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Design Review Boardഀ ACTION FORMഀ Department of Community Developmentഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ Project Name: VAIL GOLF COURSE RETAININGWALL DRS Number: DRB080557ഀ Project Description:ഀ REPLACE RETAINING WALLS ON THE #3 AND #7 TEE BOXES ON VAIL GOLF COURSEഀ Participants:ഀ OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 10/29/2008ഀ C/O FINANCE DEPTഀ 75 S FRONTAGE RDഀ VAILഀ CO 81657ഀ APPLICANT VAIL RECREATION DISTRICTഀ C/O SCOTT OCONNELLഀ 700 S FRONTAGE RD Eഀ VAILഀ CO 81657ഀ License: 0000001431ഀ Project Address: 1778 SUNBURST DR VAILഀ VAIL GOLF COURSE #3 AND #7 TEE BOXESഀ 10/29/2008 Phone: 970-477-5264ഀ Location:ഀ Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block: Subdivision: SUNBURST FILING 3ഀ Parcel Number: 2101-091-0101-2ഀ Comments:ഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTIONഀ Motion By: DANTASഀ Second By: DUBOISഀ Vote: 5-0-0ഀ Conditions:ഀ Action: APPROVEDഀ Date of Approval: 11/07/2008ഀ Cond: 8ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town ofഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).ഀ Cond: 0ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult withഀ Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.ഀ Cond:201ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date ofഀ approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.ഀ Cond: 202ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followingഀ the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction isഀ commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.ഀ Planner: RACHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: $0.00ഀ Development Review Coordinatorഀ Community Development Departmentഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ TO VN O sഀ 1~ tഀ Application for Design Reviewഀ Minor Exterior Alterationsഀ General Information:ഀ This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as re-ഀ roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can beഀ reviewed on-line at www.vailgov.com under Vail Information - Town Code On-line. All projects requiring design reviewഀ must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot beഀ accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittalഀ requirements. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued andഀ construction commences.ഀ Fee: $250 for Multi-Family/Commercialഀ $20 for Single Family/Duplexഀ Description of the Request: 1 0 ~.~~~co ~ronol~.~ ko 'Ze.Js-L_ i ~~~:n~~,. o•ഀ • f `r ~vXe S 1-l~c~ ksc ic~Q-,~•' z~~ 1" V S ~;i} 4'fഀ r) n V c, l l; s Co L' r SCEഀ Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: U^ 1 1 e&ഀ Physical Address:ഀ Parcel No.: ~ I o 1 0110101g_ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)ഀ Name(s) of Owner(s): N O Vഀ Mailing Address:ഀ p Owner(s) Signature(s):ഀ Name of Applicant:ഀ Phone:ഀ O'CAAALA kklഀ Mailing Address:~~ഀ V, ` c V ~ 0 6 S-7 Phone: q 7 7- ' t✓ `6ഀ E-mail Address: c~c ; n 'v 1 c" , c o Fax: r' tLഀ For Office Us nly:ഀ Fee Paid: Check No.: By:ഀ Oഀ Meeting Date: DRB No.: V96ഀ Planner: Project No.: ?W 105ഀ VAIL RECREATIONഀ D I S T R I C Tഀ To: Design Review Boardഀ From: Vail Recreation Districtഀ Date: 10/23/08ഀ RE: retaining wall construction project narrativeഀ The Vail Recreation District (VRD), working in conjunction with the Town of Vail (TOV) is currently working on plansഀ to replace the existing retaining walls located on the # 3 and # 7 Tee Boxes at the Vail Golf Course.ഀ Background:ഀ This project is a result of an engineering study conducted by Bourne Engineering firm from Westminster CO. Thisഀ §tudy was conducted at the request for the TOV to evaluate the Property conditions and provide and analysis forഀ physical needs for the assets owned by the TOV and operated by the VRD. As a result of this study there wereഀ several areas with the District that were identified as "life safety" issues. (See attached) The retaining walls on theഀ #3 and #7 tee boxes were 2 areas specifically identified as "life safety" concerns.ഀ TOV then contracted Loris and Associates Inc. of Lafayette CO to draft conceptual plans for the #3 and #7 tee boxഀ retaining walls including options and pricing. The TOV and VRD agreed on a course of action and the VRD thenഀ contracted Loris to provide final design plans and engineering specifications.ഀ Purpose:ഀ The purpose of this project is to replace the retaining walls identified as "life safety" issues located at the #3 andഀ #7 tee Boxes on the Vail Golf Course. In addition it is our intention to secure and stabilize the hillside on the #7 teeഀ box to prevent additional erosion from occurring.ഀ Details:ഀ This project will involve excavating, soil nailing (#7 only) and installing MSE walls. We will also be working withഀ local utilities on the # 7 tee box due to a change in elevation of the tee box area. It is our goal to commence workഀ on this project in the spring of 2009 with a 6 to 8 week construction period.ഀ Thank you for your time.ഀ Eഀ Sincerely, AppROVED a THEഀ TOWN OF BOARDഀ f' DESIGN R Iഀ Scott F. O'Connell DATE;ഀ Building, Facility & Maintenance Managerഀ Vail Recreation Districtഀ (970) 477-5264ഀ soconnell@vailrec.comഀ VAIL RECREATIONഀ D I S T R I C Tഀ Nordic Operations and Impactഀ The Vail Recreation District (VRD) has held internal discussions with staff to determine possible impacts on theഀ VRD Nordic operations. It was determined that due to the timing of this project, estimated start date on Aprilഀ 1st 2009 and the fact that the irrigation project will also be installed concurrently to this project, that we willഀ not impact the Nordic operations with the Retaining Wall construction project. If weather permits for Nordicഀ operations past April 15Y a track will be provided in and around the driving range however maintenance of theഀ track will be the responsibility of the Vail Nordic Center. Staffing for track maintenance provided by the VRDഀ will cease as of April 1st so that they may prepare areas for the irrigation installation. If you have anyഀ questions regarding this document of the intentions of the VRD staff in regards to Nordic operations pleaseഀ contact me and I will be able to address your questions and concerns.ഀ Scott F. O'Connellഀ Building, Facility & Maintenance Managerഀ Vail Recreation Districtഀ (970) 477-5264ഀ soconnell@vailrec.comഀ APPROVED BY THEഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ DESIGN REVIEW BOARDഀ DATE: bഀ PLANNER:ഀ 0ഀ Oഀ I .ഀ T[i:ഀ FM 7 11 08 Depicted here are some images that describe the proposedഀ improvements to the no. 7 tee area. From the plan on theഀ lower left the proposed retaining walls and existingഀ retaining walls can be seen.ഀ ° The cross section lower left shows how the grade isഀ lowered on the tee area and the locations of existing andഀ proposed wallsഀ Lods and Assode K Inc _ഀ NO.ഀ P IVA it'd Tfഀ TEE 0ഀ GRAPHIC WORK BYഀ FRANK MILTENBERGER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTഀ SHEETI OF 2ഀ FM 7 11 08ഀ AHUV~tU by I Fltഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ DESIGN REVIEW BOARDഀ DATE: S D Yഀ PLANNER: Llf~ഀ 04.0ഀ -Existing retainingഀ wallsഀ F-0-Iഀ LJഀ allഀ aഀ altoഀ ,ഀ There are two existing retaining walls north of tee no.ഀ FN_? 14 08 3. The proposed new retaining walls will also have twoഀ terraced walls but with a different configuration. Bothഀ walls are taller and the top wall is slightly south of theഀ existing wall and creates more flat area for the tee.ഀ "There is also more space between the walls with thisഀ scheme. Existing trees between walls will need to beഀ removed for this construction.ഀ AMMONALഀ ?E~ WX WIDTH 6'-0'ഀ PLANTER Box Cross section of Tee areaഀ OEMഀ areaഀ Existing retainingഀ wallsഀ Proposed lowsഀ retaining wallഀ o ~ഀ 7ഀ Eഀ VAIL RECREATIONഀ D I S T R I C Tഀ Staging and Accessഀ The Vail Recreation District Golf operations have specified areas within the Vail Golf Course premise toഀ prepare for the retaining wall project. Below is a brief description as well as overhead photos for the stagingഀ and access plan.ഀ Tee Box # 3ഀ It is proposed that access to the work site begin at the cart path that crosses Vail Valley Drive by the # 3 greenഀ and the # 4 tee box. The cart path that connects the # 3 tee box to the # 3 green is the most direct route toഀ the area and provides adequate space for staging material. Material for the wall can be off loaded North ofഀ Vail Valley drive. Equipment can be staged / parked both at the material staging area as well as at the workഀ site.ഀ r- ee Box # 7ഀ It is proposed that access to the work site begin at the cart path that crosses Vail Valley Drive by the # 6 greenഀ and the # 7 tee box. The cart path leads directly to the # 7 tee box where material and equipment can beഀ staged. If additional space is needed, material can be staged by the # 6 green.ഀ Scott F. O'Connellഀ Building, Facility & Maintenance Managerഀ Vail Recreation Districtഀ (970) 477-5264ഀ soconnell@vailrec.comഀ APPROVED BY THEഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ DESIGN REVIEW BOARDഀ DATE' 1 klഀ lഀ PLANNER:®..ഀ Elaഀ Oഀ Imഀ Qഀ aഀ cuഀ Q Lഀ Z CLഀ LLI CLഀ (30ഀ Jഀ aഀ Is= vഀ 40ഀ Cഀ 40ഀ toഀ xഀ rഀ rഀ ois~ഀ ~f!ഀ eഀ kഀ ~ cഀ ~4cഀ Eഀ ~Cഀ Hgഀ Cഀ c3ഀ om.ഀ ഀ Ii"ഀ Yഀ ഀ X _4ഀ f~ഀ Fഀ 4ഀ r ~ 6ഀ iഀ Aഀ Arഀ tഀ nഀ aഀ Fഀ Wഀ rഀ Jഀ _ഀ ഀ S ~ഀ Oഀ Oഀ Nഀ Oഀ VAiI RECREATIONഀ D I S T R I C Tഀ Retai'ni"nഀ Wall,ഀ Construction Projectഀ November 3rd , 2008ഀ Tee Box#3ഀ Rosetta Stone Wall presentationഀ uഀ Introduction:ഀ he Vail Recreation District (VRD) is currently working on a construction project to replace the retaining wallsഀ located on the #3 and #7 tee boxes at the Vail Golf Club. The engineers report includes the use of a productഀ called Rosetta Stone. The purpose of this presentation is to familiarize the VRD board as well as the generalഀ public with this product and its application.ഀ The Rosetta Stone wall is a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall. It is an engineered system that is bothഀ unique and designable. The system feature interlocking components that weigh an average of 220 Ibs perഀ square foot of face. Each stone is made of architectural-grade, precast concrete. They come in a variety ofഀ natural stone faces. The color is mold injected which will ensure its beauty through both the exposure toഀ elements and interaction with man-kind.ഀ Table of Contents:ഀ Title & Description Page #ഀ Introduction 1ഀ Rosetta Stone Wall 2ഀ A photo provided by the manufacturerഀ Existing Retaining Walls on # 7 Tee Box 3ഀ Large natural rock formation (south side 1-70) 4ഀ highlights colored bandsഀ Small natural rock formation (south side 1-70) 5ഀ highlights rocks within a wooded environmentഀ Natural rock formation (close up) 6ഀ highlights vertical and horizontal striationsഀ Artistic Rendition of Rosetta Stone Wall on # 3 Tee box 7ഀ Artistic Rendition of Rosetta Stone Wall on # 7 Tee box 8ഀ Rosetta Stone Wall, Glenwood Springs 9ഀ highlights stone wall blending with natural environmentഀ Rosetta Stone Wall, Glenwood Springs 10ഀ highlights assembly and depthഀ Rosetta Stone Wall, Glenwood Springs 11ഀ highlights an individual small block (same as sample provided)ഀ Rosetta Stone Wall, Glenwood Springs 12ഀ highlights block assembly including small sampleഀ ഀ cഀ ഀ 01 F.:ഀ ttemove existingഀ steps replaced withഀ new Rosetta stepsഀ T ~sMiഀ OFഀ `I proposed for these wallsഀ ~ f ~ LoAsandAs~aleles,hw, , ~ ~ s xഀ T,..d, . TEE NO. 3..ഀ THE RENOVATIONSഀ OF /AILഀ DESI=RIEYV BOARDഀ ®arE: oഀ PLANNER: .42-ഀ -Proposed retainingഀ walls in dashed linesഀ existing block wallsഀ to be removedഀ 1ഀ xഀ Tu'r W A izi, r:\INI\G tit' ;\1 ISഀ There are two existing retaining walls north of tee no.ഀ Fiw '7 14 08 3. T'he proposed new retaining walls will also have twoഀ terraced walls but with at dilTerent configuration. Bothഀ walls are taller and the top wall is slightly south of theഀ existing wall and creates more nat area for the tee.ഀ There is also more space between the walls with thisഀ scheme. Existing trees between walls will need to beഀ rcnto,cd for this construction.ഀ ADIXTONAI.ഀ TF. -x wrTFIഀ -"I FLA:JTER EIC+}''! Cross -ed„dwn of Tee areaഀ ill ureaഀ Existing retainingഀ wallsഀ ' 4 3 Proposed lowerഀ •r„.,ഀ ~ retaening wallഀ 1ഀ Plan of No. .3 Teeഀ Nഀ 0 FEET 20ഀ 0 as PHOTOS; Examples of theഀ PLAN SCALE " 14 Rosetta Stone productഀ GRAPHIC VdORK BYഀ FRANK MILTENBERGER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTഀ SHEET 2 OF 2ഀ FM71408ഀ u Uഀ G.Lr ~ ;rഀ Lഀ Y r P ~yഀ Jഀ a3 U. J Lam„ഀ L U 'u r _ഀ coഀ r-ഀ wഀ Uഀ wഀ U LLഀ Q 000ഀ W _ഀ ¢ LU _ഀ jഀ ~ഀ =ഀ to LLഀ jഀ 44ഀ kഀ wഀ ഀ wഀ } a.ഀ mഀ eഀ Yഀ x wഀ 'S~ഀ ayഀ isഀ f'ഀ 1 4v,;_ഀ z`a ~pa$ഀ ~ഀ sഀ 4ഀ pegyഀ ~ഀ Wഀ iഀ H1ഀ f~ഀ x.:ഀ Nഀ Oഀ s,ഀ Airഀ Z,ഀ Cഀ 0ഀ L"ഀ ഀ LLഀ Px Oഀ -0-ഀ ` -ഀ Sഀ £ഀ e~ 3ഀ u"i ,4ഀ 9yy,,ഀ EEL ccഀ 1ഀ lഀ 0ഀ <ഀ 0ഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ 0ഀ ®ഀ ®ഀ Z ccLuഀ 0 3..ഀ -ഀ Zഀ Oഀ ccഀ KLഀ < coഀ Zഀ aഀ ®ഀ ® aഀ U)ഀ 0ഀ zഀ wഀ a.ഀ U)ഀ 0ഀ Oഀ Oഀ 3:ഀ zഀ Wഀ Jഀ C'ഀ Jഀ Jഀ wഀ zഀ Oഀ Hഀ Nഀ Hഀ wഀ 0ഀ ~ Sഀ y ~ഀ fഀ Wഀ tഀ ` Jഀ R' J.=s.'... A r P/~ഀ f - a* N4ഀ ~5 1 Y° It {ഀ a ~ഀ v '6ഀ bf 3 '{Pഀ f-ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ~ഀ ഀ ഀ ~ iഀ ഀ ~ ~ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ ~ഀ v eഀ ~ i ~ഀ ~ ~ ~ ~ഀ ~ ~ `ഀ 1 i zഀ ~ `ഀ oഀ ~ aഀ ~ ~ - ~ഀ aഀ y ~ഀ iഀ ഀ ഀ 4 iഀ ~ ~ j€ഀ ~1 jഀ 3ഀ ഀ txt~ഀ sഀ i~_. ..jഀ 's ~ ~ a iഀ q.,. f'---ഀ to ~ {ഀ lljq~ഀ ` - W tഀ Tഀ W.ഀ '5ഀ .3""` r ...,y. „gip w•-'~ rw ~ ~x^"~^•ഀ 4 k.,ഀ 3 ..w a. _ : #1R 4Jഀ 77ഀ yaYKyyy, Y•ഀ l{Nഀ • ~x kഀ 4 ~,a1'+~~ ~ M K~ ,L .s : J :'IY.'p,M+r.. V N ~ ~II~. `°nw.......,.,ഀ Yഀ x 'ഀ tly°ct'' - dipഀ _Nj• I N ``y, ~x..T y'w +w fh ~.w^~.n~. y,,' ~r^ )ഀ y'dl /'YN '%1 ~ ..•T~ ,Vw",~°..v w ~ t .HIഀ 40ഀ n.: <w WIഀ YA= "ഀ eഀ r 'ഀ ഀ .dഀ 4ഀ F, .ഀ I o~,ഀ Wഀ u. _ഀ tiഀ waഀ sഀ - aഀ moo,ഀ 4ഀ xഀ 1ഀ ,4 vrr {ഀ y~ 'Fഀ :..eKm+, +a ~ ♦ N ~ 4.. ;1'U ~WiIY •W '4t wd bw ~ Weഀ ~I^ y.ഀ ROSETTA STONE WALL / GLENWOOD SPRINGS / BLOCK ASSEMBLYഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ ROSETTAR HARDSCAPES RETAINING WALLഀ Section 504 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project to include the following:ഀ DESCRIPTIONഀ 1.01 General. Work includes furnishing and installing concrete retaining wall units andഀ mechanically stabilized backfill to the lines and grades designated on the construction drawings andഀ as specified herein. Modular block concrete retaining wall units shall be manufactured by Rosettaഀ Hardscapes® LLC, 05481 South US-31, Charlevoix, MI 49720, 1-877-777-6558,ഀ www.discoverrosetta.com. Denver contact is Scott Zurbrigen, 211 30`h Street, Greeley, CO 80631,ഀ 970-351-0270.ഀ 1.02 Reference Standardsഀ ASTM C33 Concrete Aggregatesഀ ASTM C94 Ready-Mixed Concreteഀ ASTM C140 Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Relatedഀ Unitsഀ ASTM C1372 Segmental Retaining Wall Unitsഀ 1.03 Delivery, Storage, and Handlingഀ (a) Contractor shall check the materials upon delivery to assure proper material has beenഀ received.ഀ (b) Contractor shall prevent excessive mud, wet cement and like materials from coming inഀ contact with the SRW units.ഀ (c) Contractor shall protect the materials from damage. Damaged material shall not beഀ incorporated in the project.ഀ MATERIALSഀ 2.01 Wall Unitsഀ (a) Wall units shall be Rosetta Hardscapes® as produced by a licensed manufacturer.ഀ (b) Wall units shall have Rosetta Hardscapes® block specifications and be made from wet castഀ concrete in accordance with the following chart:ഀ Climateഀ 28 Day Compressiveഀ Slump*ഀ Min. Concreteഀ (Weathering Regionsഀ Air Contentഀ Strengthഀ (in)ഀ Temp. at Placementഀ °ഀ per ASTM C33ഀ (psi)ഀ Fഀ Negligibleഀ P/2%41/2%ഀ 4000ഀ 3 to 5ഀ 50ഀ Moderateഀ 3%-6%ഀ 4000ഀ 3 to 5ഀ 50ഀ Severeഀ 41/2%-71/2%ഀ 4000ഀ 3 to 5ഀ 50ഀ All Rosetta Hardscapes products shall use frost-free aggregate.ഀ *Higher slumps are allowed if achieved by use of appropriate admixtures.ഀ Notwithstanding anything stated above, all material used in the wall units must meet applicableഀ ASTM and local requirements for exterior concrete.ഀ February 26, 2008ഀ -2-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ ROSETTA® HARDSCAPES RETAINING WALLഀ (c) Exterior block dimensions, as measured in accordance with ASTM C 140, shall be uniformഀ and consistent. Maximum dimensional deviations shall be 0.125 inch (3.2 mm) or 2%,ഀ whichever is less, excluding the architectural surface. Maximum width (face to back)ഀ deviation including the architectural surface shall be 1.0 inch (2.5 cm).ഀ (d) Exposed faces shall have a textured finish. Other surfaces to be smooth form type. Dime-ഀ size bug holes on the block face may be patched and/or shake-on color stain can be used toഀ blend into the remainder of the block face.ഀ (e) Shear heels shall be intact and free from cracks or other defects.ഀ (f) Color shall be integral, and match the natural sandstone outcrops within the Town of Vailഀ area. The Contractor shall submit color samples to the Town of Vail for approval.ഀ 2.02 Leveling Pad and Free Draining Backfillഀ (a) Leveling pad shall be crushed stone. A drain with gravity outlet shall be placed in theഀ bottom of the stone leveling pad.ഀ (b) Free Draining Backfill material shall be washed stone, shall be placed to a minimum of 1ഀ foot (0.30 m) width behind the back of the wall, and shall extend vertically from theഀ Leveling Pad to an elevation 4 inches (10.2 cm) below the top of wall.ഀ (c) Backfill material shall be approved by the geotechnical engineer. Site excavated soils mayഀ be used if approved unless otherwise specified in the drawings. Unsuitable soils with aഀ PI>6, organic soils and frost susceptible soils shall not be used within a 1 to 1 influence area.ഀ (d) Non-woven geotextile fabric shall be placed between the back of the Rosetta blocks and theഀ free draining backfill. Additional non-woven geotextile fabric shall be placed between theഀ Free Draining Backfill and retained soil if required in the detailed wall design.ഀ (e) Where additional fill is needed, Contractor shall submit sample and specifications to theഀ Engineer for approval.ഀ 2.03 Drainageഀ (a) Internal and external drainage shall be evaluated by the Professional Engineer who isഀ responsible for the final wall design.ഀ 2.04 Geogridഀ (a) Geogrid shall be as specified on the plans.ഀ CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTSഀ 3.01 Test Panelഀ (a) Prior to construction of any retaining walls, the contractor shall construct a test panelഀ utilizing approved color samples. The test panel shall be at least 50 square feet in size, andഀ shall be constructed at a location suitable to the owner. Upon approval of the test panel, theഀ contractor shall utilize the test panel as a basis for future retaining wall work.ഀ 3.02 Excavationഀ (a) Contractor shall excavate to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings.ഀ 3.03 Foundation Soil Preparationഀ (a) Native foundation soil shall be compacted to 95% of standard proctor or 90% of modifiedഀ proctor prior to placement of the leveling pad material.ഀ -3-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ ROSETTA® HARDSCAPES RETAINING WALLഀ (b) In-situ foundation soil shall be examined by the geotechnical engineer to ensure that theഀ actual foundation soil strength meets or exceeds assumed design strength. Soil not meetingഀ the required strength shall be removed and replaced with acceptable, compacted material.ഀ 3.04 Leveling Pad Placementഀ (a) Leveling Pad shall be placed as shown on the construction drawings.ഀ (b) Leveling Pad shall be placed on undisturbed native soils or suitable replacements fills asഀ directed by the geotechnical engineer.ഀ (c) Leveling Pad shall be compacted to 95% of standard proctor or 90% of modified proctor toഀ ensure a level, hard surface on which to place the first course blocks. Pad shall beഀ constructed to the proper elevation to ensure the final elevation shown on the plans.ഀ (d) Leveling Pad shall have a 6 inch (15.2 cm) minimum depth or deeper as designed by theഀ Professional Engineer responsible for the wall. Pad dimensions shall extend beyond theഀ blocks in all directions to a distance at least equal to the depth of the pad or as designed byഀ the Engineer.ഀ (e) For steps and pavers, a minimum of 1 to 1 'h inches (2.5 to 3.8 cm) of free draining sandഀ shall be screeded smooth to act as a placement bed for the steps or pavers.ഀ 3.05 Unit Installationഀ (a)ഀ The first course of wall units shall be placed on the prepared Leveling Pad with the aestheticഀ surface facing out and the back edges tight together. All units shall be checked for level andഀ alignment as they are placed. Rosetta blocks shall be placed with the back of the blocksഀ offset from the back of wall reference line based on their unit height. A 6 inch (15.2 cm)ഀ high Rosetta block shall be offset 4.5 inches (11.4 cm) from the reference line, a 12 inchഀ (30.5 cm) high Rosetta block shall be offset 3 inches (7.6 cm) from the reference line, an 18ഀ inch (45.7 cm) high Rosetta block shall be offset 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) from the reference line,ഀ and a 24 inch (61.0 cm) high Rosetta block shall be set with the back of the block flush withഀ the reference line.ഀ (b)ഀ Ensure that units are in full contact with Leveling Pad. Proper care shall be taken to developഀ straight lines and smooth curves on base course as per wall layout.ഀ (c)ഀ The backfill in front and back of entire base row shall be placed and compacted to firmlyഀ lock them in place. Check all units again for level and alignment. All excess material shallഀ be swept from top of units.ഀ (d)ഀ Install next course of wall units on top of base row. Position blocks to be offset from seamsഀ of blocks below. Blocks shall be placed fully forward so shear heels and back of lowerഀ block are engaged. Check each block for proper alignment and level. Backfill to a 12 inchഀ (30.5 cm) width behind the block with Free Draining Backfill. Spread backfill in uniformഀ lifts not exceeding 8 inches (20.3 cm). Employ methods using lightweight compactionഀ equipment that will not disrupt the stability or batter of the wall. Hand-operated plateഀ compaction equipment shall be used around the block and within 3 feet (0.91 m) of the wallഀ to achieve consolidation. Compact backfill to 95% of standard proctor (ASTM D 698,ഀ AASHTO T-99) density within 2% of its optimum moisture content.ഀ (e)ഀ Install each subsequent course in like manner. Repeat procedure to the extent of wall height.ഀ (f)ഀ Allowable construction tolerance at the wall face is 2 degrees vertically, 3 inch (7.6 cm)ഀ maximum, and 1 inch in 10 feet (2.5 cm in 3.05 m) horizontally.ഀ (g)ഀ All walls shall be installed in accordance with local building codes and requirements.ഀ 3.06 Geogrid Installationഀ (a) Geogrid shall be installed per manufacturer's recommendations.ഀ -4-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ ROSETTA® HARDSCAPES RETAINING WALLഀ METHOD OF MEASUREMENTഀ 4.01 RosettaO Hardscapes Retaining Walls shall be measured vertically from the bottom of wallഀ elevation to the top of wall elevation, as shown on the plans. The final pay quantity shallഀ include all block units, geogrid, backfill, drainage material, and soil nail construction (ifഀ applicable). The final pay quantity shall be the design quantity increased or decreased byഀ any changes authorized by the Engineer.