HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Block 2 Lot D - Christiania at Vail Condominiumsi _ �_.,.,..�.. _ _ ., �� __. . __ _ _!___ �_.._ ..___. - _ __- _____ .. r...__ NO SCALE NOTES� VICINITY MAP C1) Date of Survey� October 1992 - January 1993 (2) Street Address� 356 Hanson Ranch Road C3) Basis of Bearings Is a llne connect�ng the ex�st�ny MonuMents Marking the westerly ltne of Lot d, Block 2, Vall Vlllage, Flrst Flllnq being N30'10'W (see drawing) C4> MonuMentatlon as shown hereon C5) Elevatlons shown hereon are based on Upper Eagle Valley Sanitatlon Dlstrlct as-bullt Invert elevat�on for Manhole 13A-1, located In Hanson Ranch Road, being 8168,6 feet Csee drawing), (6) As shown hereon, 'C,E,' Indlcates CoMMOn EleMents, as the sar�e are deflned In the CondoMlnluM Declaratlon, C7) As shown hereon, 'L.C.E,' Unit ' Indlcates L�r�ited CoMMOn Eler�ents appurtenant to a particular un�t, as the saMe are defined In the CondoMlntuM Declaratlon, 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR TOWN OF VAI L, EAGLE COU NTY, COLORADO CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all r�en by these presents that Chrtsttanla, Ltd, a Colorado ltMited partnershlp, being owner �n fee stMple of all that real property situated In the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� Lot d, Block 2, Vall Vlllage, Ftrst Filtng, according to the recorded plat thereof, recorded under Receptlon NuMber 96382 In the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder� Except that part descrtbed as foltows� Beglnning at the southeast corner of sald Lot d� thence westerly along the south line of sald Lot d, 111.21 feetj thence on an angle to the rtght of 90'00'00', a d�stance of 67.60 feet� thence on an angle to the rlght of 37•12'30', a dlstance of 23,61 feet to a potnt of �ntersectton with the northerly llne of sa�d Lot dJ thence on an angle to the rlght of 80°08'50', along sald northerly llne and along a curve to the left hav�ng a radlus of 160.17 feet, a central angle of 32'13'14', an arc distance of 90,07 feet to the northeast corner of sald Lot d� thence on an angle to the r�ght of 86°51'S6' and along the easterly llne of sa�d Lot d, 69.96 feet to the potrrt of beg�nning� And except that part described as follows� Begtnn�ng at the southeast corner of sa�d Lot d� thence westerly along the �outh l�ne of sa�d Lot d, a dtstance of 111,21 feet to the southeast corner of the tract of land conveyed In the deed recorded June 5, 1968 In Book 212 at Page 880 of the records �n the off�ce of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, the True Potnt of Beglnn�ng� thence on a deflect�on angle to the rlght of 90'00'00' a d�stance of 67.85 feet along the easterly l�ne of sald tract conveyed �n deed recorded �n Book 212 at Page 880� thence contlnu�ng along the easterly llne of sa�d tract conveyed In deed recorded In Book 212 at Page 880 on a deflectlon angle to the rlght of 37'15'40' a distance of 24.96 feet to a po�nt of Interse�.t�on wlth the northerly l�ne of sa�d Lot d, betng a po�nt on cz c:urve, thence along the northerly llne of sald Lot d, which Is on a curve to the rlght having a radlus