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Design Review Boardഀ ACTION FORMഀ TOWN OF VKഀ CDhfr 4TY MVELOPMENTഀ Department of Community Developmentഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ Project Name: MASLAK NEW SINGLE FAMILY RES DRB Number: DRB090290ഀ Project Description:ഀ Participants:ഀ CHANGES TO APPROVED PLANS: LANDSCAPING AND EMERGENCY GENERATORഀ OWNER MASLAK, SAMUEL H. & LULETA 07/27/2009ഀ 961 HIGH RDഀ WOODSIDEഀ CA 94062ഀ APPLICANT GPSL ARCHITECTS 07/27/2009ഀ 1000 S FRONTAGE RD Wഀ VAILഀ CO 81657ഀ Project Address: 1979 SUNBURST DR VAILഀ Location:ഀ Legal Description: Lot: 12 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY 3RD FILINGഀ Parcel Number: 2101-091-0300-2ഀ Comments:ഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTIONഀ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPPഀ Second By:ഀ Vote: Date of Approval: 08/13/2009ഀ Conditions:ഀ Cond: 8ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town ofഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).ഀ Cond: 0ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult withഀ Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.ഀ Cond:201ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date ofഀ approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.ഀ Cond:202ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followingഀ the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction isഀ commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.ഀ Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00ഀ Changes To The Approved Plansഀ Application for Design RevkML_ഀ Department of Community Development D Oഀ TWff Via OVAU 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 n JUL 2 4 2009ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ General Information:ഀ All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building Tt AD FPIMAIL.ഀ refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Reviewഀ wഀ cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. Theഀ project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.ഀ Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences withinഀ one year of the approval.ഀ Description of the Request: fZ - Vl!Wb"S `C 'T+te LAAV` c AAr: J!LAm,!5ഀ ~ P A IySI!.O 1TG11d'l E 1PQr ~Kd~ ~ e 1K tR ~'o~-.ഀ Location of the Proposal: Lot: 1 _L Block: Subdivision: v A i L VA LLZ Y 'a 1~ L! rcLiഀ Physical Address: Il-I9 SuK Sy'RS"i' D r-, V,&-ഀ ,IL-Parcel No.: 2101 091 03110 - Z (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)ഀ Zoning: S lri GLIL gftM11-41 RFS iVF_4TiAL.ഀ Name(s) of Owner(s): M INS LAj<. , S A*-A u 9-1- 4 L 414- r-rAഀ Mailing Address: q(61 W a fa R- , WISco v I V F_ ~ A 9 4 d 4. Zഀ Owner(s) Signature(s):ഀ yഀ .3 1,ഀ Name of Applicant: GrP<5i-. A Rz g 1'roGTS iഀ Mailing Address: 1 S . F +T'A~ I✓ w£ST A 11- 8 1(a 5 -7ഀ Phone: `t ° 416 - 1147ഀ E-mail Address: '1"b kA @ ~ pSIQ rcL i"~.co.,Fax: 9 7° ' 4"1L 15-1zഀ Type of Review and Fee:ഀ I Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or theഀ Design Review Board.