HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Lionshead Filing 3 Block 2 Lot 1 - Lionshead Inn Annex Improvement SurveyINTERSTATE HIGHWAY N0. 70 R.O.W. SOUTH FROI�JTAGE RC�AD R=3 6��- 9. 9 6 I� =1 5 0. 0 0 1�=2° 21 ' 1 7„ CH=S65°1 8' 2��"V'J 1 49. �9 � TV RISER � 1.3 POOT DIAMETER CONC. POST �S LIGFIT --o--�--�—o--o—�>— PEDESTRIAN SAFETY RAIL ATTACHED TO CONCRETE WALI. —�— .. .. �� � 3 RAIL WOOD FENCE � SATELLITIE DISH QD DRPJN FOR TFIE PA,RKWG LOT. THE OUTLET POR THE DRAP�.N IS NOT KNOWN. O SET 1 1/2" DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP ON A #5 REBAR ENZIA,N � ASPHALT PARKING FOU�iD #5 REB,AR UPGRADED WITH 1 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP LS 2826i EL�C 4 �� � �� ELEC � o BOX ; a � � a TV CHB�E Al�"TACI-IED TO EAST SIDE THIS W'ALI_ (SE=E NOTE 3�) --- PART OF L�OT 1 BL_OCK 2 BASIS OF BEP,RING:S 20 C� _J � � � � Q �l� Z � _7 �� _J ° a a G 4 Q A a Q � � a CONCRETE PAfZKING � AREP� a � �i a C' �' . 44.0`ia . N � . ... e'�, °� � o �� � a4 � � ° � ./.� a : . � � � D C� + Z Y Q Y G f� a� a � L o = � a � � Q � � 4 �� �� � Q [� W a� t- S � _ � � I1 cn N � O � � �� aoF� k � Tor ue � N.4T. GA:i � 0 � QP �= o 1 � � SjyEf� R=3650.00 L=12.`i.00 ��=1 °57'44" T=62.51 S67°27'11 "W 1 24.99 rt����--���.�—`����.���.�..`� EDGE OF ASPHALT —`— 3(Y UTILITY EASE'�ENT ACCPJRDIMG TO THE � TFIE PLAT RECORDEp ON TFIE 15TH Di4Y a OF� OCTOE�ER, 1971, IN BOOK 221, AT IPAGE 4 l ._ �� ' '—_..—_ _._—_ __ �� tO AS�pHALi PqRKING AREA a --�__� °Y 4 <-SJ � /i� � � zt ._ � � 0/yC .. .. � � 7 \ .��\9� � OVERHEAO WOOD DECKS / j ° � o h �� Q� ���0=�4c/ c� 1 y �O <4� ys� `S�', yq�T F r o�, �e �NO A �R�j�G GRAPHIC SCALE o io zo ao ( IN FEET ) i inch = 20 ft. �y9 <� 80 � A 9s Ay 9� T O�` F �e '2 0 C � C� a_ R�2 ucHT N69��4s0 eox 5 ,>, O • " -�� `�, � ,7��i;�\ ( U�.-� �'' �CS� r� 02�/ BOXT ��\� 6? � yq<� cS c3� - �` � O R�� �� h ____�._ � � �O^' � II � J � ��E � . � , ? �U 5� << <n . �� N // _ 1 ,� Q ti � 4 � � Q � % ���y�,� RTE-C -CHERE / - ` �/ '�. � �vai '/���� ^��! Cj �/� ` �� C /� � z' c� � O S � 2 �) � � �U � SET 25 WITNESS COR,NE IIMf'R�JVEME�JT SURVEY PL.A1� ,A P C� �; TI �0 f� �) F- L_ �) �� 1, �� C� C I� �? ��,� i �_��_i � � �� �-i �_ � � , �r�i i � a �i �.._i i!�� � rt�C)Wi�l OF V'AII_, COIJI�IT'Y OF EAGL.E, STAT� OF� C;OL_af��DCi �EGAL DESCRIPTION A p�ortion iof LoY 1, B1ock 2, VAIL/LIOD'SHEAD, `CEih2D FILINC7, doscribedasfolla�ws: Baonn'vngattheillostNortherlyConnerof ll Raid Lot 1, which point is at the end of a 25 foot radin9 curve and on the �ou[herly 12ip,ht-of-Way lirie of Intere,tate Highway NoJO; thence Sputhwesteriy on aaid R.O.VJ. line 125.OQ feat along tho aze of a 3650 £ooY radius cnrve, to the le$ whose cenlra! angle is 1°57"44" and w�ha�se long; chord beazs S 67°27'11" \�N 1'I.A.99 f�eet,�fhence S 23 °U2'G6" E 210.8� ffeet; the;nce S 7S°10'S3" 5 80.94 feet to a p�oint oxi tlta EasCerly line o£szid Lctt 1 wluctl ls on the arc df a I50 fout mdins cnn�e; thence Northetly �long s�aid $asterly lmo an flia following fona Ooiuses: (1) 1 SA�D feet 21ong the uc oif s�id curne to $�e 1eft �whose central angle is 6°52'32" and who��se long chord bea7s N 1°2616" E 17.99 feeT to � point oftangenT, (2) N 4°b0'(10" M 185.00 £eeY Yo a point of ciuve; (3) 40.96 feeT. along the azc oF a 125 foot ratJiva cnrve to #he lefr whose ceaitral angle is 18 °46'32" and whose long chord beats N 11°23'lli" W 4098 feet to a point of qompound �curVe; .md (4) 39.61 feet alonig the a�rc of a 25 foot radiws curve to tho left whose cen�ral an�.gle is 9�0 °=477.5" and whose long chord bnaz5 T' 66 °IO' t$" \=J 35.60 ffeet to the point of beguuung, eonuaining 27,976.98 squaze feet or 0.6423 acres, iwore ar fiess. CLERK A�ID RECORD�ER"S C�RTIFICATE This Plat was filed for record in #1ig Office of the � I %( IYI aA •c� � Clerk �ond h'eCOrder at �•� _I d'd��ck, on this ___L_._ day oi' _L__!