HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB080557Design Review Board਍ഀ ACTION FORM਍ഀ Department of Community Development਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452਍ഀ web: www.vailgov.com਍ഀ Project Name: VAIL GOLF COURSE RETAININGWALL DRS Number: DRB080557਍ഀ Project Description:਍ഀ REPLACE RETAINING WALLS ON THE #3 AND #7 TEE BOXES ON VAIL GOLF COURSE਍ഀ Participants:਍ഀ OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 10/29/2008਍ഀ C/O FINANCE DEPT਍ഀ 75 S FRONTAGE RD਍ഀ VAIL਍ഀ CO 81657਍ഀ APPLICANT VAIL RECREATION DISTRICT਍ഀ C/O SCOTT OCONNELL਍ഀ 700 S FRONTAGE RD E਍ഀ VAIL਍ഀ CO 81657਍ഀ License: 0000001431਍ഀ Project Address: 1778 SUNBURST DR VAIL਍ഀ VAIL GOLF COURSE #3 AND #7 TEE BOXES਍ഀ 10/29/2008 Phone: 970-477-5264਍ഀ Location:਍ഀ Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block: Subdivision: SUNBURST FILING 3਍ഀ Parcel Number: 2101-091-0101-2਍ഀ Comments:਍ഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTION਍ഀ Motion By: DANTAS਍ഀ Second By: DUBOIS਍ഀ Vote: 5-0-0਍ഀ Conditions:਍ഀ Action: APPROVED਍ഀ Date of Approval: 11/07/2008਍ഀ Cond: 8਍ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of਍ഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).਍ഀ Cond: 0਍ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with਍ഀ Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.਍ഀ Cond:201਍ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of਍ഀ approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.਍ഀ Cond: 202਍ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following਍ഀ the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is਍ഀ commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.਍ഀ Planner: RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $0.00਍ഀ Development Review Coordinator਍ഀ Community Development Department਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452਍ഀ web: www.vailgov.com਍ഀ TO VN O s਍ഀ 1~ t਍ഀ Application for Design Review਍ഀ Minor Exterior Alterations਍ഀ General Information:਍ഀ This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as re-਍ഀ roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be਍ഀ reviewed on-line at www.vailgov.com under Vail Information - Town Code On-line. All projects requiring design review਍ഀ must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be਍ഀ accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal਍ഀ requirements. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and਍ഀ construction commences.਍ഀ Fee: $250 for Multi-Family/Commercial਍ഀ $20 for Single Family/Duplex਍ഀ Description of the Request: 1 0 ~.~~~co ~ronol~.~ ko 'Ze.Js-L_ i ~~~:n~~,. o•਍ഀ • f `r ~vXe S 1-l~c~ ksc ic~Q-,~•' z~~ 1" V S ~;i} 4'f਍ഀ r) n V c, l l; s Co L' r SCE਍ഀ Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: U^ 1 1 e&਍ഀ Physical Address:਍ഀ Parcel No.: ~ I o 1 0110101g_ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)਍ഀ Name(s) of Owner(s): N O V਍ഀ Mailing Address:਍ഀ p Owner(s) Signature(s):਍ഀ Name of Applicant:਍ഀ Phone:਍ഀ O'CAAALA kkl਍ഀ Mailing Address:~~਍ഀ V, ` c V ~ 0 6 S-7 Phone: q 7 7- ' t✓ `6਍ഀ E-mail Address: c~c ; n 'v 1 c" , c o Fax: r' tL਍ഀ For Office Us nly:਍ഀ Fee Paid: Check No.: By:਍ഀ O਍ഀ Meeting Date: DRB No.: V96਍ഀ Planner: Project No.: ?W 105਍ഀ VAIL RECREATION਍ഀ D I S T R I C T਍ഀ To: Design Review Board਍ഀ From: Vail Recreation District਍ഀ Date: 10/23/08਍ഀ RE: retaining wall construction project narrative਍ഀ The Vail Recreation District (VRD), working in conjunction with the Town of Vail (TOV) is currently working on plans਍ഀ to replace the existing retaining walls located on the # 3 and # 7 Tee Boxes at the Vail Golf Course.਍ഀ Background:਍ഀ This project is a result of an engineering study conducted by Bourne Engineering firm from Westminster CO. This਍ഀ §tudy was conducted at the request for the TOV to evaluate the Property conditions and provide and analysis for਍ഀ physical needs for the assets owned by the TOV and operated by the VRD. As a result of this study there were਍ഀ several areas with the District that were identified as "life safety" issues. (See attached) The retaining walls on the਍ഀ #3 and #7 tee boxes were 2 areas specifically identified as "life safety" concerns.਍ഀ TOV then contracted Loris and Associates Inc. of Lafayette CO to draft conceptual plans for the #3 and #7 tee box਍ഀ retaining walls including options and pricing. The TOV and VRD agreed on a course of action and the VRD then਍ഀ contracted Loris to provide final design plans and engineering specifications.਍ഀ Purpose:਍ഀ The purpose of this project is to replace the retaining walls identified as "life safety" issues located at the #3 and਍ഀ #7 tee Boxes on the Vail Golf Course. In addition it is our intention to secure and stabilize the hillside on the #7 tee਍ഀ box to prevent additional erosion from occurring.਍ഀ Details:਍ഀ This project will involve excavating, soil nailing (#7 only) and installing MSE walls. We will also be working with਍ഀ local utilities on the # 7 tee box due to a change in elevation of the tee box area. It is our goal to commence work਍ഀ on this project in the spring of 2009 with a 6 to 8 week construction period.਍ഀ Thank you for your time.਍ഀ E਍ഀ Sincerely, AppROVED a THE਍ഀ TOWN OF BOARD਍ഀ f' DESIGN R I਍ഀ Scott F. O'Connell DATE;਍ഀ Building, Facility & Maintenance Manager਍ഀ Vail Recreation District਍ഀ (970) 477-5264਍ഀ soconnell@vailrec.com਍ഀ VAIL RECREATION਍ഀ D I S T R I C T਍ഀ Nordic Operations and Impact਍ഀ The Vail Recreation District (VRD) has held internal discussions with staff to determine possible impacts on the਍ഀ VRD Nordic operations. It was determined that due to the timing of this project, estimated start date on April਍ഀ 1st 2009 and the fact that the irrigation project will also be installed concurrently to this project, that we will਍ഀ not impact the Nordic operations with the Retaining Wall construction project. If weather permits for Nordic਍ഀ operations past April 15Y a track will be provided in and around the driving range however maintenance of the਍ഀ track will be the responsibility of the Vail Nordic Center. Staffing for track maintenance provided by the VRD਍ഀ will cease as of April 1st so that they may prepare areas for the irrigation installation. If you have any਍ഀ questions regarding this document of the intentions of the VRD staff in regards to Nordic operations please਍ഀ contact me and I will be able to address your questions and concerns.਍ഀ Scott F. O'Connell਍ഀ Building, Facility & Maintenance Manager਍ഀ Vail Recreation District਍ഀ (970) 477-5264਍ഀ soconnell@vailrec.com਍ഀ APPROVED BY THE਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL਍ഀ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD਍ഀ DATE: b਍ഀ PLANNER:਍ഀ 0਍ഀ O਍ഀ I .਍ഀ T[i:਍ഀ FM 7 11 08 Depicted here are some images that describe the proposed਍ഀ improvements to the no. 7 tee area. From the plan on the਍ഀ lower left the proposed retaining walls and existing਍ഀ retaining walls can be seen.਍ഀ ° The cross section lower left shows how the grade is਍ഀ lowered on the tee area and the locations of existing and਍ഀ proposed walls਍ഀ Lods and Assode K Inc _਍ഀ NO.਍ഀ P IVA it'd Tf਍ഀ TEE 0਍ഀ GRAPHIC WORK BY਍ഀ FRANK MILTENBERGER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT਍ഀ SHEETI OF 2਍ഀ FM 7 11 08਍ഀ AHUV~tU by I Flt਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL਍ഀ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD਍ഀ DATE: S D Y਍ഀ PLANNER: Llf~਍ഀ 04.0਍ഀ -Existing retaining਍ഀ walls਍ഀ F-0-I਍ഀ LJ਍ഀ all਍ഀ a਍ഀ alto਍ഀ ,਍ഀ There are two existing retaining walls north of tee no.਍ഀ FN_? 14 08 3. The proposed new retaining walls will also have two਍ഀ terraced walls but with a different configuration. Both਍ഀ walls are taller and the top wall is slightly south of the਍ഀ existing wall and creates more flat area for the tee.਍ഀ "There is also more space between the walls with this਍ഀ scheme. Existing trees between walls will need to be਍ഀ removed for this construction.਍ഀ AMMONAL਍ഀ ?E~ WX WIDTH 6'-0'਍ഀ PLANTER Box Cross section of Tee area਍ഀ OEM਍ഀ area਍ഀ Existing retaining਍ഀ walls਍ഀ Proposed lows਍ഀ retaining wall਍ഀ o ~਍ഀ 7਍ഀ E਍ഀ VAIL RECREATION਍ഀ D I S T R I C T਍ഀ Staging and Access਍ഀ The Vail Recreation District Golf operations have specified areas within the Vail Golf Course premise to਍ഀ prepare for the retaining wall project. Below is a brief description as well as overhead photos for the staging਍ഀ and access plan.਍ഀ Tee Box # 3਍ഀ It is proposed that access to the work site begin at the cart path that crosses Vail Valley Drive by the # 3 green਍ഀ and the # 4 tee box. The cart path that connects the # 3 tee box to the # 3 green is the most direct route to਍ഀ the area and provides adequate space for staging material. Material for the wall can be off loaded North of਍ഀ Vail Valley drive. Equipment can be staged / parked both at the material staging area as well as at the work਍ഀ site.਍ഀ r- ee Box # 7਍ഀ It is proposed that access to the work site begin at the cart path that crosses Vail Valley Drive by the # 6 green਍ഀ and the # 7 tee box. The cart path leads directly to the # 7 tee box where material and equipment can be਍ഀ staged. If additional space is needed, material can be staged by the # 6 green.਍ഀ Scott F. O'Connell਍ഀ Building, Facility & Maintenance Manager਍ഀ Vail Recreation District਍ഀ (970) 477-5264਍ഀ soconnell@vailrec.com਍ഀ APPROVED BY THE਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL਍ഀ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD਍ഀ DATE' 1 kl਍ഀ l਍ഀ PLANNER:®..਍ഀ Ela਍ഀ O਍ഀ Im਍ഀ Q਍ഀ a਍ഀ cu਍ഀ Q L਍ഀ Z CL਍ഀ LLI CL਍ഀ (30਍ഀ J਍ഀ a਍ഀ Is= v਍ഀ 40਍ഀ C਍ഀ 40਍ഀ to਍ഀ x਍ഀ r਍ഀ r਍ഀ ois~਍ഀ ~f!਍ഀ e਍ഀ k਍ഀ ~ c਍ഀ ~4c਍ഀ E਍ഀ ~C਍ഀ Hg਍ഀ C਍ഀ c3਍ഀ om.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Ii"਍ഀ Y਍ഀ ਍ഀ X _4਍ഀ f~਍ഀ F਍ഀ 4਍ഀ r ~ 6਍ഀ i਍ഀ A਍ഀ Ar਍ഀ t਍ഀ n਍ഀ a਍ഀ F਍ഀ W਍ഀ r਍ഀ J਍ഀ _਍ഀ ਍ഀ S ~਍ഀ O਍ഀ O਍ഀ N਍ഀ O਍ഀ VAiI RECREATION਍ഀ D I S T R I C T਍ഀ Retai'ni"n਍ഀ Wall,਍ഀ Construction Project਍ഀ November 3rd , 2008਍ഀ Tee Box#3&#7਍ഀ Rosetta Stone Wall presentation਍ഀ u਍ഀ Introduction:਍ഀ he Vail Recreation District (VRD) is currently working on a construction project to replace the retaining walls਍ഀ located on the #3 and #7 tee boxes at the Vail Golf Club. The engineers report includes the use of a product਍ഀ called Rosetta Stone. The purpose of this presentation is to familiarize the VRD board as well as the general਍ഀ public with this product and its application.਍ഀ The Rosetta Stone wall is a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall. It is an engineered system that is both਍ഀ unique and designable. The system feature interlocking components that weigh an average of 220 Ibs per਍ഀ square foot of face. Each stone is made of architectural-grade, precast concrete. They come in a variety of਍ഀ natural stone faces. The color is mold injected which will ensure its beauty through both the exposure to਍ഀ elements and interaction with man-kind.਍ഀ Table of Contents:਍ഀ Title & Description Page #਍ഀ Introduction 1਍ഀ Rosetta Stone Wall 2਍ഀ A photo provided by the manufacturer਍ഀ Existing Retaining Walls on # 7 Tee Box 3਍ഀ Large natural rock formation (south side 1-70) 4਍ഀ highlights colored bands਍ഀ Small natural rock formation (south side 1-70) 5਍ഀ highlights rocks within a wooded environment਍ഀ Natural rock formation (close up) 6਍ഀ highlights vertical and horizontal striations਍ഀ Artistic Rendition of Rosetta Stone Wall on # 3 Tee box 7਍ഀ Artistic Rendition of Rosetta Stone Wall on # 7 Tee box 8਍ഀ Rosetta Stone Wall, Glenwood Springs 9਍ഀ highlights stone wall blending with natural environment਍ഀ Rosetta Stone Wall, Glenwood Springs 10਍ഀ highlights assembly and depth਍ഀ Rosetta Stone Wall, Glenwood Springs 11਍ഀ highlights an individual small block (same as sample provided)਍ഀ Rosetta Stone Wall, Glenwood Springs 12਍ഀ highlights block assembly including small sample਍ഀ ਍ഀ c਍ഀ ਍ഀ 01 F.:਍ഀ ttemove existing਍ഀ steps replaced with਍ഀ new Rosetta steps਍ഀ T ~sMi਍ഀ OF਍ഀ `I proposed for these walls਍ഀ ~ f ~ LoAsandAs~aleles,hw, , ~ ~ s x਍ഀ T,..d, . TEE NO. 3..਍ഀ THE RENOVATIONS਍ഀ OF /AIL਍ഀ DESI=RIEYV BOARD਍ഀ ®arE: o਍ഀ PLANNER: .42-਍ഀ -Proposed retaining਍ഀ walls in dashed lines਍ഀ existing block walls਍ഀ to be removed਍ഀ 1਍ഀ x਍ഀ Tu'r W A izi, r:\INI\G tit' ;\1 IS਍ഀ There are two existing retaining walls north of tee no.਍ഀ Fiw '7 14 08 3. T'he proposed new retaining walls will also have two਍ഀ terraced walls but with at dilTerent configuration. Both਍ഀ walls are taller and the top wall is slightly south of the਍ഀ existing wall and creates more nat area for the tee.਍ഀ There is also more space between the walls with this਍ഀ scheme. Existing trees between walls will need to be਍ഀ rcnto,cd for this construction.਍ഀ ADIXTONAI.਍ഀ TF. -x wrTFI਍ഀ -"I FLA:JTER EIC+}''! Cross -ed„dwn of Tee area਍ഀ ill urea਍ഀ Existing retaining਍ഀ walls਍ഀ ' 4 3 Proposed lower਍ഀ •r„.,਍ഀ ~ retaening wall਍ഀ 1਍ഀ Plan of No. .3 Tee਍ഀ N਍ഀ 0 FEET 20਍ഀ 0 as PHOTOS; Examples of the਍ഀ PLAN SCALE " 14 Rosetta Stone product਍ഀ GRAPHIC VdORK BY਍ഀ FRANK MILTENBERGER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT਍ഀ SHEET 2 OF 2਍ഀ FM71408਍ഀ u U਍ഀ G.Lr ~ ;r਍ഀ L਍ഀ Y r P ~y਍ഀ J਍ഀ a3 U. J Lam„਍ഀ L U 'u r _਍ഀ co਍ഀ r-਍ഀ w਍ഀ U਍ഀ w਍ഀ U LL਍ഀ Q 000਍ഀ W _਍ഀ ¢ LU _਍ഀ j਍ഀ ~਍ഀ =਍ഀ to LL਍ഀ j਍ഀ 44਍ഀ k਍ഀ w਍ഀ ਍ഀ w਍ഀ } a.਍ഀ m਍ഀ e਍ഀ Y਍ഀ x w਍ഀ 'S~਍ഀ ay਍ഀ is਍ഀ f'਍ഀ 1 4v,;_਍ഀ z`a ~pa$਍ഀ ~਍ഀ s਍ഀ 4਍ഀ pegy਍ഀ ~਍ഀ W਍ഀ i਍ഀ H1਍ഀ f~਍ഀ x.:਍ഀ N਍ഀ O਍ഀ s,਍ഀ Air਍ഀ Z,਍ഀ C਍ഀ 0਍ഀ L"਍ഀ ਍ഀ LL਍ഀ Px O਍ഀ -0-਍ഀ ` -਍ഀ S਍ഀ £਍ഀ e~ 3਍ഀ u"i ,4਍ഀ 9yy,,਍ഀ EEL cc਍ഀ 1਍ഀ l਍ഀ 0਍ഀ <਍ഀ 0਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ 0਍ഀ ®਍ഀ ®਍ഀ Z ccLu਍ഀ 0 3..਍ഀ -਍ഀ Z਍ഀ O਍ഀ cc਍ഀ KL਍ഀ < co਍ഀ Z਍ഀ a਍ഀ ®਍ഀ ® a਍ഀ U)਍ഀ 0਍ഀ z਍ഀ w਍ഀ a.਍ഀ U)਍ഀ 0਍ഀ O਍ഀ O਍ഀ 3:਍ഀ z਍ഀ W਍ഀ J਍ഀ C'਍ഀ J਍ഀ J਍ഀ w਍ഀ z਍ഀ O਍ഀ H਍ഀ N਍ഀ H਍ഀ w਍ഀ 0਍ഀ ~ S਍ഀ y ~਍ഀ f਍ഀ W਍ഀ t਍ഀ ` J਍ഀ R' J.=s.'... 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V N ~ ~II~. `°nw.......,.,਍ഀ Y਍ഀ x '਍ഀ tly°ct'' - dip਍ഀ _Nj• I N ``y, ~x..T y'w +w fh ~.w^~.n~. y,,' ~r^ )਍ഀ y'dl /'YN '%1 ~ ..•T~ ,Vw",~°..v w ~ t .HI਍ഀ 40਍ഀ n.: <w WI਍ഀ YA= "਍ഀ e਍ഀ r '਍ഀ ਍ഀ .d਍ഀ 4਍ഀ F, .਍ഀ I o~,਍ഀ W਍ഀ u. _਍ഀ ti਍ഀ wa਍ഀ s਍ഀ - a਍ഀ moo,਍ഀ 4਍ഀ x਍ഀ 1਍ഀ ,4 vrr {਍ഀ y~ 'F਍ഀ :..eKm+, +a ~ ♦ N ~ 4.. ;1'U ~WiIY •W '4t wd bw ~ We਍ഀ ~I^ y.਍ഀ ROSETTA STONE WALL / GLENWOOD SPRINGS / BLOCK ASSEMBLY਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ ROSETTAR HARDSCAPES RETAINING WALL਍ഀ Section 504 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project to include the following:਍ഀ DESCRIPTION਍ഀ 1.01 General. Work includes furnishing and installing concrete retaining wall units and਍ഀ mechanically stabilized backfill to the lines and grades designated on the construction drawings and਍ഀ as specified herein. Modular block concrete retaining wall units shall be manufactured by Rosetta਍ഀ Hardscapes® LLC, 05481 South US-31, Charlevoix, MI 49720, 1-877-777-6558,਍ഀ www.discoverrosetta.com. Denver contact is Scott Zurbrigen, 211 30`h Street, Greeley, CO 80631,਍ഀ 970-351-0270.਍ഀ 1.02 Reference Standards਍ഀ ASTM C33 Concrete Aggregates਍ഀ ASTM C94 Ready-Mixed Concrete਍ഀ ASTM C140 Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Related਍ഀ Units਍ഀ ASTM C1372 Segmental Retaining Wall Units਍ഀ 1.03 Delivery, Storage, and Handling਍ഀ (a) Contractor shall check the materials upon delivery to assure proper material has been਍ഀ received.਍ഀ (b) Contractor shall prevent excessive mud, wet cement and like materials from coming in਍ഀ contact with the SRW units.਍ഀ (c) Contractor shall protect the materials from damage. Damaged material shall not be਍ഀ incorporated in the project.਍ഀ MATERIALS਍ഀ 2.01 Wall Units਍ഀ (a) Wall units shall be Rosetta Hardscapes® as produced by a licensed manufacturer.਍ഀ (b) Wall units shall have Rosetta Hardscapes® block specifications and be made from wet cast਍ഀ concrete in accordance with the following chart:਍ഀ Climate਍ഀ 28 Day Compressive਍ഀ Slump*਍ഀ Min. Concrete਍ഀ (Weathering Regions਍ഀ Air Content਍ഀ Strength਍ഀ (in)਍ഀ Temp. at Placement਍ഀ °਍ഀ per ASTM C33਍ഀ (psi)਍ഀ F਍ഀ Negligible਍ഀ P/2%41/2%਍ഀ 4000਍ഀ 3 to 5਍ഀ 50਍ഀ Moderate਍ഀ 3%-6%਍ഀ 4000਍ഀ 3 to 5਍ഀ 50਍ഀ Severe਍ഀ 41/2%-71/2%਍ഀ 4000਍ഀ 3 to 5਍ഀ 50਍ഀ All Rosetta Hardscapes products shall use frost-free aggregate.਍ഀ *Higher slumps are allowed if achieved by use of appropriate admixtures.਍ഀ Notwithstanding anything stated above, all material used in the wall units must meet applicable਍ഀ ASTM and local requirements for exterior concrete.਍ഀ February 26, 2008਍ഀ -2-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ ROSETTA® HARDSCAPES RETAINING WALL਍ഀ (c) Exterior block dimensions, as measured in accordance with ASTM C 140, shall be uniform਍ഀ and consistent. Maximum dimensional deviations shall be 0.125 inch (3.2 mm) or 2%,਍ഀ whichever is less, excluding the architectural surface. Maximum width (face to back)਍ഀ deviation including the architectural surface shall be 1.0 inch (2.5 cm).਍ഀ (d) Exposed faces shall have a textured finish. Other surfaces to be smooth form type. Dime-਍ഀ size bug holes on the block face may be patched and/or shake-on color stain can be used to਍ഀ blend into the remainder of the block face.਍ഀ (e) Shear heels shall be intact and free from cracks or other defects.਍ഀ (f) Color shall be integral, and match the natural sandstone outcrops within the Town of Vail਍ഀ area. The Contractor shall submit color samples to the Town of Vail for approval.਍ഀ 2.02 Leveling Pad and Free Draining Backfill਍ഀ (a) Leveling pad shall be crushed stone. A drain with gravity outlet shall be placed in the਍ഀ bottom of the stone leveling pad.਍ഀ (b) Free Draining Backfill material shall be washed stone, shall be placed to a minimum of 1਍ഀ foot (0.30 m) width behind the back of the wall, and shall extend vertically from the਍ഀ Leveling Pad to an elevation 4 inches (10.2 cm) below the top of wall.਍ഀ (c) Backfill material shall be approved by the geotechnical engineer. Site excavated soils may਍ഀ be used if approved unless otherwise specified in the drawings. Unsuitable soils with a਍ഀ PI>6, organic soils and frost susceptible soils shall not be used within a 1 to 1 influence area.਍ഀ (d) Non-woven geotextile fabric shall be placed between the back of the Rosetta blocks and the਍ഀ free draining backfill. Additional non-woven geotextile fabric shall be placed between the਍ഀ Free Draining Backfill and retained soil if required in the detailed wall design.਍ഀ (e) Where additional fill is needed, Contractor shall submit sample and specifications to the਍ഀ Engineer for approval.਍ഀ 2.03 Drainage਍ഀ (a) Internal and external drainage shall be evaluated by the Professional Engineer who is਍ഀ responsible for the final wall design.਍ഀ 2.04 Geogrid਍ഀ (a) Geogrid shall be as specified on the plans.਍ഀ CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS਍ഀ 3.01 Test Panel਍ഀ (a) Prior to construction of any retaining walls, the contractor shall construct a test panel਍ഀ utilizing approved color samples. The test panel shall be at least 50 square feet in size, and਍ഀ shall be constructed at a location suitable to the owner. Upon approval of the test panel, the਍ഀ contractor shall utilize the test panel as a basis for future retaining wall work.਍ഀ 3.02 Excavation਍ഀ (a) Contractor shall excavate to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings.਍ഀ 3.03 Foundation Soil Preparation਍ഀ (a) Native foundation soil shall be compacted to 95% of standard proctor or 90% of modified਍ഀ proctor prior to placement of the leveling pad material.਍ഀ -3-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ ROSETTA® HARDSCAPES RETAINING WALL਍ഀ (b) In-situ foundation soil shall be examined by the geotechnical engineer to ensure that the਍ഀ actual foundation soil strength meets or exceeds assumed design strength. Soil not meeting਍ഀ the required strength shall be removed and replaced with acceptable, compacted material.਍ഀ 3.04 Leveling Pad Placement਍ഀ (a) Leveling Pad shall be placed as shown on the construction drawings.਍ഀ (b) Leveling Pad shall be placed on undisturbed native soils or suitable replacements fills as਍ഀ directed by the geotechnical engineer.਍ഀ (c) Leveling Pad shall be compacted to 95% of standard proctor or 90% of modified proctor to਍ഀ ensure a level, hard surface on which to place the first course blocks. Pad shall be਍ഀ constructed to the proper elevation to ensure the final elevation shown on the plans.਍ഀ (d) Leveling Pad shall have a 6 inch (15.2 cm) minimum depth or deeper as designed by the਍ഀ Professional Engineer responsible for the wall. Pad dimensions shall extend beyond the਍ഀ blocks in all directions to a distance at least equal to the depth of the pad or as designed by਍ഀ the Engineer.਍ഀ (e) For steps and pavers, a minimum of 1 to 1 'h inches (2.5 to 3.8 cm) of free draining sand਍ഀ shall be screeded smooth to act as a placement bed for the steps or pavers.਍ഀ 3.05 Unit Installation਍ഀ (a)਍ഀ The first course of wall units shall be placed on the prepared Leveling Pad with the aesthetic਍ഀ surface facing out and the back edges tight together. All units shall be checked for level and਍ഀ alignment as they are placed. Rosetta blocks shall be placed with the back of the blocks਍ഀ offset from the back of wall reference line based on their unit height. A 6 inch (15.2 cm)਍ഀ high Rosetta block shall be offset 4.5 inches (11.4 cm) from the reference line, a 12 inch਍ഀ (30.5 cm) high Rosetta block shall be offset 3 inches (7.6 cm) from the reference line, an 18਍ഀ inch (45.7 cm) high Rosetta block shall be offset 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) from the reference line,਍ഀ and a 24 inch (61.0 cm) high Rosetta block shall be set with the back of the block flush with਍ഀ the reference line.਍ഀ (b)਍ഀ Ensure that units are in full contact with Leveling Pad. Proper care shall be taken to develop਍ഀ straight lines and smooth curves on base course as per wall layout.਍ഀ (c)਍ഀ The backfill in front and back of entire base row shall be placed and compacted to firmly਍ഀ lock them in place. Check all units again for level and alignment. All excess material shall਍ഀ be swept from top of units.਍ഀ (d)਍ഀ Install next course of wall units on top of base row. Position blocks to be offset from seams਍ഀ of blocks below. Blocks shall be placed fully forward so shear heels and back of lower਍ഀ block are engaged. Check each block for proper alignment and level. Backfill to a 12 inch਍ഀ (30.5 cm) width behind the block with Free Draining Backfill. Spread backfill in uniform਍ഀ lifts not exceeding 8 inches (20.3 cm). Employ methods using lightweight compaction਍ഀ equipment that will not disrupt the stability or batter of the wall. Hand-operated plate਍ഀ compaction equipment shall be used around the block and within 3 feet (0.91 m) of the wall਍ഀ to achieve consolidation. Compact backfill to 95% of standard proctor (ASTM D 698,਍ഀ AASHTO T-99) density within 2% of its optimum moisture content.਍ഀ (e)਍ഀ Install each subsequent course in like manner. Repeat procedure to the extent of wall height.਍ഀ (f)਍ഀ Allowable construction tolerance at the wall face is 2 degrees vertically, 3 inch (7.6 cm)਍ഀ maximum, and 1 inch in 10 feet (2.5 cm in 3.05 m) horizontally.਍ഀ (g)਍ഀ All walls shall be installed in accordance with local building codes and requirements.਍ഀ 3.06 Geogrid Installation਍ഀ (a) Geogrid shall be installed per manufacturer's recommendations.਍ഀ -4-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ ROSETTA® HARDSCAPES RETAINING WALL਍ഀ METHOD OF MEASUREMENT਍ഀ 4.01 RosettaO Hardscapes Retaining Walls shall be measured vertically from the bottom of wall਍ഀ elevation to the top of wall elevation, as shown on the plans. The final pay quantity shall਍ഀ include all block units, geogrid, backfill, drainage material, and soil nail construction (if਍ഀ applicable). The final pay quantity shall be the design quantity increased or decreased by਍ഀ any changes authorized by the Engineer.