HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 7 Lot 03I ! E 4 1� 114 \ FOUND PLAIN No. 4 REBAR o— S.W. COR. �LOT 4 VICINITY MAP NO SCALE FOUNO No. 4 REBAR 9� ALUMINUM CAP FQ _�.s. ise2� REST (� 5� W, O.SS� FROM CORNER) S��o�,E � �I llJT 5 LOT 3A 0.3387 Ac. b 9 .��. 0 1 � �: - . �,_�::.. • � � � � Tt�W N OF VAI L EAGLE COU NTY COLORADO � > > NOTES: (1) Date of Snrvey: 11aqu�t � Septe�ber, 1991 (2) Street Address: 97 Rockledge Road (acceae easewent) (3) Basis of Bearinqe is a line connectinq the existinq �onu�ents ■arkinq the N 1/16 corner of Se�l�MM 7 i 8, ToMnahip 5 South, Ranqe 80 M►est of the Sixth Principal Meridian and ti� satthMesterly corner of Lot 4, Block 7, Vail Villaqe First Filinq beinq S89�°41'M (eee draMinq for description of Monu�nents) (4) MonuMentation as noted hereon. ('Sp �� FOUND PLAMI Np. 4 REBAR 132.I,� (N09°08�E, 0.66� FROM CORNER) FOUNO No. S REBAR WITH ALUAAIMJM CAP L.S. No. 237i6 24.72 �9°38� E, 0.76' FROM GORNER) (N2 ��� � � � O N � 2 SET No. 4 REBAR d ALUMINUM CAP _ _ L.S. No. 26598 BUILDIN� � OUTLINE � / \ . 'd' � � � � � �� � Z LOT 4 � � � '�' � I \ / � 0 .'l�O/ ,3 LOT 3B 0.2196 Ac. � � BUILDING � �� OUTLINE �� � � � \ _ � � � \ � I � / � / �' I — � � / 3 W o \ ' �8pe28'E � 3 � ac WI �8, �� - �• O% N '�' , COMMON p �O o o I= PARKING ip � 'Q M i'N EASEMEIYTti � V � Z � 10 ACCESS EASE�MENT 89°41�W 62.75� 146.36 � 58�4��W SET No. 4 REBAR 8 ALUMINUM CAP L.S. No. 26598 41199 Highway 6& 24, Eagle-Vail Post Office Box 1230 Edwards, CO 81632 - , 303-949-1406 U.S. F. S. — � � 19.92� -10� UTILITY EASEMENT --� N (PLATTED) � 39' 8 ACCESS EASEMENT� BASIS OF BEARINGS �39.�4� � SET No. 4 REBAR 6 ALUMINUM CAP �.S. No. 2659e �..OT 2 FouNO a-�,w",a�uuwnNUM M CAP B.L.M. ON 2-3/4" ALUMINUM PIPE MARKED N I/16 COR °41�W „ SEC. 7- SEC. 8 1984 N I/16 COR. SEC. 7 a 8 0� 10� 20� 40� SCALE � I�� = 20� NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must com�nence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey with�n three years after you first discoqer such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. G CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND ONNERSHIP KnoW all men by these presents that Clinton M. Josey, Jr. and David S. 8unt, beinq sole owners in fee simple, of all that real propertv situated in the Town of Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado, described as folloWS: . Lot 3, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing, accordinq to the e�ap thereof recorded in the office of the Eaqle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containinq 0.559 acres, more or less. have by these presenta laid out, platted and suDdivided the saMe into lots and blocks as shown on this tinal plat under the nawe and atyle of "Final Plat, A Reeubdivision of Lot 3, Block 7, Vail Village, First Filinq", a snbdivisioe in the To�+n of Vail, Eaqle ConntY, Colorado; and do hereby accept the responsibility for the co�pletion of required i�prov�wents; and do hereby dedicate and set apart a11 of the public roada and other public i�proveset�ta and placea aa shoMn oe t1N acce��anyinq plat to the use of the public fotever; and do hereby dedicate thoae portions of said real property which are indicated as easewent on the accowOanYinq plat as easeMente for the purpose shown hereon; and do hereby qrant the right to ie�tall a�d �aintain necessary atructures to the entity reaponsible for providing the servicee i�or rhich the easeMents are eetablished. Executed thia � day of IV D�/ , A.D., 1!!1. ,1 OMNERS: Clinton M. Josey, Jr �ddress: l /�/n fl 1�� �� Dav d S. Hunt Addreea: �i3S �bw��a.s � / 300 w/(s.t.� ��Z2�' STATE OF TE �1 S ) )ss. COUNTY OF O R L L A 5 ) � The foreqoing instrue�ent xas acknoMledqed before �e this 3– da of IV �MP��� � Y oJ , A.D., 1991, by Clinton N. Josey, Jr.. My Ca�iasion expires: �l �9 �. Witaesa My hand and seal. � . i ; � : �;:- Notary Public ' � �aaress: Lcoloo �J. CEnr�R�[�, S�E. 305 ; � 4. � r -' � R��A s�c 7s 2 oia � ` � - ��.�.-_ - STATE OF T S�4,S ) j�h� �SS. COUNTY OF +^'���7 ) The foreqoing instrue�ent Was acknoW�edged before �e this � day of , A.D., 1991, by David S. Hunt. My Co�ission expires: liitneae� hand and seal. • . ,;,, i!NDA M. hc;D:l.�"'^ � Notary Publi . Nota+Y P1r01c � � `� :�'✓�i�• s�I►tE Oc 1ElU�i �ddress: cer�+M.roi, E,pw -, ;'� :; �•, � 13. 