HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Intermountain Development Subdivision Block 70 � Scale : I�� = 50� • • • •• — � �- 61, U TAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION - 6L4CK 7 VAI L i NTER MO N FINAL PLAT W. C. , E I/4 Corner, Sectionl5 , T 5 S, R 81 W, 6 P M T5S , R81 W, 6 PM NE I/4 SE I/4, Sec.l5 0 0 ui � rn �.i / � o / o � a �0 / ����`�� ° _ � � / � � �CP �E� � 0��� �5P ����� P�� G���� J� \�\ O� G��E .� , ��� E���'��� � . O � '( �'��G� �P /6 O �' �O P�`'�G���� �p�� �'60 � N��� P�oN .- �go c1$ 29 �// �'., �/ � � . p0 6� 60 �O / / �� � . 2p �N �'�� 620 \O 6,� �O S g6� 245 / , / ,� 74• � '„ ' N 8��3�1�� E Temporary Cul de Sac DATA : CURVE �F I � = 17°53� 43'� R = I 00� L = 31.23' T=15.74 C= 3I.11' 8=S71°33'08"W �\p �J N ALL IN BLOCK 7 � \. i � G� i �/ g�� � � w � S9 a4o � �o� 9 � \ 3S�, . �L , _ ,. . /�3 a9 � i � / .� , p�0 �� �° �� � NW 1/4 SW I/4, Sec. 14 ,Z I �o � �S� ��, / � o �'p, 6,; / � �L \ / \ z o \ �' �o \ w cn �,ot \ � c�o_ � � \ � 6 �Q�� � ��OG i � / �P� ° —��� _ � � ` O� \ \ � \ \ \ �\ � �,ot � � � � \\ \ ,Y i \ ' �� � \ �� � � � / ' / / / / � �" / / � �� � / i / .� —,,, r � CER?IFICATIOl�1 0�' DEDICJlTIdN AND An1NERSHIP , 1Cna►- all m�en by theae preeents that Vail Intermotmtain Asarociates snd Gene Ray Hilton being c�ner and holder�of the firat Deed �f Trnst respecti�sly of all that r�al property described as follaxa� All thst part of the NE � 3T � of Section 15, To�mship 5 South� Range 81 Weat of the 6th Principal Meridian deacribed as follo�as beginning at a point �rhence a brass cap xit- nsaa corrier aet for the Fast � Corner of said Section 15 beara rt o8° 40' aib." E 985,00 Peett thenee S 60� 46' oo" w 157.5a ieet= thence S 58�° 38' 00" i�i 41,01' feet; thence S 56° 30• 00" W 160 61 feet� thence S 62° 10' 20" W96.67 feetf thence N 80° 30' 00" E 74.17 feet= thence 207,09 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, which are subtenda a chord bea�ring S 51° 19' S6" E 67.06 fset= thenc�e N 80° 30' 00" E 60,00 fee�= thence S 26° 42' 16" E 141.57 feett thence N 71' 33' jt�" E 88�� feeti thence N 54° 47' 40" E 2�6.24 fe�et= thence N 06° 35� �9" � 102.01 feet= thence N , 27° 23' 06" T�I 50,00 feet� thence N 59° 50'► 35" �1 123.89 feet to the point of be�ginning containing 2�3486 acrea� more or less= have by theae presents laid out� platted and subdivided the same into lots and blocka aa aha�m hereon and designate the same aa Vail Inter- motmtain Subdiviaion, Block 7 in the County of Eagle� 3tate oP Colora�do; and do hereby grant to the County of Eagle, Colorado, for public use tha streeta shaim hereon, including avenues, drivea, courts, pl.acea and alleya, the public ].ands shot+n hereon for their indicated prablic uae and the utility and drainage eaaements shown hereon for ratility and drainage purpoaee only; and do further state . that this aubdivision ahall be subject to the protective co�ena.nts filed and recorded for this subdivision in the Offioe of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle Covnty, Colorado, as Ibcument No.� ('T 2'Z G. E�ECUTED this 3,� day o� S�of�aw.b�r •�•D• 1971• �� a�� Po. SSLS Vail Interseo�ta.in Asaociates Ciy Dart �eveloPrne.ni' Corr�afiy . C�eh�raa Pa,r}y�e,r B9 = c�.. Robert Ga�r on, Jr. neral Partner S TATE 0�' COLORADO ) aa� covxr�r a� �cr� ) The for�goin�g dsdieation �ra.a ackncrtrledged before �ee thia�day of A.D. 1971 1�__ Rob cr � G cw k o v� � Tr � a� Ger►wra 1 Par�nsr .(� My o?mnissian eapirea��l/ ��.Z Darf �evelODrv�eh� Cov�nnann.0 �LQ Cry¢.r,tt-a� Pwrfhe-Y o� �anl .1h�vrhowv,4y�.�v, �SSoua�-es idITNF�S M7 i�'AND AND SEAL l�otary Pub c � so�v�e�s c��ca� I. Jero�e F� C�aunba, do hereby certit�► that I am a regiatered land a�syor lieenaed undsr the Lxs of the 3tate of Colorado� that thia plat is a true, correcrt and complete plat of the Vail Inter�untain Develpnent 3ubdiviaion HLock 7, aa laid out� platted, dedica.ted and ahawn herson, that an.eh p].a�t �aa made from an aeeurate aurvey of said propsrty by me and under ay aupervi�ion a.nd correctly ahrnrs the loeation and diaenaions of the lota, �aae�ents and atreets of said subdi�riaion as the sa�s are ataked npon the ground in cc�pliuics xith 3tate o� Colorado regvlstiona gaverning the aubdiviaion of l.and. In xitnssa x�aereof I have aet � ha.nd and aeal thia day of �. ♦.D. 1971. ' � ME F. Gq� ISTg - j�i ,4�G RF� �9 s�red nd urveyor erome F. GaMtx ' � * ; 5933 * � °'���� � � y. �o � � o� CQ`o� Notei Am s�s�t 15 feet in Midth� oonsiating of s strip of land T5 feet in Mi.dth along all �ide lot linea and a atrip 10 fe�t in Width along all ba�k lot line�� ia dsdiQated as q utilit� �eaae�nent for uae of public and privats utilitiea and dniazaae �aye, � , . + I :• �,�..� �,.��� ,��. _ � �,.�.� _ ��.-_ _ - - � o�.. � � , P'LANNING COMMISSION CERTIFZCATS Thia plat appro�ed by the 'Eag� Coromty Pl�armias and Zoning Conanisaion this�_i�a� of Tt b A.D. 197'1. . Chairms.n Hubert Peterson COUNTY Ct7�iI33I0NER'S f;ERTIFIC�TE Thia plat approved by the Board of Co�ni i rs of Ee�gle County� Colora.do thia `►'u�daT of � �A.D. 19'11, for filing xith he Clerk and corder of Eagle CouYrty �nd for corYVaya�.nae to thm County of tiH public dedicationa ahrnin hereont snbjsct to the pro- rni viaion that apprrnral in no xay obligates Figle County for financing or conatructin6 of i.xpravsments on L.nda. atreeta or saa+�aeents cl�dioat�d to th� pnblic except aa apeoifiaally agreed to by the Board of Commisaioner3 and further thst uid apprcrval shall.in r no �ay obligate Eagle County for �aintsnana� of atreets dedicated to the pnblic xntil construation of impravements thereon ahall hav� been completed to the �atisfaction of the Board of Ce►�isaioners. _�� Chairman A.E. Marka Witneas my ha�nd and aeal of the Coimty of Ea�le. , ' Atteat: � � t Cle �G � . C� , RECORI�R' S CERTIFICATE ' �� %Z� 7 �'�'.� �� � This plat vas filed for record in the offia� of,�l,r County Clerk and Reoorder of F�agle Cmtg►t�, at,//3`�; on the ,�,�da� of Sev1'. , A.�. 1971. in Caae , Draxer� �� , Reception No, �- . �s/i .?� / /�J• s's�6 Frotective Covenanta are r�corded in Book .?�/ Page Sf�.S . Eagle County Reeorda. «�� /Np� GA 5G '#.T DRAW `� V � t � Clerk ��:t.�li,ord�. ,�i��S�'�� ` �+� -ti •_ 10•0o Pdl.�. � � ,,. �, � , .� l .��� `'j�Iv,� � W � : ,;. � �?-�'�-� � . �' � . _ ,`'° �,�y���,� �. ;�� AT?ORNE7' 3 CERT'IFICATE � , `� .. �, � -� � � •: . I, .�1�..�ber� T. �/einsM�eMk, an �tto�.���:�:,� ��► . licensed to practica be�ore ths oonr�ts of i-�eord of COLORAD�� do hereby aertify that I ha�n eza�mined t� titl� of all land h�rein abmre platted and sheNti �epe�n the Kri.tt�n plat� ard that title to snoh land is in tL� dedioators. free and alear of all 13e�� and �ei�noss. Datsd thia ot,'`f'fk day ef f%t�S'� , A.D. 1971. i/!/t/�.o/�t��P�s/�CJ - Attorney-at-iax , C� ehe �Z c� y f-I i I ton �T�T� o � Co�oR,a�D D ) SS. C O t,� t� 'j" Y O F c A G L C � Th� �ar�9oi�9 ci��(�cc�i-�on w as c�ck�ow(e�(9ed be�ore. 'ine i'�i,s,��c�ay o� � A. �. 1971� bY � e.ni �d.� �-�ilfott . %�'iy co-rr,�„ssio�. tKpl'rt5 — i0/�%/%�, � , \,�/ � rrv Es s I� Y I�A � D �4 N D sEa � (� o'N a r Y �,�, � I i c ,� ,,, .�:... ,.:,;;,, �: r� ��iC;.i'=-�,;;�� . �. �� �` �r�' � °' �� 1 1 f7 � % "- ,- _ 7 ,_ d., = x . -•�-,� -�- � - ;.�� '��'. '�'10�� � - � �°. , , �; , . � .; ��� , - .•��r*°' ,lob 71033 FI NAL PLAT VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION - BLOCK 7 Drawn RL In NE I/4 SE I/4, Sec.15, T 5 S, R 81 W, 6 P. M. QPP• G B oate2Aug 1971 VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN ASSOCIATES • Box 705 • Voil, Colorado � 81657 s`°'e �"= 50' sn.er � ELDORADO ENGINEERING COMPANY CONSULTING ENGINEERS • REGISTERE� LAND SURVEYORS 803 COLORADO AVENUE P.O.BOX 669 GLENWOOD SPRIN6S, COLORADO 303- 945-6917 of 1