ഀ BASISI OF PAYMENTഀ 5.01 Accepted quantities for retaining walls shall be paid for at the contract unit price for theഀ following items:ഀ Pay Item Measurement Unitഀ 504 - Rosetta Gravity Wall Square Feetഀ 504 - Rosetta Gravity Wall with Structure Backfill Square Feetഀ 504 - Rosetta MSE Wall Square Feetഀ 504 - Rosetta Faced Soil Nail Wall Square Feetഀ Iഀ Eഀ i~~y-~ kഀ f~'ഀ ഀ , jഀ ഀ •Iഀ ~yഀ 1'ഀ ..,~}fir:ഀ ~ ,ഀ -ഀ f<ഀ ]ഀ r yഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ Yഀ ~ `ഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ Aഀ ~ഀ ഀ Y ~ഀ r ~ ~ഀ ഀ 1 S•- ~ y~~yഀ p ~ ~ ? ~ Sഀ X10" ~dഀ ഀ ~J~ഀ a i-.ഀ ~ഀ £ഀ 1ഀ ~ഀ Fi.ഀ 7ഀ ~ ~.r.: ~_x..ഀ d~' 'Y;ഀ ~ S~'ഀ 1 x + ~ഀ ~ -ഀ rY ~ ~ yry 1 Flt ~ ~ ~ }t'ഀ eഀ -u ~ ~yഀ ~ ~_Y.:_1a .tഀ i-ഀ rഀ t xഀ aഀ rഀ Kഀ Y t-ഀ ~tഀ t iഀ iഀ ~ Y ~ F 2ഀ da. 'ഀ tt F~I1Ir W leiഀ t AN ° `oഀ kഀ iഀ 140-ഀ 5~. Me- NOT -ഀ Iഀ au, iഀ vഀ ~T h 11 j 161, ~,iryN~1~ My~ഀ r,ഀ 177ഀ _ e F .ms' ~auk~_kls.a, Ixl,y7. IIIഀ E Tഀ hഀ k vഀ N$k>iഀ m r7~'~ഀ 31dഀ rr~~~ഀ fs v7ഀ P ~k IIrഀ ^ Tഀ mo~ ON, -A-tll "Ic-T 4- 40"ഀ -FIE -ഀ }ഀ orഀ d lyeഀ a Yr $ഀ .1~ഀ m *dYഀ ഀ pigഀ tഀ bഀ Cഀ rഀ w Grp ( S 1ഀ r, Wഀ 1ഀ Aഀ 11' '1hlli P~ഀ I~ - Iഀ rc~ k t'ഀ Rഀ ~3 rlഀ ~rj wE ~ഀ 117ഀ x pഀ V ~+~I ~ III ~ k ~ 'dl1ഀ Jvഀ hl~l ~ III ~L, r ,ഀ F ti~b, r 1ഀ Iഀ la Iഀ Vഀ 11 Iഀ III^' rl 'ഀ ` I Iഀ lrhlഀ ~ r~Wku ~Illullil'Nl~lllml' ~`Fഀ EI Rrowഀ r ~ഀ -ഀ qqഀ G Z•` ~V #ri~ I-IFഀ Iഀ ~jഀ lifഀ ~ ate,ഀ oഀ Sഀ 11ഀ 'IIഀ 1ഀ Lഀ y ~ഀ Ommഀ L.ഀ rഀ eഀ iഀ Iഀ I.f Iഀ LMഀ aഀ 1ഀ fഀ UTILITY APPROVAL R VERIFICATIONഀ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed unity services, and also toഀ verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction will preparing your utility plan andഀ scheduft installations. A site plan, including grad rN plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilitiesഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE tMUTYഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comrnents within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail.ഀ Developer to ftvW /e LotAdtkvm Information: 1/p U~ ~W L V V tom'ഀ Lot AddressA -7 IS c-K SubdM dam. CWPLAZI&Pt Lot#•ഀ Authorized Skinmrsഀ commentsഀ Daftഀ QWESrഀ 970ഀ 468ഀ 6860(tel)ഀ -rഀ 3 xഀ .ഀ .ഀ tഀ wit U-ഀ 970.46&0672(fax)ഀ 41 [ u CcIW-i NGഀ Contacts: Sam Tooleyഀ Z` ~.„fZLtഀ mഀ XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GASഀ 970.262-4076 (tell)ഀ 970.468.1401 (fax)ഀ Contact; Rich Sistxrosഀ HOLY ClWSS ENERGYഀ 970.947.5471 (tenഀ 970.945.4081 (fax)ഀ Contact: Diana Goisഀ XCEL Energyഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)ഀ 970.262.4024 (tell)ഀ Contacts:ഀ Kit Bogertഀ to L t faഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &ഀ ATION DISTRICTഀ 970.476.7480 (tel)ഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)ഀ Contact: Fred Hasleeഀ COMCAST CABLEഀ 970.418.8248 (tenഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)ഀ Contact: David Evansഀ michael johnsono0cable.corricast.cornഀ HOTELഀ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no c(xnments are made directlyഀ on the form, or no action is taken wbdn 2 weeks of the Utility's receipt of the form without expianadon the Town will presumeഀ that there are-no problems and the development can proceed.ഀ 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note dsecUy on the utilityഀ venk3bon form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue stmuld then be detailed it an attached Letter to theഀ Town of Val. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolveഀ identified problems.ഀ 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department ofഀ Public Wanks at the Town of Vail. &Wft locations r be abbiried before dioawrli in any public right-af-way or easementഀ s~c>,ar a r.ഀ within the Town of Vail. A buildiia Mod is not a Pub6e War permit and aarst be obtakiedഀ 4. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if theഀ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized sigrradre date (urdess otherwise speaficaly noted within the commentഀ area of this form).ഀ Developer's Signature Dateഀ F.%cdev'FORM%PenniWPlanningIDMUtft Approvai_08-28-07.dmഀ MLITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIONഀ rnlift~•ഀ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also toഀ verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in cor&ncti in with preparing your utility plan andഀ scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading Man, floor plan, and elevations, 40 be submitted to the following utilitiesഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITYഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Val.ഀ Developer to P.ra}h4eeLot Address crnformab VA. LL-Gv~►-fa` Colic r&ഀ Lot Address "vt' J y t x Subdivision: y 1U Q tT-r6b Lt*.,ഀ Authorized SkumA aഀ Commentsഀ Dateഀ QWESTഀ 970.468.6860(t>el)ഀ .ഀ z--ഀ d ofഀ tഀ Contacts: Samഀ Contacts: Sam Tഀ sammmkYowmNam-m rഀ jഀ r04ഀ ,ഀ ഀ =ഀ XCEL HIGH PARE GASഀ -ഀ 970.262.4076 (tenഀ 970.468.1401 (fax)ഀ Contact: Rich Sisrnerosഀ HOLY CROSS EItE11tGyഀ 970.947.5471 (tenഀ 970-945-4081 (fax)ഀ Contact. Diana Golisഀ d I'ഀ XCEL EnerWഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)ഀ 970.262.4024 (tenഀ Contacts:ഀ Kit Bogertഀ cornഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &ഀ SANITATION DISTRICTഀ 970.476.7480 (tenഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)ഀ Contact: Fred Hasleeഀ CONCAST CABLEഀ 970.418.8248 (tel)ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)ഀ iഀ Contact: David Evansഀ michael ' rson0ceNe.caruast comഀ NOTES:ഀ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directlyഀ on the form, or no action is taken within 2 weeks of the UtiRo rte of the farm without explanation the Town will presumeഀ that there are no problems and the development can proceed.ഀ 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall nee directly on the utilityഀ verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should Then be detailed in an attached letter to theഀ Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolveഀ identified problem.ഀ 3. These verifications do not relieve the contrrattor of the responsbility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department ofഀ Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utdit hmadans must Ire abb bled behm dieaino in any public right-of-way or easementഀ within the Town of Vail. • loin permilt is nort a ahk pernd ' and rarest be obtdned seoaratdv.ഀ 4. The Developer is required and agrem to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if theഀ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the commentഀ area of this form).ഀ Developer's Signature Dateഀ F:lcdev%FORMS\PermisiPiannng\DRBIUtiGty Approval_08-28-07.docഀ 1t71PX0:'~ഀ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIONഀ This ferm Sere to verify that the proposed improvements MR not impact any existing or verify service availability and location far new const:nxilon and should be used in proposed utility services, and also toഀ scheduling installations. A site plan, itching grading plain, floor ptan, and a oconjuraw wth your anഀ rs st ~ utility andഀ for approval and verftabon. PLEASE ALLOW LP To 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR CCM INI MS FROthe M~THE~ IrLiTVഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments v tin that Dindrarne please contact The Town of Vall.ഀ Developer toPmvNetotAd rewDWomebWi: 1ഀ Lot Addrea3: Subdivision,ഀ Sam Tooleyഀ XCEL KEW PREssrjRFഀ 970.262.4076 (te!)ഀ 970-468.1401 (fax)ഀ Contact Rich Sisnemsഀ HOLY CROSS E1416Wഀ 970.947.5471(td)ഀ 970.945.4081 (fax)ഀ Contact: Diana Goesഀ XCEL Enww-ഀ 970.262.4038 (fart)ഀ 970.262.4o24 (teI)ഀ ,Conti:ഀ Kit Bogertഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &ഀ SAN1TAMN DISTRICTഀ 970:476.7480 (te!)ഀ 970.476.4089 (fans)ഀ Contact: Fred Hasleeഀ 00.418.8248 (tel)ഀ )70.94%91M (fax)ഀ Xaa(t. David Finnsഀ 4rഀ G~ce'r~.t 7, 3. `R*ഀ t~hidEfer~a► 7b gam,ഀ ?CT 13ഀ CA$f- Iഀ I. If the uti ity 4WO.W & n Mka#w form has 99natr,ress from each Of the utiiity companies, and no aornnents are made diriഀ on the form, or no aabion is liken within 2 wed of the LO W% naoeipt of the loan without *nationഀ that there are no problems and the developriwk can proceed. ° the Town will pressഀ 2. if a unity company has concerns witr, the proposed oonmuZon, the uWy rqxamitative shag noteഀ verification form that there is a PmblOn Wdc h needs to be resolved The issue sthoutd tthen be detailed n an a *ectty the u,ഀ oonttached toഀ id Vail.ഀ , dose keep in mind that it is the resporribiiity of the uMty company and the applicant to res,ഀ eriffileil problems.ഀ 3. These vmf}c ations do not i elim the cw&actor of the qty to obtain a Pubic Way Permit from theഀ Public Works at the Town of VaI. UM NNW in NW Mbk llepa mertiഀ within the Town of Vail. oern~t b ant a Wav --j - r~ d - a easemഀ 4. The Develow Is required and agrees to subna any revised d to the utilities for wappiva submitted Plans are altered in any way a1h r the authorized signature date (w*w otherwise sped ~dihr A ~witlwh the r nrtmഀ Ofഀ Devebper's S*abnഀ Dateഀ 1ACC18~ 0RM3tPwrnitsiPlarmirp{pRg~ gPPro+d_N-n-o7.docഀ ROsSഀ 0 ccഀ yg ssO-6?ഀ October 9, 2008ഀ Mr. Scott O'Connellഀ Vail Recreation Districtഀ Building, Facility and Maintenanceഀ Dear Mr. O'Connell:ഀ 3799 HIGHV AY 82 - P.O. BOX 2150ഀ GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81602ഀ (970) 945-5491 • FAX {979) 945-4081ഀ This letter is in response for construction of the Vail Golf Club requesting Holy Cross Energy sign off onഀ the utility approval and verification form for the construction of two new retaining walls that will beഀ located at tee box #3 and tee box #7.ഀ After reviewing the site plan and visiting the two locations, we do not believe there will be any conflict atഀ tee box #3. We do have some underground and overhead power lines within the area of tee box #7, butഀ believe they will be outside of the construction area where you are planning to build the wall.ഀ Holy Cross Energy does require that before any excavating is done within a construction site that allഀ utilities will be located by an underground locator to verify the exact location of the buried undergroundഀ power lines,ഀ 1 have enclosed a systems map showing the location of our underground and overhead power lines withinഀ your construction area, which you may find helpful for your construction design purposes.ഀ If you have any questions concerning our existing underground power lines associated with theഀ construction of this project, please contact our engineering department.ഀ Sincerely,ഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGYഀ tഀ Bob Saathoff,ഀ Engineering Departmentഀ bsaathofP@holycross.comഀ (970) 947-5401ഀ BS:vwഀ Enclosureഀ saathort\o'connellഀ A Touchstone Energy Cooperative ?01111-ഀ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIONഀ 11}A'N{1FYഀ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any eAsting or proposed utility services, and also toഀ verify service availability and location far new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan andഀ scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilitiesഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITYഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail.ഀ Developer to Proiride Lot Address Information;ഀ Lot Addresses: Subdivision: Lot#:ഀ Authorized Signatureഀ Commentsഀ Dateഀ QWESTഀ 970.468.6860(tel)ഀ 970.468.0672(fax)ഀ Contacts: Sam Tooleyഀ XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GASഀ 970.262.4076 (tel)ഀ 970.468.1401 (fax)ഀ Contact: Rich Siisnerosഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGYഀ ഀ 970.947.5471(tel)ഀ tഀ f pഀ 970.945.4081(fax)ഀ ? 07ഀ Contact: Diana Golisഀ d9labebiwaഀ XCEL Energyഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)ഀ 9770.262.4024 (tel)ഀ Contacts:ഀ IQt Bogertഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &ഀ SANITATION DISTRICTഀ 970.476.7480 (tel)ഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)ഀ Contact: Fred Hadeeഀ thഀ COMCASrT CABLEഀ 970.418.8248 (tel)ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)ഀ Contact; David Evansഀ michai ohnson@eable.comcast.comഀ 5-cisഀ NOTEഀ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directlyഀ on the farm, or no action is taken within 2 weeks of the utility's receipt of the form without explanation the Town will presumeഀ that there are no problems and the development can proceed.ഀ 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utilityഀ verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to theഀ Town of Vail. However, please keep In mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolveഀ identified problems.ഀ 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department ofഀ Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before diaaina in any public right-of-way or easementഀ within the Town of Vail. A building RgMit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained separatrelyഀ 4w The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if theഀ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise spedtically noted within the commentഀ area of this form).ഀ Developer`s Signature Dateഀ F:lcdevlFORMS1PermitslPlanninglDRBlUtility Approval 08-28-07.docഀ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIONഀ Zrl~ivt>Fi,31r.'ഀ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services,. and also toഀ verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan andഀ scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilitiesഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITYഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail.ഀ Developer to Provide Lot Address Information:ഀ Lot Address: Subdivision: Lot#:ഀ Authored Signatureഀ Commentsഀ Dateഀ 97R 4466&6660(tel)ഀ 970.468.0672(fax)ഀ Contacts: Sam Tooleyഀ XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GASഀ 970.262.4076 (tel)ഀ 970.468.1401 (fax)ഀ Contact Rich Sisnerosഀ riഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGYഀ X17 ~~Cഀ 970.947.5471(tel)ഀ 970.945.4081 (fax)ഀ ഀ 1 C7ഀ Contact Diana Lollsഀ d&JMhgbMMXtMMഀ XCEL Energyഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)ഀ 970.262.4024 (tel)ഀ Contacts.ഀ Kit Bogertഀ Y. CDMഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &ഀ SANITATION DISTRICTഀ 970.476.7480 (tel)ഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)ഀ Contact: Fred Hasleeഀ ftmAdICAMMUMഀ COMCAST CABLEഀ 970.418.8248 (tel)ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)ഀ Contact David Evansഀ imichae(johnson@cable.comcast.comഀ 3 - ~ഀ mgm:ഀ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directlyഀ on the form, or no action is take within 2 weeks of the Ubyity's receipt of the form without explanation the Town will presumeഀ that there are no problems and the development can proceed.ഀ 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utilityഀ verification form that there Is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to theഀ Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it Is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolveഀ identified problems.ഀ 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department ofഀ Public Works at the Town of Vail. t1dift locabons must be obtained Itgfore digging in any public right-of-way or easementഀ within the Town of Vail. A building Permit is not a PubIic Wav Permit and must be obtained separately.ഀ 4. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if theഀ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the commentഀ area of this form).ഀ Developer's Signature Dateഀ F:1cde,AFORMS1PermitslPlanninglDRB%Utility Approvai_08-28-07.docഀ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIONഀ 1Utlftf f11L 'ഀ This form serves to verify drat the proposed tniprovetnents will rat irnPact any exisWV or proposed utility services, and also toഀ verify service availability and location for new construction and should be, used in oo*nctlait with preparing your uttRy plan andഀ scheduling installaWns. A site plan, including grading plan, fear An and devatiDra, shalt be submkl ed to the following utilitiesഀ for approval and ver"lon. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEM FOR APPROVAL OR COMMt4M'S FROM THE UTILITYഀ COMPANIES- if you are unable to obtain comments within that klmeframe please contact The Town of Val.ഀ Devdfoper to PmvM a LatAddre r kiAil t " rഀ LotAddre59t4f'3-fCE?DiL- StjbMvIsion: TAlt-'tULF ~ot#:ഀ Authorized Signatuhbഀ Co Monteഀ Dateഀ QNtt*.STഀ 970.46&6860(td)ഀ 970.466.0672(fa)ഀ contacts: Sam Tooleyഀ XCEL M6`H PRESSURE ,;ASഀ 970.262 4076 (td)ഀ 970.46111401 (fag)ഀ Contact: am sisinerosഀ r cഀ HOLY CROSS MERr3Yഀ 970.947.5471(tef)ഀ 970.945.4091 (fax)ഀ Contact: Diana Galsഀ XCEL Energyഀ rഀ _ഀ /r?Qഀ 970.262.4035 (fax)ഀ 970,262-4024 (tel)ഀ Contacts:ഀ 10t Bogertഀ EAGLE RIM WATER &ഀ SANITATION DISTRICTഀ 970.476.74W (fe!}ഀ 970.476.4069 (fat)ഀ Contact: Fred Hasleeഀ compSt CABLEഀ 970.410.924B (td)ഀ 970.9499138 (fax)ഀ Contact: Davld Evannsഀ rWxhaet .mmmst wntഀ NQMഀ 11. if the utility approval & vertfio aloe form has slgnatures from each of the U ft companies, and no UMPeuts are made directlyഀ on the form, or no action is taken wifi 2 weeks of the MWs r'ece" of the form M tout agpt melon the Town will presumeഀ that there are no prot►terris and the deweloprnent can proceed.ഀ 2. V a utility company has concerns with the proposed awWm f2-% the u dk rePaentatfve site! note directly on the utilityഀ venru ation form that tliae is a problem which needs to be resoMA The issue ahauld then be detaled In an attached letter to theഀ Town of Vail. However, please keep m mind that it is the resp risibillity or the utility company and the appttcamt to resolveഀ identified probkrns.ഀ 3. These verifications do not rest ve the contrad or or the respornblidy to obtain a Pubic Way Permit from the Department ofഀ PuNk Works at the Town of Val. IBM low mwt be obbined bmftm efiaaea in any pd)bc ru~ht.h f-rat/ or easementഀ within the Tumor Vail. A buMrm permit b Not aഀ 4. The DevekiW is ►eWired and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & te-verification k theഀ subnrdted pons are attered in any way after the autlwdzed mature date (wdm otlm was spea6caglr ranted within the commentഀ area of this farm).ഀ Developer's Slgnature Dateഀ F:lcdov*ORMSIPerrnirslP7ah nODRmtJtWAMOVaLM26-07.donഀ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIONഀ i911f0Iഀ This form serves bD verify that the proposed improvements will not Impact any coasting or proposed unity services, and also toഀ verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan andഀ scheduling instaftt M. A site plan, including graft plan, Clod' pion, and elevation shall be s Awittei to the following utilitiesഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WFM FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITYഀ COMPANMFS. If you are unable to obtain comments within that dmelrame please contact The Town of Val.ഀ Developer to Provide L01 AddMa ZOWWM&ffbm' /ഀ Lot Address; ~ tt 1 E Gre 'b07- Subdivision: YA I L E ~OL.Fഀ Authoril<ed Slgr►attrreഀ Commentsഀ Dateഀ QWESTഀ 970.468.6eWtel)ഀ 970.46&0672Mx)ഀ Contacts: Sam Tooleyഀ XC'EL H= PRESSURE GASഀ 970.262.4076ഀ 970.468-1401(fax)ഀ Contact: Rk h Slsnimഀ richarഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGYഀ 970.947.5471 (11111)ഀ 970.945.4081 (fax)ഀ Contact: Dian Goesഀ 970.262 gift)ഀ d~ഀ "b Ret+LNllw - `ഀ 970.262.4024 (WOഀ Contacts:ഀ K'a Bogertഀ itഀ EAGLE RIM WATER &ഀ SANITATION DISTRICTഀ 970.476.7480 (tel)lഀ 070.476.1109(Wഀ Contact: Fred Hasleeഀ MOMഀ COMCAST CABLEഀ 970.416.8248 (W)ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)ഀ Contact: David Evansഀ michae .corncastcomഀ 11. If the UhRy approval & verification form has signaxuxes from each of the utility anwa hies, and no comments are made directlyഀ on the form, or no action is talren vd in 2 weeks of the L "Ws remlpt of the form without explanation the Town wAI presumeഀ that there are no problems and the development can proceed.ഀ 2. If a utifdy company has concerns with ft proposed constitution, the uWy representative shoji note mrecdy on the utilityഀ verification form that there is a problem which nee& bo be MOW. The Ir,'sue Should then be detailed in an attached letter to theഀ Town of VaIL Howem, please keep irk mind that it Is the nrsporWbft of the udft company and the applicant to resolveഀ identiied problems..ഀ 3. Time ve meaum do not relieve the contractor of the resparrsEnllty► to obtain a k4*c Way Pernut (ran the Department ofഀ Public Wbft at the Town of VA Wft locatiara meat be obtained in any ptrbtie right-of-way or easementഀ within the Tovm of Vail. A buitdbm Is nol: i Padillic f ttgMR and gnat be obtakied fit.ഀ 4. The Developer H required and agrees to submit arW revised drawitgs ail! the ubTilres for re-approval & re-verification If theഀ submitted plats are aftered In any way after the authorized.Viahxe date (unless othetwtte SpecillItalir noted withn the commentഀ area of this form).ഀ Developers Skinaitureഀ F:lcd,AFORMSftnrmis{PW"ODRBNRtRyRppr" 06-2"7.docഀ lateഀ 110, VAL UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIONഀ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also toഀ verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan andഀ scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilitiesഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITYഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail.ഀ Developer to Provide Lot Address Information:ഀ Lot Address: NW C -6N Subdivision: t. ~ Lot#:-1C-Q-Q-ഀ Authorized Slgnatureഀ Commentsഀ Dateഀ QWESTഀ 970.468.6860(tel)ഀ 970.468.0672(fax)ഀ Contacts: Sam Tooleyഀ samu I.toole west. omഀ XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GASഀ 970.262.4076 (tel)ഀ 970.468.1401 (fax)ഀ Contact: Rich Sisnerosഀ richard.sis eros xcelener .comഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGYഀ 970.947.5471 (tel)ഀ 970.945.4081 (fax)ഀ Contact: Diana Golisഀ d olis hol cross.comഀ XCEL Energyഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)ഀ 970.262.4024 (tel)ഀ Contacts:ഀ Kit Bogertഀ Kath n ert XCELE ERGY.comഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &ഀ SANITATION DISTRICTഀ 970.476.7480 (tel)ഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)ഀ - ~ഀ ഀ 11/ഀ Contact: Fred Hasleeഀ fhaslee erwsd.orഀ COMCAST CABLEഀ 970.418.8248 (tel)ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)ഀ Contact: David Evansഀ michaeljohnson@c2ble.comcast.comഀ NOTES:ഀ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directlyഀ on the form, or no action is taken within 2 weeks of the Utility's receipt of the form without explanation the Town will presumeഀ that there are no problems and the development can proceed.ഀ 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utilityഀ verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to theഀ Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolveഀ identified problems.ഀ 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department ofഀ Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or easementഀ within the Town of Vail. A building oenmit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained seoarately.ഀ 4. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if theഀ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the commentഀ area of this form).ഀ Developer's Signatureഀ F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\Utility Approval_08-28-07.docഀ Dateഀ UTIMY APPROVAL & VERIFNATIO Nഀ ]~Ql00-i-i Thiഀ s form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impart any esdX" or proposed utility services, and also toഀ verify service "ability and location for new construction and stu-auid be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan andഀ scheduling irSI:aIFations. A site plan, includrng grading plan, row 31an, avid elevations, shall be submitted to the Following utilitiesഀ fix approval and vwft tiorL PLEASE ALLOW M TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR "WITS FROM THE UTILITYഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within ttiat timeframe please contact The Town of W.