�V'_—ST_�!______ _ 2p03 and is duly n=cbrded at Reception No. _��? �� �LE+ ' /C�itl� ��J�� � i� CLERK � IBy. — - DEPUTY 1) DA1E OF SUR`JEY: NOV'EMBER 5-7, 2005 2) BEP�RING:S ARE BA5ED UpON A STRAIGHT LINE CONNECTING A POINT INONUMENTED BY A FOUND 1 1/2° DIAMETER ,4LUMpNUM CAP ( LS N0. UNREADABLE) ON A#5 REBAR MARKING THE SOIJTHWE=ST C:ORNER OF THE ENZIAN AT VAIiL CONDOMiiNIUMiS, APJD A POINT MOiJUMEN7ED BY A F�OUND 1 1/2" DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP (LS PJO. UNRI=ADADLI�) OPI A{(�5 REBAR MARKING THE: SOLITHEA.ST CORNER OF THE LI�N> HEF�D ININ LLC BEING N 56'47'51° E 220.61 FEET. 3) THE:R� IS A CABLE N LINE i4TfAC;HED TO THE E�4ST ;iIDF OF Tt-IE CCiNCRETE AIND CI'��.NDER BLOCK VJALL WHICH RUNS FFtOM IiHE TV RISER DOWN TO TIHE SUUTH EDGF. OF THE I?LANTER B0;(, AT WHICH PQINT SAID C_WE IDISAF'PEAR'S UNDERGROIJNiD. 4) THE: WESTERL'r PROPERI!Y LIPIE OF' THE SUB,IECT PROF'ER7Y SHOWN HEREON RUNS AILONG THE EASTERLY ED�GE OF THE CONCRETE f�ND CINIDER BLOCK WALL + 0(i -- AN�INCHI OR 2. �HEET 1 C)F 1 SVIRUEYORS C�R1iIFICATE I, John a. Curran, do hereby ce��rtify that I am a Re:gistered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State oi C��loracfo, thiat this piat i5 a true, correci: dnd complvte Improvem�ent Survey Plat of a F'ORTION Of- (.4T 1, BLOCK 2, VAIL/L.IONSHEAD, TtiIF;D fIL.iNG, as dee:dBd, and shown hereoh, that this plat v�a3 made frorh an accura��te survey of said properf.y by m� cind/or uneler my supervisuon and correctly sh�ows the la,cqtiom and dirnensioms of the lot and easements of saiid property as the &arhe are rtdked upon the groi�nd in compliartce with a��plicable rogulations govemirl� the suveyiny of innd. In Wi�n6ss Whereoi, I hav� 6e��mq hphtl�and seal this � `ti���i , ,. a � 7 TI'f ��ay af G�f���/�&�"�'�.'���,y�;:. A.[7., 2005 �R'�.C�ix�dn 28267 , �,_ NOTE: ThiIS PLA"f WA i PRE:PARE:D FOR FIiFST AMERICAN HERiTI�GE 1"ITLE C0. '� � . . � �.. � ��. . . � � . . . ., :..£m. . . . . . � .: ��; . � � . . . � . . � . � .... ��... � . . . . . . . . . ��� �°�zs�t� �,�t��?� �: �-, ' �s" � . � .� � . . � � ��. � . . . . . . . . �� ����� Sa� �� � � �" �`ITE ��`.� ���� �� -�; � � ,� � � � E, � � ��� � ��� � � � � . � � � � � �z�,� �� , . � �,� ����� � +�� � �.��r���i���# �yw, � " p � � ���i�� �, �j�� � " � 1 x4. � � . . � i .����c+ ��a .�.{��- �-�`s � ����;�y, .. . �;'�t��d�4'�frr ' � �,9� �� � ' � '� � � K$ �, - � ���� � „ � �t��r��r�u�����,w� �,° e � k� �� � �. �*� � _ � � ;��i � � �,� "� -- � *� � "Yi � � � j -�'� � �, � � � . ��s,�t" ���f��C�ii ������'�a. ��� � � � �, � � ����� � _ � �,. ����� ,a ,. � � . . �v*tti�,�rT`e�.i3: �� � ' ,o ,,. . ... . � , ,� � . . . .. J= � �r � � �i�� � � ' � �ICINTY �KE:TCH �CALE 1 " == 100C�' NOTICE: Accortlirng to Cdlorado LaW you MIUS7 comm��ence any legal ac@ion ba8ed upon Cny defect in this sur'vEy within thrae years aft6r ;you frst discov�er such defect. In no event may any ac'tion baswd upori any defect in this survey be commenced more than t�en year5 from the date of certificakion shawn herc�n.