HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB080429Design Review Beard਍ഀ ACTION FORM਍ഀ TOW OF VE਍ഀ COM'.3 J"d-Y CEvELQ"ME` _਍ഀ Department of Community Development਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ tel:970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452਍ഀ web: www.vailgov.com਍ഀ Project Name: GODWIN STREAM RE-DIRECT DRB Number: DRB080429਍ഀ Project Description:਍ഀ Participants:਍ഀ RE-DIRECT STREAM TO MINIMIZE SPRING FLOODING AND ENHANCE LANDSCAPE਍ഀ OWNER GODWIN, DONALD E. & CARMEN Q 09/15/2008਍ഀ 1201 ELM ST 1700਍ഀ DALLAS਍ഀ TX 75270਍ഀ APPLICANT PEAK PROPERTIES 09/15/2008਍ഀ Project Address: 586 FOREST RD VAIL਍ഀ Location:਍ഀ Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block: 1 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 6਍ഀ Parcel Number: 2101-072-1102-4਍ഀ Comments: SEE CONDITIONS਍ഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTION਍ഀ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP਍ഀ Second By:਍ഀ Vote: Date of Approval: 06/23/2009਍ഀ Conditions:਍ഀ Cond: 8਍ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of਍ഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).਍ഀ Cond: 0਍ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with਍ഀ Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.਍ഀ Cond:201਍ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of਍ഀ approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.਍ഀ Cond:202਍ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following਍ഀ the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is਍ഀ commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.਍ഀ Cond: CON0010822਍ഀ The applicant shall be required to replace and/or replace the improvements should਍ഀ any damage occur from exceeded capacity from high water.਍ഀ Planner: RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $20.00਍ഀ MAY-04-2009 13:05 From: FIELD HOLDINGS਍ഀ 8475090295 To:9704792452਍ഀ P.1/1਍ഀ 7MOFi '਍ഀ JOINT PROPERTY OWNER਍ഀ WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER਍ഀ This form is applicable to all Design Review applicants that share ownership of the subject Property.਍ഀ pie, the subject property where construction is occurring is a duplex, condominium or multi-tenant build nrgexam-਍ഀ form shall be completed by the applicant's neighbor/ joint property owner. in the case of a multiple-family dw਍ഀ ing or multi-tenant building, the authority of the association shall complete this form and mail to: Commu ell-਍ഀ Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657 or fax to 970.479,24.52 pity਍ഀ I, (Print name) I17%4J f"°"wc-e਍ഀ a joint owner, or authority of the association, of property਍ഀ located at਍ഀ written approval of the plans dated v t o20o g provide this letter as਍ഀ Town of Vail Community Development Department For the rowhich have been submitted to the਍ഀ dress noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements Include; to be completed at the ad-਍ഀ (Date)਍ഀ Additionally, please check the stateniient below which is most applicable to you!