HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB090017Design Review Board EtCTION FORM T~WHOF YAI~ ooanuHm ~ve~ovu~Errr Project Name: Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DRB090017 NEW TWO-FAMILY DWELLING W/ TYPE II EHU OWNER CORRIGAN, THOMAS F. 01/26/2009 PO BOX 234 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT BLUELINE ARCHITECTS, P. C. 01/26/2009 Phone: 970-827-5400 PO BOX 574 MINTURN CO 81645 License: 0000002400 ARCHITECT BLUELINE ARCHITECTS, P. C. 01/26/2009 Phone: 970-827-5400 PO BOX 574 MINTURN CO 81645 License: 0000002400 Project Address: 2000 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 37 Block: Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parcel Number: 2103-123-0201-9 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond:200 (PLAN): A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Department of Community Development. 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81b57 te1:970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgav.com Planner: Nicole Peterson DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA PUBLIC MEETING -= ' February 18, 2009 r~~~~~~~~°~ Council Chambers 75 S. Frontage Road -Vail, Colorado, 81657 PROJECT ORIENTATION MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT SITE VISITS 1. Corrigan Residence, 2000 Chamonix Lane 2. Break Away West, 963 Lionsridge Loop 3. Colorado Ski Museum, 241 East Meadow Drive 4. Brundage & Heston Residences, 4126 Columbine Drive 5. Duke Residence, 4868 Meadow Drive 1:30pm 2:OOpm PUBLIC HEARING -TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS DelPonte Residence DRB090027 / 15 Minutes Final Review of a minor exterior alteration (siding, stone & windows) 3070 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Village Filing 11 Applicant: Reg DelPonte, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson, Architects ACTION: MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONDITION(S): 2. Corrigan Residence DRB090017 / 20 Minutes Conceptual review of a new two-family dwelling & Type II EHU 2000 Chamonix Lane/Lot 37, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision Applicant: Blueline Architects ACTION: MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONDITION(S): 3. Break Away West Building 500 DRB090008 / 10 Minutes Final review of a minor exterior alteration (exterior renovations) 963 Lionsridge Loop/Lot B3, Block B, Lionsridge Filing 1 Application: TRD Architects ACTION: MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONDITION(S): 3:OOpm Nicole Nicole Bill Page 1 Development Review Coordinator Community Development Department 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te1:970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 F.pr /J~~v}~[} 1 web: www.vailgov.com ~CV+,i~ VR Ti~Iii i Application for Design Review ~ ~ ~ [~ (] ~ Conceptual Review JAN ~ 6 ~~~~ General Information: A conceptual review may be requested by an applicant where new construction or majo~®,~~t~ ur on a property. A conceptual review does not serve as a final approval and an additional app is I review. The conceptual review is intended to allow the applicant to introduce the project to the Design Review Board and receive comments. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. FEE: $0 Description Of the Request• Replace the existing four-plex built in 1966 with aprimary/secondary residence (approx. 5400 sf) with an attached Employee Housing Unit (approx. 1100 sf). Single Family X Duplex Multi-Family Location of the Proposal: Lot: 37 Block:_ Physical Address• 2000 Chamonix Lane Parcel No.: 210312302019 ZOning• Primary/Secondary Residential (P/S} Name(s) of Owner(s): Tom Corrigan Mailing Address: PO Box 1823 Vail. CO 81658 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: _ Mailing Address: PO Box 574 Subdivision: Buffer Creek Resub Blueline Architects p.c. Contact: Ken Bridges, AIA Minturn, CO 81645 Phone: 970.827.5400 E-mall Address: ken@bluelinearchitects.com Fax: 970.827.5401 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Phone: 970.331.1602 B L ~UI E I__._ I N E January 26, 2009 Vail Design Review Board 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 87657 Re: Proposed Primary/Secondary Residence with an attached EHU 2000 Chamonix Lane Dear Design Review Board: ~ ~C~ ~ I:-l`JI ~~. v 1. TOWN OF VEIL On behalf of the Owner, Tom Corrigan, I am bringing before you a proposal for a new primary/secondary residence with an attached Employee Housing Unit to be constructed at 2000 Chamonix Lane of approximately 5400 sf with an 1100 sf EHU. Per Title 12 of the Vail Town Code, allowable GRFA for this lot is 6662.24 sf. Currently, this 16,247.9 sf (.373 acres) lot has a 1.5 story wood-framed four-plex residence on it, with an average grade of 7.5% along the length of the lot from Chamonix Lane to the Southeast. The lot is outside of all rock fall zones, flood plains, or avalanche zones as defined by the Town of Vail. Similar to how we begin every project, we arrived at the proposed design solution with several important factors in mind: solar orientation, natural light and ventilation, views, snow storage and safety, impact on the land, connection to the site (inside and outside), and, in this particular case, a desire to maintain the image of a single family residence from Chamonix Lane. It is our intent to replace the existing four-plex structure with aprimary/secondary residence with an attached EHU; however, it is not our intent to displace "locals". By providing smaller units and a deed restricted EHU, it is our goal that these units remain in the hands of Eagle County residents. Along the lines of enhancing the community, the proposed design stresses the importance of connecting each residence to the site by carefully positioning each unit to capture specific views; by properly orienting each unit for optimal solar gain; and by providing each unit with their own private entries and courtyards. Additionally, the building's massing and careful articulation of the facades maintains the scale of asingle-family residence from Chamonix Lane and steps down the lot towards the Southeast, minimizing its visual impact for the adjacent neighbors. The material palette is one of permanence and sophistication: architectural concrete for solar mass and anchoring the building to the site, aluminum windows to capture the views and solar gain, horizontal cedar siding to add warmth and tie the building to the neighborhood, standing seam metal roofing for durability, and custom metal architectural accents, such as, railings, sun shades, suspended awnings, and columns for visual interest. As our design hopefully reflects, we look forward to working with the Town of Vail on another refreshing project. Sincerely, ~~ ~- . Ken Bridges, AIA Principal BLUELINE ARCHITECTS, D. C. azl M,~in Sk. Cl. PO Bo. s7a, Mink~~n, CO a16as 970-827-5400 (o) 970-827-5401 (F) info@bluelinea~chikecks.~om o~-~IX ~ - ~ ~~~ ~s ~ c ~_~~: -E - ` ~ ~~ <:1Q l.."_, L ~-E?.r~C' - 3 ~ ~~a L'~ C' G-~ `E~ ~L~~r' Tz7 C.~~ C~P 5 -~. ~'t !i ~J ~' ~?C~.~ ;~ -~ ~ --- u~.S' ~ v _-.. -- L ~c; t.~.~-~ r p < . _ ~c ~ ~'~ ~ L h,~ez-~t".C ~,...~ cam. ~ r ~ :.; '~ F~ ~_' , .. i -r-- ~ t , > r (^~~~ ~~'~~ ~ n.~~, S r v-- , - ~;. ~ ~ cry ~-( ~ '~~~ t~ ~ ~y - ~ ~;~.~,~C~~- z ~_ , i V - ' ,'~.~v"'f-"`.'Y`~ G~ S ~ ~L~.t G --~j~ ~ '~ "~ ~ U- C -.J i y_ ~ G~ c _°-ham:' cU~ E?.G'~ v'~ ~' "~ ~..,z c~ __ I . r - l/ .~ ~'~ ~ G1."~ C- ^-c'.~y- ~';_ ~~'Y~-v" ~ ~~Ll.~a G'1..1~t P ~ C.~`- O'Y .._ `~ ? - - - n ' i ~ ~' V t~ ~ ~ ~ V~,[-~t !~iY-~ `---KI `--~l-'' ~ z:~ c~.. w.-c.~.G~.~ ~ T~ 1 ~` ~`_4^ ~i-L~.r ~o~. ` ! ,, ~_ _ _,-~ ~-vW Lt,~.n W1 ["'_ C;"^ •-~ c? i.t,,/z=i Y ~~ _ j,~;' ~--~ ct.t.-~;~ L`'i~ ~,.-c^-~ G ~ i ~ Cl v"~---~-.' CX-~~v~. - u/- ` ~.~ -~..I `_..... Lry. .. ... ~ i C C" c-? ~ t'l~~ oc .S S ~~"~ ~~~ r r I r S ~'~~ I (~ ,~. ~~~;~ y-e G-~a-~ r-~-,. ~ V ^~ ~ I A ~/ll C_ Ct c-~ .S"S ~~- ~-~ 4 i c ~~ ^ _. ~ ~-c1s ~ e 2- ~- 5=1~ ~'~~-`j.e ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~'~~.~ ~- bvLQ wtCz~ ~ ~j.~G~c,e~ ~}C~C-{'vl~ ~l ~~' u~~f' ~ r•? ~~ ~ ~iU~~/~~~ a -r~e-rte o~ i,~,~~j i S l -- a TOWNOFVA~,`' Development Review Team & Construction Update Community Development Large Conference Room Wednesday at 9:30AM January 28, 2009 AGENDA 9:30 Development Review Team Purpose: Provide coordination and input across Departments on proposed development proposals Staff Item /Topic Description Time WC 1. Planning Department Updates 10 minutes BW 2. Code Enforcement Update 5 minutes BG 3. Duke Residence - 4868 Meadow Drive Addition - PR & Fire Introduction and routing 5 minutes NP 4. Corrigan Residence - 2000 Chamonix Lane, New Duplex - PW & Fire introduction and routing 5 minutes Other - DRB/PEC Updates 5 minutes 5 minutes -- ~ ~ r vl ~v ~~ w ~ ~~ - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ROUTING FORM Routed To: Fire Date Routed: 01 /28/09 Routed B Nicole Peterson Date Due: 02/04/09 