qenie�3t areas,t�e prc+cect�d Srom wattii���nc3 3�ycizostatic pres5ure huildup l�4 2n uiidercirain system. The drai��s should cunsist of drainpi�e placecl i�i the tx►tto�n of tht�w�fl bACiciili surroua�t�d abvve tl�e invert leve]with free-drainin��ranulaj�ntaterial. Z'�e c3rain slic,uld be placed at eac�i ievel uf excavation and at least i fout bel�w ic�wesi�tdjacenl ritiisn grade�tnd sloped�t�t minirnum i%to a suitable ��avity otittlet. 1=ree-i[raini�t���'•i��ul�sr xnater.iui�tsed i�n tlie undetdr�in systen�shottld cont�itl���55 1��fEl 2%passin�tlte?vc?, ?i)U sicve,ie`s than 50%passin�the No.4 sievc ana have a c�aaxisnurn sT�e ai'2 inc:l�c�. "i'he drai��;ra�el backfiCl slzould he at least 1%z fcei dee�. 5}TE CikAUINC 'Tt�erc zs�}risk ai'cansUuction-i�iduced sJo��e it�;stability ai die site due io t��e extensiue and relativety cieep�roposect cut5. The clayey sifty sand st�ils at the site atassily as(J51-[A tyge 13 rcquiring temperiazy cut slapcs ua steeper than l (hori��ntai}1c� ] (veRica.l)ac�d tl;c underlyir,�silty sand aiid gravel soits prahably classify as C)SI�A type C cequiri�k� � temp���ry cut s!o}�es n��teeper ihas� 1�h(ti)t� l(vj. I)ue to the s�eep sl��pe uphilt of the residez�cc�d the cxtcnsiye�rading needecl ta 3ay the c�t slopes back ta a st�ble�;r��de, shorinZJ vf the cut slage inay be i�eeded. A suitable sl�axing systen�at tltis site ap��ars to be soil r►ailinb. The grading or slioriug should be designed and ca�;strucCCd l�y.:�yue�l.ii.ied cantra�•ior. '4Je shonld review ihe slnpe grading anc)shoriug desig,tz�prio��tu aafysb�iacl'ion. Struct:.ral lills such�s for driveway gr�cii���should be limited to�tniut F to !t3 le.�t deep, and slx�ald be c�mpaeted ta at Ieast 95"lo af the maacuninn stattda►� F'raator cic��sity n�ar optim�=in moisture u�nten�. Priur to filf�kacement,ti�e st��gratle�hhcruld he care��ciily prepart,d�y xemoving atl vegctati�l�tu��to�}'�oii �+ud coin�ctir►g tn�ii:least 95"+>i,f rh� maxin�um�taudard l'roc;tor density. Tlic till sho�;ld be bonched l�orironi�lly iYito slupes t11at exc;eed 2Q%grade _._._-_-.— —..._._.——._...—..__....._.._.- �,-��� 1vb T�u. i�5 3T3 Jul 14 05 11 : 18a Alicia Davas-Lypps 9703497055 p. 11 JUN-29-2005 64�22 H-P GEOTECH P.i1f1B - S- Permancrii unretained ciit aaxd fill 5l�pes should bc�radcd�.t 2 hocizolttaJ !t> 1 ver!ic:il �r flatte.r ar►c!�rc�tezled ugainst er�sion hy revcgetati�n c}r att�er rncans. �lt�raded wl+���es incluciisii tt�ose that are st�ucturally retained shot�Id bo chdeked fur�:I�l�al staGilit}�. 'Tlic rixlc of slitipc iz�stabilicy will be increastd ii'��p�igt is eneou�itered in cuk's aad �fa�.tcr slo�cs iii�y he siecessary_ ff;eeQabe is encountered in permat�enr.cuts. �f1 fk1VC5CI�;a#inn sh�t�ki hE�conducltd ta detcrmine i��die seepage wil!adversely�iliect tl�e cut st�bility. SURFAC'E 1)RAiNAGE Ti�c;foll��win�drainflg�f>recautio»s shoulcl be�bservcd ducirto cOnskructic�ta ancl maintaia�c,•d at aIt times after fhe residenec has been ec�mplec�cf: 1'l Inundutivn c�f the fatuidation cxca��alions�nd underslaa dreas slx���lci hc avc�ided during cnnstruction. �) Exterior backlill shot�ld be adjusted to ne�r o}�timum rn.oistur.e ar1� compacted tu at Ieast 95°10 of tlte maxurum Stai�dard.Prc�_t�x t�e«s;ly in pevement and slab areas and tc►at le�st 90�n of the nia�imunz statiuurd Proctor dei�sa4� in lattdscape ares�s• �)� The�ROUrni surface�urrounding the exterior of t�+e buifclin�s�mt�lu be s)apai to da•ain pway from the foundation in all c�irccti�ms. We recommend a minimum slo��e vt 12 ix3ches�n the lirst l0 fe�t:in u;�paved areas a�1d a n�inimum slope of 3 incltes in tl�e fit�st t() fee�in pavec�aTcas. Fre�-clraining watl backfiIl s4�ouid b�capped wiih�bvut Z fcet flf ti,e o�n- site soils to reduce surface w�ater infiltration. 1) Roof downspauts anci drains shou)d disc:l�ar�e wetl b�yoi�d Che f.i�x�itc<�!'all backfitl. LIMITAfi.ONS I'his sh►dy has beeu c;anducicd in aceurdance witti geneF�lly acceptect�eotechixi4al engin.c:eris��pruiciplcs and practi�s in this area al this tune. We makc no wa.rr�it4cy i:iti�er expre�.,or implied. Thc coaclusiot�s and recoinme��dariuns subtiti��ittcci in this rePuct ar.e t►ased u{�ar�the data c�btained fit�m 11�explorutnry boring drilled i�t tl,� (vc:acia» i=3dicalcd an Fi�u3•e i,the propc��d type c�f cclnstruction.zmc�c�ur experience isi the ai�ea. t)�rr 7oh No...tti5 37� `_`—�----� - ._ __. ,_..._..,.��� Jul 14 05 11 : 27a Rlicia Davis-LyPps 97D3�9?D55 P, 1 JUN-�9-2$05 09=2� H-P GEOTECN P.12�18 �9- servic�� ct�.not include determining die presca�c:e,pzevElitic�t�or p«s5ti�i#iYy ul'tno�c.'u�' otlier biulo�ical carttaminunts(MUl3C)devrlopit�g in tbe ft�ture- i#'tt�c:cliGnt is concc:niccl at�out MUL�G,thcn a prc�fiessiur�a!in tlzis speciAl licld of�►Taotice shaulJ t��. cunsutt�d. Our findings inctttde extcaput�tion of the subs►�rCac�cundit+crn�ieFen�ilic�;i.tt Elie explc�ratozy boring and vari�.tioi�.ti+n tiie subsLtrPace e:o�itlitic�ns ta��iy tu+� b�comc: evident.antil excravatioi�is p�r�'ormad, lf eo�aditivns ciicc�untered ducin�;cc�nstruci�acr appeat�clifferent fr�m thotie describec!in ti�is s�enc►rt, wc sb���►[d be i�otifi�}ri sc�tlia:�'e- evaluaticri�of t}ZC rec:n►um��idations n�ay b�nladc. Tlus r��mrr I1as heei�pre�ared for the exctt�fiive usc by��ur client fUr dcsion purp{ases. Wc ' are not respc���sible for tcch�ucal interpreiations by vil�crs c�f o�u inforntiatioiz. A� th� pcoiect.e�vc�ivcs,we shUUld provicle ccmtint�`d cv�asult�1tion and fieJd services durui� c;�nsirti.�c.tion to review and monit�r tl�e imp�etnentation of vur recon�m��dations,r�ncl to verify that thc recummendatinns have been a�pro�riatcly i�iterpretecl, Sa�nifieant ilesi�n cl�gec n�ay r�uire addit�ona�analysis c�r moJiPic.�t�ot�s ta the recc�znrnendacior.: presei�ted hcrein. We z•ecomme�id on-,iie ob.tic:rv�elicri� nf�excavatio.ns atid fi�uncl�ti.��t� �earing 4trata nnd testing of structar�l fill by a��e�i�entativc�f ll�c�ec>tcclmieal Pdt�'111GCI. Respectft�Uy Submittaf, �iEPWClR"I'H- WL;��i���N1CA�.,ING. �� ��... ..ti 'i I •~ ' ��ff• Z . ! �� � � T y David A. Young,P�• � ��2�6 F � �� r � .,��'f�_���,`,`�. Reviewc;d by: ����tltln��tt�� ��� _ �%���.,.. Stever�I�.Pawiak,P.E. DAYIksw c�;: Gebau Enbineering-r�,ttta�John Atz�c�t Jub I�(o. i n5 373 •—..^ ,.— • --,__._�.r—C� Jul 19 05 03: 51p flliGia Davis-Lypps 9703497055 �, 1 ' 3t�J-29-20�3S 09�22 H-P GEQTECH P.13r18 APPRQXI�fA?'� SCALE: r. = �. r � .�-'',� � � �/� ��'"��„•- �~ `'�'`� ~�.G..� �.r. 1 ..� - � ' -J.-'�._.r---...,. . f �_�-.�����r�i.r.w����w ��'r� ��I_y�I" ._ � . j ��r f� r ����Y � \I ' +- _���� .. �� . . 1 1 ' . I � r —_ � � � t�� � t. � . ._� � Ir _ ....w I � 7� � � •.�NI'q � ' ��...� '^�� ,_ � �DOI�NG i �cE —�, . ' ��— � � � —•-•. � •,' �' _ — ....__,�...�_,--�---- .�-... !"" ......_._��. . -- `-'�` �� � .. .,/ � . -.���,--_--. `_ �� ��'� `+..` ..�-�� -.-,y+�`�A'�� 1��' _ � `_ � . `_ � '• .._..r,� ��� ��� � • / f - 105 373 HEPWORTH—PAWLAK GEOTECMNICAL. INC. �-��r��N OF EXP�Ol2ATORY BORiNG Fig�re 1 Jul 19 05 03: 51p Rlicia Davis-Lypps 9703497055 p� 2 JUN-29-20�5 0g:23 H-P GEOTECN P.14i18 B4RING 1 ELEV.�8387' a a cJ 38/12 e� M�C+=11.p :;'� 00=17T � ..i —2CG�42 . LL�25 Pf�� 1 Q 18f6.2$/6 14 � a � OD�1l5 m . �.. I ,,. � « t a '" ° � i 5 ' . 15 �' zo/�z WC«6.5 +4+s28 ,'' —1�0�26 20 ;� 20 . .+ 25 e�/�z 25 NOl'E: Explari�otion of symbvis is shown on Figure 3. 105 37� HE!'WORTH—PAWI.AK �OG QF EXP�QRATORY BORfNG Figure 2 GEOTECHNlGAL, iNC. Jul 19 05 03: 51p Rlicia �avis-��pps 9703497055 JUN-29-2005 09�23 H-P GEOTECH P� 3 P.15�18 IEGENb: � 70PSOiL; o.•g4nie, sondy siity cfoy, sccttered graval vnd cobblea, moist, darsc brown. � SANO (5C-SM); clayey, silty, scGttered grovel� cobbles, possbfe bouidars, medium dense, mnist, red-brown, msdtum plostic fines. � SANp ANO GRAVEL (SAI�GM); Kith cobb4es and boulclers, sitty, occosinnolly cloyey, dense, moiat. red-brown, fow ta non-piastic fines, aubangulor to rounded rock. J E Refotivefy Lndisturbed drtv+e somple; 2-inch t.D. Colifarnio liner sampie. �_. � Drive sample; StQndord penetratiosi test (SPT), 1 3/S inoh t.D. split spoon sampie, A$T�}--1588. 36 �� Drive �ampie b�ow count; ind+cotes thot 35 blaws of a 140 pound hp►nmer faiting 3C1 Fnchss were l rtquirect to drive tf�e Califomic or SP7 svrnpler 12 i�ehas. t�O7ES: 1. The explorotriry boring was dri�tEe on Mqy 24, 20Q5 witi� a #-ineh diomettr continuor,s fl%ght pawer auger. ' 2. 7he exploratory baring locet+on was rrtaoaured op{�roximately by pacing f�am featurea9 shown pn the site plpn provided. 3. The s��aratory ,Doring elevotion wos obtainad by rr�terpolatiort betwaen contours or� the slte plan provided. Boring laq is tlrown to depth. 4. The axplorotory boring locotion and edavotion sr+ould bo considered acturote oniy to th� deqree !mplied by the method usPd.. 5, The f"�nes betwe�n materiol� shewn an the expiorotory Dorinq Iog represent the opproxirnoke baundaries Detween mater�ol ty�as and tr�rsitiona mcy be groducl- 6. Na free woter was encountsrad !n the borir►g ai #he time of drilifng or when checkcd 1 day foter. Fluctuation in water level may xcur wtth time. 7. Loborotory Testinq Results: WC � Wat�r Content ( 7G ) OD � Dry Dtss�sty ( pcf } �-4 = Percent ratoinee on the No. 4 sieve -2QD = Porcert pcssinq No. 200 s3t�e , LL : Liqu;d �imit ( � ) Pi = Piosticity fndax ( :G ) 705 373 MEPWORTH—PAWLAK . tEGEND AND NOTES Fi u�'e 3 GE�TECHNiCAZ, INC. g Jul 19 05 03: 51p Rlici� Davis-Lypps 9703497055 p, 4 JUN-29-�005 09�23 H-P GEOTECH P.1CY1B Maisture Content � 11.Q peraent Dry Density = 111 �cf $ample vf: Clayey Slity Sond with Grvvel From: Soring t ot 5 �eet 0 � Dt i No movement o . upon •� 2 wetting � � a 0 � 3 4 � � � ( o., i.� io �oa APPUEO PRESSURE - ksf Moisturo Corr#�nt = 4-9 ,aorcdnt Dry Danaity i 115 ,�cf S�nple of; Clayey Siity Sand wittt 6rovet From: Bv�ing 1 at 9.5 Feet � 0 K f r� Compressian � upon v 2 wetting E 0 U 3 0.? 1.p 1D tOQ APPLJEQ PRESSURE - ksf - �Q5 373 f-iEPWQR7H—PAWLAK S�y�LL—COh1SOLtDATtON TEST R�aU�TS Figurt 4 GEQ'T'ECHNICAL, INC. � � � - � � .. .- . .,. .. . .__. -...��.._...,.r_�..,..�.___.. ���/��/��Y���Mr�l�i ������i ��A������.M������ ��wr�= wr�� ��i�/��/r���������/�����i���i ��� r��l����—���r��—^�R������� �rltir���r�r�����1� Y'������ �������r1Y��/� ��� i���i�r������� �w���4���l��r�1����Y �W� �Y�I�Y��1���r il���l�r�� �W���i� #��i���w� �r�� �1l����wA������� ���Ylir�� I���I����i�r��t�/���r��= ����l��� ��Y�i� ����� r�� �iY��� �"� ������•�r���..���• ..��r.r_r.�'Y.��'�..�.r..r� ��...+�����w�rwA�.�w.�.�r ��r�IM����w�� �wl����n wr�����A�1�������������� '��All��r�rlr� �rllr������t �r�������l��rr�\�M��i/�I�i����l�� .r�rw.�n�.�.r+��r����w��r��r. �.—.������a�.��iw�w���r�.� �.w ..�r+��....���.�r....io��.r��..w��...������ ��,w �.� �� rr.+n�� '�'��ir����� r�.Y�rr�� ������r�����sr����+��r�������wr ����r w�r rr�ww�i �i��r��i� �.���� �i� �r��=.��Ir �1w�����rll�w�r �`� ��r�v��! �/���/��w��r� �r��_r��a������i�a�� ���� ���l+ ����ri�M T�l�����I������i/ ���Y�� I�r�Ir������w� �� �i���s��1���_r�w l�IMw�r i r iR�+�l++ F��r�ll� f�l�/����Yi��Ir1���M�� 1�����l�/��i ������. �������r1��Y1�1���� �.�+����..��.�s�•� r r������.�w�. .�: i���������� � �rr�.��..� �..���r�.r����� �rr�a��r+�r'�� �� �.+r �,� s ..��wlir� �w... �.r��l�r�s+� �:��f�w+ r i�.�s �o w�..w���'�`�.�.� ���rrw� ����.� �.�.����� o��—•� �r�r�..��.��Mw�.��.��.�r��r�..��.r���� �l��_= �/��w������f���.�� � i�f�l0r�r��I�w� �1�� ����w���������������� =���� ��/iY��r� wY��r�l�l� �� • �il� l��� ��1�w� ��M�� �� ����i���1r���������� �M�T���rMI�1�r�Y���� -__J �/����i��i r1wi��Wl������ /I�rr�� ���0 ��+��+� ,� l���M��������IO�i� ����i���F� /���1l��i� �.�11/l���/��r�1�l� a�YY����a�� ia1�����/��l�'!�� ���M M��/��1MI���V�/r�i��lY��r+w� - lrll��a+����i����i� ����^rl�l^��r�� M�w1�+rrY���w�� ����s����� YY��s����A��w���{ nl^��/���.��w�i������W�M Y��l���S � ��=���1���� ���������r s��r���1��—r� �N����������� ����� �/� �� _�� __����a����� ���� ►��r�ItM��� �I����� ��r���11��l�����i�Mi� �•��++ �� rr�w+���r�ww .�w.•rs r�����w�����.�.r�..�r�i��r. rrr�������� r��r-s���w��������w/s�w�—�. ���ww� w�.��r����r�.+�+��w�-..r �+���r�w��.�r �r�� +..�r►�a� r�.....e.�.�w.��������r�.—�� � � ��� �.���+.. ���r.��� ��r��s �..i�����w�+��r� r�r����� .���r�.n+•�n�����rw���+.wr���rr r��..rr���w�� ��+� w���+�..� � ..w�w�.—_i� �+� ��.���� w�����.r.� �r r=�•�s ..�i`..rsr.+�r��wr����� .��r���� ����� �r��. ��, �r w..+w�'r�����w���.r �� �rr�r�.�.� �� +�w+ a.���������rww�w�i... �..ry���w.r �,rl�.�������.�.�.�^.�.�r.�.+..����..�r� iY���I��r� ���I���ir����i �Y��r��r������� �rlr�i�r!� !ri���Y/rl����Mrr��� �Y �+������i�l��! 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TABLE 1 SUMMARY QF LABOi2ATQRY TEST RESULT� Job No. 1U5 373 SAMME LdCATiON NATURAI NATUFAI GRADATiON P�R��M ATfEJtBEltG LIMITS �JHaj���� � MO[S'fIME Q.RY C{�y�� 5AN0 P0.SS!►iG LI COMPRE55IYE SO.IOR f��n�� I at�N I cprl'r�r�� � ��rtsmr . � � Ruto a�,A.�rrr , � o, f¢G.2U4 L�dtT 7M1i4'EY, STR'cACs'?F; i . {•,� ��� SiEVE 8L`LtiCtC.iCT1"1•c R 4'e S�o PSF 1 4�h 11.0 1 il 42 �5 g Ctayey sitty sand with rati•el 9�fz 4.9 I1S Silty sand and gcavel ISi/z 6.5 28 44 28 _` �----+-____.._ _�--_ �____..�--.r�_.�__..--�-- ; — - � ----� -------..�--- :. -------.�.y___� : ! . � � .��--�____�._._ _.�__..-._..._.. • - _ _�_.___..__._�_._._.....-----,_.... ; i �_ _�_.__..-- ._. . -------- ........_._......_. __ , , � 0 � � � � � .� c �. ~ � � � o � � u1 O W � cn tU 1Ni � z � � m O rn n Z � � n �. w d a� C r� U1 r ct -a -c � m � a w .� m � 0 � � � � � � � -� � , May 03 05 06: 47a �licia Davis-Lypps r '03497055 P, � 7101 West Yale R. J. frish Avenue, No. 601 Denver, Golorado 80227 303-986•6658 Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. April 21, 2005 SCOTT S. TURNIPSEED A. I, A. P, O. Box 1902 Crested Butte, CO 81224 Attn.: Alicia Davis-Lypps Re: Engr. Geologic Hazards investigation, Homesite at 1631 Buffehr Creek Road, Vail, Coiorado. Job No. 606 Gentlemen: . In response to a request by your Alicia Davis-Lypps, we have studied geologic conditions pertinent to Lot A of SDD No. 34 (also known as 1631 Buffehr Creek Road) in Vail, Coiorado. The property is on the northwestern slope of the Gore Creek Valley adjacent to the northwestern side of Suffehr Creek Raad abaut 1.6 miles west of the original Vail exit from Interstate Highway 1-70, and about a third of a mile northeast of Buffehr Creek, a tributary of Go�e Creek. ft lies within the SW1/4 NW1/4 NE1/4 NW '/4 Sec. 12, T. 5 S., R. 81 W. {Fig.1). 1'i�e site lies on the northwestern side of a narrow, southwest-trending valley separated from the floor of the Gore Creek Valley by the narrow, southwest-trending, 500-foot high Lion's Ricige. At this site the floor of the secondary valley is about 300 feet in elevation above the floor of the Gore Creek Valiey. Lot A is about 150 feet wide aiong Buffehr Creek Road, and extends up the slope on the northeastern side about 17� feet. This slope is relatively steep, on the order of 2:1 (horiz. to vert.). It is vegetated by wild grasses, short brush and scatte�ed aspen, some of which have trunks that are as large as 8 inches in diameter. Our objectives have been to generally outline geologic conditions across that lot and vicinity in arder to determine whether those conditions might promote (or have promoted) any actual or potential geologic hazards, such as debris lows, landslides, and rock slides, that could pose a risk to the construction and utilization of the home proposed for construction on this site. Conversely, we will assess the probable smpacts of the proposed construction activities on the geologic environment there. We understand that a muiti-sto.ry, singfe farnily residence is to be constructed on this lot. During the course of our work we have researched published and open file geologic maps pertinent to the study site and vicinity, as well as reports in our own files; stereoscopically studied aerial photographs provided by the U. S. Forest Service, and geologically reconnoitered the site and vicinity (on April 20, 2005)_ SITE GEOLOGlC COND{TIONS Sedimentary rock strata of the Pennsylvanian-age (about 290 to 325 million years ago) Minturn Formation constitute bedrock beneath the narthwestern slape of the Gore Consuhant to Designers, Contractors, Planners - May 03 05 06: 49a � licia Davis-Lypps ' 13497055 p, l R. J. Irish Consulting Engineering Geoiogist, Inc. Creek Valley through the Town of Vail sector of the valley, thus beneath;�.ot A and vicinity as well. These strata inciude interbedded sandstones and shales with scattered limestane beds. These range from thin to thick bedded, and appear to dip about 20° northwestward into the ridge slope. For the most part their joints are widely spaced, on the order of 5 to 1� feet, We found no evidence of faulting within the property or in the vicinity, Several narrow iedges of Minturn sandstone ranging from a few feet to as much as 15 feet high trend northeastward across the northwestern slope of the Gore Creek Valley. The lowest of these lie at an efevation fully 600 to 8Q0 feet up slope from Lot A. The Minturn strata do not crop out within the property, but typically the sandstones are fine to coarse grained, moderately well cemented (by calcite and iron oxide) and have low intergranular permeability. Their unconfined compressive (Uc) strength typically is an the arder of 7,000 psi to 10,00� psi. The shafes are fissile and weak mainly, but some are strengthened by impregnation by calcium carbonate (calcite). Their Uc strengths, consequently, typically range from about 500 psi to 2,000 psi. � Soils ubiquitously blanket the Mintum bedrock across the property and vicinity. These appear to be mainly poorly bedded, soft to medium stiff, sandy clays, and loose to dense, clayey sands that are gravelly, cobbley, and bouldery (mainly hard, strong sandstone debris). Derived as slopewash and residual soils, these prabably range from 5 feet to 15 feet thick within Lot A. The sandstones probably are weathering-weakened #o a depth of a few inches to 5 feet, whereas the shales, much more susceptible to weathering, may be weathering-weakened to a depth of 10 feet to 20 feet. Typically both rock types, fresh or weathered, are ripable with a D-9 "CaY' fitted witi� a single-tooth ripper. ASSESSMENT OF GEOLOGIC HAZARDS With the exception of a rock fall hazard, the risk of which we assess to be low', geologic conditions pertinent to Lot A appear to be relatively benign. Sandstone crops out as 2 long, narrow, 5-foot to 20-foot high bluffs about 600 and 800 feet in elevation abo�e Lot A, and as seve�al small outcrops scattered across the slope downhill from those main outcrops, but none of these seem to have been active generators of rock fails or slides for many years. The few rock blocks that have traveled more than a few hundred feet down the slape from the ledges typically are almost completely buried by slopewash sai{s. This evidences considerable antiquity for those blocks. Mareover, the rock Ynasses appear to be relatively tightly wedged together alang their widely spaced joints, thus do not evidence incipient failures. in time, freeze/thaw action will induce rock falls fram these ledges, but the rock fafl history of the Vail area suggests that such occurrences are few and far(in time) between. Importantly, masses tha# have broken loose fram the ledges tend to be slabby and angular, thus have been inhibited in their travel down slope by their shape, and further ' Uur assessments of geology-related risk are purposely couched in qualitati�e, empirically-derived terms (high, medium, and low). The state of the geologic art does not permit a rationa) quantitative analysis. 