HomeMy WebLinkAboutGore Creek Subdivision Block 1 Lot 04 & 05 - Final Plat41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 VICINITY MAP � � �'I�'V �A � .PLA T G 0���' Cl-�E.�'� S�BDI VI SI Q1� D� U►SI C� N C��' .� 0 T�' 4 an d 5 � �'S UB I � 7' �N OF VAI�, �A GLE �'�1 �1�"T Y, COL ORAD D CERTIFICATE ❑F DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know a�t t r�en by these presents that Robert D, Hunter, Robe�^t A, Ryr�er Trust, A& G DevelopMent Partners, a Colorado General Partner^shtp, and Mark J, Ar�sden, betng sole owner(s> in fee stMple�, of all that real property situated �n the Town of Vait, Eagle County, Colorado, descrtbed as fotlows� Lot 4 and Lot S, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivtsion, accord�ng to the ptat trereof recorded in the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containing 0.5525 acres, r�ore or less, has by these presents latd out, platted and subdtvtded the saMe into lots and tracts as shown on this final plat under the nar►e and style of ' Gore Creek Subdiviston, A Resubdivision Of Lots 4 and 5, Block 1', a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado� and does hereby accept the respons�bility for the cariplet�on of requtred iMproveMentsj and daes hereby de�licate and set apart all of the publtc roads and other publ�c �MproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publtc forever� nnd does hereby ded�cate those port�ans of sa�d real property whtch are �ndtcated as easeMent on the actoMpanying plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and daes hereby grant the right tq install and Matntain necessary structures to the ent►ty responslble for pravidtng the services fbr wh�ch the easeMents are establ�shed. Executtd thts _____ day of ________________________, A,D,, 199__, ObINERS � Robert D Hunter / Addressi _�f%� 1,•+ _C�_________ �,� r _Ls�{� f.�_�/.i./ .,--- _ STATE OF_ �_!f' _A�l�.�I!=s ----- � ------)55, CDUNTY OF ���I�•JI�L-- ) The fet^ Ing In trunent was ack wledged before Me this _� _ day of g���%�, A.D,, 199� by Robert D, Hunter, My Corr� t ss t on exp t res �'�"+�'03 , -------- - Witness My hand and seal, -- -� -- ------ --------- Notary Public / � `````��ar��wu��uu„y� Address + � � ���1��� � �f% �,, �� �. s►sy �.,,,,, ����..---�- .� ��?:• •�•o :NOTARY� ' -�...�- : : : �.,PUBL�C�< .'9�'�•.....�Q Rabert A, I�yMer Tr st Address�____�� �e �1�`L_____ ___ ---�WNE��CIis�1t �.i �(a(a1�� BY' RS�C�!�r_������� _ __� _ Pr i n t n aMe �_'� Z.�j as= ------ - c�.-�---------- STATE OF_����1�---) )SS� COUNTY OF __E,��-----) The fare o t ng nstrur�ent was acknow ledge befor� e--h t s_3__ day of __, A. D., 199 �. by _��j2�4�C'{'�_ - -------- ns __ �y_'��__________ of the Robert A. Ryr�er Tr . My, Corrr� t ss � on exp t res � 5J��Q�_ I W t t n e s s n y h a n d a n d s e a l, ,� �-, Notary Pub l i Address � _��f,�,%�� � �5 5 ��oN ---_�^-'u- %� -..SlrQ�a------ �VaC�'r� P�t�c�o � --- }- r°�6 °fi G°1O� - A & G Develop A Co lq�ecd'o�G� Address � _ �0� t Partners a,�, Parrtne�h i p x•_ Z��.i—_� B���-���T, �_-- -�-----_-- i �/ P r � n t n a_ea�: �T_ �.�`tg�� 1'1 _!��!4_fllt�ll `� "�.._ �r - 3R .a��="---- -�sil �UJ.=--------------- STATE OF__ CO O____ �___) )ss, COUNTY �F - �1�--_--) The fore oln InstruMeht was acknowledg d before r�e thi �_ day of �. _, A, D,, 199 9 by .�� O M. _ - - --- as ___ �1t_�_______ of A& G Developr�nt P rtners, a Colora o General Partnersh�p, My CoMMtsston exp�res� __��� _ 1 n ,A W i trress r►y hand and sea t. _���►w .. . 1�11�.l.�r._ �A� S �TTSON Notary P�ic State of Colo�ado No�y-P� ; � -�--------- Address � _ •Q�• ��� _ ____ -- --- � --� ��---- -r -- � - -- - ���:lr✓ ----•.-------- Ma J Msd n Address � 31 S�_ �P� n�,Q l ____ ,�p r� 11� _��� __E.�'��� --- STATE OF�=�' =lc�nllf%'________1 � � >ss. COUIVTY OF ,�1�� ----- ) The fore otng �nstruMent was acknowledged befor^e Me th�s _��� day of ����(��, A, D., 194� by Mark J, AMSden , My EoMMisslon exptres� ����t a� 411tness My hand and seal, T � OFFICIAL SEAL No ary Pub l c � T MARY E. PURDY Address � _35� __ _rt�3?�9 ��-?-�_� �_ NOTARY PUBLIC - ARIZOMA �.L1� �N�_� Z`�� � SO__ PIMA GOUNTY � • Yy Comm. Expin� F�b-. 7, 200� ��-� �� B�, (� �'� TITLE CERTIFICATE `� Land Title Guarantee CoMpany daes hereby certify that It has exaM t n ed the t i t l e to a l l l an ds sho nr� upon� th i s p l at m.nd th�at such t � t t e t s vested i n _�obG^?� D__ Huv�J ��v_�_19._ � -- ___ ��f�--�i_�_�1�1�''p!�'�'�_�t�b!��.-1�=5�214Y!9�D- ------- -,ar�-,�i�a'- -� `7-'-�y�,-c�e'"------------ -- ---� - ---- -- --- ------ free and clear of all liens and encuMbrances, except as follows� ----------- ��------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -----'--------------- - - - T --- Dated thts �Q�'___ day of ______ _______._______, A,D,, 199 �_ Agent� - --- ---��/ v ---------- NOTES� 1) 2> 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) The purpose of thts plat is to abandon the property l�ne between Lots 4 & 5, Date of Survey� NoveMber, 1998 B�ar i ngs are based on a l � ne connect t ng the found r�orrc,►r►ents ait the southeast corner of Lot 4 and the S' wttness corner to the east corner of Lot 5 be�ng N47'47'O1'E Csee draw��ng), MonuMentation as shown hereon, Sitreet Address� 5166 Black Gore Dr�ve, NOTICE� According to Colorado law you Must coMMence any tegal actton based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first d�scover such defect, In no event, r�ay �ny actton based upon any defect In this survey be cot�Menced nore than ten years fraM the date of the certificatFon shown hereon, La�nd T t t le Gwarantee CoMpany Cor�M � tMent lalo . CTEU262'S67 dated 8P17/98 was used for all title inforMatian. Protective Covenants recorded In Book 216, Page 361. SURVEY�R'S �ERTIFICATE I do hiet•eby cert t fy that 1 ar� a reg t stered Land Surveyor t t censed under the laws of the State oP Colorado, that t�is plat �s true, correct and coMplete as latd out, platted, ded�cated and shown hereon, that such plat w!as Made froM an �ccurate survey of sa�d property by r�e and unaler My supervts�on and correctly shows the locat��on and d��ensions of the lpts, easeMents anc� streets of satd saabdtvts�on as the saMe o�re staked upon the ground �n coripll�ance w�th appltcable regulat►ons govern�ng the subdtvts�on of lan�d. `���,,, � � � � � �,,,,,,,,, In witiness thereof �I have set My hand������'��se�Raf�!�,�f� _�?�?f� day of 1`-'��f i��----� A , D , , 199 Z , ' �,�•'`P�1 HO�,�.�. . �� =_ : y (0.0�: �; 265gg�' = . .� - _ , . ._ � Q ------------- Stan Fi'��,�' , ..•�'�� Co t oradd-.� 1�9�,��''�: ,,,,,,,,,,� ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Thls ftnal plat Is hereby approve y� the Town of Vatl Zontng AdM � n t strator th � s�� day of �N�[�l��______, A, D,,��y. Att t� ` ------- -- ow C terk Tc�n of Va t l, Co l orndo �� � �� CERTIFICATE ❑F TAXES PAID `v� • -���.,�.