਍ഀ !'X I understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course OF bhe review਍ഀ sure Compllance with the Town app//cable Cedes and regulations pr°aess en-਍ഀ (initial਍ഀ c I request that all modifications, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the course of thgo re-਍ഀ New Process, be brought to my atten#lon by the applicant for additional aPProval before undergoin Furth -਍ഀ vlew by the Town. 9 er re- here)਍ഀ Development Review Coordinator਍ഀ Community Development Depariment਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Co!orad-,) 81657਍ഀ tel: 9%0.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452਍ഀ we਍ഀ OYAiJ਍ഀ b: www.vailgov.com~WN Application for Design Review਍ഀ Minor Exterior Alterations਍ഀ General Information:਍ഀ This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as re-਍ഀ roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be਍ഀ reviewed on-line at www.vailgov.com under Vail Information - Town Code On-line. All projects requiring design revie਍ഀ must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for De-sign Review cannot be਍ഀ accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal਍ഀ requirements. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and਍ഀ construction commences.਍ഀ Fee: $250 for Multi-Family/Commercial਍ഀ $20 for Single Family/Duplex਍ഀ Location of the Proposal:਍ഀ Physical Address:਍ഀ ;410~਍ഀ Parcel No.:਍ഀ Name(s) of਍ഀ Mailing Address:਍ഀ Lot: Block: Subdivision: Ua l ~JMq T ~ l im (e਍ഀ ~਍ഀ CtI ,(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)਍ഀ x Phone:,:':)/`t -਍ഀ Owner(s) Signature(s):਍ഀ Name of Applicant:਍ഀ Mailing Address:਍ഀ E-mail Address:਍ഀ Phone:਍ഀ 25 ' k-- Pear A10-3404-਍ഀ For Office a On rT਍ഀ Fee Paid: Check No.: ~ By: ~ P'o ~ e਍ഀ IC -01਍ഀ Meeting Date: DRB No.: 71NQ_(;0 O;~_ _਍ഀ Planner: Project No.: 0਍ഀ Description of the Request:਍ഀ Single Family Duplex Multi-Family਍ഀ Sep 23 08 02:35p Courmeg Landscape Design 303-659-7788 p.2਍ഀ Sep 23 08 07:22a Ccun^riep Landscape Design 303-6596-7M P•l਍ഀ 70DIr PROPERTY OWNER਍ഀ *%UK WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER਍ഀ l.. c.4 a joint owner of property located at਍ഀ I, (print name)-਍ഀ 4$5(਍ഀ o vt1 aSl for~sd- d਍ഀ provide this letter as written approve! of the plans dated਍ഀ which have been submitted to the Town of Val Community Development department for the਍ഀ proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I urnd that the਍ഀ proposed improvements Include:਍ഀ (Irtieiat hoe,}਍ഀ 0 f /i°Q msr that aR oxxo7ty w s, 1WrA7r Or OUWfM P, whab"~ ea me pe(m over the਍ഀ tvrrrse OfM a MIIeew praOssr be brnrrght'to my aM vWm by the 4W*Mnt for sdderiioaal4orn%W਍ഀ botve wing&Oter.'rebfew by the Town.਍ഀ Joint prom& vwwr locos rrWwd 1Orld/M Er਍ഀ Q I txaderseand bleat mkw RIGS n my be oraa'e to the plates over the axerse of flee਍ഀ rayaw promiss 67 ensure cramp ANice bftti the Tow nl, agp Qm&e naolr_s and reigulaomis:਍ഀ (02/09/2009) Rachel Friede - Godwin Residence DRB080429਍ഀ From:਍ഀ Rachel Friede਍ഀ To:਍ഀ markm@peakpropertiesvail.com਍ഀ CC:਍ഀ Rachel Friede਍ഀ Date:਍ഀ 02/09/2009 4:27 PM਍ഀ Subject:਍ഀ Godwin Residence DRB080429਍ഀ Mark- In order to approve the application to move the drainage at the Godwin Residence, I need the following information:਍ഀ 1. Updated plans showing new location (the plans I have are incorrect in the location and size of the drainage)਍ഀ 2. Engineers report stating that the new drainage will function properly.