2 . May 03 05 06: 49a �licia Davis-Lypps r�03497055 P, Z R. J. irish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. impaded by the commonly dense brush growing on the mauntainside down slope from the ledges. Other slabs and blocks tl�at may, in time, break away from the ledges are likely to have a similar experience at least during the life of this project. We conclude that the rock fali risk for the planned residence is 1ow for the next 100 years, medium for the next 500 years, but high for the next 100a years. Each of those risk {evels, however, couid be ameliorated by proper attention to the ledges. That is to say,the fedges should be examined every 10 years or so. Slabs and blocks that appear to ha�e been loosened in that time should be dislodged with care and placed carefully into a stable position on the slope immediately down hi{I from the ledge. As the ledges lie within U. S, Forest Service land, that agency wil! need to be consulted on this matter befare any action is taken. As it is to their benefit, too, to prevent or control rock falls from those ledges (they could be responsible for damages incurred), they should not be recafcitrant on this matter. According to the U. S. Geological Survey, Lot A is potentially subject to earthquake-generated, interpreted, probabalistic peak ground accelerations af 0.05g., " with a 10% probability of exceedance for a 50-year period. No landslides were evident across the property for at least a mile up slope, and the closest debris fan is sited no closer than about 350 feet to the northeast. Debris flows that from time to time will continue to build this fan, but should not invade Lot A If cut slopes in excess of 5 feet high are required to create a building pad on the fot, or an access driveway to it, these cut slopes should be buttressed either by soil nails or rock bolts, or by large blocks of granitic rock. This is important because the slope is steep and the relatively thick soils there are not expected ta be well consalidated. A small, shallow ravine that heads only about 200 feet in elevation up slope from the building envelope periodically ca�ries, we expect, at least small quantities of rain and snowmelt run-off. This ravine trends down across the northeastern side of the planned building envelope. Consequentiy, we suggest that you plan to confine that water in a channel constructed between Lot A and the neighboring Lot B. In the absence of that channel, a building on Lot A could be flooded. Otherwise, so long as the construction of the planned dwelling does not materially change the existing ground conditions {and this should be avoidable), the sfability of the existing soils andlar bedrock at this site should not be impaired. The construction as planned should not increase'the geology-related hazards to other property or structures, or to public buildings, roads, streets, rights-of-way, easements, utilities, or facilities. We have appreciated the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions, however, or would iike to discuss any aspects of our report, please call. Yours truly, C����. ��7� Robt. Jam lrish, P. G. Cansulting Engineering Geologist 3 ' May 03 05 06: 49a qlicia Dawis-Lypp� 9�03497055 P, 3 \"�',\1_ l I I I \ / r — 1G1 — p� I . ,\ • 1 � ' � �I � , , �� �'... --��� .:�F .� '- ./ t. �' r�� �:`�.. / e � � 1 \ ' _ . \ � � � • �� . .� �� . / \ � :1 � '� � J � � F ` y '� _ ( _` .- � + ♦ � i,,. ..�x� ` r T f �` !' 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J , i � r � e., x , - � :�� /� �t :�i � !/ i� . ,� _ a . ' F t< � � y ��� r �� � ,� �rt� �. \� ' �}1.C9t�:Ulf F '` i ' _ / ; �, \ / � � : � - � ;.Y .,., i� t , �^' .� ,i � r i t r i _ �. �. . i,:; � � i i I f�r� \ - / . `� .:. `��4Y . -\1 :+,. 1 r - t ��. ' li�. / / r� �� l / 7r^ � 7i �:�� ♦ �� �� / , v -�� �� � J i ! ���l �..� .M . . �. . � � � �1 n„t �` ✓ . t•_:. � � ' . ''n / ..� .��! �� � r _j ,1Ji.r y � / ^ `�� .'Kr /i. . .�F;i .� ��� . �.�- � . z.;. . '� = -.'t i ./ � s:�~ �� � -.�.... ,. ..� . „"\ 'I'. �� i'_, " � . ' - .._..._ .. .- . . i ,. �. '19 �.�'� . ,. .. ,>.... �i�,r�,k,�:� �.. .,, i�i�'.. Fig. '1: Site Location Map, Lot A, 1631 Buffehr Creek Road, Vail, Colorado. Job No. sas _ 78- 7-05; 5: 77FA-0;US WEST ;9704680672 # 2/ 2 I� : Jul' 18 Q5 04: OOp ' ' 1ci a DBVis-Lypps 97f" �97055 P, 2 j�n�I �, �i�E�2- C(2��t�- `�?�� ..v.. UTIUTYAP'PROVAL 8�11�RI�IGATION ��� � �-- This foRn serves to verify that the propased improvements will not impact any existing or pcoposed utility services,and also to verify servioe availabitiry and locatlon for new c�onstru�tion and shouid be used tn wnjunctinn Nrith preparing your utflity plan a�r!scheduling installatlons. A site plan,induding grading plan,floo�pian,and elewdtions,shaM be sul�mitted to the following utilitias for approva{and verificatlon. , Authorize0 Slgna� Comments ,Q I QWEST q70�����e0 �V�tESY E� A �vRt�'Q ��' �G✓'�'i�t� 7 Z2/'J5 970.384.0257(f�x) L��,� contar,fs:S'A�dNI`T"ooltf`�( �N �'N'7 D� `��S Pt�arPl�7`y �'`�"�, _ `t'1.1w.rt' Wl���Qi�fl�r2Ctil �l L A-A1� l�D � �-�•��o ,a(o� 1�1�1y L�kCAYPk"716►�rt' � 7 r g f d� EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS ��'� ���Y��_�� 970.262.4076(tel) ' �-�t�. j Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CR055 ELECTRIC 970.949.5892(tel) 970.949.4566(fax) Contact: Ted Husky . EXCEL EkERGY • -, , - 970,262.4038(fax) . • Contacts: . fCit Bogart 970_262.4024 Jim O'neal 970.262.4003 EAiGLE RIVER WATER 8 SANiTATfC DISTRlCT 97Q,4T6.7480(tei} 8t0.476.4089(fax} C.antact: Fred Fi�asiee CC►MCAST CABLE - 970.949.1224 x 112{te!) 970.949.5138(fax) Contact: Fbyd Sataaar norES: 1. If the u61ity apprava!8 verlficatiun form has signatures fiom each of the utility campanies,and no cornments are made dinectly on the form,the Town wlil presume that there are n�problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company t�as concerns witit the proposed cor�strudion, the utiiity representattve shait note diteCtty on the uG1ity vtriflcation fortn that there is a problem wqich needs to be resolved, The issue should then be.d�talled in an attached letter to the Town of Vall, Hawever,please keep in mind tl�at it is the responsibiGty of the utility company and the appHpnt to resolve Identified problems. 3.These verificatians do not relieve the contractor of the respor�sibiity to obtain a Public Way Permlt from the Oeparkment of Public Works at.the Town ot Vail.Utility.locations mast be obtained before digglpg In.a�r public right-af-way.or easemerrt.withln the TovY(t of Vail. A buitding permit Is not a Public Way pertnit and must be obtalned separately. , The Developer is requined and ag�es to submit any revised drawings to the utllitles for re-approval E�re-ver�ication fi the submitted plans are aftered in any way after the authorized signatue date(unless otherwise specificaUy noted withln the c�nment area of thls form), Developer's S(gnature Date Page B of 12104!(31/04 I i ----- Jul O1 �5 Ol : l2p Hlicia Davis-Lypps 8703497055 ' P•� UTILITY APPttOYAL,�1IERlFICAttOH Thii form senres Dp verrfy tha!tho pr�c�ed jmprpyernen�p yy�ll�ot p�p��y���ar proposed utlllty servipg�,,and also to velify ��e+�bilil�r and Io�Rbn fvr naw oonq�u�tion and shauld be y�in conjundion w1t1�pr�p�Kg yDUr utiliry plan and 9Chedull�lg ina4tlatione. A site ptan.lncluding pra�n9 PIa��noor plan,and elevocqns,sheN be submhtod Eo the fWlowing uti6tles tor epproval qnd ve�t��on. Authodluod SiAnai Commen�s. D QWEST 97G.384.Q257(fauj . ContaUs: S�ott C�rrirpt+cn 870.468.6860 Jaoen 8tbrp 970.384A238 EXCEL H16H PRESBUREGAS -- a�a.zat.so7e to�ij contacc:Rich giar�o� / HOLY �•C�1,� C�1L.. • ��'` �UL O S � ��IC 9�0.�49.3ee¢(oeq 970.p49.4566{tax) COf�d: Ted H�{p� EXCEL EN�R6Y 970.262.4038(fax) (�DTttACts: ac eogart ato.aez.4oz4 Jrtn O'neai 870.282.40p3 �bt.E RIVF.R WATEp 8 gpNtTAT1C -�-" CIaTRICT 970.476,7480(tet) 97a.476,4ae9(fax) Cort�ct: Fned Hasl� COMCA$T GqBLE 870.94Si,1224 x 112(tiel) 9T0.9�48.9138(iax} Gor�Escc: Fioy�d Solazar NOT'�8: 1. if the udiiry appro�ral 8,veri►icatbn iorm has Slpriatwas from eac��of the utiltty�ompenies.and no aommeMs are made directly on the fotm,the 7own will presurne that thsr�are ro problerna and the dsvglopment can proceed. 2. H a�Illy oompany has aonoerns whh the prppo�ed oon�truc�on, tha utility roprepgnt�tive shetl nobs d+rectb on tMe utllity werifioatlon � �+et d�re 6 a pv+�blrrr� which r�a to pa r��. ����� ���tl in an attached lett�r Go the Tow�d Vall. Mo+�evar,p�eawe kasp In mind thet it I�ttlo rqspor�sj��ty p�(the uti lily oompany and the appll�pt pa�aolre iQentified probkms, 3,7liese verlticallone do not isl isve the o�ntrecbor of ihe t�sporsibility Eu obtein a Pub6e W�y Fra�mit from tha D�p�rtment af PuWIc Works et the Town M Vall,UtAity Ixations muct b�obtaln4d b�to�digging!n any publ�dght�of-vray or easerr►ent within the ToMm of Vall. A building psrmlt is not eI pub�ic Wey pennit and rr�ust b�pblejned aep,el�te�y, 7he DNa�oper ia required and agrea ta st�rnit�ny revi8�d drawin�s to the uti(ftles Por re-appr�ral&r�vsrification if tha submllted plens are altered in any way af�er the aWlorfzad spr�t�daEe(ueteas alherwl�epeeifroally noEed wRhin Ih�oomrnent area ot this form), _ Developer's S�turo � Page 8 of 12/04/p1/04 �ul �JUL, 7y2005;.�5: 14PMy} P��HOLYQCROSS ENER6Ypp5 s�o�4s�oss N0, 06215 P, 33�33 � . � ' �rr�t�T1r aPPROV/�t.&v�R��icAr�oN ; � Tf►is form se�v�to verify that the pr�posAd impravemer�t$wiii not fmpact any existing or propas�►d utility serv�.end aisa to vec�iy � s�rvics availabiiity and loeadon far new coretn�ctbn and should be usoQ i�conJ�tlon with RrepACil'►9 yaur utilfty plan a1�d sd7edulfrug Instellstbns. A she ptan,lncluding grading plan.Hoor p1an,acM etevativns,shailt be subtntltsd to the following ut11N{es for appratral aF1d vertflcation. ' ' qu2horized Slgnat Comments D i GWE�T � ' . � 970.384.U257(fax) � Gbnt�cts: � 3apn Gstrirqton 97�_468.68B0 , .rasor►snar��r4.3sa.ozas DCt:El HIGH PRESSUR�oAS � 970.262.4076(Sal) i Contact: Rich Skneros i 4iOLY CROSS ELFGTRIC , ���� C�- ��in,� 97Q949.5892(tel) � 22 f�-> -wrf� 9T0.949.4586(faxj �� , Contact: 'T�a�� ����^�— �W DCCFl EN�R�Y • � 9T0,262,4038(fex) . . ' � Contacts: � !Gt 6ogaR 970,262.4024 � �Im O'neat 970.282AOQ3 � �A�LF RfV�R WATER&3ANiTATIC DISTRIC7 � 970.476.7460(tel) 970.476.4089(feut) ' Con�t: Fred Ha5lee � i COMCAS7 CABL.E ; 970.949.1224 x 192(te1) i 970.949.9138(ta�'} . Contact: Fbyd 3ataear � HOTES: 9.If the u�llty spproval �veriticatbn fotm has alg�attxas from e�h ofthe utlI1Ry r,omparlies,and no comments are made ditedly�on th� form,the Town will piesutne that thero ara no prvbfems�nd the d��lopment can p�xsed. 2_tt A utltity mmpany?,as wncems with the proposed oortstntction,!he ut�lily repcesentawe sh�all rote directly on tha utiBry verlftratlon tcrtn tE�at there is a problem which needs to 4�resolved Tt�e baue shoulQ ther► be dem�ed Iri an a[tached leiter to tAe Town bt Vai{, However,pl�ase kaep in mine chat►t Is the respons�mry of rne crtiiity wmpany ar�d che appttrant to resoNe ideruAled prob�ems. � 3.Tlx�se verifications do not�lieve the concracxor a►the nesponsiblGty to obtain a Public Way Permit from tt�e Dep6ltment of Publiqworkq aL the Town of Vaif,uui�ry loc�tior�a must be obtal�ed bafv►a d�ggina in any public cight-af�ray or en�menc witbin the Tovm af Vai� A bcdldtng permit is not a Pub�ic Way pe►7eit and m�:t De obtslned eeparatefy. The Develop�er is req�red and agree�s W subrnit any r�vised fi�wCngs Co the eitilities for re-Hpproval&t�e-ve�cati�on it the submitted ptans are alteted in arry way afterlhs author�red signature date(unle�s otf�etw6se speCificaUy hoted within the comm�t ar�ea of tt►is fom+). ^ Developer's Sigraature p�te I � i Pag�B of 12/04/Q1/04 . i XCEL SUMMIT CTY Fax:970262405� Jul 6 2005 10:19 P.O1 Jui O1 05 dZ: 38p 911cia uav�s-�arN� - • -- � - - t!T'��1'I'1►APPRiOVAI-f►VER IF(CAT ION Thie ta�m servBS so�rib u+�t eha Prop°r�d imprwemsn�wlll not Impect any ezlst�ng or propo�e0 utllity xrviaes.an4 algo to veri�y seryice availability and locatbn tot new eonstnxtion an4 ehould be u8ed in ecnjunctian with preparing your utitity pls�and aaheduling i�llation5. a sica ptan,inGudfne 9�ditq plan,floor plan,ind e�evaGons,ahall be submRted to the folbwing utitici�far approYal end veriflr�tbn. Authorlsed lG�9na� Comn��nts � ONf6ST 97D.394.OZ57(tatt) C.ont�ta: 9oott Carington 970.488.8860 Jaeon 8F►stp 970.384.0298 E]U;EL N16H PRES�URB�il� 97o.a�1.4o78 cce�) donte�t:Rkh 8fsneroe NOLY CRdSB ELECTRIC 97G,949.6892(t61} 970,919.45E6(tox) CoMeCt: Ted Hu6ky EXCEi EN�Ri�Y 970.262.4038(fax) Cordacb: Klt 8ogott 970.282.4024 Jim O'ne�l 970.26�2,d0o3 �,(p,�� �AQI,E RIVER WATER 8 SANITATtC ` �ISTRIC7 - Q70.�76,7480(t61j g�p,478./088(fe�c) GonlaCt: Fred Maslee COMCAST CABLE 870.94�.1Z24 x 112(ta1) 97o.9a9.91 se(tax} Gor�ot: Fbyd 8sl�r NOTES: 1. It the Wliry approval�vieriticatlpn bnn has slgnatw'es tram e�ch ot tAe u�Uity compenies,and no oomments are made dirsetly on tne twm,the Town will presume thSt there are no ptoblems eild the devebpment�af►proC�6d. 2. It e udtl[y GOrltpb�f�y h�OQn�eme with the propos�d es+c�tvuction, the utility reoresentattve shall�ote direotly on the utillty verl(k�tbn tam that there �s a prohlem which neec� co be resalved• The�ue shauld then pe detatleo in an attache� letter to the Tanm of VBiI Howe+rer,pl8�ee kE�p in mind Utat it la the responsibility of th�utifity Company 6n0 the appll�nt to resolve identlfied problerr�. 3.Tlwos wrificet�oris do not relievs the wntrector of the reeponaibillty to obmin a Public Way Permit trom the Department of Pub�c WOtkf �t ths TowH oi Vall.ut411ry lowdons m�t be obfained befor�e digging M1 any publlc right-0t way or ae�nent wlthln the Town ot Yatl. A building permit 16 not e Pu�ltc Way panut end must be obtatned saparete(y. The DevelOpe�!s 1�equlred and apre�s to submit eny revl8ed�awings to the utlllties for ro-approvel�rerverl(�catlwr if the a�bmitted plane are alfersd in any way aRer the aut�or'�d Slpnature d8te(unlass otAetwise specMlca�ly notad wlthin tha canment A�s of ihl�1mnj. De+reloper's Signature ! �� Page B cf 72/Q4/011D4 JUL @1 '05 14�49 970349'7e55 PAGE.83 � �u1-19-2005 14:01 From-ERWSD 9704764089 T-12B P 002/002 f-814 Jul pl 05 03: 1Op A ;ia Lavis-L�PN� - "' ° UTILITY APPROVA�b V�RIFICA710N utili servk�,and alsc to ver�fy This torm se►ves t�o var�fY that tMe propos�d imProvements rv����pt�p��any axisClnA or propo�'�od �Y �an and scheduling varl our utility p seMpe avaUabdity and location fo�r�w����P'a�8����ns,sttall be submitted ta thego iowin�ut�llties for apprava�and it�stallaHona_ A sde plan,inaluding gredin9 P yefificatbn. Authortzed Signa� Comments � QWEST 970.384_�257'(tax) Ctmtacls: Scoh Carrington 970.468.fi860 JaSOn SF1arp 970.984.0238 EXCEL.HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076(tel) ContaCt: Rfch S'isnelros r ___ HC�Y CR4SS EtECTRIC 870.949.5892(te!) 970.849.4588(tax} ConO�ct: Ted Husky �— EXCFl EN�RGY 970.262.4038(fax) Contans: IGt Bogert 9TO.262.ao2a Jim O'neal 9T0.262.4003 EAGI.E R1YER WA'fER 8 SANI7ATIC � D13TRICT C�.,���-" 970.476.7480(tel) 870•476.4089(tsx� ��,�,Q,�,(��d l l m.e / " , �� COM�T�� �� Q70.949.1224 x 112(tel) 87D.949.9138(faX) Cantact: FIoI+d Salazar NQT�S: 1.Ii tha utiliry apprnval8 verificatlon fom►h►�s�Igrcatur�s trom each of the utlliry campanies,and no wmments ane made direc�ly an e tonn.q�e To�am wi11 pr�ume thst there ara no probfems and t�►e development can praceed. 