HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 1 Block A Lot A1 & A2 - Indian Creek Townhomes Final Plat Resubdivision� � � CUR l/F CUR l/F' 1 CUR I/F 2 RADIUS 418. 47' 4116. 93' LOT 6 LENG TH 230. 93' 204. 07' uani'S RID�E F/LING N0. .2 TANGENT CHORD BEARING DEL TA 118. 34' 228.14' S51 'S7'36 "W 30'S2'49 " 102. 05' 204. 04' S46'48'06 "W 02'S0'24 " C.:9/-' f'.t. Qc l�:L.J. "LOOZO ( ��r./ NO TES.• 1. j 7H/S PLA T lS A PART OF TNE TOWNHDUSE DECLARA 170N FOR /NDIAN CREEK TUWNHOMES (7NE "DECLARA 770N") RECORDED _ _� 1994 /N BOOK A T PAGE __ 2.� THE TERM 'COMMON AREA � USED ON 1NlS PLA T/S DEFINED lN, AND SUB�CT TO THE PRO NSIONS OF, THE DECLARA 770N. 3. j LOTS 1 AND 4 ARE SUBJECT TO DEVELOPMENT RlGHTS AS DESCRIBED lN SECTION .310 OF THE DECLARA 170N. 4.) TNERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS ACROSS ANY POR770N OF 1NE REAL PROPERTY COVFRED BY 7H/S PLA T, EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THIS PLA T. 5.) REFERENCES /N 7HESE NOTES OR ELSEWHERE ON THIS PLA T TO RECORDED DOCUMENTS SHALL REFER TO DOCUMENTS RECORDED lN TNE EAGLE COUNTY, COL ORADO REAL ESTA 7� RECOROS. 6.) BAS/S OF BEAR/NGS.• N 44:i7'06" W fROM THE SOU7HfNFST CORNER OF LOT A-3 BE7NG A FOUND 5/8' REBAR AND PLASTIC CAP MARKED "PEAK ONE 99.39" TO 1NE NOR7HWEST CORNER OF LOT A—,3, BE/NG A FOUND 1/2" REBAR WI TH A Wi4 SHER MARKED L. S. 1511 '� 7.) L075 1,3, AND 4, ARE FOR FUTURE DEIELOPMENT 8.) TRACT A— CONTA/NS EASEMENT FOR ORA/NAG� UT1L/Tl£S, ACCESS AND OPEN SPACE. 9.) TRACT A DOES NOT MA 1HEMA TICALL Y CL OSE BY D. 06' FROM DA TA ON THE F/NAL PG q t OF LION'S R/DGE SUBD/V/S/ON. f0.) DA 1� OF SURIEY OCTOBER 1993 11.) PORTIONS OF lNDIAN CREEK 1?7WNHOMES ARE LOCA IL�D lN MEDIUM AND HIGH HAZAROS DEBRIS FLOWS' AND MEDIUM AND HIGN HAZARD ROCKFALL HAZARD AS PER CHAPTER 18.69 OF THE TOWN OF VAIL MUN/C/PAL CODE. FOUND 1/2" REBAR W/WASHER L. S NO. 1511 � ..� . . . - ...� � • � • - — � CURVF' 1 0 16 ]0 60 Fll`lA L PL� T � `���/ � �V S ( IN P'EL�'1' ) 1 iach = 30 it, NOi1rE.• AccordTng to Co%rodo /aw }rou must commence ony /Pgo/ oction based upon ony defect in this survey w�thln three yrars ofi'�r ynri flrst- discov�r• stich defect. !n no ev�nt, moy ony action bosed upon ony d�1�ct in. thfs su�v�ey be commenced more thon fen y�o�s from the dvte of cert/ffcotlon shown hereon. �so , I� D� \ / � ` O o� �6 � O ) / FOUND 1/2" REBAR W/WASHER . � . �., , �, . FOUND 5/8" REBAR AND � PL�S17C CAP "PEAK ONE 99,39" I/lCINI�TY MAP SCALE.� l ~ = l���� � � i i i i i i i - KNOW ALL M£N BY 1H£SE PRESENTS TNA T �oil Notiono/ Bonk, a notionol bonking ossocTotion, being the beneficiory c f thot certain deed of trvsf reco�ded - 1994 in Book� at Poge encumbering the �eo/ property shown hereon, consents to ond opprovrs the �eco�ding of thls Fina/ P/at of A Resub— division of lndion Creek Townhomes os though deliv�red ond �ecorded p�ior to the deliv�ry ond recording of such deed of trust. ��,,' �!� tiano/ Bonk o notlono/ bonking assoclotlon f08 S. F�ontage Road West Vo!/, Co%rado 81657 �„ �� . �A�7ILIr� •�► !r � , - . ` (BANK SEAL) A TT�ST.• ,��,,.. /. � Name: �� rr�� • _��tc��D°�s,.�.,��- STA 1F OF COtOR..'D'� ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) 1J'�e oregoing CertiFcote wos ackno doy o� 1994, by_ rr,�� ..r� �� /nn �) .....� as �1l� /��Siden# (TITLE), of �oil Na Notiono/ Bonking Associatfon on beha/f of such ossociotion. Wltness my hond ond of�cio[�s�o% m;:;�i�;n �X�iras d /�!1/? My commission explres _ ' _ � � rnrs�l� Bank, a a: � [ , , , . , . . , , KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS TNA T Michae/ J. Louter�boch being so% owner in fee slmp/e of a// thot �eo/ property sJtuated in the Town of �oif, Eog/e County, Co%rado, described as fol%ws.