HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 2 Lot G - BS Condominiums Amended Plat. . . .. . . , ... _ . .,.vV^,.^•.r.—.,_. � r.. _.... . . ��� i NOTES 1. D, 2. C� 3. S 4. � 0 5. A 6. � " Y F s�. � � �� , VICINITY MAP SCALE : I inch = 0.2 mi le I do hereby certify that I am a Re�qistered Land S�rv��yor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this condominium map is true, correct and complete as �aid out, platted, dedicated and shc�wn hereon, that such condominium map was made from an accura�e survey of said property by iae and under my auperviaion and correctly shows the horizontal and vertical location and di�+ensiona of the condominiuma, parcela, eaaements and atreets of aaid condominium mao ��s the same are staked upon the ground in compliance with a��licable requlations qoverninq the subdivision of land. In witness thereof I have set my hand and seal this S�ii day ,,�, ....- uf Ao�; / A.D. , 1984. � / , �~�.. ' � 7 , .`� � � ' �'� �.::. Z�.iL-���,� �. i B. ,Tames Bu`r'� �.L.S: #1�204 .. � , 20NING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE ' . This final plat is here�approved by the T .f'V 1 2oning Admin istrator this �,� day of (j�-,��_., , A. D. , 198+. Attest: �. �' � �� � Town C er �� inq A mi strator Town of Vail Town of Vail NOTICE: According to Colorado law, you must commence a�y legal action baaed upon any defect in this aurvey within aix /6) yEara after you cliacover such deiect. In no event may any action baaed upc�n any de- fect in this survey be oornmenced mc�re than ten (10) years from the date of the certification •hown her.eon. � � � � � J � � �ITH PLASTIC CAP A LISHED WITM AN S LED IN CONCRETI � 394.59� = 23.28� � 03°22�48�� � = No2�oa'ie"w � 23.2T� C� Z J LL f'-' � � ll.. � Q J � J Q � FINA� P�AT OF 0 DOMI M g IU 0 CLERIC �►ND RLrCORDER' S C!R'!'IlIC�TIt This plat was filed for ��seord in tlf� officf o the Clerk and Recorder Qn thia dar of � � , A.D. 198�, at o c oc . rded un er Recept on Number in o l�g� . ,� ' , ,a �� �, r Gu ; t �✓'�°��a � .,�. • °'^-"�eo, ' \ �p ' er an Rocorder F� '.. Ea e CounkY, Colorado � --- n- r . 3 , sY ,'a1, o o���''' .,.. °�' � ' - P U ---,. t`,. _ ��� TITLE CFRTIFICATE � y�� n dces h�ereby certify that I ' 3v�� ex.�mi ned the Title to all land shown up�on this Plat and that .itle to such lands is free and clear of all liens, t�ees and encumbrances, except as followa: . ,.� � �J Dated this Z�p day of Land Title Guarantee Company 108 �outh Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 •1ana�er . AS �4�9 AMENDED CERTIFICATIOl�1 OF DF.DICATI�)N A�ID Ok'[VFRSHIP Know all nen by these presenta that the undersigned :�eing th sole owner or ^�ortgagee of all that real proparty describ-�d as fo�lows: A parc�l of land in Lot G, Amended Map of Sheet 1 of 2 of Vail Village, Second Filing, Town of Vail, County of Faqle, State of Colorado, deacribed as follows: Beqinning at the Northeaat Corner of Lot G, thence S�0°Z3'00"E 214.47 feet along the Eaat line thereof to the Southeaa� Corner �f said Lot; thence N75°27'00"W 150.00 feet alonq the Southerly line of said Lot; thence N24°41'23"E Z03.46 feet to a point on the Northerly line of aaid Lot which is on the arc of a 125.00 foot radius curve; thence Eaaterly on aaid Northerly line 46.29 feet along the arc of said curve to the left whose central anqle is 21°12'SO" and whoee long chord �ar� S79°46'35•E 46.02 feet to a point of tanqency; thence NB9•37'00"E 13.49 feet along said North- erly line to the point of beqinning. containing 0.�966 of an acre, �are or less; as sho�m on thia final plat under the na�ne and atyla of B.S. Cc)NDOMINIUMSAS li1MFNDED, a Cor.dominium in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado do hereby certify that the Condominiva� Map of the H.S. CondaniniwnsAs Amended is filed in conjunction with the Condominium Declaration for B. S. Condominium ]i1s Amended �rhich i� recorded at Book 3 9(o Page _�? � of the Eagle County Records. � Executed this _ 3 jr�(,� day o (���,,,�� , A.D. 198�. OWNER: � o ert S. Ap 1600 Broadway uite 2400 Denver, Colorado 80202 STATE OF COLOR1�1D0) CO[INTY OF �LikGL�-- ) SS Deh v� r The foreqoing Certificat� of Dedication and Ownershi waa acknow- ledged before nie thia � day of �_� �.p. 198� by Robert S. Appe aa o er. My Co�nrniaaion Expire=: ` ��Q � � o � witness my hand and aeal otary lic Addr�as: od ,�htiC� Ir, ( n �,s��n p02 D / —' MORTCAGFE CERTIFICATE: This Pl�t approved and acknowledqed by Alpine Fede►al Savings a Loan Association of Co2orac�o this .flj'� da � of A.D., 1U94. -- ; �/ i/� - � / ��/� ST1�TE OF COLOiUDp j COUNTY OF �(� � 3S A1 pi ne Federa 1 Savings and Loan Associati n �Y � The foreqoinq Certificate of Dedication and Ownership was a�cknow- ledged bef e me thi � i�'► da of C-rp��r� �.D., 1984 by ,%'. as Q, and attested y T as � . of Al ni ne Federa Savings and Loan Association of Col orado, Mortqaqee . My Commission Expireas �av��t�TLGig� wi tnesa my hand and sea 1 � �1C1./I //y l� _ Notary Pubiic Addreas s �'� �j�•t L � �1�h,C._ �'o�o C.�o ���v�'7 MORTGAGEF. CERTIFICATE: Thia Plat ap�/`T'`ed and acknowledqe b FirstBank of Westland, N.A, this 3 day of r� A.D., 1984. FiratBank oi t+lestland, N.A, A t t e s t: LX��� F� ���i.�tx� By �Q�S'I,DEt�(T' AT!►TE O!' COLOR1100; SS � —_ COUNTY OF _ �r .�__, � i The foreqoin�� Certificate f ic�t►tion and O�rn ip was acknow- ledqed befo � me i � day o ' A.D., 1984 by as end atteated y as of Firstf�ank a �estland, N.A., Mortgagee, g My Commission F.xpires: A.D., 19�� � Wi tr ��ss my h. �nd and sea � • . - � �� � � Ga... � � : _ /i/.�. / _� •�� • �• • - • • • _ • • . r