HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpraddle Creek Estates Tract C - 2nd Amendment` ;� :' .� i :\� ��_� � �t �--� -- � �--=— �� _ _. O!3svs� �. ��_.. .' � _�.. ��ia'�a'� --C ' �_a�.' . VICINITY MAP NO SCALE CURVE DELTA C1 31•44'03' C2 08'S3'44" RADIUS 125.00 975.00 \ _�\ W � �--. -'� K . �--_.__- . ._.; ;, : � —�—i'�L...���.:,'': ARC 69.23 151.37 � r' //;�"�� i�j � /, ; j;- �% �/,�.: .: ,C -_:__ �- --- _,-� __ _ -__----_" TANGENT 35.53 75.84 �; � __-� �1 � ; � � � \ LOT 8 \ _ �L'T � \�� R � � \ � � , � ` � _ — � — �� � BEARING CHORD S 61•09'42" E 68.35 N 79'45'55" W 151.22 LOT 9 Z �d lv m � O L/� � GLEN � ' � ��\\ \ SP�DDLE --_�� � � �RE � EK R ' Oq '-----------,� D _ �5�,� � '43" � � \ 3g.00 01 E - LOT � 20' SLOPE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT �� op � 3 �5 ��??,3? � � � i� 8 �� � ��� � N SS' 16'29� E— 257.20 R, g i� l z y ,� euiw�NC �oPE � ?�'� I s � � N 14•40'57' E _ � �Se`�S N �� so.00 TRACT C S,,:o � ��.� ���` 47,279 S.F. 4'r E i Ai, ���� 85.27' F ' �9 — '— � — — _ I SLOPf MAINTENANCE � F 20' SLOPE MAIWTEN,qf,�� -- — i� ACCESS EASEMENT N C2 EASEMENT — — — � � � � _ — N 84°12'4T W — 338.80 � ` — — � � � — SPRADDLE — _ CREEK ROAD (5p') — � — _ �� �� __ __ — — — — — 41199 HIGHWAY 6 dc 24, EAGLE—VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS. C0. 81632 (303)949-1406 TRACT A NOTICE: According to Colorodo law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. TRACT C, SPRADDLE CREEK ESTATES TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO , , LOT SUMMARY CHART (NuMbers shown are �n square feet) Parcel MaxfMUr� Add�tional GRFA Max�MUr� S�te Zone Distr�ct/ GRFA Allowance Coverage Land Use Tract C 1200 425 2000 Single FaMily (SFR) cs �/�e �e � 4�. aeow. s�►+ Px FWND 2 7/2' qA. IRON POS� WRH 3 1/1' ON. BLM BRASS CAP 60 0 60 120 180 Feet SCALE : 1" = 60' TRACT E � � \ \ \ CENTERLINE FOREST SE'RVICE \ ACCESS ROAD \ � , � � � \ — —_ � � � ---~_�� \ � � a � _ ��� \ - � \ � � noicnTes sEr ,►+ Rnwe nmi � — -•-_ — — — — _._.� \ � ALUMINUN CJ1P - PlS 16l27 � \ � � � -----.' � � —'� I � I � _ �� / � , I � �—� / __--�_` / // � � / � � i� \�--�i FOIIND 2� WL IRON PO�WRN 3 1%f pU� 8lM �SS CAP NarES: 1) Dn the lot �n this subcFsv�s�on where the nverage slope of the stte beneath the proposed structure and park�ng area is in excess of thtrty percent Is sub,ject to Section 18,69.050 (A-D, F-I, K and L) of the Town of Vail Municipnl Code, 2) A MQXiMUM of an addit�onal 600 square feet of building will be allowed for a garage on the lot of this subd�vision In excess of the GRFA shown in the Lot SuMMary Chart above. 3) The construction for the lot w�ll occur within the platted building envelope with the foltowing except�ons+ Driveways, sldewalks, garages that Meet the requlreMents of Sectlon 18.69,050(A-D, F-J, K and L) of the Town of Vatl Municipnl Code, retaintng walls, surface parking and grading, as long as Town of Va�l Design Rev�ew Board approval ts received and iMpacts on topography and vegetatton are MIn�Mal, 4) The caretaker residence proposed for Tract C, Second AMendMent to Spraddle Creek Estates is a pro�ject enployee residence and not an ind�vidual lot careto,ker un�t. As su�ch, it will not r�od�fy the follwing requireMent= Three caretaker units, each hav i ng Q MQX i I'1UM of 1200 square feet o,nd a r� i n i MuM of 500 square feet, shall be provided wlthin the coMbined total lots shown on the recorded plat for Spraddle Creek Estates and on the F�rst AMendMent to Spraddle Creek Estates. The units wl.11 be perManently restrlcted per Sectton 18.13.080 (10) CA-D) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Three lots will be designated in the Protect�ve Covenants for thfs subdlv�ston on which caretaker units w�ll be buitt. If lots other than those lots or�ginally designated provtde caretaker units, the covenant restrictton will be lifted. The developer nay change deslgnated lots as long as there are three lots designated at all t�Mes, Further Town of Va�l rev�ew of the destgnat�ons wtll not be requ�red �f the caretaker requlreMent Is noved to another lot, 5) In additton to the requ�renents of Sectton 18.13,080 (10) (A-D) as set forth �n paragraph 4 above, the occupant of the caretaker unit located on Tract C shall be an eMployee of Spraddle Creek Estates Maintenance Assoclaitton, Inc.. 6) Date of Survey+ June 1993 7) Basis of Beartngs is a line connecting the extsttng brass cap MonuMents Markfng the easterly line of the SE 1/4 SIJ 1/4, Section 5, Townshtp S South, Range 80 West of the Stxth Principal Merid�an, Town of Vafl, Engle Cownty, Colorado be�ng S00'O1'12'E (see draw�ng>. 