HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Lionshead Filing 3 Block 1 Lot 3 - Antlers Condominiums 1st Supplement_ z ; � . 20 0 20 40 60 Feet NOTES: 1) QATE OF SURVEY: 6/20/00 2) ►rOTICE: AcCORDnrG To CaORADO uw lnou �IUST COM�AENCE �►r�1r �EGA� I�CTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE ` AFTER YOU FlRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVEPfT. MAY AM I�CTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COIdMENCE[ THAN TEN YEARS FROI�A THE DATE OF THE CERTIFlCATION SHOWN HEREON. IINE BEARING DfSTANCE �� N o�3z�2o� w �%.%9 � L3 L4 LS LR L7 La L9 L10 L11 ��z L13 L14 S a4'35'46' w 13.6e S 0�'47'3S' E 11.27 N a1'S7'3S' E S Od'20'40' E 4.66 �.az s e32�'�• w �.43 N o��a�z� � w � 4.03 S a321'39" w S OQ'3�'21' E s e�26'o�' w N Od'41'29' W s a��e'3�• w S Od'3A'40' E S ���3'33w w 47.07 13.95 62.51 11.OS e.e3 19.00 �7.�0 THE MARK / LODGE 41199 HIGHWAY 6 dc 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, CO. S1S32 (970)949-1 +06 Z C � L C C . CROSS HATCHED AREA IS Ur1DER CONSTRUCTION AS OF THE DATE �OF THIS INSTRUMENT AND SUBJECT TO CONVERSI4N DEVELOPEMENT RIGHTS FIRST SUP�'LEMENTAL C OND OMINIUM MAP LOT 3, BLOCK 1, VAIL / LIONSHEAD, THIRD FILING TO�PN OF V�IL, EAGLE C4UNTY, COLORADO �_�rc�'�i" � - � �� r� v i v 771i S�l A't UxLS .�. {t� � F"�� � n rtl� P�� i�c �F f�t `���- "•'� t,Zseertatr A� 4� It� O�tJ oele AM �lue•L 3�7 �ooC� At�O �s au\� �..s,e�*b� r�e1' f�re+ nur+�+hv 733�0 � �E �"�t � 3p .00 s�T � �� ";� � ��s�- G�' c� SFhE�T �O � L �'.ls� w� r •,,:A� � I I�lal ALL IEN l'Y TIESE PRESENTS� TFat the Ant l ers Cd+alo�+ t n t uw Assac t�t � on. I nc. a Co l orado noriprof � t corporat t on, be t rq the author I zeal agent of tlx o�rners of the l v�d descr I btal •s Po l l ows, pur^sunnt to the F+ rst Supp l enentn l Dec t arat t on of tht Antl�rs Cw+alowlnluns Vull/Ltonsheod� That p�t or Ant l e�^s Cd+don t n t uws, Lot 3, E t ock 1, Va t 1/L t ons/+ead TA i nl F � l i np, Tan o: Va�l, �ccordtnp to the nap thereoP r�corded as R�ceptton No. 122626 in 1� off � ce of ti+� Eag l e County, Co l orndo, C l erk and Recorder, alescr t bed as follows� 1p t nn � np at the n�orth corner of sa i d Mt ! er�s Ca+don t n t uns, tf�enc+� the Io l l ow i rq P�ve courses alonp the nw�therly snal easterly Ilrxs of sn�d Antlers Ca+alow i n � uws� f) 65. O1 feet n 1orp an arc of a c�w�ve to the l eft, hav i rq a rad i us of 110. 00 fe�t, a de 1 ta s►�g l e oF 33' S1' 43' , and a chord that bears SN' 04' 09' E 64. 07 feet) 2) S6S' 00' 00' E 62. 89 feetl 3) 25. 32 feet a 1 onp the w�e oi' • cu�w to the r t pht, hav i np n rnd t us oF 2S. 00 feet. a ale t tn srq l e of �' 02' 02' , N+d a ei+ord thnt bears S35' 38' SB' E 24. 2S fett� 4) 56. 