HomeMy WebLinkAboutRacquet Club Townhomes - Building O - Unplattedt _ . _ «- L . . . _ . . . _ - ,�,.-�.-..�. ......_ ,�.. - .. . _ . . ,.+..�r^�s . . . ...__ ._.. ._.... _ . , .. . ___ . _.. ,...... ... . .._. .... _ ._-" ._-.._, .._ .,., . . _ . _ . _ ,. _. _._..,.._ ...,_._ .. .� ..,., ._ .. _ .._.. .. _ . _ . ... .___. ... . ._..�...... .. . .. _ ...�____ _ -....--...,,.-- _..,.._...._.--,�.. _....�,^. _ . . . _ . _..... . _ _-. _ . __....,�.'...".'., ...�..,. . . . . _ . . .. .,�.. . . _ ... . .. . . __ �--. -.. _ . . _ . • _.�_. ' � . . - ... . . .. . .. , , . .. .. . . . _ .. _ _.. . . , . . . . . ._ . ._ . . . . � .+�.�- _-^.,,w_, ,�at w. . .e -.- . . w-• .,�"^".,�.++„_._ ._..T. � �_ �.------.-- - ._ � . .. , -.�,...�,.s... .,•w.-.. w.�, a... -� �IGS 1. The various tracts and subdivision plats in this area are laid out and surveyed fro� a line running fro� the E L E V� N T H S U P P L E M E NT TO M A P � F Southeast Corner of Section 12 and the point set for the 1/16 corner to the Mest as shown. The point for the 1/16 corner, hoa�ever� does not fall on a line between the Southeast Corner of Section 12 and the Mitness Corner to the S1/4 Corner of Sectio� 12. 2. All bearings shown are referred to True Meridian. To convert to the assumed meridian used in the Kirch b Utter DeeA in Book 227, Page 320 ( and others which refer to the South line of Section 12 as bearing A P�ART OF THE SEI/4 OF SECTION 12 T5S R80W OF THE 6TH P.M. N89'S3'24"W), rotate bearing 0'17'43" counterclockwise. � � � 3. Basis of bearing: West line of the �+,�4 of Section ,z, so•,9�ooME, (True Meridian). IN THE TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO 4. Bench Marks: U.S.C. � G.S. Line 92 bench nw rk disk 18" Southwest of Centerline Highway, set in top of KNOM ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS• SoutMrest enA of Southeast concrete abutn�ent of concrete bridge over Bighorn Creek. Stamped Y 280 1951. � Elevation = 8460.35. El�j'�r - THAT MHEREAS, Vail Racquet Club ToMnho�es, a 6eneral Partnership, is the Owner of that 5. Set #�4 reDars w/al unii num caps niarked "DB 6 Co. L. S. 17664" at al l exterior bounAary corners unl ess otherwi se � sa:� : ���o, real property shovm on the accowpanyi ng aiap and nare partic'ul arly descri bed as fol l ows : noted. . - :a.w :3.s • 6. Bearings in the legal description of the sanitary sewer ease�nent granted to Upper Eagle Yalley Sanitation °'Sf� g a ; � � : TRACT FOR BUILDING 0 District vrere rotated 0'17'43" clockwise to True MeriAian (based on the bearing of N89'S3'24"W along the South ° • ° line of the SE1/4 of Section 12). e.6 9. ° "�-- -�'''- S � ENTRY R s:.oar $ ENTRY � � � -- - � o.e�r S/e 9.eo� s. s.� O I � W I 0 All that portio� cf the SEl/4 of Section 12, TSS, R80W of the 6th P.M., Eagle County, /���� � � ��� � Ls 46.9� x,.9s� xy.00� � O O � � O p Colorado, Aescribed as fol lavs: Ca�nencing at the Southeast Corner of said Section 12 � <� /�/� 2s ��� L� 57 97 R= iaa.00 � � I � � N. � � p � � ;. fro� whi ch the Southr+est Corner of the SE1 /4 of the SE1 /4 of sai d Secti on 12 bears 80 �� R=73.00' n=ie°32'o0" J � � ° • •' Q � x Q� °• � N89'35'41"W (True Meridian) 1306.39 feet thence N55'42'10"W 889.11 feet to the i�� � � 4?