HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Das Schone Filing 2 Block G Lot 08 & 09 - Hanson ChaletN0110E.• According to Co%rodo low you musf commence any lego/ actlon bosed upon ony del�cf /n thls sur►�y wlthin throe yeors oRer ynu Rrsf discovtr suc�h defecf. /n no e►�ent, may ony oct/on bosed upon ony deh�ct fn fh/s survisy be commenced mora thon ten yeors from the dote of certiflcatlon shown hereon. ,�. f I ,J f I .\ � � � �i' T �7 LC'T 10 ROqY FINA L PL A T A RESUBDI VlSION OF l-�A l��'C��l CHA L E T A PART OF LOT 8, AND LOT 9, BLOCK G I/A/L DA.� J`�CHONE FlLING N0. 2 �O WN OF UA 1L, _F�1 �'� E CQUN T Y, COL ORA D 0 SHB DDF PA� l�'i C/�'�J/ T Y MA P SC.q l_ _F.� 1'• _ � 000 ' n�zE c�n�rcA � Ll�i� / / �, � � �-U _ does hereby certif thot the t1t/e to oll on s sho n �up on fhls lat ho►re been exarm! ed ond !s ►�sted !n �� �-� e FF��i�ond thot tit/e to such /onds is lf-eg �ond c%ar of all liens ond encumbronces, exc�ept os fol%ws: �(QpL� — _ f_ Dot`ed this � a ��(,�p,/L,o� T �� � �) ��j .5�� C,. �"�rJn'S� NO TES.• BA SlS OF ._REA RING� : S 36 " 41 '00 " W A L ONG SOU THERL Y L O T L lNE OF l_ O T ;; BE TWEEN FOUND NO. 4 REBA RS— NO CAPS. DA TE OF Sl /R l/E Y.' �ERRUA R Y i 99 4 DA TE OF COMPL ETIONS.- FEBRUAR Y 1994 • DENO TES SET N0. S,REBAR & PLASTIC CAP P. E. & P. L S. 26626 ElV TIRE PROPERTY A S SHO WN lS CLA SSIFIED AS GEOL OGICALL Y SENS/Tll/E AREA DUE TO MEDIUM SEVERIrY ROCKFALL HAZARD AS SHOWN ON THE OFFICIAL MAPS FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL AS PREPARED B Y SCHMUESSER Al�✓D A SSOCIA TES DA TED NO VEMBER 29, 1984 A S PER ORDINANCE ,�5. � A°°`�r^'a 94042S P, 0. B�X 978 SUITE 101 - - — AVONMECOL�F 8�620 �� • LAKEVOC7D� CO OE 580213 �� � 2/4/94 C303) 949-5072 ����1�. C303) 232-01S8 � � � � . �" 'ii*i • � � i • � � � `� _'_ � i i . r. • ♦ • • r • / / � �..r.L� L / ic�.'% .:�_ suRVEroRS c£Rn�cA �• l. Duone D. Fehringer, do hereby certlfy thot l om o Registered Lond Surwynr /icensed under the lows of the Stote of Co%rodo, thaf thls plot !s o frue, correct, ond complefe f7NAL PLAT, Town of �a!l, County of Eag/e, Stote of Co%rodo. os /o!d ou� p/otted, dedicotad ond shown heroon, thof such Plot wos mose from on occurofe survt�y of soid prope�ty by me ond under my supervision ond com�ct/y shows the /ocotion ond dime�sions of the lots eoseme�►�ts ond streets of soid subdivision os tha same ore stoked upon fhe ground in complionce with opplicoble regu/otions govem n the subdivision ot /ond. � /n witn eroof / ove set my hond ond seo/ thls ��� doy of �� A.D., 1994. � Duone D. FdrO'fi'►7�er , � Reglsfered �id Surveynr Nb. 26626 ` �,� , .., � 8 .. . . ��. . ,... ��rt�. �' . . . ., .,� . . . , . . . . .�'j ��"R��rc� rF QF o�cie,a nP%v_A;vO pi�r✓�RS��iP• KNOW ALL MEI�✓ BY THESE f'i4'ESENTS 17lAT the undersign�d being so% owne�s in fee simpfe ef oll thot reol property sifuoted in fhe Town of Vail, Eog/e Cou�ty, Celorode, descrrbed os follows: Lof 9, and po�t of lof 8, block G, �ail das Schone, Filing No. 2 Town of �ail, Eag/e County, Colo�ada more porticu/orly de.scribed os follows.• Beginning at fhe most easter/y co�ner of soid Lot 8, thence N 4417720" W a/ong common /ot line of 8 ond 9 o distonce of 144.02 to the southerfy right-of-woy of Gormisch Drive, thence S 4833'00" W olong said Garmisch Drive a distonce of 6280 feet, thence S 502725" E to souther�'y lot /ine of soid Lot 8 o distance of 145.76 feet; thence N 4876'00" E along _souther/y lot line a distonce of 46.70 feet to the Point of Beqinning, containing 21.492.12 squore feet or 0.493 ocres more or less,• have by fhese presents /oid out, p/atted ond subdi�ded the some into /ofs and blocks os shown on this �na/ p/of under the nome ond style of F!�'JAL FLAT, A RESUBDlV1S/ON OF HANSON CHALET VAIL DAS SCNONE r'7'LING N0. 2, o subdivision in the Town o/ �o!l, Eogle County, Colorado; ond does hereby accept the �esponsibility for the comp/etion of requi�ed improvements,• ond does hereby dedicote ond set oporf o/I of the public �oods ond other pub/ic improv�ments and ploces as shoian on the accomponying p/of to fhe use of the public torever,• ond does hereby dedicote those portions of said reol p.;perty which are indicated as eosement on the occomponying plot os eosements for the purpose shown he�eon; ond does hereby grant !he right to instol/ ond mointoin necessarv st�ucfures to the enfify responsib/e for provid�ng the services for which the eosemenfs ore estoblished. Executed this ���'ay of _��� `__-___,A.D. 1994 Richo�d Jeffrey Honson Suson C. Honson P. O. Box 2885 P. O. Bnx 2885 South Podre lslond, Texos South Padre lslond, Texos 785Q7 78597 ,/ . �� ` 1/I,�.;�; �'��G�.. C • ��II.Sh,.- Richord Jef re}% Nanscn by Suson C. Honson STA IE" OF TE-XAS � ) SS COUNTY OF CAMERON ) The fo�egoing Certificate o Dedicotion a d O nership wos ac� nowled ed before me this � doy of ��� �C ' CFF���SO�l----- ------ ----_ � My commission expires �'_��� _ � �tness my hand ond seoJ . ' ' '!'�— �'' w�x* ' Notory Public ., � ° A � �;� i.� ���� �:'� Oobber tl;�1916 . r .� '„, Add�ess - -- - � "!1'�'$�- o , . `� ; - . • �° ., �: .:, : . STA TE OF TE'XAS � �`, ;;,-� �, � _ _ , � , � SS ' . • '�. ,✓�� ' `y. COUNTY OF CAMERON ) - �. ;:"� f� =' , '�{` . _ . - ,� _ , ,..s�,, The foregoing Certiflcote f edicotion on Own�s Ip �os acknowledged before me this a� day of -.' '-'- Su SA�I C , HAnlSD�.! - - - - ------ "-" - .. My commission expires _ �tness my hand ond seol No fory Public � A 'i' � ,� �� � AD �-?.� -- = � _��.:�a�P> > Address ?��i�t �L�1 _N_NLlVG�1VD��R�M���,r_Q�IMI�'�l_01���I3I1�CA T�• This fina/ p/ot was opp�oved �e Town of Vai/ P/ nning ond Environmenfo/ Commi,ssion this :,�_ day of �__.� A.D., 1994 A 17FST : �s� ,� �'own Clerf� , - . hoirmon Towit Of 1/oi7, '�Co%rodo Town of �oil lanning ond Environmento/ Commission „,� �' �; 1 .������ rF oF r,a��s�tQ� l, fhe undersigned, do hereby certify thot t e entire amo���t of taxes due ond poynble os of ���L�- upon al/ pa�cels of rea/ estote described �o� this p/ot or� poid in full. Doted this .�.� day of _._., =L�!�! �___ A.O., 1994 �l1�_�j'�"".'�-�_.Y� L��,�� � -T---- Treosu�e� of Q¢g/e Count�. � � CLERK AND RECORQ�R S C�R 11F/CA TE.• `� � C, .°� ' mis plaf was �ed for reco�d in the office or �ir�, lerk on Recorder t�� doy of _ � A. G. J'`�' ot �'��" o'c%ck �M. Record�e1.. yndpr Recept ,�• ,�'o. _�_...�_ in, Book at lQage �_,2_. /�� i�� ` C_ ` , - -�'a,��.��aC� Depu�y ���^��rk one Rerorder , � <�l� Cou�%^;; Colorodo _. � ' �,y�,� �;�'�� y�,r3 ;�j��`�ia .,� � `� ..��:�"� /,,,•' ,�u:� �� �,•..,� ��'"- � � �""",'.r