HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Ridge Subdivision Block A Lot 07,_ ., � �� � � � `�° ° NW CORNER NE 1/4 NW 1/4 SECl10N 14 T5S R81W 6TH PM SUBJECT N W�, 5 1 000' LAND USE SUMMARY LOT AREA(ACRES} USE DWELLING UNITS ADDRESS 7A 0.2833 1/2 Duplex 1 2683A Cortina Lane 78 0.2833 1/2 Duplex 1 2683B Cortina Lane LINE BEARING DISTANCE Lt S 40'S6'53" E 128.91' L2 S 79'OS'00" E 29.39' L3 S 49'08�00" E 8.93� L4 S 10'52�00�� W 12.83' L5 S 79'08�00�� E 20.68� FOUND //5 REBAR UNPLATTED FOUND "X" ON ROCK 0 � � N � w O to � � Z � W w ti W > H- �. J � � � \ I � � 6.0 � I I I I I I � I � I �m 4�J SET 2.0' WIT. CRN. #4 REBAR & 1 1/2" ALUM. CAP LS. //30116 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE–VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 970-949-1406 \ � ALL �9 `r�S � o ,� �s���'�ti �c�, \ �.�T iB 6.2833 ACRES 2683B BRICK ` WALL 1� ��ii � �..\ I � ���:�� �,ii � \ � l �. I � �I,� '��'' I DUP�EX PLAT I� I�,��,�I I . �y �� � � �I��� ( � �/ 1�, TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO r�o�s: 1) Date of Survey. M�arch, 2006 2) Land Title Guatantee Company corrimitment No. 50013526 dated February 3, 2006 were rAlied wpon for dll title and easement informatlon. 3) Notice: ACCOrding to Col�orado law you tnust comrhenc2 any legal action based upon 6ny defect in this survey withih thr8e yedrs diter you fil'st discover sucfi defect. In no event, may any action bdsed upon any defect in thi5 survey b.e commenced more than ten years from the date of the ceftification 3hown hereon. 4) Basi� of Bearings: is a Yine cbnneCting found morfuments marking the most n6rthetly antl southerly corners Lot 7 being N12'24'54°W, (as shown anii described hereon). 5) Protective CovAnants of Vail Fiidge, recdrded as Bt92, P235, Amended 8212, P678. 6 The purpose of this plat is to subdivide Lot 7, Block A, Vail Ridge. 7 Lot 7A and 78 are subj�ct to a Party Wall Agreement recorded under Recepti0n No. __ � � � . 8) Addresses are for informational purposes onty and may be subjeCt to change. Please veFify addre9ses with the Town of Vail Department of Community Development. 9) PLAT RESTRICTION For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this resubdivision are to be treated as ot�e lot with no more than one two–family residence alfowed on thE combined area of the two Iats. � . L�T 7A 0.2833 ACRES 2683A \ WDaI7 TI� WALL Lf�T 8 r�------7'� � \\ // � BUILDING DUTLINE 22.3� (— — ��� � � i � � BUILDING � OUTLINE � � ``� � ` � • � �• •� s � w ���� � � � � SET f/4 REBAR & 1 1/2" ALUM. CAP LS. //30116 � �r��� \� L \ ��� � � i � , \C �\\ � \\\� � �� �� �\ EDGE OF A5PHALT R�CK WALL 1 \ _., �� `�'': ` \ � p � y'tl � ;� � ,`�' � BU�LDWG � �r�. OUTLINE \ � ��'--, ' � �� � J' � \\\�I BLOCK WALL � I � ;� .� � O ' � � O I M n � � I �' � � � 1 I � I ' �' / / � I � I I � EDGE �ROAD ' GE PROPOSED IVE (TYP.) Z � � � U � Q -.�i 1 \ 'FOUNO //4 REBAR & 1 1/2° ALUM CAP LS#16827 � � 3 0 � d � � ��� �i � �'� 0 �1> �: ll � C�RTIFlCATE OF DEDICAT101V AND ONMERSHIP Khow all men by these presents that Stefan Schmid being sale owner in fee simple of all the real p.roperty situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Lbt 7, 61ock A, Vail Ridge, according to the map thereof recorded as Reception No. 103252 in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containing 0.5666 acres, more or less. htive by these p�resents laid out, platted and subdivided the same into parcels as shown on this final plat under the name and style of Vail Ridge, A Resubdivision of Lot 7, Block A, Vail Ridge, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Edgle County, Colorado; and do hereby dAd�icate and set apart all of tNe public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever, and do hereby dedicatC those pbrtions of said real property which are indicated ds easement on the aCCOmpanying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and do hereby gYant the right to install and maintain structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the easemenis are established. � �tt? �1 Executed this ��" day of �����'' � , A.D., 20���'_ Owner. � ��i7 � . i ;,�j' �� �_��-%'�i•t -��! k4�-/�;l�l/� i/l� Siefan� Schmid(:� �> - � � Address: ---- �– �-� – ��� � � � �'� � , _ i /' �, –,,7 ���� / > --- -=�-� t.:—�,-�-� � `C� STATE OF__J_� �_'%"J' -----------� ,.,.; -- )ss. COUNTY OF �.� �%%Y ����___) _ , � '. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this �_ day of ___ �l_-'/i'.?� _______, A.D., 20 �!