HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Intermountain Development Subdivision Block 10 Lot 03 - Final Plati . � X FINA L PL A T, A RESUBDI I/lSION OF LOT 3 BLOCK � COUN T Y OF EA GLE, I �-,.� f �'O ,o� / J ` / r� / Q � v v � O � ` �O �� � v � �v � � � C � 00 � � � v � v V � 0 A RE.SUBD/ I//.S/O/�/ �F L O l �3 BL �CK � 4 > > .S TA TE OF COL ORADO SHEETI of1 Lot 7, B/ock 7 � 20�00' � � I Z W I N � `' `� I � � Z � �J Q � � I � � �. � I N • � � �I` � ( C� � � � � I I I O (, S35�7', Lot 2 109.38' j� — 130. p1 � � � � �: � � 5 � !/T/L/TY ,qNO � � d' I � � ^ � � I � ORA/NAG�- EASE',yENT � _ I � � � � cp � � � � � � I � —.._ _ p I � � O I � -�. 41 � � � I � � Z � —' '--- O � � W --._ I � O I I� � I � I �O � I I L D T LINE VA CA TED +� I � B Y THIS PLA T I� ( FDUND REBAR AND CAP I LS ,¢�24318 N35 °59'39 "W 219. 93' � I � LOT 3, BLOCK 10. � � 27, 999 SQUARE FEET ' 0. 642 A CRES 2O' s � SE .4N/7"qRY �R EASEMENT , 3007 � h � N � I ' � O � � � � C I � � � "� r ^ e ^� � � I 3 � � o � i ° � _� O 0 O� � I • �N m � 2 � NI � � � I W �� �(A I � � _� �� v, O � -_ i � , � � --- W f '' _..�.. � � � _ _ � Z I _ _ — I _ _ y � � -- -� ' � I �� ! ��� l � ' ___-- -- ___-- �- --- � ' I � � — � _ � � �^ �� - _� ���� I � C SER NCE COMPANY G�1 S EASEMENT � — — ` — , _ _ _ — — 2g' PUBU � 616 A T PAGE 263 __`_...- -- BOOK — � — `_ -- — 1 -- — " f � � 67.24, � ---' -- I I �� ' lTY AND DRA/NAGE EASEMENr _ , / _ ____ -- 75, Un� 2o.as , l� — — � 2�0. �� � / � � �/TE VAIL NVTERMOIxJTAIN ,BLOCK 01 NOT/CE.• Acco�ding to Co%ado /ow }rou must commence ony /ega/ action based upon any defect in this surr�y within three y�ors ofter }rou �ist discover such defect. /n no event, moy ony action bosed upon ony defect in th/s sun�ey be commenced more thon ten yrars hom the dote of ce�ti�cation shown he�eon. By virtue of this subdivision, the dup/ex parcel created hereby wiy/ not comply with /ega/ lot �equi�ements for const�uction of a single-family residence, ond the�efore no bui/ding pe�mit sho// , be gronted by the County of Eag/e for such o structu�e to be constructed on the subject parce% The Construction of only one dup/ex st�ucture sha// be pe�mrtted on the oreos of the parce/s creoted by this subdivision p/at. N40 11p p2"W INTERSTATE 70 GRAPHIC 3CAIE ,� o � ,� i IN FEE7' ) i � = i000 rc '�—► 5 NOTFS: PURPOSE OF THIS PLA T lS TO i/ACA TE THE L OT UNE BETWEEN L OTS 3 AND 4. Bosis of Bea�ings: S6741'3>"W along Souther/y Lot Line of Lots 4 and 5, A Resubdivision of Lot 13, B/ock 10, between found pins as indicated. Date of Survey.� June, 1994 O —Denotes found survey marker p —Denotes set survey ma�ker.- (5/8" Reba� and Plostic Cap PE PLS 26626) .3�7 —Denotes St�eet Add�ess —Front setback varionce app�oved by reso/ution No. 1994-03—ZV. Fi/e No. 209-93. �o LAND USE SUMMARY � LOr 3.• 2 UNITS, 27,999SQUARE FEET MFD/TV :r DOF •� .� �0 � �J, � W � 0 ,o zo ( IN FELT ) 1 inch = 10 ft. a�va,�cr Ma 94363S P. �. B�X 978 • SUITE 101 077 METCALF ROAD nj� ��n� 1420 VANCE STREET �� �' AVON, COLO. 81620 � � IAKEM00D, COLD, 80215 8�18�94 <303) 949-5072 E]��C�j]�$j� C303) 232-0158 � 1 Gl� 1 � �v� �, � � � Q � J � V �Q � � �Q .,�,, / � COUNTY COMM/SS/ONERS CER71F/CA TE.