HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 5th Addition Block 5 Lot 12� � � � � � � Q � � � � � �/ F/NA L PL A T A i RESUBO� �✓SioN oF i i FDUND 5/8" REBAR AND AL UM/NUM CAP L. S. NO. 24318 I I I � I TOWN OF I/A/L EAGLE COUNl�; COLORADO LOT 13 � � ccw xn'nn"'ui 1RR fn' � 0 = 91 �0'00"� R = 75. 00' T = 76. 77' L = 119.54' C = 107.29' CB = N70'S0'00"W GRAPHIC SCALE �o zo ( IN F'EET ) 1 inch = 10 !� O—Denotes FOUND survey marker os indicoted O —Denotes SET survey marke�• � (5/8" Rebo� ond Plastic Cap PE&�LS 26626) j)—Deno tes St�ee t A dd�ess / Bosis of Beorinos: N 2630'00" W between found 5/8" rebor and aluminium c, L. S. No. 23506 at the Southeost Corner of Lot 12, and o found 5/8" rebo� and aluminium cap L.S. No. 24318 at the Northwest Corner of Lot 13, Block 5. Dote of Survey. September 1993 t/1'GlNIiY MAP' � Sco% 1 '" = 1000' /VOJ JV VV c_ For zoning purposes, the two parce/s creoted by this subdivrsion ore to be treoted os one entity with no .more thon one 2-fomi/y residence o/%wed on the con�hined oreo of the two porce/s. AI/owob/e Gi-oss Residentia/ F/vor Area for the 2-fomily residence wi// be co%ulated on the combined a�eo of the two porcels 2ss MFD ODF PAQ 47 FOUND 5/8 ° REBAR AND AL UMINUM CAP L. S. NO. 23506 NO110E.• According Eo Co%rado /ow ynu must cammence any /eqo/ action bosed upon any defect in this sur�y within three years after ynu first discov�er such defect. !n no e►rent, may any oction based upon any defxt in this su�vey be commenced more thon ten yeo�s fiom the dote of certi�cotion shown hereon. P, p, BOX 478 ���� ��� SUITE 101 007' METCALF ROAD 1420 VANCE STREET A30?) 9�9�5072620 ���C����i� LAKENDOD�303)�23280158 �r,vo g4020S �8/2/94 � % � � � � � N � �+�1 0 � � � , � � Z � v � v � . �_ ..�«a..� �,��.� LOT 11 �a- iy i i i i7.'lr�I:Z.'I�.:i1�LI�' ,ii; i- i i i ii - KNOW ALL MEN BY 7H£SE PRES£NTS THAT the undersigned being the ho/der of o mortgoge or deed of trusf on the rea/ p�operty situated in the Town of Voi/, Eog/e County, Co%rodo, described os fo/%ws- LOT 12, BLOCK 5, B/GHORN SUBD/NSION, F/FTH ADD/110N TOWN OF VA/L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO confoining 0.597 ocres mo�e or /ess,• os shown on this F/NAL PLAT unde� the nome ond style of F/NAL PLA T, A RESUBDIVIS/ON OF LOT 12, BLOCK 5, B/GHORN SUBDlV1S/ON, F/F7H ADD/IION, TOWN OF VA/L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO,• and does hereby occept the �esponsibi/ity for the comp/etian of �equi�ed imp�ovements,• ond does hereby dedicote ond set opart o/l of the pub/ic roods ond other public improvements and p/oces os shown on the acc�nponying p/ot to the use of the pub/ic torever,• and does hereby dedicate those po�tions of soid reo/ property which ore indicoted os easemerrt on the occomponying plot as eosemenls for the purpose shown hereon; ond does hereby grant the right to insto// ond maintaln necessary structures to the entity responsib/e for p�oviding the services for which the easements a�e estab/ished. Executed this ��! doy of ��/�S� , A.D. 1994 FirstBonk o! Vai/ �istBonk of A►ron l7 Voil Road 0011 W. Beo�rer Creek B/vd. Voi/, Colorodo 816 �yt( � von, Co%rado 81620 `tge ��,...o��'�y . o .. .� . Br l'�►.�c ; ��A L -� .-- — � t STA TE OF COLORAD :� ��� �� COUNTY OF EAGL£ �`�'• C, The foregoing Certi�icote of Dedicotion Qnd_ O-wne�rshi was acknow/edaed bef�e me this� of �l�L� My Notory expires �r�_'j�� d ond � �r J. � _7' - • . +`� _ . STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF £AGLE ) The foregomg Certificota of ackn�wledaed before me this � My commission e�rpires _� �tness my hand and seo% ,����r �_ C.1/ Notory Pub/ic � QD// ld. ���✓P�tC',� Address nrcE c�Rn�cA � .I� ivs. � T �I�i certify that the tit/e to o// exomined ond is �sted in � tit/e to such /onds i except as fo/%ws• i�r���. � Doted this ,..