HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2 Lot 04N O 1 0 1 � � N V 0 � 1 / / s za PARCEL E N 1/2 sEC rioN �2 F%/7 O'l PlO t LION'S RIDGE SUBDI I/lSION, FlLING NO. 2 /`1 / 1�.J V U Dl V l.J lO/ V o� L o/ T Colorado To wn o f I/ail, E�agle Coun ty, 1" s / / � / GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 2� ft. 80 li/ /—/ L L. J T NOTES� 1J PURPOSE OF 7HlS PLAT /S TO SUBDl140E LOT 4/NTO TWO SEPA,RATE LOTS AND RE-ESiABUSH LOT LINES AS SNOWN. O 2J -OE/�OTES FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/ 7/2' ALUM. CAP iLLEGBLE ❑ 3) -DENOTES FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/ 1/2" ALUM. CAP L.S 9533 OO 4) -DENOTES SET 5/8'" REBAR W/PLAS CFP, P.E. & P.L.S 26626 SJ BAS/S OF BEAR/NGS• 5712639"W BE7WEEN A FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/7H >/2" ALUM/NUM CAP (/LLEG/ELEJ AT THE SOUTH LOT UNE OF LOr 5 ANlJ A FOUND 5/8' REBAR WITH 1/2'" ALUM/NUM CAP (ILLEGIBLE) AT THE SOUTH LOT UNE OF LOT 4 AS lNDICATED. 6) OATE OF SUR�EY.' OECEMBER 2G05 � 4O� 7J DENOrES 57REE7 ADDRESS LAND USE SUMMARY ADDRESS LOI" a 23,958.5 SQUARE FEET PRIMARY SECONDARY i415 L/ONS RIOGE LOOP LOT 5 23,958.5 SQUARE FEET PRIMARY SECONDARY 1401 L/ONS R1DGE LOOP TOrAL 47,9i7 SQJARE FEET NOT/CE.� According to Co/orodo low ycu must commence or,y legal octio� bosed upon any defect in thls suruey within th�ee yeors after you fiis[ disco✓e� such defect. /n no event, moy ony oction bosed upon ony defect in this sur✓ey be ccmmenced more fhon ten yeors f�om the dcte of certificotion show� he�eon. j , / , SECTlOIV 12 T. 5 S., R. 81 W. 6TH P.1,�. / -- --� � SITE /� ��� ' �P� ���� �/ �� :��,�E� I/lCINI TY MA P SCALE 1 "=500' �Op01 / i� ADM/NISTRA TOR CERT/FICA TE.• ihis fino/ p/of is hereby op ro✓ed bl the Tcwn of �ai/ AdminisE�ato� this doy o£ ,Q�.x4��,.¢ `�'�� , A.D., 2010. ,� � ATs?ES�� � � /j �j- � ��� a '}�,� jF} �. � j r"v �, }p Fw�r'7�*`� ,._....-..,b y^'`�',,��.'�P.''r �^�..-��%�. d�""�.--..Mm +� ,Fown�, /�� � Administrafor Iown of �oil Town of �oil CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSH/P.� KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS fhof A/f�ed H. Wi//iams, Suzan N. Wi//iams, ond We/ls Fo�go Home Mo�tgoge, being so/e owne�s in fee simp/e of o// that �eo/ p�operty sifuoted ot Lot 4, Lion"s Ridge Subdiwsion, Fi/rng No. Z, A Subdivision in Section 12, TSS, R87W of the 6th Principol Me�idia2 in the Tawn of t/oil, Eogle County, Co/arado, desc�ibed as {o//ows: contoining 1J00 ocres more a� /ess,- have by these p�esents laid out, plotted ond subdivided- the some into 2/ots ond os shown an Ehis fino/ plat unde� the nome ond style of Lion s Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, A Resubdivision of Lot 4 in the Town of �oil, Eag/e County, Colo�ado; and does he�eby occept the �esponsibi/ity