• Bosed upon the r�eview ond �ecommendotion of the Eag/e County Directo� of Community Deve%pment, the Board of County Commrssion s of Eag1e Count , Colorado, hereby app�oHes this fina/ plat this T'� doy of S�IYI: , A.D., 1994, for �/ing with the Clerk and Recorder of Eog/e County ond for conv�eynnce to a the county of the pub/ic dedicotions shown hereon; sub�ect to the provision thot oppro►ro/ in no way obligotes Eog/e County for mointenance of roods dedicofed to the pub/ic unti/ construction of improvements thereon sha// have been comp/eted in accordonce with Eag/e county specificotions ond the Boa�d of County Commissioners of Eag1e County hos by a subsequent reso/ution ag�eed to undertake mointenonce of some. This opp�o�ro/ does not guarontee thot the size, soi/ conditions, subsu�foce geo%gy, ground woter conditions, or flooding conditions of any /ot shown hereon o�e such thot o building pe�mit, sewoge disposo/ permit o� ony other �equi�ed pe�mit wi/l be issued. This opprova! is with the understonding thof oll expenses invo/ving �equired improv�ements for a/! uti/ity services, paving, groding, landscoping, curbs, qutters, sidewo/ks, road lightinq, road signs, Nood protectian devices, droinage structures, and o// othei /mprovements thot moy be required sho// be the responsibi/ity of the subdivider and ond not the County of Eog/e. . � hoirmon oord of County Commissioner County of Eog/e, Colorodo ' �\e1\\14.\�� MA Witness my han$�sind s�bl�`1iqf the County of Eog/e r :� /^. A ',+,9�� � �,', � ', � ... 3 �` *,it� /�y �s � 4r°"�`, 1r .� .. iifi(7'CBf: ' °� = = Cle�k to the ord of County �{by�y �n���;:;��.'�� Commissioners CA�IMUN/TY DEVFLOPMENT CERAF/CATE.• Pursuant to the Eog/e County Land Use Regu/ations� the Di�ector of Eog/e County Community De�e/_opment hereby opproves this �no/ p/ot this � doy of S'iE/'T. , A.D., 1994 • i�ector, ommun y eve opment County of £og/e STATE Of COLORADO ) J � COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The for orng instrument was ocknow/edge be or m this � c�q�'oJ`- ` : - . , A. , 19 b fi�M�( ►c ssi -,�xpires � o� . /.- �A�GE�ss' iYry,, A/�2�i'i. ond seaf L� � .�t Y1 < `� � �' ' # � ,t q � •� , , o ary u c � z • ► ? jl� .: "' � �,,� ,,, � � ���' - - . ....._ ��,� . jr A dress / �j .� � �o' � : �� `�•� ��� . su�cERn�cA �• /, Duane D. Fehringer, do hereby certify that / om o Registered Land Su�veyor /icensed unde� the /ows of the State of Co%ado, thot this p/ot is a true, correct and comp/ete p/ot of �A/L /NTERMOUNTA/N DEVFLOPMENT SUBDlV1S10N, F/NAL PLAT A RESVBDIt?S/ON OF LOT ,3, BLOCK 10, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STA TE � COLORADO as /aid out, plotted, dedicoted ond shown hereon, thot such P/at was mode from an occurote su�vey of soid prope�ty by me ond unde� my super�ision ond correct/y shows the /ocotion ond dimensions of the /ots, eosements ond streets of soid subdivision os the some o�e stoked upon the g�ound in comp/ionce with opp/icob/e regu/ations gove�ning the subdi✓ision of /ond. � l ritness whereof / hove set my hand ond seo/ this doy of A.D. , 1994 . �i � �� .,; ���• w�.