HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Intermountain Development Subdivision Block 10 Lot 03. w ���� 1`{.� �,,. ,, .� 4 1' '�t � °�:�'� ' i� ': d «�" �: p ,,� (� �'. ;�'�,� - � � }, .� ,, �` t � :' � ,' •�°:��� '.��,{,� C r ,,�� r�' , . ,� � ��r�,��;'� � F .�''��y :� ;a` �`:: �'' ,�- , _ � � w� .�r !, f;,,�`�„,�.. i'� t �r � ` � �"�rt� � � , � b ; I� ;� -� �.�,i���O ��s ' -��",' `�3 � � . ,��, Q,� ,� . � � � a�: ��,�r r ,, r 1► . 8 , � 0 0 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP . . Know all men by these p�esents that James Boulter, Dorothv L. Noult�. Grrv D. Kvamme. Rose L. Kva�nme, Robert W. EddY, Carol L. Eddy, �d Mary L. Conner beinq sole owners in fee simple, and The Empire Savings, 8uildinq and Loan Association a�s mortqaqee of �11 that real property situated in Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Lot 3, 81ock 10, Vail Intermountain Development Subdivisia� ! accordinq to the map thereof recorded in the office of the Eaqle County, Colorado. Clerk and Recorder, cant�ining 4.242 acres, more or less. have by these presents laid out, platt�d and s�tbdivided th• sa�e irnto parcel a as shown on tfii s f i nal pl �t under the narne z�nd styl � of "A Resubd i vi si on of Lot 3, B1 ock 1 O. Vai 1 Intermountai n Devel op�nent Subdi vi �i on a subdi vi si on i n the Countv of Ea�ql e; �nd does hereby �� dedicate and set aNart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as �hown on the accompanying plat to the u�e of the public forever� and does hereby dedicate those portiona of sait� real property which wre indicated as easement on the accompanying plat as �asements for the purpo�e shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to install and maintain necegsary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the easements are established� and the owners do hereby accept the responsibility for the compl et i on of requi red i mprovements, and the mortgagee or 1 i enhol derr does hereby consent to much acceptance by the owner. Executed this __�,Q'i'!� daY of ____�Q�rGLj________, A. D. , 11S �. OWN1�14S : .�.,� ._----- --- ---------- --- .� __----- ------------- James 8oulter Aorothv . Boulter 6661 osewood Drive Col�o ado rinqs. CO 80918 _ ----- --- ------------------- -- - - -- -- ---------------- ary D. k:vamme Rose . F:vamme '�9789 Qu tman Way West in�s :�CO 804�0 / - ~ ----- ---------- --- - ="=--------- ------------ 'obert W. Eddv Carol~L. Eddv � 107 Manhatten Drive �a«i e�, co eo az � � %' J' ,,� � _� � - yfv --- Marv � 4lonner �4�2 it� Place 8ou 1 d er . CO 8u3C�3 ' , STATE OF ��.�____ > : ) ss. COUNTY OF ��_���----- � The foreq i nq instrument w�s acknowl edqed before me thi s_�.� day of ---�--- _� _________.__± A. D. . 198 2 by James Poul ter and Dorothy L. 8oulter. . - �] - My commi ssi on expi res. _`z �- _�� _. Witness mv hand and seal. --.---��- �����o--------------- Notary P�ic • ------��-(ZQ---�--- ---�� ------- ----- �1� �: �_� _ _ �� �d _9�� ��i STATE � _�,Q�D ) ' _ _ ___----i55. COUNTY� `_�___1 _> • f re oi ng i nstrument was acknowl edqed bef ore me thi s�� _ d�ay of _ _________.____, A.D., 198� by Garv D. Kvamme and Rose L. Kvsmme. My commi ssi on expi res: ��1,� D o____. Witness my hand and seal. , . �!'- --,---------- --- U � `j � � �'����� �?��`_=—�� _���_���__�����_ s STATE OF ) - — -------) 55. COUNTY OF ) The oreqoing instrument was acw owledged before me thi� 1v� d�wy of __��/�,��______, A. D. , 198�by Robert W. Eddy and Carol l.. Ed�dy. My com�ni s�i on expi re�: �„j��____. WitneSS my hrnd and seal. -� � � � i / ' � (t / . '' � � � ?' / ��� 1� � ,.. --- - � -- (��,., -- -- /' ' .