਍ഀ BASISI OF PAYMENT਍ഀ 5.01 Accepted quantities for retaining walls shall be paid for at the contract unit price for the਍ഀ following items:਍ഀ Pay Item Measurement Unit਍ഀ 504 - Rosetta Gravity Wall Square Feet਍ഀ 504 - Rosetta Gravity Wall with Structure Backfill Square Feet਍ഀ 504 - Rosetta MSE Wall Square Feet਍ഀ 504 - Rosetta Faced Soil Nail Wall Square Feet਍ഀ I਍ഀ E਍ഀ i~~y-~ k਍ഀ f~'਍ഀ ਍ഀ , j਍ഀ ਍ഀ •I਍ഀ ~y਍ഀ 1'਍ഀ ..,~}fir:਍ഀ ~ ,਍ഀ -਍ഀ f<਍ഀ ]਍ഀ r y਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ Y਍ഀ ~ `਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ A਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ਍ഀ Y ~਍ഀ r ~ ~਍ഀ ਍ഀ 1 S•- ~ y~~y਍ഀ p ~ ~ ? ~ S਍ഀ X10" ~d਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~J~਍ഀ a i-.਍ഀ ~਍ഀ £਍ഀ 1਍ഀ ~਍ഀ Fi.਍ഀ 7਍ഀ ~ ~.r.: ~_x..਍ഀ d~' 'Y;਍ഀ ~ S~'਍ഀ 1 x + ~਍ഀ ~ -਍ഀ rY ~ ~ yry 1 Flt ~ ~ ~ }t'਍ഀ e਍ഀ -u ~ ~y਍ഀ ~ ~_Y.:_1a .t਍ഀ i-਍ഀ r਍ഀ t x਍ഀ a਍ഀ r਍ഀ K਍ഀ Y t-਍ഀ ~t਍ഀ t i਍ഀ i਍ഀ ~ Y ~ F 2਍ഀ da. '਍ഀ tt F~I1Ir W lei਍ഀ t AN ° `o਍ഀ k਍ഀ i਍ഀ 140-਍ഀ 5~. Me- NOT -਍ഀ I਍ഀ au, i਍ഀ v਍ഀ ~T h 11 j 161, ~,iryN~1~ My~਍ഀ r,਍ഀ 177਍ഀ _ e F .ms' ~auk~_kls.a, Ixl,y7. III਍ഀ E T਍ഀ h਍ഀ k v਍ഀ N$k>i਍ഀ m r7~'~਍ഀ 31d਍ഀ rr~~~਍ഀ fs v7਍ഀ P ~k IIr਍ഀ ^ T਍ഀ mo~ ON, -A-tll "Ic-T 4- 40"਍ഀ -FIE -਍ഀ }਍ഀ or਍ഀ d lye਍ഀ a Yr $਍ഀ .1~਍ഀ m *dY਍ഀ ਍ഀ pig਍ഀ t਍ഀ b਍ഀ C਍ഀ r਍ഀ w Grp ( S 1਍ഀ r, W਍ഀ 1਍ഀ A਍ഀ 11' '1hlli P~਍ഀ I~ - I਍ഀ rc~ k t'਍ഀ R਍ഀ ~3 rl਍ഀ ~rj wE ~਍ഀ 117਍ഀ x p਍ഀ V ~+~I ~ III ~ k ~ 'dl1਍ഀ Jv਍ഀ hl~l ~ III ~L, r ,਍ഀ F ti~b, r 1਍ഀ I਍ഀ la I਍ഀ V਍ഀ 11 I਍ഀ III^' rl '਍ഀ ` I I਍ഀ lrhl਍ഀ ~ r~Wku ~Illullil'Nl~lllml' ~`F਍ഀ EI Rrow਍ഀ r ~਍ഀ -਍ഀ qq਍ഀ G Z•` ~V #ri~ I-IF਍ഀ I਍ഀ ~j਍ഀ lif਍ഀ ~ ate,਍ഀ o਍ഀ S਍ഀ 11਍ഀ 'II਍ഀ 1਍ഀ L਍ഀ y ~਍ഀ Omm਍ഀ L.਍ഀ r਍ഀ e਍ഀ i਍ഀ I਍ഀ I.f I਍ഀ LM਍ഀ a਍ഀ 1਍ഀ f਍ഀ UTILITY APPROVAL R VERIFICATION਍ഀ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed unity services, and also to਍ഀ verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction will preparing your utility plan and਍ഀ scheduft installations. A site plan, including grad rN plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities਍ഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE tMUTY਍ഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comrnents within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail.਍ഀ Developer to ftvW /e LotAdtkvm Information: 1/p U~ ~W L V V tom'਍ഀ Lot AddressA -7 IS c-K SubdM dam. CWPLAZI&Pt Lot#•਍ഀ Authorized Skinmrs਍ഀ comments਍ഀ Daft਍ഀ QWESr਍ഀ 970਍ഀ 468਍ഀ 6860(tel)਍ഀ -r਍ഀ 3 x਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ t਍ഀ wit U-਍ഀ 970.46&0672(fax)਍ഀ 41 [ u CcIW-i NG਍ഀ Contacts: Sam Tooley਍ഀ Z` ~.„fZLt਍ഀ m਍ഀ XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS਍ഀ 970.262-4076 (tell)਍ഀ 970.468.1401 (fax)਍ഀ Contact; Rich Sistxros਍ഀ HOLY ClWSS ENERGY਍ഀ 970.947.5471 (ten਍ഀ 970.945.4081 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: Diana Gois਍ഀ XCEL Energy਍ഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)਍ഀ 970.262.4024 (tell)਍ഀ Contacts:਍ഀ Kit Bogert਍ഀ to L t fa਍ഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &਍ഀ ATION DISTRICT਍ഀ 970.476.7480 (tel)਍ഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: Fred Haslee਍ഀ COMCAST CABLE਍ഀ 970.418.8248 (ten਍ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: David Evans਍ഀ michael johnsono0cable.corricast.corn਍ഀ HOTEL਍ഀ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no c(xnments are made directly਍ഀ on the form, or no action is taken wbdn 2 weeks of the Utility's receipt of the form without expianadon the Town will presume਍ഀ that there are-no problems and the development can proceed.਍ഀ 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note dsecUy on the utility਍ഀ venk3bon form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue stmuld then be detailed it an attached Letter to the਍ഀ Town of Val. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve਍ഀ identified problems.਍ഀ 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of਍ഀ Public Wanks at the Town of Vail. &Wft locations r be abbiried before dioawrli in any public right-af-way or easement਍ഀ s~c>,ar a r.਍ഀ within the Town of Vail. A buildiia Mod is not a Pub6e War permit and aarst be obtakied਍ഀ 4. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if the਍ഀ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized sigrradre date (urdess otherwise speaficaly noted within the comment਍ഀ area of this form).਍ഀ Developer's Signature Date਍ഀ F.%cdev'FORM%PenniWPlanningIDMUtft Approvai_08-28-07.dm਍ഀ MLITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION਍ഀ rnlift~•਍ഀ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to਍ഀ verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in cor&ncti in with preparing your utility plan and਍ഀ scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading Man, floor plan, and elevations, 40 be submitted to the following utilities਍ഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY਍ഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Val.਍ഀ Developer to P.ra}h4eeLot Address crnformab VA. LL-Gv~►-fa` Colic r&਍ഀ Lot Address "vt' J y t x Subdivision: y 1U Q tT-r6b Lt*.,਍ഀ Authorized SkumA a਍ഀ Comments਍ഀ Date਍ഀ QWEST਍ഀ 970.468.6860(t>el)਍ഀ .਍ഀ z--਍ഀ d of਍ഀ t਍ഀ Contacts: Sam਍ഀ Contacts: Sam T਍ഀ sammmkYowmNam-m r਍ഀ j਍ഀ r04਍ഀ ,਍ഀ ਍ഀ =਍ഀ XCEL HIGH PARE GAS਍ഀ -਍ഀ 970.262.4076 (ten਍ഀ 970.468.1401 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: Rich Sisrneros਍ഀ HOLY CROSS EItE11tGy਍ഀ 970.947.5471 (ten਍ഀ 970-945-4081 (fax)਍ഀ Contact. Diana Golis਍ഀ d I'਍ഀ XCEL EnerW਍ഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)਍ഀ 970.262.4024 (ten਍ഀ Contacts:਍ഀ Kit Bogert਍ഀ corn਍ഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &਍ഀ SANITATION DISTRICT਍ഀ 970.476.7480 (ten਍ഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: Fred Haslee਍ഀ CONCAST CABLE਍ഀ 970.418.8248 (tel)਍ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)਍ഀ i਍ഀ Contact: David Evans਍ഀ michael ' rson0ceNe.caruast com਍ഀ NOTES:਍ഀ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly਍ഀ on the form, or no action is taken within 2 weeks of the UtiRo rte of the farm without explanation the Town will presume਍ഀ that there are no problems and the development can proceed.਍ഀ 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall nee directly on the utility਍ഀ verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should Then be detailed in an attached letter to the਍ഀ Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve਍ഀ identified problem.਍ഀ 3. These verifications do not relieve the contrrattor of the responsbility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of਍ഀ Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utdit hmadans must Ire abb bled behm dieaino in any public right-of-way or easement਍ഀ within the Town of Vail. • loin permilt is nort a ahk pernd ' and rarest be obtdned seoaratdv.਍ഀ 4. The Developer is required and agrem to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if the਍ഀ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment਍ഀ area of this form).਍ഀ Developer's Signature Date਍ഀ F:lcdev%FORMS\PermisiPiannng\DRBIUtiGty Approval_08-28-07.doc਍ഀ 1t71PX0:'~਍ഀ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION਍ഀ This ferm Sere to verify that the proposed improvements MR not impact any existing or verify service availability and location far new const:nxilon and should be used in proposed utility services, and also to਍ഀ scheduling installations. A site plan, itching grading plain, floor ptan, and a oconjuraw wth your an਍ഀ rs st ~ utility and਍ഀ for approval and verftabon. PLEASE ALLOW LP To 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR CCM INI MS FROthe M~THE~ IrLiTV਍ഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments v tin that Dindrarne please contact The Town of Vall.਍ഀ Developer toPmvNetotAd rewDWomebWi: 1਍ഀ Lot Addrea3: Subdivision,਍ഀ Sam Tooley਍ഀ XCEL KEW PREssrjRF਍ഀ 970.262.4076 (te!)਍ഀ 970-468.1401 (fax)਍ഀ Contact Rich Sisnems਍ഀ HOLY CROSS E1416W਍ഀ 970.947.5471(td)਍ഀ 970.945.4081 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: Diana Goes਍ഀ XCEL Enww-਍ഀ 970.262.4038 (fart)਍ഀ 970.262.4o24 (teI)਍ഀ ,Conti:਍ഀ Kit Bogert਍ഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &਍ഀ SAN1TAMN DISTRICT਍ഀ 970:476.7480 (te!)਍ഀ 970.476.4089 (fans)਍ഀ Contact: Fred Haslee਍ഀ 00.418.8248 (tel)਍ഀ )70.94%91M (fax)਍ഀ Xaa(t. David Finns਍ഀ 4r਍ഀ G~ce'r~.t 7, 3. `R*਍ഀ t~hidEfer~a► 7b gam,਍ഀ ?CT 13਍ഀ CA$f- I਍ഀ I. If the uti ity 4WO.W & n Mka#w form has 99natr,ress from each Of the utiiity companies, and no aornnents are made diri਍ഀ on the form, or no aabion is liken within 2 wed of the LO W% naoeipt of the loan without *nation਍ഀ that there are no problems and the developriwk can proceed. ° the Town will press਍ഀ 2. if a unity company has concerns witr, the proposed oonmuZon, the uWy rqxamitative shag note਍ഀ verification form that there is a PmblOn Wdc h needs to be resolved The issue sthoutd tthen be detailed n an a *ectty the u,਍ഀ oonttached to਍ഀ id Vail.਍ഀ , dose keep in mind that it is the resporribiiity of the uMty company and the applicant to res,਍ഀ eriffileil problems.਍ഀ 3. These vmf}c ations do not i elim the cw&actor of the qty to obtain a Pubic Way Permit from the਍ഀ Public Works at the Town of VaI. UM NNW in NW Mbk llepa merti਍ഀ within the Town of Vail. oern~t b ant a Wav --j - r~ d - a easem਍ഀ 4. The Develow Is required and agrees to subna any revised d to the utilities for wappiva submitted Plans are altered in any way a1h r the authorized signature date (w*w otherwise sped ~dihr A ~witlwh the r nrtm਍ഀ Of਍ഀ Devebper's S*abn਍ഀ Date਍ഀ 1ACC18~ 0RM3tPwrnitsiPlarmirp{pRg~ gPPro+d_N-n-o7.doc਍ഀ ROsS਍ഀ 0 cc਍ഀ yg ssO-6?਍ഀ October 9, 2008਍ഀ Mr. Scott O'Connell਍ഀ Vail Recreation District਍ഀ Building, Facility and Maintenance਍ഀ Dear Mr. O'Connell:਍ഀ 3799 HIGHV AY 82 - P.O. BOX 2150਍ഀ GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81602਍ഀ (970) 945-5491 • FAX {979) 945-4081਍ഀ This letter is in response for construction of the Vail Golf Club requesting Holy Cross Energy sign off on਍ഀ the utility approval and verification form for the construction of two new retaining walls that will be਍ഀ located at tee box #3 and tee box #7.਍ഀ After reviewing the site plan and visiting the two locations, we do not believe there will be any conflict at਍ഀ tee box #3. We do have some underground and overhead power lines within the area of tee box #7, but਍ഀ believe they will be outside of the construction area where you are planning to build the wall.਍ഀ Holy Cross Energy does require that before any excavating is done within a construction site that all਍ഀ utilities will be located by an underground locator to verify the exact location of the buried underground਍ഀ power lines,਍ഀ 1 have enclosed a systems map showing the location of our underground and overhead power lines within਍ഀ your construction area, which you may find helpful for your construction design purposes.਍ഀ If you have any questions concerning our existing underground power lines associated with the਍ഀ construction of this project, please contact our engineering department.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGY਍ഀ t਍ഀ Bob Saathoff,਍ഀ Engineering Department਍ഀ bsaathofP@holycross.com਍ഀ (970) 947-5401਍ഀ BS:vw਍ഀ Enclosure਍ഀ saathort\o'connell਍ഀ A Touchstone Energy Cooperative ?01111-਍ഀ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION਍ഀ 11}A'N{1FY਍ഀ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any eAsting or proposed utility services, and also to਍ഀ verify service availability and location far new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and਍ഀ scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities਍ഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY਍ഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail.਍ഀ Developer to Proiride Lot Address Information;਍ഀ Lot Addresses: Subdivision: Lot#:਍ഀ Authorized Signature਍ഀ Comments਍ഀ Date਍ഀ QWEST਍ഀ 970.468.6860(tel)਍ഀ 970.468.0672(fax)਍ഀ Contacts: Sam Tooley਍ഀ XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS਍ഀ 970.262.4076 (tel)਍ഀ 970.468.1401 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: Rich Siisneros਍ഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGY਍ഀ ਍ഀ 970.947.5471(tel)਍ഀ t਍ഀ f p਍ഀ 970.945.4081(fax)਍ഀ ? 07਍ഀ Contact: Diana Golis਍ഀ d9labebiwa਍ഀ XCEL Energy਍ഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)਍ഀ 9770.262.4024 (tel)਍ഀ Contacts:਍ഀ IQt Bogert਍ഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &਍ഀ SANITATION DISTRICT਍ഀ 970.476.7480 (tel)਍ഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: Fred Hadee਍ഀ th਍ഀ COMCASrT CABLE਍ഀ 970.418.8248 (tel)਍ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)਍ഀ Contact; David Evans਍ഀ michai ohnson@eable.comcast.com਍ഀ 5-cis਍ഀ NOTE਍ഀ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly਍ഀ on the farm, or no action is taken within 2 weeks of the utility's receipt of the form without explanation the Town will presume਍ഀ that there are no problems and the development can proceed.਍ഀ 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility਍ഀ verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the਍ഀ Town of Vail. However, please keep In mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve਍ഀ identified problems.਍ഀ 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of਍ഀ Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before diaaina in any public right-of-way or easement਍ഀ within the Town of Vail. A building RgMit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained separatrely਍ഀ 4w The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if the਍ഀ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise spedtically noted within the comment਍ഀ area of this form).਍ഀ Developer`s Signature Date਍ഀ F:lcdevlFORMS1PermitslPlanninglDRBlUtility Approval 08-28-07.doc਍ഀ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION਍ഀ Zrl~ivt>Fi,31r.'਍ഀ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services,. and also to਍ഀ verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and਍ഀ scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities਍ഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY਍ഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail.਍ഀ Developer to Provide Lot Address Information:਍ഀ Lot Address: Subdivision: Lot#:਍ഀ Authored Signature਍ഀ Comments਍ഀ Date਍ഀ 97R 4466&6660(tel)਍ഀ 970.468.0672(fax)਍ഀ Contacts: Sam Tooley਍ഀ XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS਍ഀ 970.262.4076 (tel)਍ഀ 970.468.1401 (fax)਍ഀ Contact Rich Sisneros਍ഀ ri਍ഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGY਍ഀ X17 ~~C਍ഀ 970.947.5471(tel)਍ഀ 970.945.4081 (fax)਍ഀ ਍ഀ 1 C7਍ഀ Contact Diana Lolls਍ഀ d&JMhgbMMXtMM਍ഀ XCEL Energy਍ഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)਍ഀ 970.262.4024 (tel)਍ഀ Contacts.਍ഀ Kit Bogert਍ഀ Y. CDM਍ഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &਍ഀ SANITATION DISTRICT਍ഀ 970.476.7480 (tel)਍ഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: Fred Haslee਍ഀ ftmAdICAMMUM਍ഀ COMCAST CABLE਍ഀ 970.418.8248 (tel)਍ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)਍ഀ Contact David Evans਍ഀ imichae(johnson@cable.comcast.com਍ഀ 3 - ~਍ഀ mgm:਍ഀ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly਍ഀ on the form, or no action is take within 2 weeks of the Ubyity's receipt of the form without explanation the Town will presume਍ഀ that there are no problems and the development can proceed.਍ഀ 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility਍ഀ verification form that there Is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the਍ഀ Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it Is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve਍ഀ identified problems.਍ഀ 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of਍ഀ Public Works at the Town of Vail. t1dift locabons must be obtained Itgfore digging in any public right-of-way or easement਍ഀ within the Town of Vail. A building Permit is not a PubIic Wav Permit and must be obtained separately.਍ഀ 4. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if the਍ഀ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment਍ഀ area of this form).਍ഀ Developer's Signature Date਍ഀ F:1cde,AFORMS1PermitslPlanninglDRB%Utility Approvai_08-28-07.doc਍ഀ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION਍ഀ 1Utlftf f11L '਍ഀ This form serves to verify drat the proposed tniprovetnents will rat irnPact any exisWV or proposed utility services, and also to਍ഀ verify service availability and location for new construction and should be, used in oo*nctlait with preparing your uttRy plan and਍ഀ scheduling installaWns. A site plan, including grading plan, fear An and devatiDra, shalt be submkl ed to the following utilities਍ഀ for approval and ver"lon. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEM FOR APPROVAL OR COMMt4M'S FROM THE UTILITY਍ഀ COMPANIES- if you are unable to obtain comments within that klmeframe please contact The Town of Val.਍ഀ Devdfoper to PmvM a LatAddre r kiAil t " r਍ഀ LotAddre59t4f'3-fCE?DiL- StjbMvIsion: TAlt-'tULF ~ot#:਍ഀ Authorized Signatuhb਍ഀ Co Monte਍ഀ Date਍ഀ QNtt*.ST਍ഀ 970.46&6860(td)਍ഀ 970.466.0672(fa)਍ഀ contacts: Sam Tooley਍ഀ XCEL M6`H PRESSURE ,;AS਍ഀ 970.262 4076 (td)਍ഀ 970.46111401 (fag)਍ഀ Contact: am sisineros਍ഀ r c਍ഀ HOLY CROSS MERr3Y਍ഀ 970.947.5471(tef)਍ഀ 970.945.4091 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: Diana Gals਍ഀ XCEL Energy਍ഀ r਍ഀ _਍ഀ /r?Q਍ഀ 970.262.4035 (fax)਍ഀ 970,262-4024 (tel)਍ഀ Contacts:਍ഀ 10t Bogert਍ഀ EAGLE RIM WATER &਍ഀ SANITATION DISTRICT਍ഀ 970.476.74W (fe!}਍ഀ 970.476.4069 (fat)਍ഀ Contact: Fred Haslee਍ഀ compSt CABLE਍ഀ 970.410.924B (td)਍ഀ 970.9499138 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: Davld Evanns਍ഀ rWxhaet .mmmst wnt਍ഀ NQM਍ഀ 11. if the utility approval & vertfio aloe form has slgnatures from each of the U ft companies, and no UMPeuts are made directly਍ഀ on the form, or no action is taken wifi 2 weeks of the MWs r'ece" of the form M tout agpt melon the Town will presume਍ഀ that there are no prot►terris and the deweloprnent can proceed.਍ഀ 2. V a utility company has concerns with the proposed awWm f2-% the u dk rePaentatfve site! note directly on the utility਍ഀ venru ation form that tliae is a problem which needs to be resoMA The issue ahauld then be detaled In an attached letter to the਍ഀ Town of Vail. However, please keep m mind that it is the resp risibillity or the utility company and the appttcamt to resolve਍ഀ identified probkrns.਍ഀ 3. These verifications do not rest ve the contrad or or the respornblidy to obtain a Pubic Way Permit from the Department of਍ഀ PuNk Works at the Town of Val. IBM low mwt be obbined bmftm efiaaea in any pd)bc ru~ht.h f-rat/ or easement਍ഀ within the Tumor Vail. A buMrm permit b Not a਍ഀ 4. The DevekiW is ►eWired and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & te-verification k the਍ഀ subnrdted pons are attered in any way after the autlwdzed mature date (wdm otlm was spea6caglr ranted within the comment਍ഀ area of this farm).਍ഀ Developer's Slgnature Date਍ഀ F:lcdov*ORMSIPerrnirslP7ah nODRmtJtWAMOVaLM26-07.don਍ഀ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION਍ഀ i911f0I਍ഀ This form serves bD verify that the proposed improvements will not Impact any coasting or proposed unity services, and also to਍ഀ verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and਍ഀ scheduling instaftt M. A site plan, including graft plan, Clod' pion, and elevation shall be s Awittei to the following utilities਍ഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WFM FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY਍ഀ COMPANMFS. If you are unable to obtain comments within that dmelrame please contact The Town of Val.਍ഀ Developer to Provide L01 AddMa ZOWWM&ffbm' /਍ഀ Lot Address; ~ tt 1 E Gre 'b07- Subdivision: YA I L E ~OL.F਍ഀ Authoril<ed Slgr►attrre਍ഀ Comments਍ഀ Date਍ഀ QWEST਍ഀ 970.468.6eWtel)਍ഀ 970.46&0672Mx)਍ഀ Contacts: Sam Tooley਍ഀ XC'EL H= PRESSURE GAS਍ഀ 970.262.4076਍ഀ 970.468-1401(fax)਍ഀ Contact: Rk h Slsnim਍ഀ richar਍ഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGY਍ഀ 970.947.5471 (11111)਍ഀ 970.945.4081 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: Dian Goes਍ഀ 970.262 gift)਍ഀ d~਍ഀ "b Ret+LNllw - `਍ഀ 970.262.4024 (WO਍ഀ Contacts:਍ഀ K'a Bogert਍ഀ it਍ഀ EAGLE RIM WATER &਍ഀ SANITATION DISTRICT਍ഀ 970.476.7480 (tel)l਍ഀ 070.476.1109(W਍ഀ Contact: Fred Haslee਍ഀ MOM਍ഀ COMCAST CABLE਍ഀ 970.416.8248 (W)਍ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: David Evans਍ഀ michae .corncastcom਍ഀ 11. If the UhRy approval & verification form has signaxuxes from each of the utility anwa hies, and no comments are made directly਍ഀ on the form, or no action is talren vd in 2 weeks of the L "Ws remlpt of the form without explanation the Town wAI presume਍ഀ that there are no problems and the development can proceed.਍ഀ 2. If a utifdy company has concerns with ft proposed constitution, the uWy representative shoji note mrecdy on the utility਍ഀ verification form that there is a problem which nee& bo be MOW. The Ir,'sue Should then be detailed in an attached letter to the਍ഀ Town of VaIL Howem, please keep irk mind that it Is the nrsporWbft of the udft company and the applicant to resolve਍ഀ identiied problems..਍ഀ 3. Time ve meaum do not relieve the contractor of the resparrsEnllty► to obtain a k4*c Way Pernut (ran the Department of਍ഀ Public Wbft at the Town of VA Wft locatiara meat be obtained in any ptrbtie right-of-way or easement਍ഀ within the Tovm of Vail. A buitdbm Is nol: i Padillic f ttgMR and gnat be obtakied fit.਍ഀ 4. The Developer H required and agrees to submit arW revised drawitgs ail! the ubTilres for re-approval & re-verification If the਍ഀ submitted plats are aftered In any way after the authorized.Viahxe date (unless othetwtte SpecillItalir noted withn the comment਍ഀ area of this form).਍ഀ Developers Skinaiture਍ഀ F:lcd,AFORMSftnrmis{PW"ODRBNRtRyRppr" 06-2"7.doc਍ഀ late਍ഀ 110, VAL UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION਍ഀ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to਍ഀ verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and਍ഀ scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities਍ഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITY਍ഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail.਍ഀ Developer to Provide Lot Address Information:਍ഀ Lot Address: NW C -6N Subdivision: t. ~ Lot#:-1C-Q-Q-਍ഀ Authorized Slgnature਍ഀ Comments਍ഀ Date਍ഀ QWEST਍ഀ 970.468.6860(tel)਍ഀ 970.468.0672(fax)਍ഀ Contacts: Sam Tooley਍ഀ samu I.toole west. om਍ഀ XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS਍ഀ 970.262.4076 (tel)਍ഀ 970.468.1401 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: Rich Sisneros਍ഀ richard.sis eros xcelener .com਍ഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGY਍ഀ 970.947.5471 (tel)਍ഀ 970.945.4081 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: Diana Golis਍ഀ d olis hol cross.com਍ഀ XCEL Energy਍ഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)਍ഀ 970.262.4024 (tel)਍ഀ Contacts:਍ഀ Kit Bogert਍ഀ Kath n ert XCELE ERGY.com਍ഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &਍ഀ SANITATION DISTRICT਍ഀ 970.476.7480 (tel)਍ഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)਍ഀ - ~਍ഀ ਍ഀ 11/਍ഀ Contact: Fred Haslee਍ഀ fhaslee erwsd.or਍ഀ COMCAST CABLE਍ഀ 970.418.8248 (tel)਍ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)਍ഀ Contact: David Evans਍ഀ michaeljohnson@c2ble.comcast.com਍ഀ NOTES:਍ഀ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly਍ഀ on the form, or no action is taken within 2 weeks of the Utility's receipt of the form without explanation the Town will presume਍ഀ that there are no problems and the development can proceed.਍ഀ 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility਍ഀ verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the਍ഀ Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve਍ഀ identified problems.਍ഀ 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of਍ഀ Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or easement਍ഀ within the Town of Vail. A building oenmit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained seoarately.਍ഀ 4. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if the਍ഀ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment਍ഀ area of this form).