HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Potato Patch Block 1 Lot 13 - Duplex PlatN O O � O V � N 1 0 � 1 FOUND PlIV & CAP (L. S 17473�(TYP.) ���j�f FOUND PlN & CAP (L. S 16827)(TYP.) �� / � � �� �i � = n, e 'V m ` O,S � ^' ) � � "1 , � � � �� i O N � 4.5 ,58,�W '- � 578� 6 Z v -� � �� N c o� UNPLA TTED N88'34'11 "W I�J 128. 00' COMMOIV PARG'EL C 23, 919. 0 SQ. FT. 0.549 ACRES L=22 9.?' R=7.35" 4=178'43'29 "" CB=Ai78 35 58 �E CH= 94J0' � tv W a� N _,ra"F _ �Ti PARCEL B-1 277.0 SQ. FT. 0.006 ACRES I , � ' ,_ __ N78 36 58,.E PARCEL B `" '-, 2, 645. 9 SQ. FT. � 0. 067 ACRES y � 788—B N IV ; � N �g 36'S8 ��E �m 1� 78'36'58..E 3�. �" 6h�, � 788-A �} m �,^�� PARCEL A'1 ° � 1, 604.2 SQ. FT. �x � Z 0.037 ACRES- "` -. � 4 N UI � �� -�" � ZcC n' 24.3�� r � � 578 36,5g"W w � O � � P/"1 0 �f / (40 � D/\�V� � = �6'75'24" R = 407.64' L = > 15. 66' r = s8 22' CH = 115.27' CB = 1V88'S7'S8"E NOrICE.• According to Co%rodo low you must cammence ony /ego/ oction based upon ony defect in this survey within th�ee yeors ofter you fi�st discove� such d=fect. /n no event, may any oction based upon any defect i� this su�✓ey be commenced mo�e than ten yeors from the dote of ce�tificotion shown he�eon. � U rv v c„� I� O O N m n .36'58 w ti � J � I �� ," J � Z LOT 14 S1123'02'E — 14.4D� PARCEL A —1 185.8 SQ. FT. � 72• 90 � 0. 004 ACRES S7836 58"W __ _ _� 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 10 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. 80 NOTES• 1� PURPOSE OF 7H/S SECOND AMENOMENr F/NAL DUPL X PLAT lS TO CREATE PARCEL A-> FOR THE EXCLUS/'✓E USE FOR PARCEL A. 2) BASIS OF BEARWGS S 033631' W BE7WEEN FDUND MONUMENTS AS SHOWN. 3) DATE OF SURI�E�Y SEP7FMBER 2008 �gg—,tj 4) DENOTES SIREE7 ADDRESS 5) ADORESSES ARE FOR 1NFORMA770NAL PURPOSES ONLY AMD MAY 8E SUB✓ECT TO CHANGE. IERIFY FINAL S7REET ADORESS WITH TNE TOWN OF �AIL DEPAR7MENr OF COMMUN/TY DEI�ELOPMENL 6) FOR ZONING PURPOSES, 77-1E LOTS CREArED BY TH/S SUBDlV7S/ON ARE TO BE TREATED AS ONE LOT WITH NO MORc 7HAN TWO DWELLING UNITS ALLOWED ON THE COMBINED AREA OF THE TWO LOTS. VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 1000' �. • � ' � � 1:� I ' � ' � ' ° . �, .• ' , .• � � , . � i ' � � ' � ' � � � � ' / � ADM/NISTRATOR CERrIFICATE� 73ris.�nal plof is he�eby opp�o✓ed by t4e Town of ✓oil Administrotor this �•'+°"�'` doy o£��+d°a � , A.D., �AO�n' �..�,�°q'� ATTEST P. � 1�:� �a� /� �y��ry .. ;,�, qs p .. i' �3!1k1C�1 ,v'�.�vlrk' i .,� ._.. �/'<�,`�. ��'% �.