� n=a��3o'od' N cH=H�°�s'od'E �\ g 3rd fLODR � � 3rd FLDOR g« O"� �� °° � �°O M« - Southeast Corner of Tract 6, Eighth� Ninth and Tenth Supplement to Map of Racquet Club � `� s �e �OaF CH = S84°5 60 E 46.70 O , ° i.00' p i.o=' �h I (lJ � i.00' W� I � 9 P r � . • � �^ 6/o O � o.sa � Townhomes, accordin to the recorded lat thereof• th nce N13'1.7'44"E 44 15 feet to \ J � /�� � O �� _ w C C a • � r • � M � ' '\^ , -'p.,� �^ �--12_�-- o O cV d cV o � the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N05 25 00 E 20.25 feet; thence N84 35 00 W� U.67 . 4 2 f e e t; t h e n c e S 8 4 3 5 0 0 E, 6. 4 3 f e e t; t h e n c e N U 5 2 5 U O E, � < O . �� - - /O _ _ 2O � t ence , ; � a . � �� - � �:•,:. �� S� D O� l� rE� �� S25°49r54"E : �u 1 _ � W � ��� ���� ; 3 e 5 1� fe et; t he nce S 8 4' 3 5' 0 0" E, 9. 6 0 f e e t; t h e n c e S 0 5' 2 5' 0 0" W, 3. 5 7 fee t; t he n c e \ / ~�� h � 4�� �PR�vA � 28.37� A �e - ' :�.�o 8 °� � o ,9/� T ��IJ N q� o : a . o ••••..:�, a o �+ ;� o S 8 4' 3 5' 0 0" E, 2 1. 0 0 f e e t; t h e n c e N 0 5' 2 5' 0 0" E, 3. 5 1 f e e t; t h e n c e S 8 4' 3 5' 0 0" E� 9. 6 0 f e e t; \b \ `\\ �r{�:i .i / �vQ�/ ��p►����s 'ri I� w n I � .59� O.S9 �� � ��.�� , ,,.s4� �•' ,,,6.� thence S05'25'00"W, 3.57 feet; thence S84'35'00"E, 5.37 feet; thence N05'25' "E _ _ ,o \ �'^` /�/ ��✓`�, , '�a � N Q� Il.34� d d �:.as� Q� g �p.�� ,p,,: fee t; t heMce S 8 4' 3 5' 0 0" E, 1 6. 4 7 f ee t; t heMce N 0 5' 2 5' 0 0" E, 3. 5 1 fee t; t heNce � �� ` : a - _ S84 35 00 E, 18.50 feet; thence S05 25 00 H, 3.51 feet; thence S84 35 00 E 16.36 feet; A,,yr�q � ��\ g�, � ^ e i y � e ��.�s� ��.�s� W� o o.s� thence S05'25'00"W, 27.67 feet; thence N84'35'00°W, 19.16 feet; thence N05;25'00"E, ��''E�'�E \ )3;f �,/ � ,, e.+r "j� n " _� 3 � � A � o a� � � 0 3.34 feet; thence N84'35'00"W, 12.34 feet; thence S05'25'00"W, 3.34 feet; thence \ ro o�. . �� �` � � , �; � �� ., ie. � � s p N � DECK °' A DECK "' ,. O N - . � M • � . .. � . � / ,.. ; �, " oy� ►� � o,,� � N84 35 00 W, 18.50 feet; thence S05 25 00 W, 10.00 feet; thence N84 35 00 W, 52.66 feet \`A'�R \ � l� ��.s.ar /�� �� g$ �.00� to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. f' y'i ` 0.�7' / TNREE sTpRY f / i. t IY.6� 1i.6i' � E�' \ WR UNIT COqppMINIUM ° W i • 11.75� 11.73� � � r ��c��,T� � �\ / Zo n n BUILOING 0� /// « x� � ia.e� x4.so' �a.s� f\rc�Y \ J �� o ' /�/��' � W � �' w $ r�cyr F•; +}��'�► \ oZ � �j - '� �,,,e' ,a,d d � BUILDING � MHEREAS said Vail Racquet Club Townhomes, a General Partnership, has caused the °,y ti � 'r+rf'+E � o s , accompanying map to be prepared under the condominium ownership act of the State of 4p ��ti \ �'�' �EM � W�. I Ne4° EE� C OFT�RIOR LINE �i% r r a� r � 3�'oo•w ���TIOq T H I RD F LOOR PLAN Col orado and i n accordance wi th the condomi ni un� decl arati on for Racquet C1 ub Townhomes �� � R \ ,�' � W O � EXTERIOR LINE R4 'a1�o4�r �''%r � � OF FOUNDATION and the E1 eventh Suppl ement thereto: � o � r F e \ � o ��, W� s 6 7� 6 9'�!` E TRACT 7 'O�'� N O W T H E R E F O R E, s a i d V a i 1 R a c q u e t C 1 u b T o w n h o m e s, a G e n e r a l P a r t n e r s h i p, d o e s h e r e b y SCALE� I�� = 30� �T � rh \� rp •� 2e��' � o.�.