HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 3 Block 3 Lot 01 - Vail Point Townhomes Phase 3TOWN OF VAI� BOUNd4RY r - � I ��% r� �� I � T � '.I _. J � I FOUND ALUM. CAP WITH No. 5 REBAR L.S. No. 5933 27�.00—' U— BASIS OF BEARINGS N.W. CNR. VAIL POINT TOWNHOMES PHASE 2 TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING /�� �� ��P.�� ��, � �� GORE VICINITY MAP NO SCALE FOUND ALUM. CAP WITH No. 4 REBAR o L.S. No. 16827 3 0 0 0 � � M O N � W � O op d' O o� Z SET ALUMINUM CAP WffH A No. 4 REBAR LS. No. 26598 SET ALUMINUM CAP WITH 36 4? A No. 4 REBAR LS. No. 26598 .� i I I I I � � S ���s'21" f 32.9p o � � � � / rn � � ;� � LOT 15 3 � / 0.0453 ACRES R � � 2 . • .., / � h � L� � 33 43 (I �� 20 0 20 40 60 Feet SCALE: 1 = 20' 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 A PART �F LOT 1, BLO CK 3 T 0 WN 4 F VAI SURVEYDR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certlfy that I aM a reglstered Land Surveyor llcensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thls plat Is true, correct and cor�plete as laldl out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such plat was r�ade froM an accurate survey of sald property by r�e and under My supervislon and correctly shows the locatlon and dir�enslons of �he lots, easeMents and streets of sald subdlviston as the saMe are staked upon the ground In cor�pllance w I th app l I cab l e regu l at i on s govern I n g the subd t v`I�s�i Q����of / l an d, In witness thereof I have set r� hand and se ���,, A�•�'� ���' Y �r �`� '��� �Y of ---�!¢1� ----- � A , D , , 1993 , ,.* �,o. .• �� r+��FF •. ��. . .: 0 ; : � �o e _ . _ • `'2 � � - : �: 6598 ? = - - �, �� �-��- ----- Stan Hogfe ldt "-,,-�i-"�r�.,•.°' Co l orado PLS 26�9,�yA( �, �t�d ,����II��11�1�1��1 NOTES� C1) Date of Surveyt Aprtl 1993 C2) Bearings are based on a line connecting the extsting MonuMents Markinq the northerly llne of Vail Po1nt ToMehoMes, Phase 2 being S86°15'00'E <see drawing>, C3> MonuMentatlon as shown hereon C4) Street Address� 1881 Llon's Ridge Loop CS) This property Is In a geologtcally sensitive area, An approved plan for r�ttlgation Is in place, (6) Access to these parcels Is through the CoMMOn Area of Va�l Polnt TownhoMes, Phase 2 and Vall Potnt Townhor�es Cforr�erly The Talon TownhoMes) C7) Protective Covenants recorded In Book 514 at Page 595, First AMendr�ent to Protecttve Covenants recorded in Book 547 at Page 948 VAIL POINT TOWNHOMES N 89°32'0�' E - 222.24 S �A�6'21" E 33.08 Z � ein�aNC � OUILNE / ^ � / LOT 16 � 3 0.0454 ACRES / M' a`�- I � � � � �� TRACT C (COMMON PARCEL) 0.2913 ACRES ���� I I I I � / � � J /1/ 33 61 s��S, 2� � � 1 ��•'s ' , LION' S RID GE SUBDIVISION, FILING No . 3 L, EAGLE C �UNTY, C �LORAD � sEr �uMwuM c,� wm� A No. 4 REBAR � LS. No. 26598 � O N s�oz�4r E � J 36.06 � � N g�02�4r E ('�s 33.06 �� � � N m � � I 1 � � LOT 2� � � -' z I � 0.0566 ACRES o O � LOT 19 � ;' � � J O I 0.0502 ACRES I � � o i,+ � � �� i� � � �� n 0 � �� � �� I SEf ALUMINUM CAP W'RH A No. 4 REBAR LS. No. 26598 TRACT B VAIL POINT TOWNHOMES, PHASE 2 (COMMON PARCEL) �; g6.29 , 8� •19 33.2� W � �3A• �8" � s NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence mny legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. I SEf ALUMINUM CAP WITH A No. 4 REBAR LS. No. 26598 CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATI�N AND OWNERSHIP Know all r�en by these presents that Parkwood Realty, Inc,, a Colorado corporatton, being sole owner In fee str�ple, of all that real property situated in the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colarado, described as follows� That part of Lot 1, Block 3, Lton's Ridge Subdlvlston Filing No, 3, accordtng to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, descrlbed as