HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision Lot 03� i TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO � � t�l �T C:�CCTC� T f`l' T f1A1 created by thi s r+est_�bd i vi si on o more than one t�o-family of the three parc�ls. Allow�ble wo-f ami 1 y resi dencie wi 1 1 be of the three parce;l s. ered Land Surveyor licensed under = this plat is true�, correct and �d �nd shown hereon. that such �f said prap�rty by me and under location and dimen�sions of the �di vi sion as the sa+me are staE:ed licable regulations governing �nd seal this '��Ile..,*,�r�CORc�',, . {� CO►COT0/1 ' �rado P. L. S. No. � =ASTER LY �o".w ED. LINE ► .•...... Q � QQ�� ��G\STER fiO � •�A���o e • • �' _ . • . • �� ��� ' _ � �1��� � � . . � � * . � ` � �Y yp�: � � ;'9], • ,� suR��•°` � = ,, � ••.....�• ��i` �., QF ��.�CJ L `�`j:s... � . n CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHif' Know all men by these presents that Hurlews Vail Associates. a New Jersey general partnership, being sole owner in fee simple of all that real propPrty situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Golorado, descr i bed as f ol 1 ows: Lot 3, Bigharn Suddivision, acccirdinq ta the rtiap thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle Caunty, Cnlnrado, ClerE; and F:ecorder� containing t►.5964 �cr�s, more or lesa. have by these presents laid out, platted and s��bdivided the same into p2rcels as shown on this fin�l plat !►nder the narne and style of "A Resubdi vi si on of Lat 3, E+i ghorn 8ubd i vi si n�". a��.�bd i vi si or� i � the Town of Vail, Eagle County� Colo��o: and does hereby accept the responsi- bility for the c�mpletion of req�' ' provement�; and dvPS hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public im- provements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate thos� partions of s�id real �.�roperty whicN► ar� indicated as e��s�ment on the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon: �nd does hereby gr�nt the right to install and maintain necessary struct��res to the entity responsible for providinq the services for which the easements are established. � , E>cecuted thi s _ day of ������� _____, A. D. , 198� OWNEFc: STATE OF C����_�_� ) )SS. COUNTY OF ���`_,�__ > Burlews Vail Associ�tes. a New Jersey general partnership 44 Burlews Court HackensacF; N.J. U7601 �-_ � _ �Y'- ------ hn Nanasi, ge�eral partner foregoin instrument was ac�nowl e bef� me this day of ���� ___� A. D. , i98� bY ���_ ����� ---------- as ��__����.� _.__ of H�ir 1 ews ��i 1 F�ssoc i ates, a New Jersey g neral p�rtnership. My commission expires: ����_�. Witness my hand and seal. • - -�-- - - No-ar��Fu�i �����.�-�__���� � -�-����----�� __���� �__�_n`_ '� \��; C� r `� :,�. -f� � _J .� . . � . .�', :� � . ,�� '��,'•:�... •'�:� �� �A', TITtE CERTIFICATE � Tr�nsamerica Title Ins�+rance Company daes hereby certify that the title to all lands shown upon this final plat have b�en examined and is vested i n'�R�WS ��11L _��O�i�'�'�t.3}���_��s�..���l�-RAls���i NERS��P and that title to such lands i$ free and clear of all li ns and encumbrances, er,cept as fol 1 ows:ljK�'�it,� _',�TJ�T�S ��L�'�_ ����,�.'h�OIVS �'s _ _+_�_-�4Q"!C��?�f►� _�i �00_x— �Z'�_ _PsT �'�!►�.L _ �D.��� �t-�r.�.c.T. �0�►1 � - - 1�.es�S��i.tl._�i�.�'�1c.�.. t7�-_.�.3- _L'eo+�._�4�--------------------------- Da�ted thi s_l°l� day of M�— , A. D. , 198(� �----------______ 0 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Transamerica Title Insurance Company 953 S. Frontaqe Road West Vail. CO 81657 �Y _.. _.�� - - -- •----- ------ ig atur ) �rt �.A � � . .� .�� 4a�T�. -- - M�t C:t i- � (F'rint nan�e and title) Thi s f i nal pl at i s heret�y approved tF�e Town of Vai 1 Zoni ng Administrakor this _�____ day of _\�,��` ---------, A.D., 198`t. ��� Att st: � � �� �_�_�__ l� __�� �__.,__..�.�.,.._�_��_� — B'£=.,LTr�r_...r......�G-_.__________ Town Clerk Zoninq Administrat"or � Town of Vail� Colorado 7own of Vail, Colorado CEFTIFICATE QF TAXES FAID I, the undersiqned, do hereby certify that the �ntire amount of ta„es due and payab 1 e as of ___�� �_�� ___ ___, upon al 1 parcel s of real �state described on this final plat 2re paid in full. Dated thi s 19 __ day of __ __.___ _. A. D. , 198% . --- - . - ~ �- - - Treasurer of Eaqle County, olar o CLEFiK AND FELORDER'S CERTIFICATE, Thi s f i nal pl at was f i 2 ed f ar record i n the af f i ce of the C1 erk and Recorder on thi s_.�g �_ day of ._ ��ugr ___. A. D. , 198�_, at !0 J� o•' cl ocE; �± ht. I;ecorded under Recept�on No. ��,�,�Q_ i n BooF=: ��1�P_ at F'a9� _��_• � y, . 4 � �c S 3 3 I �, �'�-,� — _ .. - -- -- �— --------- 3�� C rk and R�car er �; qle County, Colora �541qs - �Y: -- - - -______-.---- Pe i�ty _ � �