HomeMy WebLinkAboutB05-0237 Plans� � � � DESIGN CRITERIA: LOT #12 ALPINE DR 0507-18 Roof Live Load (Snow) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - paf Roof Dead Load ----------------------------------- 15 paf Floor Live Load ------------------------------------ 40 pof Floor Dead Load ----------------------------------- JOpof Deck Live Load ------------------------------------ 100pof Deck Dead Load ----------------------------------- 15paf Wind (3 Second Gust) -------------------------------- SO mph /Exp. B\ Seismic Design Category ------------------------------- EXEMPT |BC/IRCEdition ----------------------------------- 2003 FOUNDATION DESIGN: o. Design of individual and continuous footings is based on o rnoxhnunn oUowob|o bearing pressure of 1500 pmf (dead load plus full live load). b. Foundation and retaining woUa have been designed using o }otoro| pressure of 60 pct o. Footings ohoU be placed on the natural undisturbed soil, or unnopootod structural fill per the recommendations of the geotoohnioo| engineer, below frost depth. d. This foundation has been designed according to the design recommendations set forth in gnotoohnioo| report #04187 by LKP Engineering, Inc. The contractor ahoU follow the construction requirements from this some report. e. Provide continuous foundation drains around the perimeter of all basement wo||a and at the base of retaining wo||a. Contact gooteohnioo| engineer for details. f. Provide crawl opooa ventilation per |8C/|RC requirements. g. A representative of the geotechnical engineer oho|| verify soils conditions and types during excavation. Report any discrepancies from original findings to structural engineer for re-evaluation of foundation design. h. Bookfi!i around and above structural buttresses and retaining *o(|u eho|| be oonnp action -tested per the recommendations of the goot*ohnioo| engineer. REINFORCED CONCRETE: o. Concrete design is based on the "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" (ACI 318) as adopted by Chapter 19 of the 2003 IBC. b. Structural concrete ahoU have o nninhnunn 28-doy compressive strength of 3000 psi o. Concrete ahoU be proportioned using Typo |-U sulfate-resistant oornont. Admixtures containing chloride oo|te shall not be used. d. Cold weather concreting procedures shall be provided as recommended in the ACI Manual of Practice Concrete e. Anchor bolts for boonn and oV|unnn bearing plates shall be placed with netting templates. t Expansion bolts ohoU be located at o nnininnuno of 0 bolt diameters from concrete edge and ap000d at 10 bolt diameters unless noted otherwise. g. Anchor bolts for wood sill plates ahoU be placed at 4'-0" rnoxinnurn spacing with one anchor bolt at 12" from each end or corner and o rninirnunn of two anchor bolts per piece. h. Concrete floor a|obo on grade and on rneto| decking or plywood supported by framing ahmU have oo*n or tooled control joints at o nnoxinnurn spacing of 15'-0" in each direction. Locate control joints along column grid ||noa whore possible and provide slab isolation joints around on|unone. i. Concrete coverage for reinforcing steel: 1' Concrete ooat against and permanently exposed to earth: 3^ 2. Concrete exposed to earth or weather: A. #5 bar and onno||ar 1 1/2" B. #G through #18 bar 2" J. Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground: A. 5|obo woUo joists /#11 bar and arnoUor\ 3/4" B. Beams, columns 1 1/2" o. Detailing, fabrication and placement of reinforcing steel ohoU be in accordance with the /CI Manual of Concrete Practice. b. Except where otherwise ot d on the drawings, reinforcing bars shall conform to A3TW Specification A615 and shall be grade 60 except ties, field bent bars where permitted by note on plan, or bars to be welded, which shall be grade 40. - At splices, - ~-~ 44 diameters. ~` not ^~'~ or use mechanical ^ ~ ~~''`~~ unless ^ specifically approved by engineer. d. At oornarn, rnoko horizontal bona continuous or provide corner bars. Around openings and steps in concrete, provide (2)-#5 bars extending 2'-6" beyond edge of opening or step. e. Extend reinforcing steel o nninirnunn of 2`-6 through cold joints. Unless specifically located on plan or details, coordinate cold joint |nootiona with engineer. t Welded *ire fabric oho1| conform to ASTW Specification &-185. Lop welded wire fabric o rnininnunn of one full mesh plus two inches. Lops aho1| be wired together. g. Epoxy adhesive for reinforcing dowels oho|| be "Hi|ti" or "Simpson" or approved equivalent adhesive ayatorna. Minimum ernbednnonta, if not apnoifino||y indicated on the dro*inga, shall be according to the manufacturer's specifications. h. Metric bar n|za conversion table: METRIC 3 STRUCTURAL WOOD FRAMING: o. Except where noted otherwise, all 2" nominal lumber, except studs, shall be Douglas Fir-Larch #2 and better, and all solid timber beorna and posts 3" nominal and wider ohoU be Douglas Fir-Larch #2. b. Studs shall be Stud grade and better Douglas Fir-Larch or Hem Fir. C. Built-up posts nhoU consist of Douglas Fir-Larch or Honn Fir #2 or better 2x4 or 2x0 studs per okzn and ohoU be nailed together with 2 rows of 16d nails @ 8^ on cantor along each stud. d. Built-up baorne consisting of multiple 2x members ohoU be nailed together with two rows of 16d noUa spaced at 12" on center, or with two rows of 1/2" diameter thru-bolts ap000d at 24" on center. e. Top and bottom plates ohnU be Douglas Fir-Larch or Henn Fir #2 and better. P|otoa placed directly on concrete *oUo or n|oba ohoU be preouu re- treated Horn Fir #2. t Wood boonns bearing in beam pockets in concrete or masonry walls ohoU bear on o treated 2x6 bearing block. Provide }<" o|eoronoo around and of wood beam. Block against sides of beam pocket with treated 2x blocking to provide iotoro| support for boonn. g. Within floor joist apooeo beneath solid or built-up columns noted on plans, blocking of area equivalent to column above oho|| be provided. Door or window trirnnnorn consisting of o single stud do not require special blocking in the joist space. h. Except as noted otherwise, noinirnurn nailing eho|| be provided as specified in the "Nailing Schedule" on the drawings (2003 IBC Table 2304.9.1). I. Bolts used for wood framing connections oho|| be installed with standard washers and nuts. j. Unless noted otherwise, steel connectors such as those manufactured by the Simpson Company nho|| be used to join rafters, joists or boorna to other boorno at flush-framed conditions. Use all specified nails. Connector conditions not otherwise noted shall utilize Type U or Type HU hangers of o size specifically designed for the rnornbor supported, as shown in the manufacturer's published tables. Contact structural engineer for d*toUa as required. k. Wood nailer p|otoo installed on steel boorno or concrete wo||o for top-flange hangers oho|| be ripped to rnntoh the width of the no|| or b*orn flange. Nailer plates supporting top flange hangers from one aide only eho|| be installed flush with the face of wo|| or beam flange at the hanger locations. |. Manufactured joists oho|| be from on approved manufacturer and aho|| be equivalent in load carrying capacity and deflection criteria to BC| GOOO series joists in the depths and spacings indicated on plan. Provide b|ooking, brocing, web stiffeners and other 0000aooriee as required by the manufacturer. rn. Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) aho|| have the following rnininnuno properties: 1. Flexural stress ------------------------------------- 2600 psi 2. Modulus uf elasticity --------------------------------- 1.900,000 psi 3. Tension poro||o| to grain ------------------------------ 1850 psi 4. Compression parallel tograin --------------------------- 2310 psi 5. Compression perpendicular to groin (parallel to glue line) --------- 750 psi G. Horizontal shear ----------------------------------- 285 poi 7. Connection of rnu|tip|o-rnonnber beams: A. Top-loaded beorna i\ For rnornboro 12" deep or less, nail each rnonnber to the next with 2 rows of 16d nails at 12" o.c. ii\ For rnernbena greater than 12" deep, nail each member to the next with 3 rows of 16d nails at 12" o.c. B. Side-loaded beornn I) For two or three rnonnbor beams, nail each rnernbor to the next with 3 rows of 16d noUa at 12 o.c. ii) For four rnarnb*r boonnu, bolt through with 2 rows of 1/2" diameter bolts at 12" o.c. iii) For members consisting of more than four nnennbons, contact structural engineer. n. All lumber used in construction oho|| have m rnoxinounn moisture content of 10%. o. Framing Notes: 1. Exterior *oUn: A. All exterior wuUa are 2x6 studs @ 16 o.c. to o nnoxirnurn height of 12'-0" 2x6 studs @ 12 o.c. to o noox|rnunn height of 14'-8", and (2)-2x6 studs @ 18 to o nnox|nnuno height of 17'-4" un|aao otherwise noted. VVoUo taller than 17'-4^ ohoU be framed with manufactured poroUonn studs, contact engineer for spacing requirements, if not indicated on plan. Cop with o double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. If overlap is not possible, strop top plates with nnoto| strap ties (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). B. Gable-end wo|a ohoU be balloon-framed to the bottom of rafters or end-wall trusses unless approved by engineer. C. Floor or roof framing rnarnbero must be aligned to boor within 5 inches of the studs beneath. D. Provide 7/16^ thick APA rated sheathing (plywood or 0SB) rated 24/18, exposure 1 at exterior f000 of exterior walls. Block all horizontal joints and nail pona|o with 8d nails apooad at 6" along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. E. Provide ( over all door and window openings, with one 2x5 trimmer and one 2x6 king stud each ond, un|oaa otherwise indicated. F. At beam bearing locations in stud woUo, provide multiple-stud posts equal to width of bearing member unless noted otherwise. 2. Interior Load Bearing Walls: A. Interior load bearing woUa are 2x4 or 2x8 studs /oe indicated on plan) @ 16" o.c. with 1/2" gypsum wallboard both sides un|oaa noted otherwise. Cop with o double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. If owsdop is not pooaib|e, strap top p|otao with nneto| strop ties (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). B. Floor or roof framing rnornboro must be aligned to bear within 5 inches of the studs beneath, C. Provide (2)-2x10 headers over all openings in woU, with one 2x4 or 2x0 trimmer and one 2x4 or 7x6 king stud each end, unless noted otherwise. D. At baonn bearing locations in stud *oUo, provide multiple-stud posts equal to width of bearing nnonnb*r un|ooa noted otherwise. 3. Floor Construction: A. Provide 3/4" thick APA rated Sturdifloor rated at 24" o.c., tongue and groove exposure 1. Glue and nail pono|e to all supports with 8d nails spaced at G along panel edges and at 12 along intermediate supports. |natoU sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to joists and end joints staggered. B. Provide solid blocking between floor joists at all bearing locations. Blocking nootorio| ahoU rnotoh the floor joist material. 4. Roof Construction: A. Provide " thick APA plywood sheathing rated 40/20 exposure 1. |notoU sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to rafters or trusses and end joints staggered. Nail with Od nails spaced at G along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. B. Plywood sheathing shall be applied continuously over the primary roof nnonobero (rafters or truoaoo) below ovnrfronn*d or*oo to provide adequate |otoro| ntobi|ity. C. Provide wind/seismic anchors at supports for all roof joists and trussed rafters. See nailing schedule. D. Provide solid blocking between roof rafters, trusses and lookouts at all bearing locations. Blocking material ahoU match roftor, truss chord, or lookout material. 5. Wind Bracing: A. WoUa over 4 feet long which are sheathed with gypsum wallboard on both f0000 and are indicated as shear woUa on plan have been designed to nsa|ot wind forces in accordance with Table 2306.4.5 of the 2003 |8C. B. At shear wo||o. screw 1/2" gypsum wallboard to all studs and to top and bottom plates with #8 x 1 " drywall aopawo at 7" nnoxinnunn spacing. C. Exterior plywood or 0S8 wall sheathing is required unless specifically deleted by engineer. STRUCTURAL GLUED LAMINATED TIMBER: o. Woteria|o, manufacturer and quality control ohuU be in conformance with AJTC Product Standard PS 06-82, "Structural Glued Laminated Timber". b. Laminated rnonnborm ohoU be fabricated using Douglas Fir with the following combination symbols: 24F-V4 Simple-span boonna 24F-V8 Continuous or cantilever boonna 3 Columns o. All members eho|| be Architectural Appearance Grodo, un|oao indicated otherwise by the architect. d. Protect members from damage or exposure to moisture prior to and during construction. *. Adhesive uhn|| meet the