2.If a u6lity company hss concerns wlth the proposed Conatructian. the uttllty representative shalt note dfrectly on thA utlllly ver'(ficatlon fam th3t there ls a problom which needs to be reanNod• Tha �sue ahould then be detelled In dn a�tached lette� to the Town of Vall. tlow9ver,pteaes keep m mind that it is the responslbii�ry a the umiry company and the appiicant ta resaroe Identiffed prabtems. 3,Ths�s verificaqons do not ielleve the oontractor of the�89ponsibillty to eDtain a Publlc Way Permlt from the D9partment ei Publ�Worka at tne Tawn af v�i1.ue�aty le�cions m�t be obtained before dipging in eny public right-of-way ar easrment w�thin the Town of Vail. A huilding permit iS Itot a PubliF Way pgt►7�It and mt�t bm o6tainod sapareteiy. The pevelopet is required and agre�s to submlt any revlsed drawings to the udlfties tar re-approval8 r�verif►catfon i(the aubmkted plans ane eNered In any way after the autliarized sl9�tu�e date(unless otherwisa spes,ificalty noted witMn khe canment aree af this form). pevelopeYs Sigclature - - �� pag�8 of 12/04/U1104 �JUL. 8.2005 410�01RM TCI RVON COLO N0.651 P.4i4 ' , - - �avis-Lypp� Q7�3497055 p. 3 UTI�ITYApPR�VAI,d�V�RI�ICATION 7hts form sorvas to yer�{y}hat the►prop�ed jmpfovery�e�p vu����qk impact eny axjating or proposecf utfllty servic,es,and also�o verlfy .�rvloe aveiiabUity and�oc�tlo�far�ew co�slructlpr��d ahctNd be used�n ooN��ctbn wlth propqp►ng your utillry plen and$cheduling itts��lor�s, A sits plan.indudl�p g�dl�9 Plan.itoor plan,end ei�vatbns,sha�N bs ey6mltted to tha follnwf�g utillties fcx apprrnral end Atltho�ized S�gnal Cotnmants p QWE8T 97D.3B4.0257(fex) �ntac�s: Sbalt Carrington 990,468.8860 .la9nn Sharp 970.38�.0236 D(CEL HIGM PRf�8URE GAS 970.262,4C76(bel) � Contact:(21rh Sisna►os NOLY CR�$3�L6CTRIC ",� 970,94�.58g2(te1) i 970.849,4566(fax� i Conmct; TeQ Husky � EXCEL ENERGY • ' � 970.282,4035(fex) � Co11tdC•L4: � KIR Qognrt 970.282.4Q24 I Jlm O�nea)9T0.262.4003 �AGt.�RIV�R MyATFR 3 SAN11'ATIt'� L115TltICT 970.476.�4BQ(tel) � 970.478.A089(fax) Contact: Frad Masl� I i CONIGAST CJ1B1,� ' - e�o.94e.122a-xa�{xeq 97�.948.9138(fak) Contact: •� � n � V e t �O�n FAd✓E�) • _ � a � T (r� U,����t �� HFA✓� NOTES: l sU r►tr C✓a'°� y� �o M�n�e� �h �n�✓E�v�.�� a'� ��0� QU-�e✓�i�e. 1. �f the utllky approva�&verlficetian fqm pax slgnaty►•es fron�ea�►�cf the utlliry co�►panfem,and no cammenis are made diFectly on tbe torm.the ToWn witl presuma tpst thare are Ilo problems and the deve�opment qn p��, 2. If a utlifry compa�Y Ita�cone�g with the propogeq op�struct(on, the utlilry repreaentetive sha11 note directiy on the utitlty ver�cation form that there i�a problern which needs to he reso�ved, The i9sue shoyld then he detai�eq in an attaCheq letter t0 ttr�7owr1 p/Yall. Howovef,Pleaoe keep In mind that It is tha respq�sloility of the utility cnmpahy and che applirant to rasoMs idenrdied p�able►ns. 3.These�reritjr.�ltpns do flot re�ieve th�contractor o(tha re�onsibilfty[o obtain a Pybf(c WaY�nnit from che pePg�e�Q f pyb►b Works at the Town of Vail.UtNIry Ie�atlnns must be obml�d hofo�q1�ging In anY P4���ght•of-way or easement wjthln the Town of Vafl. A bulMirp pemilt is nnt a Pupiic INay pernlit end m�t he optellied s9paratoiy, The DavelaPer Is requir+ed and agrees to supmit Ar�y�ev;sed�i�gs to the u�llltlas tur re-epproval8 re-verltfcatlon if the submttted plans aro al0end In eny v,ray afte�t�C eutherized sfgnatyra qato(unlee�otherwise speq{t7q�lly noted withln the cernment area of this forrn), ._ De�►elop�r's Sipnature � f�ate / � i Pape B of 12I04l01/04 I f --._-�. --� , • � . H�r .orth-PawlakGeotechnical, Inc. � �020 Cotmt��Road 1�4 �'��� Glenwood Springs,Colorado 81601 Phone:970-945-7988 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Faa: 970-945-8454 email:hpgeo@hpgeotech.com February 7, 2006 Scott S. Turnipseed, AIA Attn: Alicia Davis-Lypps P. O. Box 1902 Crested Butte, Colorado 81224 7ob No. 105 373 Subject: Review of Recommendations for Boulder Retaining Wall Designs, Proposed Flaum Residence, Lot A, TheValley Phase 5, 1631 Buffehr Creek Road, Vail, Colorado Dear Alicia: As requested, we have reviewed our previous recommendations for design of the boulder retaining walls at the subject site. Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. previously conducted a preliminary subsoil study at the site, submitting our findings in a report dated June 27, 2005, Job No. 105 373. We also provided preliminary recommendations for typical single tier boulder walls in a report dated August 28, 2005, and a three tier boulder wall above the patio area at the proposed residence in a report dated January 31, 2006, under the above job number. We understand the Town of Vail limits the height of individual boulder retaining walls to 6 feet. We also understand the permanent cut up to about 19 feet high above the western and northern sides of the proposed residence will be soil nailed. It has been requested we review our previous boulder wall detail recommendations with respect to the 6 feet maximum wall height, the 3 to 8 feet high one and two tier wall along the downhill side of the residence that will retain fill, and boulder walls adjacent the ends of the soil nail walls. We have revised our previous typical single wall detail (Figure 1, dated August 28, 2005) to 6 feet maximum height and is attached with this report. For two and three tier walls at the site, the Figure 1 detail provided in our January 31, 2006 report is applicable provided the individual wall heights are limited to 4 feet as noted on that detail. This includes the one and two tier fill wall along the downhill side of the residence, and the walls adjacent the ends of the soil nail wall. Other recommendations provided in our previous reports, that are applicable, should also be observed. Parker 303-841-7119 • Colorado Springs 719-633-5562 • Silverthorne 970-468-1989 Scott S. Turnipseed, AIA February 7, 2006 Page 2 The soil nail wall should be designed as a permanent structure by a qualified design/ build contractor with experience in the area. The wall should be designed for both global and local stabiliry. Additional subsurface information could be obtained along the uphill side of the residence to aid in the design. Access would need to be made for a drill rig to obtain the subsurface information. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - WL ��'�� CAL, INC. p'I�.'� ,,���>,�-,��,,����r ''� �+��v �i ,� .�R ..�r. � � a"� • a ��s •,� �+�r s ° ' e"1� a � • � � +°� iy � �` a 97G°G 1 V �'�o�/'i~,�= David A. Young, P.�� • -� � .e° •.Z'$fl�'j�►�� ^►',r F '�....... d� `� Rev. by: SLP ����������}��'�`, DAY/ksw attachment Figure 1 - Typical Boulder Wall Detail (Revised 2-7-06) cc: Schurenstedt Construction - Attn: Rex Schurenstedt Town of Vail Public Work Department - Attn: George Chalberg (fax only) Job No. 105 373 �t�Ch REVISED FEBRUARY 7, 2006 �_�,. 3�T�����'�^�� �4W»�_�.4�� '`�4��� 2'-4'Boulders �'�1�(���� .. �P) ��"t f 1�"�,�� �=f!I��.t. ,�� � j W�1 �_ ���� ( ,�I 1 1` Filter Fabric ♦ ' f ` (Mirafi 140N or Equiv.) (TYP) � � H =6'(m�) ` l I ` Drain Gravel ) �P' , L � � L � � � I��1�,- ��:�;--;�...�-�� � ♦ „ 4"Diameter Perforated Drain Pipe Sloped to Gravity Outlet � 2/3 H(min.) �P� (H=Height in Feet) 1'to 1 1/2'(min.embedment) NOT TO SCALE ~ TYPICAL BOULDER WALL DETAIL Figure 1 105 373 eCh HEPwoam-PwwuK GEOTECMW�C,u. � , H >rdz-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. �""��� � �OLV Counry Road 1�4 �'��, ^�,� Glenwood Sprin�s,Colorado blcivl � PiZOne:970-94�-7988 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL F��:: 970.945-845=+ email:hpgeo@hpgeotech.coin February 7, 2006 Scott S. Turnipseed, AIA Attn: Alicia Davis-Lypps P. O. Box 1902 Crested Butte, Colorado 81224 3ob No. 105 373 Subject: Review of Recommendations for Boulder Retaining Wall Designs, Proposed Flaum Residence, Lot A, TheValley Phase 5, 1631 Buffehr Creek Road, Vail, Colorado Dear Alicia: As requested, we have reviewed our previous recommendations for design of the boulder retaining walls at the subject site. Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. previously conducted a preliminary subsoil study at the site, submitting our findings in a report dated June 27, 2005, Job No. 105 373. We also provided preliminary recommendations for typical single tier boulder walls in a report dated August 28, 2005, and a three tier boulder wall above the patio area at the proposed residence in a report dated January 31, 2006, under the above job number. We understand the Town of Vail limits the height of individual boulder retaining walls to 6 feet. We also understand the permanent cut up to about 19 feet high above the western and northern sides of the proposed residence will be soil nailed. It has been requested we review our previous boulder wall detail recommendations with respect to the 6 feet maximum wall height, the 3 to 8 feet high one and two tier wall along the downhill side of the residence that will retain fill, and boulder walls adjacent the ends of the soil nail walls. We have revised our previous typical single wall detail (Figure 1, dated August 28, 2005) to 6 feet maximum height and is attached with this report. For two and three tier walls at the site, the Figure 1 detail provided in our January 31, 2006 report is applicable provided the individual wall heights are limited to 4 feet as noted on that detail. This includes the one and two tier fill wall along the downhill side of the residence, and the walls adjacent the ends of the soil nail wall. Other recommendations provided in our previous reports, that are applicable, should also be observed. Parker 303-841-7119 • Colorado Springs 719-633-5562 • Silvertllorne 970-468-1989 Scott S. Turnipseed, ?�IA February 7, 2006 Page 2 The soil nail wall should be designed as a permanent structure by a qualified design/ build contractor with experience in the area. The wall should be designed for both global and local stabiliry. Additional subsurface information could be obtained along the uphill side of the residence to aid in the design. Access would need to be made for a drill rig to obtain the subsurface information. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - WL ' L +C�IryICAL, INC. ���'� ��� -a�dff ��� ,.���.,:'.��:i���t��s �� � � 'b �\ � � �rY�,� 1 � +or � � �� p a'14ir ��� � � x s i � .� � .r David A. Young, P.��^. ��°��� :'�� m �,o.�,to •�,�i-gj.(��i•' .;m' �/����,�i�+s�a��ar�y��;�'� Rev. by: SLP ���'�!���������� DAY/l:sw attachment Figure 1 - Typical Boulder Wall Detail (Revised 2-7-06) cc: Schurenstedt Construction- Attn: Rex Schurenstedt Town of Vail Public Work Department - Attn: George Chalberg (fax only) Job No. 105 373 C�UPtP.Ch REVISED FEBRUARY 7, 2006 ,, lil ,-_t � l��- 1�, � ����� ��� ����` �� 2'-4'Boulders �• i_.--- (�'P) !�_I��-�1_-�j.{. _::.�I 1-:-�f ���� � -::� ' �I Isr � �1:�_ ' ������ ..i _: ��� , Filter Fabric ♦ : J' ` (Mirafi 140N or Equiv.) (nP) � � FI — g�(max) ` l ' � Drain Gravel � �P� , � � J � L � � � � � �;,=;��zr�;�;� �k�-����s�;�=:ile ;E.� 4"Diameter ' Perforated Drain Pipe Sloped to Gravity Outlet � 2/3 H(min.) m'P� (H=Heigh[in Fee[) 1'to 1 1/2'(min.embedment) NOT TO SCALE 105 373 ��~ TYPICAL BOULDER WALL DETAIL Figure 1 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEO'IECHNICAL F��—d1—�b�6 14�41 H—P GEOTECH p'�2�04 j•1c�� .�-�'.�wl;a:.licc�t�s:::�i,.�.:al, i:�c. j� ° ��2�i:��uiu.y Ito:�u 154 �7� Cilenwoc�d Sprin�r„Ccr9c�::�_[r�`;�(i;)i � P}�i,G1�:��'iU-9rrj-7`Jtiii N��WORTH-PAWLAK 6EOTECHNfCAL F»X.970-�'�1''�Q'� f:IIl:ti{:ft}���t�cf�fR�lr?�cOtr'�4T.::c��:l: 3ant�ary 31, .'.00b Scc�t�. S. Turnipseed, AIA Attn: Aticia Davis-Lypgs P. �. Box I902 Cxestcd Butte, Colorado 81224 ��r ��,, �,p5 373 Su�?;��ct: Recommee�n�dations for Preliminary '1'hree Tier I3�ulder �k2et;iitain� WaIl Design, Propvsed Flaum Residence, LUt A, TbeValley Phase 5, 1631 Buffehr Creek Road, Vail, Colorado bear Atici�: .As r�quested, we are providing recomrnendations for pre�iminary clesign c�f the chree tier houlder retaining wall above the patio azea at the subje�t site. He�wc?rth-Pawlaic G�cjtechnical, Inc. �reviously eonducted �preliminarY Subsoil study at the site, st�hn�itting our findings in a report dated 3une 27, and prelimitzs'�7�c����n��r�ons f�r typical tioulder wa1L� dated August 28, 2005, under Job No. 3 Tb.f° three tier boulder retaining�':�1 �'���iocated alc�ng the uI�-sloPeT no�h�m side of �h�p�ti� on the west side of the residenee. �here there w��t��hCl�� ���ab�ut 10 Ti��retaineti height vf the walls will be about 2 to 4 feet feec. A t�irtie tier boutder wa11 system can be used to retain cut pr��vicied it has acl�uate sectiun fo�'stability. Tbe w�llls were analyzed as gravity retaining structures anci should t�c prc�vided with an underdrain system to prevent build-upiae�Y��I�ure IT�Tl�e A typic:.al detail for che three tier boulder wall secno�xs p bouk�ers should be angular to subangular shape and about 1 tn 3 t'eet in di�zrr�eter with th� }arger boulders placed at the botEam of the w�the wall�aou d be t 1 3st 2 3 �e shcfuld he no more t h a n 4 f e e t. T h e b a s e w�d t h o wai:! height and the base keyed beiow the ground surface at least 1 foot. I.o:�s�ned sut��rade so'sls should be�noistened and cornPacted prior co the wall ccm�trctction. 'fi�e ��c�: ;:f the walls shoul�re hattezed at about sf� (hori��ntal) to 1 (vertical) c�r flatter. 'I'he �pace between the boulderS should be baekfilled with s� in�� ��h�d cir�in raek. /� #:��ter fabric, such as Mirafi 14QN, should separate the on-site soils frorn c�ie =� inch r�ck. Final slope grades between the walls shoulc�t�e no stecpez than 2 (h) ;t7 1 (v). We Parke,- :iO3-$41-?119 • C��]c�rado SP,-in�s 7J9-b.33-�562 • �ll�'E.i'l;tl(?i'17C'. �7i�•�'Ci$-]9�9 Ft�-bl-�bbb 14�4"� H-P GEOTECH P.���04 Sct�t�l S. Turnipseed, AIA 3anujl:y 31, 2006 Page 2 should observe constniction o�'the boulder w�llls tc� evaluate c��AZid�`QUe ta�lacl: of recUrninendations. The rect�mmendations are considered prel�minary subsurface informatit�n in this area of the site. The subsurface conditians �hc�ulr4 be evaltlated grior to constru�tion. f {�u have any questions or need furthex assistance, please call c�ue affice• I � Sincerely> �pr�f��NICAL, INC. HF:�?. TH PAWI.A`�+► �,Q��f� . . , t = V Y ��� - ., s .. � �; � — • — � ; 32-2i 6 i � Davii! A. Young, �� t����Q�f���,` v. t� : DEH ',���r��iONAi.��'``��a+��, Re Y uttte I)/�Y/ksw attacament Figure 1 - Typical Three Tier Boulder Wall Detail c�: Schuxenstedt Construction - Attn: Rex Schurenstedt —.�--.----�•—...- . 7�,li��.ius 3�3— Ge� TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: B06-0099 Job Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Applied . . : 04/27/2006 Parcel No...: 210312205006 Issued . . . OS/03/2006 Legal Description: Expires.....: 10/30/2006 Project No : PRJOS-0237 OWNER FLAUM, RONNA J. 04/27/2006 PO BOX 3117 VAIL CO 81658 CONTRAGTOR FLAUM, RONNA J. 04/27/2006 Phone: 926-9506 BOX 3117 VAIL COLORADO 81657 License: 364-L ARCHITECT SCOTT TURNIPSEED, AIA 04/27/2006 Phone: 970-328-3900 1143 CAPITOL STREET, SUITE 211 PO BOX 3388 EAGLE CO 81631 License: C000001848 Desciption: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Occupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Totals. . . 5, 523 $1, 500, 000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,500,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted:Y #of Gas Appliances: 2 N of Gas Logs: 2 #of Wood Pallet: 0 ******�*****************�********�*****************************�:**�** FEE SUMMARY***************�:*****************************�*********�*** Building------> $7,4 3 3.7 5 Restuarant Plan Review--> $0.0 0 Total Calculated Fees-----> $13,92 5.5 9 Plan Check---> $4,831.94 Recreation Fee------------> $1,656.90 Additional Fees------------> $2,267.69) Investigation-> $o.oo TOTAL FEES-------------> $13,925.59 Total Pernut Fee-----------> $11,657.90 Will Call-----> $3.00 Payments-------------------> $11,657.90 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.00 �*���*��***�**�*�***********************�**�*********�**�*************************************************�*******�****************************** Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/O1/2006 cgunion Action: COND SEE CONDITIONS AND LHN Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 05/01/2006 Warren Action: COND Approved with all DRB conditions in effect. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/27/2006 JJR Action: COND See conditions. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05/O1/2006 gc Action: AP Item: 05550 ENGINEERING CIVILS *****��*****�*****�*****�**�:���*�*�����**�******************�*****���**�*�******�*�*****************�********************�**�******�******�*****� See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE 2 ���x�*�x�*�x�x�*��*�:x**�x�*��x*�x�*�***�****�x*�x**�*�x*��x**:x�x**��x**��*��x*:�*�x*�x*�:*�x*�*��x�****�x*�x*�*�x*�x*�x*�x*�x�*�:�x�x�: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B06-0099 as of OS-03-2006 Status: ISSUED ���*����:*�����*����*�x*=�**�:*�*��*�*���*�**:��:*���*��:**���*���x*�:*��*�:��x��:��x*�:*�:��*�*���*�:��x*�*�x*�*����*�*�� Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 04/27/2006 Applicant: FLAUM, RONNA J. Issued: OS/03/2006 Job Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Parcel No: 210312205006 �x���:*��x��x*:�*���x��:*�*�**�x**�x�*�x*�x*�*�*�x�x*�:�x**�**��*��x***��x�*��*�x*�x��x**�:�x*�:*��*��x*�:*�:**�x�*�*�:*�x�*�:��x**�:*�:* CONDITIONS *��:��*�*����x*�x*�:*�*��*�*��x*��:*�:*�x***�*��x*��:**��x*�***=��***��:*�*��x�*�*�:*�*��x*=��x*�*��x��***�x**�:*���x�x�*�*�*�x�x Cond: 33 BE SUBMI�TTEDOAND A PROVED P ROR TO REQUESTOFOR A FR ME I SP CT ON.RVEY SHALL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0007968 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0007969 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0007980 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM REQUIRED FOR FAMILY ROOM AND EXERSIZE ROOM PER IRC/IMC. 2. 1 HOUR DWELLING UNIT SEPARATION REQURIED AT EHU WALLS/CEILING PER IRC. 3. FIREPLACE SHROUDS ARE NOT APPROVED. SHROUDS MUST BE LISTED FOR USE WITH THE FIREPLACE PER IMC/IFGC/IRC. Cond: CON0007981 The access to the crawlspace shall be no larger than 12 square feet in size. The head height in the crawlspace shall be no greater than five feet in height. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. � .___..._.._._....._. . __.. _.._ (� - SIGNATUR OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *****�***�*****�***************��*�**�****�***�***********************�***��**************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **:x*�****+***�:*�:****:x**�:�**�*******�***�x*�*�x*****:x*****�***�x****:x*+**+**�:�:**�*****�********* Statement Number: R060000504 Amount: $11,657.9005/03/200612:43 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LT Notation: Flaum / ck 1027 ------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B06-0099 Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-122-0500-6 Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Total Fees: $11,657.90 This Payment: $11,657.90 Total ALL Pmts: $11,657.90 Balance: $0.00 ************�x���:******�****�:***************************�***�:**********************�x********* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts --------------------- BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 7,433 .75 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 4,224.15 --------------------------------------------------- 0 APPLICATi�N WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI�A��S_ O Z-3� Project#: � � Building Permit# ► ��� 3?U-479 2��9{Inspecti M�s) * . �. ��'����� A TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: Town of Vail R No.: Contact Person and Phone#'s: � �'� �� ��� .�� �- �- �,jv,��.7s�,�� 3�d��� Email address: R..E X �- E S " 1,"� S N • C o M Fax#: c�,—� p. �, sS • �'p Contractor Signature: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor 8� Materials BUILDING: $ 1 �5��i o 00 . o� ELECTRICAL: $ OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ MECHANICAL: $ TOTAL: $ For Parcel#Contact Ea le Count Assessors O�ce at 970-328-8640 or visit www.ea le-count .com �arcel�# �t.. t o '�, 1. �t, �.. o g o o � Job Name: F�„A�,1 M (Z E S 1 D E N G E Job Address: � �3 � p�v�'��H�."Z, C�t�L (7-� Legal Description Lot: P. Block: Filing: Subdivision: Yp.�Lr� 'P1�,i'"c �i Owners Name: � ��rn p ,o , Q,ay� -�� � v �t��co��' Phone: ��� , ��w► � c ook�� Address: �1,o oc� Architect/Designer: Address: Phone: `� z� ScoT'f 5 . .��-Y \PS��1� �.� . ps O� �'i�i�� -�6� �I�O�II '�"�-`� . "'�a`� o 0 Engineer: Address: g°J`��� C° p.� Phone: 3�3 C-�L=�i�A.� � 1 e-� �G �L.1 �-u A A w Sfi� �i Detailed description of work: N�E W c o� S-C° 2,.s c'l1 o t-�t -- s �e-� c�t�. rc E'� w'� ��.� P-E S�t7 �'!�-� c C Work Class: New(?C) Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both (�() Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes (x) No( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family()() Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buitding: No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/T e of Fire laces Existin : Gas A liances � Gas Lo s !� Wood/Pellet Wood Burnin No/T e of Fire laces Pro osed: Gas A liances 'L Gas Lo s Wood/Pellet Wood Burnin NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No( ) Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes( ) No( ) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Type of Construct�on J_ � Date Received y Occupancy GrouP .�.:..: . ...... .', .. . ..,.� Accepted By;- , �_ �'. �, �,s-��.� �,,� �� �� ��� �� �f� ��, n ���� �,�;�� ��,'nI �p� 2 6 2006 � 1 � � F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\building�ermit.DOC � Pa e 1 of 16 02/09/2005 TOli�'i� Q� V/�i L . . . . _ _: _ _ . _ � � ., _ ,, , . . _ , _ _ _. __. , . . . . , � .. , - ... - -- � . . . ; -. ; . . . . .. �, . . . _ _ °. _ .�. . .. , . �, , , _ . � , `. . �, � _ � � � ;� - . 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St�n,�tural Stee1�8c�W�i�i ��i�erY�tiOn $asad tipdt�a fielt��obaer'�at�ori oX'r�y��2Q0?of znstallAd am�ctural atG�l,fri�n�ig . . ;, . , . . , . : element�,�d��ovekt cc�in�on�:bf t`h"e�ub,�ect strucS�m,conducted by a r,e�e��tv�bf. � _ , , , ,. . _ . o�o�'ice,:�d qo�espbricl�n8 cammcajts and�aacrecttpns made:to the.general c�ntractor, , ,. � ' ii ie our opuuon tbnt ihest ekmthts w��iet�lled i�general confarrnanoe vuith '� ; : ' � conqttvc�ou du�r��uts 1���b3��a�f'i�e -: . ,, . , . _ �: . . . __ , ,. , . : ; Pxeasc c�i��if you have arry qu��n�zcgaard�this informa�ion. . �:.. �� �incerel.y, _ :: : . . . . R,�+iew�d by; � G�BAtJ��C ' ,.� . - - . �� �'��1 -�► �',,3► , : � _ ; . �. . . . . ��V�. `I�� ' R��' +''�� . .. . , ; .: � : ; :� . i v�.,� d��� . _ • _ . 4*. `�8� �� ; ' '' • . '. '� , .. - ., .. . . .. ' i . . �,o� . � . . . . .�� ' `tsr $ret T3�nte,�2.!�. , _.dohr�.Arndi,P,E. ;�^'*., �}s"'�^+�! � . : ��:p���,'��� BD/rd � , 1,11 Z1 3roadwt�y, Su�te#?0;� • ���:. _6oul�er, Colrsrado Q0�0� � � � �3�3}44�-8545 �►' FaX{3031 k44-���� . . . _ , . ... � . . ,. . . � - . ,:; . . _ . _ - ,,: >,� � .d ndiF-�d .,, - ,._ �. � . , � 6-EOE •ouI `neqa� Wti00 �0T LOOZ ST �eW �5/2007 14:28 97@5243001 INSULVAIL PAGE 02�05 - �� ��� � C;�1"t�1�'#T�•*�d �I insul�afe°�SP . Fiber Glass Btowing 1nsu�atian �u�#ders Statement fvr�se in tfie 814w-��-stac�ice�System ._._ NonmoNner Name/Jobslce I�fria • '� i�F� � r�t1 'CZ 4 S . trome�aarrnss ��3� �c1 r'�G H�'L G�2.C' E� iZ.3� • . I�iertComr�ctor{atpn} � 1.il G� Q.Q Campe�S J �° � , �vAct,.. �-6' � 8uuaer(eiQn} � Gontpaay Neme ��e It�ap�ctad Oq(siGA�toqulrod) - Dltte _,,,,�....r,,,,�......•.n...�........,.r.._...�,.,...�w...,..�..,...........�..n...�..,.._._.,.._...............__�..,......�.,u...._._�. - ��w� ���� ���M R � �� - � �1��.� �A�� ��^�'r �� 1iSODIJMI�_ ��IOf �Of�lQ yYO�ILQYi �.Of 11�d� MftIR1Yrt1MldWhIM� �nam�+n.� t �q.n. rhw ra aow� �1� +MN�K NaU na be INe t� Mf�M1 not di tw lhat � �n�u�: abw Aw� A, tat t»iwe p�: � ec �ti,� �,i aar� � � y�.? _ aTea ��a �aio ,. M �2.� .� o.as ,a.ra mab � t4.t 'Q�i! u.eQ ao ,s.s � a� ti�.m 1,. RO t2.0 77.9 iC.�B �1 1AP /Q. 4�34 8.76 1.16 tA 9,� t07A Q$II� 1J6 1.76 1� 8,2 105.7 Q11� b.� 6.Z6 11 � 6.3 tYQS 0.18.1 4.60 4.60 R-lislu��s are dadermineci in accoodan��wtth ASTt+�Cb87��d C518.Com}�t�es with�STM 47b4 aS't�e t +Nleumm�tt{c itpplftAtloil. lMriNW� i111pQ165� AREA{�4.FtJ qKU��'Wt �� �ATtIYI�tt.S W) ¢-5a �� N oS CfaiJNGS w�us Ftr�11s THERMAL PERFORMANC�—ATTIC$IAYYINIf3 APP4ICAT{ON • In ea^,�tdeu►es v++ith the Cht�t't gbove,you mu�t InsteA the minimum number of peg�pgr t��OQ 9q• ft•�1���°°� �t-vatue i�tea. • Tne ma�dmum net coverage muot not eocceed that spec►fled tor aach R*V�lue. • ThB Inatesed UtauleRion cr�.st be at w�bove th+r�ecirivd mlrihrx�rr thicla�e�s for eeich R Value. • ��ilure ta Met�l the requl�ad minlmum wet�ht per aq.tt. of lnsule►tidn at or abova Ma minirnum thtckness wlll rosult in roduced R-Vt�a. • Thie ENOduct 9h0utd not be mixed with other bbw�'t�su�ations or thee thermsl cle�rna wlit beaorr�inveiUd. R-V2dues t�ye�c.l,sMte�r^m^ined in acqc�ar.d�at�ce v�ih Ik3TMp Cb18.CMomaptfe�wit�tyt A`S.��fM��{�C��784 s�s'Cype t �atladesired R-Vtlue.it ����a{��i4��iNU'ri iQ�IRi7�•���th0 f'f�V�B�NIP���{fl�M,���i/!��•'�" !/r ie sseantlal ttie�t tne trrsulatl�!s I►rsta119d properly. pAN08R; RECE3'�D IaGMT flXTUR69--TO PREV�NT WiAM6A71Ntii,00 NOT IN�i1JLATE 01VTOP OR WrTI'�N 3"OF S1JCH O�VICES.'i�i�.4 WAHTtWO OOE8 NOrT AP�LYTL�IYPE IC LIQM'F17�ryi�lS OR70 P{.UOR&10EMT FtXTtiRRS W� ,�+s��.r pAOtect�eatu.�►at�. 30�24-804 Aau}�!M 8P 9195 9ul�qers 9Md�mMN A Bskrt-0obqln CanP�nY �07 Certafnlle0 QaporaNOn 2R7 j5/2007 14:28 97952430@1 INSULVAIL PAGE 03/�5 i ���,��1��-��� � InsutSafe�SP F�ber G�ass Btawing lnsulation ��uilders Statennent fo�wse in the Blow-In•8lanket•Syat�m � ttomeowner�n��,ioaNta wamo .,�- �.0.J 1`� � �S , . NGfi1t rlCOres9 � (�r 3 1 43 v f—'F C kt ��Z-��� �'�- mamiNdCo�trsxtor(sipn} � Cor�ny N�me �° �..�c.C¢.a � t-vI'+��. (o�5'O� ' $ullder(eig�) Con►�y� o� w�n lnap�ctad 8y(S�►N toW�ree} --- _ �,,,,_,,,,��.,.,,,..,,.,,,,...�...,. ..a.....«,......�......_..............,.r.�.._.•»....�..�.�_ . � �A� �� �� f�'�'^�'^Fr1r �� �� �� fQ,h� �� �1so11l�1pl�p� iGO�uq,0. �a0�et hnp����A/I1�A !f IOII IIOf�Ib Mf6 ThN: �tll A0�0�IM�11MIt ��i: ol Mli�111�: IIlo�11 MIIIk 31.4 91lt O.i77t 42A0 1?.CD �6 � �.T .. O.�eo 1� �� M Z!; M a ��. 30 fA.'! O.SYi 1 '14.e0 91i 14A �7.7 Q.4� 1�i5 f1.T•! � tE,� 'RA 0. 1 10 � t0.i 8�,i 0.394 8.13 �1Q 1q 6.a 10��1 4.t� 1.75 1.76 a �.t ,n,r at� a�sa �s i1 ' dA t90.6 41�i �.f0 �.10 R•Value.�afc det�ermined in�wich^StM C697 and CSt 8.ComPlics with A3TM C764 as Trpe 1 �N1lutt'�8t(C a�licadon. 11-VAWE TMIC�6 AAIlA{8Q.�'J UNU1tM��W1 �� �i�l c�unoe R-Gta 1 �1z" '�►�o ✓ 5 wru.�.s . �.a0pu TMERMAi.A�RFOR#AANCFr—ATTtC BI.OWiIVQ APf't.tCA't'ION • M ac��rda�ce wttt►me chart anavo.You muat�natau the mlrumum rx,mner ai t�ags per 1,QOO ea,n,ol nst aroa�or�sch R-Vatue Ustad. • 1'ae maxtmum net co►rora4e rr�u9t twt axoaed th�t epeclfleq tw�eh R�Valwe. � Th0 h18t9�8d ki3utAtlori�11qER bQ Att 01'!lbQV�}tti�SK18CI�i8d lIIIiWiMJ�11 tl11CMQ1eB9 tOt 0ltch R-VdluB. • f8ilute ta Ir�staq the req�nr'ed rninJmum weig�t per sq.R. of �ian at a above the minirnum tMakness wi11 se�uk M n�ducecl R-Yalue. « This��roduct shauW not be mbced wt�t oti�er bbwn Msule�tions or ths tiwrr�l c�kn�wlil beooms inve�iid. �m an���r t�a ir�.�n�ow.��',e r�w�nm tsi,R�V�s.tf�te prgre�e�i�tthe�t�g Aa��ir Ta��d��-vr�,a ta eoser+�cial�t me ir�sul�fan�Hr�aNed properfy. DAM6EA: RECE8SE0 I.�CMT RXTUR�s--'t0 P����N7'QYERNEAIINQ�DO NGT INSUf.Ai'�ON 7QP OR YYRtf11�13"OF$�CH OEVIC�8.TMSY1lARNIN3 D0�8 NOT MPtYTO'['�fPF lC�14FR FtXTRlRES OR�O Ft.UQR6SCENT FlXTYAES Wi'�f'i TMRAMAL.I.Y?R�TEC7E0 sAl.l.I19T1 30•24�9Q4 msul8�h'9P Bi9S BuuUare 9btamer+t A 9�Int-Qobeki CamA�Y m2�T Con�in'leed Ca�madon?!OT /@5/20@7 14:28 97@5243@0I INSULVAIL PAGE 04l05 �+��rt� ir�"eed � . '"' Bu�lders Sta#ement � � 3� �v r���cQ czG� ��- ������TM Fib�r� Glass Insula�ion used in the Blow-In•Btank+�t°Q System 0 Th4 OPl'!MA Syctem has been i�-+talled�ing OP`TIMA Ir�+tallon to p*ovide a R-vaiue of R��.�� � �"f �l C 1_ �feet o E arca at a l hi c k n e s s o f t'�' i�ch�es. t a*� c.x'�¢•o¢ �a`��H� inaulati0�ta cmer st�ua /nate/ Insta{ler C:ontracror is� n3 �om nn {vAmE /Date J euilder lsi n) C'om an Name THERMAi.PERf•ORMANCE 4pTfN1�TM 4cx�se Fi111nsutation is manufactured fo+'dosed cav�ty applicatian in�tatied 17ettir�d QPTt1�A�tma�'►Mraii e�uivalEmt.lt shrn.+ld nc�t be UsEd Toj,�n bi � ��a��for each R-�val�i�cav ry cknes.s�1 stecl C'�verage is che min mum number of l�Ss pe q. ba�sed on a nominal 28 Ib.heg.The maximum net c���n ulatio�nwell re��suft in a�c�d R-va{ue.This rcxluct Faitur��to inscal}the requirec!miniR'um weight per sq• shouid r�t be mix�i with othFr blown insutas,�ons or tfie�erma)claims wilf become irnal;d. Sidewalls,Cathedral Ceiii u�d other elos�d caviti�s that are com re�ian fiHed. �, �Wc�t Ra Per NMKn+w+�Sq.ft, 1Mcktre!�s 1.bR.In Ca FL I.b�.Pcr 3q.�t 'I,aa�sq.FL C���►(la�• Imfies R'Y�'�' S3 `„/ �8 Q.SYS t0.9 ;t'h"t2:<4 �5 19.4 3� A.825 S'h'(T.al,1 ?.3 t.d 38.5 2G 30 1.$ 1.�bH f������rli 1.0 t.388 Sf�A 2t) 9Y,"�2*10? i9 t.688 58.8 i� ���r,^i7.•tit2) �� r.A 71.4 �a f:1'/;(2 d4) ~ 5{, �� t,9RA Woored Attics-Closed Cavtti�e thut are not som tession filled. � ,�x�,sa F�. fhickm� �� tiM.Y�er Cu.Fl �Lbi.�P�cmi'Sq.�i. 1,000�.it. Caw�ag��� IAr.hcs o.2�+z tci.a qh 1Ya"�<Al �2 �? n.:;sa T 1?.F 8Q 3'li(2�A1 �1 t 4.5 h4 U• i�r,��s4 a a i.n n a�a i h.r t�n 3�h���r.a� �n i.e 16.4 t,i O.sSe S'H`{1<b} �� �2 0550 1�.G S1 5`/i't2 c6l 21 IZ.7 4� 0.64x 5'h"i2�Gl 22 l.b (f.733 26.; 3d S'h''f2 cG} xz 4t, 0.6t14 ).1.7 7'�'�1 eA1 2h t.2 (1.17.5 25.7 'i�J 7`l."i2tS! �� �U.� 33 O.tMb 7'/a'{2<f31 d9. t 4 34.5 z`� R.957 7'!�'�7tR) 3Q 7.6 t).777 ��.8 3U 9'!:(2t1�1 '�{ 1.2 33.3 3D 35 0.925 94�"�a10) 3Q.S 26 _ 1. 9 9'/,' 2r1i1 .ib i.4 23 9'/,"l2.tU1 ]R 1.h 1,233 4t S �� R.vtlue�rtrC t1�te'rMlncti M�CCextl�inM wlth ASTM C fiR7.CompI1C�wNh ASTM C 7G4 AS Ty�1 1 p il.�'+tieM1,"R"r�a�n rc.tN'ettcE W hcat 1M�rv.fie hlghEY SM�R•vnlue, the Rr��,���1,��rn�d.�u�n��cTi,ge��hc�m�rkcd a-.ml.�,,:r�,n.,em+,t�ha+,n�,�M�,r�,�-�^•tallacl r) FMtrnvfey�tAe ICtrnnm.��xt�de�nc H(Ch�nin7tx�c1 CAr1?M.1li�n. APPROYED FOR USE IN 7Hk BI.UW-tN�B�.ANKET"'SYSTEM �#IoM�-In-RlankM"Systcm ix a rr.Ria�e*ed ttM�IeM��af Ark-Seal If1tCmAtiqnal,1nc.,qalwe(CQ ISt3�at•OWi1M/�'..is t trademntk of C.+MainTeed Crnq!M'etMn+ CERTAfNTEED CORPOR�►110N.P.O.80X a60,YAIIEY FORG�,PA 1!M8 94 Cert81ne00 COtpor�Uon 5199 r_ndc:;+n.2n.z�e '�5/2@@7 14:28 9?@52430@1 INSULVAIL PAGE 05l05 ��������� � " Buitders Stat+�ment � �, �� r��, �F c N�. ��.�� ��. �PTIMA�"' Fiber Glass lnsulation used in the Blaw-In-Btanket�' System ThE OP1'iMA Syrtem has been imtafled using dPTIMA Inwlation ta pmvide a R vah�e of R a''� usiog�a%�i.,b�s �f �' ua►e feet of arca at a thickness oi 5�z incltes. O nt �x t G it�a a, w/�ruS. insutation to covsr 3�� a9 SJLVIk�t,. tr�a�.� �-5-0�- tnstalte�t:ornrattar(sl ) c, �^J �-G t�a Com �+�+� �W -- ' rsxn an tVame /Uaht 1 Ruildcv(;; n) y THERMAL PERFdRMANCE C1PT1MnTM Loose Fiq Insulation is manufactc�red fc�r ciosed cdv'►#y apptication instalied behind Of'TIMA�ab�ic or equivalcrttt.it shesulci not be used for�pen blow a�Plications. tn acccx'dance with ttte charts h�elow,yc�u must inst��ii th�min murn number of bags p�'i.�xi• ft•oT���rea f�'eath R-vafudcavity thickness listed. Cc�veraAe is based on a nomina!28 Ib. i�a$.The maximum net coverage must not excc�d that specifie.�f��r each R-value. Failure m instal!the requirtxi minimum weighi per sq,ft.of insulation wiil resuft in a reclucetl R-value.Th+s produtt sh�uid nc�t be mixed wiih c►iher b�awn insuiations or the th��mal claims wiii bec:nme imralid• Sidew�ils,Cathedrat Ceitin and other closea cavities t�wit are c ession�ilfe+d• ThieNnQ.+ Mk�irmna Pcr 11A�dimam:�q•�s- �� � 1,�Sq.Ft. CannKSbc 1'et BMI• \� �� p_�� lGa.l'er Cu.Ft. 1AR.1'e�Sq 0.525 1 A.9 $:3 1'h"t���) IS 1.g S'!i't2<GI 13 i.� O.�I.S xQ•4 �, 1.088 38.5 X�i 7�r."t2<A 3� 1.8 Zn 1.}6t! 50.0 4'/i(:!�Ib? 39 t•A gti.R 17 41'/,'l2'�17.1 �7 1.8 1.hItR 1:1V;12<'14) Sh 1.8 t.98iS 77.4 14 Floored Attic�--Clased Cavities that are rtot cOm essjon f11kd. Thie6n� p�p,�ty Mbimum Wc� Ba�p fcr MazMwm Sq.fti iefiMC R-v�hir I.b�.Y�*Cu.Ft. LMl.�Cr Sq. L 1.eQd Sq.Fi. ���►�'� 3'h"t2sA) 12 „ 1.0 f}.232 t 0.h �6 3V:^i7.M t 3 a.l 0.350 12.s An 0.4411 14.5 b9 3'Fi`II c4 1'4 l.a Ib.7 � 3'h"U.<4! 14 i.f+ U.�(*1 O.dSA i h.d Gi 'h't�<6 19 1.0 51 S'(i�2 t61 21 i.� 0.5�0 19.6 1.1 0.(,�l2 '1.7..7 4�i 5'h"�z�61 2z q.733 263 �N SYi i2 rb) 7.7, t.b ?'1."i7 RS) 2fi t.Q U.fiU9 7,t.7 46 O.a25 25.7 1'� i.2 33 �'n":2.a! �� O,AAG 3Q3 7'le"12�1!) 2q 1.0 34.5 29 ��Go.;'l.tA) 3[� n.96i 1,p 0.77t T7.b 36 94.'f2�10? 3� 1 Z (1-9z5 }0 �)�r."l2+10) �5 33.3 9'I; tr10 �a t.A 1.0�9 3!1 S � 4'e,'t2r1Q) 3A T,G 7.23? 43.5 23 �"� R-�Mucs are d¢ce.rmlmy!M uc�nMnnce with A5TM C bB7.fm+q+L'�a wUh nSTM C 764�s Typc�in�l�c,�`R"��h restskinc�K+l+r,:d A�nv.lhe hl�her tix R•v�h+C, �hr�mnt�viifeinsul.�tlnR(rUwM.Tp�el�hrntMkrdR.vafuc�is'r.ar..+�enlinllhflttlfetnt���Urfrn+i.:inMailcd rl (olkwrl thr..eronanene�hu�+n��f:�xwlnTinclGc�porot�e�. aPpROVED�OR USE IN THE BLOW 1N-�LANKETj°SvStEM Akw,�•f�^Nl�okci'1 System!s a rtrisrorr,d h+�•irii n(A�k-Sesi Internrtlonnl,Inc.,r?ct+vex C:t7 An221•QPTIMA"is a aadem,rk n(CarM�nTeed Crxptn'atlon CERTAiNfE�D CORPORI�TION.P.O.80x R60,VAl1.E1'W�RG�,PA 1948T tA99 CertaN►eea Carooratton 5199 C�xtt:3o•t�•2�n rt�-bl-�bbb 14�4� H-N UtUIt�H P.04iO4 ��..�.....».�.�� � r C�,� �� i � � =' z ��� � h x�? F j� � ' f�1 W`4s� :t . b .� LL} jt �y a •t � � � � n ? O � �y... �' � � � � F � . ��0. � y� m ` � n o•: a ' � "'i G f" �� L�_7 u.i x �� �� � ,. ? � �� ., ._ M a ��--- F�� �...., �� � � Z�a �_Q �U �Q� ..{'L �'!`� �� CJ~ c3� cc 4 !3(3 ~ Z W W C�W � W� a'�� a� � �z,, �� o � ^ z r u�� N � �' .... M � M n Y �� � U� m_ � �� .� � � 2 0 � � � M� p� TYPICAL 3 TlER BOULDER WALL OETAtL FIGURE t 1 Q5 373 ���°iV1f3C�1 AT PAT10, FLAUM RESIDENCE liF1'WORTH�'AVYi.AK a6OTECW NICAL TOTAL P.04 � Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. j�� 5020 Count}'Rvad 154 � � � G1eilwood Springs,Colorado 81601 ���� Phone:970-945-7988 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL e nai�hpgeo@l�p�otech.com January 31, 2006 Scott S. Turnipseed, AIA Attn: Alicia Davis-Lypps P. O. Box 1902 Crested Butte, Colorado 81224 7ob No. 105 373 Subject: Recommendations for Preliminary Three Tier Boulder Retaining Wall Design, Proposed Flaum Residence, Lot A, TheValley Phase 5, 1631 Buffehr Creek Road, Vail, Colorado Dear Alicia: As requested, we are providing recommendations for preliminary design of the three tier boulder retaining wall above the patio area at the subject site. Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. previously conducted a preliminary subsoil study at the site, submitting our findings in a report dated June 27, and preliminary recommendations for typical boulder walls dated August 28, 2005, under Job No. 105 373. The three tier boulder retaining wall will be located along the upabout a 10 foo�ude of the patio on the west side of the residenc bou�to 4 feet with aetotal height of about 10 The retained height of the walls will be a feet. A three tier boulder wall system can be used to retain cut provided i�c�res and should section for stabiliry. The walls were analyzed as gravity retauung st be provided with an underdrain system to prevent build-upided on Fit ure pre Thee A typical detail for the three tier boulder wall section is prov g boulders should be angular to subangular shape and about 1 dividual wall he ght With the larger boulders placed at the bottom of the walls. The in should be no more than 4 feet. The base width of the wal t least�l boot 1 Loosened e wall height and the base keyed below the ground surface a subgrade soils should be moistened and compacted prior to the wall construction. The face of the walls should be battered at about 1/z (horizontal) to 1 (vertical) or flatter. The space between the boulders should be backfilled with 3/a inch crushed drain rock. A filter fabric, such as Mirafi 140N, should separate the oee ler than 2r(h) to 1 (v)ncWe rock. Final slope grades between the walls should be no st p Parker 303-841-7119 • Colorado Springs 719-633-5562 • Silverthorne 970-468-1989 Scott S. Turnipseed, AIA January 31, 2006 Page 2 should observe construction of the boulder walls to evaluate compliandue tohlack of recommendations. The recommendations are cTried ub uf ace cond ions should be subsurface information in this area of the srte. evaluated prior to construction. f ou have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Iy Sincerely, HEP TH PAWLA�,G�����NICAL, INC. > �����1pj� . Y . : s L • � .�'. V .Q + .. • <. � �; s � � w = 'v L 32-21� ;�� David A. Young, : ��u; .��,r�,2_a-D�a,.6���� ev. b : DEH ���°�,���NAL�'��a��` R Y ���so�� DAY/ksw attachment Figure 1 - Typical Three Tier Boulder Wall Detail cc: Schurenstedt Construction - Attn: Rex Schurenstedt ' 7ob No. 105 373 C�t�Ch � 0 0 J � ��� r � Q � _� � V � J� ? v� o � � �� � o °v � Mm � w E" � II II � �+ � O � m� � � � Y � ; Q� � g w� m a � x � } II i LLI�i C� ° � Y J P � ' Q % Q *. � a . � N � ~ W 2 J Q Q �a �� � � .r Z r � NI � .r O J N � W J rp .r d �Q =cn d �U �p �� Z �dr �Z >U C wQ 4¢p- 00� �� r" Z� ww �z rI � � O ?LL Q N I O = Q� ��U Z S U LL C N � "�' Z .y � .r � N� UJ �U m _ �ai.} �C W J LL Z 0 v LL Q � � HP TYPICAL 3 TIER BOULDER WALL DETAIL FIGURE 1 105 373 ��GU'CeC�'1 AT PATIO, FLAUM RESIDENCE HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL P14Op�SE D FLA UM RES�DE NC E L°f '4, The V alley �haSe 5 1631 Bu�ehr Cree� Road Vail, �o�ora do 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. COVer sheet Genera� Note Reta; • s n�n9 Wall P�an & . Typica� Cro � E1eVat�on T , s� Se�tion Yp�cal Wall I��tail S VIeW 0 w,.�.....,..w.. . .,_......_...-....,_. . ..__,..._-... `.,�"---;-'_,.-.-__--_�______-_. m w° C a � a W � � 0 �� 0 o� �m o ��O M p F���� r � 0 O U O� V� C M�! � m �M ��� O N i �^�a" � A'���� pl o �-� LL � 7I � � W p _ a o __ _ � ! O�'���R��'�S'� � V'�Q���':�9 rl�� O'•v p:a sssaso�'� o��.ti� oo:•��, SS�NAL EN�`�- � j � \O m oo,°> ���� C c�� �m M v�°o M �(70 � Q� LL C� � a�i a �� ° � �a _..._._ ._ R�IS IONS............ PRO,�EC7 NUMBER;��N�T�?-����� FIOTDAiE: .....08'011 ��WNBY: �/� CHECK gy; �'t'�L SCq�E, CLT ...„_.....,.,.._._. ,N/A _._ RW-1 W � z 3 � a � z � 0 z w � � � y `}' 1.1 3',$? �' 1.2 1F � �! �I �' 1.3 3j i: 3j j3F# �.4 ��� jF it i� ; 1.5 �'� 1.6 li '` 1.7 3, a�1 IVI ---.---�--�-_ a erials Ground nails - Grade 75 bare threadbar in accord fY = 75,000 psi ance with AST M A615. Grout_ Grout ma ASTM C150. y be neat-cement or with sand, Water-cement ratio should be with T f'c = 3,000 between 0.4pe ���� or III cement in As► minimum and 0.6, accordance End hardware - with recommendationsuts and washers shall be in Bearing plate shall be in a co da CeCe W�th 9round nail Shotcrete - with ASTM q36 manufacturer's Shotcrete mix shall consist of T � G�ade 36. potable water and norrna��,yeight a ype �� cement in accordance not required, qdmixtures if used ggregate in fc - , should be accordance with AST W�th ASrM C150, -4,000 psi �28_da non-corrosive to steel, M C33. qir entrainment is y strength) Welded wire rriesh shall be i� accordance with Walers and vertical bearin ASTIV►q�85 fY = 60,000 psi g bars (if required) shall be in accordance with qST Centralizers should be M A615 recommendations and hostic and attached to the ft of the nail head u�d be s nails in accordance and one within 3f tof he na2ilrbottoma�than 10 ft with onehe manufacturer's centralizer Hrithin 3 2•0 Ground Nail Wa�� Construct' 1O►� Seq:uence 2�� Excavate one lift. Boulders, ` excavation or drillin �obbles and/or bedrock ma berm if necessary. g� Ground nails ma Y be encountered y be drilled and installed throu at any de th 2.2 Install ground gh a tem p of the nails at the a porary stabilizing Ground n '� pproxim � 2.3 i 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 ai locations ate locations and to the len may vary from the s gths shown Install draina Pecified spacing by up to g��_ °n the plans. ge system as shown on the drawings. Install welded mesh and walers as shown on t wire Install shotcrete to cover welded wire he drawings. in the borehole above the grout►ine mesh Cold weathera�ers. Give special attention to fillin Install the ground nail end hardware while the protection measures rna 9 the void surtace until there is Y be necessary. no void behind the Shotcrete is still wet. Once the g p�ate. Hand tighten the Embed into the shotcrete rout and shotcrete have nut. the bottom of the wa1�. attained 50% of their s Shotcrete over the soil nail end pecified strengths, repeat 2.1-2.6 to hardware to attain minimum coverage rewuireme nts. 3.0 Nail WaII Design param _._�.._. .....___ eters 3.1 The ground nail wall has contained in the F , been designed in Walls", Report Nu beAFManual for Design and ra�accordance with procedures HWA-SA-96-pggR Construction Monitorin 3.2 The following values 9 of Soil Nail have been used for the design parameters: Mater�a� pescri Sand pt�on Y, Gravely Clay � c eg� �pSf% (pcf) pw� � 500 12 5 3.3 The re quired allowab�e force for the 3.4 ground nails is 0.75 The groundwater table k�ps/If. was assumed to be below the retainin 3.5 Factors of safety; g wall. Bearing capacity- FS = 2.5 Overturning - Eccentricity <= g�s Global- FS = 1.5 Pullout_ FS = 2 0 Yield reduction factor- Facing flexure factor_ ar = 0.55 . :. �acing �unchin a'- 0.67 - 9 Factor-�f = 0.67 4.0 Special Provisions 4.'1 4.2 4_3 4.4 4.5 Wall gepmetr layout ma y Used in desi 9n wi�l need to be field verified. y be modified if necessary. The wa►I i,yas height of 12', The actual horizontal designed for a maximum At least one preproduction verification tests shall nails to verify the installation method and nail FHWA-Sq-gg_069R. be pertormed on sacrificial test pU�►-out resistance in accordance with Proof testing of the ground nails shall be verification test can be counted towards the performed on 5% of the na��s A This desi Peoof testing �equirement. passing only. gn �s valid only for this site and is to be constructed The bY HTIVI Construction ground nail walls may be redesigned based on verifi cation test results. ( o LL 0 W � a � a m w° � a � a � z° � � c°>� z� °m o ��oao i;o°'� oo��� �� � m � mm° _��_� �a,� _ 0 � Y � r . ■ _ u j � a � m ���� C c�°rn .�vro°o yUO �o U � maLLi y� Ot �a _...___.. RhVISIONS............. PROJECT NUMBER�����pg.p�� PLOT DqiE. DR4 WN BY: 4/7/O6 CHECKBY; W�� SCqLE. CLT ......_ N/A ..,...._.. _ RW��t_ _ w � z 3 � �' � z � o ¢ � w a ? 842� 1'Below To T�p of Wall P of Boulders 8410 � � � + 8400 8390 Sta.0+00 �� GNL=10' Sh=S'-Sv=3'� \ '-'� Sh � � � � � Sv � � �- _ Bottom of Wa�� Sta.0+50 Soil Nail Wall q PLAN VIEW Scale: 1"= 10' � 8420 8420 � � � � a 8410 GNL=�p� Soil Nails 8410 ��Below To rOp of Wall Sh=5'-Sv=3� P of Boulders sh 8400 2 8400 � � � � � � � Sv � � � � � � � �T � � � � � 8390 � 8390 � Bottorr�of Wall Soil Nails sta. 0+�2 Sta.O+pO ELEVqTION VIEW Scale: 1/16"_ �� $OI► Sta. 0+50 Nail Wall B Sta. 0+76 — 8420 - 8410 ' 8400 8390 3 � 0 � � a w � � ¢�-3 3 � a� �� Zo O� ^ m o° �°�vo° f.��r�ch r rn poUorn [ V1� C MO E1 =��O X O r lL �c�a = � o 1�v o- � � w° ' � • a � a = 0 ....._______ " 8 � � ! O fDp M �� � �o rn ��M i'� Q�o M W w C� �a�im a .... y��r �a �EV�sioivs PRaEC7 NUMBER:.....������ PL07 pq7E �77 C�ECK BY� �/� WDL SCALE: CL7 =`-`-�`---.-.-.. VARIES R W 3 ==-,. .. U � � w 3 � � � � 0 � � �` w � a �; _._ --�,-..--__ m w � a w a z 0 � � � � � � � va m 2� �m o �°��?o° F���M t rn �o U o� � N M M � �� m m� � M �� �t � � � x�-ca_a�:. ;( : ;, � � o , _ � � b LL � � � r W � � _ a o u � ^ � � M ��.--^ C C�� d M \ ��M �(�O �o Q� LL V� �d (��o,c �a rvREVISIONS....�...��� PRQIECT.._........_...,c�.;;:_:�,������:�� PLOT NUMBER: p�» �R4WN8� 4/7/OG CHECKBY: WDL SCq�: CLT -_. NiS ___._ R W�.:::��:.:� w � z 3 � � � z S� ~ 0 Q � w � � I aw. --� �4"min. 4"x4"W2.gXyy2 g Mesh Shotcrete No.4 Waler bar continuous Hex Nut and Washer� Shotcrete to attain f 2"min cover of nut 8"x8"x1/2"Steel Plat� 72"Geocomposit drain strip� 0 No.8,Epoxy-Coated Grade 75 threadbar � \Neat Cement Grout •`perFje�afiory 6 Ground Nail Det� NTS Continuous walers(2) #4 @ 6"O.0 Max(Slope as necessary to connect ground nails) Bearing Plate Ground Nail Welded wire fabric reinforcing 4"x4"-W2.9 x W2.9 min.2 grids Typical Shotcrete Reinforcement NTS � —T....��e.�_. . ���.C. �8�� � Ground nail hole 8� diameter=bar diameter+��q• � Bearing Plate Detail NTS Extend drainboard to \ ��'--� bottom of excavation `Final grade and daylight through face Geocomposite Drain Strip Detail NTS Drain strips shall not extend to within 24"of top " � a � ¢'—� w A ¢ 3 U � U� 0 o� � 0 �ao�o �o 0 ����� � � y;oM� zo�o� oy MM [ ��ooM � x�c�a� � E , � / i Q' Y ~ . u � LL � j W ■ K � a " w = a ° u j o � � M C C O� .���o o �c�° � � �� LL � Qrn�° o w _._ y�c�a _ �� REVISIONS PROJECTNUMBER:��p�p�� PLOT DATE: qn�� DRAWN BY: WDL CHECK By_ CLT SCALE: uTc RW-5 w W ¢ 3 Q � � z � o � � a � w � aw» �s��.ria.wr�m�vznvnr�nw nrx cwannaorK��u�+'�'saav vare TORS.MO AWN.I�tSFOk ME U5E P!VENftR WAW/�'1C5.MK.If5 SI7fCON� 5 �QIlSilLlpbN OF ME IM#'0�Mb G[SIIGN.DNAWIIYS.�MO C/ICILAfOW� M:..�fM15 50LE OWN�=H 5µy.1,REMNN ME IROVN2fY Oi Yi R�OW C�Oce I5&�W�It�I'J��E palOK E� CKQLAMnlS Mh N 01`{YfN��MYM4i5.kJ.. wmtr�r�rt�� CA7MCYkif 2005.YENiF.X COAM'MNE5.i�.N.l RIGNtSa�• T A-1631 BUFFE R CREEK ROAD �� AD4 VAIL, Ca�4R Sheet Revision Dote Revinion/��ue ���io5 REV.O/ISSUED FOR CONST Checked BY MCM _ INDEX pF pRAWINGS 1 .0 CQVER & INDEX 2.0 G ENERA� NaTE� 3.0 PLAN VIEW 4.0 pRQFILEViEW 5.p TYP ICAL SE�TI4NS FOR: FLAUM RES�DENCE S�ILNAIL LAY�UT AUGUST 23,2005 S. HEM MCM COVER � 2005-70-089 SH------ ____------- r KWB � 203�0 W H�9hway 72 Arvada, CO 80007 Phone: 303-279-4458 Fax: 303-2%9-0908 R, �nnr.yenter.com YENTER COMPANIES, INC. G�N�pAI- N��S� � �� I,I A�I- �IN�OpCING �P�S A5�"M A-615, Gp�� 60 I,2 W��n�n WII� �AC�:iC A51�M A�185, Vln�b I, 5011.NAII, 6A1�5 SNALI- 13� G��b �' ����n pQUP�-� ANC4�10'P 51Z�5 Al� I�� A�' ING C0�� Op �Y WI��IAMS�OpM�NGIN��p np,/�WINGS, p�pM��N��I�NAll.S SNPd-I-C� �pOXY-COA1� � 5Nl 51�10WN ON 1"N� �p��� �XCAVA�ION 15 b�51GN�b 1�0 ACCOMN��p���� I,q �1-I� SUpp OM CON5113.lG11 CON5�IC1"ION SUpCI-IAPG� 1-OA!?5�p 6��N0�'N�AVY p01N1�I-OAl�S�pOM GP�AN�S� I.IGIfii`i�l-��KS� NO C 105 3��> 1�5 � WP51"AK�N �pOM I:�COMM�NnA1"IONS 5���O�Np G�COCbA1�b .�IN� 2�, 2005� 501L f?A1�A � 6Y l-��WO�"pRW��G��CNNICAI-, �NGIN�p N b��NG�XCAVA�"ION 11�� MA1�pl�-5 CON�J'�C1"Op 1�0 IMM�bIA1��Y N011�Y� I���p�pOM 1"N� MA��IA�S b�SCpIC%�b IN� A60V� I�pO�i� �NCOLIN1�c{�� b 1�ION5 C�N�p�� CO�Op��O I-80�'992'��8 G�Op�CA A�ING CONI�AC�"U1�I�ITY NOI�I�ICA N �p,�� 2 C�1,151N�55 bAYS IN Ab�ANC� 6���� bIGGINu, U� I.00A�IO I� WA�I- MA�pIA�S 2 ,0 5011.NA 2.1 S�IOiCl�1� V� A MINIMUM 28��AY CON1�1�55iV� 511�NG�'1� �,�p��' 2�2,1 5N01�CI:�1� 5NA1-� NA Ol,l1'MAY C� N�A�C�M�N1� 2�2 Gp0U1"f'c - 3,000 p5� MINIMUM� Gp WI1"N SANn, �'p�-I Op III C�M�N�IN ACCO��C�WI1�1 ASTM C-15 � Op, N�A1�G�M�N1" �Op i�(1�11"1�5�OCA�, , APppOXIMA1� ANb MAY C�I�VI:�b bUpING CON51�PI.IC�ION I,� �OCA1"ION ANn QUANTI1"1�5 0� �H�p��III�M�N�S� C�CAUS� 0� U�IU�Y CON�I-I p�p� �� �XCAVATION bUpING 11� IN51"P�-�A1�IO�N� COM���5 I,8 Y�N1�p COMpAN��S WII.L MONi1"Op 1�N� 5Up p COMpANl�S IN 11--��V�N�0� CON�'•AC1'�p 5NA1'l. MONI1' �p,� �ppOp��� �XCAVAI�ION ON A�G Y���15 P�1� �� SNALI, IMM�niA1��Y N011 I.�AV� 11�� 511�. �I� G�N�p����G��pp.A1� 0'�r MOV�M�N�� N01"IC�AI3�� MOV�M�N�Op M5 VE51C�L IN�IDiJG iH15 DR12MN'i.Mtl IJJI L/lOLAMNS NiE kJ1EN�R�`Al&Y FOR I15E DY YENfNt CONd'NJGS.bIC.N551D07N1�ACfdItS.I,W SUPR.INt5F0l'.iNE [Q1KiB1CfC1N OP ME INfX046NiNf5 MDIGtip kd IN5 Di51GN.YFNitK OJMi'NJES. plC.REfFAJS'A�EOVMfRk1N'OF 1H5tlCAM7ANE5�FK,iHLSEDRNS'U�YbIW �Y �1µ,1.RFMIIN ME pKOY�T'(OF YiNf�t �Olt W9J NNfIY11f ME iRIOR EX�G� �,a�u�YAO�f YEN�tCbNY��� ..... �pp11!YMt 2004.'f�'ry��hVM11E5.1tx.PLl RV.1115�� --_------ ,�`'"p REG/s� '����AR1� �� c4v'j�`�� ����� . .�� � ���9_ _ .. _�„ _ r; . � ''•.....•�'�a �ONAI. �.�d1 Sheet Revision �e�� BY oate R°�a����� MCM pg/23/05 REV.01 ISSUED FOR CONST. FOR. 2��p�p5p���� ��NG1��-� NAV� A MINIMUM 0� 6 INCI�S. � ���15�UC�ION ,, �� � ,O SC)I��IAI� WAI- VA1�n�0 A n�p�-I 0� � o � N511�UC�b �pOM 11�1� 1�Op bOWN� 'f"N� INI1"IAL CUi WI��l3� �XCA Y� �,� �,� GpOUNb NAI�S W��I. �� CO N WI�� � �VAI,UA�n ANb� b�p�l1�l 0� 11-�I�IN�OpC�b Cl,l� 3,2 bUpING CON5�1-IC1�ION, 1�1� 5�A61�111' 0�u�������,� �IN�OpC�M�N�pA���� MObl�l�b 1�� ��T�� CONbl1"IONS�NCO CAVA1�b p COMpI-�1�ION 0� 11'�� 51 A131l,IZA1�lON,11-� N�X1"13�NCN WII-� � �X 3,3 A�1�� q �ACN WA�� WII.� l3� IN51"Al�l,�b IN 11-��OI��OWING`,�QU�NC��, 3� 3,�,1 �XCAVA�����N� NAI�� 3.q,2 bpl�l. NO �,q,?� IN51�AL� ANb G�O�Gp�INb NAII., 3,q,q p�AC� 511?Ip np ���,5 p�AC� W�I.b�n WII� M��, G,POUNb NAII,WAI.�, 3,q,6 p�AC� SNOiC�1� ANn IN51"Al.���0�INAI,Gp�P�J� 0� 3,�,� I;�p�A�'S�pS I 1"0 � AS N�C� FLAUM RESIDENCE �rawn er S. H'EM SOILNAIL lAYOUT p r MCM AUGUST 23,2005 NOTES �a_e:�_______ 2005-._.------ SHEET-2•0 S— _.._---------' KV11� 20300 V�l HighwaY 72 qrvada, CO 80007 Phone: 303-279-4458 Fax: 303-279-0908 � �r.yenter.corr► YENT�R�ONI�'ANIES,INC. n�s r�s�.wau�t�ms venvnrr�nw nur cxan.nnous���w�'�av ro� I15E DY YENf�CONYMIES.NC.H5`�IBCA�`�iJRS.MV 5117it'�dtSFOR ME (pN511L1Ci'GN OF iF�IM'ROVENCNfS&�DIGIEV kJ M1tl5 Di51GN.YENi�COA4'MIES. 1,NL.Ri(P1N5 SOLE OVR��p Of iH5 nE51GN,DWNr1NG5.MV CN.41Af101b MI�tl+kY �u x�,wN+�e wxorr�tt o�v�rira��a�v ox us����� cn.ar�nnas nvs rnrv�wr�v. `M7f1EN VkRMYION OF Yf3JiFIi lAMI'MN�S.W:. ��r��'�"��"�""��'"`�"���'�� Sheet Revision Date Rs����We 08/23/05 REV.O/ISSUED FOR CONST. � p REG/C �r� ,� �v��CA C ���•S�� _ �� ����a_ �i�_ �/23105 ,�������_�. �ONAI. � ��NG1�N I 5'-0" ON ��,���CNOp>x�'-O��CVE�) pA1"1�pN FOR: Chadcsd 9Y FLAUM RESIDENCE MCM °ra""' BY S.HEM P`°�°`t� SOILNAIL LAYOUT °0° Y MCM °°` AUGUS7 23,2005 � ���o�� c�r��> ��NG�"N �v�-v ��� A q�-�"C NOp)x�'-0"C VE�> �A�"�pN --5011.NAI� �AYOU� p�AN VI�W „ � � SCAI-� � � 10 pLAN VIEW ��� 2005-70-089 '� SHEET-3.0 �" = 10' .___.--- KWB 21, -0�� A��A�0 C�� 5NO1�Cp��c 20300 W Highway 72 Aryada, CO 80007 Phone: 303-279-`�458 Fax: 303-279-�908 �v.y�enter.com YENTER CONn'ANIES�INC. �• �5�,2�� 9�,��� I�'-(�� - - �I,�V, II2�,3�� e - - ���V, 106',�'� �I.�V, 10�'-0��_ - --� _ �I,�V� 102'-3�� e -� - o- � -- - ���V, 99'-0�� �I,�V� 99'-��� - - � — �L�V, 9�'-0�� - � -�----o- �I.�V, 93'-O�� _ _ _ - O e -0-- -O e �} — — �I.�V� 97'-6�� - ���v� 9��,9�� - -- �I.�V� 90�,9�� �t�'-v. -�- -[�- -p' _' � -- �p -- f7-' -El_" -p- -0- -0- e- �- -0- � � � � - -E]--F�--o-� � - - �- -�-- -¢ � � -o- -°- --e� - B - � B 1-'��I,�V, I 5��6�� ��I,�V, I I�,6�� ��I,�V� 10'-6" W�'L � 59'-0�� r - �I.�v� 8�,6�� _ J - -EJ-- - - - �I,�V, 7�,6�� � -o- _�. _e. _ {� - �B -�}- -0- -�- - - �I.�V� 3�^6�� e - � � - � - -� -E�- -El- - -1 B_ �_ �-- -o-- -�- .�. �. —o- —� —� � � - ���v� 2�,6�� W_ /��' C � � �I.�v, 89'-O„ _ _ -� W�I.'A 21'-0�� �9 -O 51'-6�� p � L� L� � � _.._ -2r - 4 - � -� -� _ $ - � 0 � � - - - �I.�V, IIZ'�3'� - L _ _ _ - - - - -' - l p p - �,- -�- ` _ �_ -� -� -�- -4- l�- `� � - Q p p p p p p � - _ _ � -� - �3 �- _ f� - �-" � _p�. -� - � _.._ - - - - _ ����, I10'-��� _ _ _ - - ^ _� - - ps - �- -8- � � � � - .� - -A �l.�V, 106'-3'`_ -- - -- - -�- �� -L- -2r -" _ ps -�- �-' �- -�- �I.�V. 102'-3��_ � - - r - r � � � ���V� 99'-g�� _ - �I.�V� 97'-8"- - -J � 3 ��_ ---� �I.�V, 93 -� /a I.�G�Nn � ,��,��� �p��NP1�5 � 15����� SpILNAl1,5 o �o,,o,� ������s iW5 tlESlu�d.'MIO.IP9JG MISOW.VANG MV Mtf CN.O1lAt10W IRE WIiADk�50.9-Y FOR �y�y�COMVMIES.NJG,��i���ORS.MV AWH.�S PdR 1NE �pty5MlLfqN OF iFE INPR�ViMENfS RDIGtEG M MS DE`•IGN.'1�'����MkS, E OW1JkTS�W OF M5 Di51Gl1�1NPY6.ND CN.6LAt10�MEY ��REfM�S`-�1� YiNi[R COMI'M1ES.A�IC,1�� KEAWN TM�I�DT 9i LOVffiV,�EN�7IT�C�.OIt 15k'n Wli�r�FRY1R E%��' cKaxnnors co�y'�5.