HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpraddle Creek Estates Lot 04 - 2nd AmendedFOUND M�NUMENT ALUMINUM PIN AND CAP LS #30091 Q W H H Q J � Z � � � � lt7 ('� � (LJ � N O 0 Z FOUND MONUMENT YELLOW PLASTIC PIN AND CAP LS #z7598 LOT 14 S 87°ll'30" E - 69,65' FDUND M�NUMENT ALUMINUM PIN AND CAP LS #9337 S51 ° 15' 27" W 0. 36' / / / / / � / � / / � � / � � � � / � �' / �/ •'�� Qy � , �,. / . - / .• . .. � / , / � . • • • , . ..,�� . , , I TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE C OUNTY, C OLORAD � L❑T 5 � ti`L �c, / ,ys / _ �a �� 'A3, // ��p � Os4� / / � 4g / � �a?. / / / � (�`s/S+ / � O,�' / � CENTERLINE ❑F 20' ACCESS e� / / � AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT �/ � � CB�OK 610, PAGE 213) �CS� / � � / / / � / � / � /� / // / 'o° / / / / ��o' / / / / / � / / / / / / / /� �o�� �/ ' `p� A452 / ,q1 n�°� � � 1 26 1/ �`'u' � D��' �c�� / 5 �Srn. / � � /� � NEW � / / BUILDING � ENVELOPE � � / ° CT❑ BE CREATED BY THIS , � / / � PLAT 1520z SQ. FT.) / � / / / w / / / � p � / M / � �n / o / u� I / � L❑T 4 � / � I 85,250 S.F. 1A57 ACRES 1094 RIVA GLEN u� � I\ s I �'� 22., I � \�� �� EXISTINGA BUILDING \ ENVELOPE CT❑ BE VACATED BY THIS PLAT 15z02 SQ. FTJ I� -- - � � C`ITr �c'9 � 9) 63 �� 5 6� 56 �6� VJ N 89'01'35" E 75J0' � / 0� �� � \ \ ti � \ �A � 5�,, � ��•, \ .' �i \/ 8 � ? . sS � ��. � \ \ \ � � ,. � 66 35 1 - --_..�_...�._.._. _.._._..��.._._�._..�� _.�.------ --------�-��._._.__..._ N "j533'p9 ----- � � /// � UTILITY EASEMENT o !� (BDOK 610, PAGE 213> \ ° /� / 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 N 89°O1'35" E 383,54' L❑T 4 LAND USE SUMMARY PARCEL AREA MAXIMUM GRFA MAXIMUM SITE COVERAGE ZONING LOT 4 1.957 AC. 7016 6166 HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL 45'" I 30.00' I 2 12.91 2�� 40� 1 ITO °o. \ \ \ GT \ � qC��JT \���c�ss d �6�o f` �''q \ 9 �F �9C \CF.F F` \ ��T d � jv� \ \ �� � � E �� � <_�' R0� % EDGE OF ASPHALT DRIVEWAY LOT 3 � 6�� \ \ / ACCESS, UTILITY & ' MAINTENENCE EASEMENT /CHATCHED AREA> CBO�K 732, PAGE 905) / / \ N �6'07'�p.. w � -- -- - �- t,5r-�9--� 23J2' I S 89'31'59'" E CERTSFICATE OF DEDICATION AND ❑WNERSHIP Know all r�en by these presents that Spraddte Creek L. L C., 6e�ng sote owner �n feel s�nple of all that real property s�tuated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Cotorado descr�bed as foltows- Spraddte Creek Estates, Lot 4' A subd�v�s�on �n the Town of Va�l, County oF Eagle� and does hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the publ�c roads and other publlc �Mproveroents and ptaces as shown on the nccor�pany�ng plat to the use of the pu6l�c forever; and does hereby ded�cate those port�ons of sa�d reat property wh�ch are �nd�cated as easenents on the accoropanying plat as easeroents For the purpose shown here�n; and does hereby grant the r�ght to �nstall and roaintaln necessary structures to the entlty respons�ble for prov�d�ng the serv�ces for wh�ch the enseroents are establlshed. EXECUTED th � s _�� day of f�'���^�"»� �'��; A. D. 20� � ❑WNER� Spraddle Creek L. L. C. A➢➢RESS: _�� �._ a'"in'L. L_ �.R G'�..�- �"va�a^'��'•"' y�a �., --��_s���,a� BY: _ � w --- ..-'�-------------- s AS; /�J�,iriL%�' ------------------------------ ❑F� Spraddle Creek L. L. C. , STATE ❑F COLORADD) SS CDUNTY ❑F EAGLE) The forega�ng Cert�f�cate of Ded�cat�on,¢nd ❑wnersh�p was acknow l edged befpre roe th � s/�N"day of `^5'J�x✓Cary¢,�a'+m._�, A. D. 20�?� �^°" BY _F�.�f�_.�SCac?lz��---�------ AS' --'�e"'��'.----------- '` �;�d T�'�� ".,4 -?' °'��^ �,o,o�.,,ma�a°�v''. ❑F Spraddle Creek L L. G A"��,�o°°V aaoo� My Conn � ss � on exp � res� __.�°�,/t1�?