of 160.17 feet, a central angle of 07�'12'02', an arc d�stance of 20,13 feet and whose chord dpflects 9fi'08'46' to the left froM the prevlous course, 20,116 feet d�stant� thence on a deflect�on angle to the left of 83'S1'14' �roM sald chord a dlstance of 32,77 feet� thence on a deflectt��n angle to the rlght of 52°44'20' a dlstance of 31,03 feet� thFnce on a deflectlon angle to the left of 90'00'00' a d�stance of 72.00 feet to n po�nt of �ntersect�on wlth the �,�uthPr�� i��P �f said Lot d� thence on a deflect�on angle to the ��4 t nf `��" UU �(t' �nul n l �ny ;n � d Souther ly l l ne of Lot d a dlstance oF 53.00 feet to the True Po�nt of Beg�nning� the reMa�ning portlon of sald Lot d contalns 0.380 acres, More or lPSS. Together w�th� An und�v�ded one-half �nterest In perpet�aal rlght and easer�ent of llght, alr, prospect, Ingress and egres:� upon, over and across Tract E, (Except that port�on of Tract E ly�ng south of an east- west llne running due West froM the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Vall Vlllage, F�rst F�ling> wh�ch ease�ent shall run wlth Lot c�, Block 2, Vall Vlllage, Flrst Flling, as descrlbed and liM�t�d In that Instrur�ent record��d July 10, 1963 In Book 177 at Page 1�?7, and sub�ect to the provlslons of that AgreeMent between Chrl�tlanla-at-Vall, Inc, and M.C.T „ Inc, dated May 31, 1968 and recorded .)wne 5, 1968 In B�ok 212 at Page 678� And together wlth� A perpetual easeMent and rlght to u�e Area P-3, Va�l V�llage, F�rst Flling (now replatted as Area P-3, Va�l V�llage, F�fth F�l�ng) as and for n�ubl�c parking lot for passenger autor�ob�les, wh�ch ease�ent shall run wlth Lot d, Block 2, Vall V�ltage, f�rst F�ling, as sald easser�ent Is descrlbed In �nstruMent recorded July 10, 1963 In Book 17l' c�t Page 127, as r�odlfled by the terMS of that AgreeMent between Vall Assoc�ates, Inc., Chr�st�an�a-at-Vn�l, Inc., and the Town of Vall dated March 15, 1968 and recorded June 5, 1968 In Book 212 at Page 877, does hereby� subMlt thls 'CondoMlnluM Map for Chrlsttanla.at Vall CondoMln�ur�s' to the provlslons ��f the CondoMlnluM Declaratlon recorded I n Book _____ at Page .___..__ , Fxecuted thls ��"dny of ___ __________, A.D., 1993, OWNER� Chrlst�anla, Ltd,, 4 Colorado llMlted partnershlp 356 Hanson nch Road Vall, C 8 � BY' �-- ---- - ------------------- P R, h stons � General a tner ` STATE DF_____ _ _ __) )ss, COUNTY OF _ ___) The foregoln tnstruMent was acknowledged before r�e thls � �� day of _ __, A.D „ 1993 by Paut R. Johnston� � as General Partner of Chrlstlanla, Ltd., n Colorado llr�lted partnersh�p, My CoMM i ss i on exp � res ��� 9.� ��. ___ , Wltness My hand and seol, _ . � - Y.J� N tnr lI �. ���snx i �•' `oa�J - A r ss � �+. � •T�• L� �. - ���.