HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB080383Design Review Board਍ഀ ACTION FORM਍ഀ TOWNT rAZ਍ഀ 00&J%1J1.17Y CEVELOPMENT਍ഀ CONCEPT NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE਍ഀ Project Name: DRB Number: DRB080383਍ഀ Project Description:਍ഀ Participants:਍ഀ OWNER 2379 CHAMONIX LOT LLC 08/25/2008਍ഀ PO BOX 5050਍ഀ CAREFREE਍ഀ AZ 85377਍ഀ APPLICANT BLUELINE ARCHITECTS, P. C. 08/25/2008 Phone: 970-827-5400਍ഀ PO BOX 574਍ഀ MINTURN਍ഀ CO 81645਍ഀ License: 0000002400਍ഀ ARCHITECT BLUELINE ARCHITECTS, P. C. 08/25/2008 Phone: 970-827-5400਍ഀ PO BOX 574਍ഀ MINTURN਍ഀ CO 81645਍ഀ License: 0000002400਍ഀ Project Address: 2379 CHAMONIX RD VAIL਍ഀ Department of Community Development਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452਍ഀ web: www.vailgov.com਍ഀ Location:਍ഀ Legal Description: Lot: 15 Block: A Subdivision: VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 1਍ഀ Parcel Number: 2103-114-0101-4਍ഀ Comments:਍ഀ Action: CONCEPT਍ഀ Conditions:਍ഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTION਍ഀ Cond:200਍ഀ (PLAN): A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board਍ഀ approval.਍ഀ Cond: CON0010278਍ഀ Monitored fire alarm required and shall comply with NFPA 72਍ഀ (2002 ed.) and VFES Standards.਍ഀ Cond: CON0010279਍ഀ Fire Sprinkler System required and shall comply with NFPA਍ഀ 13 (2002 ed.) and VFES Standards.਍ഀ Planner: Nicole Peterson਍ഀ Development Review Coordinator਍ഀ Community Development Department਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452਍ഀ web: www mailgov.aom਍ഀ TOWNOF va ,਍ഀ Application for Design Review਍ഀ Conceptual Review AUG 2 2 2008਍ഀ General Information:਍ഀ A conceptual review may be requested by an applicant where new construction or maj r c Ofr iv਍ഀ property. A conceptual review does not serve as a final approval and an additional a਍ഀ review. The conceptual review is intended to allow the applicant to introduce the project to the Design Review Board਍ഀ and receive comments. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews.਍ഀ FEE: $0਍ഀ Description of the Request: Proposed 4-bedroom single-family residence of approximately 3800 sf.਍ഀ x Single Family Duplex Multi-Family਍ഀ Location of the Proposal: Lot: 15 Block: A Subdivision: Vail Das Schone ; Filing 1਍ഀ Physical Address: 2379 Chamonix਍ഀ Parcel No.: 210311401014 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)਍ഀ Zoning: Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS)਍ഀ Name(s) of Owner(s): 2379 Chamonix Lot LLC਍ഀ Mailing Address: PO Box 1823਍ഀ Vail, CO 81658 Phone: 970.390.6089 (Reid Phillips)਍ഀ e•਍ഀ Owner(s) Signature(s): /਍ഀ L਍ഀ Name of Applicant: Blueline Architects p.c. Contact: Ken Bridges਍ഀ Mailing Address: PO Box 574਍ഀ Minturn, CO 81645 Phone: 970.827.5400਍ഀ E-mail Address: ken@bluelinearchitects.com Fax: 970.827.5401਍ഀ For Office Use Only:਍ഀ NO FEE By: Q~਍ഀ Meeting Date DRB No.: L., 09 Planner: Project No.: flo S - H -2.?s਍ഀ B਍ഀ L U E਍ഀ 0 NO਍ഀ L਍ഀ W_਍ഀ INE਍ഀ R਍ഀ C f4I T Lam: TS਍ഀ August 25, 2008਍ഀ Vail Design Review Board਍ഀ 75 S. Frontage Road਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ Re: Proposed Single Family Residence਍ഀ 2379 Chamonix Lane਍ഀ Dear Design Review Board:਍ഀ On behalf of 2379 Chamonix Lot LLC (Reid Phillips and Tom Corrigan), I am bringing before you a਍ഀ proposal for a new single family residence at 2379 Chamonix Lane of approximately 3800 sf.