-� - . �pwr� Clerk Administrotor Town of �ai/, Co/oroda 7own of �ai/, Co%rodo T/TLE CERT/FICATE: �� ���'� ' ��� 4 Stewo�t Title 6ea pe�ry does he�eby ceitify thot the tit/e ta olI /onds shown upon this plat hove been exomined and is ✓ested in: Corol L. Moritz Trust dated ✓une 3, 19BB, as fo Porce/ A ond Ann Gi/morfin, as to Pa�ce/ B, ond that the fit/e to such /ands is fine and c/eo� of a/l liens ond encumbronces, except os fo/lows .Ad'L'� � Dofed thi _dny af �,� A.D., 2008. �'���� � �� .� � n � � ��� F�a�' � '��� res� SUR�EYORS CERDFICATE• /, do hereby ce�tify thot / om o Registered Lond Surveyor /icensed unde� the Jows of the Sfote of Co/o�oda, that this p/ot is o t�ue, correct, ond comp/ete os /oid out, plotted, dedicated ond shown he�ean, thot such P/of wos made fiam on occu�ote survey of said p�ope�ty by me ond unde� my supervision and mrrecfly shows the /ocotion and dimensions of the lots, easements ond streets of soid subdivisian as the some ore sfoked upon the ground in comp/ionce with opplmable regulobons goveming the subdivision of /ond. -�� � {� /n ess whe�eof / hove set my hand ond seol thls ���oy of �?��, ��^�"=Y A.D. 2008. /;" t�, ,�w� ,�. �:�;°� f�;' � t� " ' � v � !��, �, ��' �� ' .�✓�'. � f:� 4 s � !� Registered Lond Sui7"S+e}br �Vo 2�'16 ,. 4Ai �� a ? 1.:�,,, <'„,il t , „!r CERTIFICATES OF DED/CAAON AND OWNFRSHIP KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS thot the undersigned being sole owne�s in fee simp/e, cf oU thot reol prope�ty situofed in the iawn of �oil, Eogle County, Colo�odo, desc�ibed as fo/lows: Lot 13, Block 1, �ai//Potota l'otch, Amended Fino/ P/ot ond Resubdivision in the %wn of �oi/, Eog/e County, Co%�odo, Filed unde� Reception Numbe� 397815, in Book 501 ot Page 627, County of Eog/e, Stote af Colorado; confoiniog 28,631.9 squo�e feet or 0.657 acres more or /esr, .have by these presents /oid out, p/otted and subdivided the some into /ots ond b/ocks os shown on this rnol plot unde� the nome ond styfe of SECONO AMENOMENI FINAL DUPLEX PLA7 LOI 13, BLOCK f, �A/L/POTA70 PA7CH, o subdivision in the 7own of l�oil, Eog/e County, Colorodo,• ond does he�eby ocrept the responsibi/ity fo� the campletion of required imp�ovements,• ond does hereby dedicote ond set apo�t oll of fhe pubGc �oods ond othe� public impr'o�ements ond ploces os shawn on fhe occompanyrng p/ot to the use af the public fareye,� and does hereby dedicote those porfions of said reol prope�ty which ore indicoted as eosement on the occomponying plot os easements for the purposes shown hereon; ond does he�eby gront the �ight fo insto!/ ond mointain necessory st��ctures ta the entity responsib/e {or p�oviding the se�vices fo� which the eosements ore esfo6/ished. Executed this�doy of ��'�� � �A.D. 200d Coro/ L Mo�itz Tiust, doted ✓une 3, 19B8 os to Porcel A C�����,��/�I�� �c!TL y. o�o . on z, �us�ee` ���.