HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition Block 9 Lot 15� � w 'r• 1� EAST VAIL EXIT NORTH NO SCALE �N T£RSTq Te � �O SPRUCE WAY � �� BiGHORN ROAD VICINITY MAP L OT I 4 �. �V ,,h0 a` 0 �� � (5) SUBJECT SITE ( I) ( SEE MON UMENT LEGEND ) sq s tis3 � , oi� 3� , BF 4 h' ��9,�cs .ss O 0 °'��� TO VAIL PASS � c2) : A RESU6DIVISION OF LOT � TOWN OF VAIL, 15 , 6LOCK 9, B1G HOR ITION EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO �� 1) Dnte of Survey: May, 1993 2) Bearings are baaed on a line connecting the North corner of Lot 15, Block 9, Bighorn 3rd Addition and the North corner of Lot 14, Block 9, Bighorn 3rd Addition being N 53 18'30" W. (aee monument legend be,low for a description of the monuments) 3) Street Addreas: 4253 Spruce Way 4) Completion date of improvements: Spring 1993 �^ , � v). �� S� �T� � ti s3o \ �8 � `i0 �. \ �s � ��9� \ \ . �O /02,.i PARCEL A �' (3) 0.1883 AC. ,, � 2� Ct� \ 2sgs� N 13°23� W, 9.8� , 565� 3 ~ (2) REBAR N II°W, 0.9 (AS FOUND) / ��� /� � \ �- DUPLEX OUTLINE 3 / \ `� . , O�. � !� /r �/ �' N PARTY WALL a0����L� o � � � �` � / \\ �/ � (4 ) / ZN 60°33�E � S.B� \ 13.45' / � / S 08°II�00�� E � \/ \ / ` v � so S3o ' oo , �B , `�O •, S,o� �y �'c � �qy O' 10� 20' 40 � SCALE 1��= 20� . ,� a� o a�' � oa �� � B' '\ �a- PARCEL B 0.1883 AC. '� 6� � � �p . �o .DO� �S� � % (5) �� �� P� � � ,. �i '` LOT 16 . o J�\v p�'h 0 �� � Notice: According to Colorado law you muat commence any legal action based upon any defect in this aurvay within three yeara after you firat discover auch defect. In no evant may any action beaed upon any defect in thie aurvey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification ghown hereon. LSI,�IND LSCE�TSR P. L. S. 23506 B�x 3463 , VAI L, 00 . 81658 ( 949 5387 ) MO ENT LEGEND (1) indicates a 1. 1/2" aluminum cap on a 1/2" rebar, atamped L.S. 11204 found. (2) 1/2" rebar, found. (3) indicatea a 1 1/2" aluminum cap on a 1/2" rebar, stamped Co. R.O.W. found. (4) indicatea a 1 1/2" aluminum cap on a 1/2" rebar, atamped NW Cor Lot 16 Blk 9 R.O.W. found. (5) indicatea a�" aluminum cap on a 1/2" rebar, atamped L.S. 23506 set. LAND USS S[�iAR7C Parcel A: 1/2 Duplex Parcel B: 1/2 Duplex CE'RTIFICATE OF DBDICATION AND O�WNERSHIP Rnow by all men by theae preaenta that ths undereianed, being aole ownera in fee aimple, mortgngee or lienholder, of all that real property aituated in Town of Vail, 8agle County, Colorado, deacribed aa folloWe: Lot 15, Block 9, Bishorn 3rd Addition, accordin� to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the gasle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder containing 0.3765 acrea a�ore ar leaa. have by these preeente, laid out, pintted and eub►divided the enme into lote and blocka aa ahoMn on thia finsl plat under the neme and etyle of "A Reaubdiviaion of Lot 15, Block 9. Bighorn 3rd Addition", n eubdivieion in the ToMn of Vail, Satle County, Colorado; and do hereby accept th� reeponeibility► for the completion of required improveaiente; and do hereb►y dedicete and eet apart all of the public roade and other public improvementa and pincea aa ehaMn on the acco�panyins plat to the uae of the public forever; and do hereby dedicat� thoes portiona of aaid renl property �+hich are indicated a� saeeeent on the aecoe�panying plat aa saa�enta for the pvrpoee thoNn her�on; and do hereby srant the right to inetall and uaintain necessar�r atructurea to the entity reaponaible for providins the eervicee for �+hich the eadementa are eatabliahed. $xecuted thia ��-day of A.D., 19g3 p�„ndgRS : 11H8 Coapan i�s , I nc ., a Colorado Co oration Addrese: ' �d! • a 0 � : • �,d. . Title : STATE OF � ) )ae. C'OL)P1TY OF ) The fo going inatrument Mae acknoMled�ed be or� oe thia �� D.1993 b l.