HomeMy WebLinkAboutCascade Village - Millrace III - Unplatted7 ►�i NO SCALE SUBJECT SITE � VICINITY MAP COLDSTREAM 53 IDIPLATTID �P� / ��G�` -�� o / S��' � ��� �O • � E �� , 25 10 �S�P�� ���� � MANSiIELD CONDOMINIUMS c.M.c. v MILLRACE PHA$E II CASCAOE �� IMIL�RACE PHASE I , ��0� ���/ I TRACT B \� ao ai � �� � 1I/I• l� � ► � �► � � . � •, � � � W ESTHAVE N S ITE 6�O 5� � S 81'23' 1 g� E— N ��j 1 ACCESS EASEMENT 1 fj5�42 (BOOK 411, PAGE 615) $ � N 19'34'47' E — 8.55 — — � s eT,e•sr E — 151 / ^� ---=�._�. o FND. ALUM. CAP ON No. 5 REBAR --_ L.S. No. 11643 ��' — �y � � � — — — — ,�5 ,��• ,,� �� J N ST18'2i W 136.56 2/ — w — _ U o� � � Q � PART OF THE SET ALUM. CAP ON No. 4 REBAR L.S. No. 26598 � w� / S 5g06•4� W— 2a.72 � �CENTERLINE OF 25' GAS LINE EASEMENT I �� � (BOOK 405, PAGE 524) �. '��, � � ,��'� PART OF ACCESS EASEMENT � � (V �a�'S1� �q� (BOOK�4�11 PAGE, 615) (V (TO BE ABANDONED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT). z � � / 3' � Z I � � / ^ryM1� � R1• � � � �J N/2� �9 y � N d7�� � � � 3o.so � / 0.819 ACRES M � s ee'os'3S E 1335 WESTHAVEN DRIVE 14.05 � s � �4s'�o. O ' 'e,�o Z SET 48.00' WITNESS CORNER ALUM. CAP ON No. 4 PUBLIC ACCESS, DRAINAGE & � REBAR L.S. No. 26598 UTILITY EASEMENT � �� (TO BE CREATED BY THIS PLAT). \_ m � 0 � PFA L SR W CREEKR � �� ,44 ��� v� PROPERTY CORNER � 7 g 1 � FALLS IN CREEK s P.0.8. 3 � i° 0 ao �j � o� � CTR. 1/4 COR. SECT. 12, T 5 S. R 81 W OF THE 6th P.M. F�UND YELLOW PLASTIC CAP ON A No. 5 REBAR L.S. No. 12770 GORE CREEK TRACT °�_��� 20 0 20 40 60 Feet SCALE: 1" = 20' 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS. C0. 81632 303 949-1406 � � �� S .s ' SW1\4 NE 1�4, SECTION 1�, T5S, R81�VV OF THE 6TH P.M. TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE C 4UNTY, C �L�RAD 0 NOTES� (1) Date of Survey= March 1993 C�) Beartngs are based on a line connecting the exlsting MonuMents Marking the center 1/4 corner of Sectlon 12, TSS, R81W of the Slxth P,M, and the intersection of the North-South centerl�ne of sa�d Sectton 12 with the southerly rtght-of-way l�ne of Interstate Highway No. 70 be�ng S00°38'S6'W Csee drawing), (3> MonuMentatfon as shown hereon C4> Street Address� 1335 Westhaven Drive C5> Declaratton Creating Covenants, Conditions, Restrict(ons and EaseMents for Cascade Village recorded in Book 326 at Page 255, Declaratton of Restrlctive Covenants recorded in Book 464 at Page 898, � y � - � S 01•03'0�' � Z � / SEE DETAIL r 2.0�� i=4s�os�5�� R=143.20 L=122.83 T=65.48 LC=119.10 CB=S 15'S7'45� E Q� /� � PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT (TO BE CREATED BY THIS PLAT). S 40'32' 10� E— 3.00 PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT � (TO BE CREATED BY THIS PLAT). SET ALUM. CAP ON � No. 4 REBAR L.S. No. 26598 � �=49• � 2� � �» �� R=77.21 y� L=66.30 W� � � ��, T=35.35 4� LC=64.28 � CB=S 15'S6'05" E \s � �� � '�3� � \ \ �, \ �� � \ \ . \ NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action baised upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. � � �, . � o � � 3 � ' O O � O � PROPERN CORNER FALLS IN CREEK � SET ALUM. CAP ON No. 4 REBAR L.S. No. 26598 SET 75.00' WITNESS CORNER ALUM. CAP ON No. 4 REBAR L.S. No. 26598 � U1 O �i CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATIDN AND ❑41NERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Michael J. Lauterbach, being sole owner In fee siMple, of all that real property situated In the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� That part of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridtan, Tvwn of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado,described as follows� Beginning at a potnt on the North-South centerline of satd Sectfon 12 whence a#5 rebar wfth a yellow plastic cap CLS 12770) Marking the center 1/4 corner of said Sect�on 12 bears S00°38'S6'W 455,06 feet; thence, along satd centerl�ne, N00'3�'S6'E 122,81 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of Interstate H�ghway No, 70j