�� : �Y I[. �t�� e - - - - t - CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATION FOR MORTGAGE H�LDER OR DEET� �F TRUST H❑LDER Kn ow a l l r�en by these presen ts that Jose Barqu t n Sakx�►te an d Mldflrst Bank, SSB, betng the beneficlarles of deeds of trust on that real property situated In the Town of Va►Il. Eagte County, Colorado, descrlbed as follows� Lot d, Block 2, Vatl Village, First Filing, actor�CliN�, to the recorded plat thereof, recorded under Receptton Nunbtr 96382 �n the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recarder; Except that part described as follows� Beglnning at the southeast corner of sald Lot d1 ther►ce westerty along the south l�ne of sa�d Lot d, 111.21 feet� thence on an angle to the rtght of 90'00'00', a dtstance of 67,80 feetl thence on an angle to the right of 37'12'30', a d�stance of 23,61 feet to a po�nt of �ntersect�on with the northerly line of snld Lot d� thence on an angte to the rlght of 80'08'S0', atong satd northerly llne and along a curve to the left having a radlus of 160,17 feet, a centrat angle of 32'13'14', an arc dlstance of 90,07 feet to the northeast corner of satd Lot d� thence on an angle ta the r�ght of 86•S1'S6' and along the easterly l�ne of sald Lot d, 69.96 feet to the potnt of begtnntng� And except that part descrtbed as follows� Begtnning at the southeast corner of sald Lot d� the�nce westerty along the south llne of so,ld Lot d, a dlstance of 111,21 feet to the southeast corner of the tract of land conveyed In the deed recorded June 5, 1968 In Book 212 at Page 880 of the records tn the off�ce of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Cotorado, the True Polnt of BeglnningJ thence on a deftectlon nngte to the right of 90'00'00' a dlstance of 67.85 feet nlong the easttrly llne of sa�d tract conveyed In deed recorded In Book 212 at Page 8801 thence continu�ng along the easterly llne of sald trnct conveyed In deed recorded In Book 212 at Page 880 on a deflectlo� angle to the r I ght of 37' 15'40' a d � stnnce of 24 .% feet to a pol�nt of �ntersect�on wlth the northerly llne of sa�d Lot d, being a po�nt on n curve, thence along the northerly llne of sald Lot d, whlch �s on o �urve to the rtght having a radlus of 160.17 feet, a central angle of 07'12'02', an arc d�stance of 20.13 feet and whose chord deflects 96°08'46' to the left fro� the prevlous course, 20.116 feet dlstant� thence on a deflect�on angle to the lef t of 83'S1'14' fror� satd chord a distance of 32.77 feetl thence on a deflectlon angle to the r�ght of 52'44'20' a dlstance of 31,03 feet� thence on a deflectton angle to the left of 90'00'00' a dlstance of 72,00 feet to a point of Intersection wtth the southerly line of satd Lot d� thence on n deflectlon angle to the left of 90'00'00' and along said southerly llne of Lat d a dlstance of 53.00 feet to the True Polnt of BeglnntngJ the reMa�n�ng portfon of sa�d Lot d contalns 0,380 aCres, r�ore or less. Together wlth� An undlvlded one-half Interest In perpetunl rtght at�� easeMent of l�ght, a�r, prospect, Ingress and egress upon, over nnd across Tract E, (Except that portlon of Tract E lying south of an east- west l�ne running due West fror� the northxest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Vall Vlllage, Flrst Fiting> whlch easer�nt �thall run wlth Lot d, Block 2, Vatl Vlllage, Flrst Filtng, as akscrrbed and llMlted In that tnstruMent recorded Juty 10, 1963 In Book 177 at Page 127, and sub�ect to the provlslons of that AgreeMent between Chr�st�anla-at-Va�l, Inc, and M.C,T,, Inc. dated May 31, 1968 and recorded