HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 2 Lot I & H4..k4 t. ,.. �A��I�R�eAa�'�'� 7'�'..._.�.�.... � - m �� .,... . _. .... __ .. . . _ . . T..T. .__ _. . _ . � _ . . .... � _ .. . . _. .....,.� ....m-,.-.—._,..�. �,. itiT��rq r� \ tiiGtiwq� ��' >o SuBJ. E 2 S/TE" 1 � C A N 6 5 4 3 � ... (�O r� as s� z4�n� 2 \ % ' -• , ,c �.f.�'1 i::. f i._ !_:.�; �.!�. . �. O E O�' L 07�`' �I R�SU��I VlS10N O� L T_Z" l°.4RT � , AM�/`/,D�D M•4 /° O� V,q IL �//L L,4GE S ECO/`/� /cl L//\/G Towr� o� v,� �L ,��G�. E couN7Y Co� 0�,4 �o t EAGL � l/� L L EY ENGlNEE/'el/�!G E SUl'�1/EY//l/G /NC \ 1 IGY�O S- FRONT�4GE AO wEST, U�1 /L, CG1LA. 8fG57 /VE CORNER S�CT/�� 7, TSS, ��80V1/, �Tra. P. M. _ � �. �« �. ,., ., ..._ .:__.. _'__ ...._: i __..._.... .IT.-.. ..I.�_ � ......_.._I. . ... . . . ... '� I N1: I.l tlICpY41 II � :.{ �r �, � � LEGAL DESCRIF'TION . ��,. A parcel of land comprised of Lot I,`�nd Pr�rt of Lot H, AmE�nded ^tap of Sheet 1 of 2 of Vail Village Second Filing, a subdYvi:,ion recorded in th�� �,ffice of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, said�parcel being more ,���rticularly described as follows: Beginning a� the northeasterly corner of Said Lot I, whence the northeast corner of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixtti Principal Meridian bears N 31°08`44" E 430.71 feet distant; th;nce N 68°06'36" W 85.00 feet4,�•along the northerly- line of said Lot I, which is �also the southerl�� ri�;ht-of-way line of West Meadow Drive, to the northwesterly cor�ier of said Lot I; thence S 43°35'SO" W 185.72 feet, along the westerly line of said Lot I to the southwesterly corner of said Lot I; thence the following two coursef� along the south.erly line of said Lot I and said Lot H: (1) S 41°30'00" E 110.00 feet; (2) S 26°30'��" F. 69.66 feet, thence departing said southerly line N 23°39'18" E 179.61 feet; thence N 66°12'S7" W 5.00 feet, to a point on the common line of said Lot I and said Lot H; thence N 23°39'18" E 88.43 feet, along said coimnon line to the point of beginning, contain- ing 26,889 square feet or .617 acres, more o'r less. �: CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP Know al] men by these 5resents, that the undersigned, Daymf�r C��rP<�ration!r�t�ie Vail -.__-,-_ ____ ���-Fire Protection District and'�. , hE�ins; t I�f� �,wners of the land descrihed hereon referred to a5 "platted lands," certi(y :�ti t��il��ws: That Daymer�qAratia�'_i;� Vail Fire Protecri�n �ist ri�•r ,�n�! , �. are the true �wner5 <�f all pla_tted lands 5uhjf•cc t�� ��:�.���n���ntti �,t record. 'Chat Daymer+r�,_r�a��'�t���4�te Vail Fire Protec[ion Ditirri� t �n�! � . �. d� hereby 1:�yout, Pl�t, .�nd resubdivide the ��I��lt��cl I:in�l�. intu a lot as ahown ��n this ,4�lat under thc:, name .�n�l style of "A Ri�SUhclivi�i��n ��I I,��t I:�ncl Part of Lot H, Amendeci Map c�f Vriil Vi 1 I,iy;c� Sec•c�nd Fil in�." 'fh;�t �aymc����nr�ZC�rntic�n�ync�• Vail hire Pr�>cec•t�iun I)ir;tri� i;�n�' ��, ef��cl.�r� and aKrec� ll�at th�� ��I;it tecl lrind� �:h.