�a��___ ii����a ��(�,'4� �o; � 8 Y -----------t$ �������t� p� �/ �� " W� tness My hand and sea t. _�_/'"�Z`� ______ - �a�°�o �'a Notar Pub l � c �" `Q „.�°��� CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION FOR MORTAGE HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLGER KNOW ALl MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Sequel Capital, LLC, An Illinois Limited Liability Company being the holder of a mortage or deed of trust on the real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as Spraddle Creek Estates, Lot 4 containing 1.957 acres, more or less; as shown on this ��S'i��l plat under the name and style of Second Amended Final Plat, Spraddle Creek Estates, Lot 4 a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; agrees to the dedication and setting apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the pu6lic forever; and does hereby agree to the dedication of these portions of said real property which are indicated as easement on the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby agree to the granting of the right to install and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the easements are established. � 1 Executed this �� Day of �/` ���"`I +'""'^"__; A.D. 20 ������- Owner: Sequel Capital LLC Address: � r i' ,.�s, _��� 3.�" p�'P ����°�'�� „�: „ ��w�,` � - __- -.a.sy ..:: , , h��e�.:v� i �.w'`"�'��"me-u��, '� �nrci�S�°� [ ' t� � ;r By: ��� �' ) ,�1 3� �az�,��� ' i - � � �II"e.� 6 � I �' �" �-�� , Nome: �.�"�A+n "a'"� ,� .#e,�.�,�.�E ,�''�w__ �',o��. � �'�'�°� `�l'��ii��� Title: �`�'� - ' - - -- --- ��� k�G c`�s'1 PC t V�34 � G� �1�'."�ti ' �, V� �Nr�, a, ° C,�n�V��""."^�s,�o-^ :. iv vt�i'SV,6@�U" � STATE OF -.� --) SS�� � .,.. .�„���� ��� � „ SS C�UNTY ❑F __t �'_+�-___) The forego�ng Cert�f�cate of Ded�cat�on and ❑wnersh�p was acknowledged before ne th�s u���ay of ��"������2�4�"�"''�r A D 202�,�°�'�-�� BY �o9,��t` ?',�,_ "��''m �'as'��l��'�r"� _ ASi _a���in�k��"_ �,u�°�.."v� ---- , ❑F Sequel Cap�tal LLC My CoroM � ss � on exp � res ��,�%•��� �"� _ � '�^,.m°^"",( r , � �'� if F' ��. W � tness roy hand and sea l. ___ d'�^� � m__� r'�'�;�,�,,,r�„,� r�:s�'°�`��_____ � - - +N�tar Pub l'� c SET MONUMENT AWMINUM PIN AND CAP LS #26598 C3' WITNESS CORNER) / � � �� /I Y � // / � S 62'26'49" E 37.00' / ' FDUND MONUMENT � ALIJMINUM PIN AND CAP LS #30091 �� I=57°17'45° /�l ' ACCE S EASEMENT R=50.�� (%J�jl.'V� ��� �-CBD�K 610, PAGE 213 L=50,00 �q rE N �N oo�s8-zs� W T=27,32 TRA �'�A 65.6P LC=47,94 CT .0 �� cB=N oi°o�'41� w � SLOPE MAINA7ENANCE � EASEMENT N 48°11'24" W 20J1' SET M�NUMENT ALUMINUM PIN AND CAP LS #26598 41.58' C3' WITNESS CORNER) � � � / .`�i : �C, � � .. W 58.8� S j8.3� 46 S 26°46'S1" W 3.24' CZ NorES: 1) Date of Survey� Septer�ber, 2002 2) Bas�s of Bear�ngs� Found roonur�ents, as shown, for the easterly corner oP Lot 4, Lot 5, and Tract D CR�va Glen) , Spraddle Creek Estates, and the Westerly corner of Lot 4 and Lot 14, Spraddle Creek Estates, Hav�ng a bear�ng of N51 ° 43' 06" W. 3) MonuMentat�on as shown hereon. 4) Land T�tle Guarantee Cor�pany cor�M�troent No. V275403-Z dated March 8, 2002 was rel�ed upon for all tltle and easeMent Inforroatlon. S) Lot 4 �s subject to terros, condlt�ons, covenants, restr�ct�ons, reservat�ons and notes on the recorded plat of Spraddle Creek Estates recorded May 28, 1993 In Book 610 at Pnge 213, nnd supptenents thereto. 6) Lot 4 �s subject to restr�ct�ve covenants as conta�ned �n �nstrunent recorded NoveMber 10, 1993, �n Book 624 at Page 528, wh�ch mctudes res�dent�al des�gn regulat�ons and f�rst aMendMent recorded ❑ctober 14, 1994 In Book 652 at Page 580 and second aroendMent recorded ❑ctober 20. 