HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village West Filing 1 Lot 48• iNTERSTATE 70 CASA DEL SOL SPRUCE CREEK � CONDOMINIUMS z¢.o TOWNNOMES . a" 13 S 3 � 8 7 6 a �� � zi zo n re n� 9 z i i� '/ Jl � , ..-.. N'p � 10 � z� ze u zo � zz az � � n °3 aa ,5 coae �E��. R � � 4 e Z q6 y7 43 35 � 3 pA iH 99 40 46 0 5 q 3 �2 3G 59 � -� a5 � 3� s u aa a� T e y 6 ... � 39 a.? 1 6 IB A IJ 5 a P � iA Xl ,� TO R � � B T I�B 22 20 26 �ER /� n � 4t. � Zl.. q �� O 9 �V � ZB �a zs a n ro p � � � aa ¢ u za � g 0B u e �s w 24 $EpXyA 23 �� 9 i4 � � 22 �A ZZ L p � orL 25 R I6 2T � � Tq�� �, m � � � ,A.�, v • m �, ,\\ � � � •� (, p � ' � • � . .� � �� � i � 1 � � 1l_J 1L l �1 � •� �•� � t \1 � �.�� �/I �. .,\\ � I \) �: /I �. ,. ., � _ , / � . ./ � ... , ; ,. .:. . , .. " DONOVAN PLAT RESTRICTION SITE �K V I C I N I T Y M A P '� For zon � ng purposes, the two parce t s createcd by th i s resubd � v� s i on are to be treated as one entity w�-th no roore than one two-fan�ly res�dence allowed on the corobined area of the two parcels.Allowable gross res�dent�al floor area for the two-family residence w�ll be ealeulated based on the coMb�ned area of the two parcels. 0=03° 43' 10' R=640, 28' L=41, 56' C PLAT 41, 66' ) T=20, 79' C LEN=41, 56' BRG=N 48° 22' 31 ° E o � L� SET ALUM. CAP & #4 REBAR L. S. # 30116 \ / � ,v � \ � � � \ �. � � / � \ 0' 10' 20' 30' � \ � � \ � \ � � � \ \ ��'� \ SCALE� 1" = 10' ! � SET CONC. NAIL & \ \ � `V WASNER L S, # 30116 \ EDGE ➢RIVE / G� /� � s � � �' � � o � � � �`�� o � �� / � \ SA�,a C> > / > \ F. L❑T 47 � ' � O � � \ ,o FILING No, 1 v��� �yjh��o° �/ \� \� s,g` , o�o I \ �o'�� � ��_EDGE DRIVE � \ \ \ � / � I / BUILDING ❑UTLINE \ \ J � \ � / / / \ \/ / / � \ \ � / / \ � \ � / / \ \\ // � � ` ' � / L❑T 48� � � FND RED PLASTIC CAP &� \ 0.116 AC. #5 REBAR L, S. # 26626 \ �/\ \ // 1880E UTILITY INSTALLATT (TIE N75°09'02°E 0.78') \ & MAINTENANCE EASE � \ � � � / �0�� � \ / � � � � l� \ 7 R, \ � �O� � SS, � s / � \ �. '��� �' ,� L. ❑ T 4 8 W � �j. \ 0, 114 AC. / � L�°�' �� �`' \ 1880W / FILZNG No, 2 � / ���o \ / ,, � ��c,� \ / oo ��,P `� ,�,5 oF \ UTILITY INSTALLATION / G� ��� 5.0' \ & MAIN7ENANCE EASEMENT / �� � � 0P \ / �o. � / � � � 41199 HIGHWAY 6 8c 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS. C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 FND PLAIN #3 REBAR / L�T 6 HIGHLAND MEADQWS FILING N❑, 2 5.0' �,I \ ����� [ � ��� � �i �;�� ,.. . , .,. �.. / � , . / • .� 1 , � SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby cert�fy that I aro a reg�stered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that th�s plat �s true, correct and coroplete as ta�d out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such plat was roade froro an accurate survey of sa�d property by me and under roy superv�s�on and correctly shows the locat�on and d�roensions of the lots, easeroents and streets of said subdivis�on as the same are staked upon the ground �n coropllance with appltcnhle regulntions govern�ng the subdiv�ston of lnnd. I witne� tYrereof I have set ny hand nnd seal th�s �� day of /�' m'�.,7`� ' s�'� A D 2004 �"�i V .�"',;""'° -� �� ---------- M�chae�°`J R t"` Co4orado PLS 30116 r , ;,p C �/��`��° , N�TES "' +� ' r .��" t !a �aitia� � 1) Date of Survey: February, 2004 2) Land Title Guarantee Coropany COMM�tnent no. V50001410-2 dated 5/29/03 was relied upon for all t�tle and easenent �nforroat�on. 3) Not�ce� According to Colorado law you roust conroence any legnl act�on based upon any deFect �n th�s survey w�thin three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, roay any action based upon any defect �n th�s survey be conroenced nore than ten years froM the date of the certlfication shown hereon. 