HomeMy WebLinkAboutCasolar Vail Subdivision Parcels 10A & 10B0 COMMON / .�s1o6;9�` / / � S � .hry / � � � h• 1�E� '� � O�, � P5E �' � _, E / ��h / /RoPp ► � / �P� / , QRI / 2�� lL DIN�;�N I /EL OPE S60'58'00 "W- � 30. 00' COMMON � � ���� � �O/ N29 b2'00 "W �c c�n� // , �. ~I 6 � � � 36 g.0� � D � � 08,9� R , 3 'S � �QN � NOIIC� Accarding to Calorodo /ow you must commence ony /egol actlon bosed upon ony detect !n fh/s sur�y w/thln th�ee yt�ors ofter yvu 11i'si d/sco►ror suc�h detect. ln no e►ront, may on�• oct/on bosed upon any defact M th/s sunrey be comrr ��ced more than !en yerors fiom fhe dofo ot cer:lfTcatln shown hareon. RI� GE � �. �� �/ � , � � �� � � ��, ♦ :, v � M •` �V --� N � �� '' '' �� V � � V � � ` O � � � v \\ •►�1 so �� �� � / � ) GRAPHIC SCALE �o zo +o ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 it. r I//ClNITY MAf' SCALE.• 1 " = 1000' N P, 0. BOX 976 0077 METCALF ROAD D.D.F. avoN, co�a, ei62o __ C303) 949-5072 EaSia�ecritS�. eo SUITE 101 1420 VANCE STREET LAKEYOOD, COLO. 80215 <303) 232-0158 �" 94218S � 5/.3/94 ` � OF l n� �t�e�c� �w��+JG �UA,1'1�K�� 'a1N�M�does hereby cert/fy bhat t'he tit/e to all l�ds shown upon this p/of hove been exaritlnsd a�l is ►�sstsd !n ond thaf tlt/s to wd► /onds is liee and eo� o/ ca�/./, ,/�,le�n�s ond �e�ncum onc� �rc�vt ar /bN/ow_x '� �LLS6C�,a.�s+�. ?t� - �- Doted thls 1;�?''�doy oi" � 1.� T� t�z �r:arn.t� CA . ��3_s'► ua� l � C� S�I�sg Address Br r. Ts S� — SURVEYt�PS R� /, Duarne D. Fehringer, do hereby certlfy fhat / om a Registsrsd Land Sunbyor /Jcensed under the luws of the Stote of Cdarodo, tha!` this p,ot is o t�ue, correct, and comp/ete FINAL PLAT, Town of �oi1, Counfy of £ayle, State of Go%rqdo, os /oid out, p/ottea� dsdkoted onc shown hereon, thot such P/ot was mode lrom o� accu�ats sur►�ey o, said property by me ond under my supervrs/on and carr+rcHy shows t'�e /ocat/on ond dimenslons of the /ot�, easesmarts and stree:s of soid subdlvision as the some are stoked upon fhs ground in camp/lonce with app/Icab/a regu/ations goH�� the subdiH'sbwi of lond. ln w! / howa set my hond ond sea/ this M day o/ A. D.. 1994. • uone D. Feh�inge� ����" p � � n' <,, � Registered Lond Su�w�`�'o'7�� , � r. < .,� <. .. i tt�� �� �,--,.- '_`_ l;..J �: __ c� C7 ��Pk' AND RECGQDER'S GER 17F/CA TE.• dy � �� mis p/at wc:�� f�lld for �ecord the offlce o! th erk �Recorder t�.L doY �f A ,A.D. 1 ot 'dock �M. Pecordsd under 'Rece,o No• �3 '�' i� Boak �L_ ot F � e .�_. � � . � p�� fy C/erk Qnd Recor er Eag/s Coan ty. Co%odo �•E,AGL�'`�qM e I :� `�+��G� �, :. �' .� � �� � .� ,�� • � a '0 ._ .��.�� r.uANT OF EA EM •NT THIS EASEMENT is qranted this day of _, by CASOLAR VAIL HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION, a Colorado not- for-profit Corporation ("Casolar"). RRCITALS J►. Casolar is the fee simple ovner o! certain real property locatad in Eagle Cou�ty known aa the Common Area ot Casolar Vail and Caaolar Vail II aa dafined by Declaration oE Covenants and Reatrictions !or Casolar Va11 recorded on February 7, 1979, in Book 281 at Pag� 634 of the public racorde of Eagle Caunty, Colorado, ar�d which i6 a portion oP Lots A-7, 11-5 and A-9, Lio�'s Ridge, Filinq No. l, Eaqle County, Vail (the "Common Area"). s. Th� Casolar Vail Partnership and Tor*y J. Schaid ars th� owner� of Parcels 10-A and 10-B, Casolar Vail, respectively, ona of tha duplexes aervsd by tha comtnon � area and Casolar. c. The residential structure on Parcel 10, Casolar Vail, which includea both Parcela 10-A and 10-8, ancroachsR upon safd comwon area as shown on tha survay ot Lot 30-1► nnd l0-B, prepared by Inter-Mountain Enqinsering, Ltd., on October 20. 1993 and attached heroto as exhibit 1►, und incorporated herein by this reference. SBAI�.T NOW, THEREFORE, in conslderation o! thesa praalses, th� promisss and covenants contained herein, and other good aAd valuable consideration: 1. Casolar hereby grants and conveys to The Casolar Va11 Fartnershfp and Terry J. Schmid and their successora in lntezest to ParcelB 10-A and 10-B, Casolar Vail, respectively, a perpetual and exclusive easemant over any encroachment of the residential structura on Parcol6 10-A and 10-8, onto said common area, includinq the encroachment of the living area to said Parcals into tha air above said common area. Legal Deecription A parcel of land adjoininq Parcel 10, Casolar Vail, Town o! Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado, more particularly describad aa follows: Commencinq at the moat southaasterly corner o! said Cawlar Vail, said point being the northeast intersaction point o! Vail View Driva and Lion's Ridge Loop; thenae N 76•03'17" W a dictance of 77.37 feet to the True Point of Beginninq; thsnce N 60•58'00" E a distance oY 60.00 feet; thence N 29•02'00" W a distaaco o! 5.00 feet to the southeast corner of the platted buildinq envalop� of Parcel 10; thence along the southerly lot line of Patcel 10 the following five (5) coursesr 1.) S 60•58'00" W a distance of 26.90 feet; 2.) N 64°52'00" W a distance of 4.44 feet; 3.) S 60°58'00" W a distance of 1.00 fset; 4.) S 06°48'00" W a distance of 4.44 feet; 5.) S 60°58'00" W a distance of 26.90 leet to the southwest corner o! parcel 10; thehce S 29•02'00" E a distance oP 5.00 feat to the Point of Beginning, containinq 31Z.96 aquare Peet or 0.007 acres more or less. 2. Casolar hereby grants and conveys te the !.� si�pl• owners and their succassors in interest to Parcels 10-A and 10-B, Caeolar Vail, a perpatual and excluaiva sasement over any encroachment oY the residential �tructure on Parcels 10-A and 10-8, onto said common area, includinq the encroachment of the livinq area attached to said Parcels 10-A and 10-8 into the ai: above caid common area. 3. These easements granted herein constitute easements and covenants running with tha land. In witness whereof, this grant of sasement ia executed effective the day and year firet above set torth. ,bi�y Complsi — presldent OWNER PARCEL f0—A OWN£R P�4RCEL f0—B Caso/ar�Homeowners Assoc/otlon. The Cosolai I/ail Partnershlp Terry J. Schm/d �� p�}� Russel/ T. S��ft, Cene�ol Portnoi r�1► ��sx� � r. sGo�t, i r►.0 �; /l a� �►y (� /`: , sa r. �� �� �� / I/ . STA TE OF�� ) N Y• � SS counrrr o,�-� J N'Q�sa �t. fie foregomg Certiffcate of Dedlcat/on on Ownersh was cknow/edgsd before me this _,�(L_ doy of c,� N�t,�, �. � rt idu�t • � AGl ., ,; 0 N .���-y� . My commission expi�es - l'� � � . Witness my hand and seal. Y���R �`;���� ��,� �� { ��Arf �:; r� � =�` t � ,� : � #,. 1 Q� *� »� �t�,� ;�� - Notary Pub/ic � � � � ', ; .� v� J� � ; � �f � wA��A � . �:r � - ;/�;�,, � ? ,��. l "ii12,� �0�. � L� -(�jOt.� ry '�u bi � � ` � ==u 4 `��f ` t� ' �y� � Add�ess � � -; � ,y s,�l, - ! ✓t , `�'` ��, T��f� 5 STA TE OF � � ) SS COUNTY OF � ) ,a��-��5 A►e foregoing Cert/flcote nr_/rnew/edoed befo�e 117e th%s . Qi��l�i� � - :r.'.V���.�� 5� C.4trin"�;;.� u i _,�a .,., ..n 30. ,w A �,; ' ..� , . .. -t doy of was il� /CN»GLI J• Jwq � �•��rr�— - - - - "� � r!n My comr,vission expires �tness :ny hand and sea�. . 1 .f .. ...XT� _ �(1(.�t Notory_ Public ' ,, . . . ����g,,�T'S,�►,�sn; �l�,r�d�a Addross ; - � - • M nvNESoTA STA TE OF � � SS COUNTY O�F /M�l� ) 5�-ea�r ns Tha foregoing Ce�t/ficate o/ Ded/cofion ond Ownersh/p was ocknow/edged before me this � day of %�1 ��al�'�f`� �,.�., 1't,y�r� T. w�id My commission expires N9tness my hond and seal. .� Notory Publlc -- "' � � ' � � � . � , /�� • �� � d� Add�ess � � I dl f� -