�l l h�� ti��l� j�•� i i�� i l��• �,r�,�c�ct ive c•ovenants ,��f Vratl Vil Iaqe.Sc;c•e,nc1 t� t I(ny; r�v recc�rdecl 1n N'�,�uk (� :ii I':�;�,�• y.3� , c�f the ri�<•��r'd� c�f th� F:riKl�� (;<�unty, (;ulurr�cici, (:1c�rkF;�n�l It���•��r�l�•r, wl�i� I� :�r�� inc�c�rporated h��rrin hy refercnc•��. r)WNI?K: Uxymrr Cur��nr;it i����,"'"� ';, i I��•� I:�iiclr; Anttlley i ('LERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE I, , Clerk and Recorder of EaRle County, Colprado. hereby accept thie plat of A Reeubdivision ��f l,ot I and Part of Lot H, Amended Map of Vail Villaqe Second Filing in my recordR indicated below. This plat wae filed for rec�rd at,��M. on the �� day of ����jY� . A.D.� 1981.• Reception No. in Book at Page � , �.�i'.i9-�la- 3�__ s�i y . � ���C �'��,�;L• , � �:,� ' j F`°�+ � 1 V p b�� - � �; , ` C rk and Recorder Q�� /� -� ^ �� gle County. Colorado'�'"� � i�l��, .� `� °°� _ SURVEYOIt'S CERTIFICATE ��"��:,'m. ;� I, rcoran, do hereby certify that I am a ltegistered Lattii Surveyor licensed under the laMS of the State of Colorado, that this plat ia a tt�e, corr�ct, and complete plat of A Reaubdivision of Lot I and Part of Lot li, A�st�ded Map of Vail ' Village Second Filing as laid out, platted, dedicated and eheMn hereon, that such plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by 'e ana under my supitrvieion and correctly shoMS the location and dimenaions of the lot, eaNwloenta and streets of said subdivision as the same are staked upon the grovnd in ca�plilance Mith applicable regulations governing the subdivieion of land. In witness whereof, I have set my hand and aeal this 25��day of Av�I�S'C' . 1981. �����u � u»���i o`���� COR�O� � �� . ,......,, ., � ; '�OQ.• ���G�STERFO•.:'P� i . ; � . . � \ �a ` _ � ' 16827 � * = r,'`-' ` Dannie Corcoran : t!� ��� 0��•0� Colorado L.S. 16827 � . �'•, '••�O suR��!. 4 ��� .'9TF ••.....• �P . �''o �F 0�0 `�o' , �''��,�in uN``�, I , c)WNF:IZ : ccrr��r til inr � Y � � ��e _ _ � . 7 y I I i�i .��ii� ,i ,\I t ii�•, lii f'�.it'L ��i I, Unvm •r � ��r ����i .i� i�ii N�! . .. . . • ''�� Vritl l�1r�� ��t��� i i���i I�i i � i� i BY • ___. _. � _ - ---- � � . / � � STATE OF COLORADO ) � SS. COUNTY OF EAGLF. ) � The foregoing instrument was acknc�wledged bef�re me thi5 �� �I,�y ��f lt,Q�� 1, A.D., �i_, by_Jay`EQ. Petersc>n, as Attorney in I����r f��r U.�ymr�r Corporation, a :Vetherlands Antilles CorPoration. ��y ''� °'• W1 cne4s m e COLE . �yy� - >'�;,�� �NOTARY PUB!_ � / ��,, ��' • �o STATE OF COLC��ik� - — ��°' `:'��'�'`� • My £ommission E N�� t a Y y I' u I, I i� � u9ust i , � 9Q�' , My �o�ige --- - (0� S �2��t5� ��X'c� �"�(S� . , ., . #�_. � . ���L � �� �S 8 ,.� > S��'ATF. OF .� L D ) . ) r��. � C()UNTY �F �_J}-(�---�L.L-�` ) . The fore oin in�;trt�ment w��; ric•kn��wled ud before me tI�IH ��lr� of /,,� } '�'��rs� �' 8 S /,,� K _7 _ Y C�C�� � /1. U.� L��, b y 1'�-„p _F1_ _-_�_� _'� ��r��- <� f t h�� V�i i l P' i r� i' r�� t f c c t i o n n i s t r i c t. �.Jitnesa my hand and aeal. , _ r_'; . _� �,!�a� :; j . Notary Puhlic � � � , My c•�mmis�i<�n expires �3 � - --�--�"� -- r� APPROVAI. OF THE VAIL PT.ANNING AND ENVIRONMFNTAL COMMISSION This plat of "A Resubdiviston of I.ot I and Part of 1,c�t H, Amen�led Map of Vail Village Second Filing," be and the same is hereby apprc>vecl. VAIL P1,ANNINC ND ENV NMENTAL COMMISS;(ni nate: l �G���i By: �, �- - - � ,� � • , c»