HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition Block 1 Lot 06 & 07 - Spruce Park Estates Filing 3I _�,�,,: �..-+- GRAPHIC SCALE ,0 20 (�P'�"1') i ineh = 10 fk �_ _ `roV, s�. ��. NO TES.• BASIS OF BEAR/NGS.• N 36'41'00" E ALONG TNE SOUTHEASTF"RL Y LOT L/NE OF SPRUCE PARK ESTA TES BETWEEN A FOUND 5/8" REBAR AND AL UM/NUM CAP L. S. N0. 2183 A T THE NOR TNEAST CORNER AND A FOUND 5/8" REBAR AND ALUM/NUM CAP L.S. NO. 12566 A T 7NE SOU7NEAST CORNER. DA TE OF SUR VEY.• DECEMBER 199,3 DA TE OF COMPLETIONS.• FEBRUARY 1994 � DENOTE'S SET 5/8" REBAR AND PLASliC CAP P. E. AND P. L. S. NO. 26626. FOUND 5/8" REBAR AND PLASTIC CAP P. E. AND P. L. S. 26626 (TYP., �— NOAC£.� �cc�adArg to Calorodo low you must c�ammenc�e or�y /ego/ xt/on bo�ed upon ony def�cf IY► th/a auraey w/th/n three yeora aRer yew Ris� dlscorer such deh�ct. /n no ewrrt, moy ony octlon bosed upon ony defect !h thls aur►�ey be canmenced more thon ten yeors from the dote of certNicotlon shown hereon. ��T ��s T•9 T = . .. � �' o os�3 48 R = 407.15' L = 43.09' � T = 21. 56' � CB = N 37y6'54 " W CH = 43.07' 55�,3%� 4J t BIGHORN �� �� .�,� FOR ZONING PURPOSES, THE L OT5 CREA TED BY THIS SUBDI lilSlON ARE TO BE TREATED AS ONE LOT WITH NO MORE TNAN TWO DWELL/NG UNlTS ALLOWED ON TNE COMB/NED AREA OF THE TOTAL PARCEL. N�I L PL � T OF F/ , • � B l I/lSION OF A R,ESU D ES FlL ll1�G N0. 2 PA RK ES lA T SPRUCE � > > v� '�'/F% S/ �80 � FOUND 5/8" REBAR AND AL UMINUM CAP L. S. NO. 218,3 � � �. \ �or 5 I/ICINITY MAP SCALE.• 1 " = 1000' _� FOUND 5/8" REBAR AND AL UM/NUM CAP L. S NO 12566 (TYP ) L�'R111�7CA 1)dV GI�' QE'dCA 11dV f'dP MdP1CAGL� ,t[�oFIP QY4 DEED O� TRUST HO�LDER KNbM' ALL MEN SY 1NE5L' PVPfSENTS 1HAT Ms �ndibr�l9nred bsAfg Me holelrr o� o martgogir or dbsd of trust ori the roa/ property slfuoted !n ths Town ot I�oN, £og/e Count�, Colorodo, descrlbed os follows� � pert ot S�vcs Pork £�toMar, f7Prlvg No. ?, Town o! W�', E� CountX Cdorodo maro porticu/orly descrAyed oa �ollowr, b�yMnM�rg ot ths aoutheoat corner of Sproce Pork £alote� a pbt r�corrl�ed �h Book 539 ot Pag�s 391 of ths £og/e County, R+�c�ar� Mencs N 36 41'00' E fo tAe aouMerly Nght–of–wor O! A�rtwafOts 70 O d!slancs Of 146.99 feet: thence N 3475 00" W dbn9 a�outher/y r�rt–of–�roy o dlsfoncs of 50.51 lisst; thence 4.'1.09 lir�s� ak�ng Ms ar�c ot o eurre fo ths /eft w/th o rodAvs ol 407.15 li�s� an�d o csntra� ang✓s of U6t73'48',• thence S 4973'33� W o dltitar�s of 49.77 lfrst; t/►sn�s S 52:i.3'46" W o disfor►ce ot 55.69 rf�sh, Mreince S 037328" £ o dl�tance ot 31.00 Ifset; Mencr S.iB41'15" W to Ms norH►er/y rlght–of–w�ay ot Blghom Rbod s dlstancy af 49.94 Jf�f; thence S53Y8'45" £ dony saJd n�rthw►o�y rJyrr!