thence, along said rlght-of-way ltne, N66'S3'25'E 39.15 feet; thence, depart�ng satd r►ght-of-way llne, S81'23'19'E 165,42 feet to a po►nt on curve� thence 122,83 feet along the arc of a 143,20 foot radlus curve to the left, having a central angle of 49'08'S1', and a chord which bears S15'57'45'E 119.10 feet� thence S40'32'10'E 3,00 feet; thence 66.30 feet along the arc of a 77,21 foot radtus curve to the rlght, havtng a central angle of 49'12'10', and a chord which bears S15'S6'�05'E 64.28 feet; thence S08'40'00'W 90,27 feetJ thence N38'�42'24'W 224,55 feet� thence S78'10'32'W 101,44 feet to the polnt of beginning, contatn�ng 0,819 acres, r►ore or less, has by these presents latd out, platted an�d subdiv�ded the saMe into lots and tracts as shown on thts final plat under the naMe and style of ' Final Plat, Millrace III ', a s�ubdivision in the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby accept the responsib�ltty for the coMpletion of required iMproveMents; and does hereby dedlcate and set apart all of the public roads and other public fMproveMents and places as sh�own on the accoMpanytng plat to the use of the public foreverj and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are ind�cated as easeMent on the accoMpany�ng plat as easer►�ents for the purpose shown hereonj and does hereby grant the rl�ht to install and r�atntain necessary structures to the entity respons�ble for prov�d�ng the services for wh�ch the easeMents are established, Executed thls ��� day of ______�!v_!C ____________, A,D „ 1993, �WNER� ic ae J- �-- ---------------------- �auterbach P,O. Box 3451 Va i l, CO 816'S8 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATI�N FOR MORTGAGEE �R DEED �F TRUST H�LDER Know all Men by these presents that Vatl National Bank, being the holder of a Mortgage or deed of trust on that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� That part of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4, Section 12, Townshtp 5 South, Range 81 West of the Slxth Pr�nclpal Meridlan, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado,described as follows= Beglnning at a polnt on the North-South centerline of satd Sectton 12 whence a#5 rebar wlth a yellow plastic cap (LS 12770) Marktng the center 1/4 corner of said Sectton 12 bears S00°38'S6'W 455,06 feet� thence, along said centerline, N00'38'S6"E 122,81 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of Interstate Htghway No, 70J thence, along said right-of-way line, N66°53'25'E 39,15 feety thence, departing sald right-of-way l�ne, S81°23'19'E 165.42 feet to a potnt on curve� thence 122,83 feet along the arc of a 143,20 foot radlus curve to the left, having a central angle of , 49'08'S1', and a chord which bears S15°57'45'E 119.10 feet� thence S40'32'10'E 3,00 feett thence 66,30 feet along the arc of a 77,21 foot radtus curve to the rlght, having a central angle of 49'12'10', and a chord which bears S15°56'05'E 64,28 feet� thence S08'40'00'W 90.27 feet� thence N38'42'24'W 224.55 feetj thence S78'10'32'W 101.4� feet to the point of beginning, contatning 0.819 acres, r►ore or less. as shown on this f�nal plat under the naMe and style of ' Ftnal Plat, Millrace III ', a subdivtslon In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Cotorado; agrees to the dedtcatton and setting apart all of the publlc roads and other public Ir�prover�ents and places as shown on the accor�panying plat to the use of the public foreverJ and does hereby agree to the dedicatlon of those portions of said real property which are Indicated as easeMents on the accoMpanying plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereonJ and does hereby agree to the granting of the right to install and r�aintain necessary structures to the entity responstble for providtng the servtces for which the easer�ents are established, � -------------� A,D „ 1993, Executed th t s_ ��_ day of ___ _ _ J, M�RTGAGEE� Vatl Natlonal Bank 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, C� 81657 ..