HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-27 VLHA Minutes
Vail Local Housing Authority Minutes
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
3:00 PM
Vail Town Council Chambers
Steve Lindstrom
Kristin Williams
Dan Godec via zoom
Craig Denton
James Wilkins via zoom
George Ruther, Housing Director
Martha Anderson, Senior Housing Coordinator
1. Call to Order
1. 1 Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:06 p.m. with a quorum present. Williams joined at 3:50
1.2 Zoom Meeting
2. Citizen Participation
2.1 Citizen Participation no comments
3. Approval of Minutes
3.1 VLHA February 1, 2024 Minutes
MOTION: Denton SECOND: Wilkins PASSED: (4 - 0)
4. Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members
4.1 Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members
Presenter(s): Steve Lindstrom, VLHA Chairman
Ruther provided updates to the Authority regarding ongoing business. We are watching for a
scope of work to come from David Flaherty regarding demographic information for EHUs in
Town of Vail.
There is a lengthy list of business and individual interest in purchasing Timber Ridge 2.0, of
which there could be valuable feedback from this group through future surveys. There is a
housing matters mailing list that will also be included.
For March 12, the group seeks updates on Financials as well as a possible update from
David Flaherty. Matters were again revisited after the main agenda at 3:58 p.m.
Lindstrom suggested that the Authority explore the draft legislation, pros and cons
statements around the upcoming multi-family dwelling legislation.
Ruther updated the Authority regarding the current status of the development of the
International Building in Minturn as the continue to watch construction costs.
5. Main Agenda
5.1 Housing Policy Statements Update Discussion
Presenter(s): George Ruther, Housing Director
Ruther walked the Authority through the presented memo, housing updates and future planning
to present to the Town Council with suggested updates to the established Housing Policy
Statements. With several changeover in members to the Council, Authority and the housing
market, rise of interest rates and market conditions the Authority finds benefit in revisiting the
statements to be sure they are still relevant.
Ruther highlighted suggested changes changes that stemmed from a variety of input. Changes
were highlighted within the memo, with suggestions to add additional policy changes included.
The next steps are as listed below:
Present a revision of the Housing Statements, from 2018, to Council at the March 5th, 2024
The recommended changes will be presented to the Council on March 5th for discussion
The final step will be to provide a proposed adopting resolution to Council on March 19
Ruther reminded the group that Council sets policy but looks to the Vail Local Housing
Authority as a technical advisor and the Housing Staff is doing the day to day
Lindstrom walked the Authority through the document to gather agreement and the Authority
provided feedback and/or requested additions.
Motion to recommend approval based on changes suggested by the Authority, including the
opportunity for the Authority to serve as the investor.
MOTION: Godec SECOND: Denton PASSED: (4 - 0)
5.2 Resolution No. 1, Series of 2024, A Resolution Authorizing a Professional
Services Agreement Between The Vail Local Housing Authority and Social
Impact Advisors for Grant Writing Services.
Presenter(s): Steve Lindstrom, VLHA Chairman and Dan Godec, VLHA Board Member
Godec highlighted a few areas that need clarification and request for a follow-up call with Impact
Advisors related to the scope of work: 30-day vs 60-days clause to end the agreement; revisit the
responsibility around the follow-up to compliance around future grants.
Phase 1 is broken down into three specific topics and Ruther suggests for the Authority to gain
clarity regarding the deliverables around the three tasks as well as a scheduled task list.
The authority moves to approve, with modifications discussed and discretion for Lindstrom to
finalize and execute final.
MOTION: Godec SECOND: Denton PASSED: (5 - 0)
6. Adjournment
6.1 Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:08 p.m.
MOTION: Godec SECOND: Denton PASSED: (5 - 0)
7. Future Agenda Items
7.1 Future Agenda Items
Audit Exemption for 2023
Grant Funding Work Session
Discuss Funding Opportunities
8. Next Meeting Date
8.1 Next Meeting Date March 12, 20 24