਍ഀ Developer's Signature਍ഀ F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\Utility Approval_08-28-07.doc਍ഀ Date਍ഀ UTIMY APPROVAL & VERIFNATIO N਍ഀ ]~Ql00-i-i Thi਍ഀ s form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impart any esdX" or proposed utility services, and also to਍ഀ verify service "ability and location for new construction and stu-auid be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and਍ഀ scheduling irSI:aIFations. A site plan, includrng grading plan, row 31an, avid elevations, shall be submitted to the Following utilities਍ഀ fix approval and vwft tiorL PLEASE ALLOW M TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR "WITS FROM THE UTILITY਍ഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within ttiat timeframe please contact The Town of W.਍ഀ QeYplVW to PrO"e Lot Address Informabon:਍ഀ Lot Address- rM 6W.X Subs h"Jon: Lot#: r ~਍ഀ ►taGt5, Sm Tooley਍ഀ EL !1M PRESSIRE 1਍ഀ L2fr2. M (td)਍ഀ 1.469.1443 (W਍ഀ 1Ca= Rkh Sbrie ss਍ഀ 1.947.%% (t*਍ഀ 1.96.4m (fait)਍ഀ its Mena Gois਍ഀ isababoaffiAM਍ഀ EL EneW਍ഀ l.2ti7 4m (fair)਍ഀ I.M14124 (tM਍ഀ a=਍ഀ 90919t਍ഀ RERNMWAMS਍ഀ WFATIQIti OlSTUCT਍ഀ I.Q6.74M (tom਍ഀ I.4764Qila9 (foot)਍ഀ itach Fred tree਍ഀ McAST CASE਍ഀ gas'- sv"਍ഀ t+P09'- &004-਍ഀ Mct: David Evans਍ഀ )litter਍ഀ L If the ut*W approval & motion tirm has signatures fro each at the utlky wrnpanIm and no comments are made direcUy਍ഀ on the forr% or no action Is taken within 2 weeks of the Ubtitys receipt of the form w 4mmit agilanatiorr the Town will presume਍ഀ that thane are no problen and the development can proceed.਍ഀ 2. If a utility company has conwiis w1h the proposed col on, the Utility represslative 90 note dr8ctly on the unity਍ഀ verification form that there Is a ptobiem which needs to be resolva . The asm guild then be detailed in an attached letter to the਍ഀ Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve਍ഀ identified problems.਍ഀ I These venfications do not relieve the contractor of the resporabifity to obtain a Pubic Way Perm from Ow Department of਍ഀ RibiC Works at the Town of Vall. oft Mcatims must be In any p Mc r*t-of-way or easement਍ഀ within the Tom or Vall. A, na Peryilit is not a PWAc tiler ansnnit and must be attained seoaratdir.਍ഀ 4. The Developer is requred and agrees to submit tiny revrtod drawbp to the utilities for re-approval & rtwerification if the਍ഀ sobnYttCd plans are altered In any way after the authorized signature date (u *ss othewise specify noted widen the comment਍ഀ area of this fonm).਍ഀ Devetopeft Signatune Date਍ഀ F:kd %*OR ASWerrriltsY DRB1UMyAppmval W2&b7.doe਍ഀ UTILM APPROVAL & VERIFICATION਍ഀ i pl-"- This form serer to verify treat the proposed i mprovewats vAl not impact any exiOng or proposed salty services, and also to਍ഀ verify service availability and locaborn for new cww0u0An anti shard be used in tonytrnotiwl with preparing your Wily plan and਍ഀ sdhedu&V iraquabons. A slke plan, induding 9edn9 plan, fI&x plan, and elevations, shall be subywmd to the foWng utilities਍ഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WHOM FOR APPROVAL OR C0?*4E iTS FROM THE IMUTY਍ഀ COPWAtrilES. If you are unarm to obtain corrrrwrrs wNhin that timefrarne please contact The Town of Vail.਍ഀ Devdgw to aravMe Lot Ad*ws InfbrrrraMn਍ഀ LotAddress- ~ ` Subdhrlslon; Loth: A 3਍ഀ Authorized Sionatm Camnronta Nate਍ഀ Sam Tooley਍ഀ XIML MM PREISRW GAS਍ഀ 97Q.262AON (tel)਍ഀ 97&46U401 (fax)਍ഀ contact Rich Saleros਍ഀ .mm਍ഀ HOLY CRCI SS EP1151 1t਍ഀ 970 WStn (belj਍ഀ 7a-945-40111(f"਍ഀ Contact: DkM Geis਍ഀ X= Energy਍ഀ 9",W.4= plot}਍ഀ 970262.4024 (ten਍ഀ Contacts:਍ഀ Kit Bogert਍ഀ EA E RMEII MIATER Bt਍ഀ SPMATMINI L1ZbTR=਍ഀ .476.7490 (ben਍ഀ 970476.4069 (farm)਍ഀ ContaM Fred Hadee਍ഀ CAKE਍ഀ _(td) 97a-o -sY3਍ഀ 3-4਍ഀ NOTES: I਍ഀ L If the utility approval & verification form has aWtaaues fiom each of the udity companies, and no mrtrnents are made directly਍ഀ on the faint, or no action is tali wlthn 2 vm ft of the 414X r receipt of the form witfaut oplatabont the Town vAl presume਍ഀ that Rave are no problems and the development an proceed.਍ഀ 2. If a utility company has concerns w th the proposed construction, the utrXty repre tive shag note dreary an the utility਍ഀ verification forth that there is a prabiem which needs to be rt ,owed- The issue shoW then be detailed in an attached letter to the਍ഀ Town of Val. However, !lease keep in mind fiat It is the responsibility of the udky company and the applicant to resolve਍ഀ identified problems.਍ഀ 3. Them verify do not rdleve the conhwtor of the fesporsi(>Aly to obtain a Public War Perrmit from ft Departrtrerrt of਍ഀ Public Waits at the Town of Val. UtaflHky-fncadew roust be obtained befese dia~irm tan any public right-at way or easement਍ഀ w thin the Tawn of Va0 A br dOm permit isEre! a Pubticgn ggmd snd aunt be obt mkwd਍ഀ 4. The DcvdDper is required and agrees to submit any revised dra mings to the ub'lties for re-approval & re-verttkation if the਍ഀ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (tortess otherwise specifically noted w Uw the comment਍ഀ area of this form).਍ഀ oevelope's Signature Date਍ഀ F:vaaeviFORMS%PermibVlam.gWRIMUO ryAppovvl 08-28-07.doc਍ഀ L 0 R 1 S਍ഀ Lorls and Aasodatra, Inc.਍ഀ 2686 Traiirldee OrNe East਍ഀ LaNyeft. Wamdo OW26਍ഀ T. 303.4441473਍ഀ F: 303.444.0611਍ഀ www.lor%AndA8S0C 4tes.com਍ഀ Mastering the Art of਍ഀ Engineering Structures਍ഀ and Wrasimctnrec਍ഀ October 31, 2008਍ഀ Mr. Scott O'Connell਍ഀ Vail Recreation District਍ഀ 700 South Front Range Road East਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ Reference: Vail Golf Club਍ഀ Retaining Walls #3 & #7਍ഀ Statement of Design Compliance਍ഀ Dear Scott:਍ഀ With regard to the above referenced project, to the best of our knowledge, all design਍ഀ work has been completed in accordance with the latest building code requirements.਍ഀ Among these requirements, the Factor of Safety with respect to the various਍ഀ potential global stability failure. mechanisms (sliding, overturning and bearing਍ഀ capacity) is greater than or equal to 1.5.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ The Office of਍ഀ Loris and Associates, Inc.਍ഀ Dan Beltzer, P.E.਍ഀ Project Manager਍ഀ L 0 R I S਍ഀ Loral WW wsaoaiatrs, tnc.਍ഀ 25M TtsWidge Ddw East਍ഀ Lafayeae, ( 0wado 60026਍ഀ T'. 303.444:2073਍ഀ F: 303.444.0611਍ഀ vwrw. LaNArxIAaeodatea.com਍ഀ October 31, 2008਍ഀ Mr. Scott O'Connell਍ഀ Vail Recreation District਍ഀ 700 South Front Range Road East਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ Reference: Vail Golf Club਍ഀ Retaining Walls #3 & #7਍ഀ Statement of Disturbance Acreage਍ഀ Dear Scott:਍ഀ The approximate limits of disturbances are shown on the plans. At Tee Box #3 and਍ഀ #7, we calculate the approximate disturbance areas to be 0.13 and 0.17 acres,਍ഀ respectively.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ The Office of਍ഀ Loris and Associates, Inc.਍ഀ ae~~ ;04_~਍ഀ Mo, A , ing tM Art of਍ഀ Engineering Stractures਍ഀ and Inlrpstrnetures਍ഀ Dan Beltzer, P.E.਍ഀ Project Manager਍ഀ NGINEERINa"਍ഀ Performance Reborn਍ഀ September 18, 2006਍ഀ VIA EMAIL AND MAIL਍ഀ Mr. Mike Ortiz਍ഀ Vail Recreation District਍ഀ 700 South Frontage Road East਍ഀ Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ Email: mortiz@vailrec.com਍ഀ Re: Golf Course - Bridges at Holes 11 & 17; Retaining Walls at Holes 3 & 7; Golf Course਍ഀ Maintenance Facility, Vail Recreation District, Vail, Colorado਍ഀ Project No.: 06162-934਍ഀ Dear Mike:਍ഀ We visited the site on September 12 and 13, 2006 to perform a property condition assessment਍ഀ of the facilities operated by the Vail Recreation District. As a part of the assessment we visited਍ഀ both the golf course and the golf course maintenance facility. During the site visit, the਍ഀ following issues were observed.਍ഀ 1. The heavy timber planking on the bridges at holes 11 and 17 on the golf course are਍ഀ severely deteriorated and exhibited excessive deflection as maintenance equipment਍ഀ crossed the bridge. The timber planking on both bridges shall be removed and replaced਍ഀ at the close of the golf course.਍ഀ 2. The mechanically stabilized earth retaining wall supporting the tee box for hole 3 is਍ഀ exhibiting signs of excessive lateral movement at the west end of the upper tier and਍ഀ overturning at the east end of the upper tier. The area above the upper tier shall be਍ഀ marked to prevent foot traffic at or near the top of the wall until such time that the਍ഀ upper tier of the retaining wall can be removed and rebuilt with the proper geogrid਍ഀ reinforcement installed to prevent future movement.਍ഀ 3. The mechanically stabilized earth retaining wall supporting the tee box for hole 7 is਍ഀ exhibiting signs of overturning at the west end of the upper tier. The flagstone path਍ഀ shall be marked to prevent foot or cart traffic at or near the wall until such time that the਍ഀ upper tier of the retaining wall can be removed and rebuilt with the proper geogrid਍ഀ reinforcement installed to prevent future movement.਍ഀ 4. The storage facility at the golf course maintenance facility is exhibiting severe damage,਍ഀ distress and movement at several locations. The center of rear concrete wall is cracked਍ഀ and displaced near the bottom of the wall approximately 1". The double tee roof਍ഀ structure at the center of the facility has been displaced so that only 1" of bearing਍ഀ Vail Recreation District਍ഀ remains for the webs of the double tee roof on the webs of the wall double tees. This਍ഀ will produce an excessive amount of stress on the webs of the wall tees and can lead to਍ഀ premature failure. The roof structure in the west bay of the facility is severely਍ഀ deteriorated as evidenced by the deflected roof tee flange and the cracking in the flange਍ഀ due to the rusting of the flange steel reinforcement. The facility shall be cleared of all਍ഀ items until a time that the referenced life safety issues are addressed. This may include਍ഀ the dismantling of the facility.਍ഀ All comments made are based on conditions seen at the time of this visual observation. We do not਍ഀ accept any responsibility for unknown or unknowable conditions within the existing site or਍ഀ structures.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ .40 1-1.਍ഀ S਍ഀ . 4਍ഀ 77 OA਍ഀ Neil L. Mek਍ഀ Director of਍ഀ NLM:JF:nlm਍ഀ H:\2006\06162 Vail Recreation Distrld\934 Property Condition Eval\Docs\Lffe Safety Letter - 09-18-2U06.doc਍ഀ Bornengineering Page 2 of 2 06162-934਍ഀ Property Gondidon Evaluation Vail Recreation Dist-rid਍ഀ Effective Useful Life: Varies.਍ഀ Quantity(s):਍ഀ • Timber - 70 linear feet.਍ഀ • MSE - 265 linear feet.਍ഀ Action/Cost(s):਍ഀ • Remove and replace the timber retaining walls in 2008. Estimated cost: $5,000.਍ഀ D44. 1St Tee Box Retaining Wall਍ഀ Location(s): I' hole.਍ഀ Description: Flagstone retaining walls.਍ഀ Condition: Appeared to be in satisfactory਍ഀ condition.਍ഀ Age: 6 to 10 years.਍ഀ Expected Useful Life: 25+ years with maintenance.਍ഀ Effective Useful Life: 15 years.਍ഀ Quantity(s): 140 linear feet.਍ഀ Action/Cost(s):਍ഀ • Rebuild the flag stone retaining walls at the 1 st hole in 2021. Estimated cost:਍ഀ $10,000.਍ഀ D45. 2nd Green/3rd Tee Box Retaining਍ഀ Wall਍ഀ Location(s): 3rd tee box.਍ഀ Description: The multi-tiered retaining wall is਍ഀ constructed with MSE blocks.਍ഀ Condition: The upper tier is exhibiting਍ഀ indications of lateral movement / overturning at the middle of the wall, east end and਍ഀ west end of the wall. Water staining on the face of the wall indicates moisture਍ഀ movement from the backfill through the wall.਍ഀ Age: 11 years.਍ഀ Bornengineering Page 103 06162-934਍ഀ Property Condition EvaluatICOD਍ഀ Expected Useful Life:਍ഀ • Lower tier - 20 years.਍ഀ • Upper tier - 2 years.਍ഀ Effective Useful Life:਍ഀ • Lower tier - 20 years.਍ഀ • Upper tier - 1 year.਍ഀ Quantity(s): 320 linear feet.਍ഀ Jail Recreation Di3LricE਍ഀ Action/Cost(s):਍ഀ • Immediately rope off the area 6'-0" from the upper edge of the wall. Remove and਍ഀ replace the upper tier of the retaining wall in 2007. Estimated cost: $25,000.਍ഀ • The lower life of the lower tier should exceed the life of this Assessment.਍ഀ D46. 5t" Hole Retaining Wall਍ഀ Location(s): 5ti, tee box.਍ഀ Description: The single tiered retaining wall is਍ഀ constructed with MSE blocks and is਍ഀ approximately 48-inhces high at its tallest point਍ഀ on the east end.਍ഀ Condition: The east end of the retaining wall is failing as evidenced by lateral਍ഀ movement.਍ഀ Age: Unknown.਍ഀ Expected Useful Life: 20+ years.਍ഀ Effective Useful Life: 5 years.਍ഀ Quantity(s): 290 linear feet.਍ഀ Action/Cost(s):਍ഀ • Remove and replace the retaining wall in 2010. Estimated cost: $25,000.਍ഀ Bomengineering Page 104 06162-934਍ഀ F)-operij, Oup7didor. Evalsiabrxt਍ഀ ®47. 7th Tee Box Retaining Wall਍ഀ Location(s): 7th tee box.਍ഀ Description:਍ഀ • The multi-tiered retaining wall is constructed਍ഀ with MSE blocks that appear to be Keystone਍ഀ Standard blocks.਍ഀ • There is a section of timber retaining wall਍ഀ west of the tee box, adjacent to the house.਍ഀ Condition:਍ഀ • The upper tier is exhibiting signs of਍ഀ overturning at the west end. The east end of਍ഀ the retaining wall is in good condition.਍ഀ • We were informed the lower tier is showing਍ഀ signs of leaning on the east end.਍ഀ • The timber retaining walls are in poor਍ഀ condition.਍ഀ Age:਍ഀ • MSE retaining walls - 11 years.਍ഀ • Timber retaining wall - 20+ years.਍ഀ Expected Useful Life:਍ഀ • Lower tier - 20 years.਍ഀ • Upper tier - 2 years.਍ഀ • Timber wall - 20 to 22 years.਍ഀ Effective Useful Life:਍ഀ • Lower tier - 20 years.਍ഀ • Upper tier - 1 year.਍ഀ • Timber wall - 0 years.਍ഀ Quantity(s):਍ഀ • MSE walls - 425 linear feet.਍ഀ • Timber wall - 65 linear feet.਍ഀ Vail Perreatirin Disbici਍ഀ Action/Cost(s):਍ഀ • As indicated in our September 18, 2006 life safety letter, the flagstone path shall਍ഀ be marked to prevent foot or cart traffic at or near the wall until such time that਍ഀ the upper tier of the retaining wall can be removed and rebuilt with the proper਍ഀ geogrid reinforcement installed to prevent future movement. Remove and਍ഀ replace the upper tier in 2007. Estimated cost: $20,000.਍ഀ • Replace the leaning portion of the lower tier on the east end. This will also require਍ഀ asphalt path and tree removal and replacement in 2007. Estimated cost: $22,500.਍ഀ • Remove and replace the timber retaining wall in 2007. Estimated cost: $7,500.਍ഀ Bornengineering Page 105 06162-934਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ Section 504 is hereby revised for this project to include the following:਍ഀ DESCRIPTION਍ഀ 1.01 Description. The Work shall consist of constructing permanent soil nail retaining walls as specified਍ഀ herein and shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment required਍ഀ for completing the Work. The Contractor shall select the method of excavation, drilling method and਍ഀ equipment, final drillhole diameter(s), and grouting procedures to meet the performance requirements਍ഀ specified herein.਍ഀ Soil nailing work shall include excavating in accordance with the staged lifts shown in the Plans; drilling਍ഀ soil nail drillholes to the specified minimum length and orientation indicated on the Plans; providing,਍ഀ placing and grouting the encapsulated or epoxy coated nail bar tendons into the drillholes; placing਍ഀ drainage elements; placing shotcrete reinforcement; applying shotcrete facing over the reinforcement;਍ഀ attaching bearing plates and nuts; performing nail testing; and installing instrumentation. Shotcrete facing਍ഀ and wall drainage construction is covered by the Shotcrete Facing and Wall Drainage Specification.਍ഀ The term "Soil Nail" as used in these specifications is intended as a generic term and refers to a਍ഀ reinforcing bar grouted into a drilled hole installed in any type of ground. Soil nail walls are built from਍ഀ the top down in existing ground.਍ഀ Soil and rock properties, strength parameters, partial safety factors or load and resistance factors, design਍ഀ requirements and other criteria are shown on the Plans. In addition to the subsurface information਍ഀ presented in the Plan, Geotechnical Report(s) titled "Subsurface Exploration Program Geotechnical਍ഀ Recommendations vail Golf Club Improvements, by Ground Engineering, Job Number 07-3801) is also਍ഀ available to bidders and can be obtained from Vail Recreation District.਍ഀ Where the imperative mood is used within this Specification for conciseness, "the Contractor shall" is਍ഀ implied.਍ഀ 1.02 Soil Nail Contractor's Experience Requirements and Submittal. The soil nailing Contractor਍ഀ shall submit a project reference list verifying the successful construction completion of at least 3਍ഀ permanent soil nail retaining wall projects during the past 3 years totaling at least 10,000 square feet of਍ഀ wall face area and at least 500 permanent soil nails. A brief description of each project with the Owner's਍ഀ name and current phone number shall be included.਍ഀ A Registered Professional Engineer employed by the soil nailing Contractor and having experience in the਍ഀ construction of permanent soil nail retaining walls on at least 3 completed projects over the past 3 years਍ഀ shall supervise the Work. The on-site supervisor and drill rig operators shall have experience installing਍ഀ permanent soil nails on at least 3 projects over the past 3 years. The Contractor shall not use consultants਍ഀ or manufacturer's representatives to satisfy the requirements of this section.਍ഀ At least 30 calendar days before starting the wall, the soil nail Contractor shall submit 5 copies of the਍ഀ completed project reference list and a list identifying the supervising Engineer, drill rig operators, and on਍ഀ site supervisors assigned to the project. The personnel list shall contain a summary of each individual's਍ഀ experience and be complete enough for the Engineer to determine whether each individual satisfies the਍ഀ required qualifications. The Engineer will approve or reject the Contractor's qualifications within 15਍ഀ calendar days after receipt of a complete submission. Work shall not be started nor materials ordered਍ഀ until the Engineer's written approval of the Contractor's qualifications is given.਍ഀ -2-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ The Engineer may suspend the Work if the Contractor uses non-approved personnel. If work is਍ഀ suspended, the Contractor shall be fully liable for all resulting costs and no adjustment in contract time਍ഀ will result from the suspension.਍ഀ 1.03 Construction Site Survey. Before bidding the Work, the Contractor shall review the available਍ഀ subsurface information and visit the site to assess the site geometry, equipment access conditions, and਍ഀ location of existing structures and above ground facilities.਍ഀ The Contractor is responsible for field locating and verifying the location of all utilities shown on the਍ഀ Plans prior to starting the Work. Maintain uninterrupted service for those utilities designated to remain in਍ഀ service throughout the Work. Notify the Engineer of any utility location different from shown on the਍ഀ plans that may require nail relocations or wall design modification. Subject to the Engineer's approval,਍ഀ additional cost to the Contractor due to nail relocations and/or wall design modifications resulting from਍ഀ utility locations different from shown on the Plans, will be paid as Extra Work.਍ഀ Prior to start of any wall construction activity, the Contractor and Engineer shall jointly inspect the site to਍ഀ observe and document the pre-construction condition of the site, existing structures and facilities. During਍ഀ construction, the Contractor shall observe the conditions above the soil nail wall on a daily basis for signs਍ഀ of ground movement in the vicinity of the wall. Immediately notify the Engineer if signs of movements਍ഀ such as new cracks in structures, increased size of old cracks or separation of joints in structures,਍ഀ foundations, streets or paved and unpaved surfaces are observed. If the Engineer determines that the਍ഀ movements exceed those anticipated for typical soil nail wall construction and require corrective action,਍ഀ the Contractor shall take corrective actions necessary to stop the movement or perform repairs. When due਍ഀ to the Contractor's methods or operations or failure to follow the specified/approved construction਍ഀ sequence, as determined by the Engineer, the costs of providing corrective actions will be borne by the਍ഀ Contractor. When due to differing site conditions, as determined by the Engineer, the costs of providing਍ഀ corrective actions will be paid as Extra Work.਍ഀ 1.04 Construction Submittals. Upon approval of the soil nailing Contractor's qualifications submittal਍ഀ set forth in Section 1.1, submit 5 copies of the following information, in writing, to the Engineer for਍ഀ review and approval. Provide submittal item numbers (a) through (a)4 at least 15 calendar days prior to਍ഀ initiating the nail wall construction and submittal items (b) through (g) at least 15 calendar days prior to਍ഀ start of nail installation or incorporation of the respective materials into the Work:਍ഀ (a) The proposed start date and proposed detailed wall construction sequence including:਍ഀ Plan describing how surface water will be diverted, controlled and disposed of਍ഀ 2. Proposed methods and equipment for excavating the soil and/or rock to the staged excavation਍ഀ lifts indicated in the Plans, including the proposed grade elevations for each excavation lift਍ഀ shown on a wall elevation view.਍ഀ Measures to ensure wall and slope stability during various stages of wall construction and਍ഀ excavation where discontinuous rows of nails will be installed (if applicable); information on਍ഀ space requirements for installation equipment; temporary shoring plans (if applicable);਍ഀ information on provisions for working in the proximity of underground facilities or utilities਍ഀ (if applicable).਍ഀ -3-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ 4. Proposed nail drilling methods and equipment including drillhole diameter proposed to਍ഀ achieve the specified pullout resistance values and any variation of these along the wall਍ഀ alignment.਍ഀ (b) Nail grout mix design including:਍ഀ 1. Type of Portland cement.਍ഀ 2. Aggregate source and gradation.਍ഀ 3. Proportions of mix by weight and water-cement ratio.਍ഀ 4. Manufacturer, brand name and technical literature for proposed admixtures.਍ഀ 5. Compressive strength test results (per AASHTO T106/ASTM C109) supplied by a qualified਍ഀ independent testing lab verifying the specified minimum 3 and 28-day grout compressive਍ഀ strengths. Previous test results for the proposed grout mix completed within one year of the਍ഀ start of grouting may be submitted for initial verification and acceptance of the required਍ഀ compressive strengths and start of production work.਍ഀ (c) Proposed nail grout placement procedures and equipment.਍ഀ (d) Proposed nail testing methods and equipment setup including:਍ഀ 1. Details of the jacking frame and appurtenant bracing.਍ഀ 2. Details showing methods of isolating test nails during shotcrete application (i.e., methods to਍ഀ prevent bonding of the soil nail bar and the shotcrete facing during testing).਍ഀ 3. Details showing methods of providing the temporary unbonded length and of grouting the਍ഀ temporary unbonded length of test nails after completion of testing.਍ഀ 4. Equipment list.਍ഀ (e) Identification number and certified calibration records for each test jack and pressure gauge and਍ഀ load cell to be used. Jack and pressure gauge shall be calibrated as a unit. Calibration records shall਍ഀ include the date tested, device identification number, and the calibration test results and shall be਍ഀ certified for an accuracy of at least 2 percent of the applied certification loads by a qualified਍ഀ independent testing laboratory within 90 days prior to submittal.਍ഀ (f) Manufacturer Certificates of Compliance for the soil nail centralizers, epoxy coating or਍ഀ encapsulation.਍ഀ (g) Detailed preliminary action plan for precluding disruption of buried utilities where identified on the਍ഀ plans or in the geotechnical report.