HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 3 Block 2 Lot 01� ' ' ' T�WN OF VAIL, EAGLE C OUNTY, C OL�RAD 0 INTERSTATE 70 FOUND No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 26598 � � LOT 2 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 SUBJECT SITE LOT 9 � � � - � Z � � N„ � � � � � O w LOT 10 S 83� � 2�55� E— 1 ' S6.15 � � � / ' � PARCEL A 0.197 ACRES 355 A FOREST ROAD I=01•19'42'' R=73.35 L=1.70 T�.85 L�1.70 CB=N 79°07'2g' E FOUND No. 3 REBAR � / � NO SCALE VI C I N ITY MAP UTIUTY EASEMENT � - --.. �- o`� � 3.00' � �.o� �9�°'`° � o.o' PROPER'TY UNE FOLLOWS CENTERLINE OF PARN WALL PAR C EL B 0.283 ACRES 355B FOREST R�AD � � �• � / k/ BUILDING OUTUNE ;� � 8"i� N z � \ I=14'1T41"\�?\s' R=73.35 �' e3 � Ls18.30 �Op• T=9.20 � LCr18.25 \ CB=S 83'56�i� W ACCESS EASEMENT\ � (TO BE CREATED BY THIS PLAT� •ssr BASIS OF BEARING N gg�55'0�' W- 92.58 S 89°42'26" W SET No.4 REBAR & ALUM. CAP LS. No. 26598 FO R EST 1=15°37'2�' R=73.35 L=20.00 T=10.06 LC=19.94 CB=S 83° 16' 19" W ROAD � 0 � GJ 0 o� nl I � � � (�1 (50' R.O.W.) LOT 19 BLOCK 7 VAIL VILLAGE F1RST FlLING FOUND 3' WITNESS CRN. No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 26598 UTIUTY EASEMENT LOT 18 BLOCK 7 VAIL VILLAGE FlRST FlLING S 38°04�2r E FOUND No. 3 REBAR 20 0 20 40 60 Feet SCALE: 1" = 20' NOT10E: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Pencol En terprtses, a Pennsylvanta general partnershlp and Nedrelow-K�esbo Jotnt Venture, a Colorado ,jotnt venture, being sole owners In fee slr�ple, of all that real property sttuated In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, descr►bed as follows� Lot 1, Block 2, Vatl V�llage Thlyd Fillf�g a�cording to the plat thereof recorded In the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Cterk and Recorder, contatntng 0,4802 acres, More or less, have by these presents lald out, platted and subdivlded the saMe into lots and tracts as shown on this final plat under the naMe and style of ' A Resubdlviston of Lot 1, Block 2, Vatl Vtllage Thlyd Filtng ', a subdivlslon In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorados and do hereby accept the responsibil�ty for the coMpletlon of required Ir�proveMents� and do hereby dedtcate and set apart all of the publtc roads and other publlc iMproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publ�c forever� and do hereby dedicate those portlons of sald real property whtch are Ind�cated as easeMent on the accoMpanying plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and do hereby grant the right to Install and Maintatn necessary structures to the enttty responsible for providtng the services for wh�tch the easeMents are establlshed, --- � - Executed th I s �� day of ________________`" _�...4-t _, A, D,, 1993 , OWNERS► Pencol Enterprlses, a Pennsylvanta General Partnership c/o HerMan Hellberg 70 Hlllcrest Avenue Chalfont,;�PA 1�914 � �/ BY' � ---�-� L�c-.�LL�-�"=�► General Partner ;, Nedrelow-K�esbo Jo�nt Venture, a Colorado Joint Venture P.�, Box 3419 Va�l, 81658 BY'-- - ---- - ------------------ Joint Venturer STATE OFp����!�%�'� �"� _) _ �55. C�UNTY OF _� GG �GS ___ _ ) The foregoing InstruMent was acknowled ed before Me this �� day of __�-v_ t-i-------� A . D � , 1993 bY .���#/!� -- ��c.�l3� £�/��tr --- as General Partner of Pencol Enterprtses, a Pennsylvanla General Partnersh�p, My CoMM i ss I on exp I res � ��?� � r1% , W i tn ess My han d an d sea l, _�,�►'' ;� s �.� t° --- ---- - -- ----------- Notary Public Address � -- - ..-�b*�rrt�xc�- .. -- �14tA�fE��-tGSf.,�a�cP�tWiC_ �pyltgfpVYfi BEyrb. $uqks Conitily !'Jommis�s: ^��?��. 2Q: 1996. : STATE �F���.��> )55, COUNTY OFl%��--) The fo go ng InstruMent was acknowl ed before e hls � day of --�� -------, A, D„ 1993 by ����_�y�:.�� _ as Jolnt Venti.lher of Nedrelow-K esbo Joint Ventu�re a Colorado Jolnt Venture. J � My CoMM 1 ss I on exp t res ���9��� __ W t tn ess r�y han d an d sea l, Notary Pu tc Address�_ SURVEYDR'S CERTI`FICATE I do hereby cert�fy that I aM a reglstered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that thls plat Is true, correct and coMplete as lald out, platted, dedlcated and shown hereon, that such ptat was r�ade froM an accurate survey of sald property by Me and under My supervislon and correctly shows the locatlon and dlMensions of the lots, easer�ents and streets of said subdtvision as the saMe are staked upon the ground In coMpllance w i th app l t cab l e regu l at i on s govern i n g the �kb�d.4a1,),s I on of l an d, � �., �•�'`� p �E r "J', •', � In w i tness thereof I have set My hand 4�c���'�a1;•°��.'t��,� _ day of . A � D � 1993 , ` `,`� 't� �`'��'F °• � '' � � ',`P �Q' � :��/��------' � ` • � . ; - -�� �26598� :� = � �. . � --- — ----------- Stan Hog�� ;; • •• S�` - , Co l orado P'�� ` 59�'� +� �� '•�,,....