਍ഀ Currently, this 10,728 sf lot sits vacant, with an average slope of 50% for the first 10 feet closest to਍ഀ Chamonix Lane and 18% for the remainder of the lot. The lot is outside of all rock fall zones, flood਍ഀ plains, or avalanche zones as defined by the Town of Vail. With this grade change, we sought to਍ഀ minimize the impact of large retaining walls by placing the garage close to and facing the street to਍ഀ let the building to the work of retaining the hill. Additionally, as a gesture to the community and to਍ഀ provide a real sense of entry, the front door has been placed at the level of the autocourt. The਍ഀ stairs, traditionally found running along the exterior of the home on Chamonix, have been moved to਍ഀ the interior, allowing landscaping to come tight to the building and, thus, eliminating the headache਍ഀ of maintaining this access in the winter.਍ഀ Similar to how we begin every project, we arrived at the proposed design solution with several਍ഀ important factors in mind: solar orientation, natural light and ventilation, views, snow storage and਍ഀ safety, impact on the land, connection to the site (inside and outside), and the client's desire to਍ഀ have a yard set back from the street. The design's narrowness allows all spaces to take advantage਍ഀ of natural light and cross ventilation, while giving the house enough length to step its way up the਍ഀ site, minimizing its visual impact from the street. This has the added benefit of providing space for਍ഀ extensive landscaping around the home, to truly let it sit within the landscape. Much to the delight਍ഀ of the client, the "yard" was placed on top of the garage as a roof garden, removing it from the਍ഀ street for safety and capitalizing on views and solar exposure from the main living areas.਍ഀ As our design hopefully reflects, we are excited to bring to Vail another environmentally conscience਍ഀ home similar to that recently completed down the street at 2339 Chamonix Lane.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ Ken Bridges, AIA਍ഀ Principal਍ഀ BLUELI NE ARCHITECTS, D.C.਍ഀ 421 Main St. C1, PO Bo. 574, Minturn, CO 81645਍ഀ 970-8275400 (o) 970-827-5401 (f)਍ഀ Info@6luelinearchiteots.corn਍ഀ D [EodE 7n਍ഀ AUG 2 2 2008 IJ਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIN਍ഀ Togoi-਍ഀ Development Review Team & Construction Update਍ഀ Community Development Large Conference Room਍ഀ Wednesday at 9:00am਍ഀ August 27, 2008਍ഀ AGENDA਍ഀ 9:00 Development Review Team਍ഀ Purpose: Provide coordination and input across Departments on proposed development proposals਍ഀ Staff Item / Topic Description Time਍ഀ WC 1. Planning Department Updates 10 minutes਍ഀ BW 2. Code Enforcement Update 5 minutes਍ഀ MH 3. Strata comments - status 5 minutes਍ഀ NP 4. Phillips Residence - 2379 Chamonix Lane - Project introduction਍ഀ NSFR 5 minutes਍ഀ BG 5. Sonnenalp Trash Enclosure Sign - Project introduction 5 minutes਍ഀ 10:30 