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Design Review Board ACTION FORM TOFf ff VAM OOM"'N CEVELOPAWM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: WESTPORT MALL 1691 CONCEPTUAL DRB Number: DRB070592 Project Description: Participants: CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR A NEW SFR OWNER BUFFEHR CREEK PARTNERS 10/16/2007 PO BOX 305 MINTURN - CO 81645 ARCHITECT SCOTT TURNIPSEED, AIA 10/16/2007 Phone: 970-328-3900 1143 CAPITOL STREET, SUITE 211 PO BOX 3388 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 0000001848 APPLICANT WESTPORT MALL INVESTORS, LLP 10/16/2007 4520 MAIN ST. STE 100 KANSAS CITY MO 64111 Project Address: 1691 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL 1691 BUFFEHR CREEK RD Location: Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block: Subdivision: ELENI ZNEIMER SUBDIVISIO Parcel Number: 2103-122-1500-3 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond:200 (PLAN): A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Cond: CON0009516 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0009517 Monitored fire alarm systen required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and WES standards Planner: Nicole Peterson 09-21-'07 12:00 FROM-The Winbury Group 8165616290 Conceptual Review Application for Design Review 7nrrAtt+ . Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 816S7 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com T-350 P002/003 F-411 Gene [Information: Al projects.mqulrfng design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please rder to the siOnittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot. be accepted unb'1 all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The Prof may also need to, be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unlow a building permit is issued and construction commences within we year of the. approval. Description of the Request: G a N C- E ? 1-v pt ` k1 NEV 1 rEW Location of the Proposal: lot: 3 Block: 1 Subdivision: 'E\-,W N l ZN WE t tM Physical Address: ~°L V Gl2~c'~1L r0 ft!rml No.; 2l d3 t 2 Z is 03 (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Toning: -TE M 4' 1 s= c w w.. w 12 C- S r 1;~ C Nlame(a) 0owner(s): wrt'-rtt ot2T Np ~.1, 1NV1~f T j'f l.l. Mailing Address: J(7 so y1no~►1~ S'~ . $'v1 Owner(s) Name.of Applicant: - V o VLv V^49n MaMng Address; 5A&AA Oaf 4- E-nail Address: Type of Review and Fee: ❑ Signs A CViioeptual Review 0 New Oer Wucpon Q Addition Cl Minor Alteraton (mult9-fdmdy/commmercial) d Minor Alteration (sin*4aw*/duplex) 0 Changes m Approved Plans © 'Separation, Request $50 No Fee $.650 $300 $250 $20 $20 No Fee Phone: o ac r.. J CP (r) W4 4Q.) Plim $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. ED E 0 v For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any resid or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conver s) For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences an retaining walls, etc For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. For 0Wpd Usg. i_ Fee Paid:. I Check No. Sy: *ong. Date: DRB No.; Ptdnrter Project No.: OCT 15 2007 N OF VAIL OCT.15.2007 10:18AM SSF/VA REAL ESTATE 01AG 30INT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LE17M NO. 369 iy (print name)_ r~w~ncL ►~.¢csrn,[1t . a joint owner of property located at I~8vti`^~uk %54dev r. letter as wnftben approval of the pl dated ~S @ a 1.4 .Qr q 9,&W ! which have been this submitted to the Town of Val Community Development Department for the proposed improve to be completed at the address rooted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include. sr? Sinv4I-t f4qv d" Aka n%e S A -4sr•• 040670 ! 0%%0 i nut-.) 0 74 T fit M IT 'a n n"-, dewt Additionally, please check the ss3tement below which is most PlIC010 to YOU.' r umafnnd met minor modirmu s may be made to die plans over lie two a of b* rev&w m ensure wmplianEW MM bhe Town t ap b/e mfes and rVulabbm 0 X quest bW aH mooriimlfon* minor or otli mft wha* are nmde to &f a plans ow bye Cou/sLq ofbfMreview press, be &040t W MY4 #endon by the appli=tfOra Ibft.W rvppmvalGeb, under-P&n9 fwVmrreview by as Town. /Iur3Y&/ Amm d ~ f r u rr f o78 ~~G t s. ~ Fr1cQeVIFOWW-ftmft\MaminglD Wrb_awmpa+aLio-i8-2OMdoc Page s of 4 11/mm 1691 Buffehr Creek Road Residence DRB November 7, 2007 Action requested of DRB: Review of the revised Building Envelope proposed by the applicant according to the following prescribed procedure adopted in the PEC approval of the development plan. "Building envelopes indicated upon the approved site plan may be modified with approval of the DRB based upon detailed review of an individual architectural and site plan for an individual dwelling unit. The DRB shall. find that the modification to any building envelope does not substantially result in any negative impacts upon the site, adjoining property, or have any adverse impact upon required geologic hazard considerations. If an association of home owners within the project is formed, any modification of a building envelope shall also conform to the rules and regulations adopted by the association. Any modification shall not exceed 15 feet and in no case shall any structure be built in the 20 foot setbacks shown on the approved development plan." Concerns of staff which the applicant will need to address with a final submittal: 1. The proposed GRFA exceeds the maximum allowed. The applicant will need to demonstrate compliance. 