HomeMy WebLinkAboutCensus Maps 1990.PDF f- -°LL7 � STAT� OF COLOIZ�D� Department of Local Affa�rs oF co� �¢���t'��9p DIVISION OF LOCAL COVERNMENT *y� �;� ° Pat Ratliff,Direcror " " +�876� Richard D Lamm Governor May 1, 1986 Dear County Official : Four years from now the federal government will be conducting our nation's bicentennial census in your county. Tnat may seem to be a long way away but decisions are now being made which could affect the accuracy and usefulness of 1990 Census data for your area. Some of you are probably aware of the work we have been doing in cooperation with the Secretary of State's office, the Census Bureau and county officials to ensure that voting precincts are recognized in the 1990 census. In this letter I want to tell you about two other programs which you may want to participate in to prebare for the 1990 census--the Block Numberinq Area (BNA) program and the Local Review program. Both programs are designed to make the census more accurate and useful at the local level by incorporating local information and concerns into the census �rocess. Census officials have said that the census is something they want to do "witn" people, not "to" them. These programs offer a way to work with the Census Bureau to acnieve an accurate and useful count. 1. The Block Numbering Area Program. The Block Numbering Area program provides an opportunity for local officials in nonmetropolitan counties to review the small area qeoqraphy the Bureau is developing for 1990 and to sugqest changes that would be more compatible with local needs. This program extends to nonmetropol �tan counties for the first time an opportunity metropolitan counties have had for several censuses--loc al input in the development of small area boundaries. It will also provide data for much smaller areas than has been available from past censuses. Attached is a copy of the "Guidelines for Delineating Block Numbering Areas and Block Groups." I have outlined below some of the highlights of the program as it applies to Colorado. 13�3 Sherman Street, Room 520, Denver, Colorado 80203 (303) 866-2156 •-_-� .-�� Paqe 2 In prev�ous censuses the smallest qeoqraphic unit for most of the state's nonmetropolitan counties was the enumeration district (ED) . These had an averaqe population of 600 and could cover large areas. ED boundaries often followed roads placinq people on opposite sides of the hiqhway in different EDs even when they constituted a single communit y or planning area. For 1990 the Census Bureau will delineate a much finer qeoqraphic grid for nonmetropolitan counties composed of "blocks". Virtually all roads and streams will be used as block boundaries. Blocks will be grouped into block groups (BGs) (400 housing unit optimum) and BGs will be grouped into BNAs (1500 housing units optimum) . Census Bureau qeographers have developed draft plans for your county. Through the BNA program you can review these plans and suggest revisions '� .b� (throuqh our office) to the Census Bureau. Provided your sugqested �1J"� revisions conform with Bureau quidelines, they w�ll be recognized by the Census Bureau in 1990. We have received from the Census Bureau maps for all nonmetropolitan counties indicating proposed BNA and BG boundaries. Where we have identified a county official interested in the BNA program we have already sent the maps. We will be qlad to send the maps we still have once you let us know who your county contact person will be. In decidinq whether to participate in the BNA program there are several things you might want to consider. First, unlike the gBSP (precinct) proqram this program is entirely voluntary. Do nothing and the 1990 census will be taken according to the block plans developed by the Census Bureau. In the past, however, some local officials have sought small area data from the Census but were disappointed when they found the EDs developed by the Census Bureau were not logical subareas from the local point of view. Since the Census Bureau has used 1980 ED boundaries to derive proposed 1990 BNAs, the new BNA plans miqht not be much more usef ul than the old ED plans even thouqh the number of areas will be much greater. For those counties where the new areas developed by the Census Bureau appear to be appropriate or where there is little interest in subcounty data counties may choose not to participate in this program. We have already heard from a number of counties which are interested in reviewinq their BNA plans. '�Je have sent maps your maps for review. Those counties interested in reviewing their plans should call Tom Hale to request their maps (866-2156) . People who have worked on developinq the BBSP (precinct) plans will be f amiliar with Census Bureau guidelines and could help review BNA plans. A list of the BBSP contact persons is attached. If you