follows� Begtnntng at the northwest corner of Tract B, Vall Polnt TownhoMes, Phase 2, according to the Map thereof recorded in the offtce af the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder� thence the following two courses along the northerly and easterly lines of satd Tract B� C1) S86°15'00'E 271,00 feet� C2) S03°45'00'W 236,00 feet to the True Point of Beginning, sald potnt also betng the southwesterly corner of Vall Polnt TownhoMes CforMerly The Talon TownhoMes, accordtng to the plat thereof recorded In the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder)� thence, departing the easterly line of satd Tract B, the following two courses along the southwesterly ltne of sald Vatl Polnt TownhoMes� C1) N89'32'00'E 222,24 feet� C2) S06°57'13'E 101,04 feet to the northeasterly llne of said Tract B, Vall Polnt TownhoMes, Phase 2� thence t�ae followtng three courses along sald northeasterly ltne� <1> S76°38'48'W 80,79 feet� C2> N67°05'26'W 172,76 feetJ C3) NO3°45'00'E 50,00 feet to the True Point of Beglnning, contalr�tng 0.4888 ucres, More or less, has by these presents laid out, platted and subdlvlded the sar�e into lots and tracts as shown on thls final plat under the nar�e and style of ' Vail Point TownhoMes, Phase 3', a subdlvislon In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado� and does hereby accept the responstbility for the coMplet�on of requlred IMproveMentsl and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads andl other public ir�prover�ents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the public forever� and does hereby dedlcate those portlons of sa�d real property which are Ind�cated as easer�ent on the accoMpanying plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby grant the right to Install and Maintatn necessary structures to the entity responstble for providing the services for whlch the easeMents are establtshed, Executed th I s_g � day of ____ Q��t ��____________, A, D., 1993 , OWNER+ Parkwood Realty, Inc „ a Colorado corporatlon 5299 DTC Blvd. - Sulte 500 Englew od, C� 80111 BY' =- -- ------ ----- te en M. Gensler, President STATE �F W�rv"�(���!--) )ss, CDUNTY �F ____ _____) The re o nstruMent was acknowled ed before Me this �!� da 9 9 Y of _______, A,D,, 1993 by Steven M, Gensler as Preslolent of P wood Realty, Inc,, a Colo ado cor atlon, My Cor�M I ss � on exp t res � 1�07� 7� • � W i tn ess r�y han d an d sea l � , , ------ -----------�--- -------- ---- � Notary Publl Address�___� � �g�. ,x �,� G. V`t�;� �G��..7J _�!�P� ,4y. � ` .�� �.�?'�`�� - ; : ----- � i;,�: �1 :� , ��' ` `; �, I -` .�, �. t ; � ^ ;;' \" c e", r' ; �, - _ . \\ e_ ��: `� :�._ ; _ TITLE CERTIFICATE Stewart Title of Eagle County, Inc,, does hereby certlfy that the title to all lar},�s shown upon thls flnal plat has been exaMlned and � s vested � n � �i1,. L A `�_ . /IL /l _ /J , � t'.. _ /. and that title" to such lands �s free and clear of all l�ens arnd e ra ces�, xce t as l l ows �. 3� �� �r ���/ -`-,�:-�, _ � , _ `�f�'�O�-`� � _ � _- _ �sXr „_--�J F� J`►�'Y��2�.'.r ; 0 0 ���/��,�'/ /.At . '� 7 �/ � � - i / w���i�i Dated thls ___ day of __ _ ________, A,D,, 1993, �"' "' Stewart Tltle of Eagle County, Inc, Box 2000 Vall, C� 658 By� , _ � • _ ature) . . ---T � - - -«�------- CPrint naMe and tltle> CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATIDN F�R MORTGAGEE OR DEED OF TRUST H�LDER Know all Men by these presents that FlrstBank of S�lverthorne, being the holder of a r�ortgage or deed of trust on that real property situated fn the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado, descrtbed as follows� That part of Lot 1, Block 3, Llon's Ridge Subdlvislon Flling No, 3, according to the plat thereof recorded In