HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Das Schone Filing 3_.._��,. . ..__ _ � i � i � � � i v�c�n�� T y �,�,� sca/e : /•'.Z.� o00 N� Cor. S�✓��J, SE�4, Sec. ii� TS S, �8/ h/� �— - - _._. _ _ . _. . _. _ _ _.__. ._ _______ _ .� . F'INA,L PL ,4 T OF � � . . A S UB�/ li/S/ON /N TNE �E,45 T ONE - H�4L F' o F Tf1 E SO U Tf-1 E.9S T ONE - Q U.9� TER o�' S'EC T/ON //, Tdl�I�NSf�/IP 5 SOUTf�', R.4NG,E 9! �V.�ST 0�" T�/E 6fh P�?/NC/P,4�. MER/p /,9N E,4G►,C E CO C/N T r� , C O L O�ADO .; 1 �. 1 ��� / � R� ,Z1 � 38' Q = ,ZO ° 43 Z3" ,� = 8z 2� Ch� d� �9� . N 30°3�'qZ,E __�— . - - � . . . ._.. . •;'._. . _ -,�: ;'"::�' � . ,•' ... ,. ,�•:,� . . .'�, _f h h �, , �� ,o =:`,_ a ' I o �:� I � � I `'; . � \ � \ � — —1— � j _ /9• � \/ ,v 8s y � _ //D� 00' ,. � /so' / � � - � / /� Po i� I . � y � \ �� . °f � / I � Q: ,� �3$.y�,33 - �° 5 ��� p'' b ��' 6.Z� 46� �� �--� 25.�a . � y C � = . _�; 8�9���,�9 �, �� \ - �— �} A,��,� :� � � \ y o _ _�, � .'.1 ` , j 4� a ,s y � � � � ��- � �.' 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LFVS,E 2� I-20o. h��,t! 228- 37 �.4�'�;.�/LLSQ/a'I�E/1LCA TIT� �/.� ,D Af e d �'hi s 2�/ %' � dc�y o{��`i/ .9. D. ,/9 76 . / P,L .9N/V//1/G C'OMM/SS/O/1/ C,�'� T/f /C,4 T,E : � This i°/Af a�o,c�roved by fhe ,Ea9/e cou��y P�ah�:h9 a�a� Zo�i.�g Co.�m�ssio� th;s t'� doy o� a ,� o., /976. ��— � Chairrn a n C O U N T S� C O � Y I� 1� I /S S/ O N,�'"� ' S C, E i� T/ F/ C� l T� : Thi's �°/af a�o,orovec� by fhe ,Bourd of �'o�nmissioners of �o9/e C'our�fy, Co%rado thi's i� `� day o{ JvKE ,A..D., /976, f'or �'i/iny wifh f'he C/erk ar�d iPecorder o{,Eay/e Counr�y and far conveyar�ce to fhe Cou�ify o� fhe �nub/:c �edi'ca ��or�s showr� hereor� ; sub,�'ee� fo �he provision fhCt7`� u�o�orova / in no way ob/igotes �ay/e Coun fy for {�r�or�cir�g or cor�sfrucfir�9 0� im'oro verr�er, fs or� /ona's, sfree�s or ec�semenr�s a�edicAfed fo fhe �oublie eXee,o� as s,oec- if�ca//y a,qreea' fo by fhe ,Boara' o� CoMm�'ssioners ar,�t' {ur�her fhaf Saic� a,o,orova! sha// ir� �o �ay ob/iyQfe ,E'Qy/e Cour�,�y {or mair�fe�ar,ce o� sfreefs a'edica�`ea� fo fhe pub/ic ur�fi/ Consf'rucfion of iMproverner��s fhereon sha// have been com,o%fed to fhe sc+fis�uCfion of the ,Boc�rd o{ Coin �nissior�ers, � C'hairinar� Wifi��ss ir, y hand ana� ,�he seo/ o{ �he Coun f y o{ ,Ea9/e �T TES T Cour�fy C/erk .�re�oa�'ed by �/Cl�A ��S ,ENG/NE.E�S /NC. �o. eoX i9o8 , va; �, coio.-a�o 8��s� ��� . __. _ _. .._ _. _ __.._____ .__._,.. _..._____ ......__. _._._ . . _ _ _.,� _ . _ —t�_..T _...