� / 1��Q P�:�5 D�K�T day of A• . Y ' DF � (�.�► �,r,�i�, zN�� � � +�.- ►�y Comm aaion expirea: •'S�A4 Witneaa mv hand and eeal. LESLI E C. KEYS NOTARY PUBLIG STATE OF COLORADd RJIy !�.OTT.155!^1 E.X.^,if!'� 7-t�n-"F MORTGAGEE OR LIENHOLDER: � � l _ l' i Notary Pub i 3�� Addreea: 4/ �9 Vai Iintianal Bank . Fr aiBe Road Weat � V , r ��0 81657 �,;: , �' Title: .tt� �.�''� '" STATE OF ��� ) )ea. COUNTY OF ) , � The fo oi inatrument Naa a�� d��/ of 1993, by • V/ of Vail Nati My Coma�iaaion expirea: Witneaa my hand and aenl. r, PLAT RESTRICTION For zoning purpoeea, the two parcela created by thia resubdivision are to be treated aa one parcel Mith no more than one two-family reaidence allowed on the combine�d erea of the two parcela. The Floor Area Ratio for the tMO-fae�i;ly reaidence will be calculnted baaed on the combined aren of the two pnrcela. �r TITLE CERTIFICATE ' Land Title Guarantee Company doea hereby certify that i� hae examined the title to all landa ahown upon this plat and thnt the titie is vested r� B Lorv�pani � s, � n�. . F� Lo►or�ada (.vr�oor+afi'o�► and is free and clear of all liens, and encumbrances, except as follows• M /1i�/� n.L -�-�I'il C�' /'rL • 1�i/'�. ie _ �"E�l� �Abl�_ SaD Paa � ��.1 Dated this � day of �ld�w � . A.D.,1993. La�nd Title Guarantee Company Box 357 Vail, Co. 81658 By: , ' : Title: _Slr'- Tl'��� ����r SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICAT$ I, Lelnnd Lechner, do hereby certify thnt I am a regiatered Lnnd Surveyor licensed under that lawa of the State of Colorado, that this plat is a true, correct, nnd complete aa laid out, pintted, dedicated and ahown hereon, that auch plat f►aa made from nn accurate aurvey of said property by me and under my eupervieion and correctly shows the locntion and dimenaiona of the lote, eaaementa nnd atreeta of aaid aubdiviaion aa the ee�me nre atnked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulationa governing the aubdivision of land. In w'tness whereof I have aet my hand and seal thiQ.��"''�"day of w-.� A. D., 1993 . ;�pC,� : � t� r%F '��,, �'Gp • y��� . eland Lechner = ��� " Colorado P.L.S. 235(�Bfl'; 23��� �O - °n•. : �e��'= '� r `�nr••�'•�..•�•' � C. � �. ,��^ a L L n��•� ;,�: , '�����������,,,,,,, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATB final plat ia he �r approved by e Town of Vail Zoning ��� � ,�� �� iatrator thie �� - day of , A.D. 1993. � , ��� ` ,� • ,,,� -�R., Tp�- • Zonin Adminiatrator �+ �r �.,-f Vail, Colorado Town of Vail, Colorado �� ,�° � CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the underaigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxes and aaaesamenta due nnd payable aa of /.2' $/� 93 upon all parcels of real eatate deacribed on this final plat are paid in full. Dated this �� day of crulk°. , A.D. , 1993. Treasu� of Tagle �ouflty ���r"'�" . CLERK AND RECORDER"S CERTIFICATS ��� ��� This final plat waa filed for recQrd in the Of ice of the Clerk and Recorder at �,r°�:z1 o'clock f-�.M. , �, 1993, and ia duly re orded in Book !e!� nt Pnge , Reception No. — Map Caae �'. , Drawer " Protective Covenanta recorded in Book nt Pnge Partywall Agreement recorded in Book �nt Page .�- �, Grl rk a!'�d Rec rder By: eputy � q