Pro'ect Name: Corrigan Residence Pro'ect #: DRB 09-0017 Activit #: Descri tion of work: Existin 4- lex, ro osed duplex w/ EHU 3 units total Address: 2000 Chamonix Lane Le al: Lot: Lot 37 Subdivision: Buffer Creek Status: ^ Approved ~' Approved wifh conditions ^ Denied Comments: Date Reviewed: Fire Department Issues. Need additional review by Fire De COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ROUTING FORM Routed To: Date Routed: 01 /28/09 Routed B Nicole Peterson Date Due: 02/04/09 Pro'ect Name: Corrigan Residence Pro'ect #: DRB 09-0017 Activit #: Description of work: Existin 4- lex, pro osed du lex w/ EHU 3 units total Address: 2000 Chamonix Lane Le al: Lot: Lot 37 Subdivision: Buffer Creek Status: ^ Approved ^ Approved with conditions x Denied Comments: Date Reviewed: 1/29/09 Fire Deoartment Issues. Need additional review oy rare There is a maximum of 2 curb cuts per lot allowed. The maximum width of these curb cuts is 24'. Minimum driveway width is 12'. The driveway along the east property line scales at 11'. Provide a plan showing that parking functions per Town of Vail 20' centerline turning radius standard. Since this is a complete demo rebuild, back out onto Chamonix will not be allowed. Amend site plan to show snow storage area. The area should be 10% of the driveway area if it is heated and 30% of the area if it is not heated. Provide more information regarding improvements within the Town of Vail right of way. Provide more grading information, wall heights and spot elevations. More comments possible with revisions. cad 14-10-1 CHAPTER 10 DESIGN REVIEW STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES SECTION: 14-10- 1: Purpose 14-10- 2: General Compatibility 14-10- 3: Site Planning 14-10- 4: Architectural Projections, Decks, Balconies, Steps, Bay Windows, Etc. 14-10- 5: Building Materials And Design 14-10- 6: Residential Development 14-10- 7: Outdoor Lighting 14-10- 8: Landscaping, Drainage, And Erosion Control 14-10- 9: Fences, Hedges, Walls, And Screening 14-10-10: Accessory Structures; Utilities; Service Areas 14-10-11: Satellite Dish Antennas 14-10-1: PURPOSE: This chapter pro- vides the design review stan- dards and guidelines for development in the town of Vail. Actions of the staff and the design review board shall be guided by the objectives prescribed herein, the Vail Vil- lage urban design considerations and guide plan and the Lionshead redevelopment master plan, and by all of the applicable ordinances of the town and by the design guidelines in this chapter. (Ord., 9-21-1999) 14-10-2: GENERAL COMPATIBILITY: 14-10-3 alike to be compatible. Compatibility can be achieved through the proper consideration of scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, materials and colors, and compliance with the guidelines herein contained. B. Any building site in Vail is likely to have its own unique landforms and features. Whenever possible, these existing features should be preserved and reinforced by new construction. The objective is to fit the buildings to their sites in away that leaves the natural landforms and features intact, treating the buildings as an integral part of the site, rather than as isolated objects at odds with their surround- ings. (Ord., 9-21-1999) 14-10-3: SITE PLANNING: A. The location and configuration of structures and accessways shall be responsive to the existing topography of the site upon which they are to be located. Grading requirements result- ing from development shall be de- signed to blend into the existing or natural landscape. Any cuts or fills shall be sculptural in form and con- toured to blend with the existing natu- ral undisturbed terrain within the prop- erty boundary. A. Structures shall be compatible with B. Building siting and access thereto existing structures, their surroundings, shall be responsive to existing fea- and with Vail's environment. It is not tures of terrain rock outcroppings, to be inferred that buildings must look drainage patterns, and vegetation. August 2007 Town of Vail 14-10-3 14-10-4 C. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other the degree necessary to conform with native vegetation shall be limited to the adopted building code's means of removal of those essential for devel- egress standards, at the discretion of opment of the site, those identified as the administrator. diseased or those essential for creat- ing defensible space. Mitigation may C. Balconies, decks, terraces, and other be required for tree removal. similar unroofed features projecting from a structure at a height of more D. All areas disturbed during construction than five feet (5') above ground level shall be revegetated. If necessary, the may project not more than five feet design review board may designate (5') nor more than one-half ('/2) the allowable limits of construction activity minimum required dimension into a and require physical barriers in order required setback area, or may project to preserve significant natural features not more than five feet (5') nor more and vegetation upon a site and adja- than one-fourth ('/4) the minimum cent sites during construction. (Ord. required dimension into a required 3(2007) § 3: Ord., 9-21-1999) distance between buildings. A balcony or deck projecting from a higher ele- vation may extend over a lower balco- 14-10-4: ARCHITECTURAL PROJEC- ny or deck but in such case shall not TIONS, DECKS, BALCONIES, be deemed a roof for the lower balco- STEPS, BAY WINDOWS, ETC.: ny or deck. A. Architectural projections including D. Fire escapes or exterior emergency eaves, roof overhangs, awnings, lou- exit stairways may project into any vers, and similar shading features; required setback area or distance sills, belt courses, cornices, and simi- between buildings not more than four lar features; and flues and chimneys feet (4'). may project not more than four feet (4') into a required setback area or E. Bay windows and similar features into a required distance between extending the interior enclosed space buildings. of a structure may project not more ~~~+ --I-ti.hS> than three feet (3') into a required B. Porches, steps;` decks or terraces or setback area or a required distance similar features located at ground between buildings, provided that the level or within five feet (5') of ground total of all such projection does not level may project not more than ten exceed more than one-tenth ('/,o) the feet (10') nor more than one-half ('/2) area of the wall surface from which it the minimum required dimension into projects or extends. a required setback area, or may pro- ject not more than five feet (5') nor F. Towers, spires, cupolas, chimneys, more than one-fourth ('/4) the mini- flagpoles, and similar architectural mum required dimension into a re- features not usable as habitable floor quired distance between buildings. area may extend above the height Steps that form an exit discharge may limit a distance of not more than twen- project into a required setback area to ty five percent (25%) of the height August 2007 Town of Vail 14-10-4 limit nor more than fifteen feet (15') (Ord. 29(2005) § 81: Ord., 9-21-1999) 14-10-5: BUILDING MATERIALS AND DESIGN: A. The use of noncombustible building materials and designs intended to prevent the spread of fire are highly encouraged. Predominantly natural building materials shall be used within the town of Vail. The exterior use of wood, wood siding, native stone, brick, concrete, stucco, and EIFS may be permitted. Concrete surfaces, when permitted, shall be treated with texture and color; however, exposed aggregate is more acceptable than raw concrete. The exterior use of the following siding materials shall be prohibited: stucco or EIFS with gross textures or surface features that ap- pear to imitate other materials, simu- lated stone, simulated brick, plastic and vinyl. 14-10-5 site, surrounding structures, and over- all character of the town of Vail; and 4. That the material is noncombustible or aids in the prevention of fires. B. The same or similar building materials and colors shall be used on main structures and any accessory struc- tures upon the site. C. Exterior wall colors should be compat- ible with the site and surrounding buildings. Natural colors (earth tones found within the Vail area) should be utilized. Primary colors or other bright colors should be used only as accents and then sparingly such as upon trim or railings. All exterior wall materials must be continued down to finished grade thereby eliminating unfinished foundation walls. All exposed metal flashing, trim, flues, and rooftop me- chanical equipment shall be anodized, painted or capable of weathering so as to be nonreflective. The exterior use of any building mate- D rial, including those not specifically identified by this section, shall only be permitted, unless otherwise prohibited by this code, where the design review board finds: 1. That the proposed