ഀ QeYplVW to PrO"e Lot Address Informabon:ഀ Lot Address- rM 6W.X Subs h"Jon: Lot#: r ~ഀ ►taGt5, Sm Tooleyഀ EL !1M PRESSIRE 1ഀ L2fr2. M (td)ഀ 1.469.1443 (Wഀ 1Ca= Rkh Sbrie ssഀ 1.947.%% (t*ഀ 1.96.4m (fait)ഀ its Mena Goisഀ isababoaffiAMഀ EL EneWഀ l.2ti7 4m (fair)ഀ I.M14124 (tMഀ a=ഀ 90919tഀ RERNMWAMSഀ WFATIQIti OlSTUCTഀ I.Q6.74M (tomഀ I.4764Qila9 (foot)ഀ itach Fred treeഀ McAST CASEഀ gas'- sv"ഀ t+P09'- &004-ഀ Mct: David Evansഀ )litterഀ L If the ut*W approval & motion tirm has signatures fro each at the utlky wrnpanIm and no comments are made direcUyഀ on the forr% or no action Is taken within 2 weeks of the Ubtitys receipt of the form w 4mmit agilanatiorr the Town will presumeഀ that thane are no problen and the development can proceed.ഀ 2. If a utility company has conwiis w1h the proposed col on, the Utility represslative 90 note dr8ctly on the unityഀ verification form that there Is a ptobiem which needs to be resolva . The asm guild then be detailed in an attached letter to theഀ Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolveഀ identified problems.ഀ I These venfications do not relieve the contractor of the resporabifity to obtain a Pubic Way Perm from Ow Department ofഀ RibiC Works at the Town of Vall. oft Mcatims must be In any p Mc r*t-of-way or easementഀ within the Tom or Vall. A, na Peryilit is not a PWAc tiler ansnnit and must be attained seoaratdir.ഀ 4. The Developer is requred and agrees to submit tiny revrtod drawbp to the utilities for re-approval & rtwerification if theഀ sobnYttCd plans are altered In any way after the authorized signature date (u *ss othewise specify noted widen the commentഀ area of this fonm).ഀ Devetopeft Signatune Dateഀ F:kd %*OR ASWerrriltsY DRB1UMyAppmval W2&b7.doeഀ UTILM APPROVAL & VERIFICATIONഀ i pl-"- This form serer to verify treat the proposed i mprovewats vAl not impact any exiOng or proposed salty services, and also toഀ verify service availability and locaborn for new cww0u0An anti shard be used in tonytrnotiwl with preparing your Wily plan andഀ sdhedu&V iraquabons. A slke plan, induding 9edn9 plan, fI&x plan, and elevations, shall be subywmd to the foWng utilitiesഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WHOM FOR APPROVAL OR C0?*4E iTS FROM THE IMUTYഀ COPWAtrilES. If you are unarm to obtain corrrrwrrs wNhin that timefrarne please contact The Town of Vail.ഀ Devdgw to aravMe Lot Ad*ws InfbrrrraMnഀ LotAddress- ~ ` Subdhrlslon; Loth: A 3ഀ Authorized Sionatm Camnronta Nateഀ Sam Tooleyഀ XIML MM PREISRW GASഀ 97Q.262AON (tel)ഀ 97&46U401 (fax)ഀ contact Rich Salerosഀ .mmഀ HOLY CRCI SS EP1151 1tഀ 970 WStn (beljഀ 7a-945-40111(f"ഀ Contact: DkM Geisഀ X= Energyഀ 9",W.4= plot}ഀ 970262.4024 (tenഀ Contacts:ഀ Kit Bogertഀ EA E RMEII MIATER Btഀ SPMATMINI L1ZbTR=ഀ .476.7490 (benഀ 970476.4069 (farm)ഀ ContaM Fred Hadeeഀ CAKEഀ _(td) 97a-o -sY3ഀ 3-4ഀ NOTES: Iഀ L If the utility approval & verification form has aWtaaues fiom each of the udity companies, and no mrtrnents are made directlyഀ on the faint, or no action is tali wlthn 2 vm ft of the 414X r receipt of the form witfaut oplatabont the Town vAl presumeഀ that Rave are no problems and the development an proceed.ഀ 2. If a utility company has concerns w th the proposed construction, the utrXty repre tive shag note dreary an the utilityഀ verification forth that there is a prabiem which needs to be rt ,owed- The issue shoW then be detailed in an attached letter to theഀ Town of Val. However, !lease keep in mind fiat It is the responsibility of the udky company and the applicant to resolveഀ identified problems.ഀ 3. Them verify do not rdleve the conhwtor of the fesporsi(>Aly to obtain a Public War Perrmit from ft Departrtrerrt ofഀ Public Waits at the Town of Val. UtaflHky-fncadew roust be obtained befese dia~irm tan any public right-at way or easementഀ w thin the Tawn of Va0 A br dOm permit isEre! a Pubticgn ggmd snd aunt be obt mkwdഀ 4. The DcvdDper is required and agrees to submit any revised dra mings to the ub'lties for re-approval & re-verttkation if theഀ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (tortess otherwise specifically noted w Uw the commentഀ area of this form).ഀ oevelope's Signature Dateഀ F:vaaeviFORMS%PermibVlam.gWRIMUO ryAppovvl 08-28-07.docഀ L 0 R 1 Sഀ Lorls and Aasodatra, Inc.ഀ 2686 Traiirldee OrNe Eastഀ LaNyeft. Wamdo OW26ഀ T. 303.4441473ഀ F: 303.444.0611ഀ www.lor%AndA8S0C 4tes.comഀ Mastering the Art ofഀ Engineering Structuresഀ and Wrasimctnrecഀ October 31, 2008ഀ Mr. Scott O'Connellഀ Vail Recreation Districtഀ 700 South Front Range Road Eastഀ Vail, CO 81657ഀ Reference: Vail Golf Clubഀ Retaining Walls #3 & #7ഀ Statement of Design Complianceഀ Dear Scott:ഀ With regard to the above referenced project, to the best of our knowledge, all designഀ work has been completed in accordance with the latest building code requirements.ഀ Among these requirements, the Factor of Safety with respect to the variousഀ potential global stability failure. mechanisms (sliding, overturning and bearingഀ capacity) is greater than or equal to 1.5.ഀ Sincerely,ഀ The Office ofഀ Loris and Associates, Inc.ഀ Dan Beltzer, P.E.ഀ Project Managerഀ L 0 R I Sഀ Loral WW wsaoaiatrs, tnc.ഀ 25M TtsWidge Ddw Eastഀ Lafayeae, ( 0wado 60026ഀ T'. 303.444:2073ഀ F: 303.444.0611ഀ vwrw. LaNArxIAaeodatea.comഀ October 31, 2008ഀ Mr. Scott O'Connellഀ Vail Recreation Districtഀ 700 South Front Range Road Eastഀ Vail, CO 81657ഀ Reference: Vail Golf Clubഀ Retaining Walls #3 & #7ഀ Statement of Disturbance Acreageഀ Dear Scott:ഀ The approximate limits of disturbances are shown on the plans. At Tee Box #3 andഀ #7, we calculate the approximate disturbance areas to be 0.13 and 0.17 acres,ഀ respectively.ഀ Sincerely,ഀ The Office ofഀ Loris and Associates, Inc.ഀ ae~~ ;04_~ഀ Mo, A , ing tM Art ofഀ Engineering Stracturesഀ and Inlrpstrneturesഀ Dan Beltzer, P.E.ഀ Project Managerഀ NGINEERINa"ഀ Performance Rebornഀ September 18, 2006ഀ VIA EMAIL AND MAILഀ Mr. Mike Ortizഀ Vail Recreation Districtഀ 700 South Frontage Road Eastഀ Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ Email: mortiz@vailrec.comഀ Re: Golf Course - Bridges at Holes 11 & 17; Retaining Walls at Holes 3 & 7; Golf Courseഀ Maintenance Facility, Vail Recreation District, Vail, Coloradoഀ Project No.: 06162-934ഀ Dear Mike:ഀ We visited the site on September 12 and 13, 2006 to perform a property condition assessmentഀ of the facilities operated by the Vail Recreation District. As a part of the assessment we visitedഀ both the golf course and the golf course maintenance facility. During the site visit, theഀ following issues were observed.ഀ 1. The heavy timber planking on the bridges at holes 11 and 17 on the golf course areഀ severely deteriorated and exhibited excessive deflection as maintenance equipmentഀ crossed the bridge. The timber planking on both bridges shall be removed and replacedഀ at the close of the golf course.ഀ 2. The mechanically stabilized earth retaining wall supporting the tee box for hole 3 isഀ exhibiting signs of excessive lateral movement at the west end of the upper tier andഀ overturning at the east end of the upper tier. The area above the upper tier shall beഀ marked to prevent foot traffic at or near the top of the wall until such time that theഀ upper tier of the retaining wall can be removed and rebuilt with the proper geogridഀ reinforcement installed to prevent future movement.ഀ 3. The mechanically stabilized earth retaining wall supporting the tee box for hole 7 isഀ exhibiting signs of overturning at the west end of the upper tier. The flagstone pathഀ shall be marked to prevent foot or cart traffic at or near the wall until such time that theഀ upper tier of the retaining wall can be removed and rebuilt with the proper geogridഀ reinforcement installed to prevent future movement.ഀ 4. The storage facility at the golf course maintenance facility is exhibiting severe damage,ഀ distress and movement at several locations. The center of rear concrete wall is crackedഀ and displaced near the bottom of the wall approximately 1". The double tee roofഀ structure at the center of the facility has been displaced so that only 1" of bearingഀ Vail Recreation Districtഀ remains for the webs of the double tee roof on the webs of the wall double tees. Thisഀ will produce an excessive amount of stress on the webs of the wall tees and can lead toഀ premature failure. The roof structure in the west bay of the facility is severelyഀ deteriorated as evidenced by the deflected roof tee flange and the cracking in the flangeഀ due to the rusting of the flange steel reinforcement. The facility shall be cleared of allഀ items until a time that the referenced life safety issues are addressed. This may includeഀ the dismantling of the facility.ഀ All comments made are based on conditions seen at the time of this visual observation. We do notഀ accept any responsibility for unknown or unknowable conditions within the existing site orഀ structures.ഀ Sincerely,ഀ .40 1-1.ഀ Sഀ . 4ഀ 77 OAഀ Neil L. Mekഀ Director ofഀ NLM:JF:nlmഀ H:\2006\06162 Vail Recreation Distrld\934 Property Condition Eval\Docs\Lffe Safety Letter - 09-18-2U06.docഀ Bornengineering Page 2 of 2 06162-934ഀ Property Gondidon Evaluation Vail Recreation Dist-ridഀ Effective Useful Life: Varies.ഀ Quantity(s):ഀ • Timber - 70 linear feet.ഀ • MSE - 265 linear feet.ഀ Action/Cost(s):ഀ • Remove and replace the timber retaining walls in 2008. Estimated cost: $5,000.ഀ D44. 1St Tee Box Retaining Wallഀ Location(s): I' hole.ഀ Description: Flagstone retaining walls.ഀ Condition: Appeared to be in satisfactoryഀ condition.ഀ Age: 6 to 10 years.ഀ Expected Useful Life: 25+ years with maintenance.ഀ Effective Useful Life: 15 years.ഀ Quantity(s): 140 linear feet.ഀ Action/Cost(s):ഀ • Rebuild the flag stone retaining walls at the 1 st hole in 2021. Estimated cost:ഀ $10,000.ഀ D45. 2nd Green/3rd Tee Box Retainingഀ Wallഀ Location(s): 3rd tee box.ഀ Description: The multi-tiered retaining wall isഀ constructed with MSE blocks.ഀ Condition: The upper tier is exhibitingഀ indications of lateral movement / overturning at the middle of the wall, east end andഀ west end of the wall. Water staining on the face of the wall indicates moistureഀ movement from the backfill through the wall.ഀ Age: 11 years.ഀ Bornengineering Page 103 06162-934ഀ Property Condition EvaluatICODഀ Expected Useful Life:ഀ • Lower tier - 20 years.ഀ • Upper tier - 2 years.ഀ Effective Useful Life:ഀ • Lower tier - 20 years.ഀ • Upper tier - 1 year.ഀ Quantity(s): 320 linear feet.ഀ Jail Recreation Di3LricEഀ Action/Cost(s):ഀ • Immediately rope off the area 6'-0" from the upper edge of the wall. Remove andഀ replace the upper tier of the retaining wall in 2007. Estimated cost: $25,000.ഀ • The lower life of the lower tier should exceed the life of this Assessment.ഀ D46. 5t" Hole Retaining Wallഀ Location(s): 5ti, tee box.ഀ Description: The single tiered retaining wall isഀ constructed with MSE blocks and isഀ approximately 48-inhces high at its tallest pointഀ on the east end.ഀ Condition: The east end of the retaining wall is failing as evidenced by lateralഀ movement.ഀ Age: Unknown.ഀ Expected Useful Life: 20+ years.ഀ Effective Useful Life: 5 years.ഀ Quantity(s): 290 linear feet.ഀ Action/Cost(s):ഀ • Remove and replace the retaining wall in 2010. Estimated cost: $25,000.ഀ Bomengineering Page 104 06162-934ഀ F)-operij, Oup7didor. Evalsiabrxtഀ ®47. 7th Tee Box Retaining Wallഀ Location(s): 7th tee box.ഀ Description:ഀ • The multi-tiered retaining wall is constructedഀ with MSE blocks that appear to be Keystoneഀ Standard blocks.ഀ • There is a section of timber retaining wallഀ west of the tee box, adjacent to the house.ഀ Condition:ഀ • The upper tier is exhibiting signs ofഀ overturning at the west end. The east end ofഀ the retaining wall is in good condition.ഀ • We were informed the lower tier is showingഀ signs of leaning on the east end.ഀ • The timber retaining walls are in poorഀ condition.ഀ Age:ഀ • MSE retaining walls - 11 years.ഀ • Timber retaining wall - 20+ years.ഀ Expected Useful Life:ഀ • Lower tier - 20 years.ഀ • Upper tier - 2 years.ഀ • Timber wall - 20 to 22 years.ഀ Effective Useful Life:ഀ • Lower tier - 20 years.ഀ • Upper tier - 1 year.ഀ • Timber wall - 0 years.ഀ Quantity(s):ഀ • MSE walls - 425 linear feet.ഀ • Timber wall - 65 linear feet.ഀ Vail Perreatirin Disbiciഀ Action/Cost(s):ഀ • As indicated in our September 18, 2006 life safety letter, the flagstone path shallഀ be marked to prevent foot or cart traffic at or near the wall until such time thatഀ the upper tier of the retaining wall can be removed and rebuilt with the properഀ geogrid reinforcement installed to prevent future movement. Remove andഀ replace the upper tier in 2007. Estimated cost: $20,000.ഀ • Replace the leaning portion of the lower tier on the east end. This will also requireഀ asphalt path and tree removal and replacement in 2007. Estimated cost: $22,500.ഀ • Remove and replace the timber retaining wall in 2007. Estimated cost: $7,500.ഀ Bornengineering Page 105 06162-934ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ Section 504 is hereby revised for this project to include the following:ഀ DESCRIPTIONഀ 1.01 Description. The Work shall consist of constructing permanent soil nail retaining walls as specifiedഀ herein and shown on the Plans. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment requiredഀ for completing the Work. The Contractor shall select the method of excavation, drilling method andഀ equipment, final drillhole diameter(s), and grouting procedures to meet the performance requirementsഀ specified herein.ഀ Soil nailing work shall include excavating in accordance with the staged lifts shown in the Plans; drillingഀ soil nail drillholes to the specified minimum length and orientation indicated on the Plans; providing,ഀ placing and grouting the encapsulated or epoxy coated nail bar tendons into the drillholes; placingഀ drainage elements; placing shotcrete reinforcement; applying shotcrete facing over the reinforcement;ഀ attaching bearing plates and nuts; performing nail testing; and installing instrumentation. Shotcrete facingഀ and wall drainage construction is covered by the Shotcrete Facing and Wall Drainage Specification.ഀ The term "Soil Nail" as used in these specifications is intended as a generic term and refers to aഀ reinforcing bar grouted into a drilled hole installed in any type of ground. Soil nail walls are built fromഀ the top down in existing ground.ഀ Soil and rock properties, strength parameters, partial safety factors or load and resistance factors, designഀ requirements and other criteria are shown on the Plans. In addition to the subsurface informationഀ presented in the Plan, Geotechnical Report(s) titled "Subsurface Exploration Program Geotechnicalഀ Recommendations vail Golf Club Improvements, by Ground Engineering, Job Number 07-3801) is alsoഀ available to bidders and can be obtained from Vail Recreation District.ഀ Where the imperative mood is used within this Specification for conciseness, "the Contractor shall" isഀ implied.ഀ 1.02 Soil Nail Contractor's Experience Requirements and Submittal. The soil nailing Contractorഀ shall submit a project reference list verifying the successful construction completion of at least 3ഀ permanent soil nail retaining wall projects during the past 3 years totaling at least 10,000 square feet ofഀ wall face area and at least 500 permanent soil nails. A brief description of each project with the Owner'sഀ name and current phone number shall be included.ഀ A Registered Professional Engineer employed by the soil nailing Contractor and having experience in theഀ construction of permanent soil nail retaining walls on at least 3 completed projects over the past 3 yearsഀ shall supervise the Work. The on-site supervisor and drill rig operators shall have experience installingഀ permanent soil nails on at least 3 projects over the past 3 years. The Contractor shall not use consultantsഀ or manufacturer's representatives to satisfy the requirements of this section.ഀ At least 30 calendar days before starting the wall, the soil nail Contractor shall submit 5 copies of theഀ completed project reference list and a list identifying the supervising Engineer, drill rig operators, and onഀ site supervisors assigned to the project. The personnel list shall contain a summary of each individual'sഀ experience and be complete enough for the Engineer to determine whether each individual satisfies theഀ required qualifications. The Engineer will approve or reject the Contractor's qualifications within 15ഀ calendar days after receipt of a complete submission. Work shall not be started nor materials orderedഀ until the Engineer's written approval of the Contractor's qualifications is given.ഀ -2-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ The Engineer may suspend the Work if the Contractor uses non-approved personnel. If work isഀ suspended, the Contractor shall be fully liable for all resulting costs and no adjustment in contract timeഀ will result from the suspension.ഀ 1.03 Construction Site Survey. Before bidding the Work, the Contractor shall review the availableഀ subsurface information and visit the site to assess the site geometry, equipment access conditions, andഀ location of existing structures and above ground facilities.ഀ The Contractor is responsible for field locating and verifying the location of all utilities shown on theഀ Plans prior to starting the Work. Maintain uninterrupted service for those utilities designated to remain inഀ service throughout the Work. Notify the Engineer of any utility location different from shown on theഀ plans that may require nail relocations or wall design modification. Subject to the Engineer's approval,ഀ additional cost to the Contractor due to nail relocations and/or wall design modifications resulting fromഀ utility locations different from shown on the Plans, will be paid as Extra Work.ഀ Prior to start of any wall construction activity, the Contractor and Engineer shall jointly inspect the site toഀ observe and document the pre-construction condition of the site, existing structures and facilities. Duringഀ construction, the Contractor shall observe the conditions above the soil nail wall on a daily basis for signsഀ of ground movement in the vicinity of the wall. Immediately notify the Engineer if signs of movementsഀ such as new cracks in structures, increased size of old cracks or separation of joints in structures,ഀ foundations, streets or paved and unpaved surfaces are observed. If the Engineer determines that theഀ movements exceed those anticipated for typical soil nail wall construction and require corrective action,ഀ the Contractor shall take corrective actions necessary to stop the movement or perform repairs. When dueഀ to the Contractor's methods or operations or failure to follow the specified/approved constructionഀ sequence, as determined by the Engineer, the costs of providing corrective actions will be borne by theഀ Contractor. When due to differing site conditions, as determined by the Engineer, the costs of providingഀ corrective actions will be paid as Extra Work.ഀ 1.04 Construction Submittals. Upon approval of the soil nailing Contractor's qualifications submittalഀ set forth in Section 1.1, submit 5 copies of the following information, in writing, to the Engineer forഀ review and approval. Provide submittal item numbers (a) through (a)4 at least 15 calendar days prior toഀ initiating the nail wall construction and submittal items (b) through (g) at least 15 calendar days prior toഀ start of nail installation or incorporation of the respective materials into the Work:ഀ (a) The proposed start date and proposed detailed wall construction sequence including:ഀ Plan describing how surface water will be diverted, controlled and disposed ofഀ 2. Proposed methods and equipment for excavating the soil and/or rock to the staged excavationഀ lifts indicated in the Plans, including the proposed grade elevations for each excavation liftഀ shown on a wall elevation view.ഀ Measures to ensure wall and slope stability during various stages of wall construction andഀ excavation where discontinuous rows of nails will be installed (if applicable); information onഀ space requirements for installation equipment; temporary shoring plans (if applicable);ഀ information on provisions for working in the proximity of underground facilities or utilitiesഀ (if applicable).ഀ -3-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ 4. Proposed nail drilling methods and equipment including drillhole diameter proposed toഀ achieve the specified pullout resistance values and any variation of these along the wallഀ alignment.ഀ (b) Nail grout mix design including:ഀ 1. Type of Portland cement.ഀ 2. Aggregate source and gradation.ഀ 3. Proportions of mix by weight and water-cement ratio.ഀ 4. Manufacturer, brand name and technical literature for proposed admixtures.ഀ 5. Compressive strength test results (per AASHTO T106/ASTM C109) supplied by a qualifiedഀ independent testing lab verifying the specified minimum 3 and 28-day grout compressiveഀ strengths. Previous test results for the proposed grout mix completed within one year of theഀ start of grouting may be submitted for initial verification and acceptance of the requiredഀ compressive strengths and start of production work.ഀ (c) Proposed nail grout placement procedures and equipment.ഀ (d) Proposed nail testing methods and equipment setup including:ഀ 1. Details of the jacking frame and appurtenant bracing.ഀ 2. Details showing methods of isolating test nails during shotcrete application (i.e., methods toഀ prevent bonding of the soil nail bar and the shotcrete facing during testing).ഀ 3. Details showing methods of providing the temporary unbonded length and of grouting theഀ temporary unbonded length of test nails after completion of testing.ഀ 4. Equipment list.ഀ (e) Identification number and certified calibration records for each test jack and pressure gauge andഀ load cell to be used. Jack and pressure gauge shall be calibrated as a unit. Calibration records shallഀ include the date tested, device identification number, and the calibration test results and shall beഀ certified for an accuracy of at least 2 percent of the applied certification loads by a qualifiedഀ independent testing laboratory within 90 days prior to submittal.ഀ (f) Manufacturer Certificates of Compliance for the soil nail centralizers, epoxy coating orഀ encapsulation.ഀ (g) Detailed preliminary action plan for precluding disruption of buried utilities where identified on theഀ plans or in the geotechnical report.ഀ The Engineer will approve or reject the Contractor's submittals within 15 calendar days afterഀ receipt of a complete submission. The Contractor will not be allowed to begin wall construction orഀ incorporate materials into the work until the submittal requirements are satisfied and foundഀ acceptable to the Engineer. Changes or deviations from the approved submittals must be re-ഀ submitted for approval. No adjustments in contract time will be allowed due to incompleteഀ submittals.