2. The applicant will need to consider height. Staff was unable to check the heights of the proposed structure with the conceptual submittal. 3. The driveway is over the maximum width. The applicant will need to demonstrate compliance. 4. Retaining wall heights will need to be submitted upon final review. 5. The house will be required to have a monitored fire alarm and sprinkler system. *1L T10WNDepartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www. vailgov. com Dear Mr. Weltner, October 31, 2007 Doug Weltner Westport Nall Investors, LLP 4520 Main Street, Suite 100 Kansas City, MO 64111 The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the concept Design Review application for the proposed new single family residence located at 1691 Buffehr Creek Road. Lot 3 Eleni Zneimer. The application is incomplete. Please make the following changes and additions and re-submit the specified plans by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, November 12, 2007 to continue to the November 21, 2007 Design Review Board meeting: 1. The proposed patio on the west side and front stair must be re-designed within the approved building envelope or submit a written request to alter the approved building envelope and submit the proposed building envelope plan which shall not extend further than 15 feet outside the approved envelope and shall not exceed 5,400 sf. 2. The property is within the High Severity Rockfall zone, therefore an Engineer signed site-specific Geological Hazard Report is required at the time of building permit. 3. The maximum allowed GRFA (Gross Residential Floor Area) is 5267.4 square feet. Staff calculated the proposed GRFA to be 6,465 sf, which is 1197.6 sf over the maximum allowed. Please submit GRFA calculations that demonstrate compliance. 4. Please note the subject property is zoned Residential Cluster (RC). 5. Submit red-lined GRFA plans and GRFA calculations including the following language: "Approved maximum GRFA = 4788.5 sq ft according to Amended Final Plat of Eleni Zneimer Subdivision, a part of tract A, Lion's Ridge subdivision, Filing No. 2." 6. Submit building sections including openings to all proposed crawl spaces. Please note, crawl spaces are counted towards the GRFA calculation when an opening of 12 square feet or greater exists. 7. Submit building elevations of all sides including labeled building materials. 8. Submit proposed site coverage & landscape calculations and include the following language: "Approved maximum site coverage (building envelope) = 5,400 sq ft according to Amended Final Plat of Eleni Zneimer Subdivision, a part of tract A, Lion's Ridge subdivision, Filing No. 2" 9. On sheet A1.1, Site Plan, provide spot elevations, at each roofline corner, of the existing natural topography of the site prior to construction. And, underneath the natural elevation, indicate the elevation (above sea level) of the roof ridge line/ corner. These elevations will be used to calculate height according to Vail Town Code. 10. Submit a re-design of the driveway (i.e. more efficient, less pavement). The maximum allowed curb-cut width is 24 ft wide. The proposed is 46 ft, which is 22 ft over the maximum. 11. On sheet A1.1, Site Plan, provide proposed topographic contours over entire driveway and specify if the driveway is heated. The maximum allowed slope for a heated driveway is 12%, non-heated is 10%. 12. Please provide exterior color and material samples and specifications. 13. Submit height and materials of all retaining walls. Retaining wall maximum height is 6 feet. All retaining walls between 4' and 6' in height require a detailed cross-section and elevation stamped by a certified engineer submitted at the time of the building permit. 14. A monitored fire alarm system is required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. 15. Public Works Department comments have not been received and will be forwarded to you as soon as possible. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at (970) 477-3452 or npetersonCvailQov.com. Sincerely, Nicole Peterson, Planner Town of Vail Cc Brennen Scott Fitzgerald, AIA via email brennen @turniphtteadaia.com RECYCLED PAPER 19 1~7 u~ wJA _ Lx~ ~l ~~:r~'+~ 1~ w ~~A°N y, yy4 9f r•s~.y~.i~~ s.,ri.~r .~s~. '+~,•~",+~.,,vt~... ~d'~+J~'- ~i' id ' ~t dpi^:~ ~ _.~k ,¢~y«'hf 'i qb ~~[~rA'''"y mot,+>~t ~i~`'.- ti~ .t- ~ -•'Al~ ~ .f ~1i( f't ~ti ~'.1~ ~ '=*7~ a•~'~'t 7~ +/~1S ~ vy `r `f . ~y..'! Z: t at ~ ~ ylir• ,i i w~, ~ r o~~ s r k• 7. t . 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