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Department of Public Works & Transportation
1309 Elkhorn Drive
Vail, CO 81657
Fax: 970-479-2166
To: Greg Gastineau
From: Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer
Re: Timberline Roost Lodge Redevelopment - Civil Improvement Plan Review
Date: 01/30/06
Cc: Charlie Davis, George Ruther, Mike McGee
The Town of Vail Public Works Department has received and reviewed the Timberline Roost Lodge Civil
Improvement plans submittal dated 01/15/06 and received 01/16/06. The Civil Improvement plans are
substantially complete and the developer may proceed thru the Building Permit process. The following
comments shall be addressed prior to approval of the building permit or as noted, please resubmit revised plans
along with a response letter addressing each comment. Please call me if you would like to meet and/or discuss
these comments further.
Site Plan Comments
1. The Utility Signature block shall have all utility's signatures prior to Building Permit approval.
2. Approvals from all impacted property owners shall be obtained, where necessary. Recorded
easements/permits/leases will be required prior to construction.
3. All construction staging issues shall be resolved prior to construction including staging, phasing, access,
schedules, traffic control, emergency access, parking, loading and delivery, etc...
4. A ROW/Utility permit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail and CDOT prior to
commencing any construction within public Right of Way.
5. All improvements within CDOT ROW shall be approved by CDOT including all Frontage Rd
improvements and landscaping.
6. Prior to approval of an Excavation permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including;
excavation phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and
plans shall include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities). Any shoring within CDOT ROW will require
approval from CDOT. Any shoring within the Vail public ROW will require Town of Vail approval and
a revocable ROW permit.
7. The S. Frontage Rd. improvements shown shall include necessary lighting/irrigation/signage.
8. The roadway, drainage and snow storage easement along the north side of the property and the general
utility, drainage, and pedestrian access easement along the west property line shall be recorded prior to
9. Provide an engineered stamped drainage report, this report shall include any expected groundwater
(temporary and/or permanent dewatering). The final drainage report shall include; Historic and
Developed flow analysis, 2yr, 25yr and 100yr flow analysis, inlet capacity analysis, Storm sewer
profiles including hydraulSled ade line, analysis shall include offsit ins (can reference past Town of
Vail Drainage reports, proby the Town of Vail), capture comp Ite "N" basins, complete hydrology
and hydraulic calculations, assumptions, IDF curve, references for coefficients.
10. Provide soils report for site.
11. All retaining walls shall be a minimum of 2' from Property line, please modify those walls near the new
12. Please note/hatch all snowmelted/heated surfaces.
13. Plan comments;
All garage drains shall be routed thru a sand/oil separator and then should be routed to the
sanitary sewer system, this will require written approval from ERWSD. Show location of Sand/
Oil separator. (At this current time ERWSD is finalizing as to whether they will accept covered
garage drains into the sanitary sewer, currently they have advised us that with written
permission this can be done.)
The N-S pedestrian walk should circumvent the bus shelter not go thru it.
Surface parking spaces must meet and be dimensioned at a minimum of 9'x19' unless approved
as compact spaces. Please modify those near the Port Cochere.
Planting plan on L-1 conflicts with some of the snow storage area. Snow storage should not
conflict with low branching trees and shrubs
Please show grades near the area of the ramp at the north end of the western property line walk,
specifically the slopes occurring in the street and around the inlet. This area may require a filed
visit for final configuration.
Show the invert of ST-4W. Storm Sewer run `W' from ST-4W to ST-1 shall have maximum
cover of 36", with a minimum slope of I%. Connections to the public storm shall occur only at
manholes or inlets not mid-pipe.
A minimum of 0.5% slope should be achieved on all private storm, the north line still has
slopes less than 0.5%.
The Holy Cross realignment thru Meadow Ridge Rd. is not shown on this plan, please shown
with limits of asphalt overlay.
Note 4 should refer to Xcel not Excel.
The gas utility meter must be accessible, currently the location is not.
Connections to the public storm shall occur only at manholes or inlets. (i.e roof drains, private
storm sewer systems)
Provide additional retaining wall details/typical section for each multi-tier type walls. Wall
designs shall include design assumptions (o, -y, surcharge pressure where applicable, etc...)
and design calculations.
All public improvement concrete shall be 4000 psi with 1.5 lbs/cy of fiber mesh.
All public improvement walks shall be 6" of concrete on top of 6" of class 6 base and poured
separate from the curb and gutter.
Control joints shall be every 10' and expansion every 150' and at curb returns and at existing
C-10 Use CDOT ADA ramp detail with truncated domes.
C-12 Provide survey control benchmark location in Town of Vail General Note #31.
L-1 The water line alignment looks as if it will impact the existing trees near Buffehr Creek Rd.
Please show the impacts to these trees. Also most of the future landscaping along the S.
Frontage Rd. is proposed to be planted in areas that are in conflict with future and existing
utilities. The notes on the plan regarding these conflicts are not adhered to. This landscaping
will require approval from the impacted Utilities; or the landscaping or utilities need to be
relocated to a better location. The landscaping in CDOT ROW will require CDOT approval.
L-1 Planting plan conflicts with bus shelter.
L-1 The sight distance triangle is shown on the entrance, this should be shown on the exit.
L-1 The notes refer to conflict with utilities and light poles, these notes don't seem to be adhered to
with in the planting plan.
L-1 The Town Lands Architect reviewed the landscape pld has the following comments:
a. Barberry ber is species are only marginally hardy at 9500', these may not last.
b. Armstrong Juniper tends to crush under snow weight.
C. Spruce trees shall be placed a minimum of 10' back from back of walk.
d. Provide a planting detail for planting on 2:1 slopes.
Frontage Road Improvement Plan Comments
1. Provide drainage report or coordinate all drainage in one report with site drainage report submittal.
2. Provide storm sewer rim and inverts on plan. Provide pipe length and slope on plans. Provide storm
sewer profile. Most of this information is provided on the civil plans for the Lodge, however they need
to be coordinated.
3. Provide sections at 50' intervals and typical pavement section and details. Pavement design shall be
approved by CDOT.
4. A CDOT access permit shall be required to be approved prior to Civil Plan approval. Please provide a
5. Please provide grading along the entire stretch of the sidewalk. Will the new walk impact the existing
trees? Please show trees and dripline. How far to the north can we push the walk in order to
accommodate a future left turn lane at Buffehr Creek Rd. Please show an alternative design that will
accommodate the future left turn lane as we discussed in our last meeting (PLC).
6. The south shoulder shall be 6' wide (4.8(4) State Access Code March 2002)
7. According to the terms and conditions of the issued access permits;
a. The west access will require a raised channelization island for this egress only access. This
raised median shall meet or exceed the Town of Vail's standard median island. This typically
requires a section of; 1.5' spill curb, 2' concrete/paver apron, landscape, 2' concrete/paver apron,
1.5' spill curb. The landscape area shall be landscaped, irrigated, and have conduit provided for
lighting. The median shall encompass the striped median area, not the 50-100 square feet CDOT
is requiring.
b. Also each access permit requires the first 20' of a driveway slope away from the Frontage Rd. at
c. And each access shall have a turning radius of 50'.
Condition (a) & (b) should be able to be achieved, but condition (c) may require a variance. This
variance should be submitted and reviewed by CDOT as soon as possible, and approved prior to
Building Permit approval.