-�� ',�• �,G qr_���T1E3� ;•c � CERT1fTCATE OF D£D/CAIION AND OMN£RSH/P.• Know o/1 men by these presents thot the undersigned. be�r►g sde owners in fee simp/e, mortgagee, or lienho/der of a/l that reaV proper srtuated in the Town of Vai1, Eog/e County, Co%rodo, described os k LOT 12, BLOCK 5, B/6NORN SUBD/NS/ON, F/FTH ADD/110N _ TOWN OF �A/L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO containing 0.597 ocres more or less,• hav+e by these presents /aid out, p/otted ond subdivrded the Same into /ots ond b/ocks os shown on this fino/ p/ot under the nome and sty/e of FINAL PLAT, A RESUBD/VISION OF LOT 12, BLOCK 5, B/GHORN SUBD/VISIAN, F/FTH ADD/T/ON, TOWN 0� VA/L EAGL£ COUNTY, COLORADO,• and do hereby accept the �ons��7ity for the comp/etion of required improwements,• and do hereby dedicote and set apa�t o/l the public roads ond other pub/ic impro►bments ond p/oces os shown on the occomponyrng p/at to the use of the public forev�r, and do dedicate those portian oi soid r�o/ pryoerty which are indicoted as eosement on the occamponying p/ot as easements for the purposes shown hereon; ond do hereby gront the �ight to insta// and maintain necessary structures to the entfty responsib/e for providing the services for which the eosements are estob/ished. £xecuted thrs 3�' doy of �/ �%� , A.D. 1994 . Roy /. Low/er Phy//is L. Low/er 4939 Meodow Orive 49.39 Meodow Ori� Voi/, Co%rado 81657 Vai/, Co%rodo 81657 / ' / �r�� •.��_ ---- —': "�� .�. - STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) Ihe forgoing Certi�cote of Dedi otion ond ersl►ip w�as ocknow/edged before me fhis � doy of , e n �oaa ti„ STA T£ OF COLORADO ) ) SS O�ip wos COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ��� P The io�going Ce�tificote of Dedication and Owners/►ip wos _ acknow/edged before me this day of , A. L? , 1994, by � My commission expires �tness my hand ond seo% t�'� L4 0 ory u ic ress ,��5� �1� �,,Q�►� � �en that ZpN/NG ADM/N/SIRATOR CERT/FlCA1F• nges, �`t�� This �na/ p/ol is�,(j��eby approwd b the Town of �ai7 Zoning �,y Administrator this __D"'` — day of _�� �� A.C, 199�1 doy of ��� A.D. .T�err�. � T �� o � c� t C •� � ress By. -----� A Town Town ����� onin�istrator ---- - 9 Town of Voil CERTIfICATF OF TAX£S PA/D: SURVFYORS CER AF/CA TE.• /, the u�dersigned, do hereby certify thot he enti�e amount l, Duone D. Fehringer, do hereby ce�tify thot ! om o of toxes due and paynb/e os of /Z - 3/ ��� upon Registered Lond Surveynr licensed under the lows of the Stote of o// pa�ce/s of rea/ estote desc�ibed on this p/at ore paid in fu//. Co%rodo, thot this p/ot is o true, correct, ond comp/ete F/NAL PLAT OF LOT 12, BLOCK 5, BIGHORN SUBD/l9S/ON, F/FTH ADD/T/ON, Doted this .�� day of , A.D., 1994 TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, as /oid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such P/at was made from an accu�ofe survey of said p�operty by me and under my supervision rea_ure� og/e ou ty /" and correct/y shows the /ocotion ond dimensions of the 1ots, /� ♦� • easements ond st�eets of said subdivision as the same a�e stoked � upon the ground in complionce with app/icob/e regulations governi� the subdivision of /ond. CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERT/f7CA lE• /n w' s whereo / set my hand ond seal fhis �� 71his /ot w i d for record ' the office of the C/erk and Recorder day of A.D. , 1994. ot doy of .�' A. 19 ot ' �g� �/ ck . M. orded der Recep�t1'�n, o ._5!�� in �\\���IIIIIII �II I/Il�i� • Bo��,fi7'/ ot Poge �. . �� . (p�i' 1 �50 � .r--- �����\\�� i� m �' � . � � ��� �y�•• / t � . � °- ��'�.._...!` . ��.�r5 1'�..i"•;,:.w.� � eF.u�, f 4, ecor er _uone = _ ng�r � �� s � _ ? � untv. Colo�odo DO i �: , � M ,o. �<„�«�.,„�< � ,