Construction Update਍ഀ Purpose: Provide staff coordination on public and private construction projects਍ഀ 1. Update from Lionshead - LS 10 minutes਍ഀ 2. Update from Village 10 minutes਍ഀ 3. Other ROW/Utility Issues 10 minutes਍ഀ Other - 5 minutes਍ഀ DRB/PEC Updates 5 minutes਍ഀ vW~k Oh ~Irrt਍ഀ E'਍ഀ ,਍ഀ ~ ~਍ഀ P਍ഀ Page 1 of 1਍ഀ Nicole Peterson - DR808-0383 (2379 Chamonix)਍ഀ From:਍ഀ David Rhoades਍ഀ To:਍ഀ Nicole Peterson਍ഀ Date:਍ഀ 08/28/2008 1:53 PM਍ഀ Subject:਍ഀ DRB08-0383 (2379 Chamonix)਍ഀ Signed off in Permits plus as "Approved with Conditions".਍ഀ 1. Monitored fire alarm required and shall comply with NFPA 72 (2002 ed.) and VFES Standards.਍ഀ 2. Fire Sprinkler System required and shall comply with NFPA 13 (2002 ed.) and VFES Standards.਍ഀ It is approximately 380 feet around perimeter. Landscape features and slope also will hamper Vail Fire਍ഀ Department's ability to get around perimeter of building.਍ഀ Fire Inspector਍ഀ Vail Fire & Emergency Services਍ഀ Vail CO 81657਍ഀ 970-477-3454 Office਍ഀ 970-688-1714 Cell਍ഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\AdministratorTocal Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\48B6A... 09/08/2008਍ഀ oVal TOWN PROJ਍ഀ ECT ORIENTATION਍ഀ MEMBERS PRESENT਍ഀ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA਍ഀ PUBLIC MEETING਍ഀ September 17, 2008਍ഀ Council Chambers਍ഀ 75 S. Frontage Road - Vail, Colorado, 81657਍ഀ MEMBERS ABSENT਍ഀ 1:00pm਍ഀ SITE VISITS _ 2:00pm਍ഀ 1. Phillips Residence, 2379 Chamonix Road਍ഀ 2. Sonnenalp Resort, 20 Vail Road਍ഀ 3. McIntyre Residence, 1191 Hornsilver Circle਍ഀ PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS਍ഀ Apollo Park DRB080355 / 10 minutes਍ഀ Final review of a minor exterior alteration (fence)਍ഀ 442 South Frontage Road East/Lot D, Vail Village Filing 5਍ഀ Applicant: Lunar Vail, LLC, represented by Split Rail Fence Co਍ഀ ACTION:਍ഀ MOTION: SECOND: VOTE:਍ഀ CONDITION(S):਍ഀ 2. McIntyre Residence DRB080386 / 10 minutes਍ഀ Final review of a minor exterior alteration (deck addition)਍ഀ 1191 Hornsilver Circle/Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Valley Filing 1਍ഀ Applicant: Mr. McIntyre, represented by GPSL Architects਍ഀ ACTION:਍ഀ MOTION: SECOND: VOTE:਍ഀ CONDITION(S):਍ഀ 3. Scheidegger Residence DRB080346 / 10 minutes਍ഀ Final review of a minor exterior alteration (fence)਍ഀ 2436 Chamonix Lane/Lot 1, Block B, Vail Das Schone Filing 1਍ഀ Applicant: Karin Scheidegger਍ഀ ACTION:਍ഀ MOTION: SECOND: VOTE:਍ഀ CONDITION(S):਍ഀ 4. Sonnenalp Resort DRB080384 / 10 minutes਍ഀ Final review of an addition (delivery bay, trash screen)਍ഀ 20 Vail Road/Lot 1, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1਍ഀ Applicant: Sonnenalp Resort, represented by GPSL Architects਍ഀ ACTION:਍ഀ MOTION: SECOND: VOTE:਍ഀ CONDITION(S):਍ഀ u਍ഀ pL~91 ,77 Y V C਍ഀ 3:00pm਍ഀ Rachel਍ഀ Rachel਍ഀ Bill਍ഀ Bill਍ഀ Page 1਍ഀ 5. Sonnenalp Resort DRB080385 / 10 minutes Bill਍ഀ Final review of a sign਍ഀ 20 Vail Road/Lot 1, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1਍ഀ Applicant: Sonnenalp Resort, represented by GPSL Architects਍ഀ ACTION:਍ഀ MOTION: SECOND: VOTE:਍ഀ CONDITION(S):਍ഀ 6. Phillips Residence DRB080383 / 15 minutes Nicole਍ഀ Conceptual review of new construction (single family residence)਍ഀ 2379 Chamonix Road/Lot 15, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 1਍ഀ Applicant: Reid Phillips, represented by Blueline Architects਍ഀ ACTION:਍ഀ MOTION: SECOND: VOTE:਍ഀ CONDITION(S):਍ഀ STAFF APPROVALS਍ഀ Theriault Residence DRB080348 Bill਍ഀ Final review of changes to approved plans (grading, retaining wall)਍ഀ 2585 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 13, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 13਍ഀ Applicant: Alexandra Theriault, represented by Studio Spinnato਍ഀ Local Joe's Pizza DRB080373਍ഀ Final review for a sign਍ഀ 1000 Lionsridge Loop #2A/Lot 10, Block C, Lion's Ridge Filing 1਍ഀ Applicant: Local Joe's Pizza, represented by Lana Sweaney਍ഀ Nicole਍ഀ Wallner/Alegra Residence DRB080374 Warren਍ഀ Final review of a minor exterior alteration (re-roof)਍ഀ 1141 Casolar Del Norte Drive, Units A & B/Lot A-7, Block 1, Casolar Vail਍ഀ Applicant: Wallner Family, represented by AV[, Inc਍ഀ Siverly Residence DRB080375਍ഀ Final review of a minor exterior (deck, retaining wall)਍ഀ 1713 Matterhorn Circle/Lot 6, Matterhorn Village਍ഀ Applicant: John Siverly਍ഀ Warren਍ഀ Artful Sol DRB080380 Nicole਍ഀ Final review of a sign਍ഀ 183 Gore Creek Drive, Unit 6, Lot A, Block 5B, Vail Village Filing 1਍ഀ Applicant: Cheryl Ann Peter਍ഀ Diones Residence DRB080387 Nicole਍ഀ Final review of changes to approved plans (extension for DRB070608, re-roof)਍ഀ 1626 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 2-A, Warren Pulis Subdivision਍ഀ Applicant: Frances & Donald Diones, represented by Aker Architects਍ഀ Page 2਍ഀ W WN਍ഀ U਍ഀ zL.U਍ഀ J =਍ഀ 00,0,912 0%09 !l਍ഀ U਍ഀ m ~ a਍ഀ 't_ ,਍ഀ r਍ഀ 0਍ഀ o਍ഀ a C'o਍ഀ N਍ഀ Q਍ഀ o਍ഀ nnn਍ഀ luul ~਍ഀ LL਍ഀ 0਍ഀ W ~਍ഀ LLCA਍ഀ C਍ഀ LL਍ഀ J਍ഀ LU J਍ഀ Q a Iu਍ഀ W J W J਍ഀ Q ~ W਍ഀ m਍ഀ LL਍ഀ CO) N਍ഀ NZ ~ W U਍ഀ a~਍ഀ ~ WU~ Q LL਍ഀ oOC Hy Qea 's0a਍ഀ J W਍ഀ I.-਍ഀ CL g o ZL~਍ഀ LLI਍ഀ Z਍ഀ Q਍ഀ J਍ഀ X Q਍ഀ Z~਍ഀ O°਍ഀ ~m਍ഀ Lei਍ഀ Q~਍ഀ J਍ഀ z°਍ഀ U਍ഀ M਍ഀ N਍ഀ W਍ഀ Z਍ഀ 0਍ഀ v਍ഀ V)਍ഀ Q਍ഀ 0਍ഀ J_਍ഀ Q਍ഀ m਍ഀ D਍ഀ Cl)਍ഀ -਍ഀ D਍ഀ Irm਍ഀ Co਍ഀ 0਍ഀ L)਍ഀ J਍ഀ J਍ഀ a਍ഀ a਍ഀ w਍ഀ v਍ഀ z਍ഀ O਍ഀ v਍ഀ za਍ഀ W਍ഀ _a਍ഀ d)਍ഀ J਍ഀ 0਍ഀ ~ r਍ഀ r਍ഀ ■਍ഀ Q਍ഀ CL਍ഀ J਍ഀ cfl L) 1-0਍ഀ Q W਍ഀ W z w =਍ഀ N d U Q Q a, Q W -਍ഀ oc Q C~਍ഀ 3 m਍ഀ J Go਍ഀ Q o਍ഀ 0਍ഀ N਍ഀ N਍ഀ GM y਍ഀ W ~਍ഀ Cl) a਍ഀ u਍ഀ ~ N਍ഀ u਍ഀ O O N W਍ഀ -,v -O o7਍ഀ 2 W O 1਍ഀ O O r,਍ഀ O O P W਍ഀ 4 4 % C਍ഀ 4਍ഀ C C਍ഀ > O਍ഀ C C O਍ഀ E E q ;਍ഀ h 4 N ;਍ഀ C cq਍ഀ % m O਍ഀ E r,਍ഀ P਍ഀ O N N਍ഀ 'i ~ O਍ഀ 0000 u d਍ഀ CL਍ഀ E਍ഀ AB NOISN3N 3LV0 'ON omnUmO~w lziaY mN°lau.irl wl aiux'm wawa rwaNUNm zcce਍ഀ ua-s+NOCalwaole m'NOnv ve xoe a¢vs'.zsv xAwmiaeor P..wwro OOV210~00 ~A1Nf107 31~V3 r਍ഀ eu a P%a! 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Fr 1 m਍ഀ lA T st H਍ഀ y਍ഀ ~਍ഀ A਍ഀ NY ~਍ഀ a਍ഀ -਍ഀ h _ t਍ഀ Y਍ഀ -਍ഀ .਍ഀ f਍ഀ Yy਍ഀ ~ 1਍ഀ jig਍ഀ r਍ഀ b਍ഀ f਍ഀ m਍ഀ z਍ഀ N਍ഀ z਍ഀ rn਍ഀ 0਍ഀ c਍ഀ D਍ഀ r਍ഀ D਍ഀ m਍ഀ z਍ഀ m਍ഀ E਍ഀ 3਍ഀ 4਍ഀ D਍ഀ r਍ഀ 0)਍ഀ ila਍ഀ 0਍ഀ s਍ഀ a਍ഀ O਍ഀ b,਍ഀ N਍ഀ v਍ഀ Ln਍ഀ A਍ഀ O਍ഀ O਍ഀ O਍ഀ x਍ഀ 0਍ഀ O਍ഀ a਍ഀ N਍ഀ A਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 4਍ഀ f਍ഀ f਍ഀ Q'਍ഀ C਍ഀ O_਍ഀ 7਍ഀ a਍ഀ s਍ഀ n਍ഀ T਍ഀ R਍ഀ a਍ഀ O਍ഀ 3਍ഀ --f਍ഀ 3਍ഀ rn਍ഀ r਍ഀ A ~਍ഀ 9਍ഀ 3 e਍ഀ a_਍ഀ ~ cn਍ഀ a਍ഀ C਍ഀ n਍ഀ 0਍ഀ o`਍ഀ m਍ഀ Q-਍ഀ 0਍ഀ P਍ഀ A਍ഀ = r਍ഀ m ~਍ഀ tl਍ഀ m਍ഀ