ഀ Submittal Requirements:ഀ 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changesഀ Signature of Homeowner(s) or Associationഀ For Office se Only: r S 1 I,Lഀ Fee Paid: • 0 Check No,:.'UR_g~1 By: V~ഀ Meeting Date: M DRB No. ~ഀ Planner: ___TT~~TTTT Project No.:ഀ F:\cdev\FORMS\Pennits\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to_approved_plans_1 _page_10-18-2006.docഀ ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementഀ ഀ Statement Number: R090000907 Amount: $20.00 07/27/200910:53 AMഀ Payment Method: Check Init: JLEഀ Notation: 21421 LULTEAഀ MASLAKഀ ഀ Permit No: DRB090290 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plansഀ Parcel No: 2101-091-0300-2ഀ Site Address: 1979 SUNBURST DR VAILഀ Location:ഀ Total Fees: $20.00ഀ This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00ഀ Balance: $0.00ഀ ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmtsഀ ഀ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00ഀ Eerforateci N~e~l Designഀ Stock List page 11111*110ഀ Illustrations not to scale.ഀ The square perforated metal used in this infill panel adds security andഀ visibility to this stairway area.ഀ AIRLINEഀ 1/4" x 1-1/2" Rectangular Slots 68% Open Areaഀ Straight row parallel to width 3/32" bar every third bar 3/16" lengthwise.ഀ LWS parallel to width of sheet.ഀ FULL CLOVERLEAF HONEYCOMBഀ 1/2" Staggered Clovers 1/4" Hex on 9/32" Staggeredഀ 51% Open Area 79% Open Areaഀ 8 ' t71Cf1iCIlalSt71 ` Over 55 years of serving You!ഀ LATTICEഀ 1/2" Squares, 11/16" Straight Rowഀ Centers 53% Open Areaഀ HEXAGONഀ 1/2" Hex, 9/16" Centers 1/16" Barഀ 80% Open Areaഀ 1-800-237-3820ഀ H" Iഀ cnrshlഀ matഀ Ion"ഀ NEWഀ 3/8" SQUARES PLATTഀ 1/2" Straight Row Centers 1/8" Bar mഀ 56% Open Area deWഀ d"ഀ R hasഀ ttVWjഀ k)Wഀ Addftiഀ HANOVER SQUAREഀ .200" Square,ഀ 1/4" Straight Row Centersഀ 64% Open Areaഀ rsഀ Iwl atഀ skid tഀ 3!4" SQUAREഀ 1" Straight Row Centersഀ 57% Open Areaഀ 02008 MCNICHQLS I"nഀ MOIREഀ 1/8" x 3/4" Round End Slot 1/8" Barsഀ 41 % Open Areaഀ LWS parallel to length of sheet.ഀ OCTAGON CANEഀ 9/32" Octagons, 7/64" Roundsഀ 36% Open Areaഀ WINDSORഀ 45% Open Areaഀ GRECIANഀ 35% Open Areaഀ .200 SQUAREഀ 1/2" Straight Row Centersഀ 16% Open Areaഀ ad=.: 30RYGഀ KOHLERPOWER SYSTEMS Gasഀ 09001ഀ . s~srEnnsഀ NATIONALLY REGISTEREDഀ Ratings Rangeഀ Standby: kWഀ WAഀ JUL 2 4 2009ഀ 60 Hz 5010M, ©F VAILഀ 19.0-30.0 19.6-25.5ഀ 23.7-33.6 19.6-26.3ഀ Generator Set Ratingsഀ Standby Ratings *ഀ Natural Gas LP Gasഀ Alternator Voltage Ph Hz kW/kVA Amps kW/kVA Ampsഀ 120/240 1 60 24.0/24.0 100 24.0/24.0 100ഀ 2F5 110/220 1 50 19.6/19.6 89 19.6/19.6 89ഀ 120/208ഀ 3ഀ 60ഀ 19.0/23.7ഀ 66ഀ 19.0/23.7ഀ 66ഀ 120/240ഀ 3ഀ 60ഀ 19.0/23.7ഀ 57ഀ 19.0/23.7ഀ 57ഀ 2135 127/220ഀ 3ഀ 60ഀ 19.0/23.7ഀ 62ഀ 19.0/23.7ഀ 62ഀ 139/240ഀ 3ഀ 60ഀ 20.0/24.9ഀ 60ഀ 20.0/24.9ഀ 60ഀ 277/480ഀ 3ഀ 60ഀ 20.0/24.9ഀ 30ഀ 20.0/24.9ഀ 30ഀ 2F7 120/240ഀ 1ഀ 60ഀ 27.0/27.0ഀ 112ഀ 30.0/30.0ഀ 125ഀ 110/220ഀ 1ഀ 50ഀ 23.3/23.3ഀ 106ഀ 25.5/25.5ഀ 116ഀ 120/208ഀ 3ഀ 60ഀ 26.0/32.4ഀ 90ഀ 26.0/32.4ഀ 90ഀ 120/240ഀ 3ഀ 60ഀ 26.0/32.4ഀ 78ഀ 26.0/32.4ഀ 78ഀ 127/220ഀ 3ഀ 60ഀ 26.0/32.4ഀ 85ഀ 26.0/32.4ഀ 85ഀ 139/240ഀ 3ഀ 60ഀ 27.0133.6ഀ 81ഀ 27.0/33.6ഀ 81ഀ 277/480ഀ 3ഀ 60ഀ 27.0/33.6ഀ 41ഀ 27.0/33.6ഀ 41ഀ 110/190ഀ 3ഀ 50ഀ 21.1/26.3ഀ 80ഀ 21-1/26.3ഀ 80ഀ 2137ഀ 110/220ഀ 3ഀ 50ഀ 21.0/26.3ഀ 69ഀ 21.0/26.3ഀ 69ഀ 115/200ഀ 3ഀ 50ഀ 20.5/25.6ഀ 74ഀ 20.5/25.6ഀ 74ഀ 120/208ഀ 3ഀ 50ഀ 20.2/25.2ഀ 70ഀ 20.2/25.2ഀ 70ഀ 220/380ഀ 3ഀ 50ഀ 21.1/26.3ഀ 40ഀ 21.1/26.3ഀ 40ഀ 230/400ഀ 3ഀ 50ഀ 20.5/25.6ഀ 37ഀ 20.5/25.6ഀ 37ഀ 240/416ഀ 3ഀ 50ഀ 20.2/25.2ഀ 35ഀ 20.2/25.2ഀ 35ഀ ndard Featuresഀ 1 h hler Co. provides one-source responsibility for theഀ nerating system and accessories.ഀ e generator set and its components areഀ ototype-tested, factory-built, and production-tested.ഀ e generator set accepts rated load in one step.ഀ • UL 2200 listing and UL listing to Canadian safetyഀ standards available.