June 5, 1968 In Book 212 at Page 878� And together wlth� A perpetual easeMent and right to use Aren P-3, Vatt'Vlllage, Flrst F�l�ng <now repintted as Area P-3, Vall V�linge, FIFth Ftling) as and for a publ�c park�ng lot for passenger autonoblhes, whlch easeMent shall run wtth Lot d, Block 2, Vall Vlllage, First Flling, as sa�d easeMent Is descr�bed In Instrur�ent recorded July 10, 1963 In Book 177 at Page 127, as Modlfled by the ter�s of that AgreeMent between Va�l Assoclates, Inc,, Chrlstlanla-at-Vall, Inc., and the Town of Va�l dated March 15, 1968 and recorded June S, 1968 In Book 212 at Page 877. hereby consents to the provlslons of this 'CondoMlnp�� Map for Chr�stlanla at Vall CondoMlnluMS' and the CondoMlnluiw Declaratton recorded I n Book f�Q.� at Page �2�, Executed th � s�q�� day of _�0-�1��__________, A. D. , 1993. M❑RTGAGEE� --------------------- ------------ Jose Barqu�n Sabnte . Address� $.� -- � -- ---=}�1l��� n�.��D.�. �h�oo '��+. r s. M�dflrst Bank, SSB Address � 5�1_�ltv�fRSTg�_�,�oAn C�Ki A l�toMA U _ ����31L$_'�`'�' By' - _ .- - - `' --- _ - -_ ,�c � t l e�'-« `--- �o��c� �1 j- , i � STATE �F Co,�A�O ) ------------- -- )ss, COUNTY OF _�,�,�______ ) The forego�ng �nstruMent was ncknowledged before Me thls _L��� day of �-��av�___, A.D., 1993 by Jose Barquin Sabnte. My CoMM � ss � on exp � re's �__ ���"� ____ 4litness My hand and seal. �, nry Publlc-�a,�, ---- ----n--'---- � - Address � �!� . .lS�_jL�%. �Z�"� ��` , _ � ' -_ . i.� ��. ���� � ������__����� ' :'qt;'Q =. � _ � ��'����� _1.'' .. STATE �F� _ __ > )ss, CDUNTY OF Q1G�R�Q�A__> The fore oing instruMent was ackn ledged b3� or Me thts �� day of B� __ , A , D , , 1993 by - - �'-l�QG�,�1�� ---------as ; •''�,�` ` .. •_�./� �f$�1� �' -- -of M I df i�ank, SSB , , � .Sa tJi _ t My CoMM I ss t on exp t res �_JQ��2���'___ _ Witness My hand and seal, �/� " --------- - - =- -�`-�--�----- Notary Pub,,�I Address � �•�� D� _�Q��Q --- - --- ' . � �- � QK�.A�tOMA �,�Ql� '�J,Zl� , SURVEY❑R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certlfy that I ar� a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thls condor�intur� r�ap �s true, correct and coMplete as la�d out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon , that such con dor� t n i uM r�ap was r�ade f ror� an accurate survey of sald property by Me and under My superv�sion and correctly shows the horizontal and vertical locatlon and dlr�ensions of the bu I t d I n g con ta t n I n g the con dor� I n 1 ur� un I ts, the con dor� I n i uM untts, parcels and easer�ents of satd condoMlniuM Map, and the parcel Is staked upon the ground in cor�pliance wtth applicable regu lat i ons govern � ng the subd i v i s i on of land ,<<<��+��"";�""��..,� �`� ��3� n�G"� �'••. �. �. ,> � ,.., � .,. •. In w t tness thereof I have set r�y hand and sea��l��ict'��Sy�•.���,jr of � �,. �. _f_F-�i�iJ�1E-� . . . d : - ---------� A,D,, 1993, ; :��' �o : : . _ � 2 _ �: 6,5 �8 "� • � : . . Stan Hogf e l dtY=�°•..� ...N•••� Colorado P,L,S.''�'� ���� TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Tltle Guarantee CoMpany does hereby certify that the tltle to a l l l an ds shown upon th t s con dor� I n t uM r�ap has been exar� I n ed an d i s vested i n � GhiiSfi'axi�*+ Ltd. A ColorAd'�_(.