requirements for wet conditions of service. f. Do not camber laminated nnonnboro unless indicated on the drawings. STRUCTURAL STEEL: o. Structural steel ohoU be detailed, fabricated and erected in 0000rdono* with the most current editions of A|SC Specifications and Code of Standard Practice. b. Structural steel YY shapes uhoU be ASTW A992. Other rolled ehopoo including plates and angles ahoU be ASTN A36. Tube shapes ohoU be ASTW A500 grade B. Pipes ahoU be ASTW A53 grade B or A3TW A501. o. Tube ahopoo are ootuo| size as specified on plan. Pipe sizes indicated on plan are nnnnino| (approximate inside diameter) and refer to ABC pipe schedule dimensions. d. All bolts used in steel fnzno|ng ahoU conform to ASTW Specification A325. Anchor bolts and bolts used in timber connections may be ASTM A307. Bolt sizes ahoU be 5/4" diameter unless noted otherwise. o. Tvoioo| framed beam connections ohoU consist of pairs of 1 angles using the rnoxirnurn number of bolts called for in Table U-A of the A|SC Manual (ASD Ninth Edition). t Expansion bolts aho|| be wedge type "Hi|ti or "Rawl" or "5innpoon", or approved equivalent with the following nnininnunn ernbednnento: diameter ---- 2 1/2 5/8" diameter ---- 3" 3/4" diameter ---- 4" g. Epoxy anchors co||od for on the drawings uho|| be "Epuon" or "Rawl" or "Simpson 11 or approved equivalent anchor systems. Minimum onobodrnonta, if not specifically indicated on the drawings, aho|| be according to the manufacturer's specifications. h. All welding aho|| be done by on AWS qualified welder, I. Delay painting within 3" of field welds until welds are completed. � VVhoro corrosive soil conditions ox|et steel angles that are used to support exterior stone veneer oho{| be galvanized and aho|| be attached to the foundation with galvanized or atoin|*aa steel expansion anchors. BACK}ILLING: o. Do not bookfU| against retaining wo||o until supporting elements are in p|000 and securely anchored, or adequate shoring is installed. Concurrent boukfi||lng of each side of o retaining wo|| to final grades as indicated on plan or section in required un|ona temporary shoring is installed. b. Verify type of fill with soils engineer and structural engineer prior to bockfi||ing. GROUT: o. All grout beneath column boon p|otoo and steel beonna at bearing shall be on-ohhnk. non-metallic type grout. Grout ohoU have o nnininnurn uonopraoaivo strength of 2500 psi. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: n. Structural erection and bracing: The structural drawings illustrate the completed structure with all elements in their final positions, properly supported and braced. The oontrootor, in the proper aequenoo, aho|| provide shoring and bracing as may be required during construction to achieve the final completed structure. Contact structural engineer for consultation (not in contract) as required. b. Shop drawings: Submit shop and erection drawings for structural atoo|, rni000Uonnoua steo|, atoo| joists and girders, otoo| dook, rnonnnry reinforcing steel, wood tnmooea manufactured wood joists and glue-lam b*onna to engineer for review prior to fabrication. This review is for general compliance with the intent of the structural design. The architect and/or contractor are responsible for checking quantities, dimensions and coordination with other trades. o. Dimensions: Check all dimensions against architectural drawings prior to construction. Do not 000{e drawings. d. Construction practices: General contractor is responsible for rn*ona, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures for construction of this project. Notify structural engineer of omissions or conflicts between the working drawings and existing conditions. Coordinate requirements for nnoohon /electrical /plum bin g penetrations through structural elements with structural engineer. Jobaito safety is the oo|o responsibility of the contractor. All methods used for construction ohoU be in accordance with the |otont editions of the |8C/URC. o. Details not specifically shown on the drawings ohoU be constructed in o manner oirnUor to the details that are shown for like conditions. These itmnno ahoU be brought to the attention of the structural engineer as soon as possible for approval. Approval nhmU be obtained prior to installation. f. It is the responsibility of the contractor to contact the structural engineer t the i t time to perform site observations visits. Observation visits to the joboite by the engineer are for determination of general conformance with the construction documents and ohoU not be construed on inspection. g. Though every effort is nnodo to provide o complete and o|oor sot of construction documents, discrepancies or omissions may occur. Release of these drawings anticipates cooperation and continued communication between the contractor, architect and engineer to provide the boot pnaeib|o structure. These drawings have been prepared for the use of o qualified contractor experienced in the construction techniques and systems depicted. 2003 IBC FASTENING SCHEDULE (TABLE 2304.9.1) CONNECTION FASTENING 0, m LOCATION 1. Joist to sill or girder 3 - 8d common toenail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 2. Bridging to joist 2 - 8d common toenaileach end Q NOT USED 2 - 3" 14 gage staple 3. 1" x 6" subfloor or less to each joist 2 - 8d common face nail 4. Wider than 1 " x 6" subfloor to each joist 3 - 8d common face nail 5. 2" subfloor to joist or girder 2 - 16d common blind and face nail 6. Sole plate to joist or blocking 16d at 16" o.c. typical face nail Sole plate to joist or blocking at braced wall panel 3 - 16d per 16" braced wall panels 7. Top plate to stud 2 - 16d common end nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 8. Stud to sole plate 4 - 8d common toenail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 2 - 16d common end nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 9. Double Studs 16d at 24" o.c. face nail 10. Double top plates 16d at 16" o.c. typical face nail Double top plates 8 16d common lap splice 12 3" 14 gage staple typical face nail 11. Blocking between joist or rafters 3 - 8d common toenail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 12. Rim joist to top plate 8d at 6" (152mm) o.c. toenail 13. Top plates, laps and intersections 2 - 16d common face nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 14. Continuous header, two pieces 16d common 16" o.c. along edge 15. Ceiling joists to plate 3 - 8d common toenail 5 - 3" 14 gage staple 16. Continuous header to stud 4 - 8d common toenail 17. Ceiling joists, laps over portions 3 - 16d common minimum, Table 2308.10.4.1 face nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 18. Ceiling joists to parallel rafters 3 - 16d common minimum, Table 2308.10.4.1 face nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 19. Rafter to plate 3 - 8d common toenail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 20. 