decide to suggest revisions, Tom will take these to the Census Bureau. Please contact him by June 1, 1986 to indicate your plans with regard to the BNA program. Due to work loads at the Census Bureau geographic office we will have to complete all BNA work this summer. In deciding whether to sugqest revisions in the block plans for your county there are several applications you miqht want to consider. .; — . , � Paqe 3 A. Local Planninq and Administration. Local planners often delineate subareas of a county or city for various planninq and administrative purposes. Makinq these boundaries consistent with census qeography would provide an abundance of population and housinq data for these areas at minimal cost. 3. Econom�c Development. Having good data on the population and housing stock for small areas of a county can be helpful in ) various economic development efforts, includinq the designation of enterprise zones. C. CDBG. Areas of interest for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) proqram could be delineated. (In the 1980s considerable effort has been spent estimating the characteristics of areas tarqeted for CDBG proqrams. ) D. Spec�al Districts (includinq school districts) . It is only with great difficulty that we can approximate the population and characteristics of special districts. Through BNA we could suggest census boundaries which more closely approximate special district boundaries. For the 1980 Census the National Center for Education Statistics contracted with the Census Bureau to produce statistics for school districts. These became available in 1984. We don't know whether this program will be reoeated in 1990. However, participation in the BNA program could provide district-wide and attendance area statistics in a more timely and economical manner. E. Elections. A great deal of effort has been devoted to developinq new precincts through the BBSP program. The BNA program offers an opportunity to make the statistical geography more consistent with the political geography. (Successful completion of the precinct proqram does not depend on participation in the BNA program. However, where statistical geography is consistent with precinct boundaries much qreater demographic detail could be available for precincts. The precinct program itself will yield only limited data for precincts�-total population, population 18 and over and ethnic composition. ) F. Contract Block Statistics. For the 1980 Census block statistics were developed for all municipalities above 10,000 and those , places below 10,000 which contracted with the Bureau for block statistics. In the 1970s sixty-six Colorado municipalities contracted with the Bureau for block statistics at a cost of approximately $75,000. With the development of blocks nationwide there will be no contract block statistics proqram for the 1990 census. However, those places with 1980 blocks miqht want to ensure that the 1990 block groups are consistent with the 1980 block qroups. -�.�.�y Paqe 4 2. Local Review. The Local Review program is designed to allow local officials to review counts of addresses and housinq units during census field operations in 1989 and 1990. Where a discrepancy is discovered between census counts and local information, local officials can request a recanvas by the census field staff. Effective participation in Local Review requires an ability to work with the Census Bureau's small area geoqraphy. The BNA program is an opportunity to ensure that the Census Bureau's small area geoqraphy is consistent with local usage. You will be receivinq an off�cial invitation to participate in the Local Review pragram from the Census Burea;� later this year (after the deadline for participatinq in the BNA proqram) . Most of the work with the Census Bureau on local review will occur in 1989 and 1990. However, the BNA program provides an opportunity to qet a headstart on local review and the 1990 census. The �deal preparation for local review is to compile a count of housinq units for each block or block group. This will enable you to quickly verify the 1990 housinq unit counts. 3. Technical Assistance From the Division of Local Government. The Division of Local Government has neither the resources nor sufficient knowledge of local concerns to independently act on behalf of local governments in either the B�VA or Local Review programs. 