1995 CERTIFICaTE OF DEDICaTION FOR 1KORTGAGE AOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST AOLDER KnoM all �en by theae preaents thsL The iCathleen Josey "D" 'trnst, beinq the holder of a eiortqaqe or deed of trust on the real property situated in tfie To�+n of Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado, described as folloMS: Lot 3, Block ?, Vail Villaqe First Filinq, accordinq to the �ap thereof recorded in the office of the Eaqle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containinq 0.559 acres, n�ore or less . as sho�►n on this final plat nnder the nat�e and style of "Final Plat, A ResuDdivision of Lot 3, Block 7, Vail Villaqe, First Filinq", a suDdivisiod in the ToWn of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; aqrees to the dedication and settinq a�part all of the public roads and other public isprove�nents and places as ahoMn on the accowpanyinq plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby aqree to the dedication of these portions of said real property which are indicated as easewent on the accoMpanying plat as easee�ents for the purpose shown hereon; and does herebr agree to the qrantinq of the riqht to install and n�aintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providinq the services for which the ease�ents are established. Executed this � day of ��U'EM�j�. , A.D., 1991. MORTGAGEE: The Kathleen Joeey "B" Trust � STATE OF . �QACGt. 5 ) )ss. � By: NCNB Texas National Bank, as agent for Don W. Jose , Trustee Address: �n/ ��!�✓ 7'i /9� r'��- /�t�Ars rN % , BV: (T1 le) COUNTY OF �C'tiI �4S ) The foreqoiny �strawent Nas ac oWledqed before ue thia a�.�_ da�of Ne�e�.be�, A.D., 1991 b? •L• in as VrCt–prtSr�C�t,. of NCNB Texas National Bank, as aq t for pon li. Josey, Trustee nndler the Rathleen Josey "B" Trust. ' Ky Co�wission expires: Witness n�y hand and seal. � � �Q , Nota�y ublic Address: C( 1���.. i n�S� ��� L c �, Z SZ..+� � - TITLE CERTIFIC�TE Land Title Guarantee Canpany does hereby certify that the title to all landa shoMn upon this final plat has been exahined and is vested in CltK�on W. 1os��w .�'r- a�nol �avi d 5. fi un'f' and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except as folloWS: Q�c� of �rus� re.cord�ea�- Julu_ �yF_ �qq1 tr► I� K_ss,� _ar�o�rr�c.�,� Dated this S� day of �CrY1�'1L°Y , A.D., 1991. Land Title Guarantee Company Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 By : /�„ (Signature� i�ArGh lT �Or'�'%l S� • �If' I�G �IG�I' (Print na�ne and title) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I a� a reqistered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and co�plete as laid out, platted, dedicated and ahown hereon, that such plat was �ade fraa an accurate surve�+ of said property by Me and under e�y supervision and correctly ahows the location at� di�enaions of the lots, easewents and streets of said subdivision as the saeie are staked upon the ground in con�pliance with applicable regulations governing the aubdivision of land. ```���„ � � � � � �, �,�,,,����� In witnees thereof I have aet e�y hand and seal this ��.�`���:#i��E��d� , A.D. , 1991. � <,p:. � No�� .. F•. . � : yP ��Q �� '_ _ �i 26598 �� _ . = o: •o = '' �� ' � ; Stan Hoqfeldt ��,, , •••° '' �'°y;,�' Colorado P.L.S. 2659'�<��,,,` lANO����.� PLAT RESTRICTION For zoninq purposes, the two parcels created by this resubdiviaion are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence alloNed on the combined area of the two parcels. AlloWable qross residential floor area for the two-family residence will be calculated based on the combined area of the tWO parcels. ZONING �DMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE _ ,,n,�y,i This fia�l p��er�'••%-��fkereby approved by the Town of Vail 2oninq �1de�inistrator thia 2.3 day of= :�eGti►'hb�C ,, , �.D., 1991. 1�ttea�:c o S E A L �� o � ; , , % �� ; , ������:�� 11�ui^'/'n,�i''�.s�. I��Ki�;� , ToWn Clerk�t��fy Zonin ministrato Town of Vail, �Co�orado ' ToWn of Vail, Colorado M�u��� �• Mt-+� CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the und rsi ned, do hereby certify that the entire ae�ount of taxes due and payable ae of Q/ , upon all parcels of real estate described on this final p ar paid in full. /,�� Dated this� day of > �•D•�� � . � . surer � Eaqle County, Colorado CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ��� � This final plat was filed for record in the �ffice of the Clerk and Recorder on this �r1Q day of �o►e1 s�� , A.D., 199d�, at 1l�'.oy o'clock PM. Recorded under eR ception No. y_f�I.OS'I 3n Book S�9 at Paqe �'Z. Protective covenants recorded in Book 174 at Paqe 179. � Party Nall Agreee�ent recorded in Book �9 at Paqe 93�. i�t1.4..� -1 `I�" � C erk and Recorder Eaqle Co nty, Colorado By: Deputy �. • : _. -_ i' _ ...�!I �