ഀ • A one-year limited warranty covers all systems andഀ components. Two- and five-year extended warrantiesഀ are also available.ഀ • Integral vibration isolation eliminates the need forഀ under-unit vibration spring isolators.ഀ • Engine features:ഀ o Natural gas or LP fueledഀ o Electronic engine controls for optimized fuel andഀ spark performanceഀ o Four cylinder, four cycle engineഀ o An electronic, isochronous governor for preciseഀ frequency regulationഀ o High silicon content pistons for improved durabilityഀ • ADC 2100 digital controller features:ഀ o LED display provides diagnostic capabilityഀ o Digital voltage regulator with ±1.5% no-load toഀ full-load regulationഀ o Superior electronics protection from corrosion andഀ vibrationഀ o See more controller features insideഀ RATINGS: All three-phase units are rated at 0.8 power factor. Standby Ratings: Standby ratings apply to installations served by a reliable utility source. The standby rating is applicableto varying loadsഀ for the duration of a power outage. There is no overload capability for this rating. Ratings are in accordance with ISO-3046/1, BS 5514, AS 2789, and DIN 6271. Obtain the technical infomation bulletinഀ on ratings guidelines (TIB-101) for complete ratings definitions. The generator set manufacturer reserves the right to change the design or specifications without notice and without any obligation orഀ liability whatsoever. NOTE: Order separate generator set specs for 50 or 60 Hz as this model cannot change frequency. GENERAL GUIDELINES FORDERATING: Altitude: Derate1.5%per305mഀ (1000 ft.) elevation above 1006 m (3300 ft.). Temperature: Derate 2.0% per 5.5°C (10°F) temperature above 21 °C (70°F).ഀ G4-99 (30RYG) 10/08gഀ Alternator Specificationsഀ Specificationsഀ Alternatorഀ Manufacturerഀ Kohlerഀ Typeഀ 2-Pole, Brush Typeഀ Leads: quantity, typeഀ 4 or 12, Reconnectableഀ Voltage regulatorഀ Digitalഀ Insulation:ഀ NEMA MG1-1.66ഀ Materialഀ Class Hഀ Temperature riseഀ 130°C, Standbyഀ Bearing: quantity, typeഀ 1, Sealedഀ Couplingഀ Flexible Discഀ Amortisseur windingsഀ Fullഀ Voltage regulation, no-load to full-loadഀ RMSഀ .1.5%ഀ One-step load acceptanceഀ 100% of Ratingഀ Unbalanced load capabilityഀ 100% of Rated Standbyഀ Currentഀ Peak motor starting kVA:ഀ (35% dip for voltages below)ഀ 120/240 V, 1-ph 2F5 (4 lead)ഀ 33 (60 Hz)ഀ 110/220 V, 1-ph 2F5 (4 lead)ഀ 26 (50 Hz)ഀ 480 or 240 V, 3-ph wye 2G5 (12 lead)ഀ 54 (60 Hz)ഀ 120/240 V, 1-ph 2F7 (4 lead)ഀ 42 (60 Hz)ഀ 110/220 V, 1-ph 2F7 (4 lead)ഀ 34 (50 Hz)ഀ 480 or 240 V, 3-ph wye 2G7 (12 lead) 69 (60 Hz)ഀ 230/400 V, 3-ph wye 2G7 (12 lead) 50 (50 Hz)ഀ Engineഀ Engine Specificationsഀ 60 Hz 50 Hzഀ Manufacturerഀ GMഀ Engine: model, typeഀ GM 1.6L OHCഀ Cylinder arrangementഀ 4, Inlineഀ Displacement, L (cu. in.)ഀ 1.6(98)ഀ Bore and stroke, mm (in.)ഀ 79 x 81.5 (3.11 x 3.21)ഀ Compression ratioഀ 9.4:1ഀ Piston speed, m/min. (ft./min.)ഀ 586 (1925) 488 (1603)ഀ Main bearings: quantity, typeഀ 5, Replaceable Insertsഀ Rated rpmഀ 3600 3000ഀ Max. power at rated rpm, kWm (BHP)ഀ 37.2 (50) 33.5 (45)ഀ Cylinder head materialഀ Aluminumഀ Crankshaft materialഀ Cast Ironഀ Valve (exhaust) materialഀ High Alloy Steelഀ Governor typeഀ Electronicഀ Frequency regulation, no load to fullഀ loadഀ Isochronousഀ Frequency regulation, steady stateഀ -t0.5%ഀ Air cleaner type, all modelsഀ Dryഀ Engine Electricalഀ Engine Electrical Systemഀ 60 Hz 50 Hzഀ Battery charging alternator:ഀ Ground (negative/positive)ഀ Volts (DC)ഀ Ampere ratingഀ Starter motor rated voltage (DC)ഀ Battery, recommended cold crankingഀ amps (CCA):ഀ Battery voltage (DC)ഀ Negativeഀ 12ഀ 70ഀ 12ഀ Fuel Systemഀ Fuel type LP Gas or Natural Gasഀ Fuel supply inlet 3/4-14 NPTഀ Fuel supply pressure kPa (in. H2O) 1.74-2.74 (7-11)ഀ Fuel Composition Limits * Nat. Gas LP Gasഀ Methane, % by volume (minimum) 90 min. -ഀ Ethane, % by volume (maximum) 4.0 max. -ഀ Propane, % by volume 1.0 max. 85 min.ഀ Propene, % by volume (maximum) 0.1 max. 5.0 max.ഀ C4 and higher, % by volume 0.3 max. 2.5 max.ഀ Sulfur, ppm mass (maximum) 25 max.ഀ Lower heating value,ഀ kJ/m3 (Btu/ft3), min. 26.6 (890) 67.5 (2260)ഀ * Contact your local distributor for suitability and rating derates basedഀ on fuel compositions outside these limits.ഀ Exhaustഀ Exhaust Systemഀ 60 Hz 50 Hzഀ Exhaust flow at rated kW, m3/min.ഀ (cfm)ഀ 8.35 (295) 6.95 (245)ഀ Exhaust temperature at rated kW, dryഀ exhaust, °C (°F)ഀ 760 (1400)ഀ Maximum allowable back pressure,ഀ kPa (in. Hg)ഀ 10.2 (3.0)ഀ Exhaust outlet size at engine hookup,ഀ mm (in.)ഀ 50.8 (2.0)ഀ Lubricationഀ 525 Lubricating System 60 Hz 50 Hzഀ 12 Type Full Pressureഀ Oil pan capacity, L (qt.) 3.2 (3.4)ഀ Oil pan capacity with filter, L (qt.) 3.5 (3.7)ഀ Oil filter: quantity, type 1, Cartridgeഀ G4-99 (30RYG) 10/088ഀ • NEMA MG1, IEEE, and ANSI standards compliance forഀ temperature rise and motor starting.ഀ • The generator set complies with ISO 8528-5 requirements forഀ transient performance.ഀ • Sustained short-circuit current of up to 300% of the ratedഀ current for up to 10 seconds.ഀ • Sustained short-circuit current enabling downstream circuitഀ breakers to trip without collapsing the generator field.ഀ • Self-ventilated and dripproof construction.ഀ • Vacuum-impregnated windings with fungus-resistant epoxyഀ varnish for dependability and long life.ഀ • Superior voltage waveform from a two-thirds pitch stator andഀ skewed rotor.ഀ Application Dataഀ Fuelഀ Application Dataഀ Coolingഀ Standard Radiator System 60 Hz 50 Hzഀ Ambient temperature °C (°F ) tഀ 50(122)ഀ Engine jacket water capacity, L (gal.)ഀ 3.3 (0.9)ഀ Engine jacket water flow, Lpm (gpm)ഀ 64.4 (17.0) 50.0 (13.2)ഀ Radiator system capacity, includingഀ engine, L (gal.)ഀ 11.5 (3.0)ഀ Heat rejected to cooling water at ratedഀ kW, dry exhaust, kW (Btu/min.)ഀ 31.5 (1791) 24.5 (1393)ഀ Water pump typeഀ Centrifugalഀ Fan diameter, including blades,ഀ mm (in.)ഀ 406 (16.0)ഀ Fan, kWm (HP)ഀ 1.8 (2.5)ഀ Max. restriction of cooling air, intakeഀ and discharge side of radiator,ഀ kPa (in. H2O)ഀ 0.13 (0.5)ഀ t Enclosures with enclosed silencers reduce ambient temperatureഀ capability by 5°C (9°F).ഀ Operation Requirementsഀ Air Requirementsഀ 60 Hzഀ 50 Hzഀ Radiator-cooled cooling air,ഀ m3/min. (scfm)$ഀ 142 (5000)ഀ 113 (4000)ഀ Combustion air, m3/min. (cfm)ഀ 1.8(65)ഀ 1.5(54)ഀ Heat rejected to ambient air:ഀ Engine, kW (Btu/min.)ഀ 73.2 (4167)ഀ 58.5 (3330)ഀ Alternator, kW (Btu/min.)ഀ 6.6 (376)ഀ 5.3(302)ഀ $ Air density = 1.20 kg/m3 or 0.075 Ibm/ft3ഀ Fuel Consumptionഀ 60 Hzഀ 50 Hzഀ Natural Gas, m3/hr. (cfh) at % loadഀ 100%ഀ 12.7 (450)ഀ 9.9 (350)ഀ 75%ഀ 10.6 (375)ഀ 8.5 (300)ഀ 50%ഀ 8.5 (300)ഀ 6.4 (225)ഀ 25%ഀ 6.4 (225)ഀ 5.0 (175)ഀ LP Gas, m3/hr. (cfh) at % loadഀ 100%ഀ 5.1 (180)ഀ 4.0 (140)ഀ 75%ഀ 4.2 (150)ഀ 3.3 (115)ഀ 50%ഀ 3.4 (120)ഀ 2.4(85)ഀ 25%ഀ 2.5(90)ഀ 1.8(65)ഀ LP vapor conversion factors:ഀ 8.58 ft.3 = 1 Ib.ഀ 0.535 m3 = 1 kgഀ 36.39 ft.3 = 1 gal.ഀ Nominal fuel rating:ഀ Natural gas: 37 MJ/m3 (1000 Btu/ft.3)ഀ LP vapor: 93 MJ/m3 (2500 Btu/ft.3)ഀ Sound Dataഀ Average Sound Levels at 7 m (23 ft.), with full loadഀ Enclosure Type Sound Level, dBAഀ Weather enclosure 80ഀ Weather enclosure w/sound upfit kit 74ഀ Sound enclosure 68ഀ Controllerഀ Advanced Digital Control Featuresഀ • Compact controllerഀ • Integrally mounted to the generator setഀ • LED display:ഀ o Runtime hoursഀ o Crank cycle statusഀ o Diagnosticsഀ o Application software versionഀ • LED display communicates faults:ഀ o Auxiliary faultഀ o High battery voltageഀ o High engine temperatureഀ o Low battery voltageഀ o Low oil pressureഀ o Overcrank safetyഀ o Overspeedഀ o Overfrequencyഀ o Overvoltageഀ o Underfrequencyഀ o Undervoltageഀ • Membrane keypad for configuration and adjustmentഀ o Password-protected user access to menusഀ o Voltage, gain, and speed adjustmentഀ o System configuration: system voltage, phase, andഀ frequency settings, battery voltage, and generator setഀ modelഀ • Master switch: Run/Off-Reset/Autoഀ • Remote two-wire start/stop capabilityഀ • Superior electronics protection from corrosion and vibrationഀ o Potted electronicsഀ o Sealed connectionsഀ • Automatic start with programmed cranking cycleഀ G4-99 (30RYG) 10/08gഀ KOHLER CO., Kohler, Wisconsin 53044 USAഀ Phone 920-565-3381, Fax 920-459-1646ഀ For the nearest sales and service outlet in theഀ US and Canada, phone 1-800-544-2444ഀ KohlerPower.comഀ Kohler Power Systemsഀ Asia Pacific Headquartersഀ 7 Jurong Pier Roadഀ Singapore 619159ഀ Phone (65) 6264-6422, Fax (65) 6264-6455ഀ Standard Featuresഀ • Base Frame with Steel Skidഀ • Battery Rack and Cablesഀ • ADC 2100 Digital Controllerഀ • Electronic, Isochronous Governorഀ • Engine Shutdowns for High Engine Temperatureഀ and Low Oil Pressureഀ • Fuel Solenoid Valve (two valves on UL-listed units)ഀ • Secondary Regulatorഀ • Integral Vibration Isolationഀ • Oil Drain Extensionഀ • Operation and Installation Literatureഀ Optional Accessoriesഀ Enclosed Unitഀ ❑ Sound Enclosure (includes silencer)ഀ ❑ Sound Upfit Kit (for weather housing)ഀ ❑ Weather Housing (includes silencer)ഀ Open Unitഀ ❑ Engine-Mounted Silencerഀ ❑ Exhaust Silencer, Criticalഀ ❑ Flexible Exhaust Connector, Stainless Steelഀ ❑ Radiator Duct Flangeഀ ❑ Rain Cap (for engine-mounted silencer)ഀ ❑ Skid End Caps (for unhoused units)ഀ Fuel Systemഀ ❑ Additional Gas Solenoid Valve (standard on UL-listed models)ഀ ❑ Flexible Fuel Linesഀ ❑ Natural Gas Strainerഀ Electrical Systemഀ ❑ Batteryഀ ❑ Battery Charger, Equalize/Float Typeഀ ❑ Battery Heaterഀ ❑ Remote Connection/Extension Harness (15 ft. or 25 ft.)ഀ Engine and Alternatorഀ ❑ Air Cleaner Restriction Indicatorഀ ❑ Block Heaterഀ (recommended for ambient temperatures below 0°C (32°F)ഀ ❑ Engine Coolant (installed)ഀ ❑ Line Circuit Breakerഀ ❑ Optional Alternatorsഀ ❑ Rated Power Factor Testingഀ ❑ Rodent Guardsഀ 01ഀ Maintenance and Literatureഀ ❑ General Maintenance Literature Kitഀ ❑ Overhaul Literature Kitഀ ❑ Production Literature Kitഀ ❑ Maintenance Kit (includes air filter, oil filter, and belt)ഀ Extended Warrantiesഀ ❑ Two-year Limitedഀ ❑ Five-Year Limitedഀ Controllerഀ ❑ Relay Kit, Includes Run Relay and Common Fault Relayഀ ❑ Remote Digital Gauge (battery charger recommended)ഀ Miscellaneous Accessoriesഀ Dimensions and Weightsഀ Overall Size, L x W x H, mm (in.)