for the completion of required imp�ovements,� ond does hereby dedicate end set apo�t ol/ of the pub/ic roads and ofhe� pub/ic imp�ovements ond p/aces os shown on the accompanying plot ro the use o{ the pub/ic forever,� ond daes hereby dedicote those po�tions oi soid real p�operiy which a�e indicotea as eosemenr on rhe accamponying plat os eosements fo� the pu�pose shown he�eon; ond does he�eby gront the right to insta// and mointain necessory st�uctures to ihe entity �esponsible for p�oviding the services for which the eosements are established. n ra Executed this doy of �` E��""�'s°��• , A.D., 2010. J A/fred H. Wi//ioms 1409 Lian"s Ridge Loop l�oi/, CD 81657 ,�, e-���� 1 � � ,, � �,' a-, � �, i��'��„�.,,�,� w.. Br �i� � ,�" Suzon N. Wil/iams 1401 Lion s Ridge Loop �ai/, CO 81657 � ,,�.� � y �� � " � � � , -+� ,.�.��,,.��-�.._.. Wel/s F�go Home Mo�tgoge P.O. Box 567 246 B�oodwoy Eogle, CO 8163Y � «• c�`� � �:g . � ,F,�� ,. � ,�� ��:�:, Br����.s .��.��, ��':� � ���A.� � "'�\4-ror�e�Ay, S7ATE OF G�EBRr19FJ ) � SS COUNTY OF�-,46 ��� J The foregoing Ce�tificote of Dedicofion and Owne�ship wos acknowledged before me thr's doy of :�mroaC ��" , A.D., 2070, by Alf�ed H. Wil/ioms. My commission expi�es: {� �.aq.�l�rr @'S � ,�, Q@1, 'Nitness my hand and o£ficiol seo% �}g� i4� � � � /�� � `\ � I ��� IMANI RICHARDSON Notory PubOc ' Notary Public - State of Florida � � �$� .�, °��� � � '� S� � �� My Comm. EXpit¢s Oct 30, 2013 ,q ress �o� Commission p �D 937036 � STATE OF EbL�ORAdO ) ''��';a:,q, �W �J", �'`9'$!?;r,�*4� SS COU/d rY OF -'�vY�E ") The fo�egoing Ce�tificote oi Dedicofion and Owne�ship wos acknowledged before me this doy of �'� ��^ra�° h a a,� A.D.f 2010 by,„ Suzon N. Willioms. My commission expires: of ,� 1:�0�;��-- ��, r ➢��` $�, Witness my hond ond official seoL � �, - ir �r� �! J tti"\ ..� ,°av"�s;•. IMANIRICNARDSON � �'�'� }��a R�s � f^��-0�' ✓�V4 y.+r "..�_"- ;•�o� �; Notory Pub/ic _ Notary Public - Slate ol Fb�itla - P A =N° : .c My Comm. Ezpires Oct 30, 2013 n � � '' '�. � � a�� k. � � v , '%;<o..�oaO' Commiselon # �� 937038 ' ` � � � � � - � ,� �'���' ��"�� „ f85S il SUR �EYORS CER77F/CA TE.• l do he�eby certify that / om a �eglstered Land Surveyor licensed under the lows of the Stote of Coloroda, thot fhis plot is t�ue, co��ect and comp/eEe as /oid out, p/atted, dedicoted and shown he�eon, that such plat was made from on occu�ote survey of soid p�ope�ty 6/ me and unde� my supe�uision ond cor�ecfly shows the locotion and dimensions of the /ots, eosements ond streets of soid subdivision os the some o�e stoked upon the ground in compliance with opa/icob/e regulotions goveming fhe subdivisian of /ond. ln witness the�eof / hove set my hend on .� tl��� , A.D., 2010. _ aQ, J'r � ���2�� _ �' • �9e x" °✓ � °°Sf/i„eYqc•^`/�a�, � 2 �6'26 _ AND �.. �.. CLERK AND RECORDER CFRT/FICA rE.