1" diagonal brace to each stud and plate 2 - 8d common face nail 2 - 3" 14 gage staple 21. 1" x 8" sheathing to each bearing wall 2 - 8d common face nail 22. Wider than 1" x 8" sheathing to 3 - 8d common face nail each bearing wall 23. Built-up corner studs 16d common 24" o.c. 24. Built-up girder and beams 20d common at 32" o.c. face nail at top and 3" x 0.131" nail at 24" o.c. bottom staggered on 3" 14 gage staple at 24" o.c. opposite sides 2 - 20d common face nail at ends and at 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 25. 2" planks 16d common at each bearing 26. Collar tie to rafter 3 - 10d common face nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple face nail 27. Jack rafter to hip 3 - 10d common toenail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 2 - 16d common face nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 28. Roof rafter to 2-by ridge beam 2 - 16d common toenail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 2 - 16d common face nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 29. Joist to bond joist 3 - 16d common face nail 5 - 3" 14 gage staple 30. Ledger strip 3 - 16d common face nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 31. Wood structural panels and particleboard:b 1/2" and less 8d' (per KR M)q Subfloor, roof and wall sheathing 2 3/8" x 0.131" nail' (to framing): 1 3Z4" x 16 gage 2" 16 gageP Single Floor (combination subfloor- 3/4" and less 8d' (per KRM)q 32. Panel siding (to framing) 1/2" or less 6d' 33. Fiberboard sheathing: 1/2" No. 11 gage roofing n ailh 6d common nail No. 16 gage staple' 25/32" No. 11 gage roofing noilh 8d common nail No. 16 gage stople 34. Interior paneling 1/4" 4di NOTES 0 TABLE 2304S1 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4mm. 2 3/8^ x 0i113^ noUn and J^ x 0.131 nuUn are standard Od and 10d Gun nai|u o. Common or box nails are permitted to be used except nhom otherw stated. ». woi|e spaced at 6 inches on center at adgea, 12 inches at intermediate supports xvopt O inches at supports where spans are 48 inches or more. For nailing of wood structural panel and particleboard diaphragms and shear wo||o, refer to Section 2305. Nails for wo|| sheathing ore permitted to be common, box or casing. o. Common or deformed shank. d. Common a. Deformed oxonx. t Corrooion - msiatqntnidingnrvoaingnoi/. g. Fasteners ap000d J inches on center at exterior edges and 0 inches on center at intermediate supports. h. Corrosion-resistant fi 7 /16-inch diameter head and 1 1/2 inch length for 1/2-inch sheathing and 1 3/4 inch length for 25/32-inch sheathing. I . Co r r osion r_-_- s w nom .' ., -... c and 1 ,. ..~, leng for . ..~^ sheat . and 1 ./^ ~.. length for sheathing. Panel supports at 16 inches (20 inches if strength axis is the long direction of the pono|, unless otherwise mar } Cooing or finish nails ap000d O inches on panel odgnm. 12 inches at intermediate supports. k. Panel supports as 24 inches. Casing or finish nails ap000d 6 inches on panel edges, 12 inches at intermediate supports. |. For roof sheathing opp|inntiono. Dd nnUn are the minimum required for wood structural pono|a m. Staples ohu|| have p minimum crown width of 7/16 inch. n. For roof sheathing oppocotiona, footon;m np000d at 4 inches on center at edges, O inches at intermediate supports. o. Fasteners vp000g 4 inches on center at *dgoo. O inches at intermediate supports for suhflvnr and wo|| sheathing and 3 inches on center at edges, V inches at intermediate supports for roof sheathing. p. Fasteners apoond 4 inches on center at edges, D inches at intermediate supports. q. Items noted on "per KRM" have been changed from the IBC schedule to q more restrictive requirement. ALL LUMBER CONNECTORS IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH PREBSU RE- TREATED LUMBER SHALL HAVE A S|MP3ON ZWAX FINISH DR EQUIVALENT CONNECTION SCHEDULE SIMPSON H5 Q NOT USED JIL 4x4xl/4xO'-5 1/2 WELDED CONNECTION W/ 1/4" FILLET WELDS 4.B. A.FF A.FG. ADJ. ANCH. APPRDX ARCH. 8D. BLDG. BLKG. BM. BOT B.O.W( BRG. CANT C. J. CMU CEW. CLG. COL CONC. CONN. CONT. CONST C. P. C. W. DBL. DET. D|A(l DWG. DWL EA. E. J. ELEV. EN G. EQUIP. EUU|\( EXSTG. -'' EXT. F. D. FDTN. FL, FRM G. FTG. GA. GAU( --'' G. L. GYP. HDR. HDR|Z. HSS HT |Nl[ |N\( K J3T LAM. LLV LONG|T LTVYT LVL LSL MAX. MECH. MAT MANUF. MIN. (N) NOM. ().C. OPNg. O3B R pLyWD' PKT. R. 0. RAD. REF RBNF. REQ'D RET REV. R. S. 5CHED. SECT SHT. S|W. S. 1. SPEC. STD. STL. STRUCT T T&B T&Q T.D.C. TO.F. TO.L T0.M. T.{\ T[LYK THRU TRANS\( TS TYP. U.N.(l VERT. \(iF. W. F. W. P. W. W. F. ANCHOR BOLT ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ABOVE FINISHED GRADE ADJUSTABLE ANCHOR / APPROXIMATELY ARCHITECT BOARD BUILDING BLOCKING BEAM BOTTOM BOTTOM OF WALL BEARING CANTILEVER CONTROL JOINT CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CEMENT CEILING CENTERLINE CLEARANCE COLUMN CONCRETE CONNECTION CONTINUOUS CONSTRUCTION CRIPPLE POST CRIPPLE WALL DOUBLE DETAIL DIAGONAL DRAWING DOWEL EACH EXPANSION JOINT ELEVATION ENGINEER EQUIPMENT EQUIVALENT EXISTING EXISTING EXPANSION EXTERIOR FLOOR DRAIN FOUNDATION FLOOR FRAMING FOOTING GAUGE GALVANIZED GENERAL GLUE-LAW GYPSUM/SYPCRETE HEADER HORIZONTAL HOLLOW STEEL SECTION HEIGHT INTERIOR INVERTED KING STUD JOIST LAMINATED LONG LEG VERTICAL LONGITUDINAL LIGHTWEIGHT LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER LAMINATED STRAND R|k4 MATER| MAXIMUM MECHANICAL MATERIAL MANUFACTURER MINIMUM NEW NOMINAL ON CENTER OPENING ORIENTED STRAND BOARD PLATE PLYWOOD POCKET ROUGH OPENING RADIUS REFERENCE REINFORCE/REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED RETAINING REVISION ROUGH SAWN SCHEDULE SECTION SHEET SIMILAR STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANEL SPECIFICATION SQUARE STANDARD STEEL STRUCTURAL TRIMMER TOP 8c BOTTOM TONGUE 8o GROOVE TOP OF CONCRETE TOP OF FOOTING TOP OF LEDGE TOP OF MASONRY TOP OF TOP OF WALL THROUGH TRANSVERSE TUBE STEEL COLUMN TYPICAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE VERTICAL VERIFY IN FIELD WIDE FLANGE WATERPROOF WELDED WIRE FABRIC WOOD WITH Town of Vail OFFICER-M COPY CON' LED[ ANC| 1/4xll 7/8 LSL RIM FLOOR PERIMETER T.O.W. = 8047 T.O.F. = 8034-8 STEP T0.F. 3 _ S3 STEP | | T.O.F .' , T.O.W. = 003�—O ' T.O.F. = 8023'-2 STEP T.O.F. . 