ഀ Without silencer 1400 x 685 x 788ഀ (55.1 x 27.0 x 31.0)ഀ With silencer 1400 x 685 x 954ഀ (55.1 x 27.0 x 37.5)ഀ Weight, wet, kg (lb.):ഀ Radiator model 327 (720)ഀ With weather enclosure and sound kit 503 (1109)ഀ With sound enclosure 475 (1046)ഀ NOTE: Weights and dimensions are provided for reference ony and should not be used forഀ planning installation. Contact your local distributor for more detailed information.ഀ DISTRIBUTED BY:ഀ © 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008 by Kohler Co. All rights reserved.ഀ G4-99 (30RYG) 10/08gഀ Dഀ co Iഀ vIഀ mlഀ ozഀ i°ഀ zഀ zഀ aഀ Aഀ cn mഀ Zഀ Llഀ rഀ mഀ Oഀ C_ഀ Dഀ rഀ mഀ zഀ Nഀ A Nഀ Ctഀ wlllllഀ zഀ Pഀ nഀ Pഀ m.ഀ Aഀ Dഀ nഀ f'1ഀ cഀ dഀ nഀ 0ഀ zഀ nഀ 0ഀ zഀ pഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ Bഀ aഀ ~u°•ഀ ഀ nഀ H ~ഀ 1Iഀ e ~wഀ M GG~ഀ Fഀ Nഀ Sഀ 9ഀ ~ഀ cഀ gഀ °ഀ -=e~ml~lഀ nഀ aഀ e7ഀ aഀ r3iഀ 5~~~„~ഀ mഀ Nഀ Zഀ o• ~xAeഀ sഀ dഀ Oഀ zഀ oഀ eഀ Cഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ .-Oഀ n~o"Nഀ r31ഀ xnEBഀ Clഀ Rഀ ^Y'^sഀ 0ഀ Dഀ tzJഀ nഀ aഀ nഀ 3n nഀ nഀ r- ~ oഀ om ?ഀ bJഀ I O7ഀ Ivഀ I C,ഀ N =ഀ ~c oഀ d rri cnഀ A Nഀ Dഀ rഀ ALTERNATOR ENDഀ IAഀ I Iwഀ Nഀ f1 ^Jഀ Lഀ Jഀ N°m-+ 238.0ഀ Cഀ 80ഀ 263ഀ Nഀ xND<ഀ c in 23ഀ ]ഀ °ഀ 110.3 1ഀ riഀ Zഀ mZi^ഀ uഀ ~xഀ ~c~r~ n ~ഀ N AD zഀ ncn£ഀ ~ഀ 0ഀ A Nഀ n~ oഀ pഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ D oഀ r Nഀ r~mo'cഀ ocoഀ ~ഀ .T1CNA Dഀ Cഀ N ^ഀ ~ dഀ Zഀ Nഀ dഀ ma 1>ഀ mഀ Lഀ Iഀ ~ഀ xZCCv-z mz mഀ 1ഀ lഀ r- Dഀ nഀ Cഀ .ഀ f'lഀ Vഀ fVഀ _ -i f`1 Z Dഀ m N Dഀ Dഀ O D~ rഀ ~ J ~ഀ fഀ •lഀ Nymഀ ~v -Dഀ Dഀ z Aഀ ~ഀ vഀ 0ഀ Dഀ A dഀ Dഀ Cഀ oഀ ENGINE ENDഀ Aഀ (73mഀ z Zഀ Zഀ ഀ f~l 3ഀ N Cഀ N 3ഀ nഀ dഀ Qഀ Uഀ 0.ഀ Qഀ cyg NOഀ . z >ഀ W caഀ zഀ J> = n 3ഀ ®ഀ W 9ഀ 999998ഀ 0ഀ 'ഀ ®9~aaaaaaaa9~ iഀ 2ഀ 2ഀ Tlഀ , _ഀ m Nഀ b ~ ~ rഀ ഀ zഀ yഀ VIഀ ~ഀ Sഀ ^ഀ .Jഀ MAST) Cb'Ob] 9201ഀ 'ഀ Xഀ Wഀ Wഀ Jഀ Oഀ Zഀ yഀ wഀ ഀ 3mഀ _ഀ CAN OC) CCഀ Sb] ISIIഀ Xഀ wഀ Wഀ o£ഀ u Elഀ Nഀ Jഀ Wഀ Z Oഀ P3ഀ ~ഀ Oഀ -ഀ C1ഀ 1wN ~^e ~ഀ 33ഀ Y Yഀ ~oഀ M ~ഀ W Wഀ o'erഀ Oഀ Zഀ 33cഀ YNഀ 0ഀ BOഀ r nഀ Uഀ mഀ ~ഀ v t~ഀ m~Oഀ v^ഀ 7ഀ eഀ Iഀ 0ഀ Lnഀ ® 999999ഀ 0ഀ IBM HONOUR ONഀ ® M999aഀ IDഀ 0 0ഀ ® B99B9~9aa~9Aഀ IDഀ _ഀ ('I Nഀ N uഀ ~ s'Le ]ഀ Qഀ Xഀ Wഀ qഀ o 0ഀ Wഀ ~ഀ 2S6ഀ wഀ zഀ ~ഀ n Qഀ Jഀ C I'L2 ]ഀ Oഀ fഀ wഀ 689ഀ Cഀ 2'6ഀ oഀ mഀ ~ഀ Wഀ Jഀ Hഀ ~ 171ഀ O } }ഀ Ka'ഀ o ~ഀ ~mഀ Q vഀ X olnഀ _ ^ ^ഀ W ol~ഀ m Nഀ N Cഀ H Hഀ Oഀ wഀ zഀ zഀ zഀ wഀ bഀ 88ഀ zഀ caഀ oഀ m mഀ Nഀ v~ഀ oഀ Qഀ Uഀ Wഀ Qഀ Q U W Qഀ o Qഀ aഀ asഀ ~~BW z mഀ o .oഀ V • ~„x_ z qഀ W:YEk q 3ഀ INഀ w wഀ ~ wഀ ~ syg yyP sin,ഀ M mഀ r ~ഀ Cl)ഀ a~~ Hഀ Mഀ 33N C Bt, ] 8221 s ° w ^ഀ c set, ] t,oti -ഀ c 0'8 1 eozഀ a rഀ O O O S ~ഀ Q mഀ Z iഀ O Nഀ 3ഀ M Zഀ Cഀ Nഀ Oഀ Sഀ Oഀ O 2'ഀ Wഀ Sഀ Hഀ Qഀ Wഀ 3ഀ 000UMEഀ nഀ ooo UHഀ 00000000 °ഀ MUUMUU zഀ 0000 jഀ HHഀ Wഀ nnഀ Hunnuo aഀ 00000000ഀ 10ഀ HUMEഀ N wഀ IDഀ 0o PORഀ oa uHnഀ 00000000. Zഀ 00oooooa ~ oഀ 00000000ഀ oഀ 0ഀ 00000000 =Aഀ .ഀ 00ഀ oooUMഀ mഀ Fa U W Qഀ D ui k_~_q Lr U Vഀ R1 JUL 2 4 2009ഀ July 23, 2009ഀ N OF VAILഀ RE: Maslak Residence DRB Application for Changes to the Approved Plansഀ Bill Gibson,ഀ The Owner has requested changes to the approved plans. We have summarized the changes belowഀ and illustrated the changes on the attached drawings.ഀ Sheet L-3 and L-4 Planting Plansഀ Proposed changes the Planting Plan dated 10-27-08 and shown on the new Planting Plans dated 7-18-ഀ 09.ഀ 1. Eliminated the 1 Hawthorn tree at the steps going down to the fire pit and replaced it with shrubഀ roses.ഀ 2. Eliminated approximately 250 S.F. of sod lawn at southeast side of the driveway / autocourt andഀ added perennials and ground covers.ഀ 3. Remove existing willow shrubs located off-site on the golf course and replace with Spruceഀ trees. Add 7 new Spruce trees with a few located off-site on golf course property where originalഀ willows were located.