HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 2 Lot D - Chateau Christian 1st AmendmentVICINTIY MAF N� SCALE � ��: ����� �1} ��� � 0 � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � . . �. . � � . � � SOUTHWEST CRN CHRISTIANA � AT VAiL C[7NDI�MINTUMS FND #4 REBAR & ALUM, CAP �. S. #26598 FND. #5 REBAR .� .�I � � � 41199 HIGHWAY 6 Fc 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O, BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 � ♦. ' l ♦ ♦ 1 �� so° / \ \4� / \53° 20' 06' EASEMENT `� �y°'/ CPER COND�MINIUM MAP \ 2v RECEPTI�N N0. 112245) / DECK UNIT 410 90� r � � 90�0o°oo°e ai,oa� 90° r � � � � 9�° I 52°44'20' _ � � � ➢ECK � � N I — � � � � I N n � w N � h I STEPS CONC. PAD ` W � m o I 0 0 0 e � O 0 Z DECK I f a i2�°�s _ � ' �. :r � _ . . ■ � • `` � �� 0''' � ''1!' �':' �'. [ � _�� _� � �� � ;.; 0 ] ��`� [ � �,; � � �� + 0 0 �'`_ �� � ��, ��� [ 0 , �I? `��� 0 [ , � t) rl 11 `'I � t�1 l �''�, l '� � � � , � '� i � 1 '� � 1 :� �` :;� � � � �� �/� A _�o� i� SET C�NC. NAIL & WASHER L. S. #26595 \ \ � 83°51' ] �' � Q C � � 1� e �Z• �� �.1,. O � FND. #4 REBAR & ALUM. CAP L. S. #265998 � HELL CHATEAU CHRISTIAN T❑WNH❑USES 0.0998 ACRES (PLAT) 0.0991 ACRES CCALG DECK UNIT 420 � / � �� 9�L�—_J HUILDING OUTLINE AT GRADE NOTE:DEFLECTI��I AND INTERIOR ANGLES SHOWN ARE PER CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR CHATEAU CHRISTIAN T�WNNOUSES (TYP.) N9��������E 53,00� N89°53'11'E 54.42' (MEAS.> TRACT E � i ISTAI � 900 �q Vcy cC�LC) 'PO,q� �=07°12°29' R�160,17' L=20,15� T=10.09� C=20.14' CB=S59°02'03'E 96° �8' 48' '� v ,�"� LVP v � e 2� Pz, Olb �c, 2P' 2� �o z� '� O � � a �s^ ° D` .,,d �,~h �� S� S f � . . � � �'•11, r�o, �O+Y . , SET C�NC. NAIL & WASHER L. S. #26598 � \ FND. #5 REBAR & ALUM. CAP L. S. #2568 W a � � �O � W `0 a O 3 0 O N o ,o O N o� Z Z . j . ��� � � �. . � �.; C�NC. SLAB SE°C #4 REBAR & ALUM. CAP L. S. #26598 �, J S�U7H > P7. L�T d-1 F�ND #4 REBAR & ALUM. CAP L. S. #z6598 � CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND �WNERSHIP KN�W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Ga�l S. S�egal and The Chateau Chr�sttan Townhouses Assocsateon, Inc. be�ng sole owners �n fee s�Mple oF all that real property s�tuated �n the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows: Units G and H, and areas of Cororoon Eleroents on the fourth and f�fth floors, according to the Condon�n�un Map 4'or Chateau Chrost�an Townhouses as Receptton Nunber 112245, �n Book 216 at Page 702 �n the off�ce of the Eagle County, Clerk and Recorder, sa�d Condoroin�uro Mnp for Chateau Christlan Townhouses conta�ns 0.0991 acres, nore or tess. have by these presents ln�d out, platted and subdiv�ded the sane �nto lots, blocks nnd condon�n�uro units as shown on th�s condoro�niun plat under the name and style of 'Condoro�n�uro Map for Chateau Chr�st�an Townhouses - First Anendnent°, a subd�v�sion �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado; and do hereby accept the responsilollity for the coroplet�on of requ�red iroproveroents; and do hereby dedicate and set apart all of the publlc roads and other pu6ltc �roproveroents and places as shown on the accompany�ng p!at to the use of the public