ഀ Upon delivery of nail bars and soil nail bar couplers (if allowed) to the project site, provideഀ Certified mill test results for nail bars and couplers from each heat specifying the ultimate strength,ഀ yield strength, elongation and composition.ഀ -4-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ 1.05 Pre-Construction Meeting. A pre-construction meeting will be scheduled by the Engineer and heldഀ prior to the start of wall construction. The Engineer, prime Contractor, soil nail specialty Contractor andഀ geotechnical instrumentation specialist (if applicable) shall attend the meeting. The excavationഀ Contractor, shotcreting Contractor and survey Contractor, if different than the prime or soil nail specialtyഀ Contractor, shall also attend. Attendance is mandatory. The pre-construction meeting will be conductedഀ to clarify the construction requirements for the work, to coordinate the construction schedule andഀ activities, and to identify contractual relationships and delineation of responsibilities amongst the primeഀ Contractor and the various Subcontractors - particularly those pertaining to wall excavation, nailഀ installation and testing, excavation and wall alignment survey control, and shotcrete and CIP facingഀ construction. Soil nail wall construction requires excavation in staged lifts and excavation in the vicinityഀ of the wall face requires special care and effort compared to general earthwork excavation. Theഀ Contractor should take this into account during bidding and should consult the Wall Excavation andഀ Measurement/Payment Sections of this Specification for details.ഀ MATERIALSഀ 2.01 Materials. Furnish materials new and without defects. Remove defective materials from the jobഀ site at no additional cost. Materials for soil nail structures shall consist of the following:ഀ (a) Solid Bar Nail Tendons: AASHTO M31/ASTM A615, Grade 60 or 75, ASTM A722 for Gradeഀ 150. Deformed bar, continuous without splices or welds, new, straight, undamaged, bare or epoxyഀ coated or encapsulated as shown on the Plans. Threaded a minimum of 6 inches on the wallഀ anchorage and to allow proper attachment of bearing plate and nut. Threading may be continuousഀ spiral deformed ribbing provided by the bar deformations (e.g. continuous threadbars) or may beഀ cut into a reinforcing bar. If threads are cut into a reinforcing bar, provide the next larger barഀ number designation from that shown on the Plans, at no additional cost.ഀ (b) Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating: ASTM A775. Minimum 0.01 inch thickness electrostaticallyഀ applied. Bend test requirements are waived. Coating at the wall anchorage end of epoxy coatedഀ bars may be omitted over the length provided for threading the nut against the bearing plate.ഀ (c) Encapsulation: Minimum 0.04 inch thick corrugated HDPE tube conforming to AASHTO M252ഀ or corrugated PVC tube confirming to ASTM D1784, Class 13464-B. Encapsulation shall provideഀ at least 0.2 inch of grout cover over the nail bar and be resistant to ultra violet light degradation,ഀ normal handling stresses, and grouting pressures. Factory fabrication of the encapsulation isഀ preferred. Upon the Engineers approval, the encapsulation may be field fabricated if done in strictഀ accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.ഀ (d) Centralizers: Manufactured from Schedule 40 PVC pipe or tube, steel or other material notഀ detrimental to the nail steel (wood shall not be used); securely attached to the nail bar; sized toഀ position the nail bar within 1 inch of the center of the drillhole; sized to allow tremie pipe insertionഀ to the bottom of the drillhole; and sized to allow grout to freely flow up the drillhole.ഀ (e) Nail Grout: Neat cement or sand/cement mixture with a minimum 3-day compressive strength ofഀ 1500 psi and a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi per AASHTO T106/ASTMഀ C109.ഀ (f) Admixtures: AASHTO M194/ASTM C494. Admixtures which control bleed, improve flowability,ഀ reduce water content and retard set may be used in the grout subject to review and acceptance byഀ the Engineer. Accelerators are not permitted. Expansive admixtures may only be used in groutഀ -5-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ used for filling sealed encapsulations. Admixtures shall be compatible with the grout and mixed inഀ accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.ഀ (g) Cement: AASHTO M85/ASTM C150, Type I, II, 111, or V.ഀ (h) Fine Aggregate: AASHTO M6/ASTM C33.ഀ (i) Film Protection: Polyethylene film per AASHTO M171.ഀ (j) Bar Couplers: Bar couplers shall develop the full ultimate tensile strength of the bar as certified byഀ the manufacturer.ഀ 2.02 Materials Handling And Storage. Store cement to prevent moisture degradation and partialഀ hydration. Do not use cement that has become caked or lumpy. Store aggregates so that segregation andഀ inclusion of foreign materials are prevented. Do not use the bottom 6 inches of aggregate piles in contactഀ with the ground.ഀ Store steel reinforcement on supports to keep the steel from contacting the ground. Damage to the nailഀ steel as a result of abrasion, cuts, nicks, welds, and weld splatter shall be cause for rejection. Do notഀ ground welding leads to nail bars. Protect nail steel from dirt, rust, and other deleterious substances priorഀ to installation. Heavy corrosion or pitting of nails shall be cause for rejection. Light rust that has notഀ resulted in pitting is acceptable. Place protective wrap over anchorage end of nail bar to which bearingഀ plate and nut will be attached to protect during handling, installation, grouting and shotcreting.ഀ Do not move or transport encapsulated nails until the encapsulation grout has reached sufficient strengthഀ to resist damage during handling. Handle encapsulated nails in a manner that will prevent largeഀ deflections, distortions or damage. Repair encapsulated nails that are damaged or defective in accordanceഀ with the manufacturer's recommendations or remove them from the site.ഀ Handle and store epoxy coated bars in a way that will prevent them from being damaged beyond what isഀ permitted by ASTM 3963. Repair damaged epoxy coating in accordance with ASTM A775 and theഀ coater's recommendations using an epoxy field repair kit approved by the epoxy manufacturer. Repairedഀ areas shall have a minimum 0.01 inch coating thickness.ഀ CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTSഀ 3.01 Site Drainage Control. Provide positive control and discharge of all surface water that will affectഀ construction of the soil nail retaining wall. Maintain all pipes or conduits used to control surface waterഀ during construction. Repair damage caused by surface water at no additional cost. Upon substantialഀ completion of the wall, remove surface water control pipes or conduits from the site. Alternatively, withഀ the approval of the Engineer, pipes or conduits that are left in place, may be fully grouted and abandonedഀ or left in a way that protects the structure and all adjacent facilities from migration of fines through theഀ pipe or conduit and potential ground loss.ഀ The regional groundwater table is anticipated to be below the level of the wall excavation based on theഀ results of the geotechnical site investigation. Localized areas of perched water or seepage may beഀ encountered during excavation at the interface of geologic units or from localized groundwater seepageഀ areas.ഀ -6-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ Immediately contact the Engineer if unanticipated existing subsurface drainage structures are discoveredഀ during excavation. Suspend work in these areas until remedial measures meeting the Engineer's approvalഀ are implemented. Capture surface water runoff flows and flows from existing subsurface drainageഀ structures independently of the wall drainage network and convey them to an outfall structure or stormഀ sewer, as approved by the Engineer. Cost of remedial measures required to capture and dispose of waterഀ resulting from encountering unanticipated subsurface drainage structures will be paid for as Extra Work.ഀ 3.02 Excavation. Coordinate the work and the excavation so the soil nail wall is safely constructed.ഀ Perform the wall construction and excavation sequence in accordance with the Plans and approvedഀ submittals. No excavations steeper than those specified herein or shown on the Plans will be made aboveഀ or below the soil nail wall without written approval of the Engineer.ഀ (a) Excavation and Wall Alignment Survey Control. Unless specified otherwise, the Engineer willഀ provide survey reference and control points at or offset along the top of wall alignment atഀ approximate 30 foot intervals prior to starting wall excavation. The Contractor will then beഀ responsible for providing the necessary survey and alignment Control during excavation of eachഀ lift, locating and drilling each drillhole within the allowable tolerances and for performing the wallഀ excavation and nail installation in a manner which will allow for constructing the shotcreteഀ construction facing to the specified minimum thickness and such that the finish CIP structuralഀ facing or masonry facing can be constructed to the specified minimum thickness and to the line andഀ grade indicated in the Plans. Where the as-built location of the front face of the shotcrete exceedsഀ the allowable tolerance from the wall control line shown on the Plans, the Contractor will beഀ responsible for determining and bearing the cost of remedial measures necessary to provide properഀ attachment of nail head bearing plate connections and satisfactory placement of the final facing, asഀ called for on the Plans.ഀ (b) General Roadway Excavation. Complete clearing, grubbing, grading and excavation above andഀ behind the wall before commencing wall excavation. Do not over excavate the original groundഀ behind the wall or at the ends of the wall, beyond the limits shown on the Plans. Do not performഀ general roadway excavation that will affect the soil nail wall until wall construction starts.ഀ Roadway excavation shall be coordinated with the soil nailing work and the excavation shallഀ proceed from the top down in a horizontal staged excavation lift sequence with the ground level forഀ each lift excavated. No more than mid-height between adjacent nail rows, as illustrated on theഀ Plans. Do not excavate the full height to the final wall alignment as shown on the Plans butഀ maintain a working bench of native material to serve as a platform for the drilling equipment. Theഀ bench shall be wide enough to provide a safe working area for the drill equipment and workers.ഀ Perform rock blasting within 200 feet of the soil nail wall using controlled blasting techniquesഀ designed by a qualified blasting consultant or a Professional Engineer registed in the State ofഀ Colorado. Blasting shall not damaged completed soil nail work or disrupt the remaining ground toഀ be soil nailed or shotcreted. Repair damaged areas at no additional cost.ഀ (c) Soil Nail Wall Structure Excavations. Structure excavation in the vicinity of the wall face willഀ require special care and effort compared to general earthwork excavation. The Excavationഀ Contractor should take this into account during bidding. Due to the close coordination requiredഀ between the soil nail Contractor and the excavation Contractor, the excavation Contractor shallഀ perform the structure excavation for the soil nail wall under the direction of the soil nail specialtyഀ Contractor. The structure excavation pay limits are shown on the Plans.ഀ -7-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ Excavate to the final wall face using procedures that: (1) prevent over excavation; (2) preventഀ ground loss, swelling, air slaking, or loosening; (3) prevent loss of support for completed portionsഀ of the wall; (4) prevent loss of soil moisture at the face; and (5) and prevent ground freezing. Costsഀ associated with additional thickness of shotcrete or concrete or other remedial measures requiredഀ due to irregularities in the cut face, excavation overbreak or inadvertent over excavation, shall beഀ borne by the Contractor.ഀ The exposed unsupported final excavation face cut height shall not exceed the vertical nail spacingഀ plus the required reinforcing lap or the short-term stand-up height of the ground, whichever is less.ഀ Complete excavation to the final wall excavation line and application of the shotcrete in the sameഀ work shift unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Application of the shotcrete may be delayedഀ up to 24 hours if the Contractor can show that the delay will not adversely affect the excavationഀ face stability. A polyethylene film over the face of the excavation may reduce degradation of theഀ cut face caused by changes in moisture. Damage to existing structures or structures included in theഀ Work shall be repaired and paid by the Contractor where approval is granted for the extended faceഀ exposure period.ഀ At the Contractor's option, during each excavation lift, nails may be drilled and installed through aഀ temporary stabilizing berm. Purpose of the stabilizing berm is to prevent or minimize instability orഀ sloughing of the final excavation face due to ground conditions and/or drilling action. Theഀ stabilizing berm geometry (if used) shall be such that the top of berm extends horizontally out fromഀ the bottom front face of the overlying shotcrete a distance of 1 foot and cut down from that point toഀ the base grade for that excavation lift at a slope not steeper than 1 H:1 V. The Contractor may use aഀ different berm geometry, upon satisfactory demonstration that the different geometry providesഀ satisfactory performance. Following the installation of nails in that lift, excavate the temporaryഀ stabilizing berm to the final wall face excavation line and clean the final excavation face of all looseഀ materials, mud, rebound and other foreign matter which could prevent or reduce shotcrete bond.ഀ Ensure that installed nails and corrosion protection are not damaged during excavation of theഀ stabilizing berm. Repair or replace nails or corrosion protection damaged or disturbed duringഀ excavation of the stabilizing berm, to the Engineer's satisfaction, at no additional cost. Do notഀ excavate the stabilizing berm until the nail grout has aged for at least 24 hours. Remove hardenedഀ nail grout protruding from the final wall excavation line more than 2 inches in a manner thatഀ prevents fracturing the grout at the nail head. Sledge hammer removal of the grout is not allowed.ഀ The use of hand held rock chippers is acceptable provided their use does not damage or disturb theഀ remaining grout at the nail head, the nail bar or corrosion protection. Alternative excavation andഀ soil nail installation methods that meet these objectives may be submitted to the Engineer forഀ review in accordance with the Submittals section.ഀ Excavation to the next lift shall not proceed until nail installation, reinforced shotcrete placement,ഀ attachment of bearing plates and nuts and nail testing has been completed and accepted in theഀ current lift. Nail grout and shotcrete shall have cured for at least 72 hours or attained at least theirഀ specified 3-day compressive strength before excavating the next underlying lift. Excavating theഀ next lift in less than 72 hours will only be allowed if the Contractor submits compressive strengthഀ test results, for test performed by a qualified independent testing lab, verifying that the nail groutഀ and shotcrete mixes being used will provide the specified 3-day compressive strength in the lesserഀ time.ഀ Notify the Engineer immediately if raveling or local instability of the final wall face excavationഀ occurs. Unstable areas shall be temporarily stabilized by means of buttressing the exposed faceഀ -8-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ with an extra berm or other methods. Suspend work in unstable areas until remedial measures areഀ developed.ഀ Where necessary for stability of the excavation face, the Contractor shall have the option of placingഀ a sealing layer (flashcoat) of unreinforced shotcrete or steel fiber reinforced shotcrete, drilling andഀ grouting of nails through a temporary stabilizing berm of native soil, or of constructing a miropileഀ stabilization wall to protect and stabilize the face of the excavation per Section 3.02(c) Wallഀ Structure Excavation. The contractor shall make a reasonable effort to construct the proposed soilഀ nail walls by means of staged excavation in accordance with these specifications. The contractorഀ shall request authorization from the engineer prior to proceeding with construction of faceഀ stabilization. Face stabilization construction shall not be paid for separately, but shall be consideredഀ incidental to the work. All material and workmanship for face stabilization shall be in accordanceഀ with these specifications.ഀ (d) Wall Discontinuities. Where the Contractor's excavation and installation methods result in aഀ discontinuous wall along any nail row, the ends of the constructed wall section shall extend beyondഀ the ends of the next lower excavation lift by at least 10 feet. Slopes at these discontinuities shall beഀ constructed to prevent sloughing or failure of the temporary slopes. If sections of the wall are to beഀ constructed at different times, prevent sloughing or failure of the temporary slopes at the end ofഀ each section.ഀ (e) Excavation Face Protrusions, Voids or Obstructions. Remove all or portions of cobbles, boulders,ഀ rubble or other subsurface obstructions encountered at the wall final excavation face which willഀ protrude into the design shotcrete facing. Determine method of removal of face protrusions,ഀ including method to safely secure remnant pieces left behind the excavation face and for promptlyഀ backfilling voids resulting from removal of protrusions extending behind the excavation face.ഀ Notify the Engineer of the proposed method(s) for removal of face protrusions at least 24 hoursഀ prior to beginning removal. Voids overbreak or over-excavation beyond the plan wall excavationഀ line resulting from the removal of face protrusions or excavation operations shall be backfilled withഀ shotcrete or concrete, as approved by the Engineer. Removal of face protrusions and backfilling ofഀ voids or over-excavation is considered incidental to the work. Cost due to removal of unanticipatedഀ man-made obstructions will be paid as Extra Work.ഀ 3.03 Nail Installation. Determine the required drillhole diameter(s), drilling method, grout compositionഀ and installation method necessary to achieve the nail pullout resistance(s) specified herein or on the Plans,ഀ in accordance with the nail testing acceptance criteria in the Nail Testing section.ഀ No drilling or installation of production nails will be permitted in any soil/rock unit until successful pre-ഀ production verification testing of nails is completed in that unit and approved by the Engineer. Installഀ verification test nails using the same equipment, methods, nail inclination and drillhole diameter asഀ planned for the production nails. Perform pre-production verification tests in accordance with theഀ Verification Testing Section prior to starting wall excavation and prior to installation of production nailsഀ in the specific lift in which the designated verification test nails are located. The number and location ofഀ the verification tests will be as indicated on the Plans or specified herein. Verification test nails may beഀ installed through either the existing slope face prior to start of wall excavation, drill platform work bench,ഀ stabilization berm or into slot cuts made for the particular lift in which the verification test nails areഀ located. Slot cuts will only be large enough to safely accommodate the drill and test nail reaction setup.ഀ Subject to the Engineer's approval, verification test nails may also be installed at angle orientations otherഀ than perpendicular to the wall face or at different locations than specified, as long as the Contractor canഀ demonstrate that the test nails will be bonded into ground which is representative of the ground at theഀ -9-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ verification test nail locations designated on the Plans or herein. Install the production soil nails beforeഀ the application of the reinforced shotcrete facing. At the Contrator's request and subject to the Engineer'sഀ written approval, the shotcrete facing may be placed before drilling and installing the nails. Provide aഀ blockout through the shotcrete facing at drillhole locations using PVC pipe or other suitable material, toഀ prevent damage to the facing during drilling. As part of the required construction submittals, provide theഀ Engineer with acceptable structural design calculations demonstrating that the facing structural capacityഀ will not be reduced and that the bearing plates are adequate to span the nail drillhole blockout through theഀ construction facing. If this requires larger size bearing plates and/or additional reinforcement beyond thatഀ detailed on the Plans, the extra cost will be incidental.ഀ The Engineer may add, eliminate, or relocate nails to accommodate actual field conditions. Costഀ adjustments associated with these modifications shall be made in accordance with the General Provisionsഀ of the Contract. The cost of any redesign, additional material, or installation modifications resulting fromഀ actions of the Contractor shall be borne by the Contractor.ഀ (a) Drilling. The drill holes for the soil nails shall be made at the locations, orientations, and lengthsഀ shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Select drilling equipment and methods suitableഀ for the ground conditions described in the geotechnical report and shown in the boring logs. Selectഀ drillhole diameter(s) required to develop the specified pullout resistance and to also provide aഀ minimum 1 inch grout cover over bare or epoxy coated bars or minimum 0.5 inch grout cover overഀ the encapsulation of encapsulated nails. A minimum required drillhole diameter is shown on theഀ plans. It is the Contractor's responsibility to determine the final drillhole diameter(s) required toഀ provide the specified pullout resistance. Use of drilling muds such as bentonite slurry to assist inഀ drill cutting removal is not allowed but air may be used. With the Engineer's approval, theഀ Contractor may be allowed to use water or foam flushing upon successful demonstration, at theഀ Contractor's cost, that the installation method still provides adequate nail pullout resistance. Ifഀ caving ground is encountered, use cased drilling methods to support the sides of the drill holes.ഀ Where hard drilling conditions such as rock, cobbles, boulders, or obstructions are describedഀ elsewhere in the contract documents or project Geotechnical Report, percussion or other suitableഀ drilling equipment capable of drilling and maintaining stable drillholes through such materials, willഀ be used.ഀ Immediately suspend or modify drilling operations if ground subsidence is observed, if the soil nailഀ wall is adversely affected, or if adjacent structures are damaged from the drilling operation.ഀ Immediately stabilize the adverse conditions at no additional cost.ഀ (b) Nail Bar Installation. Provide nail bars in accordance with the schedules included in the Plans.