'rJe f eel that participation in these proqrams should be at the option of local governments and the local governments should have the final say in their negotiations with the Census Bureau. What we are offering is a proqram of limited technical assistance. We have a good understandinq of the Census Bureau's proqram, a qood workinq relationship with their qeographers and a sensitivity to local concerns. (Tom Hale served two terms as a commissioner in San Miquel County, served as that county's liaison with the Census Bureau for the 1980 census and has administered the BBSP (precinct) proqram since joining the Division last July.) We have discussed these programs with several county officials already and will be making a presentation on them at the CCI conference in June. If you have any questions please give Tom a call at 866-2156. Sincerely, � �' Reid T. eynolds State Demoqrapner ��� Thomas H. Hale BBSP Administrator � STATE OF COLOR,ADO Department of Local Affairs oe co� FQ� - �90 � vi � �O DIVISION Of LOCAL GOVERNMENT / # \\* � � Pat Ratliff, Director y�' ,��876, ,u. Richard D Lamm `�(� , Governor w�� May 7, 1986 ' C� �14YOR V�IL� TO&i'� Q� ' 75 SF�f)TH FROf�TaGE R(3t�Q VAILt CQ 81b�7 Dear Recently the Division of Local Government mailed to the fifty-one affected Boards of Commissioners information concerning two IJ.S. 8ureau of the Census programs called Block PJumbering Areas (BNA) and the Local Review Proqram. The enclosed letter indicates some important uses of census data and how that data is collected in terms of geographic units. We have offered your Board of Commissioners and their staff the opportunity to review the BNA maps prepared by the Bureau of the Census. Since these maps will reflect the smallest units important census data will be given out on within and around your city or town we suggest you contact your Bo ard of Commiss�on or their staff in order to have input into the mapping process. Since there is no requirement that either the county or city participate in , this program your commission may not wish to review these maps. In such a case we would be qlad to work with any city or town or group of municipalities on this project in order to carry your concerns to the Bureau of the Census. If you have any questions, please contact the administrator for the BNA pro�ect Tom Hale at 866-2156. Sincerely, � c � �` Rei d T. , eynol ds State Demographer ��/,�� Thomas H. Hale BNA Administrator 1313 Sherman Street, Room 520, Denver, Colorado 80203 (303)866-2156 �^o v,� -�--�. ��'e- �-F-`e--' `-__ 1 ✓�-o_ _ ' � __� V/��/`"`. _ ��Z.�v�/JvS (�,�✓\./� � I� lM -- �(/� f--,i► �— {1�� c-v�.� -- �°`�—�---5 ��/'u:,�l�t"/� � �_rf �W�^-- �G��cJ '�_' �Q¢�.�.4 �z�--�ti��� "�- _c�-�-�� G�C.� _�+�`�►�� _ � livt v�.v�o--�-h� C�'�J J�'-i e 13 —��11D - s1_�Q u n, ^t'$ ZSO `�i �'� U w.; T5 >> ( �a-U�-�-- _ __�+�X _ `L.... ��.1 7�L4.�_' t-.7 � _—G—U _ �--��— ` _ _-tt-J�i•+!��__�(��,�— r.•`v� ����— __ ....,____ ..__..._.___,—_�--�-••-.._.�._ _ °`°_---�---______�.,_..�... , �.�+����-� � __ � --�s w � � ���,�.,� -� ��� ;�., .�_.____ —�' ��-�. � �..� -t�-� �,.�,�.Q� ,-f- �l,-r� ��� -- �- � �fy_LL'!- i� -�'�e.i ��?w.� �v..c✓s-�1- `.�_._._.�.�__._�_.._.____ ___..-_____— � ! • • _ � f � � SMEET�6 SMEET B SHEET�9 SNEET�S •��r SXEET 1 W^xr _ �Ff •�xr O ff b a _ �.ns.s.c �g c�,E�. ...r , P I9Hf Ft �4• � �� � tAXI - �.�' "' „� OFFICIAL ADDRESS MAP ' TOWN OF V,41L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 1�� M1 �4 ���' ii wuxo� I h I � � � 1 e M4P�PREP4RED BY E REVI I N SHEET EAGLE VALLEV ENGINEE'RING B SURVEY�NG INC I vAIL cofDFanO �75—a873 . i � . 1- :a � � . • v- .... -• ' • � _ r 1 1 �• � � 4 f B L M PQ�� �O �° �OJ I �A�v UNPLATTED \J. . 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PoTA70 PATCM � A'+ 6 IJp J` tt� LION'S RIDGE � 10]9 A:3 BS 9,3J 931 A�PEN TRCE FILING NO 4 Az �N� M4mN WHITE RIVER B AI �109 •A51iI16 o SANO EEIt \� - �OT�ONWQpp_roRK ��Nf NATIONAL Iael L10 MANE TR�T I A5-II 3 LIUB � FOREST ���9 �.,� ,��6 �� s o,azo 9i;' s�,� g �P�' HOM TAKE B 7 19fi �O �� � 0541106 LI IDGE B4� 9�9 � _"n5�01lE ]0 19fi9 y I 9 pa�A] 13 IIO 1091 g� 909 vai PARCEL Q S II)1 196< 159 5� �514 OII�JPq' NOW IION O' D TPACT�5 � � LION'S RIDGE FILING NO 2 RIDGE 3 '°'S �"`'""� ASO AR/VAIL3 's' qpg a 'Z psNOw p23 B3 �3 so� ' � TOWN OF VAIL BOUNDARY 2 I,� � �� A RE�SUBDIVISIQN OFL S ;� B�1090 QT VQ�L �81 a�s i1 p89A9 LIONS�RIDG Z �4NOR E TEOe'nRM FO%b� BREAVESTAY I � ��a 1162 F�LING NO I BI160 � 9 ' 963 903�/ PHASEII�ae� OB P 1350 119 P II60 I TRALT aBB� n�o 4B �� OBB 3F IGER 6�i � �A�L RUN 9 4 6 2 1960 � GHALET AB IIBO Ippp / \ E46 GROUSE / PH45EY 152I o PTpp GLEN 1a56 1010 �j ABB � \5�e\5\PHASE I 1980 � 13)0 � B LM 3 5� PMGSE II la5 25 �` •/ � i63i y�tio TRACT B 4 ��� I �06 q 35 Q � / UNPLATiED bry�,ry� 1052 I 015 vaTlA�RH Qa 2� /�� PNASE� M53 ❑ � G5 ��� � IJ90 95] 1031 I PHASE YL THE E 6 �< /� I6 1951 � SIMBIOOPUN NuFSEEp/�4 I � I63� EEµ P�' � CLIFFSIDE � O � ��NOFF��EB�pG CHEVRJN �)01 GP R1ASE lII 2 II)3 � jaEC�G`EN�vd FENa 3 15l5 y7 BJf 5 IS S 1355 � � / IooO i5�5 � ��� 16T3 O O O �E � � �� TRACT K 1126 LION�S RIDGE FILING NO 3 O"��ep� ��`��P ' � „o GLEN L �N SUBDIVISION VALLI HI A RESUBDIVISION OF PARCELS B,C,E, E�9pP � eF`� �'C p � — &PART OF D,LION S RIDGE FILING 2 ��pNSpOG �" O \ TRaLT A O � S P�� I° g�•`�Nf�N 