the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as follows� Beginning at the northwest corner of Tract B, Vall Polnt TownhoMes, Phase 2, according to the Map thereof recorded In the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder� thence the following two courses along the northerty and easterly llnes of sald Tract B� C1) S86°15'00'E 271.00 feet� C2) S03°45'00'W 236,00 feet to the True Point of Beginning, said polnt also being the southwesterty corner of Vait Point Townhor�es Cforr►erly The Talon TownhoMes, according to the plat thereof recorded in the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder)� thence, departing the easterly line of sald Tract B, the following two courses along the southwesterly line of said Vall Point TownhoMes� C1) N89°32'00'E 222,24 feet� <2) S06°57'13'E 101,04 feet to the northeasterly llne of said Tract B, Vall Point TownhoMes, Phase 2� thence the following three courses along sald northeasterly line� C1) S76°38'48'W 80,79 feet� C2> N67°OS'26'W 172,76 feet) C3) NO3°45'00'E 50,00 feet to the True Polnt of Beginning, contalning 0.4888 ucres, More or less, as shown on thls ftnal plat under the naMe and style of ' Vatl Polnt TownhoMes, Phase 3', a subdivislon In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado� agrees to the dedlcation and setting apart all of the public roads and other public IMprover�ents and places as shown on the accor►panytng plat to the use of the publtc forever� and does hereby agree to the dedicatlon of those portlons of sald real property which are indtcated as easeMents on the accoMpanying plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby agree to the granttng of the right to Install and Malntaln necessary structures to the entity responsible for prov�dtng the services for which the easer►ents are establlshed, Executed this _�S__ day of _____�_�� ________________, A,D,, 1993, M�RTGAGEE� FirstBank of S�lverthorne P,O, Box 347 Sllverthorne, CO 804 8 _,,() BY'--- ------�• ----- - --------- ( T i t l e)---�i��?�1��T ----- STATE ❑F__"�!��rac�d_____> )ss, cauNTY aF __ S u m m ��__ � �. The foregoing InstruMent was acknowledged before r�e this _� y �., ' � $ � da �} : � of -----�i!1-----, A, D,, 1993 by ---�"-�c�i 4_�L��1�a4a/d__ asc-�.` `�!, ___________________ of F I rstBan k of S I l verthorn e, ,�;' � ��� ;• �l' "�, ,,. , : t = w� My CoMM � ss t on exp 1 res �__���slon Expires January 14. �ee4 .�, -���;,r qM�t�x •�"_ ;"� r � W t tn ess r�y han d an d sea t,-i�iwr9�na � 1L���^' �. J_�. T' ---- --- -- --- - -- --------��--'/, .�'��► ` Notary Pub l ��� � � � F'� Address�---------------------------- ----------------------------�.. _� .1� ZONING Aj,��NISTRATOR CERTIFICATE �. Thls �rtdo1hlni��na ts hereby approved by the Town of Vail Zoning AdM t r�'t s�f^ator th I�s _ day of _�,(,�____________, A, D,, 1993 , �� � +� Att�t �;� �; "� c ' �- - -------- -- --- --- - -- -- Town C l erk � Zo I n g Adr� I n t strator Town of Vall, Colorado Town of Vail, Colorado CERTIFICATE �F TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do hereby ertif that the entlre aMOUnt of taxes due and payab le as of _�� _�1_= �� ___________� upon a l l parcels of real estate described on thls flnal plat are pald In full, Dated th I s_� day of ��L!' •� e n � aa� Treasurer CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE �\p �v Thls flnal plat was flled for record In the offlce of the Clerk and Recorder on thls_q__ day of _�±�L ��________ __, A, , 1993, at �l_� o' c l ock _'�1 M, Recorded un der Recept I on No _ SQ�; 4� I n Book �� at Page Q�o'�, .;,� ��� Yx�� '"'+.r � 1�,� ` --- - -� h'0------- -------- Re rder .-•-� t agle Cou ty, Co o a o� r t ' . � _,�„+.�; � I � � Y' --- --- ---- -- ' --�—?���-'--- �`•�Y.,•��9q Deputy 226.3 '