forever; and do hereby dedicate those port�ons of sa�d real property wh�ch nre ind�cnted as easeroen-t on the acconpnny�ng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and do hereby grnnt the r�ght to �nstall and Malnta�n necessary structures to the ent�ty respons�ble for prov�dtng the services for which the easeroents are establ6shed. Executed th e s �� day of `g� ��°, A. D. 2003. �WNER� � � � � �,� _�� _�' � �__��' Gai --S�egal � 1526 ay Blvd. Atlant�e Beach, NY 11509 C�NDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION AS OWNER� The Chnteau Chr�st�an Townhouses Assoc�at�on, Inc. 356 Nanson Ranch Road Va i l, C� 81657 ���-(� gy: mlilie��--°�-U°----°----°/-� / (Pr�n�t name) •_%1%�?-�rg,_ CAl�/YIS C T i t l e) _i"�Q ___---- STATE OF����"?�_� )SS COUNTY �F ���y�__) The �oregoing Cert�f�cate of Dedecat;on and ❑wnersh�p was acknowledged before roe th�s _� _ day of �� _, A.D. 2003 by Ga� t S. S�egal. My coMro � ss � on exp � res� ��}� °�� ___ Wetness ny hand and senl. Notary Pub l i c° � - Q-- �-- Addre � ��_�-����_"�_`'k�_-�__ a _"sa'����� __ �� ���__ STATE OF � � ) \ CDUNTY OF _i/ ,_:�r_! i=_?SS i \`k�i�„ The forego�ng Cert�f�cate of Ded�cat�on and Ownersh�p was acknowledged before r`e th�s LL��-day of (�'�,�e����_��, A. D. 200� by tIL.,;�;��' y;��____ as __�_�(��__! __�____ of The Chateau Chr i st � an Townhouses Assoc�at�on, Inc. My corontsston exp�res S-_ �( -c�y�"� W�tness roy hand �nd seal p i I � __/��j?}i �/'�1.,. I�IrS`�`�� Notary Publec �� aa Address _ .> /.<.,r�y . ��cl�:--= � /��i � � d:'�. . S� i^� S$ c;�,7 ___.���� _ , _ . 7ITLE CERTIFICATE Land Title Guarantee Coropany does hereby eert�fy that the title to all lands shown upon thts plat have been exaro�ned and �s vested in Ga�l S. Siegal and The Chateau Chr�sttan Townhouses Assoc�at�on, Inc. nnd that t�tle to such lnnds is free and clear of all l�ens and encurobrances, except as fotlows� Dated th i s ��� day of ?��•�""����°°- A. D. 2003. Land T'�e Guarantee Coropany P. �. Bp 357 Vnil, ❑ 816{5,y8 &y���----✓-/Y°'""/���""_ -__ __^"^s �� � nt naroe> _�'�'�.'�`_....�'_ ��,��.' ( T i t l e) _�_"�_,s�_.y s�' _s _.,." p '"1'^s9°°�.�..�%�... + a'�=w�,..v:,�° NOTES� 17 ➢ate of Survey� Novenber, 2002 2) Street Address� 356 Hnnson Ranch Raad 3) Basis of Benrings is n l�ne connecting existing roonuroents on the southerly I�ne of Lot d, Block 2, Va�l Vtllage F�rst P�ling be�ng N90°00'00'E (see drawing for locat�on and description of roonuroents). 4) Monuroentntton �s ns shown hereon. S) Elevations shown are hereon are bnsed on the Town of Vall View Corr�dor points. 6) The Condorolnlun Declarat�on for Chateau Christ�nn Townhouses was f�led for record �n the Office of tHe Clerk and Recorder for Eagle County, Colorado on Decerober 30, 1969, �n Book 216 at Page 701 C°Orlginnl Declarat�on°), as aroended by F�rst Aroendroent �o CondoMinuM Declaration for Chnteau Chr�st�an 7ownhouses, recorded August 22, 1996, as Recept�on No. 599516 �n the Office of the Clerk and Recorder for Eagle County, Colorado C'F�rst AroendMent'), and as further aroended by the Second AroendMent to Condoroiniuro Declaration for Chateau Chr i st � an Townhouses recorded �?�C'_�' �.�^_��_ 20� as Recept�on No. _ � _ �_______. 