�,.._�` �� C,E� T/�'"/C�I T,�" OF O 1�✓N.E�E'Sy/P �' ,D ,E.D /C,4 T/ON : iS'�ow a//mer� by fhese preser��s fhAf l�ai/ Cify Cor�oorafion, a Co%rado Cor�oorafior�, beir�9 so% owner in f�e si��/e of a// fhof reQ/�v�-o�verfy more �oarficu/or/y described as {o/%ws : ' .�l p arc�/ o{ /�t�d i� fhe ,Ec�s f' one - ha /f of �he Soufhe a sf o�e- juar�er o�' Secf.'or� 11, Towr�sh.;o 5 Sou�h, �Par�ge 8/ Wesf of' fhe 6f/S /°rinc:po/ �19eridian, Courfy o{�"ag/e, Sfafe of Co%rc�do a�escribed as fo/%ws: L'ornr�encir�� A� fhe Nor�heASf corr�er of fhe Soufh�vesf or�e- quAr fer o� fhe Soufheasf one - QuArfer of soi� Sec�ion 11; fher,ce SO/°39'00"W ar,cr� a/ony fhe Wesf /ii�e o{ fhe �ASf oae-ha/{o{ �he Sou�heasf one -QuAr��r o� saia� Secfion 11, 354. /5 feef fo a ,oainf or� r�he Sou�her/y /�i�e of' ChA�or�ix Lar�e which is o/so fhe Sou�hwesf cornPr o� !/Qi/ yeigh�s -�"i/i�y No. 1 Ar�a' fhe True �°oin f o{ Be9'r�r,ir�9 ; fhen ce along saict' Soufher/y /ii�e ar�a� a/or�y �he Sou�her/y /ir�e o� (/oi/ �/ei9hfs - Fi/ing /I�o. 1 an �`he {o/%win9 {our courses :(�) NBS °/3'33",E /9,2, 8,2 {ee� fo a poir� f o{ cur ve ;(.2)fhPnce ,270. 55 {ecf o%�9 fhe Arc af a.238. 64 foo� rc�di'as curve fo fhe /ef� ho v.�9 a c'eri r��a/ ar�g/e o{ 6¢° 5 7'33" Ana' whose /or,y cho.-d beors NS,Z °�f 4"46 ",E ,Z 36. 29 �Pe� �o a,00i�,� o{ fu�ger� �;�3) fher�ce N,20 °/�'DO ",� c�hu� o%n y sc�iQ/ f'qr�ger� f.Z84.00 feef' to a�voir�f o� curve; (4) fher�ce 82.2¢ fee� A/ong fhe c�rc o{a ,227. 38 foaf rQA'ius curve fo fhe righ� hoviny A ce�frA/ any/e of .ZO°43',23"Ar�d whose /0�,9 chora' b ears N,30 °37'�f,2 ",E 8/. 79 fee f; th enc e S 4,2 °S 7'S0 ",E 507..2/ fee f to a ,00ir�f on fhe Nor�her/y /ir�e o{ I�fersfc�fe �/igh�Qy No. 70 �Pighf -o{-�•✓Qy; fhence Sou �h�.ves�er/y A/ong spid Nor fher/y /ine on f he fo //a win9 th ree courses :(/� 53/. 50 feef a/o�g fhP qrc o�u 5,550,00 �oo� rAdius cu/'ve to fhe righf whose cer� �ra/ Ang/c �'s 5°,Z9'/3 "ona� whos� /ony chord bears S�.9 °/B ;ZD"W 53/„29 �ee � fo a poinf o� r�c�r,ger�� ;�z ) the�ce S S,Z °D,Z'S6 "W onu' q/o�9 soia' �`c��ger� f 350. OD {'ee� ; �3) fhence S�9°,S¢'/6"!t/,23/.70 {Pe� fo a�ooir�f o�ir�fPrsecf�or� wifh the Wesf /:�e o��`he ,E4s f o�e - ho /{ o{' fhe Soufh�os f one - qupr fer o{ said Secfior� 11 � theace NO/°.39'OD",� 4/7Q� G1�0/�9 sui�t� Wesf /ine 504. 65 feef fo the True i°oin� of B�gir�nin9, cor��a.i,��y 8. 60 Acres rr�ore or /ess ; hos by fhese pi-eser� fs /aia� ouf, �o/q��ea� 4na' subdi'viu�ea� the sQme in�o �h�-ee /ofs 4s showr� hereo.