਍ഀ The Engineer will approve or reject the Contractor's submittals within 15 calendar days after਍ഀ receipt of a complete submission. The Contractor will not be allowed to begin wall construction or਍ഀ incorporate materials into the work until the submittal requirements are satisfied and found਍ഀ acceptable to the Engineer. Changes or deviations from the approved submittals must be re-਍ഀ submitted for approval. No adjustments in contract time will be allowed due to incomplete਍ഀ submittals.਍ഀ Upon delivery of nail bars and soil nail bar couplers (if allowed) to the project site, provide਍ഀ Certified mill test results for nail bars and couplers from each heat specifying the ultimate strength,਍ഀ yield strength, elongation and composition.਍ഀ -4-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ 1.05 Pre-Construction Meeting. A pre-construction meeting will be scheduled by the Engineer and held਍ഀ prior to the start of wall construction. The Engineer, prime Contractor, soil nail specialty Contractor and਍ഀ geotechnical instrumentation specialist (if applicable) shall attend the meeting. The excavation਍ഀ Contractor, shotcreting Contractor and survey Contractor, if different than the prime or soil nail specialty਍ഀ Contractor, shall also attend. Attendance is mandatory. The pre-construction meeting will be conducted਍ഀ to clarify the construction requirements for the work, to coordinate the construction schedule and਍ഀ activities, and to identify contractual relationships and delineation of responsibilities amongst the prime਍ഀ Contractor and the various Subcontractors - particularly those pertaining to wall excavation, nail਍ഀ installation and testing, excavation and wall alignment survey control, and shotcrete and CIP facing਍ഀ construction. Soil nail wall construction requires excavation in staged lifts and excavation in the vicinity਍ഀ of the wall face requires special care and effort compared to general earthwork excavation. The਍ഀ Contractor should take this into account during bidding and should consult the Wall Excavation and਍ഀ Measurement/Payment Sections of this Specification for details.਍ഀ MATERIALS਍ഀ 2.01 Materials. Furnish materials new and without defects. Remove defective materials from the job਍ഀ site at no additional cost. Materials for soil nail structures shall consist of the following:਍ഀ (a) Solid Bar Nail Tendons: AASHTO M31/ASTM A615, Grade 60 or 75, ASTM A722 for Grade਍ഀ 150. Deformed bar, continuous without splices or welds, new, straight, undamaged, bare or epoxy਍ഀ coated or encapsulated as shown on the Plans. Threaded a minimum of 6 inches on the wall਍ഀ anchorage and to allow proper attachment of bearing plate and nut. Threading may be continuous਍ഀ spiral deformed ribbing provided by the bar deformations (e.g. continuous threadbars) or may be਍ഀ cut into a reinforcing bar. If threads are cut into a reinforcing bar, provide the next larger bar਍ഀ number designation from that shown on the Plans, at no additional cost.਍ഀ (b) Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating: ASTM A775. Minimum 0.01 inch thickness electrostatically਍ഀ applied. Bend test requirements are waived. Coating at the wall anchorage end of epoxy coated਍ഀ bars may be omitted over the length provided for threading the nut against the bearing plate.਍ഀ (c) Encapsulation: Minimum 0.04 inch thick corrugated HDPE tube conforming to AASHTO M252਍ഀ or corrugated PVC tube confirming to ASTM D1784, Class 13464-B. Encapsulation shall provide਍ഀ at least 0.2 inch of grout cover over the nail bar and be resistant to ultra violet light degradation,਍ഀ normal handling stresses, and grouting pressures. Factory fabrication of the encapsulation is਍ഀ preferred. Upon the Engineers approval, the encapsulation may be field fabricated if done in strict਍ഀ accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.਍ഀ (d) Centralizers: Manufactured from Schedule 40 PVC pipe or tube, steel or other material not਍ഀ detrimental to the nail steel (wood shall not be used); securely attached to the nail bar; sized to਍ഀ position the nail bar within 1 inch of the center of the drillhole; sized to allow tremie pipe insertion਍ഀ to the bottom of the drillhole; and sized to allow grout to freely flow up the drillhole.਍ഀ (e) Nail Grout: Neat cement or sand/cement mixture with a minimum 3-day compressive strength of਍ഀ 1500 psi and a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi per AASHTO T106/ASTM਍ഀ C109.਍ഀ (f) Admixtures: AASHTO M194/ASTM C494. Admixtures which control bleed, improve flowability,਍ഀ reduce water content and retard set may be used in the grout subject to review and acceptance by਍ഀ the Engineer. Accelerators are not permitted. Expansive admixtures may only be used in grout਍ഀ -5-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ used for filling sealed encapsulations. Admixtures shall be compatible with the grout and mixed in਍ഀ accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.਍ഀ (g) Cement: AASHTO M85/ASTM C150, Type I, II, 111, or V.਍ഀ (h) Fine Aggregate: AASHTO M6/ASTM C33.਍ഀ (i) Film Protection: Polyethylene film per AASHTO M171.਍ഀ (j) Bar Couplers: Bar couplers shall develop the full ultimate tensile strength of the bar as certified by਍ഀ the manufacturer.਍ഀ 2.02 Materials Handling And Storage. Store cement to prevent moisture degradation and partial਍ഀ hydration. Do not use cement that has become caked or lumpy. Store aggregates so that segregation and਍ഀ inclusion of foreign materials are prevented. Do not use the bottom 6 inches of aggregate piles in contact਍ഀ with the ground.਍ഀ Store steel reinforcement on supports to keep the steel from contacting the ground. Damage to the nail਍ഀ steel as a result of abrasion, cuts, nicks, welds, and weld splatter shall be cause for rejection. Do not਍ഀ ground welding leads to nail bars. Protect nail steel from dirt, rust, and other deleterious substances prior਍ഀ to installation. Heavy corrosion or pitting of nails shall be cause for rejection. Light rust that has not਍ഀ resulted in pitting is acceptable. Place protective wrap over anchorage end of nail bar to which bearing਍ഀ plate and nut will be attached to protect during handling, installation, grouting and shotcreting.਍ഀ Do not move or transport encapsulated nails until the encapsulation grout has reached sufficient strength਍ഀ to resist damage during handling. Handle encapsulated nails in a manner that will prevent large਍ഀ deflections, distortions or damage. Repair encapsulated nails that are damaged or defective in accordance਍ഀ with the manufacturer's recommendations or remove them from the site.਍ഀ Handle and store epoxy coated bars in a way that will prevent them from being damaged beyond what is਍ഀ permitted by ASTM 3963. Repair damaged epoxy coating in accordance with ASTM A775 and the਍ഀ coater's recommendations using an epoxy field repair kit approved by the epoxy manufacturer. Repaired਍ഀ areas shall have a minimum 0.01 inch coating thickness.਍ഀ CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS਍ഀ 3.01 Site Drainage Control. Provide positive control and discharge of all surface water that will affect਍ഀ construction of the soil nail retaining wall. Maintain all pipes or conduits used to control surface water਍ഀ during construction. Repair damage caused by surface water at no additional cost. Upon substantial਍ഀ completion of the wall, remove surface water control pipes or conduits from the site. Alternatively, with਍ഀ the approval of the Engineer, pipes or conduits that are left in place, may be fully grouted and abandoned਍ഀ or left in a way that protects the structure and all adjacent facilities from migration of fines through the਍ഀ pipe or conduit and potential ground loss.਍ഀ The regional groundwater table is anticipated to be below the level of the wall excavation based on the਍ഀ results of the geotechnical site investigation. Localized areas of perched water or seepage may be਍ഀ encountered during excavation at the interface of geologic units or from localized groundwater seepage਍ഀ areas.਍ഀ -6-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ Immediately contact the Engineer if unanticipated existing subsurface drainage structures are discovered਍ഀ during excavation. Suspend work in these areas until remedial measures meeting the Engineer's approval਍ഀ are implemented. Capture surface water runoff flows and flows from existing subsurface drainage਍ഀ structures independently of the wall drainage network and convey them to an outfall structure or storm਍ഀ sewer, as approved by the Engineer. Cost of remedial measures required to capture and dispose of water਍ഀ resulting from encountering unanticipated subsurface drainage structures will be paid for as Extra Work.਍ഀ 3.02 Excavation. Coordinate the work and the excavation so the soil nail wall is safely constructed.਍ഀ Perform the wall construction and excavation sequence in accordance with the Plans and approved਍ഀ submittals. No excavations steeper than those specified herein or shown on the Plans will be made above਍ഀ or below the soil nail wall without written approval of the Engineer.਍ഀ (a) Excavation and Wall Alignment Survey Control. Unless specified otherwise, the Engineer will਍ഀ provide survey reference and control points at or offset along the top of wall alignment at਍ഀ approximate 30 foot intervals prior to starting wall excavation. The Contractor will then be਍ഀ responsible for providing the necessary survey and alignment Control during excavation of each਍ഀ lift, locating and drilling each drillhole within the allowable tolerances and for performing the wall਍ഀ excavation and nail installation in a manner which will allow for constructing the shotcrete਍ഀ construction facing to the specified minimum thickness and such that the finish CIP structural਍ഀ facing or masonry facing can be constructed to the specified minimum thickness and to the line and਍ഀ grade indicated in the Plans. Where the as-built location of the front face of the shotcrete exceeds਍ഀ the allowable tolerance from the wall control line shown on the Plans, the Contractor will be਍ഀ responsible for determining and bearing the cost of remedial measures necessary to provide proper਍ഀ attachment of nail head bearing plate connections and satisfactory placement of the final facing, as਍ഀ called for on the Plans.਍ഀ (b) General Roadway Excavation. Complete clearing, grubbing, grading and excavation above and਍ഀ behind the wall before commencing wall excavation. Do not over excavate the original ground਍ഀ behind the wall or at the ends of the wall, beyond the limits shown on the Plans. Do not perform਍ഀ general roadway excavation that will affect the soil nail wall until wall construction starts.਍ഀ Roadway excavation shall be coordinated with the soil nailing work and the excavation shall਍ഀ proceed from the top down in a horizontal staged excavation lift sequence with the ground level for਍ഀ each lift excavated. No more than mid-height between adjacent nail rows, as illustrated on the਍ഀ Plans. Do not excavate the full height to the final wall alignment as shown on the Plans but਍ഀ maintain a working bench of native material to serve as a platform for the drilling equipment. The਍ഀ bench shall be wide enough to provide a safe working area for the drill equipment and workers.਍ഀ Perform rock blasting within 200 feet of the soil nail wall using controlled blasting techniques਍ഀ designed by a qualified blasting consultant or a Professional Engineer registed in the State of਍ഀ Colorado. Blasting shall not damaged completed soil nail work or disrupt the remaining ground to਍ഀ be soil nailed or shotcreted. Repair damaged areas at no additional cost.਍ഀ (c) Soil Nail Wall Structure Excavations. Structure excavation in the vicinity of the wall face will਍ഀ require special care and effort compared to general earthwork excavation. The Excavation਍ഀ Contractor should take this into account during bidding. Due to the close coordination required਍ഀ between the soil nail Contractor and the excavation Contractor, the excavation Contractor shall਍ഀ perform the structure excavation for the soil nail wall under the direction of the soil nail specialty਍ഀ Contractor. The structure excavation pay limits are shown on the Plans.਍ഀ -7-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ Excavate to the final wall face using procedures that: (1) prevent over excavation; (2) prevent਍ഀ ground loss, swelling, air slaking, or loosening; (3) prevent loss of support for completed portions਍ഀ of the wall; (4) prevent loss of soil moisture at the face; and (5) and prevent ground freezing. Costs਍ഀ associated with additional thickness of shotcrete or concrete or other remedial measures required਍ഀ due to irregularities in the cut face, excavation overbreak or inadvertent over excavation, shall be਍ഀ borne by the Contractor.਍ഀ The exposed unsupported final excavation face cut height shall not exceed the vertical nail spacing਍ഀ plus the required reinforcing lap or the short-term stand-up height of the ground, whichever is less.਍ഀ Complete excavation to the final wall excavation line and application of the shotcrete in the same਍ഀ work shift unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Application of the shotcrete may be delayed਍ഀ up to 24 hours if the Contractor can show that the delay will not adversely affect the excavation਍ഀ face stability. A polyethylene film over the face of the excavation may reduce degradation of the਍ഀ cut face caused by changes in moisture. Damage to existing structures or structures included in the਍ഀ Work shall be repaired and paid by the Contractor where approval is granted for the extended face਍ഀ exposure period.਍ഀ At the Contractor's option, during each excavation lift, nails may be drilled and installed through a਍ഀ temporary stabilizing berm. Purpose of the stabilizing berm is to prevent or minimize instability or਍ഀ sloughing of the final excavation face due to ground conditions and/or drilling action. The਍ഀ stabilizing berm geometry (if used) shall be such that the top of berm extends horizontally out from਍ഀ the bottom front face of the overlying shotcrete a distance of 1 foot and cut down from that point to਍ഀ the base grade for that excavation lift at a slope not steeper than 1 H:1 V. The Contractor may use a਍ഀ different berm geometry, upon satisfactory demonstration that the different geometry provides਍ഀ satisfactory performance. Following the installation of nails in that lift, excavate the temporary਍ഀ stabilizing berm to the final wall face excavation line and clean the final excavation face of all loose਍ഀ materials, mud, rebound and other foreign matter which could prevent or reduce shotcrete bond.਍ഀ Ensure that installed nails and corrosion protection are not damaged during excavation of the਍ഀ stabilizing berm. Repair or replace nails or corrosion protection damaged or disturbed during਍ഀ excavation of the stabilizing berm, to the Engineer's satisfaction, at no additional cost. Do not਍ഀ excavate the stabilizing berm until the nail grout has aged for at least 24 hours. Remove hardened਍ഀ nail grout protruding from the final wall excavation line more than 2 inches in a manner that਍ഀ prevents fracturing the grout at the nail head. Sledge hammer removal of the grout is not allowed.਍ഀ The use of hand held rock chippers is acceptable provided their use does not damage or disturb the਍ഀ remaining grout at the nail head, the nail bar or corrosion protection. Alternative excavation and਍ഀ soil nail installation methods that meet these objectives may be submitted to the Engineer for਍ഀ review in accordance with the Submittals section.਍ഀ Excavation to the next lift shall not proceed until nail installation, reinforced shotcrete placement,਍ഀ attachment of bearing plates and nuts and nail testing has been completed and accepted in the਍ഀ current lift. Nail grout and shotcrete shall have cured for at least 72 hours or attained at least their਍ഀ specified 3-day compressive strength before excavating the next underlying lift. Excavating the਍ഀ next lift in less than 72 hours will only be allowed if the Contractor submits compressive strength਍ഀ test results, for test performed by a qualified independent testing lab, verifying that the nail grout਍ഀ and shotcrete mixes being used will provide the specified 3-day compressive strength in the lesser਍ഀ time.਍ഀ Notify the Engineer immediately if raveling or local instability of the final wall face excavation਍ഀ occurs. Unstable areas shall be temporarily stabilized by means of buttressing the exposed face਍ഀ -8-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ with an extra berm or other methods. Suspend work in unstable areas until remedial measures are਍ഀ developed.਍ഀ Where necessary for stability of the excavation face, the Contractor shall have the option of placing਍ഀ a sealing layer (flashcoat) of unreinforced shotcrete or steel fiber reinforced shotcrete, drilling and਍ഀ grouting of nails through a temporary stabilizing berm of native soil, or of constructing a miropile਍ഀ stabilization wall to protect and stabilize the face of the excavation per Section 3.02(c) Wall਍ഀ Structure Excavation. The contractor shall make a reasonable effort to construct the proposed soil਍ഀ nail walls by means of staged excavation in accordance with these specifications. The contractor਍ഀ shall request authorization from the engineer prior to proceeding with construction of face਍ഀ stabilization. Face stabilization construction shall not be paid for separately, but shall be considered਍ഀ incidental to the work. All material and workmanship for face stabilization shall be in accordance਍ഀ with these specifications.਍ഀ (d) Wall Discontinuities. Where the Contractor's excavation and installation methods result in a਍ഀ discontinuous wall along any nail row, the ends of the constructed wall section shall extend beyond਍ഀ the ends of the next lower excavation lift by at least 10 feet. Slopes at these discontinuities shall be਍ഀ constructed to prevent sloughing or failure of the temporary slopes. If sections of the wall are to be਍ഀ constructed at different times, prevent sloughing or failure of the temporary slopes at the end of਍ഀ each section.਍ഀ (e) Excavation Face Protrusions, Voids or Obstructions. Remove all or portions of cobbles, boulders,਍ഀ rubble or other subsurface obstructions encountered at the wall final excavation face which will਍ഀ protrude into the design shotcrete facing. Determine method of removal of face protrusions,਍ഀ including method to safely secure remnant pieces left behind the excavation face and for promptly਍ഀ backfilling voids resulting from removal of protrusions extending behind the excavation face.਍ഀ Notify the Engineer of the proposed method(s) for removal of face protrusions at least 24 hours਍ഀ prior to beginning removal. Voids overbreak or over-excavation beyond the plan wall excavation਍ഀ line resulting from the removal of face protrusions or excavation operations shall be backfilled with਍ഀ shotcrete or concrete, as approved by the Engineer. Removal of face protrusions and backfilling of਍ഀ voids or over-excavation is considered incidental to the work. Cost due to removal of unanticipated਍ഀ man-made obstructions will be paid as Extra Work.਍ഀ 3.03 Nail Installation. Determine the required drillhole diameter(s), drilling method, grout composition਍ഀ and installation method necessary to achieve the nail pullout resistance(s) specified herein or on the Plans,਍ഀ in accordance with the nail testing acceptance criteria in the Nail Testing section.਍ഀ No drilling or installation of production nails will be permitted in any soil/rock unit until successful pre-਍ഀ production verification testing of nails is completed in that unit and approved by the Engineer. Install਍ഀ verification test nails using the same equipment, methods, nail inclination and drillhole diameter as਍ഀ planned for the production nails. Perform pre-production verification tests in accordance with the਍ഀ Verification Testing Section prior to starting wall excavation and prior to installation of production nails਍ഀ in the specific lift in which the designated verification test nails are located. The number and location of਍ഀ the verification tests will be as indicated on the Plans or specified herein. Verification test nails may be਍ഀ installed through either the existing slope face prior to start of wall excavation, drill platform work bench,਍ഀ stabilization berm or into slot cuts made for the particular lift in which the verification test nails are਍ഀ located. Slot cuts will only be large enough to safely accommodate the drill and test nail reaction setup.਍ഀ Subject to the Engineer's approval, verification test nails may also be installed at angle orientations other਍ഀ than perpendicular to the wall face or at different locations than specified, as long as the Contractor can਍ഀ demonstrate that the test nails will be bonded into ground which is representative of the ground at the਍ഀ -9-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ verification test nail locations designated on the Plans or herein. Install the production soil nails before਍ഀ the application of the reinforced shotcrete facing. At the Contrator's request and subject to the Engineer's਍ഀ written approval, the shotcrete facing may be placed before drilling and installing the nails. Provide a਍ഀ blockout through the shotcrete facing at drillhole locations using PVC pipe or other suitable material, to਍ഀ prevent damage to the facing during drilling. As part of the required construction submittals, provide the਍ഀ Engineer with acceptable structural design calculations demonstrating that the facing structural capacity਍ഀ will not be reduced and that the bearing plates are adequate to span the nail drillhole blockout through the਍ഀ construction facing. If this requires larger size bearing plates and/or additional reinforcement beyond that਍ഀ detailed on the Plans, the extra cost will be incidental.਍ഀ The Engineer may add, eliminate, or relocate nails to accommodate actual field conditions. Cost਍ഀ adjustments associated with these modifications shall be made in accordance with the General Provisions਍ഀ of the Contract. The cost of any redesign, additional material, or installation modifications resulting from਍ഀ actions of the Contractor shall be borne by the Contractor.਍ഀ (a) Drilling. The drill holes for the soil nails shall be made at the locations, orientations, and lengths਍ഀ shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Select drilling equipment and methods suitable਍ഀ for the ground conditions described in the geotechnical report and shown in the boring logs. Select਍ഀ drillhole diameter(s) required to develop the specified pullout resistance and to also provide a਍ഀ minimum 1 inch grout cover over bare or epoxy coated bars or minimum 0.5 inch grout cover over਍ഀ the encapsulation of encapsulated nails. A minimum required drillhole diameter is shown on the਍ഀ plans. It is the Contractor's responsibility to determine the final drillhole diameter(s) required to਍ഀ provide the specified pullout resistance. Use of drilling muds such as bentonite slurry to assist in਍ഀ drill cutting removal is not allowed but air may be used. With the Engineer's approval, the਍ഀ Contractor may be allowed to use water or foam flushing upon successful demonstration, at the਍ഀ Contractor's cost, that the installation method still provides adequate nail pullout resistance. If਍ഀ caving ground is encountered, use cased drilling methods to support the sides of the drill holes.਍ഀ Where hard drilling conditions such as rock, cobbles, boulders, or obstructions are described਍ഀ elsewhere in the contract documents or project Geotechnical Report, percussion or other suitable਍ഀ drilling equipment capable of drilling and maintaining stable drillholes through such materials, will਍ഀ be used.਍ഀ Immediately suspend or modify drilling operations if ground subsidence is observed, if the soil nail਍ഀ wall is adversely affected, or if adjacent structures are damaged from the drilling operation.