HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Valley Filing 1 Block 3 Lot 12 - Valley View Condominiumst 40 0 0 1 ,1 59 009 63�i �1.Di Nb 15 � Ch' /: 44 - CON,D OMIIV141M A4 4 P OF V.4 L L Z VIAC W CC*AiOA4iNr IM s TOWN OF V4114, , EAG.0 ,E COUNT', COL 0R.40 0. of a 1 3" UN/ T ,Z \ b 0 1d' 6'/9 g9� r�/oc7D \QECK �23.6v' N 95 0 0 I �.�� 1 /o r .Z0� N2.41 � IvN��.l IuN "�'Zlv� ¢ �\ 3 u 1 (/NlT- w UN,rz o p ro R `I w Balc b: 42•'24 q /l.00' B �j , /-074 /iZ R= /Z. 33' Block 3 A /24 °/0'06'" COn11C? i.b:�Iy : 120, 0¢7.4 4 sq. Ft 7 Ch ,6/7 ' or ± O. 4 602 4c. \ N04 009571,E SP���C vAv/ 7- 1 � 97� ' FR C -r- -1 �z�,C�r�.Nd,' , • _ -� w � \ \ U � 2 •x w " O\o p � 35. Z . ' K/oo D DE , C RY s � C. foor S �r � W0 M N i 0 UN /T Up h i N =z¢ "w N890,e3' 4/" lvj /7.50" -:�7. /7' - ------------------ LANE /D "D�mindye f` Utility ,Easement_ found Sf/. pir, S17 e&7' 1 of 2 0.0 SCA4.E /"z 20' S /TE P,L A N ,�° eoared By 1e1CH,4RD'S ENaIAIEERS AC_ P D_ Box /908, I/A /L.. eOL ORAW0 8165 7 Svi'veyed 4,o,-il ,Z9, 1975 0 WNER'S CER 7/FICA 7E Thia undersigned, being the owner of the moo/ %wing describes' Aaree/ of /ana' Al/ a{ Lot /,Z , Bock 3, k411. 4,44 4,EY -,,rIR S 7' F /,C /NG , a subdivis /on i�? the Town o� X471/1 �'ounfy of 'eagle, Sfa''e of Colorado, aloes hereby cerfi {y that Ma,o of "Valley V ;ew Condomin%ums" ie f %%d in conjunction with the for "V4/ley View CondominiumSf 44�L J�AA L -- Charles Seesbach S74 7Z a r CO(, ORADO SS CO UN T f l 0.0 ,EA64- ,E The foregoing eerf%{ %cafe was acknow/eaRed before me Phis AF/k- alay o� 4, D°, /9 7 ? by Charles Sersbach ° My Comm isSion EX,oirPS i Notary °u b/ic SC/RVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE= I, llennefh E P %chards, a Pegisferea' °ro fessiona / En yineer ana� Land ���'� � ;� ' '' � ° • -' � Surveyor, do hereby cer71A y that fh;s Con %um Mao of "Valley View in /u�riS" was ,ore eared by me or under my su,oerv4lor7 w,7a' fhaf the map aceura ,4e /y _ deo /cf's the /oea7IA" of and the hor/zonfa/ and Vert /ea/ measuremeh7'-s 07" _ Me com ple tea' OO 7aOOm %n;ur» s° ' G, I4enne71h E. R%hards Reg /ster�d �rofiss %ono/ ,�ng/i7vvr E ,Card Surveyor No° ,2/93 9r,47,C O,9 COLOR14AOO ;Ss C 0 411 T Y no ACA64 As- The forego;rg Cer ti ficafe was a ckno w/e aged be faro ire this /4 day o f u A D-,, 19 7. by A er/nefh E le %chards. , +:a o p Nay Commission ,Exoi/'es m� ice, Notary Pub /iC c� r�l`�1 �.i ;7 r/ ' • '� i I C CLERK J' RZeORDER'S CEW T /F' /CA 7W = ,4CC"APOe �'or 7-'711�19 h7 the o{ {ice o� i4he the L'oun7,,V. of Ea�g /e, Sfafe of Co%i-a ceo this 13f� day o{ Nauembeie ,4. D_ /9 7-5- _ f �O G'1 Receptioh Nui»ber: ������ Case lVu�n ber = 2 Ae Drawer /Vurr,ber = ' V County Clerk and P Corder So o K 2 �3 PR9e —5�- Eag /e County, Colo,-a do °• zo.ao AL Woo d ro SA/c. ,4 e,.r OV 1 i z e/! 0 a /C• 41#1 7' z o UN/ T / akl E/e v. = 92 9/ „2 7 vN /T z UN /r UN /r/ E /tr° 917.Z/6 O E /e ✓. = 8,2 7,2.3'7 U N/ T 2 M I I ivN/r z !h (J/V / T/ I I !JN% T / � 626z,96? Elev. = 8263.17 NO/RTf,/ ZL Z V4 T /ON I Wood eo Badc. .444 [//N/ T / CONDOM /N /UM MAP OF VA4r4AC VljCW CO*40:M1*1UrViS TOWN OF VA /lm , EAGLE COUNTY, COLOe,400, shat z o�z f VA T l lV S Sca /e : /' "= /O• Yorizonta/ and Ver f %ca / NDfeS : Bench Mark , Kira of Manhole No. 4Z. 4 in the /ntersecfion of ha// k1a lley Drive wl-th Spring H/11 a,? e, ,E/e 6 lus,G.s.) L.C.,E. Limited rommen ,E lemen f Gen era./ eo rn,-P?on ,E/emenf 5,4 SEMZAI7 �i Z4 5 T Z�. EVA 7/OA/ en BO/C, . v/vi 7 z ,� /SST F',LOOR OR R/w ANS Sca /e : / ”- /O II I II l 1 I II I' I II I I II t' ,I i� �I I� SECOVO F4 DOR