�c, WRIfiiN 7HtM%pN OF vENiiR �py�re+r 2005,r�+�t cONr�S,wc,ru xe+trsz�z� ' p REG/S �N����� �� i � �o�i�ARG ,yG���s�Q�� �� na�7Q �'.} � �•....•••-,�' �ONA1- �'� gr2s Dote 08l �23 05 Sheet Revision Revklon/►°�0 V.01 ISSUED FOR CONST. � L� L� � �- � � � � � � .� -- �- Q_" �_ W_._.%�'�� 0 0 0 � _� L � �� -� �- i��Ai� �A`�ou� ��� v��w �o ppo� �� r SCAI-� - � l 10 _�-- -'�'-- FOR: Chadced BY FLAUM RESIDENCE MCM °r°"'" ey S.HEM P���t' SOII.NAIL LAYOUT ----- _____--- a�•�-MCM pUGUST 23� ��5 PROFII.E VIEW zoo5-._-7—°�--089 SHEET-4•0 ��� � 10' r�^" KW� _� - � _ .�_ .�,_ �- -� ' $- � � r. - -���v i10�,��� _ J _ _ - - -���v, I0��,��� �� �� �� ���.Y VV V i I O�I���� � _ _ - --���V� 99'-3�� - _ - - -�I.�V� 9'-3�� _ � �-- — —�I.�V� 92�,3�� 20300 W HighwaY 72 qrvada, CO 50001 Phone: 303-279-4458 Fax: 303-279-0908 W,�v.yenter.com YENTER COM1'ANIES,INC. 2,��bPP�N��� CON11N1; N�X N� �v���n w� 8 x8���2„ y.��L p1,h�� e����� , �� �1,�V,99 '� �,,��, ��. � O" ��,�XCA�� � � ��,wso,e�va� cpqennow ppxn� •��.,.r�a�'����''�v���`���"��.�n,aw� �,. us������re'�`��������wwa���� �•°� N mer�ora:tt�`�,x�;o � �����������, , ,�In(NF�cMY�Y1 M:�ILLRICdHSR�`tX'+�', ���� �pp,QYA{t20�`�,rrt�tE� __,�,.Yrrrrsv� . . � REGIS� v .O��PRC ���5�� � ` `� � 23579„�; y, `''" - �`� ����N���``�,� �ONA�-� ,��ic�- v��w �o ��� N� GpO���J 2,#�C��'�6�� �V��) �o��,_ W�f\L IV1l�� �tx�t -W2,9xW2�9 �AYI SOII.NAll.S�, #8-Gp�Ab�b 75 k5i �P� �UU,Y Gp01Xi�n , 0" I,�NG11��� � WPJ.� A ��pI.AN�I�W, � q+� MIN 0� �Ci� �� �� ��YOU� , N �I�W .�5011,NA ;C��� � , �� ��� , ,�.o�� 5�� Sheet Revision �1e��By Rev+sio��'6"FOR CONST• MCM oate ��ggUED 08123105 REV.0 �� ���V, I 10�,��� � 2�_O�� � ' �i ,O I I (��� � J �,�, �XCAV� 92'-�" -- q�� MIN 0� SNOTCI�� --+ �`" 15° 20'-0" ,, MpOp,AI�,Y 501�NAI� �AY�U1' C�I ON V I�W � „ , �, �� SCp�L� - I l � I 0 FOR; F�A�M RESIDENCE Drawn BY g,HEM UT ----- �'��°°c: gO1LNAIL LAY� .�. r MCM a� p,�,JGUST 23,2005 SECTION VIEW 2005-70-089 SHEET-5.0 AS SHOWN �..�.��� KWB 501�NA11.5; #8-G��n�5 ksi 6A�? �UI.�Y Gp0(.t1�n ��NG11� 20'-0" 5�� p�AN VI�W-W�� C� ��� _ _ 20300 W Highway 72 Arvada, CO 80007 Phone: 303-279-4458 � Fax: 303-279-0908 www.yenter.com YENTER CUMPANIES, INC. 2_#�6PP Cl�� CON�1N� ��OxY��OA�n�X Nt.� �v�L�n W�� ��OXY 8��xg���%2' S1��1,�i.h�r A5�'M A�36 W�-�ICP�- ������ n���i� vi� u,�{�µdbAilOW�,�FOR{�k '�,�c�,6V'16����`����DR1�N1tYfi.�w�IW � .��`'N°`TM������,ow���`���� � ��� �����` vision I�'-0�� --�1_ p�pM��N� NOi 1"0 SCPI-� ��^��N��"� Sheet Re Chedced 9Y ����,��WIR'NJ�S•�IJ`'N'LRICd115R85ER�' a REC�s�, ���pRl�,�!�����0 � �� `,��� 235�9 '�� a ����•���r �ONAG �.,�6 Revfsio�/16�° CONST. MCM °ot° p�ISSUED FOR 08I23105 REV. FOR; crC�XY-CO/�1�b �u��YGpOU]"Esb�� ��NG11� 10'-��� �N ��_����NOi?)x�'-������-�p�1"1�p,�V VI�W�����I��N�N� SOI�N�1� ��YOUr GpOU�" C 11'��> 2-#� 13A��36" C V�,p1"> Wil� M�SN �x�} -W�}�OxW�}�O SOI�NAI� SCAL� - I" - 10' �AYOU�' FLAUM RESIDENCE °r°w� ej� S. HEM SOILNAIL LA'(OUT e 1e ,_..._M AUGUST 23,2005 ._,..—�------ ���V 8�,6�� I_J. � q'-c � C�,O. �XCAV, 2'-6" q" MIN 0� 5N01"CI�1" ro r�� sH�-��n SOI�NAI�S #8-G�n�b �5 ksi 13�1I? �pOXY-COA1�n, cLI��YGpOi,li�n I-�NG1rl 10'-0" 5�� p�AN VI�W-WAL� C ANn n C1'I ON VI�W--p�pMAN�I��' S01�N,�I� �AYOU�' ���� - �i �r�� - ,�-U�� RETAINING WALL No. Code: 2005-70-089 o.: SHEET-6.0 AS SHO `Y Kws YEI�TTER COMPANI�S, Il`1C. 20300 W Highway 72 Arvada, CO 80007 Phone: 303-27g-4458 Fax: 303-27g-pg08 www.yenter.com TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A07-0022 (�`��- -�'z � � .�dG -66`1� Job Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Applied . . : 03/22/2007 Parcel No...: 210312205006 Issued . . . 03/30/2007 Project No : �Z3�� - G� 3� Expires . .: 09/26/2007 OWNER FLAUM, RONNA J. 03/22/2007 PO BOX 3117 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT SUPERIOR ALARM AND ELECTRONI03/22/2007 Phone: 970-926-8788 P.O. BOX 4910 EDWARDS CO 81632-4910 License: 429-5 CONTRACTOR SUPERIOR AI,ARM AND ELECTRONI03/22/2007 Phone: 970-926-8788 P.O. BOX 4910 EDWARDS CO 81632-4910 License: 429-5 Desciption: INSTALL NEW MONITORED FIRE ALARM Valuation: $4,500.00 *�*****�************************************************************ FEE SUMMARY ****�*�*******�************�:*****�******************�***�*�* Electrical---------> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $400.75 DRB Fee---------> $0.0 0 Additional Fees----------> $0.0 0 Investigation----> $0.00 Total Pernut Fee--------> $400.75 Will Call---------> $0.00 Payments-----------------> $400.75 TOTAL FEES--> $400.75 BALANCE DUE--------> $0.00 **�***�******�**********************�****��********************�******�:*********�:*************************************************�**********�**� Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 03/27/2007 DRhoades Action: APPR Approved as noted. ��***************�************************�:***************�:******�:********�:*************************:�*****************�*****************�****�*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL **�*�**************************************************�***�***********************�************�**********************************************�* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOU S I ADVANCE LEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 5:00 AM-5 PM. � SIGNA U E OF OWNER OR O CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ****�******�******************�*�*********��********�**�************************************ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******�****************�**�**********************��***********************��**************** Statement Number: R070000385 Amount: $400.75 03/30/200708:06 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #3858/SUPERIOR ALARM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: A07-0022 Type: ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-122-0500-6 Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Total Fees: $400.75 This Payment: $400.75 Total ALL Pmts: $400.75 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************�:*****:x*�****************�x**�x********************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 FIRE ALARM PERMIT FEES 168.75 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 232.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLI TION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project#: Pk':T� �J�G�3"7 Building Permit#: �f�—���,�'1 q � �► � Alarm Permit#: � � TOWNOFYAIL � TOWN OF VAIL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICATION Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of 75 S. Frontage Rd. ap�lication submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, Colorado 81657 2 page of this form.Application will not ��,-va�ti�attt ti� ; information. , ' ` � 3��i E , �i�'j �, ` CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ���ji� ���� � � �Q�� ,;��i j ; ;� Fire Alarm Contrador: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact Person an Ph g ��� ,�, s � `�.��'�.�c�r �'��.r�r����t �lec.i. ���—S 9�i�-g?g _ ... - :" -� :.� _� E-Mail Address: �}^,�L i (�SGC �ri��Cfi'iY(L'�' ,C�/1'I Fax#: qa�_����a Contractor Signature: ���r� ���`�� COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor& Materials) Fire Alarm: $ `� �j��3�- Contact Ea /e Coun Assessors�ce at 970-328-8640 or visit���������.�,��f��::;�rr�� �.rs for Parce/# Parcel # ,�, l��j � �aU ��; Job Name: ��� �� �,� Job Add�ess D�����f ��f��� r+��� �,� l, �.f Legal Description Lot: � Block: �17.�� Filing: _ Subdivision: �Q�(,� 5G°�:����`�C�%J�' �� Owners Name: �G�r�,� ���� Address:�� ��X '���� � I ` Phone: Engineer: Addre : Phone: -, �, �, , Q � ��(us�, �SiC�� SSc� � � � � � ���� i�,v��� � �o� ��� C U �. 2 Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) ►P'�r�F.�'�� `> F' Detailed description of work: ' �%{(;11 i� 't-CT �'f f`� �����2'�� Work Class: New�Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family�Two-family ( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation units in this building: � Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No( ) x***:�****�***�*****xxx**x*****�:,�X**xx:�*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*x******x**x**,�*x*x**xx**xxx***xx*xXx Other Fees: D • Public Wa Rermit Fee: I�R��,��� Occul��Y G�p� �i l� � � � � F:\cdev\FORMS\ MITS\Fire\alarm_permfl�Z-05-05.doc �ge 1 � � � g t'!d� �.�s,,..�Tn2 � ~ � ° p� �IIAQr.N a',�,�D�'� . TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED.ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E06-0072 �?,�5 `�- � 2(( Job Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Applied . . : OS/10/2006 Parcel No...: 210312205006 Issued . . . OS/25/2006 Project No : �����,� _� � 3� Expires . .: 11/21/2006 OWNER FLAUM, RONNA J. 05/10/2006 PO BOX 3117 VAIL CO 81658 CONTR.ACTOR STONE CREEK ELECTRIC 05/10/2006 P.O. BOX 1918 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 108-E Desciption: ELECTRICAL ROUGH IN, TRIM OUT, TEMP POWER. NO FIRE ALARM, TV OR PHONE OR SECURITY Valuation: $45,000.00 Square feet: 5600 **�************��************************************************** FEE SUMMARY *******+************************�********************�****** Electrical---------> $251.85 Total Calculated Fees--> $254.85 DRB Fee---------> $o.0 0 Additional Fees----------> $o.0 0 Investigation----> $0.00 Total Permit Fee--------> $254.85 Will Call---------> $3.00 Payments------------------> $254.85 TOTAL FEES--> $254.85 BALANCE DUE--------> $0.00 �*����***�********�***�***�*�***�****************�*************************************�*************�*******************�**********************� Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 05/11/2006 SHAHN Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ��*�*��***********�*�*�***********����***�*******************��*****************�****�***********************************************�*�*�******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *���*****�*���**�*****�***:�*�*�**************************�******�************************+************************�*******************�+*******�* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE B TELEP ONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. �� li�"---. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: ` �S�2'� � Building Permit #: '� �-�� � Electrical Permit #: cCC'�� ' C�U�� . � �"�"'°` �,, ` ��� � 970-479-2149 (Inspections) ������ � 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact Person and Phone #'s: ��c�e� �e:��. C��c�� ,� �� �- c� ���� ��:►�s��-, �3-��� z�c.n i E-MailAddress: ���p�.�,M� �► _ ��, Fax#: c�-�q (�Z,� �1� Contractor Signature: _ G�M�''`---" COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor& Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: -(��Q ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ „C�j ,�— Contact Ea /e Coun Assessors O�ce at 970-328-8640 or visit www,ea le-coun ,com for Parce/# Parcel # �/�3 CZ2�.�`�e,� Job Name: ����� Job Address: (CD3� � �.� e�?�� �i ` Lega) Description Lot: Block: Filing: Subdivision: Owners Name:'�a�,hA s 1�w► Address: p� 3�11 ��C�, Phone: ��Z�_ ���� Engineer: Address: Phone: Detailed description o�work: L�..Q��r;c�.\ Rq�,;� �Y�, `*��..� �,�.,, ��q,� �� ��'.! -I-cr{ �-�i�,,,'Nn, '("Vr •�,.'L ��1�1'�.� C'1�..' �'f @N'"i l Work Class: New (.� Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair ( ) Temp Power(� Other( ) � Work Type: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both (• Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family(� Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) � No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building: � Is this ermit for a hot tub: Yes � No Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (� � � � _.N.._. � �� t�'' i ;�, � '���, l�—' --��l '�r,� ''�I I I,� a,� ,, ���***�*����*�****�*******��**��*�*���*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*���**�* �����������r�����*i����� � �-,� a�.- . ��� �� ����� � s�j t3#her.=Fees• '�Dat�_Receiued: ��h �f s� < : P___ _._.__. � DRB Fees:. � .� acce tea B � ���� .p. ` f '� il�e ,. ,.� _... � , ��,. , .��, ,�.: r ..,,..,_. , s. a , . ��.. Planner S"r`' n-off: � . f F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Building�electical�ermit_i1-23-2005.DOC Page 1 of 2 li/23/2005 *�****�******�****************�***************************�*****+*******�*�***�******�*���** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***�:*************************�x*********************************************�**************** Statement Number: R060000678 Amount: $254.85 05/25/200609:00 AM Payment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: 10175/STONE CREEK ELECTRIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: E06-0072 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-122-0500-6 Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Total Fees: $254.85 This Payment: $254.85 Total ALL Pmts: $254.85 Balance: $0.00 *************************************+***************************************************�x�x* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 251.85 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 .00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTNiLNT VAIL FIRE DEPARTM��vT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F07-0011 "�,<; —ci Z t i��c� -C�6`t� Job Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Applied . . : 02/08/2007 Parcel No...: 210312205006 Issued . . . 03/02/2007 Project No : �y�-�j j _(j � � � Expires . .: OWNER FLAUM, RONNA J. 02/08/2007 PO BOX 3117 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT PHOENIX AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER, 02/08/2007 Phone: (720) 922-9231 373 INVERNESS PLACE LITTLETON COLORADO 80128 License: 759-5 CONTRACTOR PHOENIX AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER, 02/08/2007 Phone: (720) 922-9231 373 INVERNESS PLACE LITTLETON COLOR.ADO 80128 License: 759-5 Desciption: INSTALL AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Valuation: $8,000.00 ****************************************�**********�**********�:***** FEE SUMMARY ************************************************************ Mechanical---> $0.0o Restuarant Plan Review--> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees---> $690.00 Plan Check---> $350.00 DRB Fee---------------------> $0.oo Additional Fees-----------> $0.00 Investigation-> $0.o o TOTAL FEES--------------> $6 9 0.0 0 Total Pernut Fee----------> $6 9 0.o 0 Will Call-----> $0.0 0 Payments-------------------> $6 9 0.0 0 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.00 ***************************************************************�*****************�**********�**************�************************************* Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 02/28/2007 mvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *******************************�**********�************�***********�************************************************************�*************��� DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR URS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM-5 PM. SIG ATU WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ****�*********************�***�****************************�****************�*��*��*�******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *��****�*****************************�******************�*******+********��*****:�*:x**�****** Statement Number: R070000221 Amount: $690.00 03/02/200709:09 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LT Notation: Phoenix Automatic Sprinkler / ck#1199 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: F07-0011 Type: SPRINKLER PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-122-0500-6 Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Total Fees: $690.00 This Payment: $690.00 Total ALL Pmts: $690.00 Balance: $0.00 *********************+*+******************************�********�*********************�****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 SPRINKLER PERMIT FEES 340.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 350.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICAT1vN WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMP�ETE OR UNSI ,� -�� 7 Pr�ject #: � — Building Permit #: _�:�- -UC `� �� t, � Sprinkler Permit #: � TdWNOFYAIL � TO VAIL E SPRI i( ER PEI�NIIT APPLICATION Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at tira�e of permit submittal and 75 S. Frontage Rd. must include the following. Permit a�plication will not be accepted Vail, Colorado 81657 without this information: • A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.I.C.E.T. Level III (min) stamp. • Equipment cut sheets of materials. • Hydraulic calculations. • A State of Colorado Plan Registration forrn. • Plans must be submitted by a Regi��er�ed Fir� Pr�ntection Contractor. CONTRACTOR INF�RP'v�ATION �e Sprinkler Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contac�a��d Phone #'s: �"��l 64-ui-z�/y1,��� 5 ,�,��,��� 7�5�`'-_S�_ �-_,:Sz.�-- �T��� E-Mail Address: �;,f� ��f.�L f��, - � �'�,/-c.�j,� ��1.e_,� < � Con ure: " 4. �= "''fi �����°a"�.. ��+ . :�•�m ��, ,., ,. COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR A � �l�tt�t`��s�-` �,��"�r �� a� .x..��:� -- Fire Sprinkler: $ � ��C� � . r. ..._,_.... �. . _ _ ��.4.A. � ...,,. ..,...._. Contact Ea /e Coun Assessors O�ce at 970-328- vr rr�s/t`'"www,ea�%coun .us for Parce/�_.. Parcel # �, '' - 1,��, ?