ഀ Provide centralizers sized to position the bar within 1 inch of the center of the drillhole. Positionഀ centralizers as shown on the Plans so their maximum center-to-center spacing does not exceed 7ഀ feet. Also locate centralizers within 2 feet from the top and bottom of the drillhole. Securely attachഀ centralizers to the bar so they will not shift during handling or insertion into the drillhole yet willഀ still allow grout tremie pipe insertion to the bottom of drillhole and allow grout to flow freely upഀ the hole.ഀ Inspect each nail bar before installation and repair or replace damaged bars or corrosion protection.ഀ Check uncased drillholes for cleanliness prior to insertion of the soil nail bar. Insert nail bars withഀ centralizers into the drill hole to the required length without difficulty and in a way that preventsഀ damaged to the drill hole, bar, or corrosion protection. Do not drive or force partially inserted soilഀ nails into the hole. Remove nails which cannot be fully inserted to the design depth and clean theഀ drill hole to allow unobstructed installation.ഀ -10-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ When using cased or hollow stem auger drilling equipment which does not allow for theഀ centralizers to pass through the casing or auger stem, the Contractor may delete the centralizers ifഀ the neat cement grout pumped through the casing is placed using grout pressures greater than 150ഀ psi or if the sand-cement grout placed through the stem of the auger has a slump of 8 inches or less,ഀ and the nail bar remains in the central portion of the grout.ഀ (c) Nail Installation Tolerances. Nails shall not extend beyond the right-of-way or easement limitsഀ shown on the Plans. Nail location and orientation tolerances are:ഀ 1. Nail head location, deviation from plan design location; 6 inches any direction.ഀ 2. Nail inclination, deviation from plan; + or -3 degrees.ഀ 3. Location tolerances are applicable to only one nail and not accumulative over large wallഀ areas.ഀ 4. Center nail bars within 1 inch of the center of the drillhole.ഀ Soil nails which do not satisfy the specified tolerances, due to the Contractor's installation methods,ഀ will be replaced at no additional cost. Backfill abandoned nail drill holes with tremied grout. Nailsഀ which encounter unanticipated obstructions during drilling shall be relocated, as approved by theഀ Engineer. Cost of drilling and backfilling drillholes abandoned due to unanticipated obstructionഀ will be paid as Extra Work.ഀ 3.04 Groutingഀ (a) Grout Mix Design. The design mix submittal shall include compressive strength test resultsഀ verifying that the proposed mix will have a minimum 3-day compressive strength of 1500 psi andഀ minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi.ഀ (b) Grout Testing. Previous test results for the proposed grout mix completed within one year of theഀ start of work may be submitted for initial verification of the required compressive strengths forഀ installation of pre-production verification test nails and initial production nails. During production,ഀ nail grout shall be tested by the Contractor in accordance with AASHTO T106/ASTM C109 at aഀ frequency of no less than one test for every 50 cubic yards of grout placed, or once per week,ഀ whichever is greater. Provide grout cube test results to the Engineer within 24 hours of testing.ഀ (c) Grouting Equipment. Grout equipment shall produce a uniformly mixed grout free of lumps andഀ undispersed cement, and be capable of continuously agitating the mix. Use a positive displacementഀ grout pump equipped with a pressure gauge which can measure at least twice but not more thanഀ three times the intended grout pressure. Size the grouting equipment to enable the entire nail to beഀ grouted in one continuous operation. Place the grout within 60 minutes after mixing or within theഀ time recommended by the admixture manufacturer, if admixtures are used. Grout not placed in theഀ allowed time limit will be rejected.ഀ (d) Grouting Methods. Grout the drillhole after installation of the nail bar. Each drillhole will beഀ grouted within 2 hours of completion of drilling, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.ഀ Inject the grout at the lowest point of each drill hole through a grout tube, casing, hollow-stemഀ auger, or drill rods. Keep the outlet end of the conduit delivering the grout below the surface of theഀ grout as the conduit is withdrawn to prevent the creation of voids. Completely fill the drillhole inഀ one continuous operation. Cold joints in the grout column are not allowed except at the top of theഀ test bond length of proof tested production nails. At the Contractor's option, the grout tube mayഀ -11-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ remain in the hole provided it is filled with grout. Grouting before insertion of the nail is allowedഀ provided the nail bar is immediately inserted through the grout to the specified length withoutഀ difficulty.ഀ During casing removal for drillholes advanced by either cased or hollow-stem auger methods,ഀ maintain sufficient grout level within the casing to offset the external groundwater/soil pressure andഀ prevent hole caving. Maintain grout head or grout pressures sufficient to ensure that the drillholeഀ will be completely filled with grout and to prevent unstable soil or groundwater from contaminatingഀ or diluting the grout. Record the grout pressures for soil nails installed using pressure groutingഀ techniques. Control grout pressures to prevent excessive ground heave or fracturing.ഀ Remove the grout and nail if grouting is suspended for more than 30 minutes or does not satisfy theഀ requirements of this specification or the Plans, and replace with fresh grout and undamaged nail barഀ at no additional cost.ഀ 3.05 Nail Testing. Perform proof tests on 5 percent of the total number of production nails and aഀ minimum of 1 each production nail row. Coordinate location of pre-production verification and proofഀ testing locations with the engineer. Required nail test data shall be recorded by the Engineer. Do notഀ perform nail testing until the nail grout and shotcrete facing have cured for at least 72 hours and attainedഀ at least their specified 3-day compressive strength. Testing in less than 72 hours will only be allowed ifഀ the Contractor submits compressive strength test results, for tests performed by a qualified independentഀ testing lab, verifying that the nail grout and shotcrete mixes being used will provide the specified 3-dayഀ compressive strengths in the lesser time.ഀ (a) Proof Test Nail Unbonded Length. Provide temporary unbonded length for each test nail. Isolateഀ the test nail bar from the shotcrete facing and/or the reaction frame used during testing. Isolationഀ of a test nail through the shotcrete facing shall not affect the location of the reinforcing steel underഀ the bearing plate. Accepted proof test nails may be incorporated as production nails provided theഀ temporary test unbonded length is fully grouted subsequent to testing. Submit the proposed testഀ nail isolation methods, methods for providing an unbonded test length and methods for groutingഀ the unbonded length subsequent to testing to the Engineer for review and approval in accordanceഀ with the Submittals section. Where temporary casing of the unbonded length of test nails isഀ provided, install the casing in a way that prevents any reaction between the casing and the groutedഀ bond length of the nail and/or the stressing apparatus.ഀ (b) Testing Equipment. Testing equipment shall include dial gauges, dial gauge support, jack andഀ pressure gauge, electronic load cell, and a reaction frame. The load cell is required only for theഀ creep test portion of the verification test. Provide description of test setup and jack, pressureഀ gauge and load cell calibration curves in accordance with Submittals section.ഀ Design the testing reaction frame to be sufficiently rigid and of adequate dimensions such thatഀ excessive deformation of the testing equipment does not occur. If the reaction frame will bearഀ directly on the shotcrete facing, design it to prevent cracking of the shotcrete. Independentlyഀ support and center the jack over the nail bar so that the bar does not carry the weight of the testingഀ equipment. Align the jack, bearing plates, and stressing anchorage with the bar such thatഀ unloading and repositioning of the equipment will not be required during the test.ഀ Apply and measure the test load with a hydraulic jack and pressure gauge. The pressure gaugeഀ shall be graduated in 75 psi increments or less. The jack and pressure gauge shall have a pressureഀ range not exceeding twice the anticipated maximum test pressure. Jack ram travel shall beഀ -12-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ sufficient to allow the test to be done without resetting the equipment. Monitor the nail loadഀ during verification test with both the pressure gauge and the load cell. Use the load cell toഀ maintain constant load hold during the creep test load hold increment of the verification test.ഀ Measure the nail head movement with a dial gauge capable of measuring to 0.001 inch. The dialഀ gauge shall have a travel sufficient to allow the test to be done without having to reset the gauge.ഀ Visually align the gauge to be parallel with the axis of the nail and support the gaugeഀ independently from the jack, wall or reaction frame. Use two dial gauges when the test setupഀ requires reaction against a soil cut face.ഀ (c) Pre production Verification Testing of Sacrificial Test Nails. Pre-production verification testingഀ shall be performed prior to installation of production nails to verify the Contractor's installationഀ methods and nail pullout resistance. Perform pre-production verification test at the locations andഀ elevations shown on the Plans or as approved by the engineer or herein and per Nail Installationഀ Section 3.03, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Perform a minimum of 2 verificationഀ tests in each different soil/rock unit and for each different drilling/grouting method proposed to beഀ used, at each wall location. Verification test nails will be sacrificial and not incorporated asഀ production nails. Bare bars can be used for the sacrificial verification test nails.ഀ Develop and submit the details of the verification testing arrangement including the method ofഀ distributing test load pressures to the excavation surface (reaction frame), test nail bar size, groutedഀ drillhole diameter and reaction frame dimensioning to the Engineer for approval in accordanceഀ with Submittals section. Construct verification test nails using the same equipment, installationഀ methods, nail inclination, and drillhole diameter as planned for the production nails. Changes inഀ the drilling or installation method may require additional verification testing as determined by theഀ Engineer and shall be provided at no additional cost. Payment for additional verification testsഀ required due to differing site conditions, if determined by the Engineer, shall be per the contractഀ unit price.ഀ Test nails shall have both bonded and temporary unbonded lengths. Prior to testing only theഀ bonded length of the test nail shall be grouted. The temporary unbonded length of the test nailഀ shall be at least 3 feet. The bonded length of the test nail shall be determined based on theഀ production nail bar grade and size such that the allowable bar structural load is not exceededഀ during testing, but shall not be less than 10 feet. The allowable bar structural load during testingഀ shall not be greater than 90 percent of the yield strength for Grade 60 and Grade 75 bars, or 80ഀ percent of the ultimate strength for Grade 150 bars. The Contractor shall provide largerഀ verification test bar sizes, if required to safely accommodate the 10 foot minimum test bond lengthഀ and testing to 2 times the allowable pullout resistance requirements, at no additional cost.ഀ The verification test bonded length LBv shall not exceed the test allowable bar structural loadഀ divided by 2 times the allowable pull out resistance value. The following equation shall be usedഀ for determining the verification test nail maximum bonded length to be used to avoid structurallyഀ overstressing the verification test nail bar size:ഀ LBv = Cfy As / 2 Qa, or 10 feet, whichever is greater.ഀ LBv = Maximum Verification test Nail Bonded Length (ft)ഀ C = 0.9 for Grade 60 and 75 bars and 0.8 for Grade 150 barsഀ fy = Bar Yield or Ultimate Stress ( psi)ഀ (Note: fy= 60,000 psi, 75,000 psi and 150,000 psi respectively for Grade 60, 75 and 150 bars)ഀ -13-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ As = Bar Steel Area (in)ഀ 2 = Pullout resistance safety factorഀ Qd = Allowable pullout resistance (lb/ft, pounds per lineal foot of grouted nailഀ Length, specified herein or on the Plans.ഀ The Design Test Load (DTL) during verification testing shall be determined by the followingഀ equation:ഀ DTL = Design Test Load (lb) = LBV X Qdഀ LBV = As-built bonded test length (ft)ഀ Qd = Allowable pullout resistance (lb/ft, pounds per lineal foot of grouted nailഀ Length, specified herein or on the Plans)ഀ MTL = 2.0 x DTL = Maximum test Load (lb)ഀ Verification test nails shall be incrementally loaded to a maximum test load of 200 percent of theഀ Design Test Load (DTL) in accordance with the following loading schedule. The soil nailഀ movements shall be recorded at each load increment.ഀ VERIFICATION TEST LOADING SCHEDULEഀ LOAD HOLD TIMEഀ AL(.05 DTL max.)ഀ 1 minuteഀ 0.25 DTLഀ 10 minutesഀ 0.50 DTLഀ 10 minutesഀ 0.75 DTLഀ 10 minutesഀ 1.00 DTLഀ 10 minutesഀ 1.25 DTLഀ 10 minutesഀ 1.50 DTL (Creep Test)ഀ 60 minutesഀ 1.75 DTLഀ 10 minutesഀ 2.00 DTL (Max.Test Load)ഀ 10 minutesഀ The alignment load (AL) should be the minimum load required to align the testing apparatus andഀ should not exceed 5 percent of the Design Test Load (DTL). Dial gauges should be set to "zero"ഀ after the alignment load has been applied.ഀ Each load increment shall be held for at least 10 minutes. The verification test nail shall beഀ monitored for creep at the 1.50 DTL load increment. Nail movements during the creep portion ofഀ the test shall be measured and recorded at 1 minute, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 , and 60 minutes. Theഀ load during the creep test shall be maintained within 2 percent of the intended load by use of theഀ load cell.ഀ (d) Proof Testing of Production Nails. Perform proof testing on 5 percent (1 in 20) of the productionഀ nails in each nail row or minimum of 1 per row. The locations shall be coordinated with theഀ Engineer. A verification test nail successfully completed during production work shall beഀ considered equivalent to a proof test nail and shall be accounted for in determining the number ofഀ proof tests required in that particular row.ഀ -14-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ Production proof test nails shall have both bonded and temporary unbonded lengths. Prior toഀ testing only the bonded length of the test nail shall be grouted. The temporary unbonded length ofഀ the test nail shall be at least 3 feet. The bonded length of the test nail shall be determined based onഀ the production nail bar grade and size such that the allowable bar structural load is not exceededഀ during testing, but shall not be less than 10 feet. Production proof test nails shorter than 13 feet inഀ length may be constructed with less than the minimum 10 foot bond length with the unbondedഀ length limited to 3 feet. The allowable bar structural load during testing shall not be greater thanഀ 90 percent of the yield strength for Grade 60 and Grade 75 bars, or 80 percent of the ultimateഀ strength for grade 150 bars.ഀ The proof test bonded length LBP shall not exceed the test allowable bar load divided by 1.5 timesഀ the allowable pullout resistance value, or above minimum lengths, whichever is greater. Theഀ following equation shall be used for sizing the proof test nail bonded length to avoid overstressingഀ the production nail bar size.ഀ LBP = Cfy As / 2 Qd, or above minimum lengths, whichever is greater.ഀ LBP = Maximum Proof Test Nail Bonded Length (ft)ഀ C = 0.9 for Grade 60 and 75 bars and 0.8 for Grade 150 barsഀ fy =Bar Yield or Ultimate Stress (psi)ഀ (Note: fy= 60,000 psi, 75,000 psi and 150,000 psi respectively for Grade 60, 75 and 150 bars)ഀ As = Bar Steel Area (in)ഀ 1.5 = Pullout resistance safety factorഀ Qd = Allowable pullout resistance (lb/ft, pounds per lineal foot of grouted nailഀ Length, specified herein or on the Plans.ഀ The Design Test Load (DTL) during proof testing shall be determined by the following equation:ഀ DTL = Design Test Load (lb) = LBP X Qdഀ LBP = As-built bonded test length (ft)ഀ Qd = Allowable pullout resistance (lb/ft, pounds per lineal foot of grouted nailഀ Length, specified herein or on the Plans)ഀ MTL = 1.5 x DTL = Maximum test Load (lb)ഀ Proof test shall be performed by incrementally loading the proof test nail to a maximum test loadഀ of 150 percent of the Design Test Load (DTL). The nail movement at each load shall be measuredഀ and recorded by the Engineer in the same manner as for verification test. The test load shall beഀ monitored by a jack pressure gauge with a sensitivity and range meeting the requirements ofഀ pressure gauges used for verification test nails. At load increments other than maximum test load,ഀ the load shall be held long enough to obtain a stable reading. Incremental loading for proof testഀ shall be in accordance with the following loading schedule. The soil nail movement shall beഀ recorded at each load increment.ഀ PROOF TEST LOADING SCHEDULEഀ LOADഀ HOLD TIMEഀ AL (0.5 DTL max.)ഀ Until Stableഀ 0.25 DTLഀ Until Stableഀ 0.50 DTLഀ Until Stableഀ -15-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ 0.75 DTLഀ Until Stableഀ 1.00 DTLഀ Until Stableഀ 1.25 DTLഀ Until Stableഀ 1.50 DTL (Max. test Load)ഀ See Belowഀ The alignment load (AL) should be the minimum load required to align the testing apparatus andഀ should not exceed 5 percent of the Design Test Load (DTL). Dial gauges should be set to "zero"ഀ after the alignment load has been applied.ഀ All load increments shall be maintained within 5 percent of the intended load. Depending onഀ performance, either 10 minute or 60 minute creep tests shall be performed at the maximum testഀ load (1.50 DTL). The creep period shall start as soon as the maximum test load is applied and theഀ nail movement shall be measured and recorded at 1 minutes, 2,3,5,6, and 10 minutes. Where theഀ nail movement between 1 minute and 10 minutes exceeds 1 mm, the maximum test load shall beഀ maintained an additional 50 minutes and movements shall be recorded at 20 minutes, 30, 50, andഀ 60 minutes.ഀ (e) Test Nail Acceptance Criteria. A test nail shall be considered acceptable when:ഀ For verification tests, a total creep movement of less than 0.08 inch per log cycle of timeഀ between the 6 and 60 minute readings is measured during creep testing and the creep rate isഀ linear or decreasing through the creep test load hold period.ഀ 2. For proof test, a total creep movement of less than 0.04 inch is measured between the 1 andഀ 10 minute readings or a total creep movement of less than 0.08 inch is measured betweenഀ the 6 and 60 minute readings and the creep rate is linear or decreasing throughout the creepഀ test load hold period.ഀ The total measured movement at the maximum test load exceeds 80 percent of theഀ theoretical elastic elongation of the test nail unbonded length.ഀ 4. A pullout failure does not occur at the maximum test load. Pullout failure is defined as theഀ load at which attempts to further increase the test load simply result in continued pulloutഀ movement if the test nail. The pullout failure load shall be recorded a part of the test data.ഀ Successful proof tested nails meeting the above test acceptance criteria may be incorporatedഀ as the test nail. The pullout failure load shall be recorded as part of the test data.ഀ Successful proof tested nails meeting the above test acceptance criteria may be incorporatedഀ as production nails, provided that (1) the unbonded length of the test nail drillhole has notഀ collapsed during testing (2) the minimum required drillhole diameter has been maintained.ഀ (3) the specified corrosion protection is provided, and (4) the test nail length is equal to orഀ greater than the scheduled production nail length. Test nails meeting these requirementsഀ shall be completed by satisfactorily grouting up the unbonded test length. Maintaining theഀ temporary unbonded test length for subsequent grouting is the Contractor's responsibility.ഀ If the unbonded test length of production proof test nails cannot be satisfactorily groutedഀ subsequent to testing, the proof test nail shall become sacrificial and shall be replaced withഀ an additional production nail installed at no additional cost.ഀ -16-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ 3.06 Test Nail Rejection. If a test nail does not satisfy the acceptance criterion, the Contractor shallഀ determine the cause.ഀ (a) Verification Test Nails. The Engineer will evaluate the results of each verification test.ഀ Installation methods which do not satisfy the nail testing requirements shall be rejected. Theഀ Contractor shall propose alternative methods and install replacement verification test nails.ഀ Replacement test nails shall be installed and tested at no additional cost.ഀ (b) Proof Test Nails. The Engineer may require the Contractor to replace some or all of the installedഀ production nails between a failed proof test nail and the adjacent passing proof test nail.ഀ Alternatively, the Engineer may require the installation and testing of additional proof test nails toഀ verify that adjacent previously installed production nails have sufficient load carrying capacity.ഀ Contractor modifications may include, but are not limited to; the installation of additional proofഀ test nails; increasing the drill hole diameter to provide increased capacity; modifying theഀ installation or grouting methods; reducing the production nail spacing from that shown on theഀ Plans and installing more production nails at a reduced capacity; or installing longer productionഀ nails if sufficient right-of-way is available and the pullout capacity behind the failure surfaceഀ controls the allowable nail design capacity. The nails may not be lengthened beyond theഀ temporary construction easement or the permanent right-of-way shown on the Plans. Installationഀ and testing of additional proof test nails or installation of additional or modified nails as a result ofഀ proof test nail failure(s) will be at no additional cost.ഀ 3.07 Nail Installation Records. Records documenting the soil nail wall construction will be maintainedഀ by the Engineer, unless specified otherwise. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with as-builtഀ drawings showing as-built nail locations and as-built shotcrete facing line and grade within 5 days afterഀ completion of the shotcrete facing and as-built CIP facing line and grade within 5 days after completionഀ of the CIP facing.ഀ METHOD OF MEASUREMENTഀ 4.01 Production soil nails will not be measured for separately, but shall be included with the work,ഀ measured vertically from the bottom of wall elevation to the top of wall elevation, as shown on the plans.ഀ No separate measurement will be made for proof test nails, which shall be considered incidental toഀ production nail installation. Specified verification test nails will be measured on a unit basis for eachഀ verification test successfully completed. Failed verification test nails or additional verification test nailsഀ installed to verify alternative nail installation methods proposed by the Contractor will not be measured.ഀ Structure Excavation for Soil Nail Wall will not be measured separately, but shall be included in theഀ work. Additional excavation beyond the plan wall final excavation line resulting from irregularities in theഀ cut face, excavation overbreak or inadvertent excavation, will not be measured.ഀ Temporary stabilization walls (if necessary) will not be measured separately, but shall be included in theഀ work.ഀ The final pay quantities will be the design quantity increased or decreased by any changes authorized byഀ the Engineer.ഀ BASIS OF PAYMENTഀ -17-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SOIL NAILS AND WALL EXCAVATIONഀ 5.01 The accepted quantities of soil nails, soil nail wall structure excavation, and wall stabilization (ifഀ necessary) will be included in the contract unit price for the finished wall, measured as shown on theഀ plans. Payment will be full compensation for all labor, equipment, materials, material tests, field tests andഀ incidentals necessary to acceptably fabricate and construct the soil nails, perform the structure excavation,ഀ including the excavation and wall alignment survey control, for the soil nail wall(s) in accordance with allഀ requirements of the contract, shotcrete and modular block facing installation, as described in the plans andഀ project documents. Payment will be made for following bid item included in the bid form:ഀ Pay Itemഀ Measurement Unitഀ 504 - Rosetta Faced Soil Nail Wall Square Feetഀ END OF SECTIONഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACINGഀ Section 504 of the Standard Specifications is hereby revised for this project to include the following:ഀ DESCRIPTIONഀ 1.01 General. Shotcrete facing and wall drainage work consist of furnishing all materials and laborഀ required for placing and securing geocomposite drainage material, connection pipes, footing drains,ഀ weepholes and horizontal drains (if required), drainage gutter, reinforcing steel and shotcrete for theഀ permanent shotcrete facing and nail head bearing plates and nuts for the soil nail walls shown on theഀ Plans. The Work shall include any preparatory trimming and cleaning of soil/rock surfaces and shotcreteഀ cold joints to receive new shotcrete.ഀ Shotcrete shall comply with the requirements of ACI 506.2, "Specifications for Materials, Proportioningഀ and Application of Shotcrete", except as otherwise specified. Shotcrete shall consist of an application ofഀ one or more layers of concrete conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at a high velocityഀ against a prepared surface.ഀ Shotcrete may be produced by either a wet-mix or dry-mix process. The wet-mix process consists ofഀ thoroughly mixing all the ingredients except accelerating admixtures, but including the mixing water,ഀ introducing the mixture into the delivery equipment and delivering it, by positive displacement, to theഀ nozzle. The wet-mix shotcrete shall then be air jetted from the nozzle at high velocity onto the surface.ഀ The dry-mix process consist of shotcrete without mixing water which is conveyed through the hoseഀ pneumatically with the mixing water introduced at the nozzle. For additional descriptive information, theഀ Contractor's attention is directed to the American Concrete Institute ACI 506R "Guide to Shotcrete."ഀ Permanent CIP Concrete Facing construction is covered by the Standard Specifications and/or Projectഀ Special Provisions. Soil nails and wall excavation are covered by the Permanent Soil Nails and Wallഀ Excavation Specification.ഀ Where the imperative mood is used within this Specification for conciseness, "the Contractor shall" isഀ implied.ഀ 1.02 Contractor's Experience Requirements. Workers, including foremen, nozzlemen, finishers andഀ delivery equipment operators, shall be fully experienced to perform the work. All shotcrete nozzlemen onഀ this project shall have experience on at least 3 projects in the past 3 years in similar shotcrete applicationഀ work totaling at least 10000 square feet of wall face and shall demonstrate ability to satisfactorily placeഀ the shotcrete. Finishers shall have experience on at least 3 projects in the past 3 years in similarഀ permanent shotcrete application work totaling at least 10000 square feet of wall face area.ഀ Initial qualification of nozzlemen will be based either on previous ACI certification or satisfactoryഀ completion of preconstruction test panels. The requirement for nozzlemen to shoot preconstructionഀ qualification test panels will be waived for nozzlemen who can submit documented proof they have beenഀ certified in accordance with the ACI 506.3R Guide to Certification of Shotcrete Nozzlemen. Theഀ Certification shall have been done by an ACI recognized shotcrete testing lab and/or recognizedഀ shotcreting consultant and have covered the type of shotcrete to be used (plain wet-mix, plain dry-mix orഀ steel fiber reinforced). All nozzlemen will be required to periodically shoot production test panels duringഀ the course of the Work at the frequency specified herein.ഀ Notify the Engineer not less than 2 days prior to the shooting of preconstruction test panels to be used toഀ qualify nozzlemen without previous ACI certification. Use the same shotcrete mix and equipment toഀ -2-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACINGഀ make qualification test panels as those to be used for the soil nail wall shotcrete facing.Initial qualificationഀ of the nozzlemen will be based on a visual inspection of the shotcrete density and void structure and onഀ achieving the specified 3-day and 28-day compressive strength requirements determined from testഀ specimens extracted from the preconstruction test panels. Preconstruction and production test panels,ഀ core extraction and compressive strength testing shall be conducted in accordance with ACI 506.2 andഀ AASHTO T24/ASTM C42, unless otherwise specified herein. Nozzlemen without ACI Certification willഀ be allowed to begin production shooting based on satisfactory completion of the preconstruction testഀ panels and passing 3-day strength test requirements. Continued qualification will be subject to passingഀ the 28-day strength tests and shooting satisfactory during production test panels.ഀ 1.03 Construction Submittals. At lest 15 calendar days before the planned start of shotcrete placement,ഀ submit 5 copies of the following information, in writing, to the Engineer for review:ഀ (a) Written documentation listing at least 5 permanent structural shotcrete walls successfully completedഀ within the past 3 years, including photographs of the project as well as names, addresses, and phoneഀ numbers of the owner's prepresentative.ഀ (b) Written documentation of the finisher's and nozzlemen's qualifications including proof of ACIഀ certification (if applicable).ഀ (c) Proposed methods of shotcrete placement and of controlling and maintaining facing alignment andഀ location and shotcrete thickness.ഀ (d) Shotcrete mix design including:ഀ l.Type of Portland cement.ഀ 2. Aggregate source and gradation.ഀ 3. Proportions of mix by weight and water-cement ratio.ഀ 4. Proposed admixtures, manufacturer, dosage, technical literature.ഀ 5.Previous strength test results for the proposed shotcrete mix completed within one year of theഀ start of shotcreting may be submitted for initial verification of the required compressiveഀ strengths at start of production work.ഀ (e) Certificates of Compliance, manufacturers' engineering data and installation instructions for theഀ drainage geotextile, geocomposite drain strip, drain grate and accessories.ഀ (f) Certificates of Compliance for bearing plates, nuts, drainage aggregate and PVC drain piping.ഀ The Engineer will approve or reject the Contractor's Submittals within 10 calendar days after receipt of aഀ complete submission. The Contractor will not be allowed to begin wall construction or incorporateഀ materials into the work until the submittal requirements are satisfied and found acceptable to theഀ Engineer. Changes or deviations from the approved submittals must be resubmitted for approval. Noഀ adjustments in contract time will be allowed due to incomplete submittals.ഀ Upon delivery to the project site, provide Certified mill test results for all reinforcing steel specifying theഀ minimum ultimate strength, yield strength, elongation and chemical composition.ഀ 1.04 Pre-Construction Meeting. A pre-construction meeting scheduled by the Engineer will be heldഀ prior to the start of wall construction. Attendance is mandatory. The shotcrete Contractor, if differentഀ -3-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACINGഀ than the soil nail Specialty Contractor, shall attend. See Section 1.4 of the Permanent Soil Nail and Wallഀ Excavation Specification.ഀ MATERIALSഀ 2.01 General. All materials for shotcrete shall conform to the following requirements:ഀ Cement AASHTOM85/ ASTM C150, Type I, II, III, or V.ഀ Fine Aggregate AASHTO M6/ASTM C33 clean, natural.ഀ Coarse Aggregate AASHTO M80, Class B for quality.ഀ Water Clean and Potable. AASHTO M157/ASTM C94ഀ Chemical Admixturesഀ Accelerator Fluid type, applied at nozzle, meeting requirements of AASHTOഀ M194/ASTM C494/ASTM C1141.ഀ Air-Entraining Agent AASHTO M 154/ASTM C260ഀ Water-reducer andഀ Superplastisizer AASHTO M 194/ASTM C494 Type A,C,D,E,F, or Gഀ Retarders AASHTO M 194/ASTM C494 Type B or D.ഀ Mineral Admixturesഀ Fly Ash AASHTO M295/ASTM C618 Type F or C, cementഀ Silica Fume ASTM C1240, 90 percent minimum silicon dioxide solidsഀ content, not to exceed 12 percent by weight of cement.ഀ Welded Wire Fabric AASHTO M55/ASTM Al 85 or A497ഀ Reinforcing Bars for AASHTO M31/ASTM A615, Grade 60, deformed.ഀ Shotcrete Facingഀ Bearing Plates AASHTO M183/ASTM A36ഀ Nuts AASHTO M291, grade B, hexagonal, fitted with beveled washerഀ or spherical seat to provide uniform bearing.ഀ Curing Compounds AASHTOM148, type 1D or Type 2ഀ Prepackaged Shotcrete ASTM C928.ഀ Drainage Geotextileഀ -4-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACINGഀ For Wall Footing Drain AASHTO M288 Class 2, Permittivity min. 0.2 per second;ഀ AOS 0.25 mm max.ഀ For Drain Strip AASHTO M288 Class 3, Permittivity min. 0.2 per second'ഀ Drainage Aggregate AASHTO M43/ASTM C33 No. 67 with no more than twoഀ percent passing the 0.075 mm sieve.ഀ Geocomposite Drain Strip Miradrain 6000, Amerdrain 500 or approved equal.ഀ Film Protection Polyethylene films per AASHTO M-171.ഀ PVC connector and Drain Pipes:ഀ Pipe ASTM 1785 Schedule 40 PVC, solid and perforated wall, cellഀ classification 12454-B or 12354-C, wall thickness SDR 35, withഀ solvent weld or elastomeric gasket joints.ഀ Fittings ASTM D3034, cell classification 12454-B or 12454-C, wallഀ thickness SDR35, with solvent weld or elastomeric gasket joints.ഀ Solvent Cement ASTM D2564ഀ Primer ASTM F656ഀ Materials shall be delivered, stored and handled to prevent contamination, segregation, corrosion orഀ damage. Store liquid admixtures to prevent evaporation and freezing.ഀ Drainage geotextile and geocomposite drain strips shall be provided in rolls wrapped with a protectiveഀ covering and stored in a manner which protects the fabric from mud, dirt, dust, debris and shotcreteഀ rebound. Protective wrapping shall not be removed until immediately before the geotextile or drain stripഀ is installed. Extended exposure to ultra-violet light shall be avoided. Each roll of geotextile or drain stripഀ in the shipment shall be labeled to identify the production run.ഀ 2.02 Shotcrete Mix Design. The Contractor must receive notification from the Engineer that theഀ proposed mix design and method of placement are acceptable before shotcrete placement can begin.ഀ (a) Aggregate. Aggregate for shotcrete shall meet the strength and durability requirements ofഀ AASHTO M6/M80 and the following gradation requirements:ഀ Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weightഀ 12.5 mmഀ 100ഀ 9.50 mmഀ 90-100ഀ 4.75 mmഀ 70-85ഀ 2.36 mmഀ 50-70ഀ 1.18 mmഀ 35-55ഀ 0.60 mmഀ 20-35ഀ -5-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACINGഀ 0.30 mm 8-20ഀ 0.15 mm 2-10ഀ (b) Proportioning and Use of Admixtures. Proportion the shotcrete to be pumpable with the concreteഀ pump furnished for the work, with a cementing materials content of at least 25 pounds per cubicഀ foot and water/cement ratio not greater than 0.45. Do not use admixtures unless approved by theഀ Engineer. Thoroughly mix admixtures into the shotcrete at the rate specified by the manufacturer.ഀ Accelerators (if used) shall be compatible with the cement used, be non-corrosive to steel and notഀ promote other detrimental effects such as cracking or excessive shrinkage. The maximumഀ allowable chloride ion content of all ingredients shall not exceed 0.10% when tested to AASHTOഀ T260.ഀ (c) Air Entrainment. Air entrainment is not required for wet-mix shotcrete. The air content measuredഀ at the truck shall be between 7 to 10 percent when tested in accordance with AASHTOഀ T152/ASTM C231. Air entrainment is not required in dry-mix shotcrete.ഀ (d) Strength and Durability Requirements. Provide a shotcrete mix capable of attaining 2000 psiഀ compressive strength in 3 days and 4000 psi in 28 days. The average compressive strength of eachഀ set of three test cores extracted from test panels or wall face must equal or exceed 85 percent of theഀ specified compressive strength, with no individual core less than 75 percent of the specifiedഀ compressive strength, in accordance with ACI 506.2. The boiled absorption of shotcrete, whenഀ tested in accordance with ASTM C642 at 7 days, shall not exceed 8.0 percent.ഀ (e) Mixing and Batching. Aggregate and cement may be batched by weight or by volume inഀ accordance with the requirements of ASTM C94 or AASHTO M241/ASTM C685. Mixingഀ equipment shall thoroughly blend the materials in sufficient quantity to maintain placing continuity.ഀ Ready Mix shotcrete shall comply with AASHTO M157. Shotcrete shall be batched, delivered, andഀ placed within 90 minutes of mixing. The use of retarding admixtures may extend application timeഀ beyond 90 minutes if approved by the Engineer.ഀ Premixed and packaged shotcrete mix may be provided for on-site mixing. The packages shallഀ contain materials conforming to the Materials section of this specification. Placing time limit afterഀ mixing shall be per the manufacturers' recommendations.ഀ 2.03 Field Quality Control. Both preconstruction test panels (for nozzlement without previous ACIഀ certification) and production test panels or test cores from the wall facing are required. Shotcreting andഀ coring of test panels shall be performed by qualified personnel in the presence of the Engineer. Theഀ Contractor shall provide equipment, materials, and personnel as necessary to obtain shotcrete cores forഀ testing including construction of test panel boxes, field curing requirements and coring. Compressiveഀ strength testing will be performed by the Engineer. Shotcrete final acceptance will be based on the 28-ഀ day strength.ഀ Shotcrete production work may commence upon initial approval of the design mix and nozzlemen andഀ continue if the specified strengths are obtained. The shotcrete work by a crew will be suspended if theഀ test results for their work does not satisfy the strength requirements. The Contractor shall change all orഀ some of the following: the mix, the crew, the equipment, or the procedures. Before resuming work, theഀ crew must shoot additional test panels and demonstrate that the shotcrete in the panels satisfies theഀ specified strength requirements. The cost of all work required to obtain satisfactory strength tests will beഀ borne by the Contractor.ഀ -6-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACINGഀ (a) Preconstruction Test Panels. Each nozzleman without previous ACI certification shall furnish atഀ least one preconstruction test panel for each proposed mixture being considered and for eachഀ shooting position to be encountered on the job. Preconstruction test panels shall be made prior toഀ the commencement of production work using the same equipment, materials, mixture proportionsഀ and procedures proposed for the job.ഀ Make preconstruction test panels with minimum dimensions of 30"00" square and at least 4"ഀ thick. Slope the sides of preconstruction and production test panels at 45 degrees over the fullഀ panel thickness to release rebound. One preconstruction test panel shall include the maximumഀ anticipated reinforcing congestion shown on the Plans. Cores extracted from the test panel shallഀ demonstrate encapsulation of the reinforcement in accordance with ACI 506.2 equal to core grade 2ഀ or better. The other preconstruction test panel shall be constructed without reinforcement and haveഀ cores extracted for absorption and compressive strength testing.ഀ (b) Production Test Panels. Furnish at leas one production test panel or, in lieu of production testഀ panels, nine 3" diameter cores taken from the shotcrete facing, during the first productionഀ application of shotcrete and henceforth for every 50 cubic yards of shotcrete placed. Construct theഀ production test panels simultaneously with the shotcrete facing installation at times designated byഀ the Engineer. Make production test panels with minimum full thickness dimensions of 18"x18"ഀ square and at least 4" thick.ഀ (c) Test Panel Curing, Test Specimen Extraction and Testing. Immediately after shooting, field moistഀ cure the test panels by covering and tightly wrapping with a sheet of material meeting theഀ requirements of ASTM C171 until they are delivered to the testing lab or test specimens areഀ extracted. Do not immerse the test panels in water. Do not further disturb test panels for the firstഀ 24 hours after shooting. Provide at least three 3" diameter core samples cut from eachഀ preconstruction test panel with reinforcement, for core grading. Provide at least nine 3" diameterഀ core samples cut from each unreinforced preconstruction and production test panel for absorptionഀ and compressive strength testing. Contractor has the option of extracting test specimens from testഀ panels in the field or transporting to another location for extraction. Keep panels in their formsഀ when transported. Do not take cores from the outer 6" of test panels measured in from the topഀ outside edges of the panel form. Trim the ends of the compressive strength cores to provide testഀ cylinders at least 3" long. Do not trim the ends of the cores to be tested for boiled absorption. Ifഀ the Contractor chooses to take cores from the wall face in lieu of making production test panels,ഀ locations will be designated by the Engineer. Clearly mark the cores and container to identify theഀ core locations and whether they are for preconstruction or production testing. If for productionഀ testing, mark the section of the wall represented by the cores on the cores and container.ഀ Immediately wrap cores in wet burlap or material meeting requirements of ASTM C171 and seal inഀ a plastic bag. Deliver cores to the Engineer or testing lab, as directed by the Engineer, within 48ഀ hours of shooting the panels. The remainder of the panels will become the property of theഀ Contractor. Compressive strength and boiled absorption testing will be performed by the Engineer.ഀ Upon delivery to the testing lab, samples will be placed in the moist room until the time of test.ഀ When the test length of a core is less than twice the diameter, the correction factors given inഀ AASHTO T24/ASTM C42 will be applied to obtain the compressive strength of individual cores.ഀ Three cores will be tested at 3 days and three cores will be tested at 28 days for compressiveഀ strength per AASHTO T24/ASTM C42. Three cores will be tested at 7 days for boiled absorptionഀ per ASTM C642.ഀ -7-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACINGഀ Fill core holes in the wall by dry-packing with non-shrink patching mortar after the holes areഀ cleaned and dampened. Do not fill core holes with shotcrete.ഀ CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTSഀ 3.01 Wall Drainage Network. Install and secure all elements of the wall drainage network as shown onഀ the Plans, specified herein, or as required by the Engineer to suit the site conditions. The drainageഀ network shall consist of installing geocomposite drain strips, PVC connection pipes and wall footingഀ drain as shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. Exclusive of the wall footing drains, allഀ elements of the drainage network shall be installed prior to shotcreting.ഀ Unanticipated subsurface drainage features exposed in the excavation cut face shall be capturedഀ independently of the wall drainage network and shall be mitigated prior to shotcrete application inഀ accordance with Section 3.1 of the Soil Nail and Wall Excavation Specification. Costs due to theഀ required mitigation will be paid for as Extra Work.ഀ (a) Geocomposite Drain Strips. Install geocomposite drain strips centered between the columns ofഀ nails as shown on the Plans. The drain strips shall be at least 12" wide and placed with theഀ geotextile side against the ground. Secure the strips to the excavation face and prevent shotcreteഀ from contaminating the ground side of the geotextile. Drain strips will be continuous. Splices shallഀ be made with a 12" minimum overlap such that the flow of water is not impeded. Repair damage toഀ the geocomposite drain strip, which may interrupt the flow of water.ഀ (b) Footing Drains. Install footing drains at the bottom of each wall as shown on the Plans. Theഀ drainage geotextile shall envelope the footing drain aggregate and pipe and conform to theഀ dimensions of the trench. Overlap the drainage geotextile on top of the drainage aggregate asഀ shown on the Plans. Replace or repair damaged or defective drainage geotextile.ഀ (c) Connection Pipes and Weepholes. Install connection pipes as shown on the Plans. Connectionഀ pipes are lengths of solid PVC pipe installed to direct water from the geocomposite drain strips intoഀ a footing drain or to the exposed face of the wall. Connect the connection pipes to the drain stripsഀ using either prefabricated drain grates as shown on the Plans or using the alternate connectionഀ method described below. Install the drain grate per the manufacturer's recommendations. Theഀ joint between the drain grate and the drain strip and the discharge end of the connector pipe shall beഀ sealed to prevent shotcrete intrusion. Connection pipes that end at the footing drain shall beഀ extended to the edge of the drain. Do not puncture the drainage fabric around the footing drain.ഀ The alternative acceptable method for connection of the connector pipe to the drain strip involvesഀ cutting a hole slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe into the strip plastic core but not throughഀ the geotextile. Wrap both ends of the connection pipe in geotextile in a manner that preventsഀ migration of fines through the pipe. Tape or seal the inlet end of the pipe where it penetrates theഀ drain strip and the discharge end of the connector pipe in a manner that prevents penetration ofഀ shotcrete into the drain strip or pipe. To assure passage of groundwater from the drain strip into theഀ connector pipe, slot the inlet end of the connector pipe at every 45 dgrees around the perimeter ofഀ the pipe to a depth of/".