਍ഀ Immediately stabilize the adverse conditions at no additional cost.਍ഀ (b) Nail Bar Installation. Provide nail bars in accordance with the schedules included in the Plans.਍ഀ Provide centralizers sized to position the bar within 1 inch of the center of the drillhole. Position਍ഀ centralizers as shown on the Plans so their maximum center-to-center spacing does not exceed 7਍ഀ feet. Also locate centralizers within 2 feet from the top and bottom of the drillhole. Securely attach਍ഀ centralizers to the bar so they will not shift during handling or insertion into the drillhole yet will਍ഀ still allow grout tremie pipe insertion to the bottom of drillhole and allow grout to flow freely up਍ഀ the hole.਍ഀ Inspect each nail bar before installation and repair or replace damaged bars or corrosion protection.਍ഀ Check uncased drillholes for cleanliness prior to insertion of the soil nail bar. Insert nail bars with਍ഀ centralizers into the drill hole to the required length without difficulty and in a way that prevents਍ഀ damaged to the drill hole, bar, or corrosion protection. Do not drive or force partially inserted soil਍ഀ nails into the hole. Remove nails which cannot be fully inserted to the design depth and clean the਍ഀ drill hole to allow unobstructed installation.਍ഀ -10-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ When using cased or hollow stem auger drilling equipment which does not allow for the਍ഀ centralizers to pass through the casing or auger stem, the Contractor may delete the centralizers if਍ഀ the neat cement grout pumped through the casing is placed using grout pressures greater than 150਍ഀ psi or if the sand-cement grout placed through the stem of the auger has a slump of 8 inches or less,਍ഀ and the nail bar remains in the central portion of the grout.਍ഀ (c) Nail Installation Tolerances. Nails shall not extend beyond the right-of-way or easement limits਍ഀ shown on the Plans. Nail location and orientation tolerances are:਍ഀ 1. Nail head location, deviation from plan design location; 6 inches any direction.਍ഀ 2. Nail inclination, deviation from plan; + or -3 degrees.਍ഀ 3. Location tolerances are applicable to only one nail and not accumulative over large wall਍ഀ areas.਍ഀ 4. Center nail bars within 1 inch of the center of the drillhole.਍ഀ Soil nails which do not satisfy the specified tolerances, due to the Contractor's installation methods,਍ഀ will be replaced at no additional cost. Backfill abandoned nail drill holes with tremied grout. Nails਍ഀ which encounter unanticipated obstructions during drilling shall be relocated, as approved by the਍ഀ Engineer. Cost of drilling and backfilling drillholes abandoned due to unanticipated obstruction਍ഀ will be paid as Extra Work.਍ഀ 3.04 Grouting਍ഀ (a) Grout Mix Design. The design mix submittal shall include compressive strength test results਍ഀ verifying that the proposed mix will have a minimum 3-day compressive strength of 1500 psi and਍ഀ minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi.਍ഀ (b) Grout Testing. Previous test results for the proposed grout mix completed within one year of the਍ഀ start of work may be submitted for initial verification of the required compressive strengths for਍ഀ installation of pre-production verification test nails and initial production nails. During production,਍ഀ nail grout shall be tested by the Contractor in accordance with AASHTO T106/ASTM C109 at a਍ഀ frequency of no less than one test for every 50 cubic yards of grout placed, or once per week,਍ഀ whichever is greater. Provide grout cube test results to the Engineer within 24 hours of testing.਍ഀ (c) Grouting Equipment. Grout equipment shall produce a uniformly mixed grout free of lumps and਍ഀ undispersed cement, and be capable of continuously agitating the mix. Use a positive displacement਍ഀ grout pump equipped with a pressure gauge which can measure at least twice but not more than਍ഀ three times the intended grout pressure. Size the grouting equipment to enable the entire nail to be਍ഀ grouted in one continuous operation. Place the grout within 60 minutes after mixing or within the਍ഀ time recommended by the admixture manufacturer, if admixtures are used. Grout not placed in the਍ഀ allowed time limit will be rejected.਍ഀ (d) Grouting Methods. Grout the drillhole after installation of the nail bar. Each drillhole will be਍ഀ grouted within 2 hours of completion of drilling, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.਍ഀ Inject the grout at the lowest point of each drill hole through a grout tube, casing, hollow-stem਍ഀ auger, or drill rods. Keep the outlet end of the conduit delivering the grout below the surface of the਍ഀ grout as the conduit is withdrawn to prevent the creation of voids. Completely fill the drillhole in਍ഀ one continuous operation. Cold joints in the grout column are not allowed except at the top of the਍ഀ test bond length of proof tested production nails. At the Contractor's option, the grout tube may਍ഀ -11-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ remain in the hole provided it is filled with grout. Grouting before insertion of the nail is allowed਍ഀ provided the nail bar is immediately inserted through the grout to the specified length without਍ഀ difficulty.਍ഀ During casing removal for drillholes advanced by either cased or hollow-stem auger methods,਍ഀ maintain sufficient grout level within the casing to offset the external groundwater/soil pressure and਍ഀ prevent hole caving. Maintain grout head or grout pressures sufficient to ensure that the drillhole਍ഀ will be completely filled with grout and to prevent unstable soil or groundwater from contaminating਍ഀ or diluting the grout. Record the grout pressures for soil nails installed using pressure grouting਍ഀ techniques. Control grout pressures to prevent excessive ground heave or fracturing.਍ഀ Remove the grout and nail if grouting is suspended for more than 30 minutes or does not satisfy the਍ഀ requirements of this specification or the Plans, and replace with fresh grout and undamaged nail bar਍ഀ at no additional cost.਍ഀ 3.05 Nail Testing. Perform proof tests on 5 percent of the total number of production nails and a਍ഀ minimum of 1 each production nail row. Coordinate location of pre-production verification and proof਍ഀ testing locations with the engineer. Required nail test data shall be recorded by the Engineer. Do not਍ഀ perform nail testing until the nail grout and shotcrete facing have cured for at least 72 hours and attained਍ഀ at least their specified 3-day compressive strength. Testing in less than 72 hours will only be allowed if਍ഀ the Contractor submits compressive strength test results, for tests performed by a qualified independent਍ഀ testing lab, verifying that the nail grout and shotcrete mixes being used will provide the specified 3-day਍ഀ compressive strengths in the lesser time.਍ഀ (a) Proof Test Nail Unbonded Length. Provide temporary unbonded length for each test nail. Isolate਍ഀ the test nail bar from the shotcrete facing and/or the reaction frame used during testing. Isolation਍ഀ of a test nail through the shotcrete facing shall not affect the location of the reinforcing steel under਍ഀ the bearing plate. Accepted proof test nails may be incorporated as production nails provided the਍ഀ temporary test unbonded length is fully grouted subsequent to testing. Submit the proposed test਍ഀ nail isolation methods, methods for providing an unbonded test length and methods for grouting਍ഀ the unbonded length subsequent to testing to the Engineer for review and approval in accordance਍ഀ with the Submittals section. Where temporary casing of the unbonded length of test nails is਍ഀ provided, install the casing in a way that prevents any reaction between the casing and the grouted਍ഀ bond length of the nail and/or the stressing apparatus.਍ഀ (b) Testing Equipment. Testing equipment shall include dial gauges, dial gauge support, jack and਍ഀ pressure gauge, electronic load cell, and a reaction frame. The load cell is required only for the਍ഀ creep test portion of the verification test. Provide description of test setup and jack, pressure਍ഀ gauge and load cell calibration curves in accordance with Submittals section.਍ഀ Design the testing reaction frame to be sufficiently rigid and of adequate dimensions such that਍ഀ excessive deformation of the testing equipment does not occur. If the reaction frame will bear਍ഀ directly on the shotcrete facing, design it to prevent cracking of the shotcrete. Independently਍ഀ support and center the jack over the nail bar so that the bar does not carry the weight of the testing਍ഀ equipment. Align the jack, bearing plates, and stressing anchorage with the bar such that਍ഀ unloading and repositioning of the equipment will not be required during the test.਍ഀ Apply and measure the test load with a hydraulic jack and pressure gauge. The pressure gauge਍ഀ shall be graduated in 75 psi increments or less. The jack and pressure gauge shall have a pressure਍ഀ range not exceeding twice the anticipated maximum test pressure. Jack ram travel shall be਍ഀ -12-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ sufficient to allow the test to be done without resetting the equipment. Monitor the nail load਍ഀ during verification test with both the pressure gauge and the load cell. Use the load cell to਍ഀ maintain constant load hold during the creep test load hold increment of the verification test.਍ഀ Measure the nail head movement with a dial gauge capable of measuring to 0.001 inch. The dial਍ഀ gauge shall have a travel sufficient to allow the test to be done without having to reset the gauge.਍ഀ Visually align the gauge to be parallel with the axis of the nail and support the gauge਍ഀ independently from the jack, wall or reaction frame. Use two dial gauges when the test setup਍ഀ requires reaction against a soil cut face.਍ഀ (c) Pre production Verification Testing of Sacrificial Test Nails. Pre-production verification testing਍ഀ shall be performed prior to installation of production nails to verify the Contractor's installation਍ഀ methods and nail pullout resistance. Perform pre-production verification test at the locations and਍ഀ elevations shown on the Plans or as approved by the engineer or herein and per Nail Installation਍ഀ Section 3.03, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Perform a minimum of 2 verification਍ഀ tests in each different soil/rock unit and for each different drilling/grouting method proposed to be਍ഀ used, at each wall location. Verification test nails will be sacrificial and not incorporated as਍ഀ production nails. Bare bars can be used for the sacrificial verification test nails.਍ഀ Develop and submit the details of the verification testing arrangement including the method of਍ഀ distributing test load pressures to the excavation surface (reaction frame), test nail bar size, grouted਍ഀ drillhole diameter and reaction frame dimensioning to the Engineer for approval in accordance਍ഀ with Submittals section. Construct verification test nails using the same equipment, installation਍ഀ methods, nail inclination, and drillhole diameter as planned for the production nails. Changes in਍ഀ the drilling or installation method may require additional verification testing as determined by the਍ഀ Engineer and shall be provided at no additional cost. Payment for additional verification tests਍ഀ required due to differing site conditions, if determined by the Engineer, shall be per the contract਍ഀ unit price.਍ഀ Test nails shall have both bonded and temporary unbonded lengths. Prior to testing only the਍ഀ bonded length of the test nail shall be grouted. The temporary unbonded length of the test nail਍ഀ shall be at least 3 feet. The bonded length of the test nail shall be determined based on the਍ഀ production nail bar grade and size such that the allowable bar structural load is not exceeded਍ഀ during testing, but shall not be less than 10 feet. The allowable bar structural load during testing਍ഀ shall not be greater than 90 percent of the yield strength for Grade 60 and Grade 75 bars, or 80਍ഀ percent of the ultimate strength for Grade 150 bars. The Contractor shall provide larger਍ഀ verification test bar sizes, if required to safely accommodate the 10 foot minimum test bond length਍ഀ and testing to 2 times the allowable pullout resistance requirements, at no additional cost.਍ഀ The verification test bonded length LBv shall not exceed the test allowable bar structural load਍ഀ divided by 2 times the allowable pull out resistance value. The following equation shall be used਍ഀ for determining the verification test nail maximum bonded length to be used to avoid structurally਍ഀ overstressing the verification test nail bar size:਍ഀ LBv = Cfy As / 2 Qa, or 10 feet, whichever is greater.਍ഀ LBv = Maximum Verification test Nail Bonded Length (ft)਍ഀ C = 0.9 for Grade 60 and 75 bars and 0.8 for Grade 150 bars਍ഀ fy = Bar Yield or Ultimate Stress ( psi)਍ഀ (Note: fy= 60,000 psi, 75,000 psi and 150,000 psi respectively for Grade 60, 75 and 150 bars)਍ഀ -13-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ As = Bar Steel Area (in)਍ഀ 2 = Pullout resistance safety factor਍ഀ Qd = Allowable pullout resistance (lb/ft, pounds per lineal foot of grouted nail਍ഀ Length, specified herein or on the Plans.਍ഀ The Design Test Load (DTL) during verification testing shall be determined by the following਍ഀ equation:਍ഀ DTL = Design Test Load (lb) = LBV X Qd਍ഀ LBV = As-built bonded test length (ft)਍ഀ Qd = Allowable pullout resistance (lb/ft, pounds per lineal foot of grouted nail਍ഀ Length, specified herein or on the Plans)਍ഀ MTL = 2.0 x DTL = Maximum test Load (lb)਍ഀ Verification test nails shall be incrementally loaded to a maximum test load of 200 percent of the਍ഀ Design Test Load (DTL) in accordance with the following loading schedule. The soil nail਍ഀ movements shall be recorded at each load increment.਍ഀ VERIFICATION TEST LOADING SCHEDULE਍ഀ LOAD HOLD TIME਍ഀ AL(.05 DTL max.)਍ഀ 1 minute਍ഀ 0.25 DTL਍ഀ 10 minutes਍ഀ 0.50 DTL਍ഀ 10 minutes਍ഀ 0.75 DTL਍ഀ 10 minutes਍ഀ 1.00 DTL਍ഀ 10 minutes਍ഀ 1.25 DTL਍ഀ 10 minutes਍ഀ 1.50 DTL (Creep Test)਍ഀ 60 minutes਍ഀ 1.75 DTL਍ഀ 10 minutes਍ഀ 2.00 DTL (Max.Test Load)਍ഀ 10 minutes਍ഀ The alignment load (AL) should be the minimum load required to align the testing apparatus and਍ഀ should not exceed 5 percent of the Design Test Load (DTL). Dial gauges should be set to "zero"਍ഀ after the alignment load has been applied.਍ഀ Each load increment shall be held for at least 10 minutes. The verification test nail shall be਍ഀ monitored for creep at the 1.50 DTL load increment. Nail movements during the creep portion of਍ഀ the test shall be measured and recorded at 1 minute, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 , and 60 minutes. The਍ഀ load during the creep test shall be maintained within 2 percent of the intended load by use of the਍ഀ load cell.਍ഀ (d) Proof Testing of Production Nails. Perform proof testing on 5 percent (1 in 20) of the production਍ഀ nails in each nail row or minimum of 1 per row. The locations shall be coordinated with the਍ഀ Engineer. A verification test nail successfully completed during production work shall be਍ഀ considered equivalent to a proof test nail and shall be accounted for in determining the number of਍ഀ proof tests required in that particular row.਍ഀ -14-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ Production proof test nails shall have both bonded and temporary unbonded lengths. Prior to਍ഀ testing only the bonded length of the test nail shall be grouted. The temporary unbonded length of਍ഀ the test nail shall be at least 3 feet. The bonded length of the test nail shall be determined based on਍ഀ the production nail bar grade and size such that the allowable bar structural load is not exceeded਍ഀ during testing, but shall not be less than 10 feet. Production proof test nails shorter than 13 feet in਍ഀ length may be constructed with less than the minimum 10 foot bond length with the unbonded਍ഀ length limited to 3 feet. The allowable bar structural load during testing shall not be greater than਍ഀ 90 percent of the yield strength for Grade 60 and Grade 75 bars, or 80 percent of the ultimate਍ഀ strength for grade 150 bars.਍ഀ The proof test bonded length LBP shall not exceed the test allowable bar load divided by 1.5 times਍ഀ the allowable pullout resistance value, or above minimum lengths, whichever is greater. The਍ഀ following equation shall be used for sizing the proof test nail bonded length to avoid overstressing਍ഀ the production nail bar size.਍ഀ LBP = Cfy As / 2 Qd, or above minimum lengths, whichever is greater.਍ഀ LBP = Maximum Proof Test Nail Bonded Length (ft)਍ഀ C = 0.9 for Grade 60 and 75 bars and 0.8 for Grade 150 bars਍ഀ fy =Bar Yield or Ultimate Stress (psi)਍ഀ (Note: fy= 60,000 psi, 75,000 psi and 150,000 psi respectively for Grade 60, 75 and 150 bars)਍ഀ As = Bar Steel Area (in)਍ഀ 1.5 = Pullout resistance safety factor਍ഀ Qd = Allowable pullout resistance (lb/ft, pounds per lineal foot of grouted nail਍ഀ Length, specified herein or on the Plans.਍ഀ The Design Test Load (DTL) during proof testing shall be determined by the following equation:਍ഀ DTL = Design Test Load (lb) = LBP X Qd਍ഀ LBP = As-built bonded test length (ft)਍ഀ Qd = Allowable pullout resistance (lb/ft, pounds per lineal foot of grouted nail਍ഀ Length, specified herein or on the Plans)਍ഀ MTL = 1.5 x DTL = Maximum test Load (lb)਍ഀ Proof test shall be performed by incrementally loading the proof test nail to a maximum test load਍ഀ of 150 percent of the Design Test Load (DTL). The nail movement at each load shall be measured਍ഀ and recorded by the Engineer in the same manner as for verification test. The test load shall be਍ഀ monitored by a jack pressure gauge with a sensitivity and range meeting the requirements of਍ഀ pressure gauges used for verification test nails. At load increments other than maximum test load,਍ഀ the load shall be held long enough to obtain a stable reading. Incremental loading for proof test਍ഀ shall be in accordance with the following loading schedule. The soil nail movement shall be਍ഀ recorded at each load increment.਍ഀ PROOF TEST LOADING SCHEDULE਍ഀ LOAD਍ഀ HOLD TIME਍ഀ AL (0.5 DTL max.)਍ഀ Until Stable਍ഀ 0.25 DTL਍ഀ Until Stable਍ഀ 0.50 DTL਍ഀ Until Stable਍ഀ -15-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ 0.75 DTL਍ഀ Until Stable਍ഀ 1.00 DTL਍ഀ Until Stable਍ഀ 1.25 DTL਍ഀ Until Stable਍ഀ 1.50 DTL (Max. test Load)਍ഀ See Below਍ഀ The alignment load (AL) should be the minimum load required to align the testing apparatus and਍ഀ should not exceed 5 percent of the Design Test Load (DTL). Dial gauges should be set to "zero"਍ഀ after the alignment load has been applied.਍ഀ All load increments shall be maintained within 5 percent of the intended load. Depending on਍ഀ performance, either 10 minute or 60 minute creep tests shall be performed at the maximum test਍ഀ load (1.50 DTL). The creep period shall start as soon as the maximum test load is applied and the਍ഀ nail movement shall be measured and recorded at 1 minutes, 2,3,5,6, and 10 minutes. Where the਍ഀ nail movement between 1 minute and 10 minutes exceeds 1 mm, the maximum test load shall be਍ഀ maintained an additional 50 minutes and movements shall be recorded at 20 minutes, 30, 50, and਍ഀ 60 minutes.਍ഀ (e) Test Nail Acceptance Criteria. A test nail shall be considered acceptable when:਍ഀ For verification tests, a total creep movement of less than 0.08 inch per log cycle of time਍ഀ between the 6 and 60 minute readings is measured during creep testing and the creep rate is਍ഀ linear or decreasing through the creep test load hold period.਍ഀ 2. For proof test, a total creep movement of less than 0.04 inch is measured between the 1 and਍ഀ 10 minute readings or a total creep movement of less than 0.08 inch is measured between਍ഀ the 6 and 60 minute readings and the creep rate is linear or decreasing throughout the creep਍ഀ test load hold period.਍ഀ The total measured movement at the maximum test load exceeds 80 percent of the਍ഀ theoretical elastic elongation of the test nail unbonded length.਍ഀ 4. A pullout failure does not occur at the maximum test load. Pullout failure is defined as the਍ഀ load at which attempts to further increase the test load simply result in continued pullout਍ഀ movement if the test nail. The pullout failure load shall be recorded a part of the test data.਍ഀ Successful proof tested nails meeting the above test acceptance criteria may be incorporated਍ഀ as the test nail. The pullout failure load shall be recorded as part of the test data.਍ഀ Successful proof tested nails meeting the above test acceptance criteria may be incorporated਍ഀ as production nails, provided that (1) the unbonded length of the test nail drillhole has not਍ഀ collapsed during testing (2) the minimum required drillhole diameter has been maintained.਍ഀ (3) the specified corrosion protection is provided, and (4) the test nail length is equal to or਍ഀ greater than the scheduled production nail length. Test nails meeting these requirements਍ഀ shall be completed by satisfactorily grouting up the unbonded test length. Maintaining the਍ഀ temporary unbonded test length for subsequent grouting is the Contractor's responsibility.਍ഀ If the unbonded test length of production proof test nails cannot be satisfactorily grouted਍ഀ subsequent to testing, the proof test nail shall become sacrificial and shall be replaced with਍ഀ an additional production nail installed at no additional cost.਍ഀ -16-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ 3.06 Test Nail Rejection. If a test nail does not satisfy the acceptance criterion, the Contractor shall਍ഀ determine the cause.਍ഀ (a) Verification Test Nails. The Engineer will evaluate the results of each verification test.਍ഀ Installation methods which do not satisfy the nail testing requirements shall be rejected. The਍ഀ Contractor shall propose alternative methods and install replacement verification test nails.਍ഀ Replacement test nails shall be installed and tested at no additional cost.਍ഀ (b) Proof Test Nails. The Engineer may require the Contractor to replace some or all of the installed਍ഀ production nails between a failed proof test nail and the adjacent passing proof test nail.਍ഀ Alternatively, the Engineer may require the installation and testing of additional proof test nails to਍ഀ verify that adjacent previously installed production nails have sufficient load carrying capacity.਍ഀ Contractor modifications may include, but are not limited to; the installation of additional proof਍ഀ test nails; increasing the drill hole diameter to provide increased capacity; modifying the਍ഀ installation or grouting methods; reducing the production nail spacing from that shown on the਍ഀ Plans and installing more production nails at a reduced capacity; or installing longer production਍ഀ nails if sufficient right-of-way is available and the pullout capacity behind the failure surface਍ഀ controls the allowable nail design capacity. The nails may not be lengthened beyond the਍ഀ temporary construction easement or the permanent right-of-way shown on the Plans. Installation਍ഀ and testing of additional proof test nails or installation of additional or modified nails as a result of਍ഀ proof test nail failure(s) will be at no additional cost.਍ഀ 3.07 Nail Installation Records. Records documenting the soil nail wall construction will be maintained਍ഀ by the Engineer, unless specified otherwise. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with as-built਍ഀ drawings showing as-built nail locations and as-built shotcrete facing line and grade within 5 days after਍ഀ completion of the shotcrete facing and as-built CIP facing line and grade within 5 days after completion਍ഀ of the CIP facing.਍ഀ METHOD OF MEASUREMENT਍ഀ 4.01 Production soil nails will not be measured for separately, but shall be included with the work,਍ഀ measured vertically from the bottom of wall elevation to the top of wall elevation, as shown on the plans.