7) As shown hereon °G.C.E.° �nd�cates Genernl Cororoon EleMents, ns the saroe are reflected on the CondoMin�uro Map for Chateau Christ�an Townhouses, and CoMMOn Eleroents as descr�bed in the °Or�g�nal Declaration°. 8) The sole purpose of th�s °Condonin�un Map for Chateau Chr�stian Townhouses - First Anendnent° �s to redefine certain nreas fornerly des�gnated ns Untts G and H and areas of G.C.E. on the fourth and fifth floors, as shown on the Condoro�n�uro Map for Chateau Chr�st�an Townhouses recorded as Recept�on No. 112245 �n Book 216 at Page 702 �n the �ff�ce of the Engle County, Colorado. Clerk nnd Recorder,to the new configurat�on For Un�ts G and H as shown hereon. Except as redefined hereon all other eleroents of sa�d CondoMin�uro Map for Chntenu Chr�st�an Townhouses are otherw�se adopted, affirMed and incorporated herein by th�s reference. 9) Unit G is ent�tled to access through Un�t H �n the area labeled hereon as Unit H Easeroent Area for ingress and egress and for installation, roaentenance, repair and reconstruct�on of any and nll ut�l�t�es froro the General Connon Eleroents „ pursunnt to that Grant of Easeroent recorded � ___��___ _, 20 as Recept�on No. _�?��_ �_____ �n the Office of the Clerk and Recorder for Eagle Cour,ty, Colorado. 10) Any area not contained wlthin the boundary of a Unit 1s - des�gnated as G.C.E. as reflected on the CondoroiniuM Map for Chateau Christinn Townhouses, and Conroon Eleroents ns descr�bed �n the 'Or�g�nal Declarat�on°. 11) Not�ce� Accordtng to Colorado Law you roust cororoence any legal action based upon any defect �n this survey w�thin three years after you f�rst d�scover such defect. In no event, roay any act�on based upon any defect in th�s survey be cororoenced roore than ten years fr�oro the dote of the certif;cation shown hereon. SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certt4'y that I aro a reg�stered Land Surveyor l�censed under the laws of the State oF Colorado, that th�s condorotn�uro roap is true, correct and coroplete as la�d out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, fhat such condon6nluro r�ap was nade froro an accurate survey of satd property by roe �and under roy supervision and correctly shows horizontal and vertical locat�on and diroens�ons of the condoroinluns, parcels, easenents and streets of snid condoro�nauro nap as the saroe are staked upon the ground �n eoMpliance w�th appl�cable regulat�ons govern�ng the subd�v�seon of land s„" ""'�,d,, ,��C:.hl+ae �$,;,,+�'�j�,',,� %n w�tness thereof:;'�,'�i$v� �'���+�nd and seal th�s 23 �ay of ��,✓? `?� A. D. 20C�9, t, �,� F%eC�,�, ;�`m : � a °�� . : �: K��«���� m.. Stan Hogfe t dt�° = "�a"}, Colorado P. L. S. No. +,.Am��"' "��P.._ � ���� ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Th�s plat is he eby approved by the Town of Vat! AdM�rr;strator thes ;i day of �p^ .. �,, A. D. 200�Wa ATTEST� �. • ?�`> ��, � � __�p ^ � ____._ � �"�� " � �,.�. � �, �,� r ',S_s _'_ � ____ � ____ �'�w=�:"'=`� �s__�'`�""-__ 'Town�"Cterk " Adn�n�strator Town of Vatl Town of Vail CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby cert�fy that the entire aroount of taxes due and payable as of �_���__�_S��? �__. upon all parcels of real estate described on thls plat are pa�d �n full. Dated th � s ���ce��day of ��'��_ � A. D. 2003. �����'�� � � ----�-��.