4) Bas�s of Bear��ngs is the found nonuroents nlong the southerly l�ne of Lots 48 and 47 being N45°13'00°E (ns shown and descr�bed hereon). 5) Protective covenants recorded In Book 178, Page 149, aroended in Book 178, Page 349. 6) Party Wall Agreenent recorded as Recept�on No.______________________. LAND USE SUMMARY Lot AreaCAcres) Use Address Dwell�ng Units 48E 0.1fl6 1/2 Duplex 1880E West Gore Creek Dr�ve 1 48W O.lfl4 fl/2 Duplex 1880W West Gore Creek ➢rive 1 FND ALUM. CAP & #5 REBAR L. S. # 9337 __ C CRN. L�TS 45, 47, 49) � END RED PLASTIC CAP &#S REBAR \ L. S. # 26626 TITLE CERTYFICATE \ CTIE N74°06'38°E 1.03') Land Title Guarnntee Coropany does hereby cert�fy that the tetle to all lands shown upon this final plat has been exaro�ned and is vested �n � Suzanne E. Dauphinais and Patr�ck G. Dauph�nals Sr. and thnt title to such \ lands is free and clear of nll liens and encunbrances, except as �olloevs � \ ---------- -- --------------------- ------------------------ _Nr ��"�s�-"-�------ �--���.��'�I�"'�--°'�--- --�-� `"�-��� � - - - - ° - - - --------------- ----��'.-- -----�-"��----��3 3�"'� _ / --------------------------------- � / S 5.0' L❑T 49 F�ILING No, 1 Dated th � s_?___ day of _____ ��� ____________, A. D, , 2004, Land T�tle Guarantee Coropany 108 S. Frontage Road West No. 203 Vail, 81658 By: __ � �Q, __-___-�� �---- as: �tiA. ----_-� ----���--�'`� Z�NING ADMINISTRAT�R CERTIFICATE �T �s 4'Inal plat � hereby approved by the Town of Va�l Zon�ng AdM�nistrator this �___ day of __����✓�G�'' ----' A. D. 2004. ATTEST. �V'�'N OF � ,� ��,.. -- ....� �, , ' ��� a ". t�''-z---- ---------- -------- � - --- --- �------- - ° S Town°Clerk jZon�ng Adro�n�strntor �qL Town of Vail. Colorado qTown of Vail, Colorado . CERTIFICATE �F TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby certi.�f.j' that he nt�re anount of taxes and assessments due and pnyab le ns of _J:.,��� �� _� ��.�� �____ upon all parcel�f real estate descr�bed on this pla� are pa�d �n fult. Dated th�s _��__ day of ��- ta.5�� _,�,D., 2004. . --,,�„--- � - _� T easurer oF Eng ��County ,�. �� �,a � P CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATI�N AND OWNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Suzanne E. Dauph�na�s nnd Patr�ck G. Dauphinais Sr., being sole ownerCs) in fee s�nple of all the renl property s�tuated in the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� Lat 48, Va�l V�llage West, F�ling No. 1, according to the roap thereof recorded ns Recept�on No. 98185, in the off�ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, conta�ning 0.230 acres, nore or less. hnve by these presents la�d out, platted and subdtvided the saroe �nto parcels as shown on this f�nal plat under the nane and style of ° Vail V�llage West, F�l�ng No. 1, A Resubd�v�s�on �f �ot 48 °, a subd�v�s�on In the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; and do hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the publ�c roads and other publ�c iroproveroents and places as shown on the accoMpany�ng plat to the use of the publlc forever; and do hereby ded�cate those portlons of sa�d real property wh�ch are �ndicated as easeroent on the accoMpanying plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon; and do hereby grant the r�ght to install and Mafnta�n structures to the entity respons�ble for prov�d�ng the servlces for wh�ch the easeMents are establ�shed. Executed th � s'� °���day of �(Q ��{ ��'� , A. D. , 2004. ❑wner - .