• `! This p/ot wos fi/ed f r ord i office of the on this doy a£ �- �✓ .D., 20i0, o� Reco�ded unde� eception Na. Q Q in Book_ot Poge ����� ��, #C��'..�m.. � a .:- -- :le�k, and Eog/e County, Colorado -"��'� STATE OF COLORADO ) C[� ) JJ COUNiY OF EAGLE J The £o�egoing Certificote qf edi�p Eion ond Owne�ship wos ocknow/edged befa�e me this doy of o,�' ,�a ��' , A.D., 2070, by�Wells Forgo � Home�-�Ya?Y9'a9e.,�R„l7k' /{,6. '¢,f . C�&hAl/QM� P My commission expires: �_✓"e' °' t%s� t �' � Nitness my hond and o£ficiol seo./ � ,./ �,! _, y / � F�"'� ., ' #'1 � 4—�i�i`'i � `�. o;4JG`r?�.r�, �('... �- ,�". a�'e�'i' F �ra'"° y .. No or ublic � �" � ' � �° j (�a� ) � �,Fi" �'U�3'�i� pp�� ,�,, /, . a ^A � � 9P,i� t� ,��'s_���i`-,�� ��������� g��'�' '��"�°�� �A � �,r .��>.: r,.ir; s Jime zs, 2t3^ i �y,S�@-;s r�Z✓' �iB� �-� PLANN/NG AND ENI//RONMENTAL COMM/SSION CERTIF/CATE.� '�; :••• ,:, .� •, 7his fino/ p/at was approved by the Town f �ai/ P/onning and .� Environmentol Commission this doy of ��sy�' �,?ir"�� , A.D., 2010. ���� . � r AT7 ST '� / ! ; °6� ro ci� � � • " v ;. � : W,�' � 3s (3�rm. : r" � n-.,. ,����'�.�'�'��"��''�___ d, '� �R . a�' q- •••......., / � Y � a a?RQ�? � _ k �L'tiairmon J(,� . � �+"��e Town af �ail Town of �oil Pld'nninaYand TITLE CERTIFICA TE.� Land Tit/e Guo�ontee Company does hereby cerfify fhat the title ta all londs shown upon !his p/ot hove been exomir,ed ond is vested in Lion's Ridge Subdiuision, Fi/ing ,No. Z, R Resubdivision of Lot 4 ond thot title to such /o�ds ls,fiee ond c/ear,-.pf o// liens_o�d_encumbrances. exceof os fo//ows: ��.�'? � ih��;�c� �l�,�? �y`f �63°`/Ze�'� � la�' CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID: l, the unde�signed, do hereby cerfify thot the enti�e omount of faxes due ond poyvble os of th,e doy of 1'�' "��"' ���','afta , A.D. 2010 upon o// po�cels of real ,estqte,describe� an this plat are poid in fu//. �,�:�3�r� i�`"lTR.�.°.va, �» .tis�.n4Li�/lk+i.. xw�.4 ^�. Treosu�e� of Eagle Cou (7'y iJ �� � � Q J J � J Q � W V Q J � a Z � � z 0 N > u � � Q 0 C� �rw �«� � �p° ��� �zz � U ¢ y 1� U �P ` `yf v � � F H��;� ��4 ��x x `r a ���3a �� � o '� e � T � � o w'o d o T i C C 9 C an6�0Y'4-1 �� - r��a V � d ` O O.r p d.v. N N N C � C 2 �. � �� Nr� a�i �� � p t i. U � o V �-a� � ° � � c v m � U O O O O o ° > � � o v�i Novoo o� �Eyc,tc 05��-°w 0 ic�y° Ed m Uv'���L � N C 3 C � J._ N T� C p � C L j O O� O E O� O Cy �.. ° o � � C N N r� a ,: �`o pNN~�+ET N L T y j� d ] U N O y`p�y 00 o�d �H� 3 N NLLL � `o m"r.. � L O d N 3 ���°acda 9ca, a� H y� V m Cn O t T Oi F L O O O W� O O N � Q � � Z � J � d- O z � � O � � J � Z O � O O � Z C� O Q� W m � � � 0 Q (� m � w � J � W Q � � � � Q Ii � O Z Z o � J 0 � SPF ...... I CHECKED BY DATE ISSUEO: 5-26-10 ���,yp,,� PROJECT N0. 05-0152 SHEET N0. 1