90 I I PART OF LION�S O��` ��°° � � RIDGE FILING NO ; , W � IOiS IOGI � liQJliH PARNING q� Iz Z � � ; `' STRUCTURE � iliO J i 95 �LREST v�L E � 295 JF' MpNSFIELOrEOI W ���3 Ia00 �O � � CONDOMINIUM$ U = I isss 1z�e F- N I6 I BI3 Ifi�% 160i / t� 325 pJ�a PIAZAixo�cwl�rnucrz i225 220•; � W � F W \ 3 IB33 1e 1686��f. 1621 / �.;e��=4S��tZEp���St�('/��\ BLDG (n W J 2 �853 I)2e / 12 y 3� Pp� C M C 44 B L M IB1! I � I I 1611 U P�� 1310 201 � = TNE TALON 1�2 G, �651 NILIR �Mp�I A � WIF" IB81 li3 "2 /eO 166)z ��'s V 63 1320 HOSEL� 12 S m�m 21 i W�a iei� 5 s O . Q� 38 � t�n N� O 20 I)1 O�' I6B1 RACE 46 2!S � CALE I 2 22 O� 116< 'BZ' P� 1215 aS—_�� � 26 �BO� G IiB I'1 COLDSTREAM �ios> � p�, 97 • 239� � � 0 i0U 200' 60tl ~ ~ d' � 53 i8i �. IB� 3 6 1�1E �xB� � I89i 25 24 Iln 1161 / / I.NPLRTTm • 49 295 pjy i2J0 _____ __ �g IB6� �5, 1113 �'+�S M.fPS FRE�pRE�9Y 23 22 ZD Zi ��a� �Z /� / 52 el' i��� i�y i�o EAGLE VALLEY EN�i NEERIAG 8 SUFVEYING INC MATCH LINE ���- ��� �'+ -- -� --- PARK vni� c0�or+am a�5-ae'� 2s ig 14 �9 / j� FALLINE MDW 3 S ;o SEE SHEET 3 MrE HEVISION S�cEr �1 il / 1 TRqGT B �b9 250 __ _ _ _ _' ___ C 29 = - J � -1 �l . � � -- • � ( l. � 1 ` • . 1 . � f 31�h. � I ___ _ _ _ I � � � l � � , Z 3 , 0 8 �� �� �2 �3 �< �S �B ! eia eu ei� eoo ne .ss � r9z r90 ree iee re� vex � I A T � ; ^ iQ i 5 A�ie9 � e B 23 22 17 I ~ W � 99 9i 95 9� 91 �� IB �n ' Boe • 24 W ��� � WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST � = J eos 30 29 1Rf�LT 8 20 W F -S 4) = BO) B05 )1T ' ZI W � W O 34 POTATO R1TCH �19 J�= � T61 `�' � TRUrA 65 � 'e° �Z� ESUBDIVISION 0 a W j SRNDSTOHE ao<o • �-"2 � io u iz LOT 7�BLACK 2�VAIL POTATO PATCH � N � lt2 i10 1)6 �* � !V oARCEL o TRACT D SCALE I•200 nSEE SNEET S >oTaio PoTCN pq ��T C 200 0 l00 md 600 ,� 3 3 VAIL POTATO A4TCH '� ���� e • , �30 �S6 �e SECOND FILING �_� '� 16 "' � TOWN OF VAIL BOUNDARY � � � � � < ,��-��,.� 950 1 �Mtinun� � � Z 1 5<NDY LGNE � 3 3 '� ��a �os O �'� uN�arreo m m roraTO ��TCM GLUB MOUNTAIN BELL � � � RED SAN�STONE SVpLR �� ELEMENTARY �og 531 • �� ABC SCHOOL F � UNPLATTE� MOUNT4�N RD � �EARN�Z� TREE �� F BELL � PARLEL B �+II� �'� INTERSTATE 70 ---__ SPRAODLE CREEK pi�E PNASE • E � RANCN � 23 � PEDESTRIAN LDCK I,VAIL LIONS ING loo H Fqq1TnGE XO I 2 7• 4 /� OVERPA55 - --� 89) B95 B91 • �SUN VlIL ' �'��r - S PrNSE � VAN GE Z • ��ppRKING ' � 8 7 6 WEST- 508 STRUCTURE INTERNATION 6 � V wiNOS Po' VAI NSHEAD 36e VA'� B% B96 B9 NORTH DAY • 4 ..50 § 54NDSTONE PARKING LOT I IO 5a9 LpN ISI I ING � UFJLETREE 9 10 TOT LOT VAIL VAI IONSHEAD � � �A��• 5 LIONSHE PoST LAT D,V ILVIL �GE 2nd FIUNG �— �� ' 4th F ING LAN FFK LIFTHOUSE 52�� I E45T�IONSHEAD q�E ILE ARENA FF�CE , � b�o sss J TR�F 2nd FILING 12 EN21AN p� _, IpNSHEPD � a50 � !21 O 2 PO ILE 8 B6 iL VILLAGE O ��TRACT F sis RCAUE 6��'0T rtial) 0 OFFICES O MqIN VnIL 531 LOOGE AT LI N HEAO �A�T p —' ]3 EXIT 9th FILING � � T Sl"JBIR �pNDOLA REETOPS ��'T� 6 LIBRAR ���� = • VAIL SPA � MONT6NER05 5�5 600 952 29� F E AT L 9A K • lI0 �E 68a TR TH 4 LIONSHE4D5 � �a� yplL VALLEY 2 BLOG �OR 10 �\N B CENTER \ MEDILA CENiER i0e 21 �LION�S SOUNRE S GpqE. \ I 1 SN4AL � NOLIDAY INN M RRIOTT F. NOR�H � P� MARK 635 � • 9 HOUSE ALPHORN 3 AN�AR QMOCO 2]2 � 19I 121 C SZB 5124 LOT 0 M'EST "/19 � TRACf D UIFLATTED .��B 8 �5T �A VGiL ASSOC R �� 252 �3� QI VIL AG�R 2n • OAY � NVAIL VILLAGE INN • ��57 EAST W MAINT SHOP LION�S SOUARE r fi S 4 3 2 � S ��� �AOSSROA05 la3 + WEST ANTLERS �OOGE B62 OpY C 660 TRPCf B I<2 122 HOU58 Q• M TlVANSPOF TION 212 182 162 gp VAILVI AGE LOTA 3 I = 'SK� > pp�ppE P ' �ENTE TRACT A 3el « all SEU 2ai 2nd FILI G �-/ B o • 42 p'S� VL11L S NG `�RE• ' E T 5 MEAOOW OEPT WW 22 f �IONSHEAD V ILL GE , 6 TR04T B �� E ��H •ALISM4 � ��LLAGE MES„ h x VAIL LION . TOT LOT Z /± 332 y���A Icl � I 6�D92 f �Zp CE/�R �NNENp,C SEwER SKIER BRIDGE ��3 F L V 3s3 � 41 40 39 3B 37 36 COR ZIZ BANK NIANDRA N �Ta �� �y� MEAE� GLLNi �A�T B 3 Z J33 ZBJ 253 �23 i93 153 123 LO�GE PiCGE STORE TRACT C N<fi • 383 � 20 22T 890 O c 4 3 (l� TF4Ct J m� R�_ly 6)5 Z 9<3 921 �, CHAPEL P R SE 6 9 RE �h cai`�E 1 F ��31£ B 7 6 695 4 5 825 5 JER� 8 9 10 19 �p 23 �� 5a ZB • 19 B3 EDELw � '++� �; � �. )65 ]19 )25• 063 � � 3]9 300 320 290 250 229 119 31 TRAGT 3 40i ` I'ZM..RM 7��5 O ��fSr O 6 asa `L 25 26 29 B9 I g 5 a• '�• • 1 I � I 030 20 2� ZZ IB5 163 105 30 32 �3 �T� �3 c;� E ` � �eSNC 9LOG Rp ae 3 2 I ie zae 225 i EA' tso 5 02 3i5 355 325 2B3 2� FRS � 33 ]4 ���W �LL�qYYp� PFZ.L.'E'� UNPLATTED � 950 Z� • 226 7 ie6 Ibb <5 IS 3S 9 �ia 9C(/\6 �� `SC ` .