–of�n+�y o dJstance ot 95.19 feet to the Polnf of dlsgrirnA�rg� conta�hA►g 16,360.B aqvoro l�et or 0..376 oc�vs moro or less; /I�w� Sp Obs� pr�e�sr►h /aiM ov�, plblted and �Dd/v►�bs Ms some A�rto lofs arM oAa�ks aa ahown an M/a 1W�td p/at unabr the noms and s�yle of fhd Abt ol S�brvice Pak fsfotsar, f71Mg No 3, !n the Town of �oN, EagAr GbwrrtX Cdanrlb► a►►d obsa Aei►eiby occ�ept ths ro�von��A7ty for Ms �arnp�MtMn ot rsq�vA�d �inprorwnent; ond does heroby dedlcate ard a�t aparf aN ot Ms pub//c roo�rJb and ofhsr publlc �impro►bments and p�lba�r aee shosr► an Ms accanpan�Ytg p/ot to ths use of the pa0/Ac Ibr�nr; and abr►s Aen+sb�► dbdk�ots Moss portlona ot �oid ro�a/ pcpwfp �1hl�d► aro ,hdlcoh�d os sosenren� ar the occanpan�lr►g p/of ar �eswnw►rta Ibr Ms pwpos�t Nrowrr hs,►eon; and doea heroby gront M�r �pht no A�stdl' ard mofiloA�► ne�ory structurea to ths �►,rrry rMpern�A� fbr proridlirg Ms ssr►�c+sa !or whlch the eoaements are �rfobAt�h�/C £�ncvlted Mb�dby of �'��1.0. f994 f�PS1B11NK 01� AVt71N P.O. Orbwar 5?70 II �ron, Cdorodo Bf620 � '.'Qc . � '����� . Y StAIE A� COICOI�ADO � e��. JJ G1AtJIVT1' OF £AACE ) 1h� 16rsgeMrg Gbrtlf�kbM ,o,�, _IgdKcotMn and Owner�hlp wos erAr�e�d bslfon m� thls �? n doy oI F�bn�nn� •Q.�"� /r� � . . .� , � I1 �/ .���i . . � � �G � �. . .•- _� , • - i • � , . ` /�� ,�1�1�Ti� .���lIJ.� � ,� - � � ?5, ,/f,'!Si _ �. _- /L��.- - • ����3'fF3�i�TL'� ' , � - :�� � -. � . �� � . � � I , ' � ��� �..1. /. . .�� �� /. /,!. � / �� , � i � / � i�1 i :� / � � ./i�.! ��'�/ ` �,../// � '� _ � y�''' ► n�y how been �d thot doy • �L Abns D. FaM�lt+qer, �Jb Ae►�Ay certMy Ma� / af� a I�hr�d Lane SLrrs�or /fcsr►ssd unabr Me /ows ot Ms S�ole o/ Co%r�y Mot M/a p/of 1� o Mr�R corroct, ond car►p/ete fINAL PLAT, Tewn o/ VbN, Gbrn►fy of Eaq1� Stote of Colorodo, os /oid ouf. pMttu� d�saM�cotsd arrd �hawn hsrea►, Mot auch P/at wos made Jivm an a��cun�ts svrrsy ot sold prqvsrty by me and under my aupervislon rr►d c�arrMCNy ar►o�t Hre /oca!/a► and dlFnsnslars of ths /ot� �ownrwrta and stro�sts ot sodd svb�►e►�lon os the sorne are stoked �an tM graa►d fi canpRanca w/M appllcab/e rogulotlons go►�mlh� N►s sr�o/1�lbkn ot /md br t/ Aers est my /rorrd a►d aev/ thls �� �j► o/ .D.. 1994. ���i�ti��i! 'iiiii � \���a�� �0 F ; ii ans D. FshrlY�gsr ; : , ` y.�C� Reg/ster�ad Lond Suri�ye�`�Vo. 26626 �� � _ ; , a���F �; _- . . - \. �'•- •� � ra�,Pn�c� � o�- a�cA nav Anro o�sr�• Il'IVOW ALL ML�'1V BY ?HESE PRESE'NT5 1HA i Me undersiqned belhy �o/e ownera Ar /ee sfi►p/e of oll thot rod p%oerty s/tuafed Jn �he Town of �all, £og/e County, Co%rodo, descrlbed as tcllowa: A port ot �►vice Pork E�fote� f)Ifig No. 2, town of VbA; £og/e County, Colorodo moro porticu/o�y descNrisd aa %ol%ws; begfiMng of �he southeost comer of Sproc�e Pork Esfote� o p/ot rocorded At Book ,5J9 ot Parge .i91 of the Eog/e County, Record�, thence N.i6'41'00" £ to the souMer�y r/ghf–of–wor of /nters�ote 70 o dlstance of 146.99 l�et; lhe�►�ce N 34Y5 DO" W o/ang southe�y Nght–of–woy o d/s�once of 50.51 1bet; thence 43.09 lfsef o%ng the or�c of a curw to the /eft wlfh a rodlus of 407.15 lfset ond a cenlra/ ong/e of 