� 23.9d :s.9d decl are that the accompanyi ng map i s the map of the E1 eventh Suppl ement to Map of � i�l � o.2s' 3 0 2 o i o o s o 6 O C�e �A'�(� \ N� p i�' ;o � 3436 y L�� 913 ��+' �x: ; N e Racquet Club Toanhomes depicting the afore described tract which is submitted to °�, y �M F c7�, -, � � N� S p � K 2 6 g, pp G E g °°° °°� o� condomi ni un ownershi p as provi ded i n sai d condomi ni um ownershi p act and whi ch shows the °M sr '� `' ��° v 4�� 3C� go� ,�, o.ss� 1 ayout and 1 ocati on of the condomi ni um uni ts of sai d E1 eventh Suppl ement to Map of S'�Q A Racquet Club Townho�es of the property described in Section 1 of Exhibit 1 of the . 9g5 '��0d � O3 1_ O4 �; condaninium declaration for said Eleventh Supplement to Map of Racquet Club Townhomes. S W C O R. S E I/ 4 �� :_ _'"' 2'O°� - °- ° a=� and which also shows areas referreG to in said declaration and the Eleventh Su p plement \�JJo a~� n N i 1.0l� a « �~ SEI/4 SEC. 12 SOUTHEAST � 4 0 00 � thereto over which easements are being granted i n accordance wi th sai d decl arati on and (FOUNO V2" IRON PIN CORNER �2i ��, °°° � � �� the E1 eventh Suppl ement thereto for i ngress and egress, for parki ng and for other �N CONCRETE LABELEO TRACT 6 \�h'\ 0 5�, cs o �" • pUrpOSeS. 2s9o' sEE NOTE i) � o.�s� '_•_'� � '_•_'� � IN WITNESS MHEREOF Vail Racquet Club Tow homes. General Partnership, has executed � e SE COR. SEC. 12, TS3, o.,,� � � N �� M, � � •e9 =:� ��.�' '� «� o � o - these presents thi s , d�y of t.�4uS A. D. 1985. WITNE33 CORNER `�'�' RB�W OF THE 6TH P.M. _ . (FOUNO ��+" IN SANDSTONE, „ � (FOUNO I/2�� IRON PIN IN CONCRETE $ i � M ° 2 o.e�' "' ••��' ;,, o o •��� �"' o.st� �+ AS DESCRIBE� IN ORIGINAL (N89'��5�24�W - DEED- BOOK 227� PAGE 320) �� APPROPRIATELY MARKED) a« a � o DECK "�! + 3� 2 34 ��r !! ss� DECK 0.6^ O.L!' G.L.O. SURVEY OF 1888, 673.20� o ___ N89°3541 W 1306.39� (SEE NOTE 2) o ��, ,A � VAIL RACQUET CLUB TOWNHOMES, EAST OF SECTION CORNER) ° --' S89�'S9�OI��W i�.ai' .� .� i�.to' �t.i:r.,•,�n•t. ! ;�; � ••;-; :::+: ••��.ti: ! •r• : q r�rti=•v•���� s� � �j �s.�+' A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP �S,J:t.:t ..ti�\�: •.r1.%'.�,~.t:i. . . �t:�: :< . 'i� . ��. :"�'..r:J: . .�.•.! J< 0 � �� J •(SEE NOTE I) o= ���� -- -- �•_�� � �, �� ��� � g ��C./ �2���� %�i.'v�1s� o.es' o.se' BUILDING 0 SECTION A-A' •.»' i TH/RD " FLOOR '' T H/ R D ;, o. e+ "' � FL DOR � X � 0.5f' d 0.5i' a d 0.89' •.•�' •.�•' o SECOND a.od xo.e�' o.ee' � FLOOR o.es' � � ,,..�� SECOND g SECOND FL DOR _ o FLOOR x g � o o.s o.a9' eo.ss' o.ss' i:.os' po.e9 �.s� N F/RST FLOOR � �Y' � F/RST FLOOR � g SECTION B-B' TYPICAL UNITS I 9 2 BUILDING 0 SECTION C- C' SECTION D- D' TYPICAL UNITS I 8 2 TYPICAL UNITS 3 8 4 ELEVATI ON VI EWS SCALE� I�� = 10� SEML�NT � rr►�c�� ��� ROOf fl0►E� � / TH/RD FLOOR W� o•ss' a.os ., s.or s.o «� s.os o•»' � o »�n�+ - W � � , • •� �_ IY.3� � [JCC�Ki � C 1l.M �� �.0�� ^� R"� �.W� • i 1l.N� 14.0• o 0 13.�4 � BUILDING 0 0 SECOND FLOOR PLAN � V) Of T POUNDATION 51.3i o � p; 3�SEML�NT BAS�ME/VT _I '� A a ° ° ° - �a BELOW BELOW � ° ° - m ° �- � �.so- - - i ��.�d _ J o.a�' o. as' o.:s' o: s�' o.�a' st.00' �. st' i.od N 2 4.!�� 2 5.00� - O � O i. w �inir haa � ~ ~ a A =� w h O O- O O- N � N J Q o.