਍ഀ No separate measurement will be made for proof test nails, which shall be considered incidental to਍ഀ production nail installation. Specified verification test nails will be measured on a unit basis for each਍ഀ verification test successfully completed. Failed verification test nails or additional verification test nails਍ഀ installed to verify alternative nail installation methods proposed by the Contractor will not be measured.਍ഀ Structure Excavation for Soil Nail Wall will not be measured separately, but shall be included in the਍ഀ work. Additional excavation beyond the plan wall final excavation line resulting from irregularities in the਍ഀ cut face, excavation overbreak or inadvertent excavation, will not be measured.਍ഀ Temporary stabilization walls (if necessary) will not be measured separately, but shall be included in the਍ഀ work.਍ഀ The final pay quantities will be the design quantity increased or decreased by any changes authorized by਍ഀ the Engineer.਍ഀ BASIS OF PAYMENT਍ഀ -17-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATION਍ഀ 5.01 The accepted quantities of soil nails, soil nail wall structure excavation, and wall stabilization (if਍ഀ necessary) will be included in the contract unit price for the finished wall, measured as shown on the਍ഀ plans. Payment will be full compensation for all labor, equipment, materials, material tests, field tests and਍ഀ incidentals necessary to acceptably fabricate and construct the soil nails, perform the structure excavation,਍ഀ including the excavation and wall alignment survey control, for the soil nail wall(s) in accordance with all਍ഀ requirements of the contract, shotcrete and modular block facing installation, as described in the plans and਍ഀ project documents. Payment will be made for following bid item included in the bid form:਍ഀ Pay Item਍ഀ Measurement Unit਍ഀ 504 - Rosetta Faced Soil Nail Wall Square Feet਍ഀ END OF SECTION਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACING਍ഀ Section 504 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project to include the following:਍ഀ DESCRIPTION਍ഀ 1.01 General. Shotcrete facing and wall drainage work consist of furnishing all materials and labor਍ഀ required for placing and securing geocomposite drainage material, connection pipes, footing drains,਍ഀ weepholes and horizontal drains (if required), drainage gutter, reinforcing steel and shotcrete for the਍ഀ permanent shotcrete facing and nail head bearing plates and nuts for the soil nail walls shown on the਍ഀ Plans. The Work shall include any preparatory trimming and cleaning of soil/rock surfaces and shotcrete਍ഀ cold joints to receive new shotcrete.਍ഀ Shotcrete shall comply with the requirements of ACI 506.2, "Specifications for Materials, Proportioning਍ഀ and Application of Shotcrete", except as otherwise specified. Shotcrete shall consist of an application of਍ഀ one or more layers of concrete conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at a high velocity਍ഀ against a prepared surface.਍ഀ Shotcrete may be produced by either a wet-mix or dry-mix process. The wet-mix process consists of਍ഀ thoroughly mixing all the ingredients except accelerating admixtures, but including the mixing water,਍ഀ introducing the mixture into the delivery equipment and delivering it, by positive displacement, to the਍ഀ nozzle. The wet-mix shotcrete shall then be air jetted from the nozzle at high velocity onto the surface.਍ഀ The dry-mix process consist of shotcrete without mixing water which is conveyed through the hose਍ഀ pneumatically with the mixing water introduced at the nozzle. For additional descriptive information, the਍ഀ Contractor's attention is directed to the American Concrete Institute ACI 506R "Guide to Shotcrete."਍ഀ Permanent CIP Concrete Facing construction is covered by the Standard Specifications and/or Project਍ഀ Special Provisions. Soil nails and wall excavation are covered by the Permanent Soil Nails and Wall਍ഀ Excavation Specification.਍ഀ Where the imperative mood is used within this Specification for conciseness, "the Contractor shall" is਍ഀ implied.਍ഀ 1.02 Contractor's Experience Requirements. Workers, including foremen, nozzlemen, finishers and਍ഀ delivery equipment operators, shall be fully experienced to perform the work. All shotcrete nozzlemen on਍ഀ this project shall have experience on at least 3 projects in the past 3 years in similar shotcrete application਍ഀ work totaling at least 10000 square feet of wall face and shall demonstrate ability to satisfactorily place਍ഀ the shotcrete. Finishers shall have experience on at least 3 projects in the past 3 years in similar਍ഀ permanent shotcrete application work totaling at least 10000 square feet of wall face area.਍ഀ Initial qualification of nozzlemen will be based either on previous ACI certification or satisfactory਍ഀ completion of preconstruction test panels. The requirement for nozzlemen to shoot preconstruction਍ഀ qualification test panels will be waived for nozzlemen who can submit documented proof they have been਍ഀ certified in accordance with the ACI 506.3R Guide to Certification of Shotcrete Nozzlemen. The਍ഀ Certification shall have been done by an ACI recognized shotcrete testing lab and/or recognized਍ഀ shotcreting consultant and have covered the type of shotcrete to be used (plain wet-mix, plain dry-mix or਍ഀ steel fiber reinforced). All nozzlemen will be required to periodically shoot production test panels during਍ഀ the course of the Work at the frequency specified herein.਍ഀ Notify the Engineer not less than 2 days prior to the shooting of preconstruction test panels to be used to਍ഀ qualify nozzlemen without previous ACI certification. Use the same shotcrete mix and equipment to਍ഀ -2-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACING਍ഀ make qualification test panels as those to be used for the soil nail wall shotcrete facing.Initial qualification਍ഀ of the nozzlemen will be based on a visual inspection of the shotcrete density and void structure and on਍ഀ achieving the specified 3-day and 28-day compressive strength requirements determined from test਍ഀ specimens extracted from the preconstruction test panels. Preconstruction and production test panels,਍ഀ core extraction and compressive strength testing shall be conducted in accordance with ACI 506.2 and਍ഀ AASHTO T24/ASTM C42, unless otherwise specified herein. Nozzlemen without ACI Certification will਍ഀ be allowed to begin production shooting based on satisfactory completion of the preconstruction test਍ഀ panels and passing 3-day strength test requirements. Continued qualification will be subject to passing਍ഀ the 28-day strength tests and shooting satisfactory during production test panels.਍ഀ 1.03 Construction Submittals. At lest 15 calendar days before the planned start of shotcrete placement,਍ഀ submit 5 copies of the following information, in writing, to the Engineer for review:਍ഀ (a) Written documentation listing at least 5 permanent structural shotcrete walls successfully completed਍ഀ within the past 3 years, including photographs of the project as well as names, addresses, and phone਍ഀ numbers of the owner's prepresentative.਍ഀ (b) Written documentation of the finisher's and nozzlemen's qualifications including proof of ACI਍ഀ certification (if applicable).਍ഀ (c) Proposed methods of shotcrete placement and of controlling and maintaining facing alignment and਍ഀ location and shotcrete thickness.਍ഀ (d) Shotcrete mix design including:਍ഀ l.Type of Portland cement.਍ഀ 2. Aggregate source and gradation.਍ഀ 3. Proportions of mix by weight and water-cement ratio.਍ഀ 4. Proposed admixtures, manufacturer, dosage, technical literature.਍ഀ 5.Previous strength test results for the proposed shotcrete mix completed within one year of the਍ഀ start of shotcreting may be submitted for initial verification of the required compressive਍ഀ strengths at start of production work.਍ഀ (e) Certificates of Compliance, manufacturers' engineering data and installation instructions for the਍ഀ drainage geotextile, geocomposite drain strip, drain grate and accessories.਍ഀ (f) Certificates of Compliance for bearing plates, nuts, drainage aggregate and PVC drain piping.਍ഀ The Engineer will approve or reject the Contractor's Submittals within 10 calendar days after receipt of a਍ഀ complete submission. The Contractor will not be allowed to begin wall construction or incorporate਍ഀ materials into the work until the submittal requirements are satisfied and found acceptable to the਍ഀ Engineer. Changes or deviations from the approved submittals must be resubmitted for approval. No਍ഀ adjustments in contract time will be allowed due to incomplete submittals.਍ഀ Upon delivery to the project site, provide Certified mill test results for all reinforcing steel specifying the਍ഀ minimum ultimate strength, yield strength, elongation and chemical composition.਍ഀ 1.04 Pre-Construction Meeting. A pre-construction meeting scheduled by the Engineer will be held਍ഀ prior to the start of wall construction. Attendance is mandatory. The shotcrete Contractor, if different਍ഀ -3-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACING਍ഀ than the soil nail Specialty Contractor, shall attend. See Section 1.4 of the Permanent Soil Nail and Wall਍ഀ Excavation Specification.਍ഀ MATERIALS਍ഀ 2.01 General. All materials for shotcrete shall conform to the following requirements:਍ഀ Cement AASHTOM85/ ASTM C150, Type I, II, III, or V.਍ഀ Fine Aggregate AASHTO M6/ASTM C33 clean, natural.਍ഀ Coarse Aggregate AASHTO M80, Class B for quality.਍ഀ Water Clean and Potable. AASHTO M157/ASTM C94਍ഀ Chemical Admixtures਍ഀ Accelerator Fluid type, applied at nozzle, meeting requirements of AASHTO਍ഀ M194/ASTM C494/ASTM C1141.਍ഀ Air-Entraining Agent AASHTO M 154/ASTM C260਍ഀ Water-reducer and਍ഀ Superplastisizer AASHTO M 194/ASTM C494 Type A,C,D,E,F, or G਍ഀ Retarders AASHTO M 194/ASTM C494 Type B or D.਍ഀ Mineral Admixtures਍ഀ Fly Ash AASHTO M295/ASTM C618 Type F or C, cement਍ഀ Silica Fume ASTM C1240, 90 percent minimum silicon dioxide solids਍ഀ content, not to exceed 12 percent by weight of cement.਍ഀ Welded Wire Fabric AASHTO M55/ASTM Al 85 or A497਍ഀ Reinforcing Bars for AASHTO M31/ASTM A615, Grade 60, deformed.਍ഀ Shotcrete Facing਍ഀ Bearing Plates AASHTO M183/ASTM A36਍ഀ Nuts AASHTO M291, grade B, hexagonal, fitted with beveled washer਍ഀ or spherical seat to provide uniform bearing.਍ഀ Curing Compounds AASHTOM148, type 1D or Type 2਍ഀ Prepackaged Shotcrete ASTM C928.਍ഀ Drainage Geotextile਍ഀ -4-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACING਍ഀ For Wall Footing Drain AASHTO M288 Class 2, Permittivity min. 0.2 per second;਍ഀ AOS 0.25 mm max.਍ഀ For Drain Strip AASHTO M288 Class 3, Permittivity min. 0.2 per second'਍ഀ Drainage Aggregate AASHTO M43/ASTM C33 No. 67 with no more than two਍ഀ percent passing the 0.075 mm sieve.਍ഀ Geocomposite Drain Strip Miradrain 6000, Amerdrain 500 or approved equal.਍ഀ Film Protection Polyethylene films per AASHTO M-171.਍ഀ PVC connector and Drain Pipes:਍ഀ Pipe ASTM 1785 Schedule 40 PVC, solid and perforated wall, cell਍ഀ classification 12454-B or 12354-C, wall thickness SDR 35, with਍ഀ solvent weld or elastomeric gasket joints.਍ഀ Fittings ASTM D3034, cell classification 12454-B or 12454-C, wall਍ഀ thickness SDR35, with solvent weld or elastomeric gasket joints.਍ഀ Solvent Cement ASTM D2564਍ഀ Primer ASTM F656਍ഀ Materials shall be delivered, stored and handled to prevent contamination, segregation, corrosion or਍ഀ damage. Store liquid admixtures to prevent evaporation and freezing.਍ഀ Drainage geotextile and geocomposite drain strips shall be provided in rolls wrapped with a protective਍ഀ covering and stored in a manner which protects the fabric from mud, dirt, dust, debris and shotcrete਍ഀ rebound. Protective wrapping shall not be removed until immediately before the geotextile or drain strip਍ഀ is installed. Extended exposure to ultra-violet light shall be avoided. Each roll of geotextile or drain strip਍ഀ in the shipment shall be labeled to identify the production run.਍ഀ 2.02 Shotcrete Mix Design. The Contractor must receive notification from the Engineer that the਍ഀ proposed mix design and method of placement are acceptable before shotcrete placement can begin.਍ഀ (a) Aggregate. Aggregate for shotcrete shall meet the strength and durability requirements of਍ഀ AASHTO M6/M80 and the following gradation requirements:਍ഀ Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight਍ഀ 12.5 mm਍ഀ 100਍ഀ 9.50 mm਍ഀ 90-100਍ഀ 4.75 mm਍ഀ 70-85਍ഀ 2.36 mm਍ഀ 50-70਍ഀ 1.18 mm਍ഀ 35-55਍ഀ 0.60 mm਍ഀ 20-35਍ഀ -5-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACING਍ഀ 0.30 mm 8-20਍ഀ 0.15 mm 2-10਍ഀ (b) Proportioning and Use of Admixtures. Proportion the shotcrete to be pumpable with the concrete਍ഀ pump furnished for the work, with a cementing materials content of at least 25 pounds per cubic਍ഀ foot and water/cement ratio not greater than 0.45. Do not use admixtures unless approved by the਍ഀ Engineer. Thoroughly mix admixtures into the shotcrete at the rate specified by the manufacturer.਍ഀ Accelerators (if used) shall be compatible with the cement used, be non-corrosive to steel and not਍ഀ promote other detrimental effects such as cracking or excessive shrinkage. The maximum਍ഀ allowable chloride ion content of all ingredients shall not exceed 0.10% when tested to AASHTO਍ഀ T260.਍ഀ (c) Air Entrainment. Air entrainment is not required for wet-mix shotcrete. The air content measured਍ഀ at the truck shall be between 7 to 10 percent when tested in accordance with AASHTO਍ഀ T152/ASTM C231. Air entrainment is not required in dry-mix shotcrete.਍ഀ (d) Strength and Durability Requirements. Provide a shotcrete mix capable of attaining 2000 psi਍ഀ compressive strength in 3 days and 4000 psi in 28 days. The average compressive strength of each਍ഀ set of three test cores extracted from test panels or wall face must equal or exceed 85 percent of the਍ഀ specified compressive strength, with no individual core less than 75 percent of the specified਍ഀ compressive strength, in accordance with ACI 506.2. The boiled absorption of shotcrete, when਍ഀ tested in accordance with ASTM C642 at 7 days, shall not exceed 8.0 percent.਍ഀ (e) Mixing and Batching. Aggregate and cement may be batched by weight or by volume in਍ഀ accordance with the requirements of ASTM C94 or AASHTO M241/ASTM C685. Mixing਍ഀ equipment shall thoroughly blend the materials in sufficient quantity to maintain placing continuity.਍ഀ Ready Mix shotcrete shall comply with AASHTO M157. Shotcrete shall be batched, delivered, and਍ഀ placed within 90 minutes of mixing. The use of retarding admixtures may extend application time਍ഀ beyond 90 minutes if approved by the Engineer.਍ഀ Premixed and packaged shotcrete mix may be provided for on-site mixing. The packages shall਍ഀ contain materials conforming to the Materials section of this specification. Placing time limit after਍ഀ mixing shall be per the manufacturers' recommendations.਍ഀ 2.03 Field Quality Control. Both preconstruction test panels (for nozzlement without previous ACI਍ഀ certification) and production test panels or test cores from the wall facing are required. Shotcreting and਍ഀ coring of test panels shall be performed by qualified personnel in the presence of the Engineer. The਍ഀ Contractor shall provide equipment, materials, and personnel as necessary to obtain shotcrete cores for਍ഀ testing including construction of test panel boxes, field curing requirements and coring. Compressive਍ഀ strength testing will be performed by the Engineer. Shotcrete final acceptance will be based on the 28-਍ഀ day strength.਍ഀ Shotcrete production work may commence upon initial approval of the design mix and nozzlemen and਍ഀ continue if the specified strengths are obtained. The shotcrete work by a crew will be suspended if the਍ഀ test results for their work does not satisfy the strength requirements. The Contractor shall change all or਍ഀ some of the following: the mix, the crew, the equipment, or the procedures. Before resuming work, the਍ഀ crew must shoot additional test panels and demonstrate that the shotcrete in the panels satisfies the਍ഀ specified strength requirements. The cost of all work required to obtain satisfactory strength tests will be਍ഀ borne by the Contractor.਍ഀ -6-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACING਍ഀ (a) Preconstruction Test Panels. Each nozzleman without previous ACI certification shall furnish at਍ഀ least one preconstruction test panel for each proposed mixture being considered and for each਍ഀ shooting position to be encountered on the job. Preconstruction test panels shall be made prior to਍ഀ the commencement of production work using the same equipment, materials, mixture proportions਍ഀ and procedures proposed for the job.਍ഀ Make preconstruction test panels with minimum dimensions of 30"00" square and at least 4"਍ഀ thick. Slope the sides of preconstruction and production test panels at 45 degrees over the full਍ഀ panel thickness to release rebound. One preconstruction test panel shall include the maximum਍ഀ anticipated reinforcing congestion shown on the Plans. Cores extracted from the test panel shall਍ഀ demonstrate encapsulation of the reinforcement in accordance with ACI 506.2 equal to core grade 2਍ഀ or better. The other preconstruction test panel shall be constructed without reinforcement and have਍ഀ cores extracted for absorption and compressive strength testing.਍ഀ (b) Production Test Panels. Furnish at leas one production test panel or, in lieu of production test਍ഀ panels, nine 3" diameter cores taken from the shotcrete facing, during the first production਍ഀ application of shotcrete and henceforth for every 50 cubic yards of shotcrete placed. Construct the਍ഀ production test panels simultaneously with the shotcrete facing installation at times designated by਍ഀ the Engineer. Make production test panels with minimum full thickness dimensions of 18"x18"਍ഀ square and at least 4" thick.਍ഀ (c) Test Panel Curing, Test Specimen Extraction and Testing. Immediately after shooting, field moist਍ഀ cure the test panels by covering and tightly wrapping with a sheet of material meeting the਍ഀ requirements of ASTM C171 until they are delivered to the testing lab or test specimens are਍ഀ extracted. Do not immerse the test panels in water. Do not further disturb test panels for the first਍ഀ 24 hours after shooting. Provide at least three 3" diameter core samples cut from each਍ഀ preconstruction test panel with reinforcement, for core grading. Provide at least nine 3" diameter਍ഀ core samples cut from each unreinforced preconstruction and production test panel for absorption਍ഀ and compressive strength testing. Contractor has the option of extracting test specimens from test਍ഀ panels in the field or transporting to another location for extraction. Keep panels in their forms਍ഀ when transported. Do not take cores from the outer 6" of test panels measured in from the top਍ഀ outside edges of the panel form. Trim the ends of the compressive strength cores to provide test਍ഀ cylinders at least 3" long. Do not trim the ends of the cores to be tested for boiled absorption. If਍ഀ the Contractor chooses to take cores from the wall face in lieu of making production test panels,਍ഀ locations will be designated by the Engineer. Clearly mark the cores and container to identify the਍ഀ core locations and whether they are for preconstruction or production testing. If for production਍ഀ testing, mark the section of the wall represented by the cores on the cores and container.਍ഀ Immediately wrap cores in wet burlap or material meeting requirements of ASTM C171 and seal in਍ഀ a plastic bag. Deliver cores to the Engineer or testing lab, as directed by the Engineer, within 48਍ഀ hours of shooting the panels. The remainder of the panels will become the property of the਍ഀ Contractor. Compressive strength and boiled absorption testing will be performed by the Engineer.਍ഀ Upon delivery to the testing lab, samples will be placed in the moist room until the time of test.਍ഀ When the test length of a core is less than twice the diameter, the correction factors given in਍ഀ AASHTO T24/ASTM C42 will be applied to obtain the compressive strength of individual cores.਍ഀ Three cores will be tested at 3 days and three cores will be tested at 28 days for compressive਍ഀ strength per AASHTO T24/ASTM C42. Three cores will be tested at 7 days for boiled absorption਍ഀ per ASTM C642.਍ഀ -7-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACING਍ഀ Fill core holes in the wall by dry-packing with non-shrink patching mortar after the holes are਍ഀ cleaned and dampened. Do not fill core holes with shotcrete.਍ഀ CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS਍ഀ 3.01 Wall Drainage Network. Install and secure all elements of the wall drainage network as shown on਍ഀ the Plans, specified herein, or as required by the Engineer to suit the site conditions. The drainage਍ഀ network shall consist of installing geocomposite drain strips, PVC connection pipes and wall footing਍ഀ drain as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Exclusive of the wall footing drains, all਍ഀ elements of the drainage network shall be installed prior to shotcreting.਍ഀ Unanticipated subsurface drainage features exposed in the excavation cut face shall be captured਍ഀ independently of the wall drainage network and shall be mitigated prior to shotcrete application in਍ഀ accordance with Section 3.1 of the Soil Nail and Wall Excavation Specification. Costs due to the਍ഀ required mitigation will be paid for as Extra Work.਍ഀ (a) Geocomposite Drain Strips. Install geocomposite drain strips centered between the columns of਍ഀ nails as shown on the Plans. The drain strips shall be at least 12" wide and placed with the਍ഀ geotextile side against the ground. Secure the strips to the excavation face and prevent shotcrete਍ഀ from contaminating the ground side of the geotextile. Drain strips will be continuous. Splices shall਍ഀ be made with a 12" minimum overlap such that the flow of water is not impeded. Repair damage to਍ഀ the geocomposite drain strip, which may interrupt the flow of water.਍ഀ (b) Footing Drains. Install footing drains at the bottom of each wall as shown on the Plans. The਍ഀ drainage geotextile shall envelope the footing drain aggregate and pipe and conform to the਍ഀ dimensions of the trench. Overlap the drainage geotextile on top of the drainage aggregate as਍ഀ shown on the Plans. Replace or repair damaged or defective drainage geotextile.਍ഀ (c) Connection Pipes and Weepholes. Install connection pipes as shown on the Plans. Connection਍ഀ pipes are lengths of solid PVC pipe installed to direct water from the geocomposite drain strips into਍ഀ a footing drain or to the exposed face of the wall. Connect the connection pipes to the drain strips਍ഀ using either prefabricated drain grates as shown on the Plans or using the alternate connection਍ഀ method described below. Install the drain grate per the manufacturer's recommendations. The਍ഀ joint between the drain grate and the drain strip and the discharge end of the connector pipe shall be਍ഀ sealed to prevent shotcrete intrusion. Connection pipes that end at the footing drain shall be਍ഀ extended to the edge of the drain. Do not puncture the drainage fabric around the footing drain.਍ഀ The alternative acceptable method for connection of the connector pipe to the drain strip involves਍ഀ cutting a hole slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe into the strip plastic core but not through਍ഀ the geotextile. Wrap both ends of the connection pipe in geotextile in a manner that prevents਍ഀ migration of fines through the pipe. Tape or seal the inlet end of the pipe where it penetrates the਍ഀ drain strip and the discharge end of the connector pipe in a manner that prevents penetration of਍ഀ shotcrete into the drain strip or pipe. To assure passage of groundwater from the drain strip into the਍ഀ connector pipe, slot the inlet end of the connector pipe at every 45 dgrees around the perimeter of਍ഀ the pipe to a depth of/".