�_� ,� ,� �... �''is� J,���" Treasurer of Eagle C ty � � '� ?�� %.��e�.�°•° CLERK AND REC�RDER CERTIFICATE Th�s plat was ffled for record in tha offlce of the Clerk and Recorder on th i s_�_/ _ dny of ���� A. D 2003, at J? *�� �` ��?� �����_� o'clock.,.. �.M. Recorded under Racepti�on No .. � -- --�- -=-=-- -----------Y,� Clerk nnd Recorder Eagle Coynty Co rndo '°�� .�'`�-�� ,.O�r�fi ..-, ��a �� -� ' �"= '� - ----- - -- �. ...,..D e p u t y,�",,,' �.�" SHEET 1 OF 3 J❑B N❑, 2752 B , . . � , , ` � , �Iil I! � I � { \\ , �_ ..I� ��1. .�� ��I � r� : , � , ` ; ,� �," .0 ,,\��� �':� ��,` [ � ��, � 1 �, � ,\, 0 � 0�-, � \ j � `� . [ 0 �'_' �:�, . � ��� �`�, � [ ; �1� '��, 0 � � . � �. � . � � . � � .: :: � , , , . C �+�� 1 , ��.; :. � � � 1'� 1! �I--t� ��UU� 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 � NOTE� ON L�FT LEVEL, HEnM CEILING HEIGH7 VARIES AND INPCCESSIBLE ]N S�ME AREAS. AVERAGE HEIGHT SHOWN. 0' S' 10' 15' NOTES� x.x� = CEILING HEIGHT ABOVE FLOOR x.x = FLOOR BREAK F.P. C B � 0 � � �1 ;o r 4.� � � I 6.4 �I L__�_J 2.s I � 4' UP � 6 0 3, I � J 0 I � � �� OI � 0.5 � I � � � � I � o.s � 6, 3 3.9' � 3.9' /� J 1�2' � � I \\ �i // L'.J��M�. � \ �li / � _� i _.- ! _� � � 3. 5 vl I N �// � / � � / INDICATES UNIT H ACCESS EASEMENT AREA L/L // �/� � " �� �� , �� �. :, 0 � ,,�,, � \ � ; , , � � N 4.0 97' 4.0 � 1.9' W � �� � �_ 1 �o,= � w (___6.s � � � os� � � � �� �� I 5� A "'II"' I '- - -O � � - O- ---� � I' 6. 2 �� 6. 2 I I I I ' � I � �� � �F � I I I f I � 0.3'I-I I- 0.4'� � � I I I s s• � I ss � I I I I I 1.1�� I STAIRS z--{ � f� e. o I _3g•_ 4.3' C �o,o- N ' M I ' ^ Z.4� 2.4� � I 8. 0 N I �--I--J � 1 ' I ID i � I 8.0 � I � �m I I I � I I s 1, I I 0.5' � l I / �. � � / � � I � 3. 3 � aJ '' � ��°J \\ � // �re. � � o �e. , � , - 0 6'__ ... ....__ � - � � - � __........ .._. .... \ �1L / � __'_ 22.5' - Jl ..... ___._ - . U N I T H '02-,o.b�` ' �� I � G.C.E. , �, - � -�- �- 6. 6 / I ` 3.6' � � A I ` A I \ � � 3. 5 I ` I ` � � .- °' I ,\ N I � 6. 8 ` I `` I ` � � 0� I �/� I �I 9.7' , ta• � @ �� 0 _ _____ ,� 19.3' O /0.6'�0.2� \ � �� � i ,, � _ �--,- - � � � � � � � �, I � NI N � (L � i 0.3, o / � 2.8' 9. 0 � I I � � � � � 1 I P Iry I I � P� 3.7' 1.� � I N / B. e N / � / I 5,2' 6.8 � � 10.4' � �, � � � A� i c�. I (5TN F�OOR) C _ _21.9' UNIT � N G � 11.9' 7 N 6. 3 �1 SHEET 2 OF 3 �❑B No, 275z 1 1 � � � � � � � � - 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 , , . � � ,, � ; . (i 'i i' i) 'i �� �� � �� �, �� �, � � � � � � ,,, �,�� 0 ����� 0'� CONDOMINIUM PLAT �, � � ��, c �� � � ��, 000�`o�\,o:�, � ��.���,� �,�0[ ;�����0 :fl . �. � . � � . � .� , : � . . � 1 1 � �` � � CROSS SECTION C 4TH FLO�R CROSS SECTION B LOFT CSTH F�LO�R) CROSS SECTIDN B 4TH FLO�R �y:�rr�.Y.��[��n.�t:��r.i��� � � :� CRI7SS SECiION A 4TH FL�DR 1'�11 � UNIT G � m UNIT G �' � a � � � EL = 8217. 8 � � EL = 8217 UNIT H � ^ UNIT H � N ^ ti � UNIT H v ^I � I o ����� �, �, � o ���;� � � \, o _ : FILING W � EL = 8217. 8 UNIT H UNIi H I EASEMENT AREA V / UNIT G � � = R?17 R SHEET 3 ❑F" 3 J❑B R❑, z752