� —�.5��>C� -- _ ,�a �� .... __ _ _ Job Name: Job Address: , �'/r���� ,��,�a�,�� � I�.�i ,�u t��/�.,�c��� ,��. Legal Description Lot: Block: Filing: Su�division: Owners Name: Address:�, - � - Phone: ; C��r Engineer: �l' � �5.�`7� Address: . ' Phone: . �_(� �/_��i5 -� Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) �it1 j /�? r= �l-�-� Detailed description of work: _L.✓5 j j � k,:Gh?9Tf� �i�� �i�/�iw',�-`l.e� Work Class: New Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family� Two-family ( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Acccmmodat'on Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes O No" Does a �irp S�rink'.er System Exist: Yes O No e ****�**�*��*******�*�*********��**���*�FOR OFFICE USE �I��.Y�k���**�*�:���;�����:����*******��****** ,,. ..,:-- EB 0 6 2001 � . �� Other Fees: Date Re�eiv�d: 1.���� � �� Public Wa Permit Fee: '' A�ce te� B : ' ° - 4cctrpancy Group: F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Fire�sprinkler�erm_12-5-OS.DOC 12/05/2005 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D�VELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M07-0046 --��� -Udl(�_� �'��� Job Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Applied . . : 04/10/2007 Parcel No...: 210312205006 Issued . . . 04/11/2007 Legal Description: �.���� _ �� �?,� Expires . .: 10/08/2007 Project No : � OWNER FLAUM, RONNA J. 04/10/2007 PO BOX 3117 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, IN04/10/2007 Phone: 668-3760 1685 PAONIA COLORADO SPRINGS COLORADO 80915 License: 323-M CONTRACTOR WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, IN04/10/2007 Phone: 668-3760 1685 PAONIA COLORADO SPRINGS COLORADO 80915 � License: 323-M Desciption: INSTALL 2 GAS LOG SET FIREPLACES Valuation: $19,121.15 Firep(ace Information: Restricted: #of Gas Appliances: 0 �{of Gas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 �****************************�****�****************�**************** FEE SUMMARY ***�******************�**************�********�******��*�*** Mechanical---> $400.00 Restuazant Plan Review--> $0.00 Total Calwlated Fees---> $503.00 Plan Check---> $10 0.o o TOTAL FEES--------------> $5 03.o o Additional Fees-----------> $0.0 0 Investigation-> $o.00 Total Permit Fee----------> $503.00 Witl Call-----> $3.00 Payments-------------------> $503.00 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.00 +************�***********+*******�:***+*�***********�**+*****************�*******�***�*****+**+�********�*�***�:*�***************�*******+*�****�*+ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/10/2007 JRM Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 ' (BLDG. ) : BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANiJFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2003 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IFGC. . Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004 .6. �***�*****�*******���******�*******�************************�*****************************�****�*�*+*******�************�*�*�**�*****�******�**** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2�49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 n 1 �^ � i PM. � �.- r ' '�� �(:� �� ��'� �_ �. � C �-_ SIGNATU E OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *���************�****************���****�+*******���*******************�**************�****� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******�x*�x**�:**************************:�*********************�x*�x****************�*****�:*�:**�:* Statement Number: R070000463 Amount: $503 .00 04/11/200703 :54 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Western Fireplace 1553 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: M07-0046 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT , Parcel No: 2103-122-0500-6 Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Total Fees: $503.00 This Payment: $503 .00 Total ALL Pmts: $503 .00 Balance: $0.00 �x�x�x***********�*******�x**********************�***��************************:�:�*************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 400.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 100.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 .00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNE TOV Project #: �TU -�Z3 7 Building Permit #: , Mechanical Permit #: � ' � � '� � 970-479-2149 (Inspections) ������ TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 75 S. Frontage Rd. Permit will not be accepted without the following: Vail, Colorado 81657 Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include: ❑ Mechanicai Room Dimensions � � o Combustion Air Duct Size and Location O o Flue,Vent and Gas Line Size and Location � ❑ Heat Loss Calcs. ❑ Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Me anical Contracto : Town of Vaii Reg. No.: Contact Person and Phone #'s: - E-Mail Address: Fax#: ���� Contractor Signat e:^ �� � CO PLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials MECHANICAL: $ ( �� � Contact Ea /e Coun Assessors O�ce at 970-3Z8-8640 or visit www,ea /e-coun ,com for Parce/# Parcel # < <�Q Job Name. � � Job Addr s: A Legal Description Lot: (� Block: Filing: Subdivision:�� Owners Name. Address i ' Phone: Engineer: Address: Phoneo Detailed description o�work: (l�l �' T` Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Alteration ( Repair( ) Other( ) Boifer Location: Interior( ) E�erior( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No e of Fire Iaces Existin : Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood/Pellet Wood Burnin No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (�) Gas Logs (�) Wood/Pellet( 1 ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************************** �Other Fees �� t��`y � ��,"��z'Date Rec�e�ved� ``�� �� �� ,������a�;r +.;'E,.i,=..''r.Fx..s:..; �' �'�3''-,'�i��;�a"}3i "e ,a o:3i°*5"�drr ,ts?; :.i;r'.v��{c.�'":.;'� R.�'�'`'�r��c i..w, ���,Y ��� ;�� � p f�� ,��� `/,1cce ted Bv�"��� 'X �`�� ���"�rs �+;„"� }� �,�' � � E �.r=�v� ��,,,r. p�,�y I x���e��i a .�"' -�k ..k..�.;s #`� .m.vti_... ..'�_.,r, �..ds,.._n-*�',n .2 �.. Y -s..a. ✓i...ad '" N.r' �. F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\mechanical�ermit 11-23-2005.DOC il/23/2005 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D�VELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M07-0058 '�,5-6;tt � '�� --�a�� Job Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Applied . . : 04/25/2007 Parcel No...: 210312205006 Issued . . . 04/26/2007 Legal Description: ��b5 - O 2 3� Expires . .: 10/23/2007 Project No : OWNER FLAUM, RONNA J. 04/25/2007 PO BOX 3117 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT K.W. 'S PIPE FIXATION, INC. 04/25/2007 Phone: 970-401-3688 PO BOX 677 GYPSUM COLORADO 81637 License: 348-M CONTRACTOR K.W. 'S PIPE FIXATION, INC. 04/25/2007 Phone: 970-401-3688 PO BOX 677 GYPSUM COLORADO 81637 License: 348-M Desciption: VENTING OF BATH EXHAUST FANS, DRYERS AND RANGE HOODS Valuation: $2,300.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: #of Gas Appliances: 0 fi of Gas Logs: 0 {i of Wood Pellet: 0 ��*********�****�*�********************�****�*�************:�*******� FEE SUMMARY *�********x:****************�**********************�********* Mechanical---> $60.oo Restuarant Plan Review--> $0.oo Total Calculated Fees---> $78.00 Plan Check---> $15.oo TOTALFEES--------------> $78.00 Additional Fees-----------> $0.00 Investigation-> $0.oo Total Permit Fee----------> $�8.o0 Will Call-----> $3.oo Payments-------------------> $78.00 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.00 *�*�**�**�*�*�***************�*�**:x***�**********+*�****�*******************�**+**************+*+******�***�***+****�*+***�********************** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/25/2007 cgunion Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2003 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IFGC. . Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004 .6. **********�********�************************�*�**��****************************�****�*�**************************************�******************� DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAN E BY TE EPHONE AT 479�1 R AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. n �. (i / � SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF +***���**�*��******�*�***+*��*�*��****�**************�****�*�*�+**�*�����*+����***��*��*+�** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ****�:******�***********�:***�********�:�**�****�*********���x�x�x***��*���x+*****�x�:**�=**��******** Statement Number: R070000559 Amount: $78.00 04/26/200712:17 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LT Notation: Kenneth Williams / ck 1323 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: M07-0058 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-122-0500-6 Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Total Fees: $78.00 This Payment: $78.00 Total ALL Pmts: $78.00 Balance: $0.00 ********�x*****************+*�:�:*�:********�:**�**�**********************�*******�**+*******:�*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 .00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATIIri�WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPL�YE OR UNSIGN (f � ��v �� TOV Project #: ��U Building Permit #: � � � Mechanical Permit #: �^^-�' ��� � � ��f���� , 970-479-2149 (Inspections��?_rb.r r-� �r�v v�.� TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 75 S. Frontage Rd. Permit will not be accepted without the following: Vail, Colorado 81657 Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include: ❑ Mechanical Roorr� Dimensions ❑ Combustion Air Duct Size and Location __--- � Flue,Vent and Gas Line Size and Location ❑ Heat Loss Calcs. ❑ Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact Person and Phone #'s I5, t�, ��'��4� ��,. � ���— ��1`L '��ia��S C1���/ol�'��j' E-Mail Address: Fax#: Contra r �gnatu � �- COMPLETE VALUATTON FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor& Materials MECHANICAL: $ �,`.3pc'�� Contact Ea /e Coun Assessors O�ce at 970-.328-8640 or visit www,ea le-coun .com for Parce/# Parcel # )ob Name: �� Job Address: / / -->f � � ��� �� ��/�� ��� �CtU��'1 � l� Legal Description Lot: Block: Filing: Subdivision: Owners Name: Address: Phone: Engineer: Address: Phone: Detailed description of work: J�,��, � d f �u� �� J�'7`�-Z.��S, p J��l2Sl a� s���'��� � Work Class: New ) Addition ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes (,�'�) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family(�) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No of Fire Iaces Existin : Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood/Pellet Wood Burnin No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances O Gas Logs O Wood/Pellet O Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes O No{ ) ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******************�:�**�w�**** �'"� othe��ees. 3� � � Date Received. ' � = � R `�`� � � ��' � �` ; : l�ccepted By:�� ��������� � � �� � � � �� '� % � F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\mechanical�ermit_i1-23-2005.DOC S1/23/2005 ,.� TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0213 _..�C1C: c:C�`�� Job Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Applied . . : 08/09/2006 Parcel No...: 210312205006 Issued . . . 08/09/2006 Legal Description: ��,,;L,P� _�}K ;'� Expires . .: 02/OS/2007 Project No : OWNER FLAUM, RONNA J. 08/09/2006 PO BOX 3117 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT K.W. 'S PIPE FIXATION INC 08/09/2006 Phone: (970) 390-0211 PO BOX 1437 EDWARDS COLORADO 81632 License: 355-P CONTRACTOR K.W. 'S PIPE FIXATION INC 08/09/2006 Phone: (970) 390-0211 PO BOX 1437 EDWARDS COLOR.ADO 81632 License: 355-P Desciption: INSTALLATION OF IN FLOOR RADIANT HEATING SYSTEM Valuation: $30,000.00 Fireplace Informarion: Restricted: #of Gas Appliances: 0 #of Gas Logs: 0 if of Wood Pellet: 0 ********�:********�******************�******************************* FEE SUMMARY ************************************************************ Mechanical---> $600.oo Restuarant Plan Review--> $o.oo Total Calculated Fees---> $�53.o0 Plan Check---> $150.00 TOTALFEES--------------> $753.00 Additional Fees-----------> $37.50 Investigation-> $0.00 Total Pemut Fee----------> $790.50 Will Call-----> $3.0 0 Payments-------------------> $7 9 0.5 0 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.00 *********�*********�******�********************�*****���*************�**********************�*******�*******�*********��***�********�********�*** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/09/2006 JS Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC �ND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2003 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IFGC. . Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. *******�*********�**************************************�***�************************�************�*****«**************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV CE BY LEPHONE AT 479 9 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. � '- - - ..t� � � SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIM ELF AND OWNEF *****************�*************************+***********************��****�*************�*�** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ********************************************************************+*******�x*************** Statement Number: R060001191 Amount: $790.50 08/09/200603 :14 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: K.W. 's Pipe Fixation 3894 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: M06-0213 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-122-0500-6 Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Total Fees: $790.50 This Payment: $790.50 Total ALL Pmts: $790.50 Balance: $0.00 *******************��x�:************************************************�x********************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ CL 00100003123000 CONTRACTOR LICENSES 37.50 MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 600.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 150.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 .00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNE ���•.,,��,3 7 TOV Project #: Building Permit #: � �« r, Z � Mechanical Permit#: � � 49 Ins ections ��,���� , 970-479-21 ( p ) TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 75 S. Prontage rtd. Permit will not be accepted without the following: Vail,Colorado 81657 Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include: ❑ Mechanical Room Dimensions ❑ Combustion Air Duct Size and Location ❑ Flue,Vent and Gas Line Size and Location ❑ Heat Loss Calcs. ❑ Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact Person and Phone #'s: c� 'S i r' ��o ,��.. =3 s�5-P �� ,'l),� ,.�s -310 -oa// E-Mail Address: Fax#: C r or re: �, r �- COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor& Materials � MECHANICAL: $ �� � ""�� Contact Ea /e Coun Assessors O�ce at 970-328-8640 or visit www,ea le-coun .com fo�Parce/# Parcel # �� � Job Name: Q Job Address: /� n �/l�(��'✓� C, eGi�AL / � tJt��'' � X �CC � � ! Legal Description Lot: A Block: Fiiing: .S Subdivision: �e �/� Owners Name�� -�� � Addres • Q 3 � , , Phone: � , Engineer: Address: Phone: Detailed description of work: .��s�,il � o � k ,` �Z'a /�c��fr'•r s Work Class: New ( Addition ( ) Alteration ( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior(x) Exterior( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes U() No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No e of Fire Iaces Existin : Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood Pellet Wood Burnin No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances( ) Gas Logs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************************** / �p�e���� Date Received: ��� Accepted By:` if F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\mechanical�ermit_11-23-2005.DOC il/23/2005 e__.._._,, .�_,._e. uPP Y emp.: ater emp. op: 10-20 normal ase on pe ze: 3/8,1l2, 5/8,3/4 estream ter: o FLAUM RES (WGIWT/WSID) �pipe in a sq ft F Prepared B�, HVAC Supply Inc Bathroom 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom 2 4 5 6 Y Y Y Floor heat Floor heat Floor heat 28-Apr-06 NAY Exercise room Family!8ar Stairs/mud 8 9 10 Y Y Y heat Floor heat Floor heat Floor heat WC WC WC �o Z.00 Z.00 i.00 �et Carpet Carpet Ti4e 8 156 396 196 8 156 386 196 Z 112 1/2 1/2 in 12 in 12 in 6 in 13.5 Bt 2,653 HeatLink�System room Dininq room NO Wood Wood Woai Wood 420 195 91 221 420 195 91 _ 221 7t2 112 1/2 112 fi in 6 in 6 in 6 i� 39.9 Btu 86.9 Btu 33.1 Btu 36.7 Btu 30.5 Btu 30.5 Btu 30.5 Btu 30.5 Btu 12,8Q2 5,944 2,774 8,736 �::' � ; � ' ' �������������� ' �������������� - - �������������� > ,' �������������� - -''�������������� - _ - �������������� - _ - �������������� -,_,.-�-�---_- _ �������������� �������������� �������������� • : .- .. �������������� „ ' - - -- _���� — - �- - - - ���������� , ,.�-. . � ..- Dry system SQ.FT.: Wet Tyrap SQ.FT.: 4,757 Tracking on Subfloor SQ.FT.: Tracking on Styrofoam S4.FT.: 151,088 Total BTU/hr FLAUM RES oom ame Foyer/powd Room Number 15 Do Floor Heat? (Y/N) Y rype of heating Floor heat e or ry �wciwriwsi�� W� �ement above pipe in 2.00 Floor Covering Wood 3ross Area sqft 154 Net Area(excl,border) sq ft 154 Pipe Size PEX 1/2 Prepared Prepared By: g�: heat HVAC Supply Inc � W.I.0 1 &2 Master bed EHU living rm 19 20 21 Y Y Y Floor heat Floor heat Floor heat 28-Apr-06 page 2 HeatLink� � ' • -------------- .. . • . _. -------------- �� .. : :.._. ...� ��������������� .. �������������� --'�������������� - - �������������� ::..: � :. � . _ ������ ������� I-,-_- = - -- --- - - ------- ---- -- -;�--, ;-.;-;_ --- ��������������i ;-.. ���������������� � •- • �������������� �� - =• •- - ��������������� ... . �_-_- ,� _- _� ------��������������� . ,.. -. ., ... Lochinvar Boilers Lochinvar Knight Boiler Page 1 of 2 � searcb -- �� -'- -- -— _ -� -- -- -_ _ _ flUR RR�DU�CTS - - __ -- -- -- - -- _ _ _- - - - - -- . ,.;.� ,� - -- �t„ ; � ::�� = ___"_;____ . (;.. h , r; �, ---_------ ---- —__ _____ ______. __ _ -- _ �� . t",!�*er r�,. _.,-. _�--- — -- _ _-- • �C. �r ,.� �_ _----- �.�--- --. —_- _____.__. � • l�r� �1 �':i�.�y+ ___ _._.------ - . ,r� ; . • 1f`7�t�+ ,.+`.,-, r ��f�L„ '_- �_`- __'.�:.�-- -------- • �^?{ _�----�-m_i _e�=v�-=�--__--= wsi# our Qnlin� �L�xre� . - _v�- � A�out :;, » ,-r� ', .. I ��ar r.:�k�::: .�.- f C �:.�C=� I 4.'?uEi,�_��,r I �ir_ I r�nt�_r �,,.�'-.{r .,. �,�.. _�_ _ r '�„ ,� , ` _ � _-. . LOCf11�IVaf • 1�it � 'RKt�� • t?��x • 1' , • }-1}�S? ._''= _-_ LOCHINVAR BOILERS For more than 80 years, Lochinvar has played a ° legendary role in commercial water heating. Now we're � �;��.� ; bringing that proven performance to the condensing ' � €' ��. !k'3:: market with the KNIGHT—today's most advanced fully � �� modulating high-efficiency condensing boiler. ��;� ,�_< � The KNIGHT is an installer's dream: s ;� s�Y°'r�"' lightweight and compact, with key � components that are easy to access. The KNIGHT offers PVC venting versatility, rugged reliability, seven models with inputs ranging from 8�,000 to 500,000 :� "- Btu/hr, and 93% DOE AFUE. And you'll love the SMART ' SYSTEMa control, which includes a service indicator, contractor accessible password protection, and a 2-line display with simple fault descriptions, not codes. Best of all, the KNIGHT offers more standard features than any other heating boiler available today—including � outdoor reset and a boiler circulating pump supplied with every KB 080-285 unit. Plus every KNIGHT is backed by an outstanding 12-year warranty. FEATURES • Stainless steel heat exchanger . Fully modulating burner w/5:1 turndown 4 v • PVC venting - up to 100 ft. � * • Boiler circulating pump included . � • Direct vent, sealed combustion ` '� �; � -` - �r:... "'" .� . DOWNLOADS • �< <;�� .u�� (PDF-420K6) http://www.radiantmax.com/r-lochinvar-boilers.html 8/7/2006 Lochinvar Boilers Lochinvar Knight Boiler Page 2 of 2 • (PDF-4.2M6) �a�de4 �n�aut �'TUM (�t?� Capa+city Shi�pinc� Wt. A,F.tl.�. �fo KBN080 16,000 - 80,000 73,000 125 Ibs 93 KBN105 21,000 - 105,000 95,000 129 Ibs 93 KBN150 30,000 - 150,000 136,000 157 Ibs 93 KBN210 42,000 - 210,000 191,000 172 Ibs 93 KBN285 57,000 - 285,000 259,000 224 Ibs 93 KBN399 79,000 - 399,000 360,000 28S Ibs 90.3 KBNS00 100,000 - 500,000 392,000 305 Ibs 90.3 � . . � .. _ � _ .. � , , � _ . -- ._._: Lochinvar • . ._.._..._... . __... . .. __ . . ..__.. .__._.__._ Visit our. . ..� . - - ?`��i�?<�Cl{:f71e'�}:.Ck:E[l1 :�? �'_.utill(i . . _ . . _ . .. _ . . .. . . . � � � � � � � http://www.radiantrnax.com/r-lochinvar-boilers.html 8/7/2006 � 05-15-2007 Inspection Request Reporting Page 31 4:20 pm Vail} CO - Citv �f Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, May 16,2007 Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD AIP/D Information Activity: B06-0099 Type: B-BUILD Sub Type: NSFR Status: ISSUED Const Type: 101 Occupancy: Use: V-B Insp Area: CG Owner: FLAUM, RONNA J. Contractor: FLAUM, RONNA J. Phone: 926-9506 Architect: SCOTT TURNIPSEED AIA Phone: 970-328-3900 Description: NEW CONSTRUCTIOIV OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Comment: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM REQUIRED FOR FAMILY ROOM AND EXERSIZE ROOM PER IRC/IMC. 2. 1 HOUR DWELLING UNIT SEPARATION REQURIED AT EHU WALLS/CEILING PER IRC. 3. FIREPLACE SHROUDS ARE NOT APPROVED. SHROUDS MUST BE LISTED FOR USE WITH THE FIREPLACE PER IMC/IFGC/IRC.-CGUNION Comment: ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION AND WARREN CAMPBELL. FIRE AND PUBLIC WORKS HAVE EXISTING COPIES.-JSUTHER Comment: REVISIONS SUBMITTED ADDRESSING THE EHU. ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION,WARREN CAMPBELL, FIRE AND PUBLIC WORKS. 353 s.f addition,ADDITIONAL VALUATION ADDE IN PERMITS+- CGUNION � , 2�Sv�v"I �"� �--z,.,�.._.. Requested Inspection(s) � ��� � �.� Item: 30 BLDG-Framing � �✓`` �� "�'�RL�quested Time: 09:�AM Requestor: FLAUM, RONNA J. Phone: 390-3419 Comments: will call 390-3419 Assigned To: GDENCKLA Entered By: DGOLDEN K Action: Time Exp� Comment: inspec e grea room and covered dec irTc f ep�so insulation can be installed in chimney. Need letter from structural engineer's inspection for file. � 1 i� � � � � C�� � Inspection Historv � � Item: 502 PW-Rough grade Item: 503 PW FinaT driveway qrade Item: 10 BLDG-Footings/Steef *"Approved"'� 06/26/06 Inspector: shahn Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: Received soils report;on file. Inspected footings except for the southwest corner which will be inspected at a later date. 09/13/06 Inspector: JEC Action: AP APPROVED Comment: LOWER FOOTINGS Item: 20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel ""`Approved"* 07/19/06 Inspector: GCD Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comment: ADD REINFIRCING AT WALL STEPS TOP AND BOTTOM PER PLAN. 07/19/06 Inspector: shahn Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: re-mspection approved for 2x#5 bars at steps per detail at�7)places. 09/18/06 Inspe� ctor: shahn Action: AP APPROVE Comment: SOUTHWEST FUONDATION APPROVED.ADDED#5 REBAR T&B PER PLAN. Item: 520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan Item: 30 BLDG-Framing 04/02/07 Inspector: shahn Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: inspected great room and covered deck fireplace so insulation can be installed in chimney. Need letter from structural engineer's inspection for file. Item: 50 BLDG-Insulation Item: 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 04/27/07 Insp ector: shahn Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: INSPECTED GYP IN DECK FIREPLACE ONLY. Item: 70 BLDG-Misc. Item: 90 BLDG-Final Item: 530 BLDG-Temp. C/O Item: 532 PW-TEMP. C/O Item: 533 PLAN-TEMP. C/O � � � Item: 537 PLAN-FINAL C/O Item: 539 PW-FINAL C/O Item: 540 BLDG-Final C/O Item: 21 PLAN-ILC Foundation Plan , � C/'��`�,���4/ REPT131 Run Id: 6678 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ � � (�� �,,.�r� 03-06-2008 Inspection Request Reporting Page 11 4�26 pm Vail, C� - Citv Of Requested Inspect Date: Friday, March 07, 2008 Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD A/P/D Information Activity: B06-0099 Type: B-BUILD Sub Type: NSFR Status: ISSUED Const Type: 101 Occupancy: Use: V-B Insp Area: CG Owner: FLAUM, RONNA J. Contractor: FLAUM, RONNA J. Phone: 926-9506 Architect: SCOTT TURNIPSEED,AIA Phone: 970-328-3900 Description: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Requested Inspection(s) Item: 530 BLDG-Temp. C/O Requested Time: 08:00 AM Requestor: FLAUM, RONNA J. Phone: 926-9506 Comments: 2 mech and BIdg.TCO scheduled for today,will call Rex 390-3419 Assigned To: GDENCKLA En�re'a By: DGOLDEN K Action: Time Exp: f' R "R ` ' /. P (� ,'t s /� � 1✓r . . L'.t_, ,i, �t �� i..�� ���� �� /� �� , � s i : � � l�� i ; l y � �`,� 1 •'� �.` `? ���:� �;` R ,' ,� , � � � 6 ± ,,, � %' ,. �� ,i r9 n rc`- � r . 4° �. ` �! . . !��,� ; ' �s Inspection Historv � �'`t ; �,�' � �;�f�_.�� Item: 502 PW-Rough grade - . �` � . f Item: 503 PW-Finar dnveway grade , � I t e m: 1 0 B L D G-F o o t i n g s/S t e e f+ U F E Rg r d "`A p p r o v e d"* i 06/26/06 Inspector: shai�n Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: Received soils report; on file. Inspected footings except for the southwest corner which will.'be inspected at a later date. ' 09/13/06 Inspector: JEC Action: AP APPROVED Comment: LOWER FOOTINGS Item: 20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel *"Approved** 07/19/06 Inspector: GCD Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comment: ADD REINFIRCING AT WALL STEPS TOP AND BOTTOM PER PLAN. 07/19/06 Inspector: shahn Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: re-inspection approved for 2x#5 bars at steps er detail at(7) places. 09/18/06 Inspe� ctor: shahn Action: A�APPROVED Comment: SOUTHWEST FUONDATION APPROVED.ADDED#5 REBAR T&B PER PLAN. Item: 520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan "`Approved"" 05/16/07 Inspector: warren Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 30 BLDG-Framing *`Approved*` 04/02/07 Inspector: shahn Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: inspected great room and covered deck fireplace so insulation can be installed in chimney. Need letter from structural engineer's inspection for file. 05/16/07 Inspector: shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: FRAMONG APPROVED. RECEIVED LETTER FROM STRUCTURAL STEEL ENGINEER FOR FIELD REPORT. Item: 50 BLDG-Insulation ""A�pproved`" 05/31/07 Inspector: JRM Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: FIREPLACE CHASE IN GREAT ROOM ONLY SO THEY CAN DRYWALL CHASE ONLY 06/06/07 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: APPROVED, INSULATION STATEMENT IN FILE REPT131 Run Id: 7781 i .-.� i ': � � $ � !' � f � 03-03-2008 Inspection Request Reporting Page 42 4�37 pm Vail, CO - Citv Of Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday, March 04, 2008 Inspection Area: SH Site Address: 7631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD A/P/D Information Activity: E06-0072 Type: B-ELEC Sub Type: NSFR Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: SH Owner: FLAUM, RONNA J. Contractor: STONE CREEK ELECTRIC Description: ELECTRICAL ROUGH IN,TRIM OUT,TEMP POWER. NO FIRE ALARM,TV OR PHONE OR SECURITY Requested Inspection(s) � Item: 190 ELEGFinal # � Requested Time: 08:30 AM Requestor: STONE CREEK ELECTRIC Phone: 390-3419 Assigned To: SHAHN Entered By: DGOLDEN K Action: Time Exp: Inspection Historv Item: 110 ELEC-Service ""Approved"` 06/21/06 Inspector:. shahn Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: temp service approved. 03/28/07 Ins ector: shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: M�ER APPROVED. 300A SINGLE PHASE. Item: 120 ELEC-Rough "Approved"` 03/28/07 Inspector: shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: ROUGH APPROVED. Item: 130 ELEC-Conduit "*Approved"" 09/29/06 Inspector: shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: TRENCH OK TO BE BACKFILLED. PROVIDE WARNING TAPE 12 INCH ABOVE CONDUIT. Item: 140 ELEC-Misc. Item: 190 ELEC-Final REPT131 Run Id: 7737 �. ,_- � `�--�'' 02-27-2008 (nspection Request Reporting Page 50 4:22 pm Vail, CO - Citv Of Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, February 28, 2008 Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD A/P/D Information Activity: M06-0213 Type: B-MECH Sub Type: NSFR Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: CG Owner: FLAUM, RONNA J. Contractor: K.W.'S PIPE FIXATION INC Phone: (970) 390-0211 Description: INSTALLATION QF1N FLOOR RADIANT HEATING SYSTEM Requested Inspection(s).�' \i —a Item:; 390.`MECH-Final f Requested Time: 09:30 AM Requestor'. Rex- Flaum � Phone: 390-3419 Comments: will call Rex 390-34 Assigned Tq: GDENCKLA ,,•-� Entered By: DGOLDEN K Action: Time Exp: . - �� ,- �.. ,, , :� � .L, r_ � ;' t: f �; -;,`'� ; � � � t` � �'�. � ,k:/` � _. ` - ' (;;� !` ;!'- � , '' � �y i�• "� . i � .. t .;�(�� \ � jl �^. ,f ��. i d' �Jf j � r, �,; f � �; a �� � \ i j�'! �. '� 1 r Y , ? d ,I Inspection Historv ;( ' Item: 200 MECH-Rou�gh "*Approved"" 02/08/OT Inspector: SHAHN Action: PI PART�L INSPECTION Comment: ALL IN FLOOR TUBING 100#AIR.20 ZONES. 05/16/07 Inspector: shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 310 MECH-Heating ""Approved"` 08/10/06 Inspector: NSC Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 100psi test on both manifolds 10/09/06 Ins ector: shahn Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: LO�PS FOR (2) STAIRS Item: 315 PLMB-Gas Pipin�g Item: 320 MECH-Exhaust Hoods ""Approved"` 04/27/07 Insp ector: shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: INSPECTED BATH/CLOTHES DRYER/KITCHEN HOOD. DRYER CLOSET REQUIRES MAKE-UP AIR AT FINAL. Item: 330 MECH-Supply Air Item: 340 MECH-Misc. 10/03/06 Insp ector: shahn Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: INSPECTED (4) RADIANT HEAT LOOPS IN LOWER LEVEL LIVING AREA FOR 100#AIR. Item: 390 MECH-Final 1�' � , � �� REPT131 Run Id: 7727 .��A 03-06-2008 Inspection Request Reporting Page 30 4�26 pm Vail,_S'O - Citv Of Requested Inspect Date: Friday, March 07, 2008 Inspect�on Area: JRM Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD A/P/D Information Activity: M07-0046 Type: B-MECH Sub Type: NSFR Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: JRM Owner: FLAUM, RONNA J. Contractor: WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, INC. Phone: 668-3760 Description: INSTALL 5 FIRE PLACES Requested Inspection(s) Item: 390 MECH-Final Requested Time: 04:00 PM Requestor: Rex 390-3419 Pho ��390-3419 Comments: 2 mech and Bld� g.TCO scheduled for today,will call Rex 390-3419 Assigned To: JMONDRAGOI�I- Entere By: �DGOLDEN K Action: Time Exp: - � ' C� .-� ,.� o' `� �� .,1.'�'jf j � .k.l�� '� �: � ` i� � �` ` � ;.. ;y . ��l �' j (,` k, 1�,� � � } � � � i k .. n �,l ,� � � `�� � '" z ; ���' � �, _ � �� � 's � ' Inspection Historv �' ' Item: 200 MECH-Rough "`Approved"" �' 04/30/OT Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 2 FIRE PLACES ��`� 05/04/07 Inspector: JRM Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: APPROVED OUTDOOR FIREPLACE ONLY 10/02/07 Inspector: shahn Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: APPROVED GREAT ROOM ROUGH ONLY. NOTE THAT DAMPER TO BE DISABLED OR INTERLOCKED. Item: 310 MECH-Heating. Item: 315 PLMB-Gas Pipin�g Item: 320 MEC H-Exhaust Hoods � Item: 330 MECH-Supp�y Air Item: 340 MECH-Misc. � Item: 390 MECH-Final ; REPT131 Run Id: 7781 03-06-2008 Inspection Request Reporting Page 23 4�26 pm Vail, CO - Citv Of Requested Inspect Date: Friday, March 07, 2008 Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD A/P/D Information Activity: M07-0058 Type: B-MECH Sub Type: NSFR Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: CG Owner: FLAUM, RONNA J. Contractor: K.W.'S PIPE FIXATION, INC. Phone: 970-401-3688 Description: VENTING OF BATH EXHAUST FANS, DRYERS AND RANGE HOODS ' Requested Inspection(s) Item: 390 MECH-Final Requested Time: 04:30 PM Requestor: K.W.'S PIPE FIXATION, INC. Phone: 970-401-3688 Comments: 2 mech and Bld� g.TCO scheduled for today,will call Rex 390-3419 Assigned To: JMONDRAGOfV- Entered By: DGOLDEN K Action: Time Exp: . j i �"^i C ' ti^-{'� ' � � . #, � �s, .r�'� . !,. ?� �.'�; � , i, �r i 0. �'. � ` � ' � �, °t n �' �lt i` � .� �a 1 `'='� � 1 `�, �, � Inspection Historv % ! , Item: 200 MECH-Rough � 1 i Item: 310 MECH-Heafng. Item: 315 PLMB-Gas Pipin�g .� , Item: 320 MECH-Exhaust Hoods Item: 330 MECH-Supply Air Item: 340 MECH-Misc. Item: 390 MECH-Final E ; ti, � REPT131 Run Id: 7781 02-27-2008 Inspection Request Reporting Page 56 4�22 pm Vail, C - Citv Of Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, February 28, 2008 Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL ' 1631 BUFFEHR CREEK RD A/P/D Information �, Activity: P06-0085 Type: B-PLMB Sub Type: NSFR Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: CG Owner: FLAUM, RONNA J. � Contractor. K.W.'S PIPE FIXA�-��N INC Phone: (970) 390-0211 Description: INSTALLATION OF PLUMBIN� SYSTEM, DWV,WATER, GAS DISTRIBUTION, SETTING OF TRIM ,�_ � Requested Inspectioh(s1 Item: 290r'PLMB-Final Requested Time: 09:00 AM i Requestor; Rex- Flaum Phone: 390-3419 j Comments: willrcall Rex 390-3419 ,` Entered B DGOLDEN K Assigned To: G[3ENCKLA Y� � Actiom: ��� Time Exp: ; ,, i ./ ._.1 � t , y , , , 1, ,;, ; � -....,. ._.r-"� ;� r' � ._.__...._.-.. , r' �� '? �,._ t ,.1 � L/ j � �i'1 ��' �,, ; � �� `�-�~-�- � >>� ��- , �F � ��� � �., � �.r'' ;�-'' ^ �/ ;�i, . �`��w'� 'i3 � .,; f. f `; 3 f J � i �� � � A . . ! � � �� ' � /� ` i � i % i ' ,' 4f f�Y '�� d, � f ���' r?! j �,� Inspection Historv , ; Item: 210 PLMB-Underground ""Approved"' ` 08/08/06 lnspector: nsc Action: AP APPROVF�D�' Comment: garage floor drains underground w 3"to employ ee housing over garage 09/29/06 fnspector: JEC Action: AP APPROVED Comment: lower level under�round rough. 10'head Item: 220 PLMB-Rough/D.W.V. *Approved"" 03/30/07 Inspector: shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 6#AIR TEST Item: 230 P�MB-Rough/Water `°Approved"` 03/30/07 Inspector: shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 100#AIR TEST. Item: 240 PLMB-Gas Piping ""Approved"" 03/30/07 lnspector: shahn Action: AP APPROVED Comment: HIGH SIDE GAS 20#AIR TEST. LOW SIDE GAS 15#AIR TEST Item: 250 PLMB-Pool/Hot Tub Item: 260 PLMB-Misc. Item: 290 PLMB-Final REPT131 Run Id: 7727