� Protecive Cov�nonts fo� this subdivision o�e �/ed in Book ot Poge � Reception No. in the records of the Of�ce of the CJerk and Recorder of Eogle County, Co%ado �,�����,,,� 1 /1 ' LF-=�Qfi�"�t'f "r�,�+, 'r' � ��d �d Surve�.l�� � c� " � :° 26626 �� = _y S : \' �;ri, �i,:i,,,,.. EAGLE COUNTY FILE NO. PD-328-94—AF C£RT/F/CA TE OF DEDICA T/ON AND OWNERSH/P.• Know a// men by these presents thot the undersigned, being so% owners in fee simp/e, mortgagee, or lienho/der of o// thot reo/ p�operty situoted in Eog/e County, Co%odo, described as fo/%ws• LOT 3 AND LOT 4, BLOCK f0 A RESVBD/VIS/ON OF LOT 1.3, BLOCK 10 I/A/L /NTERMOUNTA/N D£VFLApMENT SUBOINS/OW COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Con toining a to ta/ o f 2 7, 9 9 9 Square Fee t or 0.642 Acres, more or /ess; hov�s by these presents la/d out, platted ond subdhdded the same into /ots and blocks as shown on this �na/ p/at under the nome ond sty/e of VA/L /NT£RMOUNTA/N DEVEZOIAMENT SUBDINS/ONI, F/NAL PLAT, A RESUBDlV1SlON OF LOT 3, BLOCK 10, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLARADO; ond do hereby xcept the res�vons��'ity for the comp/etion of �equired imp�ovements; ond do hereby dedicote ond set apart a// the pub/ic roads ond other pub/ic improwrnents ond p/aces os shown on the occomponying p/at to the use of the pub/ic foreKar, ond do dedicote fhose portion of soid �e+o/ pioperty which ore indicated os eosement on the occomponyrng plot os easements fo� the purposes shown hereon; and do hereby grant the right to insto// ond mointain necessary structures to the entify responsib/e for providing the services for which the easements o�e estob/isheo! � £xecuted this � doy of ' '" � � , A. D. 1994 . UENHOLD£R JACK K. SNOW F/RSIBANK OF VA/L P.O. BOX 3378 17 VAIL ROAD VA/L, COL A O 81658 VAIL, f657 � R�,;;. �,-��.��. ' i � „�a o.,Q ��. m ��'� e��� • Bj!' . /10W w �'�'.�'.��� �. ;�„s G The forgoing Certiflcate of acknow/edged before me this _ A. D. , 1994 by A�11�,Lk Q °'? � -� �;;,Y STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The fo�going Certificote of acknow/edged before me lhis _ A. D. , 1,9 GK K' � >n ond O►�n �ership was dar of 1�r [�S'r� , L P' /G��- nrcE cERn�c,a rE ..�t�War± Itt�Q. O+ CAo�� L.Ot..v���_does hereeby certify thot _ hos examined tha tit/e to a// Ip�2ds sho ,�on this plat and that tit/e to such /ands is vested In: J A v+Q w fiee ond c%ar of // liens, encumb�ances, and assessments, except as fol%ws•�h� ����5 / r10M� �— --- Dated this �� doy of ks A.D., 1994. � iit � � A�� b Address CERT/F/CATE OF TAXES PA/D.• 1, the undersigned, do hereby ce�tify that e entire omount of toxes due ond poynb/e as of /2 - 3/- 9� upon o/l po�ce/s of reol estote desc�ibed on this p/ot ore paid in full. Doted this �� doy of J , A.D., 1994 �J�� � T� o�o ogle u y CLERK AND RECORDER'S CER11F/CA TE.• ��� OC> This p/ot i fi/ed for r�ecord i the o fice f the C/erk ond Re�corder fo doy of A.D. 1994 at o c ck .M. Re�o�ded un er Reception No. � i�� iBook. � at Poge � . � �, � Eog/e Coun ty, Co%rado ' � +t t �, f.��;� �:�� ;� � •`�s ,�� .,,