�� � °-' i.00 i.ot' � o � O.bf' � � � o.:s' ° W � A� o..e' O = i O �. r - - � « « � �. �. a.0�� q s.o�' ►- w � � � � • « « d � f r =� 12.34' �= ) � � � r� N I I.M� .!!�� � 'Mp, A r{ O�Jf� I1.{� : J► N i' � 12.6 O � 13.0�� o� o 0 o.es' NTRY ENTRY c� 7.ti' 1.f�' g�� W�� y r _ _ __ x� A►- 6 Ot i� !. 5. A l.O�� r p � � � � � 12.34� i� o i . � o.s.� : : or -'� ^ � � � j ' ,� i .«� 1.0� ENTRY � ° ENTR ".«� o m �� BUILDING 0 FIRST FLOOR PLAN si.s� i i.�s i i.sd i i.� � i.es' 1.33' g � � �aASEM�vr ►� �BASEMENT � a � �i a a a n • � g 0.3l� II.lO� II.lC 0.3d s ie.xs' u2se' ae�' s:.00' is 3 a i.00' ° Q : s. is' 2 s.00' - A i.3s� '' "_' � NO A/R SPACE i��". NO A/R SPACE N« �.od - o.a i.00' � tl � : a SEi�i�N� 0•�3� m a d o FLOOR X o.ss� O/ g g 2O i2.4x' ix.4:' ;- � � �` lV N � - � o.�s �y �� N NO A/R SPACE NO A/R SPACE � � f x�.so' � f o � g n ii.sd o.e�' as�' u.�� N ! d I.SL� p � � 0.16 12.1Y� 13.Oe' a.s3' "' o d � F/RST FLOOR d � � o.s�' i:.4x' i:.�' "' $ � � M l0.Mr f. � 24.50� � � o w O � � . o : � � � o.s�' . 0� It.74' 0.67� O.E'I' Il.M' BASEMENT �133� i4.oe' i4.os' � BUILDING 0 0 SECTION E- E' FOUNDATION PLAN NOTES TYPICAL UNITS 3 a 4 ELEVATION SCHEDULE L NUMBER IN CIRCLE � INDICATES UNITS BUILDING UNIT N0. FIRST FLOOR NUMBER IN BUILDING. 0 I 9 2 E85VAT12 N FLOOR PLANS 2 B�� FORIELEYATNONCVIEWS ROSS SECTIONS. 0 394 8515.72 SCALE� I�� = 10� � • ey ay , Eric Berg, General rtner Walter Kirch, General Partner ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF COLORADO)SS COUNTY OF�`�`=_) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this�#�/�day of CC A.D., `985, by Eric Berg and Walter Kirch, as the General Partners of Yail acquet Club Townhomes, a General Partnership. Witness ►qy hand and official seal. M�y commission expires1���`."j' � �t,Y. �L.J Notary Public � � • �oX /�J P8 , �Qt � ��vl�✓�le �/6.�P Address '^'��� 1 tT�e ��thrb�ttrc.�does hereby certi fy that I have exami ned the ti tl e to al 1 lands shown upon this plat and that Title to such lands is free and clear of all lien��'1 and encu rances ex ept as fol l ows: T�'�s�- r �� x`� ' '� 1 . .0 �. q t,1 . \ �► r' 1'I S � � • By•_ � _, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Approved by the Town of Vai 1 Zoni ng Admi ni strator thi s o2 � day of ��-1M��1.l,�i..J A�. , 1985. � � ,� , � , Town of Va�l Clerk Town of Vai Zoning Administrator SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I. Richard G. Settergren, hereby certify that during the month of February, 1985, a survey of the building as shown on the accompanying map w�S.:.made under �y supervision, that the building was in an advanced stage of construat�t� �that said building was constructed in accordance with the dimensions as sh � anying map. I ,c . ; �=�- RichaR , en' -,�;, �� Col or�r Regi stered. ; ssi onal � Land S�h"�di,' I �� : • Q • �,•�. �.� * � }i T �, % ;4: � `.,�"�,p�� � 9 '� CLERK ANO RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE �I . ,+ I certify that this map was filed in my office on the�day of e em�er A.D.,-�985, at :��o'clock �.M., and was recorded in Book �a �at age 73 Recept•i on No. ��053 9 The condomi ni um decl arati on i s f i j ed i n Book at Page��. #-3ao.s37. '!t/0.00 �d. _ � � � � . I � � � , � �- � �� n y Clerk and Recor er - � �': � . .. - ' • � , v - - - - - � R!' �