HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 9y,{._ , _ �s���. °�} ��'� � � C� ;`� I�j - . (1 i--� �r1 �, % �' Z V� �� POINY OF BEGINNING SW COR. SEC. 6 � T. 5 S. R. 80 W. 6TH P M. � � �o � W. 1/4 COR. SEC. 6 B RASS CA P M ON. U. S. B. L.M. . . . ,� 5 89� 56 10 E 100.00' � :.` I�i � �. ^ i ; � Ir..� VA I L ASSOC. I NC. 10 UTILITY EASEMENT 313. 00� S 98.00� 115.00� .�i�o � 2 ' O' 61�. v BS F vAi � t GE N T� L� G L L A N / . / �4 P,4 R T O F THE SOU TiSIWES T C�U�4 RTER OF SEC T/O N 6, T. 5 S. , R. 80 ii! , 6t/i P. A/. E�4 GL E COUNT Y, C OL OR�400 I 3 � , � 3 r�\� ��' ��S 1 � 2 � 3 ;� �- 13925. 26 SF ic� 14338.48 SF � � 12354.81 5 F .' �0 0.320 A �� O. 329 A ��, O. 264 A y�h �q,�' � , o �' � m 4 p �t 5 UTILITY EASEJvEN'� A^ � 6a15 11463.04 S F N(+� . cn� \� O. 26� A �c � 10� UTILITY AND PEDE$TRIAN EASEMENT � � � �� r 3 . 68'��� ?�I � �1 ' �' ��- • �� • 2• o° � 49•2� b• � �+� � O �) O' � 2g ' � :'9'�'� 11i �. •4 4.90 � � N �d p � `v� RFO _ � CIR�CLE `e. � N � � Q��9 SANDSTONE N , O `0 �✓ w A 0 � 5 � �� � 55.13� 32, � 9�i 11027.40 5 F N m 52. . � 2 AS-5� T�j `s' O. 253 A ^. .. h 3� 41.71 �►?• �T 0 g W 12162.43 S F `� � O. 279 A �"� �"� O � o � o � � UTILITY EASEMENT z 100 OO' 7 � O W �. 12 A40. 78 5 F � O� O. 295 A - p O� f � 16Q 00' � � 4• 33' � O S 86° 04' 52rE 5 4. 33' O OQ I � v � Z g �� P� , a. 11459. a4 5 F � p'� Q�P �" � 0.263 A aP � h d ti � � 30.00 3 �.a� 131140. 21 S F 0 4•56' U O. 301 A o � � M W � � a• °��- s 83 O3 32 � w 30.00� �� 140. 23� RADIAL Z Se9 5610 E ^ O O SPRUCE oi � � COURT � � � Z 3'► 05 � � Q 30.00 ps 4j� cn . .� �, o,�. 0 5 UTILITY EASEMENT �9,9 °w � 12 � � � 12354.35 SF / O. 284 /� � . / ' � i / 0 0 � �o .- 11 12791.37 SF ' O. 2 94 A/ � � � � �y � ��,�P� �� �� \�Zaa• / 16'� dp � �." �%� 0 ���y 3� 2 ��� �9 �� S TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING I � a � .- � � O �''p�1'J� �19 ��� t^D 6 ` ,,� �v' �: �� � � � 110t 257 A F �.ZZ. l` Z / C� O r . �j`� � v) ' 2� � �• P Q ` a� / p � `�`1 V v v S �9 ,Q' � � QN .^ 6i v; �10� UTILITY EASEMENT / m V / / / / ���� /��� �O.Z 1 � �°'��'' �°. / ����y � �,• CER T/F/C�4 TE OF SUR 1/EYOR � J� � Q� I ROY A. 3AMPLE , a land �urvey�r, renz�t�red under �h� 'l.s�o� of the State of _'�� � Colorado do hereby certify that the survey of VAIL VILLAGE, NINTH FILING, was made under my super- x. O � � ��1 �O• �Py ��,� � vision and that this Plat accurately shows the platting and subdivision u�h VAIL;VILLAGE, NINTH FILING. The lot corners and boundary corners have been pinned and m i�,� � ,, ���R .�%s , Dated this � day o% !� , A.D. 19b9: � 24 * - �9�. � ' 9024 , Registered L � o.� . �- � SCALE �= 50 �o0 50 0 �o0 200 SEC. COR. � 6 STEEL PIN W. BOUND TRAFFIC 12 � LANE I-70 P ONE v�'�� BUR�FY Cp `� FRISCO. COLORADO VAIL , COLORADO , ��r <� � � �'��� �� CER T/f/C�4 TE OF THE COUN T Y CL ERI� A ND RECORDER OF E�4�L E C OUNT Y I, /'?'axi,ve 11 �.'• �a p z. , Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Co2oradc, hereby accept this Plat af VAIL VILLAGE, NINTH FILING, in my records indicated below. THIS PLAT WAS FILED FOR RECORD AT 'j �� � M. ON THE IO� DAY OF %ypY��P �°r , A. D. 19 ti D , IN CASE _, DRAWER °• �p �� , RECEPTION NO. [(�'7p S • also rccor ,� aaK9ll9� �a9•e 2 , PROTECTIVE COVEI3ANTS ARE RECOR�ED IN BOOK �, ��. , PAGE ~J� �L . County Clerk and Reco�der ,��jp� ° � CERT/F/C�4TE OF OWNERSH/P �4N0 DED/CAT/ON KNOW pLL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that each of the undersigned persons refers herein tc� the foliowing described lands as the "Platted Lands": A part of the Southwest quarter of Section 6, Township � South, Ranye 80 Fiest of the Sixth rrincipal Meridian, County of Eagle, State of Colarado, more parzicularly described as toliows: BEGINNIIvG AT TiiE SOUTH WEST CORNER UF SECTION 6, TO�yI+iSHIP � SOi�TH, RAI3G� f30 'r+£ST c:F THE SIXTci PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORI1ll0, I'HENCE