HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlen Lyon Subdivision Lot 22m LOT 18 0' 10' 20' 40' SCA LE I "= 20' EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING INC., 953 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL , COLORADO, 81657 L.S. 139U I � �_ ►I L, E AGLE COUNTY, COLORADO ti� SUF:VEYORS'S CE�TIFICATE 1 do hereby certify that I am a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, corre�ct and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that �such plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the location and dimer,sions of the lots, easements and streets of said subdivision�and the parcel boundary is staked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulations governing the subdivision of land. In wi t ss thereof I have set my hand and seal thi s__�1 '� da.y,. of A. D. 1988. : �. r "°.,., ------ �------------� � � . �, � ���� �'� �� ��f —�—� —�--�/—, �— — �'.-� ��.—�rte— Lel and J. Lechner -_ _ �; . _- � - Colorado L.S. No. ��306 o�� c' �'� . ..ase° C \1 j . � � �`- 'i��„ ,,. .�, •,, FND. PIN 8 CAP , L.S. 11643 I �5' � . LOT 23 1 PLAT RESTRICTION For zoning purposes, the three parcels created by this res��bdivision are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowed on the combined area of the three parcels. Allowable gross resi de�nti al f 1 oor area f or the two-f ami 1 y resi dence wi 1 1 be caI cul ated based on the combined area of the three parcels. NOTE : I. DATE OF SURVEY : JANUARY , 1988 2. BEA�INGS BASED ON A LINE CONNECTING THE NE AND SW CORNERS OF LOT 22 BEING N 57°37'02 ��E. � 3. MONUMENTATION AS INDICATED. NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence-�ny leg�l action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten ye�rs from the date of the certification shown hereon. � p CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all men by these presents that John Lohre, beina sole owr,er in fee simple of all that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Lot 22, Amended Plat Glen Lyon Subdivision, according to the map there- of recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Ftecorder, cantaining �►.�091 acres, more or less. has by these presents laid.out, platted and subdivided the same into parcels as shown on this final plat under the name and style of "A Fesubdivision of Lot 2�, Amended Plat Glen Lyon Subdivision", a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado: and does hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of required improvements; and does hereby dedicate and set apart a�ll of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of s�id real property which are indicated as easement on the accompanying plat as easementg 4or the purpose shown hereon: and does hereby grant the right to install and maintain nec�ssary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the easements are established; and does hereby certify that this final plat is filed in conjunction with the Townhouse Declaration for A�esubdivision of Lot 22, Amended �lat Glen Lyon Subdivision. Executed thi s�� day of _����� � ___, A. D. , 1988, OWNER: " � /�._�, � /� -�� � , � ,��- �--- -=----- �------------------- n Lohre ddress: ________ 0 � STATE OF �V�O?�;J(,1 ____) v+ / ) 5 5 . COUNTY OF _��1�______> The f regoi ng i nstrument was acE:nowl edged before me thi s 's� ___��e� -�f - - day of ________, A.D., 1988 by John L�hre. My commissicrn er.pires: ____________. Witness m hand and seal. �-�_--_-- ; � Y � -- ------ --- '�-------- Notary Fublic °•' —__�...C4rpx�;ac:ca�susir�c�`..:{;;i-E�;-�,�_ --------- . ..'� , .�� (,! �r, :.. l'��� �, �,l ;., , . �a > `i::�`,� I -s^s--'--------�'_"--'------��'------�� .!P' j � �W�. i `' p"'��•L �wy..?\, � •'�i, ..a�'r . � � . , s, :�x �•.' '`: :' : : ''��`�. �.. ' T I TLE CEF�T I F I CATE .J`� �• ��; ..��°K� . �.,.�.. ,,- t Stewart Ti t 1 e Guaranty Company does h�e.ki�Y� cert i f y that the t i t 1 e to all lands shown upon this final plat have been e>;amined and is vested i n _L/�.��_ ���C� ----- --- ----- ------- - -- -------- ----- ---------- -- and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens Qand � e cumbrances, except as f ol 1 ows: _(f ,s ��1t _/.�CQC�pd in .C�t�C ��t �` �� ��4� • _��hca _E�� �t�_Ce�- �n._.� �J3�t__ �_G1y_�� _ � af � _ _��o x.��.s�'� 8�,3,� _!� �ll�. 1�_�3 `�f_ ����;•_ !�v� .r�� ��c�_!n_..13�_����t__ � _lo��' _arzd_ � �t�cr.Qr�i � � _ _ �� P�f_ �z. ?_ ����-- - �- ,� _ �,bQ�u.rz�!_ �Ja r_ t_�? ��c�_ _ �.1� �� _E�� -,'lJ��-�Or�d.�' ��r� Dated this ��� day of __���� �___, A.D., 1988. �/t[�ord�d in &�o� �7� df ��� D/��n+Qt•s /►i�,t�re /'Qt0 se� Stewart Title Guaranty Company �B¢i Hox 1248 /� �� 4�7/ e� %b'9� /e5 �9/Ud vai 1, co 81658 �eed o� Ti�s�' /�.�or�itc� �'ti ' � G �"96 . $y � --.����C ���� ,�1� '� �� �� ,� ( S i a t u r e --�/!1111�/ _��!S! �f�!�_E�1��i��7� (F'rint na(me and title) � ,�,11;111 l i l l�±; q//�, \\;�.;�p`1�� ;�C�t�4Y'�lG ADM I N I STFATOR CE�T I F I CATE � o This°f��al plat is hereby approved by the Town of Vail Zoning =�g S��d�,ir�i}strator this __��'_ day of _____���''�`�------------� A.D., 1988. , , � - . , o � � •� °�, .A � t ; ` o , �''� °°��seo•° p : . . ,/',,������luni � �-- -- ,"�`--a'�--- -� -� - �--�----------�- - -- �(�� ------- Town Clerk Zoning Administrator Town of Vail, Colorado Town of V�il. Colorado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES FAID 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of t�r,es . due and payab 1 e as of ______1_=L= �_2________________. ��Pon al 1 parcel s of real estate described on this final plat are paid in full. Dated this ���1 day of ____ __________, A.D., 1988. _�!-� ! __ _ � 1�11�� ��.�/__---- - Treas er of Eagl unty Colorad ,; � � � � CLERF' AND RECOFDER' S CEF�T I F I CATE This final plat was filed for record in he office of the Clerk and Recorder on thi s���?_ day of __���i ,� ___________ , A. D. , 1988, at �,2 0' c 1 oc k�i_M. Recorded under Fecept i on No. ,�2'���p� i n L�ook !��.?. at F'a9e _1�• ,�-. Townhouse Dec 1 arat i an recorded i n �ocik _��iL at F'age 1� _ � �`;'.;�i�,'�� "�� - �---------- -------- , ---- �� r. `" �.,� �`dy C1 e: and Recorder �� =f ;�,�Nr �.��f$ Ea e Cou ty, Colorado g < �N w j �[ Y { —+ a��•'r ���� 1 t �S, �... _ �_ _ __ .___����� �f' ; „ � F{ y : ��'�'•-.M..�� �f D e u t y �,., � m� � � �: