HomeMy WebLinkAboutSandstone 70 - 2nd Supplement to Amended - Buildings 13, 14 & 15 - UnplattedO V N N 0 • .'e �� � � . ` • � r- -� � - , ' : El�IGINEER'S CERT/F/CATE I, N. /'� !�✓i/he/ms, a �e�isfe�ed P�-o fessiona/ Er,9�ne�r-, do he�eby ce� fi f e,/ fha f fhis maP subsfanfi'a //�c de�oi"cts fhe /ocafion and fhe ho��"z o�fa/ and ve�fi'ca/ measu�ernenfs o{ fhe comp/�fed bui ldin 9s and uni fs and fhe ,bvi�/di�� s�t �bo/s and uni�f �esi�n8 fions and fhaf such map was pr�ePa�ed subse�uenf �o subsfanf�'a/ comP/ef�'on ther�of ///��w.OJ'�/// . //v A.Eii�%l:GYn'+� _ New�// /`'I. Wi/he/ms P. E. No. 6a7� Re.y i s fer�ed Pro fess i ona / Ei��ineei" .y SU�PI/EYO�'S CER T/F/CA TE� � I, Theodo�� L. Ro us ses, a �egis fe�ed L and Su�veyoi- i'n �he Sfate o� Co%�ado, do hP�eby cer-fi"fy �haf �he sc�rvey of SECOI�(D SUPPLEMENT TO AME/VDED CON/�OMlNIUM MAP OF SANDSTONE 70 AT !/A/L . COLORADD was rr�ade under- my su,oer-vision and fhaf fhe accorr�panyin� �o/af accu�a�e/y and �o�o,oer/y sho�.vs sa�d condominium. � ����L � L S 609/ ,, �,I • ,kg C'o�ner /I/o. � C'or-ner- /Yo. / as described ds descri'bed in in B00% /!� �a�� S2S Book /�G �oa�� S�5 29' •rf/ � N B= � .. O o° '' E 1,— h��' Z% I 45.OD' �J 53� N. B7°52'26'6✓. I — — S. 82°OD' Z6"W �,,z.� -- 2z.3�� i 5� � , �uN�r lvj� 3 3h z�- ���`c � 5� 6 � � BU/L D NG '��5 � . ^ p 0 4 `� ��. � � � � �l M 0 � UN/ T z, - B� h ory ,�. � �� ,ti �oh'�'h. �ti� � 57• 5.6�°26'/3 "W. iz.�� �, 9,y. �� Bu,� U�'� r ��"o ti� ��. rRACr c // � , . M /,2 6. � / s �• � h U�v� r i . tiq�c h /� �/NG �'�,�'� / � ,�,. � S. 22' 38'y6"W. � �3. 59' � � /2 � • \2 5.,. h Uivi r � °• s ��� �'9�C � \���. BU/LO //V(',""�,j'h �L !/ivir � �, B� h z'' Ns.BS �\; 3 �a �q O o � �� 4 l� � � . � 0 �-. , .� i� . �LJ �� : `, : � , c� , ,-; � �, ► Theodo�e L. !?ouss es ._ � o�� ���3;�� O `i Re istered Land Surve or �z.6 „, ' � � True po�i,f o �� � S.BE%435"E, ��- � M` be��nniny S86°/f�:35"E, G'f�3G' � ' �'S�Op' �,,-� �-�. 'a� � 0 I I • . , ^ ,` T- � ,� ' '' '`.' , ' �� ", O 0 � � � ;,t7,j T- O � D I `1. I!h �� i F �ry� /" n ,r r 1 ,'r' -ri. � � �� �I "' �4;';�_: ," ; : , � �7���� Aii 1�['�r', ; ./..1 In� ;',,I/� /�/ �A � A • w r+ r, : r✓._.,�� .�._�: :�,'�',.. ':;`:;:_:; � � �j,�i,'""� � , r Yiv...-.-.. � .r- . _: �y . ='i: : �."l : � % ✓i__ ' : ' �� � `" �g7°5y'�Z'E ��, � s8y�5D•, E -d� �o.00' �,- "1 ` � 6.2. 88 • � , S�. I � `` nio rE s a a O (b c� - ,�`. I c � ` !� /. Condorniniurn U�i ts� o , ;;�, Fir-s f �'loor � � `� �� I � I `` ` � ; �, �: > Un�'t A- Easf side � �- Unif B - Wesf side � `�. � : S'�cond �/oo� � ��"� �� l� �: Uni t C- East sic�le , �`�� I a r. ,. . �, ;�: Un �'t D- W�s t S i de �� �- 2_ E/evafion based o� U. S G. S. Bench /`'Iark No. G✓-280 E/eri SZ96.33� � ''� '� J abo ve /`%Pa n Sea Le ve% f�e fe�ence Bench l`�ar k se f or� Sect�on co��e� �I o '�.; co�ninon fo Secfi�o�s /, �', 7�` /2. L 3. Bea�in base� on descr-ipfion desc�i bed in Book /6� af �oa�e 525. -I � � � � _ �. Di'mensions shown on bui'/dins is o� fhe exisfin9 foundafion , � �,+ 5. Bounda�c, corne�s a�e 5/s" X/B" stee/ �e,bars w�'�h ca�o marl��d �09/. � `�� � �� � V o I �:� q �1` I �. �� � C *� � 'V \ IN N I lj�'�� �Z,, I , z6" j �, NOR TH s. ����� ��,�. b� � �� O 5/O 20 30 40 50 60 SCAL E � / " = 30' NM. H. BURGWiN AND ASSOCIATES, (NC CONSULTING EN�INEER T23 DELAWARE STREET DENVER, COLORADC � �i vl � i� � 0 0 �i � a � �� � V 3 O � � � Q � SECOND S U P PLEM ENT TO A MEND ED CONDOMINIUM MAP OF AT VAIL, COLORADO DEC�ARANT S CERT/F/CATE� /�NOY✓ ALL /�EN BY THESE PRESEl1�%~S � Tha t G-T COMPA NY, INC., a Co%rado coi-ioor-a fion bein� �he �ec/ar-anf of that cerfain CON/�OM/N/UM DE'CLARAT/ON FOR SANDSTOIVE 70 AT 1/.4/L, COL ORADO, da fed Feb�va ry /5, /9l 7 fi/�d for- �'�cor-c� arrd r-�cord�d �i� �h� o�f�"c� of fhe C/er-� arld Reco�de� of Ea�/e Counfy, Co%r-ado, o� Febr-uar-y .2/, /9�7 und�.- R�c���ion Num be� /05��.Z, in Bool� ZD/ af �oa�e /29 , beii�� fh� sarne cor-,o oraf-io� fhaf execv�ed fha� ce�fain CD/V�OM/lhllUM MAP OF SANDSTONE 70 AT l�f�/L ,�'OLO�.�IDO, co.�sis�i'n� of �oa�es o�� th�ou9h six as fhe same was �i/�d fo� �-eco�d a�d recor-ded in fh� office af fhe C/er-k and Recoroler of Ea,q/e Coun y, Co%r-ado , on Febi-uary Z/, /9�7, under- R�ce,of�on /Vurn,be�- /05�f�3, in Ma,o Case Z, Dr'awe� S-/, bein� fhe same co�,00�afion fhaf Pxecufed ffiaf cerfa�"r, AMENDED CONDOM//Y/UM /�AP OF SAN�S %ONE' 7U AT I/.9/L , COL D.QADD, consis��n� o� roa9�s �� �hro �f� six , as the same was fi/ed for r-eco�d ar�d �eco�ded in thc� offic� of ffle C/ei-/� anc� Recor-c�er of Ea yle Counfy, Co%r-ado , on Au�us f/�, /9� 7, u�de� �ecePfion Num,bc�� /0�.370 , ii� Ma,o Case 2, D�arver- S, her-e,b�y dec/ares a�d c�xecu�e.s fhis SECOND SUPPL EMENT TO A/�'IENDEO �'ONDOM/N/UM MAP OF SA/VD S TD,NE 70 .4T l/fI/L , COLDRADD , cons is f in� of fhree ,oa �s �'or the fo//o win� ��vo �ou�-�oos�s: Fi'rst, fo describe fhe /arrds ;��i�ded wi�hii� Tac� C of Sandsfon� 7�df l�ai/, Co/a�ao/o, as fo/%ws � Thaf �oa�f of fhe Sou�heasf quarfer of fhe Soufheasf quai-fer of S�c��o.� /, Townsh iP 5 Sour�h, �an�� 8/ G✓e.�f o� �he �'T'y P�-inciPa/ /%�idia�, Eag/e co�.� y, C'o%rado, describ�d as �'o/%vYS = bey�in�ing af a,00ii�f' where the Gt�esfer-/y r-��hf-o�-way /ir�� of C'oun y Roao� infer-sec�s fh� Noi-�her'!y ri�hf-o� vvay %ai�e o� I��e�-s�afe ��9��vay /I�o. 7D, from wh��ce fhe Soufheasf corr��r of sa�d Secf�on / bea�s S. 72°57 "/9"E. a d�s�a�c� of �S. / f'eef; �fience /V. DD °/T "E. a/o�y ffie !�//�s�e�/y �i�h �-of- way /ine of Counr�y f�odd a�i s�ar�ce of /SO. 00 fee f; fhe��ce N. 89 °�3 "!�t/. a dis��r�c� of 80. 00 feef; fher7ce N. �9 °�3 'G✓. a�is fance of 69. D-f �eet � fhe�ce S. 7� °�� '.2� "" �/. a d�'sfanc� a� //�.50 �ee� �o fhe cen�e�- o� Red Sancis�one C'i-eek; �frence N 0,2°�S"G✓. a di'sfa.