�'rh� ted� _Petv�i�i[ysHi ---f----�------ --- -- - - --- -R°----- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------�----- and that tttle to such lands is free and clear of all llens and encuMbrances, except as follows� Qt���f_�rS�St ru__5 �3-QI---B �'�-5!�l -P 54�'%.d�K__ �t" �,b'91 � ssy___P s�s�_{����� _ si_atc.n�cn�. r�c__s _s3 _q� __e ss --�- ---- p 5Nb � P s�r? D e�of _��r� _ ru •__?= q�a _ 6_ Sg�j _� y44 � . --- -1-- �- - -- - ---- r F_�i'� 4�_�f�fs�'!!►c+!�' _ rtc .- -�-y__y -9-�`--'(3 -` $� -�-,�`�-4%---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------�----- Dated thts �� day of __���� ____________, A,D,, 1993, Land Tltle Guarantee Cor�pany Box 357 Vail, C� 81658 By' �j���1-�-�- ------------------ CSignature) Kq��'_-�r�h __�r•- 7i`tic OF�ic�'' <Print nar�e and tltle) Z�NING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Thls Adr� t n A I�hereby app�oved by the Town of Vall Zoning ��. day of J�9B.C.�1___________, A. D., 1993 , � �-- '�� %'✓� �� . - --- l�%�!'�---!- � /"i!_v_�.-�,------------ Tow � '" Zoning AdMlnlstrator Town of _ ado Town of Vall, Colorado CERTIFICATE �F TAXES PAID I, the underslgned, do hereby certlfy that the entire aMOUnt of taxes due an d payab l e as of _,� ��/ - 9�__________, upon a l l parcels of real estate descrlbed on thts condoMlnluM r�ap are patd in full, Dated thls 1� dny of _� ____________ A,D,, 1993'. � ������ Treasurer of a le Count , Col rb ablb 9 Y CLERK AND REC�RDER'S CERTIFICATE �,� �� Th 1 s condor� 1 n t ur� r►ap was f t lee� ,for record I n the off i ce of thp C l erk an d Recorder on th t s�� x��'day of 7!is��--------� A. D,, 1993, at (Q' o'clock �}_M, Recorded under Reception No, s����__ t n Book f�,Q� at Page ��� , _7j'J_���'�!�__ _L__`L= =S= Clerk and corder Eagle C nty, Colorad By� _ _ � eputy SHEET I OF 5 1213. I ��� -, . IL.1.5.1 0 � __. _ _ __ _ _. �_ �_._..�,_.-____ ___..,;._ .T.._._..�.�-__.�._.e�.�,..,�._.,�....�, . �. _.,...,�. ,_..._. _,. .... STORAGE FIRST FLOOR . . - - 41199 Fifgllwsy 6� 24, Eegle-VeN Post Office Box 1230 Edwerds, CO 81632 303-949-1406 , �. �� � � CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR TOWN OF vAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO O 2.6' � i; ti Mi m a+ �o ��t *, 4,6� L.C.E. UNIT 1 �E d( �� . :� i � OPERTY LINE \ S.S' 9.9' � ( p 12.0 II.O 0.6' � N I I S.S � � UNIT 1 ' � �. I � 7.> � L.C.�. UNIT! A w • fTAMS �1 o z. 4� e� �z� �6� zo. SCALE= I" = 8' 0 - � ARCH 8.2� � 9.0' ` /.S, `y �4.2' I 'Lh�u. I�, � � ri �� C.E., I ` �� 7.6' . ENTRY 7.6' �) 7.a' �a C.t. EMTRY '� �n I. S' ;r � co •.! « T.7 � � .QT 1.6' Q � r` °� � �n 7. I' �o \ N UNIT I � O.S� O.S� 0r4� p1'� � Z� � 'p � o � - _ � - - - - � _ - - - - a9� i.3 6.2' \ \ � 7.3 � Y � � . � '^ C.E. ri ° 3.3 �� \ 2. - - - � �.� ' .�s i �. � � �.s e.3 s��s _ � i - .e' ARCM � , ( � I � � E'w�'�o�t s � � 7 s _ �. �� _� � � � �. �s z � �; - � �o � I , �' ��.o i .�' 3.�' � I I N , a► ' � 5.4� 6.l� i i.