�r_' by Stefan Schmid. tlie Town of Vail, Eagle County, C�olorado, described as follows �� My Commission expires. ��-��i'_r?:____ Witness my hand and seal j i � �i% / �—� _� � ��-�-- -- KEVIN ALDERMAN Notary Public� � , � , , Notary Publfc Address. ___ i � �� �� ' � `� �li� �° � '_'' ���X I' ° � Tarrant County _ L � ,_c � � �� , , __ � �a� tP State ot Texas – -- , � oF<� My Camm. Exp. 06-18-A8 ! ;T,- C�RTIFICATE OF DEDICATION FOR MOf2TGAGEE OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER Know all men by these presents that American National Bank, being tYie holder of a mortgage or deed of trust on that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Lot 7, Block A, Vail Ridge, according to the map thereof recorded a5 Reception No. 103252, in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado Clerk and Recorder, containing 0.566 acres, more or less. as shown on this final plat under the name dnd style of Vail Ridge, A Resu�bdivision of Lot 7, Block A, Vail Ridge, a subdivision in the Town of Vdil, Eagle County, Colorado; agrees to the dedication and settin�g apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby agree to the dedication of those portions of said real property which are indicated as easements on the accompanying plat as easements for the pwrpose shown hereon; and does hereby agree to the granting of the right td install and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the easements are established. � Executed this !� __ day of _���'S_ _____, A.D., 20'�`� . Mortgagee: AMerican National B�ank���,� Rddress:___�.�'. �a"� . ________ -- G�w_�.. �`� ���.–�-� --------- ey: ______ �'�` `_�__________ �A���` � �C �4??PM (Title)----- ------ ----------- STATE OF__�^"��^�"n�°'�'�--_----) �55. COUN7Y OF �"'�`� _ __) 7he foregoing instrument was acknowledged b fore rr�e this _��__ day of -- •?i m�n�_ D.� 20.�� bY -- �ati_±iu�� �– --------- as ____�!�?�d'�'�_�± �v�* �______ of American National� Bank. My Commission expires. �'�`3���?� __ Wi�tn_e�s my�ha�d and seal. ��'"'��—�--"— �"� � �+ 'k'Y,�4 3 , Notary Pub'�ic • '°°� '`�" Address: t%bei� �".�! ---� y,''�>�,�f�,.�! �g�,.� Crea"� ��q3m . �`�''�= ---'°��— ��a_�'=3..?i�.�_---- ,•' c���' ��° e�, � �, ��� � �s���y�i Vb. ��xdH k�� e` ;�"�, nnE c�RnFica� Land Title Guarantee Company daes hereby certify that the title to all lands shown upon this final plat has been examined and is vested in: Stefan Schmid and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrdnces, except as follows: _�a�. �'� _�°e° _ �_��g��°p ��.�--�,�?f���,f _��a,�r�---- -------- � � ��i��,;t�-��� -------- -- , .. Dated this �� day of _ ��� ___—_____—___, A.D., 20 �*� Land Title Guarantee Company Address: 708 S. Frontage Road West Vail, C0. 81657 BY� � � – --� ----- � – ' . as: -----�– ------�--� ��� SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I am a Professional Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this map is true, correct and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such condominiurn map was made from an accurate survey of sald property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the horizontal and vertical location and dimensions of the condominiums, parcels, easements, and streets of said condom�inium map as the same are staked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulations governing the subdivision of land. In witness thereof I have set my hand and seal this ?�� day of �r�'1�.G=– --, A 0. 20 �4�. ---> . . . � Micha'el, J. Post Colo�ado,`P.LS. 30116'� � Profes'sional �and Surveyor, �i 51��✓'aa� . ADMINISTRATOR :CERTIFIEAiE This fjnal plat is�hereby approved by the Town of Vail Administrator,�,�this --�t�._ day of _��1_��---' ATTEST: P'� p ��" l��r t, ` ,���.�"' ��, . � / ��,�.,� — ----°= ..-- —°�-'�-=—. =�=.��--= –� -- To.wn G�erk Administrator Town of Vail Town of Vail CERIIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the �ep tire pr� ount of taxes nd assessments due and payable as of ___�?_�±___1'�Y':B�S�'"___ �. �__� _________ upon all parcels of real estate described on this plat are paid in full. Dated s _ � � day of � ^�"� _Y� �,., A��^�„2� � � � --- � � -- -- � _ e m �s � .m—_w r . � .w�~r��,Mm�.« Treasurer of Eagle County CLER@C AND RECORDER°S CERiIFICATE -f�t��� � � This Plat wqs filed for record In the Officz of the Clerk and Recorder at �J . ,('� '-( +��' ✓�� o�ciock _.�'.M., on this _ Z �__day of __�� '"�rv ____, 20 �'� _, and �p � -- ---- – is duly cord�,cLa�Recep�;Gion Mo �������1� _____. � �r + r"' � ,° ° � - � e v �� ,.- `�� ., �; . �� �. . ..;:,, _____ _ ___ _ ___ ____ 8 Clerk and ecorder � , 3, ° �.� ,� ��4 � � � � /v j BY' -- -- – -- � ` � ' "a Deputy ` g �" °': �� �y ,y y s ��g��� ! C;6�'� ( L�. �'""G'(. � ^�'° , � t?''"'"� LL' !° ttd;�'�d� � +., 3e , e ,r'�y' " � n. t�� Ai h., v'�t4,. SHEET 1 OF 1 JOB N0. 1151