material is satis- factory in general appearance, quality over time, architectural style, design, color, and texture; and 2. That the use of the proposed mate- rial complies with the intent of the provisions of this code; and 3. That the use of the proposed mate- rial is compatible with the structure, The majority of roof forms within Vail are gable roofs with a pitch of at least four feet (4') in twelve feet (12'). How- ever, other roof forms are allowed. Consideration of environmental and climatic determinants such as snow shedding, drainage, fire safety and solar exposure should be integral to the roof design. E. Rooflines should be designed so as not to deposit snow on parking areas, trash storage areas, stairways, decks and balconies, or entryways. Second- ary roofs, snow clips, and snow guards should be utilized to protect these areas from roof snow shedding if necessary. November 2008 Town of Vail 14-10-5 F. All structures shall have class A roof assemblies or shall have class A roof covering materials, as defined by the adopted building code. The use of concrete tile, slate, metal, asphalt shingle, fiberglass shingle, and built up tar and gravel roofing may be per- mitted. Metal roofing, when permitted, shall not reflect direct sunlight onto an adjacent property and shall be sur- faced with a low gloss finish or be capable of weathering to a dull finish. Metal roofing, when permitted, shall be of a heavy gauge and designed to provide visual relief to the roof surface (including, but not limited to, a stand- ing seam). Asphalt and fiberglass shingles, when permitted, shall weigh no less than three hundred (300) pounds per roofing square. The use of wood shake, wood shingles and rolled roofing shall not be permitted. Two- family and multi-family dwellings shall be required to have uniform roof cov- ering materials, except when the de- sign review board determines that the materials are compatible, are integral to the architectural style of the struc- ture and different materials do not share any ridges or planes, but may share a valley. 1. Nonconforming Structures: All structures that do not have a class A roof assembly or class A roof covering material, or structures with wood shake or wood shingles shall come into compliance as follows: a. Repair And Maintenance: Repair and maintenance of twenty five per- cent (25%) or more of the roof area of a single-family dwelling, a side of a two-family dwelling, or of an entire multiple-family dwelling within a twelve (12) month period, or fifty per- 14-10-5 cent (50%) or more of the total roof area in any time period shall require compliance of the entire roof of the single-family dwelling, the affected side of atwo-family dwelling, or an entire multiple-family dwelling. b. Additions: All additions affecting roof area shall trigger compliance of the roof structure of a single-family dwelling, a side of atwo-family dwell- ing, or the entire multiple-family dwell- ing, except for a onetime exemption of up to five hundred (500) square feet of GRFA, occurring after February 6, 2007, where any addition of roof area does not share a plane or ridge with the nonconforming roof, and may only share a valley. The additional roof area shall conform to roofing regula- tions, and shall be deemed compatible by the design review board. c. Two-Family Structures: Upon reroofing one side of a two-family dwelling, the other side may be re- quired to be reroofed if the two (2) sides have roof systems that share ridges or planes. Different materials on each side of the two-family dwell- ing may be permitted by the design review board if the materials are deemed compatible, integral to the architectural style of the structure and share a valley or do not intersect. d. Developments With Multiple Structures: Upon reroofing a single structure that is part of a multistructure project with conforming roof covering materials that do not match existing materials, the conform- ing materials shall be deemed com- patible with the existing nonconform- ing materials by the design review board. Upon reroofing of additional November 2008 Town of Vail ~I D~0 ~~ ~~~ w W ~zW m f ~ a Q N F- V W 0 a ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~n~ ,~ ~~~ $W a^~~ ~ ~\=U~ Q a Q ~' ~ ~Q3 ~ ~ ~~ p ~~iW ~ ,a~ _ WQ~- ~ ~UQ~ N °~~ ~~~o o aa~~~ W ~ d ~~;cQi '~~ °~ a a wI13f~~ ~ ~,~ ~~~ry Q 7uQ~Q Q ~ ~ ~ N ,~ ~ ~ ~ v IC VVdIYY nal ° ~ ° ~~~!!! 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