�' �2.3' 3�.i ' � t,s 26.2' p2.2'p � �� MALL 73 UNIT I a 7.6 C E. M � STAIRS �� 21.2' It' i► , io 26. �� , N o� 7.e ---c'► z s 7 9.7� S.4' 4.2� N 7.0� N 4.1� 'S.4 � 25.2' ' �, 3� N I N I "� S. 3� ��'O 3.6� �I 3.5� 3.t� � � a "- ao i0.8 a.e � Q°°I I �!b 7.S sJo �� ri 3.0' �' � I ( � � � 3.4 1.2' - - - J ` - - - � �.0� �; 0 � ' I � ( Ni y � iQi �' o a n a T.S� i .9� - 7.6� 7,S � N UNIT I ' !� i.0' I UNIT I O.S� 0� 0.� � . , �� I - - � � � � �. f �. ` � 2� (.7� � 1'�. � 4.1� IJ� IJ� I.I' I.1' _3_� _ I� _ 3_9�_ � _ 3_9� - Q _4_�� _ ❑ ?_9�- �o'r�rc.ra: � l►e�r�ocdifltiq !�o CoI.� l.� ro�n sw�t oo��nae any legal action baseQ e�oe� any delect in this se�eY ai.tbi� ffirse rars aftsr you fizst disc�aqer such dei�cct. In no even4�, ��S�' ��� uP� �S► �`�ct in this snrv�ey be co�nced a�are than ten y�easa lrow tl� �!� cE tl�e o�sti!'ie�ttiaa ai�own 2ier�. 41.0 �Ct�ID FLO+C'�R 7.4 �, � � '� �T� ��.o' .4 ti• � I � / � 7.6' `�h / nI � �1r� o� , B, � �► \ Z.i� � Z.7 � ti SHEET 3 OF 5 1213.1 �� � J � _ _ _ -- - T--- - ____ ��__..._.�,�,.�,�,�,,, _ ,__ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ � _ _ _ ,- _ ,�.;��,,�_..,�,.�.,,.,,,.,�, _ - -�--------� �.�... - � 0 N 5.5 'o ti -----, �� 7.6� I N 6 i� I 12 3 i2.8 7.9� CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR B ��. � 3.8' �a iv 11,6 8.0� �L c�• 2.5 N iD DECK ri 5.5' i 9.9 '� I"' L.C. E. � N T.9 I I.0' �0.5� � UNITS A� B 'F-� I I STAIRS U NIT I I 7.5' I 7.9' �` � ' I n. TOWN 0� VAI �, EAG�E COU NTY, COLORADO � �o Iai '- � 7.9� L � � I.5 .� cc �o . 7.9 � 8.9 --- a � � (� M I - - o.e' � INDICATES A 'n � - UNIT I � CHANGE IN C•E• . �p STAIRS � CEI�ING HEIGHT ELEVATOR � I 7•7� co � 7.5� I I (TYPICA�) � 0.6, m 2.9' . � i1.0' I 6.i' � 9. ' 8'3 N 3.S' S.S' 12.5' 32.8� �'� 8.6 25.6' � p.l' 0 1.3� -,,, C.E. HALL p �,7 _ STAIRS � y� I.'S� 4'5.4� � �' ' .~ ~ 4.5� 5.0� 5.0� 8.6� 3.2� m 10.2� 5.0� I 4.5.� cv T. I� �" ;n I � N N N 12.3' �n 3.9 �a � 3.9� 3.9� I iol 7.4' T.6� 5.9 a i i.5' � 7.5' °° 7.5� �� til �� Q � 0 7.9' � r_ i0.3' _ --) L- � � �'� - - - - - - - - - �. 4 .0' -� cv � � i°�o 8.4 i 7.9' o. s . � 4. 4 ' N UNIT 1 n! �1 �tD. � �- I O s,3. so. I,� s.,. \ ,.� �a.i' 'sg, � 0 30 �o 2.7' d 41199 Hic�hway 6 8 24, Fagle Vail Post nfiice Rox t ?30 Edw�rcis. C;C) Alf�'�? 30`� 4A9 14nfi �L �6.2 L.C.E. UNIT B N DECK 0 14.3 Q A ' ;� 7.9� � � � INDICATES CEILING HEIGHT (TYPICAU o.s' �a. s' .6' � f0 �D N N 7.9, o. s' • THIRD FLOOR � 6 9-� � 1.2' 0 _� � STAIRS o ° 6.6 a 3.9� '�? 2.8' � -m 3.1' a - o I2.8' _� � _0 7. 8� m - UNIT B 16.4' 0 �3.s' 75.� 71 -� Of � � � 7.8' � _, r z.l 7.8� �`• � � a N N r �v 5.8' 6.0 L C E. MECHANICA� UNITS A 9i B FIFTH FLOOR il'1 h cO �o O UNIT I o.s' STAIR N 13.7� UNIT I 5.5� i5.3� � 7.6� � �o � ti - � �� 5.8� � - � � N I 7.9' � g.T' h I�0 ( ROOM No. 300 0.4' I s.e' I �s.�' �.C.E. UNIT I DECK 8.8� �2.5'I ii.8' I I � I � � I � '� 8.9' S rro I3•4 UN IT A �� � I � 11.8� 27.2' L.C.E U Ni? 4 DECK � ILI' _ •^ i 0 0 3s.e� 3.9' � � � aL �- 0 2.1' �o 2. �' �M ti .a N 0 0 2� 4' g' 12� 16 2 0� SCALE� I�� = 8� L.C.E. B UNIT 8 OECK 7.4' i i.i 5.1' � � 2.2' 6.6' � 2.8� �2.3� 8.0 I 2.9 8.0� �� 4.0� 8.0� �, �i �v� 5.6� �0.2 0.7'-�'-� 8.5� I I � 8.6 � � 8.6 -v Ki � � � 4.6� � 8.0� � 5.8. � � 0.2� � � o ti I -^I I 9.9� I �� 9.9' r h � � � � I I -� 11.2� m� � I ARCH I � ARCH � 5.5� 9 0 C� B p \\��° 0.6 � L- 8.6 � � 5. fi � \\ N'v I � 0.5' � L I,L� 8. 