�? �._�� �T �.���11Y�_�_������� �: � . . . ,� � � �,:�,. ��a = �� ' _ � � ''. ��� �► �.Fa ` i ! � � �. � 1� S : � ��'�f:jt ,_� ;� � � � z �' k^ r � �� , .. r" • . ! � J , � ,/��.1 , .r . � ��. _ •���. `�/� � 0 r r��� ;� r� ..ii.J / . r�J ��;� J� � '� -d" "� 1� � '�`� . y � �.+� . . '" i . ,. � �/yy �r . '`i�/ l �Qf � .. '� 1' � �y' � :��,� 8�.,, � � . ��� ��/�IlIl1�'���'.. EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING AND �SURVEYING INC., 953 SdIJ^FM;., F�ipNTAC� �E'�li' "�OV��fi, VAIL , COLORADO _ N . , .:��I. . 1 [�.:.�, vY�Wk�? -- �"""'---'�'---_ .__"____.. ... . ... _ ___._.. . . .._�_.. .m ...... .... . . . . '___.. .___- _-__- -_' _ _ � _ _ __ . 4 Ci^ ,��"' . , # � EAGLE COU NT Y, COLO RA DO SHEET I OF 2 STATE OF ) - ----)�s. ' COUNTY OF ) The oregoing instrument was ac nowledged before me this _�� day of _______, A.D., 198� by Mary L. Conner. My con�mi ssi on expi res: _�1J1_(Q___. , Wftness my hand and seal. T , C�� �/ � MORTQAC3EE : ,-- - � � % ✓ i " �i � 1 r, / i , �i �� ! '� � ��_ Ji The En�pi r• Sawi nqs. 8ui 1 di ng •nd Loa�n A�sociatio� ------------------------------------ Py: � ' -__��'���_.�'�_° BTATE OF �,�,R� o ______ ) ) ss. Ct)UlVTY OF ��'�1 V�.�-. ------ ) . The foreoofng instrument wa►s acknawledq�d before n�e this _���`__ day of -- ��J?�1�- ___-----� A. D. a 198 � bY l�il i��4�L� ������ ---- ------------ ws ---- - __�j,,�r�_ r�s1,�,,-?T _________________ of The Empi re Sa�vi nqs, Hui 1 di nq and � Loa�n Association. My com�►i ssi on expi res: _����K2 ____. � Mitnes� n�y hand and seal. Not�v blic- -------------------- 1�.�.�L_��u ��z,�_� S?= n_ v � ---1'CN V�12��S2--S�2 Z -----}----------- 0 TITLE CERTIFICATE . F� R5-r T��'�.:E ��= Co���-�a, ��. does hereby certify thwt it ha�s exa�ined th� Titl• to all 1:?ds shown upon th�is Rl�t •nd thwt Title � o such � lands is vest�d in JAM�S �_�CX_li�,� �?�D6�Z��� L, free MA1C �,. L�dl1/�JER, and clear of •11 lien�, taxes and encun►brancfrs, �xcept as*follows: �• KV E�, �.� D.F �'!e,%��� � �� r r �_ �� � �� �ict�lG � �-��� _ � �. . �; ✓,��E b CR K.o�. , � � p � _L`�ay�'.1��� � Lq~�7_1�_�.�.� ��.� �4r_ �A�� 1!�7���Y�+.r���s1r�__ � , �+ y _.�, _���v�r ���RD�2�_�.�.���_�-e�a�.�.�zv�r� ��-p z_ -�- -(o�_1���_U� �D±i.r�?�'�_f.�.�_!�i�'z�_�.7� ��.��!'1.�'/S1T-- - -- _.�,a� 10+19?2s�'_�t5_��_��?�� ��s�--------------------------- ����������.��������������_.������"_�����_�_�.���������.��.�����.������.����..���.� .. � Rsr �'i rr,.E oF �w, � aJe . ,�. ,. �� e, « �o.'�c st�o, Artlon�,ed 8��2b �Y'- -- - � -- - ------- - - �E�I�.A-�, �VlC�Z . 3(\3�bi 0 SURVEYORS'S CEFTIFICATE I. Dannie Corcoran, do hereby certify tha�t I am a registereti Land Furveyor l i censed �tnder the l aws of th� State of Col orado, that th i�s plat is a truQ, correct and complete Plat of "A Resubdivision of Lot 3. 81ock 10. Vail Intermcn.�ntain Develapment Subdivision". •s I•�id out, �latted, dedicated and shown hereon, thdt such Plwt wws n�ade fro� wn �rccuratt survey of za i d prop�rt y by �e and under �y supervi si tx� arnd torrectly shows the location a�nd din�nsion� of the lotst •a�se�ents and street� of said subdivision as the same are st�ked upan the oround in to�pliance with applicable regula�tion� governing the subdivision of 1 a�nd . In Ni trt�ss t�ereof I have set,�fiyn�f���� and seal thi s�`�_ day of ------�Y� _---------� A. ����W'�'�.��,�•, �. � ......... . . :�� Q' �.•�;�G�STFRFO �� . � �: � . �r � � ; ; + � - _ � � 16���- :-- --L� -- -- ------------- : � Dar�r� � Corcoran y N� ;�y �i,gr.;ado P. L. S. No. 16827 ��. 