-,� � By � � -�- -�- `�''==------- STATE �F----------- -- (T�tle)-- '` � t,�=-------- ,---� ) ss , STATE OF C�,Q�'Q.��___ ) CDUNTY �F ____ "` ��--> >55, . cauNrY oF _�y�{�__� The re ( nstruMent was acknow ledged befo��►e:=•'th,. ��� day ' of �.�.�___, A. D,, 1993 by M I cha�'t id�4 The I n g I n struMen t was ackn ow l� ged be�f e th i s �4�c(ajr - - � � • � � � of �� - ---� A , D , , 1993 by _ ��� -!"-,-t�- as q _ - ------ My CoMM i ss i on exp t res �_� `�"^ ~ � ,.� --_-- -- -�= of Va i l Nat i on a l{�Qn k,;%t�-'�`. Kq(�j -- � �, , e ..a�r, Wttness My hand and seal, � � � � � 4 / e , _� .,. , _ � i- - . � -- ----- My CoMM i ss t on exp t res � --- � .� ,� � . �x Not � �• �/ W t tn ess r�y han d an d sea l, ' �'`. ' • Add e � �#.�s'r%. -�._` - ----- ! - --- . , . ---_ - .. _ �: - .��__ Not y P 'l _ ;-.- ' .+r�K �� ' . Add ess� • _ _ ' ' �--� TITLE CERTIFICATE - �'°' •� �`� ` •'� _ �,.. , - �� Stewart T I t l e of Eag l e Coun ty, I n c,, does ihereby cert � f y that the z-- �=��y' title to all lands shown upon thts flnal plat has been exaMtnc�d and i s vested i n�-- � IC:I fQ� �V_ �U!���------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- and that title to such lands �s free and clear of all ltens and PLANNING AND ENVIR�NMENTAL C�MMISSI�N CERTIFICATE e uMbrances, except as ollows� , '_�;�i �l$ �l��7���s������r�����f�!! 5����,��y' • ,�' �t� I n a l p l at was approved by t Town of Va P l an n t n g an d ' _ du/. ' �Sp?�i - --- --`-����3� � 1�Q!t�.2�,G�'h�� ��. �M{"� ;�,, �qG�y,t �!y �3�;__� ,,�w�_ � �. Env i'ront�enta t CoMM i ss I on th I s___ day of _______________, A. D,, �!! 5����8'� Z-�2�_�.��}-� �-.---- t 1993 ,_� � - ---------------------- ,� l. � .�',�_ _ � s5_"�4! _y����--------------------- � �. ���fJ ��/� � �,������������������������� Y'� � � __ _ J.��i_ � J30��___________________________ �. , k ' '� 1��"��� _ �LiCls6dl_���__________ --- ���� --- - -- /�l,t�. �0 �NAJ�(. ,�,��� a t rr�an -------------=---------------- ----- -- -_ . . ��� '� kti�� , � �� 8 Town' t�f Va t l, Co lorado N�""��T Town of Va i l P lann I ng and Dated th t s�?:CSs day of __ ., __ ______________, A,D „ 1993, � EnvlronMental Cor�Misslon Stewart Tttle of Eagle County, Inc, Box 2000 Vatl, C❑ 1658 � , BY ` s.��2� -- -- ig ature> CERTIFICATE �F TAXES PAID _�lC1Q�r�_���ll[��!��. 1T � l�`'��2 (Print naMe and tttle) � I, the undersigned, do hereby certtfy that the enttre aMOUnt of t d d bl f �-�3 -� l l SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I aM a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat Is true, correct and coMplete as lald out, platted, dedtcated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made fror� an nccurate survey of satd property by Me and under My supervtston and correctly shows the location and dfMenslons of the lots, easeMents and streets of satd subd�viston as the saMe are staked upon the ground �n coMpl(ance w t th app l t cab l e regu l at I on s govern t n g the sub��,�,y,�r����on of l an d, .�^`�` x�j� f'��^! ''••, In w t tness thereof I have set My hand ar�i. �� �•��h,L;�^�� day of � �y .• �1(`}Gp +, :, , , _�1yr!�------- � A . D , , 1993 . : c, ; • P� F� �;� "i : '� - .y �� = 26598 ' - -o: ' = =�: ��= � o. ; : -� : ; ,-� , - - ---- - - =------------ Stan Hogf �� �iy,°°°� �` � � ' Colorado PL�'•�.���9�8° ;� �,`•, axes ue an paya e as o_j __ �___ ___________, upon a parcels of real estate described on thls flnal plat are paid In ful l, Dated th ► s[���j day of ��j6 __________, A, D,, 1993 . � � Treasurer Eagle County, C orado CLERK AND REC�RDER'S CERTIFICATE � ,�Q.c�- �-- This f�nal plat wa filed for cord in the off�ce of the Clerk and Recorder on this��day of _ ____, A,D „ 1993, at U_� o' c l ock �Q_M , Recorded un er Recept t on No ,�?����_ I n Book �aL�_ at Page �2� ,,�� � - - - -�-- - ----------- � er� ��k� a d� corder � r� :� e ag l e u y, Co l or o s �"''' . , � • eQ�♦� By ` --- -- - -------- eputy 38.17