06t73'48 ; therrce S 4973'33" W o dlstance ot 49.27 feef; thence S 52'33'46" W o distonce of 55.69 lf�et; thencs S 0.3'1328" E o dlslonce of .3f.00 l4�sh fhence S.36 �1'15" W to the northeNy rJghl–of–woy of Blglion► Rovd o disfonce o� 49.94 feet; thence S537B'45" E olong so/d northerfy rlght–of–woy o distonce of 95.19 feef to the Po/nt of Beg/nning, conto/nfig 16,360.8 squore teet or 0.376 oeros more or /es� hove by Mese prosents /o!d ou�, p/etted ond avbdJWded Me same Ihto /ots ond blocks os s/rown on fhls 17no/ p/a! under the nome ond sty/e of Flno/ P/ot of Spruce Pork Es�otes, FA'Mg No. 3, in the Town of �oll, £og/e Counfy, Colorodo; ond does hereby occept fhe rospons�i/fty for the completJon ot requlred hnprovemenls; ond does hereby ded/cole ond sef aport a✓l of the pub/!c roods ond other publlc hnpro►�e�ments ond p/oces os shown on the occompony�hg plaf to the use of the pub/ic fore►br ond does hereby dedlco�e those portions of ao/d roo/ property which ore indlcaled os easement on the occomponying p/ot as eoaements l(ar the purpose shown hereon; ond does hereby gront the Nght �o lnsfoll ond moln�oln neeessory structuriss to the entlty reapona/b/e fhr pro►ading the services for whlch the eosemenfs ore estoblJshed Execufed thls��d y o/ ._.,A.D. 1994 £asf �oA' ✓ofit �entu% o Cdorodo L/mited PartnerslrJp By. S–MAC De►vlqor»enf ln�, o Cdorodo Corporofion os era/ Portner i� y. even o o , res en STATE OF C�ORADO ) ) S5 COUNTY 0� EAC�L'E ) 1he lor�golhg CertlRcote o D�dl'co�lon ond Owrrer�Nlp �os ocknoidedg�d bel�vr+e me tfi/s d� n do of ��?!'J�� �q�y My commisslon explros �, W/tne�s my hand ond aeo/ �; ��-��,.:�,� � ,�'r� ' �v' . . .. . r," No ry Pub "�, ,, �, � f � .y'P. i� 041 l ,lj ) _ 13rn L,��^ retk_ �,1. �r�L ",�,` _ +;, Address �, eb � �� ao - ���f'� y� � a�,�- -,� �. � <.�,�s��y `�� STA 1L' OF COLORADO ) SS ca�rvrr o� EAaE > fis lbrogoAty CertMcofe of Ded/cotlrat ond Owner�l►�p w� ocknowledged betore me thla doy of My commisalon exp/ros - - ----- W!'tness my hand ond seol Noto�y Public Address jAN/NG ADM/NISTRA Tt�R G�R 17f7CA 1E 1h1s J�o/ p/of ls�y appro►�ed b,�, the ,Town ai �ol! Zonhrg AdmiMstrotor thls doy of �_�'�yf'�� , A.D., 1994 A �`�`«�' �" �` �" ; � �} �. ;�' , � > r' To Zoning Administrotor Towr�f�►A' s� 1'own ot �ol/ �:r- Y C�R11t7C� TE AF' TAXES PA/D.• /, the undbr�R,�ned, do Aei►+e8y cbrtl�Y tho��e entA�s er»ounf of toxss due ond poyab/e oa ot �Z j�" � �p� o// por�ers of roo/ eslote descrlbed on this /ot are pold /n fu/l. Dated thls _� doy of �'► �/ C.�,_,� A.D., 1994 Treosuror of le County +�10. 0�� �FRK AN9 RECDIPOER�' CERI�7CATE 1'h!s p/of w���Q 1�vr nrcol�rl A'► the off9ce ot th derk ond Recorder8t- r'u �do of _�Q-�� A.D. 19 ot ���,.�o'dock �M. Recorded nder Recept/on No. fn Boqk � at Poge �. • �� � ��� � � • ' � �r �"���; a �?�. �:r,,:'�.f.�, � D ut C/erk on Rxorder v�� �'� � � y Eog/e County, Coloro �� � _,�� . �' r�P,. ,