8034 T.O. SLAB | / T.O.W. = 80,35 5|L� �—� ' 14 |T[\F. = 8031-2 TO.F -- T.O.W. = 8047'-9 3/4 | | T.O.F. = 8031'-2 ' | | / T.O.W. = 805 1'-3 T.O.F. = 8034-8 SLOPE T.O.W. PER ARCH. T.O.F. = 8023'-2 HTmT� A q T.O.W. 8035'-0 T.O. SLAB O �4T.O.F. = 8( F. � '—---| A ---�. | | | | | / . L —5 | /� | TT 0. SLAB T.O.W. = 8029'-3 | u34—u | ` / L -HT.O.F. = 8027-11 6 L �5 S16 A 7 . | | = /\LiF\ | | O0�8'—O ' ` / T.O.W. = 8038'-0 T.O.F. = 8025-8 T.O.F. = 8025-8 | / | T.O.W. = 8028'-4 T.O.F. = 8025'-8 T.O.W. = 8043'-8 3/4 p T.O.F. = 8025-8 STEP T.O.F. T.O.W. OL 8029' .O.W. = 8030 -0 B T.O.W. = 8O48 ' rnc _ on o' o / -- STEP T.O. SLAB 3 _ STEP �- +��+-- ---|--- --- ---| STEP S7 | | | \ |TO.F. | -8 I DECK SPAN DECK SPAN � T.O.F. 8028'--ll <S 6 7 _ S7 LOWER FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: IZ4 = 1 PLAN NOTES: 1. INTERIOR WOOD STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: 2. POSTS BELOW ARE INDICATED: [o NON—CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: 0 SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BEU}YY ARE INDICATED: 0 J. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STURD|FL00R EXP.1, SPAN RATING 24 O.C. 4. WOOD BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS, ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS. /" _\ 5. " �� INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE — REF. S1 FOR SCHEDULE. 6. ALL FLOOR JOISTS ARE 11 7/8" TJI/210 @ 16" O.C., TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. NORTH FOUNDATION PLAN / 4' " C000NCRETE SLAB ON 4' " T / O.YK = 8O48`-0 CLEAN GRAVEL BASE ON T.O.F. = 028'-8 UNDISTURBED GRADE OR i � COMPACTED STRUCTURAL | `�---BW, PKT] FILL PER SOILS ENGINEER. L_ __} — [—-- REINFORCE SLAB WITH | | 6x6—VN.4xVYl.4 WELDED WIRE FABRIC THROUGHOUT. | | | | PROVIDE 1 " DEEP SAWN OR 0< TOOLED CONTROL JOINTS AT m m | | , | | 15'-0" MAXIMUM SPACING T.O.W. EACH WAY. = 8058'-5 T.O.F. = 8028'-8 L ABOVE 5TRUCT CONC. CAP) --- | 8 ' � STEP --- T.O.F. , J—OxO' —O (HIGH CRAWLSPACE ACCESS. VERIFY LOCATION ABOVE 3LAB.(PR0VlDE MIN. 48" FROST PR{)TECTlON\ NORTH / �(��|�. 1 " , /4 _ �_O" `'�'`��. ./ . _ . " PLAN NOTES 1. ELEVATIONS OF CONCRETE FOUNDATION ELEMENTS INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: T.O.W.=TOP OF CONCRETE WALL T.O.F.=TOP OF CONCRETE FOOTING 2. TOP OF FOOTING ELEVAT ARE BASED ON FINDING ADEQUATE SOIL BEARING CONDITIONS AT THAT DEPTH. CONTACT ENGINEER IF 0VEREXCAVATlON IS REQUIRED. 5. STEPS IN TOP OF CONCRETE WALL INDICATED: 4. CONTINUOUS CONCRETE FOOTINGS ARE CENTERED BENEATH CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 5. CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS ARE 8" THICK AND CONTINUOUS FOOTINGS ARE 8" THICK x 16" WIDE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. O. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. PERMANENT SOIL—NAILED RETAINING WALL BY OTHERS T.O.W. SPREAD FOOTING SCHEDULE TYPE SIZE REINFORCING = 8043'-9 3/4 T.O.F. = 8025-8 | = T.O.F. = 8028'-11 ' T.O.W. �M( = 8052` -9 | | T.O.F. = 8034'-8 S TEP T.O.F. | | � '—---| A ---�. | | | | | / . L —5 | /� | TT 0. SLAB T.O.W. = 8029'-3 | u34—u | ` / L -HT.O.F. = 8027-11 6 L �5 S16 A 7 . | | = /\LiF\ | | O0�8'—O ' ` / T.O.W. = 8038'-0 T.O.F. = 8025-8 T.O.F. = 8025-8 | / | T.O.W. = 8028'-4 T.O.F. = 8025'-8 T.O.W. = 8043'-8 3/4 p T.O.F. = 8025-8 STEP T.O.F. T.O.W. OL 8029' .O.W. = 8030 -0 B T.O.W. = 8O48 ' rnc _ on o' o / -- STEP T.O. SLAB 3 _ STEP �- +��+-- ---|--- --- ---| STEP S7 | | | \ |TO.F. | -8 I DECK SPAN DECK SPAN � T.O.F. 8028'--ll <S 6 7 _ S7 LOWER FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: IZ4 = 1 PLAN NOTES: 1. INTERIOR WOOD STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: 2. POSTS BELOW ARE INDICATED: [o NON—CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: 0 SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BEU}YY ARE INDICATED: 0 J. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STURD|FL00R EXP.1, SPAN RATING 24 O.C. 4. WOOD BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS, ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS. /" _\ 5. " �� INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE — REF. S1 FOR SCHEDULE. 6. ALL FLOOR JOISTS ARE 11 7/8" TJI/210 @ 16" O.C., TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. NORTH FOUNDATION PLAN / 4' " C000NCRETE SLAB ON 4' " T / O.YK = 8O48`-0 CLEAN GRAVEL BASE ON T.O.F. = 028'-8 UNDISTURBED GRADE OR i � COMPACTED STRUCTURAL | `�---BW, PKT] FILL PER SOILS ENGINEER. L_ __} — [—-- REINFORCE SLAB WITH | | 6x6—VN.4xVYl.4 WELDED WIRE FABRIC THROUGHOUT. | | | | PROVIDE 1 " DEEP SAWN OR 0< TOOLED CONTROL JOINTS AT m m | | , | | 15'-0" MAXIMUM SPACING T.O.W. EACH WAY. = 8058'-5 T.O.F. = 8028'-8 L ABOVE 5TRUCT CONC. CAP) --- | 8 ' � STEP --- T.O.F. , J—OxO' —O (HIGH CRAWLSPACE ACCESS. VERIFY LOCATION ABOVE 3LAB.(PR0VlDE MIN. 48" FROST PR{)TECTlON\ NORTH / �(��|�. 1 " , /4 _ �_O" `'�'`��. ./ . _ . " PLAN NOTES 1. ELEVATIONS OF CONCRETE FOUNDATION ELEMENTS INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: T.O.W.=TOP OF CONCRETE WALL T.O.F.=TOP OF CONCRETE FOOTING 2. TOP OF FOOTING ELEVAT ARE BASED ON FINDING ADEQUATE SOIL BEARING CONDITIONS AT THAT DEPTH. CONTACT ENGINEER IF 0VEREXCAVATlON IS REQUIRED. 5. STEPS IN TOP OF CONCRETE WALL INDICATED: 4. CONTINUOUS CONCRETE FOOTINGS ARE CENTERED BENEATH CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 5. CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS ARE 8" THICK AND CONTINUOUS FOOTINGS ARE 8" THICK x 16" WIDE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. O. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. PERMANENT SOIL—NAILED RETAINING WALL BY OTHERS T.O.W. SPREAD FOOTING SCHEDULE TYPE SIZE REINFORCING = 8043'-9 3/4 T.O.F. = 8025-8 | = 8043'-9 3/4 T.O.F. = 8025-8 | 2x8 STUDS @ 16 O.C. w/ 1/2" PLYWD. OR OSB 1 1/2" LW. CONC TYP.