਍ഀ Weepholes, if required, shall be provided through the construction facing to drain water from਍ഀ behind the facing. Install as shown on the Plans. Use PVC pipe to form the weephole through the਍ഀ shotcrete. Cover the end of the pipe contacting the soil with a drainage geotextile. Prevent਍ഀ -8-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACING਍ഀ shotcrete intrusion into the discharge end of the Pipe.਍ഀ 3.02 Permanent Shotcrete Facing਍ഀ (a) Shotcrete Alignment and Thickness Control. Ensure that the thickness of shotcrete satisfies the਍ഀ minimum requirements shown on the Plans using shooting wires, thickness control pins, or other਍ഀ devices acceptable to the Engineer. Install thickness control devices normal to the surface such that਍ഀ they protrude the required shotcrete thickness outside the surface and maintain a plane surface. The਍ഀ maximum distance between the wires on any surface shall be equal to the vertical nail spacing.਍ഀ Ensure that the alignment wires are tight, true to line, and placed to allow further tightening.਍ഀ Remove shooting wires after completion of shotcreting and/or screeding. Ensure that the front face਍ഀ of the shotcrete does not extend beyond the limits shown on the Plans.਍ഀ (b) Surface Preparation. Clean the face of the excavation and other surfaces to be shotcreted of loose਍ഀ materials, mud, rebound, overspray or other foreign matter that could prevent or reduce shotcrete਍ഀ bond. Protect adjacent surfaces from overspray during shooting. Avoid loosening, cracking, or਍ഀ shattering the ground during excavation and cleaning. Remove any surface material which is so਍ഀ loosened or damaged, to a sufficient depth to provide a base that is suitable to receive the shotcrete.਍ഀ Remove material that loosens as the shotcrete is applied. Cost of additional shotcrete is incidental਍ഀ to the work. Divert water flow and remove standing water so that shotcrete placement will not be਍ഀ detrimentally affected by standing water. Do not place shotcrete on frozen surfaces.਍ഀ (c) Delivery and Application. Maintain at all times a clean, dry, oil-free supply of compressed air਍ഀ sufficient for maintaining adequate nozzle velocity and for simultaneous operation of a blow pipe਍ഀ for cleaning away rebound. The equipment shall be capable of delivering the premixed material਍ഀ accurately, uniformly, and continuously through the delivery hose. Control shotcrete application਍ഀ thickness, nozzle technique, air pressure, and rate of shotcrete placement to prevent sagging or਍ഀ sloughing of freshly-applied shotcrete.਍ഀ Apply the shotcrete from the lower part of the area upwards to prevent accumulation of rebound.਍ഀ Orient nozzle at a distance and approximately perpendicular to the working face so that rebound਍ഀ will be minimal and compaction will be maximized. Pay special attention to encapsulating਍ഀ reinforcement. Care shall be taken while encasing reinforcing steel and mesh to keep the front face਍ഀ of the reinforcement clean during shooting operations, so that shotcrete builds up from behind, to਍ഀ encase the reinforced and prevent voids and sand pockets from forming. Use a blowpipe to remove਍ഀ rebound and overspray immediately ahead of the nozzle. Do not work rebound back into the਍ഀ construction. Remove rebound that does not fall clear of the working area. Hardened rebound and਍ഀ hardened overspray shall be removed prior to application of additional shotcrete, using abrasive਍ഀ blast cleaning, chipping hammers, high pressure water blasting or other suitable techniques. When਍ഀ the thickness of a individual shotcrete layer is 6" or greater, or when shotcreting is conducted਍ഀ through two curtains of reinforcement, place shotcrete by the bench gunning method. The bench਍ഀ gunning method shall consist of building up a thick layer of shotcrete from the bottom of the lift਍ഀ and maintaining the top surface at approximately a 45-degree slope. Where shotcrete is used to਍ഀ complete the top ungrouted zone of the nail drill hole near the face, position the nozzle into the਍ഀ mouth of the drillhole to completely fill the void.਍ഀ A clearly defined pattern of continuous horizontal or vertical ridges or depressions at the਍ഀ reinforcing elements after they are covered with shotcrete will be considered an indication of਍ഀ insufficient reinforcement cover or poor nozzle techniques. In this case the application of shotcrete਍ഀ -9-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACING਍ഀ shall be immediately suspended and the Contractor shall implement corrective measures before਍ഀ resuming the shotcrete operations. The shotcreting procedure may be corrected by adjusting the਍ഀ nozzle distance and orientation, by insuring adequate cover over the reinforcement, by adjusting the਍ഀ water content of the shotcrete mix or other means. Adjustment in water content of wet-mix will਍ഀ require requalifying the shotcrete mix.਍ഀ When using multiple layer shotcrete construction, the surface of the receiving layer shall be਍ഀ prepapred before application of a subsequent layer, by either: (a) Brooming the stiffening layer਍ഀ with a stiff bristle broom to remove all loose material, rebound, overspray or glaze, prior to the਍ഀ shotcrete attaining initial set: or (b) If the shotcrete has set, surface preparation shall be delayed at਍ഀ least 24 hours, at which time the surface shall be prepared by sandblasting or high pressure water਍ഀ blasting, to remove all loose material rebound, hardened overspray, glaze, or other material that਍ഀ may prevent adequate bond.਍ഀ (d) Defective Shotcrete. The Engineer shall have authority to accept or reject the shotcrete work.਍ഀ Shotcrete which does not conform to the project specifications may be rejected either during the਍ഀ shotcrete application process, or on the basis of tests on the test panels or completed work. Repair਍ഀ shotcrete surface defects as soon as possible after placement. Remove and replace shotcrete which਍ഀ exhibits segregation, honeycombing, lamination, void, or sand pockets. In-place shotcrete਍ഀ determined not to meet the specified strength requirement will be subject to remediation as਍ഀ determined by the Engineer. Possible remediation options include placement of additional਍ഀ shotcrete thickness or removal and replacement, at the Contractor's cost.਍ഀ (e) Construction Joints. Taper construction joints uniformly toward the excavation face over a਍ഀ minimum distance equal to the thickness of the shotcrete layer. Square joints are not permitted.਍ഀ The surface of the joints shall be rough, clean, and sound. Provide a minimum reinforcement਍ഀ overlap at reinforcement splice joints as shown on the Plans. Clean and wet the surface of a joint਍ഀ before adjacent shotcrete is applied. Where shotcrete is used to complete the top ungrouted zone of਍ഀ the nail drill hole near the face, to the maximum extent practical, clean and dampen the upper grout਍ഀ surface to receive shotcrete, similar to a construction joint.਍ഀ (f) Final Face Finish. Shotcrete finish shall be either an undisturbed gun finish as applied from the਍ഀ nozzle or a rod, broom, wood float, rubber float, steel trowl or rough screeded finish as shown on਍ഀ the Plans or specified herein.਍ഀ (g) Attachment of Nail Head Bearing Plate and Nut. Attach a bearing plate and nut to each nail head਍ഀ as shown on the Plans. While the shotcrete is still plastic and before its initial set, uniformly seat਍ഀ the plate on the shotcrete by hand wrench tightening the nut. Where uniform contact between the਍ഀ plate and the shotcrete cannot be provided, set the plate in a bed of grout. After grout has set for 24਍ഀ hours, had wrench tighten the nut. Embed the bearing plate and nut in the wall as shown on the਍ഀ Plans. Ensure full shotcrete encapsulation of the bearing plate and nut free of any voids or pockets਍ഀ behind the plate. Ensure bearing plates with headed studs are located within tolerances shown on਍ഀ the Plans or specified herein.਍ഀ (h) Weather Limitations. Protect the shotcrete if it must be placed when the ambient temperature is਍ഀ below 40°F and falling or when it is likely to be subjected to freezing temperatures before gaining਍ഀ sufficient strength. Maintain cold weather protection until the in-place compressive strength of the਍ഀ shotcrete is greater than 725 psi. Cold weather protection includes blankets, heating under tents, or਍ഀ other means acceptable to the Engineer. The temperature of the shotcrete mix, when deposited,਍ഀ -10-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACING਍ഀ shall be not less than 50°F or more than 95°F. Maintain the air in contact with shotcrete surfaces at਍ഀ temperatures above 30°F for a minimum of 7 days shall.਍ഀ If the prevailing ambient conditions (relative humidity, wind speed, air temperature and direct਍ഀ exposure to sunlight) are such that the shotcrete develops plastic shrinkage and/or early drying਍ഀ shrinkage cracking, shotcrete application shall be suspended. The Contractor shall: (a) Reschedule਍ഀ the work to a time when more favorable ambient conditions prevail; and/or (b) Adopt corrective਍ഀ measures, such as installation of sun-screens, wind breaks or fogging devices, to protect the work.਍ഀ Remove and replace newly placed shotcrete exposed to rain that washes out cement or otherwise਍ഀ makes the shotcrete unacceptable.਍ഀ (i) Curing. Protect permanent shotcrete from loss of moisture for at least 7 days after placement. Cure਍ഀ shotcrete by methods that will keep the shotcrete surfaces adequately wet and protected during the਍ഀ specified curing period. Commence curing within 1 hour of shotcrete application. When the਍ഀ ambient temperature exceeds 80°F, plan the Work such that curing can commence immediately਍ഀ after finishing. Complete curing in accordance with the following requirements.਍ഀ (j) Water Curing. Regulate the rate of water application to keep the surface continuously wet and to਍ഀ provide complete surface coverage with a minimum or runoff. The use of intermittent wetting਍ഀ procedures which allow the shotcrete to undergo wetting and drying during the curing period is਍ഀ prohibited.਍ഀ (k) Membrane Curing. Do not use curing compounds on any surfaces against which additional਍ഀ shotcrete or other cementitious finishing materials are to be bonded unless the surface is thoroughly਍ഀ sandblasted in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. Membrane curing compounds are to be spray਍ഀ applied as quickly as practical after initial shotcrete set at a coverage of no less than 25ft2 /liter.਍ഀ (1) Film Curing. Film curing with polyethylene sheeting may be used to supplement water curing on਍ഀ shotcrete that will be covered later with additional shotcrete or concrete. Spray the shotcrete਍ഀ surface with water immediately prior to installation of the polyethylene sheeting. Polyethylene਍ഀ sheeting shall completely cover the surfaces. Overlap the sheeting edges for proper sealing and਍ഀ anchorage. Joints between sheets shall be sealed. Promptly repair any tears, holes, and other਍ഀ damage. Anchor sheeting as necessary to prevent billowing.਍ഀ (m) Permanent Shotcrete Facing tolerances. Construction tolerances for the permanent shotcrete਍ഀ facing are as follows:਍ഀ Horizontal Location of Wire Mesh; Rebar; Headed Studs on Bearing Plates,਍ഀ From Plan location; + or -'/2"਍ഀ Headed studs location on bearing plate, from plan location:਍ഀ Spacing between reinforcing bars, from plan dimension: 1"਍ഀ Reinforcing lap, from specified dimension: -1"਍ഀ Complete thickness of shotcrete from plan dimension:਍ഀ If troweled or screeded: -'h"਍ഀ -11-਍ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504਍ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACING਍ഀ If left as shot: -1"਍ഀ Planeness of finish face surface-gap under 3 meter straightedge-any direction:਍ഀ If troweled or screeded: '/z"਍ഀ If left as shot: 1"਍ഀ Nail head bearing plate, deviation from parallel to wall face: 10 degrees਍ഀ 3.03 Backfilling Behind Wall Facing Upper Cantilever. Compact backfill within 3 feet behind the wall਍ഀ facing upper cantilever using light mechanical tampers.਍ഀ 3.04 Safety Requirements. Nozzlemen and helpers shall be equipped with gloves, eye protection, and਍ഀ adequate protective clothing during the application of shotcrete. The Contractor is responsible for਍ഀ meeting all federal, state and local safety code requirements.਍ഀ METHOD OF MEASUREMENT਍ഀ 4.01 The shotcrete facing will not be measured for separately, but shall be included in the work,਍ഀ measured from vertically the bottom of wall elevation to the top of wall elevation, as shown on the plans.਍ഀ No measurement or payment will be made for additional shotcrete or CIP concrete needed to fill voids਍ഀ created by irregularities in the cut face, excavation overbreak or inadvertent excavation beyond the plan਍ഀ final wall face excavation line, or failure to construct the facing to the specified line and grade and਍ഀ tolerances. The final pay quantity shall include all structural shotcrete, admixtures, reinforcement,਍ഀ welded wire mesh, wire holding devices, wall drainage materials, bearing plates and nuts, test panels and਍ഀ all sampling, testing and reporting required by the Plans and this Specification. The final pay quantity਍ഀ shall be the design quantity increased or decreased by any changes authorized by the Engineer.਍ഀ BASIS OF PAYMENT਍ഀ 5.01 The accepted quantities of permanent shotcrete facing will be included in the contract unit price for਍ഀ the finished wall, measured as shown on the plans. Payment will be full compensation for furnishing all਍ഀ equipment, materials, labor, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work as specified and as਍ഀ detailed on the Plans, including the work required to provide the proper shotcrete facing alignment and਍ഀ thickness control, construct soil nails and perform the structure excavation, and construct modular block਍ഀ facing, as described in the plans and project documents. All wall drainage materials including਍ഀ geocomposite drain strips, connection pipes, drain grates, drain aggregate and geotextile, fittings, and਍ഀ accessories are considered incidental to the shotcrete facing and will not be paid separately.਍ഀ Payment will be made for the following bid item included in the bid form:਍ഀ Pay Item਍ഀ Measurement Unit਍ഀ 504 - Rosetta Faced Soil Nail Wall Square Feet਍ഀ END OF SECTION਍ഀ INTRODUCTION਍ഀ This stormwater management plan (SWMP) has been prepared for the Vail Golf Club (Tee Box਍ഀ 3 and 7 Improvements). The goal of the SWMP is to identify potential pollutant sources to਍ഀ stormwater, and identify Best Management Practices (BMPs) that, when implemented, will਍ഀ reduce or eliminate negative impacts to water quality. Where it is necessary, this SWMP will be਍ഀ coordinated with other environmental permits obtained by the project.਍ഀ 1.0 SITE DESCRIPTION਍ഀ 1.1 Project Description: (I.B.1, I.C.1)਍ഀ The proposed project generally consists of clearing and grubbing, demolition of existing਍ഀ walls, grading, constructing retaining walls, installation of fencing, constructing a flagstone਍ഀ path and landscaping.਍ഀ 1.2 Site Location: (See also the Vicinity Map)਍ഀ The project is located East Vail south of Interstate Highway 70 along Gore Creek.਍ഀ Throughout this report, the site will also be referred to as "the project".਍ഀ Latitude: N 39°38'24"਍ഀ Longitude: W 106°21'26"਍ഀ 1.3 Description of Construction Activities: (I.C.1.a)਍ഀ The proposed project consists of the following construction activities:਍ഀ ° Implementing construction site Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control਍ഀ potential pollution generated during construction activities਍ഀ ° Soil disturbing activities including clearing, grubbing, demolition and grading in਍ഀ preparation for proposed walls਍ഀ 'Installation of retaining walls (gravity walls, MSE walls, and Soil Nail Walls)਍ഀ ° Final grading਍ഀ ° Installation of flagstone path and fencing਍ഀ ° Final landscaping and site stabilization਍ഀ Upon completion of construction, the project will consist of refurbished golf course,਍ഀ surrounding sidewalks, retaining walls, and landscaped areas.਍ഀ 1.4 Sequence of Events: (I.C. Lb)਍ഀ Construction for all work associated with the project will begin on or about the਍ഀ beginning of March, 2009 and continue through the end of May, 2009.਍ഀ Following is a list of the major construction activities to be performed in general order of਍ഀ occurrence.਍ഀ 1. Preliminary: Confirm project disturbance limitations with those indicated on the site map਍ഀ for the SWMP, install initial sediment and erosion control features per the site map.਍ഀ 2. Site Prep and Demolition: clearing, grubbing and demolition of existing walls.਍ഀ 3. Retaining wall construction: excavation for footings, MSE and structural backfill areas,਍ഀ drilling and pouring of soil nail anchors, forming of retaining walls and stairs.਍ഀ 4. Finish grading.਍ഀ 5. Installation of flagstone path.਍ഀ 6. Installation of fencing.਍ഀ 7. Paving: completion of asphalt patching.਍ഀ 8. Final stabilization: landscaping, seeding and mulching਍ഀ 9. Remove all temporary BMPs upon sufficient vegetative cover establishment਍ഀ 1.5 Site/ Disturbance Area: (I.C.I.c)਍ഀ The full build out of the project contains approximately 0.30 acres, all of which will be਍ഀ disturbed. Reference the SWMP site map for current limits of construction as well as਍ഀ disturbed / undisturbed sections within the property.਍ഀ 1.6 Site Soil Data: (LC.1.d)਍ഀ Soils encountered at the site are described in the geotechnical report prepared by Ground਍ഀ Engineering (Job Number 07-3801). The test holes indicate a layer of topsoil and organics਍ഀ overlying man-made fill material and natural sands, sands and gravels to the maximum depth਍ഀ explored.਍ഀ 1.7 Existing Vegetation: (I.C. Le)਍ഀ Vegetation on the property consists of highly maintained landscaping, native grasses, under-਍ഀ brush, and occasional trees. Vegetative densities for the property are estimated at 90%.਍ഀ 1.8 Other Site Considerations਍ഀ The project does not exceed the one acre minimum area of disturbance that would require a਍ഀ Colorado State Water Qaulity Control Division - Constrcution Stormwater Discharge Permit਍ഀ to be issued. No permit application will be filed for this project.਍ഀ 1.9 Non-Stormwater Discharge: (I.C.I.g)਍ഀ Non-stormwater discharges anticipated for this project will include concrete washout and਍ഀ landscape irrigation return flow.਍ഀ Although ground water was not encountered during the initial boring of core samples, it is਍ഀ possible that ground water exists within the project area. As a result, a plan will be਍ഀ preemptively created and a CDPS Wastewater Discharge Permit obtained in preparation for਍ഀ ground water dewatering activities.਍ഀ Each of the above mentioned potential non-stormwater discharges will be controlled using਍ഀ appropriate BMPs when necessary to insure proper and adequate treatment. Pollutants਍ഀ generated by non-stormwater discharges will not be allowed to be discharged from the site as਍ഀ surface runoff or to surface waters.਍ഀ 1.10 Receiving Waters: (I.C.I.h)਍ഀ Runoff from the site will flow overland to Gore Creek.਍ഀ 1.11 SWMP Administrator: (I.C.3.a)਍ഀ shall be the designated SWMP administrator for਍ഀ the project. It will be his responsibility to insure the SWMP's adequacy at all times to਍ഀ effectively manage potential stormwater pollutants throughout the course of construction.਍ഀ It is important that this narrative report and associated site maps remain consistent਍ഀ throughout all phases of construction with current potential pollution sources and Best਍ഀ Management Practices (BMPs) used by the project team. In the event conditions at the site਍ഀ change, pollutant sources change; or BMPs change or need to be added, this report and the਍ഀ site maps shall be updated accordingly by the SWMP Administrator or His assigns.਍ഀ 2.0 SITE MAPS (SEE ATTACHED PLANS - SWMP SHEETS 1 AND 2)਍ഀ At a minimum, include the following:਍ഀ 1. construction site boundaries਍ഀ 2. all areas of ground surface disturbance਍ഀ 3. areas of cut and fill (indicated by existing and proposed grades)਍ഀ 4. areas used for storage of building materials, equipment, soil, or waste਍ഀ 5. locations of dedicated asphalt or concrete batch plants਍ഀ 6 locations of all structural BMPs਍ഀ 7. locations of non-structural BMPs as applicable਍ഀ 8. locations of springs, streams, wetlands and other surface waters.਍ഀ 3.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS਍ഀ 3.1 Potential Pollutants*: (I.B.2, I.C. Lf, I.C.3.b)਍ഀ Potential pollution sources for this project include the following: sediment-laden stormwater਍ഀ runoff from disturbed areas, sediment tracked by construction equipment onto paved਍ഀ surfaces, contaminated soils due to spills or accidental leaks, fuel spills from loading and਍ഀ unloading of construction materials and equipment, fuels / oils from construction equipment਍ഀ fueling and maintenance, airborne dust from grading or demolition activities, construction਍ഀ site waste (dumpsters), adhesives, paints, plaster, and other finish materials, cleaning਍ഀ solvents, liquid wastes from concrete and or tool washing activities, asphalt material from਍ഀ patching operations, effluent from portable toilet units, sediment from stockpiled soils and਍ഀ nitrates / nitrites from soil. There is no on-site asphalt or concrete batch plant anticipated for਍ഀ this project.਍ഀ Material storage, loading/unloading operations, and vehicle maintenance shall be limited to਍ഀ designated locations on site. Chemicals or hazardous materials will be stored in an enclosed਍ഀ facility and the associated Hazmat documentation kept within the construction trailer.਍ഀ Portable toilets shall be located on the jobsite where they can be accessed for regular service਍ഀ and they will be anchored to prevent the possibility of accidental tipping. Vehicle tracking਍ഀ control will include stabilized access points, minimizing traffic egress from disturbed areas਍ഀ during wet conditions (to the maximum extent possible) and sweeping or scraping paved਍ഀ sections (public or private) when necessary. These vehicle tracking controls will be਍ഀ maintained in good, effective condition during any periods of construction activity.਍ഀ *Reference section 3.2.4 for an itemized list of pollutant sources and selected BMPs਍ഀ anticipated for this project.਍ഀ 3.2 Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater Pollution Prevention: (I.C.3.c)਍ഀ 3.2.1 Erosion and Sediment Controls:਍ഀ Appropriate BMPs shall be installed before earthwork begins (where possible).਍ഀ Locations for specific BMPs are shown on the site map. The temporary measures to਍ഀ be used in the control of sediment and stormwater from the site during construction are:਍ഀ a. Follow all local, state and federal regulations pertaining to stormwater control.਍ഀ b. Silt fence may be installed, where appropriate, around areas of construction to਍ഀ intercept and detain small amounts of sediment in order to reduce the amount of਍ഀ sediment in runoff leaving the site.਍ഀ c. Vehicle tracking control pads shall be placed at the access / exit points and shall be਍ഀ maintained in good working conditions throughout construction.਍ഀ d. All construction debris / trash shall be picked up and disposed of in proper containers਍ഀ and hauled off of the site as necessary.਍ഀ e. Concrete washout facilities shall be placed on site as dictated by the contractor prior਍ഀ to pouring concrete. Excess concrete material will be removed from the washout area਍ഀ when the BMP has reached '/z of its capacity and will be disposed at a facility਍ഀ licensed to handle the material. Special care will be taken to place washout facilities਍ഀ in areas where ground water is not likely to interface with liquid wastes. Locations਍ഀ will be indicated on the site map prior to installation.