��,,,.����� N�TES� C1) Date of Survey� July 1993 C2) Bearings are based on a l�ne connecting the exist�ng MonuMents Marking the southwesterly and southeasterly corners of Lot 1 being N89°42'OS'E Csee drawing). C3) MonuMentation as shown hereon C4) Street Address� 355 Forest Road CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATION FOR M�RTGAGEE OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER Know all r�en by these presents that Herttage Bank, N,A., being the holder of a Mortgage or deed of trust on that real property sltuated tn the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, descrlbed as follows� Lot 1, Block 2, Vatl Vlllage Th►rd Filing according to the plat thereof recorded In the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contalning 0,4802 acres, More or less, as shown on thts f►nal plat under the naMe and style of ' A Resub- d�vtsion of Lot 1, Block 2, Va�l Village Thlyd Filing ', a sub- dlviston In the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Colorado� agrees to the dedicatton and setting apart all of the public roads and other public tMprover�ents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the public forever� and does hereby agree to the dedlcatton of those portlons of sald real property whtch are Indlcated as easeMents on the accoMpanying plat as easer�ents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby agree to the granting of the right to Install and Malntatn necessary structures to the entity responslble for providing the services for which the easer�ents are establlshed, Executed thts �� day of �� L Y_____________, A,D,, 1993, MORTGAGEE� Heritage Bank, N,A, P,�. Box 1124 Wil MN 56201 B ,��.�c y----------------- -------- -- C T I t l e)_i�ls.�--���-�� STATE OFmi����> COUNTY OF ������__jss, The f re oing InstruMent was ackno ledged be or Me thl ZZ_ day of �- -_•r•+s--A , D,, 1993 by��ll���• 1.'i__ as �1�,�- ����� of Her t tage Ban k, N, A,, My Cor�M � ss t on exp � res +��� �!Q9 Witness My hand and seal, ��� �! ��� ---------- ----- - --------- L Notary Pu lic M Address � _ J�rn_ _1_! ll�L'�.�tq TITLE CERTIFICATE Flrst AMertcan Heritage Tltle, does hereby certlfy that the tltle to alt lands shown upon thls final plat has been exar�tned and Is vested In� � . --�IQ� �"'" ��[ X��G��.�_ �� Y9�aia��? -- r�`------ - -- -- --- - - �h _ �d,�sds�.s�?_- � � _�sLCr�r� c.�n --- �°�o c� -- - - ----- ----------- a that title to such lands is free an clear of all llens and Dated this �.q�day of __�lL� �_____________, A,D,, 1993, Flrst AMerlcan Heritage Tltle 950 South Cherry Street Denver, CO 80222-2668 , �---- -------- --- ---------- ---- ' . <Slg ature) Qzrl�eex� 1 r \on�'a J • � ---------------------------- ---- CPrint naMe and title) ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE Th I s con doM I n i ur� Map, :..�s 'hereby approved by the Town of Va i l Zon I n g AdMinistrator th�s ��,_ day af _/_�� __________, A,D,, 1993. Attest� �� �`a. � �. ----- --=---- ������, --� - -- - -- - ------ ------ Town Clerk Zo n AdMint trator /'r,a , Town of Va I l, Co l or�ad'o ' � Town f Va I l, Co t orado �; CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the underslgned, do hereby certif that the enttre aMOUnt of taxes due and payab le as of _1�'�l_= 9�____________. upon a l l parcels of real estate described on thls flnal plat are pald In full, Dated this �� day of _______, A,D,, 1993, reasure of Ea l e Cou��� CdI o do s y� . CLERK AND REC�RDER'S CERTIFICATE This final plat was filed for r cord In he offtce of the Clerk and Rec rder on this_��day of _, A,D. 1993, at /�� � o' c l ock i� M. Recorded un der ecept t on No �[L���_ t n Book �/� at Page �7� , . #jo. � �� — — — ---- ---------------- �y� "`7� C erk and order „ Eagle Co ty, Colorado o� a � � . ,� . � � 4 /�,� �/� V ^--- • � 4' /'u' By � ..+.,--- -- -- — — — 'p a e6�4"� JOB No. 963