ഀ 4. Add a 3' wide gravel walkway with stone steps from the north end of the garden down to theഀ north side of the boulder garden wall to the existing pedestrian trail and back to connect to theഀ stone steps from the east end of the garden.ഀ 5. Replace Dogwood shrubs along in the planting area between the lawn and the northernഀ property line with Berry shrubs and perennial flowers.ഀ 6. Refine the Planting Plan by adjusting, adding or substituting shrubs to better fit the site. Call outഀ all perennials for each perennial bed.ഀ Other Attachments:ഀ 1. Plan of the proposed emergency generator and the screened enclosure for the generator andഀ gas meter.ഀ 2. Cut sheet for the McNichols "Grecian" perforated metal screen to be painted black.ഀ 3. Proposed location for the generator enclosure.ഀ 4. Cut sheets for the proposed natural gas Kohler generator.ഀ 5. Email from Steve Sarro regarding the removal of the willow bushes and replacing with spruceഀ trees.ഀ Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Lindall Architects, P.C.ഀ 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 102 ■ Vail, Colorado 81657 ■ tel: 970.476.1147 fax: 970.476.1612ഀ info@gpslarchitects.com ■ www.gpslarchitects.comഀ We respectfully submit these proposed changes. Please call with any questions.ഀ Tom Owensഀ Senior Project Managerഀ Page 1 of 2ഀ Tom Owensഀ From:ഀ JeffK@gsconco.comഀ Sent:ഀ Wednesday, July 22, 2009 2:55 PMഀ To:ഀ tom@gpslarchitects.comഀ Cc: daai@comcast.netഀ Subject: Fw: Shaeffer Construction 1979 Sunburst Dr...Observatory Dome Houseഀ Tom,ഀ Let's print out this email and submit as golf coarse approval. Let me know if you have any questions.ഀ Thanks,ഀ Jeffഀ Jeff Kissaneഀ George Shaeffer Construction Companyഀ P.O. Box 373ഀ Vail, Colorado 81658ഀ 41011 Highway 6ഀ Avon, Colorado 81620ഀ 970.376.6184 (c)ഀ 970.790.1803 (f)ഀ wx_w.georxeshaefler.comഀ Forwarded by Jeff Kissane/gsc on 07/22/2009 02:53 PMഀ "Stephen Sarro" <ssarro@vailrec.com>ഀ To: <JeffK@gsconco.com>ഀ 07/22/2009 01:42 PM cc:ഀ Subject: RE: Shaeffer Construction 1979 Sunburst Dr...Observatory Dome Houseഀ Jeff, thanks for meeting with me today to discuss this. The golf course is fine with removing the willow bushesഀ and replacing them with Spruce trees. However my recommendation would be not to plant all of the same speciesഀ of trees. For example, if an insect or disease comes through the area like the pine beetle, it can wipe out allഀ of your trees in that area. If you put in two or three different varieties of plants you will prevent issuesഀ down the road. A few suggestions along with the spruce trees would be bristlecone pine, white fir, and evenഀ lodgepole pine.ഀ As for maintenance of the trees, I would ask that you have sufficient irrigation for the trees to adapt andഀ grow. Also any maintenance such as trimming, clean up, spraying, etc. would be done by the home owner.ഀ Thank you for keeping me informed. If there are any other questions or concerns I can be reached via email orഀ the information below.ഀ Steve Sarroഀ Vail Golf Club Superintendentഀ o - 970-479-2262ഀ m - 970-331-2664ഀ f - 970-479-3451ഀ http://vailgcm.blogspot.comഀ -----Original Message-----ഀ From: JeffK@gsconco.com (mailto:JeffK@gsconco.comlഀ Sent: Wed 7/22/2009 8:48 AMഀ To: Stephen Sarroഀ Subject: Shaeffer Construction 1979 Sunburst Dr...Observatory Dome Houseഀ Steve,ഀ Attached is a 2 page pdf file of the landscaping plan showing the willowഀ bushes we would like to remove. They would like to replace them with 7 -ഀ 12' to 141 Blue Spruce pine trees. 