� ,�"�'��4_;y�'E 15 W �13 12 �I I IO 9 B 7 6 5 4 3 2 • � 32l �ee• S q�i��� p g r 666 I'/ 14 12 II 9 B 6 oe BIO � ` ` 1 �` �r��r,�,c•�vrie B�,C � 9C l% �E '.6 6 �� 696 636 fil6 596 SB6 SSB TRACT A I 986 • 6 5 4 3 2 �bi 126 j o � � 1ut l..CI�E 1` '1 I 339 I] 10 9A BA '/ 91 z _` • 1'4 � rL i�i-- I �VQI�V LLQ E 6 L G O 466 «6 Olfi 3% 366 I I6 I 2)8 22l I9) 61 i0T 12) � ,Ot B� � �_ '�4 g � � � �si VAIL LIONSHEAD ' OAPBEL ° RESUB LOT C,BLK SC � M�R�I�S�J���4lL i Ist FILING,Ist ADD WHITE RIV R ATIONAL FOREST ��� ���:� 4iu>iJ4 _'FEE? I I FA�l F l 1 I F 1 'V ` �\ 1 '�'H\'`y �� 6 �n ,� ♦+. �f � � i . . ; � � � ; . ,� s � , , UNP�qTTED � EAGLE COUNTY � � WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST fii SCALE I"•200' � 200 0 100 2pd 8 � A � TOWN OF VAIL BOUNDARY � , � ,� UNPLATTED � SHOP 1zB9 �SES FF�CE I — UNPLATTEO V41L VPLLEY DRIVE - 70WN OF VAIL � TYROLEAN CONpOMINIUMS MAIN7 SNOP VAI VILLA ist FILIN6 `� LORNICE o d � EAS IAE4DOW O �� � MOUNTAIN � 11iACT D HAUS pTHLETIL 6Z 292 APOL�O•PARK CLUB 2 ��a °2 �„�,RG, L11L VILL GE wREN —_ INTERSTATE 70 ' �B LIfERBL� .�PLUFR o�- ISt FI NG � �`� I� ' �9 \ ]95 �� 1 o j � ifl4 � 23z v �H �F AST __ F}�y ' � �, W za� RE " EEK ° Lti LLAGE ' � VAIL VILLAGE 8ih FILING �O TENNIS LdJp75 TR4GT A RLrN�lCN r� T�jp � AOF y� P-2 E%AS ' �. N G 2BG p� y��pG005 < / OwNH0U5E 53a ❑ RED � J o �5 ALL � I F S 6 a B � H � S E A 5 0 5 . 4 I S 6) 1!9) 1 ) I 5 . � aPNG H E RAMS F O R D P A R K � � 3 133) � C HRI3564N pi TI�LI o HORN �PI � G0.EEK 1053 � 6 �IiS I i18J 2 � 130� VAII i1 6 3 4 1291 VA L L Y � t m TRACT o5T V>IL W/+iFR 96T 1031 100 � 5 B 9 10 c��E •1193 � p B TRACT f I •A F 2 SnNiTATtoN 6�0 7qqCT I 2 3 oa • I25 18 � A "zse� VAILVILLA �P C� 1001 � �005 W 5 � 133 = 2 j Z ZZ 21 20O I9 IOOB MOUSE ��T E MAN�R �OOi • 12B1 1328 IlSB 1388 IOIB x18 3i5 305 Vdll � I 3 � �4� ��9 10 SILVER TRACT J25 2 3 � 595 1136 IISi IIB) � � � NATUFE c�' 6 1@2�(�U 3 7 110] 12 13 �II95 E � L6NTEH SP �1a29 8 R Z 5 IOBI IIZ]O - I VI LN6 7 9S GqDEN � OI 1012 �'� 6 • II VALLEY � I S plq � � ; �a 5 92 1 S TRACT F yygK � JP`�.P�`Ei� 620 O 992 VPIL 12q i2�B 9 � c II 10 � O j PARCEL E �Ek pR� �'+ 3I S SNI CL ' SOqq�T pIELO 993a TRACT D ZZO2o� GOLF COURSE MAINT BLOG �13 V41L P � � i L°J 598 \ 12� �JS 14 16 VAIL VILLAGE 7ih FILING � PINOS DEL NORTE a � 9' S P ��� Ja3 15 �55 2 3 i53 55� TRA�TB C 6� VL11L VILLAGE 7th FILING 998 101) 21 j 4� �5 �6q I ��5� 7 TRACT F 8 9 � � NORTH p$_ __ _ D E _. � Z� W \?i2 3 2 i � Z 5 aP 3�5 oARLEL D J W IW W 925 =�_ I FAIRWAY ��a"M" �N ��F� UNPLATTED • � �q Q W EAGLE COUNTY 990 �w v�''i� i V L LL GE IOi FI IN N Bm 10 9 8 7 6 5 �I BBO B9D 920 9M 950 9i0 � TRACT A ` f_ '--- - •��P•PNFrn4EC Hi ---- ppTE REVISION SNEET EAGLE I/,LLFY�VGMEERING tl SURVEYING INC -- — __ VAIL CCwFaf,. 416-0873 — 7 u�_ � "� � � r � i Y�; � k VAIL VILLAGE 13th FILING , 10 3fifi5 � I3 12 I z605 14 2585 2605 Z6a WHITE RIVER TRA�T� =sss — ��. �� AT ONAL FOREST z520• zs,e �6z0,=s � 2310 �550 2310 32 �} 2a90 I6 IS 31 D3 +iS 2ae 17 3 �2410 18 Q k Z� 19 t h r ZZ azs 20 � 1'Y 23 2abo TNACT A 24 J9 25 3)5 2339 RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 27 � ����4 TOWN OF VAIL BOUNDARY P BLOCK 2,VAIL VI�LAGE 13t FILING :oo o �oo � s� ��! zaw ir�reASrnrc io � 26 OO �EMERGENCr vEHiLL� � BALD MOUNT4IN T�RNAqpUNO I TOWNHOMES �� �Z TRACT C / / UNPLATTE ACCE55 t0 .k W= \\FRONT d "� �U �✓\ �.� W Q WATER TflEATMENi W� � PLONT N � � � /CCE55 TO � 8 /� FRONTaGE RD UNPLIRTEO �� INTERSTATE 7� GOLF COURSE / � ��} i UNGLATTED ��j � GORE • i � /� ' — O Y � .� i '� a � WHITE RIVER 1 STAFTEfl SMnCN ,o �� 12 VAIL VALLEY NATIONAL FOREST � , sZS 19q5 �s�9 4ih FILING ' 8 1905� VAIL VILLAGE 8th FILING �655 7 IB95 �� �H 1985 IB1� 21 19 TAACT A W� VAIL VLILLEY Ist FILING c � 6 �s<. �� z F �NBU i `i6A=/B'p o OURS f i-1 5 18l5 20 2009 I6 � J W _ ��_ SI6'A� � ) � CLUB � B]5 1998 209 TRACT 4 62Oi � � ` OUSE 4 TRACT B 19 2039 I �-� =S S v4IL VPI�E�oa �J� �b2 GOLFCOUA'E� 3 �B23 18 B 7 F N FFLLq10 TOwNHOMES� ���e 3 a W Y 130 �1358 162B 163� I�! �iB� 1801 IBI BIB TR�CT A �W � i 5� 9 b�l II � 2 L.�� � v . (n ' 8 "°' �"`�: �3 2 s�• � �`� VLIILVALLEY 3rd FILING � �^'� "° ,sn• �s � ' 4" A RESUBDIVISION OF A O RING HILL LN �� �e�'B ;�r�'�a , pQRT OF SUNBURST :8 I�� �I6 5 14 I 5�8 p,j UNVLdT'E9 I B 1 6B ISiB i53B I�OB r-�1568 O WARREN PULIS VL11L VALLEY 2nd FILING SUBDIVISION � ' � OnTE HEVIS10N —r<..E�' � " _ — __ — �� E 3!:V��LL� �+ :cE41N:.R IIFVE�ING INC p � �r� '�^i�ar - an� n(." r o � o • 1y I � < r . � i � PARLEL F � � � • ' OO 3035 MpT�H �N RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 2 BLOCK 2 aoo,�F11LL5 COND0�5 VAIL VILLAGE 12th FILING ` VAIL VILLAGE 13th FILING 5 6 � � 29fi5 :9,� 3031� ��.„• '°" V,41L VILLAGE 12th FILING TRACT C < � • WHITE RIVER _ 2995 Z9B5 �4 � ' • e �5 �° 9 B�`` � o NATIONAL FaREST � 9 B l 6 9S P� 296p � 3110 J JIIS 2 � 26fi! 2615 2683 2�U5 S O � 2 9 I6 3195 O p �"' ° 92 10 940 ��s ' . 