86 fett • lonp tIK �c of a curv� to the left, hav t np a rad t us of 60. 00 feet, a de lta �np l• of S4• 17' 30' ,�nd a chord that btars S34• 07' 04' E S4. 75 feet� S) S03' OB' f 7' E 13. 97 feet� thence depart t r+p sa t d�aster l y t � r+e S83• 37' 03' M N. 66 feet� thenct N06• 32' 20' Y 17. 79 fert� thence S84' 3S' 46' M 13. 68 fettl l/�+ct S06• 47' 3B' E 11. 27 feet� thence N81' S7' 36' E 4. 66 feetl thenct S06' 20' 40' E 44. 82 Pettt thence S83' 21' 39' M 79. 43 fettt thence N06' 3B' 21' M 1�. 03 feett thence S83' 21' 39' M 47. 07 fe�tt thence S06' 38' 21' E 13. 9S feetl tF+N�ct S83' 26' 07' N 62. 51 feett thence N06' 41' 29' M 11. OS feett ther�ce SA3' 18' 31' Y 8. 83 feet� thence S06' S6' 27' E 19. 00 ftett thence S83' 03' 33' M 17. 10 feet to the wester l y l t ne of sn � d Mt l ers Corido�+ i n t unst thence 11+� fo l t o� � np t�o courses n t aq sa i d wester t y l i r►r 1) NO2• 56' S 1' Y 82. T! feet. � N40' 00' 00' E 185. 88 feet to the Po t nt of Heg i nn i np, hav t np an oren of Q 772 �c►�es. �a^e or l ess. M�s exerclsed cerbstn d�vtlopnent ri�hts set fortl+ in tht M+ended and Reslated D�c t arat � on of the Mt t ers Cor�don t n t ui+s Vo i l/L i onshea�d <' Anended ar+d Restated Drclnration'>, wtth the approval of owr+ers representinp e�ghty-ftve percent <t3X) of the votes tn t!x Assoctatton, and has approveal thts 'Ftrst Supplenentnl Ca+dowintun Map Deptcttnp Mea Sub�ect to Conversto►�/Developnent Rtphts Antlers Condowtntu�+s' purs�ant to the develop�ent rtghts �n the A�ended snd Restnted D�cloratton. 1M unde�si�ned. rttnp the �uthorized offtcers oP tht Mtlers Ca+dow�ntun 1lssoc�utton, Inc., n Colorado nw�proftt corporatton hereby certtfy that the b�rd of D�rectors of tFx Assoctatton has npproveal thts 'Ftrst Supplenental Ca+cbr+tntun Map Deptcttn� Area SubJect to Converston/Developr+ent R�ghts Antlers Cor+doniniuns', pursunnt to developnent rtghts in the Anended and Restattd Dtc l arst i on of Ant t ers Coridor+ i n� ur+s Va � l/L t w�sl�end MALERS CQIDQIINII�I ASSOCIATIQI, a Colorndo r�or�proPrt corporatton �r ��l�..�,, '�- � - ---- c�p� L' Oq Its ------- �--- ------- s�- -Y- Q,P OT,qqy %, �"' --------- ------------ � � �,� __y��� _��t��=--- • --- • � ----- ---- N O O �,,�A�B`��QQP STATE a' C�atAD� ) pF G��, ) SS. ca�rrY aF ��� � ca�, � o�. a zam Tr�. for�e�90 �!+� was acicrw�r l edged before �x tr, � s_ Z�r dny of T,�.►� __. ?_--- � _T12�-� __�tf'_�Cz-=-----------� n: __ 1�t.:_�r�it� -------------------- oF M�t l ers Cor►cloi+ t n I un Assoc t at t on, I nc. , n Co l orado nonprof t t corpornt t or�. v �l�+es: w�► r,and .na off i� i a � sen �. Npl L. 0�9 Mf► � s: on --1^�°t�---------• Q��TA�� �cl� �- .