9 '••�.� suc�ti..• �`J �� �i l •••....•• t��Y' �� .,��F �F C� ��,,,1�, ,����/1397t1�l�i� . . . . . . .. . . I.. _ . . . I . . � COl]NTY CiOMIM I 58I ONER' S CERT I F I CATE Sas�d upo� the �eview and� recoT�nenda�tion of the Eaqle County �irector of Co�nuni ty Devel opment, the 8o�rd of County Can�ni ssi oners of Eagl e CountY, Col a�do, hereby Ppproves this final plat this _� _ day of ' , A. D. , 199„� , fo� f i 1 i nq wi th the C1 erk �nd �cordK Ea►gl • County end #or conveywnce to the Caunty of tM publ i c /�dications shown he�eon� �ubject to the p�ovision ths�t appro�al in na �y. obliqwt�s Ea�qle County for �na�intenanc� 04 rouds dedicated to th� public until cv�struction of i�p�-ove�ents tFr*reon shwll have b�n e�i �t� i n�ccard�tnc* �i th Ewql • County spec f fi cart i oMS and t11� �d ai Cou�ty Co�i ssi o�e�rs of Eagl • County ha�s by a subse�uent rwol ut i on �qreed to undKtwk� n�a�i ntenance of the a�nte. Thi s approval dt��lc not qua�ant� that th� siz�, t�oil conditions, subsurface qeology� �ound w�t�r co�di t i ons� or f 1 oodi nq condi ti o�s of a�ny 1 ot shor+n herNn are s�cA that w bui 1 di nq p�r�i t, seNwge di sposal per�i t o�- any o�thK'�' �qu! r�d p�er�i ! wi 11 bt i ssued. Thi s approv�l i s Ni th th• urt!�K�t�ndi ng tt�a! all expenses involving rfquired improve�ents for •11 utility s�rwi c�s, pwvi nq�, q�a�di n4i 1 andscwpi nq, curbs. �tlKS, si d�l ks, road liqhting, re�re siqns, flvod protection devices, drain�g• struetur�s, ahd �! 1 othK i n�prove�ne�ts tha�t �a�y b• re r shal 1 be th• re�iponsi bi 1 i ty of the aubdi vi d�^ and no th• C nty of Es�gl �. -��- Ch�i man � Boar of Count C i ss : County of Eagl . o2or d Nitne�s my hand and seal of the County of Ea . • _� � ATTEST: . C rk to the Board of County omrni ssi oners PLAMVING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE 1�d upon the revi ew and recon+n�endat i on of the Ewq 1 e County Di rector eK Co�uni ty Devel opn�ent, the Pl anni ng Con�nn�i ssi on hereby approves this finil plat. 31�p1: . � - �- ---------------- Chsi rn�an , F�1 a�nni nq ConMni ssi on County � Ea�gl e, Col ora�o �!"1'r D�E'l.0�'Irl!'NT CERT I F I CAT£ �'"w`�tjr�tnt to th� Eagl � Countv Land Use Reoul �! i on�. th• Oi ��reter► ef E�ql • ounty Con��nuni ty Devel opment hereby approves thi s f i ns�l pl � tht __��day of A. D. 198 �. - ------------� � -�- irector, Community Develop County of Eaqle, Colorado 8TATE OF COLORADO) > ss. QOIMTY OF EAGLE ) Th� f eqoi g in�truTent was acknowledge�d+� �before me thi'i- �aba da�y of --_��`��r �--------+ A. D. , 198 2• bY__S,iki$aCL_J��_�-�4��------- My con►n�i ssi on expi r�es: _ 2= Q_gQ _. Mlitness Ty hand �nd seal. ��---- ---- - ------ - ---------- Notary Fubl' �, �./, Addr�ss: _ ^.�_��L' -Y-� �------- _• -_ --�-��-�1G�.�- CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the undersiqned, do hereby certify that the entire a►mount of taxes and asse�sment� due �nd pay�+ble as of /- /� i�o --------------------------------- upon all parcels of re�l estate described on this plat are paid in ful l . Dated thi s_�� _ d�y of ___ ���� ---------a �A. D. . 199�17 ------- .� -- - - Treasurer of Eaqle County CLERK AND RECORDEF'S CERTIFICATE �'rj�p.2 � � �` This Flat wes filed for record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder wt 12�.0_ o'clxk P M, �iarG13,_ �Q_ ------------------------- 19A ], and i s dul y recorded i n Pook _�,j� Q_, Paqe No. _(Q�__. — — — — —• — ' ----- ��CS 35 (o z�� erk and Fecorder Y' y�e��� • -------------------------------- Deputy � ._.._. ...... � ���. l / • ., \ IIL'I.