-� `� ...^�-:�...,__ '�„='�' Patr�ck G Dnu h���na�s 5.�. Address� �• • �� ��*�_ _ _ ��4=���_�����- BY`-------------------------- C T � t t e) --��-�-e��--------- STATE �F �^ ��-���-��„° ) ------� 55. CDUNTY ❑F �����------) Th fore o ng instruroent was ncknowledged before ne th�s t°��� day of _� ��: �_____, A D. , 2004 6y Patr � ck G. Dnuph � na � s SR. My Cororo � ss � on exp � res� �� ��� _____ �;� W i tnes ny hand and sea L ��,'��� °. � Address��- - ��_' ��--- ���,n ,�v�„��^�� r� r.'�. _ a - y -- g - -- --- _ rr, . . Notar Public i' Suza �e E. Dauph i na i s ��°� ��� Addre s: _� d��_ �-��-�-�---g� w.:.... _ __�� i�'rr�=�—�_ ���9.� . . BY` ----��3�1 -- ----------- (Title)----------------------- STATE ❑F� , _C°Jf'° -�---� �° ) ss, COUNTY OF �",.� �� ___) The forego� g instruroent was acknowledged before me this A�-3�l�Sday of __� '�____, A. D. , 2004 by Suzanne E. Dauph � na i s. My Cororo�ss�on exp�res __ � ��__�`� ,,���•� W � tness hand d sea l. ' ,' ��° � ----- �� � �� � � - � ------ �°'" , Notary ubl�c�y ..�- ^ �i Address� _ "T � �� �r,� _ _��.t.� �__ ���_ , ��u s��� , i� 4 4 � CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATION FOR MORTGAGEE OR DEED �F TRUST HOLDER Know all nen by these presents that F�rstBank of Va�l, being the holder of a mortgage or deed of trust on that real property si4uated �n the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� Lot 48, Vatl V�llage West, Filing No. 1, according to the roap thereoP recorded as Recept�on No. 98185, �n the off�ce of the Eagle County, Co lorado, C lerk a�nd Recorder, conta I n I ng 0. 230 acres, roore or less. as shown on this F�nal plat under the naroe and style of °Va�l Vcllage West, F�l�ng No. 1, A Resubdivision Of Lot 48°, a subdivision �n the Town of Vn�l, Eagle County, Colorado; agrees to the dedicat�on and sett�ng apart all of the public roads and other publ�c �roproveMents and places as shown on the accoropany�ng plat to the use of the publ�c forever; and does hereby agree to the ded��cat�on of those portions of sa�d real property wh�ch are Indecated as easeroents on the accoropany�ng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby agree to the granting of the right to �nstall a�nd Malnta�n necessary structures to the ent�ty respons��ble for provld�ng the serv�ces for wh�ch the easeroents are establ�shed. r � ����� � � Executed thls �.��day of ________________________, A.D., 2004. Mortgagee� F�rstBank of Vael Address 17 Vail Road Va �,-1, Co. 81657 �y A,'��� _. , , �� - =%�- --�--°-°------°-- By� Mark R. R i stow Executive Vice Presldent STATE C1F �ri�IC7I'_��? ____> ,..�- ) ss. COUN7Y �F' �.___ �______> T�e foregoing �nstruroent was ncknowledged before roe thls�_� ?e9 day of �3°� ��? __ , A. D. , 2004 by Mnrk R. R i stow as Execut � ve V i ce Pre� dent of F�rstBank of Vall . rt; � My Cororoission exp�res� �������� r " ��F, NotnrySPub l hn�nd_ and s-a l�------- �f ~ 3 ������� � � E', Address: _� � ��a.! � - .ra�'� — �a "������' ",'� � _�✓�.l�__ �z?__ �°�5��i�---- <' � , , �. � �f'r°h� .., -, CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE Th�s Plat wns f�l d for record �n the Office ofi�the Cl rk and Recorder at _� �_ f'� � o' c l ock �. M. , on th � s ���_day' fof �f �L �l� _____, 2004, and � s du ly./recorded as Recept � on No, ����_° L=____ �_, �� ','` �y� / � ,�ynre�,� 1 a� �' F � 7 ' � �� � ,sID�� ^z��� �-t`J'CJ�� � � �� � ���' ,a �.�� h��o� �` .� � ����.� ,.� � .'��°�; � SHEET 1 ❑� 1 M. P�ST 6/29/04 J❑B N❑, 2748