� c�r�u� �PSigr�afe the sa�e as I/,9/.0 �AS SC�/Oiv,E' - F.i�.,9 No, 3, �i, �he �aur,fy o{Eqg/e, Sf4�e o� Co%rac�o, f'or pub/�'c use fhe s�reefs show� her�oh ,inc%a�ir�g c�t�enues, drives, courfs, ,o/QCes 4�a� q//eys, fhe pub/�'c /qh�s ar�d a'rc�i�o9e e4se�ner� �s shown hereor� for ufi/ify ana' A'roi�age purposes o�/y ; Qna' A'o f'ur�hPr s�ofP fhA� fhis suba�i�v�sion .sha// be sub.jecf fo fhe �rofPCf��ve �ovenqr�fs �i/ec� ar�a'recorc�'ed �'or �his suba�ivisior� �i� fhe O{{ice o{ fhe C/erlf onc� iPecorQ'er o,�,E'ag/e Cour��y, Co%rqa'o as Docun-�er� f No. E,+'ecufed fh�s !� '"`�- cYciy or� �Y� ,,4.,D. /976, : l�ai/ Ci'�'y Corpora �`ioh , A Co%rcrq'o Cor�oorafion ,�� � � � �� - . . , _ 2-�c�,� �. �.� e� � � � .�,�.. . <<-- �- — - - �'".�-�� Da v�Q' G. �"/more , Presia'er� t /1/a �a/ie ,L . Bo fche%r, Assisfpr� f,S�ciefo�y S TA T E OF �--171,.ipRR�C� SS CO!/NTy oF EPC.�E. } The �oregoir�9 a�ea'icar�ion wAS c�ckno w/edgea� be�or� rr,e �his 6�t"� A'ay o� 0.v► ,A D. /976, by DAVid G: �/�o�P As �oresi�'er�f Qr�u� NAfa/ie .G. . BAfc�i�for ` u os Assis�An� secrPfary o{ %/Oi� C%�,l., COr'�o0/'G�7�i0/� q Co%r4da !'or,oarQ �ior� .`� 1111y Corr�mi.�'o,i : xpires Sept. 17,7a77 �--� "°"' r . /1�l Cor�inission ,�,+�p�res �` +%�+- � f� y Nofary Pub/i'G �.� . ', SU�E' 1/,�' �O�P 'S C,E"�P T/FIC,4 T,E : � ' Z, f�e`,r�e�h ,E �PichAr�s, a'o hereby c�r�i�y fhAf I ain p reyisfPrP� ,Lc�r,dSurveyor /�censea� uha'�r fhe /Aws o{ fhe Sfc�fe o{ Co%rc�c+�o ,�hAf fh�'s /%f' is a tru e, correc f ur�a� co�rip/e�e P/Af o� V.9/,L �AS SCyONE- F/L /NG No. ,3 As /Qid o��, ,o/Affea', c�'ea'ica fea� onQ's�iown herPOn, fhAr� such P/of was maq�e �roin ar� accurafe survey o�sa�a��ro,oPr�y by �,� or ar,a��r �,y supervisior� Aha� correcf/y shows fhe /ocofiari ana' Q'i`riehsions o{ fhe /ofs, eoserr��r��s ar�a�sf'ree�s o�sc�ic�',subd�'vision as �he sctine a�e sfA.�ed u�oor� fhe ground ir� com�v/�Qr�ce wi�h app/:cab/e i'ega/A�ions 9ov�rr�ir�9 fhe subdivision o{ /a�a�. Ih wi�`�ess wher�o{ I hc�ve sef rny hard o�a'sea/ �his .St� dQy o{ /�Q� i9. D., /9 76. , � � . � . i-.�ie%��� _ . . 14��3'�' /Pe,9isf'ered �rofessiona / ,Er�yii�ee�' `�. : : ° ona/ ,Cc�na�Surveyor No. ,Z/83 "� ' : C,L.E�iP� .4ivD �P,�COiP1�,�iP'S C,EiP T/F/C� T,E" : �.- This �°/af �AS {i/ed for rccora� �i� fhe Off'ice of �he L'/erk a�c� �Pecorc�er af /�e o'c%ck �/Yl, lT /976 and is A'u/y recorc�'�d ir, Book �� % , PQ e No. � 9� . M� p C,�s� '2' . �Q��� � �! C/erk And iPecora� I'.r�J ,De,oufy � O• DD�oa� i � � ,