32I�5 RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 7, BLOCK I i �'°'_�s z OO , � '�° " �o�� O 3126 •� VAIL VILLAGE 12th FILING Z � W 2B0! BOOTN CREEN ' 9 28 I i0WNH0U5E5 � 3130 10 ,,,� W 26]0 2�J0 •2B2 S 4 326 = _ � 265 r4N 2BT5 2BOO TAACT B �IaO 3I50 9 8 TRACT A �I N O J255 3203 O 3233 Q W � � •MP��S II 12 TRAC B 6 5 h PARCEL F •3pi0 3291 � O � y TRACTA VAIL MOUNTAIN 3236 I < 7 7 SCHOGOOL 7qp�T C I 2 3 9 3220 5226 3230 ' RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 27 RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT BLOCK 2,VAIL VILLAGE �TqB�T �z MpT�N ��NE ' 13ih FILING VAIL VILLAGE II th FILING INTEFSTATE)0 INTERSTATE 70 - 7RACTE EMERGENCY VEMICLE � Tl1FNAq0UN0 I iaSnEN I SS 2 63 2�5 9 S 29<S 2985 RACTA 10 � 1 II 1 �p 8 �4NE- CREEK 9 3i3o d 9p� �7 O 2990 4 S 6 ] g Jllo i3 P'� 168a0 850 I880 �• 295 3 ;�0 30l0 3030 30n1 3�9 UNFLATTED � , Z � � UNPLATTED elo 2B9 2g3p 19 IS t92 a TRACT F 82 2B3 � 3 Z �"° RA VAILVILLAGE Ilth FILING O O TRAGT C RES BDI ISIO T UNPLATTED VAIL VILLAGE Ilth FILING \ uNa�arreo IGHORN IVI 10 UIPLATTED FIRST ADDITI I Q � B E45T VNL O i TOWN OF VAIL BOUNDARY UNPLATTE Ex�r C 3 JI L TTEL Ji% 0 ]19l �I 6 3 _ JiB6 � 3B0)/ � BIGHORN S BDIVI 10 , q��^ z SECOND ADDITION "° °°i a �P ' , F I Z �e�s �eq W 9 �' � J ezc i N = �eze za` �n�e/g�`� }6 V °� eex u 1 WQ 3Bl1� 12 9 � � ��BSB 3Bi6 � �� j � i \� SCALE I zoo �/ / � — � 6 — _ _ "_ //se0� w4 �� 0 �00 200 5pp {' i / / / 1 � � � I - v� ���,.r =r e. ------ pere =—Reyisioti—_- -�re- � EAGLe vAI_r F•'GINEFRI�:B cURVEliVG INC v��� �rn�a. ��-ae�; g j - - -- __ --- _ _'--------- - I i � WHITE RIVER I . � NATIONAL FOREST ,I , , ARESUBDIVISION OF LOT 14 BLACK 4 I UNPLATTED BIGHORN SUBDIVISION ,THIRD ADDITION � W I _ P��� �� ~ \ UNPLpT7ED BIGHORN S BO VI I , ` x W i T04ANfV1AACES THIRD ADDITION °°" � ai ; 6 a Oy a W O 79`.� p�0 I aP � a i0 iB � W � nsso � 6° �,,�. 13 i« N i ^oao °p'b z o`40 Iz l050 4�ab 36 Va'� Oa00 ;-�--�- "` �1 PITKIN CREEK <396 MEADOWS INTERSTATE 70 � INTE�PSTAtE�]0 � I �EME GENGV EMI[LE �I� TUflNGR011N� ' � � �-F`—`L� � �' + B HIR� B I� �,3�� RIDGEVIEW S UARE A 3921 ���� O9 COLUMBiNE � � UNPIAT o W `90] pITKIN ^ �° ���� ° 6 9 io ��'� SUBDIVISION BIGHORN SUBDIVISION � LREEN $ 9123 01]3 � B 019y I <223 9253 9:'/3 • G4RK �31 '39jjF� a101 /103N /Ql q153 q�'3 193 q23 I: I'S I6 OLUMBIN 8 H9�ON005 PfluC THIRD ADDITION � L% Y TqqC7 — OOBI 4110 0112 � SPRUCE WAY CONp05 �312 <35 � � m BiGHOR 100GE 7 n O iRqC7 �. � 4TGIR VAIL ��95 0315 Y 25 0335 qq13 � 5 WOODRIDGE � � e132 $ "! 6 S 4 7 3 2 1 6 j 4 3 — Z � a595 01 S GI 2 9222 <252 •2)2 a506 99a 9 3 7 6 3959 5 4 3 — 0515 <505 IS)5 3891 391) 3 3960 39i0 3990 1 10 ------�ryMLAG S _—_— —_— ____ __—___ D�+I��p�����/��+01 3BB) 3930 aln CO50 3 4 - _ �_ JUULlIY�JI ! q <Oia a09a� 19 20-I 0319 e361 4 T a551 05i5 p I 6 7 8 S II 13 38I� 3 aa — �D' c` WS 92BO o�2) a331 �y�ES 10 II 12 Rf4,y3j� IB 19 Z I v G�- 9 oa2a aaan aaBa 13 14 F qq 2 a 14 390) 2 a0 2 STREAMSIDE �\p 93�6 p399 � «F Eps � 3B16 15 3gp� IB IG B � � �' 2)6 5 aa90 a5�2 IS I6 17 � I I6 356i J9'/1 39B] aoli aa�� �� 14 �,Aj LOLUMBIN �R 20-3 2 3 4 __ iIMBER FALLS 05 a� a5s2 a5B2 �550 / g6 J� 4096 �SIL 20-4 0266 6316 0336 93� CONDOMINIUM$'�� � � %9i�6 I6 196 �B 20.6 �0.5 02a6�� � �� oo - � �� 9 500 V%� 503 a�1 Si��a;90 LJ �I �+ �1 DR FIqE q�26 I 206 0295• BIGHORN SUBDI �JIOIY 5 LUP'NE •��4026 ATiO ��5 209 261 I � � G� O O � LT� �// i 3916 � � 0 3 S6 C 12 � 25 2 3 9 5 Or 0500 C508 � �� �'ZAIL rryyyrrr///]]]��1� 5i1 959i<596 � SECOND ADDITION / 39 6 2 I 9 �9}�Z �� � 0239 N�� �.N 92'9B � SUNW000 560 =,����} ���� 9016 OU22 ..;5p5 I O r ]9B8 3996 CONDOMINIUM Z• Z 4 Z 2 UNPIATTED a � /� MEFDOW pR � BIGH < <3e a:s, , a:aa � ��,�`v-� a`;� R"�,,� � I UNPLATTED TERRACE g�� OK RN.EgTA E � v0 � �9�� �`_U,n ;�; � BIGHORN L TS 10 8�I$I � �� �'�'�'����� � SUBDIVIS RESUBDIVISION UNPLATTED � BIGHORN SUB OF LOT 20 BIGHORN ESTATES TOWN oMES j FIRST ADDITION SUBDIVISION � �9 � S��y�� UNPIATTED y � FF''y� ��OP� k \ �1P� �� � F � � O WHITE RIVER �o�� SLPLE � zoo_ i 300 0 I�0 2�� 6fff1 NATIONAL FOREST ; � 'I '" IMTE R VI I SHEET Ed.L 'L ' �."�P� f `14VEY�NG ItJC - -—'-- — — it A � 5-aN�w _ _ '_" ___ _ __'— �� 1 � _ _L�. _ � I ,� . i � f / i � �� - ' i A � T S � s ��p'�� k i—i °��` I W� WHITE RIVER � C W Q `. NATIONAL FOREST i N � \ i I � ���P�y �I O WN OF vA��"� PPfiCEI N j INTERSTATE 70 "�O _6�,�,oW i i VAIL RAfAUE7 LLUB TOWNNOUS 5 � 1 ITO � � �q 515� SI6� 5 513i � Si21 SH CARE II �I 510i 511� OP ��• 3 2 46 �(fl)1 IO i � � ° m m /� C� � ° <� z�, �l S I��IV z�a. H ATH T �610 K20�5��� � m O �'',LJ O J 50B) oW I�1�� 5 569 � 59] I �� t� ` � p� B � CEDAR POINT TO NHOUSE �O�O� c�yiµws[ OO �� 5119 5139 5159 II � "� VAIL AACOUET ClUB � `�E� Cl!I � � � ' °°° �'°�" S B9 GGRE��R�LE , '9° CEDAR P�INT TOWNHOUSES I LONDq.11NIUM5 C Qq V OO///(��/ ,p�/ O S6B TRAGT Tq s 51, FILING NO I � �� ❑ Q� BIGHORN O ` `/` C '�\% • �' �'0� �8 SIIB S 2B 519B I]1 SI S. RE�B � PARK GORE CREEN O � HEATHER OF VAIL c� 06 n Qy �� MEAOOWS / 12 13 6 �ggp�� RIVERBENP ae5l 9881 � Z 23 121���9�I]3 IS 1� � �O ❑� �� 8 ' 4�� O e SOIfi IO 12 �4 5165 Q ��6 z VAIL MEADOWS I �� �� S 4 b� yl• �l-GAR lN 133 �6 m q 8 3 CWRTSiLE 'WE4p�k, �' � �911 4 3 2 I 3 Sili� `�7 ° eise 4 FILING IVO 2 I{ �TOwNMOME3 O OBO6 <B16 oy�b 5 B ' Z � 1 � I Q � �R 2 3 q � 0931 1951 <9i) 099)� 4 � 1 O 5122 58� y THiS FO<0 OOES wOT 0 B TRW.T D I D� IS`� q Sm+ 7 3��� z26 � 6 E%5i ai iNiS iIME ; COURTSIDE I ,� 818 IF H DIT 95fi �`� 0995 y HOIlSE 36� 53� q �Si06 SIGI< 5! 