6' �� I�/ 8.6' --I 0- �9 � �� 9.6 � o I \ 2.3 � 3.6' _ J 0.6'I 6 8.6 I � \ - 0.4' � � 9.9 \\ � I ARCH � Ni 9.9 \ 0.50, gTAIRS I 0.4' � 3.2' 3.0' I �o � � �---- -� � �� I I 0 a 5.6' ,�\ ARCH � i I - ' S. I' I 2.6' - � - - - - - I I.3� - - - - - - � \ / / .7 I 9�� � •m� 6.9r = '� 5,9 �'� ��� � � J � a 8.3 i0.3' L.C.E. UNiTS s� \�3` \��, � � I� 0. 0 C.E. � A a B r' �� 7.3� �•2 � �+ ELEVATOR ►: co `° 8.2 9.4 � �� f� Q2.8 e� � 10 ao � Cy � I I- 4.1' _L _ l _ J I STAIRS - - - - - - - - - - � 6�4' �' I C 'a; 15.4' i ,�I I� 8.0 I IQ UNIT A 9.3� � 2� '- 7.7' r�l I 0.6' x 0.6' 3.9� - 6.9' ',n 3.4' I�' -N �► '^- -- --� L 3.1' 0.8 rn I.5� STAIRS r 9.3' � c I 4.3� I 4.0' "��- - o ° � v I , 4 .7 � I .4� o _ ~ -�nl � C.E STAIRS r-� 1.3, 9.9' � ^ a� NALL Z9' ---�2.0� -- mJ °; ��\ 12.3 I � 6,6� �� � 2. 2' ._ I � 7.9' 8. 0 12 . 2� -� -- 7.9' j9 a °1 �� UNIT B 6.9' � 2.5' I.4' �0 0.6' � 20.6' 8.8� � � i 0� I -�- - - - -- --� I 1.7' 6.9� - - 24. t' 2J � � _� oi � � � o± � � � 2.0 � A �.o' "� A cv � 2.5� - _ - - - - - - - - - - ri 2.7 � "• N I I.O � 2.9 -rn L - � -m 9.0 'l / � � �! 3' tO 0.6' x 0. 6� - - - - - N N -- ��% �� 0.6� x 0.6 � v? 'p c� � _ / 24.4' � � � - 23.1 - - - - - -N .�l - - - i9.9' - - - - - - - �6.7- - - - - �' - -i2.9' � - - � � _--,� - - � ��y� 0.5 � �� � \ I /� \ / fn \ 0.5� ' � �� � 0.9 I 0.9 � I 1.8 � �.9� i � ^� 2 S � �'h •o i \ / I � o � -�n •� � � � 0. S� / 'v, � 0.5� � - \ O1 10.6 N � i� O. 1 `� � � 2.5 1'� � � � ip.3' � � y � / M' � 9. I' �\ -,n � 4��h I I. I� S.0' � 5.0� � 4.3� 9. I' I 2.9 17.8� 8.8, // I� r \ 8.8� � 2_B• � ?5.5" s � 16.5� � � `f p p• 10.8 I 6.`� � `? �+i , I `�I 7.6� L.C.E. 6. L.C.E. r, 3.7 , 4.2 I 4.2� I 3.8� 2S.g• UNIT B 5•6 I 5.6 UNIT A DECK h OECK 10.5' �`L' 6 9 5, � C.E. STAIRS B s. II.S� 14.5� �� NOTICE_ Accordin<3 to Colorado laW you must commence any legal action based upon any def ect it� this :survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event., may any ,gction based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years ; r.om the date of the <:ertification shown hereon. FOURTH FLOOR SHEET 4 OF 5 � IC1.5.1 �ir . . . _ ; �._ _ ____�_._�._ .___.� _ . . _ � _ ...�.m...�..,.,. - --- _ __ _____ . ._ � ► � 41 199 Hiqhway 6& 24, Eagle-Vail Post Office Box 1230 Edwards, CO 8163? 303 -949-1406 m ti .O N Q1 UN IT B CONDOMINIUM MAP F�OR TOWN 0� UAI �, EAG�E COU NTY, CO�ORADO J .� •� ''' UNIT 8 ~ .� a 41 r .� � L.C.E. MECH. '� UNITS ^ AdB UNIT A L.C.E. DECK UNIT A _� ti C.E. STAIRS _� -� .� •� ti ti ti ti UNIT I J 0 .a ti � N O o '�+ 'N 1O .� 'a � .c ti � �: r� ^ ao a UNIT I — •� v o O O O '' ��t O _ r� ti n_ �- r- r` � r a ,► —'� a' -- UNIT I SKI LOCKER MECHANIC4L MECMANICAL RESTROOM SECTION A 0� 2 4' 8 i2' 16 20' SCALE� I�� = 8� 8217,8' 8209.0' Bi99.0' 8�90.3' BiR� g' NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect i.n this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years f�rom the date of the certification shown hereon. .� ti ti � ti HALL Q? ~ � ti r"—'—' UN I T I _� -� r� ti HALL ti � UNIT I a a � "a HALL a � � ti UNIT I SECTION B _� �` L.C.E. �UNIT I n DECK .� � v ti � SHEET 5 Of 5