-- 11 7/8 |—JOISTS PER PLAN O L 8034'-10 1Z2 lm 1/2" 0 x 10 A.B.'s @ 48" O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x0 R, 2" LEDGE NO EXP. MAT'L 8035 v /.0.v«/ r �---- T.O. SLAB 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN VERT@1O" CONCONT. HDR|Z. @10 " __ 1 @R1 |ND|C/ #5'a CONT. HOR|Z. & BOT — T.O.F. F /2\—#5`a CONT. LONG|l. SCALE: 3/4" = 1' (i)_ _ ' #4 D�LS x 4- CONC. SLAB PER PLAN 8029'-0 SLOPE SLAB T.O. SLAB (1)—#4 CONT. HOR|Z (1)—#5 CONT. HOR|Z. @W|D—HT o #5 DWLS x @ 48" O.C. /2\—#5`m CONT. HOR!Z. TOP &BOT T |.0.F. CONT. 3 11 7/8 LVL LEDGE O X 5 EXF ANCH. @ 12^ O.C. PERIMETER DRAIN PER--/ SOILS ENGINEER 2x8 STUDS @ 18" O.C. */ 1/2" PLYVYD. OR OSB ` 0 x 10" A.B.'a @ 48" O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 IT ^J, 8035-0 T T[LVK 1'—O DWL3 x 2 " D�LS x @ 32^ D.C. ~` 1'—O 1/2" EXP. WA7 TYP.--- 4~ CONC. SLAB PER PLAN ,J, 8029`-3 199=0xAl� � U^ U� � 91 ^' ° ' " �-2' 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN T.O. SLAB #5`o CONT. HOR|Z. TOP &BOT. " 0 T 5 I T 4 T 2 I T 3 T I 'a MAIN FLOOR FRI NORTH MING PLAN «�(,/�| ��_ 7 /��" �= 1 ^__[),, SCALE: . / . . `~ 40% PLAN NOTES: 77 1. INTERIOR WOOD STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: 2. POSTS BELOW ARE INDICATED: 'Ulu NON—CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: 0 SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT D0 NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED: Q 3. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STUR0FL0OR, EXP.1 SPAN RATING 24 O.C. 4. (XXX'—XX") INDICATES TOP OF STEEL BEAM ELEVATION. WOOD BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS, ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS NOTED (DROPPED). /_\" 5' " �� INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE — REF. 31 FOR SCHEDULE. 7. GLU—LAM BEAMS EXPOSED TO WEATHER SHALL BE NATURALLY RESISTANT ALASKAN YELLOW CEDAR. r, _G IH SO __ K11 LSL RIM OR PERIMETER '1 LVL ER STONE VENEER PKT TREATED 2xl 2 w/ 3/4"Ox5" qCH. @ 32^ D.C. | 5 11 7 LVL W/3 4'O X 5 @ 12' O.C. ________ __�D UL -----R ' 4 ' �' - —'' ANCH. @ 24" O.C. 1'—O DWL3x m ---- @ 18" O.C. -'| �| #5 D�L5 x @ 32^ O.C. �� �� 1—D 1/2" EXP. WAT`L TYP.--- 4~ CONC. SLAB PER PLAN OL . VERT@1O" CONCONT. HDR|Z. @10 " __ 1 @R1 |ND|C/ #5'a CONT. HOR|Z. & BOT — T.O.F. F /2\—#5`a CONT. LONG|l. SCALE: 3/4" = 1' (i)_ _ ' #4 D�LS x 4- CONC. SLAB PER PLAN 8029'-0 SLOPE SLAB T.O. SLAB (1)—#4 CONT. HOR|Z (1)—#5 CONT. HOR|Z. @W|D—HT o #5 DWLS x @ 48" O.C. /2\—#5`m CONT. HOR!Z. TOP &BOT T |.0.F. CONT. 3 11 7/8 LVL LEDGE O X 5 EXF ANCH. @ 12^ O.C. PERIMETER DRAIN PER--/ SOILS ENGINEER 2x8 STUDS @ 18" O.C. */ 1/2" PLYVYD. OR OSB ` 0 x 10" A.B.'a @ 48" O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 IT ^J, 8035-0 T T[LVK 1'—O DWL3 x 2 " D�LS x @ 32^ D.C. ~` 1'—O 1/2" EXP. WA7 TYP.--- 4~ CONC. SLAB PER PLAN ,J, 8029`-3 199=0xAl� � U^ U� � 91 ^' ° ' " �-2' 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN T.O. SLAB #5`o CONT. HOR|Z. TOP &BOT. " 0 T 5 I T 4 T 2 I T 3 T I 'a MAIN FLOOR FRI NORTH MING PLAN «�(,/�| ��_ 7 /��" �= 1 ^__[),, SCALE: . / . . `~ 40% PLAN NOTES: 77 1. INTERIOR WOOD STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: 2. POSTS BELOW ARE INDICATED: 'Ulu NON—CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: 0 SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT D0 NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED: Q 3. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STUR0FL0OR, EXP.1 SPAN RATING 24 O.C. 4. (XXX'—XX") INDICATES TOP OF STEEL BEAM ELEVATION. WOOD BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS, ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS NOTED (DROPPED). /_\" 5' " �� INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE — REF. 31 FOR SCHEDULE. 7. GLU—LAM BEAMS EXPOSED TO WEATHER SHALL BE NATURALLY RESISTANT ALASKAN YELLOW CEDAR. r, _G IH SO __ K11 LSL RIM OR PERIMETER '1 LVL ER STONE VENEER PKT TREATED 2xl 2 w/ 3/4"Ox5" qCH. @ 32^ D.C. | 5 11 7 LVL W/3 4'O X 5 @ 12' O.C. ________ __�D R E GI xv 5 4 3 2 II ----- ----- I I ------------ III (3)— x 'S�A"l - x I TRIM EIP D (1)-2 KING E A SIDE UNIL SSrFN T OTHI IN 1 1/4x1 1 7/8 LSL FLOOR PERIMETER INDICATED THUS, 1 ( D — - :H. @ 32" O.C. I C\l q (0 C) CD I WIN Moll M SEE PLAN J, T. 0. STL. "V -7" SCALE: 3/4" = l'—O" 6*11 m 001 IT, m a 0 SOO a (2)-1/2" 0 x 6 BUILT -UP CTHn PER PLAN SCALE: 3/4" = l'—O" - — - 3/4 x 11 7/8 LVIL V/3/4"O X 5" EXP. 12" O.C. FASTEN TO LEDGER ­ w/ ' 374"�X ' �' (FLAT FA EXP. ANCH. @ 32" O.C. WALL W/ (2) 3/4"Ox8" EXP. AN CH ' S NORTH UPPER FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1 Z4" = V-0)l PLAN NOTES: 1. INTERIOR WOOD STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: 2. POSTS BELOW ARE INDICATED: END NON—CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED: 9 3. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STURDIFLOOR, EXP.1, SPAN RATING 24 O.C. 4. (XXX'—XX") INDICATES TOP OF STEEL BEAM ELEVATION. WOOD BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS, ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS NOTED (DROPPED). 5. "0" INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE — REF. Sl FOR SCHEDULE. 6. ALL FLOOR JOISTS ARE 11 7/8" BCl 6000 @ 16" O.C., TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. I jUL -2 6 designed by MPS drawn by STR/MTN checked by issued REV.& 1 1/3/05 ■ REV. A 1 Zl 0/05 FINAL 7Z• i• sheet Somil I Nil 1--: 00 0 N clo z 0c) (D (o < 00 z _j 0 00 00 3: C) CF) 0) W C 0 z to x < 00 o< 0 00 x pmm� 0 r V) z 0 C Q) 00 o) I-, L0 V) L o 0 �- O f ) T co 't 00 0') CF) 0 x o 't 't 0 0) cy) m EATED 2x12 m m a x C; r- < v1 3/4"Ox5" 0) 1 U_ 1_1 — designed by MPS drawn by STR/MTN checked by issued REV.& 1 1/3/05 ■ REV. A 1 Zl 0/05 FINAL 7Z• i• sheet Somil I Nil Cc x pmm� 0 co Co EATED 2x12 v1 3/4"Ox5" T-41 designed by MPS drawn by STR/MTN checked by issued REV.& 1 1/3/05 ■ REV. A 1 Zl 0/05 FINAL 7Z• i• sheet Somil I Nil (D SHEATHING PER PLAN BRG. SADDLE: SIDE .Cs — ./`"v^v—.v ../ (2)— = " RAFTERS PER PLAN TYP. TS COL. REF. PLAN u u /-Z *� . z /^.^^ . ." '"`'"`'. / NAILS INTO SOL BLKG. BTWN. EA. LOOKOUT, TYP. LOOKOUTS 0BRG.. TYP. EQ. [E Q. T 4 3 2 T T T ( 2x12 STRUCTURAL SUB—FASCIA, 2x12 RAFTERS PER PLAN 2x12LOOK0UT�---� @ 24" O.C., TYP. 2x6 STUDS @ 16" 1/9" PLY�D. OR O3B N | '— � | SHEATHING ' (D 2x12 3TRUCTURA SUB—FASCIA, TYF NORTH ROOF F PLAN SC&| E: 1 /4 == 1 0RAL PLAN NOTES: , LAN 1. INTERIOR 000D STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: 2. POSTS 8EL0VY ARE INDICATED: 0 NON—CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: El SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED: 0 3. ROOF SHEATHING IS 5/8" APA RATED SHEATHING, EXP.1, SPAN RATING 40/20. 