ഀ Weepholes, if required, shall be provided through the construction facing to drain water fromഀ behind the facing. Install as shown on the Plans. Use PVC pipe to form the weephole through theഀ shotcrete. Cover the end of the pipe contacting the soil with a drainage geotextile. Preventഀ -8-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACINGഀ shotcrete intrusion into the discharge end of the Pipe.ഀ 3.02 Permanent Shotcrete Facingഀ (a) Shotcrete Alignment and Thickness Control. Ensure that the thickness of shotcrete satisfies theഀ minimum requirements shown on the Plans using shooting wires, thickness control pins, or otherഀ devices acceptable to the Engineer. Install thickness control devices normal to the surface such thatഀ they protrude the required shotcrete thickness outside the surface and maintain a plane surface. Theഀ maximum distance between the wires on any surface shall be equal to the vertical nail spacing.ഀ Ensure that the alignment wires are tight, true to line, and placed to allow further tightening.ഀ Remove shooting wires after completion of shotcreting and/or screeding. Ensure that the front faceഀ of the shotcrete does not extend beyond the limits shown on the Plans.ഀ (b) Surface Preparation. Clean the face of the excavation and other surfaces to be shotcreted of looseഀ materials, mud, rebound, overspray or other foreign matter that could prevent or reduce shotcreteഀ bond. Protect adjacent surfaces from overspray during shooting. Avoid loosening, cracking, orഀ shattering the ground during excavation and cleaning. Remove any surface material which is soഀ loosened or damaged, to a sufficient depth to provide a base that is suitable to receive the shotcrete.ഀ Remove material that loosens as the shotcrete is applied. Cost of additional shotcrete is incidentalഀ to the work. Divert water flow and remove standing water so that shotcrete placement will not beഀ detrimentally affected by standing water. Do not place shotcrete on frozen surfaces.ഀ (c) Delivery and Application. Maintain at all times a clean, dry, oil-free supply of compressed airഀ sufficient for maintaining adequate nozzle velocity and for simultaneous operation of a blow pipeഀ for cleaning away rebound. The equipment shall be capable of delivering the premixed materialഀ accurately, uniformly, and continuously through the delivery hose. Control shotcrete applicationഀ thickness, nozzle technique, air pressure, and rate of shotcrete placement to prevent sagging orഀ sloughing of freshly-applied shotcrete.ഀ Apply the shotcrete from the lower part of the area upwards to prevent accumulation of rebound.ഀ Orient nozzle at a distance and approximately perpendicular to the working face so that reboundഀ will be minimal and compaction will be maximized. Pay special attention to encapsulatingഀ reinforcement. Care shall be taken while encasing reinforcing steel and mesh to keep the front faceഀ of the reinforcement clean during shooting operations, so that shotcrete builds up from behind, toഀ encase the reinforced and prevent voids and sand pockets from forming. Use a blowpipe to removeഀ rebound and overspray immediately ahead of the nozzle. Do not work rebound back into theഀ construction. Remove rebound that does not fall clear of the working area. Hardened rebound andഀ hardened overspray shall be removed prior to application of additional shotcrete, using abrasiveഀ blast cleaning, chipping hammers, high pressure water blasting or other suitable techniques. Whenഀ the thickness of a individual shotcrete layer is 6" or greater, or when shotcreting is conductedഀ through two curtains of reinforcement, place shotcrete by the bench gunning method. The benchഀ gunning method shall consist of building up a thick layer of shotcrete from the bottom of the liftഀ and maintaining the top surface at approximately a 45-degree slope. Where shotcrete is used toഀ complete the top ungrouted zone of the nail drill hole near the face, position the nozzle into theഀ mouth of the drillhole to completely fill the void.ഀ A clearly defined pattern of continuous horizontal or vertical ridges or depressions at theഀ reinforcing elements after they are covered with shotcrete will be considered an indication ofഀ insufficient reinforcement cover or poor nozzle techniques. In this case the application of shotcreteഀ -9-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACINGഀ shall be immediately suspended and the Contractor shall implement corrective measures beforeഀ resuming the shotcrete operations. The shotcreting procedure may be corrected by adjusting theഀ nozzle distance and orientation, by insuring adequate cover over the reinforcement, by adjusting theഀ water content of the shotcrete mix or other means. Adjustment in water content of wet-mix willഀ require requalifying the shotcrete mix.ഀ When using multiple layer shotcrete construction, the surface of the receiving layer shall beഀ prepapred before application of a subsequent layer, by either: (a) Brooming the stiffening layerഀ with a stiff bristle broom to remove all loose material, rebound, overspray or glaze, prior to theഀ shotcrete attaining initial set: or (b) If the shotcrete has set, surface preparation shall be delayed atഀ least 24 hours, at which time the surface shall be prepared by sandblasting or high pressure waterഀ blasting, to remove all loose material rebound, hardened overspray, glaze, or other material thatഀ may prevent adequate bond.ഀ (d) Defective Shotcrete. The Engineer shall have authority to accept or reject the shotcrete work.ഀ Shotcrete which does not conform to the project specifications may be rejected either during theഀ shotcrete application process, or on the basis of tests on the test panels or completed work. Repairഀ shotcrete surface defects as soon as possible after placement. Remove and replace shotcrete whichഀ exhibits segregation, honeycombing, lamination, void, or sand pockets. In-place shotcreteഀ determined not to meet the specified strength requirement will be subject to remediation asഀ determined by the Engineer. Possible remediation options include placement of additionalഀ shotcrete thickness or removal and replacement, at the Contractor's cost.ഀ (e) Construction Joints. Taper construction joints uniformly toward the excavation face over aഀ minimum distance equal to the thickness of the shotcrete layer. Square joints are not permitted.ഀ The surface of the joints shall be rough, clean, and sound. Provide a minimum reinforcementഀ overlap at reinforcement splice joints as shown on the Plans. Clean and wet the surface of a jointഀ before adjacent shotcrete is applied. Where shotcrete is used to complete the top ungrouted zone ofഀ the nail drill hole near the face, to the maximum extent practical, clean and dampen the upper groutഀ surface to receive shotcrete, similar to a construction joint.ഀ (f) Final Face Finish. Shotcrete finish shall be either an undisturbed gun finish as applied from theഀ nozzle or a rod, broom, wood float, rubber float, steel trowl or rough screeded finish as shown onഀ the Plans or specified herein.ഀ (g) Attachment of Nail Head Bearing Plate and Nut. Attach a bearing plate and nut to each nail headഀ as shown on the Plans. While the shotcrete is still plastic and before its initial set, uniformly seatഀ the plate on the shotcrete by hand wrench tightening the nut. Where uniform contact between theഀ plate and the shotcrete cannot be provided, set the plate in a bed of grout. After grout has set for 24ഀ hours, had wrench tighten the nut. Embed the bearing plate and nut in the wall as shown on theഀ Plans. Ensure full shotcrete encapsulation of the bearing plate and nut free of any voids or pocketsഀ behind the plate. Ensure bearing plates with headed studs are located within tolerances shown onഀ the Plans or specified herein.ഀ (h) Weather Limitations. Protect the shotcrete if it must be placed when the ambient temperature isഀ below 40°F and falling or when it is likely to be subjected to freezing temperatures before gainingഀ sufficient strength. Maintain cold weather protection until the in-place compressive strength of theഀ shotcrete is greater than 725 psi. Cold weather protection includes blankets, heating under tents, orഀ other means acceptable to the Engineer. The temperature of the shotcrete mix, when deposited,ഀ -10-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACINGഀ shall be not less than 50°F or more than 95°F. Maintain the air in contact with shotcrete surfaces atഀ temperatures above 30°F for a minimum of 7 days shall.ഀ If the prevailing ambient conditions (relative humidity, wind speed, air temperature and directഀ exposure to sunlight) are such that the shotcrete develops plastic shrinkage and/or early dryingഀ shrinkage cracking, shotcrete application shall be suspended. The Contractor shall: (a) Rescheduleഀ the work to a time when more favorable ambient conditions prevail; and/or (b) Adopt correctiveഀ measures, such as installation of sun-screens, wind breaks or fogging devices, to protect the work.ഀ Remove and replace newly placed shotcrete exposed to rain that washes out cement or otherwiseഀ makes the shotcrete unacceptable.ഀ (i) Curing. Protect permanent shotcrete from loss of moisture for at least 7 days after placement. Cureഀ shotcrete by methods that will keep the shotcrete surfaces adequately wet and protected during theഀ specified curing period. Commence curing within 1 hour of shotcrete application. When theഀ ambient temperature exceeds 80°F, plan the Work such that curing can commence immediatelyഀ after finishing. Complete curing in accordance with the following requirements.ഀ (j) Water Curing. Regulate the rate of water application to keep the surface continuously wet and toഀ provide complete surface coverage with a minimum or runoff. The use of intermittent wettingഀ procedures which allow the shotcrete to undergo wetting and drying during the curing period isഀ prohibited.ഀ (k) Membrane Curing. Do not use curing compounds on any surfaces against which additionalഀ shotcrete or other cementitious finishing materials are to be bonded unless the surface is thoroughlyഀ sandblasted in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. Membrane curing compounds are to be sprayഀ applied as quickly as practical after initial shotcrete set at a coverage of no less than 25ft2 /liter.ഀ (1) Film Curing. Film curing with polyethylene sheeting may be used to supplement water curing onഀ shotcrete that will be covered later with additional shotcrete or concrete. Spray the shotcreteഀ surface with water immediately prior to installation of the polyethylene sheeting. Polyethyleneഀ sheeting shall completely cover the surfaces. Overlap the sheeting edges for proper sealing andഀ anchorage. Joints between sheets shall be sealed. Promptly repair any tears, holes, and otherഀ damage. Anchor sheeting as necessary to prevent billowing.ഀ (m) Permanent Shotcrete Facing tolerances. Construction tolerances for the permanent shotcreteഀ facing are as follows:ഀ Horizontal Location of Wire Mesh; Rebar; Headed Studs on Bearing Plates,ഀ From Plan location; + or -'/2"ഀ Headed studs location on bearing plate, from plan location:ഀ Spacing between reinforcing bars, from plan dimension: 1"ഀ Reinforcing lap, from specified dimension: -1"ഀ Complete thickness of shotcrete from plan dimension:ഀ If troweled or screeded: -'h"ഀ -11-ഀ REVISION OF SECTION 504ഀ PERMANENT SHOTCRETE FACINGഀ If left as shot: -1"ഀ Planeness of finish face surface-gap under 3 meter straightedge-any direction:ഀ If troweled or screeded: '/z"ഀ If left as shot: 1"ഀ Nail head bearing plate, deviation from parallel to wall face: 10 degreesഀ 3.03 Backfilling Behind Wall Facing Upper Cantilever. Compact backfill within 3 feet behind the wallഀ facing upper cantilever using light mechanical tampers.ഀ 3.04 Safety Requirements. Nozzlemen and helpers shall be equipped with gloves, eye protection, andഀ adequate protective clothing during the application of shotcrete. The Contractor is responsible forഀ meeting all federal, state and local safety code requirements.ഀ METHOD OF MEASUREMENTഀ 4.01 The shotcrete facing will not be measured for separately, but shall be included in the work,ഀ measured from vertically the bottom of wall elevation to the top of wall elevation, as shown on the plans.ഀ No measurement or payment will be made for additional shotcrete or CIP concrete needed to fill voidsഀ created by irregularities in the cut face, excavation overbreak or inadvertent excavation beyond the planഀ final wall face excavation line, or failure to construct the facing to the specified line and grade andഀ tolerances. The final pay quantity shall include all structural shotcrete, admixtures, reinforcement,ഀ welded wire mesh, wire holding devices, wall drainage materials, bearing plates and nuts, test panels andഀ all sampling, testing and reporting required by the Plans and this Specification. The final pay quantityഀ shall be the design quantity increased or decreased by any changes authorized by the Engineer.ഀ BASIS OF PAYMENTഀ 5.01 The accepted quantities of permanent shotcrete facing will be included in the contract unit price forഀ the finished wall, measured as shown on the plans. Payment will be full compensation for furnishing allഀ equipment, materials, labor, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work as specified and asഀ detailed on the Plans, including the work required to provide the proper shotcrete facing alignment andഀ thickness control, construct soil nails and perform the structure excavation, and construct modular blockഀ facing, as described in the plans and project documents. All wall drainage materials includingഀ geocomposite drain strips, connection pipes, drain grates, drain aggregate and geotextile, fittings, andഀ accessories are considered incidental to the shotcrete facing and will not be paid separately.ഀ Payment will be made for the following bid item included in the bid form:ഀ Pay Itemഀ Measurement Unitഀ 504 - Rosetta Faced Soil Nail Wall Square Feetഀ END OF SECTIONഀ INTRODUCTIONഀ This stormwater management plan (SWMP) has been prepared for the Vail Golf Club (Tee Boxഀ 3 and 7 Improvements). The goal of the SWMP is to identify potential pollutant sources toഀ stormwater, and identify Best Management Practices (BMPs) that, when implemented, willഀ reduce or eliminate negative impacts to water quality. Where it is necessary, this SWMP will beഀ coordinated with other environmental permits obtained by the project.ഀ 1.0 SITE DESCRIPTIONഀ 1.1 Project Description: (I.B.1, I.C.1)ഀ The proposed project generally consists of clearing and grubbing, demolition of existingഀ walls, grading, constructing retaining walls, installation of fencing, constructing a flagstoneഀ path and landscaping.ഀ 1.2 Site Location: (See also the Vicinity Map)ഀ The project is located East Vail south of Interstate Highway 70 along Gore Creek.ഀ Throughout this report, the site will also be referred to as "the project".ഀ Latitude: N 39°38'24"ഀ Longitude: W 106°21'26"ഀ 1.3 Description of Construction Activities: (I.C.1.a)ഀ The proposed project consists of the following construction activities:ഀ ° Implementing construction site Best Management Practices (BMPs) to controlഀ potential pollution generated during construction activitiesഀ ° Soil disturbing activities including clearing, grubbing, demolition and grading inഀ preparation for proposed wallsഀ 'Installation of retaining walls (gravity walls, MSE walls, and Soil Nail Walls)ഀ ° Final gradingഀ ° Installation of flagstone path and fencingഀ ° Final landscaping and site stabilizationഀ Upon completion of construction, the project will consist of refurbished golf course,ഀ surrounding sidewalks, retaining walls, and landscaped areas.ഀ 1.4 Sequence of Events: (I.C. Lb)ഀ Construction for all work associated with the project will begin on or about theഀ beginning of March, 2009 and continue through the end of May, 2009.ഀ Following is a list of the major construction activities to be performed in general order ofഀ occurrence.ഀ 1. Preliminary: Confirm project disturbance limitations with those indicated on the site mapഀ for the SWMP, install initial sediment and erosion control features per the site map.ഀ 2. Site Prep and Demolition: clearing, grubbing and demolition of existing walls.ഀ 3. Retaining wall construction: excavation for footings, MSE and structural backfill areas,ഀ drilling and pouring of soil nail anchors, forming of retaining walls and stairs.ഀ 4. Finish grading.ഀ 5. Installation of flagstone path.ഀ 6. Installation of fencing.ഀ 7. Paving: completion of asphalt patching.ഀ 8. Final stabilization: landscaping, seeding and mulchingഀ 9. Remove all temporary BMPs upon sufficient vegetative cover establishmentഀ 1.5 Site/ Disturbance Area: (I.C.I.c)ഀ The full build out of the project contains approximately 0.30 acres, all of which will beഀ disturbed. Reference the SWMP site map for current limits of construction as well asഀ disturbed / undisturbed sections within the property.ഀ 1.6 Site Soil Data: (LC.1.d)ഀ Soils encountered at the site are described in the geotechnical report prepared by Groundഀ Engineering (Job Number 07-3801). The test holes indicate a layer of topsoil and organicsഀ overlying man-made fill material and natural sands, sands and gravels to the maximum depthഀ explored.ഀ 1.7 Existing Vegetation: (I.C. Le)ഀ Vegetation on the property consists of highly maintained landscaping, native grasses, under-ഀ brush, and occasional trees. Vegetative densities for the property are estimated at 90%.ഀ 1.8 Other Site Considerationsഀ The project does not exceed the one acre minimum area of disturbance that would require aഀ Colorado State Water Qaulity Control Division - Constrcution Stormwater Discharge Permitഀ to be issued. No permit application will be filed for this project.ഀ 1.9 Non-Stormwater Discharge: (I.C.I.g)ഀ Non-stormwater discharges anticipated for this project will include concrete washout andഀ landscape irrigation return flow.ഀ Although ground water was not encountered during the initial boring of core samples, it isഀ possible that ground water exists within the project area. As a result, a plan will beഀ preemptively created and a CDPS Wastewater Discharge Permit obtained in preparation forഀ ground water dewatering activities.ഀ Each of the above mentioned potential non-stormwater discharges will be controlled usingഀ appropriate BMPs when necessary to insure proper and adequate treatment. Pollutantsഀ generated by non-stormwater discharges will not be allowed to be discharged from the site asഀ surface runoff or to surface waters.ഀ 1.10 Receiving Waters: (I.C.I.h)ഀ Runoff from the site will flow overland to Gore Creek.ഀ 1.11 SWMP Administrator: (I.C.3.a)ഀ shall be the designated SWMP administrator forഀ the project. It will be his responsibility to insure the SWMP's adequacy at all times toഀ effectively manage potential stormwater pollutants throughout the course of construction.ഀ It is important that this narrative report and associated site maps remain consistentഀ throughout all phases of construction with current potential pollution sources and Bestഀ Management Practices (BMPs) used by the project team. In the event conditions at the siteഀ change, pollutant sources change; or BMPs change or need to be added, this report and theഀ site maps shall be updated accordingly by the SWMP Administrator or His assigns.ഀ 2.0 SITE MAPS (SEE ATTACHED PLANS - SWMP SHEETS 1 AND 2)ഀ At a minimum, include the following:ഀ 1. construction site boundariesഀ 2. all areas of ground surface disturbanceഀ 3. areas of cut and fill (indicated by existing and proposed grades)ഀ 4. areas used for storage of building materials, equipment, soil, or wasteഀ 5. locations of dedicated asphalt or concrete batch plantsഀ 6 locations of all structural BMPsഀ 7. locations of non-structural BMPs as applicableഀ 8. locations of springs, streams, wetlands and other surface waters.ഀ 3.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLSഀ 3.1 Potential Pollutants*: (I.B.2, I.C. Lf, I.C.3.b)ഀ Potential pollution sources for this project include the following: sediment-laden stormwaterഀ runoff from disturbed areas, sediment tracked by construction equipment onto pavedഀ surfaces, contaminated soils due to spills or accidental leaks, fuel spills from loading andഀ unloading of construction materials and equipment, fuels / oils from construction equipmentഀ fueling and maintenance, airborne dust from grading or demolition activities, constructionഀ site waste (dumpsters), adhesives, paints, plaster, and other finish materials, cleaningഀ solvents, liquid wastes from concrete and or tool washing activities, asphalt material fromഀ patching operations, effluent from portable toilet units, sediment from stockpiled soils andഀ nitrates / nitrites from soil. There is no on-site asphalt or concrete batch plant anticipated forഀ this project.ഀ Material storage, loading/unloading operations, and vehicle maintenance shall be limited toഀ designated locations on site. Chemicals or hazardous materials will be stored in an enclosedഀ facility and the associated Hazmat documentation kept within the construction trailer.ഀ Portable toilets shall be located on the jobsite where they can be accessed for regular serviceഀ and they will be anchored to prevent the possibility of accidental tipping. Vehicle trackingഀ control will include stabilized access points, minimizing traffic egress from disturbed areasഀ during wet conditions (to the maximum extent possible) and sweeping or scraping pavedഀ sections (public or private) when necessary. These vehicle tracking controls will beഀ maintained in good, effective condition during any periods of construction activity.ഀ *Reference section 3.2.4 for an itemized list of pollutant sources and selected BMPsഀ anticipated for this project.ഀ 3.2 Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater Pollution Prevention: (I.C.3.c)ഀ 3.2.1 Erosion and Sediment Controls:ഀ Appropriate BMPs shall be installed before earthwork begins (where possible).ഀ Locations for specific BMPs are shown on the site map. The temporary measures toഀ be used in the control of sediment and stormwater from the site during construction are:ഀ a. Follow all local, state and federal regulations pertaining to stormwater control.ഀ b. Silt fence may be installed, where appropriate, around areas of construction toഀ intercept and detain small amounts of sediment in order to reduce the amount ofഀ sediment in runoff leaving the site.ഀ c. Vehicle tracking control pads shall be placed at the access / exit points and shall beഀ maintained in good working conditions throughout construction.ഀ d. All construction debris / trash shall be picked up and disposed of in proper containersഀ and hauled off of the site as necessary.ഀ e. Concrete washout facilities shall be placed on site as dictated by the contractor priorഀ to pouring concrete. Excess concrete material will be removed from the washout areaഀ when the BMP has reached '/z of its capacity and will be disposed at a facilityഀ licensed to handle the material. Special care will be taken to place washout facilitiesഀ in areas where ground water is not likely to interface with liquid wastes. Locationsഀ will be indicated on the site map prior to installation.