3 of the trees would be on golf coarseഀ 7/22/2009ഀ Page 2 of 2ഀ property and 4 would be on the home owner's property.ഀ Please contact me to discuss further. I don't know if a response to thisഀ email will be sufficient for the TOV building department or if you willഀ need to print this out and sign it. Let's start with an email response andഀ go from there.ഀ Thanks again,ഀ Jeffഀ Jeff Kissaneഀ George Shaeffer Construction Companyഀ P.O. Box 373ഀ Vail, Colorado 81658ഀ 41011 Highway 6ഀ Avon, Colorado 81620ഀ 970.376.6184 (c)ഀ 970.790.1803 (f)ഀ www.georgeshaeffer.comഀ JUL 2 4 2009ഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ 7/22/2009ഀ Page 1 of 1ഀ Bill Gibson - Re: Maslak Submittalഀ From: Bill Gibsonഀ To:ഀ tom@gpslarchitects.comഀ Date:ഀ 7/29/2009 3:28 PMഀ Subject:ഀ Re: Maslak Submittalഀ Hey Tom,ഀ The Town of Vail has received the design review application for the proposed landscape plan changes and aഀ new generator at the Maslak Residence, and your email with the amended tree height information. I left you aഀ voicemail message earlier this afternoon, and look forward to speaking to you about this proposal. The Townഀ Staff has some preliminary concerns about this request:ഀ The willows proposed to be removed from the Vail Golf Course are located on Town of Vail owned property, andഀ therefore Town Council approval (property owner approval) is required prior to the review of the submittedഀ design review application. The next available Town Council meeting agenda date is August 18th. The Townഀ Staff is unclear of the rational for proposing the removal of a neighbor's landscaping, and at this time the Townഀ Staff does not support the removal of this healthy, mature wetlands vegetation from public property. Townഀ Staff recommends the three 6 foot trees being proposed on public property be planted instead within theഀ boundaries of the applicant's own property.ഀ It has come to our attention that the concrete slab for the proposed natural gas generator has already beenഀ poured. Please be aware that no approvals have been issued by the Town of Vail for this work. The Town Staffഀ is unclear of the rational for locating this proposed generator entirely within the side setback adjacent toഀ another residence. What alternative locations are available to reduce the impacts of this generator on theഀ neighboring property owners and to conform with the minimum 15 foot side setback requirements?ഀ Sincerely,ഀ Billഀ Bill Gibson, AICPഀ Town Plannerഀ Town of Vailഀ p: 970-479-2173ഀ f: 970-479-2452ഀ "Tom Owens" <tom@gpslarchitects.com> 7/29/2009 8:35 AMഀ Bill,ഀ As part of the recent submittal for landscape revisions, it is proposed to remove the willows on the golf courseഀ side of the property. There was an error in that the plan shows several new spruce trees from 12 to 18 ft tall.ഀ The Maslaks intent was to plant 6 to 9 ft tall spruce trees. The Maslaks are asking the DRB to consider thisഀ revision.ഀ Thank you for help.ഀ Tom Owensഀ let: 970.476.1147 Fax: 970 476.1612ഀ Gwothmey Pratt Schultz Tindall ,Architects, PCഀ 101?U South Frontage Rood west, Suite 102 • Vail. C081657ഀ www gpslorchiiects comഀ file://CAElocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4A706... 07/29/2009ഀ