8) The property shown hereon is sub,ject to th� Protecttve Covenants for Spraddle Creek Estates recorded �n the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder. 9) Add�tional GRFA Allowance alloweaF pursuant to Chapter 18-71 of the Mun�c�pnl Code of the TowR of Vall (as aMended froM ttMe to ttMe) shatl not be allowed on Tract C. 10> Ownersh�p of Tract C shall be restrtcted to SBC DevelopMent Corp., a Colorado Corporat�on or Sprnddle Creek Estates Ma�ntena�ce Assoc�at�on, Inc., n Colorndo Nonprofit Corporation. TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Title Guarnntee CoMpany does hereby cert�fy that the tttle to all lands shown u n t is flnal plat has een xantn d a ts vested In+ 2�-�1�°_�J2��'-�D_y'.�-j- - �Q��Q__ ��!��L�9h ------------------------------------------------------------------- and that title to such lands is free and clear of all ltens and encuMbrances, except as follows+ ---------------�r � --------------------------------------------- Dated th i s!�y�day of _y�e�l�ii�r_________, A. D. , 1993. Land T�tte Guarantee CoMpany Box 357 Vait, CO 81658 By� ���� . - --- -- ----------- (S�gnatu e> �a�_? �'__��� __sir.�i7')G �f�-�r (Print nnMe and t�tle> SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certtfy that I ar+ a regtstered Land Surveyor ltcensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that -th�s plat ►s true, correct and coMplete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made fron an accurnte survey of said property by Me nnd under My supervtston and correctly shows the locat�on and dtMenslons of the lots, ensenents and streets of sald subd�vision as the sar�e are staked upon the ground �n coMpliance wtth applicable regulatlons governing the subd�v�slon of tand, In w t tness thereof I have set ny hand a�p,pl,���l th i s�,Z�c� day of --��Y��?+�C, A � D � , 1993 . `,��0��� C�RC �i� . � ' ��`,,�P �•��G,�ERf�•�'�9Z' - � ' � --.r.r---�+vasa�--s— ---------------- Daf{� . �orcoran s �; Co �9 � , gLS �f�� : � J, •. SUR� •• �� �i � ••......•• �Q ,�� ��''�. �F CO�� �o��• ����+� u n u�►`` CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that SBC DevelopMent Corp., a Colorado corporation, betng sole owner In fee slMple, of all that real property situated in the Town of Valt, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� Tract C, Spraddle Creek Estates, according to the plat thereof recorded �n the offtce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, conta�ning 1.085 acres, r�ore or less, has by these presents laid out, platted and subdivided the saMe Into lots and blocks as shown on thls ftnal plat under the nar�e and style of ' Second AMendr�ent to Spraddle Creek Estates ', a subd�vision In the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby accept the respons�b►lity for the coMpletion of required iMproveMents; nnd does hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the publ�c roads and other public �MproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the public forever� and does hereby ded�cate those port�ons of said real property wh�ch are indicated as easer�ent on the accor�panytng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereonl and does hereby grant the rtght to install and Malntain necessary structures to the enttty respons�ble for providing the servtces for which the easeMents are established, Executed th i s���' day of ----_?2� r�----� A. D., 1993 . �WNER� SBC DevelopMent Corp,, a Colorado corporat�on Address�---------------------------- ---- ----------------- - By'------ ----- ( T � t l e_Y �?P.��s .�€�►2'�-- STATE OF �`!_"�'_"__°_ ) ---- )ss, COUNTY OF ��� ______) The f rego�ng instruMent was acknowted ed before �" thts �� day of -- T------- � A. D., 1993 by--� ��'�a -- T-��---------as _____�Lc�_ _�?z_____ of SBC DevelopMent Corp „ a Colorado corporat�on, � My CoMMlsston exp�res+ ��=Z`�`R �_, 41ttn�� and seal, � ----------- - -- --- ----------- Notary Pub l i c f� v�� �`• Addresss_____ F� � -----�fi�_ ��__�L6�.� --- PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSI�N CERTIFICATE This final plat was approved by the Town of ait Planning and EnvlronMental CoMMission this �}�_ day of �_______, A.D „ 1993. �r�� T ST ► : *� : " �*: , � , � ;� � . � :?�-���►�t:�.�-- �-- - --- - -- - - -- own lerk�� k� Chair an Town' of Va I'i �C��or�o Town of a i l P lann i ng and , Env�ronMental CoMMtssion _ � �,..� �,.�� ��: �� CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby certtfy that the entire aMOUnt of taxes due and payab l e as of ______1Q2=3 /_9 3_________, upon a l t parcels of real estate described on this f�nal plat are paid fn full, Dated th i s_�_ day of ___Q_� �_6_?-r ___. A, D,, 1993 . � L Treasurer f Eagle County, Co orado � /o. oo� CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE This ftnal plat was f►led for record in the offtce of the Clerk and �R corder on th i s�,�,,, day of Q�!�� ---- . A. D., 1993. at �o'clock �_M, Recorded under Reception No $L���_ �n Book .�p,Z�_ at Page ���, r g g��q'b -- - --- --- -- - ---------- ,,�,.:.. �,•;: .,� , C l erk an d corder `'• r�i.,�� S Eag le C ty, Co lorndo � : •rr, , . �o, y���� yx BY ` --- --- - - - ------ ;,*�............�� n Puty �tr� `�� � � :: • 1