਍ഀ f. Construction materials that could have a negative impact on water quality will be਍ഀ stored, when not in active use, in a manner that will minimize contact with਍ഀ stormwater. A Spill Kit will be on site at all times. If any spillage occurs, the਍ഀ contaminated soil shall be immediately excavated and removed from the site to a਍ഀ disposal area licensed to handle the contaminated material.਍ഀ g. Whenever sediment is transported onto an adjacent street, the street shall be cleaned਍ഀ at the end of the day. Sediment shall be removed from the street by shoveling,਍ഀ sweeping or both.਍ഀ 3.2.2 Structural Practices: (1.C.3.c.1)਍ഀ See site map for specific installation specifications and maintenance details for all਍ഀ structural controls described below.਍ഀ Silt Fence: Silt fence shall be installed, when appropriate, along the down-stream side of਍ഀ exposed/disturbed soil areas and around the base of all stockpiles prior to grading or਍ഀ stockpiling on the project. Locations are shown on the site map.਍ഀ Straw Wattles: Straw wattles may be installed in areas where minimal containment is਍ഀ needed as located on the site map.਍ഀ Vehicle Tracking Control: Vehicle tracking pads for this site shall be placed at the access਍ഀ / exit points and shall be maintained throughout construction. An approximate thickness਍ഀ of 12 inches of 3 to 6 inches riprap is recommended, but this design shall be subject to਍ഀ revision based on site conditions and local ordinances to achieve the desired result.਍ഀ Construction fencing may be installed as necessary to limit egress to stabilized access਍ഀ points only. Locations shall be coordinated with the Golf Club Superintendant. If mud਍ഀ or soils are tracked onto paved sections or public roads, these areas shall be swept clean਍ഀ as soon as possible. No construction debris or soil deposits shall be allowed to impede਍ഀ the smooth flow of traffic on public roads.਍ഀ Stockpiled soils will be kept away from surface waters and concentrated flow areas. If਍ഀ they are to remain in one place for longer than 14 days, the project team will insure that਍ഀ adequate secondary containment is provided at the low end of any stockpiled soils. It is਍ഀ not anticipated that any exportation of soil is to occur however, if becomes necessary to਍ഀ do so, proper planning and implementing of BMPs will occur prior to the activity.਍ഀ 3.2.3 Non-Structural Practices: (1.C.3.c.2)਍ഀ Where applicable, see the site map for installation specifications and maintenance਍ഀ details for related non-structural controls described below.਍ഀ Proper planning and budgeting for stormwater controls will be performed before਍ഀ construction begins. The SWMP Administrator will make efforts to insure that਍ഀ subcontractors are educated as to the requirements of pollution prevention practices as it਍ഀ pertains to their activities.਍ഀ Additional stock of certain materials such as straw wattle, silt fence, gravel and other਍ഀ commonly used BMPs may be kept on site to be able to quickly address unexpected਍ഀ pollution prevention needs as they arise during the course of the work.਍ഀ Existing vegetation will be protected and maintained wherever possible and indicated on਍ഀ the SWMP site map.਍ഀ Due to the limited project area, temporary vegetative cover will likely not be used as an਍ഀ erosion control method. Instead, exposed soils within the project area during਍ഀ construction will be kept in a roughened condition whenever there is a lapse in activity਍ഀ for a period longer than 7 days, with the exception of snow cover conditions which often਍ഀ occur in winter months. Soils will be roughened along the contours of the grade to਍ഀ promote infiltration and reduce erosive velocities in runoff waters. Efforts will be taken਍ഀ to stabilize disturbed soils to the extent possible prior to winter months.਍ഀ Vegetative ground cover will be established on all disturbed areas that do not receive਍ഀ other permanent features or ground cover.਍ഀ Rolled erosion control products will be used in concentrated flow lines that exceed 1%਍ഀ slope or are expected to receive heavy flows in order to reduce erosive runoff velocities਍ഀ and associated erosive impacts.਍ഀ All exposed soil areas having a slope of 3:1 or greater shall be stabilized with rolled਍ഀ erosion control products or another BMP to minimize potential slope erosion. Final਍ഀ stabilization BMPs will be implemented within 7 days after grading activities have਍ഀ ceased, unless work is to be resumed within 30 calendar days. Where final grading has਍ഀ not occurred but disturbed areas remain dormant, temporary stabilization methods such as਍ഀ surface roughening will be implemented. All non-structural control measures਍ഀ implemented during construction will be indicated on the site map.਍ഀ 3.2.4. Phased Implementation of BMPs: (I.C.3.c.3)਍ഀ The following chart indicates the major activities that will occur before, during and after਍ഀ construction*. Included within the chart are the potential pollutants and associated BMPs਍ഀ planned for implementation during each of the construction activities listed. Following this chart਍ഀ is a legend for the BMP designations shown. This chart will be updated prior to and throughout਍ഀ each major phase of construction in order to insure the appropriate implementation of BMPs਍ഀ indicated.਍ഀ Before Construction਍ഀ Construction਍ഀ Date਍ഀ Potential਍ഀ Best Management Practices (BMPs)਍ഀ Activity/Sequence਍ഀ Pollutants਍ഀ Erosion਍ഀ Sediment਍ഀ Operational਍ഀ Pre-construction਍ഀ N/A਍ഀ Training,਍ഀ planning & scope਍ഀ Planning mtgs਍ഀ Mobilization਍ഀ Fuel Spills਍ഀ SF਍ഀ PT (ongoing),਍ഀ Sediment਍ഀ SC, HMS, TC਍ഀ Raw sewage਍ഀ (ongoing)਍ഀ Trash਍ഀ Initial BMPs per਍ഀ Sediment਍ഀ ECB, SR, EV਍ഀ SF, VTC, SW਍ഀ Planning਍ഀ SWMP਍ഀ During Construction਍ഀ Construction Activity਍ഀ Date਍ഀ Potential਍ഀ Best Management Practices (BMPs)਍ഀ Pollutants਍ഀ Erosion਍ഀ Sediment਍ഀ Operational਍ഀ Demolition / Rough਍ഀ Sediment਍ഀ SR, EV, ECB਍ഀ SF, VTC, SW਍ഀ Spill Kit਍ഀ Grading਍ഀ Fuel਍ഀ (ongoing), SC,਍ഀ Stockpiles਍ഀ Dust਍ഀ HMS, TC, SP਍ഀ Retaining Wall਍ഀ Sediment਍ഀ SR, EV, ECB਍ഀ SF, SW, VTC,਍ഀ SC, HMS, TC,਍ഀ Construction਍ഀ Fuel਍ഀ Stockpiles਍ഀ CWA਍ഀ SP, TWS਍ഀ Liquid Waste਍ഀ Concrete਍ഀ Flagstone Path਍ഀ Sediment਍ഀ SR, EV, ECB਍ഀ SF, SW, VTC,਍ഀ SC, HMS, TC,਍ഀ Fuel਍ഀ CWA਍ഀ SP, TWS਍ഀ Concrete਍ഀ Stockpiles਍ഀ Dust਍ഀ Fencing਍ഀ Sediment਍ഀ SR, EV, ECB਍ഀ SF, SW, VTC,਍ഀ SC, HMS, TC,਍ഀ Fuel਍ഀ CWA਍ഀ SP, TWS਍ഀ Liquid waste਍ഀ Concrete਍ഀ Paint਍ഀ Asphalt Patching਍ഀ Asphalt਍ഀ VTC਍ഀ SC, HMS, TC,਍ഀ Fuel / oil਍ഀ SP, TWS਍ഀ After Construction਍ഀ Construction Activity਍ഀ Date਍ഀ Potential਍ഀ Best Management Practices (BMPs)਍ഀ Pollutants਍ഀ Erosion਍ഀ Sediment਍ഀ Operational਍ഀ Final Stabilization਍ഀ Sediment਍ഀ EV, PS, ECB਍ഀ SC, HMS, TC,਍ഀ Fuel਍ഀ SP਍ഀ Soil amendments਍ഀ Fertilizer਍ഀ Remove BMPs (upon਍ഀ Trash਍ഀ TC਍ഀ Final Stabilization਍ഀ Debris਍ഀ only)਍ഀ "Date fields intentionally left blank for the Operator to determine਍ഀ BMP Legend and Maintenance Schedule:਍ഀ BMP਍ഀ Designation਍ഀ Description਍ഀ Maintenance Requirements਍ഀ CD਍ഀ Check Dam਍ഀ CID਍ഀ Culvert Inlet Protection਍ഀ CWA਍ഀ Concrete Washout Area਍ഀ DCEB਍ഀ Drainage Channel Erosion਍ഀ Blanket਍ഀ DD਍ഀ Diversion Ditch/Dike਍ഀ DSA਍ഀ Designated Staging Area਍ഀ ECB਍ഀ Erosion Control Blanket਍ഀ EV਍ഀ Existing Vegetation਍ഀ Existing vegetation to remain undisturbed਍ഀ may be protected by wire rope barriers and਍ഀ stakes or orange construction fencing if਍ഀ necessary਍ഀ FB਍ഀ Pipe end Filter Bag for Dewatering਍ഀ Operations਍ഀ GB਍ഀ Geo-synthetic Check Barrier਍ഀ GP਍ഀ Gravel Stabilized Parking਍ഀ HMS਍ഀ Hazardous Material Storage਍ഀ IP਍ഀ Inlet Protection਍ഀ MU਍ഀ Mulching਍ഀ OP਍ഀ Outlet Protection਍ഀ PS਍ഀ Permanent Seeding਍ഀ Use approved standard seed mix਍ഀ PT਍ഀ Portable Toilet਍ഀ RC਍ഀ Rip Rap Channel਍ഀ RCS਍ഀ Rough Cut Street Control਍ഀ RRB਍ഀ Rip Rap Berm਍ഀ SB਍ഀ Standard Temp Sed. Basins਍ഀ SC਍ഀ Secondary Containment਍ഀ SF਍ഀ Silt Fence਍ഀ SP਍ഀ Stock pile area਍ഀ SR਍ഀ Surface Roughening਍ഀ SW਍ഀ Straw Wattle਍ഀ TC਍ഀ Trash Container਍ഀ TS਍ഀ Temporary Seeding਍ഀ Use approved standard seed mix਍ഀ TSD਍ഀ Temporary Slope Drain਍ഀ TWS਍ഀ Tool Washing Station਍ഀ VTC਍ഀ Vehicle Tracking Control਍ഀ 3.3 Other Controls: (1.C.3.c.1-8)਍ഀ Solid construction waste and debris that are not properly disposed of can be a source of water਍ഀ and wind born pollution. All waste materials will be collected and stored in a metal dumpster਍ഀ rented from a licensed solid waste management company. The dumpsters will meet all local਍ഀ and State solid waste management regulations. Trash and construction debris from the site਍ഀ will be deposited in the dumpster. The dumpster will be emptied as needed, and the trash਍ഀ will be hauled to a licensed landfill. All personnel will be instructed regarding the correct਍ഀ procedure for waste disposal. The SWMP Administrator for the site will be responsible for਍ഀ seeing that these procedures are followed਍ഀ Sanitary waste associated with portable toilets on construction sites is considered a hazardous਍ഀ material and must be contained. Portable toilets are considered an adequate containment and਍ഀ do not require secondary containment but must be placed on flat ground and away from inlets਍ഀ and drainage ways. It is also recommended that portable toilets remain on impervious਍ഀ surfaces and be secured at their base to protect against accidental tipping.਍ഀ Accidental spills most often occur when loading and unloading construction materials. To਍ഀ prevent and more easily contain potential discharges during loading and unloading਍ഀ operations, a designated area for the majority of this type of activity will be provided (see਍ഀ SSA on site map). A spill response kit will be provided in the loading and unloading area.਍ഀ Construction equipment such as forklifts and other miscellaneous equipment will be਍ഀ operating on this site for the duration of the project. Fueling and maintenance of this਍ഀ equipment will be required on the site. Because of the limited site area available, mobile਍ഀ onsite fueling and maintenance may be required and will be performed in designated and਍ഀ contained areas. Incidental fuels such as gasoline and diesel, for small machines (saws,਍ഀ compactors, etc.) and maintenance materials will also be required. All will be stored in well਍ഀ marked containers in protected and contained areas as designated on the site map. Potential਍ഀ pollutants kept within designated storage areas will have secondary containment in place to਍ഀ minimize the potential for direct contact with stormwater runoff. A spill response kit will be਍ഀ provided for storage areas in case of accidental spills. Spill prevention and response਍ഀ procedures will be followed as outlined in section 3.4 of the SWMP.਍ഀ A portion of this project's structure is comprised of concrete. Concrete contains cement਍ഀ which has a very high PH and can be detrimental to water quality. The process of pouring਍ഀ concrete typically requires that concrete truck placement chutes be washed before leaving the਍ഀ job. Concrete truck chute washout will be performed in designated, properly contained and਍ഀ clearly marked locations. Washout locations will be located away from stormwater਍ഀ conveyances and will be noted on the site map.਍ഀ Worker trash from meals eaten on the jobsite can be a source for pollution if not properly਍ഀ disposed of. Trash containers will be adequately supplied in quantities and locations to਍ഀ properly address this concern. Trash containers will be emptied regularly and trash will be਍ഀ properly disposed of where it will not pose a threat to water quality. Containers will be of਍ഀ sufficient weight or otherwise secured to prevent tipping by wind.਍ഀ During construction operations it is often necessary for different trades to clean tools on the਍ഀ site. Efforts will be made in project preplanning to minimize the incorporation of any਍ഀ materials into the building process that are hazardous to water quality. Tool washout areas਍ഀ shall also be provided for the containment of paint, solvent and cement products that are਍ഀ washed from tools during construction even if they are not considered "hazardous". Under no਍ഀ circumstances shall tools be cleaned in locations where associated pollutants can enter the਍ഀ storm drain system or downstream water.਍ഀ 3.4 Material Handling and Spill Prevention: (1.C.3.c.4)਍ഀ The following are material management practices that will be used to reduce the risk of spills਍ഀ or other accidental exposure of materials and substances to stormwater runoff.਍ഀ 3.4.1 Good Housekeeping: The following good housekeeping practices will be followed਍ഀ onsite during the construction project:਍ഀ 1. An effort will be made to store only enough material required to do the job.਍ഀ 2. All materials stored on site will be stored in a neat, orderly manner in their਍ഀ appropriate containers and off of the ground, protected from weather or within਍ഀ secondary containment.਍ഀ 3. Products will be kept in their original containers with the original manufacturer's਍ഀ label.਍ഀ 4. Substances will not be mixed with one another unless recommended by the਍ഀ manufacturer.਍ഀ 5. Whenever possible, all of a product will be used up before disposing of the਍ഀ container.਍ഀ 6. Manufacturers' recommendations for proper use will be followed.਍ഀ 7. Any remaining chemicals shall be disposed of according to manufacturers'਍ഀ recommendations and in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations.਍ഀ 8. The SWMP Administrator will inspect regularly to ensure proper use and disposal਍ഀ of materials onsite.਍ഀ 3.4.2 Hazardous Products: These practices are used to reduce the risks associated with਍ഀ hazardous materials.਍ഀ 1. Products will be kept in original containers unless they are not re-sealable.਍ഀ 2. Original labels and material safety data will be retained.਍ഀ 3. Products will be stored under cover਍ഀ 4. If surplus product must be disposed of, manufacturers' or local and State਍ഀ recommended methods for proper disposal will be followed.਍ഀ 3.4.3 Product Specific Practices:਍ഀ Petroleum Products: All onsite vehicles will be monitored for leaks and receive਍ഀ regular preventative maintenance to reduce the chance of leakage. Petroleum਍ഀ products for vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance will be stored in਍ഀ tightly sealed containers which are clearly labeled. Any asphalt substances used਍ഀ onsite will be applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations.਍ഀ Leaks occur generally as a result of faulty, old or improperly maintained equipment਍ഀ or storage facilities. If unintentional leaks are detected, the operator will identify and਍ഀ abate the material immediately. For impervious surfaces, an absorbent material will਍ഀ be used to soak up the liquid wastes and then swept up and placed in a contained unit਍ഀ for proper disposal. When leaks are detected on soils, the operator will remove਍ഀ contaminated soils from the earth and place them in a contained unit for proper਍ഀ disposal.਍ഀ Containers used for contaminated materials will be clearly marked and kept from਍ഀ coming into direct contact with stormwater. Storage or fueling areas where leaks can਍ഀ occur shall be inspected visually on a regular basis. Efforts taken to abate਍ഀ unintentional leaks and repair faulty equipment will be recorded in the activity log.਍ഀ Unintentional leaks must not be confused with spills and should be documented਍ഀ accordingly.਍ഀ Fertilizers: Fertilizers will be applied only in the minimum amounts recommended਍ഀ by the manufacturer. Once applied, fertilizer will be worked into the soil to limit਍ഀ exposure to stormwater. Storage will be in a covered and contained area. The਍ഀ contents of any partially used bags of fertilizer will be transferred to a sealable plastic਍ഀ bin to avoid spills. Soil amendments will be spread and tilled into the soil਍ഀ immediately upon arrival to the site in order to minimize direct contact with਍ഀ stormwater runoff. Where soil amendment stock piles are necessary, they will be਍ഀ contained using BMPs such as earthen berms.਍ഀ Paints: All containers will be tightly sealed and stored off the ground and protected਍ഀ from weather, or in secondary containment, when not required for use. Excess paint਍ഀ will not be discharged into the storm sewer system, but will be properly disposed of਍ഀ according to manufacturer's instructions and State and local regulations.਍ഀ Concrete: Concrete trucks will be allowed to wash their chutes in designated areas਍ഀ on the site. Surplus concrete and drum wash water will be disposed of at an approved਍ഀ off-site landfill and will not be allowed to be discharged at the site. No washout਍ഀ material will be allowed to run off site, and wash out areas will be properly cleaned as਍ഀ necessary.਍ഀ 3.4.4 Spill Control Practices: In addition to the good housekeeping and material਍ഀ management practices discussed previously in this plan, the following practices will be਍ഀ followed for spill prevention and cleanup:਍ഀ Manufacturers' recommended methods for spill cleanup will be clearly posted in the਍ഀ job trailer and site personnel will be made aware of the procedures and the location of਍ഀ the information and cleanup supplies.਍ഀ Materials and equipment necessary for spill cleanup will be kept in the material਍ഀ storage area onsite. Equipment and materials will include but are not be limited to:਍ഀ brooms, dust pans, mops, rags, gloves, goggles, absorbent powder / kitty litter, sand,਍ഀ sawdust, and plastic and metal trash containers specifically for this purpose.਍ഀ The operator will inform the jobsite personnel that if a spill of any size occurs they਍ഀ are to always notify the SWMP manager and, depending on the nature and severity of਍ഀ the spill, the operator will contact the CDPHE, downstream users and other regulatory਍ഀ agencies.਍ഀ The WQCD requires that any hazardous material spill be reported when any of਍ഀ the following conditions occur:਍ഀ • Over 25 gallons of petroleum਍ഀ • 5 CCs of mercury਍ഀ • Any and all raw sewage releases਍ഀ • Any/all State waters impacted਍ഀ If any of the above criteria is met or exceeded, the Colorado Department of Public਍ഀ Health and Environment, Local Emergency Planning committee, downstream users਍ഀ and other agencies (MS4s) will be notified. The CDPHE will be notified by telephone਍ഀ within 24 hours. In addition, written notification describing the spill and the clean up਍ഀ procedures used will be sent to the agencies 5 days following the spill. If a spill does਍ഀ not meet the above criteria, reporting is not mandatory.਍ഀ When any spill occurs:਍ഀ 1) Notify the controlling operator of the site immediately following a਍ഀ hazardous spill.਍ഀ 2) Document the spill and its clean-up procedures whether reporting is਍ഀ required or not.਍ഀ 3) At a minimum document the following:਍ഀ • Nature of spill਍ഀ • Quantity of spill਍ഀ • Date/time spill occurred਍ഀ • Agency notification if necessary਍ഀ • Clean-up procedures used਍ഀ • Daily monitoring (7 days) after clean-up਍ഀ • Photographs਍ഀ • Interview(s) with any witnesses of the event਍ഀ General guidelines for clean-up procedures:਍ഀ • Immediately control or stop the release/spill਍ഀ • Mitigate the spill area as needed with a spill prevention kit਍ഀ • Obtain approved secondary containers to store any absorbents used਍ഀ • Report the spill to the Responsible Person on the jobsite for determination if਍ഀ further reporting is required or if emergency notification is appropriate.਍ഀ CDPHE Toll Free 24-hour Env. Emergency Spill Reporting Line: 1-877-518-5608਍ഀ 4.0 LONG-TERM STORMWATER MANAGEMENT਍ഀ Final Stabilization: (I.C.4)਍ഀ The stormwater management plan is considered active until a uniform vegetative cover with਍ഀ a density of at least 70 percent of pre-disturbance levels is achieved. All disturbed areas਍ഀ (except those portions covered by pavement, structures or paths) will be landscaped਍ഀ according to the approved plan.਍ഀ At the completion of the project, when all areas have received final/permanent stabilization਍ഀ measures, all temporary BMPs shall be removed and properly disposed of.਍ഀ 5.0 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE (I.C.5, I.D.6)਍ഀ 5.1 Minimum Inspection Schedule: (1.D.6.a)਍ഀ All erosion/sediment control features will be inspected for effectiveness at a minimum of਍ഀ every 14 days and after each precipitation event or rain or snowmelt event that results in਍ഀ surface erosion or per the requirements of the Town of Vail, Colorado.਍ഀ 5.2 Inspections and Maintenance*: (1.D.6)਍ഀ The inspection process will determine if there is evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants਍ഀ entering the drainage system or Waters of the U.S. BMPs will be reviewed to determine਍ഀ whether they meet the design and operational criteria in the SWMP and that they continue to਍ഀ adequately control pollutants at the site.਍ഀ The inspection process will include identifying BMPs that are found to no longer function as਍ഀ needed and designed, as well as preventative maintenance to proactively ensure continued਍ഀ operation. BMPs that have failed, or have the potential to fail without maintenance or਍ഀ modifications will be addressed as soon as possible to prevent the discharge of pollutants.਍ഀ The inspection process will include the updating of the SWMP to identify all pollution਍ഀ sources and associated BMPs that are being implemented in the field. All activities related to਍ഀ implementing the SWMP or repairing and replacing BMPs will be documented.਍ഀ Silt fence will be inspected for depth of sediment, tears, to see if the fabric is securely਍ഀ attached to the fence posts, and to see that the fence posts are firmly in the ground. Built up਍ഀ sediment will be removed from the silt fence when it has reached 6 inches in depth.਍ഀ Wattles will be inspected for condition, undermining and sediment build-up. If sediment਍ഀ levels reach 50%, it will be removed.਍ഀ The vehicle tracking control pad(s) shall be inspected to ensure the aggregate material਍ഀ remains generally free of sedimentation deposits and meets the required specifications unless਍ഀ otherwise noted / redlined.਍ഀ 5.3 Record Keeping:਍ഀ A maintenance inspection report will be made after each inspection. A copy of the report਍ഀ form to be completed by the inspector will be filed onsite.਍ഀ A log documenting stormwater management activities that occurs outside of regular਍ഀ inspection dates may be kept by the SWMP Manager on this site. The SWMP Administrator,਍ഀ or his assigns, may enter documentation in the log, as they determine appropriate for site਍ഀ conditions.਍ഀ P, Q© 's -0 57 t� T000 YAitl" JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER T his form is applicable to all Daslgn Review applicants that share ownership or the subject property. For exam- ple, the aubJect property where construction Is occurring Is a duplex, condominium or rhulti - te Plant building. This form Shall be completed by the applicants nelghoor/ Joint property owner. In the case: of a multiples- fa Community dwell ing or multi building, the authority of the association shelf complete this ro,— and mail to. Develapmant Department, 75 South Fronta Road, Vail, CO 81657 o r fax to 970.479.2452. 1, (print name) t \/La1 2 (� a Joint owner, or authority of tho association, of / ` property located at 1_l:vy \e N fS� - 1.., \Ct..\ 1 , provide this letter as written approval or the plans dated V _FZO l I 20 1() _ which hove been submitted to the � / r� T own of ali Community Development Department for the proposed Improvements to, be completed at the ad dress noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements Include: 0 (,7lgnature) (Date) � A' U t j j ll''ay, please chock the Ste to m ant below which 1, most appllca We to yu. derstand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to en- sure compliance with the T owns appdcab /e codes and regulations. (Initial here) o I request that all modifications, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the course of the re- view process, be brought to my attention by the applicant ror additional approval bercro undergoing further re view by the T.—n. (Initial her -) Apr-09 r- GtT rl C 0.n(.