9 T � a � TOWNHOMES r'-� i ieaea �� .sas s 3 i � u �jy . 83 I6 6 09K 966 �0 • 50t1 I 2 3 �O6 B 9 � 0191 0859 O Q q S 2 5136 10 I � O))B M 6�30 3009 0039 m SO)0 �AqUNTA1N � f4p�W le)9 14 �969 0998 �SOUTH W �OBa '/ � 10 II Ep � MEAppy/5 3 4 �828 1100 4r 3ia2 ��a6B0(� 11BP I�BB 2 6 Oq aB89 13 19 � 12 �(/ eeao �es.a i2 IB 20 � soas M4�N (,�.._ il T�W HOUSES ��92 M 0 68 1939 •9�B 335 29 Vryf pR SIOB � SIB< WPL4TTE0 SUBDIVISION 6 ��//q 4 �9�� 3z F 50�3 �s Z� `�].� 12 I6 �. aeo2 � �" �BBB �818 ��� 'JIlS "IS. SISO 13 14 3190 �B12 8 •15 IB 6160 01)� 31 • 9BIB 9 l0 9B9B 5021 i0 .�53 y �5� a0���=185I3'OB62 98 2 �8 �Je �J O�h��� 3I55 19 5100 5165 61i5 MEADOWS FILING N01 2^ � z� ' WHITE RIVER UNPLATTEU Sois s�Z �2�92 UNPLATTED ( NATIONAL FOREST _ s�. S�A�E � Zoa � RECRE4TION � AREA 20C 0 �00' 200 bOd UNPLATTED i 4 i I i r---'- -MA°5�ii�FE�BY TE REVISION I EAGLE VALLEY ENGiNEEFqJG 8 SURVEYING INC I I. �' � �aiL CO(A9tp'I 176-OB73 II- ' 1 � � _ � � .. � Y�Ni1�s�l�1 n.. r.rw.i:tt ii�',.�IY• _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - � I I � ,,�• ° �► �- ' oi° � : Zn rV° G� s ! Covo p,....,, e \ %Y7-:�; ' Loks fPiney o� f = 'c.E Peok �' r:y � � ��n��11�339 '�.[� :5 y�q�� O} 0� //MFY IFIM o5� �i,� B . ��e, y :.sevr E� , f`. � 9 I i -i�'.: 10 M'%��:j � k �� ��a�' Twin B�9 �° '�� �,T �Lokes `aw:sr.u�c� �' � r� •'�. � �..,. p R / V E� R — e I',> o• ��av° r ,�� A ��:% `,`�r 9 i ��p� i� n ���� 4�.�="���ee ���,�ax,rc� �����,�T 3 S � / ,�- � 0 4 0` ✓ `s�I�r t p .5 g8 0 0 �„�•..v' �� I I % b °o Creek Y S d� � tl �k 21 0 . 1 4 Z SodoO\ ,, � �� ° V, ��� Lokes ;,; / �L� � �10 � s,s, �'�' '^ . .pu,£ CA �.� ..:........ o:k,`•'J:� 3 ,s F � •.» MsriCion,.�;�.• 1' �l Peok ;�,-,` Q e� � zs zf ` iz,azs m„ ' // O ` a";��,+; � 1 x�;�y••�slore ,�� �r J Marmo ♦ ,o � " ;�.: �MIn � � 1 � , �a4 ! Coke rRieer�4' e '° � ��'•tia.�cii,ize ',�ifk�2 �D��� .�r. 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No/ Cross�•''�4�� wr � � � a _ ` ���• ' y : s Bow/ \ � T � � ��� /Supor/oo/ a M 1�,00� ���,+�NO[v ; o/ 0\ NcN� *��."i,-r.f F �, �Ay.� r:� 12,561 �:,,�'�'q� O I � ntoss T�ars � � �c� � Q M�s,�''i�c�,S � ' s � `11 r pao/ � /��, ,G � .o� . � P1ND0� ��04 E/k .,r,.�,�., I�i _� , ` �, ,�•- � � r � � �� U iJ� SoUrce Arthur I Mears � }�!'� � � l.A �' Two hazard levels are identified for each process by the subscripts "1" and "2" "� � Level 1: is moderate hazard Areas included withtn this category can exper�ence property damage, including flooding, eroston, �ry►hite River �atianal Forest / � 2 � o n �a ls veryderratibYanddinfrequePtC�ntervalslof unpredictablyslargekrockfall andedebrisbavalanchere�ventslevel 1 areas except at the ____ , %, ;; ��/���f P� ^ I P taf O _' , ' :� „o. � � �,-��' 3 22 Level 2: is high hazard. Areas within this category can experience property destruction and possible loss of l�fe through high velocity � / �� ,-, s 18 lmPasti�fnotd�ossible,�theydpr bab1y51ieAbetween a%Pand�10/statement about the annual probab�lities of events within level 2 i�� �°����-- 9 °/J�s_�'.. are P � � � - � '" lNhite River Nationai Forest � - - � 9 __ 19 i o oa/ ° ` " j ! q � o y- t� _ z 1 � `_ Laminar flov� of a structured mud, debris and rock mass Velocities range from 2 to 20 mph and specific weights from 100 to 0o f,`;,��,` ��`=- - _ � /�, e Debris Flow �� o °--�o-- - � ��� � ' Res bdivision of d o r d 150 lbs /ft Exposed structures are damaged by erosion, relocation, inundat�on by mud, and soil and rock impact Large - `,�' �� 1 2 ' boulders are sometimes transported for long distances on top of debrts flows (' oe'°�Va�;, �°, ; �� � � � � � �`�. 16�s9 ��o 0?=7°, , ',�-)y o; ii i2 otT, Block 2 � - - ��� �-� I Potato Patch � - - � � � l� �i , - A o o� � ��-DO� .,��r�� - Debris Flood Turbulent f1oM� of a c�lloidally enriched suspension of mud and water Velocities are from 5 to 2U mph and spectftc weights ; `1 D�=6'�_�,`�6 0 0`��' °, „ n ��Y , -. `� �-� ' � (f O� f from 80 to lOb lbs/ft Boulders and debris are carried in the lower levels of the floods Exposed structures are damaged b� 1 �� -/ - � -o _ 3 � 1 2 i �� ° �. � ° � o,�, ��; u _ - � \ � , � o o �p,--�,� . a�`y°�°o, ��.o.g------`�"'._ � � )' erosion, relotiation, inundation by mud and water, and debr�s �mpact Destructive energy decreases rapidly w�th distance Y - - ��_��tiVO�c3 _ r � - ' � � � � � o � �� .��-0I���`i; _ - ' � � .�� 90 0� o-° °� � �° �,✓rl ..-�`_,..--�'�_J � \��� ✓p � � \ � below steep meuntain channels if flow can spread laterally, deposit solids, and decrease in velocity , u _� / � � r = — o _� � °� _ -�--,�--� 1 i ? e / ; °� c � c=�� o°_-z c� .�`,a-^w"'",��"`/ � � ""'"`�.�� ` _�-=I'��.'✓��_=� � material and sometimes snow or� steep slopes Veloc�ties may reach 30 mph � ��� �� ' °°° po�� � Y� f�-�� � - - - �' �6 � _�� ,� %��� .���✓ 1 � !�; i��•;�O �-�`���-_e�� _ � � Debris Avalanche Inertial flow of soil, rock, mud, debris, orgamc . P _ _ i " �• �-,�����- e���i � �i� , . Exposed structures are dama ed b hi h velocity impact of solid ma�erial Velocities decrease rapidly on slo es of less than �. � �'-'�- ` ° ' ,, o �' '' � %�� --���,----� �� � � - �. ,.,,._-������ �� � ,,,��e,� � �ry a1 or a2 9 Y 9 � ��~� /�-��/ o� o „ ,_ - J_ kA� �"�„-r na �� � � �� 10 t0 15 d29P225 � � a �O° d° ���s�° �r � i �'.� s � �,.,��/ _ - '�1:, f _ � 0� e //��� � R� � � tl�o a9� L� -- ,� '��� Ga'f Course _t /��24 �' a � _ �.....�__?µ-- �_�_�_�,e_��.�.�_ __ _ _°�,;f�g���f�\��..,. r��� � �� �� �� � � J �'� / � y � /' _ � ` � : -- TRAC� -"-`� - - - - _�.-°�s- , - �.a,. , � �� � � -� lders on steep slopes f�� f / "� �'yy�� a � � ` /� � N~�` 6�Em � _�'„- - - � ">�'�`��`y,� � � �° ROC{CfB�� fall�ng, bound�ng, ro�l�ng, and sl�d�ng of bou Destructive ran e and damage potent�al -- t,''°° � � {__�'��� � �-�-��- -� � Y"r�Y _a �1 I" � � � �� � � �o�� � �� ��� � ��� ✓/oo.r �� ��� - ��_� - q e_-=�:;,��� ,,..k-�� ,t�r�„��;9�:��:'��=v�� _�� � � �`" � � f Of f�f 1 depends on rock size ? � � � /� „✓-- _ - -!,'" � � � ,�a� _ ��� - ,. . _- ,_ - '�6 T�=-.-;�=��- _ h��tx. a.�� <-t -��:-�,"�,` �- � �„� \ � 1 G1: � ��'��� �L,�:��� '' / n o%,.e�b°-�� ��°���� ,.�,,..L � �. v r >��:�e; S _ - � „ T _ �-��__-- - '°-=,.L ., ;.1_�,��F ` -- �a�� �� � � � ,� r�� l _,�, � � �a-�o oo� ao� T�;�,m' ' �., - ~_�'�A - _' - ___ ���=��"'°a.�-�s-'�.�/° `I `1 /} \������� � � # - F "' '° - - � -�= - w � \� � � � � � � \ � �� ��� � �� � , . Source Arthur I Mears � � \\\� � Bureau of Land Mana ement � \� �� Two hazard levels are identifted for each process by the subscripts "1" and "2" g \\\\�\\\\ �� Le'/@� 1 : is moderate hazard Areas included wtthin this category can experience property damage, m cluding flooding, erosion, \� \ \�\�� �nundation by mud, and impact by small boulders It is unlikely that life will be endangered in level 1 areas except at the \ � \� very erratic and infrequent �ntervals of unpredtctably large rockfall and debris avalanche events. Debrts flows and debrts floods may occur at the same �\\\ ��\� � locations The same is true of rockfall and debris \ " \`�� �, avalanches In locations where this is true and one � � White River National Forest 9 g p p g g y process is thought to dominate, only the d nant _ \\\\�'-�� Le rel 2: is hi h hazard Areas within this cate ory can ex erience roperty destruction and poss�ble loss of life throu h hi h velocit \\\ �mpact of mud, soil, rock, and debris Although a precise statement about the annual probabilities of events within level 2 process is shown � , ' -�_-_�_� \ �� areas �s not possible, they probably lie between ?% and 10% - /,�;_� �� \ `\��_b� Detailed descriptions of the mechanics % / � ---- -\ and movement of the processes, alon � ��� \\� ��—� Bureau of Land Management Debris F�OW Laminar flo of a structured mud, debr�s and rock mass Vel es range from 2 to 20 mph and spec�ftc weights f � of causes is included with the rep /�--���\\� '° ��,° __ 150 lbs /ft� Ex osed structures are dama ed b eroston, o , tnundation b mud, and sotl and rock tm a " ` this ma /�' �E��`\�� � d ord P 9 Y Y P P �_-��_ / � � ( 1 2� � boulders are sometimes transported for long dtstances on e flows. < � - `� ( `� \�--���� \ ��_ �� ��\✓ \ � � . i_--��"_�� -_� � a .� � 11� / r ���_� ^ /\ ��� . � � ,� , • �i, i � � � �� � idge-Fi n o E ,,� / D eb ris Flo o d Turbulent flow of a c�lloidally enriched suspension �d w e ities are from 5 to 20 mph per , �� , 1t �� �_ � � —� \ � e � / / � rf O� f 1 from 80 to 100 lbs/ft Boulders and debris are���t"h� the floods. Exposed st � � � �e � � // �� \ 1 �/ � erosjon, relocation, inundat�on by mud and wate p u � ergy decreases r �th �� -� � l� �_ _ _ ��� � \\\��°'� ,� '/ __ below steep mountatn channels �f flow can spre d--}, s, ar�6 rease--in,Toci -�� _ �- \ _ �! _ -;Q/ ��-- ��� \- //��j // / _� � i / � '\� ��..r-.- g _ __ _ ' -_ � , T�/ ,4-7'J-- �v ll = �� �—� � PAflCEL A ^\� �'a,������ ��� ROC�C AVa�a11Ch@ Inertial flow of rock and rock fragments c u an"e- e n�a��3s �2o-_, II_ r-� � `a= �-� ���% _ _ _� � � � � � ,,,� � � � p , � - ��� �� ��� � � T�Q `�� � ^���°"__� _�/��.� � �� fl� or R \ '--_i� '/ � 'a'� , �^ . \ �_ ___ ` ' /1- , j A � on Pj p .=S-;` - �2 c"� °�/ ��il _ -� ` l � � % i i F � 4� � i, _ - d �i �rr� � - A2 �� a /�;/� � � � �--"-� ������� �� �.� r 0 9 � � _ ; 2 � ; ��3 /,�`a iN� 7 8 0 �-�-�, - o ��o d o� �o� � -, - -_ _�`��i� � ��/� _ �-� � , -- 2 � � A3� � 7 ~/ � , / ,�� � � - o� �_��_-_�� n r llin and slid' , - � � � - b. 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