4. "/l" INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE — REF. S1 FOR SCHEDULE. 5. ROOF BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS, ARE FLUSH FRAMED UNLESS NOTED AS (DROPPED). O. ALL ROOF RAFTERS ARE: 2x12'o @24'", TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. / _ _ �-- �1111 2x2 LOOKOUTS @ 24- o.o, TYP _ UH|Mk4ER AND (l KING STUD EA. SIDE, TYP. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 4 6 6 FASTEN PLYWD. TO BEAM W/ 8d NAILS @ 6" ox. CONC.WALL ------- (BEYOND) /2\-1 3/4x11 7/8 LVL (UNDER STONE VENEER) L6x4x5/16xO'-3 1/2" ANCH's (PROVIDE 5" EMBED. INTO .\ SEE 2/S6 FOR " , #5's �O'[\C � LONG|T 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN/ TRANSV. 8028 IF SCALE: 3/4" = 1`-O" 8058 T.O. SLAB 4" CONIC. SLAB PER PIL �\ AN LOPE SLAB /3j 3/4x11 1/4 LVL LAGS HSS Jx3 BRG. h! BEAM SADDLE: BRG. R' 1/2 "x5 3/8"xO /3j-1 3/4x11 7/8 LVL BM. SCALE: 3/4" = 1`-O" _#4oVERT @10" D.C. -LEDGER PER PLAN -11 7/8" |-JOISTS PER PLAN 0. PERIMETER DRAIN P SOILS ENGINEER � #5 D�LS x --- @ 16' D.C. PERIMETER DRAIN PER v SOILS ENQNEER � /2\-#5'a CONT. HOR|Z. TOP /k BOT. ' #5'a @ 16" TRANS\( ` O L 8034' --- 1/2" 0 x 10" /LB.'o @ 48" D.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 FE /--TJ| BLKG. PANELS @24" / IN FIRST JOIST SPACE w/ NAILS INTO EA. PANEL TYP. 1 1/2" LYK CONC, TYP. -JOISTS PER PLAN 8058'-5 3/4j LEDGER PER PLAN 12" CONC. WALL, RBNF w/ #5`e @ 10" EA. VYA\� 0 ° T.O. rL/vvu. r EA. FACE w/ #5 DWL'a x @ D O.C. EA. FACE [� 'P TYP. INTO FDTN. WALL 2'-0 ^ � (SEE 1 /S7 FOR DVYL \ - ' 4 � �.�^ _ it , -1O , �;` . ' LEDGER PER PLAN -��----- rL*U�w�m/) #5's CONT. HORIZ. /11 7/8" I-JOISTS PER PLAN PERMANENT LEDGER PER PLAN SOIL-NAILED RETAINING WALL BY OTHERS 17C L R. ° EXP. k�A7 TYP. #5 "``LS ^ 4 4" CONIC. SLAB PER PLAN �ONC' SLAB PER PLAN 2 o VARIES — �� — r ' ' ' -�`^ LDNG|T D WITHIN 6 ur T ANS\( THEN INCREASE SPACING A /5\ CONT. LONQT TO o FOR REMAINDER ` ' ^ OF �ALWALL. EP0XY ANCHOR _j SOILS ENGINEER SCALE: 3/4" V INTO 7 o 0x7 " L (� HOLES IN | ` | RETAINING WALL. -- '' `" ( °'`�� ^' PERIMETER DRAIN PER--� CONC. SLAB PER PLAN PERMANENT 1 1/2" CLR. RETAINING WALL CRUSHED BY OTHERS 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN " 2x6 STUDS @ _ T.O. SLAB 0. PERIMETER DRAIN P SOILS ENGINEER � #5 D�LS x --- @ 16' D.C. PERIMETER DRAIN PER v SOILS ENQNEER � /2\-#5'a CONT. HOR|Z. TOP /k BOT. ' #5'a @ 16" TRANS\( ` O L 8034' --- 1/2" 0 x 10" /LB.'o @ 48" D.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 FE /--TJ| BLKG. PANELS @24" / IN FIRST JOIST SPACE w/ NAILS INTO EA. PANEL TYP. 1 1/2" LYK CONC, TYP. -JOISTS PER PLAN 8058'-5 3/4j LEDGER PER PLAN 12" CONC. WALL, RBNF w/ #5`e @ 10" EA. VYA\� 0 ° T.O. rL/vvu. r EA. FACE w/ #5 DWL'a x @ D O.C. EA. FACE [� 'P TYP. INTO FDTN. WALL 2'-0 ^ � (SEE 1 /S7 FOR DVYL \ - ' 4 � �.�^ _ it , -1O , �;` . ' LEDGER PER PLAN -��----- rL*U�w�m/) #5's CONT. HORIZ. /11 7/8" I-JOISTS PER PLAN PERMANENT LEDGER PER PLAN SOIL-NAILED RETAINING WALL BY OTHERS 17C L R. ° EXP. k�A7 TYP. #5 "``LS ^ 4 4" CONIC. SLAB PER PLAN �ONC' SLAB PER PLAN 2 o VARIES — �� — r ' ' ' -�`^ LDNG|T D WITHIN 6 ur T ANS\( THEN INCREASE SPACING A /5\ CONT. LONQT TO o FOR REMAINDER ` ' ^ OF �ALWALL. EP0XY ANCHOR _j SOILS ENGINEER SCALE: 3/4" V INTO 7 o 0x7 " L (� HOLES IN | ` | RETAINING WALL. -- '' `" ( °'`�� ^' PERIMETER DRAIN PER--� CONC. SLAB PER PLAN ___~---2x0 STUDS @ 15" O.C. w/ 1/2" PLYWD. OR O3B -----'1 /2° 0 x 10" A.B.'o @ 4O" O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x0 � LEDGER PER PLAN TJ( BLKG. PANELS ��24" IN FIRST JOIST SPACE w/ 1/2" PLYWD. OR OSB /5\ NAILS INTO EA. / SHEATHING / PANEL. TYP. ' 1 1/2" LW. CONC TYP, IN CONT. TREATED 2xlO IE 8058'-8 WATERPROOF— TYP. PROVIDE STABILIZED SHELF FOR SLAB Ed 4 8 SLAB ON 2" METAL DECK (8" TOTAL � 7/8" |-JOISTS PER PLAN PROV WA ' ' MEMBRANE PER ARCH. #5's @12" {l LEDGER PER PLAN #5'a CONT. HOR|Z. ----~~- IF @ 10" O.C. � > L4x4x1/4 w/ 5/8"Ox4" ' - ° _ E -_ LEDGER PER PLAN -- #5"a VERT @ 16" O.C. (2)-#5's C TOP 8o 801 OPTION 1 CONC. SLAB PER PLAN /9\-#5'n CONT. HOR|Z. OPTION 2 m ' �u #4 DWL9 16" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN (2)-#5'o CONT. H0R|Z. _ � _j `| 2x4 OR 2x6 STUD BR0. WALL CONT. TREATED 2x0 f/ 10d DRIVE PINS @ 18" O.C. (|F HEATED SLAB CLUE 8`TO CONCRETE) 2x4 OR 2x6 STUD BRG. WALL CONT. TREATED 2x5 R/W/ 10d DRIVE PINS @ 10" O.C. (|F HEATED SLAB, GLUE TO CONCRETE) 1 1 ro 8026 x 10" A.B.'a @ 48" D.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x8 FT UNCOMPACTED FILL ON 4' LAYER OF CRUSHED GRAVEL - ,,::TOTAL DEPTH O L 8056'-0 SLOPE SLAB Z7 055' WATERPROOF PER ARCH. PROVIDE STABILIZED SHELF FOR SLAB -8" MAX. 4 BEARING k 4 4 I-JOISTS PER PLAN, TYP. 8" SLAB ON 2" METAL DECK (8" TOTAL 4 8044'-0 THICKNESS) REINF. w/ #5's VOID SPACE T.O. PLYWD. NOT TO BACKFILLED HIGHER THAN SHOWN 4 LEDGER PER PLAN, TYP. PERMANENT #5 DWLS x RETAINING WALL BY OTHERS (2)-#5's CONT. HORIZ. 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN OI L 8028'-ll 4 4 . .� [ � oo [n � m m -0 . � cm � o O D00 z (-)m Ld ^ D 0 * r~ N (A mm � (D) LIJ z [ � In x °{ �� 0 � � � 00 _j D [ 0 � � z [ D r^ O 00m* "°qm � wmm_ � 4 F �� D + � �� V �o � � _i + 0 ;z r- m o-��.�'�� �U �� ~�~^ �� �� r� ��� ~p~� �� �u �� �� deS'QD�d by k�[�'� designed d[OYY0 by ��|�� ' MTN checked by CONT. TREATED 2x6 � W/ (IF HEATED SLAB, GLUE TO CONCRETE) issued . PERMIT 08/29/05 REV.z�, 1113Z05 FINAL 7/26/06 VARIES sheet PERIMETER DRAI SOILS ENGINEER � ; | S6 (2� SCALE: 3/4" l'-O" UNCOMPACTED F FILL ON 4" LAYER OF C CRUSHED tOTAL DEPTH " 2x6 STUDS @ _ ' ' MEMBRANE PER ARCH. #5's @12" {l LEDGER PER PLAN #5'a CONT. HOR|Z. ----~~- IF @ 10" O.C. � > L4x4x1/4 w/ 5/8"Ox4" ' - ° _ E -_ LEDGER PER PLAN -- #5"a VERT @ 16" O.C. (2)-#5's C TOP 8o 801 OPTION 1 CONC. SLAB PER PLAN /9\-#5'n CONT. HOR|Z. OPTION 2 m ' �u #4 DWL9 16" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN (2)-#5'o CONT. H0R|Z. _ � _j `| 2x4 OR 2x6 STUD BR0. WALL CONT. TREATED 2x0 f/ 10d DRIVE PINS @ 18" O.C. (|F HEATED SLAB CLUE 8`TO CONCRETE) 2x4 OR 2x6 STUD BRG. WALL CONT. TREATED 2x5 R/W/ 10d DRIVE PINS @ 10" O.C. (|F HEATED SLAB, GLUE TO CONCRETE) 1 1 ro 8026 x 10" A.B.'a @ 48" D.