------ � Notary ubliC ����'s t N �O �,,�:��8 `\���P STATE � Ca0RAD0 ) •pF G��,� � SS. CQJNTY � -��---) A�N Canmtssior� Exp�ra Th� for� ir+p �as a� l edged before we th t s_�t dny of -��--, -Z!"!� �'f� --!�°��1?c�-�-`„�� -- -• ns !Ls.�.���t�---'✓�'�='!L�'-`-''-� ------ of M! t ers Cor�don t n t un Assoc t nt t on, I nc. , a Co l orado nor�prof I t corpornt t on. V1t�ess rry hend anA offtctal seal. M�r � ss i a� ---1•�'rQl_-------• �- , ------ Notnry Public I ro here�► certtty thnt I aw a IMptstered Land Swveyar ltcrnsed by the Stnte of Colorodo, thnt thts 'Ftrst Supplenental Corx,bniniun Map Dep�cttrq Aren SurJect to Ca+vers t on/Deve l op�ent R � ghts Ant l ers Corx�bn � n t ui+s' t s true, correct v�d cw+plete as la�d out, dedtcattal nnd shown hereon, that thts nop was nade fro� an sccurnte survey of the property by r+e and ur�der ny superv � s t or� anal c�orrectly depicts 4 portton of the Genernl Conrwr� Elenents of the Antlers Cp�dowintuw Assoctatlon, Inc. subJect to developnent rights exerc�sed by the b�rd af Dtrectors �n tht First Supplenental Decloratton of the Mtlers Condor+in�uws Vn�l/L�onsF�end i further state that pages 2 and 3 oP thts wap are papes frow tl+e Antlers Cor�donintuws nap recorded �n the real property records oF Ea�le County, Colorado, at Hodc 224, Pa� 119, deplcttnp parklnp spnces nss�gned !o Un i t ONr�ers t n tFx Ant l ers Cor�don t n t un Assoc t nt t w+, I nc. , pr t or to deno l t t � on of tM+� `_� ' �� t. . Z/. � 1d • v r��- M i Chw�Cio`!.. �� •" r' : Co l orid! . S. �r �i! �r : !a!« i ��', �J,�1Ei `=+: -.� - �!r . .::. : .; = � ; ; �;� : �=�'re�'f''•••.....-�•'' S�',•' �''- f�d�'al l'�`�'`'� ,,��. ''���„� �„�►,,,, �EGM. MOTES� 1) The p�rcet crosshatched and represented by thts legnl descrtplton cor►sists o: pene+^al and l�ntted conna� elenents of tlx Untt Dwners withtn Antlers Carido�+ � n � uw Assoc � at � or►, 1 nc. �rh I ch parce l has been sub,ject to deve l opnent �tphts pursuont to tix requtrenents of Parnpraph 44 of tF►t Anended nnd Aestnted Declnratton of Mtlers Cor�dor++ntuns Vatl/L�onshead, recorded on Apr�l 3, 2000 nt Receptton No. 726242 tn tFx real property records of tlx E�pl• County Clerk dnd Recorder's off�c�. 2)The asst�ned parklrp spnc�s and othe�^ llwlted conr+on •lenents deplcted on !ht Co►idon � n i un M�p for the Ant l ers Cor�ala+ t n � ur+s Va � t/l t or�slxad, recorded on Decenb�r 19, 1972 at Reception No. 122626, aook 226, Page 820 in the �l property records of the Engle Cour►ty Clerk nnd Recorder's office and �s s�t forth on a supplenental nap wtll be relocated and effecteal by the •xerctse of developnent rtghts approved pursuant to the Ftrst Supplenental Declarat�on of Antlers Cor�do��ntuns Vntl/Ltonshead JOB N0. 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