��c Ann Gi/mortin, as to Po�cel B ��,a�� I - yr- l� ,- e ' /\ iF'�'S_,:�; 4�,��'J 4_ d�.�-:�:�.§��!`...b�, , � 9j% nn ima�in � STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) 77�e fo�egoing CertiFcate of Oedication ond Ownership wos acknowledged befa�e me this ��.�ii�t day of 1' n�;;� '�� , A.O 200B, by Corol L. Mar/tz os i�ustee fo� Coro/ L Moritz 7iusf, Doted Ju�'e 3, 1988. .'!t �� My commissian expires > > - ( � �� � ' �-� �tness my hond ond afficio/ sea/. !`-�;.'�2�?G.c[k�v.�.'�c� :;ia1wS11 z�'�'nrHa��z� i n,,�.r � �'-- ,�7 � �1 u � i� �G1 ti � ,� �, „�� � � �t, �' �-..wor�r�r � �v�''� S��' o ary u ic< � P1°`" Hs���-�iQ���v�6E9EW5K4 a� 9TA2p5 r � _ �:�w�- c a-W�.,.a_�v�snloalro ��c, fi�r ��,,�.. ;.! �, �.,- ,� C�r�> C`�.'��- � _;: ,, :.;��� i _ �ess STATE OF COLORADO J ) SS COUNiY OF EAGLE ) T7�e fo�„eQoing Certificofe of Dedication ond Ownership was ocknow/edged before me this_ t��doy of t��a':E?1M"����i"' , A.0„ 200B, by Ann Gilmortin. My commission expires � `"' �""" +��� � � _ Witness my hand ond officia/ seo% � , 9 �� �.' , }yµ "'y{ � � _ � d� '�1w�W�1�� �3��'II�°� ���nurs..te � E, i ry �ic �j � ;�? �� ��� ����p ��i� �"� ���� � G ��d ress �r� J' ry` �� � � . . l, the unde�signed, da hereby cerfify thaf the entire amount of toxes due ond poynb/e os of l.)�21 '1��d ,;i.r�n�iFupon ol/ porcels of �ea/ estate desc�ibed an this plot o�e poid in fu/l. Dofed this �_ day o£ =�at��"a� , A.D., 200� ��°e�''� '�m''�'°s a��� l vr. � .,�^, �--� s���� � �. e`�:d..„�„ 7�easure� of agle„ ounY „,�"'� k%� � � CLERK AND RECORDERS CERT/FICATE• ��"� � 7hrs /ot was fi/ed fo� �ecord in the o fice of the C/erk ond Reca�de� on this e�.� doy of r� �- D 2009, of o�clock�M. Recorded unde� Recept� Nc»�-� Book NIA-at Poge N � � .�,. m �, � , �M- � ' 'e : � s�. , � T > : � .��✓'+^�m.�. 'b"� �� ��,� Clerk ond Recorder J��� Eaq/e Caanty, Co/o�ado B . � (;..L eputy • > m Z 0 � > � W � Q 0 d z rJ o e � h b Q W K T O� Q [� O Q f�l � � x wa � r �o � o0 �u � 09 � 6a • q � � � `i w� � w�' � °aa ♦ ° w UG �. a � sN < �� �z z � P � o�`�°•.ca,.. w �+ o �,@.c��c � � 4l O � .N �.c �t�.�a v�mS�y.m.o at o � h� �•ocuQ �owo�tw <'co°`��� v tU'=" OD.C� o��� ~ �`o�oo�J � y��.�t� O � o,c � j.P,� '� ' m o.. o � $ � w b l � '��, v€� 'c o`w� � .k� y._. \.C� ti„' '�o.Nm;,�o c a � � .t�.cc��o °m � � U O a � � p w a o o.y �+- � ���wVUop� � 0.� C` i �y�jj V � c.,;; Fo° o m°�°� o v v.a, 3�a�S�,t„ C L N m 3 °'h°aovaa 4 0�� V j N �c4�4m C N l m v q Oe o t � �w �co�6o4�O'o Q � � � � � W � � O � _ � r � � Q �'�� � Z � � U LL °7�rw � Q � O Q Q � � w Z d `L J w '> Q o Q Z � Z O rv C.D.F. 12/23/08 �8-0053S 1 oF 1