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x8 FT UNCOMPACTED FILL ON 4' LAYER OF CRUSHED GRAVEL - ,,::TOTAL DEPTH O L 8056'-0 SLOPE SLAB Z7 055' WATERPROOF PER ARCH. PROVIDE STABILIZED SHELF FOR SLAB -8" MAX. 4 BEARING k 4 4 I-JOISTS PER PLAN, TYP. 8" SLAB ON 2" METAL DECK (8" TOTAL 4 8044'-0 THICKNESS) REINF. w/ #5's VOID SPACE T.O. PLYWD. NOT TO BACKFILLED HIGHER THAN SHOWN 4 LEDGER PER PLAN, TYP. PERMANENT #5 DWLS x RETAINING WALL BY OTHERS (2)-#5's CONT. HORIZ. 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN OI L 8028'-ll 4 4 . .� [ � oo [n � m m -0 . � cm � o O D00 z (-)m Ld ^ D 0 * r~ N (A mm � (D) LIJ z [ � In x °{ �� 0 � � � 00 _j D [ 0 � � z [ D r^ O 00m* "°qm � wmm_ � 4 F �� D + � �� V �o � � _i + 0 ;z r- m o-��.�'�� �U �� ~�~^ �� �� r� ��� ~p~� �� �u �� �� deS'QD�d by k�[�'� designed d[OYY0 by ��|�� ' MTN checked by CONT. TREATED 2x6 � W/ (IF HEATED SLAB, GLUE TO CONCRETE) issued . PERMIT 08/29/05 REV.z�, 1113Z05 FINAL 7/26/06 VARIES sheet PERIMETER DRAI SOILS ENGINEER � ; | S6 (2� SCALE: 3/4" l'-O" � _j `| 2x4 OR 2x6 STUD BR0. WALL CONT. TREATED 2x0 f/ 10d DRIVE PINS @ 18" O.C. (|F HEATED SLAB CLUE 8`TO CONCRETE) 2x4 OR 2x6 STUD BRG. WALL CONT. TREATED 2x5 R/W/ 10d DRIVE PINS @ 10" O.C. (|F HEATED SLAB, GLUE TO CONCRETE) 1 1 ro 8026 x 10" A.B.'a @ 48" D.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x8 FT UNCOMPACTED FILL ON 4' LAYER OF CRUSHED GRAVEL - ,,::TOTAL DEPTH O L 8056'-0 SLOPE SLAB Z7 055' WATERPROOF PER ARCH. PROVIDE STABILIZED SHELF FOR SLAB -8" MAX. 4 BEARING k 4 4 I-JOISTS PER PLAN, TYP. 8" SLAB ON 2" METAL DECK (8" TOTAL 4 8044'-0 THICKNESS) REINF. w/ #5's VOID SPACE T.O. PLYWD. NOT TO BACKFILLED HIGHER THAN SHOWN 4 LEDGER PER PLAN, TYP. PERMANENT #5 DWLS x RETAINING WALL BY OTHERS (2)-#5's CONT. HORIZ. 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN OI L 8028'-ll 4 4 . .� [ � oo [n � m m -0 . � cm � o O D00 z (-)m Ld ^ D 0 * r~ N (A mm � (D) LIJ z [ � In x °{ �� 0 � � � 00 _j D [ 0 � � z [ D r^ O 00m* "°qm � wmm_ � 4 F �� D + � �� V �o � � _i + 0 ;z r- m o-��.�'�� �U �� ~�~^ �� �� r� ��� ~p~� �� �u �� �� deS'QD�d by k�[�'� designed d[OYY0 by ��|�� ' MTN checked by CONT. TREATED 2x6 � W/ (IF HEATED SLAB, GLUE TO CONCRETE) issued . PERMIT 08/29/05 REV.z�, 1113Z05 FINAL 7/26/06 VARIES sheet PERIMETER DRAI SOILS ENGINEER � ; | S6 (2� SCALE: 3/4" l'-O" [ � oo [n � m m -0 . � cm � o O D00 z (-)m Ld ^ D 0 * r~ N (A mm � (D) LIJ z [ � In x °{ �� 0 � � � 00 _j D [ 0 � � z [ D r^ O 00m* "°qm � wmm_ � 4 F �� D + � �� V �o � � _i + 0 ;z r- m o-��.�'�� �U �� ~�~^ �� �� r� ��� ~p~� �� �u �� �� deS'QD�d by k�[�'� designed d[OYY0 by ��|�� ' MTN checked by CONT. TREATED 2x6 � W/ (IF HEATED SLAB, GLUE TO CONCRETE) issued . PERMIT 08/29/05 REV.z�, 1113Z05 FINAL 7/26/06 VARIES sheet PERIMETER DRAI SOILS ENGINEER � ; | S6 (2� SCALE: 3/4" l'-O" �U �� ~�~^ �� �� r� ��� ~p~� �� �u �� �� deS'QD�d by k�[�'� designed d[OYY0 by ��|�� ' MTN checked by CONT. TREATED 2x6 � W/ (IF HEATED SLAB, GLUE TO CONCRETE) issued . PERMIT 08/29/05 REV.z�, 1113Z05 FINAL 7/26/06 VARIES sheet PERIMETER DRAI SOILS ENGINEER � ; | S6 (2� SCALE: 3/4" l'-O" deS'QD�d by k�[�'� designed d[OYY0 by ��|�� ' MTN checked by CONT. TREATED 2x6 � W/ (IF HEATED SLAB, GLUE TO CONCRETE) issued . PERMIT 08/29/05 REV.z�, 1113Z05 FINAL 7/26/06 VARIES sheet PERIMETER DRAI SOILS ENGINEER � ; | S6 (2� SCALE: 3/4" l'-O" 8x (7)-3/4 EXP. ANCH's (PROVIDE 4 3/4" EMBED.) LO CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS 5" SLAB " VLR COMPOSITE METAL DECK BY VULCRAFT0R APPROVED EQUIVALENT (5" TOTAL DEPTH). REINFORCE W/ OxO W2.1xW2.1 POUR STOP 1 1/2" \ (2)—GUSSETT SAW CUT BM. PKT. TO PROVIDE RG 19 OVIDE SURFACE ROVIDE 4 3/4" EMBED. To CO SOIL INTO CONC.) | �--R� ` 1/7"xBW V0DTHx1-1 1/9" x�/+*mm� '` ` ^ � `� /- /- WALL (2)-3/4"0 x6" EXP. ANCH's SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-D" 5'-O MAX. 8" CONCRETE g L 8059 ' | FOUNDATION UNCOMPACTED FILL ON < 4" LAYER OF CRUSHED COMPOSITE METAL DECK BY GRAVEL — S-0 MAX. VULCRAFT OR APPROVED 0 TOTAL DEPTH EQUIVALENT (5" TOTAL DEPTH). REINFORCE W/ 6x6 V4 /—POUR SLOPE SLAB SOIL NAILED CONT. L4x4xl/2 W/ WALL EMBEDMENTINTO CONC.) 4. 12 d TOENAILS @ EA. RAFTER INTO BEAM ^ -�-RAFTERS PER PLAN 5 1/8x12 G.L. (4)-3/4"Ox4" LAGS (2) EA. SIDE OF POST 8x8 POST 1/2"xBEAW ` BRG. F w/ ( A325 BOLTS SIDE OF WEE CON'[ TREATED 2x4 R, DRIVE-PINNED w/ 16d NAILS @ 16" O.C. 4" SLAB PER PLAN #5'a CONT----~ HOR|Z. TOP & BOT O L 8027'- 11 _ T.O. SLAB` 1/2" EXP. WAT1 TYP. 4' CONC. SLAB PER PLAN `f T.O.F. ' �---�5DWL5x FTG PER PLAN-----/ '' '' | � @ 4O O.C. - DRAIN PER SOILS ENGINEER '�4" 1 8 1 4" 1 1/2 8028'-3 1/2"xBEAM VNDTHx1'-O CAP IE w/ (4)-3/4"0 A325 BOLTS, /2\ EA. SIDE OF WEB BASE FP 5 8c GROUT ��WWWAIIX� SEE SCHEC . 8027'- 11 ftcl k . 00 �. BTVVN. k COL ; PER PLAN SHEATHING \N 8O44-O " SEE WALL SECTION FOR RBNF ' U | ,/ ,� #5`o @ 16" VERT & H0R|Z. KOM��� 8042 YNUx45 w/ 2x NAILER COL PER PLAN 2x6 STUDS @ 15' ( 1/2" PLYWD. OR Of SHEATHING 1/2" 0 x 10" A.B.' IN CONT. TREATED O L 8051'-3 #5's VERT. @1O" #5'a CONT. HOR>Z. @ 12" O.C. LEDGER PER PLA� "0NC TYP. )IST3 PER PLAN o TOP & BOT. 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN LONGIT. TOP 4, T.O. SLAB - .RIMETER DRAIN PER�J 4'-0" Ir loll Ir V-6" 1 @ 16"o.c. CONT. (y) ALT. LEG3 |"" cli FOUNDATION W4LL-/ T EA. WAY IN COUNTER 2 «»»«S o»END FORT OF COUNTERFDRT � 4 10 1O" SEE PLAN � Uo "v �U U U AA U U AU k 8 U 8 k K � /6\-�7 DVYLS x k `/ " " v v @ END OF ~�~�~�~� °" " V U CDUNTERFORT �8 �A 2'-O u UU U8AU UA �UAA "- DVVLS x �8 8UAU " @ 1� O.C. 2 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN/ O L SEE PLAN ' PLAN AN 941 .4 \4 TYPICAL COUNTERFORT REINFORCING #5'o @ 8" [\C. : � 6 . Z) PERIMETER DRAIN PER SOILS ENGINEER VERIFY LOCATION IN FIELD SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-O" � / SEE PLAN | | SEE PLAN G' STONE VENEER 4 �­­J WHERE APPLICABLE _14 J �11 --- (2)-#5s CONT. ALT. LEGS IN COUNTERFORT SECTION FO WAY @ EA. FACE IN REINFORCING COUNTERFORT ROWS @ END OF COUNTERFORT Uo "v �U U U AA U U AU k 8 U 8 k K � /6\-�7 DVYLS x k `/ " " v v @ END OF ~�~�~�~� °" " V U CDUNTERFORT �8 �A 2'-O u UU U8AU UA �UAA "- DVVLS x �8 8UAU " @ 1� O.C. 2 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN/ O L SEE PLAN ' PLAN AN 941 .4 \4 TYPICAL COUNTERFORT REINFORCING #5'o @ 8" [\C. : � 6 . Z) PERIMETER DRAIN PER SOILS ENGINEER VERIFY LOCATION IN FIELD SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-O" a G C L T a c i X 75 c A v vvrvil rivtL-v \.7I \/ ur%../t_ LOT 12 ALPINE DR. RETAINING WALL - t SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -0"