਍ഀ Because the Town needs to ensure proper drainage prior to spring runoff, I will need this information by February 28,਍ഀ 2009. Otherwise, the Town will have to take action against the owner for illegally constructing a new drainage without਍ഀ Town approval.਍ഀ If you have any questions, feel free to call or email.਍ഀ Rachel Friede, AICP਍ഀ Planner II਍ഀ Dept of Community Development਍ഀ Town of Vail਍ഀ P:(970)479-2440਍ഀ F: (970)479-2452਍ഀ E: Rfriede@vailgov.com਍ഀ Page 1਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement਍ഀ Statement Number: R080001640 Amount: $20.00 09/15/200810:56 AM਍ഀ Payment Method: Cash Init: JLE਍ഀ Notation: PEAK਍ഀ PROPERTIES਍ഀ Permit No: DRB080429 Type: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP਍ഀ Parcel No: 2101-072-1102-4਍ഀ Site Address: 586 FOREST RD VAIL਍ഀ Location:਍ഀ Total Fees: $20.00਍ഀ This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00਍ഀ Balance: $0.00਍ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:਍ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmts਍ഀ ਍ഀ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00਍ഀ Sep 23 08 02:34p Courmeg Landscape Design਍ഀ 303-659-7788 p.1਍ഀ COURIMEG LANDSCAPE DESIGN਍ഀ ' FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET਍ഀ PIiONENUNIDER: SENDER'SREFERENCE NUMBER:਍ഀ R~ YOUR REFERENCE NUMBER ~/Jll(J~ ~.'J} (J•► ,U(਍ഀ ❑ URGENT IKFOR REVIEW ❑ PLEASE COMMENT ❑ PLEASE REPLY ❑ FLwASE RI3CYCLC਍ഀ do c,N I G,pD Wy~F਍ഀ bow. U-e t nll-~rt) l It v 'e ' c4m COURMEGLANDSCAPE.COM਍ഀ COMPANY:-T 1, I (y V A (L DATE: q [mloy਍ഀ FAX NUMBER 10. 411 ~q62_ TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: L਍ഀ IE-I ~V - I 1~਍ഀ 2਍ഀ _ t4- --fit y਍ഀ n਍ഀ - -਍ഀ C)FS1GN਍ഀ - - STAFF APPROVAL'਍ഀ -਍ഀ 1਍ഀ tai਍ഀ SAX਍ഀ David Klein Email: daveklein I glive.con਍ഀ Phone: 303-525-8837 premiermanagementgroup.con਍ഀ i਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~F f ..yam਍ഀ ~.,e ' 1਍ഀ 't਍ഀ p ~ g F a i ;q !*A iYK f 9਍ഀ ਍ഀ ° "1 kq ~਍ഀ t ,1਍ഀ ~ ~਍ഀ \਍ഀ TI~~M~I~IJA W~1~ .13U1%1AH~ MA~T~ ~~i1'਍ഀ 7VJ~ Ql~UO~A ~NOJ~ J3N~iAN~ MA~TC a~CO'਍ഀ ~I51~~ 21n1~98 ,3l1TAT~਍ഀ ~~Ofi ~UITCIX~ 931 C.IJA~~'I'AW 90 .਍ഀ ~JJAW ~NltfkAT319 aUA਍ഀ QIrIA ~l1TATC ~t~iT~IX~ ,਍ഀ ~UTA~~ ~~TAW਍ഀ ਍ഀ `਍ഀ ,਍ഀ ~ ~ ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ f. ~਍ഀ tl , ' Y~ ~਍ഀ Cf~iA HTA9 ~I~ITCIX~ ~ Cc.A~~ ~U~ET~IX3 ~TH~IJ ~9A~CQVIAJ਍ഀ ~.IJAW ~I~It~lAT3,~ ~~119A~~CI~iAJ ' MTA9 ~t~iOJA ' 1਍ഀ E.਍ഀ • ~ 1਍ഀ 1111 !,1111 ~ WWOM 3~AJ9~਍ഀ ~ r 1 ! 11 1 ~ !1 ~ ..~U~NC ~ITIW 3t]I~JJIH <~0਍ഀ ! i / i 1 ! 1 ! , i 1 ! 1 ~ - C~IAIT~lAJ9 ~~OJN t~UTA i i i i 1~1 ! i i l l! i Y! i! l .f਍ഀ 1! 1 t i i! 1 1 1 I k/ 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1! 1 1 7 1 1 1! 1 1! 1 1 1 ~ l1,l1,!l11ii,1iii1l~ ~~'9~V(~51~<~39~Aa0A਍ഀ llii,iiriii,lllir T ~J. 1 4 1'1 1 1 i A! 4 1 1 1/ 1 1 1 1! 1 N ( Ill s~YrIYI.J-S/I~~਍ഀ 11, 1 I i l i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I T~39~~ TM~1~1(~0~ 6 1 i 1! i 1 !'i f! 1 1 1 i! i /1 -਍ഀ i 1 1 i' i i 1 i f i 1 1 I! i k i l l l i!! 1 1 1 1! 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