1994 �n Book 652 at Page 940 and rerecorded ❑ctober 27, 1994 �n Book 653 at Page 596 and anendMent recorded Decenber 27, 1994 in Book 657 at Page 956 and ar�endnent to the resident�al des�gn regutat�on recorded June 15, 1994 �n Book 642 at Page 902. 7) Lot 4 nay be subject to terros, cond�t�ons and prov�s�ons of a trench, condult and vault agreeMent recorded Navenber 19, 1993 �n Book 625 at Page 321. 8) Lot 4 nay be subject ta an underground r�ght of way easeMent as granted to Holy Cross Etectr�c Assoc�atlon, Inc. �n �nstrunent recorded Noverober 19, 1993 �n Book 625 at Page 320. Locat�on �nsuff�c�ently d�Mens�oned. 9) Lot 4(s subject to easenents, cond�t�ons, covenants, restr�ct�ons, reservat�ons and notes on the Aroended F�nat Ptat of Spraddte Creek Estates, Lot 4, recorded Decerober 4, 1997 �n Book 745 at Page 278. 10) NOTICE� According to Colarado law you nust coronence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect, In no event, roay any action based upon any defect in this survey be cororoenced roore than ten years froM the date of the certification shown hereon, SURVEYDRS CERTIFICATE I, Stan Hogfeldt, do hereby cert�fy thnt I aro a Reg�stered Land Surveyor ticensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that th�s plat �s a true correct and coMplete plat of 'Spraddle Creek Estates, Lot 4" as ta�d out, platted, ded�cated nnd shown hereon, that such plat was roade froro an accurate survey of sa�d property by ne and under roy superv�s�on and correctly shows the 1o44tlon and d�roenslons of the lots, easenents and streets of sa�d su�d11'��'�� � the saroe are staked upon the ground �n conpl�ance w�th Q���,� /y!� lat�ons govern�ng the subd�v�s�on of' land, �n w�tness wher � � ' hand and seal th�s ��;' day of QL��,'� _ . A. $ , � �' _ �i ��. m 5 • �A� _�- / a _.. _ ___"_� �. �. Stan Hogfel ..�'� ' Colorado P. . S�:_ 8 ��� � TITLE CERTIFICATE "'n.y�N�..a" Land T�tle Guarantee Caropany does hereby certify that I have exaroined the Title to all lands shown upon th�s Plat and that T�t�e to such lands �s vested �n Spraddle Creek L L C. free and clear of all I�ens and encurobrances, except as foltows� ---- ---- --- - -- ---- ------ Dated th � s��y of �� , A. D. ZOp�°" Land T�tle Guarantee Conpany 0030 Benchmark Rd. #216, P❑ Box 3480 Avon CO3 81620 BY: ------ , - -- TITLE: __ '��_�� CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby cert�fy that the ent�re aMOUnt oF taxes nnd assessnents due and paya6l e as af �!.PQ'�,..m,�i.. _�1���i�,�____ upon a l l parcels of real estate descr�bed on th�s plat nre pa�d �n full. Dated th � s�J{,day of �___ A. D. 20.p?r ATTEST� �,.��mK�., � j3E^y.- � � ����`�� �� �� Tre�asu�rer�-- fJ -� � , '�'*� Eagte County, Colorado ,� a������ PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL C�MMISSIDN CERTIFICATE �" 6� Th�s f�nal plat was proved the Town of Va�t Plann�ng and Env�ro ro '1 Conn � ss � on th � s,�,�"�day of ��y��r A. D. , 20�Z �"`�4r AT � � $ � � • . � !���1 i . � �_ � own lerk-------� -- - Cha ��� �-�--- ------ Town of Vait. Colorado �,o'�wn,of Vall Planning and Envlronr�ental Cororo�ss�on CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE � ��•C'�U � This Plat was filed for record �n the ❑ff�ce of the Cterk and Recorder at �:�_ o' ctock��wy, on th�s "�`� day of �PC...+C.M1�.P_, A. D. 20a�.and �s duly recorded under Recept � on No. �1�Ll.�___ ``1 g� �' ra j � �;a.���� 'w`"..._.._�'C'i_'�+_.� ._ W��S._.V_-- ,: :,9,....e., �`e��" Cle k and Re�o� �der `" �, �,�' � � ,,, �, � � BY '�rv.::�, �+., - �,:�'=�- ----- __ . .ti. � � . . we `�. � 66 �4 5�,. / W 2S 6q , 0 �^ti .� �y`l'' �k �O 5 JOB #2540