� ---- Zon t ng A r� I n I strator Town of Vn i l, �r� l orado I, the underslgned, do hereby certtfy that the entire aMOUnt of taxe� and assessMents due and payabte as of .�.�� ��_� ��� ___ upon all parcels of real estate descrikrtd on-th�s plat are pald tn full, Dated th � s��.day of __��1�_____, A, D., 199_9_ , Treas rer of Eag� l�Coun t� V � CI.ERK AND RECORDER' S CERT I F I CATE ��(� �� Th t s P l at was f� l ed for recor� 1 n the Of f t ce_of_�he C l erk 9.�►d ecorder at 1� aQ_ o'c l ck , M,, on th � s ��"t- day o`'� C_ __, }��and �s dul r corded In Book ��__ Page �_�_, at Receptton No._��j�________ ---�- - � -------------- C ler and F�C�de � _ , � ------- �i �. h �' �' , � , ° �;� .. � • _ �r � P'A�E 1 QF 2 JOB 14'S8 � � 10 0 10 20 30 Feet �-2V OO�OO„ R=113.17 L=39.50 T=19.96 LC=39.30 CB=N 61°23'00" E � — SEf �/4 REBAR 6c ALUM. CAP L.S. 26598 UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT (PER PLAT) LOT 3 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 � 05 L' 5.00 Z � � � Z 1 �.I'� � w i 0 � � I N 01 � � G� �P V SET �%4 REBAR & ALUM. CAP L.S. 26598 � SET PK NAIL & 2 1/2" WASHER L.S. 26598 ACCESS & UTILIN EASEMENT �8-----� P-- � 1=0515'S2" R=65.00 L=7.11 T=3.56 LC=7.10 CB=S 03°C07'S6" E I=45•2T'42" R�55.00 L=43.64F T=23.04F LC=42.50 C6=S 22°43'S1" E FINAL PLA T TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, � J� \_` O ! � � v ���� G � i �� � �� •O� � `a 1 V`� �� �� 1 O \ � \�\ � y \� �O y � / V / (� UTILITY EASEMENT- � � � �,�A � �. LOT 4 0.5525 ACRES 5166 � an, , COLORADO � � SET �4 REBAR dc ALUM. CAP L.� 26598 \ I I \ /I � I \ I O I I�g� � I APPROX. LOCATION OF 100 \ YEAR FLOODPLAIN INTERPOLATED FROM F.E.M.A. FLOOD INSURANCE � STUDY DATED NOVEMBER 2, 1982. I � 1 I � \ � �� 41'¢ ., ` � � � \ � \ � NS � �O % \ � � \ \ ,�% � ��� 34..o�.'E � \ ' l \� \ PROPERTY LINE TO BE \ / ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT I \ \ � � 5�r 20' ROADWAY EASEMENT WEST ` Of HIGH WATER LINE OF CREEK \ \ (PER PLAT) \ �s °A. / s \ ',�� \ �� \ , � \ S� . � ' \ 5.0 ?+ 5.0' PEDE5TRIAN EASEMENT ALONG � PREVAILING SOUTHWEST BANK Of LOT 8 HEATHER OF VAIL 50' CREEK SETBACK F \\ � \ AIN GORE CREEK. (PER` PLAT) A2� � S80'31' 3� S . � ` \ �a� UTILITY & DRAINAGE ` EASEMENT THREAD OF CREEK \ \ \0' CREEK (TO BE ABANDONED BY ` � / SETBACK \ THIS PLAT) \ � \f . \ UTILIN & DRAINAGE \ , 1 � \ EASEMENT ` z � I , � , N as•z��ar w - ,.ao I=45°27'4Y R=35.00 L=27.77 T=14.66 LC=27.05 CB=S 68°11'33" E � S 89°04'36" W — 28•75 _ S 00°55'24" E — 5.00 S 89°04'36" W — 121.07 LOT 7 � �m Z A 1 ` � m . � � C \i �• � � � � I 4 r � $'• \ � � ' N \'s . � I � 5.00 I � � � � � 1 , m � \ z � -, \ � � � � 0 2�.�� � \ a� . 6�O � \\ ��y�(�O� � I I EDGE OF WATER \ 1 m I � 1 I \ o � o � I �\ ' • 1 \ \ UTILITY EASEMENT 1 ` 1 \ �8----� P---�-)1 �` ` 1 . ' �� �` 5, 5� 1 � 1 1 � R � \ 1 . � � .. 1 � 5 ���G 0F'P F. O� '� �P�\���o�,�o � / � I /\am. � � /� 9� p0 I � / � �� � . ' � I) +�/ � o ' .N � � � �� 1 . t /�Y I/ 22.00' � / FOUND �J4 REBAR dc ALUM. CAP/ L.S. 16827 � / � LOT 8 iW\� 1 � 1 / � � 9 95 � ' 1 I 1 1 � / r \` O9� �`�L 5° S6 FOUND �4 REBAR dc UM. CAP L.S. 16827 � N 04•,20' 18" W— 10.00 . 1 1 � I SET �4 REBAR Qc ALUM. CAP �.5. 26598 I 1 � / / FOUND 5' WITNESS CORNER �j4 REBAR & ALUM. CAP l.S. 16827 V/ � N � � � nl i � � � FOUND �J4 REBAR & ALUM. CAP L.S. 16827 LOT 8, VAIL MEADOWS FILING No. 2 PAGE20F2 JOB 1458 