ഀ f. Construction materials that could have a negative impact on water quality will beഀ stored, when not in active use, in a manner that will minimize contact withഀ stormwater. A Spill Kit will be on site at all times. If any spillage occurs, theഀ contaminated soil shall be immediately excavated and removed from the site to aഀ disposal area licensed to handle the contaminated material.ഀ g. Whenever sediment is transported onto an adjacent street, the street shall be cleanedഀ at the end of the day. Sediment shall be removed from the street by shoveling,ഀ sweeping or both.ഀ 3.2.2 Structural Practices: (1.C.3.c.1)ഀ See site map for specific installation specifications and maintenance details for allഀ structural controls described below.ഀ Silt Fence: Silt fence shall be installed, when appropriate, along the down-stream side ofഀ exposed/disturbed soil areas and around the base of all stockpiles prior to grading orഀ stockpiling on the project. Locations are shown on the site map.ഀ Straw Wattles: Straw wattles may be installed in areas where minimal containment isഀ needed as located on the site map.ഀ Vehicle Tracking Control: Vehicle tracking pads for this site shall be placed at the accessഀ / exit points and shall be maintained throughout construction. An approximate thicknessഀ of 12 inches of 3 to 6 inches riprap is recommended, but this design shall be subject toഀ revision based on site conditions and local ordinances to achieve the desired result.ഀ Construction fencing may be installed as necessary to limit egress to stabilized accessഀ points only. Locations shall be coordinated with the Golf Club Superintendant. If mudഀ or soils are tracked onto paved sections or public roads, these areas shall be swept cleanഀ as soon as possible. No construction debris or soil deposits shall be allowed to impedeഀ the smooth flow of traffic on public roads.ഀ Stockpiled soils will be kept away from surface waters and concentrated flow areas. Ifഀ they are to remain in one place for longer than 14 days, the project team will insure thatഀ adequate secondary containment is provided at the low end of any stockpiled soils. It isഀ not anticipated that any exportation of soil is to occur however, if becomes necessary toഀ do so, proper planning and implementing of BMPs will occur prior to the activity.ഀ 3.2.3 Non-Structural Practices: (1.C.3.c.2)ഀ Where applicable, see the site map for installation specifications and maintenanceഀ details for related non-structural controls described below.ഀ Proper planning and budgeting for stormwater controls will be performed beforeഀ construction begins. The SWMP Administrator will make efforts to insure thatഀ subcontractors are educated as to the requirements of pollution prevention practices as itഀ pertains to their activities.ഀ Additional stock of certain materials such as straw wattle, silt fence, gravel and otherഀ commonly used BMPs may be kept on site to be able to quickly address unexpectedഀ pollution prevention needs as they arise during the course of the work.ഀ Existing vegetation will be protected and maintained wherever possible and indicated onഀ the SWMP site map.ഀ Due to the limited project area, temporary vegetative cover will likely not be used as anഀ erosion control method. Instead, exposed soils within the project area duringഀ construction will be kept in a roughened condition whenever there is a lapse in activityഀ for a period longer than 7 days, with the exception of snow cover conditions which oftenഀ occur in winter months. Soils will be roughened along the contours of the grade toഀ promote infiltration and reduce erosive velocities in runoff waters. Efforts will be takenഀ to stabilize disturbed soils to the extent possible prior to winter months.ഀ Vegetative ground cover will be established on all disturbed areas that do not receiveഀ other permanent features or ground cover.ഀ Rolled erosion control products will be used in concentrated flow lines that exceed 1%ഀ slope or are expected to receive heavy flows in order to reduce erosive runoff velocitiesഀ and associated erosive impacts.ഀ All exposed soil areas having a slope of 3:1 or greater shall be stabilized with rolledഀ erosion control products or another BMP to minimize potential slope erosion. Finalഀ stabilization BMPs will be implemented within 7 days after grading activities haveഀ ceased, unless work is to be resumed within 30 calendar days. Where final grading hasഀ not occurred but disturbed areas remain dormant, temporary stabilization methods such asഀ surface roughening will be implemented. All non-structural control measuresഀ implemented during construction will be indicated on the site map.ഀ 3.2.4. Phased Implementation of BMPs: (I.C.3.c.3)ഀ The following chart indicates the major activities that will occur before, during and afterഀ construction*. Included within the chart are the potential pollutants and associated BMPsഀ planned for implementation during each of the construction activities listed. Following this chartഀ is a legend for the BMP designations shown. This chart will be updated prior to and throughoutഀ each major phase of construction in order to insure the appropriate implementation of BMPsഀ indicated.ഀ Before Constructionഀ Constructionഀ Dateഀ Potentialഀ Best Management Practices (BMPs)ഀ Activity/Sequenceഀ Pollutantsഀ Erosionഀ Sedimentഀ Operationalഀ Pre-constructionഀ N/Aഀ Training,ഀ planning & scopeഀ Planning mtgsഀ Mobilizationഀ Fuel Spillsഀ SFഀ PT (ongoing),ഀ Sedimentഀ SC, HMS, TCഀ Raw sewageഀ (ongoing)ഀ Trashഀ Initial BMPs perഀ Sedimentഀ ECB, SR, EVഀ SF, VTC, SWഀ Planningഀ SWMPഀ During Constructionഀ Construction Activityഀ Dateഀ Potentialഀ Best Management Practices (BMPs)ഀ Pollutantsഀ Erosionഀ Sedimentഀ Operationalഀ Demolition / Roughഀ Sedimentഀ SR, EV, ECBഀ SF, VTC, SWഀ Spill Kitഀ Gradingഀ Fuelഀ (ongoing), SC,ഀ Stockpilesഀ Dustഀ HMS, TC, SPഀ Retaining Wallഀ Sedimentഀ SR, EV, ECBഀ SF, SW, VTC,ഀ SC, HMS, TC,ഀ Constructionഀ Fuelഀ Stockpilesഀ CWAഀ SP, TWSഀ Liquid Wasteഀ Concreteഀ Flagstone Pathഀ Sedimentഀ SR, EV, ECBഀ SF, SW, VTC,ഀ SC, HMS, TC,ഀ Fuelഀ CWAഀ SP, TWSഀ Concreteഀ Stockpilesഀ Dustഀ Fencingഀ Sedimentഀ SR, EV, ECBഀ SF, SW, VTC,ഀ SC, HMS, TC,ഀ Fuelഀ CWAഀ SP, TWSഀ Liquid wasteഀ Concreteഀ Paintഀ Asphalt Patchingഀ Asphaltഀ VTCഀ SC, HMS, TC,ഀ Fuel / oilഀ SP, TWSഀ After Constructionഀ Construction Activityഀ Dateഀ Potentialഀ Best Management Practices (BMPs)ഀ Pollutantsഀ Erosionഀ Sedimentഀ Operationalഀ Final Stabilizationഀ Sedimentഀ EV, PS, ECBഀ SC, HMS, TC,ഀ Fuelഀ SPഀ Soil amendmentsഀ Fertilizerഀ Remove BMPs (uponഀ Trashഀ TCഀ Final Stabilizationഀ Debrisഀ only)ഀ "Date fields intentionally left blank for the Operator to determineഀ BMP Legend and Maintenance Schedule:ഀ BMPഀ Designationഀ Descriptionഀ Maintenance Requirementsഀ CDഀ Check Damഀ CIDഀ Culvert Inlet Protectionഀ CWAഀ Concrete Washout Areaഀ DCEBഀ Drainage Channel Erosionഀ Blanketഀ DDഀ Diversion Ditch/Dikeഀ DSAഀ Designated Staging Areaഀ ECBഀ Erosion Control Blanketഀ EVഀ Existing Vegetationഀ Existing vegetation to remain undisturbedഀ may be protected by wire rope barriers andഀ stakes or orange construction fencing ifഀ necessaryഀ FBഀ Pipe end Filter Bag for Dewateringഀ Operationsഀ GBഀ Geo-synthetic Check Barrierഀ GPഀ Gravel Stabilized Parkingഀ HMSഀ Hazardous Material Storageഀ IPഀ Inlet Protectionഀ MUഀ Mulchingഀ OPഀ Outlet Protectionഀ PSഀ Permanent Seedingഀ Use approved standard seed mixഀ PTഀ Portable Toiletഀ RCഀ Rip Rap Channelഀ RCSഀ Rough Cut Street Controlഀ RRBഀ Rip Rap Bermഀ SBഀ Standard Temp Sed. Basinsഀ SCഀ Secondary Containmentഀ SFഀ Silt Fenceഀ SPഀ Stock pile areaഀ SRഀ Surface Rougheningഀ SWഀ Straw Wattleഀ TCഀ Trash Containerഀ TSഀ Temporary Seedingഀ Use approved standard seed mixഀ TSDഀ Temporary Slope Drainഀ TWSഀ Tool Washing Stationഀ VTCഀ Vehicle Tracking Controlഀ 3.3 Other Controls: (1.C.3.c.1-8)ഀ Solid construction waste and debris that are not properly disposed of can be a source of waterഀ and wind born pollution. All waste materials will be collected and stored in a metal dumpsterഀ rented from a licensed solid waste management company. The dumpsters will meet all localഀ and State solid waste management regulations. Trash and construction debris from the siteഀ will be deposited in the dumpster. The dumpster will be emptied as needed, and the trashഀ will be hauled to a licensed landfill. All personnel will be instructed regarding the correctഀ procedure for waste disposal. The SWMP Administrator for the site will be responsible forഀ seeing that these procedures are followedഀ Sanitary waste associated with portable toilets on construction sites is considered a hazardousഀ material and must be contained. Portable toilets are considered an adequate containment andഀ do not require secondary containment but must be placed on flat ground and away from inletsഀ and drainage ways. It is also recommended that portable toilets remain on imperviousഀ surfaces and be secured at their base to protect against accidental tipping.ഀ Accidental spills most often occur when loading and unloading construction materials. Toഀ prevent and more easily contain potential discharges during loading and unloadingഀ operations, a designated area for the majority of this type of activity will be provided (seeഀ SSA on site map). A spill response kit will be provided in the loading and unloading area.ഀ Construction equipment such as forklifts and other miscellaneous equipment will beഀ operating on this site for the duration of the project. Fueling and maintenance of thisഀ equipment will be required on the site. Because of the limited site area available, mobileഀ onsite fueling and maintenance may be required and will be performed in designated andഀ contained areas. Incidental fuels such as gasoline and diesel, for small machines (saws,ഀ compactors, etc.) and maintenance materials will also be required. All will be stored in wellഀ marked containers in protected and contained areas as designated on the site map. Potentialഀ pollutants kept within designated storage areas will have secondary containment in place toഀ minimize the potential for direct contact with stormwater runoff. A spill response kit will beഀ provided for storage areas in case of accidental spills. Spill prevention and responseഀ procedures will be followed as outlined in section 3.4 of the SWMP.ഀ A portion of this project's structure is comprised of concrete. Concrete contains cementഀ which has a very high PH and can be detrimental to water quality. The process of pouringഀ concrete typically requires that concrete truck placement chutes be washed before leaving theഀ job. Concrete truck chute washout will be performed in designated, properly contained andഀ clearly marked locations. Washout locations will be located away from stormwaterഀ conveyances and will be noted on the site map.ഀ Worker trash from meals eaten on the jobsite can be a source for pollution if not properlyഀ disposed of. Trash containers will be adequately supplied in quantities and locations toഀ properly address this concern. Trash containers will be emptied regularly and trash will beഀ properly disposed of where it will not pose a threat to water quality. Containers will be ofഀ sufficient weight or otherwise secured to prevent tipping by wind.ഀ During construction operations it is often necessary for different trades to clean tools on theഀ site. Efforts will be made in project preplanning to minimize the incorporation of anyഀ materials into the building process that are hazardous to water quality. Tool washout areasഀ shall also be provided for the containment of paint, solvent and cement products that areഀ washed from tools during construction even if they are not considered "hazardous". Under noഀ circumstances shall tools be cleaned in locations where associated pollutants can enter theഀ storm drain system or downstream water.ഀ 3.4 Material Handling and Spill Prevention: (1.C.3.c.4)ഀ The following are material management practices that will be used to reduce the risk of spillsഀ or other accidental exposure of materials and substances to stormwater runoff.ഀ 3.4.1 Good Housekeeping: The following good housekeeping practices will be followedഀ onsite during the construction project:ഀ 1. An effort will be made to store only enough material required to do the job.ഀ 2. All materials stored on site will be stored in a neat, orderly manner in theirഀ appropriate containers and off of the ground, protected from weather or withinഀ secondary containment.ഀ 3. Products will be kept in their original containers with the original manufacturer'sഀ label.ഀ 4. Substances will not be mixed with one another unless recommended by theഀ manufacturer.ഀ 5. Whenever possible, all of a product will be used up before disposing of theഀ container.ഀ 6. Manufacturers' recommendations for proper use will be followed.ഀ 7. Any remaining chemicals shall be disposed of according to manufacturers'ഀ recommendations and in accordance with Federal, State and local regulations.ഀ 8. The SWMP Administrator will inspect regularly to ensure proper use and disposalഀ of materials onsite.ഀ 3.4.2 Hazardous Products: These practices are used to reduce the risks associated withഀ hazardous materials.ഀ 1. Products will be kept in original containers unless they are not re-sealable.ഀ 2. Original labels and material safety data will be retained.ഀ 3. Products will be stored under coverഀ 4. If surplus product must be disposed of, manufacturers' or local and Stateഀ recommended methods for proper disposal will be followed.ഀ 3.4.3 Product Specific Practices:ഀ Petroleum Products: All onsite vehicles will be monitored for leaks and receiveഀ regular preventative maintenance to reduce the chance of leakage. Petroleumഀ products for vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance will be stored inഀ tightly sealed containers which are clearly labeled. Any asphalt substances usedഀ onsite will be applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations.ഀ Leaks occur generally as a result of faulty, old or improperly maintained equipmentഀ or storage facilities. If unintentional leaks are detected, the operator will identify andഀ abate the material immediately. For impervious surfaces, an absorbent material willഀ be used to soak up the liquid wastes and then swept up and placed in a contained unitഀ for proper disposal. When leaks are detected on soils, the operator will removeഀ contaminated soils from the earth and place them in a contained unit for properഀ disposal.ഀ Containers used for contaminated materials will be clearly marked and kept fromഀ coming into direct contact with stormwater. Storage or fueling areas where leaks canഀ occur shall be inspected visually on a regular basis. Efforts taken to abateഀ unintentional leaks and repair faulty equipment will be recorded in the activity log.ഀ Unintentional leaks must not be confused with spills and should be documentedഀ accordingly.ഀ Fertilizers: Fertilizers will be applied only in the minimum amounts recommendedഀ by the manufacturer. Once applied, fertilizer will be worked into the soil to limitഀ exposure to stormwater. Storage will be in a covered and contained area. Theഀ contents of any partially used bags of fertilizer will be transferred to a sealable plasticഀ bin to avoid spills. Soil amendments will be spread and tilled into the soilഀ immediately upon arrival to the site in order to minimize direct contact withഀ stormwater runoff. Where soil amendment stock piles are necessary, they will beഀ contained using BMPs such as earthen berms.ഀ Paints: All containers will be tightly sealed and stored off the ground and protectedഀ from weather, or in secondary containment, when not required for use. Excess paintഀ will not be discharged into the storm sewer system, but will be properly disposed ofഀ according to manufacturer's instructions and State and local regulations.ഀ Concrete: Concrete trucks will be allowed to wash their chutes in designated areasഀ on the site. Surplus concrete and drum wash water will be disposed of at an approvedഀ off-site landfill and will not be allowed to be discharged at the site. No washoutഀ material will be allowed to run off site, and wash out areas will be properly cleaned asഀ necessary.ഀ 3.4.4 Spill Control Practices: In addition to the good housekeeping and materialഀ management practices discussed previously in this plan, the following practices will beഀ followed for spill prevention and cleanup:ഀ Manufacturers' recommended methods for spill cleanup will be clearly posted in theഀ job trailer and site personnel will be made aware of the procedures and the location ofഀ the information and cleanup supplies.ഀ Materials and equipment necessary for spill cleanup will be kept in the materialഀ storage area onsite. Equipment and materials will include but are not be limited to:ഀ brooms, dust pans, mops, rags, gloves, goggles, absorbent powder / kitty litter, sand,ഀ sawdust, and plastic and metal trash containers specifically for this purpose.ഀ The operator will inform the jobsite personnel that if a spill of any size occurs theyഀ are to always notify the SWMP manager and, depending on the nature and severity ofഀ the spill, the operator will contact the CDPHE, downstream users and other regulatoryഀ agencies.ഀ The WQCD requires that any hazardous material spill be reported when any ofഀ the following conditions occur:ഀ • Over 25 gallons of petroleumഀ • 5 CCs of mercuryഀ • Any and all raw sewage releasesഀ • Any/all State waters impactedഀ If any of the above criteria is met or exceeded, the Colorado Department of Publicഀ Health and Environment, Local Emergency Planning committee, downstream usersഀ and other agencies (MS4s) will be notified. The CDPHE will be notified by telephoneഀ within 24 hours. In addition, written notification describing the spill and the clean upഀ procedures used will be sent to the agencies 5 days following the spill. If a spill doesഀ not meet the above criteria, reporting is not mandatory.ഀ When any spill occurs:ഀ 1) Notify the controlling operator of the site immediately following aഀ hazardous spill.ഀ 2) Document the spill and its clean-up procedures whether reporting isഀ required or not.ഀ 3) At a minimum document the following:ഀ • Nature of spillഀ • Quantity of spillഀ • Date/time spill occurredഀ • Agency notification if necessaryഀ • Clean-up procedures usedഀ • Daily monitoring (7 days) after clean-upഀ • Photographsഀ • Interview(s) with any witnesses of the eventഀ General guidelines for clean-up procedures:ഀ • Immediately control or stop the release/spillഀ • Mitigate the spill area as needed with a spill prevention kitഀ • Obtain approved secondary containers to store any absorbents usedഀ • Report the spill to the Responsible Person on the jobsite for determination ifഀ further reporting is required or if emergency notification is appropriate.ഀ CDPHE Toll Free 24-hour Env. Emergency Spill Reporting Line: 1-877-518-5608ഀ 4.0 LONG-TERM STORMWATER MANAGEMENTഀ Final Stabilization: (I.C.4)ഀ The stormwater management plan is considered active until a uniform vegetative cover withഀ a density of at least 70 percent of pre-disturbance levels is achieved. All disturbed areasഀ (except those portions covered by pavement, structures or paths) will be landscapedഀ according to the approved plan.ഀ At the completion of the project, when all areas have received final/permanent stabilizationഀ measures, all temporary BMPs shall be removed and properly disposed of.ഀ 5.0 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE (I.C.5, I.D.6)ഀ 5.1 Minimum Inspection Schedule: (1.D.6.a)ഀ All erosion/sediment control features will be inspected for effectiveness at a minimum ofഀ every 14 days and after each precipitation event or rain or snowmelt event that results inഀ surface erosion or per the requirements of the Town of Vail, Colorado.ഀ 5.2 Inspections and Maintenance*: (1.D.6)ഀ The inspection process will determine if there is evidence of, or the potential for, pollutantsഀ entering the drainage system or Waters of the U.S. BMPs will be reviewed to determineഀ whether they meet the design and operational criteria in the SWMP and that they continue toഀ adequately control pollutants at the site.ഀ The inspection process will include identifying BMPs that are found to no longer function asഀ needed and designed, as well as preventative maintenance to proactively ensure continuedഀ operation. BMPs that have failed, or have the potential to fail without maintenance orഀ modifications will be addressed as soon as possible to prevent the discharge of pollutants.ഀ The inspection process will include the updating of the SWMP to identify all pollutionഀ sources and associated BMPs that are being implemented in the field. All activities related toഀ implementing the SWMP or repairing and replacing BMPs will be documented.ഀ Silt fence will be inspected for depth of sediment, tears, to see if the fabric is securelyഀ attached to the fence posts, and to see that the fence posts are firmly in the ground. Built upഀ sediment will be removed from the silt fence when it has reached 6 inches in depth.ഀ Wattles will be inspected for condition, undermining and sediment build-up. If sedimentഀ levels reach 50%, it will be removed.ഀ The vehicle tracking control pad(s) shall be inspected to ensure the aggregate materialഀ remains generally free of sedimentation deposits and meets the required specifications unlessഀ otherwise noted / redlined.ഀ 5.3 Record Keeping:ഀ A maintenance inspection report will be made after each inspection. A copy of the reportഀ form to be completed by the inspector will be filed onsite.ഀ A log documenting stormwater management activities that occurs outside of regularഀ inspection dates may be kept by the SWMP Manager on this site. The SWMP Administrator,ഀ or his assigns, may enter documentation in the log, as they determine appropriate for siteഀ conditions.ഀ P, Q© 's -0 57 t� T000 YAitl" JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER T his form is applicable to all Daslgn Review applicants that share ownership or the subject property. For exam- ple, the aubJect property where construction Is occurring Is a duplex, condominium or rhulti - te Plant building. This form Shall be completed by the applicants nelghoor/ Joint property owner. In the case: of a multiples- fa Community dwell ing or multi building, the authority of the association shelf complete this ro,— and mail to. Develapmant Department, 75 South Fronta Road, Vail, CO 81657 o r fax to 970.479.2452. 1, (print name) t \/La1 2 (� a Joint owner, or authority of tho association, of / ` property located at 1_l:vy \e N fS� - 1.., \Ct..\ 1 , provide this letter as written approval or the plans dated V _FZO l I 20 1() _ which hove been submitted to the � / r� T own of ali Community Development Department for the proposed Improvements to, be completed at the ad dress noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements Include: 0 (,7lgnature) (Date) � A' U t j j ll''ay, please chock the Ste to m ant below which 1, most appllca We to yu. derstand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to en- sure compliance with the T owns appdcab /e codes and regulations. (Initial here) o I request that all modifications, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the course of the re- view process, be brought to my attention by the applicant ror additional approval bercro undergoing further re view by the T.—n. (Initial her -) Apr-09 r- GtT rl C 0.n(.