NOitiH 00° 03' SO" �:AST �'aLON(i THE WEST LIIVE OF SAID SECTION 6 A DISTANCE GF 1b1.00 rEET TO Tii� 1icuE �OINT OF 3'r:GINNING; Ttii:NCE iJORTFi 00° 03' SO" E�ST EaLONG THE SAID WEST LIIvE ')'r' SEC�ION 6, e�tiD ��aLOi�t� i'°ci; Ei�ST£i�Ll' KIG;iT--OF-idr�Y LIN:: OF RED Sr3.N;3S�J1�E COUNTY ROAD F� DISTANCE UF 640.00 F'EEi ; TeIi.:N�E 50LiTH £39° 55' lv" E�'1:iT t� llIS'i'AIJCE OF 313.OG F�:�T; Iiii.NCE SOTJTH 53° 26' 20" EAST A DTSTANCE OF 115.OQ FEET; ��Fic.NCE SUUTH fl0° 03' �0" s�'EST A DISTAIJCE OF 143.49 FEET; THENCE $OUTH 59° 38' 20" S�E3T A aISTANCE GF 222.19 FEET; TI�EhCE SOL'TH 00° G3' SO" Tn'EST A DISTA1vCE OF 190.00 FEET TO A POINT C3F INTERSECTION WITH THE NCRTHEitLY �I3HT-OF-WraY LZDTE vF COLOR�DO INTERSTATE FiIGHWAY NO. 70, FROJ: CT NO. I i0-2 (7) 183; TFiENCE SOc.TTH 59° 38' 20" tiv'F.ST ALONG SAiD 1vORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DIST�aNC£ OF 248.OE FEET TO THE :.�i�E FOINT �F BEGIN�TING. COi�ITAINING 171,648.93 SQU.�IZE FEET OR 3.941 ACRE5 MORE OR LESS. That Vail Associates, In:.., certifies that it i� the true owner of all of tne Plattecl Lands subjec:.� to easem�nts and rights-:.f-�aay of record. That Vail Associates, Inc., by these presents does herEby lay o;xt, �lat «nd s�:Y��iv:1e �he Platt�d Lands into such lots as are siio��n bn this �lat under the name � nd s:.y�e �f "VA�L 'JZLLA�E, Z1IIrTH FILI�:G". That Vail Associates, Inc., does hereby d�dicate t� �hP Tawn of Vail for ths use of ;.he publi� all roads, streets, circ� es, co::rts anu walicways shown herefln, subject to such ease::;�n�s anc: r�y'�t-cf.�way over parts of such roads, streets, circles and w�ikw�ys as are ;�resently vestPd of rc��rd or sh�wn �n this Plat. That Vail Associates, Inc. hereby �edicates to the Town �f Vaii f��r t�e �se oi the r�xblic the var�c:ua utility easements shown on this Plat for the purp�ses of cor.�truction, :-iainteii3nce and reconstru�tion of sewerage, water, gas, electric and telephone transmissi�n facilities. That Vail Assoca.ates, Inc. declares �nd agrees that the Platt�d Land� shall be su�ject to �he Protective Covenants af. Vail Village, Ninth Filing, Eagle County, Cnloracio, as re�orded in �ook 2t6 at page 762 of the records �f the �lerk and Reccrder of Eay?e County, Colorado, which are incorporated herein by re£erence. This plat is the same as the Plat of Vail Villaqe, 9 th Filing , file d January 9, 19a0, under reception no. 112392, case no. 2, drawer "V", real property records of E agle . County, Colora do. , �,� J �,��� � ,, .. � , , �JAZL ASSOC ES IN�. i/� �,,�i► - � � k � � '�, 1,-. ATTE S T : '� - � � ` "f � � gy ; :r ' ',; , ' , \.:. ete..r W. Se' ert, Presi�ent .�: '� " , f�11 �i q "��-'� ,` / .� +...r. ; � � � . . .. Jah H. Tweedy, Secretazy c STATE OF COLORADO ) � $S. � CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ) '�, The foregoing instn�ment w�s a^'c;�otaledg�d bAfore mc this � day of C�'�� '� �� A.�., � 970, by PetPr W. Seibert as President of Vai3 Associates, Ir.c. � Calorado c��n�rai:io:�. Wit:zess :*►y hand and seal. M.y cc�m:ni.ss? on e�mir�s �r ��.� ,� �' ��,� , .m y � ; . .` � �T�jj �..,I�-- ,�.s�" -,� .:�,, . ... " i � .: t3�t- ary Pub� i � , , �.. �4PPROV�4L OF THE 1/.4 /L PL �4NN/NG COA�/A!/SS/ON This Plat of VAIL �'ILLAGE, NINT:i FILING, be and thA s�m� is hereby a�.�rrav�3, _ VAIL P 'I"'G COMMZSSIQ"� Dated: �o� t ��,iYJ�PQ �� %d BY , . Ch man . ATTE ST : ._ �rk A PPRO I/�4 L OF PL A T AND ACCEPTANCE OF DED/CAT/ONS ,�Y THE TOWN OF 1/A /L This Plat of. VAIL VILLAGE, NIN'1'Fi FILIIv'G, is herehy approve�l b� the Board of Trustees af the T�wn �f Vail, and the dedications of the roads, streets, circles, courts, walkw�ys and ea�emen�s shown thereon are hereby accepted by the Tc�wn of Vail, BL�A^D CF ,�i'RL'5TESS DF T TOWN OF VAIL � i3Y ,� � -- r;ayor � / f Dated: Q ATTEST: � � � /� �c�d�.� �� � Clerl��� � C