�c� of 272. 7/ fee�f, a/ony anc�/ confo��nin� fo fhe cenfer- of f��d Sdn�SfDne Cr-e�! , fo fh� /1/or�h- wes� cor-ner af T�ac� B, F/RST SUF'PLEME/VT TD AMENDED L'ONDD/`7/N/UM /�lA� DF SANOSTONE 70 AT 1/•9/L , C'OL ORADO, fo fhe fi-ue ,c�oin� of b�yi��in� ; fi�errce S. 8� °/�'3.3�"E. a dis�anc� of ��f_3G fee�; fhence /Y 03° �/5',25"E. a d�'s�ance of //. OD feef; fhe�ce S. 8�°/�'.�5"E. a disfa�ce of y� DD feef �o a�ooinf on the G✓esf /ii�e of T�acf A, A/'7E/VDED CONDOM/N/U/"I /'7�P OF SANDSTONE 70 AT V�I/L . COLORADD; fhence /1/. 03°�S',25"E. a d�"sfance of //9.25 feef � fhence N. OG° 36' S`8"W. a dis�ance of 60. DD feef; fhence N. B7°S2'2�" Gr./ a disfanc� of y5.00 ��e�; fhe�ce S. 6/ ° 38' �8" G✓. a di s fance o f ('6. 35 fee � fo fhe cen�er o� Red Sands fone C�e�� ; fhence S_ /� °�7' �✓. a disfance of �D. DD fee�, a/ony �nd confor-ininy fo the cenfer of ,Qed sd�ds�o�� C�eek ; fhence S. 02° 35'E. a distance of //-�.�t� feef fo fhe fi--ue ,00in� of be�inning . Second, to desc�i;�e Bui/di�9s /Yurrrbei-- /.3 ,/'S� an� /5 as �hei--eon sifua�ed_ /N W/ TNESS WHEREDF Dec /a r-an f has dec/a�ed and �xecu�ed fhis SECONO SUPPL�/►'!E/1/T TO ANlENDED CONlX�/"I/N/UM MAP OF SA�VOSTONE 70 AT I/,9/L , COLOR.400, fhis ' D_ o�ay of ,d/o ✓einbe r ,/9 � 7. _, G - T COMPAN Y, /NC. By 1�'� L.- E. T. H. Ta /m ag e. J� , P�- idenf S TA TE OF COL t�RA DO � ) ss C/TY AND COlJl1/TY OF DENVF'R ) fJffeS f J /goberf FouJ�ar (Original ✓ Rob��-f Fow/er--, �ssisfant �,e��> �\. _ ,�-�-�,''"� - -. � �.r�}, ,at���'��) �'� � � c�r ; .5'�cre �a 1-� � �{!'-f�' ,. ..'� ?� \ ' � � � . The for-e9oin cer-fificafe was acl�now/�d9ed befor-a me fhis �'�`c�hZy of 9G �; by , � ✓�. as Pl'�s i'c��r�� of G-T /�IP•9NY, INC. , a Co%i-ado co�,o or-a �iAr9v `'' � E T H. Ta/ma�e, , �'O �� • _ �� '�;��-�`�j` , My commission ex,oir-�s �/�l � �T � . . : � ' � -^_ _ �` - :� � .. /� ' c :�.=- ',�J'�i `.�' ._ , .., .. Nofary Pu,b/ic `'d"+f��. ,'. �,. S TA TE OF COL O.RA DO , a ) ss � COUIVTY OF EAGL E ) � The o�i,gina/ of this rnap was fi/ed for- recor-c� and r'ecor-ded in the office of �he C/er-!t and f�ecord�r �i of Ea /e Counfy , Co%�--ado��� , , � �4�� H� � ��i �'��c���► 2 � /9G 7 unde� Rece�o fi on /Yu�, ,ber- .�;_- . �� .�. �� , i� �� � �'t Map Case .�... ,17�-aw��- S and ��cor-d�d in Bool� ;Z 1 d� ,oa�e '�? � . ,�i: � �� � � �. � f , � ,� � � �N89° �i3" W. BO.OD' � � �v�� � -� `, � � � Yf =�- IC/erk and Recor-d�r Co un f y o f Eay /e 0 3 S fa �-e of Co /o r-a do � I W I o l � ' 1� $ h�ay 0 ��� s' 72 0 � � S? j9.. ,�5�.a�e ��s�� F� Found be�t b�ass ca�o /, � jn �'e �ed 7_28 � �'or S�ct�o� cor-�e� corr��non 0 da to Secfio�s /, �, 7�`/2 , R, �83 o�fher�i j7p- 2�1� E/evafio� at /�i�hesf �ooinf � �p,-o� �°� 8�32. ��3 /rl�an sea /�Ye/ S I TE PLAN PAG E I �� �