• Fino/ P/at of lndian Creek Townhomes, Block A, Llon's Ridge Subdivislon, Town of �oi/, Eag/e County, Co%rodo conta/ning 2.596 ocres more or less; havr by these presents loid out, p/otted, ond subdi✓ided the some into /ots ond b/ocks os shown on this fino/ p/ot under the nome ond sty/e of "A RESUBD/V1S/ON OF /ND/AN CREEK TOWNHOMES ; a subdivision in the Town of �oll, Eag/e County, Co%rado; ond does hereby occe�ot the �esponsibi/lty for the comp/etion of �equired impro�ments; ond does hereby dedicote ond set oport oll of the pub/ic roods and other pub/!c impro�ments ond p/oces as shown on the occompanying p/at to the use of the public forevrr, ond does hereby dedicote those portions of said reol property which ore indicoted as eosement on the occomponying p/at as eosements fo� the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby gront the right to instoll ond mointoin necessory : tructures to the entity responsib/e for pro✓iding the services for which the eosements ore established. � �— Executed this �5-=doy of _`_1q��'�-�_,A.D. 1994 CJ _.��.� � �,�:::s � �'�.Z��. e:� s '" ,c � ,: q �'v ���1 . : *' 3 � '< ,:t Notor ublic aG4 ,_,� � `� � a ���� �� i+ !a �� w. ,.. � Address ' �� ti : ;��' LOl A-3 �,� �, -��r� ; �,; � ,� * ;7 �, -v ..s� �p, ,, f-� �"j� .� •H�rLi.• �F���yr> . �tih��F C'O`.'�F�� .�. y <,,t� SURtEYORS CER11F1'CA TE:• /, Duone D. FehFinger, do hereby certlfy that / am o Rtglstered Lond Sur�ynr /icensed under the /aws of the Stote of Co%rado, that this p/at is a true, correct, and comp/ete FINAL PLAT, Town of Vail, County of Eog/e, State of Co%rodo, ns /oid out, p/atted, dedicoted ond shown hereon, that such P/at was made f�om orr accurote survey of soid prope�ty by me and under my supervision orrd corroct/y shows the /ocation ond dimensions of the lots, trocts, emsements ond streets of said subdivision os the same are sfoked upon the ground in comp/iance with opplicab/e regu/afions governing the subdivision of /and,• thot this p/at meets the requi�ements of a lond sun�y p/ot os set forth in Section 38-51—f02 of Colorodo Revised Statutes ond thot this p/ot contains all of the informotio`� required by Section .38—.3.3..3-209 of Co%rodo Revised Statut ln w ess whereof / have set my hand and sea/ this � doy of A.D., 1994. � , y. , . •.,� M� ,, •+R.�s•�-�: °, � : ft71R IANI/VG PURPOSES LOTS 1,2,.% AND � CRE,4 TED BY TH/S SllBD/N.S)'01'V ARE It7 BE 1R£A TED AS ONE LOT WI TH NO MORE 1H�IN 6(S1X) OWELL/NG UNlTS ALLOWED ON 7HE COMBINED AREA Ol�' 1NE 4(FOURJ LOIS OWNER.• Michoel J. Louterbach P.O. Box ,3451 Voil, Co/ ro 81 58 � y. ic a . au e ac STATE :.?� COLORADO ) � SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing CertiRcofec�cation on wnershlp was ocknow/edged before me this oy of A.D., 1994 by Michael % Louterbach. My commission expires � ' �S� �tness my hond ond seo% _ - -.�-�� ,.y �,�a �"i/,��,' a f � �. o Public �� :;, .r�'� ��`�`' A, f�a �.�.??� ; `�2�l�i���C?�+� � �:. �' � >� Address �4 � � � � � (��1,�,��• oo �Ci.°�o , �lBL � �;. - �•,e��:. ' ai���� ���4�. �11Z C AIE:• ,;�,�.,_.�,t.. _ r.oes hereby certify that the tit/e to all la h w u i o! /►rve been exomined ond is vested in Bjfd thot tit/e to such /onds ' free and c%or of all l ens ond e mbro ces, exce t fol%w • T � " � �� i.,. �/�a . ����:� � � th%S -s ^ �,_ ���i . / ' + / / �' � � . . . �'�1 � I i / � � � , , �i/��y�� . �� � '!%. � % �!r: � �_ /./..' ��� , . - / . � // ���ii� .���.i. . . ii�,_� ZON/NG ADM/N/STRA TOR CERTIF/CA TE:• This fina/ p/at i�r��y opprov�d by the Town of I/oi7 Zon/ng Administ�otor this _ >`' day of _y� A.D., � 1994. �' � A TTES �: / � � � � � � I x� � � �.:.� `, ., ' � ,� � � /rn�����i►f��,�r ____-� � _ Town Clerk Zo�i ministrato� Town of l/oi/ Town of Vail I� �Gb���� l�- l�t C�c.,L,o ,�'ER 17f7CA TE OF TAXES PAID: l, the undersigned, do hereby ce�tify that th entire omount of toxes due and po}rob/e as of ��' 3�" y.`� upon a/l porce/s ot �ea/ estate described on this plat a�e paid in full. Dated this �_ doy of �-������� A.D., 1994. Treasu�er of/f�'ogle County i� � � �YERK AND RECORDER'S CER 11FlCA lE:• '��Q ���" fiis plat w�s�ed,,f� r record h the offTce of the C/erk and Recorder �e�t ___L'�oy of _ � _A.D. 1994 ot 1:�7 o'c%ck �LM. Recorde under Receptio No.'S,i7��in,�,,.,•�ww„�, 9ook 1�,iL__ at Page ��. �� "z £' : �, . ' `.� �" "'! �4 �"+.y r 1r..� °�G`: . `� .r . . r � � ,; Deputy Clerk an Recorder •,� , °' ` ' :� Eag/e Coun ty, Co%rodo