HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 5th Addition Block 5 Lot 16 - Amended Duplex Plat� VICINfTY MAP ea sa�tF \ FOUND 5/8" REBAR �^ �. . � 0/ G LOT 17 \ �p,5• \ �l MENDED D UPLEX PLA T i ` / ' i � / T 0 WN 01� VA IL, �OT 4- FOUND 5/S" DIA. M REBAR 9� �1�1 y$ � / / �\� / ,�p��° ����/ \ s.o / i � MEPS� F.�� � i � � 50;`� SF;�i i � �56`' �� \ , OQ�� �R�\iPG� / \\ ���` �O�c���� �� � /\ \\ Cn i � / \ \ � s.o � i / \ \ � m9 i'�/// / \ \� � � � � O' �' i � / / I � �0 �T �/ �\ PROPERN LINES TO BE \ � m� � ABPNDONED 8Y THIS PLAT � � � � � � �° �J i � I � s � 2� / \\ � �s os LOT �1E6 � s � � \ o. � 4859 I � � \ � O�+ � � .s� � �J ___-1 I �, � Q� � � I \ �� � � \ � l \\ �--- —� L--I � \ � � �- — -� � � _--�1 � � '� I I� I � � � '� � �L_ � -� _-� � ��- ' I L � i � — BUILDING OUTLINE � i � � 5.0 � � � M�PS� y s L __ --' -- �� 1�, k"S �5` s — � � � � o tP�. i � O., �� �`� ��'' 1��g _./ �� ����� M�PS.I .� ' � � 56��,�,V� �- � � f J � 0�9� � 56� `'� LOT 15 FOUND PIN & CAP L.S. 26598 \ 20 0 20 40 60 Feet SCALE: 1 " = 20' 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 \ � � � � LOT >6, BL�CK 5 EA GLE CO UNT Y, S TA TE 0�' COL ORAD 0 LOT 5 FOUND 5/8" DIA. , REBAR \ / � CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATI�N AND ❑WNERSHIP Know all nen by these presents that Anthony M. Ryerson and Cynthia B. Ryerson, 6eing sole owner in fee s�rople, of all that real property situated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� Aroended F�nal Plnt, A Resubdiv�s�on of Lot 16, Block 5, B�ghorn Subd�vis�on F�fth Add�t�on, according to the plat thereof recorded �n the office of the Eagle Gounty, Golorado, Glerk and Recorder, containing 0.5000 acres, nore or less, Has by these presents la�d out, platted nnd subd�vided the saroe �nto lots and tracts as shown on th�s final plat under the nane and style of "B�ghorn Subdiv�s�on F�fth Add�t�on, Lot 16, Block 5', a subd�v�s�on in the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby accept the responsibil�ty for the conpletion of requ�red Iroproveroents; and does hereby ded�cate nnd set apart nll of the publ�c roads and other publ�c �roproveroents and places as shown on the accoropnny�ng pint to the use of the publ�c Forever; and does hereby ded�cate those port�ons of sa�d real property which are �ndicated as easeroent on the ncconpanying plat as easeroents for the purpose shown hereon; and does here6y grant the right to �nstall nnd na�ntain necessary structures to the entity responsible for provid�ng the serv�ces for wh�ch the easeroents are established. Executed this _%�__day of _���±�r�____, A. D. , 20S'i�v �wners� Ant ny M. Ryer on 4859 Meadow Drive Val l, CO 81657 `�-�-- �_�t��' � _'��. ^^'y " Cyn h��erson 4859 Meadow Dr�ve Val l, CO 81657 STATE OF ��1t:,+� _____) ) SS CDUNTY �F ) ---- ----------- I The foregoing instrur�ent was acknowledged before roe this _±�__ day of _�s��______, A. D. , 20Q3�by Anthony M. Ryerson _:.._. ���.�.-.�,.- My Coron � ss � on exp i res �i"'_�rJ _C`_�_,� ; k41NiBERLV�TAKETA W� ness My hand and sea t. i EV07ARV PUBLIC -- ��----- � �'H�� fJF CC7LQRAi�C3 Notary Pub c � `"'' � Address 10�f �__G_�'y��w__ _�R-�: a.s "�'�'°°� ��nnF,niresAug.30,2006 ��lyS�_ 7L��_ STATE OF �_______� ) SS CQUNTY OF _____ _ �_______) The foregoing �nstruroent was acknowledged before ne this _��___ day of ��rs�,•_�______, A. D, , 20Q"Z-by Cynth t a B. Ryerson. My C Mnisslon exp�res� _ �'=�=�?�. ,� , W � tn ss roy hand and sea t. KIMBERLY TAlCE7A �.. ___ _______ NoraRV wusuc Notary Pubt � � n,�-�,a� STATE OF COLORADCi Address� _LQiS �.S__�i��- ��--`-� -�� My Commission Expirss Aug. 30, ?_008 NOTES: 1) The purpose of th�s plat �s to abandan the duplex subdlv�s�on property lines to nake Lot 16 a s�ngle family lot. 2) Date of survey� Decerober, 2002. 3) Street address: 4859 Meadow Dr�ve. 4) Bearings are based on a l�ne connecting the Found roonuroents ronrk�ng the northeasterly property l�ne of Lot 16 be�ng S25°10'00°E (see drawing), 5) Monunentatlon as shown hereon. 6) Accord�ng to Colorado law you Must coMMence any fegal action based upon any defect in this survey w�th�n three years after you f�rst d�scover such defect. Tn no event, nny any nction based upon any defect �n th�s survey be coronenced nore than ten years froro the date of the certification shown hereon. SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby cert�fy that I oro a regfstered Lnnd Surveyor li�ensed under the laws of the State of Cotorado, that this plat �s true, correct and conplete as la�d out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such plat was nade froro an accurate survey oF sa�d property by ne and under roy superv�s�on and correctly shows the location and d�ropnsfons of the lots, easenents and streete of sa�d subd�vision as the saroe are staked upon the ground In coropl�ance with appl�cable regul_qto�,ons governing the subdiv�sion of land. ,,� ?�, , �,.' In w�tness thereof I dy�.� _--. A. D. , TITLE CERTIFICATE '� My, h�iiii ori�,'sea 1 th � s�,`�° day of oLC� ? ��„ c'� ,� �2�:s'�3�N d�� - Land T�tle Guarantee Coropany, does hereby cert�fy thot the t�tle to all Innds shown upon this final plat has been exarotned and �s vpstQd irr ,_ � a . _ _ e _„ and thnt iktle to �uch lands is free and clear of all'�iens and encunbrances, except as follows� --- - - -------------------------------------------- ------ �� -------------------- ------------------------------ Dated th�s?` ___ doy of a,,±'�4-'C.Y1t._i?.C1?'_______, A. D. , 200_� .Y1 Land T�tle Guarantee Coropany 108 S. Frontage Road West Vnll, B��� a BY` --- - -----------�'�-�"---- (Signature) ��j� �-- (Pr1nt nane nnd tit� ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE This final plat is hereby approve�by the Town of Vail Adn � n i strator th � s�� day of �y( _______, A. D. , 2017� . A est� . �, J„ • - --- - ---------- _.__S.�^t�°_."""_-� =-�'=-- Town Clerk ���" ��"�� Adroinistrator Town of Vnil, Colorado Town of Vail, Colorada CERTIFICATE �F TAXES PAI➢ ��� A��"�`",n� ;� k...,eS #�,.�.n I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the ent�re roount oC tnxes due and pnyable as of _'��������_.����?�4�,�, upon all parcels of real estote descr�bed on this f�nal pl¢t are pa�d in fu1L Dated th � s��� day of __�_8����.,,________, A. D. , 20Q � � ��� Treasurer of Eagele County; � lorado ����.;��°,� f �� �.�..�,.1-� ����'��"��.a ��`�.�T��� �� 4 � � CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIFICATE This plat4 was filed,�`P�or�y record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder nt ��•?�!i#o'clock 9__�"�_, on th�s'���__ day of _���1L-- - l�. ------' � du t y re orded at Recept